ACHELIS, HANS: Reformed Church of Ger
many; b. at Bremen Mar. 16, 1865. He studied
at Erlangen, Berlin, and Marburg (Ph.D., Marburg,
1887); became privat-docent at Gbttingen in 1893;
was appointed professor there in 1897; went to
K6nigaberg in 1901, and to Halle in 1907. His
theological position is that of a " ° modern repre
sentative of the ancient faith." He has published:
Das Symbol des Fisches
(Marburg, 1888);
sanetorum Nerei et Aehillei (T U,
Leipsie, 1890);
Die a71teesten Quellen des orientalischen Kirchen
rechts, I. Canones Hippolyti
(1891), 11.
Die syri
schen Didaskalia, iibersetzt and erkldrt
(1903; in col
laboration with J. Flemming);
Die Martyrologien, ihre 9eschichte and ihr
(Berlin, 1900);
Virgines subintrodudte. Ein
Beitrag zu 1. Kor. vii
(Leipsie, 1902); and an
edition of the works of Hippolytus, in collabora
tion with G. L. Bonwetsch (Leipsic, 1897).
ACHERY, a"ah6"W, JEAN LUC d' (Dom
d'Achery; Lat.
Benedictine; b. at
St. Quentin (80 m. n.e. of Paris), Picardy, 1609;
d. in Paris Apr. 29, 1685. He entered the Benedictine order while still very young, and in 1632
joined the congregation of St. Maur at Vend6me.
He was of weak constitution and suffered much
physically, which led his superiors to send him
to Paris. There he became librarian of St. Germain-des-Pr6s, and for forty-five years lived solely
for his books and scholarly work. He took especial delight in searching out unknown books
and bringing unprinted manuscripts to publication,
and was ever ready to help others from his vast
store of learning. His chief work was the Spici
legaum veterum aliquot seriptorum qui in Gallice
bibliotheeis, maxims Benedictinorum, latuerant
vols., Paris, 1655-77; 2d ed., by De la Barre, with
comparison of later-found manuscripts by Baluze
and Marthne, 3 vols., 1723, better arranged but less
correct). He edited the first edition of the
of Barnabas
(1645), the life and works of Lanfranc
(1648), the works of Guibert of Nogent (1651),
and the
Regula solitariorum
of a certain priest
Grimlaic (1656); he compiled a catalogue of ascetic
writings (1648); and he gathered the material for
Ads. sanctorum ordinis S. Benedicti,
which was
published by his scholar and assistant, Mabillon
(9 vols., 1668-1731), and for which the latter has
usually received the credit. (C.
L. E. Dupin, Bibliotheque dea auteura eeclEsiastiquea, xviii. 1445, Amsterdam ed.; Tassin, Hietoire
litt,4raire de la congregation do $t. Maur, pp. 103
sels, 1770.
ACCEMETI, a-sem'e-tai of d"cei-m6'tf,-t6 (" Sleep
less"): An order of monks who sang the divine
praises in their monasteries night and day without
cessation, dividing themselves into three choirs
for the purpose and undertaking the service in
rotation. A certain Alexander (ASB, Jan., i.
1018-28) founded their first monastery on the
Euphrates about the year 400, and a second at
Constantinople. The abbot Marcellus spread the
custom in the East. Monks from his monastery
were transferred in 459 by the consular Studius
to the monastery newly founded by him in Con
atantinople and called, after his name, the Studium,
which later became famous. The members of the
order are sometimes called Studites. In the con
troversy with the Theopaschites (q.v.) they opposed
the views of the papal legate, and in 534 they were
disavowed and excommunicated by Pope John II.