


Note.—For fuller titles, editions, and criticisms of various analyzed works, see Appendix.


I. ST. CLEMENT. Epistle to the Corinthians, etc.

I. Editions. Junius, Patr. (Patrick Young) Gr. lat. Oxon. 1633.

40; 1637. 4°. [Conjectures in red ink. Generally followed until Wotton.]

Maderus, Joach. J. Gr. lat. Helmst. 1654. 40. Fell, Jo. Gr. lat. Oxon. 1669. 120 [iep. only]; 1677.

12° [2 ep. added].

Labbe et Cossart. Gr. lat. In: Collect, cone. Par.

1671. f°. I. 116-. [Lat. by Vendelini.] Ootelerius, J. B. Gr. lat. In his: Patr. ap. Par. 1672.

f°. I. I43-. [The Latin translation often followed.] Colomesius, Paul. Gr. lat. Lond. 1687. 120; 1694. 12°. Clericus, J. Gr. lat. In: Patr. apost. Amst. 1698.

f°; 1724. f°. [Ed. of Cotelerius. Patr.ap. Quoted under

both names.]

Ittig, Th. Gr. lat. In: Bibl. patr. Lips. 1699. 8°. Wotton, Henry. Gr. lat. Cantab. 1718. 8°. [New recension. Generally followed by later eds., except Coustant.] Coustant. In his: Ep. Rom. Pont. Par. 1721. f°. I. Frey, J. L. In: Epist. ss. patr. ap. Bas. 1742. 8°. Russell, Rich. Gr. lat. In: Patr.ap. Lond. 1746. 8°. I. Gallandius. In: Bibl. patr. Venet. 1765. f°.

I. 1-47.

Eberthus, Conr. Fuldae, 1788. 8°. Schoenemann, C. T. G. Gr. lat. In: Epist. pontif. Rom.

Goetting. 1796. 8°. Hornemann, C. F. Gr. lat. In: Scr. patr. ap. Hafn.

1828 (9?) 40. [New transl.] Patr. ap. gr. Lugd. Bat. 1831. I. (?) Hefele, C. J. In: Patr. ap. Tub. 1834. 8°; 1842. 8°;

1847. 8°; 1855. 8°. pp. 52-133. Jacobson, Gul. Gr. lat. In: Patr. ap. Oxon. 1838. 8°.

I. 1-203; 1840. 8"; 1847. 8°; 4th. 1863. 8°. I. 1-217.

[Text followed by Hefele, Dressel, Hilgenfeld, etc. Cf. Apx.] Betant. Genev. 1843 [?3-

Reithmayr, Fr. X. In: Patr.ap. Monach. 1844. 12°. Grenfell, A. Gr. In:Ap. fath. Lond. i844[-3?]. 8°.

[Hefele's text.]

Muralt, Ed. DE. Codex N. T. Turici, 1847. Madden, F. Gr. Lond. 1856. 40. [Photo, fac-simile.] Dressel, A. R.M. In: Patr.ap. Lips. 1856(57).

8°; repr. 1863. 8°. 46-105. MlGNE. In: Patrol, gr. I. (1857) 31-198 [Prooemia on

Clement], 199-328 ["Ep. 1. Gr. et lat. et notae." Text=

Galland, degenerate]. Hilgenfeld. In: N. T. extra canon Rec. Lips. 1866.

8°; 1876. 8°. [Entirely new ed.] Tischendorf. Gr. In: App. Cod. Sinait. Vat. Alex.

Zips. 1867; separately, Leipz. 1873. 40.

Lightfoot, J. B. Gr. Engl. Cambr. 1869-1877. 2 v. 8°. [Scholarly, exhaustive. A real thesaurus.]

Laurent, J. C. M. Lips. 1870. 8°; (New title-page)

1873. 8°. [After Tisch. Cf. Apx.] BRYENNIOS, PHILOTH. Constantinop. 1875. 8°. [Based on

new ms. The foundation of all later.] Gebhardt u. Harnack. Gr. lat. In: Gebhardt, H. &

Z. Patr. ap. I. 1. {Lips. 1876) 1-110; Ed.min. 1877.

8°. [1 ed. 1875, " Post Dressel, III." Cf. Apx.] Funk, F.X. In: Patr.ap. Tiib. 1878. 8°; 1881.

8°. I. 60-144. [Post Hefel. Cf. Apx.]

II. Translations.


[Ms. in Cambridge Univ. Lib. Ed. by Bensly, announced by Lightfoot (1877).]


See under editions. In general only translations v/ithout text are included here, and so throughout.

Rous, Fr. In: Mella patr. Lond. 1650. 8°. HOGELIUS. Erfurt, 1667 [I. Clem. 58-63. II. Clem. 12,5.] Legras, Ant. In: Livr.apocr. Par. 1717. f°; 1742. 2v.


Dutch. Amst. 1646. 120. Amst. 1656. 40.


Burton, Wm. Lond. 1647. 4°; Repr. 1652. 4°. Wake. Lond. 1693. 8°, 3-21, 1-78; Lond. 1710. 8°

[Greatly improved]; Lond. 1719. 8°, 5-17, (2) I-47;

1737- 8°; 5th ed. 1818 [7?]; Hartford, 1834. 8°, 13-

78; Lond. 1842 [3?], 8° [Revised]; Lond. 1846. 8°;

i860. 8°; Phila. 1846. 8°; also, Manccina, 1799, and

in: Bickersteth Chr. Fath. 1838. 12°. Aberdeen, 1768. 180. [Scarce.] Hone, W. In: Apocr. N.T. 1820; 1821; 1832; 1836;

Phila. 1820. 12?. p. 142-79; Phila. Gebbie, n. d. 8°.

p. 112-139. Chevallier. Lond. 1833. 8°; 1851. 8°; also in: Whit-

tingham. Ap. fath. N. Y. 1830. [Based on Wake.] Cowper, B. H. Lond. 1867. Roberts & Donaldson. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868)

7-49. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 5-21. Hoole. Lond. 1872. Lightfoot. In: St. Clement. App. (Cambr. 1877.)



Teissier, Ant. [Cousin?] Avignon, 1684. 8°. Legras (Grassius), Ant. In: Livr. apocr.Paris, 1717.

f°; 1742. 12°. Also in his: Ouvr. d. s. Peres. Par.

1717. 12". Ruchat.Abr. In:Peresap. Leyde,l7$. 8°. II; 1741.

2V. 12°.



ffHH«r 1





Gehotde [??]. In: Peres de Vegl. Par. 1837-43. 8°. Felix. Par. 1837. [? ?]


Arnold, Gf. Frf. 1695. [6?] 120; 1718. 8°. Biblioram Pentapl. Sckiffbec. 1710. N.T. Schiftecae prope Hamburgum, 1711. 12°; 1717. 40. Glusing, J. O. In: Br. u. Schr. d. ap. Man. Hamb.

1723- 8°-Grynaeus. In: Werke. apost. Manner. Basil. 1772.

8°; also ed. Mosl. Aug. Find. 1774. 8°. Unterkircher, K. In: Ap. V. Innsbruck, 1817. 8°. Herzog. Bresl. 1825. 8°. Wocher. In: Ap. Vat. Tub. 1830. 8°. Karker. In: Ap. Vat. Bresl. 1847. Scholz. Ap. Vat. Gutersl. 1865. 8°. Mayer. Ap.Vat. In: Reithmayr. Bibl. Kempten, 1869. Wagenmann. In: Jahrb. f. deut. Theol. XXI. (1876)



Galliciolli, Gio. Bat. Venezia, 1798. 8°. Graziani, A. L. Roma, 1832. 8°.

Russian. *

III. Literature.

Abbott, E. A. Gospels. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th. ed.) X. 814. Account of ClemensRomanus. In: Chr. Obs. I. (1802)

689, 761 (Am. ed. 692-4, 764-6). II. (1803)1-2. Alzog. Patrol. (1876-8) 21-30. Anastasius bibliothecarius. Hist. eccl. In: Migne.

Patrol, lat. CXXVII. 1077-1114.

ANGER. Synopsis. (1852) XX-. ["deepp.Clem.etew.can."] Ardenna, Jacob de. Conjectura circa eTtcvo/niv Cl. R. etc.

Lond. 1683. 40.

Aube. Hist, des persecut. Paris. (1875) I26-S 167—. Baraterius, Jo. Ph. De dementis R. ab apostolis ordi-

natione. In: Success. Episc. RR. p. 32. Baronius. Annal. (1589) 102, 1-23; cf. Pagi. Crit.

(1689), 2-12.

Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 84 [v. 1]. Baur, F. C. Urspr. d. Episcopate. (1838) 53; 61-, 95-.

— Ignat. Br. ( Tub. 1848) 125-.

— Lehrb. d. Dogmengesch. (1858) 82, note.

— Kirchenges. 3 e. J. (1863) 133-4, 261-3, 275-83, et

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 155, 249, etc.

— Paulus. Edit. II. (1866) I. 245-. BA$EIAH2. 'E/«A. lor. I. (1884) 146. Bellarmin-Labbe. Script, eccl. (1728) 22'-'4. Bianchi, G. A. In: Zaccaria. Raccolt. di diss. (1793)

IV. 179-88. Bigonius, Hier. Epistola ad H. Grotium. In: Migne.

Patr. gr. I. 47-8, 49~5°-

Birrus, Ant. Animadv. in Q. epistolas. Basil. 1744. 40. Bleek-Mangold. EM. in d. N. T. (1875) 541-; 590-;


Bower. Hist, of Popes. 1.(1749)14-20. Brochmand, Caspar Erasmus. Dissertatio de Clemente

Romano. Hafhiae, 1637. 40. Brull, A. Ursprung u. Verfasser des Briefes des Clemens

v. Rom. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LVIII. (1876) 252-.

— Clemens von Rom. und der Hirt. von Hermas. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LX. (1878) 44-52.

— Ueb. d. Ursprung d. I. Cl. u. s. w. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXIV. (1882) 201-5.

— Der erste Br. d. Klemens von R. u. s. geschichtl. Bedeutung. Freib. 1883. 8°. (VII. 66 p.) [<â–  Nothing new." Harnack. i.e. nothing not in 3 preceding nos.]

Bryennios. Prolegomena. 169 pp. s. u. eds.

BlTDDEUS, J. F. Clementem Romanum atque Irenaeum

non favere missae pontificae. jfenae, 1705. 40. Bunsen. Ignatius. (1847) 95-, 189-.

— Hippolytus. (1854) I. 44-7. Burton. Div'ty of Christ. (1829) 4-12. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I- 1-2. Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 27-29. Caspari. Quellen zur Gesch. d. Taufeymb. u. s. w. III.

(1875) '57-. 293- 426-Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-) 1.28-30. II. iv. 16-17.

— Lives. (1840) I. 147-63. Abr. in: Wake. Ap. fath. Hartf. 1834. 8°. 475-8.

Ceillier. Hist. aut. sac. I. (1729) 598-620. I. (1858)

339-62. Chapuis, P. Un nouv. manuscrit des epitres de Clement

R, In: Rev. de theol. et de philos. (1877) 558-571. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) viii-xviii, 104-6, 142-3,

155. I7°-I> 196,209, 215-6, 222-3, 233. 238. 243.251,

255-6, 266, 272-4, 292-3, 302. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 465-6. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1)1.91. Clementine Recognitions, Homilies and Epitome. See

under these heads.

Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) 11,399. Coffin. ClemensR. Inhis: Lives of fath. (1846) 75-84. Congregational Mag. XXV. (1833) 682. Conringius,Herm. Ep.adMaderum. 1654. In: Migne.

Patr. gr. I. 49-54. Cotelerius. Judicium de priore ep. S. Clementis. In:

Patr. ap. (1672); also in: Migne. Patr. gr. I. 67-70. Cotta. Kirchen-Hist. (1768-73) §§ 358-60. Cotton, G. E. L. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog.

(1859) I. 788-9. Coustant, P. Epist. S. Cl. In: Ep. Rom. pont. (1721);

also in: Migne. Patr. Gr. I. 75-84. Co-wper, B. H. What the first bishops of Rome taught.

The ep. of Cl. of R. to the Corinthians. With an introd.

and Notes. The trans, by B. H. C. Lond. 1867. 8°. Credner. Beitrage u. s. w. (1832) I. 13-, 27-.

— Gesch.d.N.T. Kanon. (i860) 49-, 120-, etc. Cunningham. Hist, theol. (1870) I. 97-104.

— Churches of Asia. (1880) passim.

Daehne. D. Christuspartei i. d. ap. k. z. Korinth. (1841)

107. Damasus (Pope). Note fr. Pontifical. In: Mansi,Concil-

I. 83; also in: Migne. I. (1857) 31-2. Darling. Cyclop, bibl. (1854) 697-8. Davidson. Introduction. (1868) I. 211; II. 112, 269. Delitzsch, J. De inspiratione S. S. (1870) 30-, 58-. Desportes. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud.) (1842-65) VIII.

391-Donaldson, J. Hist. Chr. Lit. (1864-6) I. 90-153.

— Apost. Fath. (1874) 113-190.

— The New ms. of Cl. In: Theol. Rev. (1877) 35.

— In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) II. 195-6.

Dorner. Person Chr. (1841) I. 135-. Tr. Engl. I. (1864)

96-101, 356-7.

Douhet. Diet. d. legend. (1855) 298-306,1248-51. Dublin Rev. XLVI. (1859) 42. Dublin Univ. Rev. XC. (1877) 245. Dumont, Ed. In: Ann. de Philos. chret. (1872). F, III.


Dupin, L. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 12-28, 674. Ebedjesu. Catal. scr. eccl. In: Assemani. Bibl. orient.

III. 1. 13-14.

Ekker, E. De Cl. R. epist. priore. Traj. 1854. Ephraim Cherson. Homilia de miraculo, quod in puero

factum cst a S. Clemente sacro martyre. In: Cotelerius,

Patr. ap. (1672) I. 837-44. In: Clericus (1698) I.

811-16. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. II. 633-46. Erbes, Carl. Flavius Clemens von Rom. und das

alteste Papstverzeichniss. In: Jahrb. f. prot. Theol.

(1878) 690-750. [?]






Ewald. Gesch. d. Volkes Israel. (1868) VII. 296-. Fabricius. Bibl. Gr. (1708-22) III. 175-7; V. 31-38; IX. 67,410, 414-5; XI. 10-2. "2a. IV. 828-31; VII.

21-32; x. 211-212,711,715; xii. 155-7."

— Verit. rel. christ. (1725) 40-2.

— Bib. Lat. med. et inf. aet. (1734) I. 1101; (1754—)

I- 393-

Farrar. Interpretation, (1886) 166-7. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 223-4, 240-53, 299-

300. Franke, C. E. Die Lehre d. C. In: Ztschr. f. Luth.

Theol. II. (1841) 73-109. Fritzsche, Judith. In: Schenkel. Bibellex. (1871)

III. 452. [Date of Ep.] Funk. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LVIII. (1876) 286. [The

Bryennios ms.]

— Die syrische Uebersetzung d. Clemensbriefe. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LIX. (1877) 477-498.

— In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXVI. (1884) 122-3. Galland. Bibl. vet. patr. (1765)1. XI; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. I. 85-122. Gebhardt. Z. Textkritik d. neuen Clemensstucke. In:

Zeitschr. f. Kirchenges. I. (1876) 305-. Gieseler. Church. Hist. (1868-) I. 107-9. Gilse, Jan van. In his: De patr. ap. doct. mor. (1833) GRABE. Spicil. patr. (1700) I. 254-288. [De scriptis

genuinis et suppositiis.j

Graetz. Gesch. d. Juden. u. s.w. (1866) 112; 435-. Grotius, Hugo. Epistola ad H. Bigonium. In: Migne.

Patr. gr. I. 47-50. Gundert. D. I. Br. d. Clem. R. In: Ztschr. f. luth.

Theol. XIV. (1853) 638-658; XV. (1854) 29-63,

450-85. Hackenschmidt. Die Anfange d. cathol. Kirchen-

begriffs. (1874) 46-. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 56, etc.

— Kirchenges. (1885) I. 105-6.

Hammond, Henry. In: Works. (1684) IV. 824. Hanard. In: Schulthess theol. Nachr. II. 286. Harnack, A. In: Theol. Ltzng. I. (1876) 97-105. [Rev. of Bryennios.]

— In: Ztschr. f. Kirchenges. I. (1877) 264-283, 329-365.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 163, 170, 194-5. Hassard, J. R. G. In: Cath. World, VI. (1867) 93. Hausrath. NTliche Ztgesch. (1874) III. 99 n. 5;

298-. [Date.] Hefele, C. J. In Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-

54) II. 580-90.

— De duabus ep. Cl. R. In: Patr. apost. (1853) Proleg. xvii-xviii; also [Prom ed. of 1843] in: Migne. Patr. gr. I. 183-98.

Hellwag. Die Vorstellung v. d. Praexistenz Chr. u. s. w.

In: Theol. Jahrbb. II. (1848) 233- 254-. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 197-8, III.


Heyns. De patr. ap. doct. mor. (1833) Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 15. (ed. Herdinger 1879)

19-20. Hilgenfeld, A. Apost. Vat. (1853) 85-92.

— In: Ztschr. f. w. Theol. IV. (1858) 572-.

— In: Ztschr. f. w. Theol. (1858) 247-. [Against Volk. mar.]

— In: Ztschr. f. w. Theol. (1873) 302. [Rev. of Tischen-dorfs ed.]

— Einl. in d. N. T. (1875) '5^ 34s-" 6zI~-

— Die Br. d. C. u. ihre syrische Uebersetzung. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XX. (1877) 549-562.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXIII. (1880)383,384. [I. Cl. c. 44.]

Hitzig. Ueb. Joh. Marcus u. s. Schriften. (1843) '65-. Hoefltng. D. Lehte d. Ap. Vat. v. Opfer im Chr.

Cultus. Erlangen, 1841. 8°. Hoekstra. In: Theol. Tijdschrift. II. (1868) 650.

v. Hofmann. D. h. Schrift N. T.'s (1873) V. 4-. [I. Clem. 5.]                                            '

Holtzmann. D. Ansiedelung d. Chr. in Rom. In: Mo-natsblatter f. innere Ztgesch. (1869) 301.

— Kritik d. Eph. u. Kol. briefe. (1872) 276-285, 317-. [Ep. Clem, and ep. to Ephes. and Coloss.]

— Nero u. d. Christen. In: Sybel. Histor. Zeitschr. (1874) II. I-. {I. Clem. 6.]

— In: Prot.-Kirchenz. (1874) No. 36. [Date.]

— D. Stellung d. Cl.-br. in d. Gesch. d. N. T. Kanons. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XX. (1877) 387-403.

— Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) no-l, etc., 550. Honorius. De scr. eccl. 1.15. Ed. Fabricius (1718) [II.]


Horne. Introduction, ed. Tregelles. (1869) IV. 322-. Isambert. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) X. (1863)


Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) I. 46-50, 62-5, 179-208. Jackson. Ap. fath. (1879) 23-61. Tacobi, J. L. Die beiden Br. d. C. In: Stud. u. Krit

XLIX. (1876) 707-18. Jacobson, Gul. De S. dementis Rom. vita et scriptis.

In: Patr. ap. (1838^1. vii-xxi. (1863) I. ix-xvii. Jacobus de Voragine. Legenda aurea (1846) 777-88.

[Cf. Apx.] Jaffe. Reg. pont. Rom. (1851) 1-2, 917-8. 2 Aufl.

(1883-85). Judgment of the Fathers concerning the doctrine of the

Trinity, The. Lond. 1695. 4°- P- 29~32-Junius, F. J. J. A. De patr. ap. doct. mor. (1833). Junius, Patr. Praef. [seeed.]; also in: Migne. Patr.

gr. I. (1857) 43-8.

Kayser. In: Revue de Theol. II. (1851) 85-. KEIM. Gesch. Jesu (1867) 1.141,147-. [C.andGosp. of Jo.]

— Clemens. In: Schenkel. Bibbellex. (1869) I. 545. KESTNER. Die Agape u. s. w. Jena, 1819. [<â–  Nur ein


Killen. Ancient Church (1859) 186-7. Kirchhofer. Quellensammlung u. s. w. (1844) 79-. Knoedel. Hist. Analekt. a. d. I. Br. d. Clem. R. an d.

Cor. In: Stud. u. Krit.XXIV. (1862) 764-. [state ot

Church at Corinth.] Kontogones. $i%ok. Kai KpiT. lax, tw> dy— 'Kartpun.

"~Ev 'Ad^vaic. (1851) I. 13-. Koestlin. Zur Gesch. d. Urchristenthums. In: TbeoL

Jahrbb. (1850) 28-, 243-. Kraus. Roma sotterranea. (1872) 18-, 41-, 79.

— In: Theol. Lit.-Bl. (1873) 414-. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 103-4.

La Barre, L. de. Hist, christ. vet. patr. (1583) 47-8. Lambecius. De codicibus op. Cl. R. In his: Commen-

tar. in Bibl. Vindobon. VIII. p. 601-, 606-607. Cf. Ban-

dini, Catal. Mss. graec. I. 92, 99. Lange. Ap. Zeitalt. (1854) II. 476-. Lardner, Nath. In his: Credibility, pt. II. Vol. I. Lond.

1748. p. 48-108. In his: Works (1831) II. 29-57.

[Hist, of C. and 2nd Ep.] Laurent, J. C. M. Zur Kritik d. Clemens von Rom.

In: Zeitschr. f. luth. Theol. XXIV. (1863) 416-425. -------In: Stud. u. Krit. XLI. (1868) 380-4.

[Rev. of Tischendorf s App.] -------XLIII. (1870) 135-46. [«Tischendorf s Nachbil.

dung d. alex. Handschr. d. C."] Lechler. Ap. u. Nachap. Z-A. (1885) 593-99; Eng. tr.

(1886) II. 340-8. Lefort, L. Les recentes decouvertes dans la catacomb de

Domitffle pres Rome. (1875) Rev. Archeol. (1874) VI.

3M> 372; VIII. 128; (1875) I. 20; III. 198; VII. 39. LesKIEN, A. Zur Kritik der kurzeren Legende vom h.

Clemens. In: Archiv f. slav. Philol. III. 1,379-83. [?] Lightfoot, J. B. Philippians. III. (1873) 74, 95, i66>

201-221,247-; Galatians. (1874) 323-, 326, 341-

-------In: The Academy (1876) May 20. [Thenewms.J

-------In: Acad. (1876) July 29.






Lirsius. In: Gersdorf. Repertorium. III. (1854) 11.65—•

— De Clementis Rom. Epistola ad Corinth, priore dis-quisitio. Lips. 1855. 8°. (VIII. 188.) ["The mostim. portant." Lightfoot, 1869.]

— Chronol. d. rdm Bischofe (1869) '45-) J66-.

— In: Academy (1870) July 9. 255-.

— Urspr. d. Christennamen. yena. (1873) 20 not. [Date.]

— In: Jenaer Litzng. (1877) Jan. 13. [Rev.] Lubkert. D. Theol. d. Ap. vat. In: Ztschr. f. d. Hist.

Theol. IV. (1854) 589-. Lumper. Hist, ss.patrum. (1783-91) 1.11-97 (=Migne.

Patr. gr. I. 121-82.) VIII. 300-3.

Lutterbeck. D.NTlichenLehrbegriffe. (1852)11. 54-. Mack. In: Theol. Quartalschr. III. (1838) 385. ["De

ratione inter ep. ad Hebr. et ep. Clem, intercedente." Geb-


M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) II. 376-8.

Mader. Praefatio. Also in: Migne. Patr. gr. I. 53-62.

Maistre, L'Abbe. Saint-Clement de Rome. Paris, 1883-4. 2 v. 8°. [Seems honest and naive. Critical? Judge. Speaking of aU the Cl. writings, " Leur authenticity est manifest. Un autre que S. Clement n'eut jamais accompli un travail aussi parfait," etc., etc. If a satire, then admirable.]

Mangold. D. Romerbrifcf u. s. w. (1866) 167-. Martinov. Ann. Eccl. gr.-slav. (1864) 57-8, 288. Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 243-8. Mellierius, Lucas. Fides prim. Chri. ex Barnaba,

Herma et Cl. R. demonstrata. Lond. 1697. 8°. [Agst.


Mohler. Patrol. (1840) 52-85.

Mombritius, Bonin. Sanctuarium (c.1479) I. clxxxxiii-v. Mullooly, Jas. St. Clement Pope and Martyr, and his

Basilica in Rome. Roma, 1869. 8°. (lii, 341 p.) 2d

ed. 1873. 8°. [" Does not discuss his works."] Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 113-4, etc. Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 216 [v. 1] [8 11.]

— Ch. hist. (1872) 1. 658-660, etc. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881) I. 66-80. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 96-8, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 146-7.

Nolte. Ein Wort iiber sog. Fragmente des Clem. v.

Rom. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1859) 276-; (1861)

443; (1862) 647. [?]

Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 4, etc. Orsi. 1st eccl. (1746-) I. 288-94; (1749-) I- 407-15. Oudin. Script, eccl. (1722) I. 19-48. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) I. 411-12: II. 22-

35; 941-2. Pfleiderer. Paulinismus. (1873) 405-. (Tr. Engl.)

II.  135. [Doctrine of C] Photius. Bibliotheca. 113 and 126.

Planck. Judenth. u. Urchristenth. In: Theol. Jahrbb.

(1847) 487-. Pressense, E. de. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82)

III. 205-8.

— Chr. life. (1878) 525-8.

— Martyrs. (1879) 217-23, 629-30.

Probst. D. Br. d. rom. Clem. u. d. Tod d. Ap. Petr. u.

Paul. In: d. Katholik (1870) Dec. Renan. D. Antichrist. (1873) xiii, xix, 21,24-, 82-, 120-

168, 437-. [I Clem, s-6.1

— In: Jour. d. Savants (1877) 13-. [?]

— Evangiles et la 2 generation chr. p. 311. Reuchlin, F. Jac. Clem. R. doctrina. Arg. 1738. Reuss. Hist, de la theol. chret. II. (1864) 318-.

— Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 243-5 5 Tr. Eng. (1884) 244-6 J>. 1].

Reville. Essais de critiques religieuses. (i860) 62-. Riddle. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Fath. Ed. Coxe.

I. (1885).

RlNCK. In: Stud. u. Krit. (1839) IOO2-. [Agst.Mack.] Ritschl. Altkath. Kirche. (1850) 283-; (1857) 274-284.

[aed. omits pp. 282-7 of 1850 ed.]

Ritschl. In: Theol. Jahrbb. (1851) 495-. ["de ep. Clem. et evv."]

Roberts & Donaldson. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic.

Lib. I. (1868) 3-5; Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 1-3. Robertson. Hist, of Church. (1875-) I. 9-10. Rohrbacker. Hist, universelle de l'eglise catholique.

(1868) II. 627-, 649-. Roller. St. Clement a Rome. In: Rev. archeolog.

n.s.XXV. (1873) 289-. Rondinini, Phil. De s. Cl., papa et mart., ejusque ba-

silicain urbe Roma, libri II. Romae, 1706 [4?]. 4°. Ropes, C. J. H. The new ms. of Cl. of R. In: Presb.

Q. and Princeton Rev. (1877) 325-343. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. I. (1795) 114-6. Rossi, DE. Bullettino di Archeologia Cristiana. (1875)

I. § 5; II. §§ 4, 5. ["de sepulchris Flavianis"]; Revue

Archeologique (1876) III. 167-174. ROESSLER. Bibl. d. K.-V. I. (1776) 45-66 [1 a. 2 ep.] Rothe. D. Anfange d. christl. Kirche u. s. w. (1837)

374-. [" De numere eccl."] Russell, C. W. In: Acad. (1876) May 6 and 13.

[New ms.]

S., L. In : Evang. Kirchztg. (1877) 228-232. [The Bryennios ms.]

Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 554-9. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 26-31, 58-70, 269; Schaff. Hist. * * Church, II. (1886) 636-48. Schenkel. De eccl. Corinthia primaeva factionibus tur-bata. Basil. 1838. 8°. 77-.

— In: Stud. u. Krit. I. (1841) 53-87. [The second imprisonment of Paul.]

Schiller. Gesch. d. rom Kaiserreichs unter Nero.

(1873) 453-; 583--

Schliemann. Die Clementinen. (1844) 118-24, etc. Scholten. D. altesten Zeugnisse u. s. w. (1867) 4-. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) I. 54-71. [Ep. 1.] Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772) II. 267-72. Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) II. 125-33. Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d. ed. (1865-) II. 209-11. Shepherd. Hist of Ch. of Rome (1851) 8-9. Seyerlen. Entsteh. d. Christengemeinde zu Rom. Tiibin-

#?» (1874). [I. CI.5&6.] Simon, D. W. In: Bib. Sac. XXII. (1865) 353. Sprinzl., Theol. d. apost. Vat. (1880) 21 sq., 57 sq. Stap. Etudes sur les origines du Chr. (1866)232-. Stolle. Ueber Clemens. In his: Nachricht. v. d. Leben

der Kirchenv. Cap. 2. p. 14-28. Straatman, J. W. Clemens en de 0! in ttj<; nxucapos oitaaQ

van den brief aan de Filipiers. In: Theol. Tidjschr.

(1881)p. 429-438-

Supernatural Religion. (1875-) I- 215-32, III. 3-7. Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) XI. 484-5. Symeon Metaphr. Martyrium S. Clementis. In: Cote-

lerius.Patr. ap. (1672) I. 828-36. In: Clericus. (1698)

I. 804-10. In: Migne. II. 617-32; CXVI,

179-84. In: Funk. Patr. ap. (1881) II. 28-45. Thiersch. Kirche im Ap. Zeitalt. (1858) 347-50. Thoenissen. Zwei theolog. Abhandlung. (1841). [I.

Authent. u. IntegritSt d. 1 Br. d. Cl.]

Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1694) II. 149-66, 545-68. Tiraboschi. Storia let. ital. (1806) II. 11. 367-8. Tischendorf. Wann wurden uns. Ew. verf. (1866) 20-,


Trithemius. De scr. eccl. 1. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 274-6. Uhlhorn, G. In: Ztschr. f. die hist. Theol. (1851) 322-.

[" de faction. Corinth, et temp. ep. Clem."]

— In: Ztschr. f. d. hist. Theol. (1866) 33. [Date.]

— In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) III. 248-57. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. I. 492-4.)

Vallings, J. F. In: The Monthly Interpreter (1885) 21-39- [C. and Chr- doct.]

— St. Peter and St. Clement of Rome. In: The Monthly Interpreter (1885) 443~444-






Vendelini, Godef. De Clementis et ejus epistolarum tempore divinatjo. In: Migne. Patr. gr. I. 61-68.

Veterum Testimonia de s. Clem. epp. In: Cotelerius. Patr. ap. Amst. 1724. f°; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr.

I- (1857) 3'-44.

Vincentius Bel. Spect. hist. XI. 12, 52-4. Voigt. In: Ersch u. Gruber. I. xvni. (1828) 13-4. Volkmar. D. Ev. Marcion's. (1852)176-. [«de fac-

tionibus Corinth."]

— Ueb. Cl. von R. u. d. nachste Folgezeit. In: Theol. Jahrb. (1856) III. 287-. [Date.]

— Religion Jesu. (1857) 391-.

— Urspr. uns. Ew. (1866) 64.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 37-43 et pass. Wagenmann. In: Jahrb. f. deut. Theol. (1876) 161-70.

[Rev. of Bryennios.] Walch, J. G. Bibl. Patrist. (1834) 19-20, 278-82, 367.

— In his: Hist. eccl. N. T. p. 322-336. Weingarten. Rothe's Vorlesungen iib. Kirchenges.

(1875) I- 96.

Weismann. Clem. R. de justif. per fidem. Tub. 1732. Weiss, Ad. G. In: Theol. Lit.-Bl. (1870) 779-. [Rev.

of Laurent's ed.] Weiss, B. In: Stud. u. Krit. I. (1859) 159-. ["de

Clem. ep. et Petri ep."] Westcott. Canon (1875) 22~7> an<i 5°7-8.

— Bible in the Church (1877) 74-6. Whitney, S. W. In: Univ. Q. XXIX. (1872) 24. Wieseler, K. Chronol. d. apost. Ztalt. (1848) 521-.

[I. Clem. 5.]

— Untersuch. ub. d. Hebr.-br. (1861) I. 3-. [Date.]

— In: Jahrb. f. deut. Theol. XXII. (1877) 353-406. Windischmann. Vindiciae Petrinae. Ratisbon. 1836.

[I. Clem. 5.]

Zahn, Th. D. Hirt des Hermas. (1868) 41-69,94,96-, 117, 132, 160, 226, 293, 476-.

— Cl. v. R. im altest. Martyrerverzeichn. In: Ztschr. f. d. hist. Theol. (1869) 627-.

— In: Jahrb. f. deutsche Theologie. (1872) 158. [Rev. of Laurent's ed.]

— Ignatius v. Antioch. (1873) 79, 125-, 616-. ["de epp. Ign. Polyc. et Clem."]

— In: Gott. gel. Anz. (1876) 1409-, 1430-.

Zeller. Z. NTlichen Christologie. In: Theol. Jahrbb. (1842) 62-.

— In: Theol. Jahrbb. (1847) 72~'> (1848) 530-.

— Apostelgesch. (1854) 7-9.

See also, and throughout, the editions, for prolegomena and notes. In general prolegomena are omitted from Literature, excepting when printed apart from text.

II. MATHETES. Epistle to Diognetus.

I. Editions.

Stephens, Henr. Gr. lat. Par. 1592. 40; 1671. 4°. Sylburg, F. Gr. lat. In: Justini opera. Heidelb.

1593. f< id="iii.p344.1">. Morelli (?). Gr. lat. In: Justini opera. Par. 1615.

f°; Par. 1636. f°; Colon. 1685 [6 or Viteb. 1687?]. f°. Maranus. Gr. lat. In: Justini opera. Par.i'jifl. f°;

Venet. 1747 [6?]. f°. [Benedictin.] Gallandius. Venet. 1765. f°. I. 320-. Oberthur. Gr. lat. Wirceb. IJ79 [7?]. 8°. In his:

Justini opera. III. 2-. Olshausen, Herm. In: Hist. eccl. vet. mon. Berol.

1822. 8°. I. II, 171-184. ["Vitiose."] B8hl, Geo. In: Opusc. patr. select. Berol. 1826. 8°.

I. 124-74. Hefele. Gr. lat. In his: Patr. apost. Tub. 1839. 8°.

125-. Tub. 1842. 223-. Tub. 1847. 3°°-- Ttib- 1855.

296-. Orco. In his: Justini opera. 11.(1843.8°.)

464-507. II. (1849. 8°.) 156-207, and II. (1879. 8°.);

also separately. Lips. 1852. 8°.

Grenfell, Algern. Lond. 1844. 8°. 147-161. [Hefele's


Hoffmann. Gr. Ger. Neisse, 1851. 40. (II. 26 p.) Bunsen. Gr. Engl. Inhis: Hippolytus. I. {Lond. 1852) 188-. Also: Gr. Ger. I. (Lips. 1852) 139-. rch XI. and XII. only.]                 K             J ' °        L

Hollenberg, W. A. Gr. Ger. Berlin, 1853 (1851?). 8°. B0NSEN. In his: Christianity and Mankind. V.

(= Analecta Ante-Nic. I. 1854) 101-121. Lindner, Guil. B. In his: Bibl. patr. eccl. sel. I. Lips.

1857. 12°. 5-14

r. lat. In: (= Galland).

Migne. Gr. 11.(1857)1167-1186

Credner. Gr. Ger. In his: Gesch. d. Kanon. Berol.

i860. 59-6l. [Ch. n and 12 only.] Krenkel, E. M. Gr. lat. Lips. i860. 8°. Hurter, H. Opusc. ss. patr. XV. Innsb. (1871). Stelkens, Ad. Gr. lat. Recklingh. 1871. 40. [I con-

tains c. 1-6. II not published.]

Gebhardt u. Harnack. In: Gebhardt, H. & Z. Patr.

ap. I. (1875) 216-226. I. 11. (1878) 154-64. Ed.

minor. (1877) 78-86. Gildersleeve, Basil L. In his: Apol. of Justin Martyr,

etc. N.Y. 1877. 120. 83-94. Funk. Patr. ap. Tub. 1878. 8°; also 1881. 8°. I. 310-


II. Translations.


Rous. In: MellaPatrum. Lond. 1650. 8°. p. 21-66. Legras. Livr. apocr. Par. 1717. f°; 1742. 12°. Hurter, H. In his: SS. patr. opusc. XL {Oeniponti, 1871. 160.) 182-200.

Danish. Muus, C. H. Kjoebenhavn, 1836. 8°.


POOLMAN, W. R. In: Kalender voor de Protestanten in Nederland (Moll). VI. {Amst. 1861) p. 39-54. [Omits ch. 11 and 12.]

Duker, A. C. and Manen, W. C. van. In their: Oud Chr. Letterkunde. Apost. vad. II. {Amst. 1871. 8°.) 222-247.

English. Whiston, W. In: Sacr. Hist. Lond. 1746. 8°. V.

P- 346-73-

Bickersteth. In: Chr. fathers. Lond. 1838. 8°.

C, W. S. Bost. 1844. In: Chr. R. IX. 280-290.

Cooper, Basil. In his: The free church of ancient Christendom. Lond. 1852. 12°; 2d ed. Lond. 1852.

Bunsen. In his: Hippolytus. I. {Lond. 1852) 188-. [Chs. 11 and 12 only.] In his: Christianity and Mankind. I. {Lond. 1854) 174-181, 415-6.

C[owper], B. H. In: Kitto's Jour, of Sac. Lit. II. {Lond. 1852.) [So quoted but rather by Cooper. See above.]

Phila. 1853. In: Princ. R. XXV. 54-64. [Cf. Lit.]

Roberts and Donaldson. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868) 303-316. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 25-30.

French. Legras, ANT. Inhis: Livr.apocr. Par. 1717. f °; 1742.


— Epitre a Diognete. Traduite du grec. Par. 1725. 12°. Genoude, [Eug.] de. Paris, 1837 [8?]- 8°. II. Kayser, Aug. In: Rev. de Theol. et phil. XIII. {Par. 1856) 266-. [Chs. VII.-X.]

German. Glusing, J. Otto. In his: Briefe u. Schr. d. Apost.

Manner. Hamb. 1723. 8°. 425-463. Gehle, Augustus Gabriel. In: Brem. u. Verdische

Bibl. Hamb. 1753. 8°. I. n. p. 221-39.






Sailer, J. M. In his: Briefe aus alle Jahrh. I. (Monac.

1800. 8°.) 37-56. Zeigler. In: Sammtl. Werke d. K. V. Kempten, 1830.

I. 126-138. [?]

Karker, Fr. Xav. Ap. Vater. Vratisb. 1847.8°- IO3~-Hoffmann. Neisse, 1851. 40. Bunsen. Hippolytus. I. {Lips. 1852) 139-. [Ch. 11 and

12 only.]

Hoixenberg. Berl. 1853. 8°. [?]

Credner. Gesch. d. Kanon. Berol. i860. p. 59-61.

Scholz, Herm. Apost. Vater. Gtitersl. 1865. p. 167—

178. Mayer, J. C. Apost. Vater. Kempten, 1869. 160. 422-

440. [Reithmayr's Bibl. d. K. V.] Protestantische Kirchenz. Berol. 1872. 309-315. [Omits

ch. 11 and 12.] Bendixen. In: Beweis d. Glaubens (.1884) 201-211.

Greek, Modern.

KofiTTodeicpa, A. I. In his: '0 alrfiijQ "Sloe tov 'Iqaov XpujTov. AB^vt/ai, 1866.



Christijanskoje Tschtenije. XX. (Petrop. 1825)

143-Preobrazenskij. Mosc. 1863. IV. 13-26.

III. Literature.

ALZOG. Patrol. (1869) 45-49; (1876) 53-60. Baratius. De success, ant. episc. Rom. (1740) 76-.

[By Apollos.]

Basnage. Annal. An. 165. Baudouin, Fr. L'epitre a. Diognete. These, Strasb.

i860. Baur. Kirche d. 3 ersten Jahrh. (1863) 373.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 638-9, etc. BA4>BIA0S. 'B/c/cA. Iot. I. (1884) 148-9.

Birks, E. B. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 162-7.

[Ambrosius author.] Bunsen. Anal. Antenic. 1, 103 seq.

— Hippolytus. (1854) I. 170-173. (Lpz. 1852) 1.138-. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. I. (1740) 62-3.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. (1730) II. 38-42; I.

(1858) 428-30. Charteris. Canonicity (1880) 65, 127, 179-80, 198,

217-18, 226, 230-1, 234, 245, 257, 306, 321. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. ioo-i. Cotterill. Peregrinus Proteus. 1879. Credner. Beitrage (1832) I. 150.

— Ges. d. N. T. Kanon (i860) 58-Cunningham. Hist, theol. (1870) I. 106-8.

— Churches of Asia (1880) passim. Cureton. Spicil. Syr. Lond. 1854.                 , Davidson. Introd. to N. T. " 1868. II. 270-399.1.101." Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. (1864-6) II. 126-142. Dorner. Person Chr. I. (1845) 4°9-; Tr. Engl. I.

(1864) 260-4.

Doulcet, H. In: Rev. d. quest, hist. {Par. 1880) 601. Draseke, J. Der Brief an Diognetos. In: Jahrbb. f.

prot. Theol. (1881) 213-283; 414-484.

— Der Brief an Diogn., nebst Beitr. zur Gesch. d. Lebens u. d. Schr. d. Gregorios v. Neocaesarea. Leipzig, 1881. 8°. (VIII, 207). [Perhaps by Apelles.]

Epistle to Diognetus, In: Princeton Rev. XXV. (1853)


Ewald. Gesch. Volk. Isr. (1868) VII. 250-. Fessler. Inst. patrol. (1850-2) I. 193-. Funk. Zu Ep. ad D. 10, 6. In: Theol. Quartalschr.

LXIII. (1881) 146-8. Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. I. lxviii-; also

-.Migne.? 11.(1857) 1159-68. [ByCl.ofR.] Gass. In: Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1874) 474-8. Grabe. Spicil. patr. (1700) II. 165-6.

Grossheim, C. A. De ep. ad Diogn. Lips. 1828. Hagenbach. Kirchenges. (1885) I. 298-9. Halloix. 111. eccl. orient, scr. II. 281. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 249-251, 318. Hefele. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) III. 156-9.

— In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1864) 460-470. Hilgenfeld. Ap. Vater. (1853) I. 9-.

— In: Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1873) 270-286. Hoffmann. Ueber Justinus des M. Brief an Diognet.

Neisse. 1851.

Hollenberg, W. A. D. Brief an Diogn. Berlin, 1853. 8°. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 131. Hort, F. J. A. Letter in: Academy. (1877) Mav I2-Jackson. Ap. fath. (1879) 128-140. Jortin, J. In his: Remarks on Eccl. Hist. Lond. 1751.

8°. I. 342--Justin Martyr's Epistle to Diognetus and the Oration to

the Gentiles. In: Church Q. (1877). Apr. Kayser, A. La lettre a, Diognete. In: Rev. de Theol.

(1856) 265. Keim. In: Prot. Kirchenz. (1873) nos. 13, 14.

— Celsus Wahres Wort. (1873) 272-.

— Geschichte Jesu. (1875) 375—-

— Rom u. d. Christhum. 460^-468. Kestner. Die Agape. (1819) 394--

Kihn, Heinr. Der Unsprung des Briefes an Diognet

Freib. i. B. 1882. 8°. Killen. Ancient Church (1859) 367. Kirchhofer. Quellensamml. 36 anm. I. Krenkel. Epist. ad Diogn. Lips. i860. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 108-9. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 140-4. Lechler. Ap. u. Nachap. Z.-A. (1885) 613-5. Engl-tr-

(1886) 363-5.

LeNourry. Appar. bibl. patr. (1703) I. 445. Lipsius. In: Lit. Centralbl. (1873) no. 40. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. I. (1783) 183-201. Luthardt. Urspr. d. viert. Ev. (1874) 67-. Tr. Engl.

(1875) 67. Moehler. Iii: Theol. Quartalschr. (1825) 444-.

— Schriften. I. (1839) 19-31.

— Patrol. I. (1840) 164.

Muenscher. Chr. Littenlehre in d. ersten 2. In: Henke. N. Magazin. I. 337.

— Dogmenges. (1817-18) II. 212.

Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 212-13. [v. 1.]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 69-70, 670-I. [Justin.] Neumann, K. J. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchengesch. IV. (1880)

284-7- [Tubinginen ms. of.] Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-). I. 131-7. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 108-9, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 144-5. Nolte. In: Zeitschr. f. Kath. Theol. IVien, 1854. 130-

7. In: Migne. II. (1857) 1301-4. [Con-

jecturae, emend, etc.]

ORSI. 1st. eccl. (1746-) I. 268-71. (1749-) I. 378-83. Otto. De Justini scriptis. Jena, 1841. 8°.

— In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1842) 41-.

— Diogn. Jen. 1845 [4°] 8°; 2. Aofl. 1852. [?] Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) I. 212.

[Overbeck.] In: The Academy (1874) 64. Overbeck, F. Ueber den pseudojustinischen Brief an Diognet. Basel, 1872. [Post-Constantine.]

— Studien z. Gesch. d. alt. K. I. (1875) p. I-92. Permaneder. Bibl. Patrist. (1841-2) I. 414. II. 51-8. Pressense, E. de. Hist. 3 prem. siecles. IV. 509-; V.

254-; Engl. tr. N. ¥. Heresy (n. d.) 221-7.

— In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82)111.761-3. Protest. Kirchenzeitung. (1872) No. 15.

Reuss. Gesch. N.T. (1874) II. 16. Tr. Eng. (1884)

299. [v. 2.] Riggenbach. D. Zeugnisse f. d. Ev. Joh. (1866) 139-.






Ritter. Chr. philos. (1841) I. 290-295.

Roberts and Donaldson. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic.

Lib. I. (1868) 301-2. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 23-4. Rossi, de. " Bulletino, 1866. pp. 86, 95." Schaff. In: M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) 807-8.

— Hist. * * Church. II. (1886) 698-703, et pass. Scheibe. In: Theol. Stud. u. Krit. (1862) 576-. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886)35-6. Scholten. Die alteste Zeugnisse. (1867) ior. Schrceckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 45. Semisch. Justin Mart. 1.(1840) 172-. Tr. Engl. I. 84-,

I93-- .

— In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) III. 611-15 (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. I. 641).

Shedd. Hist, ofdoct. 3d ed. (1865-) II. 218-9. Snoeck, Guil. P. I. Specimen theol. exhibens introduc-

tionem in Ep. ad Diogn. Lugd. Bat. 1861. Staeudlin. De scr. patr. ap. Goett. 1800. 40.

— Sittenlehre Jesu. II. 7-.

Stelkens. U. d. Br. an Diognet. Progr. Recklingk.


Supernatural Religion (1875) II. 38-40, 354-370, etc. Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. II. (1732) 73, 371-2,


Tischendorf. Wann wurden u. s. w. (1866) 40-. Tzschirner. Fall des Heidenthums. (1829) I. 217-. Ueber den Brief an Diognetos. In: Theol. Quartalschr.

(1825) 444-.

Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 279-80. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 238. Walch. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 287, 654-5. Werner. Gesch. d. apol. Lit. Schaffh. 1861. I. 126-. WesCott. Canon (1875) 85-92. Whiston, W. An ep. to D....., and proved to be

genuine. In his: Sacr. Hist. Lond. 1746. 8°. V. 346-

Wittichen. Der gesch. Charakter d. Ev. Joh. (1868) 105.

Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 104-9.

Zahn. In: Gott. Geleh. Anz. (1873) 106-116.

Zeller, Ed. In: Theol. Jahrb. (1845) 619-.

.— Apostelgesch. (1854) 50-1. Compare editions and literature under Justin Martyr.

Note. Ceiller, Hoffmann, Otto (in early eds.), etc., make Justin the Author; Gallandius suggests Clement of R.; Baraterius, Apollos; Bunsen, Marcion; and Birks insists on Ambrosius; Mohler, Permaneder, Hefele, Fessler and Alzog-put it ab. the year 100; Funk, later, as Tillemont, Dorner,, and others earlier, Bunsen in 134-5, Birks in 3d cent. Over-beck, Donaldson, at first, and Cotterhill make it Post-Con-stantine. This view is conclusively opposed by Draeseke, Lipsius, Hilgenfeld, and many others.

III. POLYCARP. Epistle to the Phi-


I. Editions.

Halloix. Gr. lat. Duaci, 1632 (3?). f°. I. 525-532.

In his: 111. eccl. orient, scr. USSERIUS. Epist. [With Ignatian epistles.] Oxon. 1644.

4°. [Not. Lond. 1647. 40. " Mistake of Fabridus." Means. Mader, J. J. Helmst. 1653. 40. Cotelerius, J. B. Gr. lat. In: Patr. apost. 1672. f°; Ed.

Clericus. 1698. f°. II. 1. 184-; 1724. f°. II. 186-9. Le Moyne, Steph. Gr. lat. In his: Varia sacra. Lugd.

Bat. 1685. 40. I. 1-10, II. 1-524; 1694. 40. Clericus. 1698 and 1724, s. u. Cotelerius. Ittig, Th. Gr. lat. In his: Bibl. Patr. apost. Lips.

1699. f°. 370-390. Aldrich, C. (Ignatius and). Oxon., 1708. 8°. [100 cops.

only printed.] Smith, Th. (Ignatius and). Gr. lat. Oxon. 1709. 4°.

[New collation.] Frey. Patr. ap. II. (1741) 141-64, 335~8-

Russell, Rich. Gr. lat. In his: SS. patr. apost. Lond.

1746. 8°. v. II. Gallandius. Gr. lat. Venet. 1765. f°. In his: Bibl.

patr. I. 305-.

Danz, J. L. Jena, 1818. 40. Hornemann. Hafh. 1828 (9?). 4°. Routh. Scr. eccl. op. Oxon. 1832. 8°. I.; 1840. I.;

1858. I. 1-31. Jacobson. Gr. lat. Oxon. 1838; 1840; 1847; '863. 8°.

521-56. s. u. Clement of R. Hefele. Tut. 1839. 8°; 1842; 1847; 1855. 256-73-

s. u. Clement.

Reithmayr. Monach. 1844. I2°-Dressel, A. R. M. Gr. lat. In: Patr. ap. Lips. 1857.

8°; 1863. 376-9°-

Migne. Gr. lat. In: V. (1857) 1005-16. Zahn. Gr. lat. In: Gebhardt, H. & Z. Patr. ap. II.

(1876) xlii-viii, 109-33. [Cf. Apx. Reconstructs the gr.

text of missing portions, from the lat.] Funk. Patr. ap. (Tiib. 1881.) 266-282. Pleziotes, Const. Athens, 1883. *n: AsAWov rfc

luropiK^g kcll &6v. kraipias ttjc 'E/l/latSoc. I. 209—. [p. and

Barnab. Transcr. from ms. in Monastery in Andros.] Lightfoot. Ap. fathers. II. (1885) n. 895-934. [pt. ii.]

II. Translations.

Latin. Ancient.

(Dionysius Areop. and) Par. 1498. f°.

(Dionysius Areop., etc., and) Venet. 1502. f°.

(Dionysius Areop., etc., and) Argentine, 1502. f°.

(Dionysius Areop., etc., and) Argent. 1507. f°.

(Dionysius Areop., etc., and) Par. 1515. f°.

(Ignatius and) Basil. 1520. 40. Argentor. 1527. 8°.

Colon. 1536.

(Ignatius —, etc.) Antv. 1540. 8°.

(Ignatius —, etc.) Venet. 1546. 8°.

(Clementina and) Aureatum? 1546. 40.

In: 'ULiKponpea^vTiimv. Basil. 1550 (?) p. 27-.

In: Orthodoxographa (Heroldus). Basil. 1555. f°.

P- 95--

(Dion. Areop. and) Colon. 1557. In: Orthodoxographa. (Grynaeus). Basil. 1569. f°.

I. 11. 4-. In: Bibl. patr. (De la Bigne) 1575; Paris, 1610. f°;

1624. f°; 1644. f°. In Cotelerius. Patr. ap. Amst. 1724. f°. I. 190-.

Also in Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1015-22. Frey. Patr. ap. II. (1741) 153-64. And in various eds.

Rous, Fr. [Ed.] In his: Mella patr. 1659. 8°. [?] Legras. In his: Livr. apocr. Par. 1717. f°; 1742. 12°. [?]


Note. The fragments published first by Feuardent (Ire. naeus) from works of Victor of Capua, and afterwards by Halloix, Usher, Mader, Cotelerius, Ittig, Galland, Pitra, Migne, Zahn, Lightfoot, etc., are, rather, victor's own.


Elborowe, Thom. Lond. 1668. 120.

Cave, W. In his: Apostolici. Lond. 1677. f°. I. 126-;

Lond. 1682. f°; 1716. f°; 1733. f°. Wake. Lond. 1693. 8°. 22-39, 79-98; Lond. 1710. 8°

[Greatlyimproved]; Lond. 1719. 8°. 18-29,(2)48-59;

1737- 8°; 5th ed. 1818 [7?]; Hartford, 1834. 8°. 79-

IOO; Lond. 1842 [3?] 8° [Revised]; Lond. 1846. 8°;

i860. 8°; Phila. 1846. 8°. Clementson, W. K. Brighton, 1827. Chevallier. Lond. 1833. 8°. Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867)433-40. Roberts & Donaldson. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868)

69-77. Ed- Coxe- L (l885) 33~6-Lightfoot. Ap. fathers. II. (1885) 11. 1051-6. [pt.UJ





Legras, Ant. In his: Livr. apocr. Par. 1717. f°; 1742.

120. Also in his: Ouvr. d. s. peres. Par. 1717. 120;

also in Desprez, Bible. 1717.

Ruchat. In: Peres ap. Leyde, 1738. 8°; 1741. 120. Genoude? In: Peres de l'egl. Par. 1837-43. 8°.


Moellerus, Mart. GSrlitz, 1578. 8°; 1592. Arnold, Gottfr. (?) In his: Sendschreiben der Alten.

Frf. 1700. 8°. p. i-. Brem. 1701. 40. Glusing, J. O. [Ep. et mart.] In his: Briefe u. schr. d.

Apost. man. Hamb. 1723. 8°. p. 387-. Grynaeus. Basil. IJ72; Ed. Mosl. Aug. Vind. 1744. 8°. Unterkircher. Ap. V. Innsbr. 1817. 8°. Herzog. Bresl. 1825. 8°.


Galliciolli. Venez. 1799. 8°. Graziani. Roma, 1833. 8°.

III. Literature.

Abbott, E. A. Gospels. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) X.

815, 822.

Adeney, W. F. In: Brit. Q. LXXXII. (1886) 31-67. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 44-46. Anger. Synops. Ev. xxiii. Armachanus, Jac. Dissertationes de epistolis ss. Ignatii

et Polycarpi. In: Cotelerius. Patr. apost. Antv. 1698;

Amst. 1724. f°.

Arundel. Discov. in Asia Minor, n. 397. Aube. Hist. d. persec. (1875) 325~"> etc-

— La polemique chr. (1883) 103.

Backhouse, J. H. Curious blunders in several eds. of Polycarp. Letter. In: The Academy (1881) 394a-


— Eds. of P. and Barnabas. In: The Academy (1881)


— Mader's editions of Polycarp and Barnabas. In: The Academy (1881) 32C.

Balthazar, J. H. Doct. P. de praecipuis Chr. fidei

capitibus. Jenae, 1738. 8°.

Baratier. De success, ant. episc. Rom. (1740) 201. Baronius. Annal. (1689) 167, 8-10; 169, 2-20: cf.

Pagi. Crit. (1689) 167, 5; 169, 4-5. Baumgarten-crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 84 [v. 1]. Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 252-3, 260-1. BA*BIAH2 "&kkK. Igt. I. (1884) 147-8. Bellarmin-Labbe. Script, eccl. (1728) 26. Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 31, etc. Bing, Just. Dissertatio de P. ffafn. 1740. 40. Blackburn. Hist, of Church. (1879)29-30. Bleek. Einl. N. T. 234. BOEHRINGER. Kirchenges. (1873-) I. I. Borghesi. Iscrizioni di Sepino (1852); also in Oeuvres.

V. 345-

Bucherus. Tract, de Pasch. Cycl. Jud. 8.

Bullialdus, Ismael. Dissertatio de S. Benigno Divi-onensi, qua fabulam de Benigno hoc, per Polycarpum in Galliam misso, refellit. Paris, 1657. 8°-

Bunsen. Ignatius. (1847) 107-.

— Hippolytus. (1854) I. 223-8. Burton. Trinity. (1831) 4-6 (-15). Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 4-5. Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 39-46. Cave. Hist. lit. (1740-) I. 44-47.

— Lives (1840) I. 192-218. Abr. in: Wake. Ap. fath. Hart. 1834. p. 479-83.

Ceillier; Hist. gen. d. aut. sac. (1729) I. 672-83; I.

(1858) 392-8. Centuriatores Magdeb. Cent. II. c. 10.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) xxxiii.-xl., 112, 197, 216,

225, 230, 233-4, 239-40, 244, 253, 257, 262-3, 275,

304-5, 320-1, 328, 331.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1857. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 43-4. Clemens Alexandr. In: Liber quis dives, etc. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. Ann. 150, 166; II.

401. Coetlosquet. Vie de s. Ignace et de s. Polycarpe. Met*,

1852. 120.

Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 117-126. Cotta. § 275-282. Crucigerus, Casp. Oratio de Polycarpi vita. Wittebergae,

1543. 8°. Repr. in: Declamationes Melanchthonis.

Argent. 1558. 8°. II. 33°--Cunningham, Wm. Hist, theol. (1870) I. 105-6.

— Churches of Asia. (1880) passim.

Dallaeus. De scr. Dionysii Areop. et Ignatii. 426-. Darling. Cyclop, bibliog. 2414-5, 2979. Davidson. Introd. N. T. II. 512. Denzinger. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1851) 399-409. De ss. mart. Smyrn. Polycarpo et aliis XII. In: Acta

ss. Bolland (1643) Jan. II. 691-5 (3. III. 306-10.) Donaldson, J. Hist. Chr. L. 1864-6. I. 154-200.

— Apost. fathers. (1874) 191-247.

— In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) II. 197.

Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 116-9, 371-4. Douhet. Diet. d. legend. (1855) 1308. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 80-91. Egli, E. D. Mart. d. P. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXV. (1882) 227-.

— Lucian u. P. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVI.

(1883)  166-80.

— ZumTodesjahr, P. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVII.

(1884)  216-9.

Eichhorn. Einl. N. T. I. 151. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. IV. c. 15. Ewald. Gesch. d. V. Israel. VII. 310.

Fabricius. Bibl. Gr. (1712) V. 47-51; IX. 414-5 (2.

VII. 47-52; X. 315, 7!5). Fisher. Beginnings. (1877) 321-, 552-. F[isquet?], H. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XL.

(1862) 670-1.

Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 372-6, 432-4. Friedlander. Sittengeschichte Roms. III. 440, 442,

654-Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. lxv-;

also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1021-4. Gebhardt. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1875) 377~395-Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. no. Gley. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) XXXIII.

674-5. Groddeck, Gabr. De anno et die passionis s. Polycarpi.

Gedani, I7O4. 40. [Groddeck = Zitzschar, Frid?]

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 57, etc.

— Kirchenges. (1885) I. 139-42.

HALLOIX. Eccl. orient, script. (1633) I. 470-598. Harnack, A. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XIX. 414-6.

— In: Theol. Ltzng. (1882).

— In: Expositor (1885) 401-14; (1886)9-22,175-92. [Rev. of Lightfoot.]

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 227-9, 290-1, 393-4. Hefele. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1843) 143-.

— In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) VIII. 572-5.

— Patr. ap.opera, ed. 3. Tub. 1847. 8°; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 995-IOO2.

Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 89-90;

III. 38. Heumannus, Christ. Aug. Examen fabulae de columba

ex Polycarpi rogo evolante. In: Bibl. hist.-phil.-theol.

{Bremae, 1720) III. 429-38. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 17.

HlLGENFELD. Apost. Vat. 27I-4.






Hilgenfeld. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1861) 290-; (1870) 203; (1874) 199-. etc., 310-, 342-.

— D. Mart. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXII. (1879) 145-170.

— D. Br. d. P. an d. Phil. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXIX. (1886) 180-206.

Hofmann. Heil. Schr. N. T. V. 27-. Holtzmann, H. L. D. Verhaltniss d. Johannes zu Ign. u. P. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XX. (1877) 187-214.

— Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 124-5, etc-Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 4-6, 194-204. Jackson. Ap. fath. (1879) 77-87.

Jortin, J. Mart, of P. In his-. Remarks on Eccl. Hist.

Lond. 1752. 8°. II. 101-, 373-, 416-. Junius, Patr. In P. ep. Notulae crit. Keim. Aus d. Urchristenthum. (1878) 90-133.

— Celsus' Wahres Wort. (1873) 145.

— Gesch. Jesu. (1867) I. 162-.

— Rom u. d. Christenth. 586-. Kiixen. Anc. Church. (1859) 293-4, 365. Kurtz, ]£irchenges. (1885-) I. 107-8.

Lardner. Credibility. Lond. 1748. 8°. II. I. 189-;

also in: Works (1831) II. 94-111. Le Blant, Edm. Mem. sur les supplices. In: Mem.

Acad. Inscript. XXVIII. (1874). Lechler. Ap. u. Nachap. Z-A. (1885) 607-8. Engl.

tr. (1886) II. 356-8. LeMoyne.St. In his: Varia Sacr. Lugd. Bat. 1685. 4°-

I. Proleg. Le Nourry, Nic. De Epist. Polycarpi. In his: Appar.

ad Bibl. Patr. (1703) col. 161-66. Lessius. Ueber Polycarps Brief. In his: Wahrh.d. chr.

Rel. p. 47-.

Letronne. Recherches sur l'Egypte. (1823) 253. Life of P. Lond. 1847. 32°-Lightfoot, J. B. In: Contemp. XXV. (1874) 827-.

— Apost. fathers. II. (1885) I. 417-702. Lipsius. 3 syr. Briefe d. Ignat. (1859) 14-.

— Chron. d. rom. Bisch. (1869) 189-, 263.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1874) 188-214.

— Das Todesjahr Polycarps. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1878) 751-768.

— Z. Mart. Polycarps. In: Jahrbb.f.prot.Theol. (1881), 574-576.

Longuerue, L. DUF. De. De P. ann. mart. In his: Diss.

de var. epochis . . . vett. Orientt. Lips. 1750. 40. p. 17. Luchini. Atti sinceri. (1777) I. 293-310. Lumper. Hist. ss. patrum. (1783) I. 333-359. Luthardt. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

(1875) 69-73, 126.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) VIII. 360-3. MarQUAdt. Rom. Staatsverwaltung. I. (1873) 375. Masson. In: Jebb's Aristides (Oxon. 1722); also in:

Dindorf. Aristides. (1829) p. Ixxxviii-. Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 185-193. Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

III. 450-3.

Memoirs of Polycarp. In: Meth. M. XXXII. (1809) 313-. Milman. Hist, of Chr. II. ch. 7. Mombritius, Bonin. Sanctuarium. (c. 1479) II. ccxi. Mosheim. De Rebus Chr. 161.

Muir, A. F. In: Brit. & For. R. XXXV. (1886) 298-325. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 114. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 299, 465,661, 677. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 121-131. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 107-8, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 148. Noris. De anno Maced. I.

— In: Op. {Veron. 1729) II. 30.

Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 4, etc. Olshausen. Monum. hist, eccles. I. (1870). Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) I. 351-3- II. 48-51, 121-4. (1749-) 1.497-9- IL 69-74. 175-80.

Pearson, J. De anno mart. P. In his: De scr. et success, prim. Romae Epp. Lond. 1687. 4°- II-276.

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) I. 413-4; II. 64-70.

Pionius. Vita S. Polycarpi. In: Acta ss. Antv. Jun. II. 691-; In: Tenzelius, Gui. E. Exercitationes selectae. I. 73; Ed. Duchesne. Par. 1881; also in: Funk. Patr. ap. Tub. 1881. liv.-lviii. 315-357; Zahn; Lightfoot. Ap. F. Lond. 1885. II. 11. 1005-47, 1068-86

[Gr. and Engl.] [4U1 or Jth cent. Funk. " Worthless." HarnackJ

Pitra. Spicil. Solesm. (1852) I. 266.

Pressense. Martyrs. (1879) 232-6.

Randell, T. The date of Polycarp's martyrdom. In .-

Studia Biblica. Oxford, 1885. 175-207. Reinach, S. Saint P. et les juifs de Smyrne. In: Revue

des etudes juives. (1885) p. 235-238. Renan. Antichrist. 1873.

— In: Jour. d. savants. (1874) 46-.

— L'eglise chret. (1879) 437-466, etc.

— Les evangiles. xxviii-. 480-, 494-.

— Marc-Aurele. 417-.

Reville, Jo. De Anno Dieque quibus Polycarpus Smyrnse

martyrium tulit. Genx. 1880. 8°. (65 p.) Ritschl. Entsteh. d. altkath. Kirche. (1857) 584-600. Roberts and Donaldson. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic.

Lib. I. (1868) 65-8. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 31-32. Robertson. Hist, of Church. (1875-) I. 40-4. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. 1.(1795)114-6. RSssler. Bibl. d. K. V. I. (1776) 93-100. Rovers, M. A. A. De Marteldood van Polycarpus. In:

Theol. Tijdschr. (1881) 450-464. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 36, 82-7, 276-8. St. Polycarp. In: Chr. Obs. III. (1804) 521-; 585-. Schaff. Hist. * * Church. II. (1886) 50-52, 664-70. Schiller, H. Gesch. d. Rom. Kaiserzeit. I. 11. (1883)


Schliemann. Clementinen. (1884) 418-21. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 33-4. Scholten. Die alt. Zeugnisse. (1867) 41. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780) I. 105-9. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 56-7, 108-14. Schurer. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1870) 202-204. Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) II. 154-9. Scultetus, Abr. De P. vita et scr. Jn his: Medullae

theol. patr. synt. Franco/. 1634. 40. I. 350-. Semler. Zu Baumgarten's Unters. Theol. Streitigk.


Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d ed. (1865-) II. 208. Steitz. In: Jabrb. f. deut. Theol. (1861) 126-133. Stieren. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1842). Strauss, V. Polykarpus. Heidelb. 1859 (60?) 8°. Strcehlin, E. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82)

X. 673-6. Supernatural Religion. (1875-) I. 274-82; II. 267-71;

HI. 13-5-

Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) 1.431-4. Tentzelius, W. E. Comment, de P. Vitemb. 1684. 8°;

also in his: Exercitat. sel. I. 73—. Tillemont. Memoirs. (1694) II. 327-44, 632-41. Tischendorf. Reise i. d. Orient. II. 248.

— Wann wurden u. s. w. 23. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 278-9. Uhlhorn, G. In: Herzog. Real.-Encl. (1877) XII.

103-7. (Abr. in: Schaff.-Herz. III. 1863-4.) Ullmann. D. zweite Br. Petri. 3 anm. Usserius. Ign. et Polyc. mart. 1647. Valesius. Not. in Euseb. h. e. IV. c. 15. Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XI. 96. Volkmar. In: Jenaer Ltzng. (1874) 291.

— Religion Jesu. 505.

— Urspr. uns. Ew. 38—.

Waddington. Aristide. In: Mem. de l'Institut. XXVI. (1867) 203-, 232-.




Waddington. Fastes des prov. asiatiques. Par. 1872. I. 219–

Waite. Hist. of Chr. Rel. (1881) 50-55.

Walch. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 22-4.

Westcott. Canon. (1875) 36-40.

-- Bible in the Church (1877) 79-80.

Wieseler. Das Martyrium Polykarp's und dessen Chronologie. In his: Christenverfolgungen. (1878)

34-87-Wieseler, K. Das Todesjanr P. In: Stud. u. Krit.

LIII. (1880) 141-65.

Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 157-171. Yonge. Pupils of St. John. (1878) 179-200. Zahn. In: Gott. gel. Anz. (1882).

— Ignatius v. A. 494-511. Zeller. Apostelgesch. (1854) 52-3.

For Literature, see also under Martyrdom of Polycarp and under Ignatius.

Note 1. Date of Polycarp's death. 147 A.D., Pearson, Gal-land, Dodwell; 155, Borghesi, Cavedoni, Mozzoni, Douhet, Marquardt, Schiller, Friedlander, Waddington, Holtz-mann, AuWj Renan, EgH, Zahn, Funk, etc.; 155 or 6, Harn-ack; 156, Lipsius, Hilgenfeld, Gebhardt; 160, Hase, Reville (perhaps 166); 161, Stieren; 163, Chronicon Paschale; 166, Eusebius (?), Tillemont, Noris, Clinton, Masson, Keim, Wieseler, Uhlhorn, Nirschl, Wordsworth, Kurtz; 10V, Eusebius (?), Hieronymus, Scaliger, Le Moyne, Cave, valesius, Killen; 169, Usher, Pagi, Bucherus, Bollandus.

Notes. Genuineness, etc., of the Epistle. For: Pearson, Mosheim, Tillemont, Ittig, Hefele, Gieseler, Neander, Mohler, Lardner, Ewald, Bleek, Tischendorf, Schliemann, Strauss,

Bunsen, Ueberweg, Ritschl, Scholten, Volkmar, BHhringer, Donaldson, Lipsius.


I. Editions.

Usserius. Lond. 1647. 4°- *n: AP- *Sn-

Cotelerius. Antw. 1672. f°; Ed. Clericus. 1698. f°;

1724. f°.

Rhinart. Act. mart. Par. 1689. 40. Clericus. 1698; 1724. s. u. Cotelerius. Ittig. Patr. ap. Lips. 1699. f°. 392-431. Smith. Oxon. 1709. 40. s. u. Ep. Frey. Patr. ap. II. (1741) 165-202, 339-44. Russel. Lond. I'jAfs. s. u. Ep. Galland. Ven. 1765. s. u. Ep. Jacobson. Gr. lat. 1838; 1840; 1847; 1863. 8°. II. 603-


Hefele. Tub. 1839; 1842; 1847; 1855. 8°. 272-95. Migne. Gr. lat. In: V. (1857) 1029-46. Dressel, A. R. M. Gr. lat. In: Patr. ap. {Lips. 1863).

391-407. Zahn. Gr. lat. In: Gebhardt, H. & Z. Patr. ap. II.

(1876) 132-72.

Funk. Patr. ap. {Tub. 1881.) I. 282-309. Lightfoot. Ap. Fathers. II. (1885) II. 935-98 [pt. ii.].

II. Translations.

Ancient Latin. Frey. Patr. ap. II. (1741) 191-202, and often in eds.


Wake. Lond. 1693. 8°. 73-87,231-52; Lond. 1710. 8° [Greatlyimproved]; Lond. 1719. 8°. 51-60, (2) 138-53; 1737- 8°; Sthed- i8i8[7?]; Hartford, 1834. 8°. 182-206; Lond. 1842 [3?] 8° [Revised]; Lond. 1846. 8°; i860. 8°; Phila. 1846. 8°.

Dalrymple. Edini. 1776. 8°. In: Remains of Chr. Ant.

Roberts & Donaldson. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868) 83-96. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 39-44.

Cunningham. In: Churches of Asia (1880) 259-72.

Lightfoot. Ap. fathers. II. (1885) 11. 1057-67 [pt. ii.].


Arnold. Frf. 1700. 8°. Glusing. Hamb. 1723. 8°.

III. Literature. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 47-52. Burton. Trinity (1831) 6-15. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I- 5~6-Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) xxxiii., xl.( 113, 174, 197,

217, 225, 244.

Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 137-150. Donaldson. Apost. fathers (1874) 198-224. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 446-56. HARNACK, A. Zeit d. Ignat. Lpz. 1877. [" Verbreitung d.

Passio Polyc."] — Zu Eusebius Hist. eccl. IV. 15, 37. In: Ztschr. f.

Kirchengesch. II. (1877) 291-296. Hefele. Patr. ap. opera. Ed. 3. Tilb. 1847. 8°-, also

in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1001-4. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 47. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. 11.(1784)450-61. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 109-11, 335. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 129-31. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 146-58; (i749-)II. 212-28. Roberts & Donaldson. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic.

Lib. I. (1868) 79-81. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 37-8. Zahn. In: Gebhardt, H. & Z. Patr. ap. xlviii.-cv.

See above. Many of the numbers treat of the Martyrium. Note. Genuineness of the Martyrium. For: Renan, Hil-

genfeid, Lightfoot. Against: Schiirer, Keim (260-282),

Lipsius, (250), so Gebhardt. Interpolated: Steitz, Zahn,

Funk, Donaldson.

IV. IGNATIUS. Epistles. I. Editions.

PACEUS, VALENT. (12 ep.) Par. 1557. 4° [Rare. Par.

1558, often given as the first]; 1558. 8° [Improved]; 1562.

8°. [1558 and 1562 ed. Morellus?] Gesner. (12 ep.) Gr. lat. Tigur. 1559. f°. [Tr.

Bunnerus.] Gr. lat. Antv. Plautus, 1566. 8°; 1572. 8°; also in:

Grynaeus. Orthodoxographia. Basil. 1569. f°. I. 5-70.

[Lat. of Vairlenius.]

Maestraeus, Martialis. Gr. lat. Paris, 1608. 8°. Vedelius, Nic. Gr. lat. Genev. 1623. 40. [Lat. ol

Maestraeus. 7 genuine, 5 spur.] Ducaeus, Freut. Gr. lat. (With scholia of Vairlenius

and Maestraeus.) In his: Auct. bibl. patr. Paris,

1624. f°.

Usserius. (12 Gr. ii lat.) Oxon. 1644. 40; 1647. 40. Vossius. Gr. lat. Amst. 1646. 40; Lond. 1680. 40. [1 ed.

of shorter Gr. form of 6 eps. Romans in longer.] Cotelerius. (15) Gr. lat. In his: Patr. ap. Paris,

1672. f>; Ed. Clericus. Antv. (or Amst.) 1698. f°;

Amst. 1724. f°. III. 11-120. [Improved ed. of Voss;

in 1724 ea. Text of Rom. and Mart, improved.] RuiNART. Gr. lat. Par. 1689. 4°- [Rom.] Ittig, Th. (Genuine, spur. ep. and Acta.) Gr. lat. In

his: Bibl. patr. ap. Lips. 1699. 8°. 95-431. Grabe, J. E. Ep. ad Rom. et fragm. In his: Spicil. ss.

patr. Oxon. 1700. 8°; p. 1 sq.; 1714. Aldrich, C. Gr. lat. Oxon. 1708. 8°. [100 copies only.

Cf. Schelhorn. Acta Erud. Lips. 1713, p. 399.] Smith, Thomas. (7 shorter.) Gr. lat. Lond. 1709. 40. Whiston, W. (Both forms.) Gr. Eng. In his: Primitive Christianity. Lond. 1711. 8°. I. 1-391. [Text

is that of Smith.] Frey, J. L. (Ep. gen. et mart.) In his: Ep. ss. patr.

apost. Basil. 1741. 8°. a-112, 205-329. Russel, Rich. (Ep. gen. et mart.) Gr. lat. In his:

Patr. apost. Lond. 1746. 8°. Vol. I. Gallandius. (Ep. gen. et mart.) In his: Bibl. patr.

Vend. 1765. f°. 243-303.






Thilo, J. C. (Ep.) Hal. 1821 (2?) 8°. [After Voss.] Hornemann. (Rom. Polyc. Eph. Smyr. Trail.) Hafn.

1829. 40. Jacobson. Oxon. 1838; 1840; 1847; '863. 8°. 269-

519. s. u. Clement R. Hefele. Tub. 1839; 1842; 1847; 18S5- s. u. Clement


Grenfell. Rugby, 1844. 8°. Reithmayr. Monach. 1844. 120. Cureton (3). Lond. 1845; ^so (Long, Short, Syriac

and trs.) in: Corp. Ign. Lond. 1849. Bunsen, C. C. J. (7 ep.) Hamb. 1847. Petermann, J. H. (Gr. lat. syr. armen. etc.) Lips.

1849. Bunsen. Analect. antenic. (1854.) I. 41-3. [Polyc. Eph.


Lipsius. 1859.

Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 643-728.

[Short recension. Hefele's text.] Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. ¥.(1857)729-948.

[Longer recen. Text of Cotelerius.] Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 947-60. [Fragments.

From Galland.] Dressel. Gr. lat. In: Patr. Ap. Lips. 1857; also,

1863. 118-349. Mosinger. In: Suppl. Corp. Ign. a Cureton ed. Oeni-

pont. 1872. Zahn, Th. In: Gebhardt, Harnack u. Zahn. Patr. ap.

Lpz. III. 11. (1876) v.-xlii. 1-107, 173-300. Funk. Patr. ap. (Tiib. 1881.) 172-253.

— (Long recen.) Patr. ap. (Tiib. 1881.) II. 46-213. Lightfoot. (Short rec. 7 ep.) Apost. Fathers. II.

(1885)11.15-360. [pt. L]

— (13 ep. Long recen.) Ap. Fathers. II. (1885) 11. 708-857. [Pt. ii.]

II. Translations.


(6) Colon. 1478. [Doubtful.]

(3) Parisiis, 1495. 40.

Ed. J. Faber. (11) Parhis. 1498. f; (With Dionysius

Areop. Opera.)-1502. f°; (do.) -(11) Argentine, 1502.

f°. (do.) Argentinae, 1503. f°; -1507. f°; 1515. f°. [All with

Dionysius Areop.] (15) Paris, 1516. 40. [With Antonius Magnus. Ed.

Champerus? Cureton has 1536, but Ch. died 15330 (Polycarp and.) Basil. 1520. 40. (Trallians.) Colon. 1526. 40. In: Epist. Clementis, etc. (Polycarp and.) [n ep.] Argent. 1527. 8°. (9) Daventriae, 1529. 8°. (Dionys. Areop. and.) Colon. 1536. f°. (Polyc. etc., and.) Antw. 1540. 8°. Complut. 1541. 8°. (Polyc, etc., and.) Venet. 1546. 8°. (12) Basil. 1550. f°. In: Mikropresbyticum. p. 1-27. (12) Basil. 1555. i°. In: Orthodoxographa. (Clemens, R., etc.) Col. Agr. 1570 (not 1569). f°. (15) Paris, 1575. f°; Paris, 1586. f°. In: Bibl.

patr. I.

Colon. 1618. f 0. In: Bibl. patr. II. Oxon. 1642. 40.

(6) Lond. 1650. 8°. In: Rous, Fr. Mella patrum. 18-21. (12) Lugd. 1677. f°- *n: Bibl. max. patr. II. I. 73-104. Par. 1654. f°. In: Bibl. patr. III. Legras. In his: Livr. apocr. Par. 1717. f°; 1742. 12°. Paris, 1731. f°. In: Biblia sacra. Frey. Patr. ap. II. (1741) 75-112. Funk. Patr. ap. (Tiib. 1881.) II. 214-7. Lagarde, P. de. D. lat iibers. d. I. hrsg. [Aus: Ab-

handlgn. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. zu GStting-en.l Gotting.

1882. 8°.

Lightfoot. Ap. Fathers. II. (1885) 11. 597-656. [pt. aj


Wright, W. In: Lightfoot. Ap. Fathers. 11.(1885) II- 833-90. [Pt. ii.]


Const. 1783; also in: Petermann. Lips. 1849. [With transl.j

Coptic. Lightfoot. Ap. Fathers. II. (1885) 11. 859-64. [pt. u.]

Syriac. CURETON. (Polyc. Eph. Rom.) Lond. 1845.

— Lond. 1849. ^n: Corpus Ign.

Wright, W. (3 eps.) In: Lightfoot. Ap. Fathers. II. (1885)11.657-76. [pt.ii.]

—  (Frgm.) In: Lightfoot. Ap. Fathers. 11.(1885)11. 677-87. [pt. ii.]

Cureton. (Tr. Lat.) In: Corpus Ignat. (1849); also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 961-8.

Roberts & Donaldson (Tr. Engl.). In: Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868) 273-85. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 99-104.

Bohemian. Benneson, Matth. a. s. a. et 1. 40.

English. Wake. Lond. 1693. 8°. 40-57, 99-216; Lond. 1710. 8°

[Greatly improved]; Lond. I Jig. 8°. 30-41, (2) 60-

128; 1737. 8°; 5th ed. 1818 [7?]; Hartford, 1834.

8°. 101-65; Lond. 1842 [3?]. 8° [Revised]; Lond. 1846.

8°; i860. 8°; Phila. 1846. 8°. Calder, Rob. Edini. 1708. 8°. Whiston, W. In his: Primitive Christianity. Lond.

1711. 8°. p. I. Apocr. N. T. (1825) 215-247; {Phila. n. d.) 166-192.

[Eph. Magn. Trail. Rom. Phil. Smyr. Polyc] Clementson, W. K. Brighton, 1827. Chevallier. Lond. 1833. 8°; 1851 (2?). 8°. Bunsen. (3) Hippolytus. (1854) 1.92-8. Stowe. (1 ep.) Books of the Bible. (1867)424-32. Roberts & Donaldson. (Gen. ep.) In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

I. (1868) 145-267. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 49-96.

—  (Pseud, ep.) In: Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868) 455-93. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 107-26.

Cunningham. (Trail.) Churches of Asia. (1880)

228-33. Lightfoot. Ap. Fathers. II. (1885) 11. 537-70. [pt. »•]


Paris, 1500. 8°.

Morel, Guil. Paris, 1562. 8°; —1612. 8°. Eudemair. Rothomag. 1615. 8°. Legras, Ant. In his: Livres apocr. Par. 1717. f°; 1742.

120; also in his: Ouvr. d. s. peres. Par. 1717. 120. RuChat. Lugd. Bat. 1738. 8°. Genoude [??]. In: Peres de l'egl. Par. 1837-43. 8°.


MSller, Mart. Gsrlitz, 1578. 8°. Arnold, Gottfr. (7) In his: Sendschreiben det Alten.

Frf. u. Lpz. 1700. 8°. p. 28-106. [Also 1696?] Schifbecae prope Hamburgum. 1711. 120. Grynaeus, Sam. Basel, 1722. 8°. Glusing, J. Otto. (7) In his: Briefe u. Schr.

Manner. Hamb. 1723. 8°. p. 305-74. Unterkircher. Innsbr. 1817. 8°. MUnst. 1826. 8°.

Genelli, Chr. Munster, 1828. 8°. Wocher. Tub. 1829. 8°. Nirschl, J. Passau, 1870. 8°.


Gallicioli. Venet. 1798 [9?]. 8°. Graziani. Romae, 1833. 8°. [7 eps.]





Russian. Sertis-Kamenskj, A. Mosk. 1772.

Note. History of the Eds. In 1495 the 3 lat. epp. and the Ep. of the Virgin; 1498, ed. Faber, 11 epp. longer form not including Mary of C; 1516, ed. Symphorianus Champerus, these 14 with Mary of C. added; 1557, the first Gr. ed. 12 epp. by Paceus, longer form; 1644 (rather 1642), ed. Usher, first gave shorter form of 11 epp. Latin; 1646, Voss first brought to light the shorter form in Greek, giving 6 epD. in this form with Romans in the longer; 1689, Ruinart published Rom. in the shorter form; 1783, Armenian Transl. publ. at Constantinople; 1845, Cureton published the Syr. version of Polyc. Rom. and Eph.

III. Literature.

Abbott, E. A. Gospels. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) X.

815, 822. Abulpharagius. Hist, dynast. Ed. Pocock. Oxon. 1663.

VII. 75.

Adeney, W. F. In: Brit. Q. LXXXIII. (1886) 31-67. Alexander, Natalis. Hist, eccles. (1778) III. 232-43. Allgem. ev.-luth. Kirchenz. (1873) 596. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 37-44. American Church Review. XXI. (1870) 563-. Am. Presb. R. XVI. (1867) 137-. Anger. Synops. Ev. (1852). Arndt. Ueb. d. Echtheit d. Br. d. Ign. In: Stud. u.

Krit. XII. (1839) 136-86. Backhouse, J. H. A forgotten ed. of I. In: Academy


antiqq. episcc. RR. 87-. Baronius. Ann. (1589) 109, 5-36; no, 1-7; 438, 13.

Cf. Pagi, Crit. (1689) 109, 3-5, 7; 438, 3-Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 83 [v. 1]. Baur, F. C. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. VIII. (1836)


— In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. X. {TUb. 1838) 148.

— Urspr. d. Episcopats. 1838.

— D. Ign. Br. u. ihr neueste Kritiker. . . gegen Bunsen. Tubing. 1848. 8°.

— Kirchenges. 3 e. J. (1863) 275-83.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 252, etc.

— D. sog. Pastoral-briefe. BA*BIAHS. 'EkkX 1st. I. (1884) '47-Beausobre. Hist, de Manichee. (1734) I. Bellarmin-Labbe. Script, eccl. (1728) 24-6. Beyer, Chr. de Ign. Dissert. II. Lips., 1722. 40. Bibl. ges. deutsch. Nat. Liter. (1852) A. XXXII. 161-8. Blackburn. Hist, of Church. (1879) 27-8.

Bleek. Einl. N. T. (1862) 142.

Boehringer. Kirchenges. (1873-) 1.1.

Bosia, A. In: Ann. de philos. chret. (1872) F. IV. 245-

63. Bosius, J. A. Exerc. in 2 Tim. II. 22. In his: Opusc.

hist. Jena, 1723. 8°. 428-. Bretschneider. Probabilia. Brit. & For. R. XXXIII. 640-. Brull, A. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXII. (1880) 686-9.

[Rev of Nirschl.]

— D. Episkopat u. die ignatianischen Briefe. In: Theol. Quartalschr. 61: 247-257.

Bunsen, C. C. J. von. Ign. v. A. u. s. Zeit. Sendschr.

an Dr. Neander. Hamb. 1847. 4°-Bunsen. Hippolytus. (1854) I. 88-103. Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 14-32.

— Trinity. (1831) 1-4.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 3-4. Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 33-8. Cave. Hist. lit. (1740-) I. 41-3.

— Lives (1840) I. 176-91. Abr. in: Wake. Ap. fath.

Hartf. 1834- P- 485-94-

Ceillier. Hist. gen. d. aut. sac. (1729) I. 620-67. I. (1858) 362-88.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) xxvi-xxxiii, 42-3,110-2,

171-2, 196, 216, 224-5, 239, 243. 25'> 256> 262» 32°.

33& 45 »•

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1107-8. Chrysostom. In: S. Ignat. Homilia. [ClACCiO, Giac] Vita di s. Ignazio, vescovo e martire.

Palermo, 1678. 120. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) 1.92-3. Clericus. De epistolis Ignatianis. In: Cotelerius, Patr.

Apost. (1724) II. 11. 501-.

Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 95, 101; II. 401. Coetlosquet. Vie de S. Ignace et de S. Polycarpe.

Mete, 1862. 12°.

Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 107-115. Coleman. Anc. Christianity, p. 197-200. Cotelerius. Patr. ap. Amst. 1724. f°. II. 9-; also

in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 33-6. Credner. Einl. N.T. I. i. Cruse, C. F. Syriac Version of the Epistles of Ignatius.

In: Am. Church R. I. (1848) 566-. Cunningham. Hist, theol. (1870) I. 108-20.

— Churches of Asia. (1880) passim. Cureton. Vindiciae Ignatianae. Land. 1846.

— Corpus Ign. (1849) Introd. (lxxxvii p.)

Cureton's Corpus Ignatianum. In: Chr. Obs. XLIX.

(1849) 681-. Cureton's Vindicfce Ignatiana;. In: Bib. R. I. (1846)

443--Dallaeus, J. De scr. quae sub Dionysii Areop. et Ign.

nominibus circumferuntur libri II. Genev. 1666. 40. Darling. Cyclop. Bibliog. (1854) 1.603-4; 2979, 3176. Davidson. Introd. N. T.

Delitzsch, Jo. In: Ztschr. f. luth. Theol. (1874) 305. Denzinger. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1851) 389-.

— Ueb. d. Aechtheit d. Textes d. I. Wiirzb. 1849. 8°. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 601-24. flntesritv oftext. Agst. Cureton.]

Dietelmaier, J. A. Erkl. d. Stelle aus Ign. ep. ad Trail, v. d. Hollenfahrt Christi. In: Hamburgische vera. Bibl. III. 1. 78-85.

Donaldson, J. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) II. 196-7.

Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 102-13, 358-70.

D. 3 ersten gr. Ausg. d. langeren Rec. d. Ign. Briefe u. ihre handschriftliche Grundlage. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXI. 610-628.

Douhet. Diet. d. myster. (1854) 421-34.

— Diet. d. legend. (1855) 647-51.

Dreher, T. S. Ignatii Ep. Antioch, de Christ? doctrina. Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 42-79.

Gymnasialprogramm. Hedingen, 1877. 40. Dusterdiek. De I. ep. authent. Goett. 1843. 4°-Du Verdier. Bibl. Franc. (1773) IV. 533. Ebedjesu. Catal. script, eccl. 9 (Assemani Bibl. orient.

III. I. 16). Edwards, j. Brief Observations and Reflections on Mr.

Whiston's Primitive Christianity. Lond. 1712. 8°. Epistles of Ignatius. In: New York R.I. (1837) 367-;

Kitto. V. (1850) 339-; Brit. Q. XXIV. (1856) 422-;

Dub. R. XLIV (1857) 412-; LXXIII. (1868) 349-;

Ed. R. XC. (1849) I55-J Quar. LXXXVIII. (1850)

69-; Church Q. R. XXI. (1886) 356-89. N Thl Bibl II (6)

9         Q        () 35

Ernesti. N. Theol. Bibl. II. (1761). Ewald. Gesch. d. V. Israel. VII. (1859) 281-. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 38-45 (VII. 32-44; X.


Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 342-72. Forsyth, J. Ignatius and his Times. In: Princ. XXI.

(1849) 378--Foertschius, M. Oratio de partu Mariae, etc. [ign. in

Ep. to Eph-] In his: Decade Dissertat. Theolog.

{Tubing. 1704. 40.) p. 439-453-Francke, C. E. Lehre d. Ign. In: Ztschr. f. luth.

Theol. 42.






Francke. Zur gesch. Trajans. (1840).

Frommann, E. A. De aqua loquente ad Ign. ad Rom.

Cob. 1758. 40; also in his: Opusc. philol. et hist.

Cob. 1770. I. 396-. Funk, F. X. D. Martyrium d. Ign. Entgegnung. In:

Histpolit. Blatt. (1879) 349-354.

— D. Interpolator d. Ign. Br. u. d. Interpolation d. ap. Const. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXII. (1880) 355-78.

— D. lat. Pseudoignatius. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXIII. (1881) 137-45.

— D. Echtheit d. Ign. Briefe, aufs Neue vertheidigt. Mit e. literar. Beilage; Die alte latein. Ubersetzg. der Usherschen Sammlg. der Ign. u. d. Polykarpbr. Tub. 1883. 8°.

— Zur Ign.-Literatur. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXVI. (1884) 484-90.

Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. liv-; also in Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 565-84.

Gambold, J. Life of I. In his: Martyrdom of Ignatius, a tragedy. Lond. 1773. 8°. p. 1-31.

Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 104, 106, no.

Gilse van. S. u. Clement R.

Griesbach. Opusc. Acad. I. (1824.)

Guericke. Handbuch K.-G. I.

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 56-7, etc.

— Kirchenges. (1885) I. 111-4.

Hall. Episcopacy. (1639) In: Works, ed. Pratt. 1808. IX. 505-.

— Humble remonstrance. 1641; also in: Works. 1808. IX. 628-.

•— A defence of the Humble remonstrance. In: Works. 1808. IX. 643-.

Halloix. Eccl. orient, script. (1633) I. 286-467.

Hammond, H. Answer to the Animadversions on the Dissertt. touching Ignatius's Epistles and the Episcopacy in them asserted. Lond. 1654. 40.

— Works. (1684) IV. 744-74. Harless. Comm. Ephesians (1834).

Harnack, A. D. Zeit d. Ignatius u. die Chronologie der Antiochenischen Bischofe bis Tyrannus nach Julius Africanus u. den spateren Historikern. Nebst e. Un-tersuchg. iib. die Verbreitg. der Passio S. Polycarpi im Abendlande. Leipzig, 1878. 8°.

— In: Expositor (1885) 401-14; (1886) 9-22,175-92. [Rev. ofLightfoot.]

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) 1. 285-90. Hefele. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) V. 592-600.

— Praef. to Patr. ap. -opera, ed. 3. Tiib. 1847. 8°; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 625-40.

Henke. Gesch. chr. K. I. (1818).

Henschenius. Comment, praev., in: Acta ss. Bolland.

(1658) Feb. I. 13-24 (3» 13-25). Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) 1.86; III. 36. Hering, Dan. H. Ueb. e. merkwiirdige Stelle in d. Br.

d. Ign. an d. Philadelphier. Breslau, 1778. 4°. Heumann. Conspect. reipubl. lit. (1763). Heynsius. s. u. Clement R.

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 16. {Honor. August. I. 17.) Higbee, E. E. Ignatius and Christ's Person. In: Mer-

cersb. IV. (1852) 497-. HlLGENFELD. Apost. Vat. (1853) 274-9.

— D. Paschastreit. (i860).

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1874) 96-.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVII. (1883) 372-7. [Rev. of Funk.]

Holtzman, H. Das verhaltniss d. Johannes zu Ignatius u. Polykarp. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1877) 187-214.

— Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 122-4.

Huot. Lettres apost. de St. Ignace (1864) 19-72. Huther. Echtheit u. s. w. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. XI. (1841).

Ignatian Epistles, The, their genuineness and their doctrine. In: Dubl. Rev. XX. (1873) 349-402.

Ignatius' claim to Inspiration. In: Chr. Obs. XL. (1840) 392-, 476-, 596-.

Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 1-4, 92-193.

Jackson. Ap. fath. (1879) 66-77.

Jacobus de Voragine. Legenda aurea 36 (1846) 155-8.

Jochius, Ge. Disputatio Tremon. 1716. 40.

Jortin. Remarks on Eccl. Hist. Lond. 1751. 8°. p. 61-,

355--J[oubert], L. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer). XXV.

(1858) 789-94. Junius. s. u. Clement R. Jus diyinum ministerii evang. Lond. 1654. [By London

ministers agst. Hammond.]

Kayser, A. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) VI.


Kestner. Comm. de Eus. H. E. (1816). Killen. Ancient Church. (1859) 388-428. Kirchhofer. Quellensamml. N.T. Kist, N. C. Ueb. d. bischo'fl. Gewalt. In: Ztschr. f.

hist. Theol. II. 47-. Kostlin. Urspr. synopt. ew. Krabbe. Urspr. apost. const. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 107. Lagarde, P. de. Die lat. Uebers. d. I. In: Gott. Ge-

lehrte Anzeigen (1883) 641-53. Lampe. Comm. Evang. Jo. (1724) I. Lamy, Th. J. In: Rev. cathol. (Louv. i860) F. III.


Lange, L. In: Ersch. u. Gruber. II. XVI. (1839) 57-8. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 73-94. Larroquanus, Matt. Obs. in Ign. Pearsonii vindicias et

in annot. Beveregii. in Can. Ap. Rothomagi, 1674. 8°.

Also in: Cotelerius. Patr. apost. II. Lechler. Ap. u. Nachap. Z-A. (1885) 604-6; Engl.

tr. (1886) 353-6. LeNourry. Appar. ad,bibl. patr. Par. 1703. f°. I.

78-; also in: Migne. V. (1857) 471-566. Life and writings of Ignatius. In: Chr. Mo. Spec. V.

(1823) 393--Lightfoot, J. B. In: Jour, of Philol. (1868) II.

— Philippians. 3 ed. (1873) 232.

— In: Contemp. XXV. (1875) 337-.

— The apostolical fathers. Part 11. S. Ignatius, S. Poly-carp. Lond. 1885. 2 v. 8° (v. I. xviii (2) 740, v. II. I. 584, II. II. 585-1117.) [" The most learned and careful Patristic monograph which has appeared in the nineteenth century." Harnack.}

Lipsius. Aechtheit d. syr. Recens. d. Ign. Br. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1856).

—  Ueber das Verhaltniss des Textes der drei syrischen Briefe des Ignatius zu den ubrigen Recensionen der Ignatianischen Literatur, in: Abhandl. f. d. Kunde d. Morgenl. (1859) I. v. Leipzig, 1859. 8°. (203 p.)

— Christennamen. (1873) 7.

— In: Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. XVII. (1874) 209-.

— In: Jenaer Litzng. (1877) 22.

Literary History of the Epistles of Ignatius. In: Bib. R.

I. (1846) 15-.

Loyd, W. In: Pagi, Crit. s. u. Baronius. Lubath, M. De Ignatii martyrio. In his: Dissert, de

antiquitate martyrologica. (jfalae. 1693. 40.) c. I. Luchini. Atti sinceri (1777) I. 241-53. Lucke. Comm. Ev. Jo. I/43-. Lumper. Hist. ss. Patr. Aug.- Vind. 1783. 8°. I. 245-

332; II. 428-35; also (I. 305-) in: Migne. Patrol, gr.

v. (1857) 585-600.

Luthardt. St. John the author of the Fourth Gospel.

(l875) 73-6, 125-6.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) IV. 490-3. Martini. Biog. Sarda. (1838) II. 196-208. Martinov. Ann. eccl. gr.-slav. (1864) 54-5, 57, 312-3.






Martyrium Ignatii. See below.

Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 171-8.

Mayerhoff. Einl. petr. schr.

Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) II.

563-7. Mebes, A. M. De I. nonnullis locis ad praeexist. Christi

pertinent etc. disput. II. Francquerae, 1733. Meditations of Ignatius. In: Brownson, XIX. (1862)

360-. Meier, F. K. Ueb. d. doppelte Recen. u. s. w. In:

Stud. u. Krit. IX. (1836) 340-82. Merx, A. Meletemata Ignatiana. Critica de ep. ignat.

versione syriaca commentatio. Halle, 1861. 8°. [Cf.

Land, in: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. 1868, IV.]

Meyer. Apostelgesch. (1870).

Michel, Franc. Theat. franc. 1839, p. 265.

Milman. Hist, of Chr. II. (1863) 102.

— Lat. Chr. I. 53-.

Milton. Prose Works. (Bohn) II. 426-8. Mombritius, Bonin. Sanctuarium (c. 1479) II. xxil-m. Morinus, J. Comment, de sacris ordinationibus. Par.

1680. III.

Mosheim. De rebus Chr. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 114, etc. Muir, A. F. In: Brit.& For. R. XXXV. (1886) 298-

325-Murdock, J. In: New Eng. VII. (1849) 501-.

— Syriac Version of the Epistles of Ignatius. In: Am. Church R. II. (1850) 194-.

Neale. Eastern Ch. Antioch. (1873)11-21. Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 74-6, 211 (v. 1).

— Church hist. (1872) I. 100,191-2, 660-1.

Netz, G. C. Brief d. Ign. an Polykarp. In: Stud. u. Krit. VIII. (1835) 881-906.

Neudecker. Einl. N.T.

Neve, Felix. In: Rev. cathol. (Louv.) (= Le Correspondent (1852) XXIX. 656-65.)

Newman, J. H. Essays. I. Lond. 1877. 8°. 186-261.

Niedner. Gesch. Chr. K.

Niemeyer, H. A. Ueb. einige Stellen in Brr. Ign. In: Fries et A. Oppositionsschr. I. 2.

Nirschl. Das Todesjahr des heil. Ignatius von Antiochien und die drei orientalischen Feldziige des Kaisers Trajan. Passau, 1869. 8°. (IV. 84 p.)

— Einl. In his: Briefe u. Mart. 1870.

— D. Theologie d. heil. Ignatius. Mainz, 1880. 8°. [« To be heartily recommended." Brull.~

— Patrol. (1881-) I. 95-121.

— D. Mart. d. Ignatius. In: Hist.-polit. Blatt. 84, 89-IO2; 193-206. [" Gegen Zahn."]

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 104-7, etc> Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 147-8. Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 4, etc. Observatio de deodpv/toie Ignatii, in Ep. ad Philadelphe-

nos. In: Acta Erudit. Lips. a. 1731. 455-461. Orsi. 1st eccl. (1746-) II. 20-47; O749-) II- 29-69. Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) I. 71-142. O[verbeck], F. In: Lit. Centralbl. (1874) No. 1. Owen,J. Enquiry into orig. nature evang. ch. In:

Works. Ed. Russel. 1826. XX. 147. Paltinieri, Ignaz. (Lazarelli, Mauro Aless.) Vita di

s. Ignazio, vescoco di Ant. Modena, 1696. 160. Pearson, John. Vindiciae epistolarum s. Ignatii, ace. Is.

Vossii epistolae 11 adv. Dav. Blondellum. Canta-

brigiae, 1672. 40; Oxf. 1852. 2 v. 8°; also in: Cote-

lerius. Patr. ap. Amst. 1724. f°. II. 252-; in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 37~472-Permaneder. Bibl. Patrist. (1841-3) I.

50. Petermann, H. In: Verhndlgn. d. d. Orient. (Dresden,

1846) 198-204.

—  S. Ign. Epist. Lip. 1849. [« Rich coll. especially re-garding Orient, versions."]

(184I-3) I. 412-3; II. 35-

Pfleiderer. Paulinismus. Eng. tr. Lond. 1877. II.

214-. Pitra. Nouvelles controverses sur l'authenticite des

epitres de St. Ignace. In: L'Auxil. cathol. (1845-6)

II. 234; III. 81, 220, 272; IV. 244, 302. Pressense. Trois prem. siec. de chr. (Par. 1858.) II.

505-; (1863) II. 102; Tr. Engl. Mart. (1879) 223-

32, 630-4.

Renan.t In: Jour. d. savants. (1874) 38. — Les Evangiles. (Par. 1877.) xv-. Reville. In: Le Lien. (1856) nos. 18-22. Ritschl. D. Enst. d. altkath. Kirche. Bonn. 1850.

577-Roberts and Donaldson. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic.

Lib. I. (1868) 137-44, 269-71, 449-53. Ed. Coxe.

I. (1885) 45-8, 97, 105-6. Robertson. Hist, of Church. (1875) I. 20-6. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. I. (1795) 114-6. Roessler. Bibl. d. K-V. I. (1776) 67-100. Rothe, R. Beilage fiber d. Echtheit d. Ign. Br. In his:

Anfange d. christi. Kirche. (1837) I- 739-Ruinart. Acta sine. (1689) 9-11, 695-6. Rumpf. In: N. Rev. de Theol. (1867) 8-. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 36, 76-82, 274-6. Savio, Nic. Vita di s. Ignazio .... Palermo, 1761.

180. Schaff. Hist. . . . Church. II. (1886) 47-, 149-,


Schliemann. Clementinen. (1844) 421, etc. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 31-3. Schmidt, J. E. Ch. Bibl. fur kritik und Exegese des

N. T. I. 463-.

— D. gedoppelte Recens. d. Br. d. Ign. In: Henke's Magazin fur Religionsphilos. u. Kirchengesch. III. (ffelmst. 1795. 8°.) 91-.

Scholten. Die alt. Zeugnisse.

Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780) I. 77-105.

Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772) II. 336-47.

Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) II. 159-79.

Semler. Paraphr. in II. Pet. (1784) Praef.

Sevestre. Diet, patrol. (1854) III. 504-22.

Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d ed. (1865-) I. 265-8; II.


Skworzow. Patrol. Untersuch. (Lpz. 1875) 55-97. "Smectymnuus." Answer to the book entitled "An

Humble Remonstrance." Lond. 1641. [Answer of 5

Presb. clergymen to Hall.]

Smith, R. T. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III. 209-23. Smith, Thom., and Ledyard, Joh. In: Hearne. Script.

hist. Anglic. XXI. (Oxon. 1726) 459-89. Sprintzl. Theol. d. Apost. Vater. Wien, 1880. Stolle, Gtl. Nachr. v. d. Leben d. Kirchenvater, p.

32~-Supernatural Religion. (1875-) 258-74; II. 260-7; m-

xxxiii-lxxx, 10-13. Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) II. 1-4. Symeon Metaphrast. In: Migne. Patrol gr. CXIV.


Tayler, J. J. Fourth Gosp. (1867). Taylor, Jer. Episcopacy. In: Works, ed. Heber. 1822.

VII. 3-. Testimony of Ignatius to Christianity. In: Brit. Q.

LXIII. (1876) 341-. Tentzelius, W. E. Schediasma historico criticum de

Apophthegmate Ignatii: '0 e/uog cpot faavparac. Witteb.

1683. 4°.

— In: Fiebig. Corp. diss. theol. 12267. Thiersch. D. K. im ap. Ztalt.

Thwing, C. F. In: Meth. Q. XL. (1880) 31-. Tillemont. Memoires. (1694) II. 190-212, 576-83. Tischendorf. Wann wurden u. s. w. Tola. Uom. ill. Sardegna (1838) II. 167-71. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 8.






Uhlhorn. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. XXV. (1851); Tr. Engl. by H. Browne in Theol. Critic (1852). [Relation of shorter Greek to the Syr.]

— In: Herzog.Real.-Enc. (1877) VI. 688-94 (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. III. 1058-60).

Untersuchung d. Stelle d. Ignatius von der Hollenfahrt Christi. In: Hamb. verm. Bibl. II. v. p. 778-785.

Ussher. Diss. de Ign. etPolycarpo. 1644. In: Works, ed. Elrington. VII. 87-295.

— Appendix Ignatiana. Londini, 1647. 40. Vaucher. Recherches crit. sur les lettres d'l. Genive,

1856. Verpoortennus, A. M. Diss. ad Ignatii Ep. ad Phila-

delphum c. VIII. rub.: 'EjUoj apxua ianv 'I^oof Xparrof.

In his: Fascic. Dissertationum. (Coburgi, 1739. 8°.)

151-. Veterum Testimonia. In: Galland. Patr. bibl. Venet.

1765. f°. I. 245-; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857)

9—32- [A full collection of " Quotations and references "in Lightfoot I.127-221; also in Cureton. Corp. Ign.]

Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XI. 56-7. Volkmar. Einl. in die Apokryphen. I. (i860) 121-7.

— Urspr. Ew. (1866) 51-.

— Evangelien. (1870) 636—.

— In: Jenaer Literaturz. (1874) 290.

V0lter,D. "DieLosungderlgnatianischenFrage." In:

Theol. Tijdschr. (1886) Jan. 114-136. Voss. Praef. in ep. Ign. Amst. 1646. 40; also in

Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 31-4. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 43-50, et pass. [Walch, C. W. Fr.] Num Ignatius Christum post res-

urrectionem in carne viderit. Goettingae, 1772. 40. Walch, J. G. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 20-2, 283-5, 3^7~9-

— In his: Hist, eccles. p. 578—-Weismann. Memorab. Eccles. (1745). Weiss. In: Renter'sRepertorium (1852) 169-.

— In Biog. Univ. Michaud. 1842-65. XX. 302-3. Weizsacker. Unters. evang. gesch.

Wernsdorf, E. F. In: Fiebig. Corp. diss. theol. 13394. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 28-36.

—  Bible in the Church. (1877) 76-9. Wette, de. Einl. N.T.

Whiston, W. An Essay upon the Epistles of Ign. Lond.

1710. 8°; rep. in his: Works. I. {Lond. 1711. 8°.) p. 79-. Wieseler. D. Christenverfolgerungen. (1878) 125-. Winschemius, S. T. Oratio de Ign. In: Orationes

scriptae et recitatae in Acad. Witteb. a. 1568. ( Witteb.

1571. 8°.) VI.

Winter, V. In: Gesch. d. altesten Zeugen. 212-. Wordsworth. In: English Rev. (1845) no. vm.

— Church Hist. (1881) 126-47. WOTTON. Prjef. Clem. R. Epp. (1718). Yonge. Pupils of St. John (1878) 103-53.

Zahn, Theod. Ignatius von Antiochien. Gotha, 1873 8°. (XVI, 631.) [" T1>e best vindication." Schaff. Cf. Renan, Ernst. In: Journ. d. Savants (1874) 34-50.]

Ztschr. f. Kirchenges. I. (1876) 121; II. 73,80.

Zeller. Apostelgesch. (1854) 51-2.

Ziegler. Gesch. kirchl. Verfassungs-formen. (1798).

Note 1. Death of Ignatius. 105-117, Zahn, R. T. Smith: Tillemont, Ceillier, Gallandi, Busse,

Wieseler, Mohler, Funk, Roberts and D., Schmid; 114, Bor-ghesi, (cf.u.Polycarp); n«, Chronicon Paschale, Volkmar, Ueberweg, Kurtz; 115-6, Lloyd, Pagi, Grabe, Smith, Routh,

Gieseler; 116, Pearson; 13S, (?) Harnack.

Note 2. Genuineness of the Epistles. For all, Baronius, Halloix, Whiston, Meier; twelve gen., Paceus, Baronius, Bell-armin, Whitgift, Hooker, Andrewes (cf. their works) ; nine gen., Maestraeus; seven genuine (Jong or short}, Usher, Grotius, Bull, Hall, Bentley, Waterland, (short) Pearson, Gieseler, Arndt, Huther, Mohler, Rothe, Diisterdieck, Dor-ner, Jacobson, Hefele, Denzinger, Petermann, Wordsworth, Uhlhorn, Zahn, Wieseler, Funk, Lipsius, Smith, Lightfoot, Schaff; six gen., Usher (Polyc. spur.) Syriac form, Cureton, Lee, Bunsen, Baur (?), Ritschl, "Weiss, Pressense1, Ewald, Milman, Bleek, Chastel, Bohringer and Lipsius, and Lightfoot atfirst; onegen. (Rom.) Renan; all spurious, Calvin, Magdeb. cent.! Salmasius, Blondel, Dallaeus, Basnage,

Oudin, Aubertin, Heumann, Ernesti, Semler (?) Tentzel (?), Killen, Baur, Volkmar (" kein Iota istacht") Schwegier, Hilgenfeld; much interpolated, Lardner, Petavius, Scultet, Vedelitts, Semler (?) Tentzel (?),Neander, Schmidt, Netz, Hase.


I.    Editions.

Usher. Lat. (Antioch, and Bolland in part.) Lond.

1644; Lond. 1647.

Ruinart. (Antioch.) Gr. Acta mart. Par. 1689. App. Frey. Gr. Patr. ap. II. (1741) 113-40, 330-4.

— Anc. Lat. Patr. ap. II. (1741) 135-40. Galland. Anc. Lat. In: Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765.

f°. I. 299-; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857)


Aucher, J. B. (Armenian.) Ven. 1810-14. Jacobson. 1838. Hefele. 1839.

Petermann. (Armen.) 1849. 496-. Cureton. (Antioch.) Syr. Corp. Ign. 1849. [in part.] Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. V. (18157) 979-88.

[From Hefele, ed. 3.] Dressel. (Roman) Gr. lat. In: Patr. ap. 1857; also

Lips. 1863. xxxii-iv, 350-375. MSsinger. (Antioch) Syr. Suppl. Cureton Corp. Ign.

1872. 7-. (Short lat.) 18-. Zahn. Gr. lat. In: Gebhardt, H. & Z. Patr. ap. II.

(1876) lv-lvi, 301-25. Funk. Patr. ap. (Tub. 1SS1.) I. 254-265.

—  (Roman) Gr. Patr. ap. (Tab. 1881.) II. 218-245.

—  (Metaphrastes) Gr. Patr. ap. (Tiib. 1881.; II. 246-258.

— Lat. Patr. ap. (Tub. 1881.) II. 259-275. Lightfoot, J. B. Apost. fathers. II. (1885) 11. 361-

53°- [pt. i.] [Ant. acts. 473-491. Roman. 492-536.] Wright, W. (Antioch.) Syr. In: Lightfoot. Ap. fathers.

II.  (1885) n. 687-708. [pt. ii.]

Lightfoot. (Roman) Copt. In: Ap. fathers. II. (1885) 11. 865-82. [pt. ii.]

II. Translations.


Wake. Lond. 1693. 8°. 58-72, 217-29; Lond. 1710. 8° [Greatly improved]; Lond. 1719. 8°. 42-51, (2) 129-37; '737- 8°; 5th ed- i8'8[7?]; Hartford, 1834, 8°. 166-81; Lond. 1842 [3?] 8° [Revised]; Lond. 1846. 8°; i860. 8°; Phila. 1846.

Roberts and Donaldson. In : Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868) 291-7. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 129-31.

Lightfoot. Ap. fathers. II. (1885) 11. 571-84. [pt.i.]

Note. Lightfoot distinguishes rive forms of the Mart. 1. Antiochene. (1) Greek. (2) Latin. (3) Syriac. 2. Ro.

man. (j) Greek. (2) Coptic. 3. Bollandists-latin. 4. Ar-nian. 5. Acts of the Metaphrast. Besides above eds. the mart, is found in various eds. and trs. of I. and of Simon

menian. 5. Acts mart, is f Metaphr.

III. Literature.

Brull, A. Ueb. d. Echtheit d. Marterakten d. Ign. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1884) 607-620.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sacr. I. (1858) 389-92.

Hefele. Praef. Patr. ap. opera. Ed. 3. Tub. 1847. 8°; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 639-42.

Hollenberg, W. In: Stud.u. Krit. LIV. (1881) 311-3. [2te. Martyrium.]

Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 46-7.

Lumper. Hist. S. Patr. II. (1784) 428-35.

Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 117-21.

Roberts and Donaldson. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868) 287-90. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 127-8.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (188J) 50. See above for literature.





V. BARNABAS. Epistle.

I.   Editions.

USSERIUS. Gr. lat. Oxon. 1643. 4°. [isted. All copies burned in fire, 1644.]

Menard, Hugo. Gr. lat. Paris, 1645. 40. [Posthumous. Ed. D'Achery.]

Voss, Isaac. (Ign. and) Gr. lat. Amst. 1646. 40; Land. 1680. 8°. p. 207-254.

Mader, J. J. Gr. lat. Helmst. 1655. 40.

Cotelerius. Gr. lat. Par. 1672. f°; Ed. Clericus. Antv. 1698. f°; Amst. 1724. f°.

[Fell.] (Hermas and) Gr. lat. Oxon. 1685. 120. [Not by Bernard, but his notes are included.]

Le Moyne. Gr. lat. Lugd. Bat. 1685. 40. ImVar.sacr.

Clericus. 1698; 1724. s. u. Cotelerius.

Russel, Rich. Gr. lat. Lond. 1746. 8°.

Gallandius. Gr. lat. 1765. f°. In: Bibl. patr. I.

Patr. ap. gr. Lugd. Bat. 1831. [?]

Hefele. Tub. 1839; 1842; 1847; l855- s- u- Clement of R.

SlMONIDES. Smyrna, 1843. [Sinait. Text.]

Grenfell. Rugby, 1844. 8°.

Reithmayr. Patr. ap. Monach. 1844.

Muralt. Codex N. T. etc. Turici, 1847. I.

Dressel. Patr. ap. Lips. 1857; 1863. 1-45.

Migne. Patrol gr. 11.(1857)727-82.

Tischendorf. (Sinaitic.) Gr. Petrop. 1862. IV. 135-141; Lips. 1863. 40; 1865. 8°. [?]

Volkmar. Mon. vet. chr. Turici, 1864. [Ch. i-v.l

Hilgenfeld. (N.T. extra canon rec.) 1866; Ed. 2, 1877.

Muller. Gr. lat. Lpz. 1869. 8°. In: De Wette. Exeg. Handb. N. T.

Gebhardt u. Harnack. Gr. lat. In: Gebhardt, H. & Z. Patr. ap. Lips. 1875. 8°; also (with Constantinople readings in regard) Ed. Minor. 1877; and new ed. 1878. I.'n. 1-83.

Cunningham. Gr. lat. engl. Lond. 1877. 8°. [Gebhardt H. & Z's. text.

Hilgenfeld. Gr. lat. Lips. 1877. 8°.

Sharpe, S. Gr. engl. Lfmd. 1880.

Funk. Patr. ap. (Tub. 1881.) I. 3-59.

II.    Translations.

Latin. Legras. In his: Livr. apocr. 1717. f°; 1742. 12°.

English. Wake. Lond. 1693. 8°. 87-m, 257-314; Lond. 1710.

8° [Greatly improved]; Lond. 1719. 8°. 60-77, (2) '57~

95; 1737. 8°; 5th ed. 1818 [7?]; Hartford, 1834. 8°.

207-62; Lond. 1842 [3?]. 8° [Revised]; Lond. 1846.

8°; i860. 8°; Phila. 1846. 8°.

Apocr. N. T. (1825) 187-215 {Phila. n. d.) 145-165. Jour, of Sacr. Lit. N. S. IV. V. Lond. 1864. Roberts and Donaldson. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868)

101-35. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 137-49. Hoole. Apost. fath. Lond. 1872. RENDALL, G. H. Lond. 1877. [Cf. Cunningham.]


Bibl. Antverp. (1717) II. Legras, Ant. In his: Livr. apocr. Par. 1717. f°;

1742. 2 v. 120; also in his : Ouvr. d. s. Peres. Par.

1717. 120. Genoude [??] In : Peres de l'egl. Par. 1837-43. 8°.


"M. G. A. A. M." [Arnold?] 1695 (Not 1696) I2< id="iii.p1215.1">. [Arnold?] [Reitz,?] In: Bibl. pentapl. Wandsbeck.

1710; also in N. T. Schiffbec, 1711. 120; also in N.

T. Apocr. Bading, 1723. 8°. Apocr. N.T. In: Bibl. Schiffbec, 1717. 40. I. I. ed. 2.

Glusing. (Br. u. Schr.) Hamb. 1723. 8°. 1-43. Arnold, Gottfr. Halle, 1738. 8°. In: Gottfried Arnold's

Erstes Marterthum, etc., p. 184-. Grynaeus. Werke apost. Man. Basil, 1772; ed. Moesl.

Aug. Vind. 1774.

R6SSLER. I776.

Unterkircher. Schr. ap. Vat. (Snip. 1817.

Samtnt. Werke d. Kirchenv. I. {Kempten, 1830.)

Hefele. Tub. 1840. 8°.

Karker, Fr. X. Ap. Vat. Ratisb. 1847.

Scholz. Apost. Vat. Gutersl. 1865.

Mayer, J. C. Ap. Vat. In: Reithmayr's Bibl. d.

Kirchenv. I. {Kempten, 1869.) Riggenbach. Basil. 1873.

Ltalian. Galliccioli, Gio. Bat. Venez. 1797. 8°.


In: Christijanskoje Tschtenije (1830). PREOBRAZENSKIJ. Moscow, 1862.

III. Literature.

Abbott, E. A. Gospels. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.)

X. 815.

Alexander, Natal. Hist. Eccles.Sec. 1, c. 12. Alford, H. In: Smith. Bible diet. I. (1879) 247-8. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 30-7. Anger. Synopsis. 1852. p. xx. Arisius. Cremona liter. (1702)1.39-40. Arnold, K. F. Quaest. de comp. et fontibus Barnabae

epp. capita nonnulla. Kb'nigsb. 1886. Backhouse, J. H. Eds. of Polyc. and Barnabas.

Letter. In: Academy. (1881) 435b-43oa.

— Letter. In: Academy. (1882)213. [Punctuation.] Barnabas from Cod. Sin. In: Am. Presb. R. XIII.

(1864), 29-, 440-. Baronius, Ann. (1588) 51, 54-5; 485, 4-14. Cf. Pagi.

Crit. (1689) 51, 4; .485. 2. Basnage. Hist, de l'Egl. Baumgarten. (Ausz. d. Kirchenges. Halle?) 1743-,


Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 83. [v- '•] Baur. Lehrb. d. Dogmengesch. (1858) 80-.

— D. Christenth. u. d. K. der. 3 ersten Jahrh. edit. II. O863) 131-.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 24°~9-BA*BIAOS. 'Ek/cX Igt. I. (1884) 145. Bertholdt. EM. in A. u. N. T. VI. (1819) 2900-. Bleek. Einl. i. d. Br. an d. Hebr. (1828) 415-. Bleek-Mangold. Einl. i. d. N. T. (1875) 740, 279-. Blom, A. H. Paulus en Barnabas. In: Theol. Tijdschr.

(1882) 186-199.

Braunsberger, O. In: Der Katholik. (1875) 251-, 449.

— D. Apostel B. Mainz, 1876. 8°.

Brehme, E. G. Schediasma historicum de J. Barsaba s.

Barnaba. Leucopetrae, 1735. 40. Bretschneider. Pietismus. Lpz. 1833. 8°. Bull. Works. Oxf. 1843. 8°. V. 41; VI. 246. Bunsen. Hippolytus. (1854) I. 53—7.

— Bibelwerk (1866) VIII.

Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 1-3.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I- 2-

Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 19-24. (1830) I.

19-24. Calov. Confessio mart. Viteb. 1658.1.1.

— Biblia illustrata. Frf. 1672. Cave. Hist. lit. s. e. I. (1740) 18-21.

— Lives. (1840)1.90-105. Abr. In: Wake. Ap. fath. Hart. 1834. 495-5O3-

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. (1729) I. 498-505; (1858) 281-5.





Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) i-vii, 102-4, 142, 154,

168-70, 196, 215, 222, 233, 237, 248,253, 255, 262, 272,


Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 223. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) 1.90-1. Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846)169-174. Cotelerius. Patr. ap. Amst. 1724. I. 5-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 651-60. Credner. Einl. i. d. bibl. Schr. I. (1829) II, 78-. Credner-Volkmar. Gesch. d. NTlich. Kanon (i860)

119-. Cunningham, W. Hist, theol. (1870) I. 95-6.

— The Ep. of B. a dissertation. Lond. 1877. 8°.

— Churches of Asia. (1880) pass. DalLjEUS. Descr. Ign. Gen. 1666. 40. Danz. Kirchenges. Jena, 1818. 8°. Davidson. Introd. N. T. I. (1868) 216, 268, 513-. Delitzsch, Ioh. De inspirat. S. S. quid statuerunt PP.

App. et apologetae sec. saec. Lips. (1872) 60-. Dissert sur la lettre de S. B. In: Dissert, melees.

{Amst. 1740. 8°) II. 37-56. Donaldson, J. Hist. Chr. Lit. (1864-6) I. 201-54.

— Apost. fath. (1874) 248-317.

— Recent edd. of Barnabas. In: Theo. R. XVI. (1879)


— In: Encycl. Brit. (9thed.) II. 197. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 113-6. "DuPin. Bibl. des auteurs. I." [?]

Ebrard. Krit. d. ev. Gesch. Frf. a. M. 1868. 8°. p.


Eichhorn. Einl.N. T. 1.(1827). Engelhardt, D. Christenth. Justin d. M. (1878) 375—


Eusebius. Hist. eccl. III. 26; VI. 14. Ewald. Die joh. Schriften. II. (1862) 394-.

— Gesch. d. Volkes Israel. VII. (1868) 155-. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1708-12-9) III. 173-5; V. 3; IX.

61. (2°, IV. 826-8; VII, 5-6; X, 204.)

— Cod. Apocr. (1719) 781-2, etc. Farrar. Life of S. Paul. I. ch. xiii.

— Interpretation (1886). 167-70. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 325-33.

Francke, C. E. Lehre d. B. In: Ztschr. f. luth. Theol.

I. (1840) 11. 67-92. Funk. In Theol Quartalschr. (1878) 156-.

— Der Codex Vaticanus gr. 859 [Barnabas-brief] und seine Descendenten. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXII. (1880) 629-637.

— In; Theol. Quartalschr. LXVI. (1884) 3-33. Gaab. Dogmengeschichte. yena, 1790. 8°. Galland. Bibl. vet. patr. (1765) I. xxix-; also in:

Migne. Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 685-706. Gebhardt u. H. s. u. eds. GfrSrer. Allg. K. G. 1.

— Das Jahrh. des Heils. II.

Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 108-9. GtiDEMANN, M. Zur Erkl. d. B. In: Religionsgesch. Stud. [Schr. d. Israel. Lit. Vereins.] II. {Lpz. 1876) 99-


Guericke. Kirchenges.

Hackenschmidt. D. Anfange.d. cathol. Kirchenbegriffs.

(1874) 47-.

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 55, etc. Hammond. Dissertations. Lond. 1651.40. Hanlein. Einl. in N. T. Erlang. 1801. Harnack, Ad. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877) II.

101-5. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. III. 214-5.) Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 192-4. Hausrath. NTliche Ztgesch. 111.(1874) 522-. 2.Aufl.


Heberle. Ueb. d. Leser d. Br. B. In: Stud. d. ev. Geistlichkeit Wiirtembergs. I. (1846) 32.

— In: Herzog. Encykl. I. Aufl.

Hefele, K. J. In. Theol. Quartalschr. I. (1839) 50-.

— D. Sendschr. d. Ap. Barnabas aufs neue untersucht, ubersetzt u. erklart. Tub. 1840. 8°.

— Patr. ap. opera. Tub. 1842. 8°. vii-; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. II. (1857") 719-26; s. u. eds.

— In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) I. 619-23. Hellwag. Praexist. Chr. i. d. altest. K. In: Tub. Theol.

Jahrbb. II. (1848) 252-. Hemsen. Ev. Joh. Schkswig, 1823. 8°. Henke, E. De Epist. B. authent. Jenae, 1827. 8°. Hevdecke. Dissertat, qua B. epistola interpolata de-

monstretur. Brunsv. 1874. 8°. Heyns, Iunius et Van Gilse. De PP. App. doctrina

morali. Lugd. Bat., 1833. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. c. 6. Hilgenfeld. Die App. VV. (1853) II-.

— D. Urchristenth. (1855) 77-.

— Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1858) 282, 569-; (i860) 328, 334; (1861) 221-.

— Die Propheten Esra und Daniel (1863) 7, 70-.

— D. Kanon u. d. Kritik d. N. T. (1863) 235-.

— Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1868) 214-; (1870) 115-; (1871) 262-.

— Einl. i. d. N. T. (1875) 544-.

— Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. XVIII. (1875) 596-; XIX. (1876) 438-; XX. (1877) 278-, 417-

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXI. (1878) 150, 295-. Hoefling. D. Lehre d App. VV. v. Opfer im christl.

cultus. Erlangen (1841) 3-.

Holtzmann. Barnabas u Joh. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1871) 336-.

— Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) III. etc., 550.

Horne. Introduction to the N. T. ed. Tregelles. IV.

(1869) 333-.

Hug. In: FreiburgerZtschr. II. 138. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) I. 20-4, 121-54, 477-8.

— Utrum B. ad Gnosticos respexerit. In his: De Haere-siarchis. Lips. 1703. 40. 180-.

— Hist. sec. primi. 121—. Jackson. Ap. fath. (1879) 87-99.

Jacobus De Voragine. Legenda aurea. 81. (1846)

346-9. Janning. In: Acta ss. Bolland (1715) June. VI. 95.

("3a II. 35-6.")

Jones. Canon N. T. (1798) II. 412-462. Jortin. Remarks on Eccl. Hist. {Lond. 1751.) I. 329-336. Kayser. In: Revue de theol. II. (1851) 202-.

— Ueber den sogen. Barnabasbrief. Paderborn, 1866. Keim. Gesch. Jesu v. Nazara. I. (1867) 141-3. [B. and

the doct. of the L.ogos.]

Kelle. Barnabae epist., etc. Fribergae, 1822. Killen. Ancient Church (1859) 367-8. Kirchhofer. Qullensammlung u. s. w. (1844) 77-. Kitto. XXXII. (1863) 66-; XXXIII. (1864) 103-. Koestlin. D. Urspr. d. synopt. Ew. (1852)121-. KONTOGONES. §iko. k. KpiT. loTopia t . . . ay. irarepuv.

'~Ev'A8Jjvaig, I. (1851) 73-. Krueger. In: Theol. Quartalschr. IV. (1852) 615-.

[de capp. VII. et VIII.]

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 105. Lange. Gesch. d. Dogmen. (Leipz. 1795. 8°.) I. 58. Lardner. Credibility. Works (1831) II. 17-28. Lechler. Ap. u. Nachap. Z-A. (1885) 601-4. Engl. tr.

(1886) II. 349-53-

Lee. Inspiration of Scripture, (i860) 415-8. Le Moyne, St. In his: Varia Sacra. Proleg. 72-. LeNourry. Appar. ad bibl. max. vet. Patr. Par. 1703.

f°. 38-; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 673-86. LESS, G. [Religionstheorie?] GMing. 1789. LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) II. 85-6. Lipsius. In Lpz. Repertorium. XII. (1854) &J-.

— De Clementis R. ep. I. Lips. (1855) 49-.

— In: Schehkel's Bibl.-Lexicon. I. (1869) 359—373.






Lipsius. In: Jenaer Literature. (1875)491-.

Luebkert. D. Theol. d. app. VV. In: Zeitschr. f. d. hist. Theol. IV. (1854) 589-.

Luecke. Einl. i. d. Offenb. Joh. I. (1852) 151, 318-.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. Aug. Vind. 1783. 8°. I. 149-82; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 705-20.

Luthardt. Urspr. d. 4 Ev. (1874) 75-; Tr. Engl. (1875) 76-7.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874) I. 670-2.

Mackenzie, J. M. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) I. 463-4.

Manen, W. C. van. Een vraagteeken bij het geboort-jaar van Barnabas' brief. — Loman, A. D. Een vraagteeken bij Dr. van Manen's kritiek. In: Theol. Tijdschr. (1884) 552-581.

Marshall, J. C. In: Expositor. XVI. (1882) 63-77. [B. and the Jewish ritual.]

Mazochius. Comm. in vet. Marmor. Neap. Ecclesiae

Calend. Neap. 1763. 5 70-. Mellierius. s. u. Clement. MeNardus. Praef. in ed. Dacherii. 1645; also in:

Migne. Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 659-64. Menard, Hug. Jud. de Barnab. et ejus epist. Par.

1645. 4».

Michaelis. Einl. N. T. 11.

Milligan, W. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 260-5. Moehler. Patrologie ed. Reithmayr. (1840) 84-. Mombritius Bonin. Sanctuarium. (c. 1479) I.


Mosheim. Kirchengeschichte. Mueller. Erkl. d. Barnabasbr. (1869) s. u. eds. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 110-2, 389-90. Muralt, Ed. de. In: Bull. acad. sciences St. P6ters-

bourg, Hist.-phil. (1848) V. 209-18. Mynster. In: Stud. u. Krit. II. (1829) 323-. Nabe. Hist. eccl. Lips. 1832. 8°. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 657-8, et pass.

—  Planting and Training. I. 196—. Neudecker. Einl. N. T.

Nirschl. In: Der Katholik. (1881) 425-4.33. [" Todesjahr."]

— Patrol. (1881-) I. 51-66.

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 100-4, etc-

Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 143-4.

Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 4, etc.

Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer). IV. (1853) 524-5.

Orelli. Selecta Patr. (1820).

Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) I. 96-8; (1749) I. 136-8.

Otto, J. K. Th. v. Haben Barnabas, Justinus u. Irenaus

d. 2. Petrnsbrief (3, 8) beniitzt? In: Ztschr. f. wiss.

Theol. (1877) 525-529. Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) I. 8-15.

— Suppl. Bellarm. (1728) 20.

Papebroch. Comment, praev. In: Acta ss. Bolland.

(1698) Jun. II. 421-3 (3", 415-7); analecta, 453-60

(3a, 448-54)» fig; embolismus, 425-31 (3% 420-5). Permaneder. Bibl. patr. (184-) I. 409-10; II. 2-12,


Pertsch. (Kirchenhistorie.) Wolfenb. 1736-40. 40. Pfleiderer. D. Paulinismus. (1873) 390-. [Doctrine of


Puccinelli, Placido. Vita di S. Barnaba. apostolo.

Milano, 1649. 40; 1718. 40. Redslob, G. F. Doctrina fidei quam expos. P. P. ap.

Arg. 1829. Reuss. Hist, de la theol. chret. II. (1864) 305-; Eng.

tr. II. 276.

— Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 56, 242-3; Tr. Eng. (1884) 57-8, 242-4. [v. 1.]

Riggenbach, C. J. D. Zeugnisse f. d. Joh. Ev. Basel. (1866) 84-

— Der sogenannte Brief des Barnabas. Basle, 1873. 40. Ritschl. Entsteh. d. altkath. K. (1857) 294-.

RlTSCHL. In: Theod. Stud. n. Krit. (1865). Rivktus. Crit. sacri.

Roberts and Donaldson. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868) 97-100. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885)

133-5-Roerdam, I. C. De authent. ep. Barn. Hafn. 1827

[8?]. 8».

Roessler. Bibl. d. K;-V. I. (1776) 1-20. Rosenmuller, J. G. Hist, interpr. I. (1795) 42-. Rothe-Weingarten. Kirchengesch. I. (1875) 96-. Rumpf. In: N. Rev. de Theologie. (1867). Rysewyk. De Barnaba. Arnh. 1835. 8°-Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 31-6, 71-6, 270-3. Saxius, J. A. Archiep. Mediol. series. (1755) I. i-xev.

Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 671-8. Schenkel, D. In: Stud. u. Krit. X. (1837) 652-86. Schliemann. Clementinen. (1844) 414-8, etc. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 30-31. Schmidt, J. E. C. Kirchenges. (1801) I. 437-. Schneckenburger. In: Theol. Stud. u. Krit. (1855) [In: Krit. d. Apostelges.]

Scholten. Die altesten Zeugnisse. (1867) 7-. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) I. 1-18. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) II. 272-3. Schulthess. In: Neuest. Theol. Annal. (1829)943-. Schuerer. Lehrb. d. NTichlen Ztgesch. (1874) 355. Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) II. 240-2. Semisch. Justin M. Brest. 1842. 8°. Semler. Einl. In: Baumgarten. Unters. Theol. Streitigk.

II. (1763) 2-.

Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d ed. (1865-) !• 267; JI- 2O9-Siegfried. Philo. v. Alex. (1875) 33°--Skworzow. Patrol. Untersuchungen. Leipzig, 1875. Sormani, N. Orig. apost. chiesa. Milan, 1754. 293-


Spanheim. Ann.

Sprinzl. Theol. d. ap. Vat. Wien, 1880. Starke. Gesch. chr. K. Berlin, 1779-80. [?] Staudlin. (Sittenlehre Jesu?) 1802. Steiger, W. Melanges. I. 1. Stolle. Kirchenvat. Jena, 1733. 40. Strauss. Das Leben Jesu. Strcehlin, E. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82)

II.  83-5. (85-66 p., Anon.)

Supernatural Religion. (1875-) *• 232-56; II. 251-3;

III.  7.

Tabaraud. In: Biog. Univ. Michaud. 1842-65. III.


Tenzelius. Florum sparsio ad Hier. catal. (1703) 17-. Thiersch. Die Kirche im ap. Zeit. Thilo. In: Ersch u. Gruber. I. vn. (1821) 404-5. Tillemont. Mem. (1732) I. 408-15,655-60; XVI. 379-

80, 766-7. Tischendorf. In: Augsb. allg. Ztng. (1857) 2253.

— Notitia edit. cod. bibl. Sinait. (i860) 13-.

— Wann wurden uns Ew. u. s. w. (1866) 92-. Tobler. In: Zeitschr. wiss. Theol. (i860). Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 278.

Ullmann. Indentitat d. Barn. u. Barsabas. In: Stud, u. Krit. 1.(1828)377-399. [Also Letter of B. and B. as author of Ep. to Hebrews.]

Veterum Testimonia de S. Barn, et ejus ep. In: Gal-land. Vet. Patr. Bibl. I. Venet. 1765. f°. 113-; also in: Migne. 11.(1857)647-50.

Volkmar. D. Ev. Marcion's. (1852) 176-.

— Ueb. Clemens v. Rom.....rait bes. Bezieh. auf

den Barn. 1856.

— Brief in : Theol. Jahrbb. (1856) 350-.

— Religion Jesu. (1857) 392.

— In: Zeitschr. der deutschen morgenlandischen Ge-sellsch. I. (i860) 100 not. 296-.

— In: Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1861) 115, 433-.




V01.KMAR. Comment. Apok. Joh. (1862) 12-.

— Handbuch d. Apokr. II. (1863) 24, 376-.

— Monumentum vetust. Christ, ineditum. 1864.

— In: Rhein. Mus. f. Philol. (1865) 265-.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1865) 445-.

— Ursp. uns. Evang. (1866) 65, 140-.

— Die Evang. (1870) 361-.

Vincentius Belvac. Speculum hist. XXI. 103.

Voss. Epist. s. Barn. Amst. 1646. Praef.; also in:

Migne. Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 663-6; Praef. ed. Oxon.

1680; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 665-74. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 226-7, et Pass-Walch. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 24-5, 282-3, 367. Weiss. In: Theol. Stud. u. Krit. (1864). WeIzsaecker. Z. Kritik. d. Barnab.-Briefes aus dem

Cod. Sinait. Tub. 1863.

— In: Jahrb. f. deut. Theol. (1865) 391-3. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 40-46.

— Bible in the church. (1877) 80-1. Wette, de. 1841.

Wieseler. Unters. iib. d. Hebraerbrief. I. (1861). Wieseler, K. Ursprung u. Verf. In: Jahb. f. deut. Theol. XV. (1870) 603-14.

— In: Am. Presb. R. XX. (1871) 625-. Winer. Bibl. Reallex. I. (1847) 138-.

Winter, V. Krit. Gesch. d. altest. Zeugen u. Lehrer d.

Christenthums. 1814. 8°. 245.

Wittchen. D. gesch. Character d. Ev. Joh. (1869) 103-. Zahn. Ignatius v. Antiochien. (1873)397,455—. Zeller. Apostelgeschichte. (1854) 17-8. Zur alteren Geschichte des Barnabasbriefes. In: Katho-

lik, 1875. Nov.

Note 1. Genuineness, etc. For; Origen, Clement of A., Eusebius, Hieron., Apost. const., Voss, Hammond, Pearson, Bull, Cave, Du Pin, Grynaeus, Wake, Lardner, Fleury, Le Nourry, Russel, Galland, Less, Rosenmuller, Muenscher, Staudlin, Danz, Bertholdt, Hemsen, Schmidt, Henke, Bleek, Rordam, Gieseler, Nabe, Credner, Bretschneider, Guericke, Francke, Gfrorer, Mohler, Baumgarten-Crusius, De Wette(?), Rysewyk, Schneckenburger, Sprinzl, Alzog, Nirschl, Sharpe. Against: Rivet, Usher, Menard, Daille Papebroch, Calmet, Cotelerius, Le Moyne, Tenzei, Natalis Alex., Ittig, Spanheim, Tillemont, Basnage, Oudin, Ceillier, Stolle, Pertsch, Baumgarten, Walch, Mosheim, Semler, Schroekh, Rossler, Starke, Lumper, Michaelis, Gaab, Lange, Hanlein, Winter, Neander, Ullmann, Mynster, Hug, Baur, Winer, Hase, Ebrard, Semisch, Kayser, Reithmayr, Hefele, MacKenzie, Lipsius, Weizacker, Donaldson, Roberts and D., Riggenbach, Westcott, Braunsberger, Cunningham, Funk, Alford. Interpolated. Schenkel, Heydecke.

Note 2. Date. Reign of Vespasian, Menardus, Ewald, Weizsacker, Milligan; 71^3, Galland; 70-100, Tischendorf (at first); reign of Domitian, Wieseler, Hilgenfeld, Riggenbach. Donaldson, Reuss, Ewald, Dressel, and Ritschl, also put it in the first century. Papebroch pronounces for some time later than 07, Hefele for 107-20, Volkmar, Tischen-


while Heydecke distinguishes into a genuine B., 70-71, and an interpolator, 119-121.

VI. PAPIAS. Fragments.

I. Editions.

Halloix. In: 111. orient, scr. Duaci, 1633. f°. Grabe. In: Spicil. patr. (1700) II. 26-35. Galland. Bibl. patr. vet. Ven. 1765. f°. I. 316-420. Munter. In: Fragm. patr. gr. Hafn. 1788. 8°. I.

Routh. Rel. sacr. {Oxon. 1846-8) I. 1-44. Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1255-62. GebHardt u. Harnack. In: Gebhardt, H. & Z. Patr.

ap. Lips. 1875. 8°; I. 180-196, 248. Lips. 1878.

I. 1. 87-104. Funk. Patr. ap. (Titb. 1881) II. 276-300.

For sources of text of individual fragments see Gebhardt u. Harnack (1878).

II.    Translations.


Roberts and Donaldson. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868) 441-8. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 153-5.

For other translations, complete or partial, see late editions of the apostolical fathers and works on the Canon and the Fourth Gospel.

III.   Literature.

Abbott, E. A. Gospels. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) X.

815-6,820-1; XVIII. 228. Aberle. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1864)1-. Alford. Greek Test. (1868) Proleg. I. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 52-3. Anger. Synops. En. (1852). Baronids. Ann. (1589), 118, 2-6. Cf. Pagi, Crit.

(1689) 3-5-

Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 85. [v. 1.] Baumlein. D. Nachricht d. P. u. d. Marcusev. In:

Stud.u. Krit. XXXVI. (1863) 111-3. Baur. Unters. kan. Ew. (1847).

— Das Markus Evang. (1851).

— Dogmengsch. I. (1865) 371-2, etc. BAO>EIAHS.'B«X lor. 1.(1884) H8. Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 67, etc.

— Einl. A. u. N.T. III.

Bickell. In: Ztschr. f. kath. Th. (1879) 799-803.

Bleek-Mangold. Einl. N.T. (1875) 1I3~-

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I- 4-

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 47-9.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sacr. (1729) I. 683-7; ("858)

398-401. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) xli-xlvi, 53-9, 114, 141-

2, 167-8, 197, 305, 321, 338-9. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1717. Christian Rem. (1853) 218-. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 95. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 87. II. 401-2. Credner. Beitrage. I. (1832).

— Gesch. N. T. Kanon. (i860). Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) pass. Davidson. Introd. N. T. (1848-) passim, especially I.


— In: Theol. Rev. IV. (1867). Delitzsch. Unters. Entst. Matth. Ev. (1853). Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. 1864-6. I. 312-9.

— Apost. fath. (1874) 393-402.

Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 135-7, 399-400-Dupin. Nouv. bibl. d. aut. eccl. (1698 seq.) I. 91. Ebrard. Krit. ev. Gesch. (1868) 964-79, 1130-1, etc. Eichhorn. Einl.N. T. II. (1824). Eusebius. Hist. eccl. III. 39. Ewald. In: Jahrb. bibl. Wiss. (1849).

— Die Joh. Schriften. H. (1862) 371-, 392-, 400, etc.

— Gesch. d. V. Isr. VII. (1868).

— In: Gott. gel. Anz. (1875) IO3~-

Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 185-6. ("2a, 151—3,


Feilmoser. Einl. N. T. 2 Ausg. (1830). Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 377-8. Frommann. In: Th. Stud. u. Krit. (1840). Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. lxvi-;

also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1251-4. GfrSrer. Urchristenthum II. I. (1838).

— Allg. K. G. (1841) I.

Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868) I. 110-1.

— Entst. Schr. Ew. (1818).

Godet. Comment, s. S. Jean. (1876) I. I. 58-66. Tr.

Engl. I. (1879) 48-54-Gratz, N. Entst. d. 3 erst. Ew. (1812). Griesbach. Comment, qua Marci Evang. totum e Matth.

et Luc. Comm. decerpt. esse demonstrator.





Grimm. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Th. (1874) 122.

Groot, Hofsteele de. Basilides. Tr. Ger. (1868) in-.

Guericke. Gesammtgesch. N. T. (1854).

— H'buch Kirchengesch. Tr. Engl. (1867)149-195. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 57, etc. Haixoix. Eccl. orient, scr. (1633) I. 635-67. [637^5.

Vita S. P. " Purely imaginary."— Schaff.] Harless. Lucubr. Evang. can. spect. pars I. (1841). Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 291-3. Hausrath. Neutestl. Ztgesch. "in. 59." [?] Hengstenberg. (1862)383-93. Henschenius. Comment, histor. in: Acta ss. Bolland.

(1658) Feb. IIL285-7. ("3a, 289-92.") Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 15; III. 8. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 18 (Honor. August. I. 19). Hilgenfeld, A. Die Evangelien. (1854).

— Kanon. (1863) 13-.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1865) 78-.

— In: Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. X. (1867) 179-.

— Papias von Hierapolis. Ztschr. wiss. Theol. 1875. S. 231-270.

— Einl. in das N. T. 1875. S. 52 ff. 396 ff.

— Papias iiber Marcus u. Matthaus. Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXII. (1879) S. I-18. [Agst. Weiffenbach.]

— P. u. d. neueste Evangelienforschung. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXIX. (1886) 257-91.

Holtzmann. Die synopt. Ew. (1863).

— Joh. d. Presbyter. In: Schenkel. Bibel.-Lex. III. (1871) 352-60.

— Epheser. u. Col.-Br. (1872) 322?

— P. u. Johannes. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXIII. (1880) 64-77.

— Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 114-8, etc. Horne. Introd. H.S. (1869) IV. Hug. Einl. N. T. I. (1847). Irenaeus. V. 33.

Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 48-9, 243-4.

Jackson. Ap. fath. (1879) 119-121.

Kayser, A. Rev. de Theol. (1854).

Keim. Gesch. Jesu. 1867. I. 161-. Dritte Bearb. 2 Aufl.

41 f. 378 ff. 1875.

Kern. Tubing. Zeitschr. f. Theol. (1834) 2. Kienlen, H. W. Zeugniss. d. Papias f. unser Markusev.

In: Stud. v. Krit. XVI. (1843) 423-9. Killen. Ancient Church. (1859)369. Klener. De. Authen. Ev. Matth. (1832). Klostermann. Das Markusevang. (1867) 326-. KSstlin. Urspr. synopt. Evv. (1853). Kuhn, J. Lebenjesu. I. (1838). Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 108. Lachmann. In: Th. Studien u. Krit. (1835) 577-. Lange, J. P. Bibelwerk. N. T. 1.(1857-8). Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 116-125. Leimbach, C. L. D. Papiasfragment. Exeget. Untersuch.

d. Fragmentes [Eusebius Hist. eccl. III. 39,3-4.] u. Kritik

d. gleichmam. Schrift. v. Lie. Dr. Weiffenbach. Gotha,

1875. 8°.

Leuschner. Ev. St. Joh. (1873) 72-. Lightfoot, J. B. In: Contemp. V. (1867) 397~-

— In: Contemp. R. (1875) 377~4°3> 828-856. [Agst. " Supernatural Religion."]

Lipsius. In: Jen. Litzng. I. (1874) No. 38.

Loman, A. Het Getaigenisvan Papias, etc. In: Theol.

Tijdschrift. IX. (1875) 125-154. LiJCKE. Einl. in Offenb. (1852) 524-.

— In: Stud. u. Krit. (1833) 499~-

Ludemann, H. Zur Erklarung des Papiasfragraents bei Euseb. hist. eccl. III. 39. § 3, 4. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1879) 365-384-

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. I. (1783) 360-73.

Luthardt. De Compos. Ew. Matth. (1861).

— Der johanneische Urspr. d. vierten Evang. (1874) 71-73, 104-114. Tr. Engl. (1875) 126-39.

Lutzelberger. Tradition ub. ap. Joh. (1840). M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) VII. 638. Martens. Papias als exegeet van logia des heeren.

Amsterdam, 1875. 8°. (116). Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 200-1. Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

III. 116-7.

Meth. Q. R. XIII. (1853) 487-; XXVI. (1866) 605-. Meyer. Kr. ex. H'buch Ev. Matth. (1864)4-5; Mk-

u.Lk. (1867) 3-6; Joh. (1862) 5-6, etc., etc. Milligan, John the Presbyter. In: Jour, of sacr. lit.

(1867) 106-. Miraeus. Scr. eccl. 8. MoHler. Patrologie. (1840) 175-9. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 269,11.417-8. Neander. ChurchHist (1872) I. 513,650-1. Neudecker; Einl. N. T. (1840). Nicolas. Etudes crit. N. T. (1863). Niemeyer. Recens. Schott's Isagoge. In: Haller Litt.

Zeitung. (1832) No. 57. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 138-9. Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 59-60, etc. Olshausen. Apost. Ev. Matth. origo defenditur. (1835). Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 51-5. (1749-) II.74-80. Overbeck. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Th. (1867)39-. Paulus. Exeg. Conserv. I. (1842). Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 58-61. Photius. Codex. 232. Picot. In: Biog. Univ. Michaud. (1842-65) XXXII.


Pitra. Spicil. Solesm. (1852) I. iv-vi. Reischl. Chiliasmus. In: Theol. Monatschr. (1850)


Reithmayr. Einl. can. Bucher. N. B. (1852). Renan. Vie de Jesus. 15 ed. (1876) li-. Rettig, H.C. M. In: Stud. v. Krit. 1^(1831)734-

76- [P. and the N. T. Canon.] Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 183-5. Tr- Eng- (1884)

184-6. [v. 1.]

Reviixe. Et. crit. sur. 1' Ev. selon S. Matth. (1862). Riggenbach. Die Zeugn. f. das Ev. Johann. (1866).

— Joh. d. Ap. u. d. Presb. In: Jahrb. f. deut. Theol. (1868) 319-.

— In: Jahrb. f. deut. Theol. XIV. (1869) 138. [Agst. Steitz.]

Roberts and Donaldson. Introd. note. -In: Ante-Nic.

Lib. I. (1868) 437-9. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 151-2. Rothe. Anfange. (1837). Rumpf. In: Rev. de Theol. (1867). Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 145-60. Saunier. Ueb. Quell, des. Ev. Marci. (1825). Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 693-8. Schenkel. Das Charakterbild Jesu. (1864). Scherer. In: Rev. de Theol. (1859). Schleiermacher, F. P. u. ans. beiden ersten Ew. In:

Stud. v. Krit. V. (1832) 735-68. Schliemann. Clementinen. (1884) 427-8. Schmid. Patrol. (1879) 34.

Schneckenburger. Urspr. erst. kan. Evang. (1834). Scholten. Apost. Joh. in Kleinasien. Tr. Spiegel (1872)


— Het. Ev. naar Joh. (1864) 7-.

Schott. Authen. d. kan. Ev. n. Matth. (1837). Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) II. 345-7. Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) I. 304-7. Semler. Zusatze zu Townson's Abh. lib. 4 Ev. I. Sieffert. Urspr. erst. kan. Ev. (1832). Steitz, G. E. In: Stud. v. Krit. XLI. (1868) 63-95.

— (KarlL.Leimbach). In: Herzog.Real.-Enc. (1877-) XI. 194-206. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. III. 1738-9.)

Stemler. Is het Papias-fragment zuiver exegetisch verk-

laard? In: " Studien II. 2." Storr. Zweck. d. ev. Gesch. u. Br. Joh.






Straatman. Nog eens het Papias-fragment I. In Theol.

Tijdschr. (1876) Maart; II. in: do. Mei. Strauss. Das Lebenjesu. (1864). Strcehlin,E. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) X.

Stud. u. Krit. 1870, 1875.

Supernatural Religion. (1875-) I. 444-85, II. 320-36, III.

xxi-xxiii, 19—21. Theile. Winer's n. kr. Journal. (1824) I.

— Zur Biographie Jesu. Theol. Eel. R. III. (1867) 241-.

Thiersch. Versuch z. Herst. hist. Standp. d. krit. N. T. Schr. (1845).

— Die Kirche im ap. Zeit. ("1858). Tholuck. Glaubw. d. ev. Gesch. Tillemont. Mem. (1732) II. 296-300, 620-3. Tischendorf. Wenn wurden u. s. w. 118-. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 9.

Volkmar. Der Ursprung. (1866).

— Die Evangelien. (1870).

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 235-8 et pass. Weiffenbach, Wilh. Das Papias-Fragment bei Euse-bius H. E. III. 39, 3-4. Giessen, 1874. 8°.

— Riickblick auf d. neuesten Papias-Verhandlungen. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1877) 323~379> 405-468.

— Die Papias-Fragmente ub. Marcus u. Matthaus. Zug-leich e. Beitrag. zur synopt. Frage. Berlin, 1878. 8°.

— Rplik auf d. ' Erklarung' d. Herrn Dr. B. Weiss. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. 1884, 2, S. 320-325 [oyia. in Papias.]

Weihenmaier. Dissert, de" Papia Hier. in Asia episcop.

antiq. Wittenb. 1694. 40. Weiss. In: Jahrb. deutsche Theol. (1865)11. Weisse. Evangelienfrage. Weizsacker. Unters. lib. d. evang. Gesch. Westcott. Canon (1875) 68-79.

— Bible in the Church (1879) 95-7. Wette, de. Einl. N. T.

Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) VIII. 90-1. Wieseler. Chronol. Synops. d. 4 Ew. (1843). Wilcke. Tradition und Mythe. (1837). Wilke. Die Urevangelist. (1838). WlTTlCHEN. In. Prot. Kirchenz. (1871) 794. Y. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XXXIX. (1865) 160. Yonge. Pupils of St. John (1878) 201-5. ZAHN.T. In: Stud. u. Krit. XXXIX. (1866) 649-96. [" s. gesch. Stellung, s. Werk, u, s. Zeugn. u. d. Ev."]

— In: Theol. Stud. u. Krit. XL. (1867) 539^42. [Supplementary to his art. in (1S66) ].

Zeller. In: Theol. Jahrb. (1845), O&tf)-

— Apostelgesch. (1854) 10-11.

Zyro, Ferd. Fr. Neue Beleuchtung d. Papiasstelle in der Kirchenges. d. Eusebius. III. 39. Darmstadt, 1869. 8°.

See also all works on the authorship of the fourth gospel, and the history of Millenarianism.

Note. Presbyter yohn. Same as Apostle %Am, Irenaeus (?), Hieronymus, Guericke, Lange, Hengstenberg, Milligan, Riggenbach, Zahn, Leimbach, Schaff, Nirschl. Some one else, Eusebius, Steitz, Tischendorf, Keim, Weiffenbach, Hide-mann, Donaldson, Davidson, Credner, Wieseler, Ebrard, Holtzmann, Westcott, Lightfoot.


Works. I. Editions.

(Admonit. ad Gentes.) Paris, 1539. 8°. Stephanus, Rob. (Opera.) Paris, 1551. f°. (Fragm. liturg.) Par. 1560. f°. In: Liturgiae ss. patr.

Jacobi, Basilii, etc. Paris. Stephanus, Henr. (Epist. ad Diogn. and Oratio.) Gr.

lat. Paris, 1571. 40; do. 1592. 40; 1595. ?? Brunellus, Hier. (Cohortatio.) Romae, 1586. 8°. In:

SS. patr. orat. et epist. sel. I. 1-.

Sylburgius, FRID. (Opera.) Gr. lat. Heidelb. 1593. f°. Morellus, Feder. (Opera.) Gr. lat. Par. 1615. f°;

1636. f°; also ["Vitiose"] Colon. 1686. f°. Halloix, Petr. (De resurrectione.) Gr. lat. In his:

Justini vita. Duaci, 1622. f°; also in his: 111. eccl.

orient, scr. Duaci, 1636. f°. 299-329. Grabe. (Apol. I. etc.) Gr. lat. Oxon. 1700. 8°. Koch, C. (Dialogue.) Kil. 1700. 8°. Hutchin. (Apol. 2, Oratio cohort., Oratio ad Gr. et

Lib. de Monarchia.) Gr. lat. Oxon. 1703. 8°. Lequien, Mich. (De resurrectione.) Gr. lat. In:

Joannis Damasc. opera. II. (Par. 1712. f°.) 756-. [Humphreys. (Resurrect.) Lond. 1714. 8°, often quoted,

is an error. " With the original Greek " applies only to fragments from Josephus, etc. s. u. Translations.] Jebb, Sam. (Dialogue.) Gr. lat. Lond. 1719. 8°. Thirlbius. (Apoll. duae. et Dial. c. Tr.) Gr. lat. Lond.

1722. f». [Really by Markland?] Maranus, Prud. (Opera.) Gr. lat. Par. 1742. f°;

repr. Venet. 1747. f°. [Benedictin.] Thalemannus. (Apologiae.) Gr. Lips. 1755. 8°. Tellerus, Gu. Alb. (Resurrectione.) Helmst. 1764

[6?]. 4°-Gallandius. (Apol. dialogue, fragm.) Venet. 1765. f°.

In his: Bibl. patr. I. 411-. ASHTON. (Apologiae.) Cantab. 1768. 8°. Oberthur. (Opera.) Gr. lat. Wirceb. 1777. 8°;

1794. 8°.

Goetz, J. Ad. (2d Apol., etc.) Gr. ger. Numb. 1796. 8°. Augusti. (De resurrectione.) Gr. lat. In his: Chrest.

patrist. I. {Lips. 1812. 8°.) 3-. Hornemann, C. F. (Dial. c. Tryph.) In his: Patr.

apost. Havn. 1829. 40.

Braunius, J. W. J. Bonn, 1830. 8°; Bonn, i860. 8°. Otto, J. C. T. (Opera.) Jen. 1842-8. 3 v. 8°; 1847-

50. 8°; 1876-81. 5 V. 8°. [All works, genuine and

spurious. Full.] Trollope, W. (Apol. and Dial.) Camb. and Lond. 1845

-7. 3 v. 8°. [otto's text.] Migne. Patrol, gr. VI. (1857) (Genuine works) 227-

800, (Pseudo-Justin) 1181-1564, (Fragments) 1571—

l60O. [After Maranus.]

Gildersleeve, B. L. (Apologies.) N. Y. 1877. 12°. Gutberlet, C. (Apologiae.) Lips. 1883. 8°. ["Braunius.

ed. iii."]

II. Translations.


PlCUS, Jo. Fr. (Admonitio) 1506. f°; also in his: Op. Argent. 1506 (7?). f°; Basil, 1601. f°; in Champerus. De tripl. discipl. Lugd. 1508. 8°; Sichard, J. Antido-tum contra haereses. Basil. 1528. f°, 112-121; Micro-presbyticum (Basil. 1550. f°), 31-47; in: Monumenta Orthodoxogr. PP. Basil. 1555. f°, 98-; Basil. 1569. f°. II. vii. 1947-1966; also separately. Par. 1538. 40.

Postellus,Guil. In: Evers. fals.dogm. Par. 1552. 160.

Perionius, Joach. Par. 1554. f°; also in: Bibl. patr. Colon. 1618. f°. II.

Gelenius, Sigism. (Op.) Basil. 1555. f°.

(Excerpta liturgica.) Antv. 1562. 8°. In: Liturgiae s. Missae ss. patr.

LANGIUS, Jo. (Op.) Basil. 1565. f°. 3 v. in I; Par. 1575. 160 (with Hippolytus); also in: Bibl. patr. Lug-dun. 1677. f°. II. 11. 1-.

Biixius, Jac. (De resurrectione.) In his: Damasceni Opera. Par. 1619. f°.

Rous, Fr. (Various) In his: Meller patr. Lond. 1650. 8°. 21-26.

Chantelos, Claudius. [?] (Ep. de vita chr.) Par. 166I. 40. In his: Bibl. patr. ascet. I. 1-.

PRILESZKY, J. B. Cassov. 1765. 40. [Maranus version.]

Caillau and Guillon. Par. and Brux. 1829. 8°; Mediol. 1830. 8°.






Danish. Muus, C. H. Kjoebenh. 1836. 8°.

English. Reeves, Wm, (I. Apol.) Lond. 1709. 2v. 8°; repr. 1716.

2V. 8°. [Poor.]

Humphreys, Dav. (Resur.) Lond. 1714. 8°. In his:

Athenagoras. Brown, H. (Dialogue.) Lond. 1755. 2v. 8°; 1846. 8°.

[" Literal and faithful."]

Moses, Th. (Exh. to Gent.) Lond. 1757. 8°. ["Free."] Dalrymple, D. Edinb. 1778. 120. [?] Chevallier. Camb. 1833. Library of the Fathers. XL. Lond. 1861. 8°. Dods, Reith, and Roberts. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. II.

(1868) 7-361. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 163-302.

French. Maumont, Jean de. (Oeuvres) Par. 1554. f°; 2 ed.

Par. 1559. f°.

Dupin, Martin. Cohortatio. Par. 1580. 8°. Fondet, Pierre. (2dApol.) Par. 1670. 120; Par. 1686.

12°. [Really by Chanut. Caillau.~ Genoude [??] In: Peres de l'egl. -Par. 1837-43. 8°.

German. Hedius, D.(?) Caspar. (Cohortatio.) Strasb. 1529. f°.

In: Chronica, etc. Glusing, J. Otto. (Diognet. zenam.) Hamb. 1723. 8°.

In his: Briefe u. Schr. d. Ap. Manner, p. 443-. Denis, M. (I. Apol.) In: Denkmale aus alien Jahrhh.

I. I. Vindob. 1795. 8°. 21-; 1830. 16-. Go'tz, Jo. A. (De monarchia.) Norimb. 1796. Kestner, Aug. (Orat. ad gent.) In his: Die Agape.

(Jenae, 1819. 8°.) 333-7. Brun, N. de. (Dialogue.) Basil, 1822. 8°. Deckers. (I. Apol.) In: Kath. Monatsschr. III.


Waizmann, J. S. In: Sammtl. Werke d. K. V. Kemp-ten, 1830. 8°. II. [?] RICHARD, P. A. Kempten, 1870. l6°. [The Reithmayer-

Thalhofer Bibl.]


Galliccioli, Giov. Bapt. Venezia, 1799. 8°. Russian.

Metodij, Jer. (De monarchic) Mosc. 1783. 73-80. Smirnow, M. (Selections.) Mosk. 1783. 8°. Clementjewskj, I. (Dialogue.) St. Petersb. 1797. 8°. (I. Apol.) In: Christijanskoje Tschtenije. 1825. (2d

Apol.) 1840. Preobrazenskij. Moscov. 1862-3.

III. Literature.

Abbott, E. A. Gospels. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) X.

816-8, 821-2. — J. and the fourth Gosp. In: Modern Rev. (1882)

559-88, 716-56.

Alexander, Natal. Hist. eccl. (1778)111.363-7. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 72-82. Anal, juris pontif. (1874) XIII. 631-2, 889-91. Anger. Synops. Evan. (1852). Anthropologie Just. d. M. In: Der Katholik, N. F.

I. (1859) 423-43, 574-91-Arendt. Kr. Untersuch. ueb. d. schr. Justins d. M. In:

Theol. Quartalschr. XVI. (1834) 256-95. Aube, B. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XXVII.

(1861) 292-303. Aube, Barth. St. Justin, philosophe et martyr, these

. . . Paris, 1861. 8". (lxxvi. 370); Paris, 1875. 8°-

(lxxvi. 366); ("Paris, 1874. 8°." Lorenz).

Ballou, H., 2V. Justin Martyr, or the Orthodox Faith,

A.D. 150-165. In: Univ. Q. III. (1846) 272-. Baraterius, J. P. Success, ant. episc. Rom. (1740) 95-. Baronios. Ann. (1589) 130, 5-9; 142, 13; 143, 1-2;

150, 1-7; 164, 10, 12-23; 165, 1-11. Cf. Pagi. Crit.

(1689) 150, 3-7; 164, 2-7; 165, 3-4. Barrington, D. Tomb of Justin Martyr. In: Archae-

ologia. V. (1784) 143-. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 171-3.

[v. I.]

Baur. In: Theol. Jahrb. (1857).

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 253-6. BA*BIAHS.'EmX. 1st. I. (1884) 151-2. Beausobre. Hist. d. Manich. I; (1734) 288.

Behm, H. M. T. D. Christenthum J. In: Ztschr. f.

kirchl. Wiss u. Leben. III. (1882) 478-91, 627-36. Bekehrung Justin's. In: Allg. Ev. Luth. Kirchztg. (1878)

409-13, 433-8.

Bellamin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 32-4. Bertholdt. Einl. A. u. N. T. (1813) m.

— Dogmenges. (1822-3) I- 57 sc-

Bindemann, E. In: Stud. u. Krit. XV. (1842) 355-

482. [Gospels used by J. M. Critique of Credner.] Blackburn. Hist, of Church. [1879) 34-6. Bleek. Beitrage zur. Ev. Krit. (1846). Bleek-Mangold. Einl. N. T. (1875). Blessig, J. L. De Just. M. N. T. citandi methodo. In

his: Animadv. ad Voltarii de relig. chr. orig. asserta.

Argent. 1786. p. 84. Boehringer. Kirchenges. (1864) 1.1. 97-270; (1873-)

I.I. Boll. Verhaltn. d. beiden App. J. zu einander. In:

Zeitschr. f. d. hist. Theol. (1842) III. 3-. Cf. Ztschr.

f. Phil. u. kathol. Theol. (1841) 171-. Bonifas, Sam. E. Des Evangiles employes par Justin

Martyr, these. 1850. 8°. (92 p.) Bonnety, A. In: Vies des saint. Par. 1845. Bornemann, W. Das Taufsymbol Justin's d. Martyrers.

In: Ztschr. f. Kirchengesch. (1879) 1-27. Bourgon. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (l&4.2-*65) XXI.

363-5-Bretschneider. Probabilia de Ev. et Ep. Joan. Apost.


Brown, J. A. In: Evang. R. VI. (1855) 151-.

Brucker. Hist. crit. phil. (1766-7) III. 367-78; VI. 534-6-

[Bryant, James.] Observations on a controverted passage in J., p. 47, ed. Bened. Lond. 1793. 40.

Bull, G. De celebri loco J. in Dialogo cum Tryph. dis-seritur. In his: Judicium eccl. cath. (Oxon. 1694. 8°.) 164-192; also in: Works. VI. (Ox/. 1846) 187-


Bunsen. Hippolytus. (1854) I. 216-22. Burton. Divinity of Christ (1829) 32-61.

— Trinity (1831) 15-27.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 10-11. Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 47-52. Calogeras, N. 'IovgtIvoq 6 foMaoipoe nai /ictprvg. In:

'Adyvuiov. II. (1873) 359-80. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-43) I. 60-65.

— Lives (1840) I. 228-57.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. d. aut. sac. (1730) II. 1-73;

(1858) I. 408-48.

Charpentier. Etudes sur les Peres de 1' Egl. II. (1853). Charteris. Canonicity (1880) liii-lxiii, 59-64, 114-27,

143-5, I56-8, 176-9, 198, 217, 225-6,234,244-5, 248-

9. 253, 258, 267, 275, 314, 321, 339. Chastel. St. J., son sentiment sur la valeur de la raison

humaine. In: Le Correspondent. "1863(5?) A.

xxxi, 189-206."

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1323-5. Chishull. Some Testimonies of J. . . . concerning

the immortality of the soul. . . . Lond., 1708. 8°.






Christian Observer. III. (1804) 649-; 717-.

Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 95-100.

Clericus, J. In: Bibl. Univ.; also in: Lebensbeschrr.

einige Kirchenvater. (Halle, 1721) 1-21. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 131,139; II. 409. Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 183-196. v. C6LLN. In: Allgem. Hall. Lit. Ztng. (1828) 391. Corrodi. Versuch Beleucht. d. jud. u. chr. Bibel Kanons.

(1792) II. Cotta, F. Dissert, de memorabilibus Justini M. historicis

atque dogmaticis. Tubingae, 1766. 40. Cotta. Kirchen.-Hist. (1768-73) §§ 284-90. Credner. De libr. N. T. inspiratione, etc. I. {yen. 1828)


— Beitrage. z. Einl. e. d. bibl. Schr. Halle. I. (1832) 92-267; (1838) 17-98, 104-133, 157-311-

Credner-Volckmar. Gesch. d. Canon. 7-. Cunningham. Hist, theol. (1870) I. 134-9.

— Churches of Asia (1880) passim.

Cyprian, E. Sa. Diss. de Cl. R. . . . et Justini M.

doctrina evang. Coburg. 1701. 40. Danzius, J. A. Oratio de Tryphone, habita a. 1708. In:

Parerga Gotting. (Gotting. 1738. 8°.) I. IV. 80-91. Darling. Cyclop, bibliog. (1855) 1699-701. Darstellung d. altesten Christenthums aus d. Schr. d. J.

u. s. w. In: Beytrage zur Beforderung des altesten

Christenthums u. d. neuesten Philos. (Ulm, 1791. 8°.) Davidson. Introd. N. T. (1848) I. 124, etc., etc. Delitzsch. Neue Unters. Entst. Kan. Ew. (1853). Dieckhoff, A. W. Just., Augustin, Bernhard, u. Luth.

Entwickelungsgang chr. Wahrheitserfassung. Lpz. 1882. Dods, M. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. II. (1865)

i-5> 363-5- Ed- Coxe- L (1885) 157-61, 3°3-Dodwell, H. Natural mortality of human souls. Lond. 1708. 8°.

— Dissert, in Irenaeum. (1689) p. 256. [?] Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. (1864-6) II. 62-344. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 264-79, 458-61. Draseke, J. Abfassungsz. d. pseudoj. EK&E2I2. In:

Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVI. (1883) 481-96.

— Apollinarios von Laodien Verf. d. echten Bestandteile d. pseudojust. Schrift tudeaii, etc. In: Ztschr. f. Kir-chengesch. (1884) 503-549.

— D. doppel. Fassung d. pseudojust. BkBsctic, etc. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchenges. VI. (1884) 1-45.

— Zu den .... christologischen Bruchstiicken. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1884) 347-52.

— Der Verfasser desfalschlich Justinus beigelegten A6yo<; irapaivenxdc npdc "E/U^a?. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchen-gesch. VII. (1885) 257-302.

Drummond, J. Justin Martyr on the New Birth. In: Theo. R. XII. (1875) 471-.

— Justin Martyr and the Fourth Gospel. In: Theological Rev. XIV. (1877) 155.

— Engelhardt on Justin Martyr. In: Theological Rev. XVI. (1879) 365-.

Duncker. Apologett. 2. saec. de essentialibus naturae humanae, etc. Goetting. 1844. 40. I.

— D. Legoslehre Justin's d. Mart. Abgedr. aus d. Got-tinger Studien, 1847. Gdttingen, 1848. 8°. (39).

Dupin. Nouv. bibl. d. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 104-33.

Eckermann. Theol. Beitrage. (1796) V. 2.

Eichhorn. Einl. N. T. II. (1827).

Eisenlohr. Comment, de argumentis apol. saec. 2. Tub. IJ9J; repr. in: Pott et Ruperti. Sylloge comment, theol. II. 114-202.

Emmerich, F. C. T. De evangel, secund. Ebr. Aegypt. atque Justini Martyris. Argent. 1807. 40.

Engelhardt, J. G. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 226, etc.

Engelhardt, W. D. Abendmahlslehre d. J. M. In: Ztschr. f. luth. Theol. XXXI. (1870) 230-52.

Engelhardt, Moritzv. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) vii. 318-327. (Abr. in Schaff-Herz. II. 1219-20.)

Engelhardt. D. Christenthum Justin's d. M. Dorfat,

1878. 8°.

Eusebius, H. E. IV. 16. Chron. Pasch. A.D. 165. Ewald. Jahrb. bibl. Wiss. (1853-54).

— Gesch. d. Volkes Isr. VI. (1868).

Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 51-65; IX. 414; 120. VII. 52-75; X. 714-5.

— Deverit. rel. chr. (1725) 42-50, 158. Farrar. Interpretation. (1886) 172-4. Feilmoser. Einl. N.T. 2 aufl. (1830).

Felde, Alb. a. Epist. de dialogo Justini Martyris cum Tryphone Judaeo. Sleswici, 1700. 8°.

— Demonst. invictse, dialogum in Tryphone esse verum Justini foetum. Hamb. 1707. 8°.

Fisher. Supernatural origin of Chr. (1866) 46-56. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 413-31, 458-80. FRATECELLI, G. B.: [Moreni, Bibl. Tosc, 1. 399]. Freppel. nc siecle: St. Justin.

III. ed. Paris, 1886. 8°. Funk. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXII. (1880)480-7.

[Rev. of Engelhardt.]

Gaab. In his: Abhandl. dogmengesch. d. altesten gr.

Kirche. (Jen. 1790. 8°.) 58-. Gass. Die unter Justin's Schr. befindl. Fragen an d.

Rechtglaubigen. In: Ztschr. f. d. hist. Theol. (1842)

35--Georgii. Lehre v. heil. Geiste bei J. In: Stirm's

Studien d. ev. Geistlichkeit Wurtembergs. X. (1838)

II. 100-. Gerkenius, C. Ch. Dissert, de Just. M. ad. rel. chr. con-

versione admodum memorabili. Lips. 1753. 40. GfroRER. Gesch. des Urchristenthums. (1835) L '• Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 145-6, 148.

— Entst. Schr. Ew. (1818).

Goetz, J. Ad. Leben, Schr. u. Lehr. J. (1796) s.u.eds. Grabe. Spicileg. ss. patr. (1699) I. 133-203. Gratianus, P. C. Dissert, de memorabilibus Justini

Mart. hist, atque dogmat. Tub. 1766. 40. Gratz. Krit. Untersuchungen iiber Justin's apost. Denk-

wiirdigkeiten. Stuttg. 1814. 40. Grimm, W. D. apost. Denkwiirdigkeiten Justinus. In:

Stud. v. Krit. XXIV. (1851) 669-702. Grube, K. Die hermeneutische Grundsatze Justin's des

Mart. In: Der Katholik (1880) 1-42. Gundlingius, M. N. Hier. In: [Buddeus] Observ. sel.

litter. (1700) II. 89-113, 170-99. Guericke. Gessammtgesch. N. T. (1854). GtissMAN, F. Tryphon. u. Justinus. Wien, 1785. 8°. Hagen, J. A. Beitrage z. Erkl. d. I apol. In: Ztschr.

f. Philos. u. Kath. Theol. N. F. IX. (1848) 35-67. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 58-9, etc.

— Kirchenges. (1885) I. 150-6.

Hahn, J. E. De Platonismo vet. eccl. doct. Fit. 1733. Halloix, P. Vita et documenta S. Justini. Duad,

1622. 8°; also in his: Eccl. orient, script. (1636) II.

151-401; Acta ss. Bolland. (1675) Apr. II. 108-19. HarLes. Introd. in hist. ling. gr. II. 2, 191. Suppl.

II. 198. Harnack. z. Quellenkrit. d. Ges. d. Gnost. 1873.

— In: Texte, etc. I. (1882) 130-195.

— Dogmenges. I. (1886) 223-5, 380-6, 415-9. Hase. Kirchgenges. (1885-) I. 157-8, 247-9, 271. Hasselbach. Ueb. d. Stelle in J. d. M. Ap. I. p. 56.

In: Stud. v. Krit. XII. (1839) 329-92. Hefele. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1843) I43~-

— In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) V. 935-47. Heischkeil, Ch. Ob. J. keine spur, zeigt. dass er evang.

Schriften ein ausschliessendes Ansehn beigelegt habe.

In: Augusti'sNeue theol. Bibl. I. 11. 49-56. Hengstenberg. Offenbarung Joh. (1861) 393-6. Hepp, J. Gesch. d. chr. K. (Mainz, 1851) 76-. Herbig. Chr. E. Comm. de scr. quae sub nom. J. cir-

cumferuntur. Vratisl. 1833. 8°.






Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 104-6; III. 37-8. 4i-2.

Hess, J. J. In: Bibl. der. heil. Geschichte. {Zurich, 1791. 8°.) I. no. 4.

Heumann, Ch. A. Symbola critica ad J. In: Miscel-lan. LipsienSi nov. {Lips. 1744. 8°). III. 222-.

Hickes, G. A. A passage in J.'s first (commonly called his second) apology vindicated against . . . Whiston. S. his discourse in Grabe's: Some instances of the defects and omissions in Mr. Whiston's collection of testimonies. {Lond. 1712. 8°.) xxxiv-li.

Hieronymus. De vir ill. 23 {Honor. August. I. 24).

HlLGENFELD. In: Tub. Jahrbb. (1850) Heft, 3 u. 4.

Hilgenfeld, Adolf. Krit. Untersuchungen iiber d. Evangelien Justin's, u. s. w. Halle, 1850. 8°.

— Die Evangelien. (1854).

— Kanon. u. Krit. N. T. {Halle, 1863) 24-8, etc., etc.

— In: Zeitschr. wiss. Theol. (1865).

— In: Zeitschr. wiss. Theol. (1871).

— Die Ap. Gesch. u. der M. Just. In: Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1872) 495-509.

— In: Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXII. (1879) 492-516. [Response to Engelhardt.]

— In: Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXIV. (1881) 251-6. [Rev. of Stahlin.]

— Ketzergesch. (1884) 3-4, 21-30, 70-3, 162-341. Hofling, J. W. F. Die Lehre J. vom Opfer. Erlang.

1839; repr. in his: Lehre d. alt. Kirche u. s. w. Erlang.

1851. p. 43--

Holland, H. S. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III. 560-87. Holsten. In: Zeitschr. wiss. Theol. (1861). Holtzmann. Die Synopt. Ew. (1863).

— Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 118-21, etc.

Hort, F. J. A. On the date of Justin M. In: Journ.

of class, and sacr. philol. III. (1856) [7?] 155-193. Hoven, J. D. ab. De aet. Minuaii F. et ordine apol.

Justini M. Campis, 1762. 40. Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) n-20. Hug. Einl. N. T. (1821) 11. Hugonin. Des motifs qui ont determine St. J. a aban-

donner le Platonisme. In: Ann. de phil. chret. (1851)

D. III. 459-71-

Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 6-15, 204-12. Jackson. Ap. fath. (1879) 140-186. Jeremie. Hist, church (1852) 81-3. JoCHER. Allgem. Gelehrten Lex. (1750-51). Jortin. Charakter and writings of J. M. In: Remarks

in Eccl. Hist. II. (1751) 155-.

— In his: " Tracts, philo., crit. and misc. {Lond. 1790. 8°.) II. 102-116.

JUNIUS, F. J. J. A. Dissertatio de Justino Mart. Apologeta adv. Ethnicos. Lugd. Bat. 1836. 8°.

Justin Martyr's testimony on Baptism. In: Chr. R. VI. (1841) 302.

Kaye, John. Some account of the writings and opinions of J. M. Cambr. 1829. 8°; 2d ed. revised. Lond. 1836. 8°; 3d revised. Cambr. 1845. 8°; also Lond. 1853. 8°.

Kayser, August. De Justini Martyris doctrina .dissertatio histor. Argentorati, 1850. 8°.

Keim. Jesu v. Nazara. (1875) passim.

— Rom. u. d. Christenth. (1881). Kestner. Die Agape (1819).

Kihn. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXVI. (1884) 497-5°°-[Rev. of Gutberlet's Braun's ed. III.]

Killen. Ancient Church (1859) 365-7.

Kirchhofer. Quellens. N. T. Can. (1844).

Koch, Ch. Gli. Dial. J. M. cum Tryphone examinatus.

Kilonii, 1700. 8°.

KONTOGENES. 'I(7T, TStV TTartpav. (1851). Kortholt, CH. Comment, in Just. Mart. Athenagoram,

Theophilum Antioch, et Tatianum. Franco/. & Lips.

1686. f».

Kostlin. Der Ursprung synopt. Ew. (1852).

Krome, Hekm. I. De authent. dial. J. M. cum Try-phone. Medioburgi, 1788. 8°; Ed. II. Ultraj. 1792. 8°.

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 112-3.

La Croze, M. V. Dissert, qua ostenditur scriptorem Quaestionum ad Orthodoxos, Diodorum esse Tarsen-sem. In: Bibl. Bremensis. V. IV. p. 656-669.

LamsON, A. In: Chr. Exam. VII. (1825) 141-, 303-.

Lange, J. P. Das Evang. Nach. Markus. (1868).

Lange, Lobeg. In: Rohr's Krit. Prediger-biblioth. XXV. (1844) 982-.

Lange, S. G. Ausf. Gesch. d. Dogmen. (1796) I. 91-189. [2 Apologies and Dialogue. Rejects Dial.]

Langius, J. Comm. in Just. M. Basil. 1565. f°.

Lansselius, Petr. Dispunctio calumniarum quae St. Justino Martyri inuruntur ab Is. Casaubono. Paris, 1615. f0:

Lardner. Credibility. Works (1831) II. 125-140.

Lechler. Ap. u. Nachap. Z-A. (188O 610-13. Engl. tr. (1886) 360-3.

Le Clerc, J. Bibl. univ. (1687) VII. 15-31; also in: Lebensbeschr. Kirchenvater (1711) 1-.

— Bibl. choisie (1703-4) II. 328-; III. 372-. Leibes, Fr. (Praes. Oberthiir) Dissert. S. Just, de praeci-

puis rel. dogmat. sententiam. Wirceb. 1777. 8°. Lelong. Bibl. sac. II. 811. LeNourry. Appar. bibl. patr. (1703) I. 350. Life and Writings of Justin Martyr. In: Kitto. V.

(1850) 253-; Chr. R. XV. (1850) 353-; Eel. R.

LXXXI. (1844) 186-.

Lindsay, T. M. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XIII. 790-v Lipsius. Zur Quellenkr. des Epiphanius (1865).

— In: Zeitschr. wiss. Theol. (1867).

— Quell, d. Ketzerges. (1875) 2I> 22. [Liron.] Singul. histor. (1739) III. 8-16.

Locus Justini Mart, emendatur (Apol. I. p. 11. ed.Thirlby.) In: Bibl. Litter., being a Collection of Inscriptions, Medals, Dissertations, etc. An. 1722. {Lond. 1724. 40.) VIII. 1-28.

Longuerue, L. DUFOUR DE. Dissertationes . . . de vita s. Justini M., de Athenagora, etc. Lipsiae, 1751. 40.

LuCHINl. Atti sinceri (1777) I. 362-6.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patrum. II. (1784) 48-316, 461-81;

x. (1793) 514-41-

â– LuthARDT. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

(1875) 52-66, 139. Lutzelberger. Die kirchl. Tradition lib. Ap. Joh. u. s.

w. (1849)-Maranus, PrUD. S. Justini op. omnia (1742) i-exxviii;

also in: Sprenger. Thes. rei patr. II. 1-; also in:

Migne. Patrol, gr. VI. (1857) 9-206. Martinov. Ann. eccl. gr.-slav. (1864) 144. Martyrium Justini. S. u. Martyrdom. Mattes. Zur Lehre Justin's von der Erbsiinde. In:

Theol. Quartalschr. {Tub. 1859.) Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 170, 207-16. Mayerhoff. Einl. petr. Schr. (1835) passim. Mazochius, Alex. Symon. In: Galland. Bib. vet.

patr. (1765) I. 709. Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

II. 682-6.

Methodist Magazine. XXXII. (1809) 3-. MEYER. Kr.-ex. H'buch. [Various vols.] Michaelis. Einl.N. B. (1788) 1. MlLMAN. Hist, of Christianity. II. (1875). Mohler. In: Theol. Quartalschr. XV. (1833).

— Gesammt. Schriften. (1839) II. 49-60.

Moller, W. Kosmologie in d. griech. K. (i860) 112-


Mosinger. Monumenta syriaca. II. (1878) 251-65. [Munscher, Gu.] Progr. an dial, cum Tryphone Justino

M. recte adscribatur. Marb. 1799. 40. MueNSCHER, W. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 139-41, etc.






Mynster. Theolog. Schriften. (1825).

— Justin u. s. evang. In: Credner. Beitrage. Halle, 1831. I. 92-267.

Neander, A. In: Stud. v. Krit. VI. (1833) 772-6. [Apolog. 1: 6. Reply to MShler.]

— Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 61-2, 95, 140-2, 172-3, 186-7, 200-1, 213-4, 233. 238-4°- [v. 1.]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 661-71, et pass. Neudecker. Einl. N. T. (1840).

Nicolas, M. Etudes crit. sur la Bible: N. T. (1864).

Niedner. Kirchengeschichte. (1866) 263, 286.

Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 141-58.

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. 1. (1870) 116-8, etc.

Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 149-50.

Nolte. Conjecturae et emend. In: Migne. Patrol, gr.

VI. (1857) 1705-38, 1763-1802. Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 7-9, etc. Oberthur. S. u. Leibes. Observationes in Justini M. Apol. I. et Dial, cum Tryph.

ed. Thirlby. In: Miscellaneae Obss. (Amsi. 1732.

8°.) I. 363-72-Olshausen. Ueb. d. von J. gebrauchte Evang. In his:

Die Aechtheit d. vier canon. En. (1823) 331-. Orsi. 1st eccl. (1746-) 81, 89-95, IO2-I3, 126-37, l63~

5, 168-72; (I749-) H-129-39, 148-64, 183-99, 233-5,

239-45-Otto, Johann Karl Theodor. Dissertatio de Justini

martyris scriptis et doctrina. jfenae. 1841. 8°. Otto. In: Illgen'sZtschr. 1841, 1842, 1843.

— In: Corp. apologet. christ. (1842-) I. xxxi-. (= Migne. VI. 205-26); do. (1847). cf-Hase. In: Journ. d. Savants (1852) 619-30; (1853) 182-8, 363-70-

— Zur Characteristik des heil. J. In: Sitzungsber. Akad. Wissensch. (1852) VIII. 164-81. Wien, 1852. 8°.

— In: Erschu. Gruber. II. (1853) 39-76.

— Die Zeit J. In: Theol. Jahrb. (1855) III.

— S. u. eds.

Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) I. 179-203.

Papebrochius. Comment, praev. In: Acta ss. Bolland.,

Apr. II. 104-8. (3a. 105-9.) Paul, L. Ueb. d. Logoslehre bei Justinus M. In:

Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1886) 661-690. Paulus, H. E. G. Ob d. Ev. Justins d. Ev. nach d. He-

braern sey? In his: Exegetjsch-kritische Abhandl.

Tubing. 1784. 8°. Perjonius, Joach. In: Surius Vitae ss. (1618) IV.

151-2. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) I. 414-5; II. 98-

149, 309-13, 943-

Petavius. De doctr. tempp. II. {Par. 1627) 629.

Pfleiderer. In: Zeitschr. wiss. Theol. (1869).

Photius. Bibl. Cod. 48, 125, 232, 234.

Pressense. Hist. 3 prem. siec. III. 201-; IV. 169; V. 262; Tr. Engl., Heresy (n. d.) 227-49, Chr. life (1878) 23-32, 266-71, Martyrs (1879) 127-9, 243-51,


— In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) VII. 576-83. Prileszky, J. B. Acta et scripta s. Justini, philosophi et

martyris. Cassoviae, 1765. 8°.

PuiSEAU, H. W. DE. [Christology of Justin.] Leyden, 1864.

Rau, J. J. Diatribe de philosophia ss. Patrum Justini martyris et Athenagorae. Jenae, 1733. 4°.

Rehling. S. u. Wokenius.

Remarques sur la I. Apologie de S. Justin M. In: Bibl. choisie. II. 328-52; III. 372-94.

Renan. L'egl. chr. (1879) 364-89, 480-.

Rettig. Das alt. Zeugn. p. 59.

Reuchlin. Dissertationes III. de doctrina Justini martyris. Argent. 1747. 40.

Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 15-6, 251-2. Tr. Eng. (1884) 299,531. [v. 2.]

Reville. Hist, du Dogme de la Div. de J. C. (1869). Rhode, C. V. Justini Martyris de Theopneustia libror.

sacr. judicium. Lundini, 1830. 8°. Riggenbach. D. Zeugnisse f. d. Ev. Joh. (1866). Ritschl. Altkath. Kirche (1850) 316-; (1857) 298-


— In: Theol. Jahrbb. {Tiib. 1851) 482-. Ritter, H. Chr.philos. (1841) I. 295-308.

Ritter, J. J. Animadv. in primam S. Justini Mart. Apol. Vratisl. 1836. 40,

Robertson. Hist, of Church. (1875-) I. 30-5.

Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. I. (1776) 101-181.

Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. I. (1795) 14&-93.

Row, T. Difficulty in Justin M. in the Oratio ad Grsecos explained; Critique on Thirlby's J.; Illustration of a disputed passage in J. by E. Haiwood; A controverted passage inj. In: Gentleman's Mag. (1783) 551—, 750-, 831-, 904-; (1786) 570-.

Rudelbach. Christl. Biographie. I. (Lpz. 1849.)

Ruggieri, E. Vita e dottrina di S. Giustino, filosofo martire. Roma, 1863. 8°; cf. Civilta cattol., E, vi,


Ruinart. Acta sincer. (1689) 38-. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 39-48, 88-137, 278-


Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 710-26. Schaller, L. Les deux Apologies de Justin M. au point

de vue dogmatique. Strasb. 1861. Scharffenberg, G. H., and D. Comment, academ. de

Justino, Tertulliano, et Cypriano adv. Judseos disputan-

tibus. Lund. Goth. 1820. 40. (20 p.) Scherer. In: Rev. de Theologie (1855). Schick, A. H. Ueb. d. ei>xv Myov bei J. In: Ztschr.

f. d.ges. luth. Theol. u. K. XVIII. (1857) 76-107. Schleiermacher. Sammtl. Werke. (1840) XI. Schliemann. Clementinen. (1844) 441-2, etc. Schmid. Patrol. (1879) 38-40. Schmidt, J. A. De Justini Martyris theologia moralii.

programma. Helmstadtii, 1698. 40. Schmidt, J. G. C. Hist. crit. Einl. N. T. (1804). Schneckenburger. Vorles ii. N. T. Zeitgesch. ed.

Lohlein. (1862). Scholten. Het Ev. n. Johann. (1864) 8°.

— Die alt. Zeugnisse (1867).

Schott. Isagoge Hist. Crit. in lib. N. Foed. (1830). SCHRAM. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) I. 295-524. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 17-51,106-8. Schutz, D. F. De Ev. Justini M. In his: Dissert, de

Evangiliis, quae ante Ev. canon, in usu eccles. christ.

fuisse dicuntur. {Regiom. 1812.) II. I-. Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) I. 216-33,359-63. Scultetus, Abr. De vita, scriptis et doctrina Justini M.

In: Medullse theol. I. 1. 1-45. Seibert, C. G. Justinus, d. Vertheidiger d. Christen-

thums vor dem Thron. d. Caesaren. Elberf. 1859. Seiler, G. F. Christologia Justini martyris. Erlang.

1775. 40. Semisch, Carl. Ueb. d. Todesjahr Justins d. M. In:

Stud. u. Krit. VIII. (1835) 9°7-52-

— Justin der Martyrer eine kirchen- und dogmenges-chichtliche Monographie. Bres. 1840-2. 2 Th. 8°. Tr. English by J. E. Ryland. Edinb. 1843. 2 v. 8°. [Cf. Reithmayr, Fr. X., in Archiv. f. theol. Liter. (1842) I. 3*1-35.632-63.] 2Aufl. 1859.

— Die Apostolischen Denkwiirdigkeiten d. Martyrers Justinus. Hamburg-Gotha, 1848. 8°.

Semler. Gesch. d. chr. Glaubenslehre vor Baumgartens

Untersuchung. (1763) II. 42, 70. Sevestre. Diet, patrol. (1854) III. 965-99. Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d ed. (1865-) I. 268-74; II. 28. Stahlin, A. Justin d. Martyrer u. sein neuester Beur-

theiler. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. (iv, 67 p.) [From: Alleg. Ev.

Luth. Kirchenz (1879) No. 47.J






Staudlin. Moral J.d.M. In: Sittenlehre Jesu. (Gb'i-

ting. 1802.) II. 93-121.

Stieren. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1842) 225. Storr. Zweck d. Evang. Gesch. u. Br. Joh. (1786). Stowe, C. E. In: Bib. Sac. IX. (1852) 821-30.

— Books of the Bible. (1867) 245-9.

Stroth. Fragm. d. Evang. n. d. Hebraern aus Just.

Mart. In: Repert. f. bibl. u. morgenl. Litt. (1771) I.

Supernatural Religion. (1875-) I. 283-428; II. 271-316;

III.  15-7.

Surius. Vit. ss. 13 Apr. 151—.

Symeon Metaphr. In: Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) II.

182-3. Tamburini, Pietro. Analisi delle apologie di S. Gius-

tino martire, etc. Pavia, 1792. 8°. Tennemann. Gesch. d. Philos. VII. 140-. Tentzel, W. E. Exercitat. Select. P. I. (1692) 165-


Tholuck. Glaubwiirdigkeit d. evang. Gesch. (1838). Thoma. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1875). Thumer. Ueber d. Platonismus d. Justinus Martyr.

Realschulprogramm. Glauchau. 1880. 40. Tillemont. Mem. (1732) II. 344-404, 642-62. Tischendorf. Wann wurden, u. s. w. (1866). Tobler. In: Theol. Jahrb. (i860). Tracts for the times. (1840) I. Rec. Tregelles. Canon Murat. (1867) 70-3, 84, etc. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 11. Tzschirner. Gesch. d. Apologet. (1805) 1.

— Fall d. Heidenth. (1829) I. 204-. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 290-4. Vacherot. Hist, de l'Ecole d'Alexandrie. I. Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XI. 94. Volkmar. In: Theol. Jahrb. (1850).

— Das Evangelium Marcion's, Text u. Kritik, mit Riick-sicht auf d. Evangelien d. Mart. Justin, d. Clementinen u. d. apost. Vater. Lpz. 1852. 8°.

— Uber Justin den Martyrer u. sein Verhaltniss zu unsern Ew. Programm. Zurich, 1853. 8°.

— Die Zeit Justin's d. Mart, kritisch untersucht. In: Theol. Jahrb. (1855) II. 227-, 412-

— In: Zeitschr. wiss. Theol. (i860).

— In: Theol. Jahrb. (1865).

— Urspr. uns. Evangelien. (1866).

VSlter, D. Pseudojust. Cohortatio ad Gr. In: Ztschr.

f. wiss. Theol. XXVI. (1883) 180-215. Volz, W. L. Krit. Bemerk. zu. J. Apol. I. 66. In:

Stud. u. Krit. XLVII. (1874) 354-7. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881)267-79. Weber, C. F. Ueber d. Evangelium J. In his: Bey-

trage zur Gesch. d. N. T. Canons. (1791. 8°.) 105-. Wegscheider. Einl. in d. Ev. d. Joh. (1806). Weizsacker, C. D. Theologie d. J. In: Jahrb. f. deut.

Theol. XII. (1867) 60-119. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 95-177.

— Bible in the Church. (1877) 97-105. Wetstein. Proleg. N. T. I. 66. Wette, DE. Einl. N. T. (i860). Wilcke. Tradition u. Mythe. (1837).

Willink, H. D. Tjeenk. Justinus Martyr in zijne ver-

handling tot Paulus. Zwolle, 1868. 8°. Winer, G. B. Dissert, qua Justinum M. Evangeliis

canonicis usum fuisse ostenditur. Lipsiae, 1819. 40.

(32 p.) (= Rosenmtiller. Commentatt. (1825) I.


Winter. Gesch. d. altesten Zeugen. p. 265. Wokenius, F. [Rehling, J.] Dissert, crit. de Samaritan-

ismo et Hebraismo Justini M. Vitemb. 1729. 40. Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 73, 150-7. Worman, J. H. In: M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-)

IV.  1104-10.

Worship of Angels. Lond. 1795. 4°. [Cf. Lowndes.] " Woskresnoe Tschenie." (1849) No. 33-.

Wurm. Apol. v. J., Tatian, Athenag., Theoph., and Hermias. In: Stud. d. evang. Geistl. Wiirt. (1828)1. 11. 1-34.

Zahn, T. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchenges. VIII. (1885) 1-84.

Zastrau, D. F. De Justini Martyris biblicis studiis. Vratisl. 1831-2. 8°. (52 p.)

Zeller. Apostelgesch. (1854) 26-50.

Compare also literature under Mathetes. Epistle to Diognetus.

Note 1. The judgment of Holland as to Justin's works may be taken as the general view; genuine, the two Apologies and the Dialogue; very doubtful, the Oratio, Cohortatio, De resur., Monarchic; spurious, all the rest. Yet the Oratio has been defended by Cave, Tillemont, Ceillier, Maranus, De Wette, Banmgarten-Crusius and Otto; the Cohortatio by Maranus, Semisch, and Otto, and almost every one has a champion, if no one else then Kestner at least!

Note z. Date of first Apol. 138-9: Scaliger, Petau, Dod-well, Pagi, Longuerue, Tentzel, Clericus, Galland, Lumper, Winter, Rettig.Neander.Mohler, Otto, Semisch. 140: Koch, Augusti. 141: Eusebius. 147-50: Volkmar, Baur, Engel-hardt, Hort, Donaldson, Holland. 150: Halloix, Le Nourry, Maranus, Grabe, Tillemont, Ceillier, Fleury, Gerkenius, Ritter, Lipsius, Renan. 160: Keim, Aubg.

Otto. 166: Dupin, Semisch, Schaff. 167: Fleury, Ruinart. 166-7:" the majority " (so Hergenrother). 168: Tillemont, Maran. 171: Fapebrocn.


I.    Editions.

Papebrochius. In: Acta sanctorum. I. (Antv. 1695. **•)


GallAndius. In: Bibl. vet. patr. Venet. 1765. f°. I. 19. Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. VI. (1857) 1563-72.

See also the editions of Maranus, Otto, and others.

II.    Translations.


Sirletus, Guil. (Acta mart. Justini.) In: Lipomanus, Al. Vitae ss. patr. VII. n. {Rom. 1558. 40.) 184-; also in: Surius Laur. Sanct. vit. (Colon. Agr. 1618. f°.) 182-; in: Baronius. Annal. II. (Colon. Agr. 1685. f°.) 163-; in: Halloix. Justini vita. (1622) 181-; in: Ruinart. Acta mart. (Amst.ijxs. f°.) 58-; (Aug. Vind. 1802) 129-; and in: Jebb, Sam. Dial. c. Trypho. Lond. 1719.


Dods, M. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. II. (1868) 367-70. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 305-6. Other translations among the works above.

Note. Genuineness of the Martyrdom. For: Tillemont, Ruinart, Papebroch, Galland, Mazochius, Semisch. Against: many.

VIII. IRENAEUS. I. Editions.

Erasmus. (Adv. haer. Lat. only.) Basil, 1526. f°;

1528. f°; 1534. f°; Par. 1545. 8°; Basil, 1545. P>

[??]; Basil, 1548. f°; Basil, 1554; Basil, 1560. f°;

Paris, 1563. 8°; Basil, 1566; Paris, 1567. 8°. GALLASIUS, NIC. (Opera.) Genev. 1570. f°. [1st ed. of

fragments of the Greek.] Grynaeus,J.J. (Adv.haer.) Basil, 1571. 8°. ["Worth-

less."] Feuardent, Fr. (Opera.) Par. 1575-6. f°. [?];

Colon. 1596. f°; Colon. 1625. f° [Improved]; Par.

1639. f°; Par. 1675. f°; also in: Bibl. patr. Lugd.

1677. f°. Halloix. (Fragments.) Gr. lat. In his: 111. eccl.

orient, scr. Vuaci, 1636. f°. p. 480-507.






Rous, Fr. (Adv. haer. and De pace.) In his: Mella

patrum. Lond. 1650. 8°. p. 75-123. Combefisius. (Fragments.) Gr. lat. In his: Auct.

nov. Bibl. patr. 1672. f°. I. 298-. Grabe, J. E. (Adv. haer.) Gr. lat. Oxon. 1702. f°. Massuet, R. (Opera.) Gr. lat. Par. 1712. f°; Venet.

1734. 2V. f°. [Enlarged.] Pfaffius. (Fragments.) Gr. lat. La Haye, 1715. 8°

(with new title). Lugd. Bat. 1743. 8°; first publ. in:

Giornale de' Letterati d' Italia. T. xvi. p. 228-45.

[1714]; also in: Pfaff. syntagma dissert, theol. Stuttg.

1720. 8°. p. 573-724; and Hippolytus. Opera. Hamb.

1718. f°. II. 64-. Munter, F. (Fragments.) Gr. lat. In his: Fragm.

patr. gr. Hafniae, 1788. 8°. I. p. 25-. Routh. (Fragments.) Oxon. 1814. 8°. I. 389-;

(Frgm. from Haer.) In: Scr. eccl. op. (1858) II. 209-

16; (AdFlor.) In: Scr. eccl. op. (1858)1.33-41. Olshausen. (Ep. ad Fl.) In: Monumenta. (1822)1. Beaven, J. Lond. 1838. 2 v. 8°. Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. VII. (1857) 433-1322.

[Repr. of Massuet.]

Harvey, W. W. Gr. lat. arm., etc. Camb. 1857. 2 v.

8"; 1859. 8°. [Still in print.] Stieren, A. (Opera.) Gr. lat. Lips. 1848-9-53. 2 v.

8°. Deane, H. (Haer. Bk. III.) Oxford. 1874. 8°.

Note. As the Adv. Haer., excepting fragments of the Greek

and of Syriac and Armenian translations, exists only in the

Latin translation, this has been classed under editions.

II.    Translations.


Whiston, W. ("Some passages.") In his: Primitive Christ. Lond 1736. 8°. p. 24-26, 49-52.

Roberts and Rambaut In: Ante-Nic. Lib. V. (1868) 1-480; IX. (1869) 1-187. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 315-578.

KeblE. In: Library of the Fathers. Ox/. 1872. 8°.

French. Genoude [??] In: Peres de l'egl. Par. 1837-43. 8°.

German. Ziegler. In: Werke d. K.-V. III., IV. (Kempten,

1831.) Hayd, H. Kempten, 1872-3. l6°. [The Reithmayer-

Thalhofer Bibl.]

III.    Literature.

Alexander, John. The primitive doctrine of Christ's

divinity, etc., in an essay on Irenseus. Lond. 1727. Alexander, Natalis. Hist. eccl. (1778) III. 367-71. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 100-11. Ampere. Hist. lit. France. (1839) I. 166-91. Aube, B. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer). XXV.

(1858) 943-8.

Augusti. Dogmengesch. I., II. Baronius. Ann. (1589) 179, 52-4; 180, 1-18; 205,

28-30. Baumgarten. Untersuchung theol. Streitigkeiten. II.

86, 104, 131. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 187-8.


Baur. Christliche Gnosis. (7%"<5. 1835.) 460-.

— Kirchenges. 3 e. J. (1863) 253-6.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 260-2, etc.

— Geschichte der Trinitaetslehre.

— Gesch. d. Lehre von d. Versoehnung. BA4>EIAHS. 'E/tid. ior. I. (1884) 154-5.

Beaven, James. Life and writings of St. Irenseus. London, 1841. 8°.

Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 37-8. Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 58, etc. Bill, J. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. VII. (1857) 1339-40. Blackburn. Hist, of Church. (1879) 36-8. Boehringer. Kirchenges. (1873-) I. II. (= p, 271-


Brit. & For. R. 1869. Jan. Brucker. Hist. crit. phil. (1766-7) III. 408-10; VI.

538-9-Buddeus. Dissert, in qua evincitur Cl. R. atq. Iren. non

favere Missae pontif. Bulletin Theolog. (1869) 319-. Bunsen. Hippolytus. (1854) I. 246-50. Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829)68-111.

— Trinity. (1881)47-54.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I- 16-7.

Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825)61-5.

Castellus, H. S. Erkl. e. bey dem Irenaeo Lib. I. Cap. 18. p. 90 edit. Grab, befindl. Syrisehen Gebets-Formel d. Marcosier. In: Teutsche Acta Eruditor. (Leipz. 1712. 8°.) I. VI. 482.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3)1.66-9.

— Lives. (1840) I. 258-72.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. (1730) II. 135-96;

(1858) I. 495-531-Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 45-6, 66-70, 129-31,

'45. 159-62, 182-3,200-2,219,229, 231, 235, 240, 245,

249, 252, 253-4, 259, 263, 266, 276, 295-6, 307, 315,

322, 328, 340-2.

Chemnitius. Orat. de lectione patr. 5-. Chevalier. Re"p. d. sources hist. (1877-86) n 18-9. Chladen, M. Irenaei Elpistii de elig. relig. commenta

excut. Wittebergae, 1719. Christian Obs. IV. (1805) 1-, 65-, 129-. Christian Rem. (1853) 226-. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 105-8. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 175, 181, 183, 201;

II. 412.

Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846)227-239. Collombet. Ss. dioc. Lyon. (1835) 55—72, 379-8o. Colonia. Hist. lit. Lyon. (1728) 1.11. 51-110. Croi, Jean de. Specimen conject. et obs. in quaedam

Origenis, Irenaei et Tertulliani loca. Genev. 1632. 40. Cunningham. Hist, theol. (1870) I. 139-46.

— Churches of Asia. (1880) passim. Darling. Cycl. bibl. (1854) 1610-1, 2979. Deyling, Sal. S. Irenaeus a Renati Massueti pravis ex-

plicationibus vindicatus. Lips. 1717. 40; 2 Ed. auct.

et emend. 1721. 40; also in his Observat sac. (1757)

IV. (V.) 1-116. Dietelmaier, J. A. In: Hamb. verm. bibl. (1743) I.

2, 144. Dissert, sur la vie et sur les ouvrages de St. Irenee. In:

Mem. deTrevoux (1703) 344-; Tr. Ital. In: Zaccaria,

Race, di dissert. (1794) VI. 59-70. Dodwell, Henry. Dissertationes in Irenaeum. Oxon.

1689. 8°. Cf. Acta erudit. (1690) 547-61; also Le

Clerc. Bibl. univ. (1690-1) XVIII. 230; XX. 95. Dorner. Person of Christ. 1.(1864)303-26,462-7. Douhet. Diet. d. leg. 656. Duncker, L. Des Heil. Irenaeus Christologie. Gottin-

gen, 1843. 8°. (VIII. 262.)

Dupin. Nouv. bibl. d. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 160-78. Duysing, Henr. Otto. Disputatio de textu Irenaei

graeco. Marpurgi Cattor. 1747. 40.

— Disputatio de versione Irenaei latina. Marpurgi Cattor. 1747. 4°.

Eichhorn. Bibl. I. 620.

Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 66.

Erasmus. In: Migne. VII. (1857) I32l~

Erbkam, H. W. De princ. eth. S. Irenaei. Regiomenti, 1856.




Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 66-74; IX. 413 (2» VI.); 75-87; X. 713-4.

— Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 382-6.

— Bibl. med. aev. (1735) IV. 528-9 (2a 180). Farrar. Interpretation. (1886) 174-75. Feuardent, F. Vita Iren. Par. 1576. f°; also in:

Migne. Patrol, gr. VII. (1857) J339~52-Feuerlein, J. W. De sententia Iren. de divinitate Sp. S. Gott. 1738. 40.

— De nostr. ignorantia aetern. generat. Chr. in loc. Iren. Gdtt. 1750. 40.

Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 528-31, 540-57, 599-

601; II. 39-40. [Florus.] In: Spicil. Solesmense. Par. 1852. I. 8-;

also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. VII. (1857) 43I-2-Freppel. St. Irenee et l'eloquence chret. dans la Gaule

pend. 1. deux prem. siecles. Paris, 1861. 8°; 3 ed.

Paris, 1886. 8°. Frommann, E. A. Interpret. N. T. ex Irenaeo, dissert.

I. II. Coburgi, 1766. 40. Gallasius, N. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. VII. (1857)


Gebhardt. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1875)369-. [Gervaise, Fr. Drm.] La vie de S. Irenee. Paris, (3

ed.) 1723.- 2 v. 12°. [" at-

tribuent cet ouvrage au libraire-editeur Barois."] GieselER. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 148-9, 156, 197. Gnosticism and the rule of faith in S. Irenaeus. In:

Dubl. Rev. XXIV. (1875) 56-113. Gorini. Defense de l'Eglise. (1866) I. 12-63. Gouilloud, Andre. St. Irenee et son temps. Lyon,

1876. 8°. (XVI. 519.) Grabe, J. E. De vita et scr. I. In: Migne. Patrol, gr.

vii. (1857) 1351-64-

Graul, K. D. chr. K. a. d. Schwelle d. Iren. Ztalters.

Lpz. i860. Griesbach, J. J. De potentiore Eccl. Rom. principali-

tate ad loc. Irenaei. III. 5. Jena, 1780. 40; also in

his: Opusc. I. Grynaeus, J. J. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. VII. (1857)

1333-40-Hackenschmidt. Die Anfange des kath. Kirchenbe-

griffs. I. (1874) 83-. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 60, etc.

— Kirchenges. (1885) I. 162-8.

Halloix. Eccl. orient, script. (1636)11.402-694.

Harles. Introd. II. 2, 203.

HarnaCK. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Th. (1874) 174-, 211-.

— Dogmenges. I. (1886) 226-7, 263-4, 303-5, 422-500, 648-9.

Harrison. Whose are the fathers?

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 158, 163, 298, 336-7,

434-HeischKEIL, D. C. Ueb einige Stellen Iren. In: Au-

gusti N. theol. Blatt. II. 3, 73. Hengstenberg. Einl. Offenb. Jo. (1861) 406-8. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 168; III.

HeumaNN, C. A. Exercitium artis criticae in Irenaeo.

In: Hamburg, verm. Bibl. (1743) I. H. 144-. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 35. Hilgenfeld. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1879) 319-.

— Ketzergesch. (1884) 5-9. 46-58, 73~4> 342-449-Hist. lit. France. (1733) I. 1, 324-52.

Hofling. Lehre d. altest. K. vom Opfer. (1854) 71-IO7. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 50, etc. Hopfenmuller, Laur. St. Irenaeus de Eucharistia.

Dissert, inaug. Bambergae, 1867. 8°. Cf. Kraus, J.

B., in: Theol. Lit.-blatt. (1868) III. 466-71. Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 77-93. JoCHER. Allgem. Gelehrten-Lex. (1750-51). Irenaeus and Gnosticism. In: Dub. R. LXXVI. (1874)


Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 20-9, 212-23.

Jannigus. In: Acta ss. Bolland (1715) Jun. VI. 263-72.

(« 3». VII. 698-704.") Jeremie. Hist, church (1852) 86-7. Jortin, J. Ir. of miracles. In his: Eccl. Hist. {Lond.

1752. 8°.) II. 206-375. Kayser, A. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) VII.


— L'opinion d'Irenee sur le siecle apostolique. Rev. d. Theol. VI. 321.

Killen. Ancient church. (1859) 368-9.

Kirchner, M. D. Eschatologie. d. Iren. In: Stud. u.

Krit. XXXVI. (1863) 315-58. Kling. In: Herzog. Real-Encyclop. s. v. Koeler, I. D. Testim. S. Ir. de Germanis christianis

in saec. II. p. Chr. nat. Gotting. 1742-47. 40. Koerber, Joa. S. Irenaeus de gratia sanctificante, Dissert, inaug. Bambergae, 1866. 8°. [K6RNER, Ger.] Explicat. loc. Iren. adv. haer. v. 19.

Lips. 1781. 40.

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. n 5-6. Labouderie. In Biog. Univ. Michaud. 1842-65. XX.

362-3-Lange, S. Gli. Gesch. d. Dogmen. I. (Lpz. 1796)

286-. Lardner. Credibility. {Lond. 1748. 8°) I. I. 343-.

Works (1831) II. 165-193. Leimbach. Wann ist I. geboren? In: Ztschr. f. luth.

Theol. XXXIV. (1873) 614-29. [Before 120.] Leimbach, C. L. In: Ztschr. f. luth. Theol. XXXVIII.

(1877) 244-9. [1 and 2 Peter.] Le Nourry. Appar. bibl. vet. patr. (1703) I. 559-. LlGHTFOOT, J. B. The Churches of Gaul. In: Contemp.

Rev. XXIX. (1876) 405-.

Lindsay, T. M. In: Encycl. Brit. (9thed.) XIII. 273-4. Lipsius, R. A. Die Zeit d. Ir. u. d. Enstehung d. altkath.

Kirche. In: Sybel Histor. Zeitschr. XXVIII. {Miin-

chen, 1872) 241-95.

— Quellen d. alt. Ketzergesch. (1875) 36-.

— Quellenkritik d. Epiphanios. 161—, 168—.

— In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III. 253-79. Lumby. History of the Creeds, p. 14.

Lumper. patr. III. (1784) 188-628; X. (1794)

568-774. Luthardt. St. John the author of the Fourth Gospel.

(1875) 45-8. r4i-7-Maffei, Scip. In: Giorn. de'Letter. (1713-16) XVI.

245-; XXVI. 53-; Tr. Ger. In: Neue Bibl. u. s. w.

LVIII. 597-. [Rev. of PfafTs fragments.]

Mansel. Gnostic Heresies. Lond. 1875.

Massuet, Ren. S. Irenaei contra haereses lib. V.

(1710) dissert.III.; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. VII.9-


Matter. Hist. crit. du Gnost. II. Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 260-8. MoHLER. Patrologie. {Regensburg, 1840.) 330-394. MSljler, W. D. Kosmologie in d. gr. K. (i860) 474-

506. Montet, E. La Legende d'Irenee et l'introduction du

christianisme a Lyon. Genive, 1880. 8°. Mosheim. De reb. chr. ante Const. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 143-5, etc-Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 50-1, 77-9, etc.

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 215,299-300,677-82, et pass. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 182-200.

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 120-1, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 154-5. Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 39, etc. Orsi. Ist. eccl. (1746) II. 233-5, 283-302, 449-50;

(1749) II. 333-7, 406-31, 649-50. Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) I. 206-9. Papebrochius. Comment, histor. In: Acta ss. Bolland.

(1709) Jun. V. 335-42. (" 3". VII, 303-9.")






Permaneder. Bibl. patrist (1842) I. 416-7, II. 219-68. Pfaff, C. M. Dissert, apol. de frgmm. Iren. . . . adv.

Maffeium. Tubing. 1718. 40. Pisansky, G. C. De errore Iren. in determ. aet. Christi.

Regiom. 1778. 8°.

Pitra. Spicil. Solesm. (1852) I. vi-xi, 565. Powers, W. R. Irenaeus and Infant Baptism. In:

Am. Presb. R. XVI. (1867) 239-. Prat, J. M. Histoire de S. Irenee. Paris (1843). 8°;

tr. Ger. by J. N. Oischinger. Regensb. 1846. 8°. ["Bu1

what a confused, poverty-stricken work this is." — Rudel-


Pressense. Chr. life. (1878) 98-9, 271-3.

—  Martyrs. (1879) 252-60.

—  Heresy. (N.Y.) 375~4°4-

Prileszky, J. B. Acta et scripta S. Irenaei episcopo et

mart. Cassoviae, 1765. 8°. Quarry, J. Ir. and early Christianity. In: British Qt.

LXX. (1879) 96-; 311-. (Am. ed. 51-68; 165-83.) Rambouillet. St. Irenee et l'infaillibilite . . . Paris,

1870. 18°. Remarks upon St. Ir. by one of the authors of the Acta

Eruditorum. In: Memoirs of Literature. (Lond.

1712. 40.) II. 267-9. Reusch. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) V.

818-21. Reuss. Gesch.N. T. (1874) II. 19, 258-9; Tr. Eng.

(1884) 3O2, 538. [V.2.]

Reville, Albert. St. Irenee et les Gnostiques de son temps. In: Rev. d. deux Mondes, H. LV. (1865) 998-1032. Cf. Desjardins, E. G. In: Rev. d. scien. eccl. B. II. (1865) 238-40.

Revue d. scien. eccl. (1861) IV. 397-423.

Ritter. Chr. philos. (1841) I. 345-362.

Ritschl. Entst. d. altkath. K. (1857) 312-339-.

Ritter. Gesch. christi. Philos. (1841) I. 345-62.

Roberts and Rambaut. Introd. note. In : Ante-Nic. Lib. V. (1868) xv-xx. Ed. Coxe. I. (1885) 307-13.

Robertson. Hist, of Church. (1875) I. 100-2.

Ropes, C. J. H. In: Bib. Sac. XXXIV. (1877) 284-334- [Agt. Harvey. Iren. of Greekorigin.]

Rosenmuller. De Theologiae Chr. origine. (1786)

— Hist, interp. II. (1798) 185-228. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. I. (1776) 262-384. Ruinart. Acta sine. (1689) 59, 708.

Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 49-57, 315-7, 326,

329-33-Schaff. In: Deutsche Kirchenfreund. V. (1852).

— Creeds of Christendom. II. (1877) 12-16.

—  Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 746-57. Schliemann. Clementinen. (1884) 120 et pass. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 44-5.

Schmidt, J. Etude sur. S. Irenee et les Gnostiques. Brux. (Louvain?) 1855. 8°. In: Rev. Cathol. (1855) D. II. 390-; E. I. 558-72, 622-34, 688-93,

736-43-Schneemann, Gerard. S.Ir. de eccl. Romanae pricipatu

testimonium. commentatum et defensum. Frieb. i. Br.

1870. 40. (xxxiv. p.)

Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780) II. 1-403. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 192-237; IX.

96-7, 146.

Scultetus. Medull. theolog. patr. 83-. Semler, I. Lal. Prolusio ... ad corrigendas quasd.

Irenaei et Tertullian! sententias. Halae, 1772. 40.

— Comment, ad Ir. locum de nomine Iesu hebraico. In: Acta soc. lat. Jenens. I. 68-.

Sevestre. Diet, patrol. (1854) III. 566-91.

Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d ed. (1865-) I. 282-5; JI-


Smith,P. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)11. 620.

Sopra la vita e le opere di S. Ereneo. In: Zaccaria. Rac-

colt. (1794) VI. 59-. [Fm. Memoirs de Trevoux.] Stiebnitz (?). Widerlegung e. Irrth. d. Iren. In:

Wochentl. Hallische. Anz. (1751) 81-. Stieren, A. De Irenaei adv. haer. operis fontibus, in-

dole, doctrina et dignitate. Comment, hist.-crit. praemio

ornata. Gotting. 1836. 40.

— In: Ersch. u. Gruber.II. xxm. (1844) 357-86.

— De cod. Vossano seu Burelliano quo continentur Irenaei. libri V. Lipsiae, 1847. 40.

— Prolegg. in: Opp. Irenaei. Lips. 1853. 2 v. 8°; also (Excerpts) in: Migne. Patrol, gr. VII. (1857) 405-20.

Stoll, G. Nachr. d. Kirchenv. 87-.

Suskind. Aus welchen Griinden nahm Ir. d. Aechtheit

Uns. Ew. an? In Bezieh. auf Eckermann's theol.

Beytrage. V. 11. In: Flatt's Magazin f. christi. Moral,

etc. {Tub. 1800. 8°.) VI. IV. Taust, J. G. Summa probabil. hypothes. S. Irenaei

de num. Apocalyps DCLXVI. argum. str. Halae,

1769. Thiersch. Lehre d. Ir. von d. Eucharistie. In: Zeitschr.

f. luth. Theol. (1841) 40-. Tillemont. Mem. III. (1695) 97-99, 619-29; III.

(I732) 77-99, 619-29 et pass. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 21. Tulloch, J. Iremeus. In: Good Words. II. (1861)


Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 299-301. Veterum Testimonia. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. VII. (1857)


Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XL 124. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 6, etc. Walch, C. G. F. In: Nov. Comment. Soc. Reg. Scient.

Gotting. V. (1775. 40); II. 3-36; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. VII. (1857) 38l~4°4- [Authent. of the Adv.

haer.] Walch, J. G. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 31-2, 704-7, et

pass. Wernsdorf, C. F. De Irenaei testimonio pro paedobapt.

Lipsiae, 1775. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 334-7, 379-80.

— Bible in the church. (1877) I2J-3-

Witness of Irenaeus to Catholic Doctrine. In: Dub. R.

LXXIX. (= XXVII.) (1876) 117-55. Wolff, L. Die Lehre. d. Irenaeus von d. Trad. u. d.

Natur d. Menschen. In: Ztschr. f. d. ges. Luth. Theol.

(1842) IV. 1-28.

Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 213-233. Works of Irenaeus. In: Chr. Rem. XXXV. (1857)

402-; Eel. R. c. (1854) 257-; Chr. Obs. LXVIII.

(1868) 262-. Worman, J. H. In: McClintock and S. Cycl. (1874-)

IV. 647-53.

Yonge. Pupils of St. John. (1878) 235-49. Zahn, Th. Marcellus v. Anc. (1867) 234-245.

— In: Ztschr. f. hist. Th. (1875) 72-.

— In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) VII. 129-40. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. II. 1116-8.)

— D. gr. Irenaus u. d. ganze Hegesipp im 16. Jahrh. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchengesch. II. (1880) 288-291.

Zeller. Apostelgesch. (1854) 69-70.

Ziegler, Heinrich. Des Irenaus Lehre von d. Au-

toritat d. Schrift, d. Tradition u. d. Kirche. Berlin,

1868. 40. [Progr.]

— Irenaeus d. Bischof von Lyon. Ein Beitrag zur Ent-stehungsgesch. der altkath. K. Berlin, 1871. 8°.

Note 1. Mentions of Ir. are frequent in various works on Gnosticism, Montanism, Epiphanius, Heresies, Creeds, in Introductions, Commentaries, etc.

Note2. Birth of Irenaeus. 97-8, Dodwell; 100-120, Busse; 108, Grabe; 115, Zahn; 115-125, Schaff; 120,Tillemont,Light-foot; 125-130, Lipsius; 126, Ropes, Leimbach, Hilgenfeld; 125-30, Gebhardt;_i3o, Harvey; 140, Dupin, Massuet, Kling,

ringer, and others; 147 (?) Ziegler.






I.    Editions.

Barthius. (Fragments.) In his: Mamerti de Statu

Animae. Cygn. 1655. Montfaucon, Bern. DE. (Fragments.) In his ed. of

Athanasius. 1698. f°. Fabricius. (Fragments.) In his: Bibl. gr. 1712. 40.

2-29. Gallandius. (Fragments.) Bibl. patr. 1788. f°. I.

49-. Hefele. (Fragments.) Patr. ap. Tub. 1839; (1855)

329-397, passim.

Anger and Dindorf. Lipsiae, 1856. TischeNEDorf. Lips. 1856; also in: Dressel. Patr. ap.

(1856-7); 1863. 8°. 408-637. Simonides. In: 'OpdoSd^av '~EXkfjvo deoX ypcufiai.

Land. 1859; also (ed. Draeseke) in: Zeitschr. f. wiss.

Theol. XXX. (1887) 177-84. [Dr. has the "hitherto un-

known Greek " conclusion only.] Codex Sinaiticus. Petrop. 1862. IV. 142-148; also in:

Dressel. Proleg. (1863) lxxviii-xlvi. Hilgenfeld. Lipsiae, 1866. In: N. T. extra canon

rec. Gebhardt and Harnack. Gr. lat. In: Gebhardt, H.

& Z. Patr. ap. III. (1877) 1-271-. Funk. Patr. ap. {Tub. 1881.) 1.334-563. Hilgenfeld. Gr. Leipzig, 1881. 8°.

II.    Translations.

Latin. Fabrus, Jac. (Pastor.) In his: Liber trium vir., etc.

Paris, 1513. f°.

Gerbelius, Nicol. Argentor. 1522. 40. Heroldus. (Pastor.) In his: Orthodoxographi. Basil,

1555- f0-(Pastor.) In: Monumentu patr. orthodoxographa.

Basil, 1569. f°. II. 599-643. In: Bibliotheca patrum. Paris, 1575. f°; 1589; 1610;

1644; 1654; Colon. 1618. I.; and Lugd. 1677. I. 11.

22-. Barthius, Casp. (Pastor.) In: Claudiani Mamerti

libri III. de statu animae. Cygneae. 1655. 8°. p. 675-. Cotelerius. (Pastor.) In his: Patr. apost. Par. 1672.


Fell. (Pastor.) Oxon. 1685. I2°. [Barnabas and —.] Clericus, J. (Pastor.) In his: Ed. of Cotelerius.

Patr. apost. Amst. 1698. f°; 1724. f°. Grabe, J. E. (Pastor.) In his: Spicil. ss. patr. Oxon.

1698; 1700; 1714. 8°. I.

Legras. Livr. apocr. Par. 1717. f°; 1742. 120. Russell, R. Patr. ap. Land. 1746. 8°. I. Hilgenfeld. Leipzig, 1873. 8°. [Best of " Vulgata."]

And in various other editions of the Apostolical fathers. For the " Palatina " version cf. especially Gebhardt and Harnack. 1877.

Ethiopic. Abbadie, d'. Eth. lat. In: Abh. d. deut. morgenl.

Gesellsch. II. 1.; also separately. Lpz. i860. f*>.

Dutch. (Pastor.) Amst. 1687. 8°.


Wake. Lond. 1693. 8°. 112-24, 3rS~53°» Lond. 1710. 80 [Greatly improved]; Lond. 1719. 8°. 77-85, (2) 196-346; 1737- 8°; 5th ed. l8l8[7?l; Hartford, 1834. 8°. 279-428; Lond. 1842 [3?]. 8° [Revised]; Lond. 1846. 8°; i860. 8°; PMla. 1846. 8°.

(Hone.) Apocr. N. T. (1825) 258-357 {Phila. n. d.)


Bunsen. Hippolytus. (1854) I. 185-208. [?] Crombie, F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. 1.(1868)323-435. Ed.

Coxe. II. (1885) 9-55. HOOLE. Lond., Oxf. and Cambr. 1870. Cunningham. (Extracts) In: Churches of Asia. (1880)



Bible. (Desprez.) Par. 1715. f°. IV. Legras, Ant. In his: Livr. apocr. Par. 1717. f°; 1742.

12°; also in his: Ouvr. d. s. peres. Par. 1717. 12°. Genoude [??]. In: Peres de 1'egl. Par. 1837-43. 8°-


Kobian, VALENT. [? ?] Hagenauw. 1539. GLiisiNG, J. O. (Pastor.) In his: Briefe u. Schriften d.

Apost. Manner. Hamburg, 1718. 44-226. Nehringen, J. C. Halle, 1718.

Also the various modern translations of the ap. fath. Cf. u. Clement of R. and Apx.


Italian. Venez. 1796.

Russian. Preobraskenskj. Mask. 1862.

Note. Hermas was first published in the " vulgata " Latin form by J. Faber in 1513. The Greek text from the Mt. Athos ms. was first published by Anger in 1856, the "Palatina" Latin version first by Dressel in 1857, â„¢e Ethiopic trans-lation by Abbadie in i860, and the Greek text with the use of the Sinaitic ms. first by Tischendorf in the Sinaitic facsimile and in Dressel's Patr. ap. The missing Greek conclusion, published by Simonides. and republished by Draseke, is received, though guardedly, by Hilgenfeld, but rejected by Harnack as a demonstrated forgery.

III. Literature.

Abbott, E. A. Gospels. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) X.


Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 60-70.

Acta ss. Bolland. 1680 (9?) Maii. II. 36. (" 3". 357-8.") Anger, Rud., and Dindorf, Wilh. Nachtragliche

Bemerkungen zu Hermas. In: Gersdorf's Repertorium

(1856) III. (1857) 1; (1858) IV. 65-. Z,?^, 1856-

7-8. 3 Th. 8°.

— Synopsis (1852).

Baraterius. Disq. chron. (1740) III. § 3, 39-. Baronius, Ann. (1589) 159, 5-8. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 84. [v. 1.] BAUR. Urspr. d. Episcopats. (1838) 75. [deVis. 11,4.]

— Christenth. d. 3 Ersten Jahrh. (1853) 296; (1863) 134, 265, 294.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 25I-2» eto-BA*BIAHS. 'EacK. lar. I. (1884) 146-7.

Behm, Heinr. M. Th. Ueber d. Verfasser d. Schrift. welche d. Titel. "Hist." fiihrt. Rostock, 1876 [7?]. 8°. [" Gekronte Preisschrift."]

— In: Theol. Literaturbl. (1887) 6-7. [Rev. of Link.] Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 20-1. Bellermann. Ueb. d. alt. chr. Begrabnissstatten u. bes.

die Katakomben z. Neapel. Hamb. 1839. 77-. Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I- 29~3°> etc. Bleek-Mangold. Einleit. (1875) 752-, 787. Boissier. Les origines de la poesie chretienne. In:

Revue des deux mondes. (1875) July. I. 84. Bruell. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1878) 44-52. [Cl. of

R. and Herm.]

Brull, A. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXII. (1880) 681-6. TRev. of Nirschl.]

— Ueb. d. Urspr. d. I. Cl. u. d. H. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXIV. (1882) 201-5.

— Der Hirt des Hermas Nach Ursprung und Inhalt untersucht. Freiburg i. B. 1882. 8°.




Bunsen. Hippolytus. (1854) I. 182-215.

Burton. Divinity of Christ (1829) 12-14.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 2-3.

Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825)24-5.

Calkins. Citations from the N. T. by the Ap. fath.

In: Bibl. Sac. XXIII. (1866) 593. Caspari. Taufsymbols. III. (1875) 297-. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 30-32. Ceillier. Hist. gen. d. aut. sac. (1729) I. 582-97;

(1858) 330-9. Champagny. Les Antonins. Par. 1863. I. 134 not 1;

II. 347 not 3; I. (1875) 144-. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) XXIV-VI. 108-10, 155-

6, 174-6, 196, 224, 238-9, 275, 293-5, 3°3-4. 3I3»


Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1050. Clarke. Sacred, lit. (1830-1) I. 92. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 125; II. 408. Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 174-6. Cotelerius. Patr. ap. Amst. 1724. f°. I. 73-; also

in: Migne. 11.(1857)859-64. Cotta. Historia eccles. I. 647-655. Credner. Z. Gesch. d. Kanons. (1847) 7^~-Credner-Volkmar. Gesch. d. NTlichen Kanon. (i860)

37~-Cunningham. Hist, theol. (1870) I. 96-7.

— Churches of Asia. (1880) passim. Darling. Cyclop, bibliog. 1448. Davidson. Canon. {London, 1877) 273-. Dillmann. Bemerkungen zu d. athiop. H. In: Ztschr.

f. d. Morgenl. Gesells. 1861. Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. (1864-6)1.254-311.

— Apost. fathers. (1874) 318-392.

— In: Theological Rev. (1877) Oct.

— In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) II. 197-8.

Dorner. Person Christi. (1845) 190-205; tr- Engl. I.

(1864) 123-35, 380-98. Draseke, J. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXX. (1887)

172-84. [The Greek conclusion of H.I Dupin. Nouv. bibl. d. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 1-12. Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 249, etc.

— In: Ztschr.f. d. hist. Theol. (1852) 103.

— Justin d. M. 410-27.

Ewald. Gesch. d. Volkes Israel. VII. (1868) 302;

335--Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 7-31.

— Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 966-70.

— Bibl. med. aev. (1735) III. 719-20. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 278-99. Fontanini. Histor. literar. Aquilejens. II. I. 53-. Funk. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXVI. (1884) 119-22.

[Rev. ofBrull. 1882.]

— Zur Versio Palatina des Pastor Herma. In: Ztschr. f. d. osterr. Gymn. 1885. 40. 245-249.

GaSb, Ernst. D. Hirte. d. Hermas. Ein Beitrag zur

Patristik. Basel, 1866. 8°. Galland. Bibl. vet. patr. (1765) I. xxvi-; also in:

Migne. Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 863-72. Garrucci. Storia della arte Christiana. Prato. II.

(1873)  112-114.

Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 109, 111-2. Gratz, Aloys. Disquisitiones in Pastorem Hermae. I.

Bonnae, 1820. 40. Gueranger. S. Cecile et la societe Romaine aux deux

premiers siecles. Paris, 1874. 132-, 197-. Hackenschmidt. D. Anfange d. cathol. Kbegriffs.

(1874)  67-,

Hagemann. In: Theol. Quartalschr. {Tub. i860) 3-40.

— In: Tub. Theol. Quartalschr. (1861) 509-. [h. and 2d Clement.]

— D. rom Kirche i. d. ersten 3 Jahrh. (1864) 48-, 81, 86, 112, 124,605, 673.

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 56, etc. Harnack. In: Theol. Ltzng. (1877) 58-9. [Rev. of Schodde.]

— In: Theol. Ltzng. XII. (1887) 147-51. [A vigorous expose of the so-called Greek Hermas of Simonides repub-lished in the Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. "Dieser griechische Hermas ist allerdings ein ' hochst gelungenes' Machwerk." Cf. u. Draseke and Hilgenfeld.]

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) II. 195-9. Hausleiter, J. Text krit. Bern. z. palat. Uebers. d. H. In: Ztschr. f. wiss Theol. XXVI. (1883) 345-56.

— De versionibus pastoris Hermae latinis. Pars prior. Diss. inaug. Erlangae, 1884. 8°. (XLIX. 262 S.) 6-.

Hefele. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1839) 169-. .

— In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) V. 119-23. Hellwag. D. Vorstell. v. d. Praexist. Chr. i. d. altest.

K. In: Theol. Jahrbb. (1848) 227-. Hesse. D. Murat. Fragment. (1873) 263-. Heyne, Gust. Quo tempore Hermae Pastor scriptus sit.

Regimonti, 1872. Heyns, Junius, et v. Gilse, de P.P. App. doctr. morali,


Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 10. Hilgenfeld. Apost. Vat. (1853) 125-, 179. [?]

— D. Urchristenth. u. s. neuest. Bearbeit. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. I. (1858) 423-.

— D. Kanon u. d. Kritik d. N. T. (1863) 43.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1866)240. ["deH.etli-bro Elxai."]

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1868) 217. [Hermas and Gosp. of John.]

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1869) II. [Date.]

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1872) 560-; (1874) 214. [Muratorian fragment.]

— Einleit. i. d. N. T. (1875) 80, 85-, 115-, 126-.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVII. (1883) 507-12. [Rev. of Hausleiter. De vers. lat]

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVIII. (1885) 254-6, [Paris ms. of lat. version.]

— Zwei Bemerkungen zu d. H. d. H. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVIII. (1885) 384.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXX. (1887) 109-14. [Rev. of Link. Christi Person u. Werk i. H.]

— Z. d. gr. Schlusse d. H. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol.

XXX. (1887) 185-6. [Probably not a fabrication of Simonides.]

Hofstede de Groot. Basilides u. s. w. (1868) 108-. Hollenberg, Wilh. De Hermae Pastoris codice Lip-siensi. Berolini, 1856. 8°. (32 p.)

— Herm. Past, emendavit, indicem verborum addidit Guil. H. Saarbruchen, 1868. 40. (Progr.)

Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 111-2, etc., 552.

— Hermas u. Johannes. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1875) 40-.

Hoole, Charles H. The Shepherd of Hermas translated into English, with an Introduction and Notes. Lond., Ox/, and Cambr. 1870.

Huckstadt, E. Ueb. d. pseudotertul. Gedicht adv. Mar-cionem. (1875).

Huidekoper. The belief . . . concerning Christ's mission to the underworld. New- York, 1876. 11-, 52-.

Ittig. Dissert, de patr. ap. p. 184-206.

— Hist. eccl. (1709) I. 65-66, 155-79-

Jachmann, C. Reinh. Der Hirte des Hermas. Kb'nigs-

berg, 1835. 8».

Jackson. Ap. fath. (1879) 100-119. , Jallabert. Hermas et Simonides. Etude sur la con-

troverse recemment soulevee en AUemagne par la de-

couverte d'un ms. grec. Paris, 1858. 8°. J[oubert], L. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XXIV.

(I858) 371-3.

Kayser. In: Revue de theolog. XIV. (1857) 239-. Keim. Gesch. Jesu. I. (1867) 143 [H.andjoh.] Kikum. Glaubenslehre und Orthodoxie des Pastor

Hermae. Clev. 1863.






K.ILLEN. Ancient Church. (1859) 368. Kirchhofer. Quellensammlung. (1844) 80-, 143. KONTOGONES. $«/lo/l. k. Kpir. UjTopia t . . . ay. iraripuv.

'Ev'Adi/vaic. (1851) 50-. Kostlin, Z. Gesch. d. Urchrist. In: Theol. Jahrbb.

(1850) 54.

— Urspr. u. Composition d. synopt. Ew. (1853)

374--Kruger, G. In: Theol. Ltzng. XI. (1886) 586-88.

[Rev. of Link.]

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 105-7.

Lange, L. In: Ersch u. Gruber. II. VI. (1829) 290-3.

—  Hist. dogm. I. 75-84.

Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1881) II. 57—73. Lechler. Ap. v. Nachap. Z-A. (1885) 608-10; Engl.

tr. (1886) II. 358-60. Lecuy. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) XIX.

288-9. Ledrain. Deux apocr. du 2 siec. avec une et. sur la date

du pasteur d' H. Paris, 1871. Le Nourry. Appar. ad bibl. max. 47-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 833-60. Lightfoot. Philippians. (1873) 166-, 217-, 221.

— Galatians. (1874) 324-.

Link, Adf. Christi Person u. Werk im Hirten. d. H.

Marb. 1886. 8°. ["besonders dankenswerth." .Beta.] Lipsius. De Clemente R. ep. ad Cor. priore. (1855) 171-,


— In: Ztschr. f. wiss.Theol. VIII. (1865) 266-308; IX. (1866) 27-81; XII. (1869) 249-311.

— In: Schenkel. Bibellex. III. (1871) 20-25. Lubkert, D. Theol. d. App. Vat. In: Ztschr. f. d.

hist. Theol. (1854) 589-. LiiCKE. Comment, z. Ev. Joh. I. (1840) 44.

— Vers. einer vollst. Einl. i. d. Offenb. d. Joh. I. (1852)

337-Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. (1783) I. 98-148; also (extract)

in: Migne. Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 871-92. Luthardt. D. joh. Urspr. d. 4. Ev. (1874) 69; tr. Engl.

(1875) 68-9. M., C. [?C, M.] Le pasteur d'Hermas: Analyse ac-

compagnee d'une notice d'extraits et de notes. Paris,


M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874) IV. 204-5. Mayer. Ap. Vat. (1869) 255-72. Mellierius. (1697) S. u. Clement, R. Mohler. Patrologie. (1840) 96-106. Mosheim. Inst. hist. eccl. (1755) 51.

— Comment, de reb. clir. I. 208-9. Muenscher. Dogmenges (1817-8) I. 112-3, etc. Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 113, 235. [v. 1.]

—  Church Hist. (1872) I. 660, et pass. Nirschl, J. Der Hirt. d. Hermas. Passau, 1879.

— Patrol. (1881-) I. 80-95.

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 111-3, etc.

Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 145-6.

Nolte. In: Scheiner. Ztschr. VIII. (Wien, i860) 107-


Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 6, etc. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) I. 294-6; (1749-) I. 415-8. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) I. 410; II. 12-22. Peters. In: Theol. Literaturbl. (1869) 854-. Reinkens, J. H. Hirtenbrief. Bonn. 1873. 8°.

— Hirtenbrief von 20. Febr. 1875. Bonn. 1875. 8°. Reithmayr. Einl. in. d. Biich. d. N. B. Regensb. 1852.

p. 65.

Renan. D. Antichrist. (1873) XXX . Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 283-4; H- 16. Tr.

Eng. (1884) 281-2 [v. 1], 299-300 (v. 2]. Rigault, H. In: Jour. d. Debats. (1857) Oct. 13-15. RlGGENBACH. D.Zeugnisse f. d. Ev. Joh. (1866) 98. Ritschl. Entsteh. d. altkath. K. (1851) 546-; edit. II.

(1857) 243- 288-

Roberts and Donaldson. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic.

Lib. I. (1868) 317-21. Ed. Coxe. II. (1885) 1-8.

[Also additional notes, pp. 56-8.] Rohrbacher. Hist, univers. de Peglise catholique. II.

(1868) 627, 661-.

Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. I. (1776) 21-44. Rosenmuller. De Christianae theol. origine. 28-. Rothe. Anfange d. christi. K. (1837) 4°7> 577~-Sabatier, A. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82)

VI. 206-10.

Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 912-21. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 273-4. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 678-92. Schenk, R. Z. Lehre d. H. vom uberschiissigen Ver-

dienst. In: Ztschr. f. kirchl. Wiss. (1885)407-413.

— Zum ethischen Lehrbegriff d. Hermas. Progr. d. Real-gymm. Aschersleben, 1886. 40.

Schliemann. Clementinen. (1844) 421~5-

Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 436-7.

Schmidt. Christi. Kirch. Gesch. I. 442.

Schmitz, P. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

II. 409-10. Schodde, G. H. HSrma nabi, the Ethiopic version of

Pastor Hermae examined. A dissertation.

1876. 8°.

Scholten. D. altest. Zeugnisse (1867) 6-. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) I. 18-54. Schultze, V. D. Katakomben v. S. Gennaro d. Pov. i.

Neapel. (1877) 33-. Schwegler. Montanismus. (1841) 94,104,114,159, 230.

— Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) I. 328-42; II. 217-8. Semler, J. Sal. Prolegom. ad Baumgartenii. theol.

polem. II. 7-. Shepherd of Hermas, The. In: Dub. R. LI. ( )


Simonides, Const. " Essays on the Pastoral writings of Hermas the apostolic father." (In Greek.) Moscow, 1853. 4°-

Skworzow. Patrologische Untersuch. (1875) 15-.

Starck. Gesch. d. christi. Kirche. II. 563, 564.

Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867)440-67.

Supernatural religion. (1875-) I. 256-7; II. 256-60; III. 8-10.

Thiersch. Vers. z. Herstell. d. hist. Standpunkts u. s. w.

(1845) 3«i--

— D. K. i. apost. Ztalter. (1858) 350-. Thomasius. Dogmengesch. I. (1874) 34-. Tillemont. Memoirs. (1694) II. n 1-7, 519-22. Tischendorf. De Hermagraeco Lipsiensi. In: Dressel.

Patr. ap. (1863) Proleg. xliv-lv. Torell. Placita quaedam Herm. Lund. 1825. Tregelles. Canon Murat. (1867) 58-64. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 277-8. Uhlhorn, G. Ueb. die ethischen Auschauungen d. H.

In: Ztschr. v. Lucke u. Wieseler. N. F. II. (1850)


— In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) VI. 9-13. (Abr. in. Schaff-Herz. II. 977.)

Veterum Testimonia d. s. Hernia. In: Galland. Vet.

patr. bibl. I. Venet. 1765. f°. 51-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 819-34. Volkmar. D. 4. BuchEsra. (1863) 291-.

— D. Urspr. uns Ew. (1866) 64-.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 232-3 et pass. Walch. Bibl. patr. (1834) 25, 329, 549. Weingarten. In: Rothe's Vorless. iib. Kirchengesch.

I. (1875) 96. Weinrich, Fr. Disquisit. in doctrinam moralem ab

Henna in Pastore propositam. Wirceburgi, 1804. 8°. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 190-202.

— Bible in the church. (1877) 108.

Zahn, Theod. Hermae pastor e novo testamento illus-tratus. I. Dissertatio. Gottingen, 1867. 8°.




Zahn. Der Hirt. d. Hermas untersucht. Gotha, 1868. 8°.

—  In: Stud. u. Krit. XLI. (1868) 319-49. [Rev.of Gaab.]

— Ignat. u. Antioch. (1873) 313, 315, 333, 514-, 585, 616-.

— In: Jahrbb. f. deutsche Theol. Cl874) I44~- [H.and Muratorian fragm.]

Zeller. Apostelgesch. (1854) 9-10. Zimmermann, J. J. Disquisitio histor. et thepl. de vision-ibus. In his: Opusculis. I. v. 668-.

Note. Hermas is, 1) (a) Hermas of the N. T., Le Nourry, Tillemont, Bellarmin, Ceillier, Cotelerius, Dupin, Galland, Lumper, Mohler, Jachmann, Gaab, Zahn, Mayer, Nirschl (who argues that the later H. translated the earlier into Latin), (?) The companion of Clemens R., Dodwell, Wake, Gaab, Caspari, Alzog, Zahn. 2) The brother of Pius I. (130-154),Canon Muratori, Hefele (?), Tregelles, Heyne, BrUll, Lipsius, Alzog, Gebhardt, Sabatier (139-40), Harnack, Funk, Coxe (160). 3) A later writer -who assumed the name of the earlier H., Ewald, Behm, Credner, Ritschl, Hefele (?), Dorner, Hagenmann; also Schwegler, Lechler, Hilgenfeld, Gratz, Donaldson, and Lange. Thiersch thinks the original work early, but that it was interpolated in the time of Pius. The Ethiopic transl. makes Hermas St. Paul.

II. TATIAN. I. Editions.


FrISIUS, J. Tigur. 1546. f°. [With emendations by Gesner.] Heroldus. Orthodoxographa. Basel. 1555. f°. (Justin M. and) Paris. 1616. 40; 1636. 40. Ducaeus. Par. 1624. f°. In: Auct. (Justin M. and) Colon. (JVitted.) 1686. [With notes by


Worth, Wilh. Gr. lat. Oxon. 1700. 8°. Maranus, Prud. (Justin M. and) Par. 1742. f°. Galland. Bibl. vet. patr. Venet. 1765. f°. I. SS. patr. opera polem. Wirceb. 1777. 8°. Otto. In his: Corp. Apol. VI. Jena, 1851. 8°. Adv. Graecos. Migne.Gr. lat. In: VI. (1857)

801-88. [Maranus.] Harnack. In: Texte, etc. I. 11. 196-231.


The remains of the Diatessaron have been gathered by Zahn in his: Forschungen z. Gesch. d. N. T. Kanons I. Erlangen, 1881. 8°. The source is the Armenian translation of Ephraem Syrus commentary published in the works of Ephraem, Venice, 1836, 8°, and translated into Latin by Aucher, which translation revised was published by Mosinger, Venet. 1876, 8° (pp. xii, 292). Cf. also, Harnack in: Gebhardt u. Texte u. s. w. Leipz. 1883. 8°. I. 137-153; and in: Ztschr. f. Kirchenges. (1880) 471-505.

II.    Translations.

Latin. (Oratio.)

Gesner. (Oratio.) Tiguri, 1546. f°. And in various editions.


Luscinius (Nachtigal),Ottomar. August. Vind. 1523. 40; ed. Brusch. Erfurt. 1544. 8°; in: MiKpoirpea-pvTiKov. Basil. 1569. f°. p. 615-; in: Mon.patr. orthodox. Basil. I. II. 22-: in: Bibl. patr. Lugd. 1677. f°.

III.  265-; also tr. Ger. byNachtigal. Augsb. 1524. 8Ot Victor of Capua. Mogunt. 1524. 8°; ed. Memler.

Colon. 1532. 8°; in: Monum. patr. orthodox. Basil. 1569. f°. I. II. 59-; in: Bibl. patr. max. Lugd, 1677. f°. II. II. 203-; in: Bibl. patr. Par. 1690. f°; in: Schilters. Thes. Ulm. I727. f°. (Tatian) 1-100; in: Galland. 1765. f°; ed. Semisch. Vratisl. 1856. An old German version supposed to have been translated from this was published by Palthenius. Greifswald, 1706. 40; in: Schilter's Thesaurus (Tatian). Vim. 1727. f°. (supplementary fragments) in: Hess. Bibl. d.

hell. Gesch. II. 543-570; also (under Ammonius) by Schmeller. Viennae, 1841. 8°; and by Sievers. Pade-born, 1872. 8C.

Note. The authenticity of the above works, which have been assigned now to Tatian and nowto Ammonius of Alexandria, has been generally denied, and, by the Aucher-Mos-inger-Harnack-Zahn investigations, fully disproved.


Ryland, J. E. [not Pratten, B. P.] (Oratio.) In: Ante-Nic. Lib. III. (1868) 5-48. Ed. Coxe. II. (1885) 65-83. [The translation is ascribed to Pratten on the title-page of the Edinb. ed., but is corrected in a note in vol. XX. n. P-4-]


Genoude. [??] (Oratio.) In: Peres de l'egl. Par.

1837-43. 8°.

German. Ziegler. (Oratio.) In: Werke d. K.-V. II. (Kempten,

1830.) GroUE, V. (Oratio.) Kempten, 1872. l6°. [The Reith-

mayer-Thalhofer Bibl.]

III. Literature.

Abbot, Ezra. Fourth Gospel. Bost. 1880. 8°. 52-56. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 82-6. Anger. Synops. Ev. Proleg. Artaud. In: Diet, scien. philos. (1875) 1704. Assemani, J. S. Bibl. Orient. II. Aube, B. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XLIV. (1865) 927-9.

— S. u. Justin M.

Baronius, Ann. (1589) 165, 12-4; 174, 1-14. Cf.

Pagi. Crit. (1689) 3. Bar-Salibi, Dionysius. Cf. Assemani. Biblioth. Orient.

II. 158-. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 148-9,173.

[v. 1.] Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 256-7, etc.

— Unters. kan. Ew.

BA$BIA02. 'B/aa. jot. I. (1884) 152-3.

Beausobre. Hist, du Manicheisme. I.

Bellarmin-Labbe. s. e. (1728) 36.

BlNDEMANN. In: Th. Stud. u. Krit. 1842.

Bleek. Einl. N.T,

Blumner, H. Ueb. d. Glaubwiirdigkeit d. kunsthistori-

schen Nachrichten d. Tatian. In: Archaeolog. Zeitung.

XXVIII. (1871) 86-89. Bretschneider. Probabilia. Brucker. Hist. crit. philos. (1766-7) III. 378-96; VI.

536-8. Bull. Defens. Fid. Nic. III. vi. In: Works. V. 1.

(Oxf. 1846) 567-580. Bunsen. Bibelwerk. VIII. Burton. Divinity of Christ (1829) 61-2. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I- 12-Cacheux. In: Memor. catholiq. (1862) B. III. 80-6. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 75-7; and, under

Ammonius, 109-. Ceillier. Hist. gen. d. aut. sac. (1730) II. 123-31;

(1858) I.488-92.

Celerier. Essai d'une Introd. N. T. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 72-3, 129, 162, 180-1,

202, 210, 219, 227-8, 234-5, 249. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 2150. Ciasca, A. De Tatiani Diatessaron Arabica versione.

Paris, 1883. 8°.

Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 101-3. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 169, 199; II. 410. Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 197-203. Credner. Beitrage. I. (1832) 437-51.

— Gesch. N. T. Kanons.

Daniel, H. A. Commentationes de Tatiano apologeta specimen, Dissert, inaug. Halis, 1835. 8°.





Daniel, H. A. Tatianus der Apologet. Ein Beitrag zur Dogmengeschichte. Halle, 1837. 8°. [" Contains a complete account of the older literature." Mtf/Ier.J

Darling. Cyclop, bibl. 2904.

Delitzsch. Urspr. Mt. Ev.

Dembowski, Herm. Die Quellen d. chr. Apologetik d.

2. Jahrh. I. Die Apologie Tatian's. Leipzig, 1878. 8°. Donaldson. Hist. Chr. lit. (1864-6) III. 3-62. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 280-2. Duncker. Apologet. saec. de Essentiae naturae hum.

partibus placita. Gott. 1850. pt. 11. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. d. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 137, 859. Ebedjesu. Catal. scr. eccl. 3 (Assemani Bibl. orient.

III. 1, 12.)

Eichhorn. Einl. N. T. I.

Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 48-9.

Ephraem Syrus. (Commentary on Tatian.) s. u. Mo-singer.

Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) III. 212; V. 81-5, 97-102;

IV. 881; V. 714; VII. 87-95, 116-9.

— Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 377-9-.

— De verit. rel. Chr. (1725) 50-1, 159. Feilmoser. Einl. N. B.

Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691) I. 498-504.

Freppel. Les apologistes chret. au deux. siec. i860.

Funk. Zur Chronologie Tatian's. In: Theol. Quar-

talsch. LXV. (1883) 219-33. Gebhardt u. Harnack. Texte u. Untersuch. I. (Lpz.

(1883) 1.11. 1-24, 90-97, 196-131; III. 137-153. Gieseler. Entst. schr. Ew. Gratz. Kr. Unters. Justin's Denkw. Guericke. Gesammtgesch. N. T. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 59, etc. Harnack, A. T.'s Diatessaron im Murator. Frgm. In:

Ztschr. f. luth. Theol. XXXV. (1874) 276-88.

— T.'s Diatessaron . . bei Ephraem Syrus. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchengesch. IV. (1880) 471-505.

— Dogmenges. I. (1886) 388-91. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 249, 323.

Haupt, M. Varia. In: Hermes. IV. (1870) 28-29;

also in his: Opuscula. III. 2 (1876) 446-. [Tatian, c. 46.] Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) 1.104-6, 137;

III. 41-2, 59.

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 29. (Honor. August. I, 31.) Hilgenfeld. Ketzergesch. (1884) 384-397.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVI. (1883) 111-24. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 129, etc. Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 20-22.

Hug. Einl. N. T. I.

Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 15-20, 225-7.

Jo'cher. Allgem. Gelehrt. Lex. (1750-51).

Jones. Canon N. T. 1798. I. 387-90.

Keim. Jesu v. Nazara. I.

Kirchhofer. Quellensamml.

Kortholt. S. u. Justin M.

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 113-4.

Lange. Hist, dogmatum. I. 223, etc.

Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 147-152.

— Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 442-54. Lelong. Bibl. sac. (1723) II. 981. LeNourry. Appar. bibl. patr. (1703) I. Lightfoot, J. B. Tatian's Diatessaron. In: Contemp.

XXIX. (1877) 1132-43-[Longuerue, Louis Dufour de.] Dissertatio (of 27

pp.). In: Oratio. ed. Worth (1700); also in: Voigt.

Bibl. haeres. Hamb. 1723-9. 8°. I. 2, 201. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. (1784) II. 317-76. Luthardt. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

0875) 5O"1-Martin. De T. Diatessaron arabica versione. In: Patr.

Anal. Sacr. Par. 1883. p. 465, 487. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) X. 223-4. Matter. Hist, du Christianisme. 2 ed. I.

Mattes. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) X.

644-61. Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

III. 980-3.

Mem. de Trevoux (1714) 1453-61. Meyer. Ex.-Krit. Handbuch. passim. Michaelis. Einl. N. T. II. Miraeus. Scr. Eccl. 12. M6HLER. Patrologie (1840). M6LLER, W. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877) XV. 208-

15. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. III. 2302.)

— Kosmologie d. gr. K. (i860) 168-. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 142, etc. Nauck, A. Zur Kritik des Tatian npbg 'EA^wjf. In:

Philologus. IX. (1854) 370-372. Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 142-3,187, 202. [v.i.]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 456-8, 672-3, et pass. NeudeckeR; Lehrb. Einl. N. T.

Nicolas. Et. sur les Ev. apocr.

Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 158-64.

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 118-9, etc.

Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 150-1.

Nolte. Conjecturae et emend. In: Migne. Patrol, gr.

VI- (1857) 1737-44; 1801-8.

Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 52-3, etc. Oberthur, F. Disp. exposuit quorundam ex patr. gr.

apolog. Justini, Tat., Athenag., Theoph. Aut., et Her-

miae de praecipuis relig. Christ, dogmatis sententiam.

Wirceb. 1778. 8°. Olshausen. Echth. vier can. Ew. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746^) II. 172-83. (1749-) II. 245-


Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) I. 209-12. Overbeck. In: Theol. Litzng. VII. (1882) 102-109.

[Rev. ofZahn.]

Paulus. Conserv. I. 121.

Pearson. Conjecturae. In: ed. Worth.

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841) I. 415-6; II. 163-

Ryland, J. E. [Pratten, B. P.?] Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. III. (1868) 1-4. Ed. Coxe. II. (1885)


Pressense. Heresy. (N. Y.) 253-4. Renan. Marc Aurele. Par. 1882. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 201; II. 14,200. Tr.

Eng. (1884) 202 [v. 1], 298, 479-80. [v. 2.] RlTTER. Chr. philos. (1841) I. 328-341 [4]. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. I. (1776) 253-261; IV.

(1777) 365-

Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. I. (1795) 203-8. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 238-42, 303-6.


Schaff. Hist. . . Church.

Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 40-1."

Schmidt. Einl. N. T. I.

Scholten. Die alt. Zeugnisse. (1867).

Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) I. 525-563.

Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 158-67.

Seiler, G. F. Christologia Tat., Athenag., et Theoph.

Ant. Erlang. 1775. 40. Simon. Hist. Crit. N. T. Sprenger. Thesaurus rei patr. II. 76-. StoCKL. Gesch. d. philos. i. d. patr. zeit. (1859) 148-. Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867)249-50. Stroehlin, E. In Lichtenbergr. Encycl. (1877-82) XII.

7-9. Supernatural Religion. (1875) II. 148-63, 373-9; III.


Tentzelius. Exercit. sel. Lips. 1692. 40. Tillemokt. Mem. (1694) II. 410-4, 665. Tischendorf. Wann wurden u. s. w. (1866). Travasa, Gaet. Mar. Stor. eresiarchi (17 . .) III. 93.

(= Zaccaria, Race, di dissert. (1794) VI. 102-41.) Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 18.






Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 294—6.

Volkmar. Ursprung. u. s. w. (1866).

Wace, H. In: Expos. (1881) 1-11, 128-37, 193-205.

— Zahn on T.'s Diatessaron. In: Expos. XVI. (1882) 161-71, 294-312.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 284-6 et pass.

Walch. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 34, 394-5-

Weiss. In Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) XLI. 76-7.

Westcott. Canon. (1875) 315-22.

Wette, de. Einl. A. T. 1852.

Wilcke. Tradition u. Mythe.

Wurm. Apol. v. Justin, Tat, Athenag., Theoph. und

Hermias. In: Stud. d. evang. Geistl. Wiirt. (1828)

1.11. 1-34. Zahn. Ztschr. f. kirchl. wiss. u. Leben. (1884) 617-26.

—  Forschungen zur Geschichte d. neutest. Kanons. u. d. altk. Lit. I. Tatian's Diatessaron. Erlangen, 1881. 8°. II. 286-299. Cf. Duchesne, L. In: Bull, critique (1881) II. 243-9.

— In: Keil's Analekten. II. I. 165-. Zeller. Apostelgesch. (1854) 69.

Note. The Diatessaron was used by Aphraates and the author of the Doctrine of Addai, as well as by Ephraem Syrus. For literature, therefore, consult the articles on these authors in Smith and Wace, etc., etc., and especially literature under VIII. VII. (Syriac documents) of this series.


I.    Editions.

Ad Autolicum.

Gesner, Conr. Gr. Tiguri, 1546. f°. Clauserus, Conr. Gr. lat. Orthodoxographa. Basil,

1556. f°; 285-350; 1559. f< id="iii.p2703.1">. (Justin. Op. and) Gr. lat. Par. 1615. f°; 1636. f°;

1686. f< id="iii.p2704.1">. Ducaeus. Gr. lat. Paris, 1624. f°. In: Auct. Bibl.


Fell, J. Gr. lat. Oxon. 1684. 120. Maranus, Prud. Par. 1742. f°; Par. 1747. f°. Wolfius, Jo. Chr. Gr. lat. Hamburgi, 1724. 8°. Galland. Bibl. vet. patr. Venet. 1765. II. no. 4. Oberthur. Gr. lat. Wirceb. 1777. 8°. Humphry, W. G. Camb. 1852. 8°. Migne. Gr. lat. In: VI. (1857) 1023-1168.

[Maranus.] Otto. Corp. Apol. VIII. Jena, 1861.

Commentaries. MlGNE. (Frgmts.) Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. VI. (1857)

1603-4. Grabe. (Fragm.) Gr. lat. In: Spicil. patr. (1700) II.


See Latin translations.

II.    Translations.

Latin. (Opera.) In: Bibl. patr. V. (1575) 1589; 1609; 1618;

1644; 1677. f°.

Clauserus, C. Ad Autol. Zurich, 1546. Rous, Fr. (Ad Autol.) Lond. 1650. 8°. In his: Mella

patr. p. 124-33. Otto. (Comment.) Corpus apol. VIII. {Jen. 1861)278-


Zahn. (Comment.) In: Forsch. z. Ges. d. N. T. Kanons. II. (1883); III. (1884) 198-278.


Betty, Joseph. (Tertullian's Prescription and.) Ox/. 1722. 8°.

Land. i860. 8°.

Dods, M. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. III. (1868) 53-133. Ed. Coxe. II. (1885) 89-121.

French. Genoude. [??] In: Peres de l'egl. Par. 1837-43. 8°.

German. Wolf. 1724.

Hosmann, Gust. Chr. Hamb. 1729. 8°. Thienmann, W. F. Lpz. 1834. 8°.

LEITL, J. Kempten, 1872. l6°. [The Raithmayer-Thal-hofer. Bibl.]


Krassowskj, J. J. (Autol.) (In: Proceedings of the Acad. of Sciences.)

III. Literature.

ALZOG. Patrol. (1876) 91-95.

Anger. Synops. ew. (1852) xxxiii.

Aube, B. St. Justin, etc. Par. 1861. 8°; 1874. 8°.

— In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XLV. (1866) 99-101 Baronius. Ann. (1589) 170, 7-10; 182, 6. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832)173. [T. 1.]

(7 "•)

Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 258, etc. BA&EIA02. 'Bjc/cA 1st. I. (1884) 153. Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 35. Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 54, etc. Brucker. Hist. crit. phil. (1766-7) III. 399-401; VI.

538-Buens. Comment, praev. In: Acta ss. Bolland. (1814)

Oct. VI. 168-80.

Bull, G. Defens. fid. Nic. II. iv. 72; III. vn. 214. Burton. Trinity. (1831) 33-47. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I- H~5-Cacheux. In: Memor. catholiq. (1862) B. III. 159-64. Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825)54-5. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 69-71.

— Lives. (1840) I. 273-79.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. d. aut. sac. II. (1730) 103-12;

(1858) I. 475-So.

Centuriator. Magdeb. II. iv. 43; x. 132. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 73-4, 132, 162, 182,

220, 229, 231, 240, 245-6, 249-50, 259, 267, 315, 342. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86)2185. Clarke. Sacred lit. [1830-1] I. 111-15. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 165, 181; II. 410. Cotta. Kirchen-hist. (1768-73) §312-7. Darling. Cyclop, bibl. 2931. Dods, M. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. III. (1868)

49-52. Ed. Coxe. II. (1885) 83-8. Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. 1864-6. III. 63-106. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 279-80. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. d. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 144. Ep. ad Heumann. In: Bibl. Lubecens. II. 217-40. Erbes. In: Jahrb. f. prot. Theol. (1879) 483. [Against

the Ad Autol.]

Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) III. 213; V. 91-4, 99-102; XII. 654-5; IV. 881; VII. 101-6, 116-9.

— De verit. rel. Christ. (1725) 55-7. Farrar. Interpretation. (1886) 171. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 534-9. Freppel. Apolog. chret. au deux, siecle.

Gley and Brunet. In: Biog. Univ. Michaud. 1842-65,

XLI. 293.

Grabe. 1700. S. u. eds. Grabener, Gottlieb. Dissertatio de Theophilo, epis-

copo Antiocheno. Dresd. 1744. 40. Grasse, J. G. Th. Lehrbuch e. litterargesch. Dresd.

1838. I. 944. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 59, etc.

— Kirchenges. (1885) I- 275~6-






HALLOIX. Eccl. orient, scr. (1636) II. 735-65. (= Acta

ss. Bolland. (1814) Oct. VI. 180-6.) Harles. Introd. II. 2, 206. Harnack. Zeit. d. Ignatius. (1878) 42-.

—  In: Gebhardt u. H. Texte u. Untersuchungen. I. 11. 282-298; iv. (1883) 97-175.

—  In: Theol. Litzng. VIII. (1883) 487-9.

— Dogmenges. I. (1886) 285.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-.) I. 251-2.

Hauck. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) XV. 542-4.

—  Zur Theophilusfrage. In: Ztschr. f. kirchl. Wiss. u. Leben. (1884)561-8. [Commentary. 200 A.D. at earliest.]

Hengstenberg. Offenb. Joh. (1861) 408. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 104-6;

III. 41-2.

Heumann, C. A. In his: Poecile. I. 505; III. 203-. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 25. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 130-1, etc. Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 23-4. Huet. Origeniana. III. II. i, §1. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 29-34, 229. Jeremie. Hist. Church. (1852) 85-6. Jocher. Allgem. Gelehrt. Lex. (1750-51.) Jortin, J. Theophilus to Autol. In his: Remarks on

Eccl. Hist. {London, 1752. 8°.) II. 169-206. Kortholt. S. u. Justin M. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 114. Lange, S. G. Gesch. d. Dogmen. I. 261-. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1881) II. 203-15. Lelong. Bibl. sac. II. 986. LeNourry. Appar. bibl. patr. (1703)1.497-522.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) XII. IOO.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. (1784)111.127-87. Luthardt. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

(«875) 43--

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) X. 335. M8HLER. Patrol. (1840) I. Mosheim. Eccles. Hist.

Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 141-2, etc. Neale. Eastern Ch. Antioch. (1873)25-9. Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858)143,173,188. [v. 1.]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 559, 674, et pass. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 171-77. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. 1.(1870) 120, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 153.

Nolte. Conjecturae et emend. In: Migne. Patrol, gr.

VI. (1857) 1759-62.

Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 136-7, etc. Oberthur, F. 1778. S. u. Tatian. Oelrichs, J. G. A. De Theophilo ejusque ingenio. In

his: Comment, de rat. verbi cum patre. {Gotting. 1787.

4°-) 3O-Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 262-73; (1749-) II. 375-


Otto, J. C. Th. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1859) iv. Paul, Ludw. Zu Theophilus Antiochenos. In: Jahrb.

f. class. Philol. 113 Bd. (1876) p. 114-116. Pearson. Vind. Ignat. (1672) I. p. 4, 5. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (184-) I. 416; II. 191-

206. Pressense. Hist, des trois prem. siec. II. 395; tr. Engl.

Heresy. (AT. Y.) 251-3. Prileszky, Joh. Bapt. Acta et scripta S. Theophili Ant.

et M. Minutii Felicis. Viennae et Tyrnaviae 1764.

8°; Tyrnaviae, 1766. 8°. Renan. Marc. Aur. 386-. Reusch. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) X.

891-2. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 19. Tr. Eng. (i!

302. [v. 2.]

Ritter. Chr. philos. (1841) I. 322-328. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. I. (1776) 218-252. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. I. (1795) 198-203.

Sanday, W. A commentary on the Gospels attributed to Theophilus of Antioch. In: Studia Biblica {Oxford, 1885) 89-101.

Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 732-5.

SCHMID. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 42.

Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) I. 637-709.

Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 138-44.

Scultetus. Medull. theol. patr. 97-.

Seiler, G. F. S. u. Tatian.

Simon. Hist. crit. N. T. (Rott. 1693) 4-8.

Smith, P. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) III.

1084-5-, Souciet, Etien. In: Mem. de Trevoux (1708)603-21

(695-?) (= his: Rec. de dissert. (1715. 40.) I. Tentzelius. Exercit. select. Lips. 1692. 40. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 15.

Tillemont. Memoires. (1698)111.49-53,611-3. Tzschirner. Fall d. Heidenthums. p. 217-. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 294-8-. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) pass. Walch. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 34-5, 370-1. Walpurger, Johann Gottlieb. Theophilus Antiochenus

boni pastoris in ecclesia typus. Chemnioii, 1735. 4°. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 225-6, 585.

— Bible in the Church. (1877) '31-Wurm. S. u. Justin M.

Yonge. Pupils of St. John. (1878)210-3.

Zahn, Th. Der Evangelien-commentar des Theophilus vonAntiochen. £rlangen, 1&83. 8°. In: Forschungen z. Gesch. d. NTlichen Kanons. II.; also a reply to Harnack [" Leidenschaftl. Replik." Kurtz] in: Forsch. III. (1884) 1987277.

— In: Ztschr. f. kirchl. wiss. u. Leben. (1884) 626-8. Zeller. Apostelgesch. (1854) 69.

Note. Authenticity of the Commentary. Zahn maintains the Comment, to be authentic, and the work of Theoph. Harnack denies both authenticity and genuineness, dating it not earlier than the second half of the fifth century, and Kurtz agrees. Hauck maintains the authenticity, but denies that it can be the work of Theophilus.


I. Editions.

Nannius, Petr. (De res.) Gr. lat. Lovan. 1541. 40; Par. 1541. 40; repr. in: Micropresbyticon. Basil, 1550. p. 471-94; and in: Orthodoxographi. Basil,

1555- f°- P- 351-376-(Legatio.) Gr. Basil. 1551. [??] Gesner, Conr. (Legatio.) Gr. lat. Tiguri, 1557. 8°.

Basil, 1558. STEPHANUS, H. Gr. lat. Par. 1557. 8°. [Trans, by Conr.

Gesner]; also in: Beo7uryo>v duujtopav avyypa/i/MiTa iraXaia Km opBoSo^a. Tiguri, 1559. f°. (De res.) Lugd. Bat. Plantin. 1588. 8°. Ducaeus, Fronto. In his: Auct. bibl. patr. Paris,

1624. f°.

Morell.? Gr. lat. Par. 1636. f°; also: Colon. 1686. f°. Fell, Joh. Oxon. 1682. 8°.

Rechenbergius, A. Gr. lat. Lips. 1684-5. 2 v- 8°. Dechair, Ed. Gr. lat. Oxon. 1706. 8°. MARANUS. Par. 1742. f°. [Benedictin.] Gallandus. Gr. lat. In his: Bibl. patr. Venet. f°. II.

(1766) 3-. Lindner, J. G. (Legatio.) Gr. Longosalissae, 1774.


Oberthur, Fr. Gr. lat. Wirceb. 1779. 8°. Paul, L. (Legat.) Gr. lat. Halle, 1856. 8°. Migne. Gr. lat. Patrol, gr. VI. (1857) 889-1024.


Otto. Jena, 1857. 8°. MARCH, F. A. Gr. N.Y. 1876. 120. [March, not Owen.

Otto's text. Notes by W. B. Owen.l






II.    Translations.


Ficinus, Marsilihs. (Res.) Par. 1498. 40. [Lat. tr.

of Geo. Valla.] LANGUS. Basil. 1565.

Petrus, Suffridus. (Legat.) Colon. 1567. 8°. Rous. Mella patr. 1650. 8°. p. 134-148.


Porder, Richard. Lond. 1573. 8°. Humphreys, Dav. Lond. 1714. 8°. Pratten, B. P. In: Ante-Nic.Lib. III. (1868) 375-456. Ed. Coxe. II. (1885) 129-62.

French. Flamignon, (?) Gay Gaussart. (Legat.) Par. 1574.


Ferrier, Arnaud DE. Bordeaux, 1577. 40. Renier, L. (Res.) Breslau, 1753. 8°. GENOUDE [??] In: Peres de l'egl. Par. 1837-43. 8°.


Ziegler. In: Werke d. K.-V. II. {Kempten, 1830.) Bieringer, A. Kempten, 1875. 16° [The Reithmayer-Thalhofer Bibl.]

Italian. Faleti, Girolamo. Venet. 1556. 40; also: Venet.

[1735] 4°-

Galliccioli, Giov. Battista. Venez. 1801. 8°. Gozzi, G. Ven. 1806. 8°.


KRASSOWSKJ, J. J. (In: Proceedings of the Acad. of Sciences.)

Note. The work entitled, "Du vray et parfait Amour." Par. 1599. 120; do. 1612. 120, is Apocryphal (Henri). "Com-posee par Fumee de Genille." Compare Huet. Origine des romans. Par. 1693. 120. p. 68-; Dunlop. Hist, of Fiction (1845) 44-5].

III.    Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 86-91.

Anger. Synops. Ev. Proleg. xxxii.

Barbeyracius, J. Praef. vers. gall, operis Pufendorfiani

De Jure naturae et gentium. 41-. Baronius. Ann. (1589) 179, 39-49- Cf. Pagi. Crit.

1689) 8-10. Basnage. Ann. Polit. Eccl. 176.

— Hist, de l'Egl. 1105-.

Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 173-4. [v. 1.] Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 257-8,439-41,511-2,


Bayle. Diet. crit. (1741) I. 369-72. BA4>BIAHS. '~Ekk1. car. I. (1884) 152-3. Beixarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 35. Berger, S. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) I.


Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I- 57> etc-Bibl. des Romans. 1775. (Aug.) Blackburn. Hist, of Church. (1879) 50. [411.] Brucker. Hist. crit. philos. (1766) III. 401-7. Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829)62-3.

— Trinity. (1831) 28-33. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) 1. 14-Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 52-4. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 79-81. Ceiixier. Apol. de la morale des peres de l'egl. ch. I.

— Hist. gen. d. aut. sacr. II. (1730) 112-23 ; I. (1858) 481-7.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 131-2, 146, 162, 181-2,

202, 219, 228, 235, 259, 267,342-Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 184.

Clarisse, Theodor Adolph. Commentatio . . . de

Athenagorae vita, scriptis et doctrina. Ludg. Bat. I82O. 40. [From : Ann. acad. Lugd. Bat. (1818-19)].

Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 108-n.

Clement. Bibl. curieuse.

Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 161; II. 409.

Cotta. Kirchengesch. §305-8.

Credner. Beitrage. I.

Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) pass.

Darling. Cyclop, bibl. (1854) 126-7.

Dodwell. Diss. de tempore atque inscriptione lega-

tionis Ath. In his: Dissertatt. Cyprianicae. {Ox. 1684.

80.) XI. § 37-.

— Diss. in Iren. (1689) App. 488-. Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. 1864-6. III. 107-78. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 283-5. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. d. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 141. Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) II. 831-2. Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 224, etc. Epiphanius. Haeres. 64. c. 21.

Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 85-91, 97-102. (2a. VII. 95-101, 116-9.)

— De verit. rel. chr. (1725) 51-4. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 440-6.

FSrster, Rich. Ueber d. alt. Herabilder nebst e. Excurs uber d. Glaubwiirdigkeit d. kunstgeschichtlichen An-gaben d. Athenagoras. Progr. Breslau, 1868. 40.

Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 146.

Gourcy, de. Analyse etendue de l'Apol. d'Athenagore. In: Anciens Apologistis de la religion chret. {Paris, 1785. 8°.)

Guericke. De schola quae Alex, floruit catechet. Halle, 1824.

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 59, etc.

Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 387-8.

— In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) 1, 748-50. (Abr. in: Schaff. Herz. III. 163-4.)

— In: Gebhardt u. H. Texte u. s. w. I. 176-. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 251, 353.

Haupt, M. Varia. (Athen. leg. 19). In: Hermes IV.

(1870); also in his: Opusctda. III. p. 474. Hefele. Beitrage. {Tub. 1864.) I. 60-86. Henke. Gesch. d. Chr. Kir. 4 Ausg. I. 128. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (i879-8o)j_I. 89, 104-6;

III. 37-8, 41-2.

Hilscher and Strauss. Schola Alex. (1776) 24-6. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 130. Hoven, I. Dan. van. Disputatio de vera aetate lega-

tionis Athenagorae pro Christianis. Lingae, 1752. 40.

— Disputatio de inscr. et vera aetate JlpeafiuaQ Athenagorae pro Christianis. Lips. 1754. 4°.

— Disquis. de inscriptione et aetate libelli Athenagorae pro Christianis. In: Symbolarum liter, ad incremen-tum scientiarum omne genus Collect, alt. {Hal. 1754. 8°.) p. 163-204.

Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 24-6. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 34-7, 227-8. Jackson. Ap. fath. (1879) 192-203. Kaiser, H. E. De cod. ms. Ath. Laubanensi disseruit eiusque variantes lect. quae vocantur, enotavit. Brieg., 8         Â°

33 4 Keil. In: Flatt's Magaz. f. Dogm. u. Moral. (1798)


Kirchhofer. Quellensamml. Kortholt, Ch. Comment, in Athen., Theoph. et Ta-

tianum. In: Justini opera. Colon. 1685 (6). f°. Kuhn. Trinitatslehre. (Dogmatik. II.) Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 114. La Croze, M. V. Epist. ad. J. C. Wolfium de fabula

erotica, quae sub Athenagorae nomine prodiit. In:

Fabricii Bibl. Gr. T. VI. p. 800-. Laforet,N. J. In: Rev. cathol. {Lond. 1871) B. VI.







Landon. Eccl. Diet. I. 602-.

Lange, S. G. Ueber Ath. in wie fern er d. Platon. Philos.

m. d. Christenth. vereinigte, etc. In his: Ausfiihrl.

Gesch. d. Dogmen, etc. (Lpz. 1796. 8°.) 190-. Lardner. Credibility. I. n. {Land. 1748. 8°.) 404-420;

Works. (1831) II. 193-201. L'Aulnaye, DE. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65)

II- 353-4-

Le Moyne. Varia sacra, ii. 171. Less, Gf. In his: Beweis der Wahrh. d. christl. Relig.

(Briinn, 1776. 8°.) 54-. Leyser, Andreas Polycarp. Dissert, de Athenagora,

Atheniensi philosopho christiano. Lips, 1736. 40. Lindener, J. G. Curae posteriores, etc. 1775. 8°. Longuerue, Lud. Dufour DE. . . . Dissertatio de

Athenagora. . . . ed. J. D. Winckero. Lips. 1750. 40. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. (1784) III. 50-104. Mackenzie, J. M. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog.

(1859) I. 402-3.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) 1.511. Mansel, S. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 204-7. Maranus. Proleg. Justin Martyr. March, F. A. Life of A. and an essay on his style and

diction. In his ed. (1876)87-97. Markel. De Athenagorae libro apologetico qui TLpeafieia

Ilepl XpiGTiavav inscribitur. Gymn. Progr. Konigsberg.

i. d. N. 1857. 40.

Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 216. Michaelis, J. G. Progr. de scholae catech. Alexandr.

origine. Hal. 1739. 40; also in: Symbol, litterar.

Bremens. fasc. Ill; and in his: Dissertat. Vol. I. Miraeus. Scr. eccl. 13. Mommsen. In: Theol. Jahrbb. (1855)250. Mosheim, Jo. Laur. De vera aetate libelli ab Ath. pro.

Christianis conscripti disquisitio. In: Bibl. hist.-phil.-

theol. {Bremae, 1719.) II. 853-83.

— Observat. sacr. (1721) 193.

— Diss. ad hist. eccl. pertin. (1733) I. 279.

— Comm. I. 394.

Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 141, etc. Neale. Eastern Ch. Alexandria. I. (1847) l8- (6 u-) Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 143-4, 173-4. [v. 1.]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 328, 522, 586, 673 et pass. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 164-71.

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 119-20, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 151-2. Nolte. Conjecturae et emend. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. VI. (1857) 1743-60.

— In: Schemer's Ztschr. (i860) 405-21. Nonnote. Lesphilosophes. (1789).

Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) III. (1852) 506-7.

Oberthur, F. 1778. S. u. Tatian.

Obs. et emendatt in Athenagoram. In: "Historia crit.

R. L. T. IX." Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 247-55; (1749-) II. 354-


Otto. In: Ztschr. f. d. hist. Theol. (1856) 637-Oudin. (1722) I. 203-6.

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-3) I. 416; II. 175-91. Petri, G. E. In: Ersch u. Gruber. I. VI. (1821) 176-7. Philippus, Sid. In: Nicephorus Callistus. Photius. Cod. 224, 234. Pratten, B. P. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. III.

(1868) 371-4. Ed. Coxe. II. (1885) 123-7-Pressense. Martyrs. (1879) 125-7.

— Heresy. {N. Y.) 250-1. Rau, J. J. S. u. Justin. Renan. Marc-Aurele. 382-386,

Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 17; Tr. Eng. (1884)

300. [V.2.]

Ritter. Chr. philos. (1841) I. 308-322. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. I. (1795) 193-8.

Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. I. (1776) 182-217.

Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 248-51, 308.

Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 730-2.

Scharpff. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) I. 498-9.

Schmid. Patrol. (1879) 41-2.

Scholten. Die alt. Zeugnisse.

Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) I. 564-637.

SCHROECKH. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 119-32.

Schwarz, J. C. De Ath. loco quodam (Leg. I.) explicate et restitute In: Miscell. Lips. VIII. 364-.

Seiler, G. F. S. u. Tatian.

Semler. Einl. zu Baumgartens Unters. theol. Streitigk. II. 70-.

Struve, C. L. Krit. Bemerk. uber e. Stellen griech. Schriftsteller. (Progr. II. de locis Athenagorae, dementis Alexandiini, Apollonii Lexic. Horn.) Konigsberg, 1815. 8°; also in his: Opuscula selecta. II. (Lipsiae, 1854.)

Supernatural Religion. (1875-) II. 191-200, 379-80; III. 24.

Tentzel, G. E. Exercitatio de Just. Mart., Athenagora, etc. S. u. Just. Mart.

Tillemont. Memoires. II. (1694) 321-3, 631-2.

Tischendorf. Wann wurden. u. s. w.

Tzschirner. Gesch. d. Apol. I. 244-.

Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 294-7.

Voigtlander. In: Beweis d. Glaubens. (1872).

Volkmar. Der Ursprung.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 396 et pass.

Walch. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 29-30, 370, etc.

Westcott. Canon. (1875) 226-7.

WeTTE, de. Einl. N. T. 1852.

Wolff, G. Krit. Bemerk. (Athenagor. suppl. pro Christ. c. 1, 6, 11,12, 23, 27.) In: Philologus XIV. (i860) 527-528.

WORM. S. u. Justin M.

Ztschr. f. Hist. Theol. 1856. IV.


( Works.)

VlCTORlus, Pet. Gr. Florent. 1550. f°. Hervet. Gr. lat. Basil. 1556. f°; Par. 1572; 1590.


Sylburgius, Frid. Gr. Heidelb. 1592. f°. Heinsius, Dan. Gr. lat. Lugd. Bat. 1616. f°. Repr.

["excellently"! Par. 1629. f°; ["poorly"] Par. 1641.

f°; Colon., 1688. f°.

Ducaeus, Fr. Gr. lat. Par. 1629. f°; Par. 1641. f°. Ittig, Th. (Op. suppl.) Gr. lat. Lips. 1700. 8°. Potterus, J. Gr. lat. Oxon. 1715. 2 v. f°; enlarged.

Venet. 1757. 2 v. f°. Oberthur. Gr. lat. Herbipoli (Wirceb.) 1778-9. 3 V.

8°. In his: Patr. gr. [Potter's text.] KLOTZ, R. S. Lips. 1831-34. 4 V. I2°. ["Singularly

inaccurate."] Migne. Gr. lat. Patrol, gr. VIII. (1857) 49-1382;

IX. (1857) 9-776. DlNDORF. Oxon. 1869. 4 v. 8°. [Disappointing. Hastily

put together."]

(lout's dives.) Ghislerus. Gr. lat. In his: Comment, in Jerem. Lugd.

1623. f°. III. p. 262-. [Under the name of Origen. Lat.

by J. M. Cariophilus.] Condefisius, Fr. Gr. lat. In his: Auct. nov. Bibl. patr.

Par. 1672. f°. I. 163-. Fell, J. Oxon. 1683. 129. Segaar, Car. Gr. lat. Traject. ad Rh. 1816. 8°; also

in: Opusc. patr. sel. Berol. 1820. 8°. I.






Lindner. Lipsiae, 1861. 8°.

Olshausen, H. Gr. lat. Regiomon. 1831. 8°. fin usum scholarum.' Segaar's text nearly.]

{Hymns.) Bruxellus, Hier.? In: S. Gregorii Nazianzeni Car-

mena sel. etc. Romae, 1590. 8°. In: Metaphrastae iambici Senarii de salutis nostrae

mysteriis. Paris, 1606. 8°. In: christiani. Par. 1609. 8°. In: Poetae gr. vett. Gr. lat. Colon. 751-. Butler. In his: Musuei carmen in Platonem. Cantab.

et Lond. 1797. 8°. App. Piper, Ferd. Gr. lat. Gotting. 1835. 8°.

(Supflementum Clementinum.)

The increasing collection of fragments which passes under this name has the following history: —

Fell, Jo. In ed. of: Quis dives salvus. (1683).

Ittig. Lipa. 1700.

LeNourry. In: Appar. (1703) I. 1334-5.

Potter. (1715) p. 1011-25.

Zahn. Forsch. z. Gesch. d. N. T. Kanons. III. Erlan-

gen, 1884. 8°. [Full collection, and discussion.] Armellini, Torquatus. Lat.? Romae, 1878. (?) 8°.

(12 p.).

In various relations there have also been published sundry

(Fragments.) FabriCIUS. Gr. lat. In his: Hippolyti opera. (Hamb.

1716-18) II. 66-74. — (Excerpta ex Theod.) Gr. lat. In his: Bibl. gr. 40. V.

(1718) 134-. [Lat. tr. and notes of Combefis.] Gallandus. Gr. lat. In his: Bibl. patr. Venet. f°.

II.  (1788) IS3--

Routh. (Fragment Hypot.) Rel. sacr. (1846-8) I.

385-7 [9]-

Bunsen. (Hypot.) In: Analect. Antenic. (1854) 157-66; (Pref.) 167-323, (Text) 324-90 (Latin fragments).

III.    Translations.


HERVETUS, Gent. Florent. 1551. f° [The Stromata not tr. by Massonus Strozza]; also: Basil. 1556. f°; Paris, 1566; 8°; Paris, 1572. f°; Paris, 1590. f°.

Rous, F. Mella patrum. Lond. 1650. 8°. p. 149-292.

Caillau et Guillon. (Irenaeus, Minucius F., Hip-polytus and.) Par. 1829. 8°.


Wilson, W. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. IV. (1868) 15-470; XII. (1869) 1-514; XXII. (1871) 185-217; XXIV. (1872) 137-81. Ed. Coxe. II. (1885) 171-604- [The hymns translated by W. L. Alexander.]


Cousin, D. (Exh. ad gent.) Par. 1684. 120. Fontaine, Nic. Par. 1696. 8°. Genoude. In: Peres de l'egl. Par. 1838. 8°.

German. Arnold, Gottfr. (Excerpta Theod.) In his: Kirchen.

u. Ketzerhist. Leipz. 1729. 40. Hopfenmuller and Wimmer. Kempten, 1875-6. 160.

[The Reithmayer.Thalhofer Bibl.]

III. Literature. Account of Clement of Alexandria. In: Eel. R. LXII.

(1835) 3°7~-

Alexander, Natalis. Hist. eccl. (1778) III. 371-6. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 122-35.

Baillet, A. Vies des saints. III.; Lat. tr. in: ed. Potter.

1767. Baronius. Ann. (1589) 196,22-7; 204,11.

— Martyrol. VI. Maii. p. 777. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 174-6.

[V. I.]

Baur, F. C. Christliche Gnosis. Tub. (1835) 8°. 502-40.

— Kirchenges. 3 e. J. (1863) 248-57.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 218-29, etc-BA-MIAH2. 'E/ocA. jot. I. (1884) 156-7. Bellarmin-Labbe. (1728) 41.

Benedict xiv. Nova martyrol. Rev. ed. § 19-36. In: Opera. Venet. 1767. f°; also in: Opera (1842) VI. p. 119. [Letter to John V., an omission of Cl. from the Martyrology.]

Berg, Franz. De Clemente Alexandrino ejusque morali

doctrina. Wirceb. 1779. 8°. Bernays, J. Zu Aristoteles und Clemens. In: Symbola

philol. Bonn, in honorem Frid. Ritschelii collecta. I.

(1864) 301-312.

— In Bunsen. Anal. Ant.-Nic. I.

Bernholdus, Jo. Balth. Hypomnemata de Clemente

utriusque ecclesiae ornamente. Altorf, 1725. 40. Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 56, etc. Bibl. hist. phil. theol. (1719) II. 191-8. Bielcke, J. A. F. De Clemente Alexandrino ejusque

erroribus. jfenae, 1739. Bigg, C. Christian Platonists of Alexandria. Oxf. and

N.Y. (1886) 8°. 36-114- [Bampton Lectures. 1886.] Bishop of Lincoln's account of the writings of C. In:

Theol. Q. XIX. (1836) 100-32. Blackburn. Hist, of Church. (1879) 50-1. Boehringer. Kirchenges. (1873-) I. v. Brucker. Hist. crit. phil. (1766-7) III. 414-27; VI.

540-2. Buchner, Gf. Christianus antiquus, penicillo dementis

Alex, ex Lib. I. Paedag. cap. VI. VUeb. 1687. 8°. Bunsen. Hippolytus. (1854) I. 236-45.

— Anal. Ante-Nic. I. 288-.

Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 111-180.

— Trinity. (1831) 54-9.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 20-1.

Bywater, J. Critical notes on Cl. In: Journal of

philol. IV. (1872) 203-218. Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 65-9. CaspARI, C. P. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchl. Wiss. u. Leben.

(1886) 352-375-Cave. De quibusdam Cl. A. dogmatibus. In his: Epistola

apologetica adr. iniquas J. Clerici criminationes in

epistolis crit. et nupe e editis. Lond. 1700. 8°.

— Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (174-) I. 88-91.

— Lives. (1840) I. 296-304.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. d. aut. sac. II. (1730) 242-316;

I.  (1858) 563-606.

"Censur (Fiebig, Corp. diss. th. 1767)." Charpentier. In: Nouv.Biog.Gen. (Hoefer). X. (1863)

741-8. Charteris. Canonicity (1880) lxxxi-lxxxiii, 50-1, 74-5,

134, 146-7, 184, 202, 220, 229, 232, 235, 240, 246, 250,

252, 254, 259-60, 263, 267-8, 277-8, 289, 296, 307,

322, 328, 332, 342-3, 452.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 463-4. Christ. Anthologia graec. Lips. 1871. p. xviii, 37. " Chronographia Cl. A. coetate cum Euseb. et Syncel."

Migne. Patrol, gr. IX. (1857) 1485-96. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 116-27. Clemens Alex, a nonnullis pro antiquitate punctorum et

accentuum heb. in testimonium vocatus, de iis ne vel

per somnium cogitasse demonstratur. In: Bibl. Brem.

II. 191.

Clement of Alexandria, Hymn to Christ. In: Cong. M. XXIV. (1841) 458--






Clement of Alexandria. In: Chr. R. XVII.(i852) 321-;

Kitto. XXIX. (1862) 317-. Clericus, J. Vie de Cl. A. In: Bibl. Univ. X. 175-

245. (Ger.) in: Lebensbeschreibungen einige K.-V.

3°--Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 179, 195, 211, 213;

II. 413-

Cobet, C. G. Ad. Clem. Alex. In: Mnemosyne. XI. (1862) 334-336, 383-393.

— AiopvuTma eig ra 'K'kfifievToq rov 'Ate^avdptui;. In: Adyiog 'Ep/^f. I. (1866) p. 166-197; !• 2- O867) P-201-287, 425-534-

Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 347-55.

Cognat, Jos. Clement d'Al. sa doctrine et sa polem. Paris, 1859. 8". Cf. Chalambert, V. de. In: Le Correspondant (1859) B, XI. 244-65; Villemain, in: Jour. d. Savants (1859) 525-35, 729-39; (i860) 20-6.

v. Colln. In: Ersch u. Gruber. I. xvm. (1828)


Condos, (K<5itoc) C. S. "ZvjifUKTa KpiTcua (KXq/i. 'A/lef. irpbTpsvT. I.96. [asl. 77 ttott.]) In: Bullet, de cor-resp. Hell. II. (1878) p. 229-230.

Cornwaiais, Miss. In her: Small books on great subjects. VII.

Cotta. Kirchen-Hist. § 298-304.

Cowper, B. H. In: Kitto. X. (1852) 129-.

Cunningham. Hist, theol. (1870) I. 146-54.

— Churches of Asia. (1880) pass.

D. D. [Jos. Wassius.] Obss. in auctorem Titanomachiae ap. Cl. Alex, laudatae. In: Miscellaneae Obss. IV. 1. 72-.

Dahne, A. F. De yvixset Cl. Al. et de vestigiis philoso-phiae Neoplatonicae in ea obviis. Lipsiae, 1831. 8°.

— Ges. Darst. d. jiid-alex. Rel. Philos. (1834). Dallaeus, J. 258.

Darling. Cyclop, bibl. (1854) 698.

Davidson. Sacred Hermeneutics. Edinb. 1843. 8°.

— In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) I. 786-8. Diet, scien. philos. (1875) 282.

Dietelmaier, J. A. Vet. in schola alex. doctorum series.

Altd. 1746. Diss. critique sur un endroit de Cl. A. (Strom, II. p. 421

ed. Paris, 1641.) In: Trevoux (1716) 1670-. Diss. sur quelques endroits de Cl. A. In: Mem. de

Trevoux (1717) 392-. Dommerich, J. Cph. Progr. de /loyu patrum (praecipue

Just. M. etCl. A.). Helmst. 1760. 40. Donaldson, J. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) V. 819-21. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 182-3, 285-303,

461-2. Dulaurier, Ed. Examen d'un passage des Stromates

de St. Clement d' Alex., relatif aux ecritures egyp-

tiennes. Paris, 1883. 8°. Duperron. See Hebert-Duperron. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. d. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 187-215. Engelhardt. Animadv. ad nonnuUa excerpt, ex Theodoto

et doctr. orient. Cl. A. vulgo attrib. Erlangae, 1830.


— Dogmenges. I. (1839) 70-1, etc. Epiphanius. Adv. haer.

Eusebius. Hist. Eccl. V. 11; VI. 6, 11, 13.

Eylert, F. R. Cl. v. Al. als Philosoph und Dichter.

Leipzig, 1832. 8°. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712-19) V. 102-33; IX. 409-10.

(2*. VII. 119-49 = Migne. Patrol, gr. VII. 9-26; X.


— De verit. rel. chr. (1725) 58-61, 159-60. Farrar/ Interpretation. (1886) 183-7.

Fessler. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) II.

622-8. Feuerlein, J. W. Program, de gratia Sp. S. operante,

ad loc. Clem. A. Gott. 1754. 40. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 567-95.

Flugge. Gesch. d. Theol. Wissenschaft. I. 177-, 343~-Foertschius, Mich. Diss. patrist. theol. de Cl. A. Paed.

Strom., etc. In his: Decas dissertat. theolog. ( Tubing.

1704. 4°.) 389-426. Freppel. Clement d'Alexandrie. Paris, 1865. 8°; 1873.

8°. Cf. Tailhan, J., in: Etudes relig. hist. litt. (1866)

C, X. 366-85; XL 214-33. Friedlander, L. Observ. miscellae. (Clemens Alex.

Paedag. lib. II. I. 3. p. 164 Pott, ed. Kl.) Regimonti,

1869-70. 40. Funk. Titus Flavius Clemens Christ, nicht Bischof. In:

Theol. Quartalschr. LXI. (1879) 531-536. Gallais. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) VIII.

389-91. Geel, I. De loco Clementis Alex. Strom. VI. In: Rhein.

Mus. N. F. III. (1845) 128-133. Georgiades, B. (Teopyiadijo, B.) Tig 6 outf/ievos

nTwvcwe Kara KAs^ueira tov 'A/lefawSpea. In :

'T&KKArjoiaGTua) 'Alrjdeia. (1885) 385-396, 443-444. Gieseler, J. C. L. Cl. A. et Origenis doct. de Corpore

Christi expen. Gottingae, 1837.

— Church Hist. (1868-) I. 209-19.

Grabe. Cl. A. vindicated against W. Whiston. In his:

Some Instances of the Defects and Omissions in Mr.

Whiston's Collection of Testimonies, etc. {Lond., 1712.)

p. 8-18.

Groot, P. Hofstede de. See Hofstede de Groot, P. Guericke. De Schola quas Alex, floruit catechetica.

Halle, 1824-5. 8°.

— Handbuch d. K-gesch. (Halle, 1843.) Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 62-3, etc.

— Kirchenges. (1885) I. 196-9.

Harnack. Dogmenges. I, (1886) 267-71, 286-9, 305-

7, 501-12.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 256, 335, 353-4-Haupt, M. Analecta. (Schol. in Clement Alex. p. 115.

II Kl. und p. 105, 16. p. 113, 26. p. 135, 9.) In:

Hermes I. (1866) 38, 399-400; also in his: Opusc.

III. 2. (1876) 332, 353-354-Hebert-Duperron, V. Essai sur la polem. et la philos.

de St. Cl. d'Al. Caen, 1855. 8°. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 104-6,

162-3; III. 41-2, 71.

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 38. (Honor. August 1. 39.) Hilgenfeld. Ketzergesch. (1884) 40-3. Hilscher and Strauss. Schola Alex. (1776) 27. Hofling. Die Lehre d. Cl. v. A. vom Opfer im Leben

und Cultus d. Christen. 1842. Hofstede de Groot, Pieter. Disputatio de Clemente

Alexandrino. Groningae, 1826. 8°. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 142, etc. Holzclau, Th. Diss. de Clemente et eius morali doc-

trina. Wirceb. 1779. 8°. Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 130-149. Hyperius, A. De ratione stud, theol. III. 1. 396. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 57-62, 230-6. Jacobi. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) HI. 269-77.

(Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. I. 494.) Jeremie. Hist. Church. (1852) 88-90. Jortin, J. Remarks on Eccl. Hist. (Lond. 1751. 8°);

I. 353; II. (Lond. 1752. 8°.) 378-401. K: Obs. seu conjectanea in Clementis Alex, stromatum

librum. I. 105-. Kaye, John. Some account of the writings and opinions

of Clement of Alexandria. Lond. 1835. 8°. Killen. Ancient Church. (1859) 373-4. Kling. Bedeutung d. Al. Cl. f. d. Entstehung d. chr.

Theol. In: Stud. u. Krit. XIV. (1841) 857-908. Klotz, R. Praef. in Clem. Opera. Lips. 1831-4. 120.

4 V.; also in: VIII. (1857) 29-32. KONTOGONES. '1(1851).

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) *• 118-9. Labbe. De scr. eccl. (1660) I. 230.






Lammer, Hugo, dementis Alexandrini de AOrai doc-

trina. Lips. 1885. 8°.

Lamson, A. In: Chr. Exam. XXIII. ( ) 137-. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 220-59. LeClerc. Biblioth. universelle. X. 178-; tr. Ger. (1721)

22-; tr. Engl. Lond. 1698. 8°; also, 1751. 8°. Lelong. Bibl. sacr. (1723) II. 677. LeNourry. Appar. Bibl. Vet. Patr. (1703) I. 1104-;

repr. in: Sprenger. Thes. patr. II. 481-505; III. 116-

176. Lentzen, J. H. Erkennen und Glauben mit besonderer

Beriicksichtigung d. Cl. v. A. u. d. Anselmus v. Canterbury. Bonn, 1848. 8°. Letronne. Examen du texte de Cl. d'Al. relatif aux

divers modes d'ecriture chez les Egyptiens. 8°. Lipsius, R. Ueb. d. npara oToix&a bei Cl. Alex. In:

Rhein. Mus. f. Philologie. IV. (1836) 142-148. Lowth, G. Notae. In: Ed. Potter. Oxon. 1715. Lumper. Hist. ss. patrum. (1784) IV. 58-502; V. 1-

604. Lundblad, Sveno. Dissert, theol. de Clemente Alex.

Upsal. 1817. 8°. Luthardt. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

(1875) 44-

M'Chntock and S. Cycl. (1874-) II. 375-6. Mansel. Gnost. Her. XVI.

Matter. Essai histor. sur l'Ecole d'Alex. Paris, 1820. 8° Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 230-9, et pass. Meier, G. T. C, X. §14. Meineke, Aug. Miscellanea. (Clemens Alex. Paed. II.

10.) In: Jahrbb. f. class. Philol. LXXXVII. (1863)


Mellicencis. (Anon.) Scr. eccl. 5. Merk, C. Clemens A. in s. Abhangigkeit v. d. griech.

Philosophie. Leipz. 1879. 8°. Inaug diss. Michaelis, J. G. Progr. de scholae catech. Alexandr.

origine. Hal. Magdeb. 1739. 40; repr. in: Symbol.

litter. Bremens. III. M5HLER, J. A. Patrologia. (1840) 430-86.

— In: E. c. VIII. 116-29.

MSller, J. H. Kosmologie in d. gr. K. (i860) 506-35.

Muller. Idees dogmatiques de Clement d'Alex. Strasb. 1861.

Muenscher, W. Darstellung d. moralisch. Ideen. d. Cl. v. A. u. d. Tertullian. In: Henke's Magazin fur Reli-gionsphilosophie, etc. (Helmst. 1796. 8°.)

— Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 145-7, etc-

Nauck, A. Kritische Bemerkungen V. (Clemens Alex. Protr. p. 35; Paed. II. p. 185; Strom. VI. p. 745.) In: Bulletin de l'acad. imper. des sciences de St. Petersbourg. XII. (1868) p. 526-528. = Melanges Greco-Romains. III. p. 72-76.

— VI. (Nachweisungen poet. Reminiscenzen d. Cl. Alex, u. Kritisches.) In: Bulletin, etc. XVII. (1872) p. 267-270. = Mel. Gr.-Rom. III. p. 332-336.

— VII. (Cl. Al. Protr. p. 12; Pott. p. 24.) In: Bulletin, etc. XXII. (1877) p. 100. = Mel. Gr.-Rom. IV. p. 232-233.

Neander. De fidei gnoseosque ideae ratione. Heidelb. 1811. 40.

— Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 63-6, 68-9, 82-3, 144-5, J74» 188-90, 201-2, 214, 224, 233, 243. 254. [v. j.]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 278-82, 528-43, 691-3, etc. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) 209-225.

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 203, etc.

Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 156-7.

Nonnote. Les philosophes. (1789).

Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 13, 105-8,

etc. Ornsby, R. Clement of Alexandria, Hortatory Address.

In: Month. XIX. (1873) 231-. Orsi. 1st eccl. (1746-) II. 306-12, 360-71; (1749-)

II. 441-9, 518-35-

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-) I. 417-8; II. 319-


Photius. Cod. 109-m. Preische, H. De yv&cei Clementis Alex. Diss. inaug.

Jenae, 1871. 8°. Pressens£, E. DE. In: Lichtenbergr. Encycl. (1877-

82) III. 208-13.

— Hist. d. 3 prem. siec. III. 311-320; IV. 203, 278; V. 291, 331; tr. Engl. Heresy (N. Y.) 255-95; Martyrs. (1879) 272-82, 540-66.

Redepenning. Origenes. Bonn, 1841. 8°. p. 83-183. Reinkens, H. J. De Clemente presbytero Alex. Vra-

tislav. 1851. 8°. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 20-1, 255; tr. Eng.

(1884) 303-5, 534-5. [v. 2.] Reuter, Herm. Clementis A. theol. moralis cap. select.

particulae. Dissert, acad. Vratislaviae, 1851. 8°;

1854. 8°.

Ritter. Chr. philos. (1841) I. 421-464. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. I. (1795) 209-30. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. II. (1776) 3-75. Rule, W. H. Oriental Records. Lond. 186-9. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 56, 317, 327. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 781-5. Schliemann. Clementinen. (1844) 258-9, etc. SCHMID. Patrol. (1879) (1886) 49-50. Scholia vet. in Cl. A. Protrepticum, etc. In: Migne.

Patrol, gr. IX. (1857) 777-94-Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) II; 403-944. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772) III. 251-89. Schurmann, H. Die hellenische Bildung u. ihr Ver-

haltniss zur christlichen nach d. Darstellung d. Clemens

v. Alex. Gymn.-Progr. Milnster, 1859. 40. Semler. Gesch. d. chr. Glaubensl. vor Baumgartens

Unters. theol. Streitigk. Halle, 1763. 40. II. 133-156. Sevestre. Diet, patrol. (1851) I. 1101-15. Sevin, Fr. Conjectures. (" Restitution d'un passage de

Clement d'Alex." In: Mem. de l'Acad. des Inscr. III.

Hist. p. 133-, ed.8; II. Hist.p.210-; tr. Ger. II. 163-. Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d. ed (1865-) I. 130-1, 274-

5» n- 3!-3-

Sintenis, C. Plutarch u. Clemens v. Alex. In: Hermes. I. (1866) 143-144.

Speelman, Edm. In: Rev. cathol. (Lond. 1855) E, I.

321-33. 385-95. 449-62. Spoerlein, Joh. Einige Grundsatze d. Klemens v. Al. ub.

gr. Philos. u. chr. Wissenschaft. Progr. Bamberg, 1840. Staudlin. Grundsatze d. Clem. v. Alex, in Ansehung d.

Weissagungen. In his: Beitrage z. Erlaut. d. bibl.

propheten. Stuttg. 1786. 251-. r— Sittenlehre Jesu. II. 127-144. StSckl. Gesch. d. Philos. Mainz. (1870) 266-71. Supernatural Religion. (1875-7) Passim-Taverni, R. S. Sopra il tlawayayg di Tito Flavio Clemente Al. discorso. Roma, 1885. 4°. Thienemann. Ueb. d. theol. d. Clem. v. Alex. In:

Schuderoff. N. Jahrbb. L, 11. 175. Thierbach. Erkl. d. auf. Schriftwesen d. alten Aegypter

bezugl. Stelle in d. Teppichen d. Clemens Alex. Erfurt,


Tillemont. Memoirs. III. (1695) 181-96, 650-4. Tournemine, R. J. In: Mem. de Trevoux. (1717) 389-

92. (= Mem. d'un soc. eel. I. 205-10.) Tribbechovius, Joh. Dissert, hist, de vita et scriptis

Clementis Alex. Halae, 1706. 40. [" Contains nothing

new." Hoffmann.}

— Diss. in Cl. Alex, eaque de philos. defin. Hal. 1706. 40. [" Wichtiger als d. vor." Hoffmann.]

Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 24.

Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876)311-5. Vacherot. Hist, de l'ecole d'Alex. Veterum testimonia. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. VIII. (1857) 33-50-






Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XI. 126. VlTRV, E. In: Mem. de Trevoux. (1716) 1570-85. (= Mem. d'une soc. eel. I. 210-22).

— De T. Flav. Cl. viri consularis et martyris, tumulo. Urbin. 1727. 40. [Not Cl. A. or Cl. R.]

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) passim. Walch, J. G. Dissert, de Clemente Alex, ejusque errori-bus. Jenae, 1737. 40; repr. in his Miscel. sacra. II.


— Bibl. patr. (1834) 33, 372-3, etc. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 339-40, 350-4.

— Bible in the church. (1877) I25~7-

— In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 559-67.

Wilson, W. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. IV.

(1868) 9-14. Ed. Coxe. II. (1885) 163-9. [Add.notes.

Ed. Coxe. 567-8, 604-5.] Winter, F. J. Du Lehre d. Alex. Clemens v. d. Quellen

d. sittlichen Erkenntniss (Luthardt'sche Gratulations-

schrift. p. 99-137). [1881?]

— Studien z. Gesch. d. chr. Ethik. I. Die Ethik d. Clemens v. Alex. Leipzig, 1882. 8°.

— Zur Ethik des Clemens von Alexandrien. In: Ztschr. f. kirchl. Wissensch. u. kirchl. Leben. I. 130-144.

Wolff, G. Krit. Bemerkungen. (Clemens Alex. Pro-

trept. 26a.) In: Philologus. XVI. (i860) 528. Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 251-68. WSrter. Gnade u. Freiheit. 1.171-201. Writings of Clement of Alexandria. In: Chr. Obs.

LX&. (1869) 134-. Zahn. Th. Forschungen zur Geschichte d. neutesta-

mentlichen Kanons. III. Supplementum Clementinum.

Erlangen, 1884. 8°. (iv, 329.) [Cf. rev. Neumann.

Theol. Ltznz. 1885.] Zeller. Apostegesch. (1854) 70. Ztschr. f. hist, theol. (1861) III.


I. TERTULLIAN. I. Editions.


Rhenanus. Basil, Tubin., 1521. f°; 1525; -I528(?); -1536; -1539. f°. [Improved edition.]

Gagnaeus. Par. 1545. f°.

Gelenius. Basil. 1550. f°; 1562. f>. Par. 1566. 2 v. 8°.

La Barre, R. L. de. Par. 1580.

Pamelius, Jac. Op. Antv. 1579. f°; Par. 1583. f°. [With additions by Hoyus.] Antv. 1584. f°. [With additional collations by Jo. Mercerius.] Heidelb. 1596. f°; Par. 1598. f°; Heidelb. 1599. f°; Heidelb. 1601. f°; Par. 1608. f; 1609. f°; l6io(?)f°; Par. 1616. f°; Colon. Agrip. 1617. f°; Rothomagi, 1622. f°.

Junius, Franc. Op. Franequerae, 1597. f°. [Founded

on Pamelius. With Novatian.] 1607. f°.

Wower, J. A. Franc. 1603. 8°; Francf. 1612.

LA Cerda, J. L. DE. Par. 1624-30. 2 v.; Par. 1641. P.

Rigaltius, N. Lutet. Par. 1628 [9?] 8° (?); 1634. f°; 1641. f°; 1644; 1646; 1650; Argent. 1657. 8°(?); 1658. f°; 1675. f°; 1728. 8°; Venet. 1746. f°.

Georgius, P. Par. 1646-50. 3 v. f°.

Rous. In: Mella patr. Lond. 1650. 8°. 293-468.

Boeclerus. Argent. 1657. 8°. [?]

Moreau, C. Par, 1658. 3 v. f°.

Priorius, PHIL. Parisiis, 1664. [Colophon 1663.] f°. [Following Rigaltius]; 1675. P; 1695. fl>. Venet. 1701. f°.

Vivien, M. Venet. 1708. 6 v. 40. Venet. 1744. f°.

Venet. 1746. f°. [Rigaltius text.] Semler, J. S. Halae, 1769-76. 6 v. 8°. OBERTHUR. Wirceb. 1780. [Vols. I. and II. of Opera om-nia patr. lat.]

Leopold. In: Gersdorf. Bibl. patr. lat. sel. Lips. 1839-

41. parts iv—vii. Oehler, F. Lips. 1851-3. 3 v. 8°; ed. minor. Lips.

1854. Migne. Patrol. Lat. (1866) I.; II.


(Apol., Ad Scap.) Cantab. 1686. 12°. (De baptismo, aet poenit.) Salisb. 1755. 4°. Currey, G. (Cor. mil., de Spect., de Idol.) Camb. 1856.

8°. RouTH. (De Orat., De praescr., Adv. haer.) In: Scr.

eccl. op. (1858) I. 95-172, 173-225. March, F. A. (Select works.) N.Y. 1876. 12°.


Venet. Benalius, s. a. (1483?) f°; do. 1492. Mediolini, Scinzingeller, 1493. f°. Venet. 1494. [With Lactantius.] Par. 1500. 4?. [With Lactantius.] Venet. 1502. f°. fWith Lactantius]; also Venet. 1502. f°;

Venet. 1509. 1°; Par. 1509. 40; Venet. 1511.. f°;

Paris, 1513. 4°; Florent, Junta, 1513. 8°. Egnatius. Venetiis, Aldus, 1515; do. 1535. 8°. HERALDUS, DESID. .Par. 1613. 40. [With Minucius Felix.] Giry, L. Lat. fr. Amst. 1701. 8°. [?] Havercampus, Sigeb. Lugd. Bat. 1718. 8°. Woodham, H. A. Camb. 1843. 8°; 1850. 8°. Hurter, H. Opusc. ss. patr. XIX. Innsb. 1872. 160.

(Prescription against Heretics.) QuiNTINUS, J. Par. 1561. 40. Colon. 1599. 12°. [From Pamelius.] Colon. Agrip. 1601. 120. Cracov. 1605. Brux. 1675. 40. Salisbury, 1752. 8°. Lat. it. Assist. 1784. 8°.

Hurter, H. Opusc. ss. patr. IX. Innsb. 1880. 160. [2d ed.]

(On the PalXivm.) Juntos. Lugd. B. 1595. 8°. Richerius, E. Lat. fr. Par. 1600. 8°. Marcellius, T. Par. 1614. 8°. SALMASIUS, C. Par. 1622; Lugd. 1656. 8°. Lugd. 1626. f°. [La Cerda's notes.]


Gothofridus, Jac. Aureliopoli, 1625. 40. Orius. (De patientia.) Matr. 1644. f°. Wetstenius. (De orthodoxa fide.) Gr. lat. Basil. 1674.

Pauciroli and Muratori. (De Orat.) Patau. 1713. 40. Welchman, E. (Adv. Praxeam.) Ca»to*. 1731. 8°. Hurter, H. (In orat. dom.) Opusc. ss. patr. II. Innsb. 1874 [?] '6°.

—  (De sacr.) In: Opusc. ss. patr. VII. Innsb. 160.

—  (De poen.) In: Opusc. ss. patr. V. Innsb. 16".

Rivinus, A. (Opera poet.) Goth. 1651. 8°. Daumius, Chr. (De Jona et Nin.) Lips. 1681. 8°.

II. Translations.


Praescr.) Antw. 1675. 24°. Apol.) Amst. 1684. 8°.







Hoper, John. (2d book ad uxorem.) Lond. 1550. 8°. B[rown], H. (Apol.) Lond. 1655. 4°. Reeves, W. (Apol.) Lond. 1709. 8°; Lond. 1716.

2v. 8°. 1848. 12°. Betty, J. (Praescr.) Ox/. 1722. 8°. ["incomplete."


Dalrymple, D. (AdScap.) Edinb. 1780-2. [1790?] Chevallier. Camb. 1833. 8°. 1851. DodsoN, C. In: Library of fathers. X. (1842; 1854). Holmes and Thelwall. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. VII.

(1868); XI. (1869); XV. (1874); XVIII. (1870).

Ed. Coxe. III. (1885) 17-696, 707-17; IV. (1885)



Macere, Aub. DE. (Praescr.) Par. 1562.

—  (Corona milit.) Par. 1563. Daneau, L. Par. 1565. 8°; Gen. 1580. Richeaume. Bordeaux, 1594. 8°.

Remondus, F. (Corona milit.) Par. 1594. 8°. [?]

Richerius, E. (Despect.) In his: Opera. Par. 1600.

Labrosse. Par. 1612. 8°; 1729. 12°.

Hebert. Par. 1612. 8°.

TlTREVILLE. (De pall.) Par. 1640. 12°.

Hobier. (De Orat. de pat.) Par. 1640 (2 v.?) 12°.

Giry, L. Par. 1636. 8°; 1665. 8°; Amst. 1701. 8°.

Manessier. (De pallio.) Par. 1665. 12°.

—  (De pat., Ad mart.) Par. 1667. Colomesius, P. (Ad mart.) Rupell. 1673. 8°. Vassoult, J. B. Par. 1714. 40; 1715. 8°. Braier. (De praescr.) Par. 1725.

(De praescr.) Par. 1729. 120.

Gauliere, Math. (Select works.) Par. 1733. 120.

Meunier. Par. 1822. 120.

Gourcy, DE. (Apol. praescr.) Lyon, 1823. 8°; Par.

1825. 8°; Avign. 1833. 12°. Allarp, J. F. Marseille et Par. 1827. 8° Caillau. (De spect.) Paris, 1835. 8°. Genoude. In: Peres de l'egl. Par. 1841. 3 v. 8°;

2d ed. Besanfon et Paris, 1852. 3 v. 8°. Collombet. (Praescr.) Par. 1845. 12°. (Apol., Pres., Bapt.) Par. 1845. I2°-Baude. In: Coll. aut. lat. 1845. 8°-LalanNE. (Extr.) Par. 1853. 12°.


Hedion, C. (De pat.) Strassb. 1546. 40. Maius, L. (De pat.) Smalcald. 1582. 120. Hinckelmann, A. (Ad Scap., Ad. mart.) Luneb. 1682.


Kleuker, J. Fr. (Apol.) Frf. 1797. 8°. (Praescr.) Wien, 1797. 8°. LessinG. (Praescr.) In: Werke. XVI. 324-. Besnard, F. A. v. Augsb. 1837. 2 v- **• KELLNER, H. Kempten, 1869-72. l6°. [The Reithmayer-Thalhofer Bibl.]; Koln, 1882. 2 V. 8°.


Borghini. Roma, 1756. 40. Pacchi. Fir. 1781. 8°.

Russian. Athanasj Iwanow. Mosk. 1802.


Urbani, E. Madr. 1631. 40. Barcel. 1639. 8°.

Manerus, P. (Apol. ad Scap.) Caes. Aug. 1644. 4°. Madr. 1657. f°; 1789. 4°.

III. Literature. Alexander, Natadss. Hist. eccl. (1778) III. 376-91.

[Allix, Pierre.] DissertatiodeTertullianivita et scriptis

s. 1. et a.; 2d ed. Par. 1680. 8°. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 168-192. Arbousse-Bastide, Ant. Fr. Tert. et Cyprien, compares cornme litterateurs. Strasb. 1848. 8°. Archimbaud. Explication des mots " Caligata militia."

In: Nouv. Receuil de pieces fugitiv. Artaud. In: Diet, scien. philos. (1875) I7I5~6 Aube, B. In: Nouv.Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XLIV..(i865)


Aurifodina patr. theol. Vitemb. 1664. 40. Aymeric, J. Notes sur le vocabulaire de Tertu'lien. In:

Lettres chret. II. (1881) 446-8. Bahr. Gesch. rom. Liter. Sup. (1837) IX- 'S"^- (IV.

21-7.) Ballenstedt, H. C. T's. Geistesfahigkeiten, Religions-

kenntnisse u. Theol. Helmst. 1785. 8°. [Barbour.] Historic Episcopate. (1887) 27-9. Baronius. Ann. (1589) 197, 7-21; 201, 5-19, 27-38;

203, 5-14; 205-19; 209, 1-3; 210, .4-7; 216, 1-19.

Cf. Pagi. Crit. (1689) 173, 4; 197, 4; 201, 3, 6; 203,

7; 2°9,3-                                  :

Barth, F. Tertullians Auffassung d. Ap. Paulus. u. s.

Verhaltnisses zu d. Uraposteln. In: Jahrbb. f. prot.

Theol. (1882) 706-756. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 188-90.

[V. I.]

Baur. Kirchenges. 3 e. J. (1863) 253-6, 496-502.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 262-6, etc. BA$BIAHS. 'E/ckA. Iot. I. (1884) 160-1. Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 38-41. Benicken, Hans Karl. Zu Tertullianus (de anima 37).

In Jahrbb. f. class. Philol. CXV. (1877) 224. Benton, A. A. In: Am. Church R. XVIII. (1867)

525--Bergk, Th. Philologische Thesen (Tertull. adv. Gent.

II. 8). In: Philologus. XIV. (1859) 391. Bergmann. Die christl. Geduld nach Tert. de patientia

In: Beweis d. Glaubens. (1881) 194-209. Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 53, etc. Beyer, C. A. Quo sensu Tertullianus Deum dixer. corp.

Lipsiae, 1764. 40. Binsfeld, J. P. Beitr. z. Krit. u. Erkl. latein. Prosaiker.

In: RheinMus. N. F. XXVI. (1871) 312-313. Birch, C. Chr. Dissert, quosdam ex Tert. collectos atq.

illustrates locos theol. sisteus. Hannov. 1790. 40. Blackburn. Hist of Church. (1879)42-7. Blumenbach, J. H. Liber de senatusconsulto, Q. S. F.

Tertull. Lips. 1735. 8°. Blumenstein, J. Talmud u. Tertullian. In: Jud. Litblt.

(1879) 99. Boehmer. Dissert, juris eccl. aut. ad Plinium secund. et

Tertullianum. Halae, 1729. 8°.

Boehringer. Kirchenges. (1873-) I. III. (IV. 1-812.) Bonwetsch, G. N. Die Schriften Tert. nach d. Zeit.

ihrer Abfassung untersucht. Bonn, 1878. 8°. Bouedron, P. Quid senserit de natura animae Tertullianus? Thesis. Rennes, 1861. 8°. Brucker. Hist. crit. phil. (1766-7) III. 411-4; VI.


Bunsen. Hippolytus. (1854) I. 253-62. Burckhardt, F. A. Die Seelenlehre d. Tert. nach dessen

Tractat: de anima, dargestellt. Progr. Bautzen, 1857.

4°-Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 180-241.

— Trinity. (1831) 60-84.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I- 2I~2-Cacheux. In: Memor. cathol. (1866-8) B, VII. 395-9; VIII. 32-4, 113-6, 237-40, 369-72, 446-9; IX. 140-3,

227-3O. 355-9-

Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825)69-79.

Cantova, Car. Ign. De Tertulliano et Epiphanio dissert, duae theol. crit. in quibus antromorphisnio neutrum






laborasse demonstrator. Mediolani, 1763. 8°. Cf. Acta enidit. (1774) 235-8; (1775) 423-7. Caspari, C. P. Om nogle Steder i Tertullians: de prae-scriptionibus haeret. In: Forhandlinger i Vedensk. Selsk. i Christiania. (1869) 344-348.

— Om Tertull. graeske Skrifter. In: Forhandlinger i. Vedensk. Selsk. i Christiania. (1875) 403-404.

Caucanas, G. Tertullien et le montanisme. Geneve,

1876. 8°. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 91-4.

— Lives. (1840) I. 305-320.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. d. aut. sac. II. (1730) 374-529;

II. (1865) 1-87. Centner, G. = Hoffmann, J. G. Chadwick, J. W. Tertullian and Montanism. In: Chr.

Exam. LXXV., (1863) 15 7-. Charpentier. Etude hist, et litt. sur Tertullien. These.

Paris, 1839. 8°. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880)46-50,75-81,134,148,

162-3, 184, 203, 220-1, 229, 232, 236, 241, 246, 250,

252, 254, 260, 264, 268, 269,278-9, 296-7, 307-8,323,

333. 343-Chassang, A. Ap. de T., sa vie, ses voyages, ses pro-

diges, etc. Paris, 1862. Chastel. Histoire du Christianisme. (Paris, 1881.) I.


Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 2157-9. Chladen, J. M. De stationibus vet. Christianorum ad

Tertull. Lipsiae, 1744. 40. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 131-46. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 215, 217; II.


Coenen, J. A. Commentat. de Tertulliano, christianorum et religionis christ. adv. gentes apologeta. In: Ann. acad. Rheno-Traject. (1823-4) Trajecti ad Rhen. 1825. 8°.

Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846)251-272.

Coleman, L. Introduction in: Ed. March. N, Y. 1876.


Condamin, J. P. De Q. S. F. Tertulliano vexatae religionis patrono et praecipuo apud latinos, christianae liguae artifice. Thesis. Bar-le-Duc, 1877. 8°. Cf. Olivier, J. H. In: Ann. du monde relig. (1878) II. 390-4.

Cotta. Kirchenges. §318-35.

Croi. S. u. Irenaeus.

Cunningham. Hist, theol. (1870) I. 158-63.

— Churches of Asia. (1880) passim.

Cyprian, E. Sal. Diss. de doctrina Tertulliani evangel-

ica. Erford, 1797. 40. Dallaeus. De usu. patr. 259-. Darling. Cyclop, bibl. (1854) 2921-2, 2979-80. Deutinger. Geist. d. christl. Ueberl. I. 182-7. Dieringer. Frc. Xav. Doctrina Tertull. de republ. et de

officiis ac iuribus civium Christianor. Progr. Bonnae,

1850. 40. DiTTRlCH, Franc. De Tertulliano Christianae veritatis

regulae contra haereticorum licentiam vindice commen-

tatio. Brusbergae, 1876-77. 40. Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 49-80, 448-9. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. d. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 222-91. DuVerdier. Bibl. Franc. (1773) V. 390. Ebert, Adolf. Tertullians Verhaltniss zu Minucius

Felix, nebst einem Anhang iiber Commodian's Carmen

apologeticum. (From: Abhandl. d. sache Geselbsch.

d. Wiss. XII. Bd. [=PMlol.hist.ClasseV. Bd.] 1870 p.

319-420.) Leipzig, 1868. 40. Cf.Boissier. In: Rev.

critique (1869) VIII. 21-4; Literar. Centralbl. (1869,

Jan. 16).

— Gesch. Liter. Mittelalt. (1874) I. 31-54. Ecclesiastical history from the writings of Tertullian. In:

Eel. R. XLIV. (1826) 433-.

Ekerman, Pet. Dissert, de Tertulliano, primo Latinae eccl. patre. Upsal, 1761. 40.

Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 70, etc.

— Ueber Tertullians schriftsteller. Charakter. In: Zeit-

schr. f. histor. Theol. (1852) 316-319. Eusebius. H. E. II. 2. Fabricius. Bibl. lat. (1722) III. 347-71.

— De verit. rel. chr. (1725) 173, 207-15.

— Bibl. med. aev. (1746) VI. 617-8. (2a. 220.) Farrar. Interpretation (1886) 177-80. Fischer, J. M. = Cyprian, E. S.

Fish, H. C. Tertullian and his writings. In: Chr. R.

XXI. (1856) 452-. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 602-10; 11.5-26,41-69,

72-4,85-7,91-5,114-7. Fosse, Pierre Thomas du [dela Motte]. Histoire de

Tert. et d'Origene. Par. 1675. 8°; Lyon, 1691. 8°;

1701. 8°. Francus, F. Confutatio animadv. Kercoetii. Middelb.


— Refut. utr. elenchi Cerco. Par. 1623.

Freppel. Tertullien. Cours d'eloquence sacree fait a la Sorbonne pendant l'annee 1861-1862. 2 ed. Par. 1872. 2 v. 8°. Cf. Le Verdier. In: Bibliog. cath. (1865) XXXIII. 69-77; and in: Rev- d- cours litter. (1863) I. 142-4.

—  La notion chretienne du pouvoir d'apres Tertullien. In: Rev. du Monde Cath. (1864) VIII. 275-86.

Gamba. Testi. Ital. (1828) 1767.

Gaudentius, P. In: Salebris Tert. Florent. 1639. 40.

— Opusc. tria. Pisis, 1644. 40.

Georgius. Tertullianus redivivus, scholiis et observa-tionibus illustratus. Paris, 1646-50. 3 v. f°.

Geret. J. Ge. Pr. in quendam Tertulliani de terrarum motibus locum. Onoldinii, 1756. 40.

Germon, Barth. De vet. haeret. eccl. Codie. corruptor.

587--Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 150-1, 194, 229-

31-Gorres, F. Das Christenthum u der rom. Staat zur Zeit

d. Severus. I. Friedensenpoche 193-202; Anhang iiber

Tert. ad Scap. e IV. II. Officielle Verfolgung 202-

2ii. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1878) 273-327. Gottwald. Paul. De montanismo Tertulliani. Diss.

inaug. Vratislaviae, 1862. 8°. (62 p.) Gretserus, Jac. . . . Vindicatio locorum quorumdam

Tertullianicorum a Franc. Junii Calvin, depravationibus.

Ingolstadii, 1600. 40. p. 289-376. (=his Opera (1735)

V. 11. 305-33.) Greve, Arn. Tertulliani testimonium de awodeixsu

Christo a Tiberio decreta defensum. Vittemberg. 1722.

4°. Grotemeyer. H. Ueber Tertullians Leben und Schrif-

ten. Progr. Kempen, 1863-5. 4°-Guerrier, Marcel. Apulee et Tertullien. These.

Rouen, 1853. 40. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 60-1, etc.

— Kirchenges. (1885) I. 211-7.

Hardouin, Jean. In: Mem. de Trevoux (1724(9?)

mai) 842-9. Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 264-7, 3°4-5> 393-

5, 422-500.

— Zur Chronologie der Schriften Tertullian's. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchengesch. II. (1878) 572-583.

Hasaeus, Jac. De Ononychoete, christianis cujusdam verpi nequitia afficto nomine, ad elucidationem eorum quae hac de re apud Tertullianum reperimus. In: Bibl. hist.-phil.-theol. (Brem. 1720.) III. 1052-70.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 252-3, 342-8, 367, 389-

9°. 432-

Hasselbach, K. F. W. De multimoda idolatr. cuj. Tertullianus ludimagistr. et ceter. professor, literar. arguit. Sedani. 8°.

Hauber, A. T.'s Kampf gegen d. 2te. Ehe. In: Stud, u. Krit. XVIII. (1845) 607-62.






Hauck, Alb. Tertullian's Leben und Schriften. Erlan-gen, 1877. 8°.

Haupt, Mor. Analecta (Zu Tertullian, de pallio c. 5 de spectaculis c. IO.) In: Hermes. I. (1866) p. 259-261; and in: Opuscula. III. 2 (1870) p. 349-351.

— Varia. (Tert. ad martyr, init.) In: Hermes. V. (1871) p. 190; and in: Opuscula. III. 2, p. 535.

— Coniectanea. (Anonymi Sodoma V. 14, 81.) In: Hermes. V. (1871) p. 316; and in: Opuscula. III.

2» P- 539-

— Coniectanea. (Tertullianus ad nation. I. 7. de cultu fern. II. 11.) In: Hermes. VIII. (1874) p. 247-248; and in: Opuscula. III. 2, p. 632.

— Adversaria. (Tert. adv. gent. 35.) In his: Opuscula. III. p. 643.

Hauschild, G. R. Die Grundsatze u. Mittel d. Sprach-bildung bei Tert. Progr. Leipzig, 1876. 40; Lpz. 1881. 4".

— T.'s Psychologie u. Erkenntnisstheorie. Programm. Frankfurt a. M. 1880. 4°. [Lpz. 1880?]

Havercamp. In:Migne. Patrol. Lat. 1.(1866)297-304.

Hefele, C. J. Tertullian als Apologet. In: Theol. Quartalschr. {Tub. 1838) I. 30.

Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 104-6, 168; III. 41-2, 73-

Hesselberg, Carl. Tertullian's Lehre aus seinen Schriften entwickelt, etc. Dorpat. 1848. 8°; Hamb. Gotha, 1851. 8°.

Heumann. Emendat. lib. Tert. de praescr. In: Acta Erudit. (1715) 299-; Suppl. VI. V. 196-.

— Obss. crit. ad posteriorem apol. Tert. capp. In: Mis-cell. Groning. II. III. 470-.

— Emend, atque illustr. Cap. I. Apolog. Tertull. In his: Poicile. I. (1722) 25-33; II. (1723) 195-213.

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 53. (Honor. August. I. 54.) Hoffmann, J. G. Q. Sept. Florentis Tertulliani quae

supersunt omnia Montanismo scripta videri. Witten-

bergae, 1738. 4". (48 p.)

— Geschichte des Kirchenlateins. fascic. I. et II. Holmes, P. and Thelwall, S. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. VII.

(1868) vii-xviii; XVIII. (1870) vii-xix. Introd. note. Ed. Coxe. III. (1885) 1-15. [Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 56-60, 76-7, 103-4, 179-80, 239-41, 265-70, 474-5, 542-3, 594-5. 627-32, 679, 717-18.] V. 125-66.

Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 153-4, etc.

Hooper, G. Works. (1757) 327-44.

Hoven, I. D. van. Specim. adnotatt. ad Tert. Apol. In: Stosch. Mus. crit. II. (1777) p. 26-31.

Huber. Philos. d. K.-V.,(io59) 100-104.

Hucksta'dt, Ernst. Uber das pseudotertullianische Gedicht adversus Marcionem. Diss. Lpz. 1875. 8°.

Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 62-78, 236-41.

Jaeger, Ald. Ant. Dissert, de Tertulliano duce An-thropomorphitarum. Innsbr. 1774. 8°.

Jahn, Otto. Variarum lectionum fasciculus alter. (Tertull. apolog. 19. ad nat. II. 14.) In: Philologus. XXVIII. (1869) 10.

Jeep, H. T. as Apologet. In: Jahrb. f. deut. Theol. IX. (1864) 649-87.

Jeremie. Hist. Church. (1852) 104-8.

Jortin, J. Tracts philol.-crit.-misc. (1790) II.

Journal des Savans. (1719, Dec.) 663-.

Kaye, John. Ecclesiastical History of the Second and Third Centuries, illustrated from the writings of Tertullian. Camb. 1826. 8°; London, 1845. 8°.

Keim. Rom und das Christenthum. Berlin, 1881.

Kellner, H. Ueber Tert. Abhandlg. d. pallio. u. d. Jahr seines Uebertrittes z. Christenthum. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LII. (Tub. 1870.) p. 547-566.

— Zur Chronologie Tertullians. 2. Artikel. In; Theol. Quartalschr. LIII. (1871) p. 585-609.

— Ueb. d. sprachlichen Eigenthumlichkeiten Tert. In.: Theol. Quartalschr. LVIII. (1876) 229-251.

Kellner, H. Organischer Zusammenhang u. Chronologie der Schriften Tertullians. In: Der Katholik. (1879) 561-589.

Kercoetius, A. Animadv. ad Salmasii not. in Tert. de Pall. Rhedon. 1622.

— Mastigophorus secundus. Par. 1623.

— Mastigophorus tertius. Par. 1623. Killen. Ancient Church. (1859) 370-3, 475-8. Kipp, J. F. pseud. = Semler, J. S.

Klupfel, E. Mens Tert. de indissolubilitate matrimonii in infidelitate contract!, conjuge alterutro ad fid. chr. converto. Frib. 1774. 40; also in: Riegger. Oblecta-menta. Ulm. 1776. 40.

Klussman, Ernst. Die neueste texteskritik Tertullians. I. 11. In: Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. III. (i860) 82-100, 363-393.

— Adnotationes criticae ad Tertull. lib. de spectaculis. Progr. Rudolphopoli, 1876. 8°.

Klussmann, M. Curarum Tertullianearum, part. I. et II. (Halle, 1881,)

— Coniectanea critica ad Tertulliani libros ad Nationes. Festschr. Hamburg. 1885. 40.

Koltug, J. Verfassung Cultus u. Disciplin der christ-

lichen Kirche nach den Schriften. Tertullians. Brauns-

berg, Huye, 1886.

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 124-6, 139-40. Lactantius. Inst. V. 1. La Fayolle, Nic. de. La genie de Tertullien. Paris,

1658. 40. Laforet, N. J. Etude philosophique sur Tertullien. In:

Rev. cathol. (Louv. 1869) B. I. 481-510; II. 147-72. Lagarde, P. de. Tertullianea (Nachrichten . . Gottingen,

1878, 1, p. 15-18).

Lallemand, Paul. In: Lettres chret. (1881) II. 307-8. La Motte. Hist, de T. s. u. Fosse. Langen, Pet. De usu praepositionum Tutullianeo.

Part 1.—in. Monasterii, 1869-70. 40. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 267-306. Laufkother. In: Wetzer. u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54)

X. 745-65. Lehanneur, L. Le traite de Tertullian contre les Valen-

tiniens. Caen, 1886. 8°. Leimbach, K. L. T.'s Sacramentsbegriff. In: Stud. u.

Krit. XLIV. (1871) 483-502.

— Tertullian als Quelle f. d. christl. Archaeol. In: Kahnis Zeitschr. f. hist. Theol. (1871) 108-157, 430-


— Beitrage zur Abendmahlslehre Tertullians. Gotha, 1874. 8°.

Lelong. Bib. sac. II. 983.

Le Nourry. Dissert, in apol. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat.

L ('857) 783-i244-

— Appar. bibl. patr. (1715) II. 1174.

Leonhardi, G. D. apol. Grundgedanken T. In: Ztschr.

f. kirchl. wiss u. Leben. III. (1882) 573-85. Leopold, E. F. Ueb. d. Ursachen d. verderbt. Latinitat

u. s. w . . . mit besond Beriihsichtigung d. Tertullian.

In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1838) 12-38. Lipsius, R. A. In: Jahrb. f. deut. Theol. XIII. (1868)

701—24. [T. agst. Praxeas.] [Liron.] Singul. hist. litt. (1738-40) 1. 404-7; ill.

319-23; IV. 36-44.

London Quarterly Review. XXXI. (1868) 459-. Ludwig, G. Tertullian's Ethik. Leipzig, 1885. 8°. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. (1789) VI. 1-768. Luthardt. St John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

(1875) 38-41.

M'Clintock andS. Cycl. (1874-) X. 288-90. Magallotti, Laur. Sopra unpasso diTert. In: Lettere

scient. ed erudite delConte Magalotti. 192-. Margerie, Am. de. De Q. S. F. Tertulliano Opuscu-

lum philosophicum. Thesis. Paris. 1855. 8°. Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 271-88.






Mem. de Trevoux. (1703)133-. [Genuineness of catalogue of heresies at end of the prescription.]

Mem. de Trevoux. (1719)1202. [" Obs. touchant detraite de 1'Oraison."]

Migne. Demonstrations evangeliques de Tertullien, Ori-

gene, Eusebe, etc. Traduites en francais, annotees et

publiees. 1842-1853. 20 v. 8°. Miner, A. A. In: Univ. Q. XII. (1855) 174-. Miscell. obss. in auctt. III. I. 45- [x. and Cyprian] j III.

II.208- [DeOratione]. MShler. Patrol. I. (1840) 701-90. Moreau, Car. Tertulliani Omniloquium alphabeticum

rationale, tripartitum . . . Paris, 1657-8. 3v. f°. Mosheim, J. L. Disquisitio chronologico critica de vera

aetate Apologetici a Tertulliano conscripti initioque per-

secutionis Severi. Lugd. Bat. 1720. 8°. Helmst. 1724.

40. Lugd. Batav. 1740. Also in ed. of Venet. 1746.

— Hist. eccl. 108-.

Mouchon, H. Exposition critique des opinions de Tertullien sur l'origine et la nature du peche. Strasbourg, 1859. 8».

MtiLLER, L. Zu Tertullians Gedichten de Sodoma und de Iona. In: Rhein. Mus. N. F. XXII. (1867) p. 329-344 and 464.

— Zu dem Gedicht de Sodoma. In: Rhein. Mus. N. F. 22. XXVII. (1872) 486-488.

Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 159-62, etc. Munter, F. Primordia eccl. Africanae. Havn. 1829.

4°. 128-. Muralt, Ed. DE. In: Bull. acad. sci. St. Petersburg.

(1848) V. 1-4. Neander, J. A. W. Antignostikus. Geist des Tertul-

lianus und Einleitung in dessen Schriften, mit archao-

logischen und dogmenhistorischen Untersuchungen.

Berl. 1825. 8°. 2. Zum Theil. umgearb. Aufl. Berlin,

1849. 8°; Tr. Eng. Ryland, J. E. Lond. 1859. 2 v.


— Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 54-6, 79-82, 98, 100-1, 155, 175, 182, 184-6, 199-200, 212, 216-7,221, 225-6, 231-2, 240-1, 252. [v. 1]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 516-7, 614-20, 683-5, et Pass-Nielsen, F. Tertullians Ethik. Afhandling. Schonberg.

1879. 8°.

NlRSCHL. Patrol. (1881-) I. 266-95. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 165-6, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 160-2. NOldechen, E. Tertullian als Mensch und als Burger.

In: Hist. Ztschr. (1885) 225-260.

— Kultus-Statten u. Reden der Tertullianischen Tage. In: Ztschr. f. kirchl. Wissensch. u. kirchl. Leben.

(1885)   202-208.

— Die Situation von Tertullian's Schrift, Ueber die Geduld. In: Ztschr. f. vaterl. Gesch. u. Alterthumsk. XLIII. (1885), 1. 178-198.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVIII. (1885) 333-49^ [Matt. 11:13. Luke 16:16 in T.]

— T. "Ueb. d. Geduld." In: Ztschr. f. kirchl. wiss. u. Leben. (1885) 577-80.

— In: Ztschr. kirchl. wiss. u. Leben. (1886) 87-98. [Scorpiace.]

— T.'s Geburtsjahr. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXIX.

(1886)  207-23.

— Tertullian's Erdkunde. In: Ztschr. f. kirchl. wiss. u. Leben. (1886) 310-325.

— T. u. St. Paul. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXIX.

(1886)  473-97-

— Tertullian. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1886) 615-60.

— Tert. vom Fasten. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXX.

(1887)  187-219.

Nolte, J. Verbesserung einiger Stellen in d. Schriften d. Tacitus u. Tertullianus. In: Jahn's Archiv. XVIII. (1852) 623-627.

Nonnote. Les philosophes. (1789).

Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 47-9, etc.

Noesselt, J. A. Dissert, de vera aetate ac doctrina scrip-

torum quae supersunt TertuUiani. Halae, 1757-59.

4°. 2. ed. 1768. 40; =his: Comment, hist, eccles.

(1817) 8°. Oehler, Franz. Probe e. neuen Bearbeitung von Ter-

tull. Apologeticus u. libri. duo Ad nationes. In; Jahn's

Archiv. XV. (1849) p. 80-95.

— Zur Berichtigung iiber die neueste Texteskritik Tertullians. (Klussmann.) In: Hilgenfelds Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. IV. (1861) p. 204-211.

Oehninger. Tertullian und seine Auferstehungslehre.

Ausgb. 1878.

Oelrichs. Scr. eccl. lat. (1791) 17-30. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 371-414, 432-5,460-1; III.

6-i4; (1749) II. 535-97, 624-8, 665-6; III. 9-20. Ott. S. u. Cyprian. Oudin. (1722) I. 214-21.

Pagenstecher, J. A. G. Oratio de jurisprudentia Tertulliani. Harderovici, 1768. 8°. Pagnani, Pagano. II materialismo di Tertulliano.

(Accad de Lucca, 1869.) In: Annali delle univ.

Toscane. Parte I. Scienz. novl. XII. {Pisa, 1872) p.

204-211. Pamelius [and others]. Argumenta et annot. ed Rigaltii

respondentia. Par. 1635. Pamelius, J. Vita T. In: Ed. Rigaltius. Par. 1634;

also in: Migne. Patrol, lat. I. (1866) 77-126.

— Paradoxa Tert. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. I. (1866) 225-56.

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1844) I. 418-9; II. 706-89.

Petreius, Theod. Confessio Tertulliana et Cypriana. Paris, 1603. 8°.

Photius. Biblioth.

Pressense, Edm. de. Un grand heretique Chretien, Tertullien, sa vie et ses ecrits. In: Magasin de librair. (i860) XII. 558-81.

— Hist, des trois premiers siecles de l'Eglise chretienne. III. 421-64; IV. 426-; V. 465-; VI. 136-; tr. Engl. Chr. life. (1878) 34-5, 53-5, 123-33, 142; Martyrs. (1879) 143-57. '63-5> 374-414. 591-605 5 Heresy (n. d.) 419-56.

— Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) XII. 29-36. Ramsay, W. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

III. 1006-12.

Rathmann, Herm. Theosophia priscorum patr. Tert. et Cypriani. 1620. 40; [with changed title] Vitemb. 1636;


Raynoud. In: Journ.d. Savans. (1827)483-91. Rechenberg, A. D. an haereticorum patriarchae phil-

osophi. Lip. 1705. 40. Reck. Minucius Felix u. T. In: Theol. Quartalschr.

LXVIII. (1886) 64-114. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 19, 21, 258; tr. Eng.

(1884) 302-3, 304-5, 537- [v. 2.] Reville, Alb. Tertullien, le Montanisme et l'eghse de

son temps. In: Rev. d. DeuxMondes. (1864) H, LIV.


— In: Nouvelle Rev. de Theol. 1858.

Rigalt, N. Observationes et notae ad libros Tertulliani.

Parisiis, 1641. f°. Ringelbroch, C. T. De antiquiss. homin. christ. precib.

sollemnib. pro mora finis Tertulliani Apolog. c. 39.

Tremoniae, 1744. 40. Ritschl. Altkatholische Kirch. Rioter. Chr. philos. (1841) I. 362-417.

— Darstellung d. erst. chr. Schriftsteller Afrika's. (" Bon-ner Ztschr. H. 8.")

Robertson. Hist, of Church. (1885-) 1.109-114. RSnsch, Herm. Zwei Stellen des Tertullianus erlautert. In: Ztschr. f. wissenschf. Theol. X. (1867) p. 295-302.






ROnsch, Herm. Das Neue Testament Tertullian's. Leipz. 1871. 8°.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVI. (1883) 108-11. [Rev. of Hauschild's Wortbildung (1876-81) and Psychologie {1880).]

—  (Nachtrage zu: Ronsch, Das neue Testament Tertullian's. Leipzig, 1871. S. 527.) In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVIII. (1885). S. 104.

ROOY, A. DE. (??)

Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. II. (1798) 1-184. Roessler. Bibl. d. K-.-V. 111.(1777)32-172. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 318-9, 327, 333-43-Schaff, P. Life and writings of Tertullian. In: Mer-cersb. X. (1858) 621-.

— Creeds of Christendom. 11.(1877) 16-20.

— In:Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) XV. 343-51. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. III. 2318-9.)

— Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 818-33.

SCHARFFENBERG. S. U. Justin M.         ^

Schliemann. Clementinen. (1884) 443 et passim. Schmid. Patrol. (1879) 56-9.

Schmidt, F. J. De Latinitate Tertulliani. Erlang, 1877. 8°.

— Commentatio de nominum verbalium in tor et trix desinentium apud Tertullianum copia ac vi. Programm. Erlangen, 1878. 8°.

SchSnemann. Bibl. patr. lat. (1792) 2-13. Schrader, Jo. In his: Observatl. liber (1761) 57. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) III. 1-636. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 317-84, 71-2;

VII. 97-8; IX. 97-102. Schumann, J. D. De interpolationibus quibusdam Cod.

N. T. Tert. perperam afEctis conjectura. In his: Obss.

in vet. eccl. Scriptoribus III. & IV. Hannov. 1776-7.


Schutz, Chr. Godofr. Explicatio loci Tertullianei de Praescr. haereticorum c. XVI., XVII., Progr. Jenae, 1780. f°; also in his: Opuscula philol. et philos. Halae. (1830) p. 268-279.

— De regula fidei apud Tertullianum. Jenae, 1780. 40.

— Explicatio loci Tertulliani de eversione stomachi aut cerebri ex congressione Scripturarum. Jenae, 1780. f°.

Schwegler. D. Montanismus. (Tub. 1841) 302-.

— Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) I. Scultetus. Medulla theol. patr. 242-.

Semler, Jac. Sal. Exam. crit. opp. Macarii (1745) 21-4.

— Dissert, de antiquitatibus hermeneuticis ex Tertulliano, quibus N. T. loca quaedam illustrantur. Halae Magdeb. 1765. 40.

— Comment ad 1. Tertulliani de caare Christi c. 19. Halae Magd. 1770. 40.

— S. u. Irenaeus.

Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d ed. (1865-) 1.277-81, etc. Smedt, Car. de. Dissert, sel. hist, eccles. (1876) 173-

83, App. 43-5. Smith, Thomas. Conjecturae in quaedamloca Tertulliani

de barbara voce Onochoete. In: Hearne. Script, hist.

Anglic. XXX. (1733) 720-3. Stephinsky, Ed. (Tert. Apol. c. 23.) In: Jahrbb. f.

class. Philol. XCV. (1867) p. 882. Stoeckl, Alb. Tertulliani de anim. human, doctrinae.

Partes I. et II. Ind. lect. aest. 1863 et hib. 1863-64.

Monasterii, 1863. 40. StSckl. Philos d. patrist. Z. 215-249. Supernatural Religion (1875-7) passim. Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 275-8. Thomas Corbinius. In libr.: De bapt. et poenit. In:

Migne. Patrol. Lat. II. (1866) 1197-350. Tillemont. Memoirs. III. (1695) 196-236, 654-71. Tournemine, Rene. In: Mem. de Trevoux. Tr. Ital.

in: Zaccaria. Race, di dissert. (1794) VIII. 123-32. Travasa, Gaet. Mar. Stor. crit. eresiarchi (17 ..) 292

(=z Zaccaria, Race, di dissert. (1794) VIII. 143-57.)

Trithemius. 29.

Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 303-6.

Uhlhorn, Gerard. Fundamenta chronologiae Tertul-

lianae. Dissert. Gottingae. 1851. 8°. Urlichs, Ludw. (Tertulian Apolog. i6j ad nation. I.

14.) In: Philologus. (1861) 350. Valesius, Henr. Ad Tertullian Apol. c. 18. In his:

Emendatt. libri V. et de crit. libri II. ed. Burnannus

(1740) p. 156.

Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XII. 7. Vincent Lir. Commonitorium. 24. Vivien, Mich. Tertullianus praedicans. Par. 6 v. 40;

Avignon, 1856. 6 v. 8°.

Vonck, C. V. In his: Lection. Latin, libri II. (1745) p. 98. Walch, C. W. F. De pompis Satanae. Gott. 1758. 40.

[Ad Tert. de spectaculis.] Walch, Joh. Ern. Im. De Apostolorum litteris authen-

ticis a Tertulliano commemoratis. Jenae, 1753. 40. Walch, J. G. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 35-7; 180-1; 244;

379-81, etc. Weiss. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud.) (1842-65) XLI.

182-4. Wernsdorf, E. F. De veste palmata ad Tertul. Apologet.

c. 50. Vitemberg. 1766. 40. Westcott. Canon (1875) 340-3, 367, 369, etc.

— Bible in the Church. (1877) 127-8. Wiesenhauer, Just. Car. Disput. de jureconsulto. et

Qu. S. F. Tertullianis. Hildesheim, 1743. 40. Wolff, Gust. (Tertull. Apol. 10.) In: Philologus. XVI.

(i860) p. 529. Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 74-5, 93-104,

234-5°-Zaccaria. Race, di dissert. (1794) VIII, 133-9.

— Thes. Theolog. (1762) II. 71-4; X. 204-6, 243-, 768-9.

Zeibich, H. A. Tertulliani sententia de columba in Jes. devol. Gerae, 1772. 40.

Zeller. Apostelgesch. (1854) 70-1.

Zeutgravius, Jo. Joach. De lapsu Tertulliani ad Monta-nistas, cum auctario dissertationum aliquot ejusdem selectiorum. Argenter. 1706. 40.

Zimmermann, Matth. Dissert, in Tertulliani dictum "Fiunt, non nascuntur Christia." Lipsiae, 1662. 40. Compare also especially all histories of Montanism.

Note. For chronological order of Tertullian's works compare Vol. in. of this series. Introd. note, p. 10-12.


I. Editions. Sabaeus, Faustus. (?) (Arnobius. Book VIII.) Romae,

1542. f°.

GELENIUS. Basil, 1546; 1560. 8°. [With Arnobius.] Balduinus, F. Heidelb. 1560. 8°; Franco/. 1610. 8°. BARRE, R. L. DE LA. Par. 1580. f°. fWith Tertullian

and Arnobius.]

Ursinus, F. Rom. 1583. 40. Par. 1589. f°. Meursius, J. Hypocriticus Minuc. Lugd. 1598. 8°-

[With Criticus Arnobianus.}

Wower, J. A. [Basil.'] 1603. 8°; Oxon. 1627. 120;

1631. 12°; 1662. 12° [With Cyprian De idol, vanit,

etc.]; Lugd. 1645. 8°-Elmenhorstius. Hanov. 1603. 8°; Hamb. 1612. f°.

[With Arnobius.]

HERALDUS, D. Paris, 1605. 8°; 1613. 40. [With Arnobius.]

Hamb. 1610. 40. [With Arnobius.] Par. 1610. f°.

Bibl. patr. Par. 1624. f°. IX. I-. James. Oxon. 1636. 120.






RlGALTIUS. Lutet. 1643. 4°. [With Cyprian De idol.

vanit.]; 1645. 4°; Oxon. 1678. 12°. Rothom. 1648. 12°.

Ouzelius, J. Lugd. Bat. 1652. 40; 1672. 8°. PRIORIUS. 1666. f°. [With Cyprian.] Bibl. max. patr. (1677) III. Bouchard, P. A. Kiel, 1685. Lat. fr Lips. 1689. 120. Davisius, Jo. Lond. 1706. 8°; Cantabr. 1707. 8°;

1712. 8°; Glasg. 1750. 8°.

Gronovius, J. Lugd. Bat. 1709. 8°; Rott. 1743. 8°. Cellarius, C. Hal. 1699. 8°; Lips. 1748. 8°. [With


Poletus. Lat. ital. Venet. 1756. 8°. Lindner. Longos. 1760. 8° [WithCyprian]; 1773. 8°;

Haf. 1794. 8°.

Galland. In: Bibl. patr. 11.(1766)377-. OBERTHUR. Wirceb. 17&2. 8°. [With Vol. II. of Cyprian.] Lubkert. Lat. ger. Lpz. 1836. 8°. Muralt, Ed. de. Turici, 1836. 8°. Oehler. In: Gersdorf. Bibl. patr. XIII. (1847. 8°.) Holden, H. A. Camb. 1853. 8°. Kayser. Padeb. 1863. 8°. Migne. Patrol. Lat. III. (1865) 239-376. Halm. Vindoben. 1867. 8°- [Corp. eccl. lat. II.] Hurter, H. Opusc. ss. patr. XV. Innsb. 1871. 160. Cornelissen. Lugd. Bat. 1882. 8°. Baehrens. Leipzig, 1886. 8°.

II. Translations.


Amst. en. Haarlem. 1684. 8°. Elsevier, M. A. Amst. 1699. 8°. Gargonus. Vliessingen, 1712. 8°.

James, Richard. Oxon. 1636. 120.

Lorrain, P. Lond. 1695. I8°-

Combe, E. Lond. 1703. 8°.

Lond. 1708. 8°.

Dalyrymple, D. Edinb. 1781. 120. New ed. Camb.

1854. 8°. Wallis, R. E. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIII. (1873) 451-

517. Ed. Coxe. IV. (1885) 173-98.


Mas, G. du. Par. 1637. 40.

d'Ablancourt, N. P. Par. 1646. 120; 1660; 1662; 1672; 1677. Rouen, 1669. 12°; Amst. 1683. 120; Berlin, 1692. 120.

Ryer, Pt. du. Par. 1663. 120.

PERICAUD, A. Lyon, 1823. 8°. [With De Gourcey's Tertullian.] Paris et Lyon, 1843. 8°.

Genoude. [??] In: Peres de l'egl. Par. 1837-43. 8°.


Berlin, 1763. 8°.

Russwurm, J. G. Hamb. 1824. 8°. Lubkert, J. H. B. Lips. 1836. 8°. Alleker. Treier, 1865. BlERINGER, A. Kempten, 1871. l6°. [The Reithmayer-

Thalhofer Bibl.] Dombart, Bernh. Erlangen, 1876. 8°; 1881. 8°.

Ltalian. Poleti. Ven. 1756. 8°.

III. Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 162-165.

Animadverss. in Min. F. In: Misc. obss. in auct. vet. et

rec. 1.1. 23; II. I. 54; III. 408; VIII. 1. 19; 2. 177;

3- 322-

Aube. Hist, d. persecut. Par. 1878. II.

Baden, T. Mittheilungen aus dem literarischen Nach-lasse meines Vaters (Zu Catull., Tibull., Properz, Virgil, Octavius). In: Jahn's Archiv. 2 Bd. (1833) p. 27-

432- (?)

Bahr. Gesch. Rom. Lit. Sup. (1837) II. 18-21, 39-46. Bahrens, Aemil. Lectiones latinae. Diss. Inaug. Bon-

nae, 1870. 8°. p. 22-31. — Kritische Satura. (Including: Zu Minuc. Felix, 22,2.)

In: Jahrbb. f. class. Philol. CV. (1872) p. 632. Balduinus, F. De Octavio. In: Ed. Lindner. Longos.

1773; also in: Migne. Patrol. Lat. III. (1865)207-


Baronius. Ann. (1589) 211, 1-7. Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 266-7, etc-Behr, Ernst. Der Octavius d. M. F. in s. Verhaltnisse

zu Cicero's Buchern de natura deorum. Gera. 1870.



(1728) 41-2-

Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 157, etc.

~~               i Vestzinck. (Containing: Ad

Bellarmin-Bertholdt. Bondam, P. Epistola ad

Minucium, Justinum, Sedul. aliisque.) In: Otia literar.

ad Isalam. (Campis, 1762) p. 53-73. Bonwetsch. In: Die Schriften Tert. 1878. p. 21. Bouchard, P. A. Dissertatio de vita et scriptis M.

Minutii Felicis. Kilonii, 1685. 40. Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829)242-4. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 22-3. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 101. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) 222-34; I.

(1858) 550-7.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877) 583. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 155—6. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) II. 417-8. Cornelissen, J. J. Daventriae, 1871. 40. Cotta. §338-9-Crusius, Chr. Minucius Felix emend. 1753. s. u.


Darling. Cycl. bibl. (1854) 2078. Dombart, B. Krit. Beitr. zu Minucius F. In: Jahrbb.

f. class. Philol. XCIX. (1869) p. 417-422.

— Zur Erkl. u. Krit. d. Minucius F. In: Blatter f. d bayr. Gymnasialschulw. IX. (1873) 285-300.

Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 193. Dupin. Bibl. d. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 312-22. Ebert, A. Tertullians Verhaltniss zu Minucius F. 1868. S. u. Tertullian.

— Gesch. Lit. Mittel. (1874) I. 24-31.

Eldik, E. H. van. Ad Minuc. Fel. In his: Schedi-

asma crit. {Berol. 1744) in-. Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XVI. 492. Ernesti. In: Opusc. var. arg. (1794) 383-92. Eusebius. II. 2, 25: III. 20; V. 5. Evang. R. XIII. (1862) 34-.

Faber, Alb. DeM. F. Nordhausen, 1872. 40. (44 p.) FABRICIUS. Deverit. rel. chr. (1725) 174, 215-7.

— Bibl. med. aev. (1734) II. 468-75.

— Bibl. lat. (1772) III. 371-7.

Felice, Paul de. Etude sur POctavius de Minucius F.

These. Blois, 1880. 8°. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) II. 77-85. Funccius. De ling. lat. vegeta senectute. X. § 10-16. Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 147. Gruner, J. F. Ad Octav. Cap. XXI. In: Actis Soc.

lenens. III. 33. Cf. IV. 208. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 59-60, etc. Halm, Karl. Zu Minutius Felix (Aus d. Sitzungber. d.

Kais. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien. Phil.-hist. bl. (1865).

168-71.) Wien, 1865. 8°. Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 393-5. Hartel, W. In: Ztschr. f. d. ost. Gymn. (1869) 348-

368. [M. F. and Tertullian. Agst. Ebert.] Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 253-4.






Haupt, Mor. Analecta. (Containing: Minucii Felicis Oc-tavius, c. 14, 16, 21, 26.) In: Hermes. II. (1867) p. 334-336; also in his: Opuscula. III. 2 (1876) p. 389-


— Conjectanea. (Containing: Minucius Felix, c. 16.) In: Hermes. VIII. (1874) p. 249; also in his: Opuscula. 111.2(1876)634.

Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 105-6;

III. 41-2. Heumann, C. A. Emend, in Min F. In: Misc. Lips.

V. 3. 476-

— Obs. qua num. Jure-Consultorum eximitur Minuc. F. GM. 1736. 8°. I. 208.

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 58. (Honor. August. I. 59.) Holden's Edition of the Octavius. In: Fraser. XLVII. (1852) 288-; same art. Liv. Age. XXXVII. (1852)

259--Holstenius. De verubus Dianae Eph. In Migne.

Patrol. Lat. III. (1865) 375-82. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 132. HoveN, J. D. van. Dissertatio de vera aetate, dignitate

et patria M. Minutii Felicis. Campis, 1762. 40; also

in: Lindner's ed. 1773.

— Vindiciae Minucianae. In: Stosch. Mus. crit. (1774) p. 133-152.

— Epist. ad Gerh. Meermann. Ed. d. Lindner.

— S. u. Justin M.

Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 213-216.

Jeremie. Hist, church. (1852) 109-110.

J[oubert], L. In: Nouv. Biog.Gen. (Hoefer) XXXV.

(1861) 604-8.

Kayser, J. B. In: Wiedemann's Quartalschr. (862). Keim, Th. Celsus wahres Wort. Zurich, 1873. 8°.


— In: Rom. und das Christenthum, 1881, 383-, 468-486.

Klotz, Chr. Ad. In his: Miscell. crit. (Traj. ad Rh.

I763) P- 3-'7-

Klussmann, E. Zu Minucius Felix (c.V, 9.) In: Rhein. Mus. N. F. XXIII. (1868) 543.

— Zu Minucius Felix (II. I. V. 5.) In: Rhein. Mus. N. F. XXIX. (1874) 638. XXX. (1875) p. 144.

— ZuMinucius Felix. In: Philologus. XXXV. (1876) p. 206-209.

— In: Jenaer Lit. Zeitg. 1878.

Koch, H. A. Zu Minucius Felix. In: Rhein. Mus. N.

F. XXVIII. (1873) 615-621. Kuhn, R. Der Octavius d. Minucius Felix. Leipzig,

1882. 8°.

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885) I. 127. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 386-93. LeNourry. Appar. bibl. patr. 1715. II. 2. In: Migne.

Patrol. Lat. III. (1865) 381-672. [On Octavius.] Lindner. Analysis logica. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. III.

(1865) 233-40.

Loesche, G. Minucius Felix' Verhaltniss zu Athenagoras. In: Jahrbb. f.prot. Theol. (1882) 168-174. Lumper. Hist. ss. Patr. (1790) VII. 99-251; also in:

Migne. Patrol. Lat. III. (1865) 201-8. Mahly, Jac. Krit. Beitr. zu Minucius F. In: Jahrbb. f.

class. Philol. XCIX. (1869) 422-437. Mangold. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) X. 12-17.

(Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. II. 1521.) Massebieau, L. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82)

IX. 175-82.

Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 254. Meier, Henr. Commentatio de Minutio Felice. Turici,

1824 (5?) 8°. Meiner, J. W. Min. F. loci aliq. perperam sollic. a cor-

rup. suspic. vind. Longosaliss. 1751. 40. Meuckenius, F. O. Effi/tpimf modesta eorum, quae ad

Min. F. a eel. Heumann observata sunt, Misc. Lips.

V. 4, 729.

Meursius, Joan. Hypocriticus Minucianus. Lugd. Bat.

1599. 8°. Min. F. pro se et statu suo episto. apolog. (ad Meucke-

nium). In: Nova Acta Erudit. (1738)210-. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 186, etc. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 690-1 et pass. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 295-301. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. (1870) 167-8, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 158-9. Nonnote. Les philosophes. (1789). Oelricks. Scr. eccl. lat. (1791) 15-6. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 453-5; (1749-) II. 653-7. Ott, J. N. In: Ztschr. f. d. oster. Gymn. XXVI. (1875)

900-902. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-) I. 418; II. 694-


PRESSENSfi. Martyrs. (1879) 367-8, 589-90. Prileszky. S. u. Theophilus of Ant. Ramsay, W. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)11.

144-5-Reck. M. F. u. Tertullian. In: Theol. Quartalschr.

LXVIII. (1886) 64-114. Renan. Marc-Aurele. 1882. p. 389-404. Reusch. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) VII.

153-4-Rhoer, Jac. de. Minuc. Fel. locu quaedam emend, et

indicantur. In his: Feriae Daventrienses s. miscell.

libri. II. (1758) 11. c. 23, 24. Ronsch. N. T. Tertull.'s. (1871) 25-Roeren, C. Minuciana. Bedburg {Koln?) 1859. 265;

do. Pt. II. Gymn. Progr. Brilon, 1877. 40. (8 p.) Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. 111/(1777)1-31. Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III. 920-4. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 833-41. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 59-60. Schoenemann. Bibl. patr. lat. (1792) I. 58-77. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) III. 637-682. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 417-24. Schultze, M. Die Abfassungszeit. d. Octavius d.

Minucius F. In: Jahrbb.-f. prot. Theol. (1881) 485-

506. Schwenke, P. Ueb. d. Zeit. d. M. F. In: Jahrb. f.

prot. Theol. IX. (1883) 263-94. Soulet, A. Essai sur l'Octavius de Minucius Felix.

Strasbourg, 1867. 8°. Stieber, G. F. S. Observatt. nonnuUae crit. in quaedam

P. Virgilii et Minucii F. loca. Progr. Onoldi, 1791. 40. Struehtmeyer, J. J. Ad. Minuc. F. In: Animadv. crit.

libri. II. (1755) 55-59. Supernatural Religion. (1875-7) Pass-Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 272-5. Tillemont. Memoires. III. (1695) 163-8, 647-8. Tiraboschi. Stor. lett. Ital. (1806) II. 11. 366. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 34. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 319-22. Vonck, C. V. Specim. crit. in var. auctor. (1744) p. 19,20.

136-137, 139-141; and in: Lection. Lat. libri. II.

(i745)P-.5I-6°-Voreaux, Elisee. Octavius de Minucius F. These.

Strasbourg, 1859. 8°. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 121. Walch. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 42-3, 379. Wallis, R. E. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIII.

(1873) 447-50. Ed. Coxe. IV. (1885) 167-71. [Add.

note. Ed. Coxe. 19S.]

Weiss. In: Biog. Univ. Michaud. 1842-65. XXVIII.

349-WesselINGIus, Petr. Obss. variar. libri. II. ed. Frot-

scher. (1832) p. 31. Wopkens, Thom. Adversaria crit. in M. Minucii F.

Octavium. 1834. In his: Adversaria critica. (1828-

34). Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881)109-114.






Woeman, J. H. In: M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) VI. 305.

Note. Minucius and Tertullian. M. earlier: Rossler, Muralt, van Hoven, Meier, Russwurm, Boren, Bernhardy, Ebert, Ueberweg, Teuffel, Ronsch, Keim, Caspari, Herzog, Alzog, Hauck, Bonwetsch, Mangold, Kiihn, Renan. Schwenke. T. earlier: Rigalt, Ceillier, Galland and earlier critics generally, Lubkert, Bahr, Mijhler, Hartel, Nirschl, Jeep, Kiussmann, Schultze, Salmon, Massebieau, Schaff, Coxe.                                                *" ' '


I.    Editions.


Rigaltius. Tulli Leuc. (Toul.) 1650. 4°. Priorius. In: Cypr. op. Par. 1666. 40. Schurzfleisch. Vitemb. 1704. 40; app. 1709. 40;

Viteb. 1750. Davisius. Cantab. 1712. 8°. 193-269. [With the Octa-

vius of Minucius F.]

Galland. In: Bibl. patr. III. (1767) 621-. Migne. Patrol, lat. Y. (1844) 189-262. Oehler, F. Lips. 1847. 12°. In: Gersdorf. Bibl. patr.

eccl. lat. xni.

PlTRA. In: Spicil. Solesm. IV. (1858). Ludwig, Ern. Lips. 1878. 8°.

(Carmen apologeticum?) Pitra, J. B. In: Spicil. Solesm. I. (1852). Ronsch, H. In: Ztschr. f. d. hist. Theol. (1872) 163-302(1873) 302-4. [Text much improved.]

Ludwig. Lips. 1877. 8°.

II.    Translations.


Wallis, R. E. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVIII. (1870) 434-74. Ed. Coxe. IV. (1885) 203-18.

III.    Literature.

Alzog. Patrologie (1876) 340-2.

Aube, B. Essai d'interpretation d'un fragment du Carmen apologeticum de Commodien. In: Revue arche-ologique. (1883) 312-320.

Bahr. Gesch. Rom. Lit. (1872) IV. 27-34, 329.

BA$EIAHS. 'E/c/a. tor. I. (1884) 162 [5 n.]

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 37-8.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 136-8.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. IV. (1733) 179-81; III. (1865) 148-53.

Chesurolles, D. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud.) (1842-65.) VIII. 692.

Chevalier. Re"p. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 484.

Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 193-4.

Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) II. 450.

Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. Ed.

Coxe. IV. (1885) 199-201. [Add. note, p. 219.] Dodwell. Diss. de Comm. In: Annal. Quintil.; and

in ed. of Schurzfleisch. Dombart, B. Commodian-Studien. In: Sitzungsber. d.

kaiserl. Ak. d. Wiss. in Wien. C. (1884) 713-802.

[" Gebtihrt. . . ein hoher u. ansehnlicherRang." Rdnsch.~

— Ueber d. Bedeutung Commodians f. d. Textkritik d. Testimonia Cyprian's. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXII.

(           ) 374-389-

Dupin. Nouv. bibl. (1698) I. 625. Ebert. Anhang. ub. Commodian's Carmen ap. In his:

Tertullian's Verhaltn. z. Minucius F. (1868) 69-102.

S. u. Tertullian.

— Gesch. Lit. Mittel. I. (Gesch. der christl. lat. Lit.

Lpz. 1874) 86-93.

— In: Herzog. Real. Enc. III. (1878) 325-6.

Ebert. In Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) III. 325-K. (Abr.

in Schaff-Herz. I. 518.) Fabricius. De verit. rel. Christ. (1725) 227-30.

— Bibl. med. aev. (1734) I. 1139-43. Flugge. Gesch. d. theol. wiss. II. 98.

Fritz. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) II.


Gennadius. De vir. ill. 15. (Honor. August. 11, 15.) Haupt, Mor. Conjectanea. (Commodianus. Instr. II.

22, 13.) In: Hermes. V. (1871) 316-317; also in

his: Opuscula. III. 2 (1876) 539-540. Havet, L. Varia. (Contains: Commodianus. Instr. 17;

20, 1-3.) In: Revue de philologie. N. S. I. (1877)

p. 166. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 105-6;

III. 41-.

Jacobi. In: Ztschr. f. Wiss u. Leben. (1853) 203-9. Kaelberlah, Lud. Curarum in Commodiani instruc-

tiones Specimen. Diss. Halis Sax. 1877. 8°. Kraus. In: Theol. Lit.-Bl. (1871) No. 22. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 127. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 131-5. Leimbach. Ueber Commodians Carmen apologeticum.

Programm. Schmalcald, 1871. 40. (28 p.) Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) III. 280-1. Lipsius, R. A. D. redende Lowe bei C. In: Jahrb. f.

Prot. Theol. IX. (1883) 192. Ludwig, E. Zu Commodianus. In: Philologus. XXXVI.

(1877) 285-305.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 390-407. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) II. 437. MShler. Patrologie. (1840) 903-. Muller, Luc. Sammelsurien. (Commod. Instr. II. 18.)

In: Jahrb. f. class. Philol. XCVII. (1868) p. 435. Munroe, H. A. J. In: Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. X. 11. 9. Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 171. [v. 1.]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 686-7, 68, 228-9, 237» 280,

288, 303, 329 et pass. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 357-60. Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XL (1855) 355-6. Oehler, S. Fr. Commodian's Carmen apol. In: Theol.

Stud. u. Krit. XLV. (1872) 180-188. Oudin. Comm. de script, eccl. (1722) I. 319-20.

— Suppl. Bellar. (1728) 64.

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-3) I. 422; II. 897-9. Ramsay, W. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) I.

816. Ronsch, H. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVIII. (1885)

375-8-Rovers, M. A. N. Een apocalypse uit de derde eeuw.

In: Theol. Tijdschr. (1886) 457-72. [Carmen ap.] Schaff. Hist. Church. II. 1886) 853-6. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VI. 482-518. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772)^.438-441. Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 304-6. Vonck, C. V. Ad Commodian. In his: Lection, lat. libri.

II. 1745; p. 74. Young, E. M. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 610-1.

Note. Time of Commodian. $d century: Dodwell, Cave, Busse, Permaneder, Mohler, Pitra, Ebert, Bahr, Teuffel, Fritz, Nirschl, Youngr, Schaff, Kurtz, Coxe; 4th century: Rigaltius, Dupin, Ceillier, Clinton. Alzog dates the Apol. c.411.

IV. ORIGEN. I. Editions.

{ Works.)

De la Rue. Gr. lat. Par. 1733-59. 4v. f>. Oberthur, Fr. Gr. lat. Viceburgae, 1785. 15 v. 8°. Lommatzsch. Berol. 1831-48. 25 v. 8°. Migne. Patrol, gr. XI-XVIII. (1857-63).






( Various.)

Wetstenius. (Cont. Marc, Ad mart., Susann.) Gr.

lat. Basil. 1674. 40. Spencerus, Guil. (Contra Celsum, Philocalia.) Gr. lat.

Cantabr. 1658. 40; do. 1677. 40. (Opuscula.) Gr. lat. Paris, 1713. 2 v. f°.

{De principiis.)

REDEPENNING. Lips. 1836. 8°. Schnitzer, K. F. Stuttg. 1836. 8°.

{Against Celsus.)

Henschelius, Dav. Gr. lat. Aug. Vindel. 1605. 40.

[Latin tr. by Gelenius.] Selwvn, W. Lond. 1876.

{Ve oratione.)

Gr. lat. Oxon. 1686. (?) 120. Wetstenius, J. R. Gr. lat. Amst. 1694. 40. Reading, Guil. Gr. lat. Lond. 1728. 40. Prospectus published, Lond. 1727. 40. [Spp.]


Vetus Test, juxta LXX. Romae, 1587. f°. passim. [The Sixtine LXX. The fragments of the H. scattered through the notes]; also in: Do., latine redd. Romae, 1588. f°.

Drusius, J. In: Interpr. vet. graec. . . . fragm. Am-hem. 1622.

Montfaucon, Bern. DE. Hebr. gr. lat. Par. 1713. 2 v. f°.

Bahrdt, Car. Frid. Hebr. gr. lat. Lips. 1769-70. 2v. 8°.

Field, Fr. Oxon. 1875.


Faques, W. Omelia Origenis. Impressu in alma civitate london. In Abkirche lane. 160.? [Ten leaves with, out numerals, signatures, or catchwords.]

Morellus, Feder. (Scholia in orat. dem.) Gr. lat.

Lutet. 1601. 8°. (De Susanna.) With: Adriani Isagoge. 1602. 40. p.

84-7-Tarinus, Jo. (Philocalia.) Gr. lat. Paris, 1618. ["Not

1619"] 4°; with new title. Paris, 1624. 40; 1629. 40. Ghislerius, Mich. (Homiliae.) Gr. lat. In his: Comment, in Jeremiam. Lugd. 1623. f°. Allatius, Leo. (Comment, on 1 Kings. 28 v.) Gr. lat.

In: S. Eustathii Commentarius in Hexaemeron. Lugd.

1629. 40. p. 328-344; also in: Critica sacra Anglia.

Lond. . . f». VIII. (1660) 407-418. Huet, Dan. (Commentaria.) Gr. lat. Rot/torn. 1668.

2 v. {"; with new title. Par., 1679. f°; also, Colon.

1685. f°. Martinaeus, J. (Interpretatio, etc.) Gr. lat. In: Hier-

onymi Opera. Paris, f>. II. (1699). (Lexicon.) In: Hieronymiopera.Veron. f°. 111.(1735)

p. 605. (Scholia.) In: Vet. patr. eccl. scr. Analecta nova. Venet.

1781. f°. p. 3-109.


Galland. In: Bibl. patr. XVI.

Maius. In: Class, auct. IX. {Rome, 1837. 8°.) 257;

X. 474-82; Scr. vet. nov. coll. {Rome, 1825-) I. 11.

161-. Tischendorf, C. Gr. Lips. i860. 40.

II. Translations.


Merlinus, J., and Paroy, Guil. Parhis. 1512. 4 v. f°;

Par. 1519. 4 V. f°; 1522. f°. Venet. 1516. f°. [Works before omitted.]

Erasmus. Basil. 1536. i"; Lugd. 1536. f5; Basil. 1545.


GrINAEUS, Jac. Basil. 1571. 2v. P. [After Erasmus.] Genebrardus, Gilb. Paris, 1574. jv. f°; Paris, 1594.

2v. f° (?); Paris, 1604. 2 v. P; Paris, 1619. 2v. f>.

(Homiliae.) 1475. f*.

" Christopherus Persona Romanus." (Contra Celsum.) Romae, 1481. P; Venet. 1514. f°. Hieronymus. (Homiliae.) Venet. 1503. f; 1512. f>.

—  (Comment. Rom.) Venet. 1506. f°; Venet. 1512. f°.

—  (Homil. in Cant. Cantic.) In: Opera. II. (Paris, 1669) 807-826; V. 603-678.

Hieronymus and Hilarius. (Homiliae.) Venet. 1513. P.

(De principiis.) Venet. 1514. f°.

Erasmus. (Fragm. in Matt.) Basil. 1527. 8°; also in:

Erasmi Opera. VIII. {Lugd. Bat. 1703. f°.) 439-484. Ferrarius, Ambr. (Comment, in Joh.) Venet. 1551. 4°. Picus, Joh. (De recta fide.) Par. 1556. 40. Humphrey. Basil. 1557. [Not pub. until 1571.] Rous, Fr. (Contra Celsum.) In: Mella patr. Lond.

1650. 8°. p. 759-830.

—  (Horn, in Gen.) In: Mella patr. Lond. 1699. 407-. Combefis, Fr. (Homiliae, etc.) In: Bibl. patr. Par.


Rufinus. In: Caspari. Kirchenhist. anecdota. Christiana, 1883. 8°. 3-129. [«« dialogues against the Gnostics, falsely ascribedto O."]

(Homiliae.) Lond. n. d. 160. English.

Wolfe, R. (Homilies of Mary Magdalene and Abraham.) Lond. 1565. 160.

Bellamy, J. (Against Celsus.) Lond. 8°.

Crombie, F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. X. (1869) 1-478; XXIII. (1872) 1-559. Ed. Coxe. IV. (1885) 237-669.


Deloyac. (Homileae.) In: Bibl. Sacra. Par. 1634. 40.

BonhEreau, E. (Contra Celsum.) Amst. 1700. 40.

GeNOUDE. [? ?] In: Peres de l'egl. Par. 1837-43. 8°.


MOSHEIM, J. L. (Contra Celsum.) Hamburg, 1745. 40. KOHLHOFER, J. Kempten, 1875-7. l6°. [The Reith-mayer-Thalhofer Bibl.j


Passavanti, Jacopo. (Homiliae.) In: Specchio di Penitenza. Venet. 1586. 8°; Venet. 1608. 8°; Fierenze, (1681) 12°; Fier. 1723. 8°; Fier. 1725. 40.

Note. The " Contra Marcionitas " is the same as " De recta in Deum fide " and the work of Adamantius. (Cf. Hort. in Smith and W.] For editions of the Philosophumena see Hippolytus.

Several of Origen's works exist only in the Latin versions of Hieronymus, Rufinus, and others. For eds. of these s. u. Latin translations.

III. Literature.

Alexander, Natalis. Histor. Eccl. Secul. III. Dis-sertat. 16 sq. p. 701.

— In: Zaccaria. Thes. theol. (1762) X. 761-7. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) ^-JS2. §33, 34-

— Kirchenges. Vol. I.

American Church R. XX. (1868) 401-.

Arch. d. Missions. (1866) B. II. 504-5.

Artaud. In: Diet, scien. philos. (1875) 1227-31.

AUBE. Hist, des persec. II. (1876) ; also in: "Celse,"

1878. [Barbour.] Historic Episcopate. (1877) 30.






Baronius. Ann. (1589) 204, 9-10; 205, 3-10; 208, 1-

3; 220, 6-12; 230, 1-7; 231, 1-9, 64-5; 232, I-IO;

233. 5-6; 237, 13; 242, 1; 243, 3; 248, 1-4; 251, I;

253, 116-23; 256, 38-47; Cf. Pagi. Crit. (1689) 204,

6; 208, 2; 217, 3; 230, 2, 7; 231, 5-8, 16; 235, 4;

243, 3; 246, 7; 248, 2-4, 6; 249,12; 251, 2, 5-6; 253,

6-8; 256, 23-5. Bauer. Uber des Origenes Hexapla. S. his: Einleitung

in die schriften des A. T. p. 151-. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 211-7. [v. 1.] Baur. In: Theol. Jahrb. (1837).

— Kirchenges. 3 e. J. (1863) 5'-3. 3S°-55-

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 274~8o, etc.

— Lehre v. d. Versonung. 46-.

— Gesch. d. Dreieinigkeitslehre. I. 186-243,-560-66. BA*BIAH2. 'Bk/cA. iI. (1884) 157-8.

Bayle. Diet. crit. (1741) III. 538-47. Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 44-7. Berrow, Capel. Theol. dissert. (1772). Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 56, etc. Bestmann, H. J. In: Ztschr. f. kirchl. Wiss. u. Leben.

(1883) 169-87. Bigg, C. Christian Platonists of Alexandria. Ox/, and

N.Y. 1886. 8°. II5-268. [Bampton Lectures, 18S6.] Bindemann. Celsus u. s. Schriften gegen die Christen.

In: Zeitschr. f. hist. Theol. Lpz. (1842) 58-146. Binet, Estienne. Du salut d'Origene: quest. I. a

scavoir si Origene est sauve oudamne . . . Paris, 1629.

120; 1631. 12°.

Blackburn. Hist, of Church. (1879) 49-59. Bochart, Sam., and Huet, Pier. Dan. Lettres sur le

sentiment d'Origene sur 1'invocation des anges et sur

l'Eucharistie. In: Tilladet. Dissert, s. div. matier.

(1714) I. 1-194. Bochinger, Joh. J. De Origenis allegorica S. interpre-

tione. Dissert, hist.-theol. Argentorati, 1829-30.

3 pts. 8».

Boehringer. Kirchenges. (1873-) I. v. 104-. Bornemann, Fr. W. B. In investiganda monachatus

origine quibus de causis ratio habenda sit Origenis.

Diss. Gotiingae, 1884. 8°. Brucker. Hist. crit. phil. (1766-7) III. 427-59; VI.

542-9-Buckmann, R. Origenes, der Vater der theol. Wis-

sensch., der Apologet. u. Bekenner. In: Beweis des

Glaubens (1877) 169-179, 225-36. Buddeus, J. F. Isagog. ad theol. univers. Lib. II. cap.

7. p. 1005-.

— Exercitatio hist.-philol. de allegoriis Origenis. Witte-

bergae, 1689. 40. (=his Parerg. histor.-theolog.

07- •) '39-Bull, G. Defensio Fid. Nic. chap. IX. In: Migne.

Patrol. Gr. XVII. (1857) 1285-330. Bunsen. Hippolytus. (1854) I. 279-300. Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 280-348.

— Trinity. (1831) 87-107. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 23-6. Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 80-92. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 112-22.

— Lives. (1840) I. 321-61.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) 584-782. II. (1865) 130-256, 645-9.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) lxxxiii-lxxxv. 8-9, 51-2, 81-6, 136-7, 163, 185, 205, 211,221,241, 264, 269, 280-2, 297-8, 308-9, 316-7, 323-4, 333-4, 344-5,

452-3-Chase, I. Origen on Baptism. In: Chr. R. XIX.

(1854) 180-.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1683-4. Clarke. Sacred lit. Q1830-1) I. 160-172. Clericus, J. S. u. Le Clerc. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 183, 209, 213, 215,

239, 241, 243, 245, 275. II. 415. etc- 496-507-

CoBET. Fragmenta comicorum apud Origenum contra

Celsum latentia. In: Mnemosyne. VIII. (1859) p. 419-420.

v. Coelln. In: Ersch u. Gruber. III. v. (1834) 251-62.

Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 357-75.

Condos (Kovrof) C. S. Kperacd nai ypafifw.Ti.Ka. Containing 'Qpiyev. t6/u. IT', ask. 216. In: 'A8r/vaiov.

v. (1876) p. 4987499-

—  ^vftfUKTa npiTuta. Contains: 'Qpiyev. r6fi. K', aek. 244 and IH' 49. pepok. In: Bullet, de corresp. Hell. I. (1877) p. 76; II. (1878) p. 239.

Cone, O. Origen's Hermeneutics. In: Univ. Q. XXXI.

(1873) 209-. Contestin, G. Origene exegete. Arras, 1867. 8°.

Extrait de la Rev. d. sci. eccl. (1866-7) B- Iv- I55-7I»

320-44, 489-502; V. 133-50.

COTTA. § 356-367.

Croius, J. Notae ad Contr Celsum. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. XI. (1857) 1689-710.

— Specimen conject. et obs. in quaedam loca Origenis,

Iren., Tert. and Epiph. 1632. 8°.

Crombie, F. Introd.note. In: Ante-Nic.Lib. X. (1869) vii-ix; XXIII. (1872) xxiii-xxxviii. Ed. Coxe. IV. (1885) 221-35. [Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 382-4,394.]

Cunningham, Fr. A dissertation on the books of Origen

against Celsus. Cambridge, 1812. 8°. Cunningham, Wm. Churches of Asia. (1880) pass.

— Hist, theol. (1870) I. 154-8. Darling. Cycl. bibl. (1854) 1157, 2239-44. Dathe, J. A. = Ernesti, J. A.

D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle. L'Orient, ou Origene et la science. In: Union chret. d. jeunes gens. (Genev.

"857-) De Hexaplis Origenis disseritur. In: Disquisitiones criti-

cae de variis per diversa loca et tempora Bibliorum

editionibus. (Lond. 1684. 40.) cap. XVIII. p. 143-156. Delarue. Praef. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. XI. (1857)


Dellmark, J. P. F. Error. Cf. Dettmer. Denis, J. De la philosophie d'Origene. Paris, 1884. 8°. Dettmer, Johann Philipp. Commentatio historico-

critica de theologia Origenis. Francofurti ad Viadr.

1782-90. 5 pts. 40.

Diestel. Gesch.d.A.T.ind.chr.Kirche. (1869) 36-, 53-Dissertation sur deux passages d'Origene au sujet des

mesures de l'Arche de Noe. In: Mem. de Trevoux

(1740, Dec.) 2353-63.

Doederlein, J. Ch. Ad edit. Montfauc. Hexaplorum Origenis Animadv. In: Eichhorn's Repertorium fur bibl.

u. morgenland. Litteratur. I. 217-256; IV. 257-;

VI. 195-; VIII. 85-; IX. 157-; X. 58-; XIII. 177-;

XIV. 183-; XV. 3.8-. Do'llinger. Hippolytus and Callistus (1876) 1-2, 235-

49. 253-6.

Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 104-47, 457-66-Doucin, Louis. Histoire des mouvements arrivez dans

l'Eglise au sujet d'Origene et de sa doctrine. Par.

1700. 120. Dugnet. Dissertationes sur Origene. In: Henrion.

Hist, eccles. (1857) XII. 875-916. Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 326-418. Ehingerus, Elias. Origenes labilis seu de Naevis Origenis dissertatio. In: Jac. Bruckeri Vita Eliae Ehingeri.

(Aug. Vindel.,']2it. 8°.) p. 151-. Ehrenfeuchter. DeCelso. Gottingen, 1848, 1849. Emerson, R. Life, Writings, and Opinions of Origen.

In: Am. Bib. Repos. IV. (1834) 33-. Engelhardt, Vit. In: Theol. Stud. u. Krit. XL

(1839) 157-

— Dogmenges. I. (1839) 95-9.

Engelhardt, W. D. Lehre d. O. v.-d. Auferstehung d. Todten. In: Ztschr. f. luth. Theol. XXXV. (1874) 608-24.





Epiphanius. Haeres. 64.

Erasmus, Desid. De vita, phrasi, docendi ratione et

operibus Origenis epitome. In: Erasmi Epistolae.

(Lond., 1642. f°. 1619-; also in: Opera. Lugd. Bat.

1703. f».)

Erdmann. Gesch. d. Philos. I. {Berlin, 1878) 217-9. Ernesti, J. A. Disputatio de Origene interpretationes

librorum s. s. grammaticae auctore. Lipsiae, 1756. 40.

(Also in his: Opusc.philol.-crit. (1776) 288.) Eusebius. Hist. Eccles. VI. 1-6 et pass. Fabricius. (1712) II. 342-58; IV. 547-8; V.

213-46, 292; IX. 382-3; XIII. 837. (2». III. 708-

14; VI. 199-201; VII. 201-49, 329; x- 688.)

— De verit. relig. Christ. (1725) 63-4, 162.

Farrar, A. S. Crit. hist, of free thought. 50-, 285,

4O4, 457. 46o-

Farrar, F.W. Interpretation. (1886) 187-201. Fenger. De Celso, Christian, advers. Epicuroeo. Havn.

1828. Fermaud, Ulysse. Exposition critique des opinions

d'Origene sur la nature et l'origine du peche . . .

Strasbourg, 1859.' 8°. Fiebig. Corp. diss. theol. (1847) 1681, 4281, 6785,


Fischer. Comment, de Orig. theol. et cosmol. 1846.

Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691) II. 40-1, 71-2, 87-9,100-1, 103-12, 118-20, 122-5, 128-31, 140-51, 256-69.

Fosse, Pierre Thom. de (= pseud. Motthe de la) S. u. Tertullian.

Fournier, Andre. Exposition critique des idees d'Origene sur la redemption. Strasbourg, 1861. 8°. (54 p.)

Freppel, Ch. E. (R. C.) Origene. Cours d'eloquence sacree fait a. la Sarbonne pendant les annees 1866 et 1867. Paris, 1868. 2v. 8°; 2 ed. Paris, 1875. 2 v. 8».

— In: Le Correspondant. (1853) XXXI. 509-21. Fritzsche. In: Herzog. I. 285-98.

Froude, J. A. Origen against Celsus. In: Fraser, XCVII. (1877) 142-.

Funk. Die Zeit " Wahren Wortes " von Celsus. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1886) 302-315.

Future State, The: or, a discourse attempting some display of the soul's happiness, (according to the opinion of Origene) in regard to that eternally progressive knowledge, or eternal increase of knowledge and the consequences of it, which is amongst the Blessed in Heaven. By a Country-Gentleman, a Worshiper of God in the way of the Church of England. London, 1683. 8°.

Gamba. Testi. Ital. (1828) 593-6, 1224.

Gaudentius, Pagan. Opus de dogmatum Origenis cum philosophia Platonis comparatione, salebrae Tertul-lianae, de vita christianorum ante tempora Constantini. Florentiae, 1639. f°. Pisis, 1641. 40.

— Opusc. tria. Pisis, 1644. 40.

Gaupp, C. Vindiciae Origenis in doctrina de divinitate Christi. Jenae, 1727. 40. (40 p.)

Georgiades, B. (Teupyiadrft, B.) 'O'Qpiyiytic&^ifipri-VEvrijs tC»> ayiuv Tpatyhv Kara rove dyiov( irarkpa^ nal SidaoicdTwvQ, rsyc 'EK/Aqolag '&aa'ikuav top fityav ml Tpr/ry6pu>v rbv deoX&yov. In: 'EiaAriaiaaTtKr/ 'A^qdeia. (1885) 97-"°. I93-2II; 241-256; 529-543; 1-24, 49-62.

Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) 1.177,209-10, 214-23.

— S. u. Clement of A.

Gley and Brunet. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-

65) XXXI. 345-9.

Gregorius, Thaum. Oratio panegyrica in Origenem. Guericke. Ch. Hist. I. 104-. Hagenbach, K. R. Observationes historico-hermeneu-

ticae circa Origenis methodum interpretandae S.S.

Basil. 1823. 8°.

— Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 63-4, etc.

Hagenbach, K. R. Kirchenges. (1885) I. 199-210. Halloix, Pierre. Origines defensus, sive Origenis

Adamantii presbyteri amatoris Jesu vita, virtutes, docu-

menta libris. IV. Leodi. 1648. f°. Harnack, A. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 227, 271-2,289,

3O7-9. 337-9. S*i-S6> 648-9-

— Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XVII. 839-43.

Harrer. Die Trinitalslehre d. Origenes. Prgr. Regensb.

1858. 40. (15 s). Harris, A. Origen and his Opinions. In: Mercersb.

XVIII (1871) 526-. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 254-5, 354-60, 433-4,

544-5-Hefele. In: Wetzer u. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) VII.

825-44; also in his: Conciliengeschichte, ii, 76-. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 104-6,

163-6; III. 41-2, 71-2. Hibberd, S. S. Origen and Universalism. In: Univ. Q.

XXXV (1878) 5-. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 54. (Honor. August. I. 54.

App. II. 3.)

— Ep. 84 ad Pammachum de erroribus Orig., also Epp. 29, 41.

Hilgenfeld. Ketzergesch. (1884) 43~4-Hilscher and Strauss. Schola Alex. (1776) 27-8. Hody, Hum. De Origenis Hexaplis. In his: De Bi-bliorum textibus originalibus, etc. (Oxon. 1705. f°.)

599--Hoefer, F. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XXXVIII.

(1862) 789-97-Hoefling, Joan Guil. Frid. Origenes doctrinam de

sacrifices Christianorum in examen vocavit. Erlangae,

1741. 3Pts. 4°.

Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 46-7, etc. Horbius, Johann Heinrich. Historia Origeniana.

Francofurti, 1670. 40. Hort, F. J. A. Article: Adamantius. In: Smith and

Wai e. Diet. I. 39-41. [The Contra Marc, or De recta fide.] Hovey, A. In: Chr. R. XXI (1856) 83-. Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 149-152. Huetius, Pet. Dan. Origeniana, seu de vita, doctrina

et scriptis Origenis libri III. In: Origenis in s.

Scripturae comment. Rothomagi. (1668) 1-278.

(= Origenis opera omnia. (1759) IV. II, 79-338, and

Migne. Patrol, gr. XVII. (1857) 633-1284.) Jachmann. De Celso, etc. 1836. Jahn, A. Des h. Eustathius, . . . Beurtheilung d.

Origenes, betreff. d. Auffassung d. Wahrsagerin I Kon.

(Sam) 28, etc. (Gebhardt u. Harnack. Texte u. Unter-

such. II. IV.) Leipz. 1886. 8°. [Cf. Overbeck in Theol.

Ltzng. (1887) 151-5.]

Jeremie. Hist. Church. (1852) 92-101. Joly, E. Etude sur Origene. i860. 8°. Jortin, J. In his: Remarks on Eccl. Hist. {London,

1752. 8°.) II. 234-246. Kahnis. Lehre v. d. h. Geist. I. Karsten, J. A. Dissert, de Origene oratore sacro.

Groningae, 1824. 8°. Keim, Theodor. Celsus' Wahres Wort. Zu'rich, 1873.


—  Rom. u. d. Christenthum. Berlin, 1881. pp. 391-


Killen. Ancient Church. (1859) 375-81. Kind, Aug. Der Kampf d. Origines gegen Celsus urn

die Stellung des Menschen in der Natur. Jena, 1875.

8°- (38 P-) Cf. Soury (Jul.) in: Rev. philos. (1876)

II. 303-7. Knittel. Orig. Lehre v. d. Merschenwerdung. In:

Theol. Quartalschr. (1872). K5the, F. A. Origenes, e. biog. Skizze. In: Dippold

u. Kothe, Allgm. hist. Archiv. I. 6. Kraus, J. B. Die Trinitatslehre des Kirchenlehrers Orige.

Stadtamhof, 1858. 40.






KRAUS, J. B. Die Lehre d. O. Uber d. Auferstehung d.

Todten. Stadtamhof, 1859. 40. Kruger. Verhaltn. d. Orig. z. Ammonius Sakkas. In:

Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1843) !• 4°--Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 119-21, 140-1. L., C. Letter of Resolution concerning Origen and the

chief of his opinions, by C. L., Esquire. London, 1661.

40;— Repr. in The Phenix. {Lond. 1707. 8°.) I.

1-85. Laforet, N. J. La philosophie des Peres. Origene.

In: Rev. cathol. {Louv. 1870) B. III. 685-70; IV.

123-39, 255-73, 545-72. Lagarde, P. de. Veteris testamenti ab Origine recensiti

fragmenta apud Syros servata. Gb'ttingee, 1880. 8°. Lamson, A. Life, Writings, and Opinions of Origen.

In: Chr. Exam. X. (1830) 306-; XL (1831) 22-. Lardner, Credibility. III. 11. (Land. 1750. 8°.) 180-

410. Works. (1881) II. 468-577. Lebedeff. Origen's book against Celsus. Moscow,

1878. (In Russian.) Le Clerc. J. Bibl. univ. hist. (168.) VI. 31-55. Also

in: Lebensbeschr. Kirchenvater. (1711) 109. Le Long. Bibl. sac. (,1723) II. 886-7. Life and Teachings of Origen. In: Dub. R. LVII.

(1869) 43-5 LVIII. (1870) 377-; LIX. (1870) 332-Life of Origen. In: Bib. R. III. (1847) ll~> IO3~-Life, Writings and Opinions of Origen. In: Brit. Q. II.

(1844) 491-; same art. Eel. M. VII. (1845) 81-. Loesche, G. Haben die spateren Neuplatonischen Pole-

miker gegen das Christenthum das Werk des Celsus

benutzt? In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVII. [1884]

257-302. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. IX. (1792) 1-656; X. (1793)


Luthardt. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

(187S) 38.

Mabillon. Vet. anal. (1676) II. 260. Mai. Script, vet. coll. (1825) I. 30.

— Class, auct. (1838) X. 474, 600. Mansi. Cone. III. 1141-.

Martin. Origene et la critique textuelle du N. T. In:

Rev. des quest, hist. (1885) 5-62; also separately.

Paris, 1885. 8°. Mauriae. Origenis de libertate arbitrii doctrina. Mons-

pelii, 1856. 8°. Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

III. 46-55-Mehlhorn, P. Die Lehre v. d. menschl. Freiheit nach

Origines' nepl ap%av. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchengesch.

II. 234-253. Meier. Trinitatslehre. Meisnerus, J. De Origene et Origenianis exercit. hist.

theol. Wittebergae, 1665. 40; Ed. 2. Witteb. 1712. 40. Merlin, Charl. Examen d'un Raisonnement, que M.

Bayle attribue a Origenes dans son Dictionnaire. In:

Mem. de Trevoux. (1736, mai.) 1077-95. Merlini, Jac. Apol. pro Orig. In: Lat. ed. operum

Orig. 1612, 19. fol. Migne. Patrol, gr. XI-XVII. MShler. Patrologie. I. (1840) 527-568. Mo'ller, W. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) XI. 92-

109. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. III. 1702-5).

— Kosmologie in d. griech. Kirche. pp. 536-. Montfaucon, B. DE. Prolegg. of Hexapla. Par. 1713.

2 v. f°; also in: Migne. XV. (1857) 9~

122. Mosheim, J. Lor. De Origene, Allegoriarum patrono.

In his: Commentarii. p. 603-, 630—. Motte, De la. Hist, de Tert. et d'Orig. s. u. Fosse. Muldoon, P. J. Was Origen a Heretic? In: Cath.

World. XIX. (1874) 109-.

Muenscher. Dogmenges (1817-8) I. 148-59, etc. Narbone. Bibl. Sicol. (1850-55) III. 278.

Neale. Eastern Ch. Alexandria. I. (1847) l8~38. 53-Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 66-72, 96-7, 105-

6, 111-2, 119-23, 128-9, 146-8, 174-5, 190-1, 202-6,

2H-5> 233-4. 244, 253, 262. [v. 1.]

— Church hist. (1872) I. 129, 543-57, 693-722; II. 386-9, etc., etc.

Nebe. Gesch. d. Predigt. I. (1879) 1-40.

— Origenes Gedanken von der Predigt. In: Mancherlei Gaben u. Ein Geist. (1876).

Newman, F. W., and Froude, J. A. Three Letters on

Origen against Celsus. In: Fraser. XCVII. (1877)


Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 225-50. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 134-8, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 162-3. Nonnote. Les philosophes. (1789). Norberg, M. Praef. in ed. Syriaco-Hexapl. Lond. Goth.

1787; also in: Migne. Patrol. Gr. XVI. (1863)


Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 66-77, etc. Norup (Nierup?), Matth. Jac. Quaestio de lapsu

Origenis. Hafniae, 1709. 40. (1710?) Orelli, J. Casp. Origenis loci aliquot selecti. Turici,

1825. 8°. Origen against Celsus. In: Month. XI. (1869) 159-;

377~-Origen at Caesarea. In: Dub. R. LIX. (1865)332-;

same art. Cath. World. IV. (1866) 772-. Ornsby, R. Origen against Celsus. In: Dub. R.

LXXXV. (1879) 58-90. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 354-9, 440-3; III. 17-8,

26-40,44-7. (1749-) II. 511-8, 635-9; m- 23-5,

35-51. 57-6i, 62-83, 93-5, 99-100,102-5, ln-4.127-

31, 199-201, 80-106, 120-2, 127-9, 131-5, 143-7,

163-8, 259-60.

Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) I. 231-66. Overbeck. In: Theol. Ltzng. (1878) 531-6; (1879)

201-3. Owen, H. Crit. disquisitions on Origen's celebrated

Hexapla. London, 1784. 8°. Pamphilus. Apologia. In: Migne. Patrol. Gr. XVII.

(1857) 5417616.

Pelagaud. Etude sur Celse. 1878. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. I. (1841) 419-21; II. (1843)

473-575-Petermann, J. H. Variae lect. in O. in Matt. In:

Migne. Patrol. Gr. XIII. (1862) 1909-46. Petzholdt, J. Comment, hebraeo-palaeographica de

quibusdam Origenis et Hieronymi locis. Lipsiae, 1837.

8°. (37 P-)

Philippi. De Celsi philosophandi genere. Berol. 1836. Photius. Biblioth. Cod. 118. Picus, J. De salute Origenis disputatio. In his: Opera.

Basil. 1601. f°.) 131-148.

Pitra. Spicil. Solesm. (185 ) I. 267-282; III. 395. Pressense, Edm. de. La philosophie chretienne au

III. s.: Origene, sa vie et ses ecrits. In: Le Magas. de

libraire. (i860) XL 344-72.

— In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) X. 64-78.

— Early years of Christianity. Chr. life. (1878)106-18, 225-6; Martyrs. (1879) 282-340, 566-88; Heresy, (n. d.) 296-355.

Prideaux, Humph. Origen's ed. of the versions of the Scr. In his: O. and N. T. connected. (Lond. 1719. fo.) II. 41-45.

Probst, Ferd. Origenes uber d. Eucharistie. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (7'iib. 1864) 449~534-

— Origenes uber d. kath. Gottesdienst. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1864) 647-719.

Rambouillet. Origene et l'infaillibilite . . . Paris,

1870. 18°. (34 P-) Ramers, C. Des Origines Lehre om d. Auferstehung d.

Fleisches. Trier, 1851. 8°. (vi, 78 p.)






Reading, W. Notae in De Oratione. Lond. 1728; also in: Migne. XI. (1857) 1631-88.

Redepenning. Des Hieronymus wieder-aufgefundenes Verzeichniss d. Schriften d. Origens. In: Ztschr. f. d. hist. Theol. (1851) 66-.

— Origenes. Eine Darstellung s. Lebens u. s. Lehre. Bonn, 1841-46. 2 v. 8°.

Rettberg, F. W. Doct. Origenis de A.6y<* id="iii.p4306.1"> divino, ex

discipl. Neoplatonica illust. In: Ztschr. f. hist, theol.

(183-) HI. I. 39-. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 32-3, 255-8; Tr. Eng.

(1884) 314-6,535-7- [v.2.] Reynaud. Encyclopedie Nouvelle. Ringberg, Olav. Vita Origenis Adamantii. Lund. 1792.


Ritter. Chr. philos. (1841)1.465-564. Rivis, Dion. de. Dissertatio de Origenis Hexaplis et

Octaplis . . . Romae, 1673. 8°; Lugduni, 1676. 40. Robertson. Hist. of. . Church. (1875-) I. 138-158. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. II. (1776) 76-287. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. III. (1807) 1-156.

— Uber des Origenes Hexapla. In his: Handbuch. II. 459-.

Rufinus. De adulteratione libr. Orig. In: Migne. Patrol. Gr. XVII. (1857) 615-32.

— Peroratio. Origen on Romans. In: Migne. Patrol. Gr. XIV. (1862) 1291-4.

— Pref. to O. on Romans: In: Migne. Patrol. Gr. XIV. (1862) 831-2.

[Rust, George.] A Letter of Resolution concerning Origen and the chief of his opinions. Lond. 1661. 40; also in the Phenix. (1707) I. 1-85.

Sagittarius, Casp. Hist. eccl. p. m 3.

Sawyer, T. J. Was Origen a Universalist? In: Univ. Q. XXXII. (1875) 176-.

Schaff. Creeds of Christendom. 11.(1877)21-3.

— Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 785-96. Scharfenberg, J. G. Animadv. quibus fragm. vers.

graec. V. F. a Montefalconio coll. illustrantur, emen-

dantur. I. Lip. 1776; II. Lips. 1781. 8°. SCHLIEMANN. Clementinen. (1884) III. et passim. Schmid, B. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 50-3. Schmid, J. A. Dissertatio de lapsu Origenis. Helm-

stadii, 1704. 40. (D. et L.) Schmidt, H. Origenes u. Augustin als Apologeten. In:

Jahrb. f. deut. Theol. VII. (1862) 237-81; VIII.

(1863) 261-325. Schmidt, R. T. In: Stud. u. Krit. XV. (1842) 133-

68. Schnitzer, Carl Fr. Origenes iiber d. Grundlehren

der Glaubens-Wissenschaft. Stuttg. 1835. 8°. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1730-) IV. and V. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 314; IV. 29-

145; IX. 7-9; 102-3, 213. 292-3, 29, 31-3, 108-266;

XVIII. 40-60, 179-81. Schultz, H. Die Christologie d. Origines u. s. w. In:

Jahrb. fur Protest. Theol. 1875. p. 193-247, 369-425. Sears, B. Life, Writings and Opinions of Origen. In:

Bib. Sac. III. (1846) 378-. Selwyn, Will. Proposed emendations of the text of

Origen against Celsus. Books I., II., III., IV. In:

Journal of Philol. V. (1874) 248-251. Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d. ed. (1865-) I. 159-60, 288-

304, etc.

Smedt, Car. de. Dissert, sel. hist, eccles. (1876) 106-8. Socrates. Hist. Eccles. VI. 3-18. Sozomen. Hist. Ecclesias. viii, 220. Supernatural Religion. (1875-7) Pass-Tamburini, Pet. Ragionamenti sul primo libro di

Origene contro Celso. Pavia. 1786. 8°. Taylor, Chas. In: Smith and Wace. Diet, III. 14-23.

[Hexapla.] 9

Theodoret. Hist. Eccles. V. 27-.

Thomasinus, Gottfr. Origenes. Ein Beitrag z. Dog-

menges. d. dritten Jahrh. Niirnb. 1837. 8°. Tilladet. Dissert s. div. matier. (1714). Tillemont. Memoires. III. (1695) 494~595> 753—77. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 30. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 315-9. Vaughan, R. A. Life and Writings of Orig. In his:

Essays. I. (1838). Veterum testimonia de Hexapla. In: Migne. Patrol. Gr.

XV. (1857) 123-40. Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XII. 1-2, 8-15; XIX.

11. Vincenzi, Alois. Origenes ab impietatis et haereseos

tiota in ceteris institutionibus vindicatus. Romae, 1864.

8°. (xxxiii-545 p.) Cf. Civilta cattol. (1866) F. VI.


Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 9-10 et pass. Walch, C. W. F, Commendatur et illustrate Origenis

de diebus Christianoruni festis disputatio. Goettingae,

1777. 4°.

— Hist. d. Kezereien. VII. 362-.

Walch, J. G. Vindiciae Origenis in doctrina de divini-tate Christi. yenae, 1727. 40.

— Bibl. patrist. (1834) 35-40, 186-7, 373-Walch, J. G. = Gaupp, C.

Waltham, R. C. Origen as a Defender of Christianity. In: Univ. Q. XXVIII. (1871) 82-.

Weichmann, J. S. Comment, hist, theol. de schola Orig. sac. ex Greg. Thaum. inf. Wittemb. 1744. 40.

Weigl, J. B. Bericht des Porphyrios iiber Origines. Programm. Regensb. 1835. 4°-

Wernsdorf, G. Memor. Hanovii et de cognom. Origenis. Gedani, 1773. 40.

Werther, J. F. De schola Origenis sacra. Witteber-gae, 1744. 40.

Westcott. Canon. (1875) 354-61.

— Bible in the Church. (1877) '34~7-

— Origen and the Beginnings of Christian Philosophy. In: Contemp. Rev. XXXV. (1878) 324-; 489-; same art. Liv. Age. CXLI. (1878) 643-; CXLII. (1878)


Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 114-121, 269-283. Worman, J. H. In: M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-)

VII. 428-34-

Zeller. Apostelgesch. (1854) 70. Zeller. Gesch. d. philos.

ZSckler. Hieronymus. (Gotha, 1865) 238-, 391-. Zorn, Peter. Dissertatio de eunuchismo Origenis

Adamantii. Giessae, 1708. 40. (D.)

Note x. All special literature on the Philosophumena,

"whether ascribed to H. or O. by title, is put under Hippo-

lytus. Compare especially the names Armellini, Cruice,

Jacobi, Lenormant, Maury, Passaglia.

For literature compare also Encyclopaedia, articles on

" Celsus," " Origenistic controversy, etc., etc.

Note 2. For compact summary of controverted points,

with literature appertaining, compare Hergenrb'ther, III.




FABRICIUS, J. A. Gr. lat. Hamb. 1716-19. 2 v. f°.

Gallandius. In: Bibl. patr. II. (1766) 409-.

Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 583-884,

901-62. Lagarde. Lips, and Lond. 1858.


Gronovius, Jac. (Frgm.) In his: Thes. antiq. gr. Lugd. Bat. 1701. f°. p. 248-294.






WOLFIUS, J. C. (Fragm.) Gr. lat. Hamb. 1706. 8°. Delarue. (Fragm.) In Origenis Op. 1733-59- f*. MILLER. Oxon. 1851. 8°. [1 ed. of recovered work. Publ.

under name of Origen.] CRUICE. Par. 1860-I. 8°. Duncker and Schneidewurn. Gotting. 1856-9. 8°.



Canisius. Gr. lat. In his: Lect. antiq. 1602. II. 580;

1657; Amst. 1729. f°. I. 17-19. Labbe. Nov. bibl. I. 298. DuCange. In his ed. of Chron. pasch. 1688. Mommsen. (2d version.) In: Abh. d. K-Sachs Gesells.

(1850) I. 585.

{Canon Pasch.)

Scaliger. In his: De emend, temporum. Par. 1583.

f°; repr. Lugd. Bat. 1595 (not '94). 40; Genev. 1629.

f°. p. 152-3. Bianchinus. In his: Diss. duae, etc. Romae, 1664 (3?).

4°. [Secunda lit.] Bucherius, Aegid. In his: Liber de doct. temporum.

Antv. 1664. f°.


Picus, Jo. (Consum. mundi, Antichr., etc.) Gr. lat. Lut.

Par. 1557(6?). 8°.

Possevinus. (Adv. Jud.) Ven. 1603. Sirmondus. (De theol. and Incar.) In: Opera. Par.

1606. f°. p. 583. Combefis. (XII. apost.) In: Auct. nov. patr. gr. lat.

II. (1648. f°.) 831-844. Gudius, Marquardus. (Antichr.) Gr. Lut. Par. 1660-

I.  8°.

Combefis. (Various.) Gr. lat. In his: Auct. Bibl.

patr. I. {Paris, 1672. f°.) 26-63. Lambecius. (De Salomonis libris.) In his: Comment.

de Bibl. Vindelur. VIII. (1679. f°.) 390-393. Le Moyne. (Contra Graeco.) In his: Varia sacra. I.

{Lugd. Bat. 1685. 40.) Woog, C. C. (Fragm. in Prov. IX. 1-5.) Gr. lat. Lips.

1762. 40.

Biblia polyglotta (Daniel). Romae, 1772. Maius, A. (Fragm. in Prov.) In his: Nov. coll. scr.

vet. I. 11. (1827. 40.) 223-. Bunsen. (Ref. haer.) In: Analect. Antenic (1854)

341-407. Lagarde. (Arab, fragm.) In: Anal. Syr. p. 79-91 and

Appendix. Lips. 1858. Routh. Scr. (Contr. haer. Noeti). eccl. op. (1858) I.

43-94-Hamberg. (Canones S. Hippol. Arabice e codic. Rom.

c. vers. Lat. annot. et prolegomenis.) Munich, 1870. Bardenhewer. (Daniel.) Freib. 1877.

II.     Translations.

Latin. Picus, Jo. (Various.) Lut. Par. 1557. 8°; Colon. 1563.

8°; in: Justini opera. Par. 1575. 160. Turrianus. (De theol. et Incar.) In: Canisii Lectiones

antiq. V. {Ingolst. 1604. 40.) 154-. [With Greek];

also in: Canisii Lect. antiq. ed. Basnage, 1725. f°. Vossius, Ger. (Contra Nocti haer.) In: Gregorii

Thaum. op. Mogunt. 1604. 40. 58-68; also in: Bibl.

patr. III. {Colon. 1618. f°); also in: Suppl. Morell.

Par. 1639. I. 620-. (De theol. et Inc.) In: Collectanea Anastasii Bibliothe-

carii. Par. 1620. 8°. p. 209. (Various.) In: Bibl. patr. XII. {Par. 1644. f°.) In: Bibl. Max. patr. III. {Lugd. 1677. f°.) 252-264.


MACMAHON and Salmond. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. VI. (1868) 25-508; IX. (1869) ii, 1-141. Ed. Coxe. V. (1886) 9-258.


Genoude. [?] In: Peres de l'egl. Par. 1837-43. 8°. German.

GrSNE, V. Kempten, 1873. l6°. [The Reithmayer-Thal-hoferBibl.]

III.   Literature.

Allard, P. L'hagiographie au IVe siecle. Martyris de

saint Hippolyte, etc., d'apres les poemes de Prudence.

In: Revue des quest, hist. (1885) 353-405. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 112-118. Armellini, Torq. De prisca refutatione haereseon,

Origenis nomine ac Philosophumenon titulo, recens

vulgata, commentarius. Romae, 1862. 8°. (193 p.)

Cf. Civilta cattol. (1863) E, V. 345-51. Bardenhewer, O. Des heil. Hippolytus v. Rom.

Commentar zum Buche Daniel. Ein literargeschichte.

Versuch. Freiburg, i. Br. Herder. 1877. 8°. Baronius. Ann. (1589) 224, 10 (add. 3); 229, 3-10. Basnage, Jac. Animadv. de vita, morte et scriptis Hip-

polyti. In: Canisii Lectiones antiquae (1725) I.

p. 3-12. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 254. [T. 1.]

(4 11.) Baur. In: Theol. Jahrb. {Tub. 1853.)

— Dogmenesch. I. (1865) 282 etc. BA*EXAHS. 'E/c/oL jot. I. (1884) 155-6. Baxmann. Die Philosophumena u. d. Peraten. In: Zeit-

schrift f. d. hist. Theol. (i860).

Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 42-3.

Bellesheim, A. Zur Hippolytusfrage. In: Der Katho-lik (1881) 592-606.

Benson, E. W. On the fragment of a hymn to Aesculapius preserved in the fourth book of Hippolytus. In: Journ. of class, and sacred philol. I. (1854) p. 395— 398.

Bianchini, Franc. De kalendario et cyclo Caesaris ac de paschali canone s. Hippolyti martyris dissertatio-nes. XXX. Romae, 1703. f°. [Quoted often as Bianchinus or Branchinus.]

Blackburn. Hist, of Church (1879) 38-9.

Brink, B. Bisschop Hippolytus, alpiaeav ifeyxoe Bl. 144. In: Mnemosyne. II. (1853) p. 383-387.

Bucherius, Aeg. Comment, in can. pasch. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 885-902.

Bunsen, C. K. J. Hippolytus and his age. London, 1852. 4 v. 8°; 1854. 2 V. 8°. [= Christianity and Mankind; German. Leifz. 1852-3. 2 y. 8".] [Cf. GrSber, Ida v. d. Wissenschaft u. Bibel mit Bezieh. auf Dr. Bunsen: Hippolytus u. s. Zeit. . . . u. auf. d. Recension diseses. Werk m Dr. Hengstenberg's Kirchenz. Stuttg. 1856. 8°.]

Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 244-280.

— Trinity. (1831) 84-7. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I- 29-

Byzant. hist, script. XXI. (1688); XI-, XVIII., XX-II;

IV.  ( ) X-XIIL, XVI-IX. Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 79-80. Caspari. Quellen z. Gesch. d. Taufsymbols. Christiane.

III. (1875) 377--

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 162-9; II. IV. 17. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. (1730) II. 316-74. I.

(1858) 607-42. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 147-8, 192-3, 279-80,

296, 345.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-84) 1067-8. Chronicon Paschale. Bonn ed. I. p. 12. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 158. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 235,241; II. 414-5. Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 239-240. Cotelier, Jo. Bapt. In: Monumenta Eccles. graec. II.


Cruice, Patr. Etudes sur de nouv. doc. hist, des Philosophumena. Paris, 1853.






Cruice, Patr. Des travaux de la critique allemande sur

St. Hippolyte et sur le pape St. Calliste. In: Rev.

Contemp. {Par. 1856) XXVI. 58-82. Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) passim. Cuperus. Comment, histor. criticus. In: Acta ss. Bol-

land. (1739) Aug. IV. 504-13. Darling. Cyclop, bibl. ('854) 1488-9. De Rossi, G. B. Elogio Damasiano del celebre Ippolito

martire. In: Bulletino di archeologia cristiana. IV.

(VI.?) 26-55. Dollinger. Hippolytus u. Kallistus. Regensb. 1853.

8°; Engl. tr. by Plummer. Edinb. 1876. Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 83-100, 449~57-Draseke, J. ZuPseudo-H. In: Jahrb. f. prot. Theol.

X. (1884) 342-6. [Of Koto Bs^kjwc, etc.]

— Beron u. Pseudo-Hippol. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXIX. (1886) 291-318.

— Zu Hippolytos' Demonstratio adversus Judaeos. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1886) 456-461.

Duncker. In: G6tt. Gel. Anz. 1851.

Dupin. (1698-) I. 295.

Ebedjesu. Catal. scr. eccl. 7. (Assemani. Bibl. orient

III. 1. 15).

Eccles. and Theol. Rev. 1853. Jun., Jul. Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XI. 854. Eusebius. Hist, eccles. VI. 20, 22, 23. Chronic. II. Faber, Tanaq. Hippolyti Martyris libellus de Anti-

christo percurritur et saepius emendatur. In his: Epis-

tolae. Edit. alt. {Salmuri, 1674. 4°.) 323-. Fabricius. Bib. gr. (1712-19) V. 203-12; IX. 388,

413-8, 446-7- (VII. 183-98; X. 693-4, 714. 739-)

— Opp. Hipp. Hamb. 1716-8. 2 v. f°. Praef.; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 261-70.

— De verit. rel. Chr. (1725) 61-3, 161-2.

— Bibl. med. aev. (1735) III. 795-6. (2a. 272.) Fessler. In: Oesterr. Vierteljahrsschr. f. kath. Theol.

(1863) III. 287-340. Fink, G. W. In: Ersch. u. Gruber. II. vrn. (1831)


Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) II. 101-3, 247-8. Fork. In: Ztschr. f. d. hist. Theol. (1847). Frommann, Ern. Nich. Interpretatt. N. T. ex Hippolyto

collectae. Coburgi, 1765. 40. Funk. In: Theol.Quartalschr. LXIII. (1881)277-98.

[Basilides in the Philosophumena.]

— Ueb. d. Verf. d. Philosophumenen. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXIII. (1881) 423-64.

— Zur Philosophumenen-Frage. In: Lit. Rundschau, (1881) 33-38.

— S. Zeit d. Hippolytstatue. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXVI. (1884) IO4-6. fed century.]

— Zur Hippolytfrage. In: Hist.-pol. Blatt. LXXXIX. 889-896.

Galland. Bibl. patr. v. II. Prolegomena, c. XVIII. ^ Teapyiadrft, B. Toil ayiov 'lirnoMiTov ewiaK&Kiyo nal /iap-Kept bp&aeuQ rov Hpoyo; A. In: 'hXifiua (1885) 15 ftai, p. 10-24; 31 ual, p. 49-60.

Gieseler, J. C. L. In: Stud. u. Krit. XXVI. (1853) 759-87.

— Church. Hist. (1868-) I. 224-6.

Gundert, E. In: Ztschr. f. d. luth.Theol. XVI. (1885) 209—20. [Basilides in the Philosophumena.]

— In: Ztschr. f. lath. Theol. XVII. (1856) 37-74. 443-85. [Basilides and the Philosophumena.]

Grisar, H. Bedarf die Hippolytus Frage einer Revision?

In: Ztschr. f. kathol. Theol. II. (1878) 505-533. Gruscha. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch.-Lex. (1847-54) V.

210-3. GUTSCHMID, A. v. Ueber d. Verhaltniss d. Hippoly-

tischen liber generationis u. s. w. (1856) s. u. Julius

Africanus. Hagemann. Die rom. Kirche. Freib. 1864.

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 229.

Hanell, K. W. Commentatio historico-critica de Hippolyto episcopo, tertii saeculi scriptore. Gottingae, 1838. 4°-

Hare. Contest with Rome. p. 214.

Harnack. Zur Quellenkritik d. Gesch. d. Gnosticismus (1873-4).

— In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1874) 170-. (?) (1875) 38-.

— Dogmenges. I. (1886) 422-500.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 299, 312-3, 338-42, 371. Hergenrother. In: Theol. Quartals. ( Tub. 1852.)

— In: Vierteljahrsscrift f. kath. Theol. (1863) 287-34O.

— Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 168; III. 73. Herzog. Abriss d. Kirchenges. I. 126.

Heumann, Chr. A. Dissertatio, in qua docetur, ubi et qualis episcopus fuerit S. Hippolytus. Goetting. 1737. 40; also in his: Primit. Gotting. acad. (1738) 239-. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 61. (Honor. Aug. I. 62.) Hilgenfeld. In: Ztschr. f. wiss Theol. (1862).

— Der Basilides des Hippolytus, aufs neue gepruft. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXI. (1878) 228-250.

— Ketzergesch. (1884) 9-21, 58-69, 74-9, 450-626. Hippolytus to Artemis. In: Fraser. LXXIX. (1868) 39-. Hist. lit. France. (1733) I. 1. 361-400; XI. 111. Hovey, A. Bunsen's St. Hippolytus and his Age. In:

Chr. R. XVIII. (1853) 425-. Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 93-100. Imbonati, Jos. C. In: Biblioth. lat. ebr. p. 74. Jacobi. In: Ztschr. f.chr. Wissensch.u. Leben (1851)

No. 25, (1853) No. 24. Jacobi, J. S. Origen or Hippolytus. In: Meth. Q. XI.

(1851) 645-.

— In: Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 51-2, 125, 157-9, 162-3, '82-4,194- [v.i.]

— In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) VI. 139-49. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. II. 995-6.)

Jacobs and Schmid. In: Ersch. u. Gruber. II. iv.


Jeremie. Hist. Church. (1852) 91-2. J[oubert], L. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XXIV.

(1858) 777-83.

Journal des Debats. Dec, 1852. Jungmann, B. Dissertationes in Hist. Eccl. Ratisbon.

1880. 8°. 173-262.

Killen. Ancient Church. (1859) 343-50, 374-5. Kimmel, Em. Jul. De Hippolyti vita et scriptis. Partie I.

Diss. histor.-theolog. Jena, 1839. 8°. Kraus. In: Oester. Vierteljahrsschr. f. kath. Theol.


Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) !• 116-8, 140. Lamy, Th. J. Etudes sur les Merits de s. Hippolyte. In:

Rev. cathol. (Louv. 1861.) G, I. 5-15, 80-94. LANGEN. Gesch. d. rom. Kir. Bonn, 1881. p. 229. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 409, 421-38. Le Long. Bibl. sac. (1723) II. 778-9. Le Moyne. Diatribe de Hippol. Lenormant. Controverse sur les Phil. d'Origene. In:

Le Correspondant. XXXI. {Paris, 1853.) 509-550. Lipsius. Quellenkritik der Epiphanios. Wien, 1865.

— Quellen d. attest. Ketzergesch. Lpz. 1875. P- II8--Lord, D. N. St. Hippolytus and his Age. In: Theo.

& Lit. J. VI. (1855) 353-Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. VIII. Aug. Vind. 1791. 8°.

VIII. 1-191; also in: Migne. X. (1857)


McClintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) IV. 268-9. MacMahon, J. H. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. VI. (1868) 17-

23. Introd. note. Ed. Coxe. V. (1886) 1-7. [Add.

notes. Ed. Coxe. 153-62, 241, 259.]

[Magistris de.] Acta Mart, ad Ostia. Romae, 1795. f°. 139; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857)545-70, 1603-8.






Mai. Scr. vet. coll. (1825) I. II. 223.

Martinov. Ann. eccl. gr.-slav. (1864) 58.

Martyrium Cyriaei, Hippolyti, etc. Gr. lat. In: Migne.

Patrol, gr. X.(1857) 551-570. Maury, Alf. Etudes sur les documents mythologiques

contenus dans les Philosophumena d'Origene. In:

Rev. archeolog. (1851-2) A, VIII. 233-44, 364-72,

635-47; !X. I44-56-Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

II. 490-2.

Milman. Lat. Christ. I. 66-. MShler. Patrologie. I. (1840) 581. MSller. Gesch. d. Kosmologie. p. 190. Moretti. Rom. 1752. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) II. 192. Neander. Hist, of Dogmas. I. 51. S. u. Jacobi.

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 681-3 et pass. Newman. Tracts. (1874) 220-9. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 250-66. NitzsCH. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 163-5, etc-Nodier. Bib. Sacr. (1826) 157-8.

Nolte. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1861)163-9; (1862)

467. [Georgius Hamartolus' testimony to H.l 624-70. [Rev. of Crufe.]                                           J

Origen's Philosophumena. In: Quar. LXXXIX. (1851)

170-. Orsi. 1st eccl. (1746) III. 91, 285-7; («749) HI.

116-7, 368-71.

Oudin. Comm. d. script, eccl. (1722) I. 220-8. Overbeck, F. C. Quaestionum Hippolyteanum specimen.

Jenae, 1864. 8°. (113 p.) Passaglia, Car. Dei Filosofumeni di Origenis. In:

Ann. scienze relig. (1851) B. IX. 419-22. Peabody, A. P. St. Hippolytus and his Age. In: No.

Am. LXXVIII. (1853) 1-. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-43) I. 421; II. 426-


Photius. Bibliot. Cod. 48, 121, 202. Pressense, E. de. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-

82) VI. 262-6.

— Chr. Life. (1878) 135.

— Martyrs. (1879) 360-6, 588-9, 635-40.

— Heresy. (N. Y.) 405-16.

Rambouillet. In: Rev. d. Sciences Eccl. XLV. (1882) 258—72, 305-21. [Agst. Funk and most. Philosophumena not byH.]

Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 35; tr. Eng. (1884)

317. [V.2.]

Reville, Albert. St. Hippolyte, le pape Calliste et la

societe chretienne de Rome au commencement du III.

siecle. In: Rev. d. Deux Mondes (1865) H, LVII.

892-924. Cf. Desjardins, E. C, in: Rev. d. Sciences

eccl. (1865) B. II. 229-38. Ritschl. In: Theol. Jahrb. (1854). Roeper, Gottlieb. Emendationsversuche Hippolyti

Philosophumena. In: Philologus. VII. (1852) p. 511-

553, 606-637, 767-

Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. II. (1776) 328-332. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. III. (1807) 164-71. Ruggerius, Constant. De Portuensi S. Hippolyti, epis-

copi et martyris, sede dissertatio posth. ab Ach. Ruschio

absoluta et annott. aucta. Romae, 1771. 40; also in:

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. (1791) VIII. 347-612; Migne.

Patr. gr. (1857) 395~546. Ruinart. Vita et passio St. Hippol. In: Act. prim.

martyrum. p. 168. St. Hippolytus and his Age. In: Am. Presb. R. II.

(1854)450-; Chr. Rem. XXV. (1852) 213-; Eel. R.

XCVII. (1852) 385-; C. ( ) 690-; Ed, R.

XCVII. (1852) 1-; Kitto. X. (1852) 461-; No. Brit.

XIX. (1853) 85-; Prosp. R. IX. (1853) 118-. Salmon, G. Some notes on the chronology of Hippolytus. In: Hermathena. I. 1874. p. 82-128.

Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III. 85-105.

— Articles, " Chronicon Canisianum " and " Chronica Horosii." In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 506-8,


Sardaghi, Jos. Osservazioni sopra il martirio di s. Ippolito, vescovo di Porto. 1771. (= Zaccaria. Race, di

dissert. VII. 33~55-)

Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 757-74. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886)46-7. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) 683-812. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 154-62. Seinecke. In: Zeitschr. f. hist. Theol. (1842) III. Semler. Gesch. d. Glaubenslehre. I. 212-. Sevestre. Diet, patrol. (1854) III. 318-37. Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d ed (1865-) I. 225-6, 285-

7; II. 43-4-Silvestri, B. DE. Considerazioni storico morali sopra

sant' Ippolito martire. Prato, 1884. 16°. Smedt, Car. de. De Auctore Philosophumenon. In:

Dissert. Sel. Ghent, 1876. 109-67. pp. 18-39. Supernatural Religion. Vol.11. (1875) pass. Tayler, William Elfe. Hippolytus and the Christian

Church of the third century. Lond. 1853. 8°. Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 297. Tillemont. Memoires. III. (1695) 238-49, 672-9. Trithemius. 36.

Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876)301-3. Veterum testimonia. In: Migne. X. (1857)

569-82. Vignolius. De anno primo imperii Severi Alexandri,

quem praefert cathedra marmorea S. Hippolyti in bib-

lioth. Vaticana. Romae, 1712. 40. Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XII. 30. Volkmar. In: Theol. Jahrb. (1854).

— Hippolytus und die rom. Zeitgenossen, oder die Philosophumena und die veswandten Schriften nach Ur-sprung, Composition und Quellen untersucht (Quellen d. Ketzergeschichte. I.) Zurich, 1855. 8°.

Walch. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 40-1.

Weiss. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) XIX.


Westcott. Canon. (1875) 374-6. Wieseler, F. Ueb. d. Statue d. H. In : Stud. u. Krit.

XXVIII. (1855) 893-5. W00G, C. Ch. Hippolyti Fragmentum ad proverb. IX.

1-3. gr. etlat. Lipsiae, 1762. 40. [This fragment is miss-

ing in Fabricius' ed.] Wordsworth, Chr. St. Hippolytus and the church of

Rome in the earlier part of the third century, from the

new discovered Philosophumena . . . Lond. 1853. 8°;

1880. 8°.

— Remarks on Bunsen. 1855. 8°. (?)

— La doctrina di S. Ippolito intorno alia supremazia Ro-mana ed alia fallibilita dei papi. Napoli, 1872. 12°. (36 p.)

— Church. Hist. (1881) 285-307.

Wordsworth on St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome.

In: Chr. Obs. LIII. (1853) 758-. Writings of Hippolytus. In: Chr. Obs. LXIX. (1869)


Compare also literature under Origen.

Note 1. The Philosophumena is ascribed to Hippolytus by Jacobi, Duncker, Bunsen, Gieseler, RitschJ, Dollinger, Volkmar, Overbeck, Herzog, and almost universally, but it is doubted by Moller, Lipsius, Newman, Jungmann, and others; ascribed to Caius of R. by Baur, to Novatian by Armellini, to Tertullian by Cruice and De Rossi, and to Origen by Miller, Lenormant, and others.

Note 2, For compact discussion of time and place compare Schaff.







I.    Editions.


Andreas, J. ("Epist. et Opuscula.") Rotnae, Sweyn-heym et Pannartz, 1471. f°. [Does not contain (Brtmet) many passages suppressed by Baluze. GraesseYi Venet. Vind. de Spira, 1421. f° (13X9^). [Mere reprint of Roman ed.]; Venet. Lucas Venetus, 1483. f°. [Slight addition and rearrangement.]

[Memmingen. A. Kunne. 1477.] [" Treatises and epistles first separated;"]

[Daventriae, R.Paffroetc. 1477.] [is it Colon, 1476? Cf. Graesse.]

Par. 1498. f°. (?)

Paris, Jodocus Badius, 1500. [Mythical? Cf. Hartel or

Schonemann. The ed. quoted as *' Paris, J. Petit, 1500,"

refers to same.]

Par. 1512. 40. Rembolt and Waterloes.

Basil. 1519. f°. (????)

Coloniae, Henr. Alopecium, 1520. f°.

Erasmus. Basil. 1520. f°; I52i.f°; Colon. 1522. 2v. 8°;

Basil.i$23. f°(?); 1525. f° (Colon. 1525. i°l);Lugd.

1528. 2 v. f°; Basil. 1530. f°; 1535. f°; 1537- 2 v.;

1540. f°; Paris,Langler, 1541. f°; Paris, OudinPar-

vum, 1541. f°; Paris, Reynault, 1541. f°; ^4«to. 1542

(1?); Lugd. 1544. 2v. 8°; Ami 1558. f°. Graevius. Co/o«. 1544. f°; 1549. f°. Venet. 1547. 8°.

Rom. P. Manutius, 1563. f°. [Really by Latino Latini.] Morellius, W. Par. 1564. f°. PAMELIUS, Jac. Antv. 1568. f°; 1589. f°; Par. 1574.

f°; 1593- f°; 1603- f°; 1607 (8?). f°; 1616. f°; Colon.

1617. f°; Par. 1623. f°; 1632. f° (Colon. .?); /Vzr.

1633. £»; 1643. f°; 1644. f°. Roverotus. Bas. 1588. f°. (??) GOULART, S. Genev. 1593. f°. Rigaltius. Lutet. Par. 1648. f°; 1649. f°. PRIORIUS, P. Par. 1666. f». [After Rigalt.] par.

1679. f°. Fell, Jo. Oxon. 1682. f°; Bremae, 1690. f°; /4#zj/.

1699 (17CX)?). f°; Bremae, 1690. f°. Baluzius, S., and Maranus. Par. 1726. f°; Venet.

1728. f°; Par. 1733; Venet.? 1736; 1758. f°. OBERTHUR. Wirceb. I782. 2 V. 8°. [On Baluze. In-

eludes Novatian and Minucius Felix.]

CAILLAU. Par. 1837. 8°. [On Baluzius.] Besancon,l%yj. 8°; do. 1837. I2°- [OnBaluzius.] Goldhorn, D. J. H. Lps. 1838. 8°. In: Gersdorf. v.

II.  in.

Zagrf. et /"a?-. 1847. 8°. [After Baluze.] Krabinger. (10 Opuscula.) Tub. 1853-9. 8°. Routh. (4 Opuscula.) In: Scr. eccl. op. (1858) I.


Migne. Patrol. Lat. IV. (1865) 193-1312. Hartel, Guil. Vindobon. 1868-71. 3 v. 8°. [in the

Vienna Corp. Scr. Eccl. Lat.] Hurter, H. Innsbruck, 1870-3. 16°. In: Patrum

sanctorum opuscula selecta. v. 1 (Opuscula); v. 21,



(De Ligno Cr.) Mirandulae, 1496. f°. [With works of


(De Ligno Crucis.) In: Poetae Christ. Venet. 1501. 40. (Carmina.) Par. 1560. Fabricius, S. Poet. Christ. (1564) 295. Rivenus. In: Tertulliani Opera. Lps. 1653. Maittaire. (Gen. Sod.) Op. poet. Lond. 1713. f°.

n. 1537-

Martene and Dur. Carm. ad Fel. Vet. scr. et mon. coll. IX. (1724) 1.

(De idolorum vanitate.)

S. 1. 1603. 8°.

Rigalt. In: Minucius Felix, Octavius, etc. Oxon. 1662.


Par. 1643. 4°- [Rigaltius' notes.] In: Minucius Felix, Octavius, etc. Lugd. Bat. 1709. 8°.

(De imitate ecclesiae.) Helmst. 1557. 8°. Stephanus, J. Lond. 1632. 8°. Calixtus, G. Helmst. 1657. 8°. Azevedo. In transl. Port. Lisb. 1801. Hyde, M. F. Buckington, 1853.


(De XII. abus.) s. 1. et a. [Augsburg, Ant. Serg.] (De XII. abus.) s. 1. et a. [Cologne, Urich Zell?] 4°. (De orat. dom.) Brix. (1483. c. 1490?) 40. (De Eucharistia.) Hagau. 1527. 8°. (De orat. dom.) s. 1. 1528. 120. (Exh. ad mort.) Rostock. 1565. 8°. (Dispos. coenae.) Prag. 1579. 40. Stephanus, J. (De bono patientiae.) Oxon. 1633. 8°. (Epistolae?) Reinhart, L. F. Altd. 1681. 40. Franeus, Barth. Lib. de mort. Ien. 1682. 120. (Some Epist.) In: Coustant. Epp. Rom. Pontif. Par.

1721. f°. 126-.

Trombelli, J. C. (Exh. ad poen.) Bonon. 1751. 4°. Mai, A. (De poenit.) In: Class, ant (1838). (Epist. sel.) Par. 1852. 12°. Migne. (Ep. ad Lucum Papam.) In: Patrol. Lat. III.

(1865) 1003-14.

II. Translations.


EylOT, Th. A swete and devote Sermon of Holy Saint Ciprian of Mortalitie. Lond. 1534. f°.

Paynall, Th. A sermon of St. Cyprian, made on the Lordes Prayer. Lond. 1539. 8°.

St. Cyprian's Sermon on the Mortalitye of Man. Lond. 1539. 16°.

Brend, Joh. (Two sermons.) Lond. 1553. 8°.

Story, Joh. ("Certaine Workes.") 1556. 8°.

Lupset, T. (Sermon.) In: Works. 1560. Y. II. Bb. VII.

Pole. (Sermon.) Louv. 1569.

Barksdale, Clement. (Virgins, Prayers, Patience.) Lond. 1675. 8°.

Fell, Joh. (Unity of the Church.) Ox/. 1681. 40.

Burnet, G. Lond. 1686. 8°; 1714. 8°.

T(unstall), W(illiam). (James?) St. Cyprian's discourse to Donatus; done into English metre. Lond. 1716. 8°.

Collier, Jer. Manners of the pagan world, Consolatory discourse, and on patience. Lond. 1716. 8°.

Marshall, Nath. (Genuine works.) Lond. 1717. f°.

Dalrymple, D. Edinb. 1782. 120.

Horsburgh. (The Unity of the Church.) 1815.

Newman, J. H. (Treatises.) In: Lib. of the fathers. Ox/. 1839-

(Unity of the Church.) In: Tracts for the times. II. i. (1840).

Poole, G. A. (Works?) Ox/. 1840. 3 v. 8°.

(Epistles.) In: Library of the fath. XVII. ( Ox/. 1844.)

Wallis, R. E. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. VIII. (1868) 1-468; XIII. (1873) 1-198, 221-71. Ed. Coxe. V. (1886) 275-S57. 575-95-

Flower, W. B. (Select treatises.) Lond. 8°. In:

People's Library of the fathers. Read, J. B. " Tracts of, condensed." Pearson, J.







Forest, D. de B. (Sermones.) Par. 1565. 8°. Daneau, L. (Du mal qu'apport l'envie.) Orleans, 1566.

8°. TlGEON, JAC. Par. 1574. f°. [" Deux traitez," f», and a

translation by S. Goularts, assigned to this year.]

(XII. maniers d'abus.) Par. 1577. 8°.

Laval, D. de. (De orat. dom. mortalitate.) Par. 1664.

Lombert. (Oeuvr.) Par. 1672. 40; Rouen, 1716. 2v.

40; Par. 1722. 2 v. 40.

Lenfant, Jaq. (Lettres choisies.) Amst. 1688. 12°. (De la singularite des clercs.) Par. 1718. 12°. Guillon, M. N. S. Par. 1837. 2v. 8°. Genoude. [??] In: Peres de l'egl. Par. 1837-43. 8°. (Diss. sur la peste.) Par. 1849. 12°. Josse, O. (Tr. de la mort.) Par. 1856. 12°. Thibaut. (Oeuvr.) Tours, 1869. 3 V. 8°. Cordier. (De l'unit. de l'Egl.) Par. 1878. 180.

Lenfant, D. (Epp. ad Conf.) Amst. (?) 120. German.

Grimm. Ain erkl. ii. d. Vater-Unser. Augsp. 1521. 40. Ambach, Mich. (Predigten u. Schr.) Numb. 1553. f°. Hohenbalken, C. C. (Aechte Werke.) Wien, 1790-.

8°. Feuerabend. (Echte Werke.) Miinchen, 1818-20.

4 Thl. 8°. Ziegler. In: Werke d. K.-V. V., VI., VII. {Kempten,

1832.) Waitzmann, J. G. (Echte Werke.) Kempten, 1836-

39. 3v. 8°.

Krabinger. (Ausgew. Schr.) Augsb. 1848. 8°. Reinlein, F. F. (V. d. Sterblichkeit.) Erlangen, 1869.

i6». UHL, U. Kempten, 1869-70. l6°. [The Reithmayer-Thal-


NlGLUTSCH, EGGER, and Uhl. Kempten, 1878-80. [The Reithmayer-Thalhofer Bibl.]

Amman, N. Ciprianus von den zwolff misbriichen dieser welt. Reutlingen. (?)


CASTRUCCI, RAFFAELO. (?) (Tratt. di due sorte di mar-

tirio.) Fir. 1567. 8°. Coto, Gir. (Trattato contro il lusso delle donne.) Ven.

1577. 8°; Rom. 1684. 120. Contarini, Th. (Orazione sulla Pestilenza.) Padov.

'577- 4°-

Caro, A. (Sermone sopra l'elemosina.) In: Opere, VII. (1812).


Azevedo, L. Ant. de. (Tratado sobre a unitade da Igreja.) Lisboa, 1801. 8°.


Obras de San Cipriano, obispo y martir, traducidas al castellano y esclarecidas con notas y la vida del santo por el Dr. D. Joaquin Antonio del Camino. Valladolid, 1807. 2v. 40.


Grosch, Jo. (De orat domin.) Rostoch. 1615. 8°.

III. Literature.

Acta proconsularia. In: Martene and Durand. Thesaur.

Ill; also in: Migne. Patrol. Lat. III. (1865) 1557-

66, etc., etc. ADO. Martyrol. Sept. IV. In: Migne. CXXIII. p. 355.

Alexander, Natalis. In: Zaccaria. Thes. theolog.

1762. IX. 110-31. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 192-204. Arbousse-Bastide, Ant. Fr. Tertullien et Cyprien

compares comme litterateurs. Strasb. 1848. 8°. Augustinus. Sermones in natali Cyp. In his: Op. V.


Baehr. Gesch. rom. Lit. Sup. (1837) IJ- 5°-65-Baixerius. De vi ac primata R. Pont. Baluze. Lettres au P. Tournemine sur une nouvelle

edition de St. Cyprien. In: Memoires de Trevoux.

(1714) 1538-49; (I7i5)p. 484; in: Journal des Savans

(1716) p. 90, p. 231. Baronius. Ann. (1589) 217, 3-7; 250, 1-13; 253, 27-

95; 254. 30-41. sj-ho; 255, 4-46, 49-54; 256, 2-5,

11-34; 257, 9-11; 258, 2-56; 260, 33-60; 261,12-46. Cf. Pagi. Crit. (1689) 250, 2-7; 252, 5-6, 8-12; 253, 13-28; 255, 3-11, 16, 19-20, 23; 256, 8-10, 22; 257, 4; 258, 2-14; 259, 2-17; 260, 5; 261, 8-9.

Barre, L. de la. Hist. Christ, vet. patr. (1583) 48.

Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 250-2.

[v. 1.]

Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 266, etc. BA*EIAH2. 'Eiad.. lor. I. (1884) 161-2. Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 51-4. Benson, E. W. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 739-55. Benton, W. A. In: Am. Church R. XIX. (1868) 615-. Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I- 5'> etc-Bingham. Origines. IV. Blackburn. Hist, of Church. (1879) 46-9. Blampignon, E. A. De Sancto Cypriano et de primaeva

Carthaginiensi ecclesia. Paris, 1862. 8°. Boehringer. Kirchenges. (1873-) I. IV. (= pp. n8-)


Bosius. Opuscul. hist, et aut. eccl. Bouix, D. Le celebre conflit entre St. Etienne et St.

Cyprien. In: Rev. d. Sciences eccl. 1863. VII. 211—

32, 305-20, 417-37, 513-45. Burton. Divinity of Christ (1829) 348-365.

— Trinity. (1881) 107-116. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 30-1. Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 92-104. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 126-8.

— Lives. (1840) I. 374-95-

Ceillier. Hist. g6n. aut. sac. III. (1732) 1-224; II.

(1865) 257-387-Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 282, 309-10, 317, 324-

5. 329. 35°-'-

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 529-31. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 177-187. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 265, 271, 273, 275,

281; II. 419.

Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 285-312. Collombet, F. Z. See Poole. Conybeare. Bampt. Lect. 1839. Cooper. Free ch. of anc. Christendom. (Lond. 1844.

18°.) 297-.

(Corgne.) Dissertation theologique sur la cel&bre dispute entre le pape S. Etienne et S. Cyprien. Paris,

1725. 12°. Tr. latin in: Zaccaria, Thes. theolog. (1763)

XIII. 38I-455-Cotta, J. F. Exercitatio hist-crit. qua conjectura R. J.

Tourneminii.. examini subjicitur. Tubingae, 1740. 40. Crusius, Chr. Minucius Felix emend, item Cyprianus.

In his: Probabilia crit. 1753. (p. 63-71.) Cullen, A. H. C. and the Roman See. In: Am. Cath.

Q. XI. (1886) 123-40. Cunningham. Hist, theol. (1870) 1.163-71. Dallaeus. De ver. usu patr. Darling. Cyclop, bibl. (1854) 844-6. D'Aubigny, J. H. Merle. L'Occident, ou Cyprien et la

pratique. In: Union Chretienne des jeunes gens. Gen.






D'Aubigny, J. H. M. Cyprianus el sacerdotalismens uppkomst i den kristna kyrkan. St/tm.lSyi. 8°. (39p.)

— St. Cyprian and his Times. In: New Eng. XXXI. (1872) 643-.

Davis. Carthage, etc.

De Rossi. Rom. sotter.

Dodwell. Diss. Cypr. Oxon. 1684. 8°; Bremae, 1690. f°; also in: Ed. Fell. Oxon. 1682; Amst. 1700; in: Migne. Patrol, lat. V. 9-80; cf. III.-IV.

Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866; 100-4.

Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 423-525.

Du Verdier. Bibl. Fran?. (1772) III. 277-9.

Ebert. Gesch. Lit. Mittelalt. (1874) I. 54-61.

Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 213, etc.

Eusebius. H. E. VII. 3.

Fabricius. Bibl. Lat. (1722) III. 377-87.

— De verit. rel. Chr. (1725) 217-23.

— Bibl. med. aev. (1734) 1252-7.

— X. 215.

Farrar. Interpretation. (1886) 180-2.

Favre (Fabre?), Tim. S. Cyprien et l'eglise de Carthage.

Angers, 1847. 12°. Fechtrupp, Bernhard. Der heil. Cyprian, sein Leben

u. seine Lehre. I. Cyprian's Leben. Munster, 1878. 8°. Fehrer, F. Error. See Freher. Fischer, J. M. E. S. Cypriani diss. de doctrina Tertul-

liani evangelica. Erford, 1797. 40. Fleury. Hist, eccl. (1691-) II. 152-5, 163-4, 176-81,

196-209, 222-30, 232-5, 237-46, 251-6, 270-3, 276-88,

302-6, 309-14-Freher, F. Num Cyp. sit auct. doct. d. unica chr. rel.

et eccl. salv. Erf. 1792. 40; also, Lumper. XII. 685;

685; also, Franco/. 1812. 40. Freppel, Ch. E. Saint Cyprien et l'Eglise d'Afrique au

me siecle. Cours d'eloquence sacree fait a la Sorbonne

pendant l'annee 1863-64. Paris, 1865. 8°; 1873. 8°. Funccius. De veg. senect. C. X. § 19. Gamba. Test. Ital. 1226. Gary, A. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) III.


[Gervaise, Fr. Arm.] La vie de S. Cyprien avec la critique de ses ecrits. Amst. 1689. 120; Par. 1717. 40.

Gibbon. Decline and Fall. c. 16.

Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 227-8, 179,231-2.

Gregorius, Naz. Oratio in laud. S. Cyp. Mart. In: Op. Ed. Colon, p. 274.

Greisinger, J. S. Cypriani, epist. Carthag. de Romani pontificis primata atque de juribus et muneribus eidem annexis sententia. Wittemberg, 1790. 8°.

Grisar, H. C.'s " Oppositionsconcil gegen Papst Ste-phan." In: Ztschr. f. kath. Theol. V. (1881) 193-


Guillon. Not. hist, sur la vie . . (Cyprian). In:Pref.

to his trans, of Cyprian, 1837. Hackenschmidt, K. Die Anfange d. Katholischen

Kirchenbegriffs. Dogmenhistor. Versuch. I. Abschn.,

die neutestamentl. Lehre v. der Kirche u. die Ges-

chichted. Dogma's bis auf Cyprian enthaltend. Strassb.

1874. 8°.

Hagemann. Die rom. Kirche. p. 50-. Hagen, H. Eine Nachahmung von Cyprian's Gastmahl

durch Hrabanus Maurus. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol.

XXVII. (1884) 164-187. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 61-2, etc.

— Kirchenges. (1885) I. 222-35.

— S. u. Leimbach.

Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 310-7, 334-7, 350^4.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) !• 348-52> 416-7.

Haupt, Mor. Conjectanea. (Contains Cyprianus ad

Donat. c. 4, p. 6, 13 H.) In: Hermes. V. (1871) p.

315; also in his: Opuscula. III. 2 (1876) p. 538. Havet, E. Cyprien ev8que de Carthage. In: Revue

des deux mondes. LXXI. (1885) 27-69, 283-311.

Hefele. Conciliengesh. I. 122-.

Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) 1.104-6,168,

176-7; III. 41-2, 73,81-2. Husenbeth. Cyprian vindicated. Huther, Jo. Ed. Cyprian's Lehre von der Kirche.

Hamb. 1839. 8°.

Ittig. Obs. miscel. In: Clem. Al. Op. Suppl. IV. James, Th. Cypr. redivivus. Lond. 1600. 40. Jamieson. Cypr. isotimus. Edinb. 1705. (Confut. of

J. Sage.)

Jeremie. Hist. Church. (1852) 110-113. Jungmann, B. Dissertationes in Hist. eccl. Ratisbon.

1880. 8°. 263-357. Killen. Ancient Church. (1859) 381-3. Kolbe, A. C.'s Lehre v. d. Einheit d. Kirche u. s. w.

In: Ztschr. f. d. luth. Theol. XXXV. (1874) 25-40. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 126. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 3-74. Lannoius. Discus, de duob. Dionys. c. V. p. 54. Le Clerc, J. La Vie de St. Cyprien, ev. de Carthage,

avec la critique de ses ouvrages. In his: Bibl. univ.

et hist. XII. 207-403. Amst. 1689. I2°-Lecuy. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) 1842-65. IX.

604-6. Leimbach (Hagenbach). In: Herzog. Real.-Enc.

(1877) III. 499-4I5- (Abr-in: L 59I-3-) Le Nourry. Dissert, de libr. Demetr. et de idol, vani-

tate. Migne. Patrol. Lat. IV. (1865) 1059-114. Life and Times of St. Cyprian. In: Kitto. XVII. (1856)


Life of Cyprian. Lond., Rel. Tr. Soc. 1842. 180. Llpsius. Chron. Rom. Bisch. (Liron.) Singul. histor. (1738-9) I. 489-90; III.

248-9. Lit. Zeitung f. Kath. Religionslehrer. (1822) Fasc. VII. p.

79, 102; (1823) IV. p. 33. Long, J. C. Study of St. Cyprian's Life. In: Bapt. Q.

XL (1877) 385-.

Luchini. Attisinceri. (1778)11.248-82. Lumper. Hist. ss.patr.XI. (1795) 58-645; XII. (1797)

1-736; XIII. (1799) 796-912; also in: Migne. Patrol, lat. III. (1865) 1537-40; IV. (1865) 835-52. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) II. 624-6. Maleviixe. Religion natur. et revel. (17—) 528. Tr.

Ital. in: Zaccaria. Race, di dissert. (1794) VIII. 158-

68. Maranus, Prud. Vita S. Cyp. In: Opp. Cyp. Par.


— Praef. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. IV. (1865) 9-194.

— Vita Cyprianae. In: Ed. op. Cypr. p. 37. Marchetti. Essercitazioni Ciprianiche. II battesimo

degli eretici. Roma, 1787. 4°.

Mattes. Die Ketzertaufr. In: Tub. Quartalschr. (1849). Menden. Beitrage z. Gesch. u. z. Lehre d. nordafrikan

Kirche aus d. Briefen d. heil. Cyprian. Gymn. Progr.

Munstereifel. 1878. 40. [Meyer, Liv. de.] Causam Cypriani non favere, sed

obesse causae protestantium ostenditur. Lovanir. 1719.

8°. (52 p.) Cf. Backer. Bibl. Jesuites. (1872) II.


Milman. History of Christianity. II. 246. Missorius, Raym. In duas celeben. epistolas ss. Fir-

miliani et Cypriani adversus decretum s. Stephani papae

I. disputationes criticae. Venetiis, 1733. 4°. M5hler. Patrologie. 422-518. Mombritius Bonin. Sanctuarium. (c. 1479) I. clxxxx-

viii-iiii. Morcelli. Africa sacra; also in: Migne. Patrol. Lat.

III. (1865) 1475-536-Mueller, C. G. Observ. in V loca epist. d. Cypriani.

Ger. 1777. (?) 4».

Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 163, etc. Munter. Primordia eccl. Africanae.





Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 56, 82, 186, 222-3,

224-5. 232~3> 241-3. 253- [v. 1.]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 134-40, 192-3, 222-37, 248, 319-23, 685-6, et pass.

Nevin, J. W. St. Cyprian and early Christianity. In:

Mercersb. IV. (1852) 259-; 513—. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 301-22. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 166, etc. Nodier. Bibl. sacr. (1826) 165-7. Oberdick. D. romerfeindl. Bewegungen, etc. 315-. Oelrichs. Scr. eccl. lat. (1791) 31-43. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 116-23, 146-50, 159-62,

165-78, 185-90, 239-46, 254-8, 268-80, 284-5, 29°~

5, 298-316, 322-8, 343-8; IV. 80-4; (1749-) HI.

150-8, 190-5, 207-10, 215-31, 240-7,309-19, 329-35,

347-63. 367-8. 375-8, 386-409. 416-24, 443-9; IV.

105-11. Ott, Joh. N. Zu Gellius (XIII. 8, 2) u. Pseudo-Cypria-

nus (de Sodoma V. 56 ff.) In: Jahrb. f. class. Philol.

CHI. (1871) p. 859. Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) I. 266-81. Pamelius. Antv. 1568. Passio Cypr. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. III. (1865)

1565-8. Pearson. Annales Cyprianicae. In: Cyprian. Opera.

Ed. Fell. Oxon. 1682; Amst. 1700. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-4) I. 422; II. 814-

81, 920-4. Peters, Joh. Die Lehre d. h. Cyprian v. d. Einheit d.

Kirche. Luxemburg, 1870. 8°. (62 p.)

— Der h. Cyprian von Carthago, in seinem Leben und Wirken dargestellt. Regensb. 1877.

Petreius, Thd. Confessio Tert. et Cyp. Par. 1603. 8°.

Photius. Cod. 184.

Pontius. Vita C. In: Acta ss.; also in Migne. Patrol. Lat.

1537-58; also in various eds., etc.; tr. Engl. Marshall.

Lond. 1719. f°; also Wallis in Ante-Nic. fath. Poole, George Ayuffe. The Life and Times of S. Cyprian. Ox/. 1840. 8°; French tr. by Fr. Z. Collombet.

Lyon-Paris, 1841. 8°. fAIso '842- l8°- ?] Pressense. Early years of Christianity. Chr. life. (1878)

142-61, 172-4, 178-90, 192-5; Martyrs. (1879) 414-

38; Heresy, (n. d.) 456-62. Preu, G. P. Cypriani ac Firmiliani epistolarum adversus

Stephani I. papae decretum de haereticorum baptismo.

Jenae, 1738. f°. [Against Missorius.] PrileszKY, Joh: B. S. Cypriani, acta et scripta omnia

in summam redacts, etc. Tymaviae, 1761. f°. Quesnel. Diss. V ad Leonem. Ramsay, W. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) I.

912-5. Rathmann, H. On Tertullian and Cyprian. 1620. 40.

Vitemb. 1636, 1655, 1664. 40.

— Prise, patr. theosophia.

Recco, Gius. Epist. intorno alia eel. controversia del battesimo degli eretici fr. S. Stefano e S. Cipriano. In: Zaccaria, Race, di dissert. (1794) VII. 195-247.

Receveur. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XII. (1855)


Reinkens, J. H. Die Lehre d. h. C. v. d. Einheit d. Kirche. WUrzburg, 1873. 8°.

Reithmeier, Wolfgang. Geschichte des heiligen Cyprian. Augsb. 1848. 8°. [Not Reithmayr, F. X., as some.]

Rettberg, Fr. W. Thasc. Case. Cyprianus, dargestellt nach seinem Leben und Wirken. Getting. 1831. 8°.

Reuchlin, Joh. J. Dissertationes III. de doctrina Cypriani. Argent. 1751-56. 4C

Reuss. Gesch. N. T. ' " 317-8. [v. 2.]

Ryess, Flor. Der Ml. Cyprian und die "Altkatho-lischen " seiner Zeit. In: Stimmen aus Maria-Laach. (1874) VI. 433-47. 529-44; VII. 262-73.

(1874) II. 35; tr. Eng. (1884)

Ritschl, 0. Cyprian v. Karthago u. die Verfassung die

Kirche. Gdttingen, 1885. 8°.

Robertson. Hist, of Church. (1875-) I. 161-82. Roche. De la controverse entre St. Etienne et St. Cyprien au sujet du baptfime des heretiques. Paris, 1858.

8°. Rooy, A. de. Ad Cyprianum. In his: Spicileg. crit.

(1771) p. 32-34.

Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. II. (1798) 229-58. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. III. (1777) 173-275. Rost, H. Cyprianus Kerkvater en martelaar. Utrecht,

1870. 8°. Roustain, Fr. Court expose de la doctrine ecclesiastique

de S. Cyprien, precede d'une petite biographie de cet

ev£que et de quelques mots sur ses ouvrages. Strasb.

1847. 8°. Routh. Notae. In: Opusc. (1840) 330-359; also in:

Migne. Patrol. Lat. IV. (1865) 1299-312. Rudelbach. Christl. Biogr. I. Ruffet, Louis. Thascius Cyprien, et les persecutions de

son temps. Toulouse, Paris, 1872. 12°. Ruinart. Acta sine. (1689) 193-203. Rule, Gilb. The Cyprianick Bishop. Lond. 1696. 40.

[Answer to Sage.]

[Sage, John.] The principles of the Cyprianic age, with regard to the Episcopal power and jurisdiction. Lond. 1695. 4°- 0 f-~94 P-); Lond. 1717- 8°; Savoy, 1795. 4°; also in: Works. 1846. II.

— Vindication of principles. Lond. 1701. 40. [Reply to Rule.]

Sainjore. Bibl. crit. (1707) II. 213-6.

Salig. De diptychis veterum.

Salmon, G. In: Hermathena. I. (Dubl. 1873.) 85-6,90-

I, 96-7. [The Computus de patcha.] Schaff. Creeds of Christendom. II. (1877) 20-1.

—  Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 842-9.


Scharpff. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) II. 65


Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 60-2. Schmieder, H. E. Ueb. Cyp. Schr. v. d. Einheit d.

Kirche. In: Staudlein u. Tzschirner Archiv. f. Kirch-

engesch. V. 417; also separately. Lips. 1823. 8°. Schmitz. In: Symb. philol. Bonn. p. 540-3. [C. and

Notae tironianae.]

Sch6nemann. Bibl. patr. lat. (1792) 77-134. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VI. 1-268. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772) IV. 235-83, 325-36,

217-9; XI. 427-9; XIV. 381; XXVIII. 102; XXXIII.

338, 346-7. Schwane. Contr. de valore bapt. haeret. Monast.


— Dogmengesch. vornican. Zeit. Miinster, 1862. I.


Sevestre. Diet, patrol. (1851) I. 1159-82. Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d ed. (1865-) II. 47-8, 414. Shepherd, E. J. Hist. Ch. of Rome. (1851) 126-84.

— Letters (1-5) on the genuineness of the writings ascribed to Cyprian. Lond. 1853. 8°.

Shepherd on St. Cyprian. In: Chr. Obs. LIV. (1854)


SuiCER. Sacr. obs. c. iii. p. 65. Supernatural Religion. I. (1875) I24> '47> I^4> Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) IX. 148-52. Suyskenius. Comment, praec. In: Acta ss. Bolland.

(1753) Sept. IV. 191-325. 334-48, 769-78; cf. Mart.

I. 750.

Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 299-301. TherOND, R. Etude critique sur le De unitate ecclesiae

de Cyprien. These. Genive, 1876. 8°. Thibaut. Histoire et oeuvres completes de St. Cyprien,

ev. de Carthage . . . Tours, 1869. 3 v. 8°. (XVI.

1417 a)






Thibaut. Question du baptSme des heretiques, discutee

entre le pape St. Etienne I. et St. Cyprien, ev£que de

Carthage, vers le milieu du III. s. de l'ere chret. 18 . . .


Tillemont. Memoires. IV. (1696) 45-198, 601-45. Tizziani, Vinc. La celebre contesa fra S. Steph. e. S.

Cipriano. Roma, 1862. 8°; Fr. tr. by Ranvier. Par.

1866. 8°. Tizziani on St. Cyprian. In: Dub. R. LXII. (1868)

165. Tohrmenine, R. J. In: Mem. de Trevoux (1734) 2246-


Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 41. Trombellius, J. C. Praef. in exhort, ad poen. in:

Migne. Patrol. Lat. IV. (1865) 859-64. Tulloch, J. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) VI. 746-7. Varien, A. Nevin on St. Cyprian. In: Mercersb. V.

(1853) 555-

Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XII. 62-73. Vita Cypriani. Par. 1566. 8°. Vonck, C. V. Ad Cyprianum. In his: Spic. crit. in

var. auctor. (1744) p. 99, 125; and Lection, lat. libri.

II. (1745) P- 72-77-

Walch. Bibl. Patrist. (1834) 44-7, 287-90, 382, pass. Wallis, E. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. VIII.

(1868) ix-xxxi. XIII. (1873) 219-20. Ed. Coxe. V.

(1886) 261-74, 573. [Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 409-20, 557-

«4> 595-*-] Weiller (Weicker?), C. E. Aphor. iib. Cyp. Schr. v.

d. Einheit d. Kirche. In: Illgen. Histor. theol. Ab-handel. Lips. 1824. 8°. p. in.

Westcott. Canon. (1875) 369-70.

Wirsing, Greg. Dissert, theol., Orthodoxia S. Stephani Rom. pontif. de baptismo haereticorum, 1738, ms. at Fribourg.

Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 312-318, 335-51. For literature see especially all articles or works on

Stephen I., Re-baptism, Baptism of heretics, etc.

Note. Besides the large number of works whose ascription to Cyprian is undoubtedly false, the authenticity of (1) de $pectac?rfis, (2) de disciplina et bono pudicitmey (3) de laude mariyrii, (4) exhortatio ad poenitentiam, is dubious. Nirschl.                      ______


I.    Editions.

Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) II. 123-158.

Migne. (Fragments.) Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. X. (1857)


Note. Only the fragments are authentic. The ascription of various other works to Caius is not maintained.

II.    Translations.


Salmond. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. IX. (1869)11.154-62. Ed. Coxe. V. (1886) 601-4.

III.    Literature. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) ni-2. BARONIUS. Ann. (1589) 215, 1-4. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 195. [v. 1.] Bunsen. In: Hippolytus and his times. Lond. 1852;

1854. 8°.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 19-20. Caspari. Quellen u. s. w. III. 301-, 407-, etc. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 100. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. (1730) II. 208-10, 239-

41; I. (1858) 561-3.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 210, 279, 343-4. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86)374. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) 1.156-7. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 217; II. 418. Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) passim.

DSllinger. Hippolytus and Callistus. (1876)250-3.

Dupin. Bibl. aut eccl. (1698-) I. 291.

Durdent. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) VI.


Ebed Jesu. In: Assemani Bibl. orient. III. 15. Eusebius. Hist. Eccl. II. 25; III. 28. 31; VI. 20. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 267 (2a. VII. 284-6.) Galland. Bibl. patr. Venet. 1765. f°; II. XXVIII-;

also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) J7-24-Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 195. Harnack, Ad. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) III.

63-4. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz.) I. 358. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 163-4, 337~8, 340-1-Heinichen. Notes on Eusebius, Hist. Eccl. II. 25. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 168; III.


Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 59. (Honor. August. I. 60.) Hist. lit. France. (1733) I. I. 356-60. Ittig. Hist. Eccl. (1709) II. 54-5. K6NIG. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) II.


Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 122. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831)11.394-410. Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) II. 506-7. Lightfoot. In: Jour, of Philol. (1868) I. 98. Lumper. Hist. ss. patrum. (1790) VII. 17-43. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) II. 15. Meth. Qu. Rev. (1851) 646. MShler. Patrol. (1840) 617-620. Neander. Ch. Hist. (1872) I. 396, 399, 652, 690; III.


Nicephorus Call. Hist. Eccl. IV. 12, 20. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 200-1. Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) VIII. (1854) 137. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 1-5; (1749-) III. 3-8. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. II. (1843) 789-94. Photius. Bibl. Cod. 48. Pressense. Martyrs. (1879) 366-7. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 35; tr. Eng. (1884)

3I7- [v. a.]

Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 384-6. Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

IX. (1869) ii, 153-4. Ed. Coxe. V. (1886) 597-600.

[Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 604.] Saussaye, L. DE la. In: Rev. du Lyonnais. (1861) B.

XXII. 92-5.

Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 775-6. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 46. Schnitz, L. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) I.


Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 426-8. Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) I. 312-4; II.


Smedt, P. DE. In: Dissert, selectae (1876). Theodoret. Haer. Fab. II. 3; III. 2. Tillemont. Memoires. III. (1695) 174-7. Tiraboschi. Stor. let. Ital. (1806) II. 11. 369. Volkmar. Hippolytus u. d. rom. Zeitgenoss. (1855)


Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) passim. Walch. Bibl. Patrist. (1834) 218. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 374-Wordsworth. Hippolytus. Lond. 1880.

For literature, compare under Hippolytus, and works on Euseb., in Hist. Eccl. II. 25, etc., etc.


I. Editions.

GAGNAEUS. Par. 1545. [VVithTert.]

Also in the various editions of Tertullian by Gelenius, Pamelius, Junius, etc.






Rous, Fr. (De Trin. et de cib. jud.) In: Mell. patrum.

(Land. 1650) 8°. 456-68. Whiston. (De trinitate.) In: Sermons and Essays.

1709. 8°.

Welchman, E. Oxon. 1724. 8°. Jackson, J. Lond. 1728. 8°. Gallandius. Bibl. vet. Patr. III. (1765) 287-. Migne. Patrol. Lat. III. (1865) 911-1000.

II.    Translations.


Wallis, R. E. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIII. (1873) 297-395. Ed. Coxe. V. (1866) 611-50.

III.    Literature.

Alexander, Natalis. Hist. eccl. (1778) III. 385-8.

Alletz. Hist, des papes. I. p. 41.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 204-5.

Ambrosius. De Poen. III. 3.

Baehr. Gesch. R6m. Lit. Sup. (1837) H- 47~5°-

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 254, 59-90, 99, 103-6; 255, 2;

261, 50-1.

Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 268, etc. Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 50. Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 62-3, etc. Bull. Defens. fid. Nicaen. In: Works. V. ( ) 374. Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 365-377.

— Trinity. (1831) 116-123. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 29-30.

Caspar:. Quellen z. Gesch. d. Taufsymbols. III. 428-

3°. 437-9-

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3)1.129-30. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. III. (1732) 290-6; II.

(1865) 426-30.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1657. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 189-92. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 271; II. 420-22. â– Cyprian. Epist. 44, 45, 49, 50, 55, 68. Darling. Cyc. bibl. 2220, 3176. Desodoards, F. Diet, raissonne du gouvernement, des

lois et des usages de l'Eglise. IV. 537. Desportes. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65)

XXXI. 93.

Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 80-3. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 530. Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XVII. 603-4. Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 213, etc. Eusebius. Hist, eccles. IV. 43. Fabricius. Deverit. rel. Chr. (1725) 174, 223-4.

— Bibl. med. aet. (1734-) V. 426-8 (2a. 146). Fleury. Hist. Eccl. (1691-) II. 218-30.

Forsyth, J. Novatianism; or Primitive Puritanism. In:

Theo. & Lit. J. VII. (1855) 446-. F[resse-Montoul], A. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer)

XXXVIII. (1862) 337-8. Gary, A. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) IX.


Hagemann. Die rom. Kirche. p. 371-411. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 182.

— Kirchenges. (1885)1.226-7. Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 339-43.

— In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) X. 652-670. (A-br. in: Schaff-Herz.) II. 1669-72.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 349, 391-2.

Hefele. Novatianisches. Schisma. In: Wetzer u.

W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) VII. 658-63. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 182-3; III.

Hieronymus. De vir ill. 70 (Honor. August. I. 71.)

Jaffe. Reg. pont. Rom. (1851) 8°.

Killen. Ancient Church. (1859)356-7.

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 127.

Langen, Jos. Gesch. d. rom. Kirche. (Bonn, 1881) 289-

3H-Langlet-Dufresnoy. Tablettes chronologiques. II.


Lardner. Credibility. CXLVII. Leclerc. Biblioth. univ. (1689) 274. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XI. (1795) 20-58.

— Hist. ss. patr. XL (1795) 20-58; also in: Migne. Patrol. Lat. III. (1865) 889-912.

MOhler. Patrol. (1840) 894-899. Mosheim. De reb. chr. ante Const. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 164, etc. Neale. Eastern Ch. Alexandria. I. (1847) 48~5 *â–  Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 163-4, 226-7. [v. 1.]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 237-48, 560, 581, 690, pass. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 322-6.

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 166 et passim. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 248-79; (1749) III. 321-


Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) I. 281-4. Overbeck. Z. Gesch. d. Kanons. p. 52-. Pacian. Ep. 3.

Perennes. Diet, de biog. chret. et antichret. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-3) II. 799-813. Philostorgius. Hist, eccles. VIII. 15. Photius. Bibl. Cod. 182, 208, 280. Pluquet. Diet, des heresies. Pressense. Chr. life. (1878) 163-72,174-8. Ramsay, W. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

II. 1210-1. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 35; tr. Eng. (1884)

3'7- [v.2.]

Ritschl. Altkath. Kirche. (1857). Robertson. Hist, of Church. (1875-) I. 167-71. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. (1777)276-307. Schaff. Creeds of Christendom. II. (1877) 21.

— Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 849-53. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 63-4. Scho'nemann. Bibl. patr. lat. (1792) 135-42. Bibl. patr. lat. (1792) I. 135-42.

Bibl. PP. I. 135-143.

Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VI. 269-318.

Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 303-4.

Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) II. 220.

Smedt, Car. de. Dissert, sel. hist, eccles. (1876) 184-9.

Socrates. Hist, eccles. VI. 24.

Sozomen. Hist, eccles. VI. 24.

Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 301-2.

Tillemont. Memoires. III. (1693-) 435-62, 478-81,

737. 740-2, 746, 752. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 44. Walch. Bibl. patr. (1834) 155, 219.

— Ketzerhistorie. II. 185-288.

Wallis, R. E. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIII. (1873) 293-6. Ed. Coxe. V. (1886) 605-9. [Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 644.]

Whiston. Sermons and essays. Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 310-317. Worman, J. H. In: M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-)

VII. 208-11.

See also especially works on Cyprian.


For literature relating to these works see under Cyprian.







I.    Editions.


Vossius, Ger. Gr. lat. Romae, 1594. f°(?) do. Mo-

gicntiae, 1604. 40. Ducaeus. Gr. lat. Paris, 1621. f° (?); 1622. f°; 1626.

f». (?) Gallandius. Gr. lat. Bibl. patr. (1788. f°.) III. 385-

470; XIV. 119-. Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 983-1206.

[Galland's text.]

(Epz'stola canom'ca.)

Gr. lat. In: Bibl. patr. Paris, 1624. f°. VII.

Gr. lat. In: Beveridge. Pandectae canon. Oxon. 1672.

f°. II. 24-35. ROUTH. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) III. 251-283.


Schott, A. Gr. lat. Antv. 1613. 8°.

Gr. lat. In: Catena Gr. Patr. Antv. 1614. 8°.

(Expositio jidei.)

Glaserus, N. Gr. lat. In: Leonis M. ep. ad Flavium.

Hamb. 1614. 8°. 1-5. Cave. Gr. Eng. In: Lives of primitive fathers. 1682. f°.

267; also in Ger. tr. Fabricius. Gr. lat. In: Bibl. gr. Ed. Harless.

— Gr. lat. In: S. Hippolyti Op. Hamb. 1718. f°; II. 224.

Canisius. Gr. lat. In his: Lectiones antiq. ed. Basnage.

Amst. 1725 [?]. f°. I. 20-6. Roessler. Gr. ger. Bibl. d. K.-V. 1777. 8°. II. 288-.

[And frequently.]


Wegelinus. (De trin.) In: Cyrilli Alex, liber de Trin. 1604; 1008. 8°.

— Gr. lat. 1622. f°. [With homilies of Macarius and Basil of Seleverae.]

(De anima.) In: Adparatus ad Bibl. patr. 1715. f°; II.

734* Bengel, J. A. (Panegyric.) Gr. lat. Stutgard, 1722.

8°. Canisius. (Athanematismi.) Lectiones antiq. Amst.

1725. f°. I. 26-34.

—  (Anathematismi.) Gr. lat. In: Gretser. Opera. Ratisb. 1734. f°. XV. 434-9.

Mingarellius. (Oratio.) Bonon. 1770. f°.

—  (Fragments.) In: Vet. patr. Analecta nova. Venet. 1781. f°. no. 2.

JVbte. For account of the two Syriac treatises see Nirschl. Patrologie. I. (iSSi) 340.

II.    Translations.


(Epist. canon.) Oecolampadius. (Epist. canon.) In: Micropresby-

ticum. Basil, 127-9. In: Monumenta patr. orthodoxographa. Basil. 1569. f°.

II. 22-.

In: Bibl. patr. Paris, 1575. In: Canones poenitent. Venet. 1584. 40; Paris, 1641. f°.


Oecolampadius. Lips. 1520. 40.

— In: Olympiodorus. Scholia in Ecclesiasten. Basil. 1536. 8°. 225-34.

In: Micropresbyticum. Basil. 1550. f°. 119-26.

In: Monumenta patr. orthodoxographa. Basil. 1569. f°.

II.   944-52-


Oecolampadius. (Canons.) Basil. 1518. 40.

(De anima.) In: Claudianus. Liber de statu animae.

Cigneae. 1655. 8°. 460.

(De anima.) In: Bibl. patr. Paris, 1575. f°. VIII. 45. (Epistles.) In: Canones poenitentiales. Venet. 1584.

40; Paris, 1641. f°.

(De anima.) In: Bibl. patr. Paris, 1589. f°. III. (Anathematismi.) In: Possevinus. Adparatus sacrus.

Venet. 1606. f°. Combefis. (4 Homilies.) In: Bibl. concionatoria.

Paris, 1662. f°.


In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XX. (1871) 5-156. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 7-74.


Margraf, J. Kempten, 1875. l6°. [The Reithmayer-Thalhofer Bibl.]

III.    Literature.

Alexander, Natalis. Hist. eccl. VI. 79.

Allatius, L. Diatriba de Theodoris. In: Mai. Bibl.

nov. VI. Roma, 1853. p. 95-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 1205-32. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 152-6. Aube, B. In: Nouv. biog. gen. (Hoefer) XXI. (1857)

834-7-Baronius. Ann. (1589) 233, 7-20; 245, 3; 253, 129-

38; 256, 6-10; 263, 24-9; 266, 13-24. Cf. Pagi. Crit.

(1689) 5.

Basileis. De spiritu sanctu. ch. 29. Basnage. Thes. monum (1725)1.24-25. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 217-8. y- «■]

(5 U-)

Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 280-1. (711.) Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 48-50. Boye, Joh. Lud. Dissert, hist, de S. Gregorio Thauma-

turgo. Jenae, 1703. 40. Bull. Works. V. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I- 27-9. Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 104-10. Caspari. Gesch. d. Taufsymbols. (Christiania, 1879.)

1-160. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 132.

— Lives (1840) I. 396-416.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. III. (1732)307-25; II.


Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-84) 920-1. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) 1.173-5. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50)1.247,287,291; II.


Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 377-381. Cotta. § 398-404.

Darling. Cyclop, bibl. (1854) 1319-20. Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) I72~3[4] 80-2. Draseke, J. Zu Victor Ryssel's Schrift: Gregorius

Thaumaturgus. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1881)


— Zu: V. Ryssel's G. T. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. IX. (1883) 634-40.

— In: Jahrb. f. prot. Theol. X. (1884)657-704. [The 4 homilies and the XPISTOS HASXtlN.]

— See under Ep. to Diognetus.

Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 539.

Dux. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) IV.

746-9. Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XI. 181.





Eusebius. Eccl. tlst. VI. 30; VII. 14-

Fabkicius. (17 ) V. 247-54; VIII. 163. (2a.

VII.  249-60; IX. 125; X. 233.)

[Falcone, Ippol.] Compendio della vita del. glor. s.

Gregorio Thaumaturgo con la divozione . . . Palermo,

1694. 12°; 1700. 240. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) II. 109-10, 126-8, 131-8,

164-5, 250-1, 353-6. Galland. Vet. pstr. bibl. III. (1767) XXV-; also in:

Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 963-72. Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 221-2. Goldwitzer. Patrologie. I. 225-. (Grasso, Gio. Paolo. ] II taumaturgo del Ponto o sia

delle azioni di s. Gregorio di Neocesarea di Ponto.

Napoli, 1645. 40. Gregory, Nyss. Oratio de vita G. Thaum. In: Opera.

{Paris, 1638. III. f°.) III. 479, 536, and often. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 261. Hahn. Bibl. d. Symb. 2 Aufl. 183-. Harnack. Dogmenges. 1.(1886)646-8. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 364-5. Herzog. Abr. d. Kirchenges. I. 122. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 65. (Honor. August. I. 66.) Hook. Eccl. Biog. V. 390. Huetius. Origeniana. I. c. 2, § 19. Jeremie. Hist. Church. (1852) 101-2. Killen. Ancient Church. (1859) 383-4. KtiLB, P. H. In: Ersch. u. Gruber. I. LXXXIX. (1869)


Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885) I- I21-Lambecius. Bibl. Vindob. (1669) II. 270-4. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 608-43. Lecuy. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) XVII.


LeLong. Bib. sac. II. 753. LlRON. Amenit. de la critiq. (17.. ) Tr. Ital. by Stan.

Mar. Geraci in: Zaccaria, Race, di dissert. (1794)

VIII.  102-22.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 251-342. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) III. 995-6. Mai. Scr. vet. coll. (1833) VII. 170.

— Spicil. Rom. (1840) III. 696.

Mingarellus. Ep. praev. ed. Sermo in omn. sanct.

Bon. 1770. 4°; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857)


MShler. Patrologie. (1841) 645-. MOller, W. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) V. 404-5.

(Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. II. 906.) Morinus. Tract, de administ. sacramenti poenitentiae.

VI. (Bruxell. 1658) 355. Mosheim. Ch. Hist. I. 170. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 451-2. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 287, 701, 706,716-20. Newman. Essays on miracles. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 336-42. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 145, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 164-5. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746) III. 79-83, 107-n, 203-5, 427-

9. (1749) HI- 102-6,137-42, 263-6, 552-5. Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) I. 289-96. Pallavicini, Niccolo Maria. Vita Gregorii Thauma-

turgi. Rom. 1644. 8°; Roma, 1649. 120. (264 p.)

Bologna, 1649. 12°. (216 p.)

Patrignani, Gius. Ant. Vita di s. Gregorio Taumaturgo, colle divozione .... Firente, 1730. 40. Paumier, A. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) V.


Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-3) I. 421; II. 576-94. Pitra. Jur. eccl. Graec. mon. (1864) I. 562. Possevin. Appar. sac. (1608) I. 672-6. PssssensI Martyrs. (1879) 354-6.

— Heresy. (JV.Y.) 358-9.

Reynolds, H. R. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 730-7.

Ritter. Chr. philos. (1841) II. 14.

Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. II. (1776) 288-295; IV-

(1777) 262-5. Romano, R. Delia vita, virtu, e miracoli delglor. s. Greg-

oris Taumaturgo. Napoli, 1728. 120. Ryssel, Victor. Gregorius Thaumaturgus. Sein Leben

u.s. Schriften. Leipzig, 1880. (160 pp.)

— Zu Gregorius Thaumaturgus. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1881)565-573.

Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XX (1871) 1-4. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 1-6. [Add.

notes. Ed. Coxe. 8, 20, 30, 47, 49, 53,57, 71, 73.] Schaff. Creeds of Christendom. II. (1877) 24-5.

— Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 796-800. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 53. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VI. 319-372. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1722-) IV, 351-68; IX.

388-9; XIII. 123-4. Schultze, V. In: Stud. u. Krit. LIV. (1881) 197-200.

[Rev. of Ryssel.]

Sevestre. Diet, de Patrol. II. 1149-. Smith, P. In: Smith Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) II.

314-5-Stolberg, L. v. Gesch. d. Rel. Jesu Christi. VIII.


Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) XI. 390. Tillemont. Memoires. (1696) IV. 315-41, 668-70. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 39. Veterum Testimonia. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857)


VillemAin. In: Le Correspondant (1858) B, VII. 6


Vicentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XXII. 80-82. Walch, J. S. In his: Historia ecclesiae N. T. p. 977-. — Bibl. patr. (1834) 42. Weickhmann, J. S. Schola Origeniana sacra ex Gregorio

Thaumaturgo informata. Wittebergae, 1744. 40. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 381. Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 274, 283-4. Zosimus. Hist. I. (Oxon., 1679) 28-.


I. Editions.

Gallandus. Gr. lat. 1788. ft III. XIII. Magistris, Sim. de. Gr. lat. Romae, 1796. f°. Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 1237-1346, 1577-1602.

Bertrandus, B. (De situ orbis.) Gr. lat. Basil. 1556.


Turrianus, Fr. (2 epp.) Gr. lat. Romae, 1608. 8°;

Repr. in: Bibl. patr. Paris. XI. Ducaeus, Front. (Ep. ad Paulum S.) Gr. lat. Paris,

1624. f°. In his: Auct. Bibl. patr. Labbeus. (Basilid., Paul. S.) Gr. lat. 1671. ft In:

Acta concil. I. 831-. Beveridge. ^Ep. ad Basilidem.) Gr. lat. In his

Pandects. Oxon., 1672. ft VII. 1-7. Constant. Par. 1721. f°. In: Epist. rom. pont. Mansi. (Ep. ad Paulum S.) 1759. ft In: ConciL

coll. I. 1039-.

Mai. (Fragm.) Class, auct. (1838) X. 484. Migne. (4 epp.) Gr. lat. In: Patrol. Lat. V. (1844)

89-100. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) III. 219-250. [Epist.

canon.l IV. 393~437- [Excerpta ex 'Denature.'] 439-

454' I Excerpta ex * Nicetae in Jobum catena.'] Pitra. Spicil. Solesm. (1852) I. XIV-VI. — Jur. eccl. Gr. mon. (1864) I. 541.

Note. For editions of the epistles, see also the various.

editions of Eusebius.






II.     Translations.


Peltanus, Theod. (Epp., etc.) Ingoht. 1580. 8°. Hittoysihs. (Ep. adFel.) 1610. f°; also in: Auct.

bibl. patr. II. 444-; also in: Bibl. patr. lat. Par.

1654. XI. Colon. 1618. III. Turrianus, Fr. (2 epp.) 1677. f°. In: Bibl. patr.

max. III. 339-.

English. Salmond, S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XX. (1871)

161-266. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 81-120. Wallis, R. E. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXXI. (1873) 399-

400. [See: Salmond.]

German. R8SLER, C. F. (Br. an d. Basilides.) In: Biblioth. d. K.

Vater. IV. 258-.

III.    Literature.

Alexander, Natalis. Hist. Eccl. saec. III. Diss. XIX. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 157. Athanasius. De sent. Dionysii; De synod, etc. Baronius. Ann. (1589) 248, 5; 253, 99-109; 260, 9-

30; 263, 2-5, 13-7, 30-52; 264, 2; 265, 6-8; 266,

10-2. Cf. Pagi. Crit. (1689) 248, 3-4; 260, 4; 264,

2; 265, 3; 266, 4. Basil, S. De spiritu sancto. XXXIX. In: Opp. om.

{Paris, 1721. III. ,f°.) Basnage. Hist, de l'Eglise. 1.11. v. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832)217.^.1.] Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 484-7, etc. BA*BIAOS. 'Ek.k.1. iar. I. (1884) 159. Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 54. Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829)377-419.

— Trinity. (1831) 123-6.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 33-5.

Byeus. De ss. Dionysio episc. Alexandrino, Fausto Mart., Caio, Petro, Paulo, et IV. aliis Alexandriae et forte alibi in Aegypto, Comment histor. In: Acta ss. Bolland. (1768) Oct. II. 8-130 (2a. 26-102.)

Cave. Hist. lit. script, eccl. (1740-3) I. 124-6.

— Lives. (1840) I. 417-37.

Cellier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. III. (1732) 241-79; II.

(1865) 396-419-

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 86-7, 282, 345-50. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86J 562-3. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) 1.176-7. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 247,267,293; II.


v. Coelln. In: Ersch u. Gruber. I. xxv. (1834) 353-6. Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 382. Darling. Cyclop, bibl. (1854) 920. Dittrich. Dionysius d. Gr. von Alexandrien. Freiburg

1. Breisgau, 1867. 8°. [Diss.]

Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 177-81, 483-4. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 549-64. Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 100, etc. Eusebius. Hist. Eccl. Lib. III. 28; VI. 41,45,46; VII.

2,  4, 7, 9, n, 22, 24,26, 27, 28. Praep. ev. VII. 19; XIV. 23-.

Fabricius. (1712) V. 263-8. (2a. VII. 278-84;

X. 382.)

Farrar. Interpretation. (1886) 206-7. [« H-] Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) II. 162-3, 296-302, 342-


FOrster, Th. Dion. d. Gr. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1871).

— De Doctrina et Sententiis Dionysii Magni Episcopi Alex. Berol, 1865. 8°. (47 p.)

Fritz. In: "Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) III. 159-63-

Galland. Bibl. vet. patr. III. XXX-; XIV. apx; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 1233-6, 1575-6.

Gelzer, H. Sextus Julius Africanus u. die Byzantinische Chronographie. II. 1. Die Nachfolger d. Jul. Af. Leipzig, 1885. 8°.

Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 200-1, 209, 220-1, 294.

Guericke, F. Comment, hist, et theol. de Schola s. Halae, 1824-25. II. 8.

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 261-2.

Harnach. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 634-9.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 371-2.

Hefele. Conciliengeschichte. I. 222-.

Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 166-7; III. 39, 72.

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 69. (Honor. August. II. 70.)

Hilscher and Strauss. Schola Alex. (1776) 28.

Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N.T. (1866) 471, etc.

Jortin, J. The character of Dionys. of A. In his: Remarks on Eccl. Hist. {London, 1752. 8°.) II. 292-

295-Joubert, M. L. Traicte et reponse sur la question pro-

posee par d'Angernon et Martel. Paris, 1581. 8°. (?) KURTZ. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 121, 141. Lardner. Credibility. II. IV. ch. xliii. p. 558-736;

Works. (1831) II. 643-722; alsointr.Ger. II. 11. J20-. Launoius. Discussione de duobus Dionysius. In:

Opera. Col. Allol. 1731.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) III. 669.

Luchini. Atti. sinceri. (1778) II. 398-436.

LiiCKE. Einl. i. d. Offenbar. Joh.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799J 52-193.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) II. 810-1.

Magistris, S. DE. De vita et scr. Dion. A. In ed: 1796. f°.

Martinov. Ann. eccl. gr. slav. (1864)240-1.

Mohler. Patrol. (1840).

Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 293-4, 448-50.

Mynster, Jo. Petr. Dissert, de Dionysii Alexandrini circa Apocalypsin sententia, hujusque vi. Havniae, 1826. 8°. [Quoted often as Monster or Munster.]

Murdock. In: Mosheim's Ch. hist. 1.(1832)208-10.

Neale. Eastern ch. Alexandria. I. (1847) 39. etc-

Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 168-9, 25J- [v. 1.]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 243, 320-1, 606-8, 652-3, 712-3, passim.

Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 330-36.

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 145, etc.

Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XIII. (1855) 675-7.

Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 123-4, 190-2, 264-6, 295-

7, 318-20, 328-35, 401-10, 418-21; (1749-) HI. 158-

60,247-9,341-4.382-4,412-4.424-32. S1^1. 541-4-Ostermeyer, Joach. Heinr. Dissertationes histor. II.

de Dionysio, Alex. Rostochii, 1735-36. (1730?) 40. Termaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-3) I. 421; II. 71,


Photius. Bibl. Cod. 232. Pressense. Chr. life. (1878) 195-6.

— Martyrs. (1879) 342-51.

— Heresy. (N. Y.) 360-8. PRILESZKY, J. B. [Ref. by Chevalier. —?]

Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 34. "Tr. Eng. (1884)

312, 316, 513. [v. 2.] RlTTER. Chr. philos. (1841) II. 16. Robertson. Hist, of Church. (1875-) I. 158-61. Roch, G. Die Schrift. d. Dionysius d. Grossen Ueb. die

Natur. e altchristl. Widerlegg. d. Atomistik Demokrits

u. Epikurs. Diss. Leipzig u. Dresd. 1882. 8°. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. 111.(1807)171-7. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. (1777) 258-62. Ruinart. Acta sine. (1689) 102, 164-79. Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XX. (1871) 157-61. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 75-9.

[Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. no, 120.]






Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 800-3.

Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 54-5.

Schmitz, L. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

I. 1037.

Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VI. 373-414. SchroeCKH. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 170-90, 336-7;

XIII. 34-5-

Shepherd. Hist. Ch. of Rome. (1851) 189-97. Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) IV. 127-31.. Sevestre. Diet, patrol. (1852)11.96-116. Supernatural Religion. I. (1875) 447; II. (1875; 389-,


Tillemont.    Memoires. (1694) IV. 242-88, 657-63.

Trithemius.    Scr. eccl. 43.

Villenave.    In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) 1842-65. X.


Vincentius Bel vac. Spec. hist. XII. 37-40, 56, 84. Walch, Ch. Fr. Gu. Progr. de epistolis Patriarch.

Alexandr. paschalibus. Gotting. 1776. 40. Walch, J. G. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 41, 163. Weizsacker, C. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) III.

615-6. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. I. 642-3.) Westcott, B. F. Canon. (1875) 361-3. — In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 850-2. Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 304-5, 343-45, 397.


I.    Editions.


GALLAND. Bibl. vet. patr. II. (1766) 339-. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) II. 219-509. Migne. Gr. lat. In: X. (1857) 51-108; XI.

(1857) 41-8.

(Cesti.) Thevanot. In: Veteres mathematici. Par. 1693. f°;

Flor. 1746. [Military precepts.] Bussus, Cassianus (Needham?). Geoponica. Camb.

I704. [Agricultural precepts.]

Psellus, Michael. In: Lambecius Cann. de Bibl. Caes.

Vind. VII. 223. [Medical precepts.] NiCLAS. Lips. 1781. In: Geoponicorum, etc.


Wetstein. (Ep. ad Or.) Basle, 1674. 40. Fabricius. (Frgm. on Luke.) Bibl. gr. VIII. 676. Mai. (Frgm. on Matt.) In: Scr. vet. IX. 724. Spitta, Fr. (Ep. ad Arist.) Halle, 1877.

Note. The correspondence between Origen and A. first printed in Latin translation by Leo Castrtus. Salamanca, iS>[0. The letter of A. is found also in the Benedictine editions of Origen.

II.    Translations.


Salmond, S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. IX. (1869) 164-202. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 123-39.


Guischardt. (Cesti.) In: Mem. militaires des Grecs et des Romains. 1758. 40.

III.    Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 156-7. Augustine. Retract. II. c. 7. § 2. Baronius. Ann. (1589) 222, 1-2. Basnage. Annal. II. 46. BA$EIAH2. 'EwA iot. I. (1884) 155. Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 43. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) !• 27.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 110-2.

Cedrenus. Hist, compend. p. 207.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) 535-43; II.

(1865) 91-6.

Charteris. Canonicity (1880) 137-8. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1311. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) t. 159-60.

In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) 1842-65. I.





Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 233, 235; II. 418. Cyclop, bibl. (1854) 1696. De La Rue. In Migne. Patrol, gr. XI. (1857) 37-42. Dionysius Barsalibi. In: Assemanni B. O. III. p. 158. Dupin. Bibl. des antiq. eccl. (1698-) I. 307. Ebedjesu. Cat. scr. eccl. 6. In: Assemanni. Bibl.

orient. III. 1, 14. Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) I. 273. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. (ed. Zimmerm.) VI. 31. Chronic.

an 2237. Fabricius. Bibl. Gr. (1707) II. 595-9; V. 268-71; IX.

386; IV. 240-6 (= Migne. X. 35-46), 881;

VII. 288; IX. 691.

— Bibl. med.raet. IV. 593.

Farrar. Interpretation. (1886) 207-8.

Fessler. Inst. Patrol. I. 325-6.

F[isquet?], H. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) I.

(1852) 354-6.

Fleury. Hist. eccl. (16,91-) II. 122-6. Galland. Bibl. vet. patr. Venet. 1765. f0.; II. xxxm.;

also in: Migne. X. (1857) 45-50. Gelzer, Hein. Sextus Julius Africanus u. die byzan-

tinische Chronographie. I. Die Chronographie d.

Julius Africanus. Leipzig, 1880. 8°.

— Zu Africanus. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1881) 376-378.

Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 223-4. Gutschmid, A. Ueber d. Verhaltniss d. Hippolytischen

liber generationis z. Chronographie d. Julius Africanus.

In: Rhein. Mus. N. F. (1856) 441-444. H., F. In: Nouv. biog. gen. (Hoefer) (1853) I. 354-6. Harnack, Ad. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) VII.

296-8. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. II. 1214.) Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 342. HerGenroether. In: Wetzer u. W.Kirch-Lex. (1847-

54) Supp. I. 624-5.

— Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 15; III. 8. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 63. (Honor. August. I. 64.)

— Ep. ad Mayn. 84.

Klein, J. Zu den Keomi des Julius Africanus. In:

Rhein. Mus. XXV. (1870) 447-448. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 122-3. La Malle, Dureau DE. Porliocetique des anciens.

Paris, 1819. 8°.

Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 457-68. Lelong. Bib. sac. (1723) II. 809. Le Quien. Sacra parallel. In: Opera om. II. 463. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. (1790) VII. 76-98. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) IV. 1092-3. Mill. On the mythical interpretation of the Gospels.

p. 201.

MShler. Patrologie. I. 577-80. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 709. Nicephorus Call. Hist. eccl. V. 21. Nicolai. Gr. Lit. Gesch. II. 581-Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 327-30. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 99-102; (1749-) III.


Pauly. Real-Enc. IV. 501-. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. II. (1843) 276,463-8. Photius. Bibl. cod. 34. Pressense. Heresy. (N. V.) 368-70.

Reland. Palaestina. pp. 427, 758. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. III. (1807) 157-64.






RuiXARTUS, Theo. D. Act. prim. mart. {Paris, 1689. 40.) 18.

Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 53-7.

Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. IX (1869) 163-4. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 123-4. [Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. I27-S, 139-40.]

Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 803-5.

Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 145-54.

Schurer, E. Julius Africanus als Quelle der Pseudo-Justin ' schen Cohortatio ad Graecos. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchengesch. II. (1880) 319-331.

Smith, W. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) I.


Socrates. Hist. Eccles. II. 35; III. Sozomen. Hist. Eccl. V. 21. Spitta, F. Der Brief d. Julius Africanus an Aristides

kritisch untersucht u. hergestellt. Halle, 1877. 8°. Suidas. S. v. afptnavbg. Syncellus, Georg. Chronographia. (Par. 1652. f°.)

I7> IQ» 21, 57,307,322.

Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 66, 296-7. Thevenot, Melchior. De Julio Africano quaedam

observanda. 1693.

Tillemont. Memoires. III. (1695) 254-8, 682-5. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 38.

Note. — Africanus is found variously in alphabetical lists tinder Africanus, or Julius, or Sextus.


I. Editions.

(Mathm. fragm.) Paris, 1543. In: Oso?Myovfieva 6

Fabricius. (Mathm. fragm.) In: Bibl. gr. ed. Harles.

l793- 4°- HI. 462-. [Older ed. 11.275-.] Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 209-22, 231-6.

Note. The Greek fragments of the Canon Pasch. found in Eusebius Hist. eccl. in its various eds.

II.     Translations.


Bucherius. Doctr. temporum. Antv. 1634. (3?) 40.

439; 1664. f°.

Gallandius. Bibl. patr. III. (1767) 545-. Schram. In: Anal. ss. patr. VI. (1784). Krusch. In: Studien z. Chron. (1880) 316-327.

Note. Ideler (II. 230) on the basis of Van der Hagen's investigations has declared this supposed translation of A. by Rufinus a work of not earlier than the middle of the seventh century, and has been generally followed; but Zahn (Suppl. Clement. III. (1884) 196) maintains that it is not later than 370 A.D.


Salmond, S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874) 411-31. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1686) 146-53.

III.    Literature.

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 263, 8-n; 283, 10-3. Cf.

Pagi. Crit. (1689) 271,9-11. Baur. In: Ersch u. Gruber. I. III. (1819) 478. Brucker. Hist. crit. phil. (1766)111.459-62. Bucherius, Aeg. Comment. In: Migne. Patrol, gr.

.X. (1857) 221-32. Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 38-9. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 136; (1688) p.

99. Ceillier. Hist. gen. d. aut. sac. III. (1732) 301-4; II.

(1865) 432-5

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) in. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1)1.195-6.

Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50)1.319; II. 424.

De Laulnaye. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) 1842-65. I.


Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 572. Eusebius. Hist. Eccles. VII. 32, etc. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1707-11-2) II. 274-5; IV. 19-

20; V. 277. (2a. V. 649; VII. 299-300; VIII. 461.) — Bibl. med. aet. (1734) I. 235. (2a. 90.) Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691) II. 368-70. Fontanini. Hist. lit. aquileiae. V. 15. GallAND. Vet. patr.bibl. III. xxxvii-; also in: Migne. X. (1857) 207-10. Hagen, Van der. De cyclis paschalibus. 142-. Hefele. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) I.


Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 73. (Honor. August. I. 74.) Ideler. Handb. d. Chron. II. (1826) 226-231. Krusch, Bruno. Studien z. christlichmittelalterlichen

Chron. Lpz. 1880. p. 311-.

Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 140-5. Letronne. In: Jour, des savants.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) I. 292.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 228-35.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) I. 220-.

Neale. Eastern Ch., Antioch. (1873) 55.

Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 343-4.

Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) II. (1852) 483.

Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 432-3; (1749-) III. 558—


Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. II. (1843) 624-5. Salmond. S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XIV. (1874)410-11. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 141-5. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VI. 421-429. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 441-2. Smith, P. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) 1.162. Sollerius. De s. Anatolio episc. ejusque decessore s.

Eusebio Laodiceae in Syria, comment, histor. in: Acta

ss. Bolland (1719) Jul. I. 642-4. (3a. 564-6.) Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) VII. 75-6. Tillemont. Memoires. III. (1696) 304-8. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 48.

Venables, E. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. in. Zahn. Liber A. de ratione paschali. In: Forsch. z. Ges.

d. N. T. Kanons. III. (1884) 177-96.

IV. (b.)


I.    Editions.

Gallandius. Bibl. patr. II. (1776) 201-. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) II. 159-179. Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 203-6. And all editions of Eusebius.

II.    Translations.


Salmond. S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. IX. (1869) 273-4. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 154.

III.    Literature.

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 213, 12; 253, 124-5.

Bingham. Origenes. II. § 4.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828) 26-7.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I, 100-1.

Ceiller. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) 570-3; II.

(1865) 122-4.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 72. Christie, A. J. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

I. 115-






Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 157.

Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 221, 269; II. 418.

Comment, histor. In: Acta ss. Bolland. (1668) Mart. II.

614-7. (3a- 613-6.) Dupin. 3. s. VI. ch. XIX. Eusebius. Hist. Eccl. VI. 14, 11, 20, etc. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 268. (2°. VII. 287.) Galland. Veter. patr. bibl. II. xxvii-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 201-4.

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 62. (Honor. August. I. 63.) Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 414-20. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. (1790) VII. 9-17. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) I. 146. Neale. Eastern Ch., Antioch. (1873) 36-7, 41. Neander. Church Hist. 1872. I. 691, 694, 703, 704. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 342-3. Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) I. (1852) 905. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 445-7; III. 42-4; (1749-)

II. 643-6; III. 55-7.

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1843) II. 471-3,685. Ruinart. Acta sine. (1689) 114-9. Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

IX. (1869) 275. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 153-4. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 207-8. Socrates. Hist. eccl. VII. 36. Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) III. 199. Tabaraud. In: Biog.Univ. (Michaud) 1842-65.1. 414. Tillemont. Memoires. III. (1695) 415-20. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 37. Valesius. Not. ad Euseb. Hist. eccl. Venables, E. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 85-6. VlNCENTlus Belvac. Spec. hist. XII. 19.


I.   Editions.

â– Galland. Bibl. patr. III. (1767) 662-3. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) III. 405-422. Migne. Gr. lat. in: X. (1857) 239-42. And in editions of Athanasius and Photius.

II.    Translations.

Latin. Schram. In: Anal. ss. patr. VI.


Salmond, S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874) 397-8. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 155-6.

III.    Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 158.

Athanasius. De decretis synodi Nicaenae.

Bull, Georg. Defens. fidei Nicaenae, etc. {Oxon.

1685. 4°-) I35--

Burton. Trinity. (1831) 133-5. Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I- 35-Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 146. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. III. (1732) 329-32; II.

(1865) 450-2.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 2182. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 196-7. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 327, 329; II. 432. Dodwell. Dissert, in Ireneum. {Oxon. 1689) 488-. Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 173-5. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 564. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1714) VI. 276; IX. 408. (2a.

VII. 298-9; X. 709-10.)

Galland. Bibl. vet. patr. III. xlix.-; also in: Migne. X. (1857) 235-8. Gregory, Nyss. Contra Eunomium. In: Op. omn.

{Paris, 1638. III. f°.) II. Guericke. De Schola Alex. {Halle, 1824) I. 78; II.


Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 261. Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 641-3. Hefele. Conciliengesch. Tr. Engl. (1872) 236-7. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) 1.166; III.


Hilscher and Strauss. Schola Alex. (1776) 30. Huetius. Origeniana. II. II. ii. No. 25, 27. Ed. Migne.

Patr. gr. XVII. 785-6. JScher. Gelehrt. Lex. (1750-1). Kerker. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54)

Supp. 1189-91.

Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 148-52. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 409-25. Mason, C. P. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

III. 1078.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) X. 324. MOller, W. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) XV. 414.

[In: Schaff-Herz. 9 11. only.] Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 451. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 713. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 354-5. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746) III. 502; (1749) III. 646-7. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. II. (1843) 637-9. Philippus Sidetes. Hist, fragm. in H. Dodwelli Dis-

sertt. in Irenaeum. {Oxon. 1689. 8°.) p. 488. Photius. Biblioth. Cod. 106. Pressense. Heresy. {N. Y.) 359-60. — Martyrs. (1879) 35 '• Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. II. (1776) 333-6. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. III. (1807) 177-8. Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XIV. (1874) 396-7. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 155. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 806. [9 11.]

Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VI. 518-521. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 425-6. TlLLEMONT. Memoires. III. (1695) 585-6.


I.    Editions.

Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) III. 423-435. Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 243-6.

II.    Translations.


Salmond, S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874) 400-1. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 157.

III. Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 157-8.

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 285, 16.

BA*EIAH2. 'E/oc/l. la-. I. (1884) 159.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 145-6.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. III. (1732) 348-50; II.

(1865) 462-3.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1796. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 197-8. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 323; II. 432. Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 171-2. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 577. Epiphanius. Haeres. LXIX. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. VII. 32. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 277; IX. 412-3. (2a.

VII. 301; X. 713.)






Guericke. De schola Alex. I. 74-; II. 28, 325. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 261. Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 640-1. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 166; III.


Hilscher and Strauss. Schola Alex. (1776) 29. Hieronymus. De scr. eccl. 76. In: Routh. Rel. sacr.

II.; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 241-4. JOcher. Gehlert. Lex. (1750-51). Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 155-9. Lelong. Bib. sac. II. 906. Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) X. 612-3. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) VIII. 190., W. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) XI- 671-2. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 713. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 354. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 207 (611.) Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 501-2; (1749-) III. 644-;. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. II. (1843) 635-6. Photius. Biblioth. Cod. 118, H9-Pressense. Martyrs. (1879) 351-2. — Heresy. (JV.Y.) 357-8. Rosenmuller. Hist, interpr. III. (1807) 177-8. Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XIV. (1874) 399. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 156. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. (1886) 806. [5 11.] Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 424. Supernatural Religion. II. (1875) 190. Tillemont. Memoires. IV. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 51. Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) VIII. 451.


I.    Editions.

Dacherius. In: Spicil. vet aliq. script. XII. {Paris,

1675.) 40; ed. De la Barre. III. {Par. 1723.) 297-9. Gaixandius. Bibl. patr. IV. (1768) 69-. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) 437-449. Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 1569-74. [From Dacherius.]

II.    Translations.


Salmond, S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874) 432-9. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 158-61.

III.   Literature.

Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 433-4.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 39.

Cave. Hist. litt. de Script, eccl. (1740-3) I. 172.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1865) 463.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 2182.

Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1)1.197.

Cuperus. Comment, histor. In: Acta ss. Bolland.

(1739) Aug. IV. 579-84. Dupin. Nouv. bib. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 727. Eusebius. Hist. Eccl. VII. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (20. VII. 306.) — Bibl. med. aet. (1746) VI. 655-6. (2». 233.) Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. IV. viii-; also in: Migne. X. (1857) 1567-70. Hefele. Conciliengesch. 2. Aufl. I. 317; Eng. tr. I.

(1872) 295.

Lardner. Credibility. Works (1831) III. 153-4. Leclerc. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) XLI.


Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 604-16. Neale. Eastern Ch., Alexandria. I. (1847) 86-9.

Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 143. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 353. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. II. (1843) 639-41. Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XIV. (1874)431. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 158. Schmidt, H. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877) XV. 533-

4. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. III. 2346.) Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VII. 56-64. Tillemont. Memoires. IV. (1696) 578-83, 771-2.


I.    Editions.

Maffei, Scip. (Ad Meletium.) In: Osserv. lett. III.

{Veronae, 1738.) 1-18. Gallandius. Bibl. patr. IV. (1768) 65-. Roijth. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) IV. 83-111-Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 1561-8.

Note. The Ad Thmuitas also in all eds. of Eusebius, Hist, eccl. The Ad Meletium is extant only in the Latin version.

II.    Translations.


Salmond, S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874) 440-6. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 162-4.

III.   Literature.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I- 41-2-

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 155.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. IV. (1733) 10-5; III.

(1865) 51-4.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1772. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 210. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) II. 432. Douhet. Diet. d. leg. 1083. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 598. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. VIII. 10. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 279. (2°. VII. 306; X.


— De verit. rel. chr. 165. Fleurv. Hist. eccl. (1691-) II. 429-32. Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. IV. vii-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 559-60. Gass. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) XI. 537- !>SU-


Henschenius. De s. Philea episc. Thmuitarum et s.

Philoromo tribuno militum aliisque pluribus martl.

Alexandriae in Aegypto. Comment, praev. In: Acta

ss. Bolland. (1658) Feb. I. 459-62. (3'. 464-8.) Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 78. (Honor. August. I. 79.) Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831VIII. 234-7. Le Sueur, Nic. Vies martyrs. (1660). Luchini. Atti sinceri. (1779) IV. 12-4. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 597-604. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) VIII. 82. MShler. Patrologie. I. 678-9.

Neale. Eastern Ch., Alexandria. I. (1847) 97' 99-101. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) II. 254. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) 1.353-4. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. II. (1843) 647-9. Ruinart. Acta sine. (1689) 547-8. Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XIV. (1874) 439-40. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 161-2. Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) III. 262. [5 u.] Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) II. 38-9. Tillemont. Memoires. (1698) V. 484-91, 777-82. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 52. Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XIII. 24-5. Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) Supp. 965-6.







I.    Editions.

Gallandius. Gr. lat. In: Bibl. patr. IV. (1768) 3-. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) III. 485-512; IV. 339-


MlGNE. In: Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 1549-58. [Mont-faucon's latin.] XVII. (1857) 52I-616.

Note. Of the Apology for Origen only the first book is extant, and that in defective translation of Rufinus.


Zacagnius, Laur. Alex. Gr. lat. Rom. 1698. 40. In: his: Collect, monum. eccl. gr. et lat. p. 428-41.

Montfaucon, Bern. DE. Paris, 1715. f°. In his: Biblioth. Coisliniana. p. 78-82.

Fabricius, J. A. Gr. lat. Hamb. 1718. f°. In his: Hippolyti opera. II. 205-17. [After Zacagnius.]

La Rue. In: Orig. opera. IV. {Par. 1729.)

Lommatzsch. In: Opp. Orig. (1833-) XXV.

II.    Translations.


Salmond, S. D. F. (Expos.) In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874) 448-55. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 166-8.

III.    Literature.

Acta passionis S. Pamphili et Sociorum Martyrum, ex

Eusebii Caesariensis libris de vita Pamphili, juxta ms.

Medicaeum. graece et latine, cum commentario praevio

et notis Dan. Papebrochin. In: Acta Sanctorum Antv.

Jun. I. I. p. 62-70. Also in: Hippolyti Opera. Hamb.

1718. f°. II. 217-24. Ed Fabricius; Galland. Bibl.

patr. IV. (1768) 41-; Migne. Patrol. Gr. X. (1857)

1533-50. Latin in Surius. I. Jun. 1-. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 158-9. Baronius. Ann. (1589-) 308, 2, 9, 15-16. Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 281, etc. BA$EIAH2. 'EkkA. lot. I. (1884) 160. Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) l- 4°-Nicephorus Callistus. Hist. Eccl. X. c. 14. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 153-4. Ceiixier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. III. (1732) 435-48;

468-9; II. (1865) 522-9. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 352. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1711. [Christie, Th.] Reflexions suggested by the character

of Pamphilus of Caesarea. In: Miscell. phil.-med.-

mor. (1792) II.

Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 208-9. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 325.353; 355; n-


Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 384-6. Darling. Cycl. bibl. 2282. Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 196-7. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 595. Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XVIII. 203-4. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. VI. 32, 33; VII. 32; VIII. 11. Fabricius. (1712) V. 277-9; IX. 130,411-2.

(2aVII. 301-3; X. 303, 712; XI. 705-6.) F[isquet], H. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XXXIX.

(1865) 122. Galland. Vet. Patr. bibl. IV. iii-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 1529-34. Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 222-3. Gley and Geuce. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) 1842-65.

XXXII. 58-9.

Hagenbach. Hist, of doct. I. 230. HlERONYMUS. De vir. ill. 75. (Honor. August. I. 76.)

J8CHER. Gelehrt. Lex. (1750-1).

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 121.

Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 216-33.

LlCHTENBERGR. Encycl. (1877-82) X. I56-7.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 536-62.

Martinov. Ann. eccl. gr. slav. (1864) 74-5.

Miraeus. 23.

MShler. Patrol. (1840) 672-675.

MOller, W. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) XI. 179-

80. ( Schaff-Herz. III. 1732). Neale. Eastern Ch., Antioch. (1873) 68-70. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 711, 721-2, pass. — Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 72. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 355-6.


, etc.

Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 155, « Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 503-5; IV. 236-40; (1749)

III. 647-50; IV. 308-13. Papebrochius. Comment, praev. In: Acta ss. Bolland.

(1695) Jun. I. 62-4. (3». 60-2.) Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. II. (1843) 642-7. Photius. Biblioth. Cod. 108, 119. Pressense. Martyrs. (1879) 357-9. — Heresy. (N.Y.) 371-3. Reusch. In: Wetzer. u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) VIII.


Reuss. Gesch. N. T. Eng. Tr. (1884) 365, 513. Rossi. Bull, archeol. crist. (1863) I. 62, 65-8. Rufinus. Praef. in Apol. pro Origene. In: Migne.

Patrol. Gr.XVII. (1857) 539-42. Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XIV. (1874) 447-8. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 165. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 807; III. 872. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 54. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VII. 1-23. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 431-6; V. 176. Smith, P. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) III.


Socrates. Hist. Eccl. III. c. 7. Supernatural Religion. I. (1875) 424. Surius. Vitaess. (1618) VI. 1-5. Tillemont. Memoires. (1698) V. 418-28, 750-3. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 47. Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XIV. 19. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 389-91. Wetstenius, J. J. In prolegg. ad N. T. graec. (Amst.

1752. II. f°.) 45, 76. Worman, J. H. In: M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-)

VII. 606.


I.    Editions.

Gallandius. Bibl. Patr. III. (1767) 558-. Migne. Gr. lat. in: Patrol, gr. (1857) 249-60.

And in the various editions of Eusebius. Hist. eccl. at VII. 30.

II.    Translations.


Salmond, S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874) 402-10. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 169-72.

III.    Literature.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1823-9) I. 35-6.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 135.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. III. (1732) 298-300; II.

(1865) 431-2.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1,453. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 194-5.






Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 301; II. 423.

Darling. Cyclop, bibl. 1936.

Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 571.

Eusebius. Hist. eccl. VII. 30.

Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (20. XII. 568.)

— B. m. ae. (1736) V. 28. (2*. 10.)

Fremantle, W. H. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III.

788-9. Galland. Bibl. vet.patr. III. (1767) xxxix-; also in:

Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) Z47~5°-Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 168; III.


Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 71. (Honor. August. I. 72.) Jocher. Gelehrt. Lex. (1750-1). Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) HI. 135-40. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 245-50. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 605. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 344. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. II. (1843) 625-6. Salmond, S. D. F. Introd.note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XIV. (1874) 401-2. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 168-9,

[Add notes. Ed. Coxe. 172.]

Tillemont. Memoires. IV. (1696) 299-. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 45.

Zeiske, Johann Gottfried. Programma de Malchione, scholastico, divinae veritatis vindice. Witteb. 1733. f°.


I.    Editions.

Valesius. In ed. Socrates. {Mogunt. 1677) 197-203.

[Latin only.]

Zacagnius. In: Collect, mon. vet. {Rom. 1698. 40.) Fabricius. In: Hippolyti op. {Hamb. 1718.) 134-. Gallandius. Bibl. patr. III. (1767) 569-. Routh. Rel. sacr. (l846-8)V. 1-206. Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 1429-528.

Note, According to Jerome the Acts were first composed in Syriac. Fragments are extant in the Greek, but the large part exists only in a Latin translation for the Greek.

II.    Translations.


Salmond, S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XX. (1871) 272-419. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 179-235.

III.   Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 119-20.

Assemani. Bibl. orient. I. (1719) 554-6.

Baur. Das Manich. Religionssystem. pp. 5-9, 413,459.

Beausobre, J. Hist, du Manicheisme. {Amst. 1734-39.

40.) I. 191-.

Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 432-433. Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 37. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 144; II. iv. 17. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. III. (1732) 333-44; II.

(1865) 453-9.

Chevalier. Re'p. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 156-7. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 212. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 319; II. 431. Cowell, E. B. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 152-3. Cyrill Hieros. Catech. VI. ed. Maur. p. 140. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 572. Epiphanius. Haeres. 66.

Fabricius. (1712) V. 262-3. (2s. VII. 275-8.) Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) II. 382-3. Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. III. xl-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 1405-20.

Georgius, Aug. Ant. Alphabet. Tibet. {Rom. 1762. 40.) 6

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 328.

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 72. (Honor. August. I. 73.)

Lardner. Credibibility. Works. (1831) III. 252-9.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 343-89.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) I. 371.

Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 485, pass.

Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 344-6.

Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) III. (1852) 44-5.

Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) I. 296-9.

Pagi. Crit. (1689) 282, 3-4.

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. II. (1843) 627-34.

Photius. Biblioth. 85. p. 349-.

Pressense. Heresy. {N. F.) 53-9.

Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XX. (1871) 267-71. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 173-7.

[Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 235-6.] Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886)48. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VI. 430-482. Smith, P. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) I.


Socrates. Hist. eccl. I. c. n. 22. Travasa, Gaet. Mar. In: Zaccaria. Race, di dissert.

(1794) IX. 85-120. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 49. Veterum testimonia. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857)

1421-8. Zacagnius. Coll. mon. vet. eccl. (1698) III.-XVII.

For literature compare also articles on Manes and Manichaeism.


I.    Editions.

Combefisius. In: Auct. bibl. patr. II. (1672) 3-. (Lat. only.) In: Bibl. max. parr. XXVII. {Ludg. 1677.


Gallandius. In: Bibl. patr. IV. (1768) 73-87. Migne. Gr. Lat. In: Patrol, gr. XVIII. (1857) 411-48.

II.    Translations.


Hawkins, J. B. H. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874) 236-66. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 241-52.

III.   Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 120. Beausaubre. Hist, de Manich. I. 235-37. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) II. hi. 2. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 72. Christie, A. J. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

I,  118.

Cowell, E. B. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 86. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 290. (2a. VII. 323, 324.) Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) II. 75-7. Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. IV. ix-; also in: Migne.

Patrol. Gr. XVIII. (1857) 409-12. Hawkins, J. B. H. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XIV. (1874) 231-5. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 237-40.

[Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 252-3.] H. In: Erschu. Gruber. I. in. (1819) 31-2. Le Quien. Oriens Chr. II. 597. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 616-9. Mosheim. Eccl. hist. Ed. Murdock. I. (1832) 455. Neander. Church Hist. 1.482, 494, 494, 495, 499,500;

II.  767.

Permaneder. (1843) ^34-

Photius. Contra Man. 1.11. In: Montfaucon. Biblioth.

Coislinian. p. 349-. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VII. 64-82.







I.    Editions.

GallANDIus. In: Bibl. patr. IV. (1768) 91-.

Routh. Rel.sacr. (1846-8) IV. 19-82.

Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol.Gr.XVIII. (1857) 467-522.


In: Micropresbyticon. Basil. 1550. [Latin only.] HEROLDUS. In: Orthodoxographa. Basil. 1555. [Latin


GRYNAEUS. In: Orthodoxogr. Basil. 1569. [Latinonly.] De La Bigne. Bibl. patr. Par. 1575; Par. 1589;

Colon. 1618. [Latin only.] Ducaeus, Fronto. Par. 1620. f°. Labbe. Gr. lat. In: Concil. I. (1671) 955. Beveridge. In: Pandectae canonum. II. {Oxon. 1672.

f°.) 8.

Hardouin. Gr. lat. In: Concil. I. (1715) 225. Schram. In: Anal. ss. patr. VII. {Aug. Vind. 1784.

8°.) (Latin only.]

And in all collections of canons.


Petavius. (i Frgm.) In: Uranologion. {Par. 1630.

f°.) 396-. Labbe. (Dediv. frgm.) Lat. In: Cone. III. (1671)508,

836; IV. (1671) 326. (Sermo. frgm.) V. (1671) 652. Hardouin. (De div. frgm.) In: Cone. I. (1715) 1399;

II.  (1714) 241. (Sermo. frgm.) III. (1714) 256-7. Maffei, Sc. (Ep. ad eccl. A.) In: Observ. letter.

Veron. 1737-40. 6 v. 12°.

Mai. (2 Frgms.) In: Scr. vet. nov. coll. VII. {Romae, 1833. 40.) 85, 96, 134, 306-7.

II.    Translations.


Hawkins, J. B. H. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874) 292-332. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 269-83.

III.    Literature.

Alexander, Natalis. Hist. eccl. (1778) IV. 357. Anastasius Biblioth. Acta s. Petri. In: Mai. Spicil. III.

671-; also in: Migne. Patrol. Gr. XVIII. (1857) 451-

66; Tr. Hawkins. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874)

272-91. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 261-8. Athanasius. Apolog. contra Arianos. c. 59. Baillet. Vies des saints. Baronius. Ann. (1589-) 300, 1-2; 305, 18-38; 310,

2-14; 311,48. Cf. Pagi. Crit. (1689-) 300, 2; 305,

4; 3'°. 4-

BA$EIAH2. 'Ek/cX Jot. I. (1884) 159. [411. only.] Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 448-9. Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) l- 42~3-Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 160. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. IV. (1733) 17-25; III.

(1865) 56-61.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1797. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 211. Darling. Cycl. bibl. 2342. Dodwell. Dissert, sing, ad Pears, c. VI. §21. Dorner. Person of Christ. Tr. Eng. A, II. 229, 320;

B. 95-

Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl.

Eusebius. Hist. eccl. VII. 32; VIII. 13; IX. 6.

Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1705-) VIII. 411; IX. 135. (2a.

IX. 316-7; X. 311.) F[isquet?], H. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XL.

(1862) 138.

Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. IV. x-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. XVIII. (1857) 449-52. Gass. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) XI. 543-5. (Abr.

in: Schaff-Herz. [n 11. only.] III. 1818.) Gley. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) 1842-65. XXXIII.


Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 644-5. Hawkins, J. B. H. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XIV. (1874) 267-71. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 255-9.

[Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 283-5.] Hefele. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch.-Lex. (1847-54) VIII.


— Conciliengesch. I. 327-; Tr. Engl. I. (1872) 237. Hilscher and Strauss. Schola Alex. (1776) 30-1. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 237-43. Le Quien. Oriens christ. II. 397.

Le Sueur, Nic. Vies martyrs. (1660).

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (I877-82) X. 625.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) VIII. 25.

Mai. Spicil. Roman. (1840) III. 671-2. (= Migne.

Patrol gr. XVIII. 451-4.) Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

III. 219-20.

Miraeus. Scr. eccl. 32.

Neale. Eastern Ch., Alexandria. I. (1847) 90, etc. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) II. 252-5, 409, 423,

461. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) IV. 248-53, 284-5; (1749") IV-

324-31. 37'-3-

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. 11.(1843)11,641-2. Pitra. Jur. eccl. grae. mon. (1864) I. 551. Renaudot. Hist, patriarch. Alex. p. 60.

— Rev. d. soc. sav. (1870) E, I. 91. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 265-274. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 807-8. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VII. 82-90. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) V. 55-8, 265-9; XII.

41-4, 52-3.

Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) XI. 526-8. TlLLEMONT. Memoires. (1693-) V. 436-65, 755-65. Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XIV. 13, 15-6, 57.


I.    Editions.

Fabricius. (Frgm.) In: Bibl. gr. VIII. (341-2). Gallandius. (De Ar.) In: Bibl. patr. IV. (1768) 441-. Mai. (De anim.) Syr. lat. In: Bibl. nov. patr. II. Migne. (Fragms.) Gr. lat. In: Patrol. Gr. XVIII.

(l857) 547--

— (De anim.) Syr. lat. In: Patrol. Gr. XVIII. (1857) 585-608.

Note. The Epistle to Alexander is from Theodoret. Hist. Eccl. I. c.4; the Epistle Catholic and the Epistle from Athanasius; the Epistle to Eglon from Maximus. Compare the editions of their works.

II.    Translations.


Hawkins, J. B. H. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874) 334-63. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 291-302.

III.    Literature.

Baronius. Ann. (1589-) 316, 17; 318, 54-87, 90-;

325,21; 326, 1.

Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 487-95. Bright. Hist. Chr. p. 11.

— In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 79-82. Burton. Trinity. (1831) 135-6.






Busse. Clvr. lit. (1828-9) L 47-

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 173-4.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. IV. (1733) 101-19; III.

(1865) 104-15.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 69. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 236-8. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 329. Christie, A. J. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

I. 111-2.

Echellensis. Eutych. vindic. p. 40, 19. Epiphanius. Haer. 70, 9. Edsebius. Vita Const. II. 64 sq. Fabricius. (1705) VIII. 340-2. (2a. 257-9.) Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. IV. xix-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. XVIII. (1857) 523~8-Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 267. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 477-8. Hawkins, J. B. H. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XIV. (1874) 333- Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 287-90.

[Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 303-4.] Henschenius. Comment, histor. In: Acta ss. Bolland.

(1658) Feb. III. 634-9. (3a- 639-44-) Holstenius. Dissert. II. de Cone. Nic; also in: Migne.

Patrol. Gr. XVIII. (1857) 527-46. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 566-9. Le Quien. Oriens chr.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) I. I55-6.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) I. 146.

Mai. Bibl. nov. patr. II. 529; also in: Migne. Patrol.

Gr. XVIII. (1857) 583-6. MOhler. Patrol. V. (1840).? Montfaucon, Bern. de. Epistola ... an vera narratio

Rufini de baptisatis pueris ab Athenasio puero? item de

tempore mortis Alexandri episcopi Alexandrini, ac de

anno obitus Athanasii Magni. Parisiis, 1710. f° et


Merinus. De sacr. ordin. III. p. 30. Neale. Eastern Ch.; Alexandria. I. (1847) IX5> etc-Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 288-^ [v. 1.] — Church Hist. I. 190, 722; II. 255, 409, 410, 414,

418, 419, 423, 424, 428.

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 217. (511.) Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) I. (1852) 905-6. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746) V. 4-6, 8-9, 19-24, 145-6;

(i749-)V. 9-11, 13-4, 27-34, 189-91. Renaudot. Lit. orient. I. 381. Schaff. Hist. Ch. III. (1884) 620. (811.) Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VII. 642-658. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) V. 306-7, 309-10,


Shedd. Hist of doct. 3d ed. (1865-) I. 307-8. Socrates. Hist. eccl. I. 5, 6, 7. Sozomen. Hist. eccl. I. 15. Tabaraud. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) 1842-65. I.


Theodoret. Hist. eccl. I. 5, 4. Tillemont. Memoires. (1693-) VI. 213-38, 730-7. Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 423-448.

For literature see especially articles and works on Arianism.


I. Editions. Combefisius, Franc. Gr. lat. Par. 1644. f°. [includes

also Amphilochius.]

Gallandius. Bibl. patr. III. (1767) 670-. Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. XVIII. (1857) 27-408. Jahn. Hal. 1865. 40.

(Convivium.) Allatius, Leo. Gr. lat. Romae, 1655. 8°.

Possinus, P. Gr. lat. Paris, 1657. f°. Combefis. Gr. lat. In: Auctuarium noviss. Bibl. patr. gr. Paris, 1672. f°. I. 64-162.


Pantinus, P. (Homilies.) Gr. lat. Ante. 1598. 8°.

Savilus. (In ramos Pahn.) Etonae, 1612. f°. In: Chrysostomi Horn. V. 882-.

Humphreys. (Frgm. De res.) In: Apologeticks of Athenagoras. Lond. 1714. 8°.

Meursius. (Homil.) In: Varia divina. Lugd. 1619. 40; in Opera. Florent. 17*41. f°. VIII.

(Revelat.) Gr. lat. In: Mon. patr. orthodoxographa. Basil. 1669. f°- I-93-"5-

Note. The Revelations published first in Latin s. I. et a. (August. Vind. f) 4°, and then often; 1496. 40; Par. 149S. 40; Basil. 1504. 40; Basil, icy. 40; Basil. 1569 [Greek], and in German translation, Memmmgen, 1497. 4°; Basil. 1504. 40; s. 1.1774. 40, is clearly of later origin. For literature compare MSller in Herzog. IX. 726.

II.    Translations.


Combefis and Possinus. In: Bibl. max. patr. Zugd. 1677. f°. III. 673-735.


Clark, W. R. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV. (1874) 1-230. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 309-402.

German. RbssLER. (De res.) Bibl. d. Kirchen-V. II. 296-314-

III.    Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 159-61.

Allatius. Diatribe de Meth. Script. In his ed. of the

Convivium. Baronius. Ann. (1589-) 302,62. Cf. Pagi. Crit. (1689)

402. 3-

Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 281, etc. Bellavimin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 58-60. B[RIQUET], Ap. In: Bull, du Biblioph. IX. (1849)


Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829)438-442. Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 39-40. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 150-3; II. iv. 17. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. IV. (1733) 26-45; HI-

(1865) 62-73.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 351. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1569^-70. Clark, W. R. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIV.

(1874) ix-x. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 305-8. [Add.

notes. Ed. Coxe. 355, 3S2,402.]

Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1)1.200-206.

Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50)1.343,361; II. 433.

Darling. Cyclop, bibl. 2048-9.

Deutinger. Geist. d. chr. Ueberlief. II.

Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 175-7.

Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 578-95.

Ebedjesu. Catal. scr. eccl. 17. In: Assemani. Bibl.

orient. III. I. 27-8.

Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 292-3. Epiphanius. Haeres. 64. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (i7O5-)V. 255-9; IX. 488-9. (2».

VII. 260-72; X. 758-9.) Fessler. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) VII.

i32-4-Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. III. li-; also in: Migne.

Patrol. Gr. XVIII. (1857) 9-18. Gretser, Jac. DeCruce. {Ingolst. 1616. III. f°); II.

404. not. (?)

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 399. Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 649-62.





Henschenius. Syllog. histor. In: Acta ss. Bolland.

(1707) Jun.IV. 5. (3a-V.4-S.) Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 165-6;

III.  72.

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 83. (Honor. August. I. 84.)

Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 183-185.

Jahn, Alb. S. Methodius Platonizans seu Platonismus ss. patrum eccles. graec. s. Methodii exemplo demon-strat. Halle, 1865. gr. 40. (XXIII. 286 p.)

Jeremie. Hist. Church. (1852) 102-3.

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 123-4.

Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 181-201.

Lelong. Bib. sac. II. 859.

Le Quien. Oriens Christianus. (Paris, 1740. III. f°.) I. 976.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) IX. I26-7.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 426-536, 912-22.

Mai. Script, vet. nov. coll. VII. 1.

Meth. Qu. Rev. (1871) 164.

Milman. Hist. Lat. Christianity.

MShler. Patrologie. I. (1840) 680-700.

Moller, W. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) IX. 724-

6. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. II. 1494.) Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 452. Neander. Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 121. [v. 1.]

— Church hist. (1872) I. 569-70, 720-1, passim. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 346-53. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 333-4, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 168-9.

Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) IV. 288-9, 296-7; (1749-)

IV. 377-9. 388-9.

Oudin. Commentar. de script, eccl. (1722)1.299-306. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-3)11.651-81. Photius. Biblioth. 234-7. Plate, W. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) II.

1066-7. Pressense. Martyrs. (1879) 357.

— Heresy. (N. Y.) 370-1.

Reuss. Gesch. N. T. Eng. tr. (1884) 3I2, 513. RlTTER. Chr. philos. (1841) II. 4-14. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. II. (1776-86) 296-327. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. III. (1807) 179-90. Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III. 909-11. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 809-12. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 55-6. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VI. 521-686. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 427-31. Sixtus, Johann Andreas. Dissertatio de Methodic

Tyri quondam episcopo. Altorf, 1787. 4°. Socrates. Hist. eccl. VI. c. 13. Stilting, Jo. In: actt. SS. m. Septb. V. 773. Suidas. In ej. lexic. II. 509, 520. Supernatural Religion. II. (1875) 192. Theodoret. Dialog. I. in ej. opp. (Hal. 1769-74. V.

8°.) IV. 37.

Tillemont. Memoires. (1693-) V. 466-73, 765-9. TriThemius. Scr. eccl. 60. Veterum Testimonia. In: Migne. Patrol. Gr. XVIII.

/185 7) 17-26. Weiss. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) XXVIII.


Westcott. Canon. (1875) 382-3.

Worman, J. H. In: McClintock and S. Cycl. (1874-)

VI. 189-Y. Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XXXV. (1861) 208-9.

X. ARNOBIUS. I. Editions.

Sabaeus, FAUSTUS. Romae, 1543(2). f°. [ContainsMi-nucius F.]

Gelenius, Sigism. Basileae, 1546. 8°.

Erasmus and Gelenius. Basil. 1560. 8°.

La Barre, R. L. de. Par. 1580. f°.

Canterus, T. Antv. 1582. 8°.

URSINUS, FuLVIUS. Romae, 1583. 40. [Contains Minu-

cius Felix.] STEWECHIUS, G. Antv. 1586. 8°. [Rather; not printed

until 1604.]

Heraldus. Genev. 1597 (????)

Meursius, Jo. Lugd. 1598. 8°.

Elmenhorst, G. Hanon. 1603. 8°.

Heraldus, D. Par. 1603. 8°. (?)

Stewechius, G. Antv. 1604. 8°; Duae. 1634. 8°.

[With summaries of " Leander de St. Martino (John Jones)


HERALDUS, D. Par. 1605. 8°. [Contains Minucius Felix.]

Elmenhorst, G. Hamb. 1610. f°.

Salmasius and Thysius. Lugd.-Bat. 1651. 40. [For long

time the best.]

PRIORIUS. Par. 1666. f°. [With Cyprian.] Bibl. max. patr. Lugd. 1677. f°. In: Le Nourry. Appar. ad Bibl. patr. Par. 1715. f°.

Ed. Lugd. II. 257-570. Ernstius. Havre, 1726. (??) Gallandius. Bibl. patr. IV. (Venet. 1768. f°.) 133-


Oberthur. Opera patr. lat. V. (Wirceb. 1783. 8°.) Orelli, J. C. Lips. 1816-17. 3 v. 8°. MURALTO. Ziirich, 1856. (?) Bisontii, 1838. 8°. Hildebrand. Hal. Sax. 1844. 8°. Migne. Patrol, lat. V. (1844) 349-1372. Lyon-Par. 1845. 8°. Oehler, F. In: Gersdorf. Bibl. Patr. Eccl. Sel. Lips.

1846. 8°.

Routh. (Bk. 1.) Scr. eccl. op. (1858) II. 245-297. Reifferscheid. Vindob. 1875. 8°. In: Corp. scr.

eccl. lat. [Critical. Best.]

II.    Translations.

Dutch. Oudaen, J. Harl. 1677. 8°.


Bryce and Campbell. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIX. (1871) 1-367. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 413-540.


Alleker. Trier, 1858. 8°. BESNARD. Lands. 1842. 8°. [Compare its full observations.]

III.    Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 205-10.

Bahr. Gesch. Rom. Lit. Sup. (1837) II. 65-71.

— Die chr. rom. Theol. p. 65.

Baronius. Ann. (1589-) 302, 63-9; Cf. Pagi. Crit,

(1689) 14-16. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 253-4.

[V. I.]

Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 267, 308-9, 354-5, etc. BA*BIAHS. 'E/c/cA. Un. I. (1884) 162. [311.] Bayle. Diet. crit. (1741) I. 349-50. BellARMIN. Scr. eccl. (1728)60. Brucker. Hist. crit. phil. (1766-) III. 463-5; VI. 549. Bryce and Campbell. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XIX. (1871) ix-xix. Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 403-11.

[Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 540-3.]

Bulengerius, J. C. Eclog. ad Am. Tolas. 1612. 8°. [" Ohne Werth." Petri.]

Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 442-448.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 42.

Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 118-9.






Cannegieter, Henr. Epist. ad J. D. Hortensium. (On:

Tac. u. Arnobius.) In: Otia liter, ad Isalam. (1761)

p. 70-76. Cassel, Paulus. Die alteste histor. Erwahnung d.

Zigeuner. (Zu Arnobius.) In: Jahrbb. f. Gesellsch.

u. Staatswiss. VIII. (1867) p. 317-322. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 161. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1732) I. 373-87; II.

(1865) 486-94.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 168. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 212-6. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 339, 381; II. 433. Darling. Cyclop, bibl. (1854) 105. Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 191-3. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 603. Ebert. Gesch. Lit. Mittelalt. (1874) I. 61-70. Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) II. 625. Fabricius. Opera Hippolyti. Hamb. 1716-18. f°; II.


— Bibl. lat. (1722) III. 388-94.

— Bibl. m. aet. (1734) I. 359-62. (2a. 137-8.) Francke, Karl Bernh. Die Psychologie u. Erkennt-

nisslehre des Arnobius. Leipzig, 1878. 8°. [Inaug. Diss.] Georges, K. E. Vermischte Bemerkungen. (Zu Arnob.

II. 38) In: Philologus. XXXI. (1872) 666.

— Kitrische Bemerkungen. (Zu Arnob. II. 38.) In: Philologus. XXXIII. (1874) 334.

Geret, Samuel Luther. Exercitatio historico-litteraria, variorum de Arnobio ejusque theologia judicia exhibens, etc. Witteb. 1752. 40.

Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 228-9.

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 250, etc.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 255.

Haupt, Mor. Analecta. (Zu Arnobius. VII. 12 et 18.) In: Hermes. II. (1867) p. 11; also in his: Opuscula.

III.  2 (1876) p. 369-370.

— Varia. (Arnobius. I. 45.) In: Hermes. V. (1871) p-. 190; also in: Opuscula. III. 2, p. 535.

— Coniectanea. (Arnobius. III. 9.) In: Hermes. VI. (1872) p. 388-389; also in: Opuscula. III. 2, p. 563-


Havet, L. Notes sur divers auteurs. (Arnobius. VII. 151, p. 257, 10 Reifferscheid.) In: Revue de philo-logie. N. S. I. (1877) p. 281.

— Temoignage d'Arnobe zur l'accent. In: Revue de philologie. N. S. II. (1878) p. 64.

Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 104-6, 168;

III. 41-2, 73. Herzog. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 692-3.

[Cf. Schaff.-Herz. I. 148.]

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 79. (Honor. August. I. 80.) Hoffmann, A. Conjectanea in Arnobium. In: Archiv f.

Phil. u. Padog. XIII. (Lpz. 1847) 149-58. Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 216-218. (Hug, Th.) Zu Arnobius. In: Beitrage z. krit. lat.

Pros. (1864) p. 21-31.

— In: Pauly. I. 2. 1747-50.

Kettner, G. Cornelius Labeo. Ein Beitrag zur Quellen-kritik des Arnobius. Progr. Naumburg, 1877. 40.

Klussmann, E. Eine Verbesserungsvorschlage. (Cicero, Arnobius, Festus.) In: Jahn's Archiv. XII. (1846) 134-6.

— Quaestiones Arnobiane criticae. Gymn.-Progr. von Rudolstadt. Leipzig, 1863. 40.

— Arnobius und Lucrez, oder ein Durchgang durch den Epicuraismus Zum Christenthum. In: Philologus. XXVI. (1867) 362-366.

— Emendationes Arnobianae. In: Philologus. XXVI. (1867) 623-641.

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I, 127, Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 456-88. LeNourry. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. V. (1844) 365-714.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) I. 613.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) I. 430.

Merlin, Ch. In: Mem. de Trevoux. (1736) 933-59,


— In: Mem. d'une societe eel. I. 132-62. Meursius, J. Criticus Arnobianus. Lugd. Bat. 1598.

8°. Meyer, K. De ratione et argumento Apologetici Ar-

nobii. Hafniae, 1815. 8°. MShlk^. ratrui. I. (1840) 906-916. Moule, H. C. G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 167-9. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 164-5, etc' Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 150,687-9 et passim. Nirschl. Patrol. d88i-) I. 362-7. Nitzsch. .Uogmengesch. I. (1870) 168, etc. Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 167-8. Obbarius. Th. Zu Arnobius. In: Jahn's Archiv. XIV.

(1850) 588-590. Orelli, J. C. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. V. (1844) 1291-


Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) IV. 69-72; (1749-) IV. 91-5. Petri, J. E. In: Ersch u. Gruber. I. v. (1820) 381-2. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-3) I. 430. Pressense. 3 prem. siec. de l'Egl. IV. 487-; Tr. Engl.

Martyrs. (1879) 438-9, 605-27.

Reifferscheid, A. Analecta crit. et gramm. (ad Arnobium). Ind. lect. hib. 1877/78. Vratislav. 1877. 40.

p. 9-10.

Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. III. (1777) 308-52. Schaff. Hist. Church. II. (1886) 856-61. Scharpff. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) I.


Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 64. Schmitz, L. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

I. 348-9.

SchSnemann. Bibl. patr. lat. I. (1792) 147-76. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VII. 91-250. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 443-65. StSckl. Gesch. d. Philosophie im patrist. Zeitalt. p.

249--Tabaraud. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) 1842-65. II.


Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 329-30. Tillemont. Memoires. (1693-) IV. 573-5, 767-8. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 53. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1873) 322-3. Unger, Rob. Emendationes Arnobianae. Halts. 1851.

4°-Villemain. In: Nouv.Liog. Gen. (Hoefer) III. (1852)

Walch. Bibl. patr. (1834) 382.

Wassenberg, Franc. Quaestiones Arnobianae criticae.

Diss. inaug. Monasterii, 1877. Wesseling, Petr. Ad Arnobium adv. gent. II. c. 69.

In his: Observ. libri II. ed. Frotscher (1832) p. 147. Woodham. In: Ed. of Tertullian's Apol. (1850) prel.


WSrter. Lehre lib. Gnade. u. Freiheit. p. 488-. Zink, Mich. Kritisches zu Arnobius. In: Blatter, f. d.

Bayr. Gymn. VII. (1871) 295-312; VIII. (1872)

292-316. — Zur Kritik und Erklarung des Arnobius. Gymn.-

Progr. Bamberg, 1873. 40.


I. Editions.

In monasterio Siiblacetisi, 1465. f°. ['«First dated book printed in Italy."]






Romae, Sweynheim et Pannartz, 1468. f°.

Andreas, Jo. Romae, Sweynheyem et Pannartz, 1470.

f°. (222 ff.)

Venetiis, 1471. f. (218 ff.) [Roman ed. 1471 fictitious.] S. I. 1471. f°.

Venetiis, Vindel. de Spira, 1472. P. Sabinus, Angelus ENEUS. Romae, Gallus et de Luca,

1474. f°. (256 ff.) Rostochii, 1476. P. Venetiis, Andr. de Paltasichis et Boninus de Boninis,

1478. f>.

Venetiis, Joan, de Colon. 1478. f*>. Venet. 1483. f>. (?)

Venetiis. Theod. de Regazonibus, 1490. f°. Venet. Benolius, 1493. f°. Venet. 1494. i°. Venet. 1497. f°. Valerianus. Venet. 1500. P>. (??) Venet. 1502. f°;

Par. 1509. 4°; 1513. 40. Parrhasius, J. Venet. 1509. f5. 1521. P. Venet. 1511. f6.

Tuccius, Marianus. Florent., Junta, 1513. 8°. Egnatius, Jo. Baft. Venetiis, Aldus, 1515. 8°. Tulichius, H. Lips. 1520. 40. Basil. 1521. 40.

Basil. Cratander, 1524. 40; 1532. f°. Antv. 1532. Z»^rf. 1532. 12°. Fascitellius, Honoratus. Venet. Aldus, 1535. 8°;

Lugd. Gryphius, 1541. 8°; 1543. 8°; 1558. 8°; Par.

1560. 12°; 1565. 16°. Antv. 1539. 8°.

O/Quentel. 1544. f0.; do. Antverp. 1555. 8°. Masurus. (?) Lat. gr. Lugd. 1548. 8°; 1553. 8° or 12°;

1565. 120.

Heroldus. In: Haeresiologia. Basil. 1556. f°. Betuleius, Xistus. Basil. 1563. f4. Par. 1563. 40. ^reft/. 1568. 12°.

Thomasio, Mich. Antv. Plantin, 1570. 8°; 1587. 8°. Lugd. 1579. 120. Tornaesius-Cuiacius. Lugd. 1587. 8°; 1594. 8°;

Genev. 1613. 12°; Colon. 1613. 12°. Bibl. patr. Par. 1589. f°. IX. I-. Par. 1589. 8°. Dresser, M. Lips. 1593. Z«£*/. 1616. 16°.

Bibl. magn. patr. Co/o». 1618. f°. II. in. 206-. Isaeus, J. Caeseu. 1646. f°; Rom. 1650. Thysius, A. Zagtf. 1652. 8°. Gallaeus. Lugd. Bat. 1660. 8°. Bibl. max. patr. Lugd. 1677. f°- HI- 514-672. Sparke, Th. Oxonii, 1684. 8°. Cantab. Hayes. 1685. 8°. Cellarius, C. Lips. 1698. 8". Walch, J. G. Lips. 1715. 8°; 1735. 8°. Heumanuus, Christ. Aug. (Symposium). Hannov.

1722. 8°; Goett. 1736. 8°. Bunemann, J. L. Lips. 1739. 8°; Hal. 1764-5. 2 v.

12°; Bepont. 1786. 2v. 8°.

Le Brun and du Fresnoy. Lutet. Par. 1748. 2 v. 40. XAVERIUS. Romae, 1754-1759. 14 v. 8°. [ad edition

announced but did not appear .J Galland. Bibl. vet. patr. Venet. 1768. f°. IV. 229-

43°-Oberthur. Wirceb. 1783-4. 2v. 8°. (Opera polem. s.

patrum. VI., VII.) Bisontii, 1836. 8°. Fritzsche, O. F. In: GersdorfsBibl.patr.eccles.selecta.

{Lip. 1842) X., XI. Migne. Patrol Lat. VI. (1844) III-822, 1018-94;

VII. (1844)-I.yon, 1845. 8°-

{.Divine Institutes.) Par. 1500.

Venet. 1578. f>.

Genev. 1630. 8°.

Dalrymple, D. (Bk. V.) Edinb. 1777. 8°.


Pfaffius, C. M. Par. 1712. 8°.

In: Giornale de Lett, d'ltal. VI. (1712) 458-65.

Davis, J. Cantab. 1718. 8°.

Routh. Scr. eccl. op. (1858) II. 299-383.

(Workmanship of God.)

Colon. 1506.

Erasmus. Par. Colinaeus. 1529. 8°. Willichius, J. Franc. 1542. 8°. Goldner, G. L. Gera, 1715. 8°.


Baluzius. In: Misc. Par. 1679. 8°. II. 1-46,345-63;

also separately. Par. 1679. 8°. Fell, J. Oxon. 1680. 120. Columbus, Jo. Aboae, 1684. 8°. Toinardus, N. Par. 1690. 40. Bauldrios, Paulus. Traj. ad. Rh. 1692. 8°.; and new

title-page do. 1693. Le Nourry, N. Par. 1710. 8°. — In: Appar. ad Bibl. max. Par. 1715. p. n. Rykewart. Gaudae. 1833. In: Opusc. sel. patr. III. Ram, F. X. DE. Louvain, 1835. 8°.

GUEPRATTE, LUD. Metz, 1851. 12°.

Dubner. Par. 1863. 8°.

Hurter, H. In: Opusc. ss. patr. XXII. Inusb. 1874. 160.

Maichel. In: De biblioth. Paris, p. 177-. Halm. Textverbesserungen. Sitzungsberichte der k. k. Akad. Wien, 1865.

(Phoenix.) S. 1. et a. 40. (8 ff); s. 1. et a. 4". (6ff.); s.l.eta. (Zwol-

&.)4°-(4ff.) Liptzk. Tanner. 1504. 40. Fichetus, A. Lugd. 1616. 40. Gryphiander, J. Jen. 1618. Maittarius, M. Vet. poet. Lat. Lond. 1713. P>. II.


Heinsius. Amst. 1760. 40. Wernsdorf, Jo. Chr. Altenb. 1785. (2?) 8°. In:Poetae

Lat. min. III. p. 281-322, 543; Addenda. IV. 2. p.

838. 839; V. 2. p. 1464. Lenz, C. G. Brauns. 1794. 8°. In: Auserlesene Stucke

der eleg. Dichter u. Lyriker. p. 211-224; Noten. p.


Viar et Delatour. Paris, an VI. (1798) 180. Martini, Ad. Lunaeb. 1825. 8°. (?) Weber, E. G. In: Corpus poetarum. Lat. Francef. ad

M. i833- 8°. App.

Leyser, H. Quellenburg, 1839. 8°. (I4p.) Riese, A. Leipz. 1870. 8°. In: Anthologia Lat. Part

I. Fasc. II. Nr. 731.

(Other.) Beroaldus. (Carminea. De pass, et resur.) Opuscula.

Par. 1502. 40. 93-6; Basil. 1509. 40. p. 93-6; Basil.

1513. 40; Basil. 1520. 40. Fabricius, G. (De chr. beneficiis.) Poett. vett. chr.

op. Basil. 1564. 40.

Buchner, A. (Carm. de resur.) Viteb. 1627. 8°. Kirchmaier, G. C< (De vero Dei cult.) Witteb. 1690.






(Ep. ad Zenum.) In: Memoirs of Literature. Lond.

1712. 40. II. 339-40. (?) Bunemann, J. L. ("Specimina.") In: Misc. Lips. 1716.

8°. III. 115-98.

II.     Translations.


Boleslawj, W. (?) (Inst.) Klaudyan. 1518. 4°- ed-Prochaska. Prag. 1518. 4°.

English. Burnet, G. (Persecutors.) Amst.. 1687; also in: Tracts.

1689. 8°; also: 17135 tr. Fr. Ultr. 1687. 8°. (Epitome.) In: Memoirs of Literature. Vol. II. Nov.

'712- P-339, 34O.

Dalrymple, D. (Persecutors.) Edinb. 1782. 8°. Fletcher, W. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXI. (1871) 1-487;

XXXI. (1871) 1-222. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 9-328.

French. Fame, R. (Inst.) Par. 1542. f°; 1547(6?). 8°; 1551.

16°; 1555. 16°; Lugd. 1547; 1555; 1563. Maucroix, F. de. (Persec.) Par. 1677. 12°; 1680. 8°. BASNAGE. Utrech. 1687. 12°. [From Engl. of Burnet.] Maupertius, D. de. (Inst.) Avign. 1710. 120 (?);

I712. 12°.

(Phoenix.) Paris, 1798. 18°.

GUEPRATTE, Lud. (Persec.) Metz. 1854. 120.


Hergt, C. G. (Inst.) Quedlinb. 1787-1818. 8°. JANSEN and STORF. Kempten, 1875-6. 160. [The Keith-mayer.Thalhofer Bibl.]


Pollastrino, Guil. (Phoenix.) Roma, 1544. 8°. Zacchia. (Phoenix.) Roma, 1608. 40. Brancadoro, Ces. Fermo, Paccorone, 1783. 40.


BjSrkman, Th. (Phoenix.) Lund. 1865. 8°. [inaug.


III.    Literature.

A .... D. In: Diet, scien. philos. (1875) 897-8. Alt, H. I. De dualismo Lactantiano. Diss. inaug.

Vratislaviae, 1839. 8°. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 210-214. Ammon, F. W. Lactantii opinio de relig. in systema

redig. Erlangae. 1820. 8°. Ampere. Hist. lit. France. (1839) I. 212-33. Apin, J. P. Lactantius de ver. Dei cult. Wittebergae,

1691. 40. Aube, B. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XXVIII.

(1859) 611-20.

Baehr. Gesch. Rom. Lit. Sup. (1837) II. 72-85. Baehrens, E. Kritische Satura. Anthol. II. 731. Riese.

[Lactant. de ave Phoen.46,103, log, 123,125, 139,161.] In:

Jahrbb. f. class. Philol. CV. (1872) 361-362.

— Zu des Lactantius Phoenix. In: Rhein. Mus. N. F. XXIX. (1874) 200-201.

— Zur lateiri. Anthologie. Darien: II. Zu d. Lact. Gedicht " de ave Phoenice." In: Rhein. Mus. (1875) 308-309.

— Jahresber. lib. d. rom. Epiker. (Lactant. de ave Phoenice.) In: BursiansJahresber. I. (1875) p. 220-222. III. (1877) P- 227-228.

Baluzius. (Notes on mort. pers.) In: Migne. Patrol.

Lat. VII. 0844) 297-386. Baronius. Ann. (1589) 302,44-50,60-1; 316,55-6.

Cf. Pagi. Crit. (1689) 315. 7-

Baudrus, P. (Notae in lib. De Morte pers.) In: Migne.

Patrol. Lat. VII. (1844) 587-840. Bauer, C. L. Ciceronem de N. D. II. 20, 72. Contra

Lactantii Institutt. divin. IV. 28, 3-. defendit. Lau-

ban. 1764. Bauer, Wolfg. Oratio de dicto Lactantii " Religio

cogi non potest." Altdorfi, 1686. 4°. Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 267-8. BA$EIAH2. "&iuik. 'lot. I. (1884) 162. Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 61-2. Becker, Gust. Kleinigkeiten (Lactantius Phoenix.

137.) In: Rhein. Mus. N. F. XXIX. (1874) p. 499. Beconus, Thom. Lactantii Firmiani Anthologia. . . .

Lugduni, 1588. 8°.

Bergerus, I. W. Vitemb. 1722. 40; 1723. 40. Bertold, Paul. Prolegomena zu Lactantius. Literar-

histor. Abhandlung. (I. Einleitung. II. Leben des

Lactantius. III. Schriften des Lactantius. IV. Stil

desselben.) Progr. Metten. 1861. 40. (38 S. u. ein.

lith. Tafel.) Beyschlag, J. B. Lactantius de vero cultu. Witteb.

1690. 40. Brandt, Sam. Der St. Gallen Palimpsest d. divinae in-

stitutiones d. L. Wien, 1885. 8°. [no p.] Brucker. Hist. crit. philos. (1766)111.465-70. [Buddeus.] Obs. sel. lit. (1700) II. 305-27. Bull. Works. V. 11. (1846) 635-. Bulteau, Louis. Defense des sentiments de Lactance

sur le sujet de l'usure. Paris, 1671. 120.

BURCKHARDT, CONST. 46, 327-9, 337, etc. (?)

Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 449-470.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 44.

Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 119-22.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 161-3.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. III. (1732) 387-434; II.

(1865) 494-521.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1338-9. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 216-236. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 333, 371; II. 433. Columbus, J. Notae. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. VII.

(1844) 385-434. Conybeare, J. J. Anglo-Saxon Paraphrase of the Phce-

nix of Lactantius. In: Archaeologia. XVII. (1814")


Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 52, 352.

Cuperus, Gisb. Praef. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. VII. (1844) 463-586.

Dallaeus, J. De vero usu patrum. II. 266.

Darling. Cycl. bibl. 1752-3.

Dechent, H. Ueber die Echtheit des Phonix von Lactantius. In: Rheinisches Museum. N. F. XXXV. 39-

55-Disquisitiones dogmaticae in L. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat.

VII. (1844) 1011-86. Divine Institutions of Lactantius. In: Chr. R. X. (1845)

4I5--Dodwell and Baluzius. Chronol. persecutionum. In:

Migne. Patrol. Lat. VII. (1844) 181-90. Dodwell, H. Dissert, de ripa striga. In: Migne.

Patrol. Lat. VII. (1844). 175-82. Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 193-6, 205-17. Drager, A. Zu Lactantius. (Epit. 25, 4.) In Philo-

logus. XXVII. (1868) p. 149. Dufresnoy. Praef. In Migne. Patrol. Lat. VI. (1844)


Dupin. Bibl. des aut. eccles. (1698-) I. 293, 610. Du Verdier. Bibl. Franc. (1773) IV. 567. Ebert, Ad. Ueber d. Verfasser d. Buches De mortibus

persecutorium. In: Berichte d. Sachs. Gesellsch. d.

Wiss. Phil. Hist. Cl. XXII. (1870) p. 115-138.

— Gesch. Lit. Mittel. (1874) I. 70-86.

— In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) VIII. 364-6. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. II. 1269.)






Eckhard, J. F. Einige Nachr. v. eine. selt. Ausg. d.

Schrift d. Lactanz. Eisenach, 1781. 4°. Ekerman, Peter. Dissertatio1 de Lactantio, Cicerone

christiano. Upsal. 1754. 4°. (28 p.) Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XIV. 195-6. Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 213-4, etc. Esprit d. journ. (1780 Juil.) 255-65; Nov. 227-44. Eusebius. Comm. in Eccles. c. 10; Comm. in Ephes. c.

4; ad Paulin. epist. Fabricius. Bibl. lat. (1722) III. 394-413.

— De verit. rel. Chr. (1725) 174, 230-40.

— Bibl. m. aet. (1734) IV. 666-94. (2a. 226-35.) Falster, Chr. Brevis conspectus errorum Lact. in theo-

logia. In: Amoenitatt. philolog. I. III. Fauth, Jac. Pr. de Lactantii dicto " Hominem esse

animal sociale." Heidelberg, 1800. 40. Fessler. Inst. patrol. I. 328. Ffoulkes, E. S. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III.

37 Fletcher, W. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXI,

(1871) ix-xii. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 1-7. [Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 255-8, 280, 300, 322, 328.3

Fleury. Hist, eccles. I. {Paris, 1856. 8°). Fritzsche, O. F. Ed. Lact. Lips. 1844. Praef.; also

in: Migne. Patrol. Lat. VI. (1844) 1017-8. Georges, K. E. Vermischte Bemerkungen. (Lactant.

de mort.persecut. 43, 5.) In: Philologus. XII. (1873)

p. 91. Geret, J. G. De Lactantio eiusque theologia indicia.

Vitebergae, 1722. 40. Gibbon. Decline and Fall. II. Gieseler. Church. Hist. (1868-) I. 228, 229. Goldner, G. L. Vita Lac. Ger. 1714. 8°. GOrres, Frz. Miscellen zur Krit. einiger. Quellen-

schriftst. d. spater. rom. Kaiserzeit. (Zur Kritik des

Eusebius and Lactantius.) In: Philologus. XXXVI.

(l877) 597-6I4-Goetz, G. Ad Anthologiam. (Lact. carm. de ave

phoenice:) In: Acta soc. phil. V. {Lips. 1875.) p. 322-

331. Cf. IV. Praef. III.

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 250, etc. Halm, K. Zu Lactantius de mortibus persecutorum.

A. d. Sitzsgsber. d. k. k. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien. Phil.

hist. Cl. (1865) p. 161-167. Wien, 1865. 8°. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 222, 255. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 104-6,168;

III. 41-2, 73. Heusinger, Jo. M. Emendationes ad Lactantium. In:

his: Emandatt. libri. II. (1751) p. 1-161. Hieronvmus. De vir. ill. 80. (Honor. August. I. 81.) Hist. lit. France. (1733) I. 11. 65-92; IV. xxxvm; VI.

1-11; XI. in. (2a. not. 3-5.) Honorius. De Luminaribus Ecclesiae. Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 218-333. Hunziker. In: " Budinger's investigations in Imperial

Hist." I. 117-. Insignium Virorum testimonia. In: Migne. Patrol.

Lat. VI. (1844) 77-82. Isaeus. Notes on Div. Inst. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat.

VI. (1844) 883-1016. Jacob, Charles Frederic. Lactance, considere comme

apologiste. These. Strasb. 1848. 8°. Kehrein, Valent. Quis scripserit libellum qui est Lucii

Caecilii de mortibus persecutorum. Diss. inaug.

Monaster. Stuttgarti, 1877. 8°. Kirchmaier, G. C. Ad Lact. cap. III. de falsa sap.

Viteb. 1697. 40.

Kortholt, Matth. Nic. Dissertatio de Cicerone Christiano Lactantio, s. eloquentia Lactantii ciceroniana.

Giessae, 1711. 40.

Kotze. Specimen hist, theol. de Lact. Ultr. 1861. Krebs, Jo. A. Dissertatio de stilo Lactantii Firmiani.

Halae, 1703. 8°; 1706. 4°. (?)

Kreyssig, I. Th. De Lact. ep. inst. div. c. 29. (1827).

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 127-8.

Labouderie. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) 1842-65.

XXII. 416-8.

Lamson. The church in the first three centuries. 183-. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 481-549. Lecky. Hist. Europ. Morals. I. 493-. Lengletius. In: Migne. Patrol Lat. VII. (1844)

157-8. [De mort. pers.] Le Nourry. In: App. ad bibl. max. Par. 1715. f°.

II. 571-1172.

— De Lact. libro de Ira Dei. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. VII. (1844) I47-56-

— Dissert, in lib. De mort. pers. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. VII. (1844) 839-1012.

— Dissert, de 7 div. inst. libris. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. VI. (1844) 823-84.

Lestocq, N. Disq. de auct. libri de mort. pers. In: Migne. Patrol. Lat. VII. (1844) 157-72.

Leuillier, Ch. Etudes zur Lactance. These. Caen, 1846. 8°. (67 p.)

— De variis Lactantii, contra philosophiam aggressionibus. Caen, 1846. 8°. (38 p.)

[Liron.] Singul.histor. (1738-9) 1.225-55. (=Zaccaria, Race, di dissert. (17 ) X. 217-40.) III. 141-3,


McClintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) V. 185-9.

Mecchi, T. E. Lattanzio e la sua patria. Fermo, 1875. 8°.

Merlin, Ch. Apol. de L. In: Mem.deTrevoux. (1736)

1220-37, 1400-17. (=Mem. d'une soc. eel. I. 162-7.) Meyer, Peter. Quaestionum Lactantianarum particula

prima. Progr. Jiilich, 1878. (8 S.) MShler. Patrologie. I. 917-933. Montfaucon. Diararium Ital. p. 409. Mountain, J. H. Br. A summary of the writings of

Lactant. London, 1839. 8°. Muller, Ioa. Gust. Theod. Quaestiones Lactantianae.

Diss. inaug. Gottingae, 1875. 8°. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 165-7, etc-Neander. Hist, of Dogmas. (1858) 164, 176,186. [v. 1.] — Church Hist. (1872) I. 608; II. 467 et pass. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 367-77. NlTZSCH. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 168-9, etc-Nodier. Bib. sacr. (1826) 170-3. Observationes. (Div. inst.) In: Misc. Obss. IV. (1734)

I. 20-8; III. 409-30. (De morte pers.) IV. 1. 31-71. Olzenengus, R. Commentaria in VIII. Libr. Inst. 1563. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) IV. 389-94; (1749-) IV. 512-9. Oudin. Comm. d'e«script. eccl. (1722) I. 307-12. Overlach, E. Die Theologie des Lactantius. Gymn.-

Progr. Schwerin, 1858. 40. (40 p.) Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-3) I. 430-1. PRESSEL. In: Herzog. VIII. 158-61. [1 ed.?] Ramsay, W. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

IT. 701-3. Rau, Joach. Just. Diatribe historico-philosophica de

philosophia L. Caec. Lactantii Firmiani . . . Jenae,

1733- 8«. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874); II. 35-6; tr. Eng. (1884)

303, 313. 3'8-[v. 2.]

Riddle. Christian Antiquities. 160-163. Riese, A. Ueb. d. Phonix d. Lactantius. (A. L. 731)

u. s. w. 1876. Ritschl, F. Zur latein. Anthologie, (De ave phoenice.)

In: Rhein. Mus. N. F. XXVIII. (1873) p. 189-192;

also in his: Opusc. philol. III. (1877) p. 806-811. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. III. (1777) 353-422. Rooy, A. DE. De mortibus persecut. c. VII. u. de Phoenice. In his: Spicilegia crit. (1771) 34, 170-171. Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. III. (1807) 295-300. Rothfuchs, J. Qua historiae fide Lantantius usus sit in

libro " De mortibus persecutorum," disputatar. Gymn.-

Progr. Marburg, 1862. 40.






Ruffet, L. In: Lichtenbergr. Encycl. (1877-82) VII.

662-8. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 864-6; II. (1884)

955-8-Scharpff. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch.-Lex. (1847-54) VI.

[Schelhorn.] Amoen. liter. (1730) I. 312-7; II.469-96.

Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886) 64-6.

Schmidt, M. Zu Lactantius Firmianus. In: Rhein.

Mus. N. F. VI. (1848) 318-320. Schoell. Hist, de la litterature romaine. IV. 26. SchSnemann. Bibl. patr. lat. I. (1792) 177-264. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VII. 250-641. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) V. 68, 72, 220-65. Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) I. 315. Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d ed. (1865-) I. 55-6. Smith. Hist, of Christian Church. I. (N.Y.) 451. Spyker, H. J. Dissertatio de pretio Institutionibus divi-

nis Lactantii statuendo. Lugduni Bat. 1826. 8°.

(*52P-) Supernatural Religion. (1875) I. 132, 133, 136, 164,

325; II. 168.

Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 330-5. Tillemont. Memoires. (1693-) VI. 203-12, 727-30. Toinard, N. Notae in lib. De morte pers. In: Migne.

Patrol. Lat. VII. (1844) 433-62. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 56. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 323-5. Valesius, Henr. Ad Lactant. Div. inst. V. 2 squ. In

his: Emendatt. libri V. et de critica libri II. ed. Bur-

mann. (1740) p. 10-11. Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. XIV. 89. Volkmann, Rich. Observations miscellae. (Lactant.

instit. div. I. 20; II. 16; III. 4, 6, 12, 14, 28; IV. 14,

20, 23, 27, 28; VI. 13, 23; VII. 3; II. 3,14, 5.) Gymn.-

Progr. laner, 1872. 40. p. 13-14. Vonck, Corn. Val. Ad Lactantium. In his: Specim.

crit. in var. auctor. (1744) p. 73~74-Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) passim. Walch. Bibl. patrist. (1834) 67-8, 181-2, 383-4-Wehnu. In welchen Punkten zeigen sich bei Lactantius

— de mortibuspersecutorum-— d. durchd. lokalen Stan-

dort d. Verfassers bedingten Vorzuge in d. Berichten

ub. d. letzten drei Regierungsjahre Diocletians. Progr.

Saalfeld. 1885. 40. Wesselingius, Petr. Ad Lactantium. In his: Obss.

variar. libri II. ed. Frotscher. (1832) 61-. Winckler, Jo. Dietr. Philologemata Lactantiana sacra.

Braunsvig, 1754. 8°.


I. Editions.

This work is almost always treated under Lactantius. Those who may wish to compare with the other works of Venantius will find in: Migne. Patrol. Lat. LXXXVIII. (1862) 9-532, a reprint of Luichi's ed. {Romae, 1786-7. 2v. 40.) For other editions and translations see especially Busse. Chr. lit., Engelmann, Brunet, and Graesse.

II.    Translations.

English. Fletcher. W. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) 223-7.

Ed. Coxe. VI. (1886) 329-30. [Poem on Easter only.]

III.    Literature.

The following references, selected from such as chance to be in hand, and excluding all mentioned by Chevalier,

are included simply as a contribution to the literature of V. F. Few if any of the references mention the Easter work.

BergeR, S. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) V.

33-4-BSrsch, Friedr. Ueber die Laugona u. Bordaad. V. F.

Hanau, 1839. 8°. 32 s. Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 185-6. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 758. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 827, 829; II. 483. Daniel. Thesaurus Hymnologicus. Leipzig, 1855. I.

159-74-Ebert. In: Herzog. Real.-Encycl. (1877-) IV. 596-7.

(Cf. Schaff-Herz. I. 824.) Godron, A. Des animaux sauvages indiques au 6e siec.

par Fortunatus, etc. Nancy, 1874. 8°. (20 p.) Hefele. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) IV.

117-8. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 415; III.

160. Lecuy. In: Biog.-Univ. (Michaud) 1842-65. XIV.


March, F. A. Latin Hymns. N. Y. 1879. 120. 251-5. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) III. 628. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) XIX. 108-9, 183-5; xx- 5°5

(1749-) XIX. 121-2, 205-8; XX. 63. Schaff. Christ in song. (N. Y. 1869.) — Hist. Ch. III. (1886) 595-8. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) XVI. 162-3. Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 563-7. Waterland. Works. {Oxford, 1843.) III. 134-. Young, E. M. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 552-3.


I.    Editions.

Gallandius. Bibl. patr. III. (1767) 273-.

Migne. Gr. lat. in: Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 145-56. [Gal-land's text.] And in the various editions of Eusebius.

II.    Translations.


SALMOND, S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. IX. (1869) ii. 224-31. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 335-7.

III.    Literature.

BALUZIUS. In: Nov. coll. concil.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 85.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (173°) 529—33;

(1865) 88~9°-

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 180. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 172. DODWELL. Dissert. 4. Cypr. §11. [For Asterius


— Diss. Iren. IV. § 38. [Agst. Asterius UJ Eusebius. Hist. eccl. V. 16, 17.

Fabricius. Bibl. Gr. (1717) VIII. 615. (2a. IX. 522.) Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. III. xi.-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 141-4. Halloix. 111. eccl. orient. Script, p. 896. HeiniCHEN. Notes on Euseb. Hieronymus. Catal. Script, eccl. c. 37. 40. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 53. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. (1790) VII. 399-411. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 410-4. Longuerue. Diss. de Montan. § 14. p. 265. Nicephorus. Hist. eccl. IV. c. 33. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 195-6; (1749-) II. 279-80.






Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-3) II. 422-5.

Rufinus. Interpret. Euseb. Hist. eccl. V. c. 15.

Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 178.

Salmond, S. D. F. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. IX. (1869) ii. 224. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 331-3. [Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 337-S.]

TliXEMONT. Memoires. (1693-) II. 441-3,670-1.

— Les Montanistes.

Note. Bp. Coxe here follows Yalesius, Cave, Tillemont, Lardner, etc., but the Edinburgh editor (Salmond) takes the ground that Asterius is not mentioned as author. G. Salmon holds that the treatise was against Asterius. Baluzius and others, following Rufinus, ascribe to Claudius Apollinaris, while others follow Jerome, ascribing now to Rhodo and now to Apollonius.


I.    Editions.

Millanius. (Apocal.) Bologna, 1588. Cave. (De fabr. mundi.) In: Hist. lit. I. 417. Rivinus, A. Goth. 1652. 8°. Bibl. Patr. Max. (Apocal.) III. (1677). Gallandius. Bibl. patr. IV. (1768) 49-. Migne. Patrol. Lat. V. (1844) 281-344. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) III. 451-483.

II.    Translations.


Wallis, R. E. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVIII. (1870) 388-433. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 339-60.

III.    Literature.

Baehr. Gesch. d. rom. Litterat. SiApl. 1. § 14; 2.

§33-Baronius. Ann. (1589-) 303, 126-7. Cf. Pagi. Crit.

(1689) 9-

Basnage. Hist, de l'egl. Rotterd. 1699. f°. Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 56-8. BjSrn. (Carmina.) Hafn. 1818. 8°. Bleek. Vorles. ii. d. Apok. p. 34-. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 40-1. Caillau. Introd. in ss. Patr. (1825) 137-9. Cassiodorus. Instit. divina, 5, 7, 9. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 147-51. Ceiixier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. III. (1732) 345-8; II.

(1865) 460-2.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 351-2. Chamard, S. Victorin, evSque et martyr, et s. Nectaire,

evgque de Poitiers. Poitiers, 1876. gr. 8°. (20 p.) Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 2295. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 198-200. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) II. 431. Darling. Cycl. bibl. 3061. Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1866) 485-8. Du?in. Nouv. Bibl. aut. eccles. (1698-) I. 574. Fessler. Patrologia. I. 326.

Fabricius. Bibl. m. aet. (1734-) VI. 822-3. (2a. 295.) Haussleiter, J. Die Kommentare d. Victorinus, Ti-

chonius, u. Hieronymus zur. Apokalypse. In: Ztschr.

f. Kirchl. Wiss. u. Leben. (1886) 239-257. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 74. (Honor. August. I. 75.) Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 427, etc. JScher. Gelehrt. Lex. (1750-1) (?) Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 127. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 162-80,

297-302. Launoy, Joan de. De Victorino, episcopo et martyre,

dissertatio. Parisiis, 1653. 8°. Argentorati, 1659.

8°. Ed. 2. Paris, 1664. 8°. Opera omn. (1731) II.

i- 634.

Leimbach. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-)

448-9. (Cf. Schaff-Herz. III. 2457.)

Lelong. Bibl. sac. II. 1003.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) XII. 364-5.

Lucke. Einl. v. d. Offenb. Joh. 972-82. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 563-97. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) X. 775. Mellicensis. (Anon.) 7. (Ed. Fabricius.) MShler. Patrol. I. (1840) 900. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) II. 431-2. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 296; II. 376 et


Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 360-2. Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XLVI. (1866) 121. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) IV. 153-4; (1749-) IV. 198-9. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1841-3) II. 900-7. Pressense. Martyrs. (1879) 368. Przileszky, Joh. Baft. Acta et scripta ss. Cornelu,

Firmiliani, Ponti et Victorini suo ordine digesta et

annotationibus historico-theologicis illustrato. Casso-

■viae, 1765. 8°. (282 p.) Ramsay, W. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

III. 1258. Reusch. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) XI.

677-8. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) III. 35; tr. Eng. (1884)

3l8. [V.2.]

Schaff. Hist. Church. II. (1886) 861-4. SchSnemann. Bibl. patr. lat. (1792) 144-7. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VII. 24-55. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 442-3. Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 361, 363. Tillemont. Memoires. (1693-) V. 311-3, 707-9. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 46.

Winter, Vit. Ant. Vorarbeiten z. Beleuchtungd. baier, u. ostreich. K. Gesch. (Miinch. 1803) I. 165-.

Nate. Creation authentic, Apocalypse dubious, all others spurious.


I.    Editions.

MANSI. Coll. concil. I. 1009-. Gallandius. Bibl. patr. III. (1767) 538-. RSssler. Bibl. d. Kirchen-V. II. (Lpz. 1776) 381-3. Coustant. Epist. Rom. Pontif. I. (1796) p. 270-. Migne. Patrol, lat. V. (1844) 99-136. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) III. 369-403. And in all editions of Athanasius.

II.    Translations.

Latin. Schram. In: Anal. ss. patr. VI. {Aug. Find. 1784. 8°.)


Wallis, R. E. (?) In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVIII. (1870) 385-7. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 365-6.

III.    Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 215.

Athanasius. Ep. de Sententia Dionysii.

Baronius. Ann. (1589-) 261, n, 53; 270, 17; 272,

21-2. Cf. Pagi. Crit. (1689-) 261, 7; 270,3; 272,

9-10. Baur, F. C. Lehre y. d. Dreieinigkeit. I. (1841) 311-19.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 485-7. Bower. Hist, of the Popes. I. (1749) 74-8. Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 420-422.

— Trinity. (1831) 127-132. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 35.






Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 133.

Ceillier. Hist .gen. aut. sac. III. (1732) 326-8; II.

(1865) 448-50.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 566. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 193. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. Ed.

Coxe. VII. (1886) 361-4, 366-8. Dorner. Person of Christ. II. (1868) 182-5, 4^5-Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1698-) I. 569. Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 86. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1705-) V. 275. (2a. VII. 293-^4.) — Bibl. m. aet. (1734-) II. 93-4. (2». 31.) Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 231, 294. H. In: Ersch u.Gruber. I.XXV. (1834) 356. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. 1.(1850) 261-2. Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 634-40. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 371-2. Hefele. Conciliengesch. I. 222. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 200; III.


Jaffe. Reg. pont. Rom. (1851) 10-1, 926. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 141. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 127-31.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) III. 669.

Lipsius. Chronol. d. rom. Bischofe. Kiel, 1869. p.


Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 194-214, 778. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) II. 811. MoberlY, G. H. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 852. MShler. Patrologie. I. (1840.) 641-4. MSller, W. In: Herzog, Real.-Enc. (1877-) III. 627-

8. (Cf. Schaff-Herzog. [1311. only.]) Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 452-4. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 606-8, 610; II. 338. Nitzsch. Dogmenges. I. (1870) 214, etc. Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XIII. (1855) 675. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 395-6, 423; (1749-) III.

511-3, 547-8-

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1741-4) II. 890-4. Pressense. Heresy. (N. K) 416-8. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 570-1. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1866)62. Schmitz, L. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) I.


Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780-) VI. 415-7. Shedd. Hist, of doct. 3d ed. (1865-) I. 304-5. Shepherd. Hist, of Ch. of Rome. (1851) 32-6. Tafuri. Scritt. Napoli. (1748) II. 1. 146-8. Teuffel. Hist. Rom. Lit. (1873) II. 537. Tillemont. Memoires (1693-) IV. 341-4, 670-2. Waterland. In: Works. III. 454-9, etc. Werner. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch.-Lex. (1847-54) III.


Wordsworth. Church Hist. (1881) 304-7. ZAVARRONI. Bibl. Calabra. (1753) 28.



I. Editions.

Bpvhviog, *. (Bryennios, Ph.) Aidaxi) rav 6i>6ena 'AwoaTdTuw. ev KavaravTivo^Tiu, 1883. 8°. [From the Jerusalem ms. Ed. princeps.]

Friedberg. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchen. (1884) Cf. Lit. Harnack. Leipz. 1884. [July.] Cf. Lit. Gebhardt u.

H. Hilgenfeld, A. In: N.T. extra canonem receptum.

Ed. 2. IV. {Lips. 1884. 8°.) 87-121.

Luthardt, C. E. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchl. Wiss. u. Leben. (1884) I39~43- [Repr. from Bryn. without comment.]

Wunsche. Gr. Ger. Leipz. 1884. 8°. Cf. Lit.

Hitchcock and Brown. N. Y. (Scribners) 1884; 2d ed. revised and enlarged. N.Y. 1885. 8°. Cf. Lit.

Orris, S. S. New York, 1884. Cf. Lit.

Curry, D. Gr. Eng. In: Meth. Q. XXXVI. (1884) 7O4-I5-                      ______

De Romistin, H. Gr. Engl. Oxf. and Lond. Oct. 1884.

8°. Fitzgerald. New York, 1884. Cf. Lit.

Prius, J. J. Lugd. Bat. 1884. Cf. Lit.

In: Theologisk Tidsskrift for den ev. luth. Kirke i Norge. X. (Christiania, 1884.)

Spence. Lond. 1885. 8°. Cf. Lit. Sabatier, P. Gr. Fr. Par. 1885. Cf. Lit. Majocchi. Milano, 1885. 8°. Cf. Lit. Warfield, B. B. (Latin fragment.) In: Schaff. Teaching of the 12. (1886) 219-25.

(The two ways.) Bickell, J. W. In his: Gesch. d. Kirchenrechts. I.

(1843) 107-132.

Lagarde. In his: Rel. jur. eccl. aut. (1856)74-79. Pitra, D. B. In his: Juris eccl. Gr. hist, et mon. I.

(1864) 77-86-Hilgenfeld. In his: N. T. extra Canon Rec. fasc. IV.

(1866) 95-105.

II. Translations.


Helveg. 1884. Cf. Lit. Poulsen. Kjobenhavn, 1884. Cf. Lit. Varming, C. Kjobenhavn, 1884. Cf. lit

Dutch. Meyboom. Leiden, Sept., 1885. Cf. Lit.


De Romestin. Oxf. and Lond. 1884. 8°. Cf. Lit.

Gardiner and Camp. N. Y. Mar. 29, 1884, and separately. Cf. Lit.

Hall and Napier. In: S. S. Times. (Phila. 1884. Apr. 5 & 12.) Cf. Lit.

— In: Ante-Nic. Lib. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 377-82.

Farrar. In: Contemp. R. (May, 1884.) Cf. Lit.

Lond. June, 1884. In: For. Church. Chron. and R.

Spence. Lond. 1885. 8°. Cf. Lit.

Hitchcock and Brown. N.Y. 1884. 8°; 1885. 8°; also in: Indian Evangelical Rev. (Calcutta, Tan. 1885.) Cf. Lit.

Starbuck and Smyth. Andover, 1884. Cf. Lit.

In: Lobb's Theol. Qt. (1884, July.)

Orris, S. S. N.Y., 1884. Cf. Lit.

Fitzgerald. New York, 1884. Cf. Lit.


Bonet-Maury, G. Par. 1884. Cf. Lit. Sabatier. Par. 1885. Cf. Lit.


Funk. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXVI. (1884) 383-402. Friedberg. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchen. XIX. (1884) Cf.

Lit. Funk. Tub. 1884. In: Theol. Quartalschr. Cf. Lit.






JHARNACK. J^eipz. 1884. [July.] Cf. Lit. Gebhardt u. H,

—  (Chs. 7-16.) In: Theol. Literaturzeitung. IX. (1884. Feb. 9.)

VoLKMAR. Lpz. u. Ziir. 1885. Cf. Lit.


Caspari. Lor dag. 1884. Cf. Lit. Swedish.

Berggren, J. E. Upsala, 1884. Cf. Lit.

Note. The list of editions and translations must omit some included in the literature. It is not possible to analyze some titles without the works themselves.

III. Literature.

Aberle. Die Didache u. ihre Nebenformen. In: Lit.

Rundschau. (1885, p. 225-228; 257-260.) Addis, W. E. In: Dublin Rev. 3 ser. XII. (1884) 442-

50. [Review of Bryennios, Wunsche, Harnack, Hitchcock and Brown, Farrar, Hilgenfeld, Bickell, and Wordsworth.]

Allgemeine Zeitg. {Munich") Jan. 25, 1884. [First notice of Br. ed. in Germany.]

Arnold, C. F. Die neu entdeckte, Lehre der zwolf Apostel. In: Ztscher. f. Kirchrecht. XX. (1885) 407-43?-

— Die Didache u. die apostolischen Vater. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchrecht. XX. (1885) 439-454.

B., J. E. In: Teologisk Tidskrift. XXVII. (1887) 58-9. [Rev. of Harnack.]

Backhouse, E. Early church history to the death of Constantine. Edited and enlarged by Ch. Tylor. 2d edit., with an appendix containing " The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles." London, 1885. 8°. (610 p.)

Baltzer, E. Die wiedergefundene Zwolfapostellehre. MitBemerkgn. Rudolstadt, 1886. 8°. (14 p.)

Bapheides, Phil. In: '^RtCKitaLaxnutil kTJfiua Constant. (Jan. 17 [29], 1884.)

—'Bk/cX Jot. I. (1884) 166-7.

Behm, H. In: Ztschr. Kirchl. Wiss. u. Leben. (1886) 575-8. [Didache IX. 2.]

Berggren, J. E. Om den nyligen aterfunna skriften.

' De tolf aposttarnes lara.' In: Teologisk Tidsskrift.

XXIV. {Upsala, 1884.) 200-6. Bestmann, H. J. Gesch. d. Chr. Sitte. II. Nordlingen.

(1885) 136-53.

Beweis des Glaubens. (July, 1884.) [Rev. of Harnack.] Bickell, G. Die neuentd. "Lehre d. Ap." u. d. Litur-

gie. In: Ztschr. f. Kath. Theol. VIII. {Innsbr. 1884)


— Liturgie. In: Kraus. Real-Encycl. d. christl. Alterth. Freib. i. B. 1885. p. 310-.

Bielenstein, A. Warum enthalt d. tuiaxv nichts Lehr-haftes? Riga, 1885- [Repr. from: Mittheil. u. Nachr. f. d. evang. Kirche i. Russland. (1885, Feb. Mar., p. 131-7.)]

Binnie, W. In: Brit. & For. R. XXXIV. (1885, Oct.)

640-60. Birks, E. B. Letter. In: Guardian. (1884, July 2.)

— Note onl. 234-. In: The Guardian. (1884, June 11.) Boase. In: Academy. (1884, Apr. 19.) [?] Bonet-Maury, Gaston. La doctrine des douze apStres.

In: Critique philos. and Crit. religieuse; repr. Par.

1884. (36 p.) BonhSffer. Die religiose Anschauung d. Did. In:

Theol. Stud, aus Wurtt. VIII. (1887) 151-78. Bonwetsch, G. N. Prophetie im apost. u. nachap.

Ztalter. In: Zeitschr. f. kirchl. Wiss. u. Leben. (1884)

408-24, 460-477.

Bornemann, W. In: Theol. Lit.-Ztng. X. (1885) 413. Bratke. In: Jahrb. f. Prot. Theol. {Lpz. 1886) 302-11. Bright, W. Letter against Birks. In: The Guardian.

(1884, June 18.)

Bryennios, Ph. (Bpvhn/tos, *.) [A letter.] In: An-dover Rev. (1884, June.) 662-3.

— Hepl ttji; Atoax^( tov S&dena avoariXuv. In:' E/oc/l)?-aiaaTuaj'AXffieia. (1884,10 [22] voe/i.) 5ib—57^.

— S. u. editions.

Caspari, C. P. Den aeldeste Kircheordning. In: Lu-

thersk Ugeskrift. {Lb'rdag, 1884.) Ju. 14 and 21. Cassel, Paul. "Notice in 'Sunem.' No. 25. 1884."

Schaff. Chase, F. H. Note on the Teaching of the Twelve

Apostles. Ch. XI. In: The Expositor. (1886, April.)

319-320. Chiappelli, A. Letteratura Christiana. Di una recente

scoperta: ' La dottrina de' dodici apostoli.' In: Nouva

Antologia. (1885) p. 209-225. Church Q. {Lond. 1884, Apr.) 213-7. Churton, W. R. Letter. In: The Guardian. (1884,

July 2.) Craven, E. R. In: Journ. of Chr. Philos.: repr. N. Y.

Apr. 1884. Cf. Paine, J. A.

Curry, D. In: Meth. R. XXXVI. (1884) 697-715. Delitzsch, Frz. Die Bibel u. d. Wein. Leipz. 1885;

also in: Expos. (1886) 68-9.

De Romestin, H. Letter against Birks. In: The Guardian. (1884, June 18.) —Teaching of the 12 Apostles. Ox/, and Lond. 1884.

12°. (118 p.)

Dowden, J. In: Scottish Church Rev. (1884, June.) Drummond, R. B. In: Academy. (Jan. 31,1885.) [Rev.

of Spence.] Duchesne, Louis. In: Bulletin Critique. {Par. 1884.)

Nos. 5, 17, 19. Early Christian ministry and the Didache, The. In:

Church Q. Rev. XXIV. (1887) 115-143. Farrar, F. W. In: Expositor. (1884, May.) 374-92;

(Aug.) 81-91.

— In: Contemp. Rev. (May, 1884.) 698-706. [Trans with notes.]

Field, T. Letter. In: The Guardian. (1884, July 2.) Fitzgerald, J. Teaching of the Twelve Apostles. New

York, 1884. (Apr. 2.) Foreign Church Chronicle and Rev. (1884, June 2) 92-

8, 112-6. [Transl. and notice.] Friedberg, E. D. alteste Ordnung d. chr. Kirche. In:

Ztschr. f. Kirchenrecht. XIX. (1884)) 408-25. [in-

troduction, text and translation.] Funk. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXVI. (1884) 381-402.

[Transl. w. brief introduction and notes.]

— Z. Literatur ub. d. Doctrina apostolorum. In: Lit. Rundschau. (1884, Oct.) 577-582.

— In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXVII. (1885) 159-67. [Rev. of Hilgenfeld, Wunsche, Gebhardt, and Harnack.]

Gardiner, Fr., and Camp, C. C. The recently discovered Apostolic ms. In: Churchman. {NY. 1884, March 29); also, NY. 1884. (26 p.) [Transl.]

Gebhardt, O. v., u. Harnack, Adolf. Texte und Untersuch. z. Gesch. d. altchr. Lit. II. 2. Lehre d. zwolf Apostel, nebst Untersuchungen zur alt. Gesch. d. Kirchenverfass. u. d. Kirchenvechts von A. H. II. Halfte, nebst Anhung: Ein iiberschenes Fragment d. Acdaxv in alter lat. Uebersetzung, mitgetheilt von O. v. G. Leipzig, 1884. (p. 101-294.)

Gebhardt, O. v. Letter. In: Schaff. Oldest Church Manual. (1886) 298-9.

Gooszen, M. A. In: Geloof en Vrijheid. (1885) 99-108.

Gordon, A. Te.aching of the 12 Apostles. In : Modern Rev. (1884, July) 446-80; (Oct.) 763-769.

Grosvenor, E. A. In: Independent. XXXVI. (1884, Oct. 16.) 1314. [Conversation with Bryennios.]

— An interview with Bryennios. In: Andover R. II. (1884, Nov.) 515-6.

— In: Century. (1885) 167-71.

Hall, E. E. Teaching of the 12 Apostles. In: New Eng. VII. (1884, July) 544-60.






1885.) [Rev. of Hitch.

Hall, I. H., and Napier, J. T. In: Sunday School Times. {Phila. 1884, Apr. 5 and 12.)

— Phraseology of—. In: Jour, of Chr. Philos.; also repr. N. Y. 1884, Apr. Cf. Paine, J. A.

— In: Independent. (Apr. 16, cock and B., and Spence.]

HARNACK. In: Theol. Ltzng. IX. (1884) 44 [Mention of Bryennios ed.], 49~55 [Notice of B., transl. of Ch. 7-16], 342-3. [Rev. of Hilgenfeld.]

— In: Gebhardt u. H. Texte u. Untersuch. II. I. Leipz. 1884. 8°. [Cf. Gebhardt u. H.]

— In: N. Y. Independent. (Feb. 19, 1885.) [Baptismal question]; repr. in Schaff. (1886) 50-1.

— Apostellehre u. d. jiid. beiden Wege. Leipzig. (1886). [Enlarged reprint, with text, from Herzog. Real.-Enc]

— In: Theol. Ltztg. XII. (1887) 32-4.

Harris, J. Rendel. Genuineness, priority, source, and value. In: Jour, of Chr. Philos.; repr. N.Y. 1884. Cf. Paine, R. A.

— The Teaching and the Sibylline Books. Cambr. 1885. (36 p.)

— Photographs of three pages of the Bryennois ms. Bait. 1885.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 212-3, z7^-9-Hayman, H. Further remarks . . . In: Dublin Rev.

3 ser. XIII. (1885) 91-106. Helveg, F. Fra Kirchens Oldtid. In: Dansk. Kirke-

tidende (1884) Nos. 24 and 25. H[icks], E[dward] L[ee]. In: Guardian. (1884, June

25; postscript do. July 9.) [Teaching and Barnabas.]

Hilgenfeld, A. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVII.

(1884) 366-71. [Rev. of Krawutzcky's " Zwei wege" and Bryennois.]

— In: N. T. extra Canon Rec. (1884). Cf. Eds.

— In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVIII. (1885) 73-'°2. Hitchcock, R. D., and Brown, Fr. Teaching of the

Twelve Apostles. Ed. Tr., Introd. and Notes. New York, Scribners, 1884. 8°; revised and enlarged. 1885. 8°.

Hobson, W. F. Letter against Birks. In: The Guardian. (1884, June 18.)

Holtzmann, H. Die alteste Kirchenordnung. In: Prot. Kirchztg. XXXIII. (1884) 697-708.

— In: Deutsche Lit.-Ztng. {Berlin, 1884, Oct. 4.) 1452. [Rev. of Harnack.]

— Die Didache u. ihre Nebenfumen. In: Jahrb. f. prot. Theol. (1885) 154-66.

— Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) U3-4.

Howard, G. B. Query. In: The Guardian. (1884,

July 9-) Howson, J. S. Letter against Birks. In: The Guardian.

1884, June 18.) Indian Evangelical Rev. (Calcutta) Jan. 1885. [Trans.

Hitchcock & B. and Notes.] Jessup, H. H. In: N.Y. Independent. (1886, Feb. 18.)

[Baptism.] Krawutzcky. Ueber d. altkirchl. Unterrichtsbuch " Die

zwei Wege u. s. w." In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXIV.

(1882)359-445. [The " Two ways."]

— Ueb. d. sog. Zwolfap.-lehre. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXVI. (1884) 547-606. [Year 200. Heretical patchwork from Barnabas, Hermas, The two ways, and an Ebionitic ' Kirchenordnung.']

—  (Extract from letter of.) In: Schaff. Oldest Church Manual. (1886) 300-1.

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 109-10.

Langer, J. D. alteste chr. Kirchenbuch. In: Hist. Ztschr. LIII. (1885) 193-214.

Lechler. Ap. v. Nachap. Z.-A. (1885) 553-9, 574-, 586-92, etc.; Eng. tr. (1886) 293-7, 3°7-> 332-4°. etc.

Lightfoot, J. B. Results of recent research. In: Official Report of Carlisle Church Congress, 1884. 230-2; also, revised, in: Expos. (1885) 1-11.

— Apost. fathers. II. 1. (1885) 739; also in Schaff. Teaching of the 12. (1886) 301-3.

Lincoln, H. In: Bibliotheca Sacra. (1884, July.)


Lipsius. (*) In: Deutsche Lit.-Ztg. V. (1884, Oct. 4.) I449-51. [Rev. of Bryennios.]

—  In: Lit. Centralbl. (1885, Jan. 24.) 138-9. [Rev. of Harnack.]

— In: Lit. Centralbl. (1885, Feb. 14) 233-4.

LONG, J. C. In: Bapt. R. VI. (1884) 369-90. [Sources.] M'Giffert, A. C. The ' Didache' viewed in its relations

to other writings. In: Andover Rev. (1886, April.)

430-442. Majocchi, R. La dottrina dei dodici Apostoli; . . .

testo originale conversione e commento. Milano, 8°. (83 p.) ["Estr. dal periodico milanese La

Scuola cattolica". Anno XIII. vol. XXV. quad. 14S-149"]

Ed. seconda, corvetta ed ampliata. Modena, 1887. 8°.

(288 p.) Manen, W. C. van. In: Bejblad van de Heroorming.

(1884) No. 6. Massebieau, L. In: Rev. d. l'Hist. d. Religions. X.

(1884, Sept., Oct.) 129-60; repr. Par. 1884. 8°. (36 p.)

— In: Rev. d. Hist. d. Religions. XI. (1885) 333-5. [Rev. of M<§n£goz.]

— Communications sur la Did. In: Le Temoignage. (1885, Feb. 7.)

Mathieau, S. Les origenes de 1'episcopat. In: Rev.

de Theol. {Montauban, 1884, July-Sept.) Menegoz, B. Une decouverte importante. In: Le

Temoinage. Par. 1884, 23 fevrier.

— Les origenes de 1'episcopat. In: Do. 1 mars.

— Les parasites dans l'eglise primitive. In: Do. 8 Mars.

— Le chemin de la vie. In: Do. 15 mars. —■ Les choses finales. In: Do. 29 mars.

—  L'agape. In: Do. 5 jouillet.

— Une nouvelle etude sur la Didache. In : Le Temoignage. Par. 1885, 3 Janvier.

— Le caractere de la Did. In: Do. 28 mars. p. 99-101.

— La doctrine relig. de la Did. In: Do. 4 avril. p. 107-8.

— La Did. et ^interpretation du N. T. In: Do. 11 avril. p. 115-6.

— La date de la Did. In: Do. 18 avril. p. 122-3.

—  Les indices de la haute antiquite de la Did. In: Do. 25 avril. p. 131-3.

Meyboom, H. U. De leer der Twaalf Ap. In: Theolo-gisch Tijdschrift. XIX. (1885, Sept.) 529-51 (Nov.) 596-632.

Munchen, K. In: Ztschr. f. Kath. Theol. X. (1886) 629-

76. [Early original work, although making use of written sources.]

Muralt, E. DE. In: Rev. de theol. et de philos. (1884,

May.) 278-91. Nieuwe Rotterdammer Courant. (1884, Feb. 19.) [First

men. in Holland.] NlRSCHL, J. In: Lit. Handweiser. {Mainz, 1884.) No.

13. [Rev. of Br.] Olssen, W. W. In: Am. Ch. Rev. XLVII. (1886) 168-

78. [Rev. of Hitchcock and B.] Orris, S. Stanhope. Text and transl. In: Jour, of

Chr. Philos.; repr. N. Y. 1884. Cf. Paine, J. A. Paine, J. A. Ed. and Publ. Teaching of the Twelve

Apostles; repr. from The Jour, of Chr. Philos. New York, 1884, Apr. (84 p.) Cf. Orris, S. S., Harris,

J. P., Hall, I. H., and Craven, E. R. Petersen. Die Lehre d. zwolf Apostel. Flensb. {Lpz.

Drescher.~) 1884. 8°. (15 p.) Phor6poulos, I. {fyop&izovXos, 'I.) 'Oi sv 'AyyVia koX

'AfiepiKy deoMyoi irepl rfjg Aida%i/<; tov 1/3' dTroord/W.)

In: '~Eitichri(1884. I. [13] low.

p. 500 a-502 a. Plummer, A. In: Churchman. {London, 1884, July.)

274~S- [The Teaching and St. John.]






Potwin, L. S. Vocabulary of the Teaching. In: Bibli-otheca Sacra. (1884, Oct.) 800-17.

— Philo and the D. In: Bib. Sac. XLIII. (1886) 174-6.

Potwin, Th. St. In: The Independent. (Ja. 21, 1886.)

[Allusion in Origen.]

— The last chapter of 'The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles,' illustrated from passages in the Early-Christian Fathers. In: The Andover Rev. (1886, Apr.) 443—444.

Poulsen, A. S. Et igenfundet Skrift fra Kirkens aldste Tider. In: TheologiskTidsskrift. {KjQbenhavn, 1884.)

576-89. — In:

Theologisk Tidsskrift. {Kjt/ibenh. 1884.) 130-31.

[Reply to Rjirdam, do. 127-30.] Prius, J. J. hidaxfj tov daoena anoardluov in usum stu-

diosae juventutie repetiit J. J. P. Lugd. Bat. 1884. 8°.

(16 p.) Reville, J. Une importante decouverte. In: La

Renaissance. (1884, Feb. 29. ) Riddle, M. B. Introd. note. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886)

369-76, 382-3. Robertson, A. In: Durham Univ. Journ. (Feb. 1884.)

[First notice in England.] RpKDAM, Th. Den apostoliske Troesbekjendelse og se

tolvApostelsLare. In: Theologisk Tidsskrift. {Kjfyben-

havn, 1884.) 127-30. RSvers, M. A. N. In his: Biblioth. van. Mod. Theol.

V. 310-. Sabatier, P. In: Eglise Libre. (1884) nos. 11-18.

—  La Didache ou l'enseignement des douze ap6tres. Paris, 1885. 8°. (165 p.)

Sadler. In: Guardian. (June 4, 1884.) Schaff, P. Philotheos Bryennios. In: Independent. (Apr. 16, 1885.)

— Philotheos Bryennios. In: Harper's Weekly. (Apr. 25, 1885.)

— The idiom and vocabulary of the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles. In: Journal of the Soc. of Bibl. Lit. and Exegesis. (1885, June and Dec.) p. 3-7.

— The Oldest Church Manual. JV. Y. 1885, May; 2d ed. revised and enlarged. New York, 1886. 8°. [Ed. Transl. Full notes, treatises and literature. For best reviews cf. 2d ed. p. 306.]

— Hist. .. Church. II. (1886)184-5.

Scherer, R. v. 1st die fog. Lehre der zwolf Apostel, echt? In: Archiv. f. kath. Kirchrecht. (1885) 4.

P- 3-9-Smend. Randbemerkungen zu der neuentdeckten, Lehre

der zwolf Apostel. In: Ev. Gemeindeblt. f. Rheinland

u. Vestfalen. (1885) 4, Sp. 35-37; 5, Sp. 47~5°-Smyth, E. C. Baptism in the Teaching and in early

Christian Art. In: Andover Rev. (1884, May) 533-

47-Spdnce. The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles. Transl.

w. Notes, Excursus and Gr. text. Lond. 1885. 8°.

(183 p.) Spitta, F. D. Abendsmahlsgebete aus —. In: Ztschr. f.

prakt. Theol. VIII. (1886) 313-29. Starbuck, C. C, and Smyth, E. C. Teaching of the

Twelve Apostles. Trans., etc. In: Andover Rev.

(1884, Apr.) Stokes, G. T. In: Contemp. R. (1884, Apr., Aug.)

(1885, Jan.)

Taylor, C. Teaching, with illustrations from the Talmud. 2 lectures, 1885. Lond. 1886. 8°. (140 p.)

— The Didache and Barnabas. In: The Expositor. (1886, April) p. 316-317 (June) 401-28.

Varming, C. (W.?) De tolv apostles laerdom, u. over-sat. Kjjibenhavn, 1884. (35 p.) V[enables], E. Teachings of the Apostles. In: British

Q. Rev. LXXXI. (1885, Apr.) 333-70. Volkmar, G. Urchristl. Andachtsbuch. Zurich, 1885. (47 p.)

Leipz. and

Warfield, B. B. Some recent apocryphal gospels. In: Southern Presb. Rev. (1884, Oct.) 711-759.

— In: Andover Rev. (1885, Dec.) 593-9.

— In: Presb. Rev. (1886, Jan.) 173-6. [Rev. of Schaff.]

— The Didache and its kindred forms. And. R. (1886) 81-97.

— Text, sources, and contents of " The two ways," or first section of the Didache. In: Bib. Sac. XLIII. (Ober-lin, 1886) 100-61.

— Textual criticism of the Two Ways. In: The Expositor. (1886, Feb.) 156-160.

— In: N.Y. Independent. (1886, Mar. 4.) Westminster Review. (1885, Jan.) 206-9. Wordsworth, J. Christian Life, Ritual and Discipline

at the close of the First Century. In: Guardian. (1884,

Mar. 19, Suppl.); a correction. (Mar. 26); a letter

(July 2). WfiNSCHE, A. Lehre d. zwolf Apost. Leipz. 1884. 8°.

[Transl. text, etc.] Zahn, T. In: Theol. Lit.-bl. V. (1884, June 27, July

11) 201-4, 217-20.

— Forsch. zr. Gesch. des NTlichen Kanons u. s. w. Erlang. 1884. III. 278-319.

— In: Theol. Lit.-blatt. (1885, Apr. 3) 123-. [Rev. of Bielenstein.]

ZSckler, O. In: Evang. Kirchenztng. (1884, May 3, Aug. 16.) 377-82, 705-8. Cf. (1885) 21-3.

"i. Cf. Lipsius.

For various short articles compare Hitchcock and B.

2d ed. App. p. 74-5.

Note 1. For discussion of the literature up to March, 1886, compare in Schaff's Oldest Church Manual—one of the best bibliographico-literary monographs in the patristic field.

Note 2. Compare all the modern literature relating to the Two ways, to Barnabas, Hermas, Apostolical Constitutions, etc.


I. Editions.

TURRIANUS, Fr. Venet. 1563. 40.

Ducaeus, Fronto. Gr. lat. (Turrianus.) Paris, 1618.

f°.? In: Zonara, Jo. Canones Apost. et cone. Labbe. In his: Concilia. T. I. {Par. 1672. f°.) Cotelerius. Gr. lat. In his: Patr. apost. 1672. 1698.

f°; Amst. 1724. 8°.

Grabe. (Fragm.) Gr. lat. Spicil. patr. (1700) I. 40-55. Whiston, Wm. Gr. Eng. In his: Primitive Christianity.

Lond. 1711. 8°. II. hi. Russel, Rich. Gr. lat. In his: Patres Apost. Lond.

1746. 2v. 8°. (??)

Mansi. In his: Concil. col. Florent. 1759. f°. I. Galland. Gr. lat. In his: Bibl. patr. Venet. f°. III.

(1788) 1-248, 249-72. Lagarde. In: Bunsen. Hippolytus. Lond. 1852; Lpz.

1852; Analect. Antenic. (1854) II. 33-448. Ultzen, Cand. Guil. Gr. Suerin. 1853. 8°. MlGNE. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. I. (1857) 555-1156. Lagarde. Gr. Lipsiae, 1862. 8°. PlTRA. Gr. In: Jur. eccl. Gr. hist, et mon. I. (Rom.


II. Translations.


Tattam. Copt. Eng. Lond. 18 in Bunsen.

S; also tr. by Lagarde

Ethiopic. Platt, Th. P. Ethiop. Engl. Lond. 1834.






Syriac. Lagarde. Didascalia apost. Syr. Lips. 1854. 8°.

Latin. Capellius, C. Ingolst. 1546. f°; also in: Crabbe, Pt.

Concilia ann. ed. II. Colon. 1551. f°. p. 27. Bovius, J. C. Paris, 1564. 8°. Surius, Laur. In: Concilia ann. Col.Agr. i°. I. (1567)

33-; Venet. f°. I. (1585) 26-. Turianus, Fr. Antv. Plantin, 1578. f°. Binius. In: Concilia. Colon. i°. I. (1606); I. (1618. f°.)

Par. 1626. f°.


Donaldson, J. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVII. (1870) 11. 5-269. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 391-505.


Maistre. In: St. Clement. II. {Paris, 1884. 8».) 185-504.


BOXLER, F. Kempten, 1873. 16°. [The Reithmayer-Thalhofer Bibl.]

III. Literature.

Allix, P. Remarks upon some Places of Mr. Whiston's Books, either printed or Manuscript. Lond. 1711. 8°. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 89. [v. 1.] Baur. In: "Tub. Zeitschr. (1838) 131.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 250. BA*EIAH2. '~&kkK. hsr. I. (1884) 166. Beveridge, W.' The opinion of W. Beveridge concerning the Apostolical Constitutions. 1712. 8°.

— Cod. can. Ch. 2. c. IX. See below.

Bickell. Gesch. des Kirchenrecht's. {Giessen, 1543.)

62, etc.

Boetticher. = Lagarde, P. de. Bruckner, J. In: Stud. u. Krit. LVI. (1883) 7-32.

[" Liturgie ira achten Buche."]

Bruno. Judicium. In Cotel. Patr. Ap. e II. app.

Bull. Def. fid. Nic. 2, c. 3, § 6.

Bunsen. In: Hippol. u. seine Zeit. {Leipz. 1852) I. 418-525; II, 1-26, and in: 2d Engl. ed. Hippol. and his age, or Christianity and mankind. {Lond. 1854) V-VII.

—  Extracts and Outlines. Hippolytus. (1854) II. 3-92, 395-424.

Chapin, A. B. Chase's Apostolic Constitutions. In:

Am. Church R. I. (1849) 536-. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 25-6, 205. Chase. Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, including

the Canons; Whiston's version revised from the Greek; •with a prize essay (of Krabbe) upon their origin and

contents. New York, 1848. Christian Remembrancer. XXVII. (1854) 253-. Christian Rev. XIII. (1848) 201-. Cotelerius. Patr. ap. Amst. 1724. f°. I.; also in:

Migne. Patrol, gr. I. (1857) 509-20. Cotta, D. J. F. De constitutionibus apostolicis. Tub.

1746. 4°.

Credner, Z. Gesch. d. Kanons. 220-. Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) pass. Dallaeus. De pseudepigr. Apost. Harderv. 1653. Donaldson, J. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XVII. (1870) 11 1-4. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 385-90.

[Add. notes. Ed. Coxe. 506-8.]

v. Drey. Ueb. d. Const. In: Theol. Quartalschrift. (.829).

— Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Constitutionen u. Kanones der Apostel. Ein histor.-krit. Beitrag zur Litteratur d. Kirchengeschichte u. d. Kirchenrechts. Tubing. 1832. 8°.

V. Drey. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) II.

855-9. Edwards, J. Some Observations upon the Apostolical

Constitutions. In his: Some brief Observations and

Reflections on Mr. Whiston's late Writings, falsely

entitul'd Primitive Christianity reviv'd. Lond. 1712.

8°. Epiphanius. Haer. 70, no. 10, 11, 12; 75, no. 6; 80,

no. 7.

Forsyth, J. In: Princ. XXI. (1849) 42-. Forty-sixth chapter of the Apostolic Constitutions. In:

Am. Church R. XXIV. (1872) 489-. Funk. D. Interpolator d. Ign. Br. v. d. Interpolation

d. ap. C. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXII. (1880) 378-


Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 233-4, 542.

Grabe, J. E. An Essay upon Two Arabick Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library, and that Ancient Book call'd " The Doctrine of the Apostles," which is said to be extant in them: Wherein Mr. Whiston's Mistakes about both are plainly proved. Oxford, 1711. 8°. Lond. 1712. 8°. Cf. Memoirs of Literature. Vol. I. p. 317-3i9-

Haneberg. Canones St. Hippolyti arabic. Miinchen. 1870.

Harnack. Quellen d. sogen. ap. Kirchenordnung. Lpz. 1886. 8°. (106 p.) = Gebhardt u. H. Texte u. Untersuchungen. II. in.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 416.

Hefele, R. C. Conciliengesch. I. 792-. (2d ed. 1873.)

HlLGENFELD. Ketzergesch. (1884) 44-5.

— Nov. Test, extra Canon rec. Lips. 1866. IV. Hug. In: (alt) Freib. Ztschr. V. v. 153. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) I. 50-4.

Jackson. Ap. fath. (1879) 65-6.

Jacobson. In: Herzog Real-Enc.

Jewell. Works. I. (1848) 169.

Jortin, John. The Apostolical Constitutions and Canons considered; the Recognitions of Clemens a wretched romance. A passage in them explained. In his: Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. {Lond. 1751. 8°.) I. p. 228-283, 338-342-

— Some remarks upon the Apostolical Constitutions. In his: Discourses on the Christian Religion. Discourse VI.

Krabbe. Ueber den Ursprung u. den Inhalt der apost.

Constitutionen des Clemens Romanus. Hamb. 1829. Lagarde. De indole et origine canonum et constitu-

tiorium apostolorum. In: Bunsen. (? ?)

— In: Rel. juris eccl. antiq. 1856.

Lamson, A. In: Chr. Exam. XLIV. (1847) 223-. Lardner. The History of the Apostolical Constitutions

and Canons. In his: Credibility. VIII. {Lond. 1750.

8°.) p. 319-407.

LlGHTFOOT. Epist. to Philippians. {Lond. 1868) 201-2. Lindsay, T. M. In: Encycl. Brit. (9thed.) II. 195. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. VII. (1790) 297-399. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) II. 383. [Magistris, De.] Acta mart, ad Ostia. Rom. 1795.

f°. 134-; also in: Migne. I. (1857) 523-

42. Mansi. Concil. Flor. 1759. f°. I. 254-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. I. (1857) 521-4.

Martin, Edw. The Authority of the Apostolical Constitutions and Canons. In his: Five Letters. {Lond.

1662. 8°.) Letter 3. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 660. Newman, J. H. Hist, sketches. I. Lond. 1878. 8°.


Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 73. NlTZSCH. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 99. Object of Forging the Apostolic Constitutions. In: Chr.

R. XV. (1850) 505-.






Ockley, Simon. An account of the Authority of the Arabick Manuscript, in the Bodleian Library, controverted between Dr. Grabe?nd Mr. Whiston. In a Letter to Mr. Thirlby. Lord. 1712. 8°.

Pagas. Brev. gust. pont. Rom. Vita Clem. § v-. Also in: I. (1857) 519-22.

Pearson. Vind. Ignat. in: Cotel. Patr. Ap. II. p. 251.

Pezold, C. F. De Clements ejusque constitutionibus apostolicis. Dissert. II. Lips. 1698. 4°.

Pressense. Chr. life. (1878) 190-1, 224-5.

Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 285-7, II. 34; tr. Eng. (1884) 283-5 [v. i]» 3'° [v. 2].

Ritschl. Altkath. Kirche. p. 598.

Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 229-257.

Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. I. (1795) 117-47.

Rothe. Anfange d. Chr. Kirche. {Wittenb. 1837) I. 541.

SchafF. Creeds of Christendom. II. (1877) 39~4°-

— Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 185-6. SCHROEKH. Kirchenges. II. 127. SCHWEGLER. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) I. 406-13. Shaw, BenJ. In: Smith and Cheetham. Diet. I. {Bost.

1875) 119-126.

Smalbroke, Rich. The pretended Authority of the Clementine Constitutions confuted, by their Inconsistency with the inspired Writings of the Old and New Testament. In Answer to Mr. Whiston. Lond. 171.4 8°. Cf. Memoirs of Literature. IV. p. 155-158.

Tischendorf. Var. Cet. In: II. (1857) 1277-80.

Turner, Rob. A discourse of the pretended Apostolical Constitutions, wherein all the principal evidence, both external and internal, brought by Mr. Whiston in his essay on those books, to prove them genuine, is examined and confuted. Lond. 1715. 8°.

Turrianus, F. Proem, in libr. Clementis Rom. de Const. Apost. Antv. 1578.

Ueltzen, C. H. W. Const. Apost. Suerini, 1853.

— Zur Einl. in d. —. In: Ztschr. f. luth. Theol. XV. (1854) 674-85.

Usserius, Jac. Dissert, de — in his ed. of Polycarp and Ignatius. Oxon. 1644 and 1647.

— Diss. de Ign. ep. In: Cotelerius. Pat. Ap. II. (1724) 251.

Veterum testimonia. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. I. (1857) 543-54-

Wernsdorf, Gli. Adversus Whistonem. Wittenb. 1739. 4°-

Whiston, W. A Demonstration, that the Apostolical Constitutions were written in the first Century. In his: Essay towards restoring the true Text of the Old Testament. {Lond. 1722. 8°.) p. exvi-exxxviii.

— An essay on the Apostolical Constitutions. In his: Primitive Christianity. Lond. 1711. 8°.

— Remarks on Dr. Grabe's Essay upon Two Arabick Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library, etc. Lond. 1711. 8°.

•— A reply to Dr. Allix's Remarks on some places of Mr. Whiston's Books, either printed or Manuscript. With an Appendix containing, I. The Preface to the Doctrine of the Apostles. II. Propositions, containing the Primitive Faith of Christians, about the Trinity and Incarnation. III. A letter to the most Reverend Thoma, etc. Lond. 1711. 8°.

— St. Clement's and St. Irenaeus's Vindication of the Apostolical Constitutions from Several Objections made against them. As also an account of the two ancient rules thereunto belonging for the celebration of Easter. With a Postscript on Occasion of Mr. Turner's Discourse of the Apostolical Constitutions. Lond. 1715. 8°; repr. Lond. 1716. 8°.


I. Editions.

Merlin. (Lat. only.) In: Concil. Par. 1523. f";

Colon. 1530; Par. 1536. 8°. Haloandrus, Greg. Gr. lat. Norimb. 1531. f. Crabbe. Gr. lat. In: Concilia omnia. Colon. 1538. f*

I.  p. V., etc. See above.

Gruter, Lamb. Gr. lat. In: Opera. Col. Nygr. 1570.


Eberigerus. Gr. lat. Wittenb. 1614. 40. Gr. lat. Par. 1620. f°. Beverigius, Guil. Gr. lat. In his: Synoodicm. I. (Ox.

1672. fo) 1-57. Harduinus. Gr. lat. In: Col. concil. I. {Par. 1715

f°.) 10-.

Bernholdus, J. B. Altorphis, 1733. 8°. Hartmann, J. D. Gr. ger. In his: Beitrage . . Jen.

1796. 8°. p. 204.

Bunsen. Analect. Antenic. (1854) II. 1-32. MacNallay, Th. Gr. lat. eng. Lond. 1867. 8°. Hefele. Gr. lat. In: Conciliengesch. 1.(1873)800-

827; also in: Tr. Engl. I. (1872) 449. Fulton, J. D. Gr. Eng. In: Index Canonum. New

York, 1883. 8°. p. 80-109.

Also in most of the editions of the Constitutions, and in various collections of Canons.

II.    Translations.


Lagarde. In: Rel. jur. eccl. 1856. Ethiopic.

Fell, Winand. Leipz. 1871. (??)

Schodde, G. H. The Apostolic Canons, translated from the Ethiopic. In: Journ. of bibl. literature and exegesis. (1885, June-Dec.) c. 61-72.

Note. See translations of the Constitutions.

III.    Literature.

Benzel, H. Lund. 1730.

Beveridge, W. G. (Bishop of St. Asaph, d. 1708.)

SwSStKov, S. Pandectae Canonum S. G. Apostolorum

et Conciliorum, ab Ecclesia Gr. recept. Oxon. 1672-

82. 2 v. f°. — De Canonibus Apostolorum. In: Codex canonum

ecclesiae primitivae vindicatus et illustratus. Lond. 1678.


Beveregius. Judicium de Can. Apost. In: Cotel. patr. apost. (1724) I. 432.

Bickell. Gesch. des Kirchenrechts. p. 138.

Bouriant, U. Les canons apostoliques de Clement de Rome. Traduction en dialecte copte thebain, d'apres un manuscrit de la Bibliotheque du Patriarche Jacobite du Caire. (Suite.) In: Recueil de travaux rel. a la philol. et a l'archeol. egypt et assyr. VI. (1885) p. 97-


Buddeus. Isag. 659.

Centuriatores Magdeburg. II. c. 7. 544, etc. Hebenstreit, J. P. De canon, app. Jena, 1701. Janus, J. G. Disp. de antiquitate canonum apostolicorum.

Witteb. 1706; reprinted, 1740. 4°. Krabbe. De cod. can. qui apost. dicuntur. Eitt. 1829. Lardner. Credibility. II. 4. p. 283. Larroquanus, Matt. In: App. obs. ad Pearsonianas

Ignatii Vindic, Rothomag. 1674. Neller, Geo. Christoph. L. de S. Clemente I. Papa: ad

Can. I. viii. qu. I. August. Trev. 1772. 40. (2. ed. Frf.

1772. 4».)






Berg, Hyacinthe. Disquisitio critica in George Christo-phori Neller . . . uti et Pumatum Pontificium S. Clementis I. ... Col. Aggi. 1772. 40. (89 p.); Apologia pro puncto historico-chron. . . contra objecta . . Patris Hyacinthe Berg. . . August. Trev. 1772. 40.

The discussion was continued in an inaugural dissertation {August. Trev. 1773) " proposuit Joannes Henricus Raymundus ab Hentheim," replied to by Berg (1773). Four other tracts (all 1773) were replied to again by Neller (1774). For details and two additional tracts in the controversy see Backer. Bibl. des ecr. de la comp. dejesu. 3e ser. (1856) p. 141-142. (??) Pearson. Vindic. Ignat. In: Cotelerius. Patr. Apost.

II. 251. Regenbrecht. Diss. de Can. ap. et cod. ecc. hisp.

Ratisb. 1828.

Schaff. Hist. . . Church. (i882-)II. 186-7. Spittlee, Lud. Tim. Ueber d. (85) apostolisch. Canons. In his: Geschichte des Canonisch. Rechts. (Hal., Gebauer. 1778. 8°.) 65-.

Turrianus, Fr. Pro Canon. Apost. et Epp. Decret. Pontif. Apost. Adversus. Magd. Centur. Defensio. Flor. 1572; Lutet. 1573. I.

Whiston, W. Apostolical Rules for Ecclesiastical Courts: taken out of the Constitutions of the Apostles. With some brief Observations. Humbly recommended to the Consideration of the present Ecclesiastical and Secular Judges; Civil, Canon, and Common Lawyers: of Jurymen, and of all that are any way concern'd in Judicial Proceedings in these kingdoms. Lond., Robert. 1729. 8°.

Note 1. Add to the above all general treatises on Clement of Rome, to whom these works were formerly ascribed.

Note 2. All the modern discussions regarding the Teaching of the Twelve, The Two Ways, The Apostolical Church Directory, etc., bear on the Constitutions and Canons.



Generally known as The Second Epistle of Clement. I. Editions.

Junius. Oxon. 1633. 4°; 1637. 4°-

MADER. Helmst. 1654. 40.

Fell. Oxon. 1677. 120.

Labbe etCosSART. Par. 1671. f°.

Cotelerius. Par. 1672. f°.

Colomesius. Lond. 1687. 120; 1694. 120.

Clericus-Cotelerius. Amst. 1698. i°; 1724. f°.

Ittig. Lips. 1699. 8°.

Wotton. Cantabr. 1718. 8°.

Frey. Basil. 1742. 8°.

Grabe. (Fragm.) Gr. lat. In: Spicil. patr. (1700) I.


Russell. Lond. 1746. 8°. Gallandius. Venet. 1765. f°. SchOnemann. Goetting. 1796. 8°. Hefele. Tiib. 1834; 1842; 1847; 1855 (P- '34-49-) 8°. Jacobson. Oxon. 1838. (p. 213-242); 1840; 1847;

1853- (P- 228-58.) 8». Reithmayr. Monach. 1844. 120. Grenfell. Lond. 1844. 8°. Madden. Lond. 1856. 40. (?) Dressel. Lips. 1856; 1863. 8°. (p. 106-17.) Migne. Paris, 1857. 40. (p. 329-48.) HlLGENFELD. Lip. 1866; 1876. 8°. TlSCHENDORF. Lips. 1867; 1873. 40.

Lightfoot. Cantabr. 1869; 1877. 8°. Laurent. Lips. 1870; 1873. 8°.

BRYENNIOS. Constantinop. 1875. 8°. [On new ms. with missing portions.]

Gebhardt u. Harnack. Lips. 1876. 8°. p. 110-143;

1877. 8°. Funk. Tub. 1878. 8°; 1881. 8°.

Note 1. For further details regarding the above editions compare under Clement of Rome, to whom it was formerly ascribed, and with the editions of whose epistle the above list nearly coincides.

Note 2. Until the publication of the remaining portions by Bryennios in 1876 only fragments of this work are known.

II. Translations.

Wake. Lond. 1693. 8°. 124-30, 531-47; Lond. 1710. 8° [Greatly improved]; Lond. 1719. 8°. 85-9, (2) 347-575 J737- 8°; 5& ed. 1818 [7?]; Hartford, 1834. 8°; 263-77; Lon- l842 [3 ?]• 8°. [Revised]; Lond. 1846. 8°; i860. 8°; Phila. 1846. 8°.

Roberts, Donaldson, and Riddle. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. I. (1868) 55-63. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 517-

23-Lightfoot. Cambr. 1877. 8°. p. 343-90.


Maistre. In: St. Clement. II. {Par. 1884. 8°) 176-184. [Epistle of Clement, tr. do. 130-176.]

Note. In general the translations under Clement of Rome contain the Homily ; but the English translations of Burton, that of Aberdeen, 1768, and of Chevallier (?), the German of Arnold and Herzog (?), seem to contain only the first epistle.

II. Literature.

Apocr. N. T. (1825) 180-6. (Phila. n. d.) 139-144. CharTeris. Canonicity. (1880) xviii-xxiii, 106-8, 171,

216, 223, 233, 238, 243, 256, 274, 303, 313, 336. Cotelerius, J. B. Judicium de posteriore epistola S.

Clementis. In: Jacobson, P. P. apost. (1838) I. 205-

13. (1863) I. 219-27. In: Migne. Patr. gr. I. 69-76. Dietelmaier, J. A. See Nerreter. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 101-2,357-8. Hagemann. Ueber d. II. Brief d. Clem. v. Rom. In:

Tub. Theol. Quartalschr. IV. (1861) 509-531. Harnack. Ueber den sog. 2. Brief des Clem, an die

Korinth. In: Ztschr. f. Kirch.-Gesch. I. (1876) 2,3. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 284. Hefele. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54)11.

585-6. Hilgenfeld. Die 2te Clemensbr. u. s. w. In: Ztschr.

f. w. Theol. XIII. (1870) 394-. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 122. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 104-5. LardNer. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 55-7. Lechler. Ap. v. Nachap. Z.-A. (1885) 599-601.

Engl. tr. (1886) II. 348-49. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874) II. 382. Nerreter, Cph. Disp. (Praeside J. A. Dietelmaiero)

de fragment Clementios Rom., quod sub. nomine

epistolae II. ad Corinthios habetus. Altorfli, 1749. 40. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 71-2. Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) ccxliii-ccxliv. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 281; tr. Eng. (1884)

279. Roberts and Donaldson. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic.

Lib. I. (1868) 51-3. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 509-15. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. (1882-) II. 648-9. Schram. Anal. ss. patr. (1780) I. 72-6. Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) I. 448-55. Skworzow. Patrologische Untersuchungen. Ueber

Urspr. der problem. Schriften d. apost. W. (1875). Westcott. Canon. (1875) 177-183. Zahn, Th. Das altest. chr. Gebet. u. d. altest. chr.

Predigt. In: Ztschr. f. Prot. (1876) IV.






Zeller. Apostelgesch. (1854) 9.

Note. For full literature compare the section on Clement of Rome.


It is impossible to decide on a method which shall give an exhaustive treatment of the ancient liturgies in the brief time and space and with few books at command. The collection made is omitted, and its place better supplied by the following references: (i.) For general study the Introductory Notice in VII. p. 529-36 of this series. For further study the literature in Schaff. Church Hist. V. 3. pp. 517-8, and the very full list at the end of the article Liturgy, in Smith and Cheetham. Diet, of Christian Antiquities. I. {Hartford, 1881.) 1036-8. Note, however, the following suggestion of a practical working apparatus. Assemani, Jos. Aloys. Codex liturgicus eccl. univ.

Rom. 1746-66. 13 v. Bersier, E. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82)

VIII. 304-10.

* Brett, Th. A collection of the principal liturgies . . . with a dissertation upon them. Lond. 1720; repr. 1838. 8°. [Engl. translations.]

* Cheetham. Liturgy. In: Smith and Cheetham. Dic-

tionary of Christian Antiquities. Hartford, 1880. 8°.

I. 1018-38.

Daniel. Codex Liturgicus. Lips. 1847. 4 v. 8°. ** Hammond, C. E. Liturgies, Eastern and Western.

Oxford, 1878. 8°. Appendix. London, 1879. 8°. KOssing. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. .(1847-54) VI.

Neale, J. M. Translation of the Anaphorae of St. Chrysostom, S. Basil, S. James, S. Mark, etc. In: History

of the Eastern Church. Introd. {Lond. 1850.) 525-. *—The liturgies of S. Mark, S. James, S. Clement, S.

Chrysostom, S. Basil. Lond. 1859. 16°. [Greek]; do.

English. Lond. 1859 (?); do. Lond. 1868. [Greek]; do.

English. 1868. — Tetralogia liturgica; sive S. Chrysostomi, S. Jacobi, S.

Marci missae, quibus accedit Ordo Mozarabicus parallelo

ordine. Lond. 1849. [Rattray, Bp.] Liturgia primit. Hierosolomiana; being

the Liturgy of St. James. Lond. 1744. Renandot, Euseb. Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio.

Par. 1716. 2 v. 40; repr. 1847. Schaff. The liturgies. Their origin and contents. In:

Hist. . . Church. III. 517-535. Swainson, C. D. The Greek liturgies, chiefly from

original authorities. Lond. 1884. 40. Trollope, W. The Greek liturgy of St. James. Edinb.


Warren, F. E. In: Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XIV. 706-7. Walker, C. In: M'Clintock and S. Cyclop. (1874-)

V. 456-64. [Very convenient tables.] Zezschwitz, G. v. In: Herzog. Real-Enc. IX. (1881)


The asterisks indicate simply such things as the author has found most convenient in his own use. Add perhaps Renaudot and Schaff. See also list of works which Bp. Coxe has found especially useful in his studies, v. VII. of this series, p. 536.

The following is the authorship of the translations in this series. Merry, G. R. (Liturgy of Mark.) In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XXIV. (1872) 47-71. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 551-60. McDonald, W. (Liturgy of James.) In: Ante-Nic.

Lib. XXIV. (1872) 11-45. Ed- Coxe- VIL (1886)


Donaldson, J. (Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles.) In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXIV. (1872) 73-92. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 561-8.



I. Editions.


"Lincoln, Robert, Minister. Testamentum XII Patri-archarum. Gr. lat. Cum notis per Graham. Oxon. 1698. 40." Watt. [What is it?]

Grabe. Gr. lat. Spicil. patr. Oxf 1698; (1700) I. 129-253; I. (1714) 145-.

Fabricius. Hamb. 1722. In: Cod. pseud. V. T. I. 496-748.

Gallandius. Bibl. Patr. I. (1765) 195-.

MlGNE. Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 1037-1150. [From Gal-land.]

Sinker. Testamenta XII Patriarcharum. Cambr. and Lond. 1869. Append. 1879.

II. Translations.

Latin. Grosseteste, Rob. s. 1. et a. 40; Hagan. 1532. 8°.

[Often under " Grosthead " or Lincoln, Robert. Bp. of.]

Dutch. Antw. 1570. [From the Latin.]


Golding, Arthur. Lond., John Day, 1577. 120; 1581. 8° [From Latin]; 1589; 159O; 1595; 160I; 1606; 1619, 18°; Edinb. 1634. 120; Lond. 1647; 1660. 180; 1670. 180; 1677. 180; 1681; 1684; 1690; 1699; Glasgow, 1704. 12°; Lond. 1706. 12°. [1589 ed. given also under the name of John Day.]

Sinker, R. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) 13-79. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 9-38.


Paris, 1555. 160. [From the Latin.]

MACE, Fr. Paris, 1713. I2». [From the Latin.]

German. Wien, 1544; Strassb. 1596; Hamb. 1637; Hamb. 1713.


Deutinger. (Auszug.) In: Geist. d. chr. Ueberl. I. II.


Also Danish translation (1601) and Icelandic translation in Brit. Museum.

III. Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 99-100. Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 349. BA*BIAH2. 'EreA tor. I. (1884) 165. Bull. Defensio fid. Niceanae. Works. V. (1827) 176. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. I. (1740) 51-2. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. I. (1858) 266-7. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 445-6. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 153-4. Cunningham. Churches of Asia (1880) pass. Diestel. Das A. T. i. d. chr. Kirche. p. 50. Dillmann. In: Herzog. Real-Enc. XII. (1883) 361-2. Dodwell. Tabula chronol. In: Grabe. Spicil patr.

2 ed. Oxon. 1714. 8°. I. 366-; also in: Migne.

Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 1151-60.

Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 154-60, 419-22. Ewald. Gesch. Israel. 3. Ausg. I. 289. VII. (328).


Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. li-. Also in: Migne. II. (1857) 1029-38.






Geiger. Judische Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaft und

Leben. (Bresl. 1809.) 116-. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 281. Hengel, van. De Testamenten d. 12. Patr. Amst.

i860. Hilgenfeld, In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1858) 395-;

(1871) 302-.

Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 42-9. Kayser. In: Reuss und Cunitz's Beitrage zu den theol.

Wissenschaften. (Jena, 1851.) 107-140. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 130. Langen. Das Judenthum in Palastina zur Zeit Christi.

(Freiburg, 1866.) 140-.

Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 345-64. Le Nourry. Appar. ad bibl. max. I. 235-; also in: II. (1857) 1025-30. Lucke. Offenbar. Job. 2te. Aufl. p. 334. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. I. (1783) 228-44. Movers. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) I.


Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) II. 19.

Nitzsch, C. J. Commentatio Critica de Testamentis XII Patriarcharum, Libro V. T. Pseudepigrapho. Wittenberg, 1810. 8°.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 109-11, etc.

— Das Anab. d. Jes. In: Theol. Stud. u. Krit. XXX. Pick, B. In: M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) X.


Pressense. Heresy. (N.Y.) 173—5. RitsCHL. Eotsteh. d. Altkath. Kirche. p. 322-. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 330-47. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 265-6; tr. Eng. (1884)

265-6. jv.i.]

Schnapp, Friedr. Die Testamente d. zwolf patriarchen. Halle, 1884. 8°. [Analyzes interpolations.]

Simon, R. Biblioth. crit. II. 224-.

Sinker, R. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) ii, 5-12. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 1-8.

Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 277.

Veter. Testim. In: Galland. vet. patr. bibl. I. Venet. 1765. P. I. 241-; also in: Migne. patrol, gr. II. (1857) 1025-6.

Vorstman. Disquisitio de Testamentorum XII Patriarcharum Origine et Pretio. Rotterdam, 1857.

— In: Godgeleerde Bijdragen (1866)953—. Warfield, B. B. Apologet. value of —. In: Presb.

R. I. (1880) 57-84, 185-- also in: Dickinson Th. Q.

VI. (1880) 270-87. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 399-400. Whiston, Wm. A dissertation to prove the Testaments

of the XII Patriarchs equally canonical. 1727. Wieseler. Die 70 Wochen und die 63 Jahrwochen des

Propheten Daniel. Gotting. 1839.


I.    Editions.

Fabricius. Bibl. Gr. V. 108.

— Hamb. 1718. In: Opera Hippolyti. II.

Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. IX. (1857) 653-98.

II.    Translations.

Wilson, W. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXIV. (1872) 115-35. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 43-50.

III.   Literature.

Augenscheinl. Erweis. dass G. Arnold die Valentinian fragm. T-ti wed. verstaendl. noch trenl. uebersetzt habe. Ulm, 1701. 40.

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 196, 1-17; 208, 4-6. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 146-7.

[v. 1.]

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I- '3-Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) (1741) I. 87. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 426-9. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 2179. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 196. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) II. 411. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Fath. Ed.

Coxe. VIII. (1886) 39-41. Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) 871. Engelhardt (J. G. V.) Animadv. ad nonnulla excerpt.

ex T-to et doctr. orient. Clementi. Alex, vulgo attrib.

Erlangae, 1830. 40. Fabricius. 1705 (1714) VI. 201-2; IX. 272.

(2". VII. 180-3; X. 515.) Hilgenfeld. Ketzergesch. (1884) 505-516.

J8CHER. IV. 1113.

Jones, Jer. Canon. I. 371-6.

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885) I. 138-9.

Labouderie. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65)

XLI. 286.

Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) III. 146-8. Le Nourry. In: Patrol, gr. IX. 1459-66. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) X. 323. (?) Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) IV. 51-66; (1749-) IV. 68-

87. (?)

Pearse. In: IX. (1857) 651-4. Robertson. Hist, of Church. (1875-) I. 117-8. Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1695) III. 68-70, 617-8.

Note. The various Theodoti are often confused in notices.



I.    Editions.

Wetstenius, T. Tac. Lugd. Bat. 1752. f°. [In: N.T.

Gr.II. Ad fin.]

Galland. Syr. lat. In: Bibl. patr. I. (1765). Beelen. Syr. lat. Louvain, 1856. Migne. Syr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. I. (1857) 379-452.

[Syr. text. Galland. Tr. lat. Villecourt]

Funk. Patr. ap. (Tub. i88i)II. 1-27.

II.    Translations.


Villecourt, Cl. Lat. Fr. Par. 1853. English.

Pratten, B. P. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXV. (1874) 367-95. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 55-66.


Premagny, Et. Fr. de. Rouen, 1757. Fr. and lat. Rouen. 1763. 8°. (76 p.) [With prolegomena of Wets-tein and response to Journalists of Trevoux (8 p.).]

Villecourt. Par. 1853.

German. Zingerle, P. Wien, 1827. 8°.

III.    Literature.

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 23-4. Bruck. Kirchenges. Ed. II. (1877) 74. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. I. (1729) 605. Champagny. LesAntonins. (1863) I. 198.






Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) xxiii.

Clemens R. and the Syriac ep. of virginity. In: Journ. of S. Lit. &Bibl. Rec. IV. (1857) 86-.

CoTTERiLL, J. M. Modern criticism and Clement's epistles to virgins, first printed 1752, or their Greek version newly discovered in Antiochus Palaestinensis. With appendix containing newly found versions of fragments attributed to Melito. London, 1884. 8°

Fessler. Patrol. I. (1850) 164.

Freudenberger, J. Gli. Historia recentior. controvers. de Clementis Romanis epistolis. Lipsiae, 1755.

Grabe. Spicil. I. 262. 2d u.

Hefele. In: Wetzer. u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) II. 586.

Herbst. (?) In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1829) 539-552.

Land. J. P. N. Clemens Romanus de virginitate. [Reprinted from Godgeleerde Bijdragen (1856).] Leyden, 1856. 8°.

Lardner. The Dissertation upon the two Epistles ascribed to Clement of Rome, lately published by Mr. Wetstein. With large Extracts out of them, and an Argument showing them not to be genuine. Lond. 1753. 8°. Cf. Appendix to the Monthly Review. VIII.

P- 5°4-5°7-

Lumper. Hist, theol. crit. I. (1783) 40-. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) II. 383. Mansi. Concil. I. 157. Moehler. Patrol. I. (1840) 67-69. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 659. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 71-2. Permaneder. Patrol, spec. (1842) 26. Pratten and Riddle. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.

XIV. (1874) 365-6. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 51-4. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 281; tr. Eng. (1884)


Schaff. Hist. . . Church. (1882-) II. 649-50. Two ep. on virginity ascribed to Clem. R. In: Jour, of

S. Lit. & Bibl. Rec. XIV. (1862) 31-. Venema. Ep. ad P. Wesseling. Harlingae, 1754. Cf.

Beelen. Villecourt. Dissertatio. Rupell. 1853. 8°. Also in:

Migne. Patrol, gr. I. (1857)349-78. Welte. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1856). Westcott. Canon. (1875) 183 [Note3]-i85.

Note 1. The above list is mainly supplementary to the list under Clement of Rome.

Note 2. The disposition to doubt the Clementine authorship of these epistles was begun by Lardner and Venema, and has become the general view; but the opposite view has been stoutly maintained by Wetstein, Galland, Mohler, Champagny, Briick, Zingerle, Nirschl, and especially by Villecourt and Beelen.


I. and II. Editions and Translations, (a.) Recognitions.

I.    Editions.

Grabe. (Fragm.) Gr. lat. In: Spicil. patr. (1700) I.

289-99. The Greek is lost. The work has come down to us in

the Latin translation of Rufinus, and the first part in a

Syriac translation.

II.    Translations.


Lagarde, P. de. Lips. 1861. fragments of the Homilies.]

[Bks. I.-IV. 1, and


Par. Imp. Job.. Parvi. 1504. f°. (??) "In Catal. Crev.

I. p. 90, given as 1503. 8°; Panzer. Ann. T. VII.

p. 510, no. 85." Hoffmann. Cf. Schoenemann SlCHARDUS, Jo. Basil., Bebel. 1526. f>; 1536. P. Par. 1541. fo. (??) Parisiis, Guillard, 1544. 8°. (??) Turnebus. (Extract.) Gr. lat. Paris, 1554. 40. Gruter, Lamb. Par. 1568. 8°; Colon. 1569. f°. Cotelerius. In his: Patr. apost. 1672. P. Ed. Clericus.

1698. f°; 1724. f°. In: Bibl. Patr. Lugd. 1677. f°. Gallandius. Bibl. patr. II. ( Venet. 1766) 209-. Gersdorf, E. O. Lps. 1838. = Bibl. patr. eccl. v. I. Migne. In: I. (1857) 1201-454.

Note. Of the above the editions of 1J41 and K44 are quoted on the single authority of Hofmann. That of 1504 is quoted repeatedly, but seems not to be an edition. I have not yet been able to see all the editions mentioned.

English. Whiston, Wm. In his: Primitive Christianity. V. {Lond.

1712.) Smith,T. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XII. (1867) 143-471.

Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 77-211.

French. Maistre. In: St. Clement. I. {Par. 1884. 8°.) 67-593.


Arnold, Gotfr. Berlin, 1702. 8°; (with new title page) Rostock, u. Leipe. 1708. 8°.

Note 1. Bk. III., Chapters 2-11, is omitted in the edition of Sichard, and bracketed by Cotelerius and Gersdorf. Translators have avoided the passage, Whiston and Arnold printing the untranslated Latin, the Edinburgh and American editors of this series giving it up as untranslatable, and Maistre giving a sort of paraphrase. But it is contained in the Syriac (cf. Lagarde's ed. p. vi, Text p. 82, 2-87, 22), and in ten mss. It is omitted by more than thirty mss.

Note s. The author takes this opportunity to mention that he has examined more than fifty mss. of the Recognitions, and secured some full collations, with enough from all to permit of genealogical tabulation. He hopes in a not very remote future to publish a critical edition, uniess some one else supplies in the meantime a better text.

(i>.) Homilies.

I.    Editions.

Cotelier. Patr. ap. Amst. 1672. f°. Ed. Clericus.

1698. f°; 1724. fo. Grabe. (Fragm.) Gr. lat. In: Spicil. patr. (1700)1.

300-4. Gallandius. Bibl. patr. II. (1766) 605-.

SCHWEGLER, ALB. Stuttg. 1847.

Dressel, A. R. M. GUt. 1853. 8°.

Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 19-468.

[Dressel's text.]

Lagarde, P. de. Lpz. 1865. 8°.

II.    Translations.


Smith, Peterson and Donaldson. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVII. (1870) 1-331. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 215-346.


Maistre. St. Clement. 1883. Ill (a), III (3). Literature. (R. and H.)

Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 25-28.

Baronius. Ann. I. {Aug. Vind. 1738.) 346, etc.






Barth. Advers. b. xlv. c. 5.

Badmgarten-Ckusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 89-90

[v.i] 1 783 [v. »]. Baur, F. C. Ebionitarum origine et doctrina ab Essenis

repetenda. Tub. 1831.

— Die Christuspartei zu Corinth. In: Tub. Zeitschrift.

(1831)  p. no, 114-136, 174-206.

— Das Manichaische Religionsystem. (Tub. 1831.) 342-44, 47°-7S» 483-86.

— Der Hebraische Sabbath u. d. Nationalfeste d. Mosai-schen Cultus. In: Tub. Zeitschrift. (1832) 188-.

— Uber Apollonius von Tyana. In: Tub. Zeitschrift.

(1832)   Heft. IV.; also separately. Tubingen, 1832. p. 226-35.

— Die Christl. Gnosis. (Tubingen, 1835.) 3°°-405> 760—

— Die s. g. Pastoralbriefe d. Apostles Paulus. (Stuttgart u. Tubingen, 1835.) P- S1' %9~> I0I~-

— Uber Zweck u. Veranlassung d. Romerbriefes. In: Tub. Zeitschrift. (1836) III. 118-35.

— Das Leben Jesu von Strauss Gepriift. von Hoffmann. (1836) 202-16.

— Lehre von der Versohnung. ( Tubingen, 1838.) [« Hierin nur beilaufig erwahnt."]

— Ueber d. Ursprung d. Episkopats i. d. chr. Kirche. In: Tub. Zeitschrift. (1838.) III. p. 123-133, 182-.

— In: Berliner Jahrbiichern. (1&J9) [Rev. of Schenkel.]

— Lehre von d. Dreienigkeit u.Tlenschwerdung Gottes u. s. w. I. (Tilb. 1S41.) 149-63.

— In: Theol. Jahr. (1844) III.

— Kirchenges. 3 e. J. (1863) 217-225.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 155-8, etc. [H], 251, etc. [R.] Beausobre. Hist, de Manicheisme. Berlin, 1734. p.

461 and 593.

Bellarmin. Catal. an. 390, p. 155. Blondel. Pseud-Isidorus et Turrianus vapulantes.

(Genev. 1624.) p. 28. Boclerus. Hist. univ. I. 14. Bovius, Carl. Pref. to Constitut. apost. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. I. (Genev. 1705.) 20.

— Lives of the fathers. Tr. Carey. (Ox/. 1840.) I. 147-163.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. d. aut. sacr. I. (Paris, 1729.) Chamier, Daniel. Panstratia catholica. (1626) torn. I.

lib. XX. cap. 16. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) Horn, lxiii-lxviii, 134-5,

148, 184-5, 2O3> 236, 241, 438-44; Rec. 204-5. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 154. [14 11.] Clericus. Historia ecclesiae duorum primorum saeculo-

rum. (Amstelodami, 1716.) v. CSlln, D. In: Ersch u. Gruber. I. xvm. (1828)

36-44-Cotelerius. Patr. ap. Amst. 1724. f°. I. 490-; also

in: Migne. I. (1857) 1187-8. Cotta. Kirchenhistorie. Theil II. p. 1169. Credner. Ueb. Essaer u. Ebioniten. In: Winer's

Ztschr. f. Wiss. Theol. 1.11. (Sukbach, 1827.) 211-64;

in. (1829) 277-328.

— Beitrage zur Einl. n. d. bibl. Schr. I. 351. Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) passim. Dahne. Die Christuspartei in der Kirche zu Corinth.

Halle, 1841. Detmer. De Nazaraeis et Ebionitis. Halis Saxonum,

1837. p. 50-. DOderlein. Comment, de Ebionaeis. Butsovii et Wis-

mar, 1770. p. 277-93, Z^-% etc. Dodwell. Diss. in Irenaeum. Oxon. 1689. DSllinger. Kirchengeschichte. Band I. Regensburg

und Landshut, 1836. p. 27-. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 203-17, 437-44,

[H]; 444-7. [R1-

Driedo. De eccl. dogm. V. iv. v. 5 (Lovan. 1752.) Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (Par. 1695) I- 32-

Engelhardt. Handbuch d. Kirchengeschichte. I. (Er-langen, 1833.)

— Dogmengeschichte. I. (Neustadta.d. Aisch, 1839.) p. 20-30.

Epiphanius. Cod. CXII.

Fabricius. Delectus argumentorum et syllabus scripto-

rum qui verit. rel. chr. assuerunt. Hamb. 1725. 41-. Flugge. Gesch. d. theol. Wissen. I. (Halle, 1796.) 315-26. Fontaninus. Hist. litt. Aquileiensi. v. 10. In: Galland.

Vet. Patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. II. xxxiii-; also in:

Migne. I. (1857) 1187-200. Frommenberger, G. De Simone Mago. I. Dissert.

Vratislav. 1886. 8°. Galland. Vet. patr.bibl. II. (Venet. 1766.) f°. LV-;

also in: Migne. 11.(1857) 11-20. GefrSrer. D. Jahrh. d. Heils. I. (1838) 260. Gennon. De veteribus haereticis ecclesiasticorum codi-

cunx corruptoribus. Parisiis, 1713. Gerhard. Confessio catholica. (Jena, 1663.) Lib. I, p. 2,

cap. 13. Gieseler. Ueb. d. Nazaraer u. Ebioniten. In: Staudlin.

Archiv. f. Kirchenges. IV. II. Lpz. 1820. GfrSrer. Kirchengeschichte. I. (Stuttgard, 1840.)


Gould, G. P. In: Theo. R. XV. (1878) I-. Graveson. Hist. eccl. N.T. Aug. Find, et Wirceb.

1756. p. 43.

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 170, etc. Hamberger. Nachrichten v. d. vornehmsten Schriftstel-

lern. II. (Lemgo. 1758.) 189. Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 236-40. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 276-8,326-7. Hausrath. NTlichen Zeitgesch. III. 326-. Hefele. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) II.

587-90. Heimpel, Adr. Etude sur les homelies Clementines,

Mont. 1861. Hilgenfeld. Die clementische Recognitionen u. Ho-

milien. Jena, 1848. [" Epochmachende Schrift." Uhl-


— Ueb. d. Composition d. klement. Homilien. In: Theol. Jahrbb. (1850) 83-92.

— Krit. Untersuchungen tib. d. Ev. Justins, d. clem. Homil. u. Marcions. Halle, 1852.

— Apost. V. (1853) 287-30.

— Urspr. d. pseudocl. Rekogn. u. Horn. In: Theol. Jahrbb. (1854) 483-.

— N. T. Extra Canon. Recept. IV. (1866) 52, et passim.

— Bardesanes. Leipz. 1864. 8°.

— In: Theol. Jahrbb. 1868. p. 357-.

— Ketzergesch. (1884) 35-8.

Hilgers. Kritische Darstellung d. Haresien u. d. ortho-doxen dogma. Hauptrichtungen. I. 1. (Bonn, 1837) 105-123, 153-183.

Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N.T. (1886) 548, etc.

Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 45-6.

Ittig. Dissertatio de patribus apostolicis. Lipsiae, 1699.

— Hist. eccl. (1709) I. 54-60, 208-19. Jackson, G. A. Ap. fath. (1879) 61-5.

Jackson, S. M. Lipsius on the Roman Peter-legend.

In: Princ. R. XLVIII. (1876). Kayser. In: Theol. 111.(1851).

— In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) VI. 316-23. Kern. Brief Jacobi. Tiib. 1838. p. 56.

Kesler, Andr. G. Philosophemata Potiora Recognitio-num Clementi Romano falso attributarum-publicae disquisitioni subjiciet. Altorfii, 1728. 40. [Jac. W. Feuerlein, Praeses.J

Kestner. Agape. Jena, 1819. p. 27-.

Kleuker. Ueber die Apokryphen des Neuen Testaments.

Hamburg, 1798. KSstlin. In: Hallische Allgem. Lit. Ztng. (1849) nos.







Lagakde, P. djs. Clementina. (1865) Prolegg. 3-. [De scriptis, quae sub Clem. nom. circumferuntur.]

— Symmicta. I. (1877)2-4, 108-112.

— Einl. zu ' Clementina.' In his: Mittheilungen. Gott. (1884) p. 26-54.

Lange, P. Gesch. d. Kirche. 1.1. 41.

Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 364-81.

Lechler. Ap. u. Nachap. Z-A. (1885) 532-9. Engl.

tr. (1886) II. 268-76. Lehmann, Joh. Die clementinischen Schriften m.

besond. Rucksicht auf ihr literarisches Verhaltniss.

Gotha, 1869. 8°. Le Nourry, Nic. Diss. de libris Recognitionum S.

dementis. In his: Apparatus ad Bibl. max. PP.

(Paris, 1703. f°.) I. 211-224; also m: Migne. Patrol.

gr. I. (1857) 1171-86.

Lightfoot. Commentary on Galatians. 4th ed. p. 316. Lipsius. In: Protestantische K. Z. (1869) 477~82-

[Rev. of Lehmann.]

— Rom. Petrus-sage. {Kiel, 1872) 13-21.

— Zur Quellenges. Epiphanus. p. 148-.

— Simon Magus. In: Schenkels Bibl.-Lexicon. V. 301-321.

— De Cl. Rom. epist. ad Cor. p. 164. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. VII. (1790) 43-76. Lutterbeck, A. B. Die Clementinen und ihr Verh. z.

Unfehlbarkeitsdogma. Giessen, 1872. 8°.

Maurice. Eccl. hist. (1854) 248.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874) II. 383.

Maranus. Divinat. D. N. J. C. II. vn. § 4. p. 250-4.

MASSUET. In his ed. of: Irenaus. {Paris, 1710.)

Mauerhoff. Einl. in d. petrinischen Schriften. Hamburg, 1835. p. 317.

Meier. Dogmengeschichte. Giessen. 1840.

Merx. Bardesanes v. Edessa. Halle, 1863. 8°.

Mill. Proleg. ad. N. T. Gr. § 670.

MShler. Patrologie. I. {Regensburg, 1840.) in.

Monumenta. In: Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. II. 322-; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. I. (1857)

45574 Mosheim. Diss. ad H. E. pert. {Altona et Flensb.

1743) I- 85-Munscher. Dogmengeschichte. I. (1817-8) 316-7; (2.

Augsb. 1862) I. 342-. Neander. Genet. Entw. d. gnost. Syst. Berlin, 1818.

[Lehrbegriff d. Horn.]

— Apost. Zeitalt. I. {Hamb. 1841.) 444, etc.

— Hist, of dogmas. (1858) 88-9, 92-3, 178. [v.:.]

— Church Hist. (1872) I. 353-62. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 74-6. [H. & R.] Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 43-6, etc. Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. II. (1848) xxiv-xxxiii.,

etc. Olshausen. Commentar. d. N. T. IV. (Kb'nigsberg,

1840.) Anm. 43. Osiander. Uber d. colossischen Irrlehrer. In: Tlibinger

Zeitschr. 1834. Heft. III. p. 103. Oudin. De scr. eccl. (1722). Paniel. Pragmatische Gesch. d. chr. Beredtsamkeit u.

d. Homiletik. I. 1. {Leipzig, 1839.) 107. Pertchen. Kirchenhistorie. Leipz. 1736. Petersen. Nubes testium verit. de regno Christi.

Franco/, ad M. 1696. II. 60. Petavius. De theologicis dogmatibus. {Antverpiae,

1700.) V. I. 11. 5. Photius. Cod. CXII. Plank. Das Princip des Ebionitismus. In: Zeller's

Jahrbuchern. (1843) Heft- I-Pressense. Chr. life. (1878) 45-7.

— Heresy. {N. K) 85-99.

Rauscher. Geschichte d. chr. Kirche. I. {Aulzbach,

1829.) 230-232. Redepenning. In his: Origenes. I. {Bonn, 1841.) p. 4.

Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 261-5; tr. Eng. (1884)

261-5. [v.i.] Riddle, M. B. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII.

(1886) 67-71. Ritschl. D. Entstel. d. altk. K. (1850) 153-; (1857)


— Die Bedeutung d. pseudo-clementinischen Literatur. In: Monatschr. f. Wiss. u. Lit. (1852) 61.

Ritter. Handb. d. Kirchengesch. I. (2te Aufl. Bonn,

1836.) p. 158.

Rosenmuller. Hist, interp. I. (1795) 73-114. Rothe. Anfange d. Kirche. Wittenb. 1837. Rouards. Compendium hist, eccles. I. {Trajecti ad

Hhenum, 1840.) 51.

Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 567-78. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 37-9, 161-87, 287-95. Sandius. Nucleus Hist. Eccl. {Colon. 1676.) 15. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 436-42. Schenkel. De eccl. Corinthia primaeva factunibus tur-

bata. Basil. 1838. 8°. Excursus de Clem, origene

argumentoque. p. 33-74. Schliemann. Die Clementinen nebst den verwandten

Schriften u. der Ebionitismus. Hamb. 1844. 8°.

— Die Cl. Recogn. e. Ueberarbeitung d. Clementinen. In: Theol. Mitarbeiten hrsg. Pelt. IV. {Kiel, 1844)

IV. I-.

Schmidt. Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte. I. (2te

Auflage. Giessen, 1824.) 443-51.

SCHOENEMANN. Bibl. patr. lat. 633-8. [Recognitions.] Schroekh. Kirchengeschichte. II. {Leipz. 1770.) 271-. Schulthess. Symbolae ad internam crit. lib. can. I.

{Turin, 1833.) Schwegler. Montanismus. Tub. 1841.

— Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) I. 383-406 [H], 481-90 [R]. Sixtus Senensis. Biblioth. II. p. 83.

Smith, T. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. III. (1867) 135-42 [R]. XVII. (1870) ix. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 73-6 [R]. 213 [H].

Stapius, A. Etudes hist, et crit. In his: Origines du. Christianisme. Paris, 1864.

Starck. Gesch. d. chr. Kirche d. ersten Jahrh. (1780)

II. 543-52-

Steitz, G. E. In: Theol. Stud. u. Krit. XL. (1867)

545-63. [Rev. of Lagarde's ed.] Stolle. Nachr. v. d. Leben. Schr. u. Lehre. d. Kir-

chenv. {Jena, 1673.) CII. § 9, p. 23. Strauss. Leben Jusu. 1 Aufl. I. {Tubingen, 1835.)


Supernatural Religion. (1875-) II. 1-37, 336-54. Tenzel. Bibl. curios. Rep. I. 218.

— Exercitt. select. II. 68.

Testimonia veterum de clementinis. In: Cotelerius. Patr.

ap. Amst. 1724. f°. I. 605-; also in: Migne. Patrol.

gr. II. (1857) 9-12. Thiersch, H. D. Kirche in apost. Zeitalt. {Frf. a M.

et Erlang. 1852.) 341-. Tholuck. Commentar. zum Brief au die Hebraer.

Hamburg, 1836. p. 451. Tillemont. Memoires. (1701-) II. 163-. Tischendorf. Var. lect. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. II.

(1857) 1279-92. Tzschirner. Der Fall des Heidenthums, hrsg. Niedner.

{Leipz. 1829) 378-82. Twesten. Vorlesungen liber die Dogmatik. I. (4te

Aufl. Hamburg, 1838.) 100. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 276-7. Uhlhorn. Die Homilien und Recognitionen des Clemens Romanus. Go'tting. 1854. 8°.

— Art. Clementinen. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-)

III. 277-86.

Veter. testim. In: Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. 211-; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. I. (1857) 1157-72.






Volkmae. Evang. Marcions. p. 186.

— Religion Jesu. p. 337-449, 547.

— D. Ursprung unserer Evangelien. p. 62, 104, 134, 163-4.

Voss, G. De hist. gr. II. c. 15.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 105-11 et passim.

Wake. Lond. 1693. I49~SO> Lond. 1710. 8° [Greatly

improved]; Lond. 1719. 8°. 102-3; 1737. 8°; 5th ed.

1818 [7?]; Hartford, 1834. 441-2; Lond. 1842 [3?].

8° [Revised]; Phila. 1846. 8°. Lond. 1846. 8°; i860.

8". Walch. Entwurf einer Historie der Ketzereien. I.

(Leipz. 1762) 120. Weismann. Introd. in. memorab. eccl. hist. (Stutt-

gardiae, 1718.) 98-.

Westcott. Bible in the church. (1877) 105-6. Wette, de. Chr. Sittenlehre. II. (Berlin, 1819.) 257-.

— Lehrb. d. chr. Sittenleh. {Berlin, 1833.) 100-. Wieseler, Fr. Clementinorum epitomae duae. Cura A.

R. M. Dressel. Accedunt Frid. Wieseleri adnotationes criticae ad Clements Romani quae feruntur homilias. Leipz. 1859, 1873. 8°.

Wilcke. K. gesch. (Leipz. 1828.) p. 31, 34.

Windischmann. Vindiciae petrinae. (Ratisbonae, 1836.)

75-Zeller. Apostelgesch. (1854) 53-64.

Note 1. Discussions of the Clementines will be found also in all general works on Clement of Rome. Compare also the apocryphal Acta Petri et Pauli, and any literature on the Ebionites.

Note 2. Schliemann gives full literature of early discussions on the Ebionites. (Cf. especially, pp. 22-0, 32-53.) Uhlhorn and Lehmann also give capital literary-historical treatment of the discussion. Hilgenfeld not at hand.

Note 5. A select literature from the above might be: (1) Hilgenfeld, Lehmann, Uhlhorn, Salmon, Schliemann; (2) Lutterbeck, Merx, Schenkel; (3) Lagarde, Ritschl, Rothe, Steitz.

Note 4. Compare, of course, the Epitome and any literature relating to it.



I. Editions.

Neander, Mich. (Soraviensis.) Apocrypha, h. e. nar-rationes de Christo, Maria, Joseph, cognatione et familia Christi, extra Biblia, etc. In: Cathechesis Mart. Lutheri parva, graeco-latina. Basel, 1564. [3. ed. 1567.] [Contains: Protevangelium Tacobi, Epist. Pilati, Epist. Lentuli, Prochori de Jonanne Theologo et Evangelista his-toria.]

Apocrypha, paraenetica, philologica cum versione Nicolai

Glaseri. Hamb. 1614. Fabricius. Codex apocryphus N. T. Hamburg, 1703.

2 v.; ed. 2. Hamb. 1719; v. 3. 1719; v. 3. ed. 2.

Hamb. 1743.

— Bibl. Gr. III. 168; XIV. 270.

Jones, Jer. A new and full method of settling the

canonical authority of the New Testament. Lond.

1726-7. 3v. 8°; Oxf. 1798. 3 V. 8°; new ed. Oxford,

1827. 3v. 8°. Schmid, C. C. L. Corpus apocr. extra Biblia. Hadum,

1804. Birch, Andreas. Auctarium cod. apocr. N. T. Fabri-

ciani (continens plura inedita, alia ad fidem codd. mss.

emendatius expressa). I. (Havniae, 1804.) Thilo, Joan Car. Codex apocryphus Nov. Test. I.

(Lips. 1832.) [Only one vol. published.] Tischendorf. Acta apostolorum apocrypha. Lips. 1851.


— Evangelia apocrypha. Lips. 1853. 8°; ed. alt. 1876. 8°.

— Apocalypses Apocryphae. Lips. 1866. 8°.

Giles, J. A. Uncanonical Gospels, etc. In the original

languages. Lond. 1853. 2v. 8°. Wright. Contributions to the Apocryphal Literature of

the New Testament collected, etc. Lond. 1865; 1871.

Nausea, Fr. Anonymi Philalethi Eusebirani invitas mira-cula passionesque apostolorum rhapsodiae. Colon. 1531. [Abdias.]

Compare also: —

Mombritius, Bonin. In: Legendarium. Milan, 1474. Lipomannus. Vitae sanctorum. Rom. 1551. Surius. Vitae sanctorum. Colon. 1569-. Acta sanctorum. (Bolland.) BlGNE, DE LA. In: Bibliotheca patrum. Paris, 1575.


Cowper, B. H. The apocryphal gospels and other documents relating to the history of Christ. Translated, etc. Lond. 1867. 120.

Hone. Apocryphal New Testament. Lond. 1820. 8°, and often.

Walker, A. See analysis below.


Brunet. Les evangiles apocryphes, traduites et annotes d'apres l'edition de Thilo, par Gustav Brunet. Paris, 1845.


VORBERG. Bibliothek der neutestamentlichen Apokry-

phen. I Bd. Stuttg. 1841. [Based on Thilo.] Borberg. Bibl. d. neutest. Apokryphen. (Stuttg. 1841.) Bartholma. Uebers. d. Apokr. d. N. T. Dinkelsbtihl. 1832.

III. Literature.

Ammon. Leben Jesu. I. 91.

Arens, F. J. De ew. apocr. usu historico, critico, ex-

egetico. Gott. 1838. Baring-Gould, S. The lost and hostile gospels. Lond.


Baronius. Ann. Lucae, 1738-57. 38 V. f°. Beausobre, I. de. De N. T. 11. apocr. Berl. 1734; tr.

Ger. in: Cramer. Beitrage. I. 251-. Benzel. De apocr. N. T. (?) In his: Syntagm. I. 316-. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. 1740-. f°. Chuedenius. Pseudo Novum Testamentum, exhibens

Pseudo-Evangelia, Acta Epistolas, Apocalypses. Helmst.

1D99- f J. A. Schmid, praeses.] Corrodi, H. Beleuchtung d. Gesch. d. Kanons. Cotta, J. F. Kirchenges. II. 1107-. Dale, A. v. De orig. idol. p. 253-. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. I. (1692) 6-, 26-. Ellicott. Cambridge Essays. 1856. Gelasius. (Pope.) Decretum. In: Credner. Gesch. d.

Kanon. Halle, 1847, p. 219; and in various editions

and works.

Hagemann. Hist. Nachricht v. N. T. p. 646-. Hoffmann, Rud. Apokryphen des Neuen Testamentes.

In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) !• 511—529. Ittig, Th. Diss. de haeresiarchis aevi apost. Lpz.

1796. 40; 2 ed. 1703. Suppl. De Pseudepigraphis

Christi, Virginis Mariae, et apostolorum. — Dissert, de patr. apost. In: Bibl. patr. apost. Jenichen. De libr. N. T. et V. T. apocr. illustratione.

Viteb. 1786.

Kleuker. Ueb. Apokr. d. N. T. Hamb. 1798. Kostlin, R. Die pseudonym. Liter, d. altesten Kirche.

In: Tub. Jahrbb. 1851. II. Lami, J. De erudit apost. 176-.






LAMSON, A. In: Chr. Exam. XIV. (1832) I.

Lardner. Works. II. (1831) 330-.

Lorsbach. D. heil. Biicher d. Johannis Jiinger. Marb.


Lucke. Vollst. Einl. Offenb. Joh. 2». Aufl. 1852. McClintock and S. Cyclop. (Article " Apocrypha.") I.

(1874)  289-96. [Very conveniently arranged table of lost (pp. 294-5) an^ extant (p. 295) apocryphal N. T. writings.]

Mignarelli. Reliquae Aegyptiorum codd. in bibl.

Naniana reconditorum. Bonn, 1785. II. 302-. Migne. Diet, des Apocryphes. Par. 1856. 2v. 40. Mill. Proleg. ad N. T. ed. Kuster. {Amst. 1710.) 5-7,

15-16. Mosheim, J. L. De caussis suppositorum librorum inter

Christianos, sec. I. et II. Nicholson, E. B. Gospel according to the Hebrews.

Land. 1879.

Niemeyer, H. A. In his: Ztschr. I. 257. Nitzsch, C. I. De apocr. evv. in explicandis canonicis

usu et abusu. Vit. 1808. Oudin. Comment, de scr. eccl. Perionius, Joach. De rebus gestis et vitis apost. Basil,

'551-Pons, Jos. Recherches sur les apocryphes du nouveau

Testament. These historique et critique. Montauban,


Pritius. Introd. p. 6, 58. ed Hofm. Quarterly Rev. XXX. (1824) 472-; Chr. Obs. XXII.

(1822) I-; 65-; 129-.

Raynold. Censura apocr. V. et N. T. Oppenh. 1611. Reuss. De N. T. apocr. Argent. 1829. Richardson. Canon. {Lond. 1700.) 2. RBssler. Bibl. d. Kirchen-V. IV. (1777) etc. See


Rose, H.J. In: Quar. XXV. (1821) 348-. Schmid, J. A. Pseudo- N. T. Helmst. 1699. (6?) 4° Schmidt, J. E. C. Einl. ins. N. T. 234-. Simon, Rich. Hist. crit. du texte du N. T. Rot. 1689. — Novae obs. de textu et versionibus N. T. Sixtus Senensis. Bibliotheca sancta. Koln. 1586. II. Stark. Gesch. d. ersten Jahrh. II. TlLLEMONT. Memoires. Par. 1693-1712. 40. Tischendorf. Wann wurden unsere Evangelien ver-

fasst? Leipz. 1865. p. 29-. Toland. Collection of pieces. I. 350. Trechsel. Kanon d. Manichaer. p. 60-. Ullmann. Zur Characteristik d. kanon. u. apokr. Weddercamp. Hist, saeculi primi fabulis variorum

maculata. Helmst. 1700. Westcott. The disputed books of the Canon. Canon.

(1875)  346-92.

Zoega. Catal. cod. copticorum. p. 227-.


Apocryphal Gospels. In: Ed. R. CXXVIII. (1868) 81-;

Lond. Q. XXXI. (1869) 427-; Liv. Age. LII. (1856)

449-; Saturday Rev. (1877) Sept. 29; Church Q. XII.

(1881) 84-114.

Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) 18-9. Frothingham, O. B. Christ of the Apocryphal Gospels.

In: Chr. Exam. LIII. (1852) 21-. Genthe, F. W. Die Jungfrau Maria ihre Evangelien

und ihre Wunder. H. 1852. Gregersen, H. G. De apokryfiske evangelier til Ny

Testamente med en efterslaet. Odense, Milo, 1886.

8°. (240 p.) Hofmann. Leben Jesu nach den Apokryphen. Leipz.

1851. 8°. Inferiority of the Apocryphal Gospels. In: Ed. R.

CXXVIII. (1868) 81-; same art. Liv. Age. XCVIII.

(1868) 707-. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 131-2.

Lipsius, R. A. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 700-17. Moggridge, M. W. In: Expos. XII. (1881) 325-45. Nicholas, Mich. Etudes sur les Evangiles Apocryphes.

Paris, 1866. Schmid, J. A. Prolusiones Marianae ed. Mosheim.

Helmst. 1753.

Schmidt. Ueb. d. Ew. d. Kindheit. Bibl. II. 481. Schwarz, F. J. De ev. impartiae Jesu verset ficto. Lips.


Steitz. In: Herzog. Encycl. Art. Maria. Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867) 209-38. Tappehorn, A. Ausserbiblische Nachrichten od. die

Apokryphen iib. die Geburt, Kindheit u. das Lebens-

ende Jesu u. Maria, beleuchtet. Paderborn, 1885. 8°. Taylor, J. J. In: Theol. R. IV. (1867) H9~-Tischendorf, C. De evangeliorum apocryphorum ori-

gene et usu. Hagae Comit. 1851. 8°. Variot, J. Les evangiles apocryphes, histoire litteraire,

forme primitive transformation. Paris, 1878. 8°. Veesenmeyer, G. Beitrag zum Cod. apocr. (Herod's

command for murder of the children) in the Kirchen-

hist. Archiv. II. 1. p. 38. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 56-89 et pass. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) vii-viii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 351.


DallAEUS, Joh. De pseudoepigraphis Apost. Harden/.


Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) passim. Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N.T. (1719) 762-5. Funk. In: Theol. Quartalschr. LXVI. (1884) 670-3,

[Rev. of Lipsius.]

Grabe. Spicil. patr. (1700) I. 37-39. Stemler, J. C. De vera fictaque eertaminis apost. his-

toria. L. 176.7. Knabenbaur, J. In Ztschr. f. Kath. Theol. VIII. (1884)

799-809. [Rev. of Lipsius. I. II.]

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 132-5.

Lipsius, R. A. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 17-32.

MalAN, S. C. The Conflicts of the Holy Apostles, translated from an Ethiopic ms. Lond. 1871.

Lipsius, R. A. Die apokryph Apostelgeschten u. Apos-tellegenden. Ein Beitrag zur Altchr. Literaturges-chichte I. {Braunschweig, 1883.) II. II. (1884); II. I. (1887). [A remarkable monograph.]

Gutschmid. Die Konignamen in d. Apocr. Apostel-geschichten. In: Rhein. Mus. f. Philol. N. F. XIX. 161-, 380-.

Reuss. Gesch. N.T. (1874) I. 269-70, 275; tr. Eng. 1884) I. 268-9, 273-4. [v. 1.]

Schepfs, G. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchenges. VII. (1886) 449-59- [WUrzb. lat. ms.]

Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xiii-xiv. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 354-5.


Lipsius, R. A. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 130-2. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 270-1, 281-3; tr. Eng. (1884) 269-70, 279-81. [v. 1.]

(1.) The Protevangelium of James. I. Editions.

BlBLIANDER. Lat. Basil. 1552. [Postellus.l Argento-

rati, 1570.

Heroldus. Lat. Basil. 1555. In: Orthodoxogr. Neander. Gr. lat. Basil. 1564. Grynaeus. Gr. lat. I. (1569) 71.






Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N.T. (1719) 66-126.

Jones, fir. Eng. In: Canon N. T. 1798. II. 99-129.

Birch. Havniae, 1804. p. 195-242.

Thilo. Lips. 1832. p. 159-273.

SUCKOW. Vratislav. 1840. ["Uncritical."]

Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. 1853. 1-49.

II.    Translations.


Jones. See under eds.

Hone. Apocr. N. T. (1825) 30-47. (Phila. n. d.) 24-37. Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 3~2(>-Wright. Syr. apocr. (1865) 1-5. (?) Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 1-15. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 361-7.

III.    Literature.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. I. (1740) 14. Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) c-ci, 156, 464. Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) xlviii-liii, 1-2. Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N.T. (1719) 39-65. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 514-5. HolTZMANN. Einl. in d. N.T. (1886) 540. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) I. 16-8. Jones. Canon N.T. 1798. II. 130-165. Lipsius. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 701-2. Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. III. (1848) 268-72. Pressense. Heresy. (IV. Y.) 175-6. Reuss. Gesch. N.T. (1874) I. 273; tr. Eng. (1884)

272. [v. 1.]

Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 357-8. Scholz. Einleitung in d. heil. schriften. I. (1845) x^7-Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867)205-6. Suckow, C. A. De argumento et indol. Protev. Jac. Br.


Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) xii-xxv. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 129-46 et pass. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) viii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 351.


The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew. Editions.

Thilo. Lips. 1832. p. 337-400. [24 ch.] Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. 1853. 50-105.

II.    Translations.


Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 29-83. Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 16-52. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 368-83.

III.    Literature.

Credner. Z. Gesch. d. Kanons. p. 215-217. Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) liv-lxi, 27-8. Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N.T. (1719) 355 -71. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 515. HolTzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 540. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) I. 12-4. Lipsius. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 702. Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. 111.(1848)273. Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) xxv-xxxiv. Apocal. apocr. Proleg. lvi.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 215. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) viii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 351-2.

(3.) The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary.

I.    Editions.


Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 19-38. Jones. Lat. eng. In: Canon N.T. 1798. II. 77-93. Thilo. Lips. 1832. p. 317-336. Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) 106-14.

II.    Translations.


Hone. Apocr. N.T. (1825) 21-30. (Phila. n. d.) 17-24. Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 85-98. Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 53-61. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 384-7.

III.    Literature.

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) lxi-lxiii, 84. Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 1-18. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) 1.515. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N.T. (1886) 540. In: Jones. Canon N. T. 1798. II. 130-165. Lipsius. Gospels Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace.

Diet. II. 702-3.

Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. 111.(1848)272-3. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 273; tr. Eng. (1884)

272. [v. 1.]

Scholz. Einleitung in d. heil. Schriften. I. (1845) l88--Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867) 208. Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) xxv-xxxiv. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 215-8. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) viii-ix. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 352.

(4.) The History of Joseph the Carpenter.

I.    Editions.

Wallin, Georg. Arabic-Latin. Lips. 1722.

Fabricius. II. 309-336.

Zoega. (Fragm.) Sahidic lat. 1810.

Thilo. Arab. lat. Lips. 1832. p. 1-61.

Dulaurier. Fragment des revelations apocr. de S. Bar-

thelemi. Par. 1835. P- 23~9- [SahidicFrench.1 Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. 1853. 115-33-

II.    Translations.


Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 101-27. Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873)62-77. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 388-94.

III.    Literature.

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) lxiii-lxviii, 99-100. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 515. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 540. Lipsius. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. Reuss. Gesch.N.T. (1874)1. 273; tr. Eng. (1884)

272. [v.i.]

Scholz. Einleitung in d. heil. Schriften. I. (1845) 187. Stern, L. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVI. (1886)

267-94. [Translation from the Coptic]

Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867)208.






TISCHENDORF. Ev. apocr. (1853) xxxiv-xxxviii. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 213-4. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) ix. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 352.


(5.) The Gospel of Thomas. Editions.

Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719)159-67. Cotelerius. In: Note to Constit. apost. 6, 17. [Fragment from Paris ms. XV. century.]

Mingareixi. Nuova raccolta d'opuscoli scientifici. XII.

(Venet. 1764.) p. 73-155. TISCHENDORF. Ev. apOCr. 1853. I34-7O.

Wright. Syr. apocr. (1865).

II.    Translations.


HONE. Apocr. N. T. (1825) 75-78 (Phila. n. d.) 60-2. Wright. Syr. apocr. (1865) 6-11. Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 130-69,449-56. Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 78-99. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 395-404.

III.    Literature.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) ci.

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) lxviii-lxxv, ex, 128-9,


Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 515-6. HoltzmanN. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 541. Jones. Canon N. T. 1798.1. 396-9. Lipsius. Gospels Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace.

Diet. II. 703-5.

Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. III. (1848) 273-6. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 358-60. Scholz. Einleitung in d. heil. Schriften. I. (1845) l88-Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867) 206. TISCHENDORF. Ev. apocr. (1853) xxxviii-xlix. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) ix-x. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 352.

(6.) The Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour.

I.   Editions.

Sike, Henr. Ev. inf. vel libre apocryphus de infantia Servatoris; ex manuscripto edidit ac latina versione et notis illustravit. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1697. [Arabic, Latin.]

Fabricius. Lat. In: Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 168-212. Jones. Lat. Eng. In: Canon N. T. 1798. II. 168-226. SCHMID. Lat. Hadairi. 1804. [Latin only.] Thilo. Arab. lat. Lips. 1832. p. 63-158. Tischendokf. Lat. In: Ev. apocr. 1853. 171-202.

II.    Translations.


Hone. Apocr. N. T. (1825) 47-75 (Phila. n. d.) 38-59. Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 100-24.

Ed Coxe. VIII. (1886) 405-15. Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 172-216.

III.    Literature.

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) lxxvi-lxxx, 170-1. Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 127-58.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 516.

Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 541.

Jones. Canon N. T. 1798. II. 166-261.

Lipsius. Gospels Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace.

Diet. II. 705-6.

Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. III. (1848) 274-5. Pressense. Heresy. (JV.Y.) 161-4. Reinsch, R. Die Pseudo-Evangelien v. Jesu u. Maria's

Kindheit in der romanischen u. germanischen Literatur.

Mit. Mittheilgn. aus Pariser u. Londoner Handschrif-

ten versehen. Halle, 1879. 8°. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 273; tr. Eng. (1884)

272. [v. 1.]

Roessler. Bibl. d. K-.V. IV. (1777) 358-60. Scholz. Einleitung in d. heil. Schriften. I. (1845)


Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867) 20&-9. Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) xlix-liv. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 147-76. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) x-xi. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 352-3.

(7.) The Gospel of Nicodemus.

I.    Editions.

Vincentius Belvac. Spec. hist. VII. 40-. [1st part.]

Voragine. Hist. Lomb. ch. LII. [2d part.]

Heroldus, Joan. In: Orthodoxographa. Bas. 1555.

Grynaeus, J. J. In: Monumenta S. Patrum orthodoxographa. Basil. 1569.

Fabricius. Lat. In: Cod.apocr.N.T. (1719) 238-98.

Jones. Lat. Eng. In: Canon N.T. 1798. II. 262-328.

Birch. Gr. (Havn. 1804) 1-154.

THILO. Gr. Lip. 1832-. Proleg. and p. 487-795. ["Contains a full account of the English, French, Italian and German translations." Walker.']

Tischendorf. Gr. lat. Ev. apocr. 1853. 203-410.

II.    Translations.

Anglo-Saxon. In: Heptateuch. Ox/. 1698.


Hone. Apocr. N.T. (1825) (79-116.) (Phila. n. d.) 63-

91. Cm chapters.]

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 229-388. Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 125-

222. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 416-58.

German. Berleburger Bibel, and often.

III.    Literature.

Amersbach, K. Ueber die IdentitSt des Verfassers des gereimten Evangeliums Nicodemi mit Heinrich Hesler, dem Verfasser du gereimten Paraphrase der Apoka-lypse. Progr. Konstanz, 1884. 40.

Brauk, J. W. J. De Tiberii Christum in deprum nume-rum referendi consilio. Bonn, 1834.

Brunn. Disq. de indole aetate et usu Evang. Nicod. B. 1794.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) ci, 173-4, 464-5-

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) lxxxv-cii, 227-8.

Dale, A. v. De oracc. p. 608.

Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719)213-37.

Gott. Bibl. I. 762.

Grevius, A. Apoth. Christo a Tib. decreta. Vet. 1722.






Hasaeus, T. De decreto Tib. Erf. 1715.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I- 275-

Henke. De Pontii Pilati actis in causa J. C. missis. 1784.

Hess. Bibl. d. Heil. Gesch. 1.433-.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) 1.517-8.

— Leben Jesu. p. 264, 379, 386, 396 u. a. HoltzMANN. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 541-2. Horstmann, C. Gregorius auf dem Steine aus Ms.

Cotton. Cleop. DIX, nebst Beitragen zum Evangelium

Nicodemi. In: Archiv. f. d. Studium d. neuer. Sprachen.

u. Lit. LVII. 59-83. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) I. 19-20. Jones. Canon N. T. 1798. II. 262-353. Lacroze. Thesaur. epist. III. 129. Lilienthal. Gute Sache d. Offenb. XVI. Lipsius, R. A. Krit. Untersuchung d. Pilatus-Akten.

Kiel, 1871. 4°. Neueverm. Aufl. 1886. 8°.

— Gospels Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 708-9.

Lorsbach, G. W. De vetusta Evang. Nic. interpr. germ.

Herb. 1802. Maury, Alfred. Nouvelles recherches sur l'epoche a

laquelle a ete compose l'ouvrage connu sous le titre

d'evangile Nicodeme. 1832. [Places later than Eusebius


— Mem. de la Soc. des Antiq. de France. XX.

— Croyances et legendes de l'antiquite. p. 289—. Meyer. Vertheid. d. Gesch. Jesu. p. 35-.

Munter, F. Probabilien zur Leidensgesch. aus d. Evang.

Nicod. In: Staudlin's Archiv. V. 317-. Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. III. (1848) 284-7. Paulus. Ueb. d. Entsteh. d. Nic. Evang. In his: Con-

servat I. 181.

Pressense. Heresy. (JV. F.) 177-8. Quarterly Review. CXVI. Renan. Etudes d'Hist. Rel. p. 177. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 267-8; tr. Eng. (1884)

266-8. [v. 1.1

— Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 266-7; tr. Eng. (1884)266. [v. 1.] [Acts of Pilate.]

Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 363-4.

Schmidt. Exeg. Bibl. II. 508.

Scholz. Einleitung in d. heil. Schriften. I. (1845) l&9-

Smith. Bibl. Diet. Pilate.

Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867)206-8.

Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) liv-lxxvi.

— Pilati circa Christum judicio quid lucis offeratur ex actis Pilati. Lips. 1855.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 177-212 et pass. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xi-xii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 353.

(8.) The Letter of Pontius Pilate


I.    Editions.

Birch. Havn. 1804. p. 154. Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 298-301. Thilo. Lips. 1832. p. 796-. Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) 411-2. Wright. Syra. apocr. (1865) 13-. Fleck. In: Anecdot. p. 141.

II.    Translations.


Wright. Syr. apoer. (1865) 12-7. Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 390-9. Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 223. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 459.

III. Literature.

Altmann, J. S. De ep. P. ad Tib. Br. 1755. Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) cii-cv, 589-90. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real-Enc. (1877) I. 518. Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) lxxvi-lxxvii. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) xii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 353.

and the literature of the Gospel of Nicodemus.

(9.) The Report of Pilate the Procurator CONCERNING OUR LORD JeSUS


(10.) The Report of Pontius Pilate.

I.    Editions.

Fabricius. Gr. lat. In: Cod.-Apocr. III. 456-. [1st


Birch. Gr. lat. Havn. 1804. [Both forms.]

Thilo. Lips. 1832. [Both.]

Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) 413-25. [Both.]

II.    Translations.

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 400-9. Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 224-30. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 460-3.

III. Literature.

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) cv-cvi. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 518-9. Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) lxxvii-lxxviii. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 177-9, 218. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) xii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 353-4.

and the literature of the Gospel of Nicodemus.

(11.) The Giving up of Pontius Pilate.

I.    Editions.

Birch. Havn. 1804.

Thilo. Lips. 1832.

Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) 426-31.

II.    Translations.


Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 410-4. Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 231-4, Ed. Coxe. VIII. d886) 464-5.

III.    Literature.

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) cvi-cvii.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 519.

Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) lxxviii-lxxix.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 219.

Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1878) Hi. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 354.

and the literature of the Gospel of Nicodemus.







(12.) The Death of Pilate. Editions.

Voragine. Legenda Aurea. Cf. Apx. Tischendorf. Latin. In: Ev. apocr. (1853) 432-5.

II.    Translations.


Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 4I5"9-Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 234-6. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 466-7.

III.    Literature.

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) cvii-cviii.

Hahn, R. A. Das alte Passional. Erf. a. M. 1845. P- 88.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) !• 5'9-

Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) lxxix-lxxx.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 219.

Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) xii-xiii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 354.

and the literature of the Gospel of Nicodemus.

(13.) The Narrative of Joseph.

I.    Editions.

Birch. Havn. 1804.

Thilo. Lips. 1832.

Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) 436-47.

II.    Translations.


Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 420-31. Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 237-44. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 468-71.

III.    Literature.

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) CVIII.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1876-) I. 519.

Tischendorf. Ev. apoc. (1853) lxxx-lxxxi.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881J 214-5.

Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) xiii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 354.

and the Pilate literature in general.

(14.) The Avenging of the Saviour.

I.    Editions.

Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) 448-63.

II.    Translations.

Anglo-Saxon. Goodwin, C. W. (Ed.) Angl. Sax. Engl. Cambr. 1851.


Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 432-47. Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 245-55. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 472-6.

Note. Vero: editions.

Vote. Substantial translations or versions of the story of onica are found in every language and in multitudinous

III. Literature.

Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) CIX-CX. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I 519. Tischendorf. Ev. apocr. (1853) lxxxi-lxxxiii. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 220. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) XIII. 245. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 354, 472. ' Note. See also all works on Veronica, especially â– works

on Christian Iconography. The literature is large and curi

ously interesting.

(15.) Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

I.    Editions.

Vitalis, Ordericus. Lat. In: Hist. eccl. II. p. 392.

In: Duchesne. Scr. Norm. Lascaris, Const. (1490) Lat. In: Abela, J. F. Melita

illustrata. (1647) II. VII. 179 [Extracts from chs. 1-6];

also in Reina [chs. 1-6 complete]. Cf. below. Nausea, Fr. Lat. In: Anon. Philalethi, etc. (1531) 1-8. Florentini, Fr. Mar. Lat. In: Mart. Hieron. (JLuccae,

1668.) 103-m. Reina (or Reyna), Placido. Gr. lat. In: Delle Notizie

ist. della citta di Messina. II. {Messina, 1668. f°.)

166-8. [Chs. 1-6. Latin of Lascaris]; also in do. tr. Lat.

in: Graevius, J. G. Thesaurus antiq. et hist Siciliae.

Lugd. Bat. 1723-5. 15 v. f°. v. IX. Cotelerius. Notae in Const. Apost., Lib. VI. c. 9. II.

(1672) 269. [Quotes fragment from Greek ms. (the same

quoted by Du Cange, ace. to Tischendorf.)]

Fabricius. Lat. In: Cod. apocr. III. 632-653. Thilo. Acta Petri et Pauli. I. Halle, 1837. 40 (p. 28);

II.  1838. 4" (p. 30). Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) 1-39.

Lipsius, R. A. Passiones Petri et Pauli graece ex codice Patmensi primum edidit. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1886) 86-106, 175-176. (?)

II. Translations.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 256-78. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 477-86.

III. Literature.

Abela, Jo. Franc. (1647) Melita illustrata lib. II. notit. VII. cod. 179. In: Graevius F, XV. [ in Winer. Bibl. Realworterb.]

Ciantar, J. A. Dissert, apol. Pauli. apostoli in Melitam,

etc. Venetiis, 1738. Ducange. Gloss med. et inf. graec. s. v. Botvtta, ko

riXkw, 'opdivevew, etc.

Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 775-6. Georgius, Ign. D. Paulus apostolus in mari quodnunc

Venetus, etc. Venet. 1720. [Cf. Baumgarten. Nachrichten

von Merkwurdigen Buchern. VIII. (Halle, 1755.) 157-74.]

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 523-4. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 546. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) 1.45-6. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I- J33-4-Lipsius. Rom. Petrus-sage. (1872) 47-163.

— Gospels Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 708-9.

— Apokr. apostelleg. II. 1. (1887) 1-423. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. I. (1783) 466-70. Pressense. Heresy. (IV. Y.) 178-9.






ROESSLER. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 368. [Mention.] Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) xiv-xxi. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 111-3, etc. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xiv. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 355.

(16.) Acts of Paul and Thecla.

I.    Editions.

Grabe. Gr. lat. In: Spicil. patr. I. (1698) 93-128;

(1700) I. 81-128. Hearne, Thom. In: App. ad Joannis Lelandi anti-

quarii collectanea, parte secunda. VI. (Ox/. 1715.) 67-

69. [Supplies lacuna in Grabis ed. sect. 27, post KaTe

usque sect. 32. Tdv Se eyovtruiv.]

Jones. Canon N. T. (1726); (1798) II. 353-386.

Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) 40-63.

II.    Translations.


Grabe. In: Spicil. patr. I. (1698) 120-. Gallandius. Bibl. patr. I. 177—.

Bibl. Casin. III. Florileg. p. 271-6. gr. Bibl. Casin. III. 266-.

Syriac. Wright. Syr. Engl. 1871.

English. Hone. Apocr. N. T. (1825) 126-142. (Phila. n. d.) 99-


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 279-92. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 487-92.

III.    Literature.

Acta sanctorum. Sept. VI. p. 546. Basilius Seleuc. De vita ac mir. S. Theciae. Ed. Pan-tin us. V. Antv. 1608.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 180, 199, 236. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 152. [711.] Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 794-6. Grabe, Ern. Spicil. SS. Patr. I. (1700) 87. Gutschmid. Konigsnamen. Ed. above. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 275-6. HlLGENFELD. N. T. extra canon rec. IV. p. 69. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877) I. 524. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 546. Ittig. De bibl. et cat. patr. (Lips. 1707) 700-705.

—  Hist. eccl. (1709) I. io-ii.

Jones. Canon N. T. 1798. I. 311-313, 387-411. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 134-5. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 331-3. Lipsius. Acts, Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace. Diet.

L 3°-3'-

— Apokr. Apostelgesch. II. 1. (1887) 424-67. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. 1.(1799)452-64. Luthardt. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

(1875)68. Methodius. Conviv. virgin, in psalmo, quem ipsa

Thecla dicit. In: Galland. III. p. 742. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) 78-80; (1749-) 1.111-3. Pantinus, Petr. BasiJn Seleuciae in Isauria episcopi de

vita ac miraculis D. Theciae virginis martyris Iconiensis.

Antv. 1608. [" Adj. est Simeonis Metaphrasti Logothetae

de eadem martyre tractati sinulari."] Pressense. Heresy. (N.Y.) 179-80. Ritschl. Altkatl. Kirche. 2. Aufl. p. 292-4. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 369. [2JII.] SCHLAU, C. Die Acten d. Paulus u. der Thecla, u. die

altere Thecla-Legende. Ein Beitrag zur christl. Litera-

turgesch. Leipzig, 1877. 8°.

SCHLIEMANN. Clementinen. (1844) 431-3.

Simeon Metaphrastes. Acta Pauli et Theciae. See

alleds. ofS. M.

Stilting, Jo. In: Acta sanctorum. Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867) 318-27. Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) xxi-xxvi. Unschuldigen Nachrichten. (Leipz. 1702) 136-. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 23 et pass. Walker, A. Introd. note. In Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) xiv. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 355. Zahn. Acta Johannis. p. lxix. Zeno Veron. De timo re. 1.1. Tract. 8. In: Galland. V.


Note 1. Ancient allusions to this work are numerous, amonff others allusions by Ambrose, Chrysostom, Cyprian of Ant., Epiphanius, Gelasius, Gregory Naz., Gregory Nyss., Jerome, and Tertullian.

Note 2. Literature of the Thecla legend is abundant.

(17.) The Acts of Barnabas.

I.    Editions.

Papebrochius. Gr. lat. In: Acta S.S. mensis Junii. II.

(Antv. 1698) p. 43I-436-Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) 64-74.

II.    Translations.


Mombritius. Passio S. Barnabae. 1479. Mazocchi. Comment, in vet. marmoreum. S. Neap., etc

II.  ( ) 540-544-


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 293-300. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 493-6.

III.    Literature.

Baronius. Annal. ad an. Chr. 51. num. 51. Braunsberger. Der Apost. Barnabas. Mainz. 1876. Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 781-2. Harnack. In: Theol. Literaturztng. (1876)487-. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 524. Lipsius. Acts, Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace. Diet.

I. 31.

— Apokr. Apostelleg. II. 11. (1884) 270-320. Siegebert GemBL. Catal. script, eccl. Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (I. p. 1189; II. p. 413.) Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) xxvi-xxxi. Vitalis, Oder. Hist. eccl. Cf. Apx. Voragine. Legenda aurea. Cf. Apx. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) XV. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 355. Note. Compare also general works on Barnabas.

(18.) The Acts of Philip.

I.    Editions.

Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851)75-104.

II.    Translations.


Walker, A. In; Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 301-34. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 497-510.

III.    Literature.

Anastasius Sinaita. De tribus quadragesimis. Contains an epitome, printed in Cotelerius, Monum. Eccl. Gr. I. 3. p. 428-430. Fabricius. Cod. apocr. II. p. 806-810 and Beausaubre. Hist. Manich. I. p. 346 seq.






Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719)806-10. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 524. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 548. Jones. Canon N. T. 1798. I. 381. Lipsius. Apokr. Apostelgesch. II. 11. (1884) 1-53. — Acts, Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 30. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 369. [2411.] Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) xxxi-xl. 141-56. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 125. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1886) XV. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 355.

Philip in Hellas.


Lipsius. Apokr. Apostelgesch. II. 11. (1884) 27-31. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) *• 524-Tischendorf. Acta. p. xxxviii-xl. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xv-xvi. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 355.

I. Editions.

Woog, Karl Christ. Epist. . . . de martyrio S. An-

dreae. Lips. 1747.

Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) 105-31. MlGNE. Patrol, gr. II. (1827) 1215-48. [Tischendorf.]

II.    Translations.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 335-47-Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) Si 1-6.

III.   Literature.

Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719)747-59,767-8.

Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. xxxviii-; also in: Migne. II. (1857) 1199-1216.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 524-5.

Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 547.

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 134.

Lipsius. Acts, Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I.30.

— Apokr. Apostelleg. I. (1883) 563-7.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. I. (1783) 202-27.

Pressense. Heresy. {N. Y.) 180-1.

Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 367.

Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) xl-xlvii.

Veterum Testim. In: Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Ven. 1765. f°. I. 145-. Also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. 11.(1857) 1187-98.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 125.

Wake. Lond. 1693. 152-3; Lond. 1710. 8°; Lond. 1719. 8°. 104-5; 1737- 8°; 5th ed. 1818 [7?]; Hartford, 1834. 444; Lond. 1842 [3?]. 8°; Phila. 1846. 8°; Lond. 1846. 8°; i860. 8°.

Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xvi. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 356.

(20.) Acts of Andrew and Matthias.

I.    Editions.

Thilo. Acta Andreae et Matthiae. Halle, 1846. Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) 132-66. Wright. Gr. Syr. Eng. In: Apocr. Acts. 93-115.

II.     Translations.

Ethiopic. Malan. In: Certamen. apost. 147-63.


Grimm, Jakob. Andreas u. Elena. Kassel. 1840. [Contains the Anglo-Saxon form of the Acts of Andrew and Matthew.]


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 348-68. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 517-25.

III. Literature.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog, Real.-Enc. (1877) I. 525. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 547. Pressense. Heresy. (JV. Y.) 164-5. Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867)327-34. Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) xlvii-lix. — Apocal. apocr. (1866) 139-41.

Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xvi-xvii. Ed. Coxe. VII. (1886) 356.

(3i.) Acts of Peter and Andrew.

I.    Editions.

Woog. p. 401-.

Thilo. Acta Andr. et Matt. (1846) 30-.

Tischendorf. Apocal. Apocr. (1866) 161-.

II.     Translations.

Ethiopic. Malan. Certain, ap. 221-9.

Old Slavic. TlCHONRAWOW. Denkmaler d. apokr. Lit. II.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 368-72. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 526-7.

III.    Literature.

Bonwetsch, N. Ein Beitrag zu den Akten des Petrus u. Andreas. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchengesch. V. (1882) 506-509.

Lipsius. Apokr. Apostelgesch. I. (1883) 554-7.

— Zu den Acten des Petrus und Andreas. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. theol. (1883) 191.

Tischendorf. Apocal. apocr. (1866) 161-7.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 31 et pass.

(22.) Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Apostle.

I.    Editions.

Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) 167-89.

II.    Translations.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 373-88. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 528-34.

III.   Literature.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877) I. 525. Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) lx-lxiii. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xvii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 356.






(23.) Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas.

I.    Editions.

Thilo. Leipz. 1823. 8°.

Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) 190-234.

Bonnet, Max. Suppl. ad. apocr. 1883 (?) [Supplies

hitherto missing fragments.]

II.    Translations.

Syriac. Wright. Syr. Engl. In: Apocr. Acts. Land. 1871.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 389-422. Efl. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 535-49.

III.    Literature.

Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 819-28. HlLGENFELD, A. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVII.

(1883) 383-4. [Rev. of Bonnet, (1883).] Lipsius. Acts, Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace.

Diet. I. 30.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 525. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 547. Jones. Canon N. T. (1798) I. 394-6. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 134. Lipsius. Apokr. Apostelleg. I. (1883) 225-347. Pressense. Heresy. (JT.Y.) 166-71. Simon. Nov. obs. de textu, etc. p. 7-. Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) lxiii-lxviii. — Apocal. apocr. (1866) 156-61. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1886) xvii-xviii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 357.

(24.) Consummation of Thomas the Apostle.

I.    Editions.

Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) 235-42.

II.    Translations.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 423-8. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 550-2.

III.    Literature.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877) I. 525. Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) lxviii-lxix. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xviii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 357.

(25.) Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew.

I.    Editions.

Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) 243-60. Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. II. (1857) 785-6.

II.     Translations.


MOsingek. Vita et martyrium S. Bartholomaei. Innsbruck, 1877. [Latin transl. from the Armenian.]


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 429-39. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 553-7.

III. Literature.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) *• 525-Lipsius. Acts, Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace.

Diet. I. 30.

— Apokr. Apostelgesch. II. 11. (1884) 54-108. Moesinger, G. Vita et martyrium sancti Bartholomaei

apostoli, ex sinceris fontibus armeniacis in linguam

latinam conversa. Salsburgi, 1877. 8°. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) xviii-xix. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 357. Note. Perhaps identical with the Pseudo-Abdias Latin.

Cf. especially Mosinger.

(26.) Acts of the Holy Apostle Thad-daeus.

I.    Editions. Tischendorf. Acta. p. 261-265.

II.     Translations.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 440-3. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 558-9.

III.   Literature.

Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) !• 525~6-Tischendorf. Acta. p. lxxi-lxxiii. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xix. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 357. Note. See literature under Ancient Syriac Documents.

(27.) Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian.

I.    Editions.

Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) 266-76. ZAHN. Erlangen, 1880. p. 238-.

II.    Translations.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 444-53. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 560-4.

III.    Literature.

Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 765-7, 788-91,


Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 526. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 134. Lipsius. Acts, Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace.

Diet. I. 29-30.

— Apokr. Apostelleg. I. (1883) 490-2. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. I. (1783) 464-^6. Pressense. Heresy. (MY.) 181-2. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 367. [all.] Tischendorf. Acta apocr. (1851) lxxiii-lxxvi. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) xix-xx. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 357-8. Zahn, Prof. Dr. Thdr. Acta Joannis, unter Benutzung

von C. v. Tischendorf s Nachlass bearbeiter. Erlangen,

1880. 8°.

JVole. Much of the above literature relates to other Acts of John. For the editions and thorough treatment of various Acts, and recensions, translations, etc., not included in this series, compare Lipsius's admirable monograph.





(28.) Revelation of Moses.

I.    Editions.

Tischendorf. Apocal. apocr. (1866) 1-23.

II.    Translations.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 454-67. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 565-70.

III.    Literature.

Dillmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. VII. (i860) 317-. Lucke. Offenb. Joh. (1848) 232-. Pressense. Heresy. (N. Y.) 183-5. Tischendorf. In: Heidelb. Studien u. Krit. (1851) 432--                       _____

(29.) Revelation of Esdras.

Tischendorf. Apocal. apocr. (1866) x-xii.

Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) xx-xxi. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 358. Dillmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. XII. (1883) 356.

[Lit. 7 11. only.] Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xxi. 468-

76. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 358, 571-4. [Eng.] Tischendorf. Apocal. apocr. (1866) xii-xiv. 24-33.



(30.) Revelation of Paul. Editions.

Tischendorf. Gr. Apocal. apocr. (1866) 34-69. [Eng. lish transl. of the Syriac added.]

II.    Translations.


PERKINS. Syr. Eng. In: Jour, of the Am. Oriental Soe. VIII. (1864); repr. in: Jour, of Sacred Lit. ed. Cow-per. {Land. 1866.) 372-.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 477-92. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 575-81.

III.   Literature.

Assemani. Catal. Bibl. Orient. Clem. Vat. III. I. 282. Dupin. Bibl. proleg. II. 94. Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 943-53. Havernick. Lucubr. crit. in Apoc. p. 14. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 528. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 551. [5 11.] Jones. Canon N. T. 1798. I. 317-324. Lucke. Einl. in d. Offenb. d. Joh. I. (1848) 232-. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 383. [511.] Scholz. Einleitung in d. heil. Schriften. I. (1845) l92-Stowe. Books of the Bible. (1867)499-508. Tischendorf. Apocal. apocr. (1866) xiv-xviii. — In: Studien. (1851) II.

Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xxi. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 358-9.

(31.) Revelation of John.

I. Editions.

Birch. Auct. cod. apocr. Fabr. Havn. 1804. Tischendorf. Apocal. apocr. (1866) 70-94.

II. Translations.

Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 493-503. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 582-6.

III. Literature.

Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 953-5. Hoffmann. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 528. Pressense. Heresy. (iV.F.) 187-8. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 383. [311.] Tischendorf. Apocal. apocr. (1866) xviii-xix. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) xxi-xxii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 359.

(32). The Book of John concerning the Falling Asleep of Mary.

I.    Editions.

Berger, Fr. Xav. In: Aretin, J. C. v. Beitr. z. Gesch.

u. Lit. V. (1805) 629-. Tischendorf. Apocal. apocr. (1866)95-112.

II.    Translations.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 504-14. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 587-91.

III.    Literature.

Bonnet, M. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXIII. (1880)

222-47. [" Die altesten Schriften v. d. —."]

Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886)540-1. Roessler. Bibl. d. K.-V. IV. (1777) 361. [211.] Tischendorf. Apocal. apocr. (1866) xxxiv-xlvi. Compare below.

(33.) The Passing of Mary.

I.   Editions.

Bibl. patr. max. Lugd. II. II. 212-6. Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1231-40. Tischendorf. Apocal. apocr. (1866) 113-36. Bickell. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1866) 469-.

II.    Translations.


Wright. Syr. Engl. In: Jour, of Sacr. Lit. 1865; Jan-417-; Apr. 129-.

— Syr. Engl. Syr. apocr. (1865).

Arabic. Enger. Arab. Lat. Elb. 1854.


Walker, A. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI. (1873) 515-30. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 592-8.

III.    Literature.

Bonnet. See above.

Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719)352-.

Lipsius. Gospels, Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace.

Diet. II. 706-7. Reuss, E. In: Strassb. theol. Beitr. VI. 119.

— Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 273; tr. Eng. (ig84) 272. [v. 1.]






Tischendorf. Apocal. apocr. (1866) xxxiv-xlvi. Walker, A. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XVI.

(1873) xxii-xxiii. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 359-60.

Compare above.


The purpose and limits of this Synopsis compel, as a question of relative value, the omission of almost all the references gathered on this topic, leaving only the following suggestions.

I.    Editions.

Migne. Patrol, gr. X. (1857) 9-18, 109-142, 155-202. And in all editions of Pseudo-Isidore, various collections of councils, etc.

II.    Translations.

Saj-mond, S. D. F. In: Ante-Nic. Lib.IX. (1869) 145-52, 203-23, 232-274. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 599-644.

III.    Literature.

Coxe, A. C. Note. In: Ante-Nic. Fath. Ed. Coxe.

VIII. (1886) 641-4.

And the abundant literature on the Pseudo-Isidor. Compare Encyclopaedias under Pseudo-Isidor, Decretals, etc. A fairly full literary apparatus for general study will be found in Schaff. Hist. . . . Church. IV. (1885) 266-7. For accounts of the nominal authors compare the various Lives of the Popes and the literature in Chevalier. Repertoire des sources hist, du Moyen Age. Par. 1877-86.

Space is taken, however, on account of his relation to Hippolytus, for the following supplementary titles on Callistus, which, with two exceptions, exclude all titles given in Chevalier.


Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 472-3.

Berger, S. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) II.


Bower. Hist, of the Popes. I. (1749) 42-4. Bunsen. Hippolytus. (1854) I. 390-6. Callistus and his accuser. In: Dub. R. XXXV. (1853)


Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 377-8. Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 310-1. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 370-1, 387,429-31. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) 1.198-9; III.

92. Herzog. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) III. 64-5.

(Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. I. 363.) Hir, A. Le. Le pape St. Calliste et les " Philosophu-

mena." In: Etudes relig., hist, et lit. C. VIII. (1866)

163-87, 277-98. History of Callistus. In: Month. VIII. (1867) l> 181-;


Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 736-40. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874) II. 29. Marx. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) II.


Moberly, G. H. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 390-2. Morris, J. Lives of Callistus and Hippolytus. In:

Month. XXXIII. (1877) 214; 321-. Nitzsch, Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 201, etc. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 52-3; (1749-) III. 68-9. Pressense. Chr. life. ("1878) 125-7, 134-9. Martyrs.

(1879) 369-73.

Rossi, G. B. de. Esame archeologico e critico della storia di s. Callisto narrata del libro IX. dei Filosofu-meni. In his: Bull, archeol. crist. A. IV. (1866) I-14,

17-33. 65-72. 77-99-Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) XXXV. 67.


I.    Editions.

Cureton, Wm. Spicilegium Syriacum. Containing remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose, and Mara. Lond. 1855. [Introduction, Text, Translation, Notes.]

— Ancient Syriac Documents. With Preface by W. Wright. Lond. 1864. 40. [King of Edessa, Doctrine of Addaeus, Doctrine of the Apostles, Doctrine of Simon, Acts of Sharbil, Mart, of Barsamya, of Habib, etc. Horn, on Habib, on Guria, Extracts relating to Abjrar, all Syr.-Engl. Mart, of Shamuna, Surius' lat. tr. from Simeon Metaphras-tes, and Extract from Moses of Chorene, tr. Fr. by Le Vail-lant de Florival.]

Lagarde. Rel.jur. eccl. ant. gr. Lpz. 1856. p. 89-95. Phillips. The Doctrine of Addai the Apostle, with an English translation and notes. Lond. 1876.

II.    Translations.


Cureton. See editions.

Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XX. (1871) II. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 651-743.

The correspondence of Christ and Abgar is found in: —

Grabe. Gr. lat. Spicil. patr. (1700) I. 6-12. Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 317-9. Bayer. Gr. lat. In: Hist. Osrh. (1734).

And translated.

(English.) WAKE. Lond. 1693. 8°. 134-9; Lond. 1710. 8°. [Greatly

improved]; Lond. 1719. 8°. 91-4; 1737. 8°; 5th ed.

i8i8[7?]; Hartford, 1834. 8°. 430-4; Lond. i842[3?].

8° [Revised]; Lond. 1846. 8°; i860. 8°; Phila. 1846.


Hone. Apocr. N.T. (1825) 78. {Phila. n. d.) 62-3. Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) 219-20.


Berleburger Bibel. VIII. 413. Grynaeus. In:Apost. Manner. Bas. 1772. 8°. Hess, J. J. In: Erst. Jugendgesch. Jesu. {Zurich, 1774)

I42-. [Grynaeus.]

In: Christl. Magaz. (Pfenninger). III. (1780). Rosegarten, L. Th. Legenden. II. {Berl. 1802) 37-. Stolberg. In: Gesch. u. s. w.XI. {Hamb. 1816) 427-8.

Partial or complete translations are frequent.

III. Literature.

Abgar. Albinus, M. T. De epistola Christi ad Abgarum. Wit-

teberg. 1694. 8°.

Alexander, Natal. Hist. eccl. (1778) III. 84-6. Assemani. Biblioth. orientalis. I. 554-; II. 393-; III.

2, 8-. Baronius. Ann. (1589-) 31, 57-61. Cf. Pagi. Crit.

(1689-) 8.

Basnage. Annal. polit.-eccl. contr. Baronium. p. 431-. Baumgarten, S. J. Ausz. d. Kirchenges. Halle, 1743-

6. I. 226-32.






Bayer, Gottlieb Siegfried. Historia Osrhoena et

Edessana. (1734) 35^-; 94-125-Bourget, L. In: Biblioth. Ital. XIII. 124-. Busching, J. J. Wochentl. Nachr. u. s. w. II. {Bred. 8)(68)

7)57(7) Carriere, A. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) I.

20-1. Caspari, C. P. In: Theol. Tidssk. f. d. Kirke i. Norge.

III. (1886) 427-8.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3) I. 2-3; II. iv. 16. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. I. (1729) 474-9; I.


Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 5. Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 176-9. Constantius Porphyr. De Edessena Christi imagine,

ed. Combefisius. In: Manip. rer. Constantinop. p. 81. Cowper. Apocr. gosp. (1867) Ixxxi-lxxxii, 217. Dalhusius, Ene. De Epist. quae vulgo Servatori

tribuitur, responsoria ad Abg. Edes. principem. Hafn.

1699. 40.

Dupin.' Bibl. aut. eccl. Durdent. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) I.


Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) I. 48. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. I. 13. Evagrius. Hist. eccl. IV. 27. Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 317-20. Frauendorff, J. C. De epist. Christi ad Abgarum,

speciat. contra G. Cave. Lipsiae, 1693. 8°. Giachetti, Jean. Iconologia Salvatoris, de imagine

Christi ad Abgarum missa. Romae, 1628. 8°. Gieseler. Church. Hist. (1868-) I. 68-9. Goetzius, G. H. De Christi scriptis. Vit. 1687. Grabe, E. Spicil. P. P. Sec. I. p. 1-, 399-. Graveson, I. H. de. Fr. de mysteriis et annis Chr. Serva-

toris nostri. {Rom. 1711. 40.) 263-. Gregorius Barhebr. Chronic, ed. Bruno, p. 51. Grimm, W. Die Sage v. Ursprung d. Christusbildes.

Berlin, 1843. Gutschmid. Die Konigsnamen in den apokryphen

Apostelgeschichten. In: Rhein. Mus. N.F. XIX. 171. Hall, I. H. Syriac version of Epistle of King Abgar to

Jesus. In: Hebraica. (1885) 232-235. Hartmann, J. D. In his: Beitrr. z. christi. Kirchen-u.

Rel. Gesch. (Jena, 1796.) 188-. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 191. Heine, J. E. C. De Christi ad Abgarum epist. edit. 2.

Halae, 1768. 8°. [J. S. Setnler, praeses.] Hilgenfeld, A. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XXVI.

(1883) 124-8.

Hofmann. Leben Jesu. {Lips. 1851) 307-. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 213. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) I. 1-2.

— In: Hept. diss. I. c. 1-2.

Jacob of Sarug. In: Grimm. Syr. Chrest. p. 102.

Jibben, U. De imagine Christi Jesu Abgarena s. Edessena. Jenae, 1671. 8°.

Johannes Damasc. De imagin. Ed Lequien. p. 320.

Jones, W. Canon. N. T. (1798) II. 1-26.

Kleuker. In: Christi. Magaz. (Pfenninger) III. (1780) 1-.

— Apokr. d. N. T. Hamb. 1798. Lagarde. Abhandlungen. p. 6. Lardner. Works. VI. (1831) 596-605.

Llpsius, R. A. Die edessenische Abgar-Sage kritisch untersucht. Braunschweig, 1880. 8°. 92 p.

— Zur edesseinschen Abgarsage. In: Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. (1882) 190-192.

Matthes, K. C. D. Die edessenische Abgarsage, auf ihre Fortbildungs untersucht. Leipzig, 1882. 8°. 77 p. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) I. 14. Mohinke. In: Ersch u. Gruber. I.I. (1818) 110-3. MOSHEIM. Canon. I. 95.

Neander. Church Hist. (1872) III. 201, 240, 241.

Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) I. (1852) 120.

Pianello, J. B. Portrait de Jesus Christ, ferit par luy-

mSme age de 32 ans et envoye a Abgare roi d'Edesse.

Histoire et dissertation. Lyon, 1691, 120. Pratten, B. P. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XX.

(1871) ii. 1-4. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 645-9. Procopihs. De bello pers. II. c. 12. Reiske, J. De imag. J. C. Abgarena. Jenae, 1671. 8°. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) I. 274; tr. Eng. (1884)

273. [v. 1.] Rinck, W. F. Ueb. d. Brief d. Kgs. Abgar. au J. Chr.

etc. In: Morgenblatt. (1819) Nr. 110.

— In: Illgen's Zeitschrift. (1843)11. R8hr. Krit. pred. biblioth. I. 161-.

Roni, Pellegr. Le Gesii Cristo scrivesse ad Abgaro principe di Edessa e se gl' inviasse la propria immagine. In: Zaccaria. Race, di dissert. (1792) II. 116-54.

Rule, W. H. Oriental Records. Lond. 173-6.

Sartorius, C. F. Caus. cur Christ, scripti nihil relig. Disq. hist. th. Lips. 1815. 40.

Schmidt, K. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) I. 81-2. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. I. 14.)

Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1771-) II. 32-3.

Schultze, Ge. D. de Epist. Christ, ad Abg. Regiom. 1706. 40.

Semler, J. S. S. u. Heine.

Serpos, Giov, de. Sulle lettere del re Abgars a Gesii Cristo e di questo a quel re. In: Zaccaria. Race, di dissert. (1792) II. 155-66.

Simon, R. Hist. crit. d. N. T. I. c. 3.

Spanheim. A. L. T. I. 578, 794.

Stolberg. Gesch. d. Rel. J. Chr. II. 427.

Supernatural Religion. I. (1875) 264-.

Thilo. Proleg. ad. ActaThomae. (Lipz. 1832. 8°.) p. 85.

Tillemont. Memoires. (1693-) I. 399-404, 659-62; I. (1732) 55, 261, 361-3.

Thiersch. Kirchenges. I. 106.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) passim.

Welte, B. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1842) 336.

Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) I. 36-7.

Wise, T. Hist, de Nummo Abgari Regis.

Wright, W. A. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 6.

Zeller, J. E. (praef. J. Ph. Dettmers), Ep. Jesus ad Abg. Fro/. 1798. 8°.


Bickell. In: Ztschr. f. kath. Theol. (1877) 296-304.

— Conspectus rei lit. Syr. p. 15-.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 2161.

Fabricius. Cod. apocr. N. T. (1719) 379.

Harnack. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchenges. II. 93.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 191.

Hecke. Comment, praev. In: Acta ss. Bolland (1867)

28 Oct. XII. 450-8. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 135. Lightfoot. In: Contemp. Rev. (1877) May. p. 1137. Lipsius. Acts, Apocryphal. In: Smith and Wace. Diet.

I. p. 31-

— Apokr. Apostelgesch. I. (1883) 217. MSsinger. Acta mart Edessen. Neale. Eastern Ch. Antioch. (1873) 7-8. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 180. Nestle. In: Theol. Ltzng. (1876) 643-.

— Zur Altersbestimmung der Doctrina Addaei. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchengesch. III. 194-5.

NSldeche. In: Lit. Centralbl. (1876) 937-. Pick, B. In: M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) X. 299. Pressense. Heresy. {N.Y.) 182-3. Sieffert. Judas Lebbaus. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) VII. 276-7. (Abr. in Schaff-Herz. II. 1206.) Tillemont. Memoires. (1693-) I. 360-5, 613-7.






TlSCHENDORF. Acta apocr. (1851) 261-5. [Later Acta

Thaddaei.] Zahn. In: Gott. Gel. Anz. (1877) 161-84.

— Die Lehre d. Addai. In: Forschungen. I. Tatian's Diatessaron (1881) 350-82.

Note. The teaching of Addaeus is treated usually under Abgar. Compare literature above. For the Armenian translation, the Tischendorf Greek Acta Thaddaei and later recensions compare Lipsius, Matthes, and Zahn.

Jacob of Sarug.

Abbeloos (Joa. Baft.) De vita et scriptis s. Jacobi. Batnarum Sarugi in Mesopotamia episcopi. dissertatio historico-theologica. Lovanii. 1867. 8°. (xx-322 p.) Cf. A. V. W. In: Ann. de philos. chret. (1867) E-XVI. 235-42.

—  In: Rev. Cathol. {Louv. 1875) B. XIV. 620-1. Assemani. Bibl. orient. Clem.-Vatic. (1719) I. 283-


Ball, C. J. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III. 327-8. Barhebraeus. Chron. eccl. I. 189-. Bickell, G. Consp. Syr. 25, 26.

— Kempten, 1872. 16°. [The Reithmayer-Thalhofer Bibl.] Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1744) II. IV. 34-5. Ceillier. H. a. e. (1748) XV. 545-51 (2a. X. 639-


Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1148. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 415; III.

160. Hoffmann, A. G. In: Ersch u. Gruber. II. xm.

(1836) ii. 175-6.

JBcher. Gelehrt. Lex. II. col. 1816-17. Lamy. S. Jacques de Sarug. Extr. de la Rev. Cath. (?) Lelong. Bib. sac. II 7> 1. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) IV. 737. Martin [Paul]. Un evgque-poete au Ve et au VIe

siecles, ou Jacques de Saroug, sa vie, son temps, ses

oeuvres, ses croyances. In: Rev. d. scien. eccles.

(1876) D. IV. 309-52, 385-419. Matagne (H.) Comment, praev. In: Acta ss. Bolland.

(1867) octb. XII. 824-30, 927-9. Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

II. 54S-6. Nestle, E. In Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) VI. 450-2.

(Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. II. 1136.) Paumier, A. In: Lichtenberger. encycl. (1877-82)

VII. 134.

Renaudot. Liturg. Orient. II. Wenig. Schl. syr. Zingerle, Pius. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-

54) v- 457-

— Leben d. heil. Simeon Stylite. Jnnsbr. 1855.

— In: Zeitschr. deutsch. Morgenland. Ges. (1858-60) XII. 115; XIII. 44; XIV. 679; XX. 511.

— Sechs Homilien d. heil. Jacob v. Sarug. Bonn, 1867.

Zingerle, J. In: Ztschr. f. kath. Theol. (1887) 92-108.


Assemani. Bibl. Orient. I. 331. Baronius. Ann. (1588-) 316, 48-52. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 5. Fabricius. (1705) IX. 49. (2tt. X. 186-7.) Hole, C. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 833-4-Le Quien. Oriens chr. II. 955. Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) I. (1852) 121. Simeon Metaphrastes. In: Surius: Hist. ss. 15 Nov. p. 342 [Latin]; Migne. Patrol. Gr. CXVI. 141 [Gr. lat.] Wright. In: Jour. Sacr. Lit. (1866) 429.


Assemani. Mart, orient. I. 226. Basil. Menol.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. IV. (1733) 97-8; III.

(1865) 102-3.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86)986. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1705-) IX. 82 (2a. X. 233-4.) Martinov. Ann. eccl. gr.-slav. (1864) 280. Stokes, G. T. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 822. Surius. Vitae ss. XI. (1618) 339-49. Symemon Metaphr. In: Migne. Patrol, gr. CXVI.


Tillemont. Memoires. (1693-) V. 395-9, 743-4. Wright. Syr. mart.

Moses of Chorene. (History.)

{Editions.) Amst. 1695.

Brenner, H. 1723. [Extract.] Whiston. Arm. lat. London, 1736. Sargis of Const. Venet. 1752.

Venet. 1827. 180. r Mechitarite Fathers.]

Le Vaillant de Florival. Arm. Fr. 1836; 1849.

Venet. 1843. 8°. [Mechitarite. Improved.]

Venet. 1865. 8°.


( Translations.)

English. See above.


Le Vaillant de Florival. Venet. 1841. 2 v. 8°. Langlois, V. Historiens de 1'Armenie. Par. 1867. II. 47-175-

Italian. FANTI, Ger. Venez. 1841. [By Mechitarite Fathers.]


Johannes, Jos. St. Petersb. 1809. 2 v. 8°. ["Verypoor."

Smin.] Emin, J. B. Moscow, 1858.


Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1601-2. Dulaurier. Etudes sur les Chants historiques. . . . de

l'ancienne Armenie. In: Journal Asiatique. (1852)


— In: Rev. d. deuxMondes. XIV. (1852) 224. Dwight. In: Jour. Am. Orient. Soc. III. 248. Emin, J. B. Moscow, 1850. 8°. (98 p.) GARINIAN, AGEP. Tifiis, 1858. 40. [Collations of mss.] v. Gutschmid. Ueb. d. Glaubwiirdigkeit d. Arm. Gesch.

d. M. von Khoren. In: Ber. d. phil.-hist. Classe d. Konige. Sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. (1876) 1-.

— In: Encycl. Brit, (pth ed.) XVI. 861-3. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 16, 221;

III. 97-8.

Langlois, Victor. Etude sur les sources de I'historie d' Armenie de Mo'ise de Kohren. In: Bull. acad. scien. St. Petersb. (1861) III. 51-383,

— Coll. hist. Armen. (1867) I. 3-11.

Le Vaillant de Florival. Cf. Bibl. ec. Chartes.

(1842) A. III. 585-9. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) VI. 688. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) II. 138. Neumann. In: Jour. Asiatique. (1829) p. 56. (??)

— Armen. Liter. (1836) 45-57.

Nicard, Pol. In: Mem. soc. antiq. France. (1877) D.

VIII. 177-97.

Patcanian. Catal. lit. Arm. (i860) 83-4. Petermann. In: Ztschr. d. deut. Morgenl. Gesellch. V

(1851) 366.

— See v. Spiegel.






Pichard, C. E. Essai sur Moyse de Khoren, historien Armenien du V. siecle du Christ et analyse succincte de son ouvrage sur l'historie d'Armenie. . . . Paris, 1866. 8°. (99 P-) [100 copies only. " No critical value." Stokes.]

Quatremere. In: Jour, des Savants. (1850) p. 364.

St. Martin, J. de. Mem. hist.-geog. Armenie. (1819) II. 301-17-

— Notice sur la vie et les ecrits de Moyse de Khoren, historien armenien. In: Journ. Asiatiq. A. II. (1823) 321-44. (??).

— In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) XXVIII. 500-2.

Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) XVI. 175. Somal. Letter Armen. (1829) 23-8. Sukias DE Somal. StoriadiM.C. Venez. 1850. [Tr.?] Spiegel, v. 'Petermann). In: Herzog. Real.-Enc.

(1877-) X. 325-8. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. II. 1886.) Stokes, G. T. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III. 949-50. Struve. Bibl. hist. (1782-) II. I. 47-9. Tessier, F. X. In: Nouv. biog. gen. (Hoefer) XXVIII.

(1859) 84-6.


Arch. d. missions. (1851) II. 556.

Assemani. Bibl. orient. I. 389, etc.

Augusti. De hymn. Syr.

Barhebraeus. Chron. Eccl.

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 175,16-21.

Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 159-61.


Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 539.

Bayer. Hist. Osrh. 169-80.

Beausobre. Histoire de Manichee, etc. II. 128-.

Buddeus. Diss. de haeres. Valentin. § XVIII.

Burton. Lectures upon Ecclesiastical History. Lect.

XX. Vol. II. p. 182-185. Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 13-4. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1741) I. 77-8. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. 1730) 86-9; I. (1858)


Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 220. Christian Remembrancer. (Jan. 1856.) p. 201. Chwolsohn. Sabier. I. 170. Clinton. Fasti Hel. III. 370. Dodwell. Diss. ad Irenaeum. IV. 35. Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 850. Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) III. 370-1. Engelhardt. Dogmenges. I. (1839) 47-8. Eusebius. Hist. Eccl. IV. 30. Ewald. In: Gott. gel. Anz. (1854)529-. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. 1705. (1712) V. 198 (2a. 172-5.) Fetis. Biog. music, (i860) I. 245. Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 118. Gallandius. Bibl. vet. patr. I. p. exxii. Grabe. Spicil. I. 317.

Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 137-8, etc. Hahn, Aug. Bardesanes gnosticus. Syrorum primus

hymnolgous. commentatio historico-theologica. Lip-

siae, 1819. 8°. (94 p.) Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 323-4. Hausle. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) I.


Heeren. Stobaei Eclog. P. ii. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 135; III.


Heumann. Armen. Liter. (1836) 4. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 33 (Honor. August 1. 34.) Hilgenfeld, A. Bardesanes der letzte Gnostiker.

Leipz. 1864. 8°. Cf. Rev. crit. (1866) I. 141-2.

— In: Theol. Jahtb. (1854.) 529-.

Hort, F. J. A. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 250-60. Ittig. Append. Diss. de Haeresiarch. Sect. II. 6. § 85. Jeremie. Church History, p. 125.

— Jour. Sac. Lit. Jan. 1856. p. 256.

KueHner. Bardesanis gnostici numina astralia. Hild-

burghausen, 1833. 4°. Land, J. P. N. Bardesanes de fato. Leyden, 1857. 8°.

[Reprinted from Godgeleerde Bijdragen. (1857).]

— Anelet. Syr. p. 32.

Langlois, V. Coll. histor. Armen. (1867) I. 55-62. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 316-23.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) II. 8l.

Lipsius. Gnosticismus. In: Ersch. u. Gruber.

— Ueb. d. Ophit. Syst. In: Hilgenfeld. Ztschr. (1863)


Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. III. (1784) 38-49. Mackenzie, J. M. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog.


M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) I. 665-6. Merx, A. Bardesanes von Edessa. nebst e. Untersuchg.

ub. das Verhaltniss d. Clement. Recognitionen zu dem

Buche d. Gesetze der Lander. Halle, 1863. 8°. Moses of Chorene. ii. 66. Mosheim. De reb. Chr. pp. 395-7. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 80, 304, 375, 377,


— Genet. Entw. d. Gnost. Syst.

Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 89-90, etc.

North British Review. (Aug. 1853.) Art. VI.

Nouv. Biog. Gdn. (Hoefer) IV. (1853) 480.

Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 184-7; (1749-) II. 262-7.

Permaneder. Bibl. patr. (1842) II. 159-61.

Petri, G. E. In: Ersch u. Gruber. I. vn. (1821) 375-8

Photius. Bibl. cod. 223.

Pratten, P. B. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII.

(18.71) ii. 83-4; XXIV. (1872) 95. Ed. Coxe. VIII.

(1886) 721-2.

Priaulx. In: Jour, of Asiatic Soc. (1862). Ritschl. Entsth. d. altk. Kir. ed. I. 186-. RlTTER. Erdkunde. X. 552. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 169. Scott. Royal coins of M. Somal. Letter. Armen. (1829) 3. Stronzius, Fr. Historia Bardesanis ac Bardesanistratum

ex veterum doctorum monumentis erua. Witteb, 1710.


Supernatural Religion. II. (1875) 70, 222, 223.

Taberaud. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) III. 81.

Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1694) II. 454-7, 676.

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 397.

Walch, C. W. F. Ketzerhistoric I. 415-422.

Note. See also encyclopaedia articles and general literature on Gnosticism, Valentinian, and on the Clementine literature.

Ambrose (of Alexandria?).

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1741) I. 288. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 96. Christie, A. J. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

I. 139.

Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50)1.249,265; II. 417. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. (1701) II. 897. Encycl. Brit. (9th. ed.) I. 662. Eusebius. Ch. Hist. VI. 18. Fabricius. (1717) VIII. 342-3. (2a. IX. 259-


Farrar. Interpretation. (1886) 205-6. Herzog. In his: Real.-Enc. (1877) I. 331. (Abr. in:

Schaff-Herz. I. 70.)

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 126. (Honor. August. 1. 127.) Landon. Eccl. Diet. I. 302. LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) XII. 563. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. XIII. (1799) 12-4. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) I. 191. Neale. Eastern Ch., Alexandria. I. (1847) 25-6.






Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 163, 367,682, 700-2,

707-9. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 28-30,62-3, 93-5, 129-30;

(1749-) III. 38-41, 80-1, 120-2, 167-8. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) III. 1-9. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) IV. 34, 47, 96, 126-7. Supernatural Religion. I. (1875) 170. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 87.

Westcott, B. F. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 90-1. Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) I. 198.

Note. " Nor is there the least ground for identifying with

Ambrose of Alexandria." Westcott.



I.    Editions.

Grabe. Gr. lat. Spicil. patr (1700)11.119-25. Gallandius. Bibl. patr. I. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8)1.69-90. In: Migne. V. (1857) 1265-6. and in all editions of Eusebius.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) ii. 139. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 749.

III.    Literature.

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 128, I. Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 92. [v. 1.] Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 352. [5 n.] Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 57, etc. Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I- 6-Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1741) I. 52.

— Lives. (1840) I. 219-27.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. (1729) I. 688-90; I.

(1858) 401-3.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 66. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1887. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 147. [811.] Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50)1.110; II. 402. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)

749 â–  Dallaeus, Jo. De script. Dion. Areop. I. ch. 13. p. 83,


Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. (1864-6) II. 51-4. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 119-20, 374-7. Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 95. Eusebius. Hist, eccles. IV. 3. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 186. (2a. VII. 154-5.)

— Verit. relig. Christ. (1725) 156. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 388-9.

Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. lxxii.; also

in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1261-6. Halloix. Eccl. orient, script. (1633) I. 668-701. Harnack. Ueberlieferung d. gr. Apol. (1882) 100-. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 246-7. Hauck. (Herzog f) In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-)

XII. 425. (Abr. in; Schaff-Herzog. III. 1986.) Henschenius. Sylloge histor. In: Acta ss. Bolland.

(1688) maii. VI. 357-9. (3«. 355-7.) Hergenroether. Kitchenges. (1879-80) I. 86, III. 37. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 19. (Honor. August. I. 20.) Hook. Eccles. Biog. VIII. 173. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 49~5'» 244-

Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. no.

LABOUDERIE. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (I842-65)

XXXIV. 595-596.

Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 307-8. Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) XL 47. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. I. (1783) 374-82. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) VIII. 831. Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 206-7. Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

III. 630-1.

Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 661. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 201. [71.] Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XLI. (1862) 268. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 63-4; (1749-) II. 92-4. Otto. Corp. apol. chr. IX. 333-. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1812) II. 62-3. Photius. Cod. 162. p. 343. Pratten, P. B. Introd. note. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII.

(1871) ii. 83-4. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 747-8. Pressense. Martyrs. (1879) 236. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 708-9. Schmid. Patrol. (1879) (1886)43. [911-] Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) II. 372-4. Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) V. 311.

Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1694) II. 232-7, 588-90. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 12. Vincent Belvac. Spec. hist. XI. 72. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 225-6 et pass. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 83-4. YONGE. Pupils of St. John. (1878) 169-78.


(2.) Aristo of Pella. Editions.

Grabe. Gr. lat. Spicil. patr. (1700) II. 127-33. Cyprian. Works. (Edit. Oberthur. Wirceb. 1782.) Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) I. 91-109. In: Migne. patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1277-86.

Note. Fragments gathered from Hieronymus, Eusebius, Maximus, and Origen. See eds.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) ii. 139-40. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 749-50.

III.    Literature.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) I. 8.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1741) I. 88.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. (1729) I. 692-5; I.

(1858) 404-5.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 164. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 148. [1011.] Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)


Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. 1864-6, II. 56-61. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 121-2, 378-9. Eusebius. Hist. Eccles. IV. c. 6. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712-5) V. 187-8; VII. 96. (2 .

VI. 745-6; VII. 156-8.) — De Verit. Chr. Rel. p. 153. Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. lxxiv.;

also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1271-8. Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 148. Grabe. Spicileg. PP. Sec. II. 1, 131. Harnack. Ueberl. d. gr. Apol. {Lpz. 1882) 115-30. Hieronymus. Epist. ad Galat. III. 13, etc. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 56. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. in. Lardner. Credibility. Works. ^1831) II. 310-n.






Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. I. (1783) 385-95. Mansel, S. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 160-1. Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) III. (1852) 187-8. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746) I. 87-8; (1749-) II. 126-8. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 97. Schaff. Hist. . . . Church. II. (1886) 107, 710. Schmitz, L. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) I.


Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1694) II. 137-9. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 295. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 393-4. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 93~4-Yonge. Pupils of St. John. (1878) 166-7.


(30 Editions.


Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) I. 111-153.

Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1207-32.

Otto. Corp. Ap. I. (1872) 375-478.

Cureton. (2d Apol.) Syr. Engl. In: Spicil. syr. Lond.


Pitra. (2d Apol.) In: Spicil. Solesmense. II. Kitto. (Fragm.) Jour. sac. lit. XV.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) ii. 112-39. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (i 886) 751-62.


Welte. In: Theol. Quartalschr. (1862) 302-. GrSne, V. Kempten, 1873. l6°. [The Reithmayer-Thal-hofer Bibl.]

III.    Literature.

Acta, ss. Bolland. (1675) apr. I. 10-2.

Ann. de phil. Chret. (1872) F. IV. 432-5.

Arch. d. Missions. (1851) A. II. 558.

Baronius. Ann. (1589-) 172, 1-7. Cf. Pagi. Crit.

(1689) 347, 3.

Baumgarten-Crusius. Dogmenges. (1832) 166-7. [v.i.] Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 337-8. (611.) Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1748) 34. Burton. Divinity of Christ. (1829) 63-7. Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) 1.11-12. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1741) I. 71-2. — Lives. (1840) I. 280-6. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. (1730) II. 75-9; I. (1858)


Charteris. Canonicity. (1880)43-4,314,339-40. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1559. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 103-4. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 167; II. 409. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)


Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) passim. Donaldson. Hist. Chr. lit. 1864-6. III. 221-39. Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 133. Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XV. 840. Eusebius. Hist, eccles. IV. ch. 26. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. (1712) V. 184-5. (2*. VII. 1495-1.)

B. m. ae. (1736) V. 204-5. (2"- >68-) Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 485-7, 488-90. Galland. Bibl. patr. I. n. 24, Gieseler. Church Hist. (1868-) I. 143, 167. Hagenbach. Hist, of Doct. I. (1850) 105-6. Halloix. Eccl. orient, script. (1636) II. 817-39.

Haknack. In: Gebhardt. u. H. Texte, etc. I. 240-278.

Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 251.

Hefele. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) VII.

46-50. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 88; III.


HlERONYMUS. Vir. ill. 54. (Honor. August. I. 25.' Hoffman. Lex. bibl. gr. (1836) III. 87. Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 129-30, eta Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 37-9, 223-5. Jackson. Ap. fath. (1879) 189-191. Journal Sac. Lit. XV., XVI., XVII. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 111-2. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 157-160. Le Clerc. Hist, eccles. duorum prim, saeculor. Ledrain, E. In: Le Correspondant. (1871) B. XLIX.


Lelong. Bibl. sac. II. 857. LicHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) IX. 59. Lightfoot. In: Contemp. Rev. (Feb. 1876.) Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. III. (1784) n-25. Luthardt. St. John the author of the Fourth Gospel.

(1875) 49. Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

II. 1023-5. Melito of Sardis and his remains. In: Kitto. XV. (1855)

121-; XVI. (1855) 434-; XVII. (1856) 121-. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 245-7, etc. Neale. Hist. East. Ch. Introd. I. 38. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 104-5, 299> 676-

— Hist of dogmas. (1858) 103. [v. I.] Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 178-81. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 123, etc. Nouv. biog. gen. (Hoefer).

Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 203-6; 255-60, (1749-) II.

290-5. 365-72-

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 149-53, 943. Piper, F. In: Stud. u. Krit. XI. (1838) 54-154. Pitra. Spicil. Solesm. (1855) II. ivxxxvij-bcv-j. Pressense. Hist, des trois prem. siec. II. 2, 166; tr.

Engl. Martyrs. (1879) 124-5, 241-2, 530-I. Renan. L'egl. chrgt. p. 436.

— Marc.-Aurele. 172—.

Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 16; tr. Eng. (1884)

300. [v. 2.]

Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III. 894-900. Sanday. Gosp. in 2d cent. (1876) 244-5. Schaff. Hist. Church. II. (1886) 736-9. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886)43. [1211.] Schroeckh. Kirchenges (1772-) III. 115-8. Semler. Hist, eccles. select, capita saec. II. c. 5. Steitz. In: Theol. Stud. u. Krit. (1857) 584-96.

— Jour. Sac. Lit. 1856, 1857.

— In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877) IX, 537-9. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. II. 1464.)

Supernatural Religion. II. (1875) 172-85, 392; III.

(1877) 24.

Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1694) II. 407-9, 663-5. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 14. Ueberweg. Hist, philos. (1876) 295. Uhlhorn. In: Ztschr. f. hist. Theol. (1866). Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 395. Weiss. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) XXVII.


Welte. In: Theol. Quartalschrift. (1862) 302-. Westcott. Bible in the Church. (1877) 124.

— Canon. (1875) 218-23.

Woog, Carl Christian. Dissertationes II. de Melitone, Sardium in Asia episcops. Lips. 1744-51. 4°.

— De scriptis s. Melitonis. Lips. 1751. 40.; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1183-208.

—De vita et meritiss. Melitonis. Lips. 1744J 40; also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1145-84.






Worman, J. H. In: M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-)

VI. 64-5. Y. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XXXIV. (1861)


Yonge. Pupils of St. John. (1878) 205-10. Zahn, T. In: Ztschr. f. kirchl. wiss. u. Lebens. (1884)



I.    Editions.

Halloix. Duaci, 1633. In: Scr. eccl. orient. II.


Grabe. Gr. lat. Spicil. patr. (1700) II. 203-14. Gallandius. Bibl. patr. II. (1766) 59-. Flows, Fr. Opusc. posthuma. Bonon. 1793-. 40. Schulthess. In: Symb. crit. I. (Tur. 1833.) Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) I. 203-284. Bunsen. Analect. Antenic. (1854) 123-35 (Pref.) 137-

Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1307-28. Hilgenfeld. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. (1876) 179-;

(1878) 194-

and in editions of Eusebius.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) ii. 142-7. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 762-5.

III.    Literature.

Acta ss. Bolland. (1675) apr. 1. 656-7. (3a. 654-5.) Allemand-Lavigerie, Car. De Hegesippo disquisitio

historica. Par.-Lugduni, 1850. 8°. 61 p. Alzog. Patrol. (1876) 162. Arnauld. Diss. sur ce qui raconte Hegesippe, etc. In:

Tillemont. Hist. eccl. I. (Ven. 1732. 40.) Baronius. Ann. (1589) 167, 11-5. Baur. In: Tub. Zeitschrift. 1831. IV. 171.

— Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 2°9-io.

— Kirchenges. I. 84. BA*EIAH2. 'E/c/cA. Iot. I. (1884) 153. Bellarmin-Labbe. Scr. eccl. (1728) 36. Bull, G. Primit. et apost. traditio. 1703. c. 3. Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 9.

Caspari. Quellen z. Gesch. u. s. w. III. 345-8. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3); (1741) I. 73. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. (1730) II. 100-2; I.

(1858) 473-5-Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) lxxvii-lxxix. 127-8,

199, 227, 258.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1006. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 103. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 141, 169; II. 409. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)


Credner. Gesch. d. N. T. Kan. 77-. Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) pass. Dannreuther, H. In: Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-

82) VI. 126-9.

— Du temoignage d'Hegesippe sur l'eglise chretienne aux deux premiers siecles. Nancy, 1878. 8°. (69 p.)

Danz. De Eusebio Caes. {Jen. 1815) 117—. Donaldson. Hist. Chr. lit. 1864-6. III. 182-213. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 137-42, 400-6. Dowling. Study of Eccl. Hist. pp. 8-9. Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 99.

Ens, Jo. In: Hegesippi test, de ecclesia origine. Traj.

ad Rh. 1721. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. II. 23; III. 19, 20, 32; IV. 8,

22. Fabricius. 1705. (1712) V. 188-9. (2a. VII.


Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-)!. 434-5. Florius (Franc.) De quodam Hegesippi fragmento,

etc. Bononiae, 1793. 4°.

Flugge. Gesch. d. theol. Wissensch. I. 407-20. Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. II. vii-;

also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1303-8. Gams. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch.-Lex. (1847-54) IV.


Gudenus. Gesch. d. 2ten. chr. Jahrh. p. 264-9. Haar, B. ter. Historiographie der Kerkgeschiedenis. I.

{Utrecht, 1870. 8°.) 11-12.

Halloix. Eccl. orient, script. (1636) II. 695-734. Harnack. Z. Quellenkr. d. Ges. d. Gnost. (1873) 36-. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 117-8, 175. Henschius. In: Acta sanctorum. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 15; III. 8. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 22. (Honor. August. I. 23.) Hilgenfeld. Apost. Vat. p. 102.

— Hegesippus. In: Ztschr.f. wissensch. Theol. (1876).

— Hegesippus u. die Apostelgeschichte. I. Noch einmal Heges. II. Die Kirchenpolitik der Apostelgesch. In: Ztschr. f. wissen. Theo. XXI. (1878) 297-330. Cf.. p. 424-

— Ketzergesch. (1884)30-5.

Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 125-6, etc. Holtzmann u. Hilgenfeld. In: Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol.

XX. 290-294. [" TJeber Hegesipp, gegen Nbsgen."] ITTIG. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 40-1, 242. Jacobs, F., and Schmid, Heinr. In: Ersch u. Gruber.

II. iv. (1828) 95.

Jess. Die kirchengeschichtl. Bedeutung des Hegesippus. In: Zeitschr. f. histor. Theolog. (1865) 1-95. Kurtz. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 122. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 152-157. Lechler. Ap. u. Nachap. Z.-A. (1885) 539-42; Engl.

tr. (1886) II. 276-80.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. III. (1784) 105-21. Luthardt. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

(1875) 140.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) IV. 158. Milligan, W. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. II. 875-8. Muenscher. Dogmenges. (1817-8) I. 275-6. Neander. Church hist. (1872) I. 675-6. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 181-2. NSsgen, K. F. Der Kirchliche Standpundt Hegesipp.

In: Ztschr. f. Kirchengesch. II. 2, S. 193-233. [Agst.

Hilgenfeld.] ORSI. 1st. eccl. (1746-) I. 213-9; II. 124-6; (1749-)

I. 300-9; II. 180-3. Oudin. Scr. eccl. (1722) II. 1026. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 161-3, 278-82,


Photius. Bibliotheca. No. 32, p. 288. Ed. Bekker. Plitt, G. L. In: Ztschr. f. luth. Theol. XXV. (1864)

28-33- [H. on James the Just.] Pressense. Martyrs. (1879) 237-9.

— Heresy. (N. Y.) 99-100. Priestley. Gesch. d. Verfalsch. (1785.)

Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 16, 17; tr. Eng. (1884)

300, 301. [v. 2.]

Ritschl. Entst. d. Altk. Kirche. p. 267. ROnsch, H. Ein friihes citat aus d. lat. H. In: Ztschr.

f. wiss. Theol. XXVI. (1883) 239-41. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent, (1876) 138-45. Scaliger. Animadv. ad Euseb. Chron. p. 193—. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 742-4. Schliemann. Clementinen. (1844) 428-31.





Schmid, Heinr. See Jacobs, F. Schmidt. Kirchenges. I. 215-6, 524-6. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) I. 143-4; III. 165-6. Schulthess, J. Heg. prin. auct. rerum Christ, etc. Turic.


Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) I. 342-59. Supernatural Religion. (1875-) I. 429-43; II. 316-20;

III. xviii-xx. 18.

Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) IV. 125-6. Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1695) III. 47-8, 610-1. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 10. Vincent Belvac. Spec. hist. XI. 112. Vogel, F. De Hegesippo, qui dicitur, Josephi interprete.

Erlangen, 1881. 8°. (62 p.)

Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 398-9, 406-9, et pass. Weiss. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) XIX. 45. Weizsacker,C. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) V.695-

700. (Abr. in: Schaff-Herz. II. 959.) Westcott. Canon. (1875) 202-8. — Bible in the Church. (1877) I07-Y. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XXIII. (1858) 759-

60. Zahn. Dei griech. Irenaeus u. d. ganze Hegesippus im.

i6terjahr. In: Ztschr. f. Kirchenges. (1877) 288-91. Zwicker. Irenicum Irenicorum. 1658.

Note. Confusion with later Hegesippus is frequent.

(5.) Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth.

I.    Editions.

Grabe. Gr. lat. Spicil. patr. (1700) II. 214-8. Gallandius. Bibl. patr. I. (1765) 675-. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) I. 175-201.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) 167-8. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 765-.

III.    Literature.

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 175, 8, 11-5.

Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 52, etc.

Blackburn. Hist, of Church. (1879) 33.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 8-9.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1741) I. 73.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) 80-3; I.

(1858) 461-3.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 44-5, 197. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 566. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 101. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 167, 169; II. 410. v. Coelln. In: Ersch u. Gruber. I. XXV. (1834) 356. Coffin. Lives of fath. (1846) 203-4. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed.Coxe. VIII. (1886)


Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. (1864-6) III. 214-20. Dorner. Person of Christ. I. (1864) 119-20. Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 152. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. II. 25; III. 4; IV. 21, 23, 35. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. 1705. (1712) V. 191. (2a. VII.


Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691) I. 480-3. Fritz. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) III.


Halloix. Eccl, orient, script. (1636) II. 767-85. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 163. Henschenius. In: Acta ss. Bolland. (1675) Apr. I.

742-5. (3". 739-41-)

Herzog. In his: Real.-Enc. (1877-) III. 627. Gf.

Schaff-Herz. [711. only.]

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 27. (Honor. August. 1. 28.) Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 214, etc. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 53, 243. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 144-147.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) III. 669.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. III. (1784) i-n.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) II. 811.

Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 205, 216-8.

M5hler. Patrologie. (1840) 320-.

Neander. Ch. Hist. (1872) III. 467; IV. 382.

Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 204. [7 n.]

Norton. Genuineness of Gosp. I. (1846) 61-3, etc.

Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XIII. (1855) 675.

Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 198-203; (1749-) II.284-


Permaneder. Bibl. patr. (1842) II. 153-5. Pressens£. Martyrs. (1879) 239-40. Reuss. Gesch. N. T. (1874) II. 16-7; tr. Eng. (1884)

300. [v. 2.]

Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 849-50. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 242-3. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 745. Schmitz, L. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) I.


Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 166-7. Schwegler. Nachap. Zeitalt. (1846) I. 307-12. Stolberg. Gesch. d. Rel. J. VIII. 89-. Supernatural Religion. (1875-) I. 218, 295; II. 163-71. Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1694) II. 448-51, 674-5. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 17. Villenave. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) X.


Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 394. Westcott. Canon. (1855) 185-190.


(6.) Editions.


Olshausen. Monumenta. I.

Gallandius. Bibl. patr. II. (1766) 144-.

Routh. Rel. sacr. (1814) I. 347-; (1846-8) I. 435-

446. Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1331-8.

and in editions of Eusebius.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) ii. 149-50. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 766.

III.    Literature.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 18.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1741) I. 85.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) 133-5; !•

(1858) 494-5.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1933. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 150 [711.] Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 199; II. 413. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)


Darling. Cypl. bibliog. 2542. Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 183. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. v. 13.

Fabricius. Bibl. gr. 1705. (1712) V. 195. (20. VII. 168.) Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 37. (Honor. August. I. 38.) Hilscher and Strauss. Schola Alex. (1776) 32. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II.* 324.






Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. IV. (1785) 9-11.

Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

III. 651-2.

Neander. Ch. Hist. (1872) I. 467, 474, 475. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 203-4. [1011.] Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 213-4. Routh. Reliquiae sac. (1846) I. 347; Patrol, gr. V.


Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1695) III. 64-5. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 23.

(7.) Maximus, Bishop of Jerusalem.

I.    Editions.

Gallandius. Bibl. patr. II. (1766) 146-.

Routh. Rel. sacr. I. (1874) 347-; II. (1846) 77-107,

108-21. MlGNE. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1339-56.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) ii. 150-62. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 767-72.

III.   Literature.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 15.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3); (1741) I. 95.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) 206; I. (1858)


Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1545. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)


Eusebius. Chron. Hist. Eccles. V. 27. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. 1705 (1712) V. 199. (2a. VII. 175;

IX. 680.) Verit. Relig. Christ. (1725) 162. Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. xvn.; also

in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1337-40. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 47. (Honor. August. I. 48.) Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. IV. (1785) 13) 13-5. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) V. 918-9. Means, J. C. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) II.


Neander. Church hist. (1872) I. 721. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 214-5 Venables, E. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. III. 877-8. (?) Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 394. [411.]

(8.) Claudius Apollinaris, Bishop of


I.    Editions.

Routh. Rel. sacr. I. (1814) 149-. (1846-8) I. 155-

174. Migne. V. (1857) 1293-302.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) ii, 140-1. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 772-3.

III.   Literature.

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 172-7.

Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 259.

Birlo, J. A. Das Leben u. Wirken des h. Apollinaris.

Bonn. 1857. 12°. Bollandus. Comment, histor. In: Acta ss. (1658)

Feb. 11, 4-8.

Busse. Chr. Lit. (1828-9) !• *8-9.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3); (1741) I. 72.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) II. 83-5; I.

(1858) 463-5. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 461.



Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) passim. Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. 1864-6. III. 240-9. Dupin. Bibl. aut, eccl. (1698) I. 150. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. IV. 27; V. 5, 19, 16. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. 1705. (1712) V. 189-90. (2a. VI.

746; VII. 160-2; VIII. 586; X. 68$.) Verit. relig.

Christ. (1725) 160. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 490. Halloix. Eccl. orient, script. (1636) II. 793-817. Harnack. In: Herzog. Beal-Enc. (1877-) I. 529. [Abr.

In: Schaff-Herz. I. 109.] Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) L 488-Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 89; III.


Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 26. (Honor. August. 1. 27.) Holtzmann. Einl. in d. N. T. (1886) 130. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 53. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 313-6.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) I. 423.

Lumper. Hist. crit. patr. Aug. Vind. 1784. 8°. III.

26-34; also in: Migne. V. (1857) 1285-


M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) I. 296. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 117, 298, 635, 677. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 202-3. [8U.J —Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) II. (1852) 888. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 260-1; (1749-) II. 372-4. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 156-8. Photius. Cod. 14. PRESSENsfi. Martyrs. (1879) 240-. Reuss. Gesch. N.T. (1874) II. 16; tr. Eng. (1884) 300.

[v. 2.]

Salmon, G. In: Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 132-3. Sanday. Gosp. in 2 cent. (1876) 246-8, 307-8. Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886)43. [7 11.] Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772) III. 118-9. Smith, P. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) I.


Socrates. Hist. Eccl. III. 7. Supernatural Religion. II. (1875-) 185-91; III. (1877)

24. Tabaraud. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65) II.


Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1694); II, 452-4, 675-6. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 17. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 396-7. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 224-5. Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54) I. 356-7.


I.   Editions.

Gallandius. Bibl. patr. II. (1766) 160-. Olshausen. Monumenta. I. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) II. 9-36. Migne. Gr. lat. In: (1857) 1357-62.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) II. 162-3. Ed- Coxe. VIII. (1886) 773-4.





serapion; apollonius

III. Literature.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) !• '5-6-

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3); (1741) I. 94.

Ceillier. (1730) 203-5; *• ('858)


Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 183. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-80) 1858. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 127-8. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 189, 199; II. 413-. Coxe, A.C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)


Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) pass. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. 1705. (1712) V. 194-5. (2&- VII.


Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 597-9. Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. II. XIX-;

also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1355-8. Hase. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 185-394. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 45. (Honor. August. I. 46.) Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 41-2. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 259-61. Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1.877-82) X. 676. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. IV. (1785) 26-31. Luthardt. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

(1875) 48-9.

Maurice. Eccl. hist. (1854) 252-3. Neander. Church Hist. (1872; I. 194, 298-9. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1749-) II. 319-20; (1749-) II. 460-1. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 215-6. Pressense. Chr. life. (1878) 96-7. — Martyrs. (1879) 342-3. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 238-9. Sigebert Gembl. Scr. eccl. 3. Supernatural Religion. II. (1875) 189, 406, 473. Vincent Belvac. Spec. hist. XII. 16. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 415.

(10.) Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine.

I.    Editions.

Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. V. (1857) I369~72.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) ii. 163. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 774.

III.    Literature.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 16.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1741) I. 87.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) 202; I. (1858)


Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 2185. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 151. [411.] Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 189, 199; II. 413. Comment, histor. In: Acta ss. Bolland. (1668) Mart. I.

361-2. (3a. 359-60.) Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)


Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 178. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. 1712) V. 95, 194; XII. 655. (2".

VII. 107, 169.) Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. XX; also

in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) : 363-70. Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 391-2. (?) Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 43. (Honor. August. I. 44.) JScher. Gel. Lex. (1750-). Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 325. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. IV. (1785) 31-7.

M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874) X. 335. Neale. Eastern Ch., Antioch. (1873) 31-4. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) III. 347. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 217-8. Smith, P. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859) III. 1085._____

(11.) Serapion, Bishop of Antioch.

I.    Editions.

Gallandius. Bibl. patr. II. (1766) 163-.

Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) I. 447-462.

Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1373-6.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) ii. 164-5. Ed- Coxe. VIII. (1886) 775.

III.    Literature.

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 191, 1-4.

Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 54, etc.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I. 19.

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. (1740-3); (1741) I. 86.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) 235-7. !•

(1851) 558-9.

Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 2065. Clarke. Sacred, lit. (1830-1) I. 130-1. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 178-211; II. 413. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)


Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 181, 730. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. VI. c. 12. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. 1705. (1712) V. 193. (2". VII.


Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 558-9. Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. P. I. xxii-;

also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) I37I-4-Gams. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch.-Lex. (1847-54) X. 87-. Gass. In: Herzog. Real. Enc. (1877-) XIV. 146. Halloix. Eccl. orient, script. (1636) II. 825-63. Harnack. Dogmenges. I. (1886) 284. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 41. (Honor. August. I. 42.) Hilscher and Strauss. Schola Alex. (1776) 30. JScher. Gelehrt. Lex. (1750-). Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 264-6. Lichtenberger. Encycl. (1877-82) XI. 559. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. IV. (1785) 48-55. M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-) IX. 568-9. MShler. Patrologie (1840). Neale. Eastern Ch., Antioch. (1873) 35-6.

Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 203. [611.]

Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) XLIII. (1864) 775.

Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 443-5; ('749-) IL 639-42.

Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 269-70. Philbert. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65)

XXXIX. 87-8.

Supernatural Religion. (1875-) I. 419-; II. 160-167. Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1695) HI- 168-9. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 27. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 409 et pass. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 385-7. — Bible in the Church. (1877) 131.


I. Editions.


Gallandius. Olshausen.

Bibl. patr. II. (1766)199-. Monumenta. I.






Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) I. 463-485.

MiGNE. Gr. lat. In: V. (1857) 1381-6.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) II. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 775-6.

III.    Literature.

ACTA. In: Ruinart. 73-.

Acta ss. Bolland. (1675) Apr. II. 539-40. (3a. 536-7.)

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 189, 1-5; cf. Pagi. Crit. (1689)


Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I- 22. Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. I. 86. Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) 132-3; I.

(1858) 493-4-

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 340. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 151. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 156. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 221; II. 413. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)

Draseke, J. Zur Apologie des Apollonios. In: Jahrbb.

f. prot. Theol. (1885) 144-153. Dupin. Nouv. bibl. aut. eccl. I. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. V. 18-21. Fabricius. Bibl. gr. 1705. (1712) V. 191. (2a. VII.


Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 557-8. (?) Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. xxv-.;

also in: Migne. V. (1857) 1375-8. Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) x- S36- [Cf. Schaff-Herz.

I. no.]

Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 42. (Honor. August. I. 43.) Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709-) II. 52-3. Landon. Eccl. Diet. I. 452. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 323-4.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) I. 425.

Luchini. Atti. sinceri. (1777) I. 396-400.

Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. (1785) IV. 1-3.

— Hist. ss. Patr. VII. (1790) 1-8.

Luthardt. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

(1875) >4°-Mueller (L.) De eloquent. Apollonis. Schleusitigae.


Muzzechelli. Scr. Ital. (1753) 1.11. 879-80. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 118. Nirschl. Patrol. (1881-) I. 203. [sll.] Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer) II. (1852) 910. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) III. 5-6; (1749-) III. 8-9. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 208-9. Ruinart. Acta sine. (1689) 73-4 (83-4?) Schaff. Hist. . . II. (1886) 740-41. Schmitz, L. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

I. 239.

Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 168. Surius. Vitae ss. (1618) IV. 184. Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1695) III. 55-9, 613-5. Trithemius. Scr. eccl. 28. Venables, E. In : Smith and Wace. Diet. I. 135.



pantaenus, the alexandrian

Philosopher. Editions.

Halloix. 111. eccl. orient, scr. Duaci, 1633. Routh. Rel. sacr. I. (1814) 337-. (1846-8) I. 373-8

MiGNE. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1327-32. and in eds. of Tbeodotus.

II.    Translations.


Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) 147-8. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 777.

III.    Literature.

Alzog. Kirchenges. I. 194.

Baronius. Ann. (1589) 185, 1-4.

Baur. Dogmengesch. I. (1865) 218. (811.)

BA$EIAH2. 'B/c/cA lar. I. (1884) 156.

Bertholdt. Dogmenges. (1822-3) I. 56, etc.

Blackburn. Hist, of Church. (1879) 50-1.

Brucker. Hist. crit. phil. (1766) III. 417-20.

Bunsen. Hippolytus. (1854) I. 235-6.

Busse. Chr. lit. (1828-9) I- z°-

Cave. Scr. eccl. hist. lit. 1.(1740-3); (1741) I. 83-5.

— Lives. (184.0) I. 287-95.

Ceillier. Hist. gen. aut. sac. II. (1730) 237-8; I.

(1858) 559-61.

Charteris. Canonicity. (1880) 133. Chevalier. Rep. d. sources hist. (1877-86) 1715-. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) I. 115. Clinton. Fasti Rom. (1845-50) I. 179, 187, 195; II.

412. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)


Dupin. Bibl. aut. eccl. (1698) I. 184. Encycl. Brit. (9th ed.) XVIII. 214. Eusebius. Hist. eccl. V. 10. Fabricius. 1705. (1712) V. 193-4. (2a. VII.

167-8.) F[isquet?], H. In: Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Hoefer)

XXXIX. (1865) 144. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 559-60. Gence. In: Biog. Univ. (Michaud) (1842-65)

XXXII. 80.

Guericke. De schola Alexandr. I. Gunn, W. M. In: Smith. Gr. and Rom. Biog. (1859)

III. 113.

Halloix. Eccl. orient, script. (1636) II. 839-51. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 162; III. 71. Hieronymus. De vir. ill. 36. (Honor. August. I. 37.) Hilscher and Strauss. Schola Alex. (1776) 26-7. Huber. Philos. d. K.-V. (1859) 129-130. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 54. JScher. Gelehrt.-Lex. (1750-.) Kurtz.. Kirchenges. (1885-) I. 118. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 215-9. Lelong. Bib. Sacr. II. 892.

LlCHTENBERGER. Encycl. (1877-82) X. 158.

Lumper. Hist, ss, patr. IV. (1785) 42-8.

Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 230.

MSller, W. In: Herzog. Real.-Enc. (1877-) XI. 182.

(Abr: in: Schaff-Herz. III. 1733.) Mongitore. Bibl. Sicula (1714) II. 116-8. Narbone. Bibl. Sicola. I. 80, 402. Neale. Eastern Ch., Alexandria. I. (1847) 18-20.

— Eastern Ch., Antioch. (1873) 40. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 529, 691, 694. Nitzsch. Dogmengesch. I. (1870) 132 et passim. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 303-6; (1749-) II. 434-41. Permaneder. Bibl. patrist. (1842) II. 270-1. Pressense. Martyrs. (1879) 270-2. Redepenning. Origenes. I. 63-.

Reusch. In: Wetzer u. W. Kirch-Lex. (1847-54)

VIII. 75.

Ritter. Gesch. der christ. philos. I. 421-. Schaff. Hist. . . Church. II. (1886) 778.





Schmid. Patrol. (1879); (1886)48-9. Schroeckh. Kirchenges. (1772-) III. 191-2. Sollerius. Comment. In: Acta ss. Bolland. (1721) Jul.

II. 457-61.

Supernatural Religion. (1875-) I-471! II. 191. Tillemont. Mem. hist. eccl. (1695) HI- '7°"M» 649-


Tiraboschi. Stor. lett. Ital. II. 365. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 368 et pass. Westcott. Canon. (1875) 338-9. Worman, J. H. In: M'Clintock and S. Cycl. (1874-)

VII. 615. Zahn. Forsch. z. Gesch. d. N. T. Kanons. III. (1884)


Note. Compare Encyclopaedia articles and other literature on the Alexandrian School.

(14.) Pseud.-Irenaeus. (Letter of the Churches of Vienna and Lugdunum.)

I.    Editions.

Olshausen. In: Monumenta. Berol. 1820. Routh. Rel. sacr. (1846-8) I. 285-371. Migne. Gr. lat. In: Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1405-54. and in all editions of Eusebius.

II.     Translations.


Lardner. Works. VII. (1831) 156-176. Dalrymple, D. (Lord Hailes.) Account of the martyrs at Smyrna and Lyons. Edinb. 1776. Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. 1864-6. III. 263-79.

Pratten, P. B. In: Ante-Nic. Lib. XXII. (1871) ii. 168-83. Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886) 778-84.

III. Literature.

Charteris Canonicity. (1880) 158-9, 180, 198-9,218,

245, 257-8, 306, 321, 340. Clarke. Sacred lit. (1830-1) 104. Coxe, A. C. Introd. note. In: Ed. Coxe. VIII. (1886)


Cunningham. Churches of Asia. (1880) 273-92. Donaldson. Hist. Chr. Lit. 1864-6. III. 250-85. Fleury. Hist. eccl. (1691-) I. 511-28. Galland. Vet. patr. bibl. Venet. 1765. f°. I. cxxv-;

also in: Migne. Patrol, gr. V. (1857) 1401-6. Hergenroether. Kirchenges. (1879-80) I. 90; III. 38. Ittig. Hist. eccl. (1709) II. 47-8. Killen. Ancient Church. (1859) 294-6. Lardner. Credibility. Works. (1831) II. 160-165. Lightfoot. Apost. fath. II. 1. (1885) 499-500. Lumper. Hist. ss. patr. II. (1784) 482-504; X. (1793)

54I-67-Luthardt. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel.

(1875) 48.

Maurice. Eccl. Hist. (1854) 254-60. Neander. Church Hist. (1872) I. 111-4. Orsi. 1st. eccl. (1746-) II. 211-31; (1749) II. 302-


Robertson. Hist, of Church. (1875-) I. 44-5. Sanday. Gospel, in 2 cent. (1876) 251-3, 306. Supernatural Religion. (1875)11.200-4,380-1; III. 24-6. Waite. Hist. Chr. Rel. (1881) 395. [611.] Wordsworth. Church. Hist. (1881) 171-7. Yonge. Pupils of St. John. (1878) 219-34.

Note. The above work is a favorite and its literature

abundant. Supplement this meagre list by works on Irenaeus,

commentaries on Eusebius, all works on Martyrs, and

especially works on the history of Lyons.







I. Patrologies.

(a.) Ancient and Mediaval.

Petrus Suffridus. (R. C.) De illustribus ecclesiasticis scriptoribus auctores praecipui veteres. Coloniae, 1580. 8°; Antv. 1630. 8°.

Contains: Hieronymus, Gennadius, Isidorus, Honorius, Sigebertus, Henricus Gandavensis, but omits Ildefonsus.

Miraeus, Aubertus. (R. C.) Bibliotheca ecclesiastica; sive Nomenclatoribus septem veteribus, auctariis et scholiis illustratis. Antverpiae, 1639. f°.

Contains: Hieronymus, Gennadius, Isidorus, Ildefonsus, Honorius, Sigebertus, Henricus Gandavensis.

Fabricius, Jo. Albertus. Bibliotheca ecclesiastica in qua continentur de scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, S. Hieronymus cum veteri versione Graeca quam vocant Sophroriii, et mine primum vulgatis editoris notis, Hie-ronymum cum Eusebio accurate conferentibus; adjunctis praeterea castigationibus Suffridi Petri et Jo. Marci-anaei, nee non integris Erasmi, Mariani Victorii, Henr. Gravii, Aub. Miraei, Wilh. Ernesti Tentzelii et Ern. Salomonis Cypriani annotationibus. Appendix de vitis ~evangelistarum et apostolorum, Graece et Latine. Appendix altera, quae fertur jam sub titulo Hieronimi De duodecim doctoribus, jam sub nomine Bedae, De luminaribus ecclesiae [pp. 228], Gennadius Massilien-SIS, annotatus lectionibus codicis antiquiss. Corbejensis, et subjunctis variorum notis Suffridi Petri, Aub. Miraei, E. Gal. Cypriani [p. 1-46], S. Isidorus Hispalensis £p. 47-58], Ildefonsus Toletanus [p. 59-65], Honorius AUGUSTOPUNENSIS [p. 73-92], SlGEBERTUS GEM-blacensis [p.93-ii6]- Appendices. Juliani [p. 65-66] ac Felicis [p. 66-67] et tertia, Anonymi ad Isidorum

ET ILDEFONSUM [p. 68-72], HENRICUS GANDAVENSIS [p. 117-140 (pp. 132-139 omitted in paging)], ANONYMUS Mellicensis a R. P. Bernando Pez nuper vulgatus [p. 141-160] 1 Petrus Casinensis De viris illustribus monasterii Casinensis, cum supplemento Placidi Ro-mani et Jo. Baptiste Marie annotationibus [p. 161-202], Jo. Trithemii Abbatis Spanhemensis, Liber de s. e. cum notis editoris [p. 1 -270], Aub. Miraei Auctarium de s. e. et a tempore, quo desinit Trithemius, De scripti-bus saeculi XVI et XVII libri duo [p.1-356]. Curante Jo. Alberto Fabricio, ss. Theol. D. et Professore in Gymnasio Hamburgensi. Hamburgi, 1718. f°. [pp. [4] [i-S] 9-228, 202, 270, 356 in 1 v.]

EusEBIUS. (t 340.) Historia ecclesiastica. Compare especially the editions of Valesius, Par. 1659, and Heinichen. Lps. 1827-8. 8°; 2. i868(~7o). [Largely patrological. Extends to year 324.]

Hieronymus. (t 419.) Hieronymi de viris illustribus liber. Accedit Gennadii catalogus virorum illustrium. Ex recensione Guil. Herdingae. Leipzig, 1879. 8°. (xliv.

112 p.) [To the year 393. 135 writers, beginning with the apostles. The work is also quoted as Catalogus senptorum ecclesiasticorum or De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis]

apostles. T                      qted a Ctlgu

ecclesiasticorum or De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis.]

Gennadius. (t c. 495.) Catalogus virorum illustrium. Ed. Herding. Lpz. 1879. s. u. Hieronymus. [Continuation of Hieronymus to year 495.]

Isidorus. (Hispalensis I. of Seville, f 636.) De viris illustribus. Compare the editions in Fabricius and Migne. [47 chapters. Extends to c. 610.]

Ildephonsus (of Toledo, f 667). De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. Compare eds. above. [Adds 14 chapters to Isidore.]

Photius. (f 890.) Bibliotheca }&.vpiofiipkvov }) B«/3/Uo-6r/iai]. Ed. Auch. Schott. Gr. lat. Genev. 1613; Ed. Bekker. Gr. Berol. 1824. 2 v. 4°; and after Hirschel and Schott. (Rotkemagi. 1653) in Migne. Patrol. Gr. CIII-IV. [Includes 280 writers and has many extracts preserved here only.]

Honorius (of Autun, f c. 1110). De illuminationibus ecclesiae libri. IV. [Taken without addition from Hieronymus, Gennadius, and Isidorus.]

Sigebertus Gemblacensis. (f n 12.) Des scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. See above. [170 chapters.]

Anonymus Mellicensis. Compare Fabricius. Bibl. Eccl., above. [From 500-112. 117 chapters.]

Petrus Casinensis Diaconus Ostiensis. (c. 1158.) Opusculum de viris illustribus Casinensibus. Cf. above and Migne. CLXXIII. 1003-1050. [With continuation by Placidus in all eds.]

Henricus Gandaviensis. (f 1293.) De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. [About 70 authors.]

Trithemius, Joan. (R. C. t 1516.) De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. Par. 1512. 40; Colon. 1531. 40; Colon. 1546. 40, and as above, etc. [Continued by Miraeus (t 1640.) De scr. eccl., to his time.]

(J>.) Modern.

Annegarn, Jo. A. (R. C.) Handbuch der Patrologie.

Munster, 1839. 8°. ["Unimportant."] Alzog, J. (R. C.) Grundriss der Patrologie, oder der

altern christlichen Literargeschichte. Freiberg im Br.

1866. 8°. (xi. 420 p.) 2te umgearb. u. verb. Aufl.

1869. 8°. (x. 452 p.); 3. Aufl. "Handbuch d. Patrol."

1876. 8°. (xiii. (3) 572 p.) French translation by

Belet. Par. 1867. 8° (viii. 324 p.) [Patrological and

patristical. A capital handbook.]

Bahr, Johann Christian Felix. Geschichte der romi-schen Literatur. Carlsruke, 1868-73. 8°. Bds. 1-3, 4te verb. u. verm. Aufl._ 1868-70. [1. Aufl. 1828. ate 1832; 3te 1844-45] 5 Bd. 4. Die christlich-romische Literatur. I. Die christliche Dichter und Geschrichtsschreiber. 2. verb. u. verm. Aufl. 1873 (X. 339. S.) [i.Aufl. Supple-mentband i-iii Abth. 1836-1840. 8°. Abth. 11, m, treat of the latin theology and latin literature in the Carolingian age.l [From the literary-historical rather than the theological standpoint.]

BarECROFT. Ars concionandi. 1715. 8°. [Centuries 1-3. Brief. Unimportant.]

Bellarmin, Robert. (R. C. Cardinal. Jesuit. 1542-1621.) De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis liber. Cum ad-






junctis indicibus undecim, et brevi chronologia ab orbe condita usque ad annum 1612. Romae, 1613. 40; Also: ColoniaeAgrippinae, 1613. 8°[pp.44S 117]; 1617. 8°; 1622. 8°; ,624. 40; 1645. 80; 1657. 8° [pp. 333> 127]; 1663. 40 (?); 1684. 40; Lugdanum {Colon.?), 1613. 40 (ed. Maresius); Parisiis, 1617. 8° (ed. Sirmond. One of the most correct); 1630. 8°; 1631. 8°; cum appendice philologica et chronologica Philippi Labbe. Parisiis, 1658 and 1660. 8°; Lugduni, 1663. 8°; 1675. 8°; Editio sexta. Lovani, 1678. 8° [w. cont. of Saussay. pp. 317 without the chronology]; editio . . auctior . . ad ann. 1718. Bruxettes, 1719. 8°. [pp. 346, without the chronology] 1728 (??) [" By some considered best of all ... but overlooks many things . . . makes no mention of many illustrious writers . . . shows his ignorance of Greek ... is often mistaken." Walch.] Continued by: Labbe. Diss. philol., q. v.; Oudin. Suppl. de scr., q. v. and Andreas de Saussay. Insignis libri de scrip-toribus ecclesiasticis cardinalis Bellarmini continuatio ab anno MD. in quo desinit, ad annum MDC. Tulli Leucorum, 1665. 40; also: Coloniae, 1684. 40. Bernhardy. Grundriss der romischen Literatur. 4 Aufl. Braunschw. 1865. (5te. Aufl. 1872) p. 896-921 Ueber-blick der latein. Kirchenvater. [An estimate from the literary stand-point.]

Blakey, R. Lives of the primitive fathers, with copious

lists of their writings, etc. 1842. 8°. Book of the fathers of the Christian Church, and the

spirit of their writings. Land., 1837. 8°; 1846. 8°.

[Unimportant. Few Ante-Nicene names.]

BShringer, Frdr. Die Kirche Christi und ihre Zeugen oder die Kirchengeschichte in Biographien. s. u. Church Histories. [Reaches to the 16th century. Strongly rationalistic.

Bosius, Jo. Andr. Introductio in notitiam scriptorum ecclesiasticorum. Jenae, 1673. 8°; 1676. 8°[==Schedi-asma de comparanda notitia scriptorum ecclesiasticorum]; in: Crenius, Th. De comparanda eruditione. Lugd. Bat. 1699. 40; ed. J. G. Meuscherius. Kilonii, 1704; ed. J. G. Walch. Jenae, 1723. 8°.

Botton, F. Les peres de l'eglise latine, extraits de leurs principaux ouvrages; avec des notices biographiques et des notes. Paris, 1884. 8°.

Bottsacus, Jo. (?) (Prot.) Patrologia. Stettin, 1664. 8°.

Boucat, Anton. Dissertatio ultima de sanctis patribus et doctoribus, quorum consensus est fidei regula. In his: Theologia patrum schol.-dogm.-pos. 2 ed. accur. et emend. {Venet. 1765-6. 8v. 4°.)V. 165-215. [Clement R— Bonaventura (1274). Notice and list of works.]

Busse, J. B. J. (R. C.) Grundriss der christlichen Literatur. Miinster, 1828-9. 2 Bd. 8°. (xxiv. 368, 407 [i] xvi.) [Centuries 1-15. "Of permanent value." — Alzog. Convenient.]

Biographia ecclesiastica; or, the lives of the most eminent fathers of the Christian Church who flourished in the first four centuries. Lond. 1704. 2 V. 8°. ["Worthless."]

Caillau. Introductio ad ss. patrum lectionem. Parisiis, 1825. 8° (496 p.); Mediol. 1830-31. 2 v. 8°.

Cave, W. (Anglican, d. 1713.) Tabulae, quib. doctores et scriptores ecles. . . . a epochae christ. 1-1519 exhi-benten. Lond. 1674. f°; cur. Rdf. Capellus. Hamb. 1676. f°.

— Apostolici; or the History of the lives . . of the fathers for the first 300 years. Lond. 1677. f°; 2d ed. corrected. 1682. f°; 3d. 1687. f°; also 1716. f°; and

1733- &•

— Ecclesiastici; or, the history of the ... fathers in the 4th century . . . Lond. 1683. f°.

—. Lives of the most eminent fathers of the church that flourished in the first four centuries. . . New edition carefully revised by Henry Cary. Oxford, 1840. 3v. 8°. ["Apostolici" and "Ecclesiastici" combined,]

— Chartophylax Ecclesiasticus quo prope 1500 scriptores eccl. . . . indicantur. Londini, 1685. 8°. ["Dr.Cave's own abridgment of the Historia Literaria."]

Colomesius, P. Ad Gul. Cave Chartophylacem Ecclesiasti-cum paralipomena. Lond. 1686. 8°.

— Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria aChristo nato usque ad saecul. XIV. Lond. 1688-98. 2v. f°; best ed. Oxonii, 1740-43. 2 v. f°; and repr. 1749. 2v. f°; also repr. Basil. 1741-45. 2v. f°. Other editions, Colon. 1720. f°; Geneva, 1693-99; 1708; 1720. f°. Includes App. Wharton, H. De scriptoribus eccl. ab a 1300-1517; and Gere, Rob. De concil. secular. 14 eti5.

£" Characterized by . . marked individuality, . . earnest desire for the truth and by extraordinary erudition .... does not go critically . . cannot be relied on." Donaldson.]

Ceillier, Remy. (R. C.) Histoire generale des auteurs sacres et ecclesiastiques. Paris, ij29-63. 23 V. 40; Table generale, par L. E. Rondet. Par. 1782. 2 v. 40; 2. ed. Paris, 1858-69. 17 v. 40. [141. in 15. 1858-63. Index. 2t. 1868-9 (also 1870. 2t.).] [Extends to Guillaume d'Auvergne (1248). Special attention is paid to the doctrine of the Fathers. The work is more complete than that of Dupin, but more strictly Roman Catholic in its stand-point.]

Charpentier, J. P. Etudes sur les Peres de l'Eglise. 1853. 2 v. 8°; German tr. Bittner. Mainz, 1855. [Rhetorical and superficial (cf. Alzog).]

Clarke, Adam. Concise view of the succession of sacred literature. New ed. with continuation to 1300 by J. B. B. Clarke. Lond. 1830-1. 2 v. 8°; 1st ed. 1807. 12°. [Brief. Unimportant, but convenient.]

Clinton, H. Fynes. Fasti Romani. Vol. II. Appendix. {Oxford, 1850. 4°.) Ch. VIII. Ecclesiastical Authors.

PP- 395-495. etc-

Cocus, Robert (Cooke). Censura quorundam scriptorum quae sub nominibus Sanctorum et veterum aucto-rum pontificiis citari solent. Lond. 1614. 40; 1623. 40; Helmst. 1641. 8°; 1655. 8°; 1683. 8°. [Brief. Formerly much quoted, now seldom or never.]

Coffin, William H. The lives and times of the most distinguished Christian fathers to the close of the third century. Baltimore, 1846. 8°. [Popular, general, uncritical.]

Collinson, John. Key to the writings of the principal fathers who flourished during the first three centuries. Lond. 1813. 8°.

Contogones, Constantinus R. (Greek Ch.) bOwioyiKri Kai Kpinici/ loropia tuv and Trjg a [tixp1 TW 'h tKaTcmraeTtipidoQ 'anfiaaavrav dyiuv r^f ii naripuv Kal rav avyypa/t/i&Tuv. 1851—3. 2v.

Cox, Robert. (Prot.) Narratives of the lives of the more eminent fathers of the first three centuries. Lond. 1817. 8°. [Uncritical. "One of the best of its kind." Donaldson.}

Deutinger. Geist der christlichen Ueberlieferung. Versuch die werke der vorziiglichsten Schriftsteller der Kirche in ihrem Zusammenhange und durch iibersicht-liche Ausziige zu veranschaulichen. Regensb. 1850-51. 2 bks. [To Athanasius.]

Dodwell, Henry. (Non-juror. 1641-1711.) Two letters of advice: I. for the susception of the holy orders; II. for studies theological, with a catalogue of the Christian writers, and genuine works of the first three centuries, with a discourse concerning Sanchoniathon's Phoenician history. London, 1691. 8°. 1 ed.; 1672. 8°. 2 ed.; 1680. 8».

Donaldson, James. A critical history of Christian literature and doctrines, from the death of the apostles to the Nicene Council. London, 1864-66. 3 v. 8°. l. Apost. Fathers; 2 and 3. The Apologists. ["Very valuable, but unfinished ed."]

Dupin, Louis Ellies. (1657-1719. Prof. Dr. of the Sorbonne-Jansenist.) Nouvelle bibliotheque des auteurs ecclesiastiques, contenant l'histoire de la vie; la catalogue, la critique, et la chronologie des leurs ouvra-






ges; le sommaire de ce qu'ils contiennent; un juge-ment sur leur stile, et sur leur doctrine; et le denom-brement des differents editions. Paris. 8°.

The work is variously quoted as 3e e'd. 1698-1704,61 v.; ge id. 1698 sq. 61 v.; 1688 sq. 43 v.; as 58 v., as 47, as 32, and as 16. The confusion is in the various editions of the early volumes and the various works included or omitted. The following is its history: —

T. 1. [3 prem. s.] Par. 1686. 8»; 2e id. Par. 1688. 8° [not much changed]; 3. id. Par. 1698. 2 v. 8°. [Prel. diss. on the Bible omitted. Succession of bishops, Histories of persecutions, of councils, and of heresies added.]

T. 2. [4. siecle.] Par. 1689. 2 v. 8°; 3 ed. Paris, 1702. 3 v. 8° [revised and enlarged].

T. 3. [5. siecle. i. Partie, commencement.] Par. 1688. 8°; 2. id. Par. 1690. 2V. 8°. [2. partie. 430-500.] Par. 1690. 8°; 2. id. Par. 1702. 2v. 8°.

T. 4. [6. siecle.] Par. 1690. 8°. [Reprinted substantially.]

T. 5. [7. and 8. siec] av. rdponse . . . Petitdidier. Par. 1691. 8» (repr.).

Supplement contenant les principaux points de l'histoire eecle-siastique des 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 siecles, etc. Par. 1711. 8°.

Hist, des controverses . . . dans le 9. siecle. Par. 1604. 8°. 2. 6d. 1698. 8».

Hist, des controverses . . . dans le 10. siecle. Paris, 1696. 8°; do. 11. siecle. Par. 1696. 8°; do. 12. siecle. Par. 1696. 2 v. 8°; do. 13. siecle. Par. 1698. 8°; do. 14. siecle. Par. 1698. 8°; do. 15. siecle. Par. 1698. 2 v. 8°.

Hist, de l'tel. et des aut. eccl. du 17. siecle. Par. 1708. 7 v. 8°.

Hist. eccl. du 18. siec. Par. 1714. 4 V. 8°.

Bibl. des aut. eccl. du iS. siec. 1700-1710. Par. 1711. 2 v. 8°.

Discours pre"l. sur l'Anc. & le Nouv. Test. Par. 1699. 3 v. 8°.

Table universelle des Aut. eccl. Par. 1704. 5 v. 8°. [Very defective. Cf. Niceron, Memoirs. T. 2. pp. 31-37.] The often-quoted "edition in 61 v." consists of: Proleg. 3 V.; 3 prem. sUc. 2v.; IV. s. 3 V.; V. S.4V.; VI. s. 1 v.; VII. et VIII. s. iv.; suppl. IV-VIII. s. 1 v; IX. s. 1 v.; X, XI, et XII s. iv.; XIII, XIV, XV s. 4 v.; XVI s. 5 v.; Auteurs separts de l'Egl. 4 y.; XVII. s. 7 v.; Hist. eccl. du 17 s. 4 v.; XVIII s. 2 v.; continuation par Goujet. 3 v.; Tables. 5 v.; Remarques par Petit-Didier. 3 v.; Critique par R. Simon, et rem. par Est. Souciet. 4 V.

Other editions are: Amst. 1690-1713. 19 v. 40. [Incomplete, and also imperfect, being reprinted from the unrevised edition.] Latin translation. Paris, 1692-93. 3 v. [Only torth century.] English translation. Dublin, 1722-24 [Best Eng. ed., 6ut only 16 centuries] ; Lond. 1693 (v. i,3ded. 16965-1725. 14v. f°.

y                 ] ;         . 93 ( ,3          9)75

[17 centuries.]

Simon, Rich. Critique de la bibliotheque de M. Du Pin. 1730 4L [Very bitter Before this he published und

q                       q                         Par.

73 4L [Very bitter. Before this he published under the name of "Jo. Reuchlin " a " Dissertation critique sur la nou-l d t l Ff 688 » |



velle bibl. des aut. eccl. Frf. 1688. i2». |

Petitdidier, Matthieu. Remarques sur les premiers tomes de la bibl. eccl. de M. Du Pin. Par. 1691-6. 3 V. 8°.

Du Saussay, A. Insignis liber de scriptoribus ecclesias-ticis eminent, card. Bellarmini continuatio ab anno 1500 ... ad annum 1600. . . Tulli Leuc. 1665. 40.

Eberl, J. W. (R. C.) Leitfaden zu den Vorlesungen und zum Studium der Patrologie. Zunachst fur seine Zuhorer in den Druck gegeben. Augsb. 1854. 8°. (vi, 40 p.)

Ebert, A. Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Mittelalters in Abendlande. Lpz. 1874-1880. 8°. Bd. 1. Geschichte der christlich lateinischen Literatur von ihren Aufangen bis zum Zeitalter Karls des Grossen. 1874. (XII. 624 p.) Bd. 2. Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur vom Zeitalter Karls des Grossen bis zum Tode Karls des Kahlen. 1880. (VIII. 404 S.)

[Accurate and exhaustive literary treatment. Not full bib-liographically.]

Engelhardt, J. G. V. (Prot.) Literar. Leitfaden zu pa-trist. Vorlesungen. Erlangen, 1823. 8°. [Unimportant.]

Evans, Robert Wilson. (Prot.) Biography of the early church, containing lives of Clement of Rome, Symeon, Ignatius, Polycarp, Marcion, Justin Martyr, Tatian, Dionysius of Corinth, Irenaeus, Victor, Appo-lonius, Clement, Alex., Tertullian, Alexander of Jerus, Origen, Cyprian, Novatian, Dionysius of Alexander, etc. Lond. 1837-39. 2v. 8°. [Uncritical.]

Fabricius, Johann Albrecht. Bibliotheca latina, sive, notitia auctorum veterum latinorum. Venetiis, 1728. 2v. 8°. ( (14) 676, (2) 687); 1 ed. Hamb. 1697. 8°5 Suppl. Hamb. (?) 8°; 5(?) ed. Hamb. 1721-2. 3 V. 8°. [Much esteemed because it contains considerable matter

omitted in the ed. of Ven. 1728, which is yet preferred for use because it incorporates in the text the inconvenient supplements of the former.]

Constantis A Ferris. (Bernard Heinrich Reinold.) Epis-tola ad sincerum amicum, continens monita quaedam, ad Toannis Alb. Fabricii. Supplementa Bibliothecae latinae, lib. iv. cix. Traj. ad Rhen. 1722. 8°.

— Bib. lat.; nenc melius delecta, rectius digesta et aucta diligentia J. A. Ernesti. Lipsiae, 1773-74. 3 v. 8°. [" Omissions not compensated for by the additions. A promised fourth volume of Christian authors did not appear."]

— Bibliotheca latina mediae et infiniae aetatis, cum sup-plemento Christiani Schoettgenii. . a P. Joanne Dom-inico Mansi. . correcta, illustrata, aucta. Patavii, 1754. 6v. 40; I ed. 1734-46. 6v. 8° [v. 6 by Schoettgen]; enlarged edition. Florent. 1858. 6 v. 8°.

— Bibliotheca Graeca, sive Notitia scriptorum vet. graecorum quorumcumque monumenta Integra aut fragmenta edita extant. Ed. III. Hamb. 1718-28. 14 v. 40; Ed. IV. curante Th. Cph. Harless. Hamb. 1790-1809. [12 v. et Index. (1838) 40. T. 1. 1 ed. 1705; 2 ed. 1708; 3 ed. 1718. T. 2-10. 1 ed. 1707-21; 2 ed. 1716-37. T. 11-14. 1 ed. 1721-28. T. i-ii. [p. 544.] 4 ed. (unfinished) 1790-1806 as above.]

[Invaluable collection of fragments, but leaves much to be desired bibliographically, and this is not supplied by Harless. Includes centuries 1-17.]

Fessler, Jos. Institutiones patrologiae. Oeniponte, 1850-51. 2 t. 8°. (XXX. 762; XII. IO71 S.) [Extends to Gregory I. " Excellent."]

Freppel, Charles Emil. Cours d'eloquence sacree. 1857-68. 12 v. 8°. [Includes Apologistes chnStiens au 11 siecle, Clement d'Alexandrie, Origene, P^res apostoliques, Cyprien, Irenee, Tertullien.]

Gerhard, Johann. (Prot.) Patrologia, s. de primitivae ecclesiae christ. doctor, vita ac lucubrationibus . . . Ed. ab. Em. Gerhardi fil. Jenae, 1653. 8°; 3. ed. cura J. G. Olearii. Jena, 1673. 8°.

Goldwitzer. Patrologie verbunden mit Patristik bear-beitet fiir Theologen. Nurernb. 1833-34. 2v. 8°. [To 9th century. Uncritical. " Useless." Cf. also Bibliographies.]

Halloix, Petrus. (Jesuit. 1572-1656.) Illustrium ecclesiae orientalis scriptorum, qui sanctitate juxta et eruditione primo christi saeculo floruerunt, et apostolis, convixerunt. Duaci, 1633. f° [pp. xxvi, 730]; do. secundo saeculo . . Duaci, 1636. f°. [pp. xxvi, 863.] [He intended to publish other volumes, and prepared vol. 3, but all that appeared of it was his " Origenes defensus."]

Haumer, Jonathan. (1-1677.) View of antiquity, presented in a short but sufficient account of some of the Fathers who lived within or near the first three hundred years after Christ. Lond. 1677. 8°.

Hederiche, Benj. Notitia auctorum antiqua et media oder Leben, Schriften, Editiones, und Censuren d. Biblischen u. entweder noch gantz, oder auch nur in considerablen Fragmentis vorhanden fiirnehmsten. Gr. u. Lat. Kirchen-Scholastischen-u. Profan Scriben-ten u. s. w. Wittenberg, 1714. 8°.

Heunischius, Casp. (Prot.) Aetates patrum praecipuo-rum, ex certis fundamentis historicis atque chronologicis accurate demonstratae. Rotenburgi, 1677. 8°.

Histoire litteraire de la France par des religieux Benedic-tins de la congregation de S. Maur (D. Rivet, D. Tail-landier et D. Clemencet). Paris, 1733-1763. 12 v. 40; continuation par des Membres de l'lnstitut. v. 13—26. Paris, 1813-1873. 4°; reprinted Paris, 1865-. 40.

Hulsemann, Jo. (Prot.) Patrologia. ed. ab. Jo. Ad. Scherzer. Lips. 1670. 40.

Ittig, Th. Schediasma de auctorib., qui de scriptorib. ecclesiasticis egerunt. (ed. Ludovici). Lpz. 1711. 8°.

Jackson, George A. Early Christian literature primers. Edited by Prof. George P. Fisher. New York, D. Ap-pleton & Co. 1879—84. 4 v. 160. V. I. Apostolical fathers and apologists of the second century; v. 2. Fathers of the third century. [Popular, with extracts. Well planned and executed.]






Jeremie. History of the Christian Church. (1852.) See

under Church Histories. Kaufmann, Melch. (R. C.) Ueber die gottliche Erb-

lehre in den Schriften der heil. Vater, oder Grundriss

der Patrologie. Luzern. 1832. 8°. [" Unimportant."] Kurtz. Kirchengeschichte. See under Church Histories. Labbe, Phillip. Dissertation philologica et historica de

scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, quos attigit Bellarminus.

Parisiis, 1660. 2 v. 8°. Lang, Johann Ba. (R. C.) Patrologia. Budae, 1809. 8°.

[" Unimportant."]

Lardner, N. The credibility of the gospel history. Lond. 1727-55. 17V. 8°; also in Works. Lond. 1788. nv. 8°; 1815.'5 v. 40; 1827. 10 v. 8°; 1831. 10 v. 8°; 1838. IO V. 8°. [Not strictly a Patrology; but so complete and in such method that it belongs here.]

Larkin (E.) Speculum Patrum; a Looking-glass of the Fathers, wherein you may see each of them drawn, characterized, and displayed in their true colours. Lond. 1659. 120.

Le Clerc (John). Lives of Clemens Alexandrinus, Eusebius, Gregory Nazienzus, and Prudentius, with a History of Pelagianism, translated from the French. Lond. 1696. 8°.

— Unpartheiische Lebensbeschr. einiger Kirchenvater u. Ketzer, namentlich Justini Martyris, Clementis Alex., Origenis, Cypriani, Prudentii, Gregorii Naz., Eusebii, Pelagii, u Coelestii, a. Dessen. Bibliotheque universelle ubersetzt. Hal. 1721. 8°. [From the « Bibl. universelle." Pref. by Chr. Thomasius. " Worth reading." Walci.]

Le Nourry, Denis-Nicolas. (Benedictin. 1647-1724.) Apparatus ad bibliothecam maximam patrum veterum et scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Lugduni editam. . . . Parisiis, 1703-15. 2 v. f°. First published Paris, 1694-

97. 2 v. 8°. [Very learned and valuable discussions of the works of the Fathers. Extends only to beginning of the fourth century. It is usually joined to the Bibliotheca Max. vet. patrum of Despont as vols. 28 and 29.]

Locherer, Jo. Nep. (R. C.) Lehrbuch der Patrologie fur akad. Vorlesungen. Mainz, 1837. 8°. [" Unimportant."]

Loescher, Casp. (Prot.) De patribus africanis libri duo. Rocklitz, 1722-4. 2v. 8°.

Lumper, Gottfried. (Benedictin.) Historia theologica critica de vita, scriptis, atque doctrina Sanctorum Patrum, aliorumque Scriptorum eccl. trium priorum secu-lorum et virorum doctissimum literariis monumentis collecta. Aug. Find. 1783-99- 13V. 8°. [Centuries 1-3. "Remarkably learned." Constantly used and referred ■ to.]

Magon, Fr. Carl. (R. C.) Handbuch der Patrologie und der kirchlichen Litteraturgeschichte. Regensburg, 1864. 2 v. 8°. (vi, 1014 p.) [" Very faulty."]

Makarius, of St. Elias. (R. C.) Institutiones patrolo-gicae. Graecii, 1781. 8°. ["Unimportant."]

Marcel et Schmidt. Cours elementaire de patrologie, a 1'usage des seminaires et des colleges. Par. 1848. 8°.

Meelfuhrer, Jo. Chph. (Prot.) Corona centum patrum et doctorum ecclesiae. Giessae, 1760. 40.

Melancthon, Ph. (Prot.) Libellus de scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. Viteb. 1539. 8°; access, ejusd. orat. de vitis Ambrosii Augustini et Hieronymi; rec. et praef. est G. Thd. Strobel. Nur. 1780. 8°.

Miraeus, Aub. ' Bibliotheca ecclesiastica sive de scriptoribus eccl. qui ab anno Chr. 1494, quo Joannes Trithemius desinit, ad usque tempora nostra floruerunt. Pars altera. Antv. 1649. f0- [Posthumous. Ed. A. van d. Eede.]

MShler, Joh. Adam. (R. C.) Patrologie, oder christ-liche Literargeschichte; hrsg. v. Fr. X. Reithmayr. Regensb. 1840. 8°. Bd. 1. Die ersten drei Jahrb. [Unfinished. Especially valuable.] French translation by Jean Cohen. Louvain, 1844. 8°.

Nageotte, E. Histoire de la literature latine depuis ses orignes jusqu'an Vie siecle de notre ere. Paris,

1884.   18°. (559 P-)

Nirschl, Joseph. (R. C.) Lehrbuch der Patrologie und Patristik. Mainz, 1881-. 8°.[Very convenient and use-ful manual, especially for its Patristical method.]

Nodier, Ch. Bibliotfeque sacree grecque-latine. Paris, 1826. 8°. ["From Moses to St. Thomas Aquinas." Of some use for synopsis and description of editions.]

NotTRRissoN, J. F. Les Peres de l'Eglise latine. Leur vie, leurs ecrits, leur temps. 1858. 2 v. 120.

Oehlrichs, J. G. Arn. (Prot.) Commentarii de scriptoribus ecclesiae latinae priorum sex saeculorum cur. Arn. Hm. L. Heeren. Lips. 1791. 8°.

Olearius, Jo. Gottfr. (Prot.) Abacus patrologicus . . eccl. chr. patrum atque doctorum . . yen. 1673. 8°; ed. auct. s. t. Bibliotheca script, eccl. Ed. J. G. Olearius cum Praef. J. Fr. Buchter. Jenae, 1711. 40. [2d part dated 1710.]

Oudin, Casimir. Supplementum de scriptoribus ecclesiasticis a Bellarmino omissis ad annum 1460. Parisiis, 1686. 8".

— (ex-monk. Librarian of Leyden Univ. b. 1638; d. 1717.) (Prot.) Commentarius de scriptoribus ecclesiae antiquis, illorumque scriptis, tam impressis; quam manuscriptis ... a Bellarmino . . et aliis omissis, ad annum MCCCCLX. vel ad artem typo-graphicam inventam, etc. Lipsiae, 1722. 3 t. f°. [v. 1 Centuries 1-8; v. 2. Cent. 9-12; v. 3. Cent. 13-15.] [Recast because of criticisms of Cave. Of considerable value.]

Permaneder. Bibliotheca Patristica. Landishuti, 1841-3. 2 v. in 3. 8°. T.I. Patrologia generalis. 1841; T, 2. Patrologia specialis; pt. 1. I. et 11. s. 1842; pt. 2. III. s. 1843. [Valuable.]

Pestolozzi, H. J. (Prot.) Grundlinien der Geschichte der kirchlichen Literatur der ersten VI. Jahrhunderte. Gottingen, 1811. 8°. [Unimportant.]

Possevin, Antonius. (R. C.) Apparatus sacer ad scrip-tores V. et N. T., eorum interpretes .... Venet. 1603-; auct. et emend. Col. Agripp. 1708. 2v. f°.

Reithmayr, F. X. (R. C.) Ed. See Mohler.

RSssler. (Prot.) Bibliothek der Kirchenvater. Leipzig, 1776-86. IO V. 8°. [Brief accounts, with large ex. tracts in German translation. "Valuable in its time." Mxog.]

Rueff, Jos. Leonar. (R. C.) Kurze Patrologie. Sulz-bach, 1828. 8°. ["Unimportant."]

Ruggieri, E. Storia dei santi padri e dell' antica littera-tura della chiesa: opera postuma. Vol. V. Roma,

1885.   16°. (VIII. 388 p.)

Sandius, Chrph. Tractatus de veteribus scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. Cosmopoli (Amstelodami), 1668. 8°; Coloniae (Amsi.) 1676. 40. [Canonical and apocryphal N. T. and Ante-Nicene writers. " Nee sine notis pravae doctrinae arianae." Wafak,]

Sardagna, Carolus. (Jesuit.) Indicibus patrum ac

veterum scriptorum eccl. ordine alphabetico. Ratisb.

1772. 8°. [Compend.] Saussay, And. du. Insignis libri d. script, eccles. con-

tinuatio ab a 1500, in quo desinit B. ad a. 1600. Toul.

1665. 40; Col. 1684. 4°- [Continuation of Beliarmin, q. v.] Schaff. History of the Church. See Church Histories.

[Best handbook of Patrology in English.] Schleichert, Bonif. (R. C.) Institutiones patrol.

Prag. 1777. ["Unimportant."] Schmid, Bernh. (R. C.) Grundlinien d. Patrologie.

Freib. i. Br. 1879. 8° (100 p.); 2te verm. Aufl. Freib.

1886.  8°. (XL 155 p.) [Clement of Rome to Gregory the Great. Very condensed, but good sketch.]

Schopf, Joannes. (Prot.) Academia J. Chr. s. brevis descriptio patrum ac doctrorum ecclesiae. Tub. 1593. 4°; ed. auct. c. Hammel. Speier. 1616.

Schram, Dominicus. (Benedictin.) Analysis operum ss. patrum et scriptorum ecclesiasticorum. Aug. Vind.






1780-1796. I8v. 8°. [Contains extracts, with biographical notices. Extends to Epiphanius among the Greek, Ambrose among the Latin, fathers.]

Scultet, Abr. (Prot.) Medullae theologiae patrum syntagma.... Frkf. 1634. 40. [Earlier eds. i.Thl. Amberg,iy&; Ed. 4. 1613. 4°; 2 Thl. Neust. a. d. H. 1605; Amberg, 1615. 40; 3 Thl. Neust. a. d. H.i6og. 4"; Thl. 4. Heidefb. 1613. 4».]

SchSnemann, Karl Traugott Gottlob. (Prot.) Bibli-otheca historico-literaria Patrum latinorum a Tertulli-ano principe usque ad Gregorium M. et Isidorum His-pal.; ad bibliothecum Fabricii latinum accommodate Lipz. 1792-94. 2V. 8°. (XXII. (2) 672; XII. 1064.) [A remarkable and standard literary-historical account of editions.]

Sixtus Senensis. (R. C.) Bibliotheca sancta. Franco/. 1575. f°.

Sprenger, Placidus. (Benedictin.) Thesaurus rei pa-tristicae. Wirceb. 1782(4?)-. 3v. 4°; Stuttg. 1784-92. (?) 3 V. 40. [Contains the dissertations of Le Nourry and Galland, with editions. Ends with Clement of Alexandria.]

Stephanus Lusignanus. (R. C.) Catalogus virorum illustrium V. et N. T. nee non omnium primitivae ec-clesiae. . . Paris, 1580. 8°. [•' Rare, but of very moderate value." Walch.]

Stolle, G. (Prot.) Aufrichtige Nachricht von den Leben Schriften u. Lehren der Kirchen-Vater d. ersten vier Hundert Jahre . . . Jenae,^ 1733. 40.

Tentzelius, Guil. Ern. Exercitationes selectae. Lipsiae, 1692. 4°. [Clemens R., Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin M., Athenagoras, Theophilus Ant., Tatian, Hermiae, Jacobus Nisib., and Ephraim Syrus.]

Teuffel, W. S. Geschichte der romischen Literatur. 3 Aufl. Lpz. 1875. gr. 8°. (XVI. 1216 S.) 1: Aufl. 1870. 2t0 1872; English translation by Wilh. Wagner. Lond. 1873. 2 V. 8°. [Chronologically arranged, heathen and Christian together. Critical. Excellent method. Good bibliographical treatment.]


1637-1698.) Memoires pour servir a l'histoire ecclesi-astique des six premiers siecles justifies par les citations des auteurs originaux: avec une chronologie et des notes. Laris, 1693-1712. i6v. 40; Sec. ed., rev. et cor. Paris, 1700-1713. 16 V. 40. [Enlarged from notes left by author]; Bruxelles, 1694 sq. 24 V. 12°. [Elsewhere quoted 301. in iov. Unfinished. Stops at v. 13 of 4" ed.] Brux. 1734-60. l6t. iniov. f°; Ven. I732sq. l6v. 40; tr. English. Lond. 1733-35. 2v. P. [Only to year 177.] [Extends to year 513. Monumental. Standard. Of constant usefulness.]

Tobenz, Daniel. (R. C.) Institutiones usus et doctrina Patr. Vindobon. 1779. 8°; Ed. emend et auct. 1819. 8°. ['• Insignificant."]

Tricalet, Pierre Joseph. (R. C. 1,696-1761.) Biblio-

theque portative des peres de l'Eglise, qui renferme

l'histoire abregee de leur vie, l'analyse de leurs princi-

paux ecrits . . . Paris, 1758-62. 9 v; 8°; Nouv. ed.

revue, corr. et augm. par Laurent-Etienne Rondet.

Paris, 1787. 8(9?)v. 8°. — Bibliotheca manualis ecclesiae patrum. Bassani, 1783.

9 t. 8°. [Lat. transl. of the above.] Varenius, Aug. (Prot.) Rationarum theologicum de

scriptoribus ecclesiasticis seculi primi . . . et secundi.

Rostochii, 1669, 1673. 40. Villemain. Tableau de l'eloquence chretienne au iv.

siecle. Par. 1851; German tr. by Kohler. Regensb.

1855. [Rhetorical, but not useless.]

Voyon, Simon de. (R. C.) Catalogue des docteurs de l'eglise de Dieu . . . Rupell, 1607. 8°. [o. and N. T. and to modern times.]

Walch, J. G. Bibliotheca patristica litterariis annota-tionibus instructa. Ed. nov. emend, et multum auct. ab. Jo. Trang. Lehr. Danzio. Jenae, 1834. 8°. (XVI., XVIII. 806p.); also Jenae, 1757-65 and 1770. 8".

More additions by: Danz. Initia doctrinae patristicae.

Jenae, 1839. 8°. [This Walch-Danz Bibliotheca is still

of first usefulness.] Werner, Karl. (R. C.) Geschichte der apologetischen

und polemischen Literatur der christlichen Theologie.

Schaffkausen, 1861-67. 5 y-Wiest, Steph. (R. C.) Institutiones patrologie in usum

academ. Ingolst. 1795. 8°. [•' Good compend."] Wilhelm, Wilhelm. (R. C.) Patrologia ad usus acade-

micos. Frib. i. Breisg. 1775. 8°. [" Inadequate."] Winter, Vitits Anton. (R. C.) Kritische Geschichte d.

altesten Zengen u. Lehrer des Christenthums oder

Patrologie. Miinch. 1813 (5?) 8°. ["Hypercritical."

((The special part includes only the Apostolical Fathers

Justin Martyr and Irenaeus."]

Note 1. Among other literary-historical works referred to in the Synopsis are the histories of philosophy of Brucker, Erdmann, Huber, Janet, Ritter, StBckl, Tennem ann, Ueberweg, and Zeller; also, AmpIm. Hist. lit. de France (1839); Arisius. Cremona literaria (Parmae, 1702); Collombet. Scr. disc. Lyon. (1835); Colonia. Hist. lit. de Lyon. (172S-30); Gamba. Test. Ital. (1828); Le Long.

ui' «-**•- utacrt. f j. Aiviui^Aiit i/uetu. utter, ^xrwien* >-o

Sch'oll. Hist.lit. romaine; Somal. Letter. Armen. (i8_,,, Tafuri. Scritt. Napoli. (1748); Tiraboschi. Storia left. Ital.; Zola. Diz. biog. Sardegna (Torino, 1837); Zavar-roni. Bibliotheca calabra. (Neap. 1753).

Note 2. For further literary discussion of the above works compare the introductions to Alzog and Nirschl, and the various articles in Herzog, Ersch u. Gruber, etc.

Note 3. The three most convenient modern manuals of Patrology are those of Alzog, Nirschl, and Schmid, all Roman Catholic. The best manual in English is Dr. SchafPs History of the Church.

II. Various Works.

Being a selected list of such works mentioned or used in this Synopsis as seem to require further description or explanation.

1.    Bibliographies.

Chevalier, Ulysse. Repertoire des sources historiques du Moyen Age. Bio-Bibliographie. Paris, 1877-86. 8°. [" Answers the question, What are the sources to consult on such and such a historical personage? " Its author's plan contemplates a similar volume on places and events, and another of mss. editions and translations. A marvellously full and useful work, indispensable to every student of Church History. Least strong in modern German, and especially in periodical literature.]

Darling, J. Cyclopaedia Bibliographica: a library manual of theological and general literature. London, 1854. 8° (Authors); 1859 (Subjects v. I.). [A careful and very useful collection of titles with descriptions. Especially valuable for the numerous Tables of Contents given.]

Engelmann, Wm. Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum. Achte Auflage, umfassund die Literatur von 1700 bis 1878, neu bearbeitet von Dr. E. Preuss. Leipzig, 1880-

2.  2v. 8°. I. Scriptores Graeci, 1880; II. Scriptores Latini, 1882. [Editions, Translations, and Literature. On the whole less full on ecclesiastical than on secular writers, but a model work, of the greatest value to the student of Patrology.]

Hofmann, S. F. W. Lexicon der gesammten Litteratur der Griechen. Zweite umgear-beitete, durchaus vermehrte, verbesserte und fortgesetzte Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1838-45. 3 V. 8°. [Editions, Trans, lations, and Literature. E. and T. very full" and satisfactory; L. is less so.]

Oettinger, E. M. Bibliographique biographique univer-selle. Dictionnaire des ouvrages relatifs a l'histoire de la vie publique et privee des personnages celfebres de tous les temps et de toutes les nations. Bruxelles. 1854. 2 v. 40; Paris, 1866. 2 V. 8°. [1st ed. Brux. 1850. »]






Goldwitzer, F. Wenzesl. (R. C.) Bibliographie der Kirchenvater und Kirchenlehrer. Latzdsh. 1828(9). 8°. [Centuries 1-12. "Not valuable."] Stewart, C. J. Catalogue of works in patristic and mediaeval literature. London, n. d. 120. [A booksellers' catalogue, but careful and of some, though not great, value.]

Note. For bibliographies of theological literature compare Petzholdt. Bibliotheca Bibliographica. Leipz. 1866. 8°. pp. 475-519 (514-51 Patristik), and VallSe. Bibliographie des Bibliographies. Paris, 1883. 8°. p. 727 (Patris-tique and Patrologie), p. 761-2 ( Theologie).

The general works on the Bibliography of Theology add very little to the bibliography in the Patrologies, but those of NcJsselt, Niemeyer, Ersch, Danz, Lowndes (British Librarian), Zuchold, Baldamus, and especially of Winer and of M&ldener, are of more or less use for various purposes.

Of works on general bibliography the subject indexes of Watt, the English and the American Catalogues, of Lorenz and Kayser [to 1832], and Hinrich's " Wissen-schaftliche Uebersicht," in his semi-annual " Verzeichniss," with the quinquiennial Repertorium by Baldamus founded on it, are especially valuable.

One who does not have a full range of Bibliographies will find the following the most direct apparatus for the majority of questions. Of general bibliographies, Graesse is, on the whole, much the best for first reference, although of course Brunet is invaluable for its descriptions, while Ebert seldom yields much additional information. Watt is more particularly English, is brief title, and not very accurate; but has a vast amount of information and an invaluable subject-index. Lowndes' Bibliographers' Manual is a bibliographical standard, but is select rather than exhaustive. Allibone's Dictionary of Knglish and American authors is an invaluable companion to Watt and Lowndes. For later English and American titles compare the respective catalogues published by Low and Leypoldt-Bowker.

For French titles the works of Qjjerard and Lorenz form a series intended to cover all works in French, but especially those from the year 1700 to the present time. So in Germany Heinsius begins at 1700 and Kayser at 1750. Either of these, with Hinrich's semi-annual Verzeichniss and Baldamus' Repertorium, furnish a sufficient apparatus, although Hinrichts Funfjahriger Bucher-Catatog is an excellently convenient book.

For older titles, especially in Latin, German, and French, compare the wonderfully inaccurate, but invaluable, Geor-gius. For incunabula compare, of course, Panzer and Hain. For best bibliographies of various languages other than the above compare the Hand list of bibliographies . . . placed in the Reading Room of the British Museum for Reference.

For select bibliographies introductory to the Patrology and Church History of this period compare, besides the Patrologies and Church Histories, the various works on Theological Encyclopaedia, especially Zockler. Handhuch d. theol. Wissenschaften. Nordlingen, 1883-. 8°, and Hagenbach. Encyclopadie und Methodologie. lite Aufl. hrsg. Kautzsch-Leipz. 18S4. 8°; translated with somewhat heterogeneous bibliographical additions by Drs. Crooks and Hurst. New York, 1884. 8°.

II. Encyclopaedias.

Herzog, J. J. Real-Encyklopadie fur protestant. Theologie und Kirche. Gotha, 1854-68. 22 v. 8°; 2te durchgangig verb, und vermehrte Aufl. von J. J. Herzog, G. L. Plitt und A. Hauck. Leipzig, 1877-86. 17 v. 8°. [A-Z and Nachtrage A-Hamburger. Patrological articles full, and all by first-class writers.]

Lichtenberger, F. Encyclopedie des sciences reli-gieuses. Paris, 1877-82. 13 v. 8°. [" In vielen seiner Mitarbeiter mehr (als Herzog} zum Latitudinarismus hinnei-gend." Ziickler. v. 13 contains, besides Tables, a valuable Dictionaire des contemporains.]

M'Clintock, Joh., and Strong, Jas. Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. New York, 1874-81. 10 v. 8°, and two supplementary volumes. [Largely compiled, and not over-critical or exact, but has been and is of great practical pioneer value.]

Migne. Encyclopedie theologique, ou serie de Diction-naires sur toutes les parties de la science religieuise. I. serie. Paris, 1844-59. 52V. 8°; 2. serie, 1851-9. 53 v. 8°; 3. serie, 1855-75. 6Sv- 8°. [A most uncritical, but proyokingly necessary mass of matter. Includes Sevestre. Dictionnaire de patrologie. Paris, 1855, 5 v. 8°; Douhet. Dictionnaire des legendes (1855) and Diet, des mysUries (1854), and other works referred to in the Synopsis.1

Schaff, Ph. A religious encyclopaedia; or Dictionary

of Biblical, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical The-

ology. Based on the Real-Encyklopadie of Herzog, Plitt and Hauck. New York, Funk &= W. 1882-4. 3 v. 40; new ed., slightly revised and enlarged by a supplementary volume containing an " Encyclopaedia of living divines and Christian workers." New York, 1887. [Rev. S. M. Jackson, M.A., and Rev. D. S. Schaff, Associate Editors. The abridged articles from Herzog have considerable bibliographical additions by Mr. Jackson. The valuable Encyclopaedia of Living Divines especially valuable biographically.]

Wetzer, H. J. u. Welte, Bened. Kirchen-Lexikon oder Encyklopadie d. kathol. Theologie und ihrer Hilfswissenschaften. Freiburg i. Br., 1846-60. 13 v. 8°. [A-Z. 11 v. Supplement iv. Index iv.]; 2te Aufl. V. Hergenrother u. Kaulen. 1881-. ["Much improved." Even the old ed. is especially useful.]

Note. The briefer general theological dictionaries.such as Aschbach, the Elberfeld Theol. Umversal-Lexikon, Bergier, Glaire, etc., hardly repay consulting if any of the others are at hand.

Kraus, F. X. Real-encyclopadie der christlichen Alter-thiimer. 1880-86. 2 v.

Schenkel, Daniel. Bibel-Lexicon. Realworterbuch zum Handgebrauch fur Geistliche und Gemeinde-glieder. Leipzig, 1869-75. 5 v. 8°.

Smith, Wm. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. London, 1843-8. 3 V. 8°; Boston, 1859. 3 V. 8°. [Compare for literary history of editions. Excellent, though largely superseded for Patrology by Smith and Wace.]

— Dictionary of the Bible. Lond. 1860-3. 3 v. 8°; revised and edited by Prof. H. B. Hackett, D.D., with the cooperation of Ezra Abbott, LL.D. Boston, 1868. 4 v. 8°; do. 1879. 4 v. 8°.

Smith, W, and Cheetham, Sam. Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, being a continuation of the Dictionary of the Bible. Lona. 1876-80. 2 v. 8°; reprinted, Hartford, 1880. 8°. [" Durch grosse Grundlichkeit aus-gezeichnet." Z8ckler.~

Smith, Wm., and Wace, Henry. A dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects and doctrines: being a continuation of " The dictionary of the Bible." London, -82. vols. 1-3. 8°; reprinted from same plates. Boston, 1877-. [y. 1-3. A-Myensis.l

[The above series edited by Dr. Smith is marked for thoroughness both in the collection of topics and in the treatment.]

Encyclopaedia Britannica. A dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. Ninth edition. London, 1875-; reprinted New K

Ersch and Gruber. Allgemeine Encyclopadie der Wissenschaften u. Kunste. Leipzig, 1818-1887-. 40. [About three-fourths finished, containing now not far from 75,000 pages.]

Michaud, Louis Gabriel. Biographie universelle an-cienne et moderne. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1842-65. 45 v.

8°. [ied. 1811-1S28. 52 V. 8»; Supplement. 1832-62. v. 53-85. 8°. In general articles more extended than in Hoefer.] Hoefer, J. C. F. Nouvelle biographie generale. Paris, 1852-66. 46 V. 8°. [Vols. 1-8 have " universelle" for ge'nerale. The portion A-M. " exceeds in completeness every other publication of the kind." Thomas.}

Note. General encyclopaedias such as Brockhaus, La-rousse, the Encyclopaedia Popolare, Chambers, Appleton, Johnson, etc., usually add nothing excepting an occasional bibliographical fact. Even the usually indispensable Zedler is not of sufficient patrological value to justify analysis. The same is true of various general and special Dictionaries which are mentioned occasionally in the Synopsis; and especially of the briefer biographical dictionaries like Thomas.






III. Collections.

Assemani, Jos. Sim. Bibliotheca orientalis Clementino Vaticana. Rom. 1719-28. 3 v. in 4. 8°.

Bickersteth, Edward. (Prot. 1786-1850.) The Christian fathers of the first and second centuries, their principal remains at large, with selections from their other writings . . Lond. 1838.

B5hl, G. Opuscula patrum selecta. Praef. Neander. Berol. 1826-7. 2 v. 8°.

Caillau, A. B., and Guillon, M. N. S. Collectio selecta ss. eccl. patrum. Paris, 1829-42. 130 v. 8°; repr. Mediol. 1830-. 8°.

Caspari, C. P. Ungedruckte unbeachtete und wenig beachtete Quellen zur Geschichte des Taufsymbols und der Glaubensregel, herausgegeben und in Abhandlun-gen erlautert. Christiana, I. 1866; II. 1869; III. 1875. 3v. 8°.

— Alte und neue Quellen zur Geschichte des Taufsymbols und der Glaubensregel. 1879.

Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum. Editum consilio et impensis academiae litterarum caesareae Vindobonensis. Wien, 1867-1886. 9 V. 8°. [in progress.]

Coustantius, Petr. Epistolae romanorum Pontificum usque ad annum 440. Par. 1721. f°; ed. Schonemann. Gotting. 1796. 8°; continued to 523 by A. Thiel. Braunsb. 1868. 8°.

Fabricius, Geo. Poetarum veterum ecclesiasticorum opera Christiana et operum reliquiae atque fragmenta. Basil. 1564. 40.

Funk, Franc. Xav. Opera patrum apostolicorum. Edit, post Hefelianam quartum V. Tubing, 1878-81. 2 v. 8°; 1881. 2v.ini. 8°. [Good account of the literature.]

Gallandius, A. Bibliotheca veterum patrum antiquo-rumque scriptorum ecclesiasticorum. Venet. 1765-81. 14 v. et Appendix. f°.

Gebhardt, O., and Harnack, Ad. Texte und Unter-Suchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur. Leipzig, 1882-. 8°.

Gebhardt, Osc. de, Harnack, Ad., and Zahn, Th. Patrum apostolicorum opera. Edit, post Dresselianam alteram III. Leipzig, 1875-7. 8°; ed. 2. 1876-8. 8°; ed. minor. 1877. 8°. [Capital bibliographical monographs.]

Genoude, Antoine Eugene de. Les Peres de PEglise des trois premiers siecles de l'ere chretienne. Traduit en francais. Paris, 1837-1843. 9 v. 8°.

Gersdorf, E. G. Bibliotheca patrum ecclesiasticorum latinorum selecta. 1838-47. 13 V. 8°.

Grabe, J. E. Spicilegium ss. patrum. Oxon. 1698-9. 2 v. 8°; 1700. 8°; 1714. 8°; and (Lowndes) 1724

[Grynaeus, J. J.] Monumenta ss. patrum orthodoxo-grapha. Basil. 1569. 2 v. f°.

[Heroldus.] Orthodoxographa theologiae sacro sanc-tae ac syncerioris fidei doctores numero LXXVI eccle-siae columina luminaque clarissima authores partim Graeci, partim Latini.... Basileae, 1555. f°.

Hurter, H. Opuscula selecta ss. patrum ad usum prae-sertim studiosorum theologiae. 1868-85. 48 v.; 2d series. 1884-.

Jacobson, Guil. S. Clementis Romani, S. Ignatii, S. Polycarpi, patrum apostolicorum quae supersunt acce-dunt S. Ignatii, et S. Polycarpi martyria ad fidem codi-cum recensuit, annotationibus variorum et suis illustravit indicibus instruxit. Oxonii, 1838. 8°; 1840. 8°; 1847. 8°; 1863. 8°. [Notable prolegomena. Good synopsis of editions and translations. ]

Jones, Jeremiah. A new and full method of settling the canonical authority of the New Testament. 1726-7. 8°; 1798; Oxford, 1827. 8°.

La Bigne, Margarin de. Bibliotheca ss. patrum supra 200... Paris, 1575-9. 9 v. f°; 1589. 9 V. f°;

1609-10. 10 v. f°; 1624. 9 v. f°; ed. Schott and others under the name Magna bibliotheca veterum patrum. Colon. 1618-22. 15 v. f°; Paris, 1654. 17 v. f°.

Lagarde, P. Analecta syriaca. Leipzig, 1858. 8°.

Le Moyne, St. Varia sacra, s. sylloge variorum opuscu-lorum graecorum. Gr. et lat. Lugd. Bat. 1685-94.

2 v. 40.

Le Quien, Mich. Oriens christianus, in quatuor patri-archatus digestus; quo exhibentur ecclesiae, patri-archae, ceterique praesules totius Orientis. Paris, 1740.

3  v. f°.

Lightfoot, J. B. The apostolic fathers. I. S. Clement of Rome. London, 1869-77. 2V- %"> H- S.Ignatius,

5.  Polycarp. London, 1885. 2 v. in 3. 8°. Lindner, W. B. Bibliotheca patrum ecclesiast. selecta.

Lips. 1857-61. 8°.

Mattaire. Opera et fragmenta veterum poetarum Latinorum profanor. et ecclesiast. duob. voll. comprehensa. Londini, 1713. 2 v. f°; with new title page. Lond. 1721.

Maxima bibliotheca veterum patrum et antiquorum scriptorum ecclesiasticorum. Lugd. 1677. 27 v. f°. [Adds more than 100 authors to the Magha bibliotheca. Latin only. " Editor is usually considered to have been Ph. Despont (Dupont), but the real editors were John and James Arvison." Darling.} • jn epist. redacta Ph. a S. Jacobo. August. Vind. 1719. 2V. f°.

Migne. Cursus patrologise completus. Paris, 1844-66. 8°. Patrologialatina 1844-55. 221 v. Patrologia graeca, 1857-66. n6v. Continued by HOROY (Abbe). Bibliotheca Patristica ab anno MCCXVI, usque ad Con-cilii Tridentini Tempora. Paris, 1879-.

[Migne's editions, like his Encyclopaedia, are not to be used when there are better. The Abbe Horoy's continuation will add one hundred or more volumes .]

Mikropresbytikon. Veterum quorundam brevium Theolo-

gorum, sive Episcoporum sive presbyterorum . . .

elenchus. Basil. 1550. f°. Munter, Fr. Fragmenta patrum graecorum. Hafniae,

1788. 8°. Niclas, Jo. NIC. Teanovucd. Geoponicorum seu de re

rustica libri XX. Lips. 1781. 4V. 8°. Nourrisson, J. F. Morceaux choisis des peres de l'eglise

latine. Paris, 1874. 16°. Oberthur, Fr. Sanctorum patrum opera polemica, etc.

Opera patrum Graecorum, Graece et Latine. Wirceb.

1777-94. 21 v. 8°.

— Opera omnia patrum latinorum. Wirceb. 1780-91. 13 V. 8°.

Olshausen, Herrm. Historiae ecclesiast. veteris monumenta praecipua. Berol. 1822.

Otto, Joh. K. Th. Corpus apologetarum Christianorum saeculi secundi. Jena, 1842-72(81). 9 v. 8°. [Justin M., Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus of Ant., Hermias, Quadratus, Aristides, Ariosto, Miltiades, Melito, Apolli-naris.]

Pitra, J. B. Spicilegium Solesmense, complectens Sanct. patrum scriptorumque eccl. anecdota. Par. 1852-8. 4v. 8°.

— Juris ecclesiastici Graecorum historia et monumenta.

1.  A primo p. C. n. ad VI. saec. Rom. 1864. 40. Reithmaye, Fr. X. and Thalhofer, Val. Bibliothek

der Kirchenvater. Auswahl der vorziiglichsten patristis-chen WerkeindeutscherUebersetzung. Kempten, 1869-1886. 410 V. 8°. [V.410 extends to p.480 of the Index.]

Roberts, Alexander, and Donaldson, James. The Ante-Nicene Christian Library. Edinburgh, 1867—72. 24 V. 8°; ed. A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D. Buffalo, 1884-

6.  8 v. 8°, and with original supplement, 1887. 8°. Rous, Fran. Mella Patrum omnium, usque ad Pacem

sub Constantino scripta prodierunt. 1650. 8°. Routh, Jos. Reliquae sacrae. Oxon. 1814-18. 4V. 8°;

2. ed. 1846-8. 5 V. 8°. [V. s supplementary to both editions






Compare also supplemental sheets for private circulation,

1S53.J — Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum opuscula. Oxonii, 1832.

2v. 8°; 1840. 2v. 8°; 1848. 2v. 8°. Sailer, J. M. Briefe aus alle Jahrh. d. christl. Zeitrechn.

Miinchen, 1804. 8°. Schaff, P. Bibliotheca symbolica ecclesiae universalis,

The creeds of Christendom, with a history and critical

notes. New York and London, 1877. 3 V. 8°; 4th ed.

1884. 8°. Thevenot, Melchior. Mathematicorum Veterum Athe-

naei, Apollodori, Philonis, Betonis Heronis et aliorum

opera, gr. et lat. pleraque nunc primum edita ex. mss.

codd. bibl. regiae. Parisiis, 1693. f°. Weber. Corpus poetarum latinorum uno volumine

absolutum. Cum selectis varietate lectionis et explica-

tione brevissima ed. Guil. Em. Weber. Franco/, ad M.

1833. lex. 8°. Werke d. Kirchenvater (Die sammtl.) a. d. Urtexte i. d.

Deutsche ubersetzt mit Vorrede von ZieglER. Kempten,

1831-1851. 38 v. 8°. Wernsdorf. Poetae latinae minores. Curavit Joa.

Chsti Wernsdorf. Altenbruge (v. I-V. po. I.) 1780-

88, and Helmstadii (v. V. 2, 3 u. VI. I, 2) 1791-1799.

6 v. 8°. Whiston, W. Primitive Christianity Revived, containing

the Epistles of Ignatius, Apostolic Constitutions, Recognition of St. Cleiiient, etc. 1711-12. 5 v. 8°. Zahn, Theod. Forschungen zur Geschichte des neutes-

tamentlichen Kanons und der altkirchlichen Literatur.

Erlangen, 1881-3. 3v. 8°. Zingerle. Monumenta Syriaca ex Romanis codicibus

collecta. Praefatus est P. Pius Zingerle, Ordin. S.

Benedicti. Vol. I. Oeniponti, 1869. gr. 8°. (vi, 44 u.

132 p. syr. Text); —edita a Dr. Georgio Mosinger,

Vol.11. Oeniponti, 1878. gr. 8°. (xv, 20 V. 174 S.)


Merlinus, Jacobus. Tomus primus (et secundus) qua-tuor conciliorum generalium. Parrhis. 1523-4. 2 v. f°; Colon. 1530. 2 V. f°. [Bulls of Charles IV. and Pius II. added]; Par. 1535 (6?). 2 v. 8°. [" With corrections and omissions." Graesse. " No additions." Hefele."

Crabbe, P. (Pierre Grable?) (Franciscan.) Concilia omnia tam generalia quam particularia ab apost. tempore celebrata. Colon. 1538. 2 v. f°; 1551. 3 v. f°.

Surius, L. (Carthusian.) Concilia omnia turn generalia turn provincalia atque particularia, quae iam inde ab Apostolis usque in praesens habita, obtineri potue-runt, magna insignium synodor. Coin. 1567. 4 v. f°. [" Somewhat more complete." Hefele.}

Nicolini and Bollanus. (Dominican.) Concilia omnia, tam generalia, quam provincalia. Vened. 1585. 5 V. f°. [New impression of Surius.]

Binius, Leo. Concilia generalia et provincalia, graeca et latina, quotquot reperiri potuerunt, item epistolae de-cretales. Coin. 1606. 4 v. f°; do. 1618, f°; Paris, 9 v. in IO. f°. [Improved.]

Sirmondus. (Jesuit.) Concilia generalia ecclesiae ca-thol. Pauli V. auctoritate ed. Romae, 1608-12, 1628. 4 (3) V. f°. [" Gives for first time the Greek text of many of the synodal"acts."]

Concilior. omnium generalium et provincalium collectio regia. Paris, 1644. 37 v. f°. [" Printing magnificent." *' Faults of Roman ed. . . . uncorrected." " One fourth less complete than . . . Labbe." Hefele.]

Labbeus et Cossartus. (Jesuit.) Sacrosancta concilia ad reg. ed. exacta a — cum duobus apparatibus. Paris, 1671-72. f°; continued by Baluzius. Par. 1683. f°; with new title-page, 1707. f°. [1 vol. only appeared. |

Harduinus, Jo. (Jesuit.) Collectio regia max. conciliorum ab anno 34 ad a. 1714 ad P. Labbei etG. Cossartii labores accessionibus, emendationibus et indicibus locupl. Paris, 1715. 12 V. f°. [As offset to the Ultramontanism of


H. a volume of corrections was ordered printed with it — Addition ordonnee par arret duparlement, pour etre joint a la collection des conciles. Pans, 1732. fo, which was suppressed, but reprinted by the Jansenists under the title Avis des censeurs, etc. Utrecht, 1730. 40; 1751. 40.] " The favorite . . recommended on account of . . type, and ... tables." Hefele.]

Coletus, N. Sacrosancta concilia ad regiam editionum exacta. Ven. 1728-33. 23 V. f°. ["Reprint not wholly correct of Hardouin"]; continued by MANSI. Lucae, 1748-52. 6v. f°. [Extends to 1727.]

Mansi, J. D. (Dominican.) Sacros. concil. nova et amplissima collectio. Flor. 1759-98. 31 v. f°. [Extends to 1509.]

{Lives of Saints and Martyrs.)

Acta Sanctorum quotquot tote orbe coluntur, vel a Catho-licis scriptoribus celebrantur, quae ex Latinis et Graecis, aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis, collegit, di-gessit, notis illustravit Joannes Bollandus, Societatis Jesu theologus, servata primigenia scriptorum phrasi. Operam et studium contulit Godefridus Henschenius, ejusdem Societatis theologus. Antv. 1643-1794. 54 V. f.??? Reprinted Venet. 1734 sq. 42 V. f°. (Incorrect and stops at Sept. 15.) The work interrupted in 1794 was taken up in 1838 by the new Bollandists, who published enlarged editions of certain volumes, seven additional volumes 1845-1883 (?), and 1 vol. of Supplement, and the whole reprinted, edited by G. J. Cam-adet. Paris and Rome, 1863-1883. 6i v. and Sup-plem. f°.

Lipomannus, Alo. Vitae sanctorum. Rom. 1551-60. 8 v. 40.

Mombritius, Boninus. Sanctuarium s. vitae sanctorum s. 1. et a. 2 v. f°.

Petrus de Natalibus. Catalogus sanctorum et gestorum eorum ex diversis voluminibus collectus. Vincentiae, 1493. f°; Venet. 1506. f°; Lugd. 1543. f°. and often.

Rosweyd. Vitae patrum. Antv. 1615; Lugd. 1617; Antv. 1628. f°.

— Vitae sanctorum. Antv. 1619. f°; 1629. 2 v. f°.

— Vitae sanctor. virginum. Antv. 1626; 1642. 8°. Surius, Lam. Vitae sanctorum, ex probatis authoribus

et mss. codicibus edit. Colon. 1569. 6 v. f°; 1581, 2v. f°; Venet. 1581. 6 v. f°; and enlarged and improved. Colon. 1617. 4 v. f6.

Vincentius Belvacensis. Speculum quadruplex, natu-rale, doctrinale, morale, et historiale. [Argent.] 1473-6. 7 v. f°. [» Edition originate et la seule complete." Graesse; but various editions more or less complete, e.g. Duaci. 1624. 4 V. f>.]

Voragine, Jacobus de. Legenda aurea, vulgo Historia lombardica dicta, ad oppt. libr. fidem recensuit Dr. Th. Graesse. Dresdae et Lips. 1846. 8°. [This is the most convenient edition, and the French of Gust. Brunet {Paris, 1843. 2 v. 120.) the best translation. Written originally as Historia longobardica it was published variously under this

tions of text and translations numbers more than one hundred.]

Ruinart, Th. Acta primorum martyrum sincera et se-lecta. Par. 1689. 4°> Amst. 1713. f°; repr. with additions. Veronae, 1731. f°; Aug. V. 1802-3. 3 V. 8°; tr. French by Drouet de Maupertuy. Par. 1708. 8°; 1739. 2 v. 12°; tr. Italian by Luchini. Roma, 1774. 4 v. 40; tr. German by F. W. Fraaz. Klagenfurt, 1785. 2 v. 8°.

IV. Church Histories.

Dowling, John Goulter. An introduction to the critical study of ecclesiastical history, attempted in an account of the progress, and a short notice of the sources, of the history of the Church. London, 1838. 8°.






Haar, B. ter. Die Historiographie der Kerkgeschied-enis. Utrecht, 1870-71. 8°.

Alexander, Natalis. Selecta hist. eccl. capita et diss. hist., chron. et dogm. Par., 1676-89. 24 v. (26?) 8°; 1699. 8 v. in 7. f°; ed. C. Roncaglia. Lucca, 1734. 9 v. in 8. f°; ed. Mansi. Lucca, 1749. 9 v. f°; Fer-rara, 1758-62. 9 v. f°; Bassano, 1778. 12 v. f°; Bingen, 1785-90 ('86-91?) 20 v. 40.

Bapheides, Philar. T&KKXtiGiaaTuai loropia, mro tov Kvpiov i/fiuv jcov Xpurrov fiexp1 ™v Ka& VftaC Xpwav, vno jAaperov Bcupeitiov. I. (1—700.) Ei> Kuixmnrt-vowrofei, 1884. 8°. [Good little compend., but brief and mainly from secondary sources. Value of its insertion doubtful.]

Baronius, Caes. Annales ecclesiastici a Chr. nato ad an. 1198. Rom. 1588-1607. 12 v. f°; continued (v. 13-20) by Bzovius (ab an. 1198- usque ad an. 1565); Rom., 1616-. f°; Colon. 1621-30. f°; also by Spon-danus (1197-1646); Paris, 1640-1. 2 v. f°; 1647. 2 v-f°; Lyon, 1678. 3 V. f°; by Raynaldus (1198-1565, vols. 13-21) ; Rom. 1646-77. f°; Colon. 1693-1727. f°; by Laderchius (1566-1571, vols. 22-24); Rom. 1728-37. f°; by Theiner (-1584); Paris, 1856. 3 v. f°. Among various editions of Baronius compare ed. Mansi. Lucca, 1738-57. 38 V. f°, and ed., with continuations of Raynaldus and Laderchius, by Aug. Theiner, Bar-le-Duc {Paris'), 1864-. 40. ["Toform 45 to 50 volumes," vol. 36 (1568-9), 1882.]

Basnage, Jac. Hist, de Peglise depuis J. Chr. jusq' a present, divisee en 4 parties. Rotterd. 1699. 2 v. f°, etc.

— Annales politico-ecclesiast. ann. 645 a Caesare Auguste ad Phocam usque. Rotterdam, 1706. 3 v. f°.

Baur, F. C. Kirchengeschichte der drei ersten Jahrhun-derte. Tubingen, 1853. 8°; 3 Aufl. 1863. 8°; tr. English by Allan Menzies. London, 1878. 8°.

Blackburn, W. M. History of the Christian Church, from its origin to the present time. Cincinnati, Hitchcock & Walden, 1879. 8°. (719 p.) N.Y., Phillips and H. 1880. 8°. [Not full or critical on Ante-Nicene period. Better on Hist, of American Church.]

BOhringer, F. Die Kirche Christi und ihre Zeuger, oder die Kirchengesch. in Biographien. Zurich, 1842-58. 12 v. 8°; 2 Auf. Stuttg. 1861-; 3 Ausg. 1873-.

Cotta, J. F. Vers. ein. ausfuhrl. Kirchenhist. des N. T. Tubingen, 1768-73. 3 V. 8°. ["Unvoll., noch nicht bis auf Constant."]

Danz, J. T. L. Lehrbuch der christi. Kirchengesch. zum gebrauch akad. Vorlesungen. Jena, 1818-26. 2 v. 8°.

Flacius Illyricus, Matt. Ecclesiastica historia, inte-

gram ecelesiae Christi ideam.....secundum singu-

las centurias perspicuo ordine complectens. Basil. 1559-74. 8v. f°; repr. deterioriated ed. Lucius. Basil. 1624. 3 V. f°. [The " Centuriae Magdeburgenses." The collaborators were J. Wigandus, Matt Judex, and Basil Faber.]

Fleury, Claude. Histoire ecclesiastique. Paris, 1691-

1720. 20 vJ 40; and often. [Extends to year 1414.] GfrSrer, A. F. Allgem. Kirchengesch. Stuttg. 1841-

46. 4 V. [To'iosd] Gieseler, J.K.L. Lehrbuch der Kirchengesch. Bonn,

1824-53. 8°. 3 v. I., 4 Aufl., 1844-. II., 4Aufl., 1847-.

III., 2 Aufl., 1849-; also, posthumous, ed. Redepenn-

ing, IV. Kirchengesch. des 18 Jahrh. von 1648-1814.

Bonn, 1857. V. Kircheng. der neuesten Zeit. Bonn,

1855; tr. English by Davidson and Hull, revised by H.

B. Smith. N.Y. 1868-79. 5 v. 8°. Guericke, H. E. F. Handbuch der Kirchengesch.

Halle, 1833. 2 v. 9 Aufl. Lpz. 1866-. 3 v. 8"; tr.

English by W. G.T.Shedd. Andover, 1857-70. 2v. 8°. Hagenbach, K. R. Kirchengeschichte von der altesten

Zeit bis zum 19 Jahrhundert. Neue (4), durchganzig

[First published in the Encyclopaedia Metro-pofitana. Very accessible patrological method. Select rather

uberarbeitete Gesamtausgabe. Leipzig, 1885. 8°. [pp. 660-712 a good literary-historical (Litterarisch-kritischer Xnhang) survey.]

Hase, K. Lehrbuch der Kirchengesch. Lpz. 1834. 8°.

10 Aufl. 1877. 8°; tr. English by C. E. Blumenthal and

C. P. King. New York, 1855. 8°. — Kirchengeschichte auf der Grundlage akademischer

Vorlesungen. Leipzig, 1885. 8°. Henke, H. P. C. Allgem. gesch. des christlichen Kirche.

Braunschw, 1788-1823. 9 v. 8°. Hepp, F. Gesch. der christi. Kirche in Lebensbeschreib.

Mainz, 1850-. 2 v. HergenrBther, F. Handbuch de allg. Kirchengesch.

Freiburg, 1876-78. 2 v. 8°; 2 Aufl. 1879-80. 3 v. 8°.

3 verb. Aufl. 1884-. 8°. [V. 3 (634 close pages of 2 Aufl.) is entirely taken up with a condensed synopsis of authorities and literature, forming a useful handbook of reference. As handbook of Patrology of less value than Kurtz, Schaif, and others.]

Ittig, Th. Historiae ecclesiast. I (et 2) a Chr. n. saeculi

selecta capita. Lpz. 1709-11. 40. Jeremie, James Amiraux. History of the Christian

Church in the second and third centuries. London,

1852. 12"


than exhaustive.]

Jortin, J. Remarks on ecclesiastical history. London, 1751-73. 5 V. 8°; tr. German by J. P. Cassell. Bremen, I755-6- 3v. 8».

Killen, W. D. The ancient Church: its history, doctrine, worship, and constitution, traced for the first three hundred years. New York, 1859. 8°.

Kurtz, J. H. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte fiir Stu-dierende. Leipzig, 1st ed., 1849; 2d, 1850; 3d, 1857; 4th, i860; 5th, 1863; 6th, 1868; 7th, 1874; 8th, 1880-81; 9th, 1885. 8°; tr. English by Edersheim. Edinb. i860. 8°; tr. C. F. Schaeffer. Philadelphia, 1868. 8°; 14 ed. 1875. 8°. [Patrological method of this capital handbook is like the rest, sensible though brief.]

Lechler, G. V. Das apostolische und das nachapos-tolische Zeitalter, mit Riicksicht auf unterscheid und Einheit in Lehre und Leben. Stuttgart, 1851. 8°; 2. Aufl. 1857. 8°; 3 Aufl. (thoroughly rewritten) 1885. 8°; tr. English by A. J. K. Davidson. Edinb. and New York, 1886. 2 v. 8°.

Matter, M. J. Histoire universelle de l'eglise chre-tienne. Strasb. 1829-35. 4 V. 8°; ed. 2. Paris, 1838.

4 V.; Strasb. 1843. 4 V. 8°.

Maurice, F. D. Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History of the first and second centuries. Cambridge, 1854. 8°.

Milman, Henry H. History of Latin Christianity; including, that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicholas V. Lond. and New York. 2d ed. i860. 8 v. 8°; New York, 1881. 8v. 12°.

__The History of Christianity from the birth of Christ

to the abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. Lond. 1840. 3 v. 1866; New York, 1881. 3 v. 12°.

Mosheim, J. Lr. V. De rebus christianorum ante Con-stantinum M. commentarii. Helmst. 1753. 40; tr. English. New York, 1851. 2 v. 8°.

Mosheim, L. Institutionum historiae ecclesiasticae libri IV. Helmst. 1755; ed. 2. 1764. 40; tr. English by Maclaine. Lond. 1765-1806. 6 v. 8°; do. tr. by Murdock and Soames (often), and ed. W. Stubbs. Lond. 1863. 3 v. 8°.

Naebe, F. A. A. Compend historiae eccles. ac sacrorum christianorum in usum studiosae juventutis compositum. Lips. 1832.

Neander, A. Allgem. geschichte der christi. Religion und Kirche. Hamb. 1825-52. 6 v. 8°; v. 6, posthumous ed. R. F. T. Schneider (bis 1431) 4 Aufl. 9 Bde. Gotha, 1864-65. 9 v. 8°; Neue Ausg. ed. Nippold. Leipz. 1885-. 8°; tr. English, tr. Torry. Edinb. 1851-






55. 9 V. 8°; London, Bohn. 10 v. 120; Boston, 1859. 5 v. 8°; and 1872. 6 v. 8°. [With Index vol.]

Niedner, C. W. Lehrbuch der christlichen Kirchen-geschichte von der altesten Zeit bis auf die Gegenwart. Neueste von dem Verfasser kurz vor seinem Tode aus-gearbeitete Auflage. {Berlin, 1846); 2Aufl. 1866. 8°.

Orsi, Giuseppe Agostino. Storia ecclesiastica. Roma, 1748-62. 21 v. 40; 1754-62. 21 v. 40; with continuation by Becchetti to A.D. 1377. Roma, 1749-88. 38 v. 8° (16°).

Pkrtsch, J. G. Versuch einer Kirchenhistorie. Wol-fenbuttel, 1736-40. 5 v. 4°.

PressensIs, E. D. DE. Histoire des trois premiers sie'cles de l'Eglise chretienne. 1858-77. 4 v.; tr. English by Annie Harwood. N. Y. 1873-8, etc. 4 v. 120.

Renan, Ernest. L'histoire des origines du Christian-isme. Paris, 1863-82. 7 v.

Ritschl, Albrecht. Die Entstehung der altkatholi-schen Kirche. Eine Kirchen- und dogmengeschicht-liche Monographic Bonn, 1850. 8°; 2 Aufl. 1857. 8°. [" 2d ed. partly reconstructed."]

Robertson, J. C. History of the Christian Church from the apostolic age to the reformation. (A.D. 64-1517.) London, 1858-73. 4 v. 8°; new ed. 1875. 8 v. 8°.

Rohrbacher. Histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique. Par. 1842-. 29 V.; nouv. ed. par FSvre. Par. 1875—; tr. German by Rump, Toppehorn u. Neteler. Munster, 1858-.

Rothe, R. Die Anfange der Christlichen Kirche und ihrer Verfassung. Wittenberg, 1837. 8°.

— Vorlesungen ueber Kirchengeschichte und Geschichte des christlich-kirchlichen Lebens. Hrsg. v. H. Wein-garten. Heidelb. 1875. 2 v. 8°.

Schaff, Philip. History of the Christian Church. New York, 1858-. A.D. 1-600. 3 v. (German ed. Leipzig, 1867; 2d ed. 1869. 3 v.) entirely rewritten in English. New York and Edinburgh, 1882-84. 3 v-Vol. IV. A.D. 590-1073. New York and Edinburgh, 1885; 3d revision. 1886-. [At the end of each volume is a brief patrology of the period with well selected and arranged bibliography, forming by far the best handbook in English.]

Schmidt, J. E. C. Handbuch der christl. Kirchengesch. Gieszen, 1801-20. 6v.; 2. Aufl. (ofvols. 1-4) 1824-27; continued by F. W. Rettberg. Bd. 7. (to Boniface VIII.). Gieszen, 1834.

SchrSckh, Joh. Matt. Christliche Kirchengeschichte. Leipzig, 1768-1802. 35 v. 8°; Kirchenges. seit. d. Reformation. 1804-11. 10 v. 8°.

Schwegler, A. Das nachapostoliche Zeitalter in den Hauptmomenten seiner Entwicklung. Tubingen, 1846. 2 v. 8°.

Starke, J. A. Geschichte d. christl. kirche d. in Jahrh. Berlin, 1779-80. 6 v. 8°.

Stolberg, F. L. v. Gesch. der Rel. Jesu Christi. Hamb. 1806-18. 15 Bde. (to 430) /ortges. von F. V. Kerz, 16-45 v- (to I2 centurv)- Mainz, 1824-48. Neue Folge von J. N. Brischar. 46-53 v. (to 13 Jahrh.). Mainz, 1851-.

Thiersch, H. W. J. Die Kirche im apostolischen Zeitalter. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1852. 8°; 3. ed. 1879. 8°; tr. English by Carlyle. Lond. 1852.

Waite, C. B. History of the Christian Religion to the year two hundred. Third edition, revised. Chicago, 1881. 8°. [Introduced into the Synopsis on account of extensive, though crude and mal-critical, treatment of Apocryphal literature. The author's modest belief" that this will be found to be the most complete record of the events connected with the Christian religion during the first two centuries " is hardly justified.]

Weizacker, Carl. Das apostolische Zeitalter der christlichen kirche. Freiburg, 1886. 8°.

Wordsworth, Chr. A church history to the council of Nicaea. New York, 1881. 8°.

V. Miscellaneous.

[Barbour, J. H.J The beginnings of the Historic Episcopate exhibited in the words of Holy Scripture and ancient authors. N. Y. 1887. 12°. [A popular chronological exhibition of the argument.]

Baumgarten-Crusius, L. F. O. Lehrbuch der christlichen Dogmengeschichte. Jena, 1832. 2v. 8°.

Baur, F. C. Vorlesungen uber de Christliche Dogmengeschichte. Leipzig, 1865-67. 3 v. 8°.

Beausobre, Isaac de. Histoire critique de Manichee et du Manicheisme. Amst. 1734-39. 2v. 40.

Bertholdt, L. Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte. Erlangen, 1822. 8°.

Burton, Edward. Testimony of the Ante-Nicene fathers as to the divinity of Christ. Oxford, 1829. 8°.

— Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene fathers to the doctrine of the trinity and of the divinity of the Holy Ghost. Oxford, 1831. 8°.

Charteris, A. H. Canonicity, a collection of early testimonies to the canonical books of the New Testament, based on Kirchofer's ' Quellensammlung.1 Edinburgh and London, 1880. 8°.

Coleman, L. Ancient Christianity, exemplified in the private, domestic, social, and civil life of the primitive Christians and the original institutions, officers, ordinances and rites of the church. Philadelphia, 1852. 8°; new ed. 1853. 8°.

Credner, C. A. Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanon. Ed. Volkmar. Berlin, i860. 8°.

Cunningham, Wm. Historical Theology. 2v. 1st ed. Edinburgh, 1862. 8°; 2ded. 1864. 8°; 3ded. 1870. 8°.

— The Churches of Asia: A methodical sketch of the second century. London, 1880. 8°.

Donaldson, James. The apostolical fathers: a critical account of their genuine writings and of their doctrines. London, 1874. 8°. [Substantially reprint from his History of Christian Literature.]

Eichhorn, J. G. Einleitung in das A. T. 1780-83. 3V.; 4 Aufl. 1823-4. 5v.

Engelhardt, J. G. B. Dogmengeschichte. 2v. Neustadt a. d. Aisch. 1839. 8°.

Ewald, H. Gesch. des Volkes Israel. Gott. 1843-52. 3 v.; 3. Ausgabe, 1864-68. 7 V. 8°.

Farrar, F. W. History of interpretation. Eight lectures preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1885. New York, 1886. 8°.

— The early days of Christianity. London, 1882. 8°. Gilse, J. van. Comment, de patrum apostolicorum doc-

trina morali. Lugduni Batav. 1833.

Harnack, Adolf. Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte. I. Die Entstehung des Kirchlichen Dogmas. Freiburg i. B. 1886. 8°.

Hausrath, A. Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte. 1868-73. 4 parts; 2d ed. 1873-77; 3d ed. 1st part. Die Zeit jesu, 1879.

Hefele, C. J. Conciliengeschichte. (bis 16 Jahrh.). Freiburg, 1855-74. 7 v. 8°; 2 Aufl. 1873-. Tr. English to year 325 by Clark and Oxenham. Edinburgh, 1871-6. 2v. 8°.

Heyns, S. P. Comment, praemio ornata de patrum apostolicor. doctrina morali. Lugd. Bat. 1833.

Hilgenfeld, A. Die apostolischen Vater, Untersuch-ungen iiber Inhalt und Ursprung der unter ihrem Namen erhaltenen Schriften. Halle, 1853. 8°.

— Der Kanon und die Kritik des Neuen Testaments in ihrer geschichtlichen Ausbildung und Gestaltung, nebst Herstellung und Beleuchtung des Muratorischen Bruchstiicks. Halle, 1863. 8°.

— Die Ketzergeschichte des Urchristenthums. Leipzig, 1884. 8°.

Holtzmann, H. J. Lehrbuch der Historisch-Kritischen Einleitung in das Neue Testament. Freiburg i. B. 1886. 8°.






Jaffe, Phil. Regesta pontificorum romanor. a cond. ecclesia usque ad ann. 1198; ed. alt. cur. F. Kalten-brunner, T. Ewald, S. Loewenfeld. Lipsiae, 1881-4. [1 ed. Berol. 1851. 40.]

Juntos, F. Comment, praemio ornata de patrum apos-tolicor. doctrina morali. Lugduni Batav. 1833.

Keim, Thdr. Celsus' wahres wort. Aelteste Streitschrift antiker Weltanschauung gegen das Christenthum vom J. 178 n. Chr. wiedergestellt, aus dem Greich. iiber-setzt, untersucht und erlaut.., mit Lucian und Minucius Felix verglichen. Zurich, 1873. 8°.

— Aus dem Urchristenthum. Geschichtliche Untersu-chungen in zwangloser Folge. Zurich, 1878. 8°.

— Rom und das Christenthum. Ed. H. Ziegler. Berlin, 1881.

Kestner, A. Die Agape, oder der geheime Weltbund der Christen, von Clemens in Rom unter Domitians Regierung gestiftet. Jena, 1819. 8°.

Kraus, F. X. Roma sotteranea. Freiburg, 1873. 2d ed. 1879.

Laurent, J. C. M. dementis Romani ad Corinthios Epistula. Insunt et altera quam ferunt Clementis epistula et fragmenta. Lipsiae, 1870. 8°.

Lipsius, R. A. Chronologie der romischen Bischofe bis zur mitte des 4 Jahrh. Kiel, 1869. 8°.

LficKE, F. Commentar iiber das Evangelium des Johannes. Bonn. v. I. 1840. 8°.; v. II. 1843. 8°.

Luthardt, C. E. Der johannische Ursprung des vierten Evangeliums untersucht. Ebendas. 1874; tr. English by C. R. Gregory. Edinb. 1875. 8°.

Mayerhoff, E. T. Historisch-critische Einleitung in die petreinischen Schriften. Hamburg, 1835. 8°.

Michaelis, Joh. Dav. Einleitung in die gottlichen Schrifter d. Alten Bundes. Hamburg, 1787'. 40.

M5hler, J. A. Gesammelte Schriften u. Aufsatze. Re-gensburg, 1839. 8°.

Munscher, Wm. Handbuch der christlichen Dogmen-geschichte. Marburg, 1817-18. 3 V. 8°.

Nitzsch, Fried. Grundriss der christlichen Dogmen-geschichte. Berlin, 1870. 8°.

Overbeck, F. Studien zur geschichte der alten Kirche. Schloss-Chemnitz, 1875. 8°.

Reuss, E. (W. E.) Geschichte der heiligen Schriften, Neuen Testaments. Halle, 1842. 5th ed. Braunschweig, 1874. Eng. trans, by Edward L. Houghton, Boston, 1884. 2 v.

— Histoire de la theologie chretienne, au siecle aposto-lique Paris et Geneve. 2 v. 1852. 8°. 3ded. 1864. 8°.

Rosenmuller, J. G. Historia interpretationes librorum sacrorum in ecclesia. Christiana. 3 v. I. and II. Ab apostolorum aetate usque ad Origenem. Heidburghusae, 1795. 160. III. Ab Origene ad Io. Chrysostomum et Cypriano ad Agustinum. Lipsiae, 1807. 160.

Sanday, W. The Gospels in the second century. London, 1876. 8°.

Schiller, Herm. Geschichte des romischen Kaiser-reichs unter der Regierung des Nero. Berlin,iSy2. 8°.

Scholten, J. H. Het Evangelie naar Johannes. Kritisch historisch onderzoek. Leiden, 1864. 8°.

— Die altesten Zeugnisse betr. die Schriften des Neuen Testaments. Historisch untersucht. Mit Bewillung des Verf. aus dem Holland fibers von Carl Manchot. Bremen, 1867. 8°.

Scholz, F. M. A. Einleitung in die heiligen Schriften.

Koln, 1845. 8°. Schuerer, Emil. Lehrbuch der neutestamentlichen

Zeitgeschichte. Leipzig, 1873. 8°. Simon, R. Histoire critique du Vieux Testament. Paris,

1678. 40 [Confiscated]; Rotterdam, 1685. 40. ["Best


Sixtus Senensis. Bibliotheca sancta ... ex prae cipuis catholicae ecclesiae auctoribus collecta. Venet. 1566' f°; Colon. 1626. 40; Neap. 1742.

Skworzow, Const. Patrologische Untersuchungen.

Ueber Ursprung der problemat. Schriften der apostol.

Vater. Leipzig, 1875. 8°. Stowe, C. E. Origin and history of the books of the

Bible, both canonical and apocyrphal. Hartford,

1867. 8°. [Popular. Uncritical.] Tischendorf, Const. Wann wurden unsere Ew.

verfaszt? Lpz. 1865; 4 Aufl. 1866. Tzschirner, H. G. Der Fall Heidenthums. Leipzig,

1829. 8°. Uhlhorn, Gerh. Der Kampf des Christenthums mit

dem Heidenthum. 3 Aufl. Stuttg. 1879; tr. Engl. by

E. C. Smyth and C. J. H. Ropes. N. Y. 1879. 8°. Volkmar, G. Das Evangelium Marcions. Leipzig, 1852.

— Die Religion Jesu und ihre Entwickelung. Leipzig,


—  Der Ursprung unserer Evangelien nach den Urkun-den, laut den neuern Entdeckungen und Verhand-lungen. Zurich, 1866. 8°.

Weizsacker, Karl. Untersuchungen ueber die evan-

gelische Geschichte. Gotha, 1864. Werner, Carl. Geschichte der apologetischen und

polemischen Literatur der Christlichen Theologie.

Schaffhausen, 1861. 8°. Westcott, B. F. A general survey of the history of the

canon of the New Testament. 4th ed. London, 1875.

8°; 5th ed. 1881. 8°.

— The Bible in the church: a popular account of the collection and reception of the Holy Scriptures in the Christian churches. London, 1877.

Wieseler, Karl. Die Christenverfolgungen der Casaren bis zum 3. Jahrh. historisch und chronologisch untersucht. Gutersloh, 1878. 8°.

Yonge, Charlotte M. The pupils of St. John the divine. London, 1868. 8°; new ed. 1878. 8°. [Popular.]

Zeller, Eduard. Die Apostelgeschichte nach ihrem Inhalt und Ursprung Kritisch untersucht. Stuttgart, 1854. 8°.

III. Periodicals.

In the following list the method has been followed of giving only what there seemed to be actual authority for, even when a conjecture seemed perfectly safe. Bracketed dates indicate that only these data are at hand. Where a periodical was still in progress at date of latest information, it is indicated by a short following dash. The abbreviations in parenthesis following some are those of Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. Boston, 1882.

Abhandlungen fur d. Kunde des Morgenlandes, hrsg. v. d.

Deutschen Morgenland. Gesellschaft (at present E.

Windisch). Leipzig, 1859 (?) -1886. 9 V. 8°. Abhandlungen d. konigl. Gessellschaft d. Wissenschaften

zu Gottingen. Gottingen, — 1885. 32 v. 8°. Abhandlungen d. konigl. sachsischen Gesellschaft d.

Wissenschaften. Leipzig, — 1884. 21 v. 8°. (v. 21 =

Philol. hist. Classe. v. 9.)

Academy (The). London, 1869-1886-. 30 v. 40. Acta eruditorum. Lipsiae, 1682-1731. 50 v.; Nova

Acta erud. 1732-76. 43 v. [1764-7 = 2 v.]; Actorum

erud. Suppl. 1692-1734. 10 v.; Ad nov. Act. erud.

Suppl. 1735-57. 8 v.; Indices. 1692-1745. 6 v. 40. Allgemeine evang. luther. Kirchenzeitung. (Luthardt.)

Leipzig, 1868-87. 40. Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung. Halle. 1804-1849. 40.

[Continuation of the " Jenaische."] Allgemeine Monatschrift fur Wissenchaft u. Literatur.

[Halle] Braunschweig, 1851-4. 40. Allgem. Repertorium fur die theolog. Literatur und kirchl.

Statistik. 28 Jahrgg. Berlin, 1833-60 (5?) 111 v. and

Index. 8°. [Jahrg. i-ia, 47 v. hrsg. G. F. H. Reinwald;

12-28 hrsg. H. Reuter.]






Allgcmeine Zeitung. Augsburg. [1847-62. 17 V. 40.]

AUgemeine Zeitg. Milnchen. [1884.]

American Bible Repository. (Am. Bib. Repos.) New

York, 1831-50. 30 v. 8°.

American Catholic Quarterly. (Am. Cath. Q.) Philadelphia, 1876-87. 12 v. 8°. American Church Review. (Am. Church R.) {New

Haven and) New York, and Boston, 1849-87. 50 v. 8°.

[Now " Church Review."]

American Presbyterian Review. (Am. Presb. R.) New York, 1853-71. 20 v. 8°.

Analecta Juris Pontificii. {Rome, Paris, Brux.) Ge-nive, — 1886. 26 serie. sm. f°.

Andover Review (The). Boston, 1884-7. 7 v- 8°.

Annales de Philosophie chretienne. Paris, 1830-1887. 57 An. 8°.

Annales du Monde Relig. [1878.] II.

Annali delle scienze religiose. Roma, 1835. [Still in progress in 1859.]

Annali delle universita. Toscane. Pisa, 1846-. [Parte I. Scienz, novl. XII. {Pisa, 1872.).]

Archaeologia. (Arch.) London, 1770-1879-. 45 v. Archaeologische Zeitung. Hrsg. v. Archaol. Institut d.

Deutschen Reichs (Frankel). Berlin, 1843-1884-.

42 Jg. 4°-Arch. d. Missions. [1866. B.] [= Archives des missions

scientifique et litteraires. Paris, 1850-. 8°.?)

Archiv fiir das Studium der neueren Sprachen u. Litera-

turen. (L. Herrig.) Braunschweig,—1886. 78 V. 8°. Archif f. kath. Kirchenrecht. Innsbr. (now Mainz) 1857-

86-. 56 v. (N. F. 50 v.) Archiv fur theol. Literatur. Regensburg, 1842-3. 2.

Jg. 8°. Archiv fiir Philologie u. Padagogik. Lpz. 18 . — 53.

18 V. 8°. [Suppl. to Neue Jahrbiicher fiir Philolgie u. Padagogik.] Archiv fur Slavische Philologie. Berlin, — 1886-.

9 v. 8°. Archiv fiir alte und neue Kirchengeschichte; (K. F.

Staudlin u. H. G. Tzschirner.) Lpz. 1813-22. 5 V. 'AByvatov. [1872-1876-. 5 v.]

Augsb. allg. Ztng. (1857.) See AUgemeine Zeitung. Augusti's Neue theol. Bibl. I. See Theol. Blatter, etc. Axil, V, cathol. [n. (1845-6.)] Baptist Quarterly Review (The). New York, -1887. 9v.

8°. Beitrage zu den theologischen Wissenschaften in Ver-

bindung mit der theolog. Gesellschaft zu Strassburg

hrsg. Ed. Reussu. Ed. Cunitz. Jena, 1847-55. 6v- 8°-Bejblad van de Heroorming. [1884.] Berichte iiber die Verhandl. d. konigl. Sachs. Gesellsch.

d. Wissenschaften. (Phil. Hist. Class.) Leipzig, 1849-

1886-. 38 V. 8°. Beweis des Glaubens, Der. Monatsschr. zur Begriind. u.

Vertheid. der christl. Wahrh. fur Gebildete, hrsg. von

O. Andrea u. C. Brachmann. Gutersl. 1865-87. 22 v.

(N.F. 7 v.) 8°.

Biblical Review. (Bib. R.) London, 1846-50. 6v. Bibliographie Catholique. Paris, 1841-. 8°. [To 1865.33 V.] Bibliotheca hist.-philolog. theol. Bremensis Cl. Bremae,

1719-. 8°; Nova bibl. Bremensis VI. Classes. Bremae,

1760-66. 8°. Bibliotheca Sacra. (Bib. Sac.) {Andover and) Oberlin,

1844-87. 44 V. 8°.

Blatter fur das bayerische Gymnasialschulwesen. Milnchen, 1865-86-. 22 V. 8°.

Bremisch. und Verdische Bibl. Hamburg. LI7S3-] British and Foreign Evangelical Review, The. London,

-1887. 36 V. 8°. British and Foreign Review. (Brit. & For. R.) London,

1835-44. 18 v. British Quarterly Review. (Brit. Q.) London, 1844-86.

83 V. 8°.

Brownson's Quarterly Review. (Brownson.) Boston and

New York, 1844-75. 24V-Bulletin de l'acad. imper. des sciences de St. Petersbourg.

St. Petersb., Avril, 1886. v. 31. Bulletin critique. -1887.

Bulletin de Correspondence Hellenique. 1877-. v. 1-. Bulletin Theologique. [1869.] 8°. BuUetino di archaeologia cristiana del de Rossi, Roma,

-87. 8°. [1884= an. 2 ser. 4.] Catholic World. (Cath. World.) New York, 1865-86.

44v. Century, The. (Cent.) New York, 1870-1887. 1-34 v.

8°. [Vols. 1-22 under name Scribner's Magazine.] Christian Examiner. (Chr. Ex.) Boston, 1824-69. 87 v.


Christian Observer. (Chr. Obs.) London, 1802-77. 77 V. Christian Remembrancer. (Chr. Rem.) London (1819?),

1841-68. 56 v.

Christian Review. (Chr. R.) Boston, 1836-63. 28 v. 8°. Christijanskoje Tchtenije. Petrop. [1825, 1842.] Churchman, The. New York, -1887. 44 years, sm. f°. Church Quarterly Review. (Church Q.) London, -1886.

22 V. 8°. Civita Cattolica. Napoli, 1850-87. 8°. [12 v. to a series,

and Indexes.] Congregational Magazine. (Cong. M.) London, 1818-45.

28 v. Contemporary Review. (Contemp.) London, 1866-87.

52 V. 8°. Correspondent, Le. 1 ser. Paris, 1843-55. 36 v. 8°;

2 ser. 1856-1864. 1-18. 8°; —1886-. Dansk Kirketidende. [1884.] AsAriov ttjs 'unopiKfjs Ktu iSv. ertup. Tfjq 'E/Uadof. Athens.

[1883.] Deutsche Kirchenfreund, Der. Organ fiir d. gemeinsamen

Interessen dea amerikanisch-deutschen Kirche. Hrsg.

Ph. Schaff. Mercersburg {Philadelphia), 1848-53.

6v. 8°. Deutsche Literaturzeitung. {Roediger) Berlin, 1880-

86. 7 v. 40. Dublin Review. (Dub. R.) London and Dublin, 1836-

867. 99 V. (N. S. 16.) 8°. Dublin University Magazine. (Dub. Univ.) Dublin and

London, 1833-80. 96 v. [78- under title University-Magazine.]

Durham University Journal. [1884.] Ecclesiastical and Theological Review. [1853.] Eclectic Magazine. (Eel. M.) New York, 1844-86.

107 v.

Eclectic Review. (Eel. R.) London, 1805-67. 125 v. Edinburgh Review. (Ed. R.) Edinb. 1802-86-. 164 v. 8°. Eichhorn's Repertorium fur Bibl. u. Morgenland. See

Repertorium, etc.

'~&KKkr)aia[1884-5.] English Review. [1845.] Evangelische Kirchenzeitung, Begriindet von E. W.

Hengstenberg. (Now by Zockler.) Berlin, 1827-

1886-. 119 V. 40. Evangelical Review. (Evang. R.) Gettysburg, Pa., 1850-

70. 21 v. Evangelisches Gemeindeblett f. Rhinland u. Vestfalen.


Expositor (The). London, 1875-1887. 3 s. v. 8°. Flatt's Magazin f. Christl. Moral, etc. See Magazin, etc. Foreign Church Chronicle and Review. 1884-. Fraser's Magazine. (Fraser.) London, 1830-81. 104 v.


Frazer. See Fraser. Freiburger Ztschr. See Ztschr. f. d. Geistl. d. Erzb.

Frieb. (?)

GeloofenVrijheid. [1885.] Gentleman's Magazine. London [1731-1858-. 205 v.

8°; N. S. London, 1868-81-. 27 v. 8°.]






Gersdorf's Repertorium. See Leipziger Repertorium, etc.

Good Words. London, 1860-86. 27 v.

Gottingesche gelehrte Anzeigen, unter der Aufsicht d. konigl. Gesellschaft d. Wissenschaften. Gott. 1886-. 8°.

Guardian. London, — 1886-.

Gymnasialsehulw. See Blatter f. d. bayerische, etc.

Haller Litt. Zeitung. See Allgemeine Literatur-zeitung.

Hallische Allgem. Lit. Ztng. (1849.) See Allgem., etc.

" Halte was du hast." See Ztschr. f. Pastoral-Theol.

Hamburgische Vermischte Bibliothek. Hamb. 1743-5. 3 v. 8".

Harper's Weekly. A Journal of Civilization. New York, — 1887. 31 v. sm. f°.

Hebraica. A quarterly journal in the interests of Semitic study. (Harper, Haupt, and Strack.) Chicago (Now New Haven), 1885-7. 3 V. 8°.

Heidelb. Studien u. Krit. (1851.) [? Perhaps intended for Hamburg. S. u. K. = Theol. Stud. u. Krit.]

Hengstenberg's Kirchenz. See Evangelisch. Kirchenz.

Henke's Magazin f. Religionsphilosophie. See Magazin, etc.

Hermathena. A series of papers on literature, science, and philosophy. By members of Trinity College, Dublin. Dublin and London, 1873-86-. 5 v. 8°.

Hermes. Zeitschrift fur classische Philologie. Berlin, 1866-86-. 21 v. 8°.

Historische politische Blatter fur das kathol. Deutschland, redig. von J. E. Jorg. Munchen. 1838 ff.

Historische Zeitschrift. (Sybel.) Munchen und Leipzig, — 1887-. 58(22)- v. 8°.

Illgen's Ztschr. See Zeitschr. f.

Independent (The). New York, — 1887. 39 v. f°.

Indian Evangelical Review. Calcutta. [1885.]

Jahn's Archiv. See Archiv, etc.

Jahrbucher der bibl. Wissenschaft von H. Ewald. Gott. 1849-65. 12 v.

Jahrbucher fiir classische philologie. Lpz. — 1886-. 134 v. 8°.

Jahrbucher fiir deutsch Theologie (herausg. von Liebner, Dorner, Ehrenfeuchter, Landerer, Palmer, Weizsacker.) Gotha, 1856-78. 23 v. 8°.

Jahrbucher fur Gesellschafts und Staatwissenschaften. Berlin, 1864-9. I2V- 8°-

Jahrbucher fur protestantische Theologie begrundet unter Mitwirkung von mitgliedern der theologischen Facul-taten zu Bern, Bonn, Giessen, Heidelberg, Jena, Kiel, Leiden, Strassburg, Wien, und Zurich, etc. Leipzig, 1875-1887. 13 v. 8°.

Jahrbucher, Neueste, fur Religion-Kirchen u. Schulwesen. Hrsg. Schuderoff. Neustadt a. d. O. — 1831. 61 v. 8°. [For the various series published at Leipzig and at Neustadt a. d. O. from 1802 to 1831, cf. Zuchold I. (1864) 607.]

Jenaer Literaturzeitung (Klette). Jena, 1874-9. 6v. 8°. Journal Asiatique. Paris, 1822-1887. 8 ser. v. 9-. 8°. Journal des Debats, politiques et litteraires. 1814-64-. Journal des Savans. Laris, 1665-1792. Ill v. 40; continued 1816-1887.

Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology. 1854-. Journal of Philology. London and Cambridge, 1868-

83-. 12 v. 8°. Journal of S. Lit. & Bibl. Rec. 1856 (5)-. [= Kitto's

Journal. 3d series. Ed. Burgess. 1855- ?] Journal of the American Oriental Society. Boston, 1849-.

8°. Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis.

{Middletown) Boston, 1880-1886. 8°. Jiidische Zeitschrift fiir Wissenshaft und Leben. Breslau,

1809. Der Katiiolik. Zeitschrift. f. kathol. Wissenschaft u.

kirchl. Leben. Mainz, 1821-1886-. 66 v. Jg. (N. F.

22 Jg.) 8°.


Kath. Monatsschr. [III. (1828.)] [? =Theol.prakt. Monats-schr. zunachst f. Seelsorger. 2te Aufl. Linz. 1810; 4te Aufl. Prag., 1827-32. 30 v. 8°.]

Kirchenhistorisches Archiv (herausgeg. von Staudlin, Tzschirner und I. S. Bater). Halle, 1823-26. 4 V.

Kitto's Journal of Sacred Literature. (Kitto.) London, 1848-68. 40 v.

Krit. Prediger. bibliothek (Rohr). Neust. a. d. 0. 1820-. [Following: Predigerliterat. Zeitz. 1810-14. 3 V. 8°; Neue P—. do. 1815-17. 4 V. 8°; neueste P—. do. 181S-19. jv.

Le Lien. Journal des Eglises reformees de la France.

Paris, 1840-1866-. f°. Literarisches Centralblatt f. Deutschland. (Zarncke.)

— 1887. 40.

Literarischer Handweiser. zunachst fur das katholische Deutschland. Miinster, — 1886-. 25 Jg. 8°. ['Mainz.]

LittelPs Living Age. (Liv. Age.) Boston, 1844-86-. 171 v. 8°.

Literatur Zeitung fur d. Kathol. Religionslehrer. (hrsg. Felder. 16-25 v- &-< followed by Mastraux and then byBesnard). L.andshut, 1816-34. 25 V. I Literarische Rundschau. Freiburg i. Br. 1875-. 40.

Lobb's Theological Quarterly. London, 1884. 40. [Continuation of Dickinson's Theol. Qt.]

London Quarterly Review. (Lond. Q.) London, 1853-81-. 57 V. 8°.

Leipzeiger Repertorium der deutschen u. auslandischen Literatur. (Gersdorf.) Leipzig, 1843-60. 18 v.

Luthersk Ugeskrift. —1887. 21 v.

Magasin de libraire, Le. [1S60. XI., XII.]

Magazin f. d. christlichen Dogmatik u. Moral. Tubing. 1796-1811. 16 V. 8°. [V. 13-16 by Sarskind.j

Magazin fur Religions, Moral u. Kirchengesch. (Staudlin.) Hannover, 1802-5. 4 V. (?)

Magazin fiir Religionsphilosophie, Exeg., u. Kirchengesch. Helmst. 1794-6. 6 v. 8°; Neues Magazin, etc. Helmst. 1719-1802. v. 7-12. 8°.

Mancherlei Gaben u. Ein Geist. Homilit. Vierteljahrsschr. f. d. ev. Deutschland (Ohly). 1864-.

Museum criticum ed Stosch. Lemgo, 1774-8. 3 v. 8°.

Neues kritisches Journal d. theol. Literatur. (Winer u. Engelhardt.) Sulzbach, 1824-30. 9 v. 8°. [Preceded by the Krit. Journal d. neuest. theol. Lit. hrsg. Ammon u. Bertholdt. I. 1-3, JVurnberg, 1813. i-xv. Sulzbach, 1814-23]-

Memoires de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Paris, 1717-1809. 50 v. 40; —1874-. 28 v. 40.

Memoires de Hnstitut. de la France. Paris. 40. [References are to the section; Acad. des Inscr., etc. See Memoires de l'Acad., etc.]

Memoires de la Societe des Antiquaires de France.

Paris, 1807-12. 5 v. 8° (l'Acad. celtique), 1817-34.

10 v. 8° (antiq. nationale et etrang.), Nouv. ser.

!835-5O. 10 v. 8°; 3 serie. 1852-9. 4V. 8°. Memoires de Trevoux. See Mem. pour servir a l'hist.,

etc. Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des sciences et des arts

recueillis par l'ordre de S. A. S. Monseigneur le prince

souverain de Bourbes. Trevoux et Paris, 1701-67.

878 pt. in 265 v. 12°. [Generally known as Memoires de


Memoirs of Literature. London, 1712. 40. Memorial Catholique. 1860-68-. 9 V. [1841.8°.] Mercersburg Review, (Mercersb.) 1849-78. 25 v. Methodist Magazine. (Meth. M.) L-ondon, 1798-1836.

39 v. 8°. Methodist Quarterly. (Meth. Q.) New York, 1841-81.

41 v. 8°. Methodist Review. New York, —1887-. 69 v. (46?)

8°. Cf. Meth. Q. Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca philologica Batava. Lugd. Bat.

— 1886- n. s. 15 v. 8°.

Modern Review. (Mod. R.) London, 1880-4-. 5 v.






Monatsschr. f. Wiss. u. Lit. See AUgemeine Monats-

schr., etc.

Month. London, 1864-86. 58 v. Morgenblatt. fur gebildete Stande. ( Tubing) Stuttgart,

1807-65. 59 Jg. 4°. Neueste theolog. Annalen u. theol. Nachrichten. Zurich,

1826-9. 4v. 8°; Neue Folge. do. 1830. 8°. New Englander. New Haven, 1843-87. 46 V. 8°. New Jerusalem Magazine. Boston, — 1887. nv. 8°. New York Review. (New York R.) New York, 1837-


Niemeyer's Zeitschr. See Zeitschr. f. prot. Geistl. Nieuwe Rotterdamer Courant. [18S4.] Nineteenth Century. (19th Cent.) London, 1877-86.

20 v. 8°. North American Review. (No. Am.) Boston and New

York, 1815-87. 145 v. 8°. North British Review. (No. Brit.) Edinburgh, 1844-

71. 53 V. 8°.

Nouv. Rev. de Theol. See Rev. de Theol. Nova Acta Erudit. See Acta Erud. Nuova Antologia di sienze lettere ed arte. Roma,

— 1884. 19 an. 2 ser. 43 v. 8°.

Oesterrichische Vierteljahrsschrift fur Katholische Theologie. Wien, 1862-63. I2 v- 8°-Otia literar. ad Isalam. Campis. [1761-2.] (?) Phillips u. Gorres. Hist, polit. Bl. See Historische-

politische Bl. Philologus. Zeitschr. f. d. klass. Alterthum. (v. Leutsch)

1846-1886-. 45 v. 8°. Presbyterian Quarterly Review. (Presb. Q.) New York,

1872-77. 6v.

Presbyterian Review. New York, 1880-87. 8 v. 8°. Princeton Review. Princeton and New York. (Princ.)

1829-71. 43V. New series, 1886-. 62 year. n. s.v.4.80. Prospective Review. (Prosp. R.) London, 1845-54.

10 v. 8°. Protestant. Kirchenzeitung fur das evang. Deutschland.

(Websky.) Berl. 1854-86-. 40. Quarterly Review. (Quar.) London, 1809-86-. 163 v.


Radical. (Radical.) Boston, 1866-72. 10 v. Renaissance, La, revue du progres moral et social. Paris.

4°. [Continuation of " La Vie humaine." 1855-9. 5 v.; L'ln-

itiation anc. et mod. i860-; La R. in 1866.]

Repertorium fur bibel. u. morgenl. Literat. Leipzig,

1777-86. i8pts. 8°. Reuss und Cunitz's Beitrage zu den theol. Wissenschaften.

See Beitrage, etc.

Reuter's Repertorium. See AUgem. Rep. f. d. theol. Lit. Revue archeologique. Paris, 1844-1886. (= 3 se'r.

vii.) 8°.

Revue Catholique. Louvain. [1830-, 1835-, 1837-?] Revue Contemporaine. Paris. (—1863 = 2 se'r. v.


Revue critique d'histoire et de litterature. Paris, 1867-

86-. 20 an. 8°. (?) Revue de l'Histoiresdes Religions. Paris, — 1887. 7 an-

Nouv. ser. (14 v.?) 8°. Revue de philologie. Litterature et d' histoire anciennes.

Nouv. ser. (Chatelainet Riemann) 1877-86-. 10 v. 8°. Revue de Theologie et de Philosophie ChrStienne, pub-

liee sous la direction de T. Colani. Strasbourg, 185 7-.

8< id="iii.p9712.1">. [Rev. deThdol. xm. 1S51?]

Revue des etudes Juives. 1880-1887. 8 an. 8°. [1884 =

v.7.] Revue des questions historiques. Paris, 1867-1887. 21

an. (42 v. ?) 8°. Revue des sciences ecclesiastiques. Paris, 1860-86. 54 v.

(6 ser. v. 4) 1887. 8°.

Revue des cours litteraires. Paris, 1863. 40. Revue des deux mondes. Part's, 1829-87. 57 an. 8°. Revue du Lyonnais. Lyon, —1887. t1^1 = B- xxn.]

Revue du Monde Catholique. l859(?)-l88y.

Revue philosophique de la France et de l'etranger

(Ribot). Paris, 1879-87. 12 an. (24 V.?) 8°. Rheinisches Museum fur philologie (Ribbeck u. Bii-

cheler). Frankfort, —1886-. N. F. 41 v. 8°. Rohr's Krit. Prediger-Biblioth. See Krit. Prediger.

Bibl., etc.

Saturday Review. ['877-] Schemer's Ztschr. See Zeitschr. f. d. gesammt. Kath.

Theol. Schuderhoff. See Jahrbiicher fur Religions-, Kirchen-,

. u. Schulwesen. Schulthess. Neuest. Theol. Annal. See Neuest. Theol.

An., etc.

Scottish Church Review. — 1886-. Sitzungberichte derKaiserl. Akademie des Wissenschaften

zu Wien. Phil.-Hist. Bl. Wien, —1886. 110 v. 8°. Staudlein u. Tzschirner Archiv f. Kirchengesch. See

Archiv., etc. Stimmen aus Maria Laach. Katholische Monatschrift.

Freib. i. Br. 1869-84-. 28 v. 8°. Stirm's Studien d. ev. Geistlichkeit Wurtemburgs. See

Studien, etc.

Stosch Mus. crit. See Museum crit. Strassb. theol. Beitr. See Beitrage zu den theol. Wiss. Studia Biblica. Oxford. [1885.] Studien d. evangel. Geistlichkeit. Wurtemburgs. Ed.

Klaiber. (1-82); Stirm, (82-); Stuttg. 1827-48.

20 v. 8°.

Stud. u. Krit. See Theologische Studien u. Krit. Sunday School Times. Philadelphia, — 1887. 29 v.

sm. f°.

Sybel. Histor. Zeitschr. See Hist. Ztschr. Temoignage, Le. Paris. — 1885-. Theol. Blatter oder Nachrichter, Aufragen, u. Bemer-

kungen theol. Inhalts. Gotha, 1796-8. 2 v. 8°; Neue

theol. Blatter, etc. Gotha, 1799-1800. 3 V. 8°. Theological and Literary Journal. (Theo. and Lit. J.)

New York, 1849-61. 13 v. Theological Critic. [1852.] Theological Eclectic Review. (Theol. Eel.) Cincinnati,

1864-70. 7 V. 8°.

Theological Review. (Theo. R.) London, 1864-79. 16 v. Theologisch Tijdschrift. Leiden, 1867-1886. 20 v. 8°. Theologische Jahrbiicher (" herausg. von E. Zeller, seit

1847 von F. C. Bauru. E. Zeller"). Tub. 1842-57.

16 Jg. 80. Theologische Monatschrift. (Alzog, etc.) Mainz, 1850-1.

2 v. 8". Theologische Literaturzeitung. Leipzig, 1876-87. 12 v.

4°-Theologische Quartalschrift. In: Verbind. mit mehr.

Gelehrten herausg. von Drey u. a. Tiib. 1819-1887.

69 V. 8°. Theologisches Literaturblatt. (Luthardt) Leipzig, 1883-

1886. 40. Theologisches Literatur-Blatt. (Ed. Reusch.) Bonn,

1866-77. I2Jg- 4°-Theolog. Mitarbeiten hrsg. Pelt. u. a. Kiel. 1838-41.

4v. 8°. Theol. Studien und Kritiken. Eine Zeitschrift fiir das

gesammte Gebiet der Theologie, begrundet von C. Ull-

mann u. F. W. C. Umbreit, etc. Gotha. 1828-1887.

60 v. 8°. Theologische Studien aus Wurtemberg. Ludwigsburg,

1880-7. 8v. 8°-Theologische Tidsskrift. grundad af A. F. Beckman.

. . . Upsala, — 1887. 27 v. 8°. Theologisk Tidsskrift. for den danske Folkekirke. Kjfben-

havn, — 1887. 8°.

Theol. Tidssk. f. d. Kirke i. Norge. [in. (1886.)] Transactions of the Cambridge Philological Society.

(Postgate.) London, Trubner, — 1886-.






Tub. Theol. Jahrbb. See Theol. Jahrbb.

Tub. Theol. Quartalschr. See Theolog. Quartalschr.

Tubinger Zeitschr. See Zeitschr. f. Theol.

Universalist Quarterly Review. (Univ. Q.) Boston, 1844-

86. 43 V. Vierteljahrsschrift f. Kath. Theol. See Oesterreichische.

Vierteljahrschr. etc. Vierteljahrsschrift fur Theologie u. Kirche. (Liicke u.

Wiseler.) 1845-53. 8°. [In 3 series. Series 2. = Monat-

schrift instead of Vierteljschr, etc.]

Westminster Review. (Westm.) Lond. 1824-86. 126

v. 8°.

Winer's n. kr. Journal. See Neues krit. Journal, etc. Wochentl. Hallische. Anz. [1751.] Woskresnoe Tschenie. [(1S49) No- 33"-] Zeitschrift der deutschen. morgenlandischen Gesellschaft.

Leipzig, — 1887-. 41 v. 8°. Zeitschrift. fur christl. wissenschaft. u. christl. Leben.

1850-1861. 12 Jg. 8°. Zeitschrift fur die gesammte kathol. Theologie, (red. von

J. Scheiner u. J. M. Hausle). Wien, 1850-6. 8 v. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Geistlichkeit des Erzbisth. Freiburg.

Freib. 1828-34. 7 V. 8°. (?) Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte lutherische Theologie und

Kirche, herausg. von A. G. Rudelbach und H. E. F.

Guericke, fortgefuhrt von F. Z. Delitzsch und Gue-

ricke. Leipzig, 1840-78. 39 v. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir die historische Theologie; herausgeg. v.

Ch. F. Ulgen; (1846) von Ch. W. Niedner; (1867-)

von Kahnis. Lpz. 1832-74. (5?) 8°. Zeitschrift. fur die Ssterreichischen Gymnasien. Wien,

— 1884. 35 Jg. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Katholische Theologie. Innsbruck, 1877—

1887. I iv. 8°.

Zeitschrift fiir Kirchengesch. in Verbind. mit W. Gass, H. Reuter u. A. Ritschl, hersg. von Th. Brieger. Gotha, 1876-87. 8v. 8°. ["Bringtjahriichauch gediegeneUeber-sichten iiber die neueste kirchengesch. Literatur."]

Zeitschrift fur Kirchenrecht. Freiburg i. Br. —1887.

22v. (N. F. 7v.) 8°. Zeitschrift fiir kirchl. Wissenschaft u. kirchl. Leben.

(Luthardt.) Leipzig, 1880-87. 8Jg- 8°-Zeitschrift fur Pastoral-Theologie. (Oehler.) Heilbronn,

1878-87. 10 v. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Philosophic u. Kathol. Theol. KUn, 1832-

9. 8v. 8°; Neue Folge, 1842-8. 9 V. 8°. Zeitschrift fur praktische Theologie. Frankfurt a. M.

1879-87. 9 Jg. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir protestantische Geistliche. (Franke u.

Niemeyer.) Halle, 1844-5. 3V- 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Protestantismus und Kirche. (" Herausg.

von Harless, seit 1847 in verb, mit G. Thomasius und

v. Hofmann, dann von letzterem, Heinr. Schmid u.

Adi von Scheurl.") Erl. 1839-76. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Theologie. Tubing. 1828-30. 3 pts. 8°;

1830-40. 11 v. and Index. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Theologie, inVerbindung

mit mehreren Gelehrten, hersg. von A. Hilgenfeld.

Jena, 1858-87. 3°Jg. 8°. Zeitschrift f. wissenschaftl. Theologie, hrsg. Winer. Sulzb.

1826-32. 8°. Zeitschr. f. wiss. u. Leben. (1853.) See Der Katho-

lik. (?) Zeitschr. v. Lucke u. Wieseler. N. F. II. (1850.) See

Vierteljahrsschrift fur Theol.

Zeller's Jahrbiichern. See Theologische Jahrbiicher. Zeitschrift fur vaterlandische Geschichte und Alterthums-

kunde. Milnster, — 1885-. 43 V. 8°.






Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew, the Apostle.. 102

Acts of Andrew and Matthias................... 102

Acts of Barnabas.............................. 101

Acts of Paul and Thecla........................ 101

Acts of Peter and Andrew...................... 102

Acts of Philip.............................101-102

Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John, the

Theologian............................... 103

Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul......ioo-ioi

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thaddeus.............. 103

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas................ 103


Africanus, Julius.............................68-69

Alexander of Alexandria......................74~75

Alexander of Cappadocia......................69-70

Alexander of Lycopolis........................ 73

Ambrose (of Alexandria?).....,.............108-109

Anatolius.................................... 69

Ancient Syriac Documents...................105-109

Andrew and Matthias, Acts of................... 102

Andrew, Peter and, Acts of..................... 102

Apocrypha of the New Testament.............95-105


Apollinaris, Claudius........................... 113

Apostolical Canons........................... 88-89

Apostolical Constitutions......................86-88

Appendix.................................... 117

Appendix to Vol. V............................ 64

Arabic Gospel of the Infancy, The............... 98

Archelaus.................................... 73

Aristo of Pella.............................109-110


Asterius Urbanus.............................81-82


Avenging of the Saviour, The................... 100

Bardesan .................................... 108

Barnabas, Acts of............................. IOI

Barnabas. Epistle...........................16-19

Bartholemew, Martyrdom of.................... 103


Book of John concerning the falling asleep of Mary, The............................... 104

Caius....................................... 63

Canons, Apostolical......................(86) 88-89

Callistus...................................... 105

Church histories............................126-128

Claudius Apollinaris, Bishop of Hieropolis and

Apologist................................. 113

Clementine Homilies. See Clementine Literature.

Clementine Literature, The...................92-95

Clementine Recognitions. See Clementine Literature. Clement of Alexandria ........................38-42

Clement of Rome. Epistles concerning virginity . .91-92 Clement of Rome. Epistle to the Corinthians ..... 1-5

Clement of Rome, Homily of...................89-90

Clement of Rome. Recognitions and Homilies.. .92-95 Clement of Rome, Second epistle of. See Homily of.


Consummation of Thomas the Apostle............ 103

Constitutions of the Holy Apostles..............86-88

Councils..................................... 126


Death of Pilate.............................. 100

Decretals, The................................ 105

Didache, The................................83-86

Diognetus, Epistle to........................... 5—7

Dionysius of Alexandria.......................66-68

Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth.................... 112

Dionysius of Rome...........................82-83

Edessa, Memoirs of, etc......................105-109

Encyclopaedias................................ 124

Epistles concerning virginity, The two...........91-92

Epistle to Diognetus........................... 5-7

Esdras, Revelation of.......................... 104

Falling asleep of Mary......................... 104

Fortunatus, Venantius.......................... 81

Giving-up of Pontius Pilate..... ................ 99

Gospel of the Infancy, The Arabic............... 98

Gospel of pseudo-Matthew...................... 97

Gospel of the nativity of Mary................... 97

Gospel of Nicodemus..........................98-99

Gospel of Thomas............................. 98

Gregory Thaumaturgus........................65-66

Guria........................................ 107

Habib....................................... 107


Hermas, Pastor of............................30-33

.Hippolytus................................. .55—58

History of Joseph the Carpenter................97-98

Homilies of Clement. See Clementine Literature. Homily ascribed to Clement....................89-90

Ignatius. Epistles............................10-15

Martyrdom of....................... 15

Infancy, Gospel of..........,.................. 98


Irenaeus (Pseudo). Letter of the Churches in

Vienna and Lugdunum..................... 116

Jacob of Sarug................................ 107

James, Protevangelium of......................96-97

John, Acts of................................. 103

John, Revelation of............................ 104




Joseph the Carpenter, History of................97-98

Joseph, The Narrative of,................ ...... 100

Julius Africanus............................. 68-69

Justin Martyr. Various works.................21-26

Martyrdom..................... 26


Letter of the Churches of Vienna and Lugdunum.

See Irenaeus (Pseudo). Letter of Pontius Pilate concerning our Lord Jesus

Christ.............. ..................... 99

Liturgies, Early....... ...................... 90

Lives of Saints and Martyrs..................... 126

Lyons, Vienna and, Letter of the Churches of. See

Irenaeus (Pseudo).


Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bar-

tholemew................................ 103

Mary, Falling asleep of......................... 104

Mary, Gospel of the Nativity of................. 97

Mary, Passing of..........................104-105

Mathetes. Epistle to Diognetus................. 5-7

Matthew, Acts and Martyrdom of................ 102

Matthew (Pseudo), Gospel of.................... 97

Matthias, Andrew and, Acts of.................. 102

Maximus, Bishop of Jerusalem.................. 113

Melito...... .............................110-111

Memoirs of Edessa and Ancient Syriac Documents ................................105-109


Minucius Felix................ ........... .. 47"5O

Miscellaneous works........................128—129

Moses of Chorene..........................107-108

Moses, Revelation of..........................â–  104

Narrative of Joseph........................... 100

Nativity of Mary, Gospel of..................... 97

New Testament Apocrypha...................95~IO5

Nicodemus, Gospel of.........................98-99




Famphilius................................... 72

Pantaenus, the Alexandrian Philosopher.......115-116

Papias. Fragments..........................19-21

Passing of Mary...........................104-105

Pastor of Hermas............................3°-33


Paul and Thecla, Acts of....................... 101

Paul, Peter and, Acts of....................100-101

Paul, Revelation of............................


Peter and Andrew, Acts of...................... 102

Peter and Paul, Acts of......................100-101

Peter of Alexandria........................... 74

Phileas..................................... 71

Philip, Acts of...............................101

Philip in Hellas.............................. 102

Pierius of Alexandria.........................7°~7i

Pilate, Pontius, The Death of................... 100

The Giving-up of................ 99

Letter concerning Christ......... 99

Report of, concerning Christ...... 99

Polycarp. Epistle to the Philippians.............7-10

Martyrdom of....................... 10


Protevangelium of James......................96-97

Pseud.-Irenaeus (Letter of the Churches of Vienna

and Lugdunum) ............... ......... 116

Pseudo-Clementine Literature................. 92-95

Pseudo-Matthew, Gospel of.......,.............. 97

Quadratus.................................... 109

Recognitions of Clement. See Clementine literature.

Remains of the second and third centuries.....109-116

Report of Pilate, the Procurator, concerning our

Lord Jesus Christ.......................... 99

Report of Pontius Pilate..................____ 99

Revelation of Esdras.......................... 104

Revelation of John............................ 104

Revelation of Moses........................... 104

Revelation of Paul............................ 104

Rhodon....................,.....,,,,,,,. ,112-113

Saints and Martyrs, Lives of.................... 126

Serapion, Bishop of Antioch ................... 114


Teaching of the Twelve Apostles................83-86


Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs............90-91

Thaddaeus. See Addaeus.

Thaddeus, Acts of............................. 103

Theodotus......................... .......... 91

Theognostus of Alexandria..................... 7°

Theonas of Alexandria......................... 71

Theophilus, bishop of Cesarea in Palestine........ 114

Theophilus of Antioch........................35~36

Thomas, Acts of............................... 103

Thomas, Consummation of...................... 103

Thomas, Gospel of............................. 98

Twelve Patriarchs, Testaments of...............90-91

Various works.............................123-129

Venantius Fortunatus.......................... 81

Victorinus.................................... 82

Vienna and Lyons, Letter of the Churches of. See Irenaeus (Pseudo).







The Ante-Nicene Fathers.



Author of Index to " Lange's Commentary on the Old Testament."





Aaron, i, 6,60; an example of circumspect behavior, viii, 65; anointed, 89; and Miriam, their sin against Moses, i, 573.

Abbanes, a merchant, buys the Apostle Thomas from the Lord, to be a carpenter for Gundaphoros, an Indian king, viii, 535; thrown into prison by Gundaphoros, 539; released, 540.

Abbot, Ezra, referred to, ii, 522.

Abdera, proverbial for stupidity, vi,


Abeddadan, i, 60.

Abel, i, 6, 81, 89, 119; ii, 105; name and nature of, viii, 243; the offering of, i, 485; ii, 105; killed by Cain, viii, 565; buried by angels, 570.

Abgar, reign of, viii, 702; trouble between Herod and, 702; builds Edessa, 702; arranges between Ardaches and his brothers, 703; helps Aretas against Herod, the Tetrarch, 703; sends deputies to Marinus, 703; hears from them of Jesus Christ, 703; suffering from a disease, writes a letter to Jesus, 558, 651, 704; copy of the letter sent by, 652, 704; reply of Jesus to, 652, 704, who sends an image of himself on a towel, which heals him, 558; Thaddeus visits and heals, 558, 652, 653, 704; Abgar is converted, and intends to destroy the Jews for crucifying Christ, 656, 662; writes to Tiberius, 656, 662, 705; answer from Tiberius to, 705; writes to Narses of Assyria concerning Addaeus, 662, 705, and to Ardaches concerning Simon, 706; is made bishop of Edessa, 663.

Abiathar, the high priest, wishes to obtain Mary as wife for his son, viii, 371; proclaims that a protector should be sought for Mary, 372; gives to Mary and Joseph "the water of drinking of the Lord " to drink, 373, 374.

Abiding city, not here, ii, 31.

Abiram, i, 6, 60.

Abominations practised by the Valen-tinians, i, 324.

Abortion, a heathen crime, iv, 192.

Abraham, i, 7, 9, 13, 81, 84, 142, 178; ii, 107; viii, 186; elect, ii, 445; saw the day of Christ, i, 467, 469; waited for the promises of God, 561; had faith identical with ours, 492; both covenants prefigured in, 495,496; vain attempt of Marcion to exclude him from Christ's salvation, 470; meaning of the sacrifice of, vi, 325; the posterity of, viii, 186

Abram, i, 7; meaning of, ii, 446.

Abraxas, Bassilides' doctrine of, i, 350; iii, 649.

Absalom, i, 60.

Absolution, form of, iii, 668.

Abstraction from material things necessary to the knowledge of divine truth, ii, 460.

Absurdity of the heretics concerning the creation, i, 362 seq.

Abudem, viii, 447.

Abusive language, punished by law, vi, 487.

Abyss, what is meant by, viii, 43.

Academics, vii, 15, 71; confused teaching of, v, 21.

Acantho, mother of the fourth Sun, vi, 480.

Acceptable year of the Lord, i, 391.

Access, Prayer of, vii, 559, 567.

Accius Navius and Tarquinius Priscus, vii, 51.

Accommodation, unknown to Christ and his apostles, i, 417.

Accused, the, on, viii, 637.

Accusers, false, to be punished, vii, 416, 418; qualification of, viii, oi 6; how to be treated, 617; disqualification of, 637.

Acdestis, birth of, vi, 491; a hermaphrodite, 491 ; self-mutilated by the craft of Bacchus, 491; love of Attis, 492; fatal consequences of this fury, 492.

Achaia, Christianity attested by miracles in, vi, 438.

Achamoth, account of, i, 320; origin of the visible world from, 321;

iii, 513; shall at last enter the Pleroma, i, 325 ; iii, 518; asserted to be referred to in Scripture, i, 326.

Acharneis quoted, ii, 506.

Acheron, vi, 439, 500.

Acherusian Lake, the, viii, 578.

Achilles, vi, 485; and Polyxena, Pel-eus and Thetis, Prometheus, viii, 265.

Acinetos, i, 316; iii, 507.

Acorns and chestnuts, the food of primitive men, vi, 442, 459.

Acrisius, buried in temple of Minerva at Larissa, vi, 508.

Acta Pauli et Theclse, referred to, iii, 677.

Actaeon, the horned hunter, vi, 473.

Action better than speech, ii, 310.

Actions, involuntary and voluntary, ii, 361, 362; wicked, to be avoided, viii, 336.

Actors, freed from taxes, vi, 488.

Acts, the genuine, of Peter of Alexandria, vi, 261 seq.

Acts of the Apostles, Pamphilus' summary of contents, vi, 166-168.

Acts of the Apostles, Apocryphal, viii,

354-Andrew and Matthias, viii,

356, 517 seq.

Barnabas, viii, 355, 493 seq. John, viii, 357, 560 seq. Paul and Thecla, viii, 355,487

seq. Peter and Paul, viii, 355, 477

seq. Peter and Andrew, viii, 526


Philip, viii, 355, 497 seq. Pilate, i, 175; viii, 416-434,


Sharbil, viii, 676 seq. Thaddaeus, viii, 357, 558 seq. Thomas, viii, 535 seq. Acts and Martyrdom of Andrew, viii,

356,511 seq. Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew,

viii, 528 seq. Adaeus and Maris, Liturgy of, vii, 561-

57«-Adam, i, 6, 71, 89, 114; ii, 105 ; called




father, i, 6; the first made a partaker of salvation, 455; in Paradise, 531; the perfect man, v, 49; anointed a priest, viii, 90; had he the spirit? 241; was not ignorant, 241; temptation and fall, vii, 62; a poem on, iv, 133; sinned on the sixth day of creation, 1, 551; his repentance signified by the girdle which he made, 457; why driven out of paradise, 457; death of, 552; analogy between the first and second, 454; type of Christ, vi, 318; of the father, 402; in Hades testifies to Jesus, viii, 436; delivered from Hades, 437; brought into paradise, 437, 456 ; and Eve and the family of, 565; sickness of, 565; sends Seth and Eve for the " oil of mercy," 566; the death of, 569; the body of, seen by Eve lying on the face, and angels praying for, 569; raised into paradise, 569; funeral rites for, and burial of, performed by angels, 570.

Adam and Eve, the story of, according to the Ophites, i, 356.

Adas, Finees, and Egias, the testimony of, to the ascension of Jesus, viii, 422, 425, 432, 445, 447; report of the resurrection of Ka-rinus and Leucius, 254.

Addseus the Apostle, extracts from various books concerning, viii, 655 seq.; preaching and teaching of, at Edessa, 655,657seq.; Assyria allotted to, 656; heals Abgar and others, 657; builds a church, 660, 671; many conversions under the preaching of, 661, 662; builds churches in the villages, 663; appoints Abgar bishop of Edessa, 663; addresses the nobles and chief men, 663; death of, 664; lamented by Christians and Jews alike, 664; is buried by King Abgar, 664, who follows in the footsteps of, 664.

Address, hortatory, of Justin, i, 273-289.

Address of Tertullian to magistrates,

i". I7> 56, 57-Adelphius of Thasvalto, on baptism,

v, 569.

Admetus served by Apollo, vi, 484. Adonis loved by Proserpine, vi, 485. Adornment, personal, vii, 392. Adrian, Emperor, his epistle in behalf

of the Christians, i, 186. Adulterers punished with death, vi,


Adultery, i, 35, 108, 143; vii, 463; lenient treatment of, iv, 74, 75; forbidden in the Decalogue, 77; extreme sinfulness of, v, 332,334; coupled with idolatry and murder, iv, 68; its condemnation under the Gospel, 79; law of Moses no precedent for judging it, 80, nor Christ's pardon of the adulterer, 85; apostolic judgment of,

85 ; St. Paul's severity towards, 86-93; has no absolution on earth, 94; testimony of St. John, 95; epistle of Barnabas on, 97; analogy of leprosy, 97.

Adultery, spiritual, viii, 243; evils of, 255; of the gods, 259; advocated by philosophers, 260.

Advent of Christ, vii, 215 ; foretold by Moses, i, 473; the prophets and righteous men, 474; precursors of, ii, 519; benefits of the, 202; Peter of Alexandria, on, vi, 280; the second, viii, 584.

Advent, the, of the true Prophet, viii, 88.

Advents of Christ, i, 210, 221, 253, 254; iii, 172, 326; viii, 90, 95.

Macus, son of Jupiter, first builder of temples, vi, 507; loved by the Nereid, 485.

jEgeates, or ^Egeas, proconsul, and the Apostle Andrew, viii, 511; threatens Andrew with crucifixion unless he sacrifices to the gods, 512; threatened with violence by the people for his harsh treatment of Andrew, 513; calls Andrew before his tribunal and again threatens him, 513; tortures Andrew, and orders him to be crucified, 513; the people cry out against, 514; visits Andrew on the cross, and desires to release him, 515; the miserable death of, 516.


Elon of Cynopolis, epistle to, by Alexander of Alexandria, vi, 299. , held that the Novensiles were the Muses, vi, 474.

^Eneas, characterized, iii, 138; son-in-law of Latinus, vi, 461; son of Venus, 485 ; deified, 474.

^Eon, meaning of the term, i, 316; the twelfth, the sufferings of, not to be deduced from Scripture, 387; nor typified by the woman with the issue of blood, 392.

^Eons, v, 86, 89,91,118; the thirty of Valentinus, i, 316; iii, 506, 507; their names, i, 316; iii, 506, 507; how they are said to be indicated in Scripture, i, 317, 319; the production of, 373, 379; further inquiry into and refutation of the speculations respecting the, 380, 381; the theory of, further exposed, 382, 384; iii, 520; the twelve apostles not types of the twelve, i, 389; the thirty not typified by the baptism of Jesus in his thirtieth year, 390.

^Eschines quoted, ii, 485.

/Eschylus, on the unity of God, i, 290; quoted, i, 290; ii, 109, IIO, 139, 418, 445, 450, 471, 474, 482; Chcephorse, quoted, ii, 378.

iEsculapius, i, 170, vii, 19, 51, 226; fables about, invented by the devil, i, 233; son of Coronis, vi, 422; killed by lightning, 424,484; deified because he discovered use of herbs, 423, 424, 474; giver of

health, 459, 470; distinguished by his staff, 517; golden beard torn from a statue of, 515; three gods named, 480; vintage festival of, 531; brought to Rome in form of a serpent, 536.

-(Ether, father of Jupiter, vi, 480, shown not to be a god, 473.

^Ethusa loved by Apollo, vi, 485.

^Etna, torches of Ceres lit at, vi, 499, 5°3-

Affections, Stoics' opinion on, vii, 179; Peripatetics, 179, 180; right use of, 181; of the soul, 298; summary of above, 323.

Affliction of Christ, i, 139.

Afflictions, the, of the righteous, suffered for the remission of sins, viii, 294, and persecutions, purpose of, v, 501; are not to be feared, 501; predicted before, 502.

Affrodosius, an Egyptian governor, convinced that the child Jesus is a god, viii, 377.

Africanus, letter to Origen, iv, 385.

Africanus, Julius, life and works, vi,

123, I24, I4°-

Agapse, Christian, ii, 238; rule of offerings at, vii, 411; abuse of the term by heretics, vi, 403.

Agape, i, 396.

Agatho quoted, ii, 475.

Agathopus, i, 85, 91, 109, 112, 119, 127.

Agdus, Mount, vi, 491.

Age, necessary for the ordination of a presbyter, viii, 640.

Ages the two, viii, 339.

Agesarchus, vi, 509.

Aggaeus, ill-treated by one of Abgar's sons while preaching, viii, 665, 706; ministry of, in Persia, Assyria, etc., 671.

Agnos-tree, vi, 348; emblem of the resurrection, 375.

Ahymnus of Ausvaga, on baptism, v,

... 57°;..

Aides, viii, 197, 201.

Aii Locutii, vi, 420.

Ainos, i, 317.

Alba, founded by Ascanius, vi, 461; flourished for 400 years, 528; incense unknown in, 528.

Alban Hill, white bulls sacrificed on, vi, 460.

Albigenses, ii, 62.

Alee, brother of Nicetes, i, 42, 92, 96.

Alcibiades, the Hermas modelled after, vi, 511.

Alcibiades, Christian writer, vii, 337.

Alcmseon quoted, ii, 484.

Aicmena, seduced by Jupiter, vi, 460, 498; mother of the Theban Hercules, 483.

Alcyone, vi, 485.

Alemanni, said to have been overcome because Christians were to to be found amongst them, vi, 417.

Aletheia, the aeon so-called, i, 316; how the passion is said to be indicated in Scripture, 319; of Ptolemy, 333; revealed by Tetrad,




337; the numerical value of does not square with Valentinians,


Alexander the Great, flattered by his preceptor, Aristotle, ii, 65.

Alexander of Alexandria, notices of, vi, 289, 290; epistle of, to Alexander of Constantinople, 291; epistle, Catholic, of, 297; epistle to the clergy of Alexandria and Mareotis, 299; to Mg-lon of Cynopolis, 299; on the incarnation and passion of Christ, 299 seq.

Alexander of Cappadocia, vi, 153; epistle of, to the church at Antioch, 154; to Origen, 154; to the Antinoites, 154; to Demetrius of Alexandria, 154.

Alexander of Lycopolis, life and writings, vi, 239, 240; theories concerning his history, 253; a witness to the Christian faith, 253.

Alexander of Phrygia, martyrdom of, viii, 782.

Alexander of Rome, i, 416.

Alexander, the Syriarch, falls in love with Thecla, and brings her before the governor of Antioch, viii, 489; his atrocious conduct toward her, 490.

Alexandria, canons of, v, 257; centre of Christian culture, ii, 165; vi, 257; catechetical school of, ii, 342; letter of Peter of Alexandria to the church at, vi, 280; presbyters of, 298; deacons of, 298; its ecclesiastical independence, 304.

Alexandria, church of, suffering and martyrdoms in, vi, 108 seq.

Alexandrian school, its origin from Apollos, vi, 236; its influence on Catholic theology, 289, 303.

Alexandrians, epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria to the, vi, 108.

Alexis quoted, ii, 273.

Alford referred to, i, 399; iii, 465.

Alimontian mysteries, vi, 500.

All saints, homily on, vi, 72; feast of,

Allatius Leo, vii, 533. Allegorical explanation of myths, vi, 464, 475; rejected by Arnobius,

475) 476-

Allegories, the, of Orpheus and He-siod, relating to the heathen cosmogony, viii, 200; relating to Jupiter, 201; relating to Venus, 201; uselessness of, 201; an after-thought of the heathen, 202; of mythology, 203; the bad actions ascribed to the gods attempted to be explained by, 256, 264; the inventors of these stories of the gods blameworthy, 265, 266.

Alms-giving, i, 16, 148; ii, 16, 20, 54> 57^> exhortation to, v, 478-484; extent of, in the primitive church, 563; duty of, vii, 178, 468, 470; to whom due, 397; ordered by the bishop, 411; proportion to clergy and others, 411,

427; not to be boasted of, 430; excellence of, 522.

Alope loved by Neptune, vi, 485.

Alpha, Jesus, why called, v, 97.

Alphabet, ii, 65.

Altar, the, vii, 538, 542, 543, 546, 547, 562, 565; epistle and gospel sides of, 542, 562, 563; prayer at, 538; reverence to, 563, 566; oblation at, 486; place of bishop at, 486; separate or schismatic forbidden, 502.

Altars, symbols of heaven and earth, vii, 351.

Alusis, letter of, in behalf of the Christians, viii, 688.

Alzog, referred to, i, 187.

Amanuensis, of Hippolytus, v, 202.

Amalthea, goat of, vii, 36.

Amazons, laws of the, viii, 731; strange stories of the, 188.

Ambiguity, of words, Jupiter ensnared by, vi, 489; of Plato, i, 282.

Amen, i, 185, 186; vii, 539, 542; use of, 560.

Ambrose, memorial of, viii, 722, 739; speaks of his conversion, 739; of the folly he found in Homer, 739 seq.; exhorts the Greeks to be instructed in the word of God, 741.

American editor's elucidations and notes; see elucidations.

Amis, the city of, viii, 558.

Ammonius, i, 155.

Amnon, sins of, an admonition, viii, 64.

Amon, an example of a sinner, vii, 408.

Amos, prophecy of the last days, v,


Amours of Jupiter, viii, 258, 259.

Amphion quoted, ii, 470.

Amphitheatre, to be abhorred even by heathen, iii, 87; place of bloodshed and wickedness, vi, 488.

Amphitrite, loved by Neptune, vi, 485.

Amusements, good and bad, ii, 289; public (spectacles), forbidden, to Christians, 290.

Amymone, loved by Neptune, vi, 485.

Anacharsis, forbids heathen mysteries, ii, 177.

Anacreon quoted, ii, 483; v, 53.

Anacletus, i, 69, 416.

Analogies, heathen, to Christ's doctrine, i, 169; to Christ's history, 170; to the sonship of Christ, 170.

Analysis of Origen's treatise against Celsus, iv, 681-688; of Arnobius' treatise against the heathen, vi,


Ananias, the high-priest of the Jews, a letter to, from the philosophers of Hellas respecting Philip, viii, 504; comes to Hellas to oppose Philip, 505; discussion of, with Philip, 505; has his hand dried up and his eyes blinded, 505; Jesus appears visibly before, yet he remains in unbelief, 505; receives his sight through Philip's prayer, yet is still impenitent, 506; the earth swallows him up to the

knees, 506; swallowed up as far as the neck, 506; a demon cast out in the presence of, but he will not believe, 507; goes down into Hades, 507.

Ananias, a cousin of King Abgarus, sent to Jesus, viii. 558; returns with the picture of Jesus to the king, 558.

Ananias, i, 17,178; proof of resurrection, 531; his persecution, 558.

Anaphora, the second part of the canon of the liturgy, vii, 534; the oblation, 535; prayer of, 555; of St. James' liturgy, restoration of attempted, 534.

Anastasius quotes Justin, i, 302.

Anastasius Sinaita, referred to, i, 115, 57O.

Anathemas, on twelve heretical tenets, vi, 50, 53.

Anatolius of Alexandria, paschal canon of, vi, 146 seq.; Easter table of, 150; on mathematics, 152; life and works, 145.

Anaxagoras, called atheist, i, 376; his theory of mind, iii, 192; cosmogony of, v, 14; testifies to the existence of God, vi, 14.

Anaximander quoted, i, 274, 376; cosmogony of, v, 13.

Anaximenes quoted, i, 274; cosmogony of, v, 14; his theory of God, vii, 14.

Ancestors, authority of, vii, 50.

Anchises, loved by Venus, vi, 422,


Ancient of days, v, 189.

Ancient customs, not adhered to by heathens, as well as by Christians, vi, 459, 460.

Andocides quoted, ii, 483, 485.

Andreas Csesarensis referred to, i, 155.

Andrew, i, 153; address of, viii, 92; rebukes Peter, 115; ministry of, in Nicsea, etc., 671.

Andrew, Acts and Martyrdom of, viii, 356, 511 seq.; and Matthias, Acts °f> 356, 517 seq.; and Peter, Acts of, 526 seq.; conversation between, and ^Egeates, 511; threatened by ^Jgeates with crucifixion, 512; cited before the tribunal of ^Egeates, 513; apostrophizes the cross, 513, 514; tortured and crucified, 514; discourses to the people from the cross, 514; addresses ^Egeates from the cross, 514, 515; refuses to be released from the cross, 515; surrounded with splendor on the cross — his dead body taken down by Maximilla, 515; another account of — Jesus appears to, and sends him to Matthew, to the country of the man-eaters, 517; the Lord, in the disguise of a pilot, conducts him by sea to the place of his destination, 518; requested by the pilot, he relates the miracles of his Teacher, and the cause of the Jews' rejection of him, 519; gives a curious nar-




rative of the ministry of Jesus, and of the opposition of men to him, 519, 520; carried by the angels from the boat to the city of the man-eaters, 520; vision of his disciples, 521; Jesus appears to, as a child, 521; enters the city of the man-eaters, and visits Matthew in prison, 521; lays his hands on the men deprived of sight in prison, and heals them, 521, 522; walks about the city, and beholds its abominations, 522; by prayer stays the hand of inhuman executioners, 523; rebukes the devil, 523; sought for by the man-eaters, he shows himself to them. 523; dragged repeatedly by ropes through the city, till his hair and flesh are torn off, 523; causes an alabaster statue to send forth water, and flood the city, and drown the inhabitants, 524; sends down certain bad men into the abyss, 525; brings to life the men that were drowned, 525; when he is leaving the city Jesus appears to him as a child, and sends him back, 525; caught up in a luminous cloud, and conveyed to a mountain, where were Peter and others, 526; Jesus appears to, and sends him to a city of the barbarians, 526; what befell him there, 526 seq.

Andromeda, viii, 199.

Anemurium, the city of, Barnabas preached at, viii, 494.

Angel of the covenant, the Son of God, v, 627, 631.

Angel guardian, office and benefits of, vi, 24; of infants, viii, 48; of generation, 49; of the sun, 50.

Angel, an, appears to Anna, viii, 362, 369; to Mary, 363; to Joseph, 364>3735 t0 Joachim, 370; shows to the people the vile demon that dwelt in the temple at Astaruth,


Angels, i, 68,88,118,148; nature of, iv, 241,256; the world not made by, i, 361; could not be ignorant of the supreme God, 365; not essentially (inherently) good, iv, 257; how they transgressed, i, 190,238; vi, 370; vii, 64, 231; unawares, viii, 192; appearance of, how caused, viii, 49; their freedom, i, 250, 269, 301; ii, 142; are spiritual beings, ii, 493; number of, viii, 585; ministry of, ii, 517, 518, 575; various offices, iv, 264; souls of, iv, 287; the fall of and its cause, viii, 272; incite to good and evil, iv, 332; how superior to men, iv, 509; ministering spirits, iv, 544, 650, 664; not to be invoked, iv, 544, 650-652, 661; not worshipped by Jews, iv, 545; inferior given to Gentiles, ii, 524; bear sway over nations, viii, 178; guardian, ii, 533; viii, 108;

give in to God at sun-setting their report of the conduct of men, viii, 575; the two, ii, 24, attend men at their death, viii, 576; fallen, evil seducers, viii, 140; discoveries made by, 273; taught idolatry, iii, 62, astrology, 65, astronomy, divination, and other arts, viii, 49; the giant offspring of, 273; demons sprung from the fallen, 274; the metamorphoses of, 272; the names of, used as incantations, vi, 425; called days, viii, 50; different orders of, 50; of human flesh, unborn, iii, 328. Anger, i, 17, 35,54; ",49! defined, vii, 274; necessary to punishment, 274; of God, against sin, 273; unlike man's, 277; witnessed to by the sibyls, 278, and by the oracle of Apollo, 279; the mischief of, viii, 25; righteous, 153, 205; of God, a treatise by Lac-tantius, vii, 259 seq. Anicetus, i, 416, 569; iii, 630. Animal men, the, of the Valentinians, i, 324; pass into the intermediate habitation, 326. Animals, creation of, vii, 60, 382; noxious, 199; figure of, 286; theories of Epicurus, 287; man closely allied to the other, vi, 440, 441, 443, 444; man not morally superior to the other, 520, 521; deified and worshipped, 420; viii, 148; cloven-footed, i, 144; ruminant, 143; forbidden or allowed as food to Israel, spiritual significance of, 143; clean and unclean, a figure of the gift of the Holy Spirit, 533; a figure of the church, Jews and heretics, ii, 555; and plants, illustrating the providence of God, viii, 172. Animosity of the Jews, viii, 91. Anna, type of the Gentiles, vi, 391. Anna, the wife of Joachim, bewails her barrenness, viii, 361, 369; is visited by an angel, and promised a child, 362, 369; gives birth to Mary—her song of praise; 362, 371; married to Cleophas after the death of Joachim, 382. Annas, the son of, killed by the child

Jesus, viii, 378, 395. Annas and Caiaphas, various references to, viii, 416, 423, 425, 433, 447 seq.,512; inherit Levi's curse, v, 164.

Annubion (also Anubion), and Ap-pion, viii, 205, 207, 252, 342, 344; explains the design of Simon Magus' transformation of Faus-tinianus, 207, and of Faustus, 344; persuades Matthidia to go to Antioch with Faustinianus, 207, 208. Annunciation, the, homilies on, vi, 58-


Anointing, viii, 89; in baptism, v, 376; vii, 431, 469, 476; thanksgiving at, 476.

Anonymous writers quoted, ii, 288,

291. 337, 385. 473. 475-Ansus appointed bishop of Rome by

Peter, viii, 675.

Answer to the Jews, a treatise by Tertullian, iii, 151 seq.; date of, 151 occasion of writing, 151. Ant, Jupiter's conversion into an, vi,


Antaradus, viii, 292.

Ante-Nicene theology, its freedom from errors, iv, 223; reliance on Holy Scripture, 223; its understanding of church teaching, 240,

382, 3§3-

Anterus, Epistle of, viii, 626 seq.

Anthem, the, vii, 553.

Anthrobians, the, vii, 133.

Anthropopathism of God, how explained, ii, 362; v, 611, 615, 644.

Anthropos, meaning of the term, vii, 41.

Antichrist, i, 34, 138; vii, 215, 354; prophecy of, v, 190, 204—206, 214, 216, 217, 242 seq.; springs from the tribe of Dan, 207; his two advents, 217; coming of, iv, 211; at hand, v, 346, 349; how prefigured, i, 558; his reign and death, 558; different names answering, 559; the fraud, pride, and tyranny of the kingdom of, 553; concentrates in himself the apostasy, 557; the ideal evil, iv, 594; the number of the name of, i, 558, 559; the man of sin iii, 453, 463; seen by Esdras in Tartarus, a description of, viii, 572, 573; seen and described by John, 582, time of the continuance of, 583.

Antichrist and Christ, a treatise of Hippolytus on, v, 204 seq., 243.

Antidoron, the, vii, 356.

Antimachus quoted, ii, 483.

Antinoites, epistle of Alexander of Cappadocia to the, vi, 154.

Antioch, church at, i, 48, 85, 91, 96, 100, 129; epistle of Alexander of Cappadocia, to, vi, 154; seat of early Christians, ii, 87; see of Theophilus, 88; excitement at, caused by Simon Magus, viii, 206.

Antiochians, genuine and supposed epistle of Ignatius to them, wherein he speaks of his bonds, of the true doctrine concerning Christ against the views of early heretics, and exhorts them to certain duties, i, no-112.

Antiochus, v, 184, 214.

Antiochus of Cyzicum, sacrilege of, vi,

Antipas, martyr, iii, 646. Antiphanes, the theogony of, i, 376;

quoted, ii, 272. Antipho quoted, ii, 483. Antipodes, theory of, incredible, vii,


Antiquity, the most fertile source of

errors, vi, 429. Antisthenes, testifies to the unity of

God, vii, 14; quoted, ii, 193,470. Antonianus, epistle of Cyprian to, v,




Antonines, the, ii, 5.

Antoninus, Emperor, epistle in behalf of the Christians, i, 186; is exhorted by Melito to acquaint himself with God, and to seek the way of truth, viii, 751 seq.

Antonius Melissa quotes Justin, i,

3°2-Antonius, father of Simon Magus, viii,

98. Antony and Cleopatra, history of, vi,


Anubis, dog-faced, vi, 517.

Anytus, ii, 66.

Apator, i, 322.

Apelles, history of, iii, 257, 526; v,

"5. 147-

origin of his heresy, 257; his views concerning Christ's body, 526,529,653; answer to, 527.

Aphorism, a striking one, v, 230.

Aphrodite, viii, 198; and Kronos, 265.

Apion, the grammarian, ii, 60.

Apis, born in the Peloponnese, vi, 422; called Serapis by the Egyptians, 422; those punished who revealed the abode of, 509.

Apocalypse, commentary on the, vii, 344 seq.; notes on, 360; vision of interpreted, iv, 160; early received at Rome, v, 600; how understood, vi, 82; authorship of, 83, no; purpose of, vii, 360; saturates the liturgies, 561.

Apocalypses, Apocryphal, viii, 358.

Apocrisarii, meaning of, viii, 610.

Apocrypha of the New Testament, introductory notice to, viii, 349 seq.

Apocryphal books, condemned, vii, 457; of the Marcosians, i, 344.

Apollo, son of Jupiter and Latona, vi, 460, 483, 485; son of Minerva and Vulcan, 480, 481 ; accompanied his mother in her wanderings, 422; found refuge on a floating island, 422 ; called Clarian, Delian, Didymean, Phi-lesian, Pythian, 419; bow-bearing, 422, 483; Sminthian, 473; deceived those who enriched his temples, 484; served Admetus and Laomedon, 484; pirates plundered and burned temples of, 516 (note); identified with Bacchus and the sun, 473 ; Rituals of Numa did not contain name of, 462; four gods named, 480; human heads offered to Dis and Saturn by advice of, 460, and Neptune, the Penates, 475; Hyperoche and Laodice buried in temple of Delian, 508 ; Tel-messus buried under the altar of, 508, 509; god of music, 526; mistresses of, 485; represented with lyre and plectrum, 511; his disgraceful conduct, vii, 19^ 226; on the unity of God, 17; on his anger against sin, 279; on immortality, 210; his utterance respecting Jesus, 112; and Daphne, «. 73-

Apollodorus quoted, ii, 179, 455.

Apollonius, i, 59.

Apollonius, the Magian, vi, 428.

Apollonius of Tyana, vii, 138, 139.

Apollonius, viii, 748, 775; writes against Montanism, 775.

Apollos. i, 18; probable founder of Alexandrian theology, vi, 236.

Apologies, of Justin for Christians, i, 163-193; of Tertullian, iii, 17-55; date of, 9, 17, 21; success of, 11.

Apologists, early Christian, vii, 136, 140.

Apology of Melito addressed to Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, fragments from, viii, 758 seq.; of Claudius Apollinaris, bishop of Hierapolis, 748, 772.

Apopompasus or Averier, iv, 329.

Apostasy, concentrated in Antichrist,

i. 557-

Apostates, i, 68, 71, 82, 83; ii, 50.

Apostles, ii, 14, 49, 51; mission of, vii, 301; ordinances as to the ministry, i, 16, 17, 18, 66, 84; prefigured by the bells of the priest's robe, 215; not types of the twelve aeons, 389; did not begin to preach till endued with the Holy Spirit, 414; their labors and martyrdom, v, 254, 255; iii, 648; preached on God, i, 414, 417; the doctrine of, 429 seq.; how sent by Christ, iii, 252; the teaching of, viii, 667 seq.; Christ lifted up before the eyes of, 667; revealed the whole truth, iii, 254, 266; challenged by Caiaphas, viii, 89; their public discussions with the Jews, 92, 93; appeal to the Jews, 94; tumult raised against the, 95, 96; go to an upper room in Jerusalem, 667; receive the Holy Ghost, 667; appoint laws and ordinances, 668; their different fields of labor, 535, 671 seq.; miraculously brought together to Bethlehem to Mary before her assumption, 588; miraculously conveyed back to their respective spheres, 594; how to be received, vii, 380, 383; preaching of, expounded, 454-456; first council of, 454, 455; list of bishops ordained by them, 477; tradition of, the test of true belief, iv, 239; taught some things of faith, others of opinion, 239; character and power of, 423, 491; the marriage of, ii, 541, 543; seeds of heresy noted by them, iii, 259; their days to be honored, vii, 495 ; liturgy of, vii, 561-569; false, viii, 142.

Apostle (Epistle), the, vii, 553, 561.

Apostles, seat of the, the last instance in trials against bishops, viii, 609.

Apostles, Peter and Paul, remains of, at Rome, v, 601.

Apostolic churches, origin of, iii, 252; the faith held in their communion only, 253; succession in faith and

bishops, 258, 260; hold Scripture as the basis of faith. 262; witness to the apostles' teaching against heresies, 286.

Apostolic constitutions quoted, i, 68, 154. See also Constitutions.

Apostolic fathers, writings of, i, 1-155; introductory note to, vii.

Apostolic sees, equality of, v, 157.

Apparel of women, a treatise by Tertullian on the, iv, 14 seq.

Apparitions, v, 38.

Appeal to the Greeks, i, 287, 289.

Appion, meets and salutes Clement, viii, 253; previous acquaintance of Clement with, and trick played on, 253; second discussion with Clement, 262; and Annubion, 205, 252, 342; in quest of Faus-tus, and return to Peter, 345.

Apsethus the Libyan, story of, v, 74.

Apuleius, vii, 138.

Aquarius, type of those born under, v, 34-

Aquila, companion of the apostles, vii, 453-

Aquila, on Simon Magus, viii, 98 seq., 232, seq.; question of, as to responsibility, 102; and Niceta sent by Peter to Laodicea, 157, 292, and with Clement to Tyre, 251, 252; story of their shipwreck, 162; discovers his mother, 163, 300; story of their shipwreck and introduction to Simon Magus told by Nicetas, 163; and Nicetas recognize each other as brothers, 300; plead with Peter for the immediate baptism of their mother,. 104, 301, 302; discussion with the old workman about genesis, 176-182; his father, long lost to him, found in the old workman, 190, 191; remarks on the cosmological and mythological allegories of the heathen, 201 seq.

Aquila, vi, 164, 166, and Theodotion their interpretation of Isa. vii, 14, referred to, i, 451.

Aquileia, church of, custom in, iii, 585.

Aquilius, vi, 424.

Aquinas referred to, iv, 166.

Arabia, Christianity tested by miracles in, vi, 438.

Arabians, worshipped an unshaped stone, vi, 510; laws of the, viii,


Aradus, Peter's excursion to, and occurrences there, viii, 159.

Aratus, v, 27, author of heretical opinions, 42.

Aratus quoted, ii, 97, 192, 203, 468; v, 42, 43, 44, 63; vii, 36, 140, 141.

Arcadia, i, 43; Mars born in, vi, 484.

Arcesilas, his philosophy, vii, 72; does not distinguish the knowable and unknowable, 72.

Archavir of Persia succeeded by his son Ardaches, viii, 792.

Archelaus, the Athenian, 1, 274; cosmogony of, v, 15.




Archelaus, king, commits suicide, viii,

473-Archelaus, bishop, vi, 176; date and

character of his writings, 177. Archesilas, affirms that man knows

nothing, vi, 437. Archilochus referred to, ii, 109, 473,

481; iv, 441. Archimedes, his orrery, vii, 48; his

hydraulic organ, iii, 193. Archinus quoted, ii, 485. Archytas assigns all things to numbers, vi, 437.

Ardaba, home of Montanus, vii, 335. Ardaches succeeds Archavir as king

of Persia, viii, 702; is maintained

by Abgar, 703. Aretas referred to, viii, 36. Argives, their kings, ii, 80. Argos, destruction by fire of temple of

Juno at, vi, 516. Argument, the, of Justin's apology,

stated, i, 170. Arguments in favor of attending shows,

refuted, iii, 79, 80.

Argus, slain by Mercury, vi, 480, 517. Ariadne, i, 170. Arian heresy, condemned, vi, 40;

epistles on the, 291 seq. Arians, the, vii, 133. Aristeas, story of, iv, 474. Aristides, epistle of Julius Africanus

to, vi, 125 seq. Aristion, i, 153, 154. Aristippus, ii, 65; and Lais, vii, 84,


Aristo of Pella, viii, 747, 749; extracts from his disputation of Jason and Papiscus, 749, 750.

Aristobulus quoted, ii, 487, 520.

Aristochianus, bishop, viii, 495.

Ariston quoted, ii, 113.

Aristophanes quoted, ii, 483, 485.

Aristotle, flatters Alexander, ii, 65; disagrees with Plato, i, 275, and deserts him, iv, 436; flight of, iv, 425; theory of mind of, iii, 192; theory of substance and accidents, v, 19, of the soul, 20; general sketch of his philosophy, 101; adds a fifth element to the primary causes, vi, 437; affirmed that Minerva was the moon, 472; on the unity of God, vii, 14; quoted,

iii, 199. 5°?-

Aristotelian philosophy in the early church, vi, 57.

Aristoxenes, denies the mind, vii, 297.

Arithmeticians, pretenders to prophecy, v, 30; interpret life by numbers, 31,45.

Arius, heresiarch, ordained, and deposed by Peter of Alexandria, vi, 262, 265; restored, 268; his final excommunication, 290; his heresies refuted, 291-297.

Ark of the covenant, i, 394; a type of Christ's body, 570, 576; of the church, v, 658.

Ark, Noah's dimensions of, iv, 516,

Armenia, becomes tributary to Rome, viii, 702; divided after Abgar's death, 706.

Armenians, believed that one God was

cause of all divine manifestations,

vi, 480. Arnobius, life, character, and writings

of, vi, 405-411; editions of his

works, 410; his own account of

his conversion, 423. Arsinoe, loved by Apollo, vi, 461. Art, wisdom given by God, ii, 304; of

man, no proof of participation in

the Divine nature, vi, 441. Artemis, viii, 264. Artemon, heretic, v, 601. Arts, not invented by the Greeks, ii,

65, but mostly by barbarians, 317;

heathen, anticipated in the Old

Testament, iii, 97. Ascension of Moses referred to, iv,


Ascension of Christ, vii, 122, 241; vm, 422, 432-444; to be commemorated, vii, 448, 495; viii, 668.

Ascription to Christ, vii, 464.

Aser, v, 165, 166.

Asher, the patriarch, speaks to his children concerning two faces, of vice and virtue, viii, 30, 31; exhorts them to walk in the way of truthand righteousness, 31; death of, 32.

Asia, afflicted with mice and locusts because of the Christians, vi, 417; Christianity attested by miracles in, 438.

Asiarchs, office of, i, 41.

Ass, of Balaam, a type, 1, 572; sacrificed to Priapus, vii, 36.

Ass's head, charge of worshipping refuted, iii, 50.

Assemani referred to, vii, 533.

Assembling together, the duty of, viii,

251-Assembly (synod) composed of clergy

and laity, v, 310. Asses, sacrificed to Mars by the

Scythians, vi, 484. Associations, pernicious, denounced,

viii, 58. Assumption, the, of Mary, viii, 359,

59i» 594-

Assyrians, war of Bactrians with, vi, 415; the country of the, allotted to Addaeus, viii, 656; liturgy of, vii, 570.

Astaruth, an Indian god, silenced by Bartholomew, viii, 553.

Asterius Urbanus, date and character of. vii, 333.

Astreges, brother of King Polymius, incited against Bartholomew, persecutes and kills him, viii, 557.

Astrologers, viii, 185; prodigies of, v, 28; book of the, viii, 721.

Astrological lore, viii, 187; reputation of, 187.

Astrology, invented by fallen angels, iii, 65, by demons, vii, 65, 232; allied to magic, iii, 65; basis of heretical teaching, v, 24; fallacy of its processes, 25; horoscope, foundation of, 25; refuted by facts, 37; folly of, 43; Peratic system derived from, 61; the ex-

istence of evil in the world according to, viii, 194; test of, 195; baffled by free-will, 195.

Astronomers, v, 28; system of Pythagoras, 84.

Astronomy, invented by the Babylonians, ii, 65; how economized by demons, 68; mystery of, 501.

Astrotheosophists, the, v, 42.

Atellane farces, vi, 531.

Athamas quoted, ii, 484.

Athanasian creed, v, 237; its date and authority, vii, 366.

Athanasius referred to, ii, 25, 57.

Atheism, charged upon the Christians, i, 164; ii, 130; charge retorted on heathen, ii, 131; absurdity of this charge, 134.

Atheists, philosophers proved to be such, ii, 113; mysteries of the, 177.

Athenagoras, an Athenian philosopher, ii, 127; embraces Christianity, 125, 127; one of the earliest apologists, 125, 127; is mentioned by Methodius and Philip of Side, 127; writes a plea for the Christians, 129-148, and on the resurrection of the dead, 149-162; introductory notice to the writings of, 125-127.

Athene, viii, 201.

Athenians, made their Hermse like Alcibiades, vi, 511.

Athenodorus, viii, 253, 345.

Athens, fall of temple of Bacchus at, vi, 516; Cecrops buried in temple of Minerva at, 508.

Atlantis, the fabled island, vi, 415.

Atlas, prop of the skies, vi, 461; grandfather of Mercury, 469.

Atomic theory of Epicurus, stated, vi, 84; refuted by analogies, 85, by the constitution of the universe, 86, by the human constitution, 88.

Atoms, theory of, vii, 87; doctrine of, viii, 170; the concourse of, could not make the world, 170; more difficulties of the theory of, 170.

Atossa, ii, 65.

Attagi, Phrygian name of goats, vi, 492.

Attalus, i, 96; martyr, viii, 779, 781, 782.

Attalus, sent from Phrygia to Rome a stone as the Great Mother, vi,

538-Attendants of Peter, names of the,

viii, 229.

Attica, visited by Ceres, vi, 504. Attis, worshipped in the temples of

Cybele, vi, 424; son of Nana,

492; loved by Cybele, 486, 492;

self-mutilation and death of, 492;

rites established in honor of, 492

(note); explained as the sun,



Attributes of God, viii, 237, 283; how

related to his substance, iii, 622. Auberlen referred to, iii, 570. Augias quoted, ii, 483. Augustine, St., influence of, on the



German reformation, iii, 3; referred to, iii, 39; viii, 35, 37, 44. Augustus, Emperor, refused divine honors, iii, 43; ordered a census,

viii, 3°5> 374-

Aulus, capitol named from, vi, 509. Aurelian, persecutor, vii, 303. Aurelius, confessor, v, 311; ordained

reader, 311. Aurelius of Chullabi, on baptism, v,


Aurelius of Utica, on baptism, v, 569.

Aurelius Marcus, i, 187; Lightfoot on, viii, 778.

Aurora's love of Tithonus, vi, 485.

Auses, viii, 87.

Authority, apostolic, vii, 106.

Authors, profane, ii, m; their ignorance, in; their contradictions, in.

Authors quoted; see Quoted authors.

Autogenes, i, 353.

Autolycus, an idolater and scorner of Christians, ii, 89; address of Theophilus to, 94-121; misled by false accusations, 112; concluding advice to, 121.

Autun inscription, vii, 536.

Avarice, effects of, viii, 220.

Ave Maria, vii, 546.

Aventine, Jupiter drawn down to the, vi, 459.

Avenging of the Saviour, the, viii, 354, 472 seq.

Aves quoted, ii, 96.

Aviricius Marcellus, vii, 335, 338.

Axe, the, made to float by means of wood, i, 572; laid at the root,

5735 v, 595-

Axionicus, opinion of, concerning the body of Jesus, v, 89.

Azarias, i, 17, 178; proof of resurrection, 531; his persecution, 558.

Babai, sister of Sharbil, killed on the spot where she caught the blood of her brother, viii, 684; is buried, 684.

Babel, the tower of, ii, 106; raised to Zoroaster, viii, 141.

Babylon, identified with Rome, v, 211; symbol of the Roman State, vii, 352; judgment of, in Apocalypse, v, 212.

Babylonians, invention of the, ii, 65; system of the, v, 40.

Bacchanalia, two kinds of, vi, 496,


Bacchus, son of Semele, vi, 473, 483; dashed by lightning from his mother's womb, 422; born again from his father's thigh, 483; giver of a good vintage, 459; represented as effeminate, 511; and as bearing a drinking-cup, 517; phalli displayed at rites of, 500; identified with the sun, 473; goats sacrificed to, 525 (note); called Evius, 500, Nysius, 500, Zagreus, 497, Bromius, 483; torn in pieces by Titans, 424, 497; destruction of temple at Athens of, 516; character of, vii, 226;

fable about invented by the devil,

i. 233-

Bacchylides quoted, ii, 470, 483. Bacchylus, viii, 477. Bacis, the soothsayer, vi, 431. Backbiting, ii, 49. Bacon referred to, iv, 73. Bactrian, Zoroaster a, vi, 428. Bactrians, war of Assyrians with, vi,

415; laws of the, viii, 731. Baebulus, the Magian, vi, 428. Baehr, referred to, vi, 339. Balaam, i, 571; forbidden to curse

Israel, 572; is slain, 573; his ass

a type, 572-

Bald Venus, the, vii, 33.

Balsamon, commentary on Peter of Alexandria's canons, vi, 269-278.

Bancroft referred to, i, 552.

Banquet, the, of the ten virgins, by Methodius, vi, 309-355, 382.

Banquet, the, of the gods, vi, 531; viii, 203.

Baptism, prefigured in the Old Testament, i, 144; of Jesus not a type of the thirty aeons, 390; of Christ, iii, 675; why, viii, 44 (homily on, vi, 68-71), example to Christians, v, 236, effect of, ii, 215; Christian, i, 183, 201; names and effects, ii, 215, 216; directions regarding, vii, 379, 382; grace in, v, 276, 388 seq.; called illumination, i, 183; ii, 126; with faith and repentance, ii, 217; iii, 661, 662; for the remission of sins, ii, 222, 361; iii, 293, 669; v, 354; viii, 269; in good works, viii, 275; extinguishes the fire of sin, 185; removes the unclean spirits from men, 116; the seal, ii, 349, 462; a birth into Christ, ii, 439; typified in the Apocalypse, vi, 337; the wedding garment, viii, 142, 274; first of Christian mysteries, ii, 461; the sign of regeneration, viii, 43; not to be repeated, ii, 361; v, 360; vii, 456; must be preceded by fasting, viii, 164; renunciation in, ii, 73; iii, 85; vii 476; promises made in, viii, 621; consecration of water for, vii,477; chrism in, v, 376; vii, 431, 469, 476; 111,672; imposition of hands necessary after, iii, 672; viii, 621; requisite to communion, vii, 414; not to be hastily given, iii, 662; reservation of, 361, 426; not to be refused, vii, 456; sin after, ii, 438; vii, 398; why possible, vi, 365; of water, v, 360, 670; of the Spirit, v, 669, 671; of fire, v, 676; with Spirit and fire, meaning of, viii, 46; of blood, iii, 677; v, 676; compared to a stream, viii, 43; substituted for sacrifices, viii, 88; is imitated by demons, i, 183; outward simplicity of, a stumbling-block to unbelief, but a motive to faith, iii, 669; contrasted with heathen ceremonial, 669; formula implies the church, 672; none out of the church, v,

375. 385, 565 seq.; necessity of, viii, 154, 290; objection to its necessity, iii, 674, 676; received by the apostles, ii, 578; iii, 675; oneness of, iii, 676; use of, viii, 155, 290; fruits of, vii, 477; rites of, vii, 431; customs of, iii, 94, 103; seasons for, iii, 678; preparation for, 679; Lord's Prayer at, vii, 431; candidates for, to be examined, vii, 494, 495; office of, vii, 469; invitation to, viii, 132; multitudes receive, viii, 133; types of, iii, 673; clinic, valid, v, 401, 419; heretical baptism invalid, iii, 676; v, 377; vii, 456; and disallowed by African councils, vi, 102; and council of Carthage on, v, 565-572; may be given by laymen, not by women, iii, 677 (by neither, vii, 429); of infants to be deferred, iii, 678 (not to be delayed, v, 353 seq.); of the eunuch, iii, 678; of the unmarried, iii, 678; of the Samaritan converts, v, 381; true immersion in, vii, 502; by Peter, viii, 251; of John, not celestial, iii, 674; not administered by Christ, 674, nor by St. Paul, 676; of St. Paul, 676; not received by Abraham, 676; Cainite heresy concerning, iii, 669; for the dead, how understood, iii, 449, 581; a treatise by Tertullian on, iii, 669 seq., introduction to, 669.

Baptized, the, eucharistic prayer for, vii, 484; privileges of the, viii, 278.

Barabbas preferred to Jesus, viii, 420, 442.

Barbarians, their rites of worship, vii, 229.

Barbeliotes, doctrines of, i, 353.

Barcochebas, i, 173.

Bardesanes, life of, viii, 722; dialogue of, with Avida, 723 seq.; opinion of, concerning the body of Jesus, v, 89; referred to, viii, 87.

Barjesus met by Barnabas and Mark, viii, 495; opposes Barnabas, 495.

Bark, used in ancient times for clothing, vi, 459.

Barnabas, i, 133; ii, 354, 579; vii, 453; comes to Rome, viii, 78; preaches Christ there, 78, 79; Clement's interposition in his behalf, 79; Clement's intercourse with, 79; departure of, from Rome, 80; addresses the Jews at Jerusalem, 93; preaches at Alexandria, 225; is interrupted by the crowd, 225; defended by Clement, 225, 226; instructs Clement, 226; departs from Alexandria, 226; the Acts of, 355, 493 seq.; the contention between Paul and, 493, 494; with Mark, 494; comes to Anemurium, and preaches there, 494; ordains Heracleides bishop of Cyprus, 495; visits Lapithus and Lampa-distus, 494, 495; reaches Paphos




and meets Barjesus there, 495; visits Curium, 495; entertained by Aristoclianus, 495; opposed by Barjesus, 495; comes to Ci-tium, 495; from Citium sails to Salamis, 495; the Jews, excited by Barjesus, burn him: his ashes deposited by Mark in a cave,


Barnabas, epistle of, wherein he warns his readers against Judaism, and seeks to explain some Jewish custom, i, 137-149; quoted, ii, 354, 355. 362, 366. 372, 4595 iv> 97. 424.

Barsamya, viii, 685, 688; preaches the gospel to Sharbil, 676 seq.; accused before Lysinus for having converted Sharbil, 685 ; is brought before the judge, 686; is imprisoned, 686; brought again before the judge, 686; refuses to worship the gods, 687; martyrdom and tortures of, 685, 687; is set free, 688.

Bartholomew, address of, viii, 93; canon of, vii, 492; when a boy restored to life by the child Jesus, viii, 411; visits with Philip the city of Ophioryma, 497; beaten and shut up in the temple of the viper, 499; his hands are nailed to the gate of the temple, 500, 508; delivered, Philip's directions to, 501,510; goes to India, where the god Astaruth is silenced at his presence, 553; thegodBecher acknowledges him to be a servant of the true God, 553; description OI> 553; casts out a demon, 554; King Polymius sends for him to heal his demoniac daughter, which he does, refusing reward, 554; preaches to the king, 554; compels a demon to confess Christ, 555, and to confess the malicious works of the devil, 555; by a word destroys the idols, 556; his prayer to God, 556; King Astreges, incited against him, orders him to be cast into the sea, 557; martyrdom of, 357, 553 seq.

Baruch, book of, remarkable passage in, v, 224; heretical book of Jus-tinus, 69-73.

Basilides, bishop, epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria to, vi, 94 seq.

Basilides, heretic, i, 71; iii, 649; v, 100; vii, 453; doctrines of, i, 348; ii, 355. 358. 38i, 402, 437, 44°, 445; follower of Aristotle, v, 103; absurd notions of, as to the death of Jesus, i, 349; general description of his cosmogony and theology, v, 104-108; sum of heretical opinions, v, 144; refutation of, i, 412; ii, 423; teacher of dualism, vi, 233.

Basilidians, i, 212.

Basmotheans, heretics, deny divine providence, vii, 452.

Bassus, i, 59.

Bath, behavior in, ii, 279; right use

of, 282. Bathing, promiscuous, to be shunned,

vii, 395-Baubo, entertainer of Ceres at Eleu-

sis, vi, 499. Bean, prohibited by Pythagoras, ii,

383, 403-Beards on, ii, 321; Clement's defence

of, ii, 276, 277. Beast, the, i, 557, 558; ii, 18; number

of, vii, 356, no certain interpretation, v, 215; mark of, v, 249. Beatitudes, true teaching of, ii, 413,

441; iii, 712; provisions for the

Lord's way, viii, 44. Beausobre referred to, ii, 380; v, 107. Beauty, true and false, ii, 271. " Because of the angels," interpreted,

ii, 578. Becher, an Indian god, acknowledges

the true God, and Bartholomew

as his servant, viii, 553. Bede referred to, ii, 346. Beetle, fable concerning, ii, 449, 476. Beetles, temples erected to, vi, 420. Beggar woman, the, of Aradus, viii,

150; turns out to be the mother

of Clement, 159-161. Beginning, as applied to creation, iii,

488. Behavior, circumspect, examples of,

viii, 65.

Being, definition of, ii, 580. Beings, incorporeal and corporeal, iv,

262; evil, turned to good account,

viii, 140. Believers, a spiritual temple, i, 147;

what Christ is in them, i, 11, 14,

'5> l8» 535 how justified, ii, 580;

escape the destruction at the end

of the world, viii, 775. Bel and Dragon, i, 467. Bellarmine referred to, iii, 299. Bellerophon, i, 170. Bellona, vii, 38. Bellonae, vi, 420,471. Bells on the priest's robe, a figure, i,


Bells, v, 258.

Benedicite (song of the three children) not in the Hebrew of Daniel, iv, 386.

Benediction, forms of, i, 15, 21,30,43, 58, 72, 85, 92, 96.

Benedictions, vii, 538, 541, 543, 547, 553; final, 548, 568.

Benedictus, epistle of Callistus to, viii, 613.

Benevolence, of God, I, 459.

Benjamin, the patriarch, speaks of his birth, viii, of his being recognized by Joseph, 36; exhorts his children to follow the example of Joseph, 36, to have a pure mind, 36, to flee the evil-doing of Beliar, 37, that they may have a part in the kingdom of the Lord, 37; concludes with a reference to the Apostle Paul, 37.

Berecyntian, goddess, vi, 494.

Berington referred to, i, 415.

Bernice, daughter of Justa, viii, 252;

receives Clement, Aquila, and

Nicetas, 252; reports the doings

of Simon Magus, 252. Beron, and Felix, v, 231; heretic,

confounds the natures of Christ,


Berosus, ii, 80, 121. Bernard, St., referred to, i, 102; iii,

53, 691; viii, 37. Beryl, or Tharses, v, 182. Berytus, school of Roman law, vi, 4,

26. Bethlehem, Christ's birth in, foretold,

iv, 418; Joseph goes to, with

Mary, and Jesus is born in, viii,

365 ; the cave of,, in which Jesus

was born, 365. Bethune referred to, ii, 284. Biblias, martyrdom of, viii, 780. Bidding prayer, v, 485, 532; the free

prayer of primitive Christians, 532,

538-Binding of Mars and Venus, explained

allegorically, vi, 505. Bingham referred to, i, 335, 439; ii,

33. 343-

Birds, allowed as food to Israel, i, 143; the two (Lev. xiv), 301.

Birth and death, law of, ii, 584.

Birth of Christ, apocryphal fables concerning, vi, 127; nature, prophecies, and types of, 386, 389; feast of, to be kept, vii, 443, 495.

Birth, the old and new, viii, 184.

Birthdays of the gods, vi, 531.

Bishopric, authority and labor of, viii, 250.

Bishops, how appointed, v, 366; vii, 381, 481, 482; character of, 396, 398; examination of, 397; duties of, i, 69, 85, 90, 94, 96, 99, 100; viii, 219; labors and reward of, viii, 221; to be consulted in all things, i, 50, 69, 79, 83, 89; honored, 51, 61, 90, 95, 100; obeyed, i, 60; viii, 221, 251; subjection to, i, 17, 50, 66, 69; right of, viii, 633; successors to the apostles in ruling and teaching, v, 10; to give reproof, vii, 398; not to receive bribes nor spare offenders, 399, 415, but to be merciful to the penitent, 400, 408, 415; to govern, not be governed, 401; patterns of right living, 403; to seek out and save the erring and sinful, 404, 405; not to be hasty in excommunicating, 405, 413; content with little, 408; distributing offerings to those in need, 408; stand between God and the people, 409; to be maintained by the Church, 409; stand in place of the high-priest, 410; govern by the authority of God, 410; the office of, not to be taken by any one to himself, 410; offerings to be brought to, 410; to be honored as fathers, before rulers and kings, 412; not to be respecters of persons, 415; judges of causes, but with the assistance of presbyters and deacons, 418;




to give sentence in due proportion to the sin, 418; to hear both sides, 418; to give public warning against contentions, 420; throne of, in the church, 421; no others to ordain, 430; whom to ordain and to refuse, 431; ordained by God when duly chosen, v, 340, 341; to be ordained by three bishops, vii, 432, 493, 500, of the province and in public, v, 371, 417; in the Church, and the Church in the bishop, v, 374; to provide for orphans and others in need, vii, 433; list of those ordained by the apostles, 477; how chosen and ordained, 481, 482; prayer at their ordination 482, 483; not to leave their charge, 501 ; to submit to the chief bishop, 502; sundry regulations concerning, 502; synods to be held by, 502; how represented, ii, 14, 52; each holds an undivided part in the one episcopate, v, 423; not to ordain outside of the diocese, vi, 164; no " bishop of bishops," v, 565; prayer for the, vii, 551-553, 556; when accused, how to be tried, viii, 609; the final judgment to be submitted to the seat of the apostles, 609, 637; on the spoliation or expulsion of certain, 610; to keep within the bounds of their own parish, 615 seq.; seats of the, 620; those rejected by, how to be treated, 620 seq.; translation of, 626; not to be accused or hurt by detraction, 633 seq.; succession of, in various churches, i, 415; the Church founded on the succession of, v, 305; first, of Rome, i, 416; concurrence of, in Roman and African councils, v, 328, 329; mutual independence of, v, 332; early, of Rome, iv, 156; of Jerusalem and Alexandria, succession of, iv, 384.

Bishop's cathedra, ii, 12.

Bitus, i, 114.

Black (mourning) garments, not suitable for Christians, v, 474.

Black referred to, 1,462; v,489; vi,235.

Blandina, the martyr, i, 570; viii, 779, 781 seq.

Blasphemers, ii, 50.

Blasphemy, fear of, vain excuse for heathen customs, iii, 69.

Blastus, Judaizer, iii, 654.

Bledsoe, referred to, ii, 522; iv, 383,


Blessing of water and oil, vii, 494. Blessings, divine, how obtained, i, 13,

14, 21, 28, 29; how to be sought,

28, 149. Blind man, a, healed by Jesus, bears

witness of him before Pilate, viii,

419, 428, 442. Blindness, on whom to be inflicted, ii,

58S-Blood and breath, as illustrating divine

providence, viii, 173.

Blood, of Christ redeems, i, 527,528; of grape, its signification, 222; symbol of the word, ii, 221; and water, from Christ's side, v, 239; Christians accused of eating, how the calumny originated, i, 570.

Boast, vain, of the Jews, i, 206.

Boat, the first, made by Zebulon, viii, 24.

Bocchores, vi, 422.

Bodily nature, perpetuity of, iv, 270.

Body and blood, Ratramm on the, vii,


Body and soul, conflict between, vii, 79; separated but not destroyed by death, 208; the views of heretics concerning the future destiny of, refuted, i, 402; iii, 586.

Body of Christ, prefigured, i, 570; real in Christ as in man, iii, 459, 467; opinions concerning, v, 89.

Body, the, valuable before God, i, 297; iii, 549; illustrating divine providence, viii, 173; the symmetry of, 173; parts of, vii, 288-295; essential to the perfect man, vi, 360; does not cause the soul to sin, 298; essentially immortal, vi, 377; will rise, i, 298,570; ii, 152; purity of, 36, 346; functions of, 152; Christian, temple of God, i. 532, 575; "» 5845 not to be embellished, ii, 272; from earth, i, 544, but preserved, 560; not destroyed by death, iv, 272, 346; vi, 373, but restored, iv, 272, 346, and real as well as spiritual in the resurrection, iv, 375; as sheath of the soul, the shadow of God's soul, iii, 550; exercises of, ii, 283; dissolution and death of, ii, 584; its present functions not essential, iii, 592; not useless after this life, 592; to be renewed and purified, iv, 262; animal and spiritual, 294: spiritual nature of, 346; change a gradual one, 347; identity of, 347; final condition and habitation of, 348; the work of God, 522; law of change in, 523; how honored by Christians, 659.

Boehl referred to, i, 29.

Bolsena, miracle of, anticipated, v, 92.

Bona Dea, story of, vi, 496; original name, 422.

Boniface III. assumes the title of " Universal Bishop," viii, 602,642.

Book of the laws of divers countries, by Bardesanes, viii, 723 seq.

Book, the great seven-sealed, seen by John, viii, 581; opened, 584.

Books, heathen, to be shunned, vii, 393; of Scripture to be studied, 393; Christian, to be imparted to the initiated only, viii, 215.

Borborians, doctrines of, i, 353.

Boreas, v, 172.

Born of water, viii, 289.

Bossuet referred to, i,28; iii, 178, 372, 426.

Bounty, or liberality, vii, 175.

Bower referred to, viii, 625.

Boyle referred to, ii, 29.

Boyish questionings, the, of Clement,

viii, 223. Brachmans, Indian philosophers, v,

21. Brahmans, the, viii, 187; laws of the,


Brahmins, v, 9.

Branch, as worshipped by the Thespians, vi, 510.

Branches, ii, 39, 40, 41; explanation of, 41.

Brazen serpent, a type of Christ, i, 145.

Bread, spiritual and natural (in the Lord's prayer), v, 452; a symbol of the Word, ii, 231; and wine in the Eucharist, i, 528.

Breaking of the bread; see Fraction.

Breath of life, the, i, 537; and blood, illustrating God's providence, viii,

J73-Brides, hair of, arranged with hasta

ccelibaris, vi, 460. Bruno, Ceres named, vi,497. Britain, climate of, iv, 182; legend of

musical cave, ii, 487. Britons, laws of the, viii, 731. Bromius, name of Bacchus, vi, 483. Brotherhood, the human, ii, 32. Brotherly love enjoined, viii, 623. Brunda, Simon Magus threw himself

from house-top at, vi, 438. Bryce quoted, viii, 644. Bull referred to, i, 5, 178, 402; ii, 6,

12, 137; iii, 240, 249, 299, 318,

375, 601, 622; iv, 581; v, 644. Bunsen referred to, i, 24, 97; ii, 3,

197, 205, 286, 291, 294, 297, 298,

349. 443. 461, 479. 5o6> 521> 545. 549! iii. 79. 85, 90, 94, 102, 103, 249, 672, 678, 679, 681; iv, 38, 166, 170,382; V, v, 47, 559; vi,


Burgon referred to, i, 425; iii, 717. Burial of the dead, duty of, vii, 177;

rites of, 464.

Burnus, god of lust, vi, 478. Burrhus of Ephesus, i, 50, 85, 92. Burton (Lect.) referred to, i, 169,171;

iii, 7, 8; iv, 371, 573, 595; v, II. Burton (Ante Nic. Test.) referred to,

i. 443-Burton (Anatom.) referred to, ii, 72,

147. Bush, the, a type of the cross, viii,


Business, too much, ii, 24, 50.

Busiris, ii, 66.

Butler referred to, iii, 178.

Buttler referred to, ii, 347.

Bythus, i, 316, 333; iii, 507; absurdity of, i, 362, 363; iii, 507.

Cadaver, derivation of the word, iii,

.558. 594-

Csecilius, teacher of Cyprian, v, 268; epistle of Cyprian to, 358; on baptism, 565.

Caecilius, worships the image of Sera-pis, iv, 173; brings reproach on Minucius, 173; grieved, begs to argue with Octavius on the truth of his religion, 174; argues that the world is governed by no-




providence, hence it is better to abide by the received form of religion, 175, 176 seq., and repudiate the new religion, 179; is answered by Minucius, 180; refuted by Octavius, 181-197; is converted, 197.

Ccelibaris hasta, used in arranging hair of brides, vi, 460.

Caesar, earthly things to be rendered to, viii, 46.

Caesar referred to, i, 316; ii, 316.

Caesarea, Peter sent to, viii, 95; is challenged by Simon Magus, 96.

Caesarius the deacon, viii, 478.

Caeselii, vi, 432.

Caesius' enumeration of the Penates, vi, 474.

Caiaphas challenges the apostles, viii, 89; is answered, 93; charges Peter with presumption, 93; the daughter of, 468. (See Sarah.)

Cain, i, 6, 89, 114, 119, 456, 485; name and nature of, viii, 243; crime of, ii, 105; family of, 106; and Abel, viii, 565.

Cainites, doctrines of the, i, 258; iii, 651.

Caius, friend of Irenaeus, i, 42.

Caius, presbyter at Rome, v, 5; history and works of, 599.

Caius and Alexander, martyrs, refuse communion with Montanus, vii,

337-Calamities, common to all ages, not

caused by Christians, vi, 414. Caldonius, epistle of, to Cyprian, v,

297, 315; answer of the latter to,


Calendar, Syriac, viii, 666. Call, the, of the Gentiles, viii, 88, 145. Callias quoted, ii, 483. Callimachus referred to, ii, 145, 179,

181, 469; iii, 481. Calliope's son, Orpheus, vi, 499. Callistians, sect of, v, 160. Callisto, viii, 199. Callistus, adviser of his bishop, v,

125; his alleged martyrdom, 128;

character and history, 128-131;

how made bishop, 158, 159;

heresiarch, 148, 160 ; epistles

of, viii, 613 seq., 618. Calmet referred to, ii, 513. Calvin referred to, ii, 157. Camel, Peter causes a, to go through

the eye of a needle, and does so

a second time, viii, 527; causes a

second to do so, 527. Canacheni, vi, 516. Canary Islands, v, 508. Cancer, type of those born under, v,

Candlestick, the golden, symbol of the Holy Spirit, ii, 452, 477; and of the seven planets, 585.

Candidianus, vii, 321.

Cannae, proscription of Sulla compared to the battle of, vi, 504.

Cannibalism, inculcated by the philosophers, ii, 112.

Cannibals, the first, viii, 273.

Canning referred to, v, 354.

Canon, use of the word according to Suicer, vii, 561; of the Old Testament, according to Melito, viii, 759; law, ii, 12, 13; Muratori-anus, v, 603; paschal, the, of Anatolius of Alexandria, vi, 269, 284.

Canonical hours, ii, 12; books of Holy Scripture, vii, 505.

Canons, ii, 33; of Hippolytus used by the Ethiopian Christians, v, 256; of Alexandria attributed to Hippolytus, 257; of Peter of Alexandria, vi, 269, 284 ; apostolical, date and authority of, vii, 388, 390; contents of, 500 seq.

Canticle of Mar Jacob on Edessa, viii, 654.

Canticles, book of, comment on, v, 176; interpreted of virginity, vi, 321-324.

Capitol, Tolus Vulcentanus buried in the, vi, 509; named from Olus, 509 (note) ; destroyed by fire, 516; struck by lightning, 534.

Capitoline Jupiter, burned along with the temple, vi, 516.

Capitoline Hill, taken by Titus Tatius,

vi, 476> 477-Capricorn, type of those born under,

v, 34-

Caprotina, name of Juno, vi, 472.

Captives, Christian, redeemed by the church of Carthage at great price, v, 355; and treatment of, vi, 19.

Caractacus, iii, 105, 108. See Caradoc.

Caradoc, perhaps a Christian, iii, 105, 108; quoted by Bede, 108.

Care of God of human affairs, viii, 150.

Carians, inventions of, ii, 65; sacrificed dogs to Mars, vi, 484.

Carnal and spiritual, i, 536, 537.

Carneades, affirmed man's ignorance of all things, vi, 437; disputes for and against justice, vii, 150; refuted, 153.

Carpenter, Joseph follows the trade of, and is aided by Jesus, viii, 381,

397. 399' 4°2. 412-

Carpocrates, doctrines of, i, 350; ii, 382, 404; iii, 651; v, 113; theory of the transmigration of the soul refuted, iii, 216.

Carthage, church of, a source of Latin theology, iii, 3; iv, 169; Roman testimony to the, v, 308; numbers of, 413; council of, 565.

Cary referred to, iv, 653.

Casaubon referred to, i, 169; ii, 346, 441.

Cassian, i, 112, 114, 123.

Cassianus Julius, refutation of, ii, 398,


Cassiodorus, note on, ii, 571-

Cassius, Don, referred to, viii, 404.

Cassius of Macomadae, on baptism, v, 568.

Castor and Pollux, vii, 19, 51, 226, called Tyndarian brothers, vi, 460; Dioscori,483; sons of Jupiter and Leda, 460,483; sons of Tyn-dareus, 422; buried in Lacedae-

monia, 484 (note); three sets of gods named, 480.

Castor, famed for his skill in managing horses, vi, 422. Castus, a fasting, vi, 496.

Castus of Sicca, on baptism, v, 568.

Catamitus, carried off to be a cupbearer, vi, 485; object of Jupiter's lust, 498.

Catalogue, a black, viii, 198.

Cataphrygians, heresies of, classified, iii, 654.

Catechism, the Trent, quoted, iii, 76.

Catechists, the, duties of, viii, 220.

Catechumens, vi, 235, 236; care for, in danger, v, 293; martyrdom of, equivalent to baptism, 385; counsel to, iv, 212; Tertullian's exhortation to, iii, 79; instruction of, vii, 475, 476; eucharistic prayer for, 483; liturgy of, 535; dismissal of, 535, 540, 554.

Catholic, i, 39, 40, 42, 90.

Cato, vi, 468; suicide of, vii, 89.

Cats, temples built to, vi, 420.

Caudine Forks, Romans sent under the yoke at, vi, 477.

Caulacau, i, 350; v, 52, 154.

Causes, defined and classified, ii, 564-567.

Caution, need of, viii, 97.

Cave, the, in Bethlehem, in which Jesus was born, viii, 365.

Cave (Lives of the Fath.) referred to, i, 303; vi, 8; viii, 3; (Prim. Christ.) referred to, ii, 79.

Cecrops, buried in the temple of Minerva at Athens, vi, 508.

Celerina martyr, v, 313.

Celerinus, epistle of, to Lucian, v, 298; reply to, 299; ordination of, 312.

Celeus, daughters of, buried in the temple at Eleusis, vi, 508.

Celibacy, evils of, iv, 49.

Celsus, two of the name, iv, 399; Origen's opponent, an Epicurean, 399; Origen's treatise against, iv, 395-669; analysis of the contents, 681-688.

Cemeteries (" dormitories "), Christian service of burial in, vii, 464.

Cemphus, explanation of, v, 173.

Census in Judea under Saturninus, iii.


Centurion, the, of the gospels, asserted by the Valentinians to be the Demiurge, i, 326.

Cephas, i, 18.

Cerberus, vi, 500.

Cerdo, doctrines of, i, 352; iii, 653; v, 115; summary of, v, 146.

Ceres, vii, 52; born in Sicily, vi, 422; deified because she discovered wse of bread, 423; gives good crops, 459; lusted after Jasion, 485; mother of Jupiter, according to Phrygians, 497; violated by him, 497; wanderings of, 499; her sacred rites called Grtzca, 462; identified with Diana and Luna, 473; said by Caesius to be one of the Penates, 474; represented with protruding breasts,




466, 517; her temple at Eleusis, 508; falling of rain upon the earth denoted by union of Jupiter and, 502, 505; bread denoted by, 506; feast in honor of, 531. Cerinthus, v, 100; vii, 453; doctrines of,i,35l; v,U4,6oi; summary of, v, 147; meeting of, with John at Ephesus, i, 416; follower of Car-pocrates, iii, 651. Cestus, Juno's, vi, 517. Chaeronea, Plutarch of, vi, 484. Chalcedon, ii, 58.

Chaldeans, ii, 106; witness to Moses, 80; system of, v, 25, 26, 27, 28; mysterious learning of, vi, 415; believed that one God appeared in all divine manifestations, 480. Chalice, or cup, benediction of, vii, 544, 558; commixture of, 548, 566; filling of, 548; veil of, 543, 563. Chameleon, described, iv, 7. Chanaanites, vii, 63. Change not destruction, iii, 588. Chaos, origin of, viii, 263. Chaplet, the, a treatise of Tertullian,

iii, 93 seq., object of, 94. Charges against the Christians, retorted on the heathens, iii, 124 seq. Charito, martyrdom of, i, 306. Chariton, martyrdom of, i, 306. Charity, St. Paul's description of, iii, 114; connection with patience, 714. Charlemagne, a lay-pope throughout

his empire, viii, 603. Charms, used to appease unknown

powers, vi, 439. Chaste woman, the, viii, 303. Chastisement, the, of the righteous

and the wicked, viii, 178. Chastity, i, 34, 148, 167; ii, 15, 16, 58; Christian doctrine of, ii, 115; inculcated by the Scriptures, viii, 155; discipline and advantage of, v, 587; importance of, viii, 155; its reward, 165; degrees of, v, 588; precepts of, 589; conditions of, 591; the government of the soul, vi, 347; spiritual keeping of, 351; examples of Joseph and Susanna, v, 589, 590; Peter on, viii, 303, 304; Methodius concerning, vi, 309 seq.; Tertullian's treatise on, iv, 50 seq. Chavard referred to, ii, 408. Chedorlaomer, ii, 107. Cheerfulness, ii, 49. Cherubim, four-faced, i, 428; on the mercy-seat, not idolatrous, iii, 314. Chevallier referred to, i, 17, 20, 34. Chief seats, ii, 16. Childbirth, Juno set over, vi, 470. Children, duties of, i, 111; vii, 436; to be corrected, vii, 468; their place in the Church, 486; exposed, i, 172; of God, who they are, ii, 212; what it does not imply, 215; applied to those under the word, 217, and are nourished by the milk of the Word, 218. Children, the Three, of the Captivity, iii, 591; v, 188; faith and cour-

age of, 348, 372, 407, 446; martyrs, 503; song of, 191, 239.

Chiliasm of Barnabas referred to, viii, 26.

Chilo quoted, ii, 485.

Choral worship, founded by Samuel,

vii, 531-Chrism, in baptism, iii, 672; v, 376;

vii, 431, 469, 476; to be made

every year, and the old to be

burnt, viii, 632 seq. Christ, divine and incarnate, iv, 163,

240; as Son of God, a Person, i,

9, 52. 55, 57- 6l> 62> 64, 7°, 7'» 76,81,84, 86, 87, 88, 94, 145; iv, 246; begotten, not in time, iv, 246; incarnation of, iii, 35; vi, 221, 297, 300; necessary, vii, 125; why? vi, 430; reason of his incarnation, vii, 106; worthy of God, iii, 329; a wondrous mystery, iv, 281; meaning of his name, 106, known to the Father and himself, vii, 238; name implies »incarnation, iii, 334; the saints before the coming of, viii, 91; his coming foretold, i, 173,

176, 254, 260, 473; iii, 172, 326; vii, 446-448; brings benefits to man, ii, 202, is the source of blessings, i, 14, 84, and of salvation, i, 207, 216, 217, 526; viii, 91, and worthy of worship, i, 232, which is no just cause of offence to heathenism, vi, 422; forerunners of, v, 213; typified, iii, 334, 336, 364, by Noah, i, 268, the Mosaic laws, 214, and Joshua, 255, 265; prophesied by Jacob, v, 206, Isaiah, 176, 207, Ezekiel,

177,  208, Daniel, 177, 208; manifestation of, i, 27, not proved by miracles only, iii, 322; humanity of, i, 170, 174, 178,193, 216,219, 228, 231, 241, 301; iii, 34, 223, 297, 300. 33°, 4475 v, 619, the restoration of man, iv, 343, 382, and the subjection of evil, 344, ends the kingdom of Israel, 351, and fulfils prophecy, iii, 351,

352> 353, 3545 iv, 352; had a human body and soul, iv, 378; his childhood, i, 237, 250; temptation of, viii, 142, 274; humility of, i, 9; sufferings of, i, 9, 64, 66, 70, 71, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 139, 140, 142, 145; vi, 301, 302 (poem on his passion, vii, 327); the purpose of the Creator, iii, 439; crucifixion of, i, 166,173,179,222, 246, 247, 248, 251; iii, 35, 58, predicted, i, 176, and like his human nature is no reproach, vi, 424; meaning and power of his cross, vii, 128, 243; death of, vi, 43i» 432, predicted, i, 178, 179; iii, 35; vii, 116, 120, 121, 240; rejected by the jews, i, 175, 179, 267; iii, 35; v, 468; viii, 90, as predicted, i, 179; iii, 325; vii, 446-448; resurrection of, i, 11,33, 71, 87, 252, 253, 298, a proof of ours, 532, 560; miracles of his

death and resurrection, iii, 35, 58; miracles of, philanthropic, viii, 235, and typified as well as his birth, iii, 356, 357; are works of blessing, vi, 425, 426; no magician, i, 172; vi, 425; vii, 139, but the true Prophet, viii, 89, 145, 205, 242; the second Adam, iv, 149; Jacob, Israel and Son of Man, i, 248; foretold as Son of Man, iii, 357, and in his teach-ing> 365-368; has attributes of the Creator, 366-8, as shown by his teaching and miracles, 372-6, 380, 392, 396, 411,- teaching of, viii, 248, consistency and effects of his teaching, vi, 423, 438; viii, 105,—by his transfiguration, iii, 382-5, his reproof of Israel, 385, 393-5- 4°3> 412-14, his love of children, 386, 477; his Sonship to the Creator shown by his thanksgiving for revelation to babes, 389, by his exposition of the law, 390, 404, 407, and his teaching respecting the interpretation of Scripture, viii, 247, by his prayer, iii, 391, by parables, 397, 402, 406, 409, 412, by signs of his second coming, 414-17; i, II, 33, 64, 87, 209, 221, 253; vii, 215, by his Passion, iii, 417-21, and Resurrection, 421—23; reality of his person and works, iii, 197; head of man as created in God's image, iii, 445; image of the invisible God, 470 ; iv, 247, and Power of God, iv, 249; his session at the right hand of God, iii, 584, 627; majesty and reign of, i, 179, 209, 236, 237; viii, 242 — his resurrection, ascension, and kingdom foretold, vii, 122, 123, 241, as well as his priesthood, 113.—Besides Christ, he has also other names, i, 190, 262, expressive of his divinity, iii, 34, —; proofs of his divinity, vi, 425, — ; not parallelled in heathen mythology, vi, 428; evidenced by the multitude of believers, 429 ; his power and works, vii, 115, 127, 240; gift of tongues attributed to him, vi, 425; his words and works in contrast with heathen philosophy, vi, 438; true knowledge only in him, vi, 457; his divinity a primitive doctrine, v, 601; acknowledged by the first disciples,

671,   but with imperfect faith,

672.   Though divine, yet he was subject to the law of Moses, why, vi, 385, and baptized, why, viii, 44; prophecies of, v, 618, 621; vii, 109, 239; viii, 241; psalms and hymns in honor of, v, 601, 604; mission of the Seventy, iii, 387; hidden from the Jews, viii, 271 ; because of their unbelief, iii, 35; yet he is acknowledged the God of the Jews, no, and



Moses, 135, 271; not only believed to be God, v,620; vii, ill, 139, but also acknowledged by the oracle of Apollo, 112. He is Lord and God, when Lord and when God, iii, 608; he is called the Word, i, 164, 166, 170, 174, 1 go, 193; the Law and Word, vii, 50; the Son of God, i, 164, 166, 170, 178, 182, 190, 216, 219, 250, 257,258, 263, 264, 575; iii, 34; viii, 316; as distinguished from the Son of Man, v, 634; and confirmed as such from Scripture testimonies, v, 636; and by the Holy Spirit received by him, i, 243; who suffered as man only, v, 635 ; he calls himself Son, iii, 616, yet distinct from the Father, i, 264, as expected Messiah, iii, 618, — though heretics make him the Father, v, 634. According to his eternal generation, iv, 376, he is of the Father, v, 643, 644, one with the Father, iv, 643, in substance, not in person, v, 637-640, 642, though his divine nature is not properly called "substance," iv, 603, has all things of the Father, 250; mirror of the Father, 251; represented by the seraphim oflsaiah, 253; the Father's " Commissioner " ( Vicartus), iii, 620; adores the Father, 622; the Lord of Hosts, i, 212, 241; King of Israel, i, 267; is shown to be God, from his appearance to the Patriarchs, i, 223-25, 263, to Abraham, v, 627, to Hagar, and Jacob, v, 629, from his interviews with Moses, i, 226; from the testimony of the Scriptures, i, 576, 577; v, 621; of Moses, i, 173, 22i, 223, 236; v, 626; of David, i, 175, 176, 211, 212, 213, 229, 235, 240, 241, 248, 252; of Proverbs, 228; of Isaiah, 174, 179, 200, 236, 237, 241, 243; of Micah, 174, of Zechariah, 175, 221; is the angel of the great counsel, v, 629; our leader, i, 27; our teacher, 167, 168, 246; the Saviour, iv, 191; the only mediator, iv, 544; the Light of the world, 575; all prayer to be made through him, iv, 644; his kingdom over all the earth, 607; he is to be followed, v, 500, confessed, vii, 518; we ought to think highly of, 517; he is manifested in his saints, v, 377, who partake of his nature, 283; his union with the church, vi, 319; he is the end of the law, i, 216, 476, yet did not abolish the law, 475, but removed the bondage of the law, 477, and instituted a new oblation, 574; his sayings, viii, 248; ascription to, vii, 464; commemorative of his life, 535, 539; the repose of the dead, 535; compared with Elisha, iii, 356; is

greater than Socrates, i, 191, and Perseus cannot be compared with, 231; alone without sin, iii, 221, as being equal with God, v, 633. Whether he be come, iii, 157; proved from the prophecies, 158— 168; from the calling of the Gentiles, 168, from the destruction of Jerusalem, and desolation of Judea, 168, 169; the two comings of, v, 213; viii, 90, 95; his twofold nativity, vii, no, 139; soldiers of, counselled, iv, 213; a surname, iii, 624; philosophical objections answered, vii, 124; the lie of Hierocles respecting, vii, 138; heresy of Abraxas concerning his flesh, iii, 650; nativity of, denied by Marcion, iii, 522; but he truly lived and died in human flesh, 525; the body of a sidereal substance, according to Appelles, 526; Valentinus's view of, i, 319, 323. 325. 332; iii, Si6; v, 86; the origin of, according to the Ophites, i, 354; the descent of, upon Jesus, according to the Ophites, i, 357, and Valentinians, iii, 516; but the apostles of Christ, i, 417, prove that Christ and Jesus is the same, the only begotten Son of God, 440, and that not Christ, but the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus, 444, who is one and the same as Christ, as is proved from the writings of Paul, 445, who did not flee away from Jesus at the cross, 447; iii, 516; and did not suffer in appearance merely, i, 447; he assumed actual flesh, conceived and born of the Virgin, 454, 527; His advent was foreknown, and desired by the old prophets and righteous men, 474, 509,571; and came for the sake of men of all ages, 493; is the treasure hid in the field, 496; descended into regions beneath the earth, 499; conferred on our flesh the capacity of salvation, 527, 528; the dead raised by, a proof of the resurrection, 539; fitting that he should take human nature, and be tempted by the devil, 548; his victory over Satan, 549; temptation of, 549; his kingdom eternal, 554; how prefigured, 571.

Christ and Antichrist, a treatise of Hypolytus on, v, 204 seq., 242 seq.

Christian, meaning of the name of, ii, 92; business of, i, 570; character of, ii, 585; he alone rich, ii, 278; the weakest more powerful than the strongest demon, viii, 142; life, the, viii, 130; compendious view of the life of the, ii, 284; a system of reasonable actions, 235; morality, ii, 146; viii, 155; precepts of, in Scripture, ii, 291-293; doctrine misrepresented by demons, i, 167; teachers, an-

tiquity, inspiration, and harmony of, i, 276; practices, influenced by doctrine of resurrection, ii, 147; sacrifice universal, vii, 531; worship from the beginning, 532; described by Trollope, 534; an over-fed, iv, 114, 115; usages, iii, 94 seq., 103.

Christianity, antiquity of, ii, 120; ob. jection of its late origin answered, vi, 461; proved by prophecies and miracles, iv, 397; persecuted instead of philosophy, 398; its higher morality, 398; condemns idolatry, 398; esoteric teaching of, 399; its doctrine consistent with reason, 401; mysteries of, 401; proved by the lives of Christians, 407; not responsible for heresies, 469; established by God, not on rebellion, on fables, or on idolatry, 470; proved by existing Christian churches, in character and councils, 476; invites good and bad, wise and foolish, 490, 493; warns against false philosophy, 493; fears God, not man, 495; its better hope, 496; other cavils against, apply equally to heathen mythology, vi, 462, 463; Western, effect of Montanism on, ii, 62; at the period of Athenagoras, 125; shackles falling from the persecuted, 125; bolder tone of, 125; its conflicts with heresies, 125; entreats a fair hearing, 148.

Christians, the name of, ii, 89; its meaning, 92; Theophilus glories in the name of, 89; the name not condemned by unworthy disciples, nor by unjust laws, iii, 113; hatred of the name, 20; the low condition of, iv, 177, 181; no reproach, 482; manners of, i, 26; worship God, 164, 165, 166; ii, 66; and not idols, i, 165, 171; iv, 665; nor the universe, ii, 136; because distinguishing God from matter, 67, 135; their worship, iii, 46, 58, is excellent, vi, 419, contrasted with heathen, 422; do not offer sacrifices, ii, 134; but have a spiritual worship and sacrifice, iv, 193; sacrifice to God only, iii, 106, and reject images, why, iv, 635-637, 645; and refuse to sacrifice, why, iii, 41; honor God and his law, ii, 113; have a weekly worship, i, 185; the agapae, iii, 47; secret meetings of, *v> 397; Dut no sorcerers, 399; seek to be known as, iii, 17; lead a moral life, i, 165, 166, 172, 189, 192; ii, 115; iii, in; have a more perfect morality, iii, 50, 59; in life, not philosophy, 50, 59; teach humanity, ii, 114; honor all men, iii, 45; acknowledge God's love for all men, iv, 508; have mutual love, 193; their equality and brotherhood, vii, 151; teach repentance and righteousness, ii, 114; also charity, i,



27; ii, 115; iii, 51, and love of enemies, i, 27; ii, 115; are lovers of truth, ii, 116; live under God's eye, i, 166, who protects them, iv, 467; look for the kingdom with God, i, 166; contemn death, i, 192; hope in death, iv, 197; their true hope, vii, 243, 255» glory m persecution, vii, 148; increase under persecution, 148, 160; glory in martyrdom, iv, 196; triumph in martyrdom, iii, 54, 50; their patience, vii, 159; their fortitude, 149; surpassingthe heathen in heroism, iii, 55; vindicated by martyrdom, 18, their blood the seed of the church, 55, 60; they believe in a resurrection, ii, 67; iii, 545. Though they are the preservers of the world, i, 27; pray for the Emperor in martyrdom, iii, 42; more loyal than the heathen, 44; obey rulers, iv, 664; because exhorted to obedience, v, 284; and not seditious, iv, 640; not a cause of .calamity to the State, iii, 117, but a value, 49, 59, because their doctrine is opposed to dissensions and fitted for all, ii, 78; yet they are accused of atheism, i, 164; heathen practices were imputed to them, iii, 25; blamed for not observing the law, i, 199, 203; branded by the Valentinians as simple persons, iii, 504, though excelling in wisdom, iv, 482, in virtue, 484, in purity, iii, 107, iv, 192, to which they were exhorted, v, 285, and which they attained, iv, 631, and not teaching philosophical theories of the soul, nor of good and evil, vi, 454, 455; are called the third race, iii, 117, 643; ill-treated by the Jews, i, 203, 214, 246, 247, 256, for whom they pray, i, 266, because as the true spiritual Israel, 200, 258, 259, 261, 267, they are the heirs of the covenant, 145, have the true circumcision, 206, 208, 256, and possess the true righteousness, 209, as has been predicted, 256, 257, and the absolute truth, iii, 127. The Gentiles, too, ill-treated the, i, 169, 182, 188, 191, 253, 254; unjustly accused them, iii, 18, no, crimes were imputed to, 21, 23, 24, 115, though they were free from crime, iii, 105; iv, 195, and defamed by rumor only, iii, 114; calumnies were brought against the, i, 570; ii, 117; iv, 178, 190. 191, 585, 627, who were accused of public calamities, iii, 47, 59, accused by Galerius, vii, 306, persecuted only for the name of Christ, iii, 109, in the profession of whom they gloried, 109. Autolycus scorned them, ii, 89, yet they were protected by good rulers, iii, 22, 57, and Roman emperors testified in

their behalf, i, 186, 187. Because unjustly hated, ii, 76; vii, 144, 243, the Christians were defended, ii, 115; viii, 688, by Justin Martyr in his Apologies, i, 164-193, who demanded justice for the, 162-165; a plea was addressed in their behalf to Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, ii, 129, showing the injustice towards the, 129, who have a claim to legal protection, 130, on account of the false charges against the, 130; the philosophy of the, is older than that of Greece, 77, and theirs is superior, 132; they worship the Trinity, 133; the teachings of the, are full'of morality, 134; enjoining duties, v, 500, humility, 283, perseverance, 284, prayer, 286, temperance, 287; confutation of the calumnies against the, ii, 145, by showing the inconsistency of their accusers, 135, the elevated morality of the, 146, their conjugal chastity, 146, which is in contrast with the accusers of the, 147, when their lives compared with those of the heathen, iv, 506, so that the censures on, more applicable to philosophers, iv, 510; cruelty is condemned by the, ii, 147, who abolish gladiatorial shows, 147, abhor feticide, 147, and refuse worship to the emperors, 148; they are sons of God, 191; their increase in the Empire,

111,   45, 58, 107, is a proof of Christianity, vi, 429; they decline public offices, iv, 668, cannot keep heathen feasts, 647, are known by their character, iii,

112,   number and union of, iv, 468, in spite of heresies among, 469; have not corrupted the Gospel, iv, 443; character of the teachers of vindicated, 486, 487, by the power of their teaching, 491, Christians have right and duty in this life, iv, 660; though pleasures of public shows, theatres, race-courses and amphitheatres are forbidden to, iii, 79, yet they know how to conduct themselves among heathens, viii, 63, and how to receive each other, vii, 381; they had to flee to Jericho, viii, 97, and must expect suffering in this life, v, 472, for they are like passengers in a troubled sea, viii, 221, but are exhorted to faithfulness, vii, 222, in order to get the rewards of their faith, v, 465. Though illegally tried and punished, iii, 110, they know that their prayers are answered, 107; they submit to injuries, vii, 159, are subject to evil, 160, are poor and oppressed, 165, endured persecutions under Demetrianus, v, 461; but God's vengeance comes on their persecutors, iii, 106; v,

462-465; vii, 161; it is therefore folly and cruelty of persecuting the, vii, 147. Christmas Day to be honored, vii,

443. 495-

Christophorus, i, 130; see also Ignatius.

Chronography of Julius Africanus, fragments of, vi, 130 seq.

Chronological history in the time of Tertullian, iii, 17.

Chronology, biblical, ii, 325~334, 346; from Adam to Saul, 118; from Saul to captivity, 119; Theophilus founder of, 87, 106, 118; Roman, to the death of Aurelius, 119; leading epochs, 120; Jewish v, i48._

Chronos, vii, 25.

Chrysippus,on Good and Evil, iv, 526; Subjugation of the Passions, 658; asserted that the world would be destroyed by fire, vi, 437; object of Jupiter's lust, 485; on the unity of God, vii, 14.

Chrysis, Juno's priestess, burned at Argos, vi, 516.

Chrysostom referred to, i, 127; ii, 69, 70.

Church, the Catholic, vii, 133, 134; 545> 555- 562-565, ante-Nicene theory of, vi, 304, and Apostolic, 545, 556; prayer for, 553, 555> 556; in what sense equivalent to the Holy Spirit, iv, 99; existing, proof of the Divinity of Christ, 476; the body of Christ, 595; vii, 521; spiritual Temple of God, iv, 646; the bride of Christ, vi, 319; meaning of the word, 381; apostrophe to, 392; typified by the Ark, v, 394, by the Sun, 423, by Jacob's marriage, i, 266, by the Bride and Coat of Christ, v, 423, by Rahab and by the Passover, 424, by the woman of the Apocalypse, vi, 336, 355; the minister of the Lord's power, viii, 45; of whom composed, vii, 391, not to be forsaken, 413, 501, nor divided, v, 322, 423; no Christian apart from, 333; necessity of communion with, 318; order in the, i, 16, 17, 90; order of ministers in the, 16; her officers appointed by the Apostles, viii, 668; their duties in the, 250; duties of members in the, 251; the regard Moses had for order in the, i, 17; the regard the Apostles had for order in, 18; this order is disturbed by the wicked, 17-20; her creed, 330; her gifts, 409; has one baptism, v, 382; performs nothing by incantations or curious arts, i, 409; is the depository of truth, 416, 458; the true expounder of the Scriptures, 496; earthly is the image of the heavenly, ii, 421; the union of the, 555; unity of, in the episcopate, v, 318, 376, 421; how to go to, ii, 290, 297;




how to live outside of the, 290; mysteries in the building of the triumphant, 12, 43, and of militant, 43; implied in the baptismal formula, iii, 672; harmony between the Scriptures and the, 261; teaching of the, iv, 240, 382; faith of the, 347, 383; keys given through St. Peter to, iii, 643; a ship, viii, 220; shape, direction, and various parts of a, vii, 420; like a ship, 420; of Rome, founded by Peter and Paul, i, 415.

Church, unity of the, a treatise by Cyprian on, v, 421 seq.

Churton referred to, iv, 386.

Cicero, on the unity of God, vii, 14; Jupiter, 22; De Natura Deortim, 27, and mutilations of, vi, 465; the gods mere men, vii, 28, 29; fears to testify against idolatry, 43; on the authority of ancestors, 50; on creation, 53; on philosophy, 81; on wisdom, 81, 83; on the character of philosophers, 84; why men were born, 89; on the immortality of the soul, 90; on future rewards and punishments, 90; on life and death, 90; on philosophy as adverse to the multitude, 95; on fortune, 98; on the divine law, 170; on justice, 184; why God made noxious animals, 199; on the origin of souls, 267; quoted, viz.:—

Academ., vii, 190. De Finibus, vii, 49. De Leg., iv, 509; vii, 61. De Nat. Deor., iii, 141; iv, 587; vi, 455. 467. 468,486, 5 >55 vii, 25, 29, 44, 47, 50, 131, 226. De Officiis, vii, 29, 81, 99, 176,

183, 192.

De Republ., vii, 146, 148, 154, 170. De Senectute, iii, 70. Epist. ad Attic, vi, 494. Pro Archia, iii, 65. Pro Ligario, vii, 185. Tusc. Disp., vii, 28, 207.

Cincian law against gifts to advocates, vi, 460.

Cincius, regards the Novensiles as the gods of conquered states, deities brought from abroad, vi, 474.

Cinxia, a name of Juno, vi, 472; presides over the loosening of the zone, 470; the Thespians worship a branch as, 510.

Cinyras, king of Cyprus, vi, 484; king of Paphos, 509; deified Venus, a courtesan, 484; was buried in temple of Venus, 509; founder of the mysteries of Cyprian Venus, 496.

Circe, mother of the fifth Sun, vi, 480.

Circensian games, evils of, vii, 188.

Circumcision, vii, 118; spiritual meaning of, i, 142, 143; a sign, 202; to distinguish Israel only before Christ, iii, 154; unknown before Abraham, i, 203; not derived

from the Egyptians, iv, 405; probable origin of, 564; of the Christians, i, 206, 256; of wealth, ii

ii, 15. 53-us, idol

5 53

Circus, idolatrous in name and origin, iii, 83; combats in, evil customs of, 86; martyrdoms in, 643; story of recelebration of the games of the, vi, 425.

City, no abiding, here, ii, 31; the holy, of the Apocalypse, symbolical meaning of, vii, 359; the of God, viii, 578.

Clarus of Mascula, on baptism, v, 572.

Claudia, alleged miracle of, vii, 51.

Claudius Cfesar, the letter of Pilate to, respecting Jesus, viii, 454.

Claudius Ephebus, i, 21.

Clean and unclean, i, 534.

Cleansing, inward and outward, viii,


Cleanthes on the unity of God, vii, 14; quoted, ii, 192, 448, 470.

Clemens, i, 155; ii, 12.

Clement of Alexandria, a reformer, ii, 165; teacher of Origen, 166, 167; of Alexander, bishop of Jerusalem, and of Hippolytus, 167; successor of Pantaenus, 166; his life and works, 167, 168, 169; teacher of philosophic Christianity, 380; exhorts to abandon the mysteries of idolatry, 171, 205; answers the objections against doing so, 197; fragments of, 571-587; his knowledge of Hebrew questioned, 439, 443, 446, 476; referred to, i, 7, 134, 140, 143; viii, 13, 390; quotes Tatian, ii, 82. (See Comments.)

Clement, of Rome, i, 122, 466; called an apostle, ii, 428; First Epistle of, i, 1-21, 416; introductory note to, 1 ; literature on, 3; referred to, 505; ii, 308, 428, 495; iv, 273 ; homily ascribed to, vii, 517-523; text and editions of, 572; date and authority of, 573; contents and version, 514; introductory note to, 511 ; not the author of the epistle concerning Virginity, viii, 53; Epistle of, to James, 218; ordained by Peter his successor, 218 seq.; installation of, 221; his early history, 77, 223; his mental distress, 77, 223; his dissatisfaction with the schools, and increasing disquiet, 77, 78; his design to test the immortality of the soul, 78, 224; hears of Christ, 78, 224; meets with Barnabas at Rome, 78; interposes in behalf of Barnabas, 79; intercourse with Barnabas, 79; sets out for Judaea, but is driven to Alexandria, 225; hears Barnabas, 125; interposes in his behalf, 225, 226; his intercourse with Barnabas, 226; arrives at Csasarea, and is introduced to Peter, 80, 227; cordial reception of, by Peter, 80, 227; his account of himself to Peter, 80; instruc-

tions given to, by Peter, 81, 227; requested to be Peter's attendant, i, 69; viii, 81; profits by Peter's instruction, and Peter's satisfaction with, 82, 228; repetition of Peter's instruction to, 83, 84; convinced of the truth of Christianity, 228; Peter's thanksgiving on account of, 228; sent by Peter to Tyre, 251,252; meets his friend Appion, and holds a discussion with him, 253; relates his previous acquaintance with Appion, 256; the trick he played on Appion, 257; result of the trick, 261 ; meets Appion again for discussion, 262; not as yet baptized, he is not admitted to unite with the disciples in prayer, 143; his joy at remaining with Peter, 157, 293; his affection for Peter, 157, 293; his family history: disappearance of his mother and brothers, 158, 294, and father, 159, 294; his mother found at Aradus as a beggar-woman, 159-161, 394, 295; recapitulation of her story by Peter, 162, 296; recognition of his brothers, 162, 163; his mother requests to be baptized, 163, 301, 302 ; his mother receives baptism, 165, 305 ; discussion with the old workman about genesis, 183-190; 308; recognition of his father in the old workman, 190, 191; his father recognized by his mother, I9I> 3°7» a suggestion made by, to Peter, 193; discussion with his father respecting good and1 evil, 194 seq.; Niceta's admonition to, 196; his discourse on the heathen cosmogony and mythology, 197— 200; happy ending of his family history, 210, 307; baptism of his father, 210.

Clementina, meaning of, viii, 69; discussions of, 69, 70; introductory notice to, 69, 70.

Clementine, Homilies referred to, viii, 15 ; Recognition referred to, viii,


Cleobius, heretic, vii, 453. Cleochus (or Clearchus), buried in

the Didymaeon at Miletus, vi,

508. Cleomenes, disciple of Noetus, v, 125,

128. Cleopas, the mother of, and her rival,

viii, 410. Cleophas marries Anna after the death

of Joachim, viii, 382. Clepsydra, an imperfect measure of

time, v, 216. Clergy, ii, 16; orders and duties of,

vii, 493, 494, 501, 502; subordination of orders of, 499, 500. Cleronomus, an Irenarch, i, 40. Cletus, bishop of Rome, viii, 76. Climacteric periods, viii, 185. " Climates" in astrology, viii, 189;

the doctrine of, untenable, 189. Clinton referred to, iii, 6.




Clitor, daughter of, seduced by Jupi ter, vi, 485.

Cloacina, vii, 32.

Clothing, Christian use of, ii, 263; not to be dyed, 265; of woman, 266; of the feet, 267; becoming for Christians, 284.

Cnidian Venus, copied from a courtesan, vi, 511.

Coats of skins, to Adam, signify mortality, vi, 370.

Cocytus, river in Hades, vi, 439.

Coelus, vii, 24; father of Saturn and Ops by Hecate, vi, 461, 472; of the second Jupiter, 480; of the first Mercury, 480; of the Muses, 473; of Janus by Hecate, 471; Venus produced from the genitals of, 484.

Cohabitation, on, ii, 259.

Coleridge referred to, v, 157.

Coliseum, ii, 75.

Collections for the poor and prisoners, v, 282.

Collect, the, vii, 553.

Colorbasus, system of, i, 332; v, 30; refuted by Irenasus, 99.

Colors, ii, 44, 48, 50.

Comedies, metres of, vii, 323.

Coming of Christ to be watched for, vii, 382.

Comings of Christ, the two, viii, 90,

95-Commandment, the first and greatest,

i, 476; the second, iii, 64, 76. Commandments, of God, i, 33, 148; ii, 20-30; can be kept, 28; the Ten, corresponding to the ten plagues of Egypt, viii, 128; to be kept by Christians, vii, 413; but as the law of nature, not by Moses, 459; witnesses to the, viii, 44; exposition of the, ii, 512-515; only two, given to man, viii, 725; the two great, ii, 599. Commencement, prayer of, vii, 537. Comments upon, and illustrations of, passages of Scripture, by Clement, of Alexandria, viz.: — Exod. xx, 17 . . . . ii, 394

Job i, 21.....ii, 577

xiv, 3.....ii, 400

xxxiv, 7 . . . . ii, 577

Ps. 1, 5......ii, 400

Isa. lvi, 2, 3 .... ii, 399

Jer. xx, 14.....ii, 400

Matt, v, 42.....ii, 578

xiii, 31, 32, 46 . . ii, 578

xviii, 20 ... ii, 393, 406

Luke iii, 22 ... ii, 578, 584

xiv, 26 . . . . ii, 399

xv, I seq.....ii, 581

xvi, 17 ... ii, 578, 584

John x, 8.....ii, 318

Acts vii, 24, 25 ... ii, 585 Rom. viii, 38 .... ii, 585

1  Cor. i, 19 .... ii, 320

vi, 1 seq.....ii, 547

vii, 1 . . . . . ii, 399 5, 39, 40 . . ii, 395

ix, 27.....ii, 400

xi, 10,.....ii, 578

2 Cor. v, 16 . ii, 578, 585, 586

2 Cor. vi, 11 . . . ii, 578, 586

xi, 3.....    ii, 399

Gal. v, 24.....    ii, 578

Eph. iv, 24 ....    ii, 399

1  Tim. Ii,6.....    ii, 579

iii, 16.....ii, 579

v, 8.....ii, 579

10,21 . . . . ii, 579

vi, 13.....ii. 579

2 Tim. ii, 2 .... ii, 579

Heb. i, I.....ii, 586

1 Pet. i, 1 seq. . . ii, 571, 572

1  John, i, 1 seq. . . ii, 574, 575

2 John......ii, 576

Jude.......ii, 573

Commodianus, history of, iv, 202; name of, 218; instructions of, 201 seq.; second poem, 219.

Communication, oral and written, difference between, viii, 46.

Communion with God, i, 556.

Communion, Holy, vii, 535, 536; prayers after, vii, 380; not to be given to the unbaptized, 414; service of, 483-491; to be received by all the clergy, 500; by priest and laity, 548; how often to be taken by the laity in a year, viii, 640.

Companion roads, ii, 17.

Complices and Consentes, said to be the Penates, vi, 474.

Comprehension connected with science, viii, 47.

Concealment and revelation, viii, 271.

Conception, viii, 115; in sin, 184.

Conclusion of the refutation, v, 152.

Concord, temples built to, vi, 476.

Concupiscence, ii, 28; forbidden by the law and by Christ, 394, 406.

Conduct of the holy man in his journeys, viii, 61-62; of Christians among heathens, 63; patterns of good and bad, 63 seq.; at feasts, ii, 248.

Confession, vii, 536; of sin, i, 19; of Christ, 41, 55, 83, 129; ii, 421; promises to, 422; true martyrdom, 422; sectional, of faith, vi, 40 seq.; primitive systems of, iii, 666, 667; Eastern, 666; Western, 667.

Confessors, the Church's care and honor for, v, 282, 295, 302, 315; to be helped by gifts and sacrifice, vii, 437; character required in, v, 283; some in peril of heresy, 427; not to be ordained, vii, 493.

Confirmation, supplement to baptism,

v, 376, 378-

Conformity to Christ, i, 50.

Confusions and difficulties, where explained, vii, 548, 549.

Conjunction, doctrine of, viii, 184.

Consecration, prayer of, vii, 489, 535,

557. 558. Conserentes dii, parents of Servius

Tullius, vi, 496. Consistency of Christ's teaching, viii,

105. Conspirators against bishops, How to

be treated, viii, 615. Constantine, address to, vii, 10, 221;

sent for by his father Constantius, escapes from Galerius, acknowledged as emperor, marries Fausta, plotted against by Maximian, 311; plot of Daia against, 318; his vision of the heavenly sign, 318; v, 251; defeats Maxentius, vii, 318; restores Christian churches, 320; as catechumen, iii, 426; effects of the conversion of, vii, 3; donation of, viii, 607, 644. Constantius, vii, 306, 311. Constellations, viii, 259; origin of, ii, 69; and genii, very indifferent gods, iii, 144.

Constitutions, Apostolical, their date,

character, and purpose, vii, 387,

388, 389; editions of, 390.

Constitution, of Bartholomew, vii, 492.

James, the bishop, vii,

496. James, son of Leb-

beus, vii, 493. James, son ofZebedee,

vii, 486 seq. James, son of Alpheus,

vii, 493. John, vii, 491. Matthew, vii, 493. Matthias, vii, 494. Paul, vii, 494. Peter and Paul, vii,

495-Philip, vii, 492.

Simon, the Canaanite,

vii, 493-Thomas, vii, 492.

Consualia, origin of, iii, 82.

Consus, god of devices, vi, 470.

Consummation of Thomas the Apostle, viii, 550 seq.

Contention, warning against, vii, 395, 419, to be given publicly by the bishop, 420; cause of, i, 575.

Continence, ii, 49; vii, 190; of Christians, i, 172; more excellent than that of philosophers, ii, 391, 405; superior to virginity, iv, 33; in all things, not one only, ii, 392; heretical opinions of, refuted, 381; how taught by St. Paul, vi, 321; pleasing to God, 342.

Continency, excellence of, v, 436.

Contradictions of Scripture, viii, 240, 246 seq., 314 seq. (See Scripture.)

Contraries in nature, viii, 179, 180.

Contrition, the only true penitence, ii, 416.

Conversion, of the Gentiles, predicted, i, 253; more difficult than that of the Jews, 495; illustration of, ii, 507; the duty of seeking one's own, viii, 203.

Converts and preachers, their mutual love, viii, 292.

Convulsionism, ii, 56.

Conybeare and Howson referred to, i, 21; iii, 433.

Cook referred to, ii, 67, 488.

Cooke referred to, iv, 115.

Cora, 1, 185.




Corah, and company, why punished, vii, 410.

Corinth, maiden of, v, 240, 241.

Corinthians, Epistle of Clement to, wherein he commends them, i, 5; shows the effects of envy among them, 5, 6, 18; exhorts them to repentance, 7; to humility, 9, 11, 15; to peace, 16; to good works, 14; to church order, 16-17; to brotherly love, 18, 19; referred to, 505.

Cornelius, the centurion, his stratagem to cause Simon Magus to flee from Antioch, viii, 206.

Cornelius, ordained bishop of Rome, v, 319, 412; evidence of his ordination received and approved by Cyprian, 320; restores certain schismatics, repenting, 323; his character, 329; how made bishop, 329> 3335 Epistle of Cyprian to, 319, 321, 322, 324, 325, 336, 338, 351; reply of, 322, 324; Epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria to, vi, ioi.

Cornelius Nepos on philosophers, vii, 84.

Corona, De, a treatise by Tertullian, iii, 93 seq.

Correspondences in creation, viii, 174.

Corniculum, Ocrisia brought to Rome from, vi, 496.

Cornificius, maintains that Novensiles preside over renovation, vi, 474.

Coronis, mother of ^Esculapius, vi, 422.

Corybantes, rites of the, vi, 497.

Coryphasia, epithet of the fourth Minerva, vi, 480, 481.

Cosmocrator, the, i, 323.

Cosmogonies, v, 40; the Homeric, 66, of Justinus, 69; of Pythagoras, 83, 98; of Aristotle, 102; the Gentile, viii, 197; of Orpheus, 200; of Hesiod, 200.

Cotelerius referred to, i, 47.

Council of Carthage on heretical baptism, v, 565-572.

Councils, general, iv, m, 114; primitive independence of, v, 158; freedom of, 411; oecumenical,

vi, 53-

Courage, not daring, ii, 541.

Covenant, the, lost by the Jews, i, 139; the true heirs of, 145; the new, 512.

Covenants, four, given to the human race, i, 429; the two, one author and one end, to both, 472; their oneness proved by Jesus' reproof of customs repugnant to the former, 475; prefigured by Abraham and Thamar, 495; by the two pillars of Samson, 572.

Covetousness,!, 35; iii, 709, 710; why allied to idolatry, 67; sin and punishment of, vi, 18; warning against, vii, 391.

Cowper, H., referred to, viii, 409.

Cowper, W., referred to, ii, 192; iii, 272; iv, 667; vii, 191, 201.

Cox referred to, v, 595.

Coxe referred to, ii, 147; iv, 38. Crates, referred to, ii, 373; affirms that there are eight muses, vi,


Cratinus quoted, ii, 304, 455, 481, 585.

Created things, made after the image of invisible things, according to the Marcosians, i, 342; not images of JEon within the Pleroma, 366; not a shadow of the Pleroma, 368.

Creation, the, a gradual work, iii, 493; includes all things, 494; from nothing by God, i, 369; ii, 67, 97, 98; iii, 502; viii, 169; the figurative meaning of, iv, 365; days of, 596, 600; vii, 211; the fourth day of, i, 100; the fifth day, 101; the sixth day of, 101; what it is, vii, 58; why not repeated, i, 584; origin of, according to Valentinus, v, 88; an account of, viii, 84, 85; implies Providence, 168; mode of, 169; theories of, 169; atomic theory untenable, 170; concourse of atoms could not form a world, 170; Plato's testimony respecting, 170; mechanical theory of, 171; correspondences in, 174; works of God in, v, 611, 617; viii, 244; the extent of, 244; boundless, 244; the glory of, i, 99; of man, 101; vii, 58, 61, 203, 211, 231, 283; of the world for man, 251; of animals, 282; man's dominion over, viii, 245; poem of, iv, 132.

Creator, but one, of the world, i, 364; ii, 150; no God above, viii, 112; our Father, 113; the Supreme God, 114; necessary, 169; who made all things, spiritual and material, i, 405, 406, and the world from nothing, viii, 169; and can therefore restore, ii, 150; is the word of God, i, 546; could not be ignorant of the supreme God,

i, 365-

Creature, symbol of the, v, 44. Creatures, the, often take vengeance

on sinners, viii, 149, 286. Credence, the, vii, 548. Creed, the, vii, 535, 540, 554, 562;

Apostles', substance of, iii, 249;

of the church, i, 330; Nicene,

illustrated, v, 205; Athanasian,

237; Trentine, viii, 643. Crementius, sub-deacon and martyr,

v, 281. Crescens, his prejudices, i, 189, 192,

303; loathsome character of, ii,

73; persecutes Justin, 73. Crescens of Cirta, on baptism, v, 567. Cretans, always liars, ii, 76. Crete, Jupiter born and buried in, vi,

480, 484. Crimes inculcated by the philosophers,

ii, 112.

Critias referred to, ii, 482. Crocus of Ephesus, i, 50, 127. Cromatius and Heliodorus, address of,

to Jerome the presbyter, viii, 368;

reply of Jerome to, 368.

Cronius, vi, 437.

Cross, the, of Christ, prefigured in the Old Testament, i, 144; iii, 166; typified in Jacob's blessing, v, 631; by the "horns of Joseph," iii, 165; by Moses, 166; the brazen serpent, 166; by Elisha and Isaac, 170; symbols of, i, 181, 242, 244,247; vii, 129; offensive to Trypho, 244; of Jesus, meaning of, vii, 128; of Christ, blessing and glory of; vi, 399, 400; the glory of, i, 56; power of, vii, 128, 129, 130,243; mysteryof, ii, 71; the Tree of Life, iv, 210; Con-stantine's vision of, vii, 318; not worshipped by Christians, iii, 31; iv, 191; worship of, retorted on the heathen, iii, 122; sign of, 95, 103; vii, 129, 486, 542, 544, 548,

553-556,559,563. 564, 566,567; vui, 435, 438, 451, 484; recognized by the heathen, iv, 191; figure of, in the vexilla, vi, 399, 402; Andrew's address to, viii, 470; Melito's discourse on the, 756; the luminous, which delivered the people of Ophioryma, who had been swallowed up in the abyss, 501.

Crown of life, we ought to strive after, vii, 519-

Crowns, ii, 39; floral, not used by Christians, 255; laurel, idolatrous origin and nature of, iii, 97,98,99; not allowed in Holy Scripture, 98; military, idolatrous, 99; civil, unlawful for Christians, 102; heavenly, only for Christians, 103.

Crucifixion, darkness at the, iii, 35,


Cruelty, condemned by Christians, ii, 147; apparent in both bodily and spiritual healing, iii, 637.

Culture, Greek, useful to Christians, ii, 307; a divine gift, 308; necessary for understanding the Scripture, 309.

Cupid, as represented by poets, vii, 26.

Cupids, three sets of winged, vi, 480.

Curetes, nurses of Jupiter, vii, 23; drowned the cries of Jupiter, vi, 475; saved him from death, 484.

Cureton referred to, i, 47, 48, 97, 99, 101, 104; viii, 648.

Curse, the, i, 246, 247.

Cursing, contrary to Christianity, vii,


Custom, gradual development of, iv, 28; a second nature, viii, 254,255; understands not the Scriptures, iv, 29; and truth, viii, 253; utility and not, iv, 37; not to be followed against truth, v, 382, 571; in law, iii, 95.

Customs, heathen, to be forsaken, ii, 197—199; debasing effects of, 200-201,205, 206; overcome by divine truth, 201, 202; of different nations and countries, viii, 188; Jewish, 189; of one's country and fathers, are they to be observed? 253-




Cuttle-fish, type of heretical deceit, iii,


Cybele, festival of, vi, 496.

Cyceon, the draught offered to Ceres by Baubo, vi, 499.

Cyclopes, ii, 65.

Cyllenian, bearer of the caduceus, vi, 472.

Cynics, the, vii, 84, 237.

Cyprian Venus, statue of, loved Pygmalion, vi, 515, 516.

Cyprian, St., life of, v, 264; epistles of, and replies to, 275 seq.; dates and order of his epistles, 265; life by Pontius, 267-274; election and character as bishop, 269; his theory of the episcopate primitive, not mediaeval, 263,415; preserves equal rights to all orders, 263; conduct in the plague, 270; exile, 271; vision of martyrdom, 271; his passion and death, 274; does nothing without consent of his clergy and people, 283, 410; vision of Christian duty, 286; withdrawal justified by his clergy, 304; exhorts to works of charity, 319; excommunicates Felicissi-mus and followers, 316; assembles a synod of African bishops, 336; his anxiety to restore the lapsed, 344; redeems Numidian captives, 355; defence against Florentius, 372; controversy with Stephen on heretical baptism, 376-379, 419 (note), 565-572; approach of martyrdom, 409; his writings contradict the papal theory, 557 (note); interpolations of his Treatise on the Unity of the Church, 558; presides and pronounces sentence in the Council of Carthage, 572; treatises attributed to him, 573; influence of. on English Reformation, 3; Lactantius on, vii, 136, 140; referred to, ii, 98; called Coprianus, vii, 136.

Cyprians, inventions of, ii, 65.

Cyril referred to, viii, 36.

Cyrinus makes an enrolment, viii, 374.

Cyrus, vi, 428.

Cytherean, the, i.e., Venus, vi, 511,

512-Cyzicum, sacrilege of Antiochus of,

vi, 5I5-

Dactyli Idaei, identified with the Digiti Samothracii, vi, 475.

Daia, made Csesar, vi, 308; persecutes Christians, 315 ; his superstition, oppression, and licentiousness, 315 ; solicits Valeria in marriage, and, refused, banishes her, 316; cruelties to ladies of rank, 317: unites with Maxentius against Licinius and Constantine, 318; defeat and flight, 320; miserable death, 321.

Daillfe, 01 Dallaeus, referred to, i, 4.7.

Daily service, to be held, vii, 422; psalms at, 423; prayers, 496-498.

Dairas, buried in the enclosure at Eleusis, vi, 508.

Damas, bishop of Magnesia, i, 59, 60, 112, 114.

Damascus, Saul sent to, viii, 96.

Damigero, a Magian, vi, 428.

Damon and Pythias, vii, 153.

Dan, the patriarch, warns his children against anger and lying, viii, 25, 26; speaks of their captivity, 26; exhorts them to fear the Lord, 26; to take heed of Satan, 26; his death, 26.

Danae, vii, 22; loved by Jupiter, vi, 498.

Danaids, martyrdom of, , 6.

Dancer stops, expiation required if the, vi, 486.

Daniel, i, 17, 60, 107, 120; his reference to Christ. 210; prophecy of, comment on, v, 177-191, 208, 210; on the last days, 245; seventy, week of, vi, 134, 140; his description of Antichrist, i, 553; predicts concerning the Roman empire, 554.

Dante referred to, ii, 9, 18.

Daphne, viii, 199; loved by Apollo, vi, 485.

Daphnus, i, 92.

Dardanus, the Magian, vi, 428; first celebrated rites of the Phrygian mother, 462.

Darius Hystaspes chosen by augury, iv, 198.

Darkness at the crucifixion, iii, 35, 38; v, 230; viii, 443, 463; the way of, i, 149.

Dathan, i, 6, 60.

Dativus of Badis, on baptism, v, 567.

David, i, 6, 9, 54, 121; his humility, 10; an example of those who have fallen, iii, 244; his sin an admonition, viii, 64; an example of repentance, vii, 406; prophesies in Hades, viii, 457; seen by Paul in the city of God, 578.

Davidson referred to, iv, 334.

Day, the, does not square with the theory of Valentinus, i, 395; meaning of, viii, 49; of retribution, i, 390; the fourth, fifth, and sixth of creation, i, 100, 101.

Days of the creation, errors in interpreting, vi, 381.

Deaconess, ii, 12.

Deaconesses, to be honored, but not to act without the deacon, vii, 410; their place in church, and duties, 421; to assist in the baptism of women, 431; ordination of, 492.

Deacons, i, 34, 61, 69, 72, 85, 89, 95; ii, 14; humility required in, v, 365-366; appointed by the apostles, 366; their injunctions, vii, 544; duties of, viii, 220; counsel to, iv, 216; how appointed, vii, 381; to be helpers to the bishop, 410, 432; to be obeyed, and to do nothing without the bishop, 411, but to be his eye, ear, and mouth, 416; place and duty of, in church, 421;

ministry of, in the Eucharist, 421, 486; to visit the people, 432; ordination of, 492; viii, 611.

Dead, the, care for and burial of, vii, 464; prayer for, at the Eucharist, vi, 488; vii, 489, 490; daily prayer for, 497, 498; not profitable to the ungodly, 498; raised by Christ, a proof of the resurrection, i, 539; the multitudes of, who rose with Jesus, viii, 454, 463; can only be raised by God, iii, 233; the resurrection of, a Christian belief, 544; asserted by Scripture, 557; resurrection of the, a treatise by Athenagoras, ii, 149-62; men deified, viii, 199.

Dead Sea, origin of, poem, iv, 131.

Deadly sins, the seven, iii, 356, 425.

Death, of Christ, predicted, i, 178. how viewed by Christians, i, 192; iii, 126, and heathen, iii, 126; not to be feared, vii, 87. but rather to be desired by Christians, v, 469; sleep and, analogy of, ii, 157; and life, i, 537; vii, 87, 88, 207; Christian philosophy of, ii, 411; Cicero respecting, vii, 90; errors of Valentinus, concerning, ii, 425; of Epicurus, concerning, iii, 221, 227; heresy of Menander, concerning, 227; separation of soul and body, 228; a violence to nature, 229; and pain, a result of sin, viii, 336; the approach of, with his retinue, to Joseph, the husband of Mary, 392; of Pilate, narrative of the, 466 seq.; all must taste, 394; the way of, vii, 379, 468; the first and second, vii, 61, 62; nature of the second, vi, 440.

Decad, i, 317.

Decalogue, the, at first inscribed on the hearts of men, i, 479, 481; not cancelled by Christ, 481,482; interpreted, ii, 511; why ten commandments, 511; omissions in, interpretation of, 515, 522.

Deceit, ii, 37, 38, 49.

Decemvirs, decrees of the, vi, 487.

Deception, permitted by the sophists, ii, 538; modern casuistry on, 556.

Decius, persecutor, vi, 302.

Decrees, of God, viii, 246; of Fabian, 640, 641.

Decretals, the, time of fabrication, viii, 601; created papacy, 60I; passed into the organic canon-law by Nicholas, 603; frauds of the, 605 seq.; enforced by Gregory VII., 642; Dupin on, 603-605; Milman on, 607; introductory notice to, 601 seq.

Defects, secret, foreign to the righteous man, viii, 50.

Definitions of terms, necessary, ii, 558, 560; philosophical nature, and classification, 562-563.

Degrees, in heaven, corresponding to order in the church, ii, 504; how attained, 505 ; of knowledge, true, Gnostic only perfect in, 507.




Deipara or Tkeotoce, vii, 538. Delitzsch referred to, i, 387; ii, 102;

vi, 339-

Deltotum, ii, 69.

Deluge, a figure of anti-Christ, i, 558; the symbol of persecution, v, 658; comment on, 196-198; errors of Greeks about, ii, 116, contrasted with Scripture accuracy, 116; Varro's computation of the time of the, vi, 493; human race destroyed by, 415.

De Maistre, referred to, i, 177, 211; ii, 131, 291; iii, 594; vi, 542; vii, 256; viii, 172, 643.

Demas and Ermogenes, viii, 487; their evil counsel against Paul and Thecla, 488.

Demas and Gestas, robbers, the history of, given by Joseph of Ari-mathaea, viii, 468; atrocities perpetrated by, 468; their conduct towards Jesus on the cross, 469; Jesus sends Demas to paradise— transformation of, 470.

Demetrianus, vii, 281, 299; Cyprian's address to, v, 457.

Demetrius of Alexandria, epistle of Alexander of Cappadocia to, vi, 154.

Demetrius of Leptiminus, on baptism, v, 569.

Demiurge, the, i, 315; vi, 242; the formation of, according to Valen-tinus, i, 322; iii, 513; the creator of all things outside of the Plero-ma, i, 322; iii, 514, 515; ignorant of what he created, i, 322, 326; iii, 514; passes into the intermediate habitation, i, 325; iii, 518; instructed by the Saviour, i, 326; iii, 517; is the centurion of the Gospels, i, 326; views of the heretics respecting, exposed and confuted, 385; declared by the heretics to be animal, i, 403; iii, 514; if animal, how could he make things spiritual? i, 405,406; work of, perishable, v, 99.

Democracy foreshown, v, 209.

Democritus, vii, 11; on the idea of God, ii, 465, 478; his theory of property, vii, 93; atomic theory of, vi, 437; cosmogony of, v, 16.

Demon worship, depravity of, ii, 73.

Demon, an unclean, which had tormented a woman five years, expelled by the Apostle Thomas, viii, 545. 546.

Demon, the, called Becher, acknowledges the true God, and Bartholomew as the servant of God, viii, 553; describes Bartholomew, 553; is compelled to acknowledge Christ, and confess the malicious deeds of the devil, 555; exhibited by an angel in the temple black as an Ethiopian, 556.

Demoniac, a, healed, viii, 192.

Demoniac possession, instance of, v,

392, 393

Demoniacs healed by Jesus, viii, 406, 707; by Matthew, 529; by John, 562.

Demons, misrepresent Christian doctrine, i, 167; imitate divine things, 183; giants of Noah's day, iv, 203; recognized by heathen as well as Christians, iv, 189; not honored by Christians, 642, 648, 652, nor feared, 648-652; number acknowledged by the Egyptians, 662; vileness of their worship, 663; tempted Solomon, viii, 49; how permitted by God, iv, 638, 651; mislead men, i, 182; raise up heretics, 182; turned into gods, ii, 68; teach the doctrine of fate, 68; economize astronomy, 68; to be punished, 71; vain display of, 72; false promises of, 72; deception

of> 73, >43 ; i;i» 37 » viii> 277 > tempt to idolatry, ii, 143; viii, 138, 287; power given to, iii, 36; offspring of fallen angels, 36; spiritual nature of, 36; confess their true character, iii, 38; how they enter men, viii, 274; how they get power over men, iv, 190; viii, 138, 276; why they wish to possess men, 138,277; subjection of, to angel generals, 257; origin of, 273; two kinds of, recognized by Plato and Socrates, meaning of the name, influence of, vii, 64; inventors of astrology and divination, 65, 66, 232, and oracles, 66; subject to Christians, iii, 37; iv, 190; exorcised by Christians, vii, 65, 159; identified with heathen gods, 232; their rage against Christians, 64, 158, which causes persecution, i, 182; the law given to, viii, 273, 274; the Gospel and prayer give us power over, 138, 277; power over, in proportion to the faith, 138, 277; tricks of, 277; power of, 278; their knowledge, 139; sometimes speak truth, why? 139; reasons why the deceits of are not detected, 278; props of the system of, 278; the weakest Christian mightier than the mightiest, 142; the baptized have power to drive away, 278; have no power over a man unless he voluntarily submits to them, 142; subject to believers, 279; none but evil, appear to the impious, 322; the friendship of, involves men in disgrace, 151; their connection with astrology, 185.

Demonstration defined, ii, 559; produces scientific belief, 559; first principle indemonstrable, 559; dilemma of suspense of judgments, 562.

De Montor, referred to, ii, 3.

Demosthenes referred to, ii, 485.

Denying Christ, peril of, vii, 438.

Deodati referred to, i, 344.

Departed, no confession possible for, ▼» 33'. 3355 offerings for, iii, 94, 103, not allowed in certain cases, v, 367; prayers for, vii,

535< 571'

536, 546, 556> 564. 569r

Descent of Jesus into Hades, viii, 435 seq., 448 seq.

Designing mind, a, seen in the creation, viii, 180.

Desire, twofold, ii, 28.

Desires, Venus the mother of the, vi, 471.

Desiring the salvation of others, viii, 164.

Destiny, viii, 254.

Deucalion, i, 190; and Pyrrha re-peopled the earth, vi, 491.

Deuteronomy, i, 571.

Devil, origin of, vi, 205, according to Valentinians, iii, 514; theories in regard to the origin of, viii, 332, 333; suppositions as to the origin of, 331; the creation of, 334; nature of, iv, 240; rational, 257; the existence of, viii, 331; God is not blamable for permitting the existence of, 332; permitted by God, iv, 350, tempted Christ, why, viii, 49; has not equal power with God, 335; is he a mere relation? 335; his power overman, iv, 261, why entrusted with power? viii, 335; his power illustrated from Holy Scripture, iv, 329; is a roaring lion, i, 250; snares of the, 30, 55, 69, 83, 117-119, 148; wiles of the, viii, 240; plots against Christians, i, 300; emulates the truth, 223; tempted man, 551; not incapable of good, iv, 265; not the sole cause of sin, 329; his lie in regard to the government of the world, i, 552; author of impatience, iii, 709; an imitator in all things, vi, 349; should not be feared, ii, 24, 28, 30; the sons of the, i, 525; views of the Carpocratians respecting the, 350; Peter accuses Simon Magus of being worse than, viii, 332, and refuses to discuss certain questions relating to, 331; the, in the likeness of an old man, stirs up the people against Andrew, 523; rebuked by Andrew, 523; transforms himself into the likeness of a soldier, 530; Eve relates how she was tempted by, 566, 567.

Diageras of Melas denies the gods, vi, 421,486; vii, 11.

Dialectics, a means to true wisdom, ii,


Dialis, flamen mitred, vi, 427, 488.

Dialogue of Justin Martyr with Trypho, the Jew, i, 194-270.

Diana, daughter of Jupiter and La-tona, vi, 460, 483; daughter of the first Minerva, 481; bow-bearing, found refuge on floating islands, 422; mighty in hunting, 469,483; wars of the virgin, 486; represented with thighs half covered, 517; an unhewn log worshipped by the Icarians for, 510; fall of temple at Ephesus of, 516;




Leucophryne buried in temple of, 508; shrine in Delian Apollo's temple of, 508; theologians mention three goddesses named, 480; identified wth Ceres and Luna,


Diapsalma,v, 201.

Diatheses of Ptolemy, i, 333.

Didymseon, Cleochus buried in the Milesian, vi, 508.

Didymus, epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria to, vi, 96 seq.

Diespiter, son of Saturn and Ops, vi, 482; lusted after his mother Ceres, 497; names of some who bore children to, 460.

Digestion and nutrition consistent with resurrection, ii, 151.

Digiti Samothracii, said to be the Lares, vi, 475.

Diligence in study recommended, viii, 122, 152.

Dindymene, Pessinuntic, i.e., Cybele worshipped at Pessinus, vi, 488.

Dinocrates, iii, 701, 706.

Diocletian, persecutor, his avarice, vii, 303; searcher into futurity, 304; stirred up against the Christians, 305; his illness, 307; forced to resign, 309; his death,

3'7-Diodorus, indebted to Moses, i, 279;

referred to, iv, 453. Diogenes, ii, 65; vii, 237; quoted, ii,


Diognetus, epistle to, i, 25-30; introductory note to, 23 seq.; occasion of the epistle, 25; treats of the vanity of idols, 25; superstitions of the Jews, 26; manifestation of Christ, 27; the state of the world before Christ came, 28; why Christ came so late, 28; the blessings he brings, 29; the importance of divine knowledge, 29; referred to, 18.

Diomede, plains of, i.e., Cannae, vi,


Dione, bore Venus to Jupiter, vi, 422, 460.

Dionysius, robbed Jupiter and ./Escu-lapius of their beards, vi, 515.

Dionysius quoted, ii, 109.

Dionysius referred to, vi, 488.

Dionysius Iambus quoted, ii, 455.

Dionysius Thrax quoted, ii, 455.

Dion Thytes quoted, ii, 455.

Dionysius, viii, 198.

Dionysius of Sicily despoils the images of the gods, vii, 41.

Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria, life and character of, vi, 77, 78; works of, 79; sufferings in Decian persecution, 96-103, and under Gallus and Valerian, 105; fragments from his books on promises, 81; on nature, 84; against Sabellius, 91. Epistles of, viz.: — to the Alexandrians, 108. " Basilides, 94. " Cornelius, 101. " Dionysius, 103.

to Dionysius of Rome, 92. " Domitius and Didymus, 96 seq. " Fabius, 97. " Hermammon, 106. " Hierax of Egypt, 109. " Novatus, 97. " Philemon, 102. " Sextus, 102. " Sixtus II., 103. " Stephen, 101. against bishop Germanus, 103. Festival epistle, no; commentary on Ecclesiastes, ill; on Luke, 114, 117, 119; on John, 120; of the one substance, 120; on the reception of the lapsed, 120, 139, 140.

Dionysius of Rome, epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria to, vi, 92 seq.; against the Sabellians, vii, 365; a Greek Father, 363; not a con-troversalist nor anathematizer,


Dionysius of Corinth, viii, 747, 765; writes to the Roman Church,


Dionysus (see Bacchus), five gods named, vi, 480.

Dioscori, i, 70; sons of Leda and Jupiter, vi, 483.

Dioscorus, a shipmaster, sympathizes with Paul, and, mistaken for him, is beheaded by the people of Pontiole, viii, 477.

Diphilus quoted, ii, 472, 483, 530.

Diptychs, the, vi, 556.

Dircae, martyrdom of, i, 6.

Dis, identified with Summanus, vi, 507; human heads offered to, 460; wounded by Hercules, 484; allegorical explanation of rape of Proserpine by, 505; gate of, i.e., Hades, 500.

Disagreement, between Plato and Aristotle, i, 275; among the Val-entinians concerning prophetical predictions, 513.

Disciples, the true spiritual, i, 506; can judge the doctrine of Marcion, the Valentinians, and Ebio-nites, 507, and other heretics, 508; called by Christ brethren, not children, iii, 621; the Seventy, names and martyrdom of,

v> 255-Disciplina arcani, true nature of, ii,

343. 344-

Discipline, ancient, to be maintained, especially by martyrs, v, 309, and virgins, 431; value of, 430; severity against worldliness, 505; and power, difference between, iv, 98.

Discordiae, vi, 471.

Discriminating faculty, the, in man, i, 522.

Discussions, public, between the apostles and the Jews, viii, 92, 94; of Peter with Simon Magus, 102 seq., 117 seq., 312 seq.; differences between the different discussions of Peter with Simon, 102, 117; of Niceta, Aquila, and

Clement with the old workman, 166 seq., 175 seq., 182 seq.; between Clement and Appion, 257 seq., 262 seq.

Disease, a theory of, viii, 277; external, not to be dreaded, 44.

Disk (discus), the paten, vii, 548.

Dismission, the, prayer of, vii, 550, 560.

Disobedience, ii, 49; evil effect of, vii, 520; danger of, viii, 250.

Disobedient, the, are the angels of the devil, i, 524.

Disorder and order in creation, viii, 177.

Dispensations, the seven, ii, 476, 477.

Dispersion of human race, ii, 107.

Dissembler, counsel to, iv, 214.

Distraction, ii, 24.

Distribution of the elements, vii, 559,


Divination, theory of, by means of animals, v, 537; a deceit of demons, 538; forbidden in the law, 539; invented by demons, vii, 65, 66, 232; and soothsaying to be shunned, vii, 424, 467.

Divinations, i, 169.

Divine providence, denied by the poets and philosophers, ii, 142; unity, poem of, iv, 142.

Divinities of the heathen ridiculed, ii, 69.

Divinity, reasons for ascribing to men, ii, 145.

Divorce, ii, 21; a novelty among the Romans, iv, 66.

Docetae, heretics, to be avoided, i, 34, 71; tenets of, v, 117, 145; doctrine of the incarnation, 118, of creation, 118, of the Baptism and Crucifixion, 119; derived from the Greek Sophists, 120; summary of their teaching, 145.

Doctors (teachers), of accusations against, viii, 613.

Doctrine, Christian, misrepresented by demons, i, 167; concerning God, ii, 132; the true, found in the prophets, 193; according to godliness, the, viii, 254.

Doctrines, false, i, 34, 53, 56, 62, 68, 71, 83, 88, 146; profound, 68; heavenly, how denoted, 573; of Simon Magus and Menander,347; of Saturninus and Basilides, 348; of Carpocrates, 350; of Cerin-thus, Ebionites, Nicolaitanes, 351 seq.; of Cerdo and Marcion, 352; of Tatian, the Encratites, Barbe-liotes, or Borborians, and others, 353; Ophites and Settians, 354; Cainites, 358; of the Greeks and Christians, compared, ii, 74.

Documents, Syriac, introduction to, viii, 647, 721 seq.; character of, 648.

Doddridge referred to, ii, 38.

Dodona, Jupiter of, vi, 516; fall of Jupiter's temple at, 516.

Dodwell referred to, ii, 127.

Dogs, employed to guard the capitols, vi. 5"5-




Dollinger referred to, v, 4, 158.

Domestic discipline, ii, 11.

Domitian, i, 129; persecutor, vii, 302; is excited by the Jews against the Christians, viii, 560; issues an edict against the Christians, 560; sends soldiers to Ephesus to arrest John, 560; his interview with John, 561; entreats John to heal a female slave seized by a demon, 562; sends John to Patmos, 562; treats the Saviour's relatives with contempt, 763; puts a stop to the persecution of the church, 763.

Domitius, epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria, to, vi, 96 seq.

Donaldson (Crit. Hist.) referred to, i, 189, 190; ii, 52; (Theol. Rev.) referred to, ii, 8.

Donation of Constantine, viii, 607,644; Dupin on, 644; Bryce on, 644.

Donatulus of Capsae, on baptism, vi,

571-Donatus, confessor, heroism of, vii, 301

seq.; epistle of Cyprian to, v, 275. Donatus of Cibaliana, on baptism, vi,


Dora, Peter at, viii, 134. Dorner referred to, v, 229; vi, 24;

viii, 26. Dositheus, heretic, iii, 649; vii, 453;

and Simon Magus, viii, 91, 99;

contest between, for preeminence,


Double-mindedness, to be avoided, viii, 220.

Doubt or assent, causes of, ii, 564.

Dove in the ark, type of Holy Spirit in baptism, iii, 673; type of baptism, v, 658; emblem of the Holy Spirit, ii, 578; iii, 504.

Dragon of the Apocalypse interpreted, vi, 338; story of the, which killed a young man, and is destroyed by Thomas, viii, 542 seq.; the fiery, which pursued the king of Myrna, 532-

Dragons adore the infant Jesus, viii, 376.

Dream-senders, i, 169.

Dreams, an ecstacy of the soul, iii, 223; prophetic stories of, 224, 225; how far inspired by God, 225; physical and mental causes of, 226; illustrating philosophic contradictions, vii, 73; evidence furnished by, discussed, viii, 322; the impious see true visions and, 323.

Dress, heathen luxury in, forbidden to Christian women, ii, 273; to men, 275; leads to licentiousness, 276; a temptation to sin, iv, 19, 24; of heathen officials unlawful to Christians, iii, 72; condemned by Christ, 73; ancient, of Carthage, iv, 5; changes in, 5; heathen abuses of, 9; Christian, the pallium (mantle), 12, 13; ornament in woman's, derived from fallen angels, 15; unfitting for Christians, 16,22; excess in, forbidden, 17; in prayer, iii, 686; of women, 687; iv, 14; of virgins, treatise on,

v, 420; God's order in, how corrupted, 434.

Dressel referred to, i, 9, 141, 142, 143, 147, 148.

Drinking, Christian principles of, ii, 242; abuses of, 244-45.

Druids, origin of, v, 22.

Drunkard, counsel to, iv, 218.

Drunkards, warned, vii, 498.

Dualism, of Marcion, origin of, iii, 272,475; self-contradictory, 273, 276; creates a new god, 276, 277; not manifested by creation, 279; results in polytheism, 282; not taught by Christ, 284; nor by St. Paul, 285-286; its material conceptions of God, 288; destructive of divine goodness, 290, and justice, 291, 320; Mani-chaean, refuted, vi, 196; origin from Scythians, 229; taught by Basilides, 233.

Dumachus and Titus, robbers, their interview with Mary and Jesus in Egypt and after-fate, viii, 409.

Duodecad, the, of Valentinus, how said to be indicated in Scripture,

i, 3IQ-

Dupin referred to, iii, 8; vi, 284; viii, 603 seq., 644.

Duties, Christian, i, 9, 20, 54, 62, 81, 95, 148; of deacons, etc., 34, 81; of presbyters, etc., 34, 90; relative, 81, 90; of husbands and wives, 34, 35, 81, 95; of the Christian flock, 35, 95.

Duty and faith, viii, 280.

Dyad, the, of Valentinus, i, 332.

Dyer, visit of the child Jesus to the shop of a, and the wonder he performed there, viii, 412.

Dysaules, a goatherd in Attica, vi,


Dysmas, or Dismas, or Demas, and Gestas, the malefactors, crucified with Jesus, viii, 420, 443; history of, given by Joseph of Arimathaea, 468, 469 seq.

Earnestness in religion, viii, 204.

Ears, pleasures derived from, vii, 177.

Earth, the, identified with the Great Mother Ceres, and Vesta, vi, 472; a pregnant sow sacrificed to, 526; birthday of, 531; not a creative power, vii, 87; spherical form of, argument against, 94; made for man, viii, 154; how cursed for man, iii, 564; to be burned up and purified, viii, 584; and paradise, to be made one, 585; the blessedness to be enjoyed in, 586.

Earthly things types of heavenly, i, 486.

Earthquake, the, at the crucifixion of Jesus, viii, 461.

East, turning to, in worship, iii, 31; viii, 668; not a worship of the sun, 123; head of a church towards, vii, 421; prayer towards, reason of, 421.

Easter, v, 120; of the Quartodeci-mans, 123; feast of, to be hon-

ored, vii, 443; computation of, vi, 146-151; vii, 446, 447, 500; eve of (the "Great Sabbath"), 447; octave of, 447; forty days following to be kept, 448; rest from labor on, 495; poem on,

329-Easter controversy, reference to the,

i, 310. Eating, luxury in, heathen, ii, 237;

Christian temperance in, 239-

242. Ebion, successor of Cerinthus, his

heresy, iii, 651. Ebioneans, heretics, doctrines of, v,

114. 147-

Ebionite, i, 71, 83.

Ebionites, derivation of the name of, iv, 371, 429; the doctrines of, i, 351; Jewish heretics, vii, 452; refutation of, who disparaged Paul's authority, i, 439; strictures on,


Ecclesia, the, of the Valentinians, i, 316; iii, 507; of Colorbasus, i,


Ecclesiastes, book of, metaphrase of, by Gregory Thaumaturgus, vi, 9; comment on, by Dionysius of Alexandria, 111.

Economy, term applied to the Trinity, iii, 598, 603; in interpretation, v, 220.

Ecphantus, philosophy and cosmogony of, v, 17.

Edersheim referred to, vii, 258.

Edessa, Bartholomew a native of, viii, 558; Abgarus, king of, 558; visited by Thaddaeus, 558; the story concerning the king of, 651 seq.; a canticle on, 654; founding of, 702.

Edessaeans, laws of the, viii, 731.

Egeria, Numa advised by, vi, 489.

Egg, the creative, developed from chaos, viii, 197, 200.

Egypt, the Israelites in, viii, 86; the flight into, 376, 389, 400, 406; wonders wrought by the child Jesus in, 376 seq., 406 seq., Christianity attested by mighty works in, vi, 438; Apis called Serapis in, 422; letters invented by the fifth Mercury in, 480; Zephyrinus' epistle to the bishops of, viii, 610.

Egyptian, proselytes, makers of the golden calf, vi, 204; rites, ii, 488; women in, 488, 521; mythology, fables of, iv, 405; idolatry more reasonable than other forms of idolatry, viii, 148.

Egyptians, gospel of the, referred to, ii, 392,406.

Egyptians, the Israelites commanded to spoil the goods of, an exposition and vindication, i, 502; iii, 313; inventors of geometry, ii, 65; the first astronomers and inventors of idolatry, vii, 63; witness to Moses, ii, 80; system of, v, 40; their theory of nature, ii, 41; their amulets, 41; worship



of animals, vii, 158, of dumb animals, vi, 468; pay divine honor to a man, viii, 267; gods of the, 282; defence of their system exposed, 282, 283; Christ said to have stolen the secrets of his power and teaching from the, vi, 425; punished those who revealed the dwelling-place of Apis, 509; called the second Minerva Neith, 481; were afraid to utter the fourth Mercury's name, 480; believed that one deity was manifested under the various divine manifestations, 479. 480.

Elchasai, his life and teachings, v, 132 seq., 148.

Eldad and Modat, book of, referred to, ii, 2.

Elect, the, ii, 18, 30; illustrated by Abraham, 445; known by God, 533; sins of the, 39; elect of the, 601.

Electa, lady to whom St. John's second epistle was written, i, 576.

Electra, seduced by Jupiter, vi, 498.

Elements, the twenty-four of Marcus, i, 339; the divinity of, as held by philosophers, exposed, iii, 131, 133; number of the primary, vi, 455; mistake as to Aristotle's conception of, 437; four, viii, 168; in the Holy Communion, care of, vii, 491.

Eleusinia, origin of the, vi, 499; signs used in the, 500.

Eleusinian mysteries imitated by Valentinus, iii, 503.

Eleusis, Ceres' visit to, vi, 499;Dairas and Immarnachus buried in the enclosure of, 508; temple of Ceres at, 508.

Eleutherius, temple at Athens of Liber, vi, 516.

Eleutherus, bishop of Rome, i, 416; ii, 3, 4; his toleration of heretics, iii, 631.

Eli, i, 60, 120.

Elias, i, 178; met by Paul in paradise, viii, 581.

Elijah, i, 9, 81; ii, 62; precursor of Christ, i, 219; proof of resurrection, 530; example of frugality, ii, 281; appears at the transfiguration, iii, 383.

Elishah, i, 9, 81, 545, 574; an example of circumspect behavior, viii, 65; served by the Shuna-mite woman, 65; compared with Christ, iii, 356.

Elizabeth, Mary's visit to, viii, 395; escapes with her son from Herod's wrath, 366.

Elm, the, ii, 32.

Eloquence and truth compared, vii, 9.

Elpis, i, 317; iii, 507.

Elucidations and notes by theAmerican editor, i, 460; ii, 56-58, 297, 298, 342-46, 379, 380, 402-8, 441-3, 476-9, 520-22; iii, 56-60, 76, 77, 103, 104, 108, 150, 179, I8o,

265, 267, 425-8, 474, 475, 542, 543. 594. 595- 628-32, 666-68, 556. 557.567. 568. 605, °°6> 679. 706, 717, 718; iv, 13, 26,38, 49, 58, 73, 101, 114, 115, 125, 126, 166, 198, 219, 382-4, 394, 542; v, 153-62, 241, 259, 409-20, 557-64, 572, 595. 596, 604, 644; vi, 8, 20, 39, 47, 53, 57, 71, 73, no, 120, 139,140, 172, 235,236, 252, 279, 283-5, 303. 3°4. 355. 398, 540-3; vii, 134, 255-8,300, 322, 338, 36°. 366-8, 382, 383, 425. 478. S°6-8, 536, 568-72, 612, 618, 625-39, 641-4, 689, 742, 743. 784. 785; viii> 625, 639, 641-4, 689, 742-3. 785.

Elymas, the sorcerer, sin and punishment of, iii, 66.

Emanations, the, of Valentinus and others, an account of, i, 316 seq., 332, 339! ridicule poured on,332.

Emblems, Christian, in the Catacombs, ii, 297.

Embolisms, the, vii, 536, 537, 558, 567.

Emerina, sister of Anna, viii, 382.

Emmanuel, name prophetic of the incarnation, iii, 331.

Empedocles, ii, 66; philosophy of, v, 13, no; on the elements of man, vii, 61; his theory of the transmigration of the soul refuted,iii, 2l2seq.; quoted, ii,178,

383, 437. 446,447. 455. 463,472,

476, 484, 487; iv, 565; vi, 51,

76, no, m, 112, 113. Emperor, how to be served in his

household, vi, 159; prayer for

the, iii, 42; vii, 551, 555. Emperors, Roman, testimony of, to

Christians, ii, 186, 187; rule by

God's appointment, iii, 43; not

divine, but subject to God, 43;

true and false loyalty to, 44;

how honored by Christians, 71;

six at one time, vii, 313. Encratites, the, ii, 63; heretics, v,

124; doctrines of the, i, 353. Encraty, i, 57, 58. Encyclopaedia Britannica, referred

to, ii, 335, 346; iii, 4755 viu. 12. End, signs of the, viii, 572; of the

world, prophecy of, v, 242,


Endor, witch of, v, 169.

Endymion, loved by Luna, vi, 485.

Enemies, love of, viii, 289; of God, men are naturally, 101.

Energumens, eucharistic prayers for, vii, 484.

Engonasis, v, 43.

Enmity, the, put between Eve and the serpent, i, 457.

Ennius, translated works of Euheme-rus, vi, 486; on Jupiter and the gods, vii, 22, 24, 26, 228; on Romulus, 28; on Africanus, 31; quoted, 31, 135, 228.

Ennoea, i, 316, 333, 353; iii, 507.

Enoch, i, 7; proof of the resurrection, 530; his prophecy, rejected by the Jews, iv, 15, 26; of idola-

try, iii, 62; translation of, viii, 137; met by Paul in the place of the righteous, 578; and Elijah, translation and present state of, iii, 591; and Elias, themselves, must die at last, viii, 394, 438; the book of, iv, 252, 380, not canonical, 567; referred to, i, 481; iii, 62; iv, 380; vi, 147; viii, io, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 23, 27, 37, 43.

Enormities of paganism, viii, 151.

Entanglements, ii, 37.

Enthymesis, the, of Sophia, or Acha-moth, i, 318, 322; iii, 508; the absurdity of, i, 383; the treachery of Judas not a type of, 387, 388.

Entrance, the Little, and prayers at, â„¢. 535> 538, 552; the Great, 535, 540, 554-

Envy, i, 5; effects of, 6; viii, 11; examples of, i, 6.

Ephesians, epistle of Ignatius to the, i, 49-58; he commends them, 49, 52, 54; exhorts them to unity, 50; to various duties, 53-57; warns against false teachers and doctrines, 52; Syriac version of the epistle, 101, 102.

Ephesus, fall of Diana's temple at, vi, 516; allotted to John, viii, 656.

Ephraim, i, 145.

Epicharmas quoted, ii, 483.

Epicharmus quoted, ii, 352, 440, 471, 482, 485, 530.

Epictetus, epistle of Cyprian to, v, 364-

Epicurean theories of nature refuted, vi, 84; other fallacies of this philosophy, 88-91.

Epicurus, i, 190, 192, 193, 274; his theory of atoms, v, 21; vi, 437; viii, 170; denial of Providence, v, 21; vii, n, 236, 287; ideas of pleasure and reward, 21; teaches that the soul is mortal, vi, 445; against the Stoics, vii, 197, 261; on the creation of the world, 87, 197, 236; errors of his philosophy, 86, 261, 263, 287; first taught by Leucippus, 87; quoted, ii, 485.

Epidaurus, ^Esculapius brought from, vi, 536; he of, i.e., ^Esculapius, 469.

Epiphanes, system of, i, 332; opinion on community of women, ii, 382, 403; heretic, v, 91.

Epiphanius referred to, i, 334, 350, 45 *» "i. 374, 375. 376, 439; ™i, 35-

Epiphany, day of, to be celebrated, viii, 668; feast of, to be honored, vii, 443, 495.

Epirus, Christianity attested by mighty works in, vi, 438.

Episcopal seats on, viii, 626.

Episcopate, Church founded on, v, 305; one, 318, 413, 423; represents the priesthood, 340; not developed from the presbyterate, 410.




Epistle, canonical, of Gregory Thau-maturgus, vi, 18 seq., 20; the whole, where read, vii, 535.

Epistles of Cyprian, v, 275 seq.

Epitropus, i, 96.

Epochs, the leading chronological, ii, 120.

Equity deified, vi, 476.

Erechthidae, i.e., Athenians, vi, 500.

Erichthonius, buried in shrine of Minerva, vi, 508.

Eros, viii, 258, 260, 261; fable of, in Plato, iv, 515.

Error, how often set off, i, 315; cannot stand with truth, viii, 107; and ignorance, 280.

Errors, of the philosophers, ii, 65; use of, viii, 239.

Esau, i, 6.

Esdras, Apocalypse of, viii, 358, 571 seq.; the prophet prays to be permitted to see the mysteries of God, 571; pleads with God for sinners, 571; asks to see the day of judgment, 572; is given signs of the time of the end, 572; is conducted down to Tartarus to see the punishments of the wicked, 572, 573; his soul is demanded of him, but the angel sent to demand it is unable to bring it forth, 573, 574; God sends his Son and a host of angels for the soul of, but he is unwilling to relinquish it, 574; he submits, and gives up his soul, 574.

Esoteric doctrine, use of, ii, 302, 313,

343. 345-

Essenes, Jewish heretics, vu, 452.

Esseni, tenets of, v, 134; sects of, 130; their traditions derived from Jews through the Greeks, 137.

Esther, her example, i, 20.

Eternal punishment, viii, 150; not a mere threat, i, 191; of unbelievers, 556.

Eternity made known by the Resurrection, iii, 590.

Ethics of the Greeks drawn from the Mosaic law, ii, 365.

Ethiopian, Christians, canons of, v, 256; sun, Isis tanned by, vi, 422.

Ethiopians, visited by the gods, vi, 508.

Etruria, mother of superstition, vi, 528; arts of, i.e., charms and sacred rites, vi, 496.

Etruscans, the, identified Penates, and Consentes, and Complices, vi,


Eubuleus, a swineherd in Attica, vi, 499.

Eubulus quoted, ii, 531.

Eucharist, the, i, 81, 89, 185, 186, 527, 528; ii, 242; vii, 379; peculiar customs of, ii, 300; received according to reason, 310; heretics celebrate with water, 322; not to be celebrated with water only, v, 359, nor with wine only, 362; types of, in Holy Scripture, 359, 360; prefigured by the obla-

tion of fine flour, i, 215, typefied by Melchizedek, ii, 439; loaf of symbolizes the unity of the Christians, v, 362^ 398; how received, 350; white vestments at, 257; daily, 252; not daily, vii, 551; a safeguard in persecution, v, 337; carried to the sick, 488, 561; an antidote to mortality, vii, 566; morning celebration, memorial of the Resurrection, v, 363; prayers after, vii, 380; given after baptism, iii, 94, 103; deacon's ministry at, vii, 421; kiss of peace in, 422; prayers, sacrifice, communion, and blessing in, 422; unbaptized not admitted to, 422; not to be offered by laymen, 429; at the burial of the dead, 464; prayers and thanksgivings of, 471-475, 483-491; canon of, 486-491; oblation in, 486. See Communion and Liturgy.

Eucharistic sacrifice, see Sacrifice.

Euchratius of Thenae, on baptism, v, 568; epistle of Cyprian to, 356.

Euclid, on immortality, vii, 80.

Eudemus quoted, ii, 315.

Euelpistus, martyrdom of, i, 306.

Eugenius of Ammedera, on baptism, v,

569-Euhemerus, on Jupiter and the gods,

vii, 22, 26, 228. Eulogius, 1, 120. Eumelus, quoted, ii, 482. Eumolpidae, origin of, vi, 499. Eumolpus, keeper of sheep in Attica,

vi, 499. Eunuchs to be ordained in certain

cases, vii, 501. Euodias, i, III. Euphanius, i, 119. Euphorion quoted, ii, 451, 455. Euplus, i, 50.

Eupolemus quoted, ii, 335. Euripides, on future judgment, i, 291; quoted, ii, 97, 109, 110, 131, 142, 178, 179, 191, 192, 317, 384, 419, 420, 432, 461, 462, 471. 475. 482, 483, 484, 485; vii, 151; also his:

Aegeus, ii, 483.

Alcest., ii, 139.

Alexander, ii, 413, 482.

Antiope, ii, 337.

Archelaus, i, 292.

Bacch., ii, 205, 244, 439; iv,


Bellerophon, i, 292; ii, 144. Chrysippus, ii, 485. Ctimenus, ii, 482. Cyclop., ii, 142. Erechtheus, ii, 481,482. Hecuba, i, 293. Hexameters, ii, 485. Hippolytus, i, 292; iv, 656. Ion, i, 292; ii, 145, 193. Iphigenia in Aulis, ii, 274. Medea, ii, 362, 482. CEneus, ii, 481. CEnomaus, ii, 484. Orestes, i, 292; ii, 193, 281, 482,


Phoenix, ii, 4S4.

Phoenissa, ii, 309; iv, 440, 509,


Phrixus, i, 293. Pirithous, ii, 471. Protesilaus, ii, 485. Telephus, ii, 484.

Europa, seduced by Jupiter, vi, 498; represented on the stage, 531; fable of, vii, 21.

Eusebius referred to, i, 2, 32, 34, 38, 42, 46, 104, 151, 152, 153, 154, 194, 309, 353. 451. 468, 568; ii, 87; iv, 445; v, 168, 601,608; viii, 362.

Eutecnus, i, 92.

Eutychus, appointed by John ministei of Ephesus, viii, 563.

Euxine Sea, barbarity of inhabitants on its coasts, iii, 271.

Evans referred to, iii, 8.

Evanthas, i, 559.

Evarestus, i, 43.

Evaristus, bishop of Rome, i, 416; schismatic, deposed and excommunicated, v, 325.

Eve, i, 114; the story of, according to the Ophites, 356; compared with Virgin Mary, 455, 547; why formed from Adam's rib, ii, 105; her creation from Adam symbolized the church from Christ, iii, 222; a type of the church from Christ, iv, 149, compared with Pandora in Hesiod, 514; her dream, viii, 565; bears Seth, 565; sympathy with Adam when sick, sent by him to paradise for the "oil of compassion," 566; sees Seth fighting with a wild beast, 566; at paradise, beseeches God for the " oil of compassion " — the answer she received, 566; returns to Adam and is reproached by him, 566; relates to her children the history of her temptation and fall, 566 seq.; her prayer, 569; her vision of a chariot of light, 569; her vision of Adam's body, and the angels praying for him, 569; her death and burial at the side of Adam, 570.

Eventide, hymn of, ii, 79.

Evil, beings, turned to good account, viii, 140; angels, seducers, 140; doers shall be punished, 178; and good set over the one against the other, 179.

Evil one, the. See Devil.

Evil-speaking, i, 17; to be avoided, ii, 20; deeds, i, 6; desires, 35; the, to be shunned, 25; to be avoided, viii, 623 seq.; origin of, vii, 52; viii, 120, 180; not from God, ii, 101, 319; viii, 120, 334; not a Christian doctrine, vi, 454; origin and growth of, iv, 526; necessary, vii, 142; why God permits, viii, 140; not sought for itself, i, 319; works for good, 320; not justified by good effects, iv, 528; existence of, viii, 118, 119; denied by some, 119; in




free will, vi, 362; does not exist in substance, viii, 139; the existence of, on astrological principles, 194; sin, cause of, 334; the prince of, why made, 180, 183; a power over man, vi, 371; consists in ignorance of God, 382.

Evils, ignorance the mother of, viii, 144; brought in by sin, 179; uses of, 184; admitted, 194.

Evius, performance of his shameful promise by, vi, 500.

Evodius, i, 81.

Example of Christ, i, 9, 35, 54.

Examples, and similitudes, very important in instruction, ii, 281; of love, i, 19, 20.

Excommunicated, the, not to be prayed with, vii, 501; how to be treated, viii, 615.

Excommunication, mild form of, v, 267.

Exhortation, The, of Clement, object of, ii, 167.

Existence and conception, viii, 115.

Exodus, the, viii, 87.

Exomologesis, iii, 664; unreasonable dread of, 664, 665; a spiritual medicine, 665, 666, 668.

Exorcism in baptism, power and conditions of, v, 402; rules for, viii, 59, 60, unavailing to theatregoers, iii, 90.

Exorcists, not ordained, vii, 493.

Exposition, the true, only found in the Church, i, 496.

Extracts, book of, by Melito, fragments from, viii, 759.

Eye, government of the, ii, 291; of a needle, the, Peter causes a camel to pass through, viii, 527; causes a second camel to do so, 527.

Eyes of man, vii, 188.

Ezekiel, i, 9; prophecy, comment on, v, 177.

Ezekiel, the poet, quoted, ii, 335.

Faber referred to, ii, 10; iii, 159, 160.

Fabian, Epistles of, viii, 630 seq.; decrees of, 640, 641.

Fabius of Antioch, epistle of Diony-sius of Alexandria to, vi, 97.

Fabius, a favorite of Jupiter, vi, 485.

Fables, invented by the devil, i, 233.

Faces, painting of, ii, 286.

Faith, i, 8, 13, 29, 55, 64, 84, 86, 191, 199, 257, 260; ii, 15, 16, 17, 20, 26, 49; enjoined, vii, 521; the unity of the, in the universal church, i, 330; of Abraham, the same as ours, 492; the leading principle in all matters, ii, 91; duty of, vii, 250; is possible, without learning, ii, 307, 345; before, not contrary to, reason, iv, 400; not a product of nature, ii, 349; the gift of God, viii, 271; only means to the knowledge of God, ii, 348; the foundation of all knowledge, 349, 359, 445; its foundation and effects, iv, 480; dependent on the will, 491, and knowledge, viii, 44, 45, and reason, 116; and unbelief, 143, and

duty, 280, and righteousness, effect of, 50; its mysteries not to be divulged to all, ii, 312; taught by Scripture to Greek philosophy, 352; leads to repentance, hope, benevolence, 353, 357; twofold, relating to memory and hope, 359; voluntary, 360; necessary to justification, 444; obstacles to, viii, 309; heretical views of, ii, 445; objects of, how perceived, 448; saving, manifested by works, 505; first delivered by Christ, and spread by the Apostles, iii, 252; Sectional confession of, by Gregory Thaumaturgus, vi, 40 seq.; his twelve topics on the, 50 seq.; his declaration of, 7; Melito's discourse on, viii, 756.

Faithful, the, eucharistic prayer for, vii, 486; the liturgy of (missa fideliuni), 535, 540, 562; prayers for the, 535; the, are called kings, viii, 48; counsel to, iii, 212.

Fall, of man, ii, 67, 102; cause of, viii, 272; of angels, 272.

Falling from grace not immediate, iv, 256.

False brethren to be avoided, vii, 438.

Falsehood,!, 56; ii, 21, 49.

Family, the, developed by Christianity, ii, 58.

Fan used by the deacon in the eucharist, vii, 486.

Farrar (St. Paul) quoted, i, 133; ii,

87. 313. 345; i;i> 433; v> 349; (Huls. Lect.) quoted, iii, 345; (Witness of Hist.) quoted, ii,


Fascination of, iv, 36. Fast, ante-paschal, how kept, vi, 94,


Fasts, general, appointed by bishops and observed by general councils, iv, in.

Fasting, i, 34; meaning of the word, viii, 44; before baptism, vii, 379; viii, 164; before and after baptism, iii, 679; the acceptable, i, 138, 202; a type of Christ, 141; of Christ, iii, 679; secret, 686; reward of, ii, 33; to obtain help for martyrs, vii, 437; seasons for, viii, 613; on the stationary days (Wednesday and Friday), vii, 379, 445, 469; for penance, 402; on the Sabbath, 445, 469; through the Holy Week, 447; not on the Lord's Day or other feasts, 449; defence of Monta-nistic, 102; primitive origin of, iv, 103; purpose of, 104, 114; regulated by the law of Moses, 104; examples in Old and New Testaments, 105-107; recognized by the heathen, 113; extreme views of Tertullian on, 114; spiritual discipline of, attested by modern writers, 115; a treatise by Tertullian on, 102 seq.

Fate, doctrine of, ii, 68; only God's decree, iv, 195; not the cause of

all things, nor controlling man, vi, 342; all things happen according to, 521; has not the power over everything, viii, 729; on, 728.

Father, the, world made by, through the word, i, 361; only known by the Son, 467; reveals the Son, 469; the law given to Christ by, ii, 35; the whole substance of God, iii, 603; addressed as God in prayer, 608; love to God as to our, viii, 289; no one knows the, how to be understood, 327; an unnatural, viii, 522; the punishment

of, 525-

Fatherhood of God, eternal, therefore Christ eternal, vi, 92.

Fathers, exhorted, i, 81; apostolical, quoted, ii, 348, 355, 357, 360, 362, 366, 422, 428, 459, 495, 510.

Fatua Fauna, i.e., Bona Dea, wife of Faunus, vi, 422 (note), 496; unlawful to bring in myrtle twigs to the rites of, 496; account of her death and rites, 496.

Fatuae, vi, 420.

Fauni, vi, 420.

Faunus, son of Picus, and father of Latinus, vi, 461; ensnared and bound by Numa's craft, 489; made the Aventine his haunt, 489; and Fauna, vii, 38, 229.

Faustinianus (Faustus), father of Clement, viii, 158, 294, 307; disappearance of, 159, 294; Peter's first meeting with, 165, 305; his discussions with, etc., 166, 306; recognition of, by Clement and his brothers, 190, etc., recognition of, by Matthidia, 307; transformed by Simon Magus into his own likeness, 206; 343; how this transformation was effected, 207; why it was effected, 344; personates Simon Magus to defeat him, 208-209, 345; restored to his own form, 209; his baptism, 210.

Faustinus, brother of Clement, viii, 158, 294.

Faustus (Faustinianus), brother of Clement, viii, 158, 294.

Faustus of Timida Regia, on baptism,

v, 57°-Fawn's skin, worn by the initiated, vi,


Fear of God, i, 54; viii, 186; necessary, ii, 354, 585; restraining influence of, viii, 185; is mingled with goodness by God, viii, 44; and love, 299; of men, 186, produces (according to Valentinus) animal substances, i, 323.

Feasts, Christian, iv, 647; and fasts, to be kept, vii, 495; heathen forbidden to Christians, iv, 648; idol, temptations to, iii, 66; unlawful to Christians, 68-70; of emperors, involve idolatry, 70; private, lawful, 71.

Februarian lustrations, the, iii, 449.

Februtis, a name of Juno, vi, 472.




Felicitas, martyrdom of, iii, 697, 703, 704.

Felicissimus, and his followers excommunicated, v, 316; his crimes, 338; authors of schism, 415.

Felix, epistle of, to Cyprian, v, 406.

Felix of Amaccora, on baptism, v, 569. of Bagai, " " v, 567. of Bussacene," " v, 571. ofGurgites, " " v, 571. ofMarazana, " " v, 570. ofUthina, " " v,568.

Felix Subscribonius, Epistle of Ponti-anus to, viii, 622.

Female prophetess, the, viii, 242; a deceiver, 242.

Fenelon referred to, iii, 239.

Fescennine verses, sung at marriages, vi, 482.

Festivals and fasts, Christian, iv, 112.

Fetiales, the forms of the, neglected, vi, 460.

Fever, a child cured by a bandage from the child Jesus, viii, 410.

Few shall be saved, viii, 239.

Fidus, epistle of, to Cyprian, v, 353.

Fifth day, the, of creation, ii, 101.

Figurative teaching of Scripture and philosophy, ii, 449.

Figure, of the Apostles, i, 215; of the Eucharist, 215.

Fillets, worn by suppliants, vi, 498.

Filthy speaking and acts, reproved, ii, 250.

Fire, principle of life, vii, 58; a primal principle, according to Simon Magus, v, 79; the origin of all things, vi, 437; the power of, viii, 46.

Fire-worship, the origin of, viii, 276; of the Persians, 141.

Firmilian, epistle of, to Cyprian, v, 406.

First-fruits, how to be offered and used, vii, 494,497.

Fish, Israel may not eat, spiritual significance of, i, 143.

Fisher referred to, iv, 595.

Five, the number, the frequent use of in Scripture, i, 394, 395.

Flattery, on, i, 58; or magic, which the more potent, viii, 257.

Flesh, the, as nourished by the body of the Lord, incorruptible, i, 486; in the resurrection, our, capable of bearing the conditions of eternal life or eternal death, iii, 591; made capable of salvation, i, 527, 528; iii, 524; quickened, i, 537; saved by the Word taking flesh, 541; the saints having suffered, shall receive their rewards in, 561, 562; works of the, 536 seq.; iii, 578; we shall be judged in the, vii, 519; desires of the, to be subdued, viii, 144; persons, who first ate, the, 273; and blood, i, 534. 535! °f Christ, as real, denied by certain heretics, iii, 521, who therefore deny his true nativity, 522, and attribute falsehood to him, 523, shown by the appearance of angels in human

body, and of the dove, 523, 542; really suffered and rose again, 525-6; not sidereal and unborn, 526; recognizes human relations, 527, 543; pure, yet natural and human, not angelic, 530, 533, 535; distinct from soul, not spiritual, 533, 534; born by miracle, as Adam, 536; proved by gospel history of his birth, presentation, and prophecies, 538-41; a treatise by Tertullian on the flesh of Christ, 521 seq., also on the resurrection of, 545 seq.

Flesh of man, exalted by Christ's incarnation, and by his love of man, iii, 523.

Fleury referred to, v, 155.

Flint, people of Pessinus worship a, vi, 510.

Flocks, ii, 54.

Flood, history of the, ii, 106; viii, 85; tradition of, vii, 59; brought as a punishment of evil-doers, viii, 178, 273; the world after the, 86.

Flora, watches over the blossoming of plants, vi, 470; a harlot, 470; shameful actions done openly at games of, 531.

Floralia, the, vi, 531.

Florentinus Pupianus, epistle of Cyprian to, v, 373.

Florinus, i, 568.

Flowers, right use of, taught by nature, iii, 96; Christian use of, iv, 197.

Flute-girl, the Hebrew, and the Apostle Thomas, viii, 536.

Fluonia (or Fluvionia), a name of Juno, vi, 472.

Folly, ii, 49; of arguments derived from numbers, letters, and syllables, i, 393; of idolatry, viii, 139, 146.

Fons, son of Janus, vi, 471.

Food, all kinds to be received with thanksgiving, vii, 469.

Foods, spiritual significance of Mosaic precepts respecting different kinds of, i, 143 seq.

Foot-baths, ii, 92.

Foreknowledge, viii, 240; of God, i, 178; viii, 246; not the cause of events, iv, 440; no proof of divinity, 539; of Moses, viii, 247.

Forewarned, forearmed, viii, 229.

Forgiveness, of sin, i, 200; of injuries, duty of, vii, 417.

Forks, Caudine, overthrow of Romans at, vi, 477.

Form of sound words, the, viii, 175.

Forms and types, viii, 176.

Fornication, viii, 219; what constitutes, ii, 581; its effects, viii, 10, 12.

Forswearing, how to be treated, viii, 640.

Fortitude, religious duty of, vii, 250.

Fortuna Virginalis, maidens' garments offered to, vi, 460.

Fortunatus, i, 21; schismatic bishop, v, 342, 415; epistle of Cyprian to, 335; a treatise addressed to,

496; a poem on Easter by, vii,


Fortunatus of Tuccaboris, on baptism, v, 567.

Fortune, a deity, vi, 459; no goddess, vii, 97; one of the Penates, according to Caesius, vi, 474, 475; represented with a horn filled with fruit, 517; not man's adversary, vii, 99.

Forty days before the passion of Christ should be a fast day, viii, 668.

Foulkes referred to, iv, 383.

Fountains, ii, 51.

Four, number, mystical meaning of, vii, 341; gospels, why? i, 428; covenants, 429.

Four living creatures of the Apocalypse, symbols of the four Evangelists and of the life and works of our Lord, vii, 348.

Fourth day, of the week, kept as a fast, or " Stationary Day," vii, 341; of creation, ii, ioo.

Fraction of the Bread, vii, 535, 536, 544, 548, 557, 566, into parts for the faithful, 559, 567.

Fragments, from Justin's lost writings, i, 300-2; of Clement Alexan-drinus, ii, 571-87; from commentaries of Hippolytus, v, 163.

Frauds, pious, singular illustrations of, viii, 206-9; of the Decretals as demonstrated by Dupin, 605 seq.

Free choice is given to the soul, viii, 45.

Free schools of the Christians, ii, 78.

Free-will, ii, 581; possessed by all, iv, 240, 265, 267, 290; condition of all obedience, iv, 51; vi, 362; in angels, i, 250, 270; in man, 250, 270, 518, 519; ii, 69, 105; vi, 204; viii, 144, 183; God's gift to man, vi, 342, 362, necessary to man's nature, vi, 458; baffles astrology, viii, 195; the origin of sin, ii, 319, 362, 363; iv, 51, 292; necessary to faith and repentance, ii, 349; condition of judgment, 353; proofs of, 424, 426, 437, 502, 524; power of choosing salvation, 441; source of obedience, 5'9> 527» 528; "i. 302, and of faith, 525, 527, 528; choice of virtue, 525; man's likeness to God in, 301; error of Basilides, 444; illustrated by Plato, 475; controlled not by desire but by reason, iv, 303; Scripture proofs of, 305; instance of Pharaoh answered, 309; illustrated from nature, 310, and from the parable of the Sower, 314; proof of God's justice, 320; implies man's co-working with God, 321, 328; objections answered, 324; definition of, 347, 383; Methodius concerning, vi, 356 seq.

Freedom and nature, on, viii, 726.

Freedom, of the will, viii, 119; of man, 286.

Friday-evening service appointed by the Apostles, viii, 668.

Friends of the Son of God, the, viii, 183.




Friendship, how threefold, ii, 369;

with God, how secured, viii, 84;

and philanthropy, 297. Frontispicists (physiognomy), art of

the, v, 32. Fronto, i, 50. Frugality, a mark of Christian living,

ii, 280; examples of, 281. Frugifer, a god with lion's face called,

vi, 510. Fruit of the belly and of the loins, i,


Fruits worthy of repentance, ii, 38.

"Fuga, De, in persecutione" a treatise by Tertullian, iv, 116 seq.

Fuller, referred to, iv, 13.

Fulvius, censor, story of, vii, 52.

Fulvana, Fulvanus, and Erva, demoniac nobles, are healed by Matthew, viii, 529; are baptized, 529; the king is enraged with, 529.

Funeral pomp reproved, iv, 217.

Funeral rites, heathen, iii, 545.

Funerals, Christian rites at, vii, 464.

Furies, the, vi, 471, 500; the three, vii, 185.

Furni, epistle of Cyprian to the people of, v,367.

Fiirst referred to, iii, 331; iv, 329, 380.

Future and the present, viii, 310.

Future judgment, testimonies to, v, 291.

Gabinius, the consul, vi, 462.

Gabriel, v, 180, 181; sent to Mary to announce the birth of Jesus, viii, 364; sent to Joseph, 389; receives the soul of Joseph, 392; pleads for men, 580.

Gad, the brother of King Gundapho-ros, his sickness and death, viii, 539, 540; caught away by angels, he is shown the heavenly palace built for his brother by the Apostle Thomas, 540; is allowed to return to the earth to obtain the heavenly palace for the king, 540; is permitted by the king to occupy the palace, 540; is sealed by Thomas, 541.

Gad, the patriarch, speaks of his youth, viii, 29, of his hatred against Joseph, 29, of his punishment, 30; warns his children against hatred, 29, and envy, 30; his death and burial, 30.

Gaetuli, afflicted with droughts because of the Christians, vi, 417.

Gain, gods of, vi, 478.

Gaius, i, 85, 91.

Galatians, Christianity attested by mighty works among the, vi,


Galaticism, charge of, refuted,iv, in.

Galerius, persecutor, stirred up by his mother against the Christians, vii, 305; edict against them, 306; his cruelty and oppression, 309, 314; recognizes Constantine as emperor, 311; invasion of Italy and retreat, 312; stricken

with incurable disease, 314; edict in favor of Christians, and death,


Gallandi referred to, vi, 120. Galli, priests of the Great mother, vi,

424; beat their breasts, wailing

for Attis, 496. Gallicanism, extinguished by Pope

Pius ix, viii, 643.

Gallus, emperor, persecutor of Christians, vi, 106; mutilation of a

daughter of, 492, 495. Gamaliel, stills a tumult raised against

the apostles, viii, 94; his speech,

94, 95-

Games, Greek, in Africa, iii, 638.

Gams referred to, ii, 4.

Ganymede, vii, 21; carried off to satisfy Jupiter's lust, vi, 506; represented on the stage in ballets,


Garamantes, the tawny, vi, 508.

Garment of baptism, the, how it may be spotted, viii, 142.

Gate, guardians of the, Roman superstition, iii, 643.

Gaudomeleta, viii, 477.

Gaul, innumerable Christians in, vi, 417; laws in, viii, 731; bishops of, Epistle of Callistus to, viii, 614.

Gauls, why called Galatians, vii, 323.

Geese, the guardians of the Capitol,

vi, 5«5-

Gehazi, an example of circumspect behavior, viii, 65.

Gehenna, meaning of, iv, 584; punishments of, v, 584.

Geli, laws of the, viii, 730.

Gellius quoted, vii, 232.

Gelones, customs of the, viii, 188.

Gemini, types of those born under, v,

33-Geminius of Furni, on baptism, v,


Genealogies, fabulous heathen, ii, 96; of Christ, vi, 126, 139; of St. Matthew and Luke, both of Joseph, vii, 360.

Generation, of man, in what sense God's work, vi, 312; proof of the resurrection of the body, 368; not spontaneous, vii, 60; an illustration of divine providence, viii, 173; the angel of, 49.

Genesis, viii, 234, 254; discussion about, 166; does and regulates all things, 166, 167, 305; prayer inconsistent with, 168, 305; further discussions about, 176 seq., 182 seq., 306, 308; not it, but free-will, determines the history of men, 188; divided into seven parts or climates, 189; the Gospel more powerful than, 189; inconsistent with the justice of God, 189; stubborn facts in support of, 190; the difficulties cleared up by recognitions, 190.

Genesis, the truth of its testimony, ii, 103; a poem, iv, 132, 166; commentaries on, v, 163; beginning of in Hebrew according to some, iii, 600.

Genii, of husbands, invoked at marriages, vi, 460; of states, 420.

Genius Jovialis, said to be one of the Penates, vi, 474, 475.

Gentile cosmogony, viii, 197.

Gentile nations, their universal acceptance of sacrifice, vii, 530.

Gentiles, the call of, viii, 88, 145; expectation of, 145; invitation to, 146; conversion of, i, 253, 260, 264,265; more difficult than that of the Jews, 495; counsel to the, iv, 209.

Gentilism, buttress of, viii, 200.

Geometry, ii, 65; mystery of, 499-501.

German critics, strictures on, ii, 126.

Germanicus, his constancy, i, 39.

Germans, irruptions of the, regarded as special calamities caused by the Christians, vi, 415.

Germanus, epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria, against, vi, 103.

Germination of seeds, illustrating divine providence, viii, 172.

Gesenius referred to, iii, 331; iv, 329, 380; viii, 10.

Ghosts, the Lares said to be, vi, 475.

Giants, viii, 85; their progeny, ii, 142; origin of, viii, 273.

Gibbon, on Lactantius, vii, 30x3; referred to, i, 187; ii, 57, 92, 147; iii, 58; iv, 468.

Gideon, a type, i, 445, 571.

Gieseler â–  referred to, iv, 495, 504, 542,


Gifts, the, of the Holy Spirit, i, 533; miraculous and prophetic object of, vii, 480, 481.

Girdle, the, of Adam, a sign of repentance, i, 457.

Girl, a, cured of the leprosy by the water in which the infant Jesus was washed, viii, 407.

Gladiatorial shows, wickedness of, v,

277> 576> 577-

Gladiators, ii, 75.

Gloria in Excelsis, vii, 490, 542.

Gnidus, statue of Venus at, loved by a young man, vi, 516.

Gnosis, true wisdom, revealed by God, ii, 494.

Gnostic, speculation, fundamental object of, i, 311; true (Christian), as defined by Clement of Alexandria, ii, 342, 358, 369, 370; his contempt for pain and pove.ty, 412; divine contemplation, 414; object of life, 418; trained by Christian knowledge, 433, 438; perfected by martyrdom, 433; seeks good for itself, 434-7, and knowledge, 495; philosophic testimony to, 436; how regards earthly things, 439; an imitator of God, 440; freed from passion and perturbation, 496; uses all knowledge, 498; conjectures things future, 501, 521; alone attains perfection, 502; represses sensual desire, 503; worshipper of God, 523; attains likeness to Christ, 526; knowledge, 527; content, self-control, 528; his




faith and trust, 536; help to others, 536; prayer and alms,

537. 545; takes n0 oath» 537; teaching of, viii, 45, by example, ii, 538; made perfect in knowledge, 539; final reward, 539; full character of, 540,577; life of, viii, 47; lover of God and man, ii, 542; his self-restraint in lawful things, 543; fasting, 544, charity, 545, continual devotion, 54^> long suffering and forgiveness, 548; virtue, effect of, viii, 48.

Gnosticism, Irenaeus against, i, 310.

Gnostics, iii, 633; take rise from Menander, i, 417; the hypocrisy and pride of, 439; tools of Satan, 554; their cavils answered, 465; false, tendency of, ii, 380; despisers of the body, 412.

Goat, the, sent away, a type of Christ, i, 141, 301; of Amalthea, vii, 36.

Goats, the two, symbols of the two advents of Christ, i, 254; sacrificed to Bacchus and Mercury, vi, 525; tornin pieces by bacchanals, 496.

God, his character, i, 10, n, 12, 13,

16,   80; his nature, ii, 89; viii, 316; is incomprehensible, ii, 20, 463; iii, 32; iv, 243; viii, 333; incorporeal, iv, 242, 377, 621; vi, 467-9; without body or sex, vii,

17,   226; immaterial, iii, 133; without human passions or form, iii, 310; v, 615; ineffable, v, 616; names of, i, 190, 413; name-lessness of, 281; attributes of, 521, ii, 90; viii, 237, 283; cares for men, i, 172; his care of human affairs, viii, 150; how he appeared to Moses, i, 184, and others, yet invisible, 490, invisible, known, not seen of Christ, iv, 245; is a spirit, ii, 66, 585; iv, 193; spirit and truth (reality), iv, 243; supreme, therefore one, iii, 273, one only, creator of all, vii, 11, 224, 242, 268; vi, 420; v, 612, 613, alone uncreate and creator, 150; God of God, 167; one in essence, not name merely, iii, 275; known always by intuition, 278; creator of all things visible and invisible, 283; the creator of matter, vii, 53, of the world,53, 265, of animals, 58, of man, viii, 45, of the material world, iv, 521; governor of the world, vii, 104; his government, i, 29O-3,innature, iii, 134; vi, 357, gives not his glory to another, i, 230; viii, 286; desires righteousness and not sacrifices, 1,245, 24^i 291; viii, 247; how to draw near and serve him, i, 12, 13, 14, 20, 34, 165; who are worshippers of, viii, 151; but one foretold by the law and the prophets, vii, 13,224, whom Christ confesses as his Father, i, 466, 544, 550, and this unity of, viii, 108, 109, is proved, iv, 183, taught by heathen phi-

losophersandpoets, 183, 184; acknowledged by the heathen, vi, 480; testified to by poets and philosophers, vii, 13, 225, by Hermes, 15, by the Sibyls, 16, 225, 278, by Apollo, 17,279; one only to be acknowledged, i, 293, 463, as proved from Greek writers, 290-2; ii, 131, from Moses, the prophets and Christ, i, 463, 464, as against Marcion and others, 359. The world made by, i, 361; through the Word, ii, 97; by his Son, as a double house, viii, 183; out of nothing, i, 369; not to be sought after by means of syllables, and letters, i, 396; how to be thought of, viii, 237; is perceived through his works, ii, 90; iii, 32, 298, 299; viii, 244, 245; shown in creation of man, 300, and by his works, iv, 405; and known by them, ii, 90, 91; many things the knowledge of which must be left in his hands, i, 399, 400, who alone knows all things, 400, 401, and made all things, 405, by the Word and Spirit, 487, 546. One proclaimed by Christ, 417, 489, in whom he was revealed, iv, 277, and the apostles, i, 417; the Holy Ghost throughout the Old Testament but one, 418; objection to the doctrine of one, deduced from 2 Cor. iv, 5, answered, 420; objection from Matt, vi, 24, answered, 421; proved to be one and the same, the Creator, from the Gospels of Matthew, 422, Mark and Luke, 423, and John, 426, 428, from the apostles, 429, seq.; he is the Father eternal, iv, 250; in all as Father and Son, 254; the Father the same in Old and New Testaments, 275; his likeness the highest good to man, 344; i, 544; showed himself to be merciful and mighty to save, after the fall of man, 449; his providential rule over the world, 459; v, 617; vii, 232, 264; viii, 167, 309; serves humanity by exhorting, ii, 252; he is just to punish and good to save, i, 459; immutable and eternal, 465; ii, 476; perfect, v, 614; will be seen hereafter in immortality, ii, 91; his goodness—mingled with fear, viii, 44—natural and rational, iii, 287,288, not simple goodness, 290, not impugned by man's sin, 302, 303, 304, compatible with justice, 307 — since he is righteous as well as good, 124, 137, 231, 325, and his goodness great toward man, 724 — and with penal evil, iii, 308; proved by the Old Testament, history and law, 310, essential, 637; the destruction of Jerusalem derogates nothing from his majesty, i, 465, he must punish transgression, iii,

292, his willis irresistible, viii, 120, he is called a consuming fire, 46, but his judgment is good, 48, and his justice will be shown at the day of judgment, 124, 237; he has placed man under the law for man's own benefit, i, 478, needs nothing from man, 482; he is the author of good only, viii, 120; permits evil, 140, and the powers of evil, iv, 333; but is not the author of sin, i, 502; iii, 305, or of evil, ii, 101; vi, 358, 364; v, 598, 615, 638; he is the author of both Testaments, i, 505; the misery of departure from, 523; one and the same, inflicts punishments and bestows rewards, 523. We ought to render to God the things belonging to, viii, 46; he ought to be loved supremely, 128; he is above all gods, iv, 640, and cannot be — who alone is to be worshipped, i, 92; vi, 464; vii, 47, 171 —worshipped with false gods, vii, 32; for he punishes idolaters, v, 498, does not easily pardon idolaters, 499, and punishes those who lead others to idolatry, 499: he is the only object of worship, 498; alone the proper object of worship, viii, 146; is to be spiritually worshipped, iv, 606; his worship is man's highest duty, vii, 77, 263, contrasted with worship of false gods, 246, 280; he is the true object of Christian worship, iii, 31, and ought to be served, vii, 520. His glory and power will shine forth in the resurrection, i, 529; those deceived who feign another, 530; he pardons our sins, 544, 545, though men forget him, but recognize him in,adversity, vii, 40; his patience, 67, 109, 232, of which he is the author, iii, 709; communion with, i, 556; his will, energy, infinitude, 569; merciful, 570; long suffering, viii, 205; bounty to all, vii, 260; always true and faithful, i, 572; fear of, ii, 24, 65; viii, 321, necessary to morality, iii, 292, 307; thanks ever due to, ii, 73; the only source of natural power, iii, 146; not known by philosophy, 130, whence absurd opinions of philosophers and poets concerning, ii, 95; Greek notions of, 74, compared with Christian ideas, 74; error of Epicureans and Cicero, vii, 263, 264; anthropomorphic terms regarding, iv, 277, 513, 529, 600; anger of, vii, 263, 273, 277, 278, 279; his walking, ii, 103; justified in forbidding man to eat of the tree of knowledge, 104; his goodness in expelling man from paradise, 104; his law and Christian doctrine, 113; one only acknowledged by the Christians,




130; testimony of the prophets, 133; distinguished from matter, 135; how revealed in the Old Testament, iii, 32; acknowledged in various ways, 176, though his gifts are perverted by man, 80; known by science only as manifested in Christ, ii, 438; knowledge of, a divine gift, 464; excellent, viii, 245; his best gift to man, iii, 299, because necessary to self-knowledge, iv, 181, as proved by order of nature, 182, and by nature of man, 182; this shown by philosophers, ii, 464, 465; how far revealed to the heathen, 474, 475; knowledge of, in Greek philosophy, 489; the true doctrine of God, the creator, iii, 297 seq.; he elects and rejects according to desert, 315, is the Father of mercies as creator, 452; eternal as God, but not as Lord, 498; a body (corporeal soul) as well as spirit, 602; is not to be confounded with the world, vii, 265; ruler of nations, iv, 666; government of the Jews, 193; how to be glorified, viii, 48; how to be conceived, 45; belief in him intuitive, vi, 421; shall be seen by the pure in heart, 122; the ways of, 231; he begets the Son, one with himself, vii, 105, 109,132; the honor of, vindicated in the incarnation, iii, 524; why incarnate, vii, 242; why he reveals himself to man, iv, 500, because his Saviour, viii, 44; is to be loved more than parents, 154; he will be all in all, iv, 345; seen with the spiritual body, 624; manifested by the Word, 603, 604; knowledge of, in a future life, 298; endowed man with freedom of will, viii, 724; why he has made vile creatures, 176; the folly of sitting in judgment on, 181; fore-knowledge of, 246; decrees of, 246; disparagements of, 247; the, of the Jews, 254; indicated as blameless, 272; neither the world nor any part of it to be considered as being, 283; creatures avenge the cause of, 286; is philanthropic, 298; the shape of, in man, 316; the character of, 317; man in the shape of, 319; the figure of, 320; the centre or heart of the universe, 320; the nature and shape of, 320; the fear and love of, 321; misconceptions respecting, in the Old Testament, 329; not blam-able for permitting the existence of the devil, 322; produced the evil one, but not evil, 334; the maker of the devil, 334; his power of changing himself, 341; not the author of the evil one, in the manner as he is of the good one, 341; why he appoints the evil one over the wicked, 342; of

Simon Magus, unjust, 113; unre-vealed, 325; defects ascribed to, by Simon Magus, 245, refuted by Peter, 246.

God, of this world, the, i, 420, 575.

God, the Son of, viii, 315.

God, what is not, viii, 297.

Gods, the execrable, of the heathen, a fragment concerning, iii, 149, 150.

Gods, the so-called, in the Old Testament, i, 419; false, their vain pretensions, 292; abandoned by Christians, 171; of the heathen, ii, 68, 91, many so-called, viii, 108; human origin of, iii, 26, 142; men, as shown by Ennius and Euhemerus, vii, 26; possess sex, 28; human passions attributed to, vi,4i7; not underrated, 420, 422; absurdities concerning, i, 69; iv, 203 seq., 184-186; how interpreted, iii, 140, 141; not justified by allegorical interpretation, vi, 502-506; their immoralities, i, 91; their vile character, iii, 28, unworthy character, 138; examples of vice, 143, 148; vices of, and patrons of vice, vii, 30, 146, 227; their wickedness, i, 113, 174-185; absurdities and cruelty of their worship, i, 92, 183; iii, 29> 39! impious rites of worship, iv, 187, 188, 191; their temples, tombs, i, 184; their worship a late invention, iii, 40; origin of their worship, vii, 32, 63; worshipped for their crimes, vi, 432; why they are worshipped being so vile, viii, 200, 254; adulterers, 259, evil influence of the example of the, 255; attempted explanation of the bad actions ascribed to, 200 seq., 256; cannot give blessings, iii, 49; impotent to help, 146; despicable when made, i, 94; valuable when purchased, 94; despised by heathen as well as by Christians, iii, 118, 119, 120; Varro's threefold division of, 129; their number and officers, 139, 144; recognized by Romans, iv, 176; Roman, how classified, iii, 137, their rites, vii, 32, speculations of philosophers on, iii, 131; cannot include the elements, 131; called elements by Zeno, iv, 184; name not from verb of motion, iii, 132; stars regarded as, vii, 32; heavenly bodies not gods, nor subject to change, iii, 134; attributes given by poets to heroes, 135; objects deified by different nations, 136; divers doctrines concerning, i, 112; Homer and Herod concerning, 95; their genealogy, 96; not really gods, viii, 260; imitation of, 260; really wicked magicians, 266; their existence not proved, vi, 465; the contemporaries of, did notlookon them as being gods, viii, 266, 267; those which are made by hands are

not, 281; of the worshippers, like the worshippers, 202; the, which have not made the heavens, 289; of the Egyptians, 282; how consecrated, instances of Ceres and Liber, vii, 30; their rites vain, 33, 203, and depraving, 64; things sacred to, viii, 199; kinds of sacrifice offered to them, vii, 32; demons, 64, 130; vainly worshipped by images, 67; religion of, 203; supper of the, viii, 203; graves of the, 266; vilely represented in heathen mythology, vi, 466,469, 470-2, 482-8; proved false by its contradictory fables, 473-82; tutelary, belief in, absurd, 477-82, crimes and vices attributed to, 482-99, 539, 540; deities not honored by temples and images, 508-10, nor by sacrifices, 518, nor by incense and wine, 528, nor by other heathen rites, 530; anthropomorphic ideas of false, 532; what has become of them, i, 94; have no power over Christians, vi, 418; why not acknowledged by Christians, 464, 507; witness to Christianity, iii, 38.

Golden age fabled under Saturn, vii, 142, 230; exists in obedience to God, 143.

Golden rule, the, viii, 268, 285, 299.

Good and evil, viii, 129, 193.

Good one, the, and the evil one, the different origins of, viii, 341.

Good out of evil, viii, 223.

Good, the sufferings of the, viii, 298.

Good, the, is to be done, ii, 25; the chief, opinions on, 374, 375; vii, 74, 76, 234; nature of, 77; in immortality alone, 80, 235; not in bodily life, 74, 80; not without evil, 75.

Good works, necessity of, viii, 155.

Goodness, divine, not inconsistent with justice, ii, 225; none without liberty, viii, 121; and justice defined, 324; essential to God, not to any created being, iv, 260; instance of St. Peter, 265; identical (in God) with his justice, 278; goodness of rational beings destroyed through free will, 292.

Gospel, the, the success of, viii, 89; preached at Rome, 225, and at Alexandria, 225; gives power over demons, 133; more powerful than genesis, 189; the objections to, apply yet more to heathen mythology, vi, 429; its language defended, 430; its effects shown in the lives of Christians, 435; read by the deacon, vii, 535. 5535 salutation of, 562; reading of the, should be heard standing, viii, 668; of Peter, Serapion on the,

775-Gospels, apocryphal, list of, viii, 351—


Government, civil, of God, to be obeyed, i, 552; iii, 647.




Grabe referred to, i, 164, 181, 188;

viii, 3, 14. Grace, i, 63, 92; the saving effect of,

viii, 45.

Graces, Christian, i, 35. Gradual, the, vii, 561. Graeca, rights of Ceres, vi, 462. Grafting, illustrative of conversion, ii,

507. Grain of mustard-seed, meaning of,

i. 573-

Grapte, a deaconess, ii, 12.

Gratina, loved by Praxiteles, and taken as a model of Cnidian Venus, vi, 511.

Gratitude, offering of, how acceptable, vi, 23.

Graves, the, of many, opened at the crucifixion of Jesus, viii, 454; how honored by heathen and by Christians, iii, 177.

Gravitation, theory of, vii, 95.

Greater and less, application of the phrase, i, 472.

Greece, provinces of, iv, III, 114; seven wise men of, vii, 101.

Greek, language of Christianity, ii, 166; type of early Christianity, 379; poetry, quoted, 469-76; studies ridiculed, 76; writings, contrasted with Hebrew, 119; philosophy, origin of, v, 182.

Greek words especially mentioned or explained, viz.: —

'Appaoal;, i, 350. ayaTrfi, i, 396. aSiKia, ii, 362. aiata, ii, 455. Aiibv, i, 316. li, iii, 245. , i, 330.

iav, i, 188. j)., ii, 458. UKpddpva, ii, 241. ake'ujiec'd-a.i, vii, 106. cOJi&eia, i, 396. dfiapria, ii, 362. ava/tapTttrog, viii, 36. avSoa/ilag, ii, 245. av&patroc, vii, 230. avo/iia, ii, 362. avovawc, i, 336. . avruOiiig, ii, 554. avrncMua, ii, 72.

aVTlTVTTd), i, 574.

avrixdoveg, iv, 273. airiavij, iv, 274. airoXvTpoioic, i, 330. apery, vi, 334. auKiov, ii, 455. aaitjiara, iv, 274. hoooroi, ii, 239. aaarla, ii, 245. aauTtu, ii, 239. "Arri, i, 285. Bard/toi, ii, 277. Taarpifiapyia, ii, 240. â– yvamc, ii, 364. ywf), iii, 688. yhvtSeg, ii, 277. Aai/iuv, i, 164. Sa/iva/ievebt;, ii, 455.


fyg, iii, 695. Sinaioavvri, ii, 509. S6^ 1,423; ii, 264. f ii, 550. g, ii, 364. , ii, 532. e, i, 372; ii, 98. evvoia, i, 185. tvrekexuat i> 276. i!-ofKiUyT)Gis, iii, 664. igdv, i, 296.

d iii, 195. fr), i, 17. emff?!/iov, i, 337, 338. hiuarrjutj, ii, 264, 364. ip/Miov, i, 169. evdcu/j-ovia, ii, 376. tv^d/iEia, ii, 354. tvrpaneXm, i, 501. ivxpiGTOc, i, 89. 2tVVX®V$bv, ii, 456. 'Hye/wviKov, iii, 193. Oebg, iii, 132. deSTOnog, v, 259; viii, 429,

n 579-

vsotyopbv/ixu, i, 174. i^Amo, iii, 688. 'lepovpyta, i, 113. V^;i?i)c, iii, 669. Kct&vicov, ii, 235. Karafiolv, iv, 342. KardSeaftot, i, 241. KaraOTcjov, ii, 455. nsvbv, i, 296. Kep/uf, v, 57. Kivairfec, ii, 278. /ol<6i id="iii.p11716.1"/>, ii, 456. kog/ukSxv, i, 296. K<5<7/«)f, iv, 273. KpamdXrj, ii, 244. AsiTOvpyma, i, 393.

*# ii. 455-

, iii, 193.

f, i, 227, 373, 400. Ma-frq/iannoi, ii, 458. fitkejav, i, 330. fierdvoia, iii, 316.

dp, ii, 473. f, ii, 456. K, ii, 456.

l, iii, 599-^J>, ii, 217. v6?;oeic, ii, 564. vmrStTTjaig, ii, 233. Olicovofiia, iii, 598. biKovofzoc, ii, 69. op/xrjriKy, iv, 286. 6gi6t>k, ii, 509. bfotjiayla, ii, 240. nairfaywyja, ii, 213. â– KaiSepaGrla, ii, 73. Tratfoc, ii, 72. irap&evla, vi, 334. d^, viii, 55. a, i, 338. ^fa, i, 52. iv, ii, 464. TrpdrTeiv, ii, 464. â– Kpiafivg, i., 451. â– irpoflokij, iii, 602. ii, 235.

KpoopiKbc, i, 372; ii, 103. 2a/3a6&, i, 412. ic, ii, 364. viii, 55.

, i, 393-

, i, 155. Taireivo?iGic, iv, no, III,

rerpaj, 11, 455. rp«*f, ii, 101. TpiiGirepov, i, 272. "T/Spif, ii, 260. i>7r6d-£Gi£, ii, 68. g, ii, 67. KT), iv, 286. ff, i, 189. 0iw«T, ii, 585. (fwc, ii, 216. "S-Cu/iapyip., ii, 240. via, i, 138. j*, ii, 182. ;p, ii, 455. X'taa/J.a, i, 183. XPVotoq, i, 163; ii, 92; iii,


XpieG&ai, vii, 106. XptGrifiiropog, viii, 60. r6c, i, 163; ii, 92. , iv, 288.

Greeks, the, Justin's discourse and hortatory address to, i, 271-289; shameless practices of, 272; poets of, unfit to be religious teachers, 273; departure from the custom of, 271; their theogony exposed, 292; folly of their mythology, 272; opinions of their philosophers, 274-76, and what they and others learned from Moses' writings, 276-78; not the inventors of arts, ii, 65; foolish solemnities of, 74; their play-actors, 75; other amusements, 75; idols of, 76; legislation of, 77; errors of, about the deluge, 116; but children against the Hebrews, 341; drew from the sacred writers, 351.

Gregory Thaumaturgus, bishop of Neo-Caesarea, a pupil of Origen, vi, 3; student of law, 4, 21; surname, life, and character, 5, 6; his own account of his conversion, 25; how led to Berytus, 26; meeting with Origen, 27; works of 4, 6; declaration of faith of, 7, 8; metaphrase of the book of Ecclesiastes, 9 seq.; canonical epistle of, 18-20; oration and panegyric address to Origen, 21 seq., the latter's epistle to, iv, 393; sectional confession of faith, vi, 50 seq.; on the subject of the soul, 54 seq.; four homilies of, 58 seq.; on all the saints, 72 seq.; on the gospel according to Matthew, 74.

Gregory VII., first to take the title of " Pope," viii, 642.

Grief, i, 35; ii, 26; evil spirits said by Valentinus to derive their origin from, i, 323.

Griesbach referred to, i, 47.




Grits mixed with salt, or sacrificial meal, offered to the gods, vi, 470, 490.

Grosseteste referred to, viii, 6.

Grotius referred to, iii, 630.

Grundules, Lares, vi, 419.

Guardian angels, viii, 108, 390.

Guardian deities, favor of, withheld, vi, 470.

Guettee referred to, i, 310, 461; ii, 56, 380; iii, 239; v, 391.

Guilelessness, ii, 15, 16.

Guillon referred to, iv, 409.

Guilt, contracted if the dancer halted or musician was silent, vi, 486.

Gundaphoros, king of India, the Apostle Thomas bought for, as a carpenter, viii, 535; engages Thomas to build a palace for him, 538; seeing no palace built, he throws Thomas and the merchant who bought him into prison, 539; on the death of his brother he resolves to put Thomas to death; 540; the brother of, sees the palace in heaven built by Thomas, and obtained liberty to return to secure it for himself, 540; grants his brother permission to dwell in the heavenly palace, 540; is baptized and sealed, 541.

Guria, martyrdom of, viii, 696 seq.; accused, 696; brought before Antonius, 697; refuses to renounce Christianity, 697; imprisoned, 697; too weak to endure tortures, is spared, 698; brought again before the governor, 699; condemned to death, 699, and killed, 700; homily on, 714 seq.

Gustate, vii, 548.

Gymnosophists of India, answers of, ii, 488.

Haag referred to, viii, 393, 429.

Habib the deacon, martyrdom of, viii, 690 seq., 696; exhorts the Christians, 690, 700; is sought, 690, 700; goes to Edessa, and presents himself to Theotecna, one of the governor's officers, 691, 700; is brought before the governor, 692, 700; refuses to sacrifice to the gods, 692, 700; is tortured, 693 seq., 700, and burnt alive, 694, 701, buried beside Guria and Shamuna, the martyrs, 695, 701; homily on, by Mar Jacob, 708.

Habit, the power of, viii, 97.

Hades, v, 174, 194; meaning and extent of, 221, 222; a place of happiness, iii, 69; identified with paradise, vii, 63; position of, iii. 231; souls in, vii, 351; abode of the soul from death to judgment, iii, 233; two regions of, 233; souls do not come from thence, 234;' not a sleep, but a discipline of the soul, 235; repentance in, ii, 491; punishment in, vi, 445; Christ's descent into, iii, 231, premonitory signs of, viii,

435,    448; announced in, by

Isaiah and John the Baptist, 435,

436,  448; announced by Adam, 449; altercation between Satan and, when Jesus was coming down

to, 436. 449. 455. 4S6J re.Pty of. to Satan, 436, 449; a voice announces the approach of Jesus to, which is taken up by the forefathers, 436,437, 450, 456; Satan cast into, by the King of glory,

437,   451; reviles Satan, 451; rejoicing of the saints in, at the anticipated coming of Jesus to, 456; Adam and his descendants delivered from, 437, 452, 457; the saints rejoice in Jesus, and adore him when he has come to, 458; Jesus sets up his cross in the midst of, 458; Christ preached to Jews in, and Apostles to Gentiles, ii, 490; existence of denied, vi, 522; Tertullian's view of, iii, 406, 428, 557, 563, 595.

Hagenbach referred to, iv, 262, 342,

346, 603. Hail, ii, 28. Hair, may be trimmed, but not dyed,

ii, 286. Ham, the first magician, viii, 140; the

father of Mesraim, also called

Zoroaster, 140, 275. Hammon, represented with a ram's

horns, vi, 511.

Hand, cutting off the right, viii, 165. Hannibal's invasion of Italy, Phrygian

mother's worship introduced at

the time of, vi, 462, 538; driven

out of Italy by the goddess, 538. Happiness, i, 28; ii, 3; deified and

worshipped, vi, 470. Hardwick quoted, i, 172. Harmony, ii, 49; in the church, i, 61;

in the universe, 10. Hartley of Winwick referred to, ii, 31. Harvest, the plenteous, viii, 35. Harvey referred to, i, 318, 321, 322,

323, 324, 325, 334, 339, 350, 353,

354, 355. 362, 3°4. 367> 369. 373.

377. 392, 396, 399. 4°°. 4°2,4°9.

444, 469, 476, 484, 486,491,507,


Hasta caelibaris, hair of brides arranged with, vi, 460.

Hatra, laws in, viii, 731.

Hatred, ii, 49; effects of, viii, 29.

Heard referred to, ii, 102.

Heathen, their gods, ii, 136, and idols, 136; recent invention of, 136; a poetic fiction, 137; absurd representations of the gods of, 138, 174; impure ideas concerning the gods, 138; their shameful poetry, 139; pretended symbolical explanations of, 139; their gods but men, 143, 144; folly of their worship, vii, 157,158; dishonored their own gods, vi, 465, 466, 501; dishonored their gods in sacrificing to them, 524, 530; are exhorted by Clement to abandon idolatry, ii, 171; Arnobius against the, vi, 413 seq.; their

hymns and songs to be shunned, vii, 442, 443; hatred of the Christians by, vi, 422, 463, 488; reviled Christians as illiterate, 430; examples of prayer to Christians, vii, 423.

Heathenism, manners of, ii, 47, 57.

Heaven, as revealed in holy Scripture, iv, 582; of Valentinus, i, 322; iii, 642; as taught by the Persians and others, iv, 583, 584; the spiritual meaning of Canaan, 621; the visible and the invisible, viii, 116; the visible, why made, I2i; why to be dissolved, 121; district of, 187; degrees in, ii, 504; and hell, poetic description of, iv, 138-140.

Heavenly bodies, changes of the, proof that they are not divine, iii, 134; may be regarded as living beings, iv, 263.

Heavens, meaning of, viii, 49; the new, different abodes in, i, 566, 567; the seven, viii, 13.

Hebdomadarii, the, v, 45.

Hebrew, Old Testament, variations from the Septuagint, iv, 386; passages quoted from, not found therein, 389; historians contrasted with the Greek, ii, 119; knowledge of Irenaeus,of, 1,412; of Clement of Alexandria, ii, 439, 443, 446, 476.

Hebrews, history of, vii, 63, 108; epistle to the, translated by St. Luke, ii, 579; why not subscribed by St. Paul, 442, 579.

Hecataeus, historian, on Jewish learning, iv, 402.

Hecate, mother of Saturn and Ops, vi, 461, mother of Janus, 471.

Heel, bruising of, v, 166.

Hefele referred to, i, 9, 48, 77, 104, 137, 138, 141, 142, 143, 147, 148.

Hegemonikon, philosophical term for faculty ruling the senses, iii,

„ 535- ...                     .

Hegessippus, vm, 747, 762; journey of, to Rome, 764; makes a list of bishops, down to Eleutherus, 764.

Hegrin, a name of an angel, ii, 18.

Helena, i, 171; Abgar's wife, retains the sovereignty of Mesopotamia, viii, 706; moves to Jerusalem, and distributes corn during a famine, 707; tomb of, seen before the gate of Jerusalem, 707.

Helena and Simon Magus, i, 348; viii, 233; what Simon says of,


Helenus, the soothsayer, vi, 431. Helix (see Beron), vi, 231. Hell, i, 169; descent of Jesus into, see


Hell and purgatory, viii, 239. Hellas, Philip's visit to, and interview

with the philosophers there, viii,

503 seq.

Hellebore, ii, 72. Hellespontian Priapus, vi, 466.




Hemerobaptists, Jewish heretics, vii, 452-

Henna, grove of, whence Proserpine was carried off, vi, 503.

Henotes, i, 332.

Hephaestus, shortcomings of, viii, 740.

Hera and Pallas, viii, 264.

Heracleius, or Heracleides, ordained bishop of Cyprus, viii, 495.

Heracleon, agrees in substance with Valentinus, iii, 652; opinion of, concerning the body of Jesus, v, 89.

Heraclides quoted, ii, 182.

Heraclitus, i, 178, 191, 274; ii, 66, 403; philosophy of, v, 13, 126, 157; origin of Noetian heresy, 126, 158; referred the origin of all things to fire, vi, 437; quoted, ii, 181, 446, 470, 471, 476, 484.

Herculanus, epistle of Cyprian to, v,


Hercules, i, 170, 172, 192; ii, 66, 69; viii, 265; life and death, vii, 18, 31; vices, 226; rites in honor of, 36; fable about, invented by the devil, i, 233; his unworthiness in fable, iii, 143; an inferior character, 143; burned alive after punishment, vi, 422,424; son of Jupiter and Alcmena, 460, 485; this the Theban defended by his club and hide, 483; worshipped as divine, 462, 465; a mortal, deified, 474; wounded by Hip-pocoon's children, 484; entangled in robe of Nessus, 488; violated the fifty daughters of Thestius, 485; wounded Dis and Juno, 484; put an end to human sacrifices in Italy, 460; was a slave at Sardis, 484; burned on Mount (Eta after an attack of epilepsy, 484; the Theban, burned on Mount CEta, 422; the Phoenician, buried in Spain, 422; six gods named, 480; deified because he subdued robbers, wild beasts, and serpents, 423.

Heresies, origin of, i, 416; ii, 554; iii, 257>477> 5?8; iv, 469; vii, 133; foretold, iii, 243; vi, 338; how originated, vi, 241; originate in heathen philosophy, v, 10; offspring of heathen philosophy, iii, 246; characteristics of, v, 47, 100; proceed from self-will, iii, 245; never rest in truth, 248; how regarded by Christians, iv, 570; contemporaneous, v, 125, 155; no argument against Christian belief, ii, 549, 550; aid in discovering the truth, 508; tested by Scripture, 551; founded on opinion, 555; vi, 241; authors of, ii, 555; their analogy with bodily disease, iii, 243; condemned by St. Paul, 245; their false pretence of St. Paul's authority, 254; have no succession from Apostles, 258; a mockery of Christian truth, 264; warnings against, 245; epitome of, v, 140; twelve heresies,

anathemized, vi, 50-53; treatise of Irenaeus against, i, 309-567; by Tertullian against, iii, 648 seq., and heretics, to be avoided, vii,

45°.. 451, 457. 458> 461; forbidding marriage, meat, and wine,


Heresy, Adam's sin, iii, 298.

Heretical baptism, acts and records of, noted, v, 653; not to be repeated, 667, but completed by imposition of hands, 668, 673, but valid without such complement, 669, 673; note from Euse-bius on, 678.

Heretics, views of early, i, 34, 56, 62, 63, 68, 71, 80, 82, 87, 88, 89,138; confirm the Catholics in the faith, 212; resort to Scripture to support their opinions, 319, 343,344; iii, 250; have no right to Scripture, 251; modes of initiation practised by, i, 346; their inconsistency, 322; style themselves spiritual, 403; their perverse interpretation of Scripture, 369; iii, 251, 261; their irregularity of conduct and discipline, 263; their women teachers, 263; feign three kinds of men, i, 323; have fallen into an abyss of error, 370; fabric idols with words, iii, 613; their Christology, 623; cannot give true baptism, v, 376-385, 425, 565-572, nor attain true martyrdom, 384, 426; appoint bishops without ordination, 424; have not Christ's presence, 425; types of, in the Old Testament, 427; compared with the lapsed, 427; why favored by certain confessors, 427; the first order of productions maintained by (viz., aeons) indefensible, i, 373; borrow their system from the heathen, 376; miracles claimed to be wrought by, 407; blasphemous doctrine of, further exposed, 408; follow neither Scripture nor tradition, 415; refutation of, from the orderly succession of bishops in the churches, 415; tossed about by every wind of doctrine, 458; unlearned, ignorant, and divided in opinion, 547; their pretexts for licentiousness, ii, 385; claim all carnal things as lawful, 388, 404; condemn marriage, 389,392, 404; character of, 555; first heretics post-apostolic, 555, 556; St. John's course regarding, 577; to te avoided, i, 547; to be shunned, viii, 630; how to be treated, 631; work to pull down, iii, 243; prefer loose company, 264; ungodliness the effect of the teaching of, 264; the prescription against, a treatise by Tertullian, 243; the peculiar place assigned to, in the region of the damned, viii, 579.

Hermae at Athens like Alcibiades, vi,

Hermammon, epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria to, vi, 106.

Hermas, of St. Paul, ii, 4, 56; brother of Pius, 4, 56; the pastor of, 7, 9-55; date of, 7; apocryphal and erroneous, iv, 85, 101; called "angelic," 156; known to the East, but little in the West, ii, 7; question of authorship, 7; versions and manuscripts of, 7; written in Italy, 7; the morals of, 6; introductory note to, 3-8; elucidation on, 56-58; on creation of matter, iv, 252; on interpretation of Scripture, 359; quoted by Irenaeus, 6; referred to, i, 341, 348,357, 360,422,488, 510.

Hermes Trismegistus, his opinion concerning God, i, 289; vii, 15; on immortality, 210; on the last days, 215.

Hermippus, on the Jews, iv, 402; quoted, ii, 317.

Hermogenes, origin of his heresy, iii, 259; his character, 477, 629; maintains eternity of matter, 479; making matter divine, yet not equal to God, 480, and God the author of evil, 482; makes matter neither corporeal nor incorporeal, and neither good nor evil, 498; opinion of, v, 122, 148; his theory of the soul refuted, iii, 191; a treatise of Tertullian against, 477 seq.

Hermotimus, story by, iii, 223.

Hero, deacon of Antioch, Epistle of Ignatius to him, wherein he is exhorted, cautioned, instructed, and pointed out as the future bishop of Antioch, i, 113-115, 123.

Hero-worship, viii, 141, 276.

Herod, an Irenarch, i, 40, 43; a roaring lion, 250.

Herod, mocked by the Magi, seeks to kill Jesus, viii, 389, 406; slaughters the infants in Bethlehem, 366, 376, 420; Jesus sent to, by Pilate, 429; the death of, 389; in Tartarus, 572; wishes to have his statue in the temple of Armenia, 702; is refused by Abgar, 702; indignant, sends his nephew against Abgar, is killed, 702.

Herodians maintained Herod to be Christ, iii, 649.

Herodotus, v, 69; referred to, i, 12, 410; ii, 92, 112, 144, 279, 285, 484, 485, 521; iii, 37, 138, 146, 225, 686; iv, 6, 198, 433, 453, 474, 558> 559. 56l> 590.636,642; v, 44, 69; viii, 19.

Heroes of immense and huge bodies, vi, 462.

Heroic ages, incense unknown in the, vi, 528.

Hesiod, poetical origin of the muses, v, 22; on the gods, ii, 95; on the generation of the gods, vii, 14; cosmogony of, viii, 200; referred

to, i, 389; ii, 95, 96, 142, 144, 182, 192, 277, 279, 282, 304, 307,






325, 341,468,469,470,483,486,

prophecies fulfilled, 353; under-


Iliad, III, b.....

.....ii, 183

531; iv, 513, 533; vi, 8g; vii, 64;

stood too literally by the Jews,



.....u, H3

viii, 263.

356; threefold interpretation of,




.....11, 179

Hesperides, golden apples of the, vi, 497-

359-365; literal sense not excluded, 368; histories types of




.... 11, 193 ......i, 392

Hessey referred to, iv, 648.

heavenly things, 371; written for



-4...., 309

Hexaemeron, described, ii, 98; glory

all, not for the learned only, 573,




.....ii, 138

of, 99; Simon Magus' interpreta-

635. (See also Scriptures.)




.... ii, 183

tion of the, v, 77.

Holy Spint, 1, 5, 17, 43, 52, 56, 57,83,



150 ....

......v, 51

Hezekiah, an example of repentance,

85, 92, 101, 140, 146; ii, 20, 23,




.. . .vi, 152

vii, 406.

35,36,43; how originated, 318,


V, 1-

â– 2.....

.....ii, 518

Hierapolis, or Ophioryma, viii, 497. Hierax, martyrdom of, i, 306; epistle

319; person and office of, v, 640;


^—— 2


.....iv, 410

divinity of, iv, 240; vi, 41, shown




11, 139, 179

of Dionysius of Alexandria to,

by the baptism in His name, iv,




.....ii, 267

vi, 109.

252; proceeds from the Father,



28 ....

.....u, 203

Hierocles against Christianity, vii, 137.

344, 383; incorporeal, 242; eter-



......v, 51

Hilary, epistle of Fabian to, viii, 637

nally existent, 253; is the Son of



----iii, 138


God, ii, 43; the Vicar of Christ,



.iv, 426, 445

Hilgenfeld referred to, i, 134, 135,

iv, 27, 38; brooding on the waters



.....n, 139

J37, r38, 139. H2, 143, 144. 146,

in the creation, iii, 671; not to



......1, 274

H7, 148, 149! vui, 70, 73, 84,

be grieved, ii, 26; represented by



.....u, 179


the seraphim of Isaiah, iv, 253; in-



.....ii, 216

Hippasus, i, 274.

spired the prophets, ii, 97, and



.....11, 139

Hippias quoted, ii, 484.

the apostles, iv, 240; gifts of the,




Hippo, philosophy and cosmogony of,

1, 5335 apostolic gift of, iv, 53;



......1, 335

v, 17; quoted, ii, 187.

in the saints only, 254; one in




Hippo of Melos, vi, 486.

Old and New Testaments, 284;


VI, 123....

......1, 194

Hippocoon's children, Hercules

typified by the dove, iii, 673; why



.....u, 193

wounded by, vi, 484.

He came in the form of a dove,



.....ii, 481

Hippocrates quoted, ii, 374, 485.

iv, 424; descended upon Jesus


160 ...

.....iv, 519

Hippotylus, Roman disciple of Ire-

at his baptism, i, m; imparted


181 ...

■ ••• vi, 339

naeus, writes in Greek, v, 3; liter-

to all men after the ascension, iv,



.....11, 204

ature on, 6; discovery of his

285 ; invocation of, 535; invoked


344 ••

.....ii, 288

statue, 3; bishop of Portus and

by imposition of hands after baptism, iii, 672; prayer for the



.....ii, 288

martyr, 6; relations to the apos-


VII, 99..i,

286, 376, v,

tolic age, 7; his theory elaborated,

descent of, upon the oblation, vii,



viii, 263.

100; opposes Zephyrinus and

546, 558; existence of, according


101, 102 ... .ii, 481

Callistus, 125, 128, 157; his mild-

to Valentinus, v, 86.


VIII, 18...

......i, 282

ness and severity, 159; fragments

" Holy things for holy persons," vii,



.....11, 473

from commentaries of, 163 seq.;

536, 559. 569.



......1, 33O

doubtful fragments, 194 seq.; a

Homer, vii, 12, 14, 19; indebted to


IX., 4......, 356

treatise of, on Christ and Anti-

Moses, i, 279; compared with




christ, 204 seq, against the Jews,

Moses, ii, 77; agrees with Plato,



......i, 283

219 seq., against Plato, 221 seq.

i, 282; laid under contribution


311 ....

.....ii, 45°

against Noetus, 223, against

by the Valentinians, curious in-


3I2, 3'3

.....1, 5°7

Beron and Helix, 231; on the

stances of, 330; concerning the


319, 320

.....iv, 491

holy Theophany, 234 seq.; frag-

gods, ii, 95; a contemner of the



.....i, 280

ments of homilies, 238 seq.

gods, iii, 120; quoted, ii, 304,



.....i, 282

fragments from other writings,

324, 468, 469, 482, 485; viii, 263,


499 • • • •

.....», 135

244 seq.; appendix to the works

739; besides from his


533 • ■ • •

.....", 529

of, 242 seq., on the twelve

Iliad, 1,, 381


x, 155.....

.....ii, 258

apostles, 254 seq.; on the seventy

221___ii, 187; vii, 130



.....ii, 518

apostles, 255; heads of the canons

248............ii, 222


XII, 200 seq

• • • -iv, 538

of, 256; canons of the church of

399............1, 273



.....ii, 485

Alexandria, wrongly ascribed to,, 508


XIII, 6 ....

.....ii, 218

2571 referred to, i, 316, 317,334,

526............i, 283




376, 400; vii, 530; viii, 70, 89.

528...........ii, 180


XIV, 113...

.....ii, 222

Hippothoe, seduced by Neptune, vi,

544...........ii, 5l6


201.. i,

376; ii, 95.

484, 485.

59O...........iv, 592



v, 120,

Hirtius and Pansa, deluge not quite

591...........ii, 246




two thousand years before the

599............ii, 68



.....ii, 468

consulship of, vi, 493.

II, 1 seq...i, 333; ii, 74 204...........i, 280



.....ii, 158

Hoffmann quoted, viii, 708.



275; 11, "37;

Hofman referred to, ii, 72.

205..........iv, 665


v, 120.

Holiness, i, 13, 108; enjoined by the

213..........ii, 252


302. .1,

273; ii, 137

prophets, ii, 107.

308 seq......iv, 538



273 jii, '39

Holofernes, i, 20.

315..........«> 197


XV., 18-24..

.... iv, 592

Holy days to be observed by rest from

372............ii, 73



......v, 67

labor, vii, 495.

409...........1, 33°


189 ...

• • v, 52, 67

Holy place, the, for sacrifice, viii, 87.

446-49.......«i, 149


192 ...

.....i, 27S

Holy Scripture, spiritual meaning of,

547-48.......iv, 665



• • • • ii, 139

iv, 241,354,361, 373; compels be-

820..........11, 139


XVI, 234 ..

----iv, 613

lief, as foretold by Christ, 350;

872..........ii, 268




.....ii, 481




Iliad, XVI., 433. .i, 273; ii, 139,

Odyss. XIII, 203......ii, 200

Household life, habits of, 251.



XIV, 187......ii, 483

Huet referred to, iii, 372, 426.


• -11, 139

228......ii, 481

Human, form, whence attributed to


..11, 134

463-66 .. .ii, 250

God, i, 278; flesh, not the proper


. .11, no

XV, 526.......iv, 538

food of man, ii, 153; life, the in-

XVII, 53......

..ii, 486

XVI, 294........iv, 9

equalities of lot in, viii, 338;


. .ii, 518

XVII, 48.......ii, 435

race, how dispersed, ii, 107;

XVIII, 309....

. .ii, 481


sacrifices, offered to Dis and


. .ii, 179

286......ii, 483

Saturn, vi, 460.

483.. .i,

285; ii,

541.....iv, 539

Humanity, Christian doctrine of, ii,


545.....iv, 539

114; of Christ, iii, 624.

XIX., 123.....

• .1, 330

XVIII, 136, 137....iv,

Humility, enjoined,!, 8, 9, n, 15, 53;




of Christ, 9; of saints, 9, 10, 20;



XIX, 163......ii, 181

Christian, iv, 580.

XX, 23-54 ....

â–  vi, 245

562......iii, 224

Husbands, duty of, i, 95, 111.



XX, 116, 119...iv, 539

Huss, i, 188; ii, 62.


..«, 137

120......iv, 539

Hyacinthus, vi, 485; viii, 199.


. .ii, 106

351.......«, 184

Hyginus, bishop of Rome, i, 416, 569;



XXI, 26........i, 330

11, 56-


.iv, 654

28.......ii, 144

Hylas, vi, 485. Hymn, the Cherubic, vii, 540, 554; of the Naasseni, v, 58; of Gnos-

XXII, 8.......

• «. 471

XXII, 347......i, 293


273; ".

412.....ii, 481



XXIV, 1........v, 51

nitics, 91; a primitive, based on


...11, 74

2........v, 51

Isaiah, 218; of the virgins, vi,

XXIII, 66, 67 .

.iv, 456

5.......v> 5i

35', 352-

71 ....

. 11, 110

6........v, 51

Hymnology, early Hebrew, vii, 531.

72 ....

.111, 232

9........v, 51

Hymns, primitive, in the New Testa-

3'5 •••

. ii, 481

Homilies, fragments of, iv, 238; the,

ment, vii, 507; to Christ, ii, 295;

XXIV, 44, 45-•

. .ii, 480

of Clement, introductory notice

to the Paedagogus, 296; evening,

201 ....

...v, 51

thereto, viii, 213; relation to the

of Greek Christians, 79, 298;

327- 328

• 1, 33°

Recognitions, 70, 73, 213; edi-

German, vii, 570.

Odyss. I,,

34°. 342

tions of, 213; contents of, 223-

Hyperboreans, vi, 508.

II, 261.......



Hyperiona, mother by Jupiter of the


..i, 296

Homily, or sermon, at Holy Commun-

second Sun, vi, 480, 483.

IV, 220......

. .11, 171

ion, vii, 535; on the fall of idols,

Hyperoche, buried in the shrine of


. .i, 285

viii, 656; on Habib, the martyr,

Diana, vi, 508.


•••v, 55

708seq.; on Guria and Shamuna,

Hyperides quoted, ii, 484.


. .11, 271

714 seq.

Hypocrisy, sin of, vii, 468.


•iv, 539

Honesty enjoined, viii, 220.

Hypocrites, ii, 50; how regarded, viii,


• •", 435

Honoratus of Thucca, on baptism, v,

221; counsel to, iv, 216.




Hypotyposes, or outlines, fragments

V, 185-87....

...v, 67

Honor deified and worshipped, vi,

from, of Theognostus of Alexan-

VI, 130......

• i. 33O


dria, vi, 155 seq.


• ii,444

Hooker referred to, iii, 70, 689; iv, 58.

Hypsipyle, loved by Apollo, vi, 485.

VII, 36......

. .v, 104

Hope, i, 35; vain, of the Jews, 269;

Hyssop, i, 142.


. .i, 285

Christian, witnessed to by phi-

Hystaspes, i, 169.

VIII, 266 ....

. .ii, 189

losophers, ii, 447; objects of, how


296-98 .

■•«, 139

perceived, 448.

I am that I am, i, 419.

308 seq.

• «. 139

Horace, vii, 45; referred to, i, 403;

la, bride of Attis, vi, 492; her blood


. .ii, 180

iii, 71, 176, 177,178; iv, 112; vi,

turned into violets, 492.


.. ii, 68

261; vii, 45, 149, 153.

Iachus, nursed (or loved) by Ceres,


• «> 314

Horos, an aeon, i,- 317; different

vi, 466.

IX, 372......

. .ii, 486

names of, 318; iii, 508; faculty of

Ialdabaoth, i, 355; primary aeon of


■ ■«, 47'

1, 320.

the Ophites, iii, 650. Ialysus, son of the fourth Sun, vi,

X, 76.......


Horoscope, the foundation of astrol-


•iv, 463

ogy, v, 21; impossibility of fixing


304 seq. ..

• • v, 78

the, 25, 26.

Iambus of Germaniciana, on baptism,


..ii, 438

Horses of the Apocalypse, symbolical

v, 57O-


•vi, 334

meaning of, vii, 350, 351.

Iao, i, 321.

XI, 25 ......

..i, 169

Hortensianus of Lares, on baptism, v,

Icarians, the, worship an unhewn log,


• •», 239


vi, 510.


• • 1, 33°

Hosanna, the, vii, 544.

" Icthus," hi, 669.


. .11, no

Hosea, prophecy of last days, v, 243.

Idaci Dactyli, Greek name of Digiti


•iv, 472

Hospitality, viii, 295; true principle

Samothracii, vi, 475.


• iv, 505

of, vii, 176; »eward of, i, 8; a

Idleness, perniciousness of, viii, 58.


• • i, 285

contest about, viii, 174.

Idol, meaning of the word, iii, 62.


. .ii, 481

Host, the, not a primitive word, vii,

Idolatry, absurdities of, ii, 92; folly


.. i, 284


of, viii, 139, 146, 284; in wider


■ • i, 330

Hosthanes, grandfather of the Arme-

sense includes all sin, iii, 61;

XII, 45......

• iv, 463

nian Zoroaster, vi, 428.

not confined to acts of worship,

184... ii,

205; iv,

Hours, canonical, ii, 12; of prayer,

62; origin of the name, 62;



iii, 689, 690, origin of, iv, 108,

origin of, viii, 137; originated in


. .ii, 205


Egypt, vii, 63; includes idol-




making, iii, 63; demons incite to, viii, 138; really demon-worship, v, 467; fruit of, vii, 442, 443; led to all immorality, viii, 141; a delusion of the serpent, 281; why God suffers, 285; arguments in favor of, answered, 287; the Egyptian, 148, 282; condemned by Christians and heathen, iv, 398; Christian law against, iii, 76; Jewish law against, iv, 510; Scripture testimonies against, v, 528; renounced in baptism, iii, 64; sin of, purged by repentance, v, 334, Tertullian on, iii, 61-76; Cyprian on, v, 498 seq.

Idol-making, included in idolatry, iii, 62—4; vain excuses for, 63; excludes from the ministry and sacraments, 64; arts allied to, 64; unlawful for maintenance, 65, 68.

Idols, variety of, i, 25, 165, 171, especially treated on by Cyprian, v, 465; not to be named as gods, iii, 73; not gods, v, 498; worshipped by Solomon, i, 212; by waverers, ii, 51; to be rejected, 519; offerings to, not to be partaken, vii, 469; oaths by, unlawful, iii, 74; blessing by, a denial of God, 74, 77; acknowledged by writing as well as speech, 75, 77; not found in the Ark, 76; the test of, viii, 278; the unprofitableness of, 146, 281, 287; not animated by the Divine Spirit, 283; confutation of the worship of, 283; impotence of, 284; heathen worshippers of, under the power of the demon, 287; fall of the, a homily by Mar Jacob on, 656.

Ignatius, named Christophorus, i, 130, and Theophorus, 46, 48, 59, 66, 73. 79. 86, 93, 99, 101, 103, 107, no, 113,116,120,122,128; mentioned by Polycarp, 35, 36; condemned by Trajan, 129; devoured by wild beasts at Rome, 130,131; appears in a vision after death, 131 ; wrote to the Ephesians, 49-58, 101-102, Magnesians, 59-65, Philadelphians, 79-81, Polycarp, 93-96, 99-100, Romans, 73-78, 103-104, Smyr-naeans, 86-92, Trallians, 66-72; in which he speaks of his bonds,

5°. 58» 59, 7°> 72. 75. 9'5 his desire for martyrdom, 49, 74, 75, 76, 96; seeks the prayers of the churches, 53, 54, 77; speaks of his need of humility, 67; of his knowledge, 64, 68; aphoristic sayings of, 45; introductory note to the epistles of, 45-48, 97; his spurious epistles to the Antioch-ians, no; Hero, deacon of Antioch, 114; John, the apostle, 124,125; Mary at Neapolis, 122; Virgin Mary, 126; introductory note to, 105, 106. Ignorance, human, of divine things,

i> 399> oftne Demiurge, 326; the lot of man, vi, 437; causes of, viii, 81; the mother of evils, 144; sins of, 337; man sins through, 340; and error, 280; no excuse for the sinner, 282.

Ignorant, condemnation of the, iii, 282.

Ilium, girt with walls by Neptune and Apollo, vi, 474.

Illumination, i, 183.

Image of God, in which man was created, i, 544; viii, 285 ; the restoration to, 280; of Christ, man created in, iii, 607.

Images, i, 287 ; heathen, shameful, ii, 184-189; folly of making and worshipping, vii, 41, 45, 67; how and for what purpose made, and how they came to be regarded as gods, viii, 752 seq.; refutation of those who claim image-worship, because God being concealed from their view, 755 ; Christ raised men's thoughts from senseless, vi, 423; formed of clay, 423, 464, 514; bones, stones, brass, silver, gold, wood, and other materials, 512; made like infamous men and women, 511, 512; the gods said to be worshipped through, 509; fanciful shape of some, 510; disregarded by birds and beasts, 513, 514; the gods caused to dwell in, 514; must be defended by men, notwithstanding the indwelling divinity, 515; despoiled by Antiochus and Dio-nysius, 515 ; used lewdly, 515, 516, and even utterly consumed by fire, 516; set up to strike evil-doers with terror, 516; of kings, why honored, 369 ; of angels, in honor of God, 369; otherwise explained, 378, 382.

Imagination, viii, 114; Peter's experience of, 114; fallacy of, 115.

Imitation, of the gods, viii, 254; of Christ, duty of, vii, 438, 439.

Imitators, of the Creator, i, 10, 28; of Christ, 50, 69, 76.

Immarnachus, buried in the enclosure at Eleusis, vi, 508.

Immensity, the doctrine of, as taught by the law, viii, 115.

Immersion, ii, 22, 49.

Immorality, of the heathen, i, 272; of the Valentinian heretics, 324; produced by idolatry, viii, 141.

Immortality, a "clothing upon" of the flesh, iii, 576; the reward of virtue, vii, 155; chief good found in, 80; belongs to the soul, 81, 88, 205, 251, 253 ; taught by Pythagoras and the Stoics, 88, 205, by Cicero, 90 ; hope of, despises death, 154; proofs of, 206; testimony of Homer, Apollo, and the Sybils, 210; of the soul, viii, 124; a gift of God, vi, 447; theory of, ii, 70; philosophical theories discordant and untenable, vi, 446; proof of, i, 168; proved from the success of the

wicked in this life, viii, 124; Clement's perplexities about, 223, 224; the belief of, necessary to a knowledge of God, 231; denied by Simon Magus, 234; asserted by Peter, 286.

Impartiality enjoined, viii, 664.

Impatience, the devil the author of, iii, 709; causes of, 711; of Adam and Eve, 710; of Cain, 710; of Israel, 710, 711; a source of all sin, 711 seq.

Impenitence, danger of, vii, 522.

Imperfections alleged in God, how explained, iii, 612.

Impiety, origin of, viii, 151; what it is, 240.

Implacable persons, how to be treated, viii, 640.

Imposition of the hands of bishops necessary after baptism, viii, 621.

Impositions, v, 36; connected with heresy, 40.

Impossible, the, possible with God, principle how abused, iii, 605.

Impotent man, the, before Pilate, bears witness to Jesus, viii, 419, 428, 442.

Impure thoughts, i, in, 149.

Incarnation, how understood, vi, 41, 41, 44, 50; mystery of, 67; necessary as a revelation of God's goodness, iii, 318; foreshadowed in the Theophanies, 612; of Christ, reason and mystery of, vii, 106; prophesied, 109, 110; arguments of unbelievers against, 124; benefits of, ii, 202-4, 601; why essential, vi, 221, 300; necessary to true religion, vii, 125, to his mediation and restoration of man, 126; faith of the church in, vi, 295, 297; reasons for the, according to Valentinus, v, 90.

Incense, vii, 553; spiritual exposition of, v, 25, unknown in the heroic age, vi, 528; not used by the Etruscans in their rites, 528, nor at Alba, 528, nor by Romulus and Numa, 528; termed Panchaean gum, 529; heathen, trade in, unlawful to Christians, iii, 67; prayers of, vii, 537, 552, 556; offerings of, 554, 556, 564; blessing of, 563.

Incest, heathen, not Christian, iv, 192; taught by Epicurus, ii, 112; practised by the Persians, viii, 187.

Inclination, prayer of, vii, 536.

Inconsistency of heretics, i, 322.

Incontinence, ii, 49.

Incorporeal, how understood, iv, 241.

Increase, primitive law of, repealed in Christian dispensation, iv, 53, 64.

India, allotted to Thomas, viii, 656; laws in, 730; Christianity attested by mighty works in, vi, 438; Liber sought to make himself master of, 486.

Indians, the, believed that one God showed himself in all the manifestations of the divine, vi, 480.




Indigetes, deified mortals, vi, 432. Indigetes, living in the Numicius, vi,

422. Indulgence and pure volition, iv, 51


Inequality of lot in human life, viii, 338; necessity of, among men, 183.

Infancy, Arabic Gospel of the Saviour's, viii, 352; contents of, 405-


Infanticide, a heathen practice, iii, 123; vii, 187.

Infants, honorable before God, ii, 53; the slaughter of, in Bethlehem by Herod, viii, 366, 376, 420; the number slain, 528.

Inferium vinum, phrase used in libations, vi, 530.

Initiation, modes of, practised by the heretics, i, 346; necessary before possessing the privilege of reading Christian books, viii, 215; mode of, 216; vow and adjuration connected with, 216.

Injuries, forgiveness of, vii, 392.

Innocence, ii, 49; a state of enjoyment, viii, 136; of Christians, defended, ii, 115.

Innocents, the Holy, martyrdom of, v, 349-

Inordinate things, why made, viii, 177.

Inspiration of the prophets, ii, 97.

Installation of Clement, viii, 221.

Instincts manifested, viii, 167.

Institution, words of, vii, 535, 544, 5 5 7, 5 64; in the Malabar Liturgy, 57O.

Instruction, Christian, meaning of, ii, 223; heathen folly of, 223; given through the Law and by the Word, 224,234; power of Christ's, 225; effects in Christians, 235.

Intelligence, ii, 15, 16.

Intemperance among Christians, v, 649.

Intercession in the Eucharist for the living and the departed, vii, 489, 490; in daily prayer, 497, 498.

Intercessions for the living and departed, vii, 535, 536, 545, 546, S55> 556> 564; for the faithful, 539; general, 541, 542, 545, 555,

Intermediate state, the, i, 560.

Interpolations, vii, 533, 537, 546, 549, 563; lawful and unlawful, 537, 556 (note); not idolatrous, 539; censurable, 542; post-Nicene, 544,545; post-Ephesine, 552.

Interpretation, allegorical, viii, 200.

Intestines, an illustration of divine providence, viii, 173.

Introit, the, vii, 535.

Inuus, guardian of flocks and herds, vi, 470.

Inventors of arts, ought not to be deified, iii, 145.

Invisibility of the Father, iii, 609.

Invocation, prayer of, in the Eucharist, vii, 489; of the Holy Ghost, â„¢> 535. 545. 558. 565; magical, v, 37. 38-

Io, vii, 21.

Iophon quoted, ii, 304.

Iota and tittle, meaning of, ii, 578;

Iphigenia, stags spoken of instead of, vi, 502.

Irenaeus, succeeds Pothinus, i, 309; adversary of heretics, iii, 506; writes against heresies, i, 315-567; introductory note to, 309-313; division of, 311; editions of, 313; writes also against Gnostics, 310, and on Poly carp, 416, 568; reason for writing, 315; fragments from the lost writings of, 568-578; remonstrates with Victor of Rome, 310, 568; maxim of, illustrated, v, vi, 4; on the oblation and invocation, vii, 571; quotes Justin the martyr, i, 300, and Tatian, ii, 82; is referred to, i, 6, 8, 18, 31, 32, 48, 127, 151,

153, 154-

Irenaeus of Ululi, on baptism, v, 570.

Irreverence, reproof of, ii, 585.

Isaac, i, 13, 81, 84, 142,145; the history of, symbolical, 492, 493; iii, 336; type of Christ, iii, 165; of Christian joy, I, 214; spiritual meaning of his blessing of Jacob, v, 168.

Isaiah, i, 81; his prophecy respecting the Virgin conceiving, vindicated against Theodotion, Aquila, and the Ebionites, 451; prophecy of, comment on, v, 176, 207, 210-211, prophecy of last days, 242; in Hades, announces the coming thither of Jesus, viii, 435, 448, 456-

Isaurians, ii, 65.

Isidore quoted, ii, 492.

Isidorus, a follower of Basilides, v, 103.

Isis, sacred rites of, vii, 35; Ethiopian, vi, 422; Egyptian, 486; lamenting her lost child and husband torn in pieces, 422; worship of, introduced after consulship of Piso and Gabinius, 462 (note); statue of, burned, 516.

Isocrates quoted, ii, 484.

Israel, meaning of the name, i, 262; various interpretations of this name, v, 225; blessings of, interpreted, i, 168; forbidden idolatry, transgression and punishment, iii, 636; the way of knowledge revealed to, viii, 329; how ignorant of God, 329; Christ king of, i, 267.

Israelites, the, in Egypt, viii, 86; their exodus from Egypt, in the wilderness, and at Sinai, 87; the sins of, 87.

"Israelites indeed," who they are, viii, 47.

Issachar, the high priest, reproaches Joachim on account of his childlessness, viii, 384.

Issachar, the patriarch, speaks of his birth, viii, 22, his occupation and uprightness, 22, exhorts his chil-

dren to walk in simplicity of heart, minding their own affairs, 22; his death, 23.

Itali, Saturn concealed in the territories of the, vi, 484.

Italy, visit of Hercules to, vi, 460.

Jacob, i, 6, 12, 13, 81, 84, 142; his marriages a figure of the church, 266; his blessing, 562; his actions, typical, 493; predicts the two advents of Christ, 221; also his entrance into Jerusalem, 221; a type of Christ's death, iii, 336.

Jacobson referred to, i, 3, 6, 12, 14, 35. 37. 4°. 45. 127. !28; iii, 269.

Jader of Midila, on baptism, v, 570.

Jairus, viii, 447,

James, son of Alpheus, canon of, vii, 493; addresses the Jews, viii, 93.

James, son of Zebedee, canon of, vii, 486 seq.; addresses the Jews, viii, 92.

James, the Just, i, 69, 107, 114, 153, 155; Josephus'account of, iv,4l6; his mode of life and martyrdom, viii, 762, 763; bishop of Jerusalem, ii, 579; viii, 94; ruler and guide in Jerusalem, 671; tradition of his martyrdom, ii, 579; canon of, vii, 496; is addressed by Gamaliel, viii, 94, 95; address of, 95 ; assaulted by the Jews, 95 ; sends Peter to Caesarea to meet Simon Magus, 96; teachers coming from Jerusalem must bring testimonials .from, 142; contents of Clement's despatches to, 134; epistle of Clement to, 218; epistle of Peter to, 215; liturgy of, vii, 532, 533, 537-50; is to be honored, 442.

James, Protevangelium of, viii, 351; contents of, 361-367; healed by the child Jesus of a viper's bite, 382, 413.

Janiculum, founded by Janus, vi, 422, 471.

Jansenists referred to, iii, 239.

Januarius, epistle of Cyprian to, v,

375-[anuarius of Lambesis, on baptism, v,

566. Januarius of Muzzuli, on baptism, v,


fanuarius of Vicus Caesaris, on baptism, v, 568.

Janus, vi, 465; son of Coelus and Hecate, 471; husband of Juturnaand father of Fons, 471; first king in Italy, 471; represented as double-faced, and carrying a spiked key, 517; said to be the world, the year, the sun, 471; supposed to procure a hearing for suppliants, 471, 472, and therefore mentioned first in all prayers, 471.

Janus referred to, ii, 550.

farvis referred to, ii, 474; vii, 257.

|asion, loved by Ceres, vi, 485.

fason and Papiscus referred to, iv, 21.

faw-bone of Samson, a type of the body of Christ, i, 575.




Jealous God, a, God is, viii, 286.

Jealousy and envy, on, a treatise by Cyprian, v, 491 seq.

Jealousy, sin and evil of, v, 491-495.

Jehovah, the only God, viii, 109; Basilides' view of, iii, 650.

Jephonias purposely runs against the couch on which the body of Mary is carried to burial; his punishment and forgiveness, viii,


Jeremiah, i, 60, 71, 81, 120; prophecy of, comment on, v, 177.

Jericho, flight of the Christians to, viii, 96.

Jerome of Prague, ii, 62.

Jerome, St., his account of Tertullian, iii, 5; quotes Tatian, ii, 82, 83; referred to, ii, 157; iii, 5, 6; iv, 267, 272, 275, 282, 288, 342, 345, 348; viii, 365.

Jerome, the presbyter, reply to Cro-matius and Heliodorus, viii, 368.

Jerusalem, entrance of Christ into, predicted, i, 221; destruction of, iii, 158, derogates nothing from the majesty of God, i, 465; sacrifice localized in, vii, 530; the glorious Sion, 545; mother of all churches, 545; the holy city,' 556; liturgy of, 532, 533, 537-


Jesus, name of our Lord; Christen adjunct, iii, 625; great power of the name, i, 265; significance of the letters of the name of, 337, 393; how certain aeons are said to be indicated by the name of, 319; meaning of the letters of the name of, 339; prophecies of his names in the Old Testament, iii, 163; typified in Isaac and Joseph, 165, 170, by the paschal lamb, vii, 129; birth of, 106,109, no; fulfils prophecies of Daniel, iii, 158, of Isaiah, 161, of the Psalms, 162; the generation of, according to Marcus, i, 339; birth of, foretold by Isaiah, 452; according to Valentinus, v, 89, and Marcus, v, 97; according to Basilides, was not crucified, but Simon of Cyrene in his stead, i, 344; descent of the Christ upon, according to the Ophites, 357, and Valentinians, iii, 516; his baptism when thirty years old, not a type of the thirty aeons, i> 39°; passed through every stage of life to sanctify all, 391 ; the ministry extended ten years, 392; lived at least till near fifty years old, 392 ; existence of, according to Valentinus, v, 87; opinions concerning the body of, 89; is called Alpha, why, 97; his teaching, i, 408; the baptism of, 423; the same with Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, perfect God, and perfect man, 440; Son of God, God, and Son of man, vii, no, 112; with him nothing incomplete, i, 443;

neither Christ nor Saviour, but the Holy Spirit descended upon him at his baptism, 444; and Christ, proved from the writings of Paul to be one and the same, 445; not a mere man, but very God, 448; became man so as to be capable of being tempted and crucified, 449; his humility, iv, 432, and patience, of which he is an example, iii, 708; silent under accusation, iv, 395; charged with sorcery, 399; his submission to betrayal and death, 433, 438,441; his priesthood, vii, 113; his divine mission shown by his disciples, iv, 407, by his birth in Bethlehem, iii, 169, life and miracles, iv, 408, vii, 114; and by his death, iv, 409; by his preaching and power, iii, 164; his miraculous birth consistent with reason, iv, 410, and prophecy, 411; the miracle at his baptism credible to Jews, 413, though hated by them, vii, 116, 117; witness of Moses, iv, 415, and of later prophets, 416, 418; came as a mediator, vii, 126; his passion foretold, vii, 116, 119; types of his passion and burial, iii, 166; foretold by Isaiah, 166; prophecies of his suffering, iv, 420, and second coming, 421; his death, burial, and resurrection, vii, 122, ascension, 123; meaning of his miracles, cross, and passion, vii, 127, 128; Son of God, iv, 421, 595; his epiphany, 422; divinely protected as man, 426; not paralleled in history, 426; proved as Christ by the calling of the Gentiles, iii, 168; by the destruction of Jerusalem, 169; by the existence of churches, and by the power of his name, iv, 427; his miracles not magic, 427,450-452; his spiritual teaching of the law, 430; his reply to the Sadducees, i, 466, 467; he is called therefore the instructor, ii, 222, the spirit, reason, and word of God, iii, 681; iv, 433, 480; he teaches us to pray, iii, 681; his first and second advent prophesied, 172; his predictions are accomplished, iv, 437; his resurrection real, 438, 453. 473. though denied by unbelievers, vii, 124; his foreknowledge not fate, iv, 440; he is the true prophet, viii, 145; his lineage, iv, 444; his true victory, iv, 445; alone reigns over all nations, iii, 151, 173; incidents of his passion, iv, 446; his descent into Hades, 448; vindicated by disciples, 448, and by miracles, 449; appearances after resurrection, 455, and at the transfiguration, 457; why dead and buried, 459; not a mere man, 464, though ministered unto by women, viii, 65; his miracles

compared with heathen arts, iv, 473; not honored locally as heathen gods, 477; a rational soul, 480 (note); his flesh incorruptible, 481; his transfiguration, how understood, 503; the ideal Good, 494; various appearances of, 608; his example compared with heathen gods and heroes, 632-634.

Jesus, according to the Apocryphal gospels : viz., the nativity of, viii, 365; wonders which occur at the birth of, 365, 374, 405, 406; angels hymn the birth of, 374; a bright star shines over the cave in which he is born, 375 ; adored by an ox and an ass, 375 ; circumcised and presented in the temple, 375, 405; Simeon and Anna's words respecting, 375, 406; visited by the Magi, 375, 406; Herod seeks to destroy, 366, 389, 400, 406, 420; is carried into Egypt, 376,389.400,4°6; adored by dragons, escorted by lions and panthers, which are tamed and made gentle by him, 376; causes a tall palm tree to bend down to his mother that she might pluck its fruit, 377; causes a fountain to spring up at the root of the palm tree, 377; confers a peculiar privilege on the palm tree, 377; shortens the journey for his parents, 377; the idols of Egypt fall prostrate at his coming, 377, 406; miracles wrought by in Egypt, 407, 408, 409; encounter with robbers, 409; return from Egypt, 378, 400, 409; miracles wrought by, in Bethlehem, 410; other miracles wrought by 411, 412; strikes a boy dead and restores him to life again, 378; kills the son of Annas, 378,398; makes sparrows and images of other animals of clay, and causes them to fly and walk and eat, 378, 395, 398, 400, 412, 414; kills a boy who strikes him, and restores him to life again, 398, 414; placed in the hands of a school-master, whom he confounds, 379, 396,

399,   401; placed under Levi, whom he astonishes by his wisdom, 379; wonders performed by, at Nazareth, 380, 396 seq., 399,

400,  402; tames a lioness and her cubs, 381; placed under a second school-master, who, striking him, falls down dead, 381, 397, 403; aids his father in his work, 281, 412; sent a third time to a school-master, and pours forth his wisdom so as to excite the admiration of all, 382, 397, 403; raises to life Joseph of Capernaum, 382; cures his brother James of a viper's bite, 382, 413; blesses the food before any eat of it, 382; raises to life a child and a man, 397, 403; goes with




his parents to Jerusalem, and tarries after them, 398, 414; makes a dried fish live, 400; feat of, in the dyer's shop, 412; turns three boys into kids,4i3; crowned king by boys, 413; heals a boy of a serpent's bite, 413, 414; the priests and scribes conspire against, and accuse before Pilate, 416 seq., 426 seq., 468; Judas betrays, 468, 469; the standards of the soldiers bend down before, 417, 440; message of Pilate's wife respecting, 417, 428, 440; Pilate desires to release, 417 seq., 427; Nicodemus and others appear as witnesses for, 419, 428, 442; is sentenced to death, 420, 429, 443; is led forth to crucifixion, 429; the accusation of, placed over his cross, 420, 443; crucified between two malefactors,

420, 430, 443; wonderful events which occurred at his crucifixion.

421,  430, 431, 443, 461; Joseph of Arimathaea begs and takes down the body of, 421, 431, 443; the guard placed at the tomb of, report his resurrection, and are bribed by the Jews to lie, 422,433, 444; other witnesses of his resurrection are also persuaded and bribed to be silent, 422,433, 444, 445; Nicodemus proposes to the council that search be made for, which is accordingly done, but in vain, 422, 433, 445; lamentation of Mary and the other women for, 431; raised others when he rose himself, 435; testimony of those raised by, 435 seq.; the descent of, into Hades, 435 seq., 456 seq.; triumphs over Satan in Hades, 437,457; delivers Adam and his posterity from Hades, 437, 451, 557; sets up his cross in Hades, 458; the miracles of, reported by Pilate, 460 seq., 462 seq.; at the mention of the name of, the gods fall in the senate-house in Rome, 464; Veronica's portrait of, 466; seamless tunic of, worn by Pilate in the presence of Tiberius: its strange effect, 466; the wonderful works wrought by, related by Nathan to Titus, 472, and by Velosianus to Tiberius, 475.

Jesus, meets Peter departing from Rome to avoid persecution, and tells him he is coming to be crucified for him, 485; appears to Philip at Ophioryma,and rebukes his revengeful spirit, 501, 509; Philip's prayer to, 502 seq.; appears to Andrew to send him to the country of the man-eaters, 517; appears again to Andrew as a pilot, and conducts him by the sea to the place of his destination, 518; Andrew's narrative of the ministry and works of, 519 seq.; appears to Andrew as a beautiful little child, 521; appears again to

Andrew in prison, 524; appears to Andrew and Peter as a child, 527; appears as a child to Matthew on the mountains, 528; Ab-garus' letter to, 558, 651, 652; reply of Jesus, 652; sends his picture to Abgarus, 558; appears at the burial of Mary, 598; raises Mary from the tomb, and brings her to paradise, 598.

Jewell quoted, iii, 266, 267; iv, 170.

Jewelry, Christian use of, ii, 267.

Jewish sacrifices abolished, i, 137; institutions and laws older than Greek philosophy, ii, 324-333 5 customs, viii, 189, and Marcionite error, community of, iii, 324; Christians, two classes of, iii, 433.

Jews, history of, vii, 108, allegorical, iv, 517, 518-21; their true origin, 512, not Egyptian rebels, 467; the chosen people, iii, 34, why, iv, 556; in favor with God, 565; examples of prayer to Christians, vii, 423; prophets of, iv, 412; charged with removing passages from the Scriptures, i, 234, 235; system of the religion of, v, 138; animosity of, viii, 91; observances of, i, 62, 82; superstitions of, 26; rites of, vii, 118; neglect mercy and charity, v, 530-33, humility and patience, 534, trust in God, 535, fear of God, 539, forgiveness, 541; exacting usury, 546; accuse Christ, i, 253; persecute him, v, 220, and reject him, v, 509; viii, 90, and the prophets, 508; by rejecting Christ reject God, i, 267, are punished, iv, 433, 506, and conquered, iii, 40, and rejected by God, v, 510; vii, 241; blame Christians for not observing the law, i, 199, 203; hate Christians, 214, 247, who pray for the, 266; obstinacy of, 232, 266; especially in disputations, 256, and in interpreting the Scriptures, 261; they violate the eternal law, and interpret ill that of Moses, 200; they still expect the Messiah, v, 138; not understanding why circumcision, i, 202, which differs from the Christian, 256, the law, 203, choice of meats was given, 204; nor why the Sabbath, sacrifices and oblations were instituted, 205, they do injury to God by their opinion of the law, 206; excellent as were their laws, iv, 510, and rites, 511, their customs, iii, 95, and ceremonies not binding on Christians, vii, 462, their law and priesthood abrogated and the temple destroyed, v, 511; they boast in vain that they are the sons of Abraham, i, 206, 269, and are apostate through idolatry, iii, 151; v, 508; forsake God before forsaken by him, iv, 193, and are not heirs of the covenant, i, 138, 139; their history a

witness of Christ, iii, 34; verifies prophecy, iv, 465, and miracles, 466; dispersion of, vii',123; prophecies of the rejection of, 451,452; why taken captive, 461; they were divinely taught, iv, 562, their learning acknowledged by heathen authors, iv, 402, yet not understanding the Scripture, v, 509; their unbelief unreasonable, iv, 446, 452, 461, but a means to the calling of the Gentiles, 463, who take their place, v, 512, 513; and Gentiles, relative position of, illustrated, iii, 151; error of the, clue to the, 172 seq.; heresies of, vii, 452; sects of, v, 134; viii, 91, Esseni, v, 134, Pharisees, 137, Sadducees, 137, chronology of, 148-149; discussion with the apostles, viii, 92-93; counsel to the, iv, 210; admonished to accept Christ as the Saviour, v, 518; viii, 94, as salvation for them is only in Christ, i, 207, 216, 217, which they can obtain by repentance and conversion, 258, 268; his Baptism and Cup replaces the rites of the, v, 514; he is the acknowledged God of, viii, no, the wisdom and Word of God, v, 515, 516, divine, 517, incarnate, 519, born in Bethlehem, 520, of low estate, 520, the Lamb slain, 521, the Stone, 522, the Bridegroom, 523, crucified, 524, risen and exalted, 525, revealing the Father, 526, Judge and King, 527; an answer to the, by Tertullian, iii, 151 seq.; treatise by Hippolytus concerning the, v, 219.

Jezebel, her eyes painted, v, 193.

Joachim, his wealth, charity, and offerings, viii, 361, 369; taunted by the high-priest on account of his childlessness — grieved, he goes away to the mountains, 361, 369, 384; his wife Anna, 361 seq., 369; visited by an angel, who announces the birth of a child to him, 362, 370, 384; his offerings of gratitude, 362; feast of, 361.

Job, 1, 9, 81, 89, m, 119; an example of patience, iii, 716, of offerings, v, 481; faith of, vi, 401; book of, by Moses, 381.

John, the Baptist, i, 81; ii, 62; saved by his mother from Herod's wrath, viii, 366; precursor of Christ, i, 220, 221; pretypified by Samson's boy, 572; his birth, 575; a voice of the Word, ii, 174; baptism of, iii, 674; Christ's message to, 375, 427; the link between the old and new dispensation, 404; in Hades, announces the coming thither of Jesus, viii, 435, 449, 456; the disciples of, 92; refuted, 93; Simon Magus formerly a disciple of, 233.




John, the son of Zebedee, address of, viii, 92.

John, the apostle, i, 129, 130, epistle of Ignatius to, i, 124-125; canon of, vii, 491; meeting of, with Cerinthus, i, 416; his prediction concerning the Roman empire, 554, tradition of, ii, 574; his first and second epistles interpreted, 574—77; origin of his Gospel, 580; story of the robber and, 603-4; symbol of, as evangelist, vi, 348; is banished to Patmos, i, 107; receives there the Apocalypse, and delivers it on his release, vi, 353; his testimony against the early heresies, iii, 625;

vi, 353-

John, Acts of, viii, 357, 560 seq., Apocalypse of, 359, 582 seq.; informs Mary of the sentence of death passed on Jesus, 429; at the cross, 430; visits Ophioryma, and pleads for Philip and his companions, 500, 508; Domitian sends soldiers to Ephesus to apprehend, 560; accompanies the soldiers to Rome, and inspires them with reverence for him, 560; his interview with Domitian, 561; takes deadly poison before Domitian without injury, 561; restores to life the condemned criminal whom the washing of the poison cup had killed, 561; cures a slave of the emperor's who was tormented by a demon, 562; sent to Patmos, 562; in the reign of Trajan, goes to Ephesus, 562; his ministry in Ephesus, 562; builds a church there, 671; appoints Eutychus minister, 563; strange disappearance of, 564; sees the undefiled Godhead, and asks a revelation, 582; sees heaven opened, and a great seven-sealed book, 582; the likeness of Antichrist revealed to, and the time of his continuance, 581; the time of the end made known to, 583; the resurrection and the fact of future recognition revealed to, 583; the judgment revealed to, 584; the burning up of the earth, and its purification from sin, revealed to, 584; the coming of the Lord and his church to the earth made known to, 584; is shown what shall become of the heavens, and the hosts thereof, 568; the depths of Hades, and the order in which spirits and nations shall be judged revealed to, 585; abodes of the bad and good shown to, 585; final happiness displayed to, 586; miraculously conveyed from Ephesus to Bethlehem to Mary, 587.

[ohn Mark, viii, 493; contention between Paul and Barnabas respecting, 493; accompanies Barnabas, 494; comes with Barnabas, on whose martyrdom he

deposits his ashes in a cave, 495; takes refuge from his enemies, 495; comes to Alexandria, and labors there, 496; relates the occasion of the change of his name, 496.

John of Antioch quotes Justin, i, 300.

John of Damascus, i, 301, 302, 570,


John "the Faster" calls himself " Oecumenical bishop," viii, 602.

John the Presbyter, i, 153, 154.

Jonah, i, 6, 7, 70; history of, interpreted, vi, 378, a poem, iv, 127, 166; a type of the resurrection, iii, 568, 591; a type of Christ's resurrection, i, 252; proof of our resurrection, 531.

Jones referred to, i, 133; ii, 146, 341, 406; iii, 677; viii, 27, 29, 32, 36, 647.

Jones of Nayland, referred to, ii, 479; vii, 199.

Jortin referred to, i, 47.

Joseph, i, 6, 81; his history the origin of the legend of Serapis, iii, 136; his conduct, viii, 63; narrates his early life, 32, his misfortunes in Egypt, 32-35; speaks of his marriage, 35, of his visions concerning the Lamb of God, 35, 36; exhorts his children to follow after sobriety and purity, in patience and humility of heart, 33, 34, 35; his death, 35; description of, by Simeon, 11, 12; a type of Christ, iii, 165, 336; viii, 4; is met by Paul in Paradise, 580.

Joseph, a rich man in Capernaum, raised from the dead by the child Jesus, viii, 382.

Joseph of Arimathaea, i, 70; begs the body of Jesus, viii, 421, 431, 470; seized and imprisoned by the Jews, but miraculously liberated by Jesus, 421, 444; found by the Jews in Arimathaea, 423, 445; written to and sent for by the Jewish rulers, 423, 433, 445; explains how he was delivered from prison, 424, 433, 446; effect of the narrative given by, on the Jews, 424, 433, 448; the "Narrative" of, 468 seq.; testifies to the assumption of Mary, 594.

Joseph, the husband of Mary, the birth, character, and trade of, viii, 388; Mary, the Virgin, committed to the care of, by divine intimation— the sign given, 363; distressed at finding Mary pregnant, 364; resolves to divorce Mary privately, but prevented by an angel, 364, 389; accused to the priests of defiling Mary, 364,373; is tested by the "water of the ordeal of the Lord," and proved innocent, 365, 373, 374; his visit to Bethlehem, 365, 374; conducts Mary to a cave, and goes in search of a midwife, 365-374; as a carpenter, is assisted by Jesus in his trade, 381, 413; history of,

narrated by Jesus to his disciples on the Mount of Olives, 388 seq.; his prayer before death, 390; his age, 390; his lamentation before death, 390; his address to Jesus, 391; manner and circumstances of his death, 392; approach of death to, with all his retinue, 392, words of Jesus to, 392; Gabriel receives the soul of, 392; lamentation for, 392; the body of, rendered incorruptible, 392; the burial of, 393; Jesus bewails the death of, 393; why he, being the father of Jesus, died, 393; history of, 352; narrative of, 354.

Josephus referred to, i, 8, 505,573; ii, 142; iv, 403, 416, 565; viii, 27, 29, 32, 36.

Joshua, son of Josedech, i, 89.

Joshua, son of Nun, i, 8, 81, 89, 114; a figure of Christ, 255, 265, 266, 571, in name and character, iii, 334; called a savior, viii, 43.

Josiah, i, 60, 121.

Jovialis, genius, one of the Penates, vi,

474, 475-

Jowett referred to, i, 183. Jubaianus, epistle of Cyprian to, v, 379. Jubilee, year of, ii, 438, 443. Jubilees, Book of, referred to, viii, 13,

17. 18, 35-

Judah, Lion of, v, 513, 562.

Judah, the patriarch, speaks of his fortitude, viii, 17, 18; of his marriage and that of his sons, 18, of his fall, 19; warns his children against drunkenness, which leads to fornication, and against the love of money, 19, 20; predicts the coming of the Messiah, who shall be the Saviour of all, 21; his death and burial, 21.

Judaizing teachers, i, 63, 71, 82.

Judas, i, 40, 117, 157; described by Papias and Theophylact, 153; crime of, vi, 207; not an emblem of the twelfth aeon, i, 388; not a disciple of Jesus, but craftily pretends to be, viii, 468; plots against Jesus, 468; covenants with the Jews to deliver up Jesus to them, 469; delivers up Jesus, 469.

Jude, St., his relationship to our Lord,

«, 573-

Judea, its desolation foretold, i, 178.

Judged in the flesh, i, 85, 88.

Judges, counsel to, iv, 209.

Judging God, ridiculous, viii, 181; who qualified for, 298.

Judgment, ii, 156; to come, viii, 152; future or last, iv, 212; v, 222, 25l-254_; vii, 216, 221, 254, 472; testimonies to, i, 291; by Jesus Christ, 524; 556; necessary to soul and body, ii, 158; poem of, iv, 135, 166; the day of, Esdras prays to see, viii, 571; signs of the approach of, 572; foretold to John, 585; order of procedure on,


Judgment of quarrels and controversies to be held on the second day




of the week, vii, 417; by the bishop, in presence of presbyters and deacons, 417; sentences to be in proportion to sin, 418; instances from the story of Susanna and from heathen tribunals, 419.

Judith, i, 20; Anna's handmaid, viii, 361.

Julian referred to, i, 195.

Julian, a Magian, vi, 428.

Julian, of Apamea, vi, 336.

Julianus, of Marcelliana, on baptism,

v> 572-Julianus, of Telepte, on baptism, v,


Julius Africanus, life and works, vi, 123, 124, 140; on the genealogies of Christ, 125, 126 seq., 139; narrative of events in Persia, at the birth of Christ, 127seq.; fragments of the chronography of, 130 seq.; on the passion of Sym-phorosa and her seven sons, 138 seq.

Junius referred to, i, 20.

Junius, of Neapolis, on baptism, v,


Juno, vi, 459, 465, 483; vm, 107; daughter of Saturn and Ops, vi, 460; queen of the gods, 483; wounded by Hercules, 484; named Lucina, and aiding women in childbirth, 466,469; said to be the air, 472 (note); destruction of the temple and priestess of, 516, and in the capitol, of the statue of, 516; named Caprotina, Cinxia, Februtis, Fluonia, 472; Ossipagina, Pomona, Populonia, 472; the cestusof, 517 (note); as Cinxia, a branch worshipped for, 510; Samians worship a plank instead of, 510 (note); one of the Penates, 475.

Jupiter, i, 164, 170, 192; the greatest and best, vi, 421; is not God, 421, 422, but both human and immoral, iii, 142; his history, 149, 150; origin, life, name, and death, vii, 20; tomb, 23; his and his sons' sepulchres, viii, 199; had father and mother, vi, 422; his birth, viii, 197; his father, vii, 23; the Saturnian king, vi, 483; son of Aether, 480; son of Coelus,48o; son of Saturn, 480, of Saturn and Ops, 460, 461, 472, 482; the Cretan, vii, 23, born in Crete, vi, 480; nursed by the Curetes, vii, 23, and his" life saved by the Curetes, vi, 484; concealed in Crete, 472; buried in Crete, 480, 484, his cries concealed, 475; temples to, vii, 23; his actions, vi, 465, as related by Euhemerus, vii, 24; his licentious life, 227, and wicked deeds, viii, 740; overthrew his father, vi, 484, by going to war with him, viii, 198, 254; made, a meal unwittingly on Ly-caon's son, vi, 484; incests of, viii, 197, 198, 254; married his sister, vi, 484; attempted to violate the

mother of the gods, 491; adulteries and vile transformations of, viii, 198, 199, 258; lusted after Alcmena, Danae, Electra, Europa, and matrons and maidens without number, vi, 460, 461, 498; even after the boys, Catamitus, 485, 498, and Fabius, 485; ravished his daughter Proserpine, 498; for lustful purposes became an ant, a golden shower, a satyr, 506, a swan, 483, 506, and a bull, 483, 541; spoken of as recounting his amours to his wife, 487; said to be the sun, 472, and by others to be the ether, 472; three gods named, 480; vii, 23; father of Apollo, Diana, Castor and Pollux, Hercules, Liber, Mercury, vi, 460, 483, of the Muses, 473, of the Sun, 480, of Hercules, 485, 488; Diespiter, 460, 461, 482; fall at Dodona of the temple of, 516; destruction of the statue of Capitoline, 516, 534; termed Capitoline, 427, 516, the Thunderer, 516, the Olympian, 512, 513, the Supreme, 460, the Stygian, i.e., Pluto, 460, Verveceus, 497- (note); of Dodona, 419, 516; bulls sacrificed to, 526; represented with a thunderbolt in his right hand, 517, and as driving in a winged chariot, 472; gave power to the Novensiles to wield his thunder, 474; Pales, the steward of, 474; the counsellors of, 474, 475; one of the Penates, 475; represented as an adulterer,

488,   and as easily overreached,

489,  490; forced to leave heaven by Numa, 489; statues of, dishonored, 515; descent of rain signified by the embraces of Ceres, 502, 505; the feast of, 531; ludi circenses celebrated in honor of 534; allegory of, viii, 201.

Just one, the, v, 221.

Just man, character of, vii, 183; Cicero's error, 184.

Just, the place of the, viii, 576, 577 seq.

Just and unjust, cannot be distinguished in this world, ii, 32; but will differ in the world to come,


Justa, the Syro-Phoenician woman, viii, 232; becomes a proselyte, 232; adopts two boys whom she educates with Simon Magus, 232.

Justice, demanded for Christians, i, 163; of God, 459; and goodness unite in God, iii, 307, 308, 309; reveal him as father and master, 308; case of the Ninevites, 315; of Adam, of Cain, and of Sodom, 317; their union refutes Mar-cion's dualism, 320; banished by Jupiter and restored by Christ, vii, 142; made known to all, but embraced by few, 143; argument of Carneades for and against, 158; nature of, 150, 154; source

in piety and equity, 150; answers to objections, 153; of the Christians, 151; violated by persecution, 145, 147; duties of, 151, 247; man's birthright, 225 ; the worship of God, and true wisdom,


Justification, i, 13, 63, 64; ii, 12, 23; according to Clement, ii, 345,


Justin Martyr, life of, i, 159, 160; studies philosophy, 195; is converted, 195; defends Christianity against Judaism, 194-270; writes two apologies for the Christians, 163-1.93; his dialogue with Trypho, the Jew, 194-270; discourse to the Greeks, 271, 272; hortatory address to the Greeks, 273-289; on the sole government of God, 290—293; on the resurrection, 294-299; fragments from his lost writings, 300-302; is examined and condemned by Rusticus, 305, 306; adversary of heresy, iii, 506; on the resurrection of the body, vi, 374; order of the divine liturgy given by him, vii, 507; his account of Christian worship, 532; testimony to the Clementine liturgy, 572; concurrence of Irenaeus with, 572; quoted by Anastasius, i, 302, An-tonius Melissa, 302, Irenaeus, 300, 468, John of Antioch, 300, John of Damascus, 301, 302, Leontius, 301, Tatian, 300 — relation of Tatian to, ii, 61 — Methodius, vi, 374; referred to, i, 8, 41, 348, 468, 555; viii, 365, 390.

Justinian referred to, iv, 288, 289.

Justinians, oath of the, v, 73.

Justinus, heresy of, origin, of the Ophites, v, 69; essentially heathen, 69; his allegory of Herodotus' legend of Hercules, 69-73; summary of his teaching, 145.

Justus, i, 154.

Juturna, wife of Janus, vi, 471.

Juvenal, referred to, i, 341; iii, 53. 87; v, 98; vii, 99.

Juvenalius, Bishop, viii, 478.

Kahnis, referred to, i, 397; iii, 266. Karinus and Leucius, sons of Simeon, who were raised from the dead when Jesus rose, their narrative of the descent of Christ into Hades, and the deliverance he wrought there, viii, 445-452, 454-458.

Kaye, classification of Tertullian's works, iii, 11, 12; referred to, viz.:—

(Eccles. Hist.) i, 311; ii, 3; iii, 5,9, 76, 91, 181, 239, 270, 274, 429, 604, 629; iv,

73-(Illustr.) i, 234, 236, 239, 241,

242, 258, 262, 268, 270. (Just.) ii, 66, 67, 70, 72, 74,

90, 97, 100, 101, 103, 105,

132, 133, 135, 137, 139, 142,




143, 145, 148, 156, 206, 259,

292, 296, 323, 343, 345, 346,

532, 587-

Kayser referred to, viii, 14. Keble referred to, v, 124. Keltae, the, i, 316. Keys, power of, personal gift to St.

Peter, iv, 99, 101; exercised by

the Holy Spirit, 100. King of the present time, the, and the

King of righteousness, viii, 274. King, Jesus crowned as, by boys, viii,

413-King, Ed., referred to, i, 178; ii,


Kingdom, what, Christians look for, i, 166; of Christ, eternal, 556; the earthly, of the saints after their resurrection, 563; the prophecies respecting, not allegorical, 569; of God, constantly to be looked for, vii, 520; the, and his righteousness, viii, 103; righteousness the way to, 103; the way to, not concealed from the Israelites, 329.

Kingdoms, the two, viii, 145, 180.

Kings, earthly, to be honored, not adored, ii, 92; speaking against, considered treason, vi, 487

Kiss, of charity, abuse of, ii, 291; of peace, vii, 535, 541, 563, at the Eucharist, 422, 486.

Kisses, ii, 47.

Kitto referred to, iii, 346; iv, 26.

Knee, not bending the, upon Sunday, a symbol of the resurrection, i,

Kneeling, in worship, iii, 689; where not allowed, 94, 103.

Knees of images touched by supplicants, vi, 513.

Knowledge, i, 29, 64, 68, 137, 196; puffs up, 397; perfect, not attainable in this life, 399; the true, 508, 574, defined, ii, 349, 350, 364; foundation in faith, 445; by the senses, 445; twofold, by apprehension and reason, 480; of God, in Greek philosophy, 489; degrees of, 506; love of, 508; true, in Christ only, 508; philosophy and heresy, aids to, 509; stages in, iv, 75; advantage of, viii, 144; the responsibility which it involves, 144; enhances responsibility, 156; deadens lust, 186; value of, 190; universal, possessed by none, 196; the tree of, i, 104; and righteousness, viii, 44; and supposition, vii, 233.

Korah, i, 60.

Kronos, viii, 254; his deeds, 740; explained as chronos, i.e. time, vi, 472; son of Coelus and progenitor of the dii magni, 472; and Rhea, viii, 263; and Aphrodite, 263.

Kyrie Elc'ison, viii, 551 sad passim.

Laborer's duty of, i, 112. Lacedaemon, Castor and Pollux buried

in, vi, 484. X,actantius, styled the Christian Cicero,

vii, 4; instructor of Constantine, 4; life of, 5; works of, 6; Gibbon on, 300; author of Divine Institutes, why written, 139, 224; epitome of the Divine Institutes, 224 seq.; a treatise on the Anger of God, 259 seq.; of the manner in which the persecutors died, 301 seq.; fragments of, 323; a poem on the Phoenix, 324 seq.; on the Passion of the Lord, 327 seq.; on the workmanship of God, 281 seq.; referred to, viii, 416.

Laity, in primitive councils, v, 411; to bring oblations and tithes, vii, 409; how placed in church, 421; not to baptize or execute priestly offices, 429.

Laius quoted, ii, 363.

Lamb of the Passover, a type of Christ, i, 214; vii, 129.

Lampadistus, the city of, viii, 495.

Languages, dispersion of, iv, 555.

Laodamia, seduced by Jupiter, vi, 498.

Laodice, buried in the shrine of Diana, vi, 508.

Laodicea, a journey to, viii, 300.

Laodiceans, the, a chief man of, offers Peter and his friends hospitality, viii, 174; meeting at the house of the chief man of, 175.

Laodiceans, Epistle to, sent to the Ephesians, iii, 464.

Laomedon, served by Neptune, vi, 484.

Lapithus, the city of, viii, 494.

Lapsed, reconciliation of, vi, 120; after penitence may be restored, viii, 617; not to be denied mercy, v, 659; instances from Scripture, 660-661; to be communicated in sickness if penitent, 281, 328, but not otherwise, 290, 304, 441; martyrs importuned for them, 291; greatness of their sin, 292, 441; peace "to be given to the penitent and exiled, 297; their case decided by council of clergy and laity, 310, 317; merciful judgment of them required, 332; decree of the African synod on, 336; worldliness a cause of their sin, 438; instance of divine judgment in Cyprian's time, 443-444; exhortation to repentance, 446; Cyprian's treatise on the, 437 seq.; canons of Peter of Alexandria on, vi, 269; case of slaves, 271; of freemen, 272; confessors in prison, 272; rashly incurring danger, 273; clergy, 274; purchase of safety, 276; flight from persecution, 277; Dupin's judgment of these canons, 284.

Lapsers, ii, 41.

Lardner referred to, i, 47, 133, 151, ISS; ". I26» 252; iii. 98, 257, 423, 431. 435. 677; iv. 26, 246, 395; viii, 3, 4, 10, 14, 23, 43, 48, 647.

Larentina, vii, 32; honored by the Romans, iii, 138.

Lares, commonly said to be gods of

streets and ways, from the supposed etymology, vi, 475; guardians of houses, 475; identified sometimes with the Curetes, sometimes with the Digiti Samo-thracii, 475; identified with the Manes, 475; said to be gods of the air, and also to be ghosts,


Lares Grundules, vi, 410. Larissa, Acrisius buried in Minerva's

temple at, vi, 508. Last days, the, vii, 472. Last judgment, the, vii, 472. Last times, the, vii, 207, 211, 220, 253. Lateinos, i, 559. Lateranus, the genius of hearths, vi,

477. 479-

Latin Christianity, its rise, v, vi. Latin Church, sophistries of, ii, 62. Latinus, grandson of Picus, and son

of Faunus, vi, 461; father-in-law

of ^Eneas, 461.

Latium, Saturn concealed in, vi, 484. Latona, seduced by Jupiter, vi, 498;

mother of Apollo and Diana,

422, 460, 469, 483; wanderings

of, 422.

Laughter, abuse of, ii, 249. Laurae, Lares said to be derived from,

vi, 475-

Lavabo (prayer of preparation of the priest), vii, 537.

Laverna, goddess of thieves, vi, 484.

Law, why given, i, 203; Jewish opinion regarding, an injury to God, 206; unwritten before Moses, iii, 152; not written by Moses, viii, 236; abrogated, i, 199; had an end in Christ, 216,475; abolished in Christ, iii, 157; the old and the new, has but one author, i, 472; Christ did not abrogate the natural precepts of, but removed the bondage of, 477; man was placed under, for his own benefits, 478; the original, viii, 272; inscribed on the hearts of men, but afterwards, as the Mosaic, made by God to bridle the desires of the Jews, i, 479; law of Moses, developed from the law given to Adam, iii, 152; not binding on Christians, vii, 393, 459; the shadow of Christ, iii, 471; abrogated by the Creator, 432, 436; spiritually interpreted, iv, 365; in Deuteronomy, typical of Christ's second coming, 375; perfect righteousness not obtained by, i, 460; not necessary to righteousness, iii, 153; penalty of, beneficent, ii, 339; natural and revealed, one and divine, 341; of nature, in the Decalogue, why imposed, vii, 458, 459; of sacrifice taken away, 460; of Jewish meats, to be understood spiritually, v, 645; divine, described by Cicero, vi, 170; a teacher of philosophy, ii, 367; of Moses, in what sense a ministration of death, vi, 203; not to be contemned by




Christians, 215; how fulfilled by Christ, vii, 461; of Christ, i, 138; the new, ii, 20.

Law, teachers of, their succession, v, 195; interpretation of, 196.

Law, Roman, how unjust, iii, 21; vainly enacted against Christians, 22; not enforced against luxury, 22; in the Pandects of Justinian, Christian origin of, vi, 4.

Lawless one, the, v, 246, 248.

Laws, abuse of, v, 278, of heathen nations contrary to God's law, iv,


Laying on of hands, complement of baptism, v, 668; given by bishops only, 669.

Laymen to speak publicly only by the bishop's leave, vi, 154.

Lazarus raised by Jesus, viii, 460, 462.

Lea referred to, iv, 49.

Learners and cavillers, viii, 123.

Learning necessary before teaching, viii, 123.

Leathes referred to, viii, 3.

Lebbaeus, canon of, vii, 493; address of, viii, 93.

Lechler referred to, viii, 69.

Lecky referred to, vii, 425.

Lections, or lessons, vii, 535, 539, 561.

Lectisternium of Ceres, vi, 531.

Leda, seduced by Jupiter, vi, 480, 498; mother of Dioscori, 483; represented on the stage, 531; sons of, i, 170.

Lee, referred to, iv, 365, 568, 612.

Left and right, merely relative terms, vi, 477; lucky, 477.

Legion, the Thundering, i, 187; the Thunder-hurling, viii, 772.

Lehman referred to, viii, 70, 134.

Leighton referred to, ii, 29, 31, 129, 137, 284, 456, 470.

Lemnos, Vulcan wrought as a smith at, vi, 480, 484.

Le Nourry referred to, ii, 587.

Lent, when to be kept, vii, 443.

Leo Allatius, vii, 533.

Leo and leno, iii, 55, 60.

Leo, type of those born under, v, 33.

Leonides, father of Origen, iv, 224.

Leontius, quotes Justin, i, 301.

Leontius of Byzantium referred to, i, S7O.

Lepers, cleansing of, how typical, iii, 356; parable of the ten, interpreted, 407.

Leprosy healed by Jesus, viii, 408, 411.

Lessons read in the Church, vii, 421.

Letter of Pontius Pilate, viii, 459.

Letters and syllables, the absurd theories of Marcion respecting, i, 337, 341; absurdity of arguments derived from, 393; God not to be sought after, by means of, 396.

Letters commendatory, to be given and received, vii, 422; to be required, 501.

Letters of the churches in Vienne and Lyons to the churches of Asia and Phrygia, viii, 748, 778 seq.

Leucippus, first teacher of Epicurean

philosophy, vii, 87; cosmogony of, v, 16.

Leucophryne, buried in Diana's sanctuary, vi, 508.

Levi, the patriarch, speaks of his vengeance on Hamor, viii, 13, 14, of his revelations, 13, of the seven heavens, 13, of the seven men in white raiment investing him with the insignia of the priesthood, 14; is instructed in the law of the priesthood and sacrifices, 14, 15; speaks of his marriage, 15; admonishes his children to fear the Lord, 15; foretells that they will act ungodly against the Saviour, 15, 16, that they will be led into captivity, 16, and finally be saved through the Lord, 16; his death and burial, 17.

Levi, Rabbi, his testimony to Jesus before the Sanhedrim, viii, 424,


Levi, the course of, v, 164.

Levites, office of, executed in the Christian church by the deacons, vii, 409, 410.

Levitical dispensation, the, not appointed by God for his own sake, i, 482.

Lewin referred to, i, 21; iii, 108.

Lewis Taylor referred to, ii, 466.

Libations, in honor of the gods, vi, 529, 530; formula used in, 530.

Libels, severely punished, vi, 487.

Libentina, goddess of lust, vi, 478.

Libentini (?), vi, 420.

Liber, a deified mortal, vi, 462, 474; deified because he taught men to use wine, 423; son of Jupiter and Semele, 460, 483, 500; Indian campaign of, 486; torn in pieces by the Titans, 424, 497; called Eleutherius, 516, Nysius 500 (note); visit to Tartarus of, 500; filthy practices of, 500, 501; allegorical explanation of the tearing in pieces of, 505.

Libera, i.e., Proserpine, daughter of Jupiter and Ceres, vi, 497.

Liberality, not in shows, public works, or patronage, vii, 175.

Liberianus, martyrdom of, i, 306.

Liberty, no goodness without, viii, 121; and necessity, 286; of conscience a human right, iii, 105.

Libosus of Vaga, on baptism, v, 569.

Libra, type of those born under, v, 33.

Library, imperial, care of, vi, 160.

Licianus, commanded by Tiberius to seize and destroy the Jews who procured the death of Jesus, viii, 464.

Licinius, Emperor, treaty with Daia, vii, 315; attacked by him, 319; his dream, 319; defeats Daia, 320; puts to death Valeria and others, 321.

Liddon referred to, iv, 433, 649, 665.

Life, i, 29, 76, 89, 198; this, a winter, ii, 3; and death, difference between, i, 537; earthly, only confession of Christ, iii, 643; the

Christian, viii, 130; human, inequalities of lot in the, 338; oiL from the tree of, 89; way of, vii, 377> 378; crown of, we ought to strive after, 519. Light of Light, applied to Christ, v,

227, 236.

Light, way of, i, 148; created, ii, 100; creation and nature of, vi, 193; the supreme of Simon Magus, views of, viii, 110. Lights, offering of, in worship, needless, vii, 163. Lightfoot referred to, vii, 338; viii, 6,


Liguori referred to, iii, 77. Lima, goddess of thresholds, vi, 478. Limentinus, god of thresholds, vi, 478, 479; gives omens in entrails of the victims, 479.

Limi, preside over obliquities, vi, 479. Lindus of Rhodes, honors to Hercules at, vii, 36. Linus, i, 69, 122; bishop of Rome,

416; viii, 76.

Lion, images with face of, vi, 510. Lioness, a, and cubs, tamed by Jesus,

viii, 381. Lions and panthers worship and escort

Jesus, viii, 381. Lipsius referred to, viii, 70. Litany, the universal, vii, 541. Literature, heathen, not to be taught

by Christians, iii, 66. Litteus of Gemelli, on baptism, v, 572. Little Labyrinth, v, 4. Liturgies, ancient, four families of, vii, 532; theories of the origin and dates, 533.

Iiturgiologists and liturgical authorities (quoted or referred to): — Abu'lberkat, vii, 534. Assemani, 533. Augustine, 541, 569. Badger, 536, 561, 562, 565,570. Baronius, 534. Basil, 571. Basnage, 534. Bellarmine, 533, 569. Bingham, 569. Bona, 533. Brett, 529, 533. Bunsen, 534. Burbidge, 536, 566, 571. Cave, 534. Chrysostom, 569. Clement of Alexandria, 568. Cyril, 571. Daniel, 533, 534. Dupin, 534. Elias, 566. Etheridge, 562. Eusebius, 568. Fabricius, 534. Field, 536, 543. Freeman, 536,569. Gelasius, 533. Gregory the Great, 533. Hammond, 536, 544, 551, 552, 556> 5S8. 559. 56l> 562> 564, 569. 57°-Harvey, 571, 572. Hickes, 537.




Hilary, 533.

Hippolytus, 570.

Hirscher, 569, 570, 571.

Innocent, 533.

Irenaeus, 552, 571, 572.

Joseph, 566.

Justin Martyr, 572.

Le Brun, 533.

Le Nourry, 534.

Lee, 533.

Leo AUatius, 533.

Littledale, 536, 548, 549.

Mabillon, 533.

Marriot, 536.

Menessius, 566.

Muratori, 533.

Musaeus, 533.

Neale, 529, 532, 533, 534, 535,

S36- 548, 549. 56l> 57°. 571-

Palmer, 532, 533, 561.

Pfaff, 536.

Probst, 533.

Ratramn, 545.

Rattray, 534.

Renaudot, 529, 534, 551, 561, 562, 565, 566, 570.

Scudamore, 536, 542.

Sidonius, 533.

Tillemont, 534.

Trevor, 536.

Trollope, 533, 534.

Usher, 571.

Warren, 536.

Williams, 571.

Zaccaria, 533. Liturgiology, science of, in its infancy,

vii, 529.

Liturgy, meaning of the word, vii, 532; the divine prayers in, 483-491; canon of, 486-491; Pauline norm of, 506; Clementine, 529, 570; date of, 533; probable use of, in Rome and Gaul, 572; primitive, no normal type, extant, 529; Clementine nearest to, 571, 572; order of, by St. Justin Martyr, 507; Justin Martyr's account of, compared with Clementine, 532; the two parts of, 534; comparison of the Clementine and St. Irenaeus, 507; of St. James (Jerusalem), S32» 533. 537-55°; of St. Mark (Alexandria), 532-534, 551-560, single MS. of, 551; of Rome and Gaul, 532, 533; of Edessa, 532; of St. Basil, 533; of St. Chrysostom, 533; of the Blessed Apostles (or Adaeus and Maris), 534, 561— 569; of St. Cyril, 544; of St. Gregory, 534; Ethiopic, or All Apostles, 534; ofNestorius, 534; of Theodore the interpreter, 534; Malabar, 570, 571. Living creatures, the symbolic import

of the four, i, 428. Livy referred to, iii, 138. Locusts, destruction of crops by, said to be caused by Christians, vi, 414, 416,417.

Locutii, Aii, vi, 419, 420. Log, worshipped by the Icarians for

Diana, vi, 510. Logos, the, ii, 133, 146; derived from

the Father, v, 150; not a mere attribute of God, iii, 601; not an empty word, implies creation, 602; creator of all, v, 151; God of God, 151; made man, 152; the aeon so called, i, 316, 317; and Sige, 372; absurdity of the Valentinian account of the generation of the, 381 seq., 401; power of the, ii, 67, 68; the internal and emitted, 103; instruction of the, 228.

Lord, the, is one God, the Father, i, 463; the testimony of Moses to,


Lord's day, i, 63, 186; illustrated by Greek authors, ii, 469; day of Christ's resurrection, 545; Christian observance of, iii, 70; the service of, vii, 381,421, 423, 471; to be kept as a feast, 449, 469.

Long-suffering, effect of, viii, 48; of God, 205.

Lord's Prayer, the, vii, 379, 535, 536, 547, 558, 567; common to Christians only, v, 448-450; understood though not written in the Clementine liturgy, 570; in baptism, vii, 431; an epitome of the Gospel, iii, 681; analysis of, 682-84; exposition of, in detail, 449-457; illustrations of, from Jewish liturgies, 559; use of amen in, 560; our own may be added, iii, 684.

Losania, the body of Pilate sent thither to be buried, viii, 467.

Lot, his example, i, 8; and his daughters, the typical import of the story of, 504, 505; the wife of, turned into a pillar of salt, 504; and his wife, a poem, iv, 129—131.

Love, ii, 15, 16, 49; commanded, i, I9> 5S> enjoined, vii, 521; viii, 219; brotherly,i, 18, 19,enjoined, viii, 623 seq.; of enemies, ii, 115; taught alike in law and gospel, iii, 370, 372; Moses an example of i, 19; other examples of, 19; Christian, how fulfils the law, ii, 414; extent of, 115, 426, 430; represses sensual passion, 430; of man, viii, 310; rewards of, ii, 601, 602; of God, viii, 321; of self, the foundation of goodness, 128; of money, its evil fruits, 19, 20; and fear, 299.

Love-feasts, offerings at, vii, 411.

Love-letter, a, written by Appion for Clement, viii, 258; a reply to, 260.

Loves impure ascribed to the gods, ii, 138.

Lucan, follows Marcion and Cerdo, iii, 653.

Lucian, epistle of Theonas to, on duties of the imperial household, vi,

158-Lucian, martyr, gives peace to the

lapsed at Rome, v, 299; rebuked

by Cyprian, 300. Lucianus of Rucuma, on baptism, v,


Lucifer, Isaiah's prophecy interpreted,

iv, 259. Lucilius, defines virtue, vii, 167;

quoted, 167, 183, 229. Lucina, aiding women in childbirth,

vi, 469. Lucius, bishop of Rome, epistle of

Cyprian to, v, 352; reply of, 405. Lucius of Ausafa, on baptism, v, 571. Lucius of Castra Galbae, on baptism,

v, 566. Lucius of Membresa, on baptism, v,


Lucius of Thebestae, on baptism, v, 569.

Lucius, philosopher, i, 163.

Lucretius, on origin of wisdom, vii, 82; on the immortality of the soul, vi, 445; referred to, iii, 185, 354; vii, 28, 37, 45, 60, 82, 85, 86, 87, 89, 97, 132, 136, 173, 197, 208, 209, 222, 230, 263, 286, 298.

Luke, evangelistic symbol of, vi, 348; ministry of, in Byzantium and Thrace, viii, 671; wrote the Acts of the Apostles, 672; and Paul, i, 437; refutation of the Lbionites who tried to disparage the authority of Paul from the writing of, 439; the gospel of, Mascion's authority, iii, 347.

Lullabies, sung to the gods, vi, 531.

Luna, lusted after Endymion, vi, 485; identified with Diana and Ceres, 473; cannot be a deity if a part of the world, 473; and Simon Magus, viii, 99, 100.

Luperca, a goddess named, because the she-wolf did not rend Romulus and Remus, vi, 476.

Lust, unnatural, attributed to the gods, vi, 485; the source of all evils, vii, 141; anger and grief, the uses of, viii, 337.

Luther referred to, ii, 102.

Luxuries, ii, 24, 37; different kinds of, 38; angel of, 36.

Luxury, abjured, i, 13, 27; in household, forbidden to Christians, ii, 247; in dress and person, 272-277; in servants, 278; hindrance to charity, 279.

Lycaon, Jupiter ate part of the son of, vi, 484.

Lydia, vi, 492.

Lynceus, piercing gaze of, vi, 483.

Lyre, legend of invention of, v, 43, 46.

Lysias referred to, ii, 485.

Lying for religion, a striking illustration of, viii, 207, 208; competition in, 208, 209.

Macarius referred to, iii, 667. Macarus, father of Megalcon, vi, 484, Maccabees, martyrs of, v, 349, 503-


Macedonia, Christianity attested by mighty works in, vi,438; starting-point of Alexander the Great, 415.

Macharius, epistle of, to Cyprian, v, 326; reply to, 326.




Macrianus, instigator of the persecution under Valerian, vi, 106.

Magi, i, 237, 238; their character and history, iv, 422; the visit of the, to Jesus, viii, 366, 376; their offering foretold by Isaiah, iii, 322; their offering and return another way a witness against idolatry, 65; in heathen ceremonials, relics of the arts of the, vi, 527; arts of the, had no good purpose, 425; demons won over by the charms of the, 457; said to raise by their incantations other gods than those invoked, 479; enumeration of famous, 428; used herbs and muttered spells in their incantations, 428.

Magian, used as equivalent to sorcerer, vi, 425.

Magic, our Lord's miracles not performed by, i, 409; invented by the Persians, ii, 65; the secret of that practised by Simon Magus, viii, 100; the power of, 257; and sorcery, only apparent in their effects, iii, 233, among heretics, v,


Magical, practices, the, of Marcus, i, 334; arts, subjugated by Christian faith, iii, 234.

Magician, Ham the first, viii, 140; Christ no, vii, 139.

Magicians of Egypt, viii, 129; miracles of, 129; not trusted by Christians, i, 171.

Magistrate, insults to a, severely punished, vi, 487.

Magistrianus, story of, v, 241.

Magnesia, Diana's sanctuary at, vi, 508.

Magnesians, epistle of Ignatius to, i, 59-65; wherein he shows the honor and submission due to them to their bishop, 60-64; warns against false doctrine, 62, and against Judaism, 63.

Magnificat, the, vii, 540; comment on, vi, 64.

Magnus, epistle of Cyprian to, v, 397.

Magus, Simon, i, 82; overthrown by Peter, vi, 438. (See Simon Magus.)

Magusaei, the, viii, 187.

Maia, the beautiful, vi, 422; mother of the third Mercury, 422, 460, 480, 483,511.

Maiden, the model, described by Zeno, ii, 289.

Malabar Liturgy, peculiarities of, vii, 570; its Portuguese revisers, 570; corrupted, but very ancient,

571-Malachi, the pure oblation of, vii,


Malchion, presbyter of Antioch, vi, 168; epistle of, against Paul of Samosata, 169, 172.

Male and female, viii, 242; the correspondence and relation of, 173.

Mambre, or Malech, Mount, Jesus seen on, after his resurrection, viii, 422, 444.

Man, preexistent in the Divine Mind, ii, 210; his creation, a preparation for a higher life, iii, 299; creation of, i, 165, 228; ii, 101, by and for God, vii, 56, 58, 61, 199, 203, 252, 271; viii, 45, 339; Homer's knowledge of the origin of, i, 286; testimonies of Ovid and Sallust, vii, 58, 62; fable of his creation by Prometheus, 59; the first, according to the Ophites, i, 354; token of God's goodness, iii, 300; animated out of God's substance, 600; made in the image of God, i, 544; ii, 584; iii, 445; vi, 370; in the shape of God, viii, 319; consists of both soul and body, vi, 299, 370; alone has gift of reason, iv, 534, 540; vi, 441, and idea of God, iv, 536; like God in freewill, iii, 301; viii, 724; power to choose good or evil, 339; responsibility of, i, 190, 522; ii, 105; viii, 102; above angels in obedience, iii, 303; his body and its various parts, vii, 288-295; his mind and brain, 296; his upright form, 41, 201; ignorant of his own nature, vi, 435, 436; such as the lower creatures, 440; the final object of creation, iv, 530, 532; placed in Paradise, ii, 102; original state of, viii, 272; corruption of, i, 301; ii, 67, 102; his natural perverse-ness, iii, 637; depraved in coming into life, vi, 440; naturally enemy of God, viii, 101; ways of, opposite to God's, 231; the fall of, 272; God's mercy to, after the fall, i, 449; expulsion of, from Paradise, ii, 104; object of God's long-suffering, i, 450; object of God's love, ii, 210, and care, vii, 273; is subject to sin, 272; sins through ignorance, viii, 340; needs a greater than man to save, i, 450, 451; why not at first made perfect, 521; the whole nature of, has salvation conferred on it, 531; unfruitful without the Holy Spirit, 526; all things created for the service of, 558; the world made for, vii, 269; the earth made for, viii, 154; the Lord of all, 280; every, either empty or full, 1, 572; his earthly and spiritual life, vii, 200; a corporeal and spiritual man in each, i, 576; a threefold kind, feigned by the heretics, 323; the respective destination of the threefold kind of, 325; represented by Cain, Abel and Seth, 326; iii, 517; not immortal, vi, 445,446; his life shortened, vii, 62; why weak and mortal, 284; is benefited by labor, how, iv, 531; wretchedness of the life of, vi, 449, 450, 451, 521; a microcosm, 443; not necessary in the universe, 448; utmost extent of life of, 461; history of, after the flood, ii, 106;

races of, dispersed, 107; argument for the resurrection of, from his nature, 156, and from the changes in his life, 158, and from his ability to judgment, 160, from his actions, 160, and from such good and evil, 161, and from laws of his nature, 161, and from the objects of his existence, 162; spiritual excellence of, 410; imperishable with God, iv, 194, 198; not to be veiled, 33.

Man-eaters, the city of the, the horrid customs of the citizens, viii, 517; visited by Matthias, where his eyes are put out, and he is cast into prison, 517; the works of Andrew and Peter in, 518; blind prisoners doomed to be eaten, are restored to sight by Andrew, 522; the citizens eat the dead warders, 522; the citizens collect the old men to eat them, in lieu of others, 522; an unnatural father in, his punishment, 522, 525; the executioners miraculously bereft of power, 523; the citizens seek for Andrew to kill him, 523; Andrew dragged repeatedly by ropes through the streets of, 523; Andrew causes an alabaster statue to send forth water, and flood the city, 524; the citizens repent, 524; certain of the citizens sent down into the abyss, 525; the drowned citizens restored to life by Andrew, 525; a church founded there, 525.

Manasseh, i, 145; an example of repentance, vii, 406; prayer of, 407.

Mandrakes, the, of Reuben, viii, 21, 22.

Manes, the Lares said to be the, vi, 471; inhabitants of infernal regions, 525.

Manes, heresies of, vi, 182, 213, 241; claims to be the Paraclete, 187, 209; his dualism refuted, 196; its origin, 229; his history, 230; his cosmogony, 242; borrows from heathen mythology, 242, 245; his theory of matter self-contradictory, 244.

Manetho, his inaccuracy, ii, 117.

Mania, mother of the Lares, vi, 475.

Manium, dii, vi, 525.

Manliness, true Christian, ii, 365.

Manna, types of grace, v, 401.

Mansions, the many, 567.

Mappalycus, martyr, v, 288-289.

Mar Jacob, a canticle of, on Edessa, viii, 654; a homily of, on the fall of the idols, 656; on Habib the martyr, 708; on Guria and Shamuna, 714 seq.

Mara, son of Serapion, letter of, viii,

722. 735. 742-

Maranus referred to, i, 198, 204, 212, 217, 219, 228, 231, 234, 235, 237,

239. 251.

Marcellus of Zavia, on baptism, v, 570-




Marcellus, story of, vi, 179.

Marcia, v, 158; concubine of Commodus, 129; kind to the Christians, 130.

Marcians, i, 212.

Marcion, i, 171, 182; heretic, iii, 7, S9l> 599; heresy of, iv, 597, 607; vii, 365 — a poem, iv, 142 —; history of, iii, 257; is aided by Cerdo, 272 — both following Empedocles, v, 116-112, summary of, 146 —; doctrines of, i, 352; ii, 383, 384, 403, 445; mutilates the gospels, i, 352, and Scripture, iii, 262; vain attempt of, to exclude Abraham from Christ's salvation, i, 470; Plato more religious than, 459; meets Polycarp, 416; his God no God at all, iii, 278, is of late origin, 281; by dividing God, puts an end to deity, i, 459; has no evidence of his existence, iii, 279, 284; depreciates creation, which is a witness of God, 280, 283; vilifies the creator, 281, assumes the existence of two gods, 282; Jesus Christ could not be the same as the god of, 284; doctrine of, confuted out of St. Paul's teaching, 285; the goodness of the god of, only imperfectly manifested, 289; the justice of the god of, is hopelessly weak and ungodlike, 291; dangerous effects to morality and religion from such weakness, 292; methods of the arguments of, incor-Tect and absurd, 297; cavils of, 300, 303, 304,305, answered, 315, 316, 318; antitheses of, iv, 156, 166, absurd, iii, 346, refuted, 319, 320; the Christ of, not the subject of prophecy, 323; selects Luke's gospel as his authority, 347, which he mutilates, 347, 350; insinuates the untrustworthiness of certain apostles, rebuked by Paul, 348; pretensions of, as an amender of the gospel, 349; object of, in adulterating the gospel, 351; canon of Scriptures 0^423 seq., 431,460; denies the nativity of Christ, 522; answer to, 527; excommunicated, 653; analysis of his heresy, 423; Tertullian's work, against, 6, 7; date of the work, 9, 282; contents of, 271-474; introduction to, 269; remark on, 474, 475.

Marcionite and Jewish error, community of, iii, 324.

Marcionites, the, vii, 133; refuted concerning sin, i, 502; the spoiling the Egyptians by the Israelites, 502; concerning prophecy, 511.

Marcius, a soothsayer, vi, 431.

Marcosians, the absurd interpretations of, i, 341; absurd theories of, respecting things created, 342, 34.3; appeal of, to Moses, 343, 344; cite Scripture to prove the Father was unknown before the coming of Christ, 344; the apocry-

phal Scriptures of, 344; pervert the Gospels, 345; views of, respecting redemption, 345; departure of, from the truth, 347; their late origin, 417.

Marcus, i, 43.

Marcus Aurelius, his testimony of the Christians, i, 187.

Marcus Cicero, vi, 468.

Marcus, heretic, vii, 453 — hymn of, v, 91 — the deceitful arts and nefarious practices of, i,334; pretends to confer the gift of prophecy. 334; corrupts women, 334; hypothesis of, respecting letters and syllables, 336, his system of letters, v, 94; pilfers from Pythagoras, 97; pretended revelations of Sige to, i, 339; alleged vision °f> v> 93! sacrilege of, 92; profanes the Eucharist, 92; refuted by Irenaeus, 99.

Marcus and Colarbasus, heresy of, iii, 653.

Marcus of Macharia, on baptism, v,


Mareotis, presbyters of, vi, 299; deacons of, 299.

Maria, the proselyte, her spurious letter to Ignatius, i, 120.

Mariamne, sister of the Apostle Philip, viii, 497; tortured, 498; ordered to be stripped naked, but miraculously transfigured, 499, 508,


Maries, the, in the Gospels, i, 155.

Maris, i, 115, 120; one of the Seventy, vii, 570.

Mark, St., tradition regarding, i, 154; evangelistic symbol of, vi, 348; sister's son to St. Barnabas and pupil of St. Peter, St. Clement's testimony of, vii, 568; companion of Peter, ii, 579; origin of his Gospel, 579, 580; ruler and guide of the church of Alexandria, viii, 667; founder of the Evangelical See, vii, 568; commemoration of, 569; Liturgy of (Alexandria), 551-560, MS. of, 551.

Marpesian rock, proverbial comparison, vi, 443.

Marpessa, loved by Apollo, vi, 485.

Maro, Peter stops at the house of, viii, 135; appointed by Peter bishop of Tripolis, 156.

Marriage, i, 26, 81, 95; ii, 22; a holy state, iii, 293, 386, 427; how honorable, i, 533; vi, 314, 316; viii, 250; type of Christ and the Church, vi, 317; Christ's law of, iii, 404, 443; pleas for, iv, 41; chastity of Christians with respect to, ii, 146; lawful use of, 259-263; vii, 462, 463; early canons on, v, 160; urged on presbyters, viii, 219; nature, conditions and duty of, ii, 377; single commended, 382, 403, and only allowed, iv, 39, 49, 54; not preferable to celibacy, 40; second, lawful, ii, 382, 403; iv, 54; how for allowed by St. Paul, vi, 321, but

not expedient, iv, 54; second forbidden to the clergy, vii, 457, 501; second 'and third how far allowed, 426; second detrimental to the faith, iv, 43; is a species of adultery, 55; causes distraction of the spirit, 56; excuses for futile, 56, 57, 71; heretical perversions of Scripture regarding, i, 395, 398; forbidden by certain heretics, vii, 453, 454; errors of Cas-sian refuted, i, 399; its purity taught in Holy Scripture, 400, 403; depravation of it a reproach to the Creator, 400, 403; two heretical views of marriage to be shunned, 401, 407; true philosophy of, 402, 403-407; glory of true Christian wedlock, iv, 48; not a good in itself, 52; illustrated from St. Paul, 52; heathen example in, 42, 72; with heathen not lawful to Christian women, 44; dangers of such marriage, 46, 47; forms observed in, vi, 460; three modes of contracting, 482 j advocacy of promiscuous, 432; supper, the, viii, 274.

Marriages, Fescennine verses sung at, vi, 482; among blood relations, forbidden, viii, 616, and unlawful, 616; unfitness for, 640; relations of, 640.

Married people, how to act, ii, 251.

Marriott referred to, ii, 266, 297; iv,


Mars, vii, 19, 226; born in Arcadia (?), vi, 484: born in Thrace, 484; said to be Spartanus, 484; set over war, 471; held prisoner for thirteen months, 484 (note); loved by Ceres, 485; ensnared by Vulcan, 484; wounded by men, 484; a spear worshipped by the Romans as, 510; dogs and asses sacrificed to, 484; otherwise Ma-vors, 511; fighting signified by, 506; allegorical explanation of the binding of Venus and, 505; the Romans spoken of as the race of, 488.

Marsi, sold charms against serpent bites, vi, 446.

Marsh referred to, iii, 436.

Marsyas, ii, 65.

Martha of Bethany, Christ's rebuke of, ii, 594.

Martial referred to, ii, 265.

Martius, Pious, entrapped by Numa's craft, vi, 489.

Martyr, story of a Christian, iii, 93; the so-called, must be persecuted, viii, 50.

Martyrdom, why to be desired, ii, 411, 422; counsel to those who desire, iv, 215; not possible to deniers of Christ, v, 673, 674; God's remedy against idolatry, iii, 636; a complete victory, 638; a triumph over demons, 41; a sacrament, 641; honored by Christ, vi, 382; spiritual, ii, 412; Christian glory of, iv, 196; heathen,




falsely so named, ii, 412; not needless death, 412, 423; blessedness of, 416; glory and blessing of. v, 3°3. 496,479-587; exhortation to, 347-350, 579-587; philosophy testifies to, ii, 418-19; supplies the want of baptism, v, 385; in will, sufficient, 473; a baptism of blood, 497; rewards

of, 5°5> 5o6> 538, 579-587; only entrance to Paradise, iii, 231; sex and condition of martyrs, ii, 419, 420; foretold by Christ, iii, 641; Christ's sayings respecting, 421-23; errors of Basilides on, 423, 424; who admits no, iii, 650; testimony of Scripture, ii, 427, and of St. Clement of Rome, 428; of Danaids and Dircae, i, 6; Peter, i, 6; viii, 218, and Paul, i, 6; of Andrew, viii, 356, 511 seq.; of Bartholomew, 357, 553 seq.; of Matthew, 528 seq.; of Charito, Chariton, Paeon, Liberianus, Euelpistus, Hierax, i, 306; of Ignatius, 127-131; of Polycarp, 43; of Perpetua and Felicitas, iii, 699 seq.; of Sba-muna, Guria, and Habib, viii, 696 seq.; Christian, described by Phileas, vi, 162; epistle of Poly-, carp concerning, i, 39-44; introductory note to, 37-38.

Martyrs, i, 6, 508; constancy of, 39; trials and blessings of in prison, iii, 693; soldiers an example for, 694; other instances of endurance, 695; Christian, number of, iv, 468; of Alexandria, vi, 97-101; their faith, courage, and sufferings, v, 287, 288, 403; the glory of the Church, 289, 296; importuned for the lapsed, 291; to be helped by gifts and self-sacrifice, vii, 437, and by personal risk, 438; records of the, to be kept, viii, 630; their days to be kept, vii, 495; to be commemorated, viii, 669; in oblations, v, 313, 315; absolved from sin, iii, 639, but cannot give absolution for sin, iv, 100; glory and crowns of, iii, 646; boys, v, 404, 407; letters of, 405, 406; Scripture examples of, 503; false martyrs, vii, 442; SS. James and Stephen to be honored as, 442; Tertullian's treatise to, iii, 693 seq.

Mary, the Virgin, i, 52,57; spurious letter to, and her reply, 126; would hasten on Jesus, but is checked by him, 443; compared with Eve, 454, 547; Gospel of the Nativity of, viii, 352; contents of, 384-387; the falling asleep of, 587 seq.; the passing of, 592 seq.; the assumption of, 359; the parents of, 361, 362, 369, 370; birth of, 362, 370-, presentation of, to the priests, 363, 370; left by her parents in the temple, 363, 385; is held in great veneration for her

goodness, 371; sought in marriage by Abiathar, the high-priest, for his son, 371; is styled " Queen of Virgins," 373; daily visited by angels, she resolves to remain a virgin, 385; the priests take counsel what they shall do with her, 363, 386; by divine intimation is entrusted to the care of Joseph the carpenter, 363, 372, 380; spins the true purple and the scarlet for the veil of the temple, 363, 364, 372, 373; an | angel announces to, her conception, 363, 373; visits Elizabeth, 364; her conception, 364; Joseph's grief on finding her pregnant, 364, 373; questioned by Joseph, 364; Joseph resolves to dismiss her privately, 364, 387, 389; the priests, suspecting sin, administer the ordeal to Joseph and to her, when both are proved innocent, 364, 365, 373, 374; her journey to Bethlehem with Joseph, 365, 3745 gives birth to Jesus in a cave; wonders that accompany his birth, 365, 374, 375; Salome's doubt as to the virginity of, punished, 365, 375; goes into Egypt with Joseph and the child, 376; Jesus causes a palm tree to bend down to, that she may pluck its fruit, 377; sojourn in Egypt, 377, 406 seq.; adored, 409; with Joseph at his death, 392; informed by John of the sentence passed on Jesus by Pilate, 430; at the cross, 430; goes to the tomb of Jesus, 656, to burn incense, and is invisible to the guards, 587; Gabriel appears to, and announces her removal shortly to heaven, 587; returns to Bethlehem and prays for the presence of John, who is miraculously conveyed from Ephesus to, 588; all the apostles are miraculously brought together to her, 588, 593; the apostles tell her, each in his turn, what the Holy Spirit had revealed to them concerning her, 588; the glorious and wonderful occurrences which took place round the house where she was, 589; hostility shown by the priests to, and the terrific vision which confounds tnem, 589; a tribune sent against, she is miraculously conveyed to Jerusalem, 589; the Jews at Jerusalem attempt to burn the house of, 590; visited by the Lord on cherubim, and a multitude of angels, 590; asks Jesus respecting the departure of her soul — the answer, 592; apprised by an angel that her assumption is now at hand, 592; prepares for her assumption, 592; Christ descends

and receives the soul of, 593; the apostles carry the body of, to bury — incidents by the way, 593; Jesus raises the body of, and takes

it to paradise, 598; Thomas sees her body ascending — her girdle falls to him, 594; another account of her departure and assumption, with the attendant circumstances, 595 seq.; meets Paul in Paradise, and is worshipped by angels, 580.

Mary, the mother of Cleophas, and her rival, viii, 410.

Mary, of Antioch, 115.

Mary, at Neapolis, spurious letter to, i, 122.

Mass not to be celebrated by an illiterate presbyter, viii, 641.

Masses, Roman system of, Hirscher's strictures on, vii, 570; purchased by the rich, 571.

Massillon referred to, iii, 718.

Massuet referred to, i, 366, 455, 484.

Masters, the, under whom the child Jesus was placed, viii, 379, 380, 381, 382, 396, 397.

Masters, duties of, i, 111; vii, 436; two cannot be served, 518.

Mastery, self, ii, 47.

Matarea, or Matariyeh, viii, 409.

Mathematicians, astronomical theories of, considered, vi, 340, 341, 342.

Mathematics, fragments of Anatolius' treatise on, vi, 151.

Mathetes, his epistle to Diognetus, i,


Matrons, adorning of, iv, 214.

Matter, not ungenerated, vi, 91; not uncreated, 358-61, 380; cannot be uncreated, iv, 269, 379; is it eternal? viii, 334; not eternal, ii, 67, iii, 478, 480, 487, as shown by history of creation, 489; is created by God, vii, 53, and not the cause of evil, viii, 767 seq.; not equivalent to earth, iii, 490; motion in, irregular, 500; how represented, viii, 43; Manichaean theories of, contradictory, vi, 244.

Matthew, St., i, 153; Papias on, 155; gospel of, written to the Jews, 573; evangelistic symbol of, vii, 348; address of, viii, 92; canon of, vii, 493.

Matthew, Acts and Martyrdom of, viii, 528 seq.; the apostle, on the mountain visited by Jesus in the form of a little child, 528; receives a rod from Jesus to plant in the city of the man-eaters, to produce fruit and honey and water, 528; proceeds to Myrna, and heals demoniacs there, 528; preaches in Myrna, 529; plants in Myrna the rod given him by Jesus; its wonderful growth, 529; proceeds to the church, 530; the devil incites the king against, 530, 531; the king, struck blind, is restored to sight by, 531; the king tries in various ways to destroy, 531; prays that the fire may destroy all the idols, which is done—dies, 532; his body is brought to the palace, and works miracles, 532; is seen rising to heaven, and crowned, 532; his




body is placed in an iron coffin, and is cast into the sea, 532; is seen afterwards standing on the sea, 533.

Matthew, Pseudo, the Gospel, of viii, 351; contents of, 368-383; the acts of, 356.

Matthias, v, 103; visits the city of the man-eaters, who put out his eyes, and cast him into prison, viii, 517; in the prison he is miraculously restored to sight, 517; Andrew sent to, 517; Andrew visits him in prison, 521; canon of, vii, 494.

Matthias and Andrew, acts of, viii, 456, 517 seq.

Matthidia, mother of Clement, viii,

158,  294; her disappearance, 158, 294; found at Aradus as a beggar-woman, 159, 294; her story,

159,  160, 295; Peter's reflections on her story — recognized by Clement, 160, 161; recapitulation of her story, 162, 300; recognized by Aquila and Niceta, 162, 300; seeks baptism, 163, 301, 302; baptism of, delayed, 164; values baptism aright, 302; unintentionally fasted one day, 302; baptized in the sea, 165, 305; recognizes her husband, 191; accompanies her husband to Antioch, 208, 345.

Maturus, martyrdom of, viii, 779, 781.

Mavors, i.e., Mars, vi, 511.

Maxentius, Emperor, vii, 311, with Maximian, and degraded, 312; his defeat and death, 318.

Maximian (Herculius), character of, vii, 303; emperor with Maxentius, 312; degraded, and plots against Constantine, 313; his death, 313.

Maximilla, wife of Aegeates, takes the body of Andrew down from the cross, viii, 515.

Maximilla, a prophetess, v, 123; her prophetic gifts acknowleged by Victor of Rome, iii, 597; a Mon-tanist reported to have committed suicide, vii, 336.

Maximus, bishop of Jerusalem, viii, 748, 766; wrote on the " Origin of Evil," fragments thereof, 767 seq.

Maximus, epistle of Cyprian to, v, 295. 3°»> 32I> 326; reply of, 302, 326.

Maximus referred to, i, 153, 569.

Meander, the Samaritan, i, 171.

Meats, choice of, why prescribed to the Jews, i, 204; law of, spiritual, v, 645; animal, given after the fall, 646; distinction of clean and unclean, for man's sake only, and spiritually interpreted, 647, done away by Christ, 648, but not to permit luxury or intemperance, 649, not partaking of idol-meats, 650.

Mechanical theory of creation, the, viii, 171.

Medea, viii, 197.

Medes, Christianity attested by mighty

works amongst, vi, 438. Meeting together, the duty of, urged

on Christians, viii, 451. Megalcon, daughter of Macarus, and

mistress of the Muses, vi, 484. Megalensia, mode of celebration of,

vi» 531-

Melanippides referred to, ii, 470.

Melchisedecians, v, 115, 147.

Melchizedek, i, 81; the first priest of all priests, ii, 107.

Meles, son of the river, i.e., Homer, vi, 484.

Meletius of Lycopolis, schism of, vi, 239, 283; epistle of Phileas to, vi, 163 seq.

Melisseus, king of the Cretans, vii, 38.

Melito, the philosopher, bishop of Sardis, viii, 747, 750; martyrdom of, 751; discourses with Antoninus Caesar on God and the way of truth, 751 seq.; writes on the soul and body, 756, on the cross, 756, on faith, 756 seq.; fragments from, 758 seq.; catalogue of the Old Testament books by, 759.

Mellonia, goddess presiding over bees and honey, vi, 478; supposed to introduce herself into the entrails of the victim, to give omens, 479.

Memory, wife of Jupiter, vi, 460, mother of the Muses, 473.

Men, sprung from the stones cast by Deucalion and Pyrrha, vi, 491; in early times of immense size, 462, 463; deified because of benefits conferred on the race, 422, 423; souls shut up in bodies, 439; possessed of free-will, i, 518; commandments to, vii, 392; not true that some are by nature good, and some bad, i, 519; the three kinds of, feigned by the heretics, 323; animal, 324, who pass into the intermediate habitation, 326; material, who go into corruption, 326; spiritual, who enter the Pleroma, 325, 326.

Menalippe, seduced by Neptune, vi,

485-Menander, i, 71; the Samaritan, 182;

heretic, vii, 453; disciple of Simon

Magus, iii, 649; doctrines and

practices of, i, 347. Menander quoted, ii, 97,191, 272,377, 378, 447, 471, 472, 473, 484, 530, 531; also his

Auriga, i, 292.

Charioteer, ii, 193.

Depositum, i, 291.

Diphilus, i, 292.

Fratres, i, 292.

Piscatores, i, 292.

Poloumenoi, ii, 483.

Rhapizomena, ii, 211.

Sacerdos, i, 292.

Superstitious man, ii, 529.

Tibicinae, i, 292. Mens, wife of Jupiter, and mother of

the Muses, vi, 473; mother of Minerva, 472.

Merchants, the best, viii, 276.

Mercury, i, 170; character of, vii, 19, 226; of service to men, vi, 459, 462; son of Jupiter, 460,480,483; son of Maia, 422, 460, 480, 483, 511; grandson of Atlas, 469 (note); five gods named, 480; lusted after Proserpina, 480; eloquent in speech, 469 (note), 483; bearer of the caduceus, 472, of the harmless snakes, 483; born on the cold mountain top, 472; presides over boxing and wrestling, 470, and commercial intercourse and markets, 472; contriver of words, and named from the interchange of speech, 472; represented with wings, 517, and wearing a broad-brimmed cap, 511; beardless, 511; slayer of Argus, 480, 517; a thief, 484; termed Cyllenian, 472; the second, named Trophonius, under the earth, 480; the first, son of Coelus, and the fourth, of the Nile, 480; the fifth, slayer of Argus, and inventor of letters, 480; goats sacrificed to, 525, 526.

Mercury, i.e., Hermes Trismegistus, vi, 439-

Mercy, man's chief duty to man, vii, 173, 250; not to be exaggerated at the expense of justice, i, 501.

Merops, the first builder of temples,

vi, S°7-

Merx referred to, viii, 74.

Mesraim, son of Ham, viii, 140; also called Zoroaster, 140.

Messiah, Jewish expectation of the, v, 138.

Messengers of Magnesian church, i, 59; to be sent to Antioch, 96.

Metamorphosis, ii, 69.

Metamorphoses, viii, 199; of the angels, 272.

Metaphrastes, the martyrdom of Sha-muna, Guria, and Habib, described by, viii, 696 seq.

Methodius, bishop of Tyre, biographical notice of, vi, 307; writes concerning chastity, 309 seq., concerning free-will, 356 seq., on the resurrection, 364 seq.; on Jonah, 378; on things created, 379; against Porphyry, 382; concerning martyrs, 382; concerning Simeon and Anna, 383 seq.; on the Psalms, 394 seq.; homily on the cross and passion of Christ, 399 seq.; other fragments by, 401 seq.; quotes Justin Martyr, i, 300; refers to Athenagoras, ii, 127.

Metis, Poseidon, and Zeus, viii, 264.

Metrodorus, held the atomic theory, vi, 437 5 quoted ii, 475.

Metropator, i, 322.

Meyrick referred to, i, 185; iii, 77.

Micah, prophecy of last days, v, 243.

Micah, an example of circumspect be-




havior, viii, 65; question addressed by, to Peter, 341.

Michael, v, 182, 190.

Midas, first to establish worship of the Phyrgian mother, vi, 462; king of Pessinus, 492; wished to give his daughter in marriage to Attis, 492.

Midrash Breshith Rabba referred to, viii, 11, 36.

Milesian Didymaeon, Cleochus buried in the, vi, 508.

Miletus, ii, 66.

Militaris Venus, presiding over the debauchery of camps, vi, 478.

Military service unlawful to Christians, iii, 73, 76, 99, but not an impediment to baptism, 100.

Milk, symbol of spiritual nourishment, ii, 218-22.

Millennium, the, i, 239; vii, 218, 254, 359; of prophecies and types of, iii, 342, 343; after first resurrection, iv, 211, 218; errors concerning, vi, 81; questionable traditions of, i, 153.

Milligan referred to, vii, 330.

Milman (Lat. Christ.) referred to, i, 309; ii, 166; iii, 697; iv, 170; viii, 607; (Hist, of Jews), iv, 351.

Miltiades, Montanist heretic, vii, 335; adversary of heresies, iii, 506.

Milton referred to iii, 239; and his

Comus, vii, 10. Parad. i, 164; ii, 136, 256, 311,

443-Pens., i, 300; ii, 257.

Mind, the universe the product of, viii, 267; how incorporeal, iv, 244; affected by ailments of the body, vi, 436; of the, and its seat, vii, 296; and soul, difference between, iii, 191.

Minerva, i, 185; vii, 465; viii, 201; sprung from Jupiter's head, vi, 461, 472; daughter of Mens, 472; daughter of Victory, 472; five goddesses named, 480; the first, mother of Apollo by Vulcan; 480; the second, identified with Sais, daughter of the Nile, 480; the fourth, named Coryphasia by the Messenians, 480; the fifth, daughter and slayer of Pallas, 480; said by some to be one of the Penates, 475; the wars of, 486; worshipped because she discovered the olive, 423; gives light to secret lovers, 484; temples of, used as places of burial, 508; image of, burned, 516 (see p. 480); a heifer sacrificed to, 526; termed Tritonian, 469, 526; represented with a helmet, 517; said by Aristotle to be the moon, 472; said to be depth of ether, and memory, 472; spins and weaves, 469; used to denote weaving, 506; citizens of, i.e., Athenians, 500; called Polias, 508.

Ministers, how symbolized, ii, 49; or-de o£ in church i, 16, 17, 50, 61, 64.

Ministry, how chosen, ii, 504; orders of, 505; commissioned by Christ, 535; qualification for the, viii, 668, 669; support of the, 251.

Minos, 1, 165.

Minucius Felix, writings of, iv, 170; Latinity of, 169; relates of his early associations with Octavius, 173; of what happened on the way to Ostia, 173; how he was reproached by Octavius, 174; answers Caecilius, 180; his Octavius eulogized, vii, 136; on Saturn, 23.

Miracles, claimed to be performed by heretics, i, 407; meaning of, vii, 127; performed by the child Jesus, viii, 376, 377, 378, 379, 381, 382, 396, 399, 402; mystery of Christ's, ii, 501; of Christ and his disciples, i, 409; of Christ and his apostles, their power and benefits proofs of the gospel, vii, 427; lingering influence of, in the church, iii, 633; power of, to whom given, and with what object, vii, 479; false, viii, 127; of the magicians of Egypt, 129; the uselessness of false, 130; of Simon Magus, useless, 235; of Christ, philanthropic, 235.

Miriam, i, 6.

Misael, i, 178; proof of the resurrection, 521; his persecution, 558.

Misanthropy, viii, 220.

Misdeus, king of India, and the apostle Thomas, viii, 551; orders Thomas to be put to death, 551; a demoniac son of, healed by a bone of Thomas, 552.

Mishael, i, 17.

Missa, not the modern mass, v, 256.

Missa Fidelium and Catechumeno-rum, vii, 535.

Mithras, mysteries of, i, 234.

Mixed cup in the Eucharist, ii, 242.

Moderation, on, ii, 581.

Modern science anticipated, ii, 67,

Modesty in apparel becoming to women, iv, 14; a treatise by Tertullian on, iv, 74 seq.; and sobriety called for by true religion, viii, 151.

Monad, v, 120; system of Monoimus, 120, 146.

Monarchianism, heresy of, iii, 597,604.

Monarchy, viii, 249, 275; Latin use of term, iii, 599; not applicable to the Trinity, 603.

Monasticism, Eastern, origin and results of, vi, 279.

Money, a goddess, vi, 479; love of, to be shunned, vii, 433; its evil fruits, viii, 19, 20.

Monogamy, highly esteemed among heathen, iv, 57,72; no novelty, 60, 61,'73; examples of, 63,64; a law for all Christians, 67; in what case enjoined by St. Paul, 68, 70; a treatise by Tertullian on, 59 seq.; his general argument on, 73.

Monogenes, the, of Valentinus, i, 316, 318; of Ptolemy, 333.

Monoimus, the Arabian, heretical opinions of, v, 120-122, 146.

Monotes, i, 332.

Monotheism, testimonies to, of Homer, i, 280, 282; Orpheus, 279; Plato, 281,282, 283; Pythagoras, 280; the Sibyl, 280.

Montanism, ii, 4, 5, 56, 57, 62; patronized at Rome, i, 309; Apollo-nius against, viii, 775 seq.

Montanists, ii, 29; heretics, their prophecies not fulfilled, vii, 337; opinions and leaders of, v, 123; leave no martyrs, no examples in Scripture, and no gift of prophecy, vii, 337; summary of, v, 147.

Montanus, his prophetic gifts acknowledged by Victor of Rome, iii, 597; notice of, 630, 631; a recent convert of Ardaba, frenzied, â„¢> 335 i reported to have committed suicide, 336.

Months, the, do not fall in with the Valentinian theories of aeons, ii,

395-Montinus, guardian of mountains, vi,


Moon, motions of, viii, 177. Moors, vi, 417; worshipped by the

Titans and Bocchores, 422. Moral faculty, the, in man, i, 522. Moral teaching of the Christians, ii,


Morality, Christian, its superiority, viii, 156.

Morals, the high, of the Christians, ii, 147.

Morning, hymns sung to the deities in the, vi, 531.

Mortality, how made a blessing to Christians, v, 470-473; a treatise by Cyprian on, 469 seq.

Mosaic law, why given? i, 479; a preparation for Christ, ii, 339, fourfold division of, 340; the fountain of all ethics, and the source from which the Greeks drew theirs, 365; laws, figures of things pertaining to Christ, i, 214, 216; system of sacrifice, limits of, vii, 530.

Moschion quoted, ii, 483.

Moses, i, 6, 9, 19, 54, 6o, 64, 82, no, 114, 116, 138, 144, 145,146,573; virtues of, and rebellion against, vii, 450, 451; an example of circumspect behavior, viii, 65; quelling strife, i, 16; his love for Israel, 19; his intercession, a type of Christ's, iii, 318; a divine teacher, v, 194; spiritually taught by Christ, iv, 430; history and law of, above heathen writings, 403; predicts Christ's coming, i, 173; antiquity of, ii, 80, 81, 117; his time, 80; God appears to, i, 184, 223, 226; Greek writers prove the antiquity, training, and inspiration of, 277, 278, and are indebted to, as Homer, 279, 284, Orpheus, 279, Plato, 182, 279, 283, 285, 287 — who imitates him, ii, 338 — Pythagoras, i, 279,




Solon, 279; heathen oracles testify of, 278; compared with heathen heroes, ii, 81 j history of, 335; lawgiver and general, 336— 338; slaying the Egyptians, 585; Aaron and Miriam sin against, i, 573; his rod, v, 121; exposition of his history, v, 196-199; foreknowledge of, viii, 247; allows the Israelites to offer sacrifices, 87; a witness against idolatry, iv, 510; how he delivered his writings, viii, 215, 216; the law not written by, 247, giveri by him handed down by successive prophets, v, 194—195, in harmony with the Gospel, iv, 617; spiritually interpreted, 618-621; honored by Christians, 431; parallel between his miracles and Christ's, 452; a type of Christ, iii, 337; vi, 220; and Christ, viii, 135, 271; burial of, ii, 511; assumption of, 511, 573; appears at the transfiguration, iii, 383; met by Paul in paradise, viii, 580; apocalypse of, 358, 565 seq.; ascension of, referred to, iv, 328.

Moses of Chorene, history of Armenia by, viii, 702 seq.

Mosheim referred to, i, 47; ii, 403, 492.

Mother, the, of the Valentinian heresy, i, 386.

Mother of Clement. See Matthidia.

" Mother of God," Mary, the, viii, 580, 587; worshipped in paradise by angels, 580.

Mother of the gods, married to Saturn, vi, 472; fed Nana with apples, 491; a pine brought into the sanctuary of, 496 (note), 504; a flint worshipped by the people of Pessinus for, 510; represented as bearing a timbrel, 517.

Mother, Great, said to be the earth, vi, 472; Attis worshipped in the temples of, 424 (notes); represented with fillets, 488; termed Pessinuntic Dindymene, 488 (note); birth and origin of rites of, 491; did not exist more than two thousand years before Christ, 493; brought from Pessinus to repel Hannibal, 538; a black stone worshipped instead of, 538; why represented as crowned with towers, 492, 496.

Mother, the Phrygian, first set up as a goddess, vi, 462.

Motions of the sun, moon, and stars, viii, 177.

Mountains, representing the twelve tribes, ii, 49; power and action of each other, 50-53.

Mourning (garments), unfit for Christians, v, 474.

Moyses, epistle of Cyprian to, v, 295, 301; reply of, 302.

Mozky referred to, iv, 4.33, 453.

Mulciber, dressed as a workman, vi,

5J7-Mule, a young man transformed into

by magic; restored to his proper shape by Jesus, viii, 408, 409. Mumulus of Girba, on baptism, v,


Munter referred to, iii, 8.

Munus (sacrifice to the dead), idolatrous in origin and character, iii, 85.

Muratorian canon, ii, 3, 8, 56; v, 603.

Murcia, guardian of the slothful, vi,


Musaeus quoted, ii, 481.

Muses, the, daughters of Jupiter and Memory, vi, 460,473; ofCoelus and Tellus, 473; three seta of Muses, 480; nine in number, 473 (note), 474; number of, stated differently as three, four, seven, 473 (notes), and eight, 473; said by some to be virgins, by others matrons, 473; identified with the Novensiles, 474; represented with pipes and psalteries, 517; handmaids of Megalcon, 484.

Music, sanctified to God, ii, 248; instrumental, and Christian, 249; mystery of, 499.

Musician, guilt contracted at the games by the silence of the, vi, 486.

Musonius, i, 191.

Mustard seed, parable of, interpreted, ii, 578.

Mutation, a law of nature, iv, 6; of people and of animal life, 7.

Mutuus, a deity, vi, 479.

Myndus, Zeno of, vi, 508.

Myrmidon, son of Clitor's daughter, vi,


Myrna, the city of the man-eaters, strange occurrences there, viii, 528 seq.

Mystagogues, ii, 554.

Mysteries, three, hid from Satan, i, 57, 102; in the building of the militant and triumphal church, ii, 43; Christian, why celebrated by night, 435; Eleusinian, vile-ness of, 175—177; derivation of, 175; the pontifical, vi, 527; named initia, 496; of Venus, 496; Phrygian, 496, 497; of Ceres, 498; Alimontian, 500, 504.

Mystery of circumcision, i, 142.

Mythology, ii, 68; heathen, viii, 197 seq.; its origin, i, 181; ii, 179, 180, 530; absurd and impious, 175—177; explanation of, viii, 203; follies of the Greek, i, 272; Roman, disgraceful feature of the, iii, 138; much indelicacy in, 139.

Myths, the heathen, not to be taken literally, viii, 262, 263, 264; the inventors of such vile, blameworthy, 265.

Naaman, healing of, i, 574, interpreted, iii, 356.

Naasseni, heresy of, its origin, v, 47, tenets and interpretation of Holy Scripture, 48-58, 141; profess to follow Homer, 52; hymn of, 58.

Naenia, goddess of those near death, vi, 478.

Namelessness of God, i, 281.

Names, of God i, 190, 262, different, in the Hebrew Scriptures, 413; of Christ, 190, 262, 392; of God and Christ, power of, iv, 406, 427; not given to heathen gods, 407; power of other names, 563; Christian, in the early Church, vi, 83; the giving of, to animals, viii, 242; conceptions and subjects (philosophical) classified, ii,


Nana, daughter of king Sangarius,.vi, 491; debauched by an apple, 491, 494; kept alive by the mother of the gods, 491; mother of Attis, 492, 494.

Naphtali, the patriarch, speaks of his birth, viii, 27, of his youth, 27, of his dreams, 28; exhorts his children not to change the order of nature, 27, 28; his death and burial, 28.

Natalis of Oea, on baptism, v, 572.

Natalius, heretic, account of, v, 601.

Nathan, sent to Tiberius, viii, 472; meets with Titus, and relates to him the wonderful works of Jesus, and baptizes him, 473.

Nations, sins of the, iii, 356.

Nationes ad, a treatise by Tertullian, iii, 104 seq.

Nativities, art of celebrating, vi, 460.

Nativity of Christ, denied by Marcion, iii, 522; is both possible and becoming, iii, 522, 523.

Natrix, the deadly, vi, 417.

Nature, use of the word by the heathen, vii, 97; nothing apart from God, 97; error of Stoics respecting, 196; the folly of speaking of, as making, viii, 174; love of, ii, 9, 43; authority of, iii, 96; and freedom on, viii, 726; fragments from the books on, by Dionysius of Alexandria, vi, 84.

Nazarenes, gospel of, referred to, i, 87.

Neale referred to, vi, 39, 266; vii,

532, S33» 535-Neander, referred to, i, 47; iii, 8,

597; iv, 262, 480, 524, 593, 643;

his classification of Tertullian's

works, iii, 11.

Nebridae, family of the, vi, 504. Nebrod or Zoroaster, viii, 140, 275. Necessity and liberty, viii, 286. Necromancy, i, 169; viii, 100. Needle, Peter causes a camel to go

through the eye of a, and causes

a second to do so, viii, 527. Needy, ii, 16.

Neighbor, who is our, ii, 599. Neith, name of the second Minerva in

Egypt, vi, 481. Nemesianus, epistle of Cyprian to, v.

402; reply of, 404. Nemesianus of Thubunae, on baptism,

v, 566.

Nemestrinus, god of groves, vi, 478. Neptune, viii, 197, 201; dominion of,

vii, 22, believed to be serviceable

to men, vi, 459; king of the sea,




472, 485, 511 j brother of Pluto and Jupiter, 472; mistresses of, 208; girt Ilium with walls, 474; served the Trojan Laomedon, 484; lord of the fish and shaker of the earth, 472; one kind of Penates said by the Etruscans to belong to, 474; the Atlantis of, 415 (note); armed with the trident, 472, 511; said to have been one of the Penates, 474, 475; means the outspread water, 472, 506.

Nereid, loved Aeacus, vi, 485.

Nero, first Roman persecutor, iii, 648, sleeplessness of, 223; death of, vii, 302; applied to by the Jews to prevent Paul coming to Rome, his compliance, viii, 477; tells the Jews that Paul is dead, 477; Peter and Paul accused before, by Simon Magus, 480; is referred by Peter to a letter of Pilate to Claudius, 480; discussion between Peter and Paul and Simon Magus before, 480; orders Peter and Paul to be put to death, 484.

Nestorius, Liturgy of, vii, 570.

New covenant, the, i, 512, creature in Christ, meaning of, ii, 594. Testament, promised and given, i, 199.

Newman referred to, i, 407; iii, 77; iv, 603.

Newton, Sir Isaac, his orrery, vii, 48.

Nicander, writes about scorpions, iii,


Nicanora, wife of proconsul of Hie-rapolis, converted by Mariamne, Philip's sister, viii, 498; avows her faith, 498; her husband's brutal treatment of, 498; regarded by her husband as having been bewitched by the apostles, 499; another version of the story of, 507.

Nicene Creed, the, viii, 524; ratification of, 524; addenda to, 524; decree of the council of Ephe-sus on additions to, 524; to be studied in the doctors of the second and third centuries, v, v; harmonizes Anti-Nicene doctrine, 161; continues in universal force to our times, 161; testimony of Dr. Shedd, 161.

Niceta, on Simon Magus, viii, 98, 234 seq.; leaves Simon Magus, and becomes a Christian, 102, 234; and Aquila, recognize each other as brothers, 300; are sent by Peter to Laodicea, 157, 292; and with Clement to Tyre, 251, 252; and Aquila, discovered to be Clement's brothers, 162, 163; discover their mother, 162, 163; tells the story of his own and Aquila's shipwreck, and introduction to Simon Magus, 163, 301; pleads for the baptism of his mother, 164, 302; discussion with the old workman, 166-174; recognizes the old workman as his father, 190-191; pleads for his

father's reception to the Church, 192, 193; admonition to Clement, 196; explains the allegories of the heathen, cosmogonical and mythological, 200-202, 203.

Nicetas, father of Herod, i, 40, 42; companion of St. Peter, vii, 453; referred to, ii, 577, 578.

Nicholas I, the founder of papacy, viii, 601; passes the Decretals into the organic canon law of the West, 603, 642.

Nicias referred to, ii, 485.

Nicodemus, Gospel of, viii, 353; contents of, 416-458; appears before Pilate in defence of Jesus, 419, 428, 442; his conduct after the crucifixion of Jesus, 421; proposes to the Sanhedrim that search should be made for Jesus, 423> 433. 445; Pilate summons him before him, 429; the character of, 508.

Nicolaitanes, i, 71, 83; doctrines of,


Nicolas, deacon, name and teaching abused by Nicolaitanes, ii, 385.

Nicolaus, one of the seven deacons, • obscenity of his doctrines condemned in the Apocalypse, iii, 650; founder of the Nicolaitan heresy, v, 115; barbarous terms used by them, 154.

Nicomedes ofSegermae on baptism, v,


Nicomedia, church of, destroyed, vii,

305; restored, 320. Nicostratus, the confessor, epistle of,

to Cyprian, v, 302, 321; crimes

and deposition of, 325. Nicostratus referred to, ii, 269. Niebuhr, referred to ii, 3; iii, 270. Nile, waters of the, vii, 553; father of

the second Minerva, vi, 480, 481;

father of the fourth Mercury and

of Vulcan, 480. Nimrod, viii, 141. Nineveh the men of, viii, 291. Ninevites, i, 6; an example of repentance, vii, 406; God's justice

towards, iii, 316. Ninus, leader of the Assyrians against

the Bactrians, vi, 415. Nisi, vi, 430.

Nitzsch referred to, viii, 14. Noah, i, 7, a figure of Christ, 268,269;

history of, vii, 63; met by Paul in

paradise, viii, 581; and his sons,

8S. 137. 275-

Noduterensis, a goddess presiding over the treading out of grain, vi,

47.8.479-Nodutis, a god presiding over the

shooting corn, vi, 478. Noetianism, opposed by Hippolytus

v, 125, 128. Noetus, heretic, v, 125, 148; his

heresy derived from Heraclitus,

126; general exposition, 223-227. Noldeke referred to, viii, 721, 742. Nosselt referred to, iii, 6. Nolo episcopa-ri, viii, 250. Nomads, vi, 417.

Nous, or Monogenes, i, 316, 333, 355; iii, 507, 508.

Novatian, schismatically ordained, rejected by Cyprian, v, 319-321, 333,412; historical notice of, 607; orthodoxy of his writings, 608; extant works, 608; treatise of, concerning the Trinity, 611 seq.; on Jewish meats, 645 seq.; a letter of, to Cyprian, 308; anonymous treatise against his heresy, 657-663.

Novatians, vii, 133.

Novatus, schismatic, character and crimes of, v, 325; epistle of Dio-nysius of Alexandria to, vi, 97.

Novatus of Thamugada, on baptism, v, 566.

Novensiles, nine Sabine gods, or the Muses, vi, 474, 476; presiding over renovation, 474; the nine gods who can thunder, 474 (note); foreign deities received by the Romans, 474; deified, mortals, 474.

Numa, established forms of worship and sacrifice, vi, 438, 528; unacquainted with incense, 528; advised by Egeria how to learn the way to draw Jupiter to earth, 489; overreached Jupiter by his readiness, 489, 490, 491.

Numa Pompilius, name of Apollo not found in the rituals of, vi, 462; introduces the worship of new gods, vii, 37, 229; his books found and'burned, 37.

Number of the Beast, i, 558, 559, vii, 356.

Numbers, mystery of, ii, 499, 521; symbols of, in the Decalogue, 512-514; and letters, the folly of deriving arguments from, i, 393; of the Apocalypse, symbolism of,

vi, 339-Numenius, vi, 437; Pythagorean, iv,

402; his quotations of Scripture,

521; on the worship of Serapis,

560. Numicius, frequented by the indigetes,

vi, 422. Numidian bishops, epistle of Cyprian

to, v, 355.375-

Numidicus, ordination of, v, 314; epistle of Cyprian to, 315.

Nymphodorus quoted, ii, 325.

Nysitts, Liber, vi, 500.

Oath, of God, meaning of, iii, 317; used by the Justinians, v, 73.

Oaths, heathen, refused by Christians, iii, 126.

Obedience, to God, i, 8, 11, 12, 50, 61; iii, 707; drawn from patience, 707; to Christ, i, 15,51; to rulers, duty of, vii, 436, 468; leads to peace, viii, 249; danger of the contrary, 250; and union, enjoined, 65.

Oblation, of fine flour, a figure of the Eucharist, i, 219, the new, instituted by Christ, 574; of the altar to be made on the Lord's day, viii,




641; eucharistic, the First, vii, 486; the Second (or Great), 489,

535. 544. 554, 555.5S8. 564. 565'

Oblations, why instituted, i, 205; and sacrifices, 484.

Oblias, a surname of James the Just, viii, 762.

Obscure passages, how to be interpreted, i, 398.

Obsignation, the sign of the Lord's cross, vii, 568.

Occupations of Christians, ii, 282.

Ocrisia, brought as a capt ^ from Cor-niculum, vi, 496; mother of Servius, 496.

Octavius, the, a dialogue by Minucius Felix, date, Ms., and editions, iv, 170, 171, 198; reproaches Minucius on account of Caecilius, 173; his argument with Caecilius, 181 seq.

Oecumenius quoted, i, 570.

Oehler quoted, iv, 336.

Oeta, the Phoenician Hercules buried on mount, vi, 422, 484.

Offences, to be avoided, ii, 426; must come, viii, 298.

Offerings, made under the gospel as well as the law, vii, 413; made by the people, but distributed by the bishop, 413; to be received with reverence, and not from the unworthy and evil livers, 434, 435; of the impenitent, provoke God, 435; how those forced upon the Church are to be used, 435; for martyrs and confessors, 437; kinds and proportion of, 471; distribution of, to the priesthood and the poor respectively, 471; given at the Eucharist, 486; certain kinds of, forbidden, 500; for the departed, v, 367.

Offertory, the (or First Oblation), vii,

535> 54°, 5°2-

Office-bearers, of the church at Ephe-sus, i, 50; Magnesia, 59; Philadelphia, 35; duties of, viii, 250.

Offices, public, how far lawful to Christians, iii, 71.

Offshoots, ii, 40, 41.

Ogdoad, the first of Valentinus, i, 316, 322; iii, 506; John asserted to have set forth, i, 328.

Oil, in the lamps, meaning of, vi, 330; use of, in baptism, vii, 431, 469; thanksgiving for, 476; blessing of, 494; from the tree of life, the, with which Christ was anointed, viii, 89.

Ointment in baptism, thanksgiving for, vii, 469, 477.

Ointments, abuse of, ii, 253.

Old age, ii, 17.

Old Testament, speaks throughout only of the one and true God, i, 418; everywhere mentions and predicts the advent of Christ, 473; harmony of, with the New, iv, 147; misconceptions of God in the, viii, 329; some parts of, written to try us, 329; list of the books of, according to Melito, 759.

Olive, Minerva the discoverer of the, vi, 472.

Olus, Capitol named from, vi, 509.

Olympian Jupiter, vi, 512, 513.

Olympus, ii, 65; vii, 22.

Omens derived from points of spears, vi, 460; from the entrails of victims, 460, 479; no longer observed in public business, 460.

Omophagia, i.e., Bacchanalia, vi, 486.

Onesimus, bishop of Ephesus, i, 49, 50, 52, 101, H2, 114.

Onesiphorus receives Paul, viii, 487.

Onesiphorus, a rich man, ill-treats Peter and Andrew, viii, 527; challenges Peter respecting the words of Jesus about a camel going through the eye of a needle, 527; he believes, 527.

Onion, thunder-portents averted with an, vi, 489, 490.

Onocoetes, calumny of, retorted on the heathen, iii, 123.

Ophioryma, the city of, Philip at, viii, 497; Philip and his companions tortured at, 498; shut up in the temple of, 499; Philip crucified at, John comes to, 499; the inhabitants of, swallowed up in the abyss, but delivered by the Saviour, 501, 508 seq.

Ophites, the, v, 74, 124; heresy of, iii, 650; doctrines of the, i, 354; on Adam and Eve, 356; their diagram of heaven, iv, 584, 590; anti-Christian, 586; their seven demons, 586.

Ops, vii, 25; sprung from Coelus and Hecate, vi, 461; mother of Jupiter and his brothers, 422, 460, 461, 472, 482.

Optatus, ordination of, v, 301.

Oracle of Apollo, acknowledges Christ, vii, 112.

Oracles, heathen, i, 169; viii, 139; testify of Moses, 278; to Christian truth, vii, 257; why they sometimes come true, viii, 139; discredited by the heathen themselves, iv, 614; the utterance of demons, 612, 656.

Orbona, guardian deity of bereaved parents, vi, 478.

Orcus, viii, 197; union of Proserpine with, vi, 502.

Order, in the church, i, 16, 17, 90; in instruction, viii, 123; of nature, how illustrated, 27, 28; God's, 231.

Orders, ecclesiastical, v, 413; greater and minor, vii, 431; origin of minor, v, 417.

Ordinances, ii, 30, and laws made by the apostles, viii, 669.

Ordinate things, why made, viii, 177.

Ordination, the term used of a bishop, v, 413; by bishops only, vii, 430; on whom conferred, 431, 471; prayers at, 482; rites of, 483, 491-493, 500; of presbyters and deacons, how to be performed, viii, 611; age required for the

former, 640; at Tripolis, 156; of Zacchaeus by Peter, 251.

Orelli referred to, i, 187, 348.

Organ, hydraulic, invented by Archimedes, iii, 193.

Orgies, viii, 276, 287; derivation of, ii, 175.

Origen, a pupil of Clement of Alexandria, ii, 166; iv, introduction, 223; confessor, 223; birth and early training, 224; teacher, catechist, and ascetic, 225; his teaching of logic, vi, 29, of natural science, 30, of morals, 31; his Hex af la and other writings, 226, 230-233, 387; his exposition of holy Scripture, vi, 36; ordination, iv, 227; deposition, 227; school and pu-

gils at Caesarea, 228; teacher of tegory Thaumaturgus, vi, 27; imprisonment and death, iv, 229; character and attainments, 229, 235; considerations on his faults, vi, 39; editions of his works, iv, 233-234; author of De Prin-cipiis, 239 seq.; wrote a letter to Africanus, 386 seq., to Gregory, 393. 394; against Celsus, 395 seq.; oration and panegyric of Gregory, addressed to, vi, 21 seq.; epistle of Alexander of Cap-padocia to, 154; quotes Tatian, ii, 82, and the Recognitiones of Clement, viii, 74; and is quoted by Methodius, vi, 369 seq., 373 seq., 379 seq.; referred to, i, 2, 48, 134; viii, 3, 5, 37.

Origenis ramusculus, iv, 342.

Origin of things, Christ commanded men not to inquire into, vi, 457.

Ornytus, Pallus slain by, vi, 484.

Orphans, ii, 52; provision for, vii,

433- ..

Orpheus, ii, 65; on the unity of God, i, 290; vii, 13; cosmogony of, viii, 200; indebted to Moses, i, 279; introduced the rites of Bacchus into Greece, vii, 38; the Thracian bard, vi, 497, and soothsayer, 499; quoted, i, 279, 280, 290; ii, 137, 138, 176, 177, 193,

455. 463, 47'. 472. 473. 474, 481,

484; vi, 499. Orthasia, viii, 292. Osiris, vii, 38; husband of Isis, torn

limb from limb, vi, 422. Ossilago, a deity giving firmness to

the bones of children, vi, 478. Ossipagina, a name given to Juno, vi,


Ostia, marine bath of, iv, 173. Otto referred to, i, 26, 28, 29, 165,

168, 170, 173, 178, 181, 194, 195,

197, 207, 215, 217, 218, 232,


Outlines or hypotyposes, fragments from, of Theognostus of Alexandria, vi, 155.

Ovid, on the unity of God, vii, 14; on Vesta, 24; on Saturn, 25; on creation, 41, 56, 58; referred to (Jlfetam.), iv, 131, 524; vii, 41, 47. 48, 56, 58, 141, 276, 278;




(Fasti), Hi, 138, 149;.vii, 25, 34,

35. 36-Owen referred to, ii, 36.

Paedagogus, the, of Clement of Alexandria, object and contents of, ii, 167; office of the, 209; his treatment of our sin, 209; his philanthropy, 210; men and women under his charge, 211; the person and instruction of, 222 seq., 228; characterized by the severity and benignity of paternal affeC' tion, 234; on eating, 237; on drinking, 242; on costly vessels, 246; on behavior, 248; on laughter, 249; on filthy speaking, 250; directions for married people, 251; on the use of ointments and crowns, 253; on sleep, 257; on procreation, 259; on clothing, 263; on shoes, 267; on jewelry, 267; on the true beauty, 276; against embellishing the body, 272; against men who embellish themselves, 275; on servants, 278; on behavior in baths, 279; prayer to the, 295.

Paedagogy, meaning of, ii, 212.

Paeon, martyrdom of, i, 306.

Paganism, the enormities of, viii, 151.

Pain and death result of sin, viii, 336.

Pairs, good and evil, viii, 129; ten, 130; doctrine of, 231, 235.

Palace, the, built by Matthew the apostle for king Gundaphoros, viii, 539.

Paley referred to, i, 21.

Pales, guardian of the flocks and herds, vi, 470; not a female, but a male steward of Jupiter, 474; one of the Penates, 474, 475.

Palladium, the, formed from the remains of Pelops, vi, 484.

Pallas, father of the fifth Minerva, and slain by her, vi, 480, 481.

Pallas, surname of Minerva, vi, 481; overcome and slain by Ornytus, 474, and Hera, viii, 264.

Pallium, Tertullian on the, iv, 5 seq.

Palm Sunday, events and lessons of,

vi, 394-398-

Palm tree, a, made by Jesus to bend down, that Mary might pluck the fruit of, viii, 377; a spring wells forth at the root of, 377; the privilege conferred on, by Jesus,


Palmer referred to, iv, 494.

Palms, ii, 39; an oration of Methodius on the, vi, 394 seq.

Pamelius, iii, 629.

Pamphilus, a magian and friend of Cyrus, vi, 428.

Pamphilus, priest and martyr, notice of, vi, 165 â– 

Panaetius, a Stoic philosopher, vi, 437.

Panchaean gums burned to the gods, vi, 529.

Panda, origin of the name, vi, 476.

Pandora, a myth, iii, 97; story of, from Hesiod, iv, 514.

Panegyric, a treatise of Gregory

Thaumaturgus, addressed to Ori-gen, vi, 21 seq.; value of, 4, character of, 5.

Pansa, consulship of, vi, 493.

Pantaenus, i, 155; the Alexandrian philosopher, viii, 748, 776; master of the catechetical school at Alexandria, ii, 165-167, 343; viii, 777; fragments from, 777.

Pantarces, a name inscribed on the finger of the statue of Olympian Jupiter, vi, 512.

Pantica, i.e., Panda, vi, 476.

Panyasis quoted, ii, 181, 483.

Papa, Phrygian appellation for all men,v, 54; a name common to all bishops, viii, 602; modern application to bishop of Rome, v,


Papacy, how inaugurated, viii, 601; not recognized by the churches of England and France, 642.

Paphos, viii, 495; Cinyras, King of, vi,


Papias, fragments of, i, 153-155; introductory notice to, 151; quoted,

Papiscus and Jason referred to, iv, 521.

Parables, i, 57; teaching by, foretold in the Old Testament, iii, 376; proper mode of interpreting, i, 398; of our Lord, mystery of, ii, 501, 502; interpreted—of the Laborers, 415; Mustard Seed, 578; Pearl, 578; Good Samaritan, 599; Prodigal Son, 581-589; iv, 82, of forgiveness (St. Luke, xv), iii, 663; of the Lost Sheep and the Prodigal Son, not applicable to Christians, iv, 80.

Paraclete, the, iii, 598, 621; why the Holy Spirit is so called, iv, 286; receives from Christ what he reveals to man, v, 625; his person and office, 646; imparted especially to Paul, vi, 208; falsely claimed by Manes, 209.

Paraclete (Montanist), iv, 102, no, in, 112, 116.

Paracletus, i, 317; iii, 507.

Paradise, place of, v, 163; distinct from heaven, vi, 370; for martyrs only, iii, 231, 576, 595; according to heretics, situated above the third heaven, i, 322; scriptural account of, ii, 102; its beauty, 103; man's expulsion from, 104; recognition of friends in, v, 475; Adam and all the just introduced to, by Jesus, viii, 437; the penitent robber admitted to, 438, 470; Paul conducted to—a description of, 580; persons whom Paul meets there, 580; Tertullian's views on, iii, 59; allegorical representation of, by Simon Magus, v, 77.

Paradosis of Pilate, viii, 354, 465 seq.

Paradoxes, v, 237.

Parasceve, origin of its observance, vii, 341.

Parcae, the three, vii, 59.

Parents, duties of, i, m; vii, 436;

duty to, 468; God to be loved

more than, viii, 154. Paris, M., referred to, viii, 6. Paris, the judgment of, viii, 265. Parmenides, cosmogony of, v, 16;

quoted, ii, 447, 458, 470, 475,

4.85; v> 55-

Parthians, laws of the, viii, 731; Christianity attested by mighty works amongst the, vi, 438.

Parton referred to, ii, 12; iii, 239.

Partridge, similitude of, v, 216.

Paschal solemnities, differences in the observance of, i, 569; canon of Anatolius of Alexandria, vi, 146 seq.

Passages, controverted i, 17; having been removed by the Jews, 234, 235; vii, 121; obscure, how to be interpreted, i, 398, 483.

Passages extra-canonical quoted, i, 7, 10, 17, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 147, 153, 154, 176, 200,219, 234. 235 > 249.268, 344,345,451; ii, 146, 326, 336, 340, 354, 363, 392,462,551; vii, no; viii, 238,

247> 249. 329-

Passages explained or illustrated, ii, 318, 320, 393, 394, 395, 399, 400, 406, 547. 571 seq- 5 v> l63 seq.; vi, 74, in, 114, 117, 119, 120; vii, 344 seq.

Passion of the twelfth aeon, how said to be indicated in Scripture, i, 323; not to be proved from Scripture, 387; of Christ foretold by Moses, 473; of Christ voluntary, vi, 115, 118; chronology of, 136; nature and purpose of, 399, 400; events of, vii, 442, 445; week of, to be kept, 447; of Christ, a poem on, 327, 328; an oration on, viii, 760 seq.

Passions, animal, produce, according to Valentinus, material substances, i, 323; the three furies, vii, 247; to be subdued, 249; are called spirits, viii, 48.

Passover, lamb, a type of Christ, i, 214; when kept by the Jews, vi, 280; of the law not eaten by Christ, v, 240; of our Lord, ii, 581; vi, 282; the Christian, iv, 112; controversy on, viii, 758,

772, 773. 774-

Pastor counselled, iv, 218.

Pastors, the, to whom the apostles committed the churches, to be heard, i, 547.

Patella, goddess of things to be brought to light, vi, 478.

Patellana, goddess of things already brought to light, vi, 478.

Paths, the two, viii, 269.

Patience, i, 35, 168; ii, 39; duty of, vii, 184; advantage of, v, 484; sweeter than honey, ii, 23; honored by heathen, iii, 707; God, the author of, 707, an example of, 707, 709; Christian example of, 708; v, 485; of the patri-




archs, 486-489; obedience drawn from, iii, 708; union with faith, 711, 717; under worldly loss, 711; violence, 712; bereavement, 713; pleasure of, 713; connection with the Beatitudes, 714; ministers to repentance, 714; connected with charity, 714; bodily, 715; power of spiritual over body, 716; of Job, 716; virtues of, 716; pictures of, 716, 717; of heathen, 717; Tertullian on, 707 seq.; the world's mis-usage of, 718; sin and result of impatience, v, 489.

Patmos, John sent to, by Domitian, viii, 562.

Patriarch, or Papa, prayer for, vii, S5i. 553. 556; title» applied to Hippolytus, v, 258.

Patriarchate, the, viii, 642.

Patriarchs, the types of the Holy Trinity, vi, 403; and prophets, foretold the advent of Christ, i, 494, types of evangelists and apostles, iv, 151.

Patrimus, place in the ceremonies of the body called, vi, 486.

Patripassianism, synonym for Monar-chianism, iii, 597, 598, 605, 612, 625, 626.

Paul, i, 6, 18, 35, 52, 55, 63, 69, 75, 81, 103, 107, in, 122, 130; imprisoned seven times, 6, 495; preached no new God, iii, 286, 429; typified in the blessing of Benjamin, and in Saul, 430; Benjamin's blessing applied to, v, 168; enlightened by Christ Himself, therefore an original evangelist, viii, 532; his witness to the Creator, iii, 430; agreement with other apostles in doctrine, 433; teaches the Creator revealed in Christ, 440,466, and as final Judge, 457; his precepts those of the Old Testament, 468; his Christ-ology, 625; delivers the ordinances, and prescribes order and decorum, vii, 532; calls himself a liturge and hierurge, 552; his norm of the divine liturgy, 506; ministers the Gospel in sacrifice, 532; his teaching in regard to spiritual gifts, iv, 255; is caught up into the third heavens, i, 405; and Peter, founders of the Church of Rome, 415; sometimes uses words not in their grammatical sequence, 420; knew no mysteries unrevealed to the other apostles, 437; refutation of the Ebionites, who disparaged the writings of, 439; his description of anti-Christ, 553; result of his preaching on Mars Hill, ii, 125; late witness of Old Testament truth, 434, 442; persecutor, persecuted and martyr, iii, 647, with Peter, i, II; beheaded at Rome, viii, 675; canon of, vii, 494; Acts of, iv, 246; Apocalypse of, viii, 358, 575 seq.; his coming to

Rome opposed by the Jews, 477; invited by the Christians, he sets out for Rome and reaches Syracuse, 477; the Jews kill Dioscorus, mistaking him for, 477; his journey towards Rome, 478; his vision at Tribus Tabernes, 478; reaches Rome, 478; the Jews strive to incite him to speak against Peter — his reply, 478; appeases the contentions between Jews and Gentiles, 479; with Peter opposes Simon Magus, 481; by prayer arrests the flight of Simon, so that he falls and is killed, 484; ordered to be put in irons, 484; sentenced to be beheaded, 484; meets Perpetua on his way to execution, and obtains a handkerchief from her, which is miraculously returned, and restores her sight, 485; the conversion and martyrdom of his executioners, 486; received as he is going to Iconium by Onesi-phorus — his personal appearance described, 487; converts Thecla, 487; Acts of, and Thecla, 355, 487 seq.; cast into prison by the governor of Lystra, 489; visited in prison by Thecla, 489; cast out of the city, 489; fasts with Onesi-phorus, 489; goes with Thecla to Antioch, 489; contention with Barnabas, 493; the " Revelation " of, found under the foundation of his house at Tarsus, 575; conducted to the " place of the just," 577; conducted to the " place of the wicked," 578; conducted to paradise, 580.

Paul of Samosata, his character and heresies, vi, 169; deposed, 170; epistle by Malchion against, 169, 172; other matters pertaining to, 171, 172.

Paulus of Obba, on baptism, v, 570.

Pausi, vi, 420.

Payne-Smith referred to, vii, 530, 531.

Peace, i, 10; of the universe, 10; of the Church, 19; deified, vi, 476; on earth at the first coming of Christ, iv, 444; given to the lapsed by certain martyrs, v, 299; and strife, proclaimed by Christ, viii, 105; to the sons of, 105; and war, 106; and the sword, 153, 288.

Pearl, parable of, interpreted, ii, 578.

Pearls not to be cast before swine, viii, 117, interpreted, vi, 379.

Pearson referred to, his

{Creed), i, 176; ii, 71, 474; iv,

383, 582, 608; v, 229, 259. (Vindic), i, 47, 128; ii, 6.

Pelagianus of Luperciana, on baptism,

v, 57°-

Peleus, father of Achilles, loved by Thetis, vi, 485; and Thetis, Prometheus, Achilles, and Polyxena, viii, 265.

Pellonia, a goddess who repels enemies, vi, 477-

Peloponnese, Apis born in the, vi, 422.

Pelops, vi, 485; the Palladium formed from the remains of, vi, 484.

Penance, early Christian, iv, 86, 101; remedial, 87, 101; Roman doc-ttine of, iii, 425; for sin, degrees of, vii, 402; required in order to communion, 414.

Penates, said to be Neptune and Apollo, vi, 474, 475; gods of the recesses of heaven, 474; said to be of four kinds, 474; said to be Fortune, Ceres, the genius Jovialis, and Pales, 474, 475; and by the Etruscans to be the Con-sentes and Complices, 474.

Penitent thief (robber), the, his first meeting with Jesus, viii, 409; character and deeds of, 468; on the cross, rebukes his companion, and confesses Jesus, 469; Jesus promises paradise to, and writes respecting him to his " arch-angelic powers," 470; with Jesus in Galilee, seen transformed by John, 470; entrance of, into Hades, 457; entrance of, into paradise, 438, 452.

Penitential discipline, ii, 15, 22.

Penitents, proper conduct of, iii, 664; counsel to, iv, 212; place and privileges of, vi, 20; to be mercifully received, vii, 400; admitted to prayers, but not to communion, till after penance, 414; eucharistic prayer for, 485.

Pentateuch, purpose of, iv, 161.

Pentecost, the Christian,iv, 112; feast of, to be honored, vii, 449; Christian observance of, iii, 70.

Peratae, heresy of, v, 58; not generally known, 67; derived from astrology, 50; their system, 60; doctrine, 63, 142; name of, 62.

Perfect, why man was not made, i, 521.

Perfection, distinct from completeness, ii, 459; 478; may be shared by men and women, 431; possible to human nature, 502; attained by the true Gnostic alone, 502; true, in what it consists, 438.

Perfica, goddess of filthy pleasures, vi, 478.

Period, the seventh, v, 179.

Periodicity, Celsus' theory of, destroys free will, iv, 528.

Peripatetics, i, 195; ii, 191; Aristotle the father of, vi, 437.

Perowne referred to, iii, 270, 299.

Perpetua, martyr, the story of, viii, 485, 486; imprisoned, iii, 699, 700; her visions, 700; trial, 700, 701; courage, 701 seq., martyrdom, 697,702,703; and Felicitas, 697 seq.

Persecution, foretold, i, 509; how understood, ii, 598; duty in, vii, 439; those fleeing from, to be received, 498; tortures of, iii, 634; its cruelty and irrationality, vii, 147, 243; of the righteous, throughout history, iii, 640; God's discipline, iv, 116; Satan the in-




strument of, 117; not to be shunned as evil, 118; instance of Rutilius, 119; only Apostles commanded to flee, 119; Greek proverb on, answered, 121; instance of Jonah, 122; duty of clergy in, 122; not to be bought off, 122; table of persecutions of Christians, 125; in Lyons and Vienne, description of, viii, 778 seq.

Persecutions, how endured, v, 461-465; divine judgments for, 462-464; reward of faith and patience under, 465; the ten, iv, 125.

Persecutors of the church and their punishments, vii, 301 seq.

Persephone, viii, 197.

Perseus, son of Danae, i, 170.

Perseverance in faith better than attainment, v, 284.

Persians, inventions of, ii, 65; system of the, v, 40; laws of the, viii, 730; overcome because of the Christians, vi, 417; Christianity attested by mighty works among, 438; worshipped rivers, 510; skilled in secret arts, 480; the fire-worship of, viii, 141, 276; incest practised among the, 187.

Persius, on the vanity of idols, vii, 45; quoted, vii, 42, 85, 163.

Person, applied to the hypostasis in the divine nature, hi, 613, 615, 621; of Jesus Christ, 624.

Pertunda, a goddess presiding over the marriage court, vi, 478.

Pessinuntic Dindymene, vi, 488.

Pessinus, people of, worshipped a flint for the mother of the gods, vi, 510; Great Mother brought from, 538; Midas king of, 492.

Pestilence, sent to punish pollution of the circus, vi, 534; abated when deities were brought from abroad, 534; put to flight by Aesculapius, 536.

Peta, presiding over prayers, vi, 478.

Petavius, charges Tertullian with quasi-Arianism, iii, 630.

Peter, St., i, 6, 63, 69, 75, 81, 87, 103, 107, in, 122, 153; tradition of his wife's martyrdom, ii, 541; imprisoned and released by Herod, 579; why change of name of, iii, 365, 426; modern claims from, iii, 266; receives the keys of the kingdom of heaven, 643; why given the power of the keys, iv, 99; Christ's charge to, refers to the whole episcopate, v, 305; the church built on him answering for all, 341, 374, 377, 382, 394, 422; does not claim supremacy, 377; meaning of "the Rock," 561; his office and work at Rome, vi, 47; and Paul, martyrdom of, i, 11; vii, 302; victory over Simon Magus, vi, 438; canon of,

â„¢, 495-

Peter according to the Clementines: his cordial reception of the Clement, viii, 80, 227; instructions given by, to Clement, 81, 82, 83,

84, 227, 235, 236; his satisfaction with Clement, 82, 228; requests Clement to be his attendant, 81, 293; names of the attendants of, 229; postponement of his discussion with Simon Magus, 82, 83, 235; tactics of, in regard to Simon Magus, 236; exposes the design and object of Simon Magus, 239; sent to Caesarea, 96; is welcomed by Zacchaeus, 96; is challenged by Simon Magus, 96; his discussion with Simon Magus begins, 102, 243; lays down the principles on which the discussion should be conducted, 104; interrupted by Simon, 104, 105 seq.; his experience of the fallacy of imagination, 114,115; his reverie, 114; rebuked by Andrew, 115; adjournment of his discussion with Simon Magus, 116, 249; his discussion with Simon Magus resumed, 117 seq.; accessibility of, 127; resolves to follow Simon Magus to Rome, 131; appoints Zacchaeus bishop of Caesarea, 131, 250, and ordains elders and deacons there, 131; sends twelve persons before him, 132; follows Simon to Tyre, 249; addresses the people at Tyre, 268; departs to Sidon, 269; proceeds to Tripolis, 133, 270; his thoughtfulness, 270; addresses the people, 271 seq.; halts at Dora, 134; addresses the people, 135; heals the sick, 136, 275, 276; arrangements made by, at Tripolis, 156; his third day at Tripolis, 280; leaves Tripolis for Antioch, 157, 292; at Antaradus, 292; sends Nicetus and Aquila to Laodicea, 292; his simplicity of life, 157, 293; his humility, 157, 293; his excursion to Aradus, 159, 294, where he finds the mother of Clement as a beggar-woman, 159, 160, 295; his reflection on the story told by the beggar-woman,

160,  296; brings her to Clement,

161,   296; leaves Aradus, 161, 297; proceeds to Laodicea, 300; recapitulates the story of Clement's mother, 162, 300, which leads to the discovery that Niceta and Aquila are her sons, 162-163, 300, 301; requires that their mother shall fast before receiving baptism, 164-165, 300; baptizes Mattihida, 165, 305; finds an old workman at the harbor, who accosts him, 165, 305; his discussion with the old man, 306, 307; arranges for a friendly conference with the old workman, 166; states the question for discussion, 166; has a contest of hospitality with the chief man of the city, 174; arranges for another conference at the house of the chief

man, 175; renews the conference, 182; discovers the old workman to be the father of Clement, 190, 307, wishes to convert him, 308 seq.; heals a demoniac daughter of the chief man by his presence in the house, 192; shows Clement the necessity of probation in the case of his father, 192; is appointed umpire in the further discussion with the old man, 194; his words about the true Prophet, his Master, 196; Clement's discourse before, 196 seq.; remarks of, on Clement's speech, 199 seq.; his discussion with Simon respecting the unity of God, 312; the mode of the discussion, 312; his reply to Simon's appeal to the Old Testament, and other objections, 313 seq.; close of the first day's discussion, 317; second day's discussion with Simon, 318 seq.; third day's discussion with Simon, 324; fourth day's discussion with Simon, 330 seq.; Simon is confounded by, rebuked by Faustus (Faustinianus), and retires, 338; reply to the questions of Sophonias and others, 339 seq.; Clement's father requests his permission to visit Appion and An-nubion, 206, 342; Simon Magus excites the people at Antioch against, 206, 345; stratagem suggested to, by Cornelius, against Simon Magus, 206, 343; a counter-plot of, against Simon Magus, 207, 208, 345; success of his plot, 209, 342; the old man goes to Antioch, 609, 345; Peter's entry into Antioch, 209, 346; his thanksgiving, 210; miracles of, 210; baptizes Faustinianus, 210; ordains Clement his successor, 218; his charge to Clement, 219, 220; martyrdom of, 218; epistle of, to James, 215 seq.

Peter and Andrew, Acts of, viii, 526 seq.; and Paul, Acts of, 355, 477 seq.; hears with joy of Paul's coming to Rome, 478; the Jews strive to stir up Paul to speak against, 478; comes to Paul, 479; assailed by the Jews, he defends himself, 479; Simon Magus speaks against, 480; Simon excites Nero against, 480; disputes with Simon, before Nero, 480; by prayer causes Simon, who attempts to fly, to fall and be killed, 484; sentenced to be crucified, 484; curious story of the Lord's meeting him when he was escaping from Rome, 485; the burial of, 485; on a mountain with Matthew and Alexander, 526; Christ appears to, and salutes as bishop of the whole church, 526; asks an old husbandman for bread, and ploughs and sows for him, 526; ill-treated by one Onesiphorus,




527; causes a camel to go through the eye of a needle, 527; causes a second camel to go through the eye of a needle, 527; miraculously conveyed to the couch of Mary at Bethlehem, 588; heals Jephonias,


Peter, Gospel of, Serapion concerning, viii, 775.

Peter, bishop of Alexandria, life and works, vi, 258; ordains and excommunicates Arius, 262, 265; his persecution and imprisonment, 262; his passion and martyrdom, 264-267; genuine acts of, vi, 261 seq.; canons of, 269 seq.; fragments from the writings of, 280 seq.

Peter of Hippo Diarrhylus, on baptism,

v, 571-

Petrine fable commences to grow under Boniface III., viii, 602.

Pfaff referred to, i, 574,57$; vii, 508.

Phaethon, fable of, origin in history of Sodom, iv, 131; the sun the father of, vi, 505; loved by Ceres, 485.

Phalli displayed in honor of Bacchus, vi, 500; given in the mysteries of Venus, 496.

Phanes and Pluto, viii, 263.

Phanocles referred to, ii, 181, 485.

Pharaoh, i, 6, 19; heart of, hardened, how, 502, why, iv, 308.

Pharisees, viii, 92; represented by bulls, i, 250; hypocrisy of, iii, 395; divided from the Jews, 649; sect of Esseni, v, 137; fatalists, vii, 452; refuted, viii, 92.

Pherecrates referred to, ii, 531.

Pherecydes referred to, ii, 66, 483.

Phidias, sculptor of the image of Olympian Jupiter, vi, 512; carved on it the name of a boy loved by him, 512.

Philadelphians, epistle of Ignatius to them, consisting chiefly of exhortations to unity, i, 79-85.

Philanthropy, viii, 220, 297; and friendship, 297.

Phileas, bishop ofThmuis, biographical notice of, vi, 161; epistle to his people, 162.

Philemon, epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria, to, vi, 102.

Philemon, on the unity of God, i, 290; on future judgment, 291; quoted, i, 290, 291; ii, 113,473. 485.529; also his Synephebus, 269.

Philinus referred to, ii, 485.

Philip, i, 153, the apostle, at Ophio-ryma, viii, 497; the sister of, 497, 499; his preaching, 497, 507; visited by Nicanora, wife of the proconsul, 498; tortured by the proconsul of Ophioryma, 498; shut up in the temple of the viper, 499; vengeance demanded against, by the people, 499; stripped before the tribunal, ordered to be hanged, 499, 508; speech of, to Bartholomew, 499; visited by John, 506, 508; restrained by John from inflicting vengeance on

his enemies, 500; curses his enemies, who are forthwith swallowed up in the abyss, 500,509; rebuked by the Lord for returning evil for evil, 501, 509; his reply to Jesus, 501; his punishment ordained for his unforgiving spirit, 501,509; from the cross addresses the Ophiorymites, and refuses to be released, 501, 502, 509, 510; addresses Bartholomew, and gives directions to, 502, 510; prayer of, 502, 503, 510; gives up the ghost, while a voice is heard proclaiming that he is crowned, 503; a vine springs up, and a church is built on the spot on which he was crucified, 503; is admitted to paradise, 503; the visit of, to Hellas, and interviews with the philosophers, 503; the philosophers write to the high-priest at Jerusalem about, 504; the high-priest comes to Hellas to oppose, 504; discussion with the high-priest, 505; shows many miracles before the high-priest, and inflicts punishment on him to convert him, but in vain, 505, 506; Acts of, 355, 497 seq.; address of, 92; canon of, vii, 492.

Philip, the Asiarch, i, 41; called also the Trallian, 43.

Philip of Side refers to Athenagoras, ii, 127.

Philippians, epistle of Polycarp to them, consisting of commendations of them, and exhortations to Christian duties, i, 33-36,416; introductory note to, 31, 32; spurious epistle of Ignatius to them wherein he declares the unity of the Godhead, also facts in the history of Christ; shows the malignity, folly, inconsistency, and ignorance of Satan, and concludes with exhortations, 116, 119.

Philistus referred to, ii, 482.

Philo, Judaeus, his interpretation of Scripture names, ii, 306; on sacrifice, vii, 255; referred to, i, 63,

306, 335. 44°-

Philo, the deacon, i, 85, 91, 92, 109, 112, 119, 127.

Philopator, i.e., Ptolemy IV., vi, 509.

Philosophers of Hellas, the, and Philip, viii, 503 seq.

Philosophers, natural and moral, v, 9; summary of, 140, 141; lives of, iv, 425; their opinions, ii, 131; of God, i, 274, 275; ii, 95, 190; prove Divine Unity, iv, 184; testify to the unity of God, vii, 13; their speculations on the gods, iii, 131; iv, 182; of the resurrection, i, 296; ii, 148; of the world, iii, 133; have no true knowledge, i, 288; cannot teach the knowledge of God, iv, 628; refute falsehood, but do not know the truth, vii, 44; by their disagreement, show that nothing can

be known, vi, 437; their pride, 452, 453; their vices, ii, 65, and absurdities, 66; their lives at variance with their precepts, vii, 85; seekers after wisdom in name, but not in faith, 70; their ignorance, viii, 182; ridicule of, ii, 66; boasting and quarrels, 75; teach cannibalism, incest, and other crimes, 112; follow popular idolatry in practice, iv, 574; errors of, in regard to morals, viii, 204; vague conjectures of, ii, 116; historical errors of, 116; their mistakes about the deluge, 116; deny a Providence, 142; not benefactors of men, viii, 205; cavils of, 225; unworthy ends of, 253; false theories of, 255; adultery advocated by, 260; taught truth by the Scriptures, ii, 191; confess absolute truth to be unattainable, vii, 98; resemble disinherited sons or runaway slaves, 104; their precepts not obeyed, 124; their variations and contradictions, vii,

10, 204, 234, 237, 238; viii, 179; opinions on the chief good, ii, 374; Christian self-restraint of,

11,  37°-

Philosophumena, discovery of, v, 3, 5 ; current in the East, neglected in the West, 3; copied by Theodoret, 160.

Philosophy, i, 195; and true religion, difference between, viii, 309; not a substitute for Christianity, iii, 50; vain because conjecture, not knowledge, vii, 70; not the parent of life and truth, 82; deceits of, iv, 396; mysteries of, 401; its failure in morals, iii, 51; vain speculation on divine things, 52, cannot teach the nature of the soul, 182; fallacies and conflicting schools, 183, 184; vi, 35; should be for all men, but as-taught is for the learned only, vii, 95; not taught to women, slaves, or barbarians, 95; does not find the chief good, divine wisdom, 96, 102; not the mistress of life, 97; Grecian and Christian compared, ii, 77; use of in Christian teaching, 303; Greek, origin of, v, 82, a preparation for Christ, ii, 305, 321-323,347-348; what is true philosophy, 308, 311; sects of, contain half truth,. 313; successive schools of, 313; Greek, foreign sources of, 315, 317; posterior to the Mosaic law, 324-333, 34i; tr"e philosophy seeks God, 358-359,369; taught by divine law in piety, charity, justice, purity, 367; taught highest good by Scripture, 375, and other things by the same, 465, 478; object of true philosophy, 492; character and origin, 493; its study leads to piety, vi, 27; a gift of God to Jew and Greek, ii, 494, 5'7> 521; aids in discovering




the truth, 508; cannot give perfect knowledge of God, 515, but a preparation for such knowledge, 516; Greek, a recreation to the Gnostic, 517; necessary to knowledge, 518; its objective truth, 556; excellence of Christian, vii, 241.

Philumene, prophetess of Apelles, v, 115.

Philydeus, referred to, ii, 455.

Phlegon, vii, 257.

Phoenician Hercules, vi, 422.

Phoenicians, a witness to Moses, ii, 80; inventions of, 65.

Phoenix, poem on the, vii, 324; legend of, iii, 554; an emblem of the resurrection, i, 12, vii, 441.

Phorbas, Attis found and brought up by, vi, 491.

Phoroneus, the first builder of temples, vi, 507.

Phosphorus, the school of, iii, 508.

Photinus quoted, i, 340.

Photius, refers to Athenagoras, ii, 127.

Phrygia, the rock Agdus in, vi, 491; mysteries celebrated in, 497.

Phrygian mother, the, i.e., Cybele, vi, 462.

Phrygians, ii, 62; vii, 133; inventions of, ii, 65; supposed to be the first of the human race, iii, 116; overcome with fear at the sight ofthe Great Mother and Acdes-tis, vi, 492; Christianity attested by mighty works among, 438; call their goats attagi, 492; the first Montanists, vii, 336; relation to heresy of Naasseni, v, 54; their mysteries, 56.

Phryne, native of Thespia, used as model for the statues of Venus, vi, 511.

Phylactery, i, 218.

Pictures, heathen, their licentiousness, ii, 189.

Picus, son of Saturn, and father of Faunus, vi, 461; drugged and made prisoner by Numa, 489; surnamed Martius, 489.

Pierius of Alexandria, notice of, vi,

'56> '57-

Piety, altars and temples built to, vi, 476; succors widows, orphans, and the sick, vii, 177.

Pilate, the Jews accuse Jesus to, viii, 416,439,441; takes the part of Jesus, 418, 440; questions Jesus, 428, 441; declares Jesus innocent, 441; rebukes the Jews, 429, 442; sends Jesus to Herod, 429; washes his hands, 429,443; yields to the clamor of the Jews, and sentences Jesus to death, 420, 429, 443; assembles the chief priests in the temple to inquire about Jesus, 453; writes an account of Jesus to the emperor Claudius, 454; the letter of, to Tiberius Caesar, 353, 459; report of, to Augustus Caesar re-

specting Jesus Christ, 353, 460 seq., 462 seq.; sent for by Tiberius Caesar to be examined on account of putting Jesus to death, 354, 464 seq.; ordered to be beheaded— his prayer to Jesus, 465; according to another account, cited before Tiberius, who is magically calmed by the tunic of Jesus worn by, 466; sen tenced to death, but commits suicide in prison, 354, 467; his strange burial, 467; further particulars concerning, 474 seq.; Acts of, 416; i, 175.

Pilate's wife, her message to Pilate, viii, 417, 428, 440.

Pindar, the Boeotian, vi, 484; quoted, i, 284; ii, 109, 179, 311, 418, 440, 468, 473, 475; also his Olymp., i, 390; ii, 74, 311; Pyth., ii, 144; iii, 144.

Pine, Attis self-multilated under a, vi, 492; borne to her cave by the Great Mother, 492; carried into the sanctuary of the Great Mother on certain days, 496, 504, 542; wreathed with flowers, 492, 496; bound with wool, 496.

Pionius, i, 43.

Pious frauds, a striking illustration of, viii, 206-209.

Pipe, a (tibia), borne by Acdestis when he burst in upon the Phrygians, vi, 492.

Pisces, type of those, born under, v,


Piso, consulship of, vi, 462. Pitch, how smeared with, viii, 185. Pius, bishop of Rome, i, 416, 569;

ii, 35> 56-Pius IV., creed of, viii, 643. Pius IX., extinguishes Gallicanism

and proclaims the Pope "infallible," viii, 643. Place, of the righteous, the, viii, 576,

577 seq.; of the wicked, 578

seq. Plagiarism, of the Greeks from the

Hebrews, ii, 465-476, 486-488;

of Greek writers from each other,

481-486; of philosophers, from

Egypt and India, 488. Plagues, the ten, of Egypt, viii, 128. Plank, a, worshipped by the Samians

for Juno, vi, 510. Plants and animals as illustrating

divine providence, viii, 172. Plastic art, ii, 65. Plato, bishop of Myrna, viii, 529,


Plato, fable of his birth, iv, 412; disagreement between Aristotle and, i, 275; deserted by Aristotle, iv,436; head ofthe philosophers, vi, 416; the disciple of Socrates, 437; ambiguity of, i, 282; self-contradictory, 282; agrees with Homer, 282; his knowledge of God's eternity, 283; on the knowledge of God, iv, 628; idea of God, ii, 465; on the unity of God, vii, 14; of God and the

soul, v, 18; indebted to Moses, i, 182, 279, 287, whom he imitates, ii, 308; to the prophets, i, 283; to the Hebrews, ii, 192; his knowledge of judgment, i, 284; his doctrine of the cross, 183; of the form, 285; of the heavenly gifts, 286; of the beginning of time, 287; of the universe, 296; more religious than the Marcionites, 549; sustains the possibility of resurrection, ii, 148; acknowledges the resurrection of the body, vi, 439; opinions of, concerning the gods; ii, 140; on the chief good, 375; on free will, 475; on language of animals, 333; falsely quoted by heretics on community of women, and depravation of the natural creation, 383, 403; consequences of his theory of a community of goods and wives, vii, 92; his idea of death and judgment, iii, 178; contradictions in his theory of future punishment, vi, 439; theory of original principles, v, 18, 221; on creation, vii, 197; on the Light of man, iv, 574; his argument for the incorporeal nature of the soul refuted, iii, 185, 186, 187; his doctrine of transmigration, vi, 440; of good and evil, v, 19; on future rewards, ii, 415, 416,436,442; his idea of heaven borrowed from Scripture, iv, 582; city in heaven, ii, 441, 443; his theory of reminiscences untenable, vi, 443; witness to Scripture, ii, 446, 470, 479; approaches nearer the truth than other philosophers, vii, 197, 236; on spiritual knowledge, ii, 448, a divine gift, 464; philosophic teaching from Scripture, 466, 469; illustrating the Trinity, 468, the Lord's Day, 469; the Messiah, 470, 479; philosophical sayings quoted and answered, iv, 575-582; pilfered from by Valentinus, v, 90; quoted, ii, 484, 485; also his

Alcibiades, ii, 448.

Amatores, ii, 321.

Apolog., iii, 578.

Cratylus, iii, 206.

Crito, ii, 309; iv, 634.

Epist, iv, 577, 581.

Feasts, ii, 532.

Gorgias, iii, 178.

Laws, ii, 116, 284,351,352,466, 468; iii, 176, 179; iv, 505, 585; v, 141; vii, 28.

Meno, ii, 464.

Phaedo, iii, 188,189, 207, 208, 230, 231; iv, 574, 622; v, 83; vi, 446.

Phaedr., ii, 141,315,352,384, 447, 466, 467; iii, 182, 184, 210; iv, 582, 641; vi, 443, 472.

Politicus, ii, 136, 311, 351.

Protagoras, ii, 467.




Repub., 1, 163, 165, 177, 189, 191. 275, 281, 284, 459; ii, 112, 226, 315, 443,448, 466, 469, 470, 474; iii, 210; iv, 438, 5*3; vi,428, 432.457. 458; viii, 311.

Sophista, iv, 629.

Sympos., ii, 315, 447; iv, 515.

Theaetetus, ii, 311, 447, 467; iv, 525-

Theages, ii, 330.

Timaeus, i, 191, 282, 284, 291, 459; ii, 131,132, 137, 141,

191. 3!5> 3i6, 341. 464. 467; iii, 189, 195, 199, 226; iv, 6, 505, 523, 583, 600; vi, 415, 416, 443,

453,454,473; viii, ll°-

Platonists, i, 195.

Plautus referred to, vii, 174.

Pleasers self, counsel to, iv, 209.

Pleasure, how far lawful to Christians, iii, 79; not condemned by the wise, 80; how far renounced, 85.

Plebs (Acts v, 13), explained, v, 159.

Pleroma, the, of Valentinus, i, 316, 320; iii, 508; shown to be absurd, i, 362, 379, 380.

Pliny referred to, viz.: —

Nat. Hist., i, 12, 234; iii, 206, 312, 35°, 382, 47I»5°9, 672; iv, 438, 524, 535-Epist., vi, 488. Panegyr., iii, 135.

Plumptre referred to, iv, 448, 585.

Plutarch of Choronea, vi, 484, referred to, i, 274; i, 274; ii, 183; iv, 507, 654; viii, 9.

Pluto, brother of Jupiter and Neptune, vi, 472; king of the shades, 499; dominion of, vii, 22; wicked deeds of, viii, 740; and Phanes, 263.

Plutonian realms, i.e., infernal regions, vi, 525.

Poets, unfit as religious teachers, i, 273; mythic, why irreligious, iii, 135; confirm the Hebrew prophets, ii, no; testimony of, 131, 192; describe the gods as originally men, 144; reasons for this, 145; testify to the unity of God, vii, 13; the writings of, viii, 202.

Polianus of Mileum, on baptism, v,


Polias, Erichthonius buried in the sanctuary of, vi, 508.

Pollux, son of Tyndareus, distinguished as a boxer, vi, 422; buried in Sparta, 484.

Polyarchy, viii, 275.

Polybius, bishop of Tralles, i, 66, 67, 112, 114.

Polycarp, bishop of Ephesus, viii, 748, 773; his superior authority at Rome, iii, 630; writes to Victor of Rome concerning the day of keeping the passover, viii, 773 seq.; his epistle to the Philip-pians, i, 33-36, 416 — introductory notice to, 31, 32; his humility, 33; his praise of Paul, 35; his death is demanded, 40; is

betrayed, 40; refuses to revile Christ, 41; confesses Christ, 41; his last prayer, 42; in the fire, 42; his body burned, 43; conversed with the apostles, 416; is greater than all heretics, 416; turned many from heresy, 416; his meeting with Marcion, 416; is mentioned by Ignatius, 58, 65, 92, 112, 119, 130, who wrote an epistle to, consisting of counsels as to his work, 93-96; Syriac version of the same, 99; and Ire-naeus, 416, 568.

Polycarp of Adrumetum, on baptism, v, 586.

Polygamy of the patriarchs, why allowed, iv, 53.

Polymius, a king of India, sends for Bartholomew to heal his demoniac daughter, viii, 554; seeks to reward Bartholomew, 554; destroys his idol, 556; believes and is baptized, 556; the brother of, persecutes and kills Bartholomew, 557; is made bishop, 557.

Polytheism i, 181; absurdities of, ii, 132; not deduced from doctrine of the Trinity, iii, 608; contrary to nature, as denying the Fatherhood of God, vii, 103; Simon Magus argues for, viii, 108; Peter's refutation of, 108; the serpent the author of, 109; inexcusable, 109; the folly of, 199; exposed, 282.

Polytheists, the inconsistency of, viii, 199.

Polyxena and Achilles, Peleus and Thetis, Prometheus, viii, 265.

Pomegranate tree, a, springs from the severed members of Acdestis, vi, 491.

Pomona, a name given to Juno, vi, 472.

Pompey, epistle of Cyprian to, v, 386.

Pompilius, the revered, vi, 468; sacrifices thoroughly cooked and consumed in time of, 460.

Pomponius, epistle of Cyprian to, v, 356.

Pomponius of Dionysiana, on baptism,

v, 57°-

Pontianus, epistles of, viii, 622, 625.

Ponticus, martyrdom of, viii, 783.

Pontifex Maximus, vi, 427, 488.

Pontiff, the designation of a bishop, v, 270.

Pontiole, Paul at, viii, 477; is swallowed up on account of the murder of Dioscurus, 478.

Pontius, life and passion of Cyprian, v, 267-271; referred to, ii, 12.

Pontus, inhabitants of, characterized, iii, 271.

Poor, the, ii, 32; care of the church for, v, 314; to be honored in church, vii, 422; to be provided for, 433.

Pope, no, known at the close of the sixth century, viii, 602; title first assumed by Gregory, vii, 642.

Population, Christian, in each century, iv, 126.

Populonia, a name given to Juno, vi, 472.

Porphyry, Methodius against, vi, 382.

Portents, thunder, how averted, vi, 489.

Portion, term used of one Person of the Godhead, iii, 622.

Portunus, gives safety to sailors, vi, 470.

Portus, See of Hippolytus, v, 5; not Aden in Arabia, 6.

Poseidon, Zeus and Metis, viii, 264.

Posidippus quoted, ii, 483.

Possessions, sins, viii, 311.

Possin referred to, i, 573.

Post-Communion, the, vii, 549, 550, 560, 566-568.

Potentiana and Perpetua, viii, 486.

Pothinus, succeeded by Irenaeus, i, 309; martyrdom of, viii, 780, 781.

Potua, presiding over drinking, vi, 470.

Poverty, no evil to Christians, iv, 195; lends to virtue, vii, 195; not necessarily righteous, viii, 311.

Powers, spiritual, opposing, iv, 328; signified by princes, 335; illustrated from mental working, 335; before the birth of man,


Practices, shameless, of the Greeks, i, 272; of Simon Magus and Menander, 347; of the Christians, influenced by doctrine of resurrection, ii, 147; Christian, arguments for, iii, 95; heathen, to be avoided, vii, 424.

Praestana, named because Romulus excelled all with the javelin, vi, 476.

Praise, on, ii, 580; and prayer, better than sacrifice, 531.

Praxeas, his heresy, iii, 597; author of Monarchianism at Rome, 597; whether Patripassian, 626; with Victorinus, makes Christ the Father, 654; Tertullian against, 597 seq.

Praxiteles, in the Cnidian Venus, copied the courtesan Gratina, vi, 511.

Prayer, i, 34, 53, 186, 257; of the poor, helps the rich, ii, 32; must be without ceasing and with unwavering confidence, 26; to be made not doubtfully, but with faith, vii, 467, and with repentance, 468; exhortation to, v, 286; directions for, vii, 379; subject of, ii, 533; reverence in, v, 448; gestures, ii, 534; canonical hours of, ii, 534; iii, 689 seq.; iv, 108; v, 456-457; false Gnostic ideas of, ii, 534; silent, 535; why towards the East, 535; of the wicked, 535; of the true Gnostic, 535; and praise better than sacrifice, 531; examples of, v, 456; taught by Christ, iii, 681; by John the Baptist, 681; secret, 681; not lengthy, 681; the Lord's




vii, 379; its meaning, iii, 682 seq.; the essential conditions of, 685; conditions of acceptable, v, 455, 456; of the Israelites, 685; customs in, 685; kneeling in, 689; place for, 689; to be made daily in church, vii, 413, 423, 470; followed by Psalms, iii, 690; a sacrifice, 690; power of, 690; offered by all creatures, 691; for the lapsed, v, 310, 412; for the departed, iii, 704; for enemies, viii, 289; inconsistent with Genesis, 168; Tertullian on, iii, 681 seq.; Cyprian concerning, v, 285.

Prayer of St. Clement to the Paedago-gus, ii, 295.

Prayers requested, i, 58, 65, 82; of Christians, answers to, iii, 107; for the departed in the early church, vi, 541; a duty consequent on belief in the resurrection of the body, iv, 67; eucha-ristic, for providence and creation, vii, 472; for God's care, 473; for the incarnation and providence, 474; for Christians, 475; for catechumens, 483; for ener-gumens and the baptized, 484; for penitents and for the faithful, 485, 486, 506; for the first fruits and for the departed, 497; of consecration, 535, 537, 544, 558, 564; of oblation, consecration, and invocation, 488, 489; of preparation, 535, 537, 551; of intercession for the living and the departed, 488-490; the secret, 551, 558, 562, 563, 564, 565; hours of, 496; to be said in church or at home, 496; not with heretics, 496; at the ordination of a bishop, 482; at other ordinations, 491-493; daily, 478; for the evening, 496; for the morning, 497; final prayers and benediction, 491.

Preaching of Peter, an apocryphal book, referred to, ii, 341.

Precepts, spiritual signification of, i, 143; divine, ii, 108.

Predestination, ground of, ii, 497, 524.

Prediction and prophecy, distinction between, viii, 240.

Predictions of the prophets, the, i, 507; referred all to Christ, 509; cause of disagreement among Valen-tinians, 513.

Pre-existence of man, iv, 372.

Preface, the, vii, 535, 543, 564.

Preparation, prayers of, vii, 535, 537, 551; day of, observed as a fast, iv, 112.

Prepon, heretic follower of Marcion, v, 112.

Presbyter, use of the word, v, 99.

Presbyterate, the, v, 268, 409.

Presbyters, duties of, i, 17, 34, 72, III; viii, 219; false to be avoided, i, 497; faithful to be obeyed, 497; are in place of parents, vii, 410; represent the apostles, 410; some claim all authority, v, 289; not to

serve in secular things, 367; to be publicly chosen and ordained, 370; their seats in church, vii, 421; one from another parish to be received, 422; ordination of, 432; viii, in; not to ordain, vii, 432; prayer at the ordination of, 491,492; to be ordained by bishops, 500; age required for, viii, 642; illiterate, not to celebrate mass, 641,

Presbytery, submission to, i, 50, 51, 67, 89; its functions, 69.

Prescription, the, against heretics, a treatise by Tertullian, iii, 243 seq.; character of, 240; title of, 243. 265.

Present, the, and the future, viii, 310.

President, i, 185.

Pretended miracles, uselessness of, viii, 130.

Pretensions of false gods, i, 292; of Simon Magus, 347.

Priapus, the Hellespontian god of lust, vi, 466; represented with immense pudenda, 517; sacrifice of an ass to, vii, 36.

Pride, on, ii, 581.

Priest, the true Prophet, a, viii, 90.

Priesthood, of Christians, ii, 572; to be honored, vii, 450, 467; in what sense belonging to the laity, iv,

54, 58-

Priestly office, contention regarding, i, 16, 17, 18; not to be undertaken by laymen, vii, 429.

Priests, what they should be, and should not be, viii, 60; how to be honored, 622; sons of Jewish, become converted by the preaching of the Apostles, 670.

Primacy conceded to old Rome, why? viii, 602.

Primus, bishop of Corinth, viii, 764.

Primus of Misgirpa, on baptism, v, 566.

Prince of evil, why was he made, or was he not made? viii, 183.

Prince, the, of the left hand, and the, of the right hand, of God, viii, 268.

Prince, the son of a, cured of the leprosy by the water in which the child Jesus was washed, viii, 408.

Princes, in Daniel and Ezekiel, mean spiritual powers, iv, 335.

Princeton Review referred to, i, 3.

Principiis, De, a treatise by Origen, iv, 239 seq.; preface to, 239-241.

Prisca, prophetic gifts of, acknowledged by Victor of Rome, iii,

597-Prisca, put to death by Licinius, vii,


Priscilla, a prophetess, v, 123. Privatianus of Sufetula, on baptism,

v, 568.

Privatus of Sufes, on baptism, v, 51 Proanaphora, first part of the liturgy,

â„¢, 534-

Proarche, the, of Valentmus, 1, 333. Probation, the necessity of, before

admission to the church, viii, 192

Procession, term applied to the Son, iii, 598; of the Spirit from the Father through the Son, 599.

Procla, Pilate's wife, her message to Pilate, viii, 417, 428, 440.

Proclamation, use of the word, vii, 562.

Proclus, dialogue of Caius with, v, 601, 604.

Procopowicz referred to, i, 546; iv'


Prodicus, iii, 648.

Production, the first order of, maintained by heretics, proved to be indefensible, i, 373; and absurd,

379, 383-

Profane history, ii, 107; its inconsistencies, in, 112.

Prolation, use of the term, iii, 602; true doctrine of, 603.

Prolepsis, divine, exhibited in the Law of Moses, vii, 530.

Prometheus, viii, 265; fabled to have made man, vii, 50.

Promises, concerning, iv, 296; made in baptism to be kept, viii, 621; fragments from the two books on, by Dionysius of Alexandria, vi, 81 seq.

Propator, the, of Valentinus, i, 316, 317; of Ptolemy, 333.

Propertius quoted, vii, 50.

Property, how to be managed, viii, 48; ecclesiastical, how and by whom to be managed, 619 seq.

Prophecies, summary of, i, 180; of the Sibyl, ii, 108; of the Old Testament, principle of their interpretation, iii, 324; fulfilled in Jesus Christ, of Daniel, 158, of Isaiah, 161-4, of David, 162, of Ezekiel, 167; of Christ, vii, 446, 448; viii, 241; foretell Christ's rejection, iii, 325, humiliation, 326, 335, majesty, 327; in type of the goats of the day of atonement, 327, of Christ's Incarnation, in Isaiah, Zechariah, Ezekiel and the Psalms, 322; of the Passion, 337,417 seq.; and its results in the conversion of the world, 338, the calling of the Gentiles, 339; labors and sufferings of the apostles, 340; dispersion of the Jews, 341; millennium, 342; kingdom of glory, 343; their harmony with the Gospel, 346. Prophecy, different modes, i, 175; certain fulfilment of, 180; two kinds of, viii, 242; the sure word of, 204; is uttered indefinitely, 49. Prophet, the true, viii, 81, 145, 229, 247; adveni of, 88; rejection of, 88; why called Christ, 89; a priest also, 90; alone knows all things, 181, 182; to be sought for by those who wish to learn, 181; all may judge of the, 230; the test of, 230; doctrines of, 230; has appeared in different ages, 242; teaching of, concerning the Scriptures, 247, concerning the Law, 248.




Prophet and prophetess, the, viii, 242,


Prophetic knowledge, constant, viii, 241; Spirit, the, constant, 241.

Prophetical gifts, transferred to the Christians, i, 240.

Prophets, Hebrew, i, 173; ii, 28; of the Old Testament, antiquity of, vii, 13, 104; spake by Christ, iv, 239; speak of Christ, i, 140, 173, 174, 210-213, 22O> 22I> 235-238. 240, 241; ii, 509; inspired by the Holy Ghost, 97, iv, 612; more ancient than the Greek writers, ii, 118; testimony of, 133; to be esteemed, i, 82; how to be received and supported, vii, 380, 381; used the past tense, i, 176; teachers of the truth, ii, 194; teach by parables and enigmas, 502, 522; truth learned from them, i, 198; Plato indebted to, ii, 283; refutation of the notion that they uttered their predictions under the inspiration of different gods, i, 412, 413, 513; sent by the same Father, who sent the Son, 514; to be tried by their works, ii, 27; how symbolized, 28; enjoin holiness, 108; their purity of life, iv, 613; spiritually interpreted, 617-620; true, vii, 214, and false, vii, 214, 480, 481; false to be avoided, viii, 291; schools of the, vii, 531.

Propitiation, vii, 543, 550, 556; prayer of, 550; primitive use of the word, 571.

Proserpine, i, 185, daughter of Ceres and Jupiter, vi, 497; violated by her father, 497; carried off by Pluto from Sicily, 422, 499; called Libera, 497; named because plants rise slowly, 472; lusted after by the first Mercury, 480; loved Adonis, 485; allegorical explanation of the rape of, 502, 503; barren heifers sacrificed to, 525.

Prosumnus, a vile lover of Bacchus, vi, 500; the god's compliance with his request, 500, 501.

Protagoras, doubts as to existence of a deity, vi, 421; vii, 11.

Protarchontes, i, 353.

Protevangelium Jacobi referred to,

viii, 35-

Prothesis, the, vii, 552.

Prothoe, loved by Apollo, vi, 485.

Proverbs, book of, commentaries on, v, 172-175.

Providence, viii, 309; divine, vh, 11, 224, 251, 264, 265, 276; vindicated, viii, 136; the world ruled by, i, 459; implied by creation, viii, 168; heathen opinions concerning, ii, 97, 142; denied by heathen, iv, 175, and philosophers, i, 142; supplies means for arrival at truth, v, v; instances of divine, vii, 420; general and special, viii, 168; special to be believed, ii, 312; seen in

the motions of the stars and in earthly things, viii, 171, in rivers and seas, 171, in plants and animals, 172, in the germination of seeds, 172, in the power of water, 172, in the breath and blood and intestines, 173.

Province, the Roman, v, 176.

Provinces, ecclesiastical, v, 157-159.

Prudence in dealing with opponents, viii, 98.

Prudentius, his hymn, v, 6.

Prunicus, i, 354, 356.

Psalm xix, verses of, explained by Theodotus, viii, 49, 50.

Psalms, to be used in the church, viii, 669; of communion, viii, 548; sung at meals, v, 280; variations in numbering of, 546, 564; that speak of Christ, i, 176, 211, 212, 213, 228, 235, 240, 241, 248-252; Messianic, interpretation of, v, 170, 171; general exposition of, 199-202; fragment on, 202-203; represent converse of the Father and the Son, iii, 656; vindicated, 448.

Psalter, the, vii, 530; universality of,


Psammetichus, his method of discerning primeval man, iii, 116.

Pseudo-Irenaeus, viii, 777.

Pseudo-Athanasius referred to, ii, 36, 37-

Pseudo-Plato referred to, ii, 141.

Psychic natures, ii, 71.

Psylli, sellers of charms against serpents, vii, 446.

Ptolemaeus, heretic, v, 91.

Ptolemy, the heresiarch, the doctrines °f> i> 333> opinions of, concerning the body of Jesus, v, 69; and Secundus, heresies of, iii, 652.

Ptolemy, the son of Lagus, procures a translation of the Jewish Scriptures to be made, i, 452.

Publican, prayer of, vii, 558.

Pudentianus of Cuiculis, on baptism,

v> 57«-

Pudicitia of the Vatican collection, ii, 18.

Pugilists, i, 75.

Punishment, future, v, 217; its nature, vi, 439; everlasting, i, 165, 166, 172, 191, 300; viii, 150; Christian teaching of, iv, 495, 499, 502, 542, 657, 659; of unbelievers, 1, 556; of the righteous and of the wicked, viii, 178; and rewards, come from the same God, i, 523; the angel of, ii, 38; a mark of God's love, ii, 226; means of salvation, 228-230; leads to repentance, 232-233; fear of, viii, 185; here and hereafter, 186; reformatory, 288; divine object of, ii, 437-442.

Punishments, divers, ii, 37; duration of, 36; produced from sins, viii, 48; of the wicked in hell, 547, 548; more fully described as witnessed by Esdras, 572 seq., 578 seq.

Pure in heart, the, how they see God, viii, 122.

Purgatory, doctrine of, viii, 390; refuted, v, 222-223; an(i hell, â„¢,

239-Purification, i, 138, 142; viii, 290; of

the mother of the gods, vi, 531. Purity, necessity of, viii, 284, 285;

outward and inward, 290; of

heart, i, 12, 114; of conduct, 95;

of the body, ii, 33. Pusey referred to, i, 492; ii, 157; iii,

160; iv, 380, 386, 542. Pusillus of Lamasba, on baptism, v,

571-Puta, a goddess presiding over the

pruning of trees, vi, 478. Pygmalion, king of Cyprus, vi, 515;

an image of Venus loved by,


Pyramus, viii, 199. Pyriphlegethon, a river in Hades, vi,


Pyrrha, women from stones cast by, vi, 401.

Pyrrhus, shipwreck of, vii, 52.

Pythagoras of Samos, vi, 437; opinions of, i, 274; indebted to Moses, 279; derived his philosophy from the Jews, iv, 402; placed the cause of things in numbers, vi, 437; his theory of the spheres and of numbers, v, 11, 82; discipline of his followers, 12, 98; principle of his philosophy, 82; astronomic system, 84; symbols, 84; golden verses, 84; on the unity of God, i, 280, 291; vii, 14; gave name to philosophy, 70; pretended to have been Euphorbus, 89; heretics borrow from, i, 377; sustains the possibility of resurrection, ii, 148; on the immortality of the soul, vii, 88; on the transmigration of souls, 89, 236; his theory of transmigration originated in falsehood, iii, 209; philosophically absurd, 210, 211; still more as taught by Empedocles (as a transmigration from animals), 212; contrary to idea of justice, 213, 214; the origin of Simon Magus' heresy, 215; burned to death in a temple, vi, 424; quoted, i, 280, 291.

Pythagoreans, i, 195; falsely quoted against marriage, ii, 385, 403; sayings of Theano, 417, 431, 441, 442; on the idea of God, 465; persuade to suicide, vii, 89.

Pythian God, the, identified with the sun and Bacchus, vi, 472; served Laomedon, 484; soothsayers are taught by, 470.

Quadratus, bishop of Athens, viii, 747,.

749; extract from the Apology

of, 749. Quartodeciman controversy, vi, 148,.

149. Quartodecimans, heresy of, v,, 123.





Queen, a certain, v, 240; of the



South, the, viii, 291; of Virgins,



Mary, the, 373.



Questions, many, must be left in the



hand of God, i, 399.


Ezekiel, the poet.

Quicunque vult, the hymn, vii, 366.



Quietus of Baruch, on baptism, v,






Quindecemviri, the, wore wreaths of



laurel, vi, 488.



Quinet referred to, v, 162.



Quintus, the apostate, i, 40.



Quintus, epistle of Cyprian to, v, 377.



Quintus of Aggya, on baptism, v, 571.



Quirinus, Cyprian's address to, v, 528;



precepts and teachings to, 528-



557. 562. 563-



Quirinus, excelled all in throwing the



javelin, vi, 476.



Quirinus Martius, Romulus torn in



pieces by the senators, called, vi,






Quirites, vi, 477; the fathers of

Clement of Alexandria.


Rome, vii, 50.

Clementine Homilies.


Quotations in the New Testament,

Clementine Recognitions.


source of the, i, 452.



Quoted or referred authors and



authorities, see under:—

Conybeare and Howson.

Hard wick.



Hartley of Winwick.

Acta Pauli et Theclae.







Cowper, H.



Cowper, W.














Anastasius Sinaita.










Daille or Dallaeus.












De Maistre.



De Montor.















Diognetus, Epistle to.


Ascension of Moses




Dionysius Jambus.



Dionysius Thrax.

Jacobson. Janus.


Dion Thytes.






Jason and Papiscus.












Jones of Nayland.



Jortin. Josephus.







Eldad and Modat, book of.

Jubilees, Book of.





Encylop. Britannica.




Justin Martyr.

























King, Ed.










































Philo Judaeus.


















Le Nourry.





Leontius of Byzantium.










Lewis Taylor.














Trent Catechism.








Princeton Review.










Protevangelium Jacobi.







Valerius Maximus.










Van Lennep.










Vincentius Lirinensis.
























































Midrash Breshith Rabba







Scott, J.










Seleucus Nicanor.










Seth, Paraphrase of.















Shepherd of Hermas.










Sibyl, The.





Simmias of Rhodes.


Rabbinical education, vii, 531.





Racami, laws of, the, viii, 731.



Smith, T.


Race, an abominable, performed at



Smith, W.


Paphos, viii, 495.





Race-course, the, why not to be visited





by Christians, iii, 87; injuries in,





not redressed by law, 638.





Races, guilt contracted if the music





stopped at the, vi, 486; in the





games of Jupiter, 534, 535; seven





rounds of the course in, 534.





Rahab, her example, i, 8.





Raiment, yellow, ii, 36; white, 36,










Rainbow, the, viii, 176.





Ram, the, a type of Christ, viii, 759.





Rational creatures, capable of good





and evil, iv, 256; term includes





evil spirits, 257; final judgment



Talmud, The.


of, 293; existed from the begin-



Targum, The.


ning, 342; fallen through free





will, 342; of one nature, 342,



Taylor, Jer.


381.; restored in the incarnation




of Christ, 343; why corporeal, 380.

Rattray, Bishop, on the Restoration of St. James' Liturgy, vii, 534.

Rawlinson referred to, iv, 482.

Reader, in church, place and duty of, vii, 421; ordination of, 493.

Reason, and faith, viii, 116; divine, not on the face of things, iii, 547; with God from the beginning, 600.

Re-baptism, a treatise on, v, 667, seq.

Rebecca, i, 145.

Recapitulation, v, 140.

Recognition in a future state, viii, 583.

Recognitions, the, of Clement, character of, viii, 73; relation to the Homilies, 70, 73, 213; authorship and date, 73, 74; place of composition, 74; editions of, 74; quoted by Origen, 74; reason of the title, 161, 162, 190, 191.

Red heifer, type of Christ, i, 142.

Redemption, the views of, entertained by heretics, i, 345.

Refutation, the, of all heresies, a treatise by Hippolytus, discovery of, v, 5; controversy as to the authorship of, 5, 6; date of composition, 6; contents, 7, 9; value of, 7, 10; object of, 9, 153.

Regeneration, of Christians by the word, ii, 397, by water, viii, 44, 155, and Spirit; effect of, v, 279.

Regulus, cruel death of, vi, 424; a huge serpent killed by the army

of. 537-

Rejection of Christ by the Jews, viii, 90.

Relatives of Christ treated with contempt by Domitian, viii, 763.

Relics of Christians to be honored, vii, 464.

Religion, in common life, ii, 290; credibility of, not dependent on antiquity, vi, 461; opinion constitutes, not ceremony, 533; meaning of the term, vii, 131, 172; reason in, 131; cannot be separated from wisdom, 11, 51, 100, 103; distinguished from superstition, 131; teaches mercy towards men, 172, 173; of one's fathers to be abandoned if bad, viii, 150, 755; the true calls to sobriety and modesty, 151; and philosophy, difference between, 309.

Remains of the second and third centuries, introductory notice to, viii, 747 seq.

Reminiscences, Platonic theory of, untenable, vi, 537.

Remission, prayer for, vii, 546.

Remission of sins, only in the Church, v, 378; first by St. Peter, then by all the Apostles, 381; to all bishops as successors of the Apostles, 394; from God only 442; examples of denial to the impenitent in Holy Scripture,

443-Renan referred to, i, 133; ii, 87.

Renovation, the Novensiles gods of, vi, 474.

Repentance, i, 7, 53, 147, 167, 258; ii, 20, 38, 39, 41, 50, 51, 54, 114; defined, iii, 657; delivers from the shackles of sin, i, 175; timely, effaces sin, vi, 382; the angel of, ii, 19, 37, 51; kinds of, iv, 75, 76, 77; first and second, ii, 360; what is true, 602; iii, 657; heathen, of good deeds, 657; a preparation for the Holy Spirit, 658; good because commanded by God, 659; duty of, vii, 178; viii, 204; value of, vii, 190,251; necessity of, while on earth, 519; sin after, a despising God, iii, 660; necessary before baptism, 661; for sin after baptism, 662; tokens of, v, 293; outward manifestation of, exo-mologesis, iii, 664; how attributed to God, 315; case of Saul and of Ninevites, 315; examples of, in Holy Scripture, vii, 406; danger of delaying, examples of, 408; of St. Matthew and Zacchaeus, 414; God calls to, 420; exhortation to, v, 592-595; a claim for the Church's peace, 335; Tertullian on, iii, 657 seq.

Report of Pilate to Augustus, viii, 460 seq.; to Tiberius, 462 seq.

Reprobate men, various classes of, i, 149.

Reservation of baptism, iii, 361,426.

Reserve, doctrine of, viii, 215; misrepresentation of, 215.

Responsibility, human, i, 177, 190; viii, 102, 120; increased by knowledge, 144.

Responsory, use of the word, vii, 561, 562, 567.

Restoration, possible to all in the end, iv, 260, 261, 275, 327; to the spirits in prison and to Sodom, 279.

Resurrection, Christ's, i, 11,12,33, 70, 87, 178, 298; vii, 122; witnesses of the, viii, 422, 424, 432 seq.; of the saints when Jesus rose, who they were, who participated in, 435; some of those shared in, questioned by the Jews, the testimony of, 435 seq.; 448; a proof of our, i, 532, Gospel account of, iv, 568.

Resurrection, the, viii, 496; taught in the Law, iv, 203; prophesied in Scripture, v, 218; final, 222; symbolized in Pluto's myth, vi, 439> proved by the course of nature, iv, 194; necessary, 247; gives knowledge of divine truth, 298; signified by the Feast of Tabernacles, vi, 345; of the dead, asserted by Jesus against the Sadducees, i, 466; vi, 367; is a Christian belief, iii, 545; of the flesh asserted, i, 529; of the flesh as well as of the soul, vi, 364; believed by Christians, iii, 547;

of the body, i, 530; iv, 293, 294, 346; vindicated, iii, 447,449,450, 452,454; iv, 549; how understood, 551, 586, 623; arguments and analogies for, iii, 53; implies judgment of the body, 456; questions concerning, 548; written on God's works before books were made, 553; promise of, in Holy Scripture, vii, 439-442; various proofs from the Old Testament, i, 530, 542, 563, 564; from the New Testament, 539, 564, 565; testimony of the Sibylline books to, vii, 440; an actual, i, 565, 576; illustrated, 570; ii, 93; illustrated by the fable of the phoenix, vii, 441; joys at the, i, 562, 563; Christian belief in, ii, 67; a ground of Christian courage, iii, 127; doctrine of, bears on the practices of the Christians, ii, 147; objections to, i, 294; ii, 151; proof of the, i, 11, 12, 168; iii, 557 seq.; possible, i, 169, 295; ii, 150; heathen analogies, i, 169; analogies in nature corroborate it, iii, 553; consistent with opinions of philosophers, i, 296; the first-born of Satan denies, 34; cannibalism no impediment, ii, 153; nor man's impotency, 153; will of the Creator concerning, 154; iii, 553; arguments continued, i, 155; not merely for judgment, 156, though the future judgment is a sufficient cause for, iii, 554, 556, 589; children rise again, i, 156; argument from man's nature, 156; probability of, 158; from changes in man's life, 258; if none, man less favored than brutes, 159; the chief end of man, 161, 162; its beauty and force, 162; how a birth, iii, 571; the resurrection-body perfect, 590; a restoration of the perfect man, vi, 365; and of creation, 366; not a transformation into the nature of angels, 367; its mystery paralleled by the generation of man, 368; not a destruction of the body, 373; but its renewal as a spiritual body, 375; shown by Moses and Elias at the Transfiguration, 375, by Enoch, 376, by the parable of Dives and Lazarus, 377, and by the history of Jonah, 378; God's goodness requires it, iii, 552; of the righteous, iv, 208;' the first, 212; of men, vii, 218, 221; of the flesh, poem of, iv, 145; Justin the martyr's treatise on, i, 294-299, and quoted on, vi, 374; Tertullian's treatise on, iii, 545 seq.; Methodius on, vi, 364 seq.; Origen quoted on, vi, 369 seq., 373 seq.

Retribution, day of, i, 390; future, viii, 186.

Reuben, the patriarch, speaks of his




sin and sufferings, viii, 9; warns against women and fornication, 10; his death and burial, 11; his curse spiritualized, v, 165. Reuben, a Jew, strikes against the bier on which Mary is carried to burial, — his punishment, viii,


Revelation, nature of, viii, 323, 326; the work of, belongs to the Son, 326; inspiration of the, i, 155; and concealment, viii, 271.

Revelation, the, of Paul, found under the foundations of his house in Tarsus, viii, 575.

Revenge, iii, 713; an attribute of the false gods, not of the true God, iv, 655.

Reverie of Peter, viii, 114.

Revocatus, martyrdom of, iii, 705.

Rewards and punishments, from the same God, i, 523; ii, 158; future, vii, 90, 217; eternal, iv, 240; principles of, 294; spiritual nature of, 296; sensual ideas of, 297; rewards include a knowledge of divine things, 298; of the elect and penitent, ii, 39.

Rhadamanthus, i, 165.

Rhea, the wife of Saturn, hides her son Jupiter, to preserve him from being devoured by his father, viii, 197; and Kronos, 263.

Rhodes, the fourth Sun born at, vi, 480.

Rhodon, viii, 748, 766; a pupil of Tatian, 766; writes against heretics, 766.

Rich, the, helped by the prayer of the poor, ii, 32; not to be flattered for his riches, 591; description of, 591; why salvation appears more difficult to, 591; duty of the Christian towards, 591; Jesus, treatment of, 592-594; counsel to the, iv, 208.

Riches, true Christian, ii, 279, 596, 600; not to be thrown away, 595; when profitless, 595; want of, not salvation, 597; how forsaken for Christ, 598; abuse of, v, 278.

Ridicule, poured upon the emanations and nomenclature of Valentinus,

i. 332, 333-Right and left, merely relative terms,

vi, 477-

Righteous, the, sufferings of, i, 17, 18; we should cleave to them, 17; saved by Christ, 257; and the wicked to be separated, 556; so-called, must be wronged, viii, 50; and the wicked, chastisements of, 178; and manner of death of, 576 seq.; afflictions of the, 294; place of the, 576, 577 seq.

Righteousness, what it is, viii, 103; not placed in Jewish rites, i, 201; nor obtained by keeping the law, 217, 480, but by faith, 245, 246; and Christ, 208; Christians have this true, 209; which is desired by

God, 291; to be prayed for, ii, 12, 23; Christian doctrine of, 114; true, 504; impresses a likeness to God, 504; in what sense attained through philosophy, 305, 323> 345 > 34^> must De added to knowledge, viii, 44; the way to the kingdom of God, 102; and faith, effect of, 50.

Rings, for the ears, forbidden, ii, 285; for the hands, how allowed, 285; signet, designs, 285.

Rites of the mother of the gods, vi, 496; of Bona Dea, 496; of Bacchus, Cyprian, Venus, and the Corybantes, 496, 497; of Ceres in Phrygia, 497; of the Roman gods, vii, 228, 229.

Rituals of Numa, Apollo's name not found in, vi, 462.

River, the fiery, in the place of the wicked, viii, 578.

Rivers, worshipped in ancient times by the Persians, vi, 510; and seas illustrating divine providence, viii, 171.

Robbers, the, met by Jesus and his parents in Egypt, viii, 409; the two crucified with Jesus, 469; the impenitence of one of, 469; the penitence of the other, and the promise of Jesus to, 469 seq.; the entrance of the latter into Hades, 457, and into paradise, 438, 452.

Roberts referred to, i, 412, 428,


Robertson referred to, i, 101; iv, 495. 549.631; v, 92, 251, 412.

Rock, the, vii, 545; of the Church, how interpreted, v, 561; interpreted of Christ by the Fathers, iii, 426.

Rod, the, of Moses, i, 453; of Joseph the carpenter, viii, 363, 372; the miraculous, given by Jesus to Matthew to plant in the city of the man-eaters. 528; the wonderful growth of, 529.

Rogatianus, epistle of Cyprian to, v, 283, 315. 365-

Rogatianus of Nova, on baptism, v,


Roman Empire, the dissolution of the, predicted, i, 554; emperors, table of, vi, 285; customs, licentiousness of, iii, 174; power originated in violence, not religion, iv, 188; state signified by Babylon, vii, 352; matrons, not allowed to drink wine, vi, 460; kissed to test their sobriety, 460.

Romans, epistle of Ignatius to the, wherein he expresses his desire for martyrdom and his reasons for the same, i, 73-76; Syriac version of the same, 103, 104.

Romans, the race of Mars, the imperial people, vi, 488; had changed their customs and ceremonies, 459, 460; Pellonia, goddess of, 477; worshipped a spear for Mars, 510.

Rome, vii, 556; allotted to Simon, viii, 656; gospel preached at, 224; Christianity attested by miracles in, vi, 438; the church of, founded and organized by Peter and Paul, i, 415, 461; viii, 641; first bishops of, viz., Linus, Anacletus, Clement, Evaristus, Alexander, Sixtus, Telephorus, Hyginus, Pius, Anicetus, Soter, Eleutherus, i, 416; iv, 156; from Clement to Sylvester, viii, 642; succession from St. Peter, v, 394; not always follows the tradition of the Apostles, 391; glorious in martyrs and faith, iii, 260; modern claims of, 266, 630; silence in first three centuries, iv, 169; historic facts as to the See of, viii, 641; how an ecclesiastical centre, vii, 363; See of, source of unity, v, 344; not above the African bishops, 344, 413, 417, 596; its primacy, not supremacy, acknowledged by Cyprian, 596; age in time of Arnobius of the city, vi, 461; ages of, vii, 213.

Romulus, founder of Rome, vi, 468; sacrifices consumed in time of, 460; and his brother, 476; a deified mortal, 474; torn in pieces by the senators, 424; unacquainted with incense, 528; called Quirinus Martius, 424; establishes the Quirites, vii, 50.

Rose, without a thorn, a, not to be found, viii, 179.

Rosenmuller referred to, i, 47.

Rousseau referred to, ii, 82.

Routh referred to, i, 152, 153, 155, 578; ii, 3, 56, 83, 118, 298, 346, 426; iii, 705; iv, 394.

Rubim, or Ruben, the high-priest, reproaches Joachim with his childlessness, viii, 361, 369.

Rufinus referred to, iii, 136, 585.

Rufinus, the confessor, epistle to Cyprian, v, 302.

Rufinus, his prologue to Origen, and textual changes in translation, iv, 237, 301; his preface to the " Recognitions of Clement," viii,

75r76-Rufus, 1, 35.

Rule of faith, the Apostles' Creed, iii, 249; iv, 27; declared first by Christ, then through Apostles, iii, 252, 253; not secret, 255; the same everywhere, 256; preserved by Apostolic Churches, 321, 350; agreed on by the Apostles, 348; in earliest, not later records, 348, 350, 398.

Rule, the golden, in negative form, i, 436; viii, 268, 285, 299.

Ruler, the young, character of, ii, 594.

Rulers appointed over all orders of being, viii, 89.

Rules, to be obeyed, vii, 468, 505.

Rusticus, the prefect, examines Christians, i, 305, 306.

Rutilius, story of his flight from persecution, iv, 119.






Sabaoth, i, 412.

Sabbath, the, why instituted, i, 204, 207; the true, 146; how to be kept, 63; kept by Christ, iii, 362; the law did not prohibit the hungry eating food ready to hand on the, i, 471; law of, forbids man's work, not God's, iii, 313; Jewish, right keeping of, ii, 302; error of the Pharisees concerning, iii, 363; Jewish, not observed by Christians, iii, 70, temporal only, 155, a figure of eternal rest, 155, abolished, vii, 342; symbol of the life and works of our Lord, vii, 343; the notion of Monoi-mus, v, 121; (Saturday) not a fast except on Easter Eve, iv, 112; the Great (Easter Eve) fast of, vii, 447.

Sabek, meaning of the word, viii, 760.

Sabellian heresy on the origin of matter, vi, 91.

Sabellians, Dionysius of Rome, against, vii, 365.

Sabellius, heresy of, vii, 365.

Sabine gods, the Novensiles, nine, vi,


Sabre, worshipped by the Scythians, vi, 510.

Sackcloth, ii, 40.

Sacraments, administration of, i, 185.

Sacrifice, origin and meaning of, vi, 542, 543; universal prevalence of, vii, 530; divinely instituted, 530; localized in Jerusalem, 530; eu-charistic, the, 537, 540; to idols, guilt of, v, 330; not acceptable without love, 454; spiritual and material, vii, 192.

Sacrifices, Jewish, temporal, and figures of spiritual, iii, 156; allowed for a time, viii, 87; abolished, i, 137; why instituted, 205; not required by God for their own sake, 482-484; not acceptable without faith, iii, 314; God not pleased with, viii, 247; Christians offered no, vi, 507, why not, ii, 134; replaced by baptism, viii, 88; heathen, cruelty of, ii, 183; in heathen worship, vii, 162; human, to heathen deities, iii, 640; needless, ii, 532; of prayer and praise, 532, of the Law, 532; Varro's denial of any occasion for, vi, 518; cannot feed gods, 518; cannot give pleasure to the gods, 519; can neither prevent their anger, 520, nor satisfy their rage, 520; no reason can be found for, 526; purity and cleanliness required at, 543 (note).

Sacrificial orgies, viii, 276.

Sacristy, prayer of, vii, 550, 560.

Sadducees, their origin, iii, 649; rise of the, viii, 91; heresy of, vii, 482; sect of Esseni, v, 137; attributing form to God, vi, 467; Christ's answer to, vi, 367; i, 466; Christ's refutation of the, iii, 571, confuted, viii, 92. Sadness, i, 20; ii, 23.

Safety, temples and altars erected to,

vi, 476. Sagittarius, type of those born under,

Saint Pierre referred to, ii, 22.

Saints, examples of, i, 7, 9, 10; reward of, 8, 14, 561, 562; before the coming of Christ, viii, 91; commemoration of, vii, 546, 549,

553. 556, 502-

Sais, the Egyptian, offspring of the Nile, vi, 480, 481; identified with the second Minerva, 480.

Sallust, on the creation of man, vii, 62.

Salome, i, 124; apocryphal sayings of Christ to, ii, 392.

Salome, called in as midwife for Mary — her unbelief punished, viii, 355, 375; her hand, which was dried up, restored by Jesus,

375-Salt-cellars, tables consecrated by

placing, vi, 460. Salutation, prayer of, vii, 554; of the

gospel, 562. Salutations to churches, etc., i, 5, 33,

39, 65, 72> 73. 77. 85> 91, 96, 104, 109, 112, 114, 119, 123, 137, 149.

Salvation, i, 14, 28, 55, 59, 82, 139, 207, 216, 217; bestowed on the whole man, 531; before Christ, ii, 428; one to Jew and Gentile, 490; not depending on external things, 596; why conditioned, vi, 458; things necessary to, viii, 47; the way of, 270; of the rich man, a treatise by Clement of Alexandria, ii, 591-604.

Salvianus of Gazaufala, on baptism,

v> 571-Samaritan, good, signifies Christ, ii,

599-Samaritans, relation of, to Israel, iii,

408; doctrines of the, viii, 92,

refuted, 92. Samians, the, worshipped a plank for

Juno, vi, 510. Samothracii Digiti, named Idaei Dac-

tyli, vi, 475; said to be the

Lares, 475. Samson, fall of, an admonition, viii,

63; boy of, pre-typifies John the

Baptist, i, 572; the jawbone of,

a type of the body of Christ,

Samuel, i, 60, 120, 121; his apparition a pretence, iii, 234; interpreted, v, 169; institutions of,

vii, 53°. 531-

Sanadroug, wages war with Abgar's children, viii, 706; the feet of, crushed by a marble column, 706; sends Helena to Kharan, 706; rebuilds Medzpine, 707; meaning of the name of, 707; death of, 707.

Sanctification, prayer for, vii, 547.

Sanctus in the Holy Communion, vii, 458: see also Ter Sanctus.

Sanctus, martyrdom of, viii, 779, 780, 781.

Sangarius, a king or river, father of Nana, vi, 491; attempted to starve his daughter to death, 491; exposed her child, 491.

Sappho quoted, ii, 257.

Sarah, daughter of the high-priest Caiaphas, stripped naked by Demas, viii, 468; accuses Jesus, 468.

Sardanapalus, i, 190.

Sardis, Hercules, a slave at, vi, 484.

Satan, Scriptural teaching regarding, iv, 592; origin of, vii, 92; he, not fortune, the adversary of man, 99; loosed after the millennium, 220; his malignity, folly, inconsistency, ignorance, i, 57, 102, 117, 118, 138, 148, 549; blasphemes, 300, 555; tools of, 554; the god of the world, 575; acknowleged as a demon, iii, 176, 180; author of idolatrous imitations of Christianity, 262; destroys truth under pretence of defending it, 597.

Satan and Hades, the altercation between, when Jesus was about to descend into Hades, viii, 436, 455; exhorts Hades to prepare to receive Jesus, 449, 456; reviled by Hades, 451.

Satirical poems, punished by law, vi, 487.

Sattius of Sicilibba, on baptism, v,


Saturn, mysteries of, i, 192; fables of, iii, 141; of human race, 142; devours his children, viii, 197; the family of, 192; sonofCoelus and Hecate, vi, 461; happy state of things under his reign, vii, 140, 228; father of Jupiter, 23, 24, 26; overthrew his father, vi, 485; attempted to destroy his children, 485; was driven from power by Jupiter, 484, 485; hid himself in Latium, 484; was thrown into chains for parricide, 484; father by Ops of Jupiter, 460, 461, 472, 482, of the third Jupiter, 480; mother of the gods married to, 472; founder of the Saturnian state, 422; father of the third Minerva, 480; when aged, taken in adultery by his wife, 485; tomb and remains of, in Sicily, 484; identified with Kronos, and explained as chronos, 472; progenitor of the dii magni, 472; planter of the vine, 472; bearer of the pruning-knife, 472, 511, 517; presides over sown crops, 479; before Hercules' visit to Italy, human sacrifices offered to, 460.

Saturnian, king, the, i.e., Jupiter, vi, 483.

Saturnians, heretics, tenets of, v, 109,

Saturnilians, i, 212.

Saturnilus, system of, v, 109; heretic, vii, 453; called Saturniftus, v, 109.




Saturninus, consular, iii, 378. Saturninus, doctrines of, i, 348; iii,

649. Saturninus of Avitina, on baptism, v,


of Thucca, on baptism, v, 570. of Victoriana, on baptism, v, 570.

Saturus, vision of, iii, 702; martyrdom of, 704 seq.; ordination of, v, 301.

Satyr, Jupiter assumed the form of, vi, 485, 506.

Saul, an example of those who have fallen, iii, 244.

Saul, raises a tumult against the apostles, viii, 95; receives a commission against the Christians, 96.

Saved, the number of the, viii, 239.

Saviour, the, asserted by the Valen-tinians to be derived from all the aeons, i, 321, 323; various opinions of, among the heretics,


Saviour, the Avenging of the, viii, 354, 472 seq.; the Arabic gospel of the infant of the, 405-


Scandals, ii, 57. Scapegoats, the two, a type of Christ,

iii, 327-Scapula, address of Tertullian to, iii,

105 seq., 108. Scauri, vi, 430. Schaff referred to, iii, 8; iv, 169, 219;

vi, 7, 307; vii, 367; viii, 69, 73,

74, 158-

Schism, ii, 53; guilt of, vu, 450. Schismatics, how to be dealt with,

i, 20, 80. Schlieman referred to, ii, 489; viii, 70,


School-masters, the, to whom Jesus was successfully sent, viii, 379, 380, 382, 396, 397; Christian, how tempted to idolatry, iii, 66; not to teach heathen learning, 66.

Science, mysteries of, how often regarded, viii, 47.

Scorpiace, or antidote for the scorpion's sting, a treatise by Tertullian, iii, 633 seq.

Scorpio, type of those born under,

v, 34-Scorpion, mentioned by Nicander, iii,

633-Scott, J., referred to, iii, 542; iv,


Scribes, the, refuted, viii, 92.

Scripture, canonical books of, vii, 505; despised by the learned for its simplicity, vii, 136; not a common rule to Christians and heretics, iii, 251; held uncorrupt by apostolic churches, 262; how perverted by heretics, 251, 261, 262; its own interpreter, 613, 615; in sections in Tertullian's time, 635; understood by disciples of Christ and the apostles, 645.

Scriptures, which only to be read in the

church, viii, 668; authority of, in councils, v, 328; canon of, in the second century, v, 603; public reading of, 251; value of quotations from, 219; testimonies to, 227; studied by all, 250; a safeguard against Anti-Christ, 250; duty of searching the, i, 232; vi, 161; viii, 47; how understood, i, 245; the true exposition of, only in the church, 496; appealed to by heretics, 319, 369; perverted by the heretics, 326, 343; v, 602; refutation of false interpretations of, 329; proper method of interpreting the obscure passages of, i, 398; chronology of, ii, 325-334; threefold interpretation of, 341; why veiled in parables, 509, 522; test of the doctrinal truth, 550, 557; the prophetic converting power of, 93; divine inspiration of, iv, 349, 496; the rule of faith, viii, 95; false and blasphemous chapters added to, 236; misrepresentations of God in, 237, 238; some things in, false, and some true, 238; Simon Magus makes use of the alleged falsehood of, in argument with Peter, 239; use of the falsehoods, 239; uncertainty of, 240; contradictions of, 240, 245-247; how to discriminate the true from the false in, 247-248; Peter's explanation of contradictions in, 314; the contradictions in, intended to try the readers of, 315; interpretation of, 203.

Scriptures, Hebrew, translated into Greek, i, 451; iii, 32; antiquity of, 33; interpreted with fidelity by the LXX. translators, i, 452; prophecies fulfilled, iii, 34; forbid what they do not allow, 94. (See also Holy Scripture?)

Scythian king and Circe,..the fifth Sun, the son of a, vi, 480.

Scythians, irruptions of the, laid to the charge of the Christians, vi, 415; sacrificed asses to Mars, 484.

Scythianus, first teacher of dualism, vi, 229.

Sea, the emblem of the world, ii, 100; its harbors, emblems of the churches, IOO; its perils, emblems of heresies, ioo; testifies against the sins of men, viii, 575.

Seal, ii, 41, 53.

Sealing, viii, 489, 541.

Seas and rivers, illustrating the providence of God, viii, 171.

Seats of the bishop, viii, 620, 626.

Sebadia, vi, 497.

Sects, of the Jews, viii, 91, 765; Christian, 764.

Secundianus of Thambes, on baptism, v, 572.

Secundinus of Cedias, on baptism, v, 567; of Carpi, on baptism, v, 568.

Secundulus, death of, iii, 703.

Secundus, his system, i, 332; iii, 652; v, 91.

Sedatus of Tuburbo, on baptism, v, 567.

Sedition, in the church of Corinth, i, 8, 20; to be avoided, 11.

See of Rome, historic facts as to the, viii, 641.

Seed, Valentinian absurdities respecting exposed i, 385.

Seeds, the germination of, illustrating the providence of God, viii, 172.

Seeing God,i, 489 seq.; viii, 122.

Seeing or hearing, which the stronger, viii, 126.

Segar referred to, ii, 594, 605.

Selah, v, 201.

Seleucus Nicanor referred to, ii, 317.

Self-conceit condemned, i, 15.

Self-love, the foundation of goodness, viii, 128.

Self-restraint, i, 94; ii, 15, 16; of Christian philosophers, 370.

Semele, mother of Liber by Jupiter, vi, 460, 473, 500, 506.

Semler referred to, iii, 7,248, 266, 629.

Semo, the inscription, i, 171, 187, 348.

Senators, Romulus torn in pieces by, vi, 424; abuse of, punished by law, 487.

Seneca, on the unity of God, vii, 15; on the vanity of idols, 45; error in philosophy, 83; oh the character of philosophers, 84.

Senecio, consul, i, 131.

Sense, the sixth, viii, m.

Senses, Plato's theory of, as deceptive, refuted, iii, 195, 196; equal to and one with intellect, 199; the testimony of the, more trustworthy than that of supernatural vision, viii, 322; pleasures of, to be restrained, vii, 186, 248.

Separatists, to be shunned, i, 497.

Septuagint, history of, i, 278, 451; ii, 334; received by the church as canonical, iv, 387.

Sepulchre, Christ's, body therein not emptied of divinity, v, 194.

Sepulchres of the gods, viii, 199.

Seraphim of Isaiah, meaning of, iv, 376.

Serapion, absolution of, vi, ioi; bishop of Antioch, viii, 748, 774; writes to Caricus and Ponticus concerning the new prophecy, 775.

Serapis, legend of, originated in history of Joseph, iii, 135; Apis in Egypt called, vi, 422; the Egyptian, 486; introduction of the worship of, 462; temple of, burned to ashes, 516.

Seres, vi, 508; viii, 178, 187; laws of the, 730; Christianity attested by miracles among, vi, 438.

Sergius, Cyprian to, v, 406.

Sermon on the Mount, its harmony with type and prophecy in the law, iii, 366, 368.

Serpent, the, cursed, i, 456; ii, 103; speculations respecting, i, 570, 571; the brazen, why made,




iii, 63; not idolatrous, 314; exception to law against image-making, 76; type of Christ's passion, 337; the author of polytheism, viii, 109; of idolatry, 281; suggestions of, 147-149; why he tempts to sin, 281; charming of, 288; to be resisted, 152; used by Satan in tempting Eve, 566; the curse pronounced on, 568; Jupiter assumed the form of a, vi, 485, 497.

Serpent-biters, charms against, vi, 446.

Servant of God, who so called, viii, 50.

Servants, duties of, i, 111; vii, 436; not to be despised, i, 114; kindness to, vii, 468; how kept by heathen, ii, 278; how treated by Christians, 268; when not to work, vii, 495.

Service, the, which God requires, viii, 269.

Servius Tullius, birth of, vi, 496.

Seth, sent by Adam, when dying, to paradise, to obtain for him the "oil of mercy," viii, 566; paraphrase of, referred to, v, 68; and Adam, in Hades, viii, 436.

Sethians, heretics, v, 64; the doctrines of, i, 354; origin in heathen philosophy, v, 66; sum of their tenets, 142.

Sethites, heresy of, iii, 651.

Seven, number, symbol of perfection, v, 503; mystical meaning of, vii, 342; heavens, 342; stars, 345; churches of Asia, represent seven classes of Christians, 345-


Seven wise men of Greece, vii, 101.

Seventy weeks, the, iii, 159.

Severus, emperor, his clemency to Christians, iii, 107.

Sex, no distinction of, in instruction, ii, an; Christian relations of, 419; does not belong to God, vii, 28.

Shakespeare referred to, iii, 51, 271.

Shamuna, martyrdom of, viii, 696 seq.; accused, 696; brought before Antonius, 697; refuses to renounce Christianity, 697; imprisoned, 697; tortured, 698; prayer of, 698; brought again before the governor, 699; condemned to death, 699, and killed, 700; homily on, 714 seq.

Sharbil, Acts of, viii, 676 seq.; chief and ruler of all the priests, is addressed by Bishop Barsamya, who preaches Christ to him, 677; is converted and baptized, 677; brought before Lysanias, is tortured, 678 seq.; last prayer of, 684; death and burial, 684.

Shedd referred to, ii, 344; iv, 382; v, 230.

Sheep and shepherd, i, 6, 80, 84, no, 120, 140, 147; ii, 37, 53, 54.

Stieol, v, 174.

Sherwood referred to, ii, 34.

Shepherd of Hermas referred to, viii, 390.

Ship, symbol of the church, v, 216.

Shoes, Christian use of, ii, 267.

Shows, ought not to be attended by Christians, iii, 73 seq.; public, cruel and unjust, vii, 186; corrupting, 248; heathen, idolatrous origin of, iii, 81; Tertullian on, iii, 79-91; Cyprian on, v, 575 seq.

Shrine of Juno at Argos, vi, 516.

Shrines, the Christians built no, vi,


Sibyl, the, i, 169, 288; ii, 12; v, 62; vi, 431; ecstasy of, ii, 346; testifies to the resurrection of the body, vii, 440; referred to, i, 280; ii, 94, 106, 109, 145, 178, 185, 186, 192, 194, 275, 325, 383, 470, 471; iv, 6; vii, 16, 18,23, 27, 58, 6i, 62, 65, 105, 115, n6, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220, 238, 278, 302, 318, 440; viii, 752, 755.

Sibylline books, the, vii, 15, 16; their value to Christianity, 256 (note).

Sibyls, number and character, vii, 15, 16; testimony respecting God, 16, 27, 61; the Erythraean, 16, 18, 26, proclaim the Son of God, 105; on immortality, 210; on the last days, 215.

Sicarians, adjudged criminals by the Romans, iv, 436.

Sicily, tomb and remains of Saturn in, vi, 484; Proserpine carried off from, 499; bishops of, Zephy-rinus, epistle to, viii, 609.

Sick, are ever praying, viii, 44; how to be assisted, 59.

Sickle, borne by Saturn, vi, 511.

Sidereal names, origin of, v, 27.

Sidon, Peter comes to, viii, 269; preaches to the people of, 269; Peter attacked there by Simon, 269; Simon driven from, 269.

Sidonius, epistle of, to Cyprian, v, 326; reply to, 326.

Sige, i, 316; iii, 507; pretended revelation made by, to Marcus, i, 339; and Logos, mutually contradictory and repugnant, 372.

Sikera, a spurious wine, vi, 327.

Silence, i, 62.

Simeon, the patriarch, speaks of his hostility to Joseph, viii, 11; warns his children against envy, II, 12; his death and burial, 12; and Levi, types of persecutors of Christ, iii, 165.

Simeon, and Jesus, i, 441; his song interpreted, vi, 387, 388; a type of ancient Israel, 391; apostrophe to, 393; and Anna, an oration concerning, vi, 383 seq.; his testimony to Jesus in Hades, viii, 448 seq.

Simeon, the two sons of, raised by Jesus, viii, 448; relate the descent of Jesus into Hades and his doings there, viii, 435, 448.

Similitudes, ii, 31-55; in instruction, use of, 281.

Simmias of Rhodes referred to, ii, 555-

Simon of Cyrene, curious opinions of Basilides respecting, i, 349.

Simon, the Canaanite, canon of, vii, 493; address of, viii, 93.

Simon, the Samaritan, his statue, i, 171, 182, 187, 348.

Simon Cephas, founded the churches at Antioch, Rome, in Spain, Britain, and Gaul, viii, 671; beheaded under Nero, 672, 675 ; teaching of, in Rome, 773 seq.; raises a dead man, 675; confounds Simon Magus, 675; appoints Ansus bishop of Rome,


Simon Magus, i, 71, 82, 187, 193; iii, 649; v, 74, 143; his pretensions, i, 347, and that of his disciples, to magic, iii, 234; allowed idolatry, iv, 578; his forced interpretation of the Scripture, v, 75, and of Moses, 78; his plagiarism, 75; his appeal to Scripture, 76; his interpretation of the Hexaemeron, 77, of the Paradise, 77; follower of theory of transmigration, iii, 215; follows Empedocles, v, 76; his system of a threefold emanation of pairs, 76; and doctrine of emanation, 79; his triad, 76; immoralities of, 80; heresy of, vii, 452, and sin, iii, 66; the statue at Rome, v, 81; meets St. Peter, 80; his lying miracles, viii, 480; speaks against Paul, and excites Nero against him, 480; disputes with Paul and Peter before Nero, 480; the knowledge of, tested by Peter, and proved wanting, 481; the trick practised by, to make Nero believe he had been beheaded, and had come to life again, 481, 482; asks Nero to build for him a lofty tower, from which he might fly to heaven, 484; his fiery car, vi, 438; begins to fly, but is arrested by the prayers of Peter and Paul, and falls down and is killed, viii, 484; punishment and end, iii, 66; v, 81; vi, 438; vii, 453; the priests of, i, 348; and Helena, 348; succeeded by Menander, 348; dispersion of the sect of, iv, 578.

Simon Magus, according to the Clementina, mistakes about, viii, 232; doctrines of, 232; history of, 98; once a disciple of the Baptist, 99, 233; and Dositheus, the contest between, for precedence, 100, 233; statement of Nicetas respecting, and counsel to, 234; proceedings of, 234 seq.; statement of Aquila respecting, 98, 233 seq.; how Peter was sent to meet, 96; how he challenged Peter, 96, 106, 245; postponement of his discussion with Peter, 82, 83; the design and object of, exposed by Peter, 239; a formidable opponent, 98;




wickedness of, 98, 131, 233; profession of, 99; deception of, 99, 133; thought to be God, 99; secret of his magic, 100; reason of his power, 268; professes to be God, 100, 101, 234; professes to have made a boy of air, 101, 234; knavish tricks of, 233; denies the immortality of the soul, 234; hopelessness of the case of, 101; discussion with Peter begins, 102-107; his subtlety, 107; his creed, 107; argues for polytheism, 108; his cavils, 110, 125; his view of the supreme light, no; his presumption, 111; how he learned more from the law what the law was able to teach, III; his blasphemy, III; how he learned from the law what the law does not teach, 112; objections turned against himself, H2, 249; his inconsistency, 113; his god unjust, 113; adjournment of Peter's discussion with, 116, 317; Peter's discussion with, resumed, 117, 318; accuses Peter of using magic and of teaching doctrines different from those by Christ, 318; asserts that Jesus is not consistent with himself, 319; asserts that the framer of the world is not the highest God, 324; asserts an unrevealed God, 325; his ignorance and arrogance, 118; his subterfuges, 125; his rage, 126, 327; his vanity, 126; attempts to create a disturbance, 127; confesses his ignorance, 326; the opinions of, expounded and refuted by Peter, 327, 328; retires from the discussion, 127, 249, 329, 330, 338; resisted Peter, as the Egyptian magicians did Moses, 129; a deserter from the camp of, 130; sets out for Rome, 131; is followed by Peter, 130, 249; doings of, at Tyre, 252; sets out for Sidon, 252; attacks Peter at Sidon and is driven away, 260; departs from Tripolis to Syria, 271; comes from Antioch to discuss with Peter the unity of God, 312; appeals to the Old Testament to prove that there are many gods, 313; tries to show that the Scriptures contradict themselves, 314; strange transformation wrought by, 206, 343> 3445 strives to excite the people at Antioch against Peter, 206, 345; stratagem used against, by Peter and Cornelius, 206; his design in bringing about the transformation of Faustinianus, 206, 207 (Faustus, 344); counterplot of Peter against, 207-209, 34$;isdef.eated, 209; flight of, 343. Simonides referred to, ii, 97, 110, 254, 413, 483; answer of, on the nature of the gods, iv, 180.

Simony forbidden, vii, 501.

Simple and compound, viii, 168.

Simplicity, ii, 15, 16, 49, 53; of heart recommended, viii, 22; the first defence of Christian truth, iii, 505.

Sin, God not the author of, refutation of the Marcionites, i, 502; due, riot to fate, but to free-will, ii, 69; voluntary and involuntary, 361; power to repent of, 361; not to be predicated of the divine nature, 363; despisers of God's calling, commit, 195; is irrational, 235; in will, as great as in deed, iii, 659; works its own punishment, iv, 295; cause of suffering, viii, 137, 143; the punishment of, 178; the cause of evil, 179, 334; the cause of death and pain, 336; original, Christian doctrine of, iv, 631; men conceived in, viii, 184; condition of forgiveness, v, 453; forgiven on repentance, iii, 659; after repentance, preferring Satan to God, 660; after baptism to be feared, 662; why possible, vi, 365; but may be pardoned, iii, 663; law of, in man, vi, 372.

Singing at burials, vii, 464.

Sinister deities, presiding over the left, vi, 477.

Sinners, i, 149; the creatures often take vengeance on, viii, 149.

Sins, confessed, i, 19, 149; forgiven through the blood of Christ, 200, 545; of former times, recorded in Scripture for a warning, 498; of the nations, iii, 356; of ignorance, viii, 337.

Six, number, i, 302.

Sixth day, the, of Creation, ii, 101; of the week, or Parascevt, how observed, vii, 341; sense, the, viii, in.

Sixtus, bishop of Rome, i, 416, 569.

Sixtus, epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria to, vi, 102.

Sixtus II., epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria to, vi, 103.

Slanderer, how to be treated, ii, 580.

Slaves, duty of, and how to be treated, i, 94, 95, 99; purchased to save souls, vii, 424; their condition ameliorated by the church, 425; to be given rest from labor on holy days, 495; may be ordained by consent of their masters, 505.

Sleep, ii, 157; Christian use of, 257; what produces, vi, 436; a natural function, iii, 221; philosophical theories of, unfounded, 221; an image of death and resurrection, 223; on curtailment of, viii, 97.

Sloth, ii, 77.

Slumber, is life anything but, vi, 436.

Sminthian mice, Apollo the destroyer of, vi, 473.

Smith, T., referred to, i, 47, 67, 127.

Smith, W., referred to, 172, 279, 481; iii, 8, 64, 284; iv, 26, 473, 505, 593; v> 201; vi, 415; viii, 371, 406, 424, 467.

Smyrnaeans, epistle of Ignatius to, i, 86-92; wherein he states incidents in the history of Christ, 87; gives views of early heretics, 88; and enjoins submission to their bishop, 89, 90.

Snakes, why made by God, vii, 199.

Sobelus, i, 120.

Sobriety and modesty called for by true religion, viii, 151.

Socrates, i, 43, 164, 178, 190; ii, 66; disciple of Archelaus, v, 17; represented by Plato, 17; compared with Christ, i, 191; on future rewards, ii, 436, 442; reason of his sacrifice to Aesculapius, iii, 51; wise in denying heathen gods, 112, 119; his death not an example of true philosophy, 181; denies human knowledge, vii, 237; his wisdom, 91; his inconsistency, 91, 236; condemnation of, spoken of as the Trojan war, vi, 564; not made infamous by his condemnation, 424; Plato, the disciple of 437; quoted, iv, 179.

Sodom, i, 8; destruction of, iii, 48; apples of, 48; poem on the destruction of, iv, 129, 166.

Sodoma quoted, i, 505.

Sodomites, sin and punishment of, ii, 282.

Soldiers of Christ, counsel to, iv, 213; the, who guard the tomb of Jesus, testify to his resurrection, but are bribed to lie, viii, 432, 444.

Solecisms and barbarisms objected to Christianity, vi, 430.

Solon indebted to Moses, i, 278; quoted, ii, 304, 473, 482, 514.

Solomon, i, 60, 120; worshipped idols, 212; an example of those who have fallen, ii, 244; his fall, an admonition, viii, 64.

Son, meaning of the term, i, 524; a derivation from or portion of the whole, iii, 604; of God, the, viii, 183; not made man in appearance only, i, 447; everywhere set forth in the Old Testament, 473; is the beginning, viii, 43; eternal, iii, 629; one with the Father, vii, 365; reveals the Father, i, 468; and is revealed by the Father, 468; receives the titles of Deity, iii, 613; to be reckoned as in the Father, though not named, 613; of God and of man, 619; is in great power and might, ii, 35; older than all his creatures, 47; is the gate to the kingdom of God, 48; will deliver the kingdom to God, the Father, iii, 600; forsaken on the cross, 626, 627; supports the whole world, ii, 48; ministers and apostles of, 49; the seal of the, 49, 53; is the Saviour and Lord of all, 524; order of his government, 525; not author of evil, 526; friends of the, viii,




183; the second advent of the Son of Man, viii, 584. Song, the new, symbolizes the confession of the faith, vii, 350. Sons, of the devil, i, 525. Sonship of Christ, v, 229. Sophia, the aeon, so called, i, 317; iii, 507; her passion, i, 317; iii, 508; her shapeless offspring, i, 317; iii, 508; restored by Horos, i, 318; iii, 508, 509; another name of Achamoth, i, 320; could have produced nothing apart from her consort, 372; exposure of the absurdity of the whole Valentinian theory respecting,383 seq.

Sophists, foolishness of, ii, 304, 308; pretentious show of the, vi, 430. Sophocles, on unity of God, i, 290; on future judgment, 291; quoted, i, 280, 290, 291; ii, no, 131, 192, 197, 244, 284, 410,447, 450, 470, 472, 473; also his — Ajax, ii, 362, 482. Aleades, ii, 482. Antigone, ii, 482, 484. Eriphyle, ii, 482. Hipponos, ii, 482. Minos, ii, 482. Oedipus, ii, 97-Peleus, ii, 484. Philoctetes, i, 293. Sophonias, his questions, and Peter's

replies to, viii, 338, 339. Sorcery, charged upon Christ, iv, 399. Sorrow, ii, 49. Soter, i, 393; bishop of Rome, 416,


Sotio, 1, 59.

Soul, the, of itself cannot see God, i, 196; not immortal in its own nature, 197; these things unknown to Plato and other philosophers, 198; how apprehended, vi, 54, 57; existence and nature of, 55; immortal, 55; viii, 124; immortality of, taught by philosophers, vii, 205; proofs of, 206, 253; and from the success of the wicked in this life, viii, 124; and because partaking of the divine nature, iv, 381; Clement's perplexities about, viii, 223,224; the belief of, necessary to correct views of God, 231; denied by Simon Magus, 234; asserted by Peter, 286; the conscious witness to God, iii, 176. 179, to Christian truth, 178, and against heathen living, 179; its nature and functions, 532; its nature revealed in Holy Scripture, 184; birth of, 184; corporeal, I84, 557. 57°. 587; not properly incorporeal, vi, 377; this shown by the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, 187; philosophical objections refuted, 187; revealed to a Montanist sister, 188; has free choice, viii, 4.5; not originated from matter, iii, 191; how revealed to the mind, 191; distinguished from the mind, vii,

298; its supremacy over mind, iii, 192; undivided, with various functions, 193; its office, vii, 162; its affections, 298; the seat of, as held by philosophers, 297; a better temple than any edifice, ii, 530; its vitality in the heart, iii, 194; rational, vi, 56, 57; rational in nature, irrational only in sin, iii, 194; the gift of God, vii, 298; the true man, 43; has perception through the intellect and senses, iii, 198; implies knowledge (instinct) as well as vitality, 199, illustrated, 200; one in nature, but subject to various development and changes, 201; defined, 202; heretical theories of its origin derived from Plato, 203; his theory of self-existence inconsistent, 204; existence of the soul before birth shown from physiology, 206, from Holy Scripture, 207; of one formation with the body, 208, 217; theories of transmigration refuted, 209-15; grows with growth of body, 218; corrupted by sin, 219, and the source of sin to the body, but not totally depraved, 220; regenerated by water and the Holy Spirit, 221; wholly separated from the body by death, 230, not unconscious in Hades, 235; extinction of the, held by Lucian, 547; and body, views of heretics relating to the future destruction of, refuted, i, 402; judgment of, and body, ii, 158; Tertullian on the soul, iii, 181 seq., and on the testimony of the, 175 seq.; Melito, on body and, viii, 756. Soul of man, the image of Christ, vi, 329; origin of, undetermined, iv, 240; formed without the body, 264; theories on the final condition of, 273-375; {anima) in all beings, 286; distinct from spirit, iii, 463, 474; iv, 287; separated from the spirit by sin, 296; God's care of, 313; philosophical speculations on, 337; not tripartite, 337; whether intermediate between flesh and spirit, 338; subject to temptations of the flesh, 340; not of different natures, 340; souls of angels, 287; soul of Christ, intermediate between God and flesh, 282; soul of God, anthropomorphic term, 289; the animal, does not partake of the divine nature, vi, 444; philosophical theories of its immortality uncertain and contradictory, 446; made immortal only by God's gift, 447, 454,


Souls, absurdity of the doctrine of the transmigration of, i, 409; existence of, after death, 410; immortal, although they had a beginning, 411; ii, 580; borne aloft, i, 572; ii, 580; said to pass into cattle, vi,

440; of the righteous and the wicked how they go out of the body, viii, 576.

Sound mind, a, in a sound body, viii, 229.

Southey referred to, ii, 62.

Sower, parable of the, an illustration of free-will, iv, 314.

Spain, vi, 417; Hercules buried in, 422; epistle of Cyprian to the people in, v, 369.

Sparrows made of clay by the child Jesus, viii, 378, 414.

Sparta and Lacedaemon, Castor and Pollux buried in, vi, 485.

Spartanus, Mars identified with, vi, 484.

Speaking, filthy, on, ii, 250.

Spear, a, worshipped by the Romans for Mars, vi, 510.

Spectacles, public, ii, 289; Tertullian on, iii, 79-61.

Speech, subordinate to action, ii, 310.

Spencer referred to, iv, 418.

Spermatic word, i, 193.

Speusippus quoted, ii, 351.

Sphinx, a, in a heathen temple, rebukes the unbelief of men in relation to Jesus, viii, 520; the testimony of, to Jesus, 520.

Spies, in the enemy's camp, viii, 236.

Spirit, definition of, ii, 584; in the sense of breath (or life) identical with soul, iii, 190; but more probably the spirit of God or of evil, coming upon the soul, not born with it, 191; the Holy, i, 164, 167, 177, 243; gifts of, 533; necessity of a union with, ii, 71; prophetic, 28; of divinity how manifest, 28; not to be grieved, 26; to be tried by his works, 27.

Spirits, ii, 49; two kinds, 24, 27, 70; in man, viii, 9; of error, 9; in prison, preached to, ii, 490.

Spiritual, absurdity of heretics, claiming to be, while they declare the Demiurge to be animal, i, 403; men, 506, 533; enter the Ple-roma, 325, 326.

Spiritus, used of the Divine Nature of Christ, iii, 630.

Spoiling the Egyptians, the act examined and vindicated, i, 502.

Spurious epistles of Ignatius, i, 107— 126; introductory note to, 105, 106; pieces, v, 242.

Stachys, viii, 497; receives Philip to his house, appointed bishop of Ophioryma, 503, 510.

Stage, gods brought on, vi, 487, 488.

Standards, the Roman, miraculously bow down to Jesus, viii, 440.

Stanley referred to, iv, 418; vi, v, vi.

Stans, Simon Magus so-called, viii, 96, 99, 100, 233.

Star in the east, the, iv, 422; seen at the birth of Christ, viii, 375.

Stars, astronomical theories of, influence on life, v, 43; worshipped




as gods, vii, 47, 231; ordered by God, 48; the motions of, viii, 171; what they are, 49.

Stasius quoted, ii, 484.

States, genii of, vi, 420.

Station, ii, 33.

Stationary days, vii, 445; fasts of, ii, 544; iv, 103, 109; observance of, vi, 278.

Stations, iv, 103, 108.

Statius Quadratus, proconsul, i, 43.

Statues of the Greeks ridiculed, ii,


Stauros and Horos, i, 318, 319. Stellar influence, futility of the theory

of,v, 34. Stentors, vi, 462. Stephanus, epistle of Cyprian to, v,

367. 378> 4i8.

Stephen, i, 69, 107, 113; bishop of Rome, position in regard to heretical baptism, v, 376-379; breaks the unity of the church, 396; epistle of Dionysius of Alexandria to, vi, 101; deacon and martyr, feast of, to be honored, vii, 442.

Steps, the fifteen, of the temple, viii,

Sterope, loved by Apollo, vi, 485.

Stesichorus, the story of, i, 348.

Stoic theory, of a future life, iv, 552, of the world, vi, 455; that souls survived death for a little, 455; dilemma quoted, iv, 616.

Stoics, i, 169, 190, 191; probable view of the, concerning the soul, iii, 184; theory of fate, v, 20; of soul and body, 20; their physical interpretation of mythology, vii, 24; called the elements gods, 24, 29; make all the world to be God, 196; take away human affections, 237; errors respecting God and nature, 196; their further views of God, 197, 261.

Stone, the, cut out without hands, i, 453; the Arabians worshipped an unhewn, vi, 510; a, sent from Phrygia as the great mother, 538.

Stones, ii, 14, 44, 46, 50; after the deluge men sprung from, 491; anointed with oil, and worshipped, 423.

Strangers, the church's care for, v, 314; to be received in church with honor, vii, 422.

Stratocles, brother of Aegeates, viii, 516.

Strife, its effects, i, 5, 6, 17.

Stromata, the, of Clement of Alexandria, object and character of, ii, 168, 342, 347, 480; meaning of the term, 408; why written, 299; objections to the many extracts, answered, 303.

Study, necessary for teachers, viii, 48; diligence in, recommended, 122,

I52-Stygian Jupiter, i.e., Pluto, vi, 460.

Styx, a river in the infernal regions,

vi, 439. 5°°. Sub-deacons, vii, 400; ordination of,


Submission, viii, 292; to Christ, i, 90;

to one another, 15; of authors of

sedition, 11. Substance, how distinct from qualities,

iv, 379-

Suburbicarian Sees, v, 159. Successus, Cyprian to, v, 408. Successus of Abbir Germaniciana, on

baptism, v, 567. Sueton referred to, i, 163; iii, 135; viii, 484.

Sufferings, objection to, answered, ii, 423; of Christ, i, 76; of men, 6, 39, 129 ; why desired by the ancients, viii, 44; sin the cause of, 137, 143; salutary, 137; different effects of, upon heathens and Christians, 159.

Suggestions of the old serpent, viii, 147-149.

Suicer referred to, viii, 16.

Suicide, taught by Pythagoreans and Stoics, vii, 89.

Suidas referred to, iii, 136.

Sulla, the proscription of, spoken of as the battle of Cannae, vi, 504.

Summanus, i.e., Pluto, vi, 476, 503.

Sumptuary laws, not observed in time of Arnobius, vi, 460.

Sun, the, all things vivified by the heat of, vi, 413; said to be only a foot in breadth, 457; identified with Bacchus and Apollo, 473, and with Attis, 505; five gods said to be, 480; represented with rays of light, 511; father of Phaethon, 505; worship of, retorted on the heathen, iii, 123; and moon, the, bear testimony against the sins of men, viii, 575; moon and stars, motions of, 177; ministers of good and evil, 177.

Sunday, i, 186; its observance not worship of the sun, iii, 123; service appointed by the apostles, viii, 668.

Sunsetting, the time when the angels give in to God their report of the conduct of men, viii, 575.

Supererogation, ii, 34, 52.

Superstition, not reasonable, vii, 157; origin of, ii, 528; of the Jews, i, 26.

Supper, the, of the gods, viii, 202, 203.

Supreme Jupiter, the, in opposition to the Stygian, vi, 460.

Sura, consul, i, 131.

Sursum Corda, vii, 535, 543, 555, 563; in the Holy Communion, 486; verse and response in Cyprian's time, v, 455, 559.

Susanna, an argument for the veiling of women, iii, 95; conduct of, viii, 64; story of, warning against false judgment, vii, 417; book of, interpreted, v, 191-194; history of, question of Africanus, iv, 385 ; Origen's answer, 386; play of Hebrew and Greek words in, 388; why not in the Hebrew of Daniel, 388; other objections answered, 390.

Susidae, customs of the, viii, 188.

Swan, Jupiter changed into a, vi, 483, 506.

Swearing, i, 168.

Swift referred to, iii, 239.

Swine, not allowed as food to Israel, i, 143; casting pearls before, viii, TI7.

Sword, not peace, but a, viii, 153, 288.

Sylburg referred to, i, 29.

Syllables, absurdity of arguments derived from, i, 393.

Symbolism of the letters, i, 337-341.

Symbols, of the cross, i, 181; of the four evangelists, 428; Pythagorean, in philosophic proverbs, ii, 450; Egyytian, 454; of philosophical language, 455; of the Mosaic law, 456; reasons for, 457; apostolic opinion of, 459; Jewish, do not sanction image worship, 453, 477.

Symeon, the son of Clopas, bishop of Jerusalem, is martyred under Trajan, viii, 764.

Symmachus quoted, v, 164.

Symphorosa, St., and her seven sons, passion of, vi, {38-139.

Synagogue, worship of, provided for villages, a preparation for Christian worship, vii, 531.

Synaxis, term applied to the Holy Communion, v, 257, 259; succeeds the synagogue, vii, 532,

544-Synchronisms of the luminaries, viii,


Syneisactae, ii, 58.

Synod, a primitive, under Dionysius, vi, 82; African, decree of, on giving peace to the lapsed, v,


Syracuse, Paul at, viii, 477.

Syria, plagued with locusts because of the Christians, vi, 417.

Syriac, Calendar, viii, 666; documents, introductory notice to, viii, 647 seq., 72 r ; language, viii, 742; its importance, 742, 743; version of the Ignatian epistles, i, 99-104; introductory note to,

97-Syro-Phoenician woman, the story of,

amplified, viii, 232. Systems, various, of the heretics, i,


Tabernacle, and its furniture, symbolic meaning of, ii, 452; the, type of the church and of heaven, vi, 328.

'â– ' Tabernacle in the Sun," meaning of, viii, 49.

Tabernacles, Feast of, spiritually interpreted, vi, 344, 347; type of the resurrection, 368.

Tacitus referred to, iii, 65.

Tactics, the, of Peter against Simon Magus, viii, 236.

Tages, the Etruscan, vi, 460.

Talkative wife, ii, II.

Talmud, the, referred to, i, 63.




Tanaquil and the dii conserentes, vi, 496.

Tatgum, the, v, 197, 198; referred to, viii, n, 18, 23, 29, 31,36.

Tarpeian rock, the, taken by Titus Tatius, vi, 477.

Tarsians, spurious epistle of Ignatius to, wherein he speaks of his sufferings, the true doctrine concerning Christ as against prevailing errors, and exhorts to duties, i, 107-109.

Tartarus, Satan cast into, viii, 457.

Tartarus, scriptural use of the word, v, 153, 161, 175; the darkness of, has no horrors to the immortal, vi, 445; visited by Liber, 500; a description of the punishments endured in, given by a young woman who had been raised from the dead, viii, 547, 548; by Esdras, 572; by Paul, . 578,579-

Tatian, the Assyrian, ii, 61, 81; equivocal character of, 62; embraces Christianity at Rome, 63; conversion of, 77V; visits Rome, 79; is disgusted with the multiplicity of the statues, 79; his address to the Greeks, 65-81; introductory note to, 61-63; other writings of, 61; fragments of, 82, 83; a disciple of Justin Martyr, his views, i, 353; iii, 654; v, 122, 146; refuted, viii, 48, in his denial of the salvation of Adam, i, 457; errors of, on marriage, ii, 396, 406-407; Arche-laus on, 82; is quoted by Clement of Alexandria, 82, 396, 406-407, Irenaeus, 82, Jerome, 82, 83, Origen, 80; quotes Justin, i, 300; is referred to, viii, 13.

Taurus, type of those born under, v,


Tavias, i, 92. Taylor, Jer., referred to, ii, 12, 345;

iii, 678; v, 353; iv, 166; vi,

322. 347-

Teachers, ii, 14,49, 5*5 now t0 De received, vii, 380; ought always to study, 48; false,!, 11, 52, 53, 56, 89, in; fate of such, 56; poets unfit; 273; of St. Clement, ii, 301-302.

Teaching of the xii Twelve apostles.

Teaching, right motives in, ii, 300; of Christ, i, 164, 167, 168; viii, 247; opposed to the opinions of heretics, i, 408; advice about, viii, 58; presbyters, a distinct class, v, 301; of Addaeus, viii, 657 seq.; of the apostles, 667 seq.; of Simon Cephas in Rome,


Teitan, i, 559. Telesphorus, bishop of Rome, i, 416,

569. Tellene, perplexities, proverbial

phrase, vi, 500. Tellus, mother of the Muses, vi, 473.

Telmessians, inventions of.ii, 65. Telmessus, city in Asia Minor, vi, 508;

the prophet buried under Apollo's

altar, 508, 509. Temeluch, the merciless angel, viii,

„ 577-

Temperance m living, 11, 251; in conversation, 252.

Temple, Jewish view of the, i, 147; antiquity of the, ii, 117; the true, i, 147; furniture, symbolism of, ii, 585; to be destroyed, via, 94.

Temples, in what sense holy, ii, 530; heathen, useless, vii, 41; tombs, ii, 184; in many cases so,vi, 508, 509; destroyed with their images, and plundered, 516; built to cats, beetles and heifers, 420 (note); built that men might come near and invoke the gods, 508; not raised by the Christians,

5°7-Temptation, how affecting soul and

body, iv, 338.

Temptation of Christ, i, 549. Ten, the number, ii, 511. Ten Commamdments, the, and the

ten plagues of Egypt, viii, 128. Ten pairs, the, viii, 130. Tenax of Horrea Caeliae, on baptism,

v. 57>-

Ter Sanctus, the, vii, 535, 544, 557, 564; preface to, 564; in the Eucharist, 488.

Terence referred to, ii, 66; vii, 54. 89; also his —

Adelphi, vii, 96.

Andr. vii, 144.

Eunuch, vi, 541.

Phorm, vii, 196, 222. Terminus, vii, 34.

Tertullian, birth and education of, iii, 3, 5; a Catholic theologian, 4; his subsequent heresy, 4, 8, 239; Jerome's account of him, 5; Kaye's remark on, 5, 270, 629; his rhetoric, iv, 166; his writings, 6, 7, 10; arrangement of the writings of, 4, 5, 6, by Neander and Kaye, 11; lost works of, 12 seq.; spurious works of, 14, 15; literature on, 8, 270; apologist, vii, 136, 140; wrote an apology, iii, 17 seq.; chronological history in the time of, 57; treatise on idolatry by, 61 seq.; on shows, 79 seq.; on the chap-let, 93 seq.; address to Scapula, 105 seq.; treatise, entitled ad Nationes, 109 seq.; an answer to the Jews, 151 seq.; the Som's Testimony, 175 seq.; on the Soul, 181 seq.; the prescription against heretics, 243 seq.; against Marcion, 275 seq.; against Her-mogenes, 477 seq.; against the Valentinians, 503 seq.; on the Flesh of Christ, 521 seq.; on the Resurrection of the Flesh, 545 seq.; against Praxeas, 597 seq.; Scorpiace, or antidote for the scorpion's sting, 633 seq.; against

all heresies, 649 seq.; on repentance, 657 seq.; on baptism, 669 seq.; on prayer, 68l seq.; ad martyr as, 693 seq.; of patience, 707 seq.; on the pallium, iv, 5 seq.; on the apparel of women, 14 seq.; on the veiling of the virgins, 27 seq.; to his wife, 39 seq.; on exhortation to chastity, 50 seq.; on monogamy, 59 seq.; on modesty, 74 seq.; on fasting, 102 seq.; De fuga in persecutions, 116 seq.; referred to, i, 12, 141; viii, 3, 5, 37.

Tertullianists. v, 123.

Testaments, given to Moses and to us, i, 84,146; the new, promised and given, 199; the Old and New, vii, 122; God the author of both,

i. SOS-Testaments, the, of the Twelve Patriarchs, introductory notice to, viii, 3-8; time of composition, 3, 5; character of, 3, 4, 5; object of, 5; author of, 3, 5; his religious stand-point, 5,6; language of, 5; quoted by Tertullian, 5, and Origen, 5; manuscripts of, 6, 7; editions of, 7; versions, 7; literature on, 8; contents of, 9-37. Testimony of the Lord, effect of, viii,


Tetrad, the first, i, 316; of Marcus reveals Aletheia, 337.

Tetragrammaton, meaning of, ii,

Thaddeus, St., apostle, called Ad in Syriac, vii, 570; visits Abgar, his ministry in Edessa, viii, 558, 651, 652; lodges with Tobias, 652; heals Abgar, 653; goes to the city of Amis, and preaches Christ there, 558; his miracles, 559; proceeds to Berytus, where he dies, 559; Acts of, 357, 558 seq.

Thales, philosopher and astronomer, v, 11; his views as to God, i, 274; vii, 14, concerning the gods, ii, 140; attributed all things to water, vi, 437; anecdote of, iii, 133.

Thamar, her labor, typical, i, 496.

Thamyris, provoked by the conduct of Thecla, his betrothed, viii, 487, 488; brings Paul before the governor, 488.

Thanks, ever due to God, ii, 73.

Thanksgiving, the, vii, 536 (Eucharist), 379; prayer of, 560; at and after the Eucharist, and at anointing, 470, 471-475; in baptism,

476, 477-

Tharses, see Beryl.

Thaumaturgus, surname of Gregory, vi, 5, 6.

Theano, ii, 417, 441, 442.

Thearidas referred to, ii, 474.

Theatres, their idolatry, iii, 84; v, 576; licentiousness, iii, 86; v, 277, 576; evil customs, iii, 89; acting in, not allowed to Christians, v, 356; cruelty, 577; folly, 578; corrupting, vii, 187; the gods exposed to insult and mockery in




the, vi, 487, 488; and shows to be shunned, vii, 424.

Theban Hercules, the, vi, 422, 483.

Thebulis, displeased for not being made bishop of Rome, viii, 764; connects himself with the heretics, 764.

Tbecla, hears Paul preaching, and is so entranced by him that she hearkens not to mother nor lover, viii, 487, 488; evil counsels of Demas and Ermogenes against, 488; visits Paul in prison, 488; condemned to be burned, but is miraculously delivered, 489; goes with Paul to Antioch, 489; vile conduct of Alexander the Syri-arch towards, 490; condemned to be thrown to wild beasts, she receives the sympathy of Try-phaena, 490; thrown to the wild beasts, but they have no power to hurt her, 490; bound between two fierce bulls, but remains unhurt, 490; is set at liberty, 491; goes to Myra seeking Paul, 491; visits her mother at Iconium, 491; takes up her abode in a cave, where she performs many cures, 491; plot laid for her by certain young men, from which she is miraculously delivered, 492; periods into which her life is divided, and age, 492.

Thegri, name of an angel, ii, 18.

Thelesis, i, 333.

Themis, the oracle of, vi, 491.

Themison, Montanist leader, vii, 337.

Theocritus quoted, ii, 199.

Theodectes quoted, ii, 483.

Theodoret referred to, viii, 37.

Theodoras of Cyrene, vi, 421, 486.

Theodotion and Aquila, their interpretation of Isa. vii, 14, refuted, i, 451.

Theodotus, i, 71; heretic, v, 114, 147; another of the name, 115.

Theodotus, the Byzantine, heresy of, iii, 654.

Theodotus, Excerpts of, or Selections from the Prophetic Scriptures, viii, 43-50; introductory notice to, 41; notes on verses from Psalm xix, 49, 50.

Theogenes of Hippo Regius, on baptism, v, 567.

Theognis quoted, ii, 413, 456, 482,

483.484. ss6-

Theognostus of Alexandria, catechist,

vi, 155.

Theogony, Greek, exposed, i, 271. Theonas of Alexandria, bishop, epistle

to Lucianus, vi, 158. Theophanies of the Old Dispensation,

ii, 612; by the Son, not the

Father, 616. Theophany, at the baptism of Christ,

v, 235, 236; vi, 68-71. Theophilus, bishop of Caesarea, viii,

7*8, 774-Theophilus, sixth bishop of Antioch,

ii, 88; the founder of Biblical

chronology, 87; writes to Autoly-

cus, an idolater and scorner of Christians, 89-121; and gives an account of his own conversion, 93; is mentioned by Eusebius and Usher, 87.

Theophorus, name of Ignatius, i, 46, 48, 59, 66, 73, 79, 86, 93, 99, 101, 103, 107, no, 113,116,120,

122, 128, 129, 131. Theopompus quoted, ii, 484, 485. Theos, wrong derivation of the word,

iii, 132. Theotokos, applied to the Blessed

Virgin, v, 242, 259. Thesmophoria, origin of the, vi, 498. Thespia, Phryne a native of, vi, 511. Thespians, the, worshipped a branch

for Juno, vi, 510. Thessaly, home of the Myrmidons,

vi, 485.

Thestius quoted, ii, 97. Thestius' fifty daughters and Hercules,

vi, 485. Thetis, viii, 197; loved Peleus, vi,

485; and Peleus, Prometheus.

Achilles, and Polyxena, viii, 265, Theutis, the Egyptian, founder of

astrology, vi, 460. Thibaritans, epistle of Cyprian to, v,


Thieves, Laverna the goddess of, vi, 491.

Things, unknown to Plato and others, i, 198; external, contempt of, ii, 412; corruptible and temporary made by the incorruptible and eternal, viii, 122.

Thirlby referred to, i, 163, 172, 178, 181, 184.

Thomas, i, 87, 153; canon of, vii, 492; address of, viii, 93; acts of, viii, 535 seq.; consummation of, 550 seq.; India falls to the lot of, 535; refuses to go, and is sold by his Master as a carpenter for Gundaphoros, an Indian king, 535; submits to his master's will, 535; reaches Andrapolis, and is obliged to attend a royal marriage feast, 535; struck by a wine-pourer, 536; the song of, 536; taken by the king to the bridal chamber to pray for the married couple, 537; the Lord converses with the bride and bridegroom in the form of, 537; the king is enraged with, 538; undertakes to build a palace for King Gundaphoros, 339; expends the money entrusted to him for the palace on the poor and afflicted, 539; the king, finding no palace built, throws him into prison, resolving to flay and burn him, 539; curious story of his release from prison, 540; baptizes King Gundaphoros, 541; continues preaching, 541; the Lord appears to, 542; story of, in relation to the young man and the dragon, 542 seq.; a young woman tormented by an unclean demon delivered by, 544 seq.;

story of, in relation to the young man who killed the maiden, 546 seq.; raises the maiden to life, who relates what she saw in the unseen world, 547 seq.; his preaching, miracles, and success, 548; ruler and guide of the church in India, 667; martyrdom of, by order of King Mis-deus, 550 seq.; a bone of, heals a demoniac son of Misdeus, 552; witnesses the assumption of Mary, and receives her girdle, 594.

Thoth, vii, 15.

Thorn, no rose without its, viii, 174.

Thought, generation of, in man, analogous with the Logos in Deity, iii, 601.

Thoughts, impure, i, III, 149; silent, 55; filthy and proud, ii, 9.

Thrace, Mars born in, vi, 484.

Thracian, the, bard, i.e., Orpheus, vi, 497; soothsayer, son of Calliope,

499-Thrasimene lake, Roman defeat at

the, vi, 477. Thrasymachus quoted, ii, 484. Throne, the, mismade by Joseph,

rectified by the child Jesus, viii,


Thucydides referred to, i, 168; ii, 482,485; iv, 647.

Thunder, evil portended by, how averted, vi, 489, 490.

Thunderer, the, i.e., Jupiter, vi, 516.

Thundering legion, i, 187; viii, 772.

Thyestian feasts, ii, 145.

Thyle, remotest, vi, 508.

Thysbe, viii, 199.

Tiber, Aesculapius brought to the island in the, vi, 536.

Tiberius Atinius, vii, 52.

Tiberius, on Christ, iii, 22, 57; Pilate's letter to, viii, 459; report of Pilate to, respecting Jesus, 460, 462; summons Pilate to Rome, and censures him for putting Jesus to death, 464; commands to seize and punish the Jews, who procured the death of Jesus, 464, 656; letter of, to Abgar, 662; orders Pilate to be beheaded, 465 ; sends, according to another account, Volusianus to Jerusalem, to bring Jesus to heal him, 466; having found that Pilate had put him to death, he orders Pilate to come to Rome, 466; orders Pilate to be put to death, 467; another account of the mission of Velosianus, 474 seq.

Tibullus quoted, vi, 523.

Tillemont referred to, iii, 8.

Time of making the world, viii, 174.

Times, signs of the last, v, 243-244.

Timocles quoted, ii, 110, 410.

Timon quoted, ii, 314, 447.

Timon of Anemurium, viii, 495.

Timothy, i, 52, 60, 69, 81; epistle to, rejected by certain heretics, ii,

359, 3&>.

Tinguitani, the, afflicted with droughts because of the Christians, vi, 417.




Tischendorf referred to, viii, 7.

Titan, vii, 26; number of the beast, v, 215.

Titans, the, worshipped by the Moors, vi, 422; Liber torn in pieces by, 424, 497.

Tithes, duty of, vii, 471; and first-fruits, maintenance of priests under the Law, ii, 366.

Tithonus, loved by Aurora, vi, 485.

Title, the, placed by Pilate over the cross of Jesus, viii, 420.

Titus, i, 81.

Titus, the emperor, i, 163; son of Vespasian, afflicted with a grievous disease, viii, 472; told by Nathan of the power of Jesus to heal diseases, and how Pilate had crucified him, 472; believes in Jesus, and is immediately healed, and receives baptism, 473; sends armies to punish the Jews for putting Jesus to death, 473; inflicts punishment on the Jews and their rulers, 473, 474.

Titus and Dumachus, robbers, their interview with Jesus and his parents when going into Egypt, viii, 409.

Titus Tatius, the Capitoline taken by,

vi, 476. 477-

Tobias, example of, v, 481, 503. Tobit, book of, not acknowledged by

Jews, but used by the Churches,

iv, 391-Tolus Vulcentanus, capitol named

from, vi, 509. Torments, the, of the wicked, viii,

547>572>578 seq-

Tow smeared with pitch, viii, 185.

Tower, ii, 14, 15, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50; of Babel, viii, 141.

Trades ministering to idolatry, iii, 67.

Traditional opinions, i, 163.

Traditions, iii, 95, 104; of doctrine from the apostles, ii, 301, 343; nature of, 344; unwritten, 494; of the church prior to that of heresies, 554; of worship, 94-5, 103; from our fathers, are they to be followed? viii, 253.

Trajan, i, 129; condemns Ignatius, 129, 130.

Trallians, epistle of Ignatius to, i, 66-72; wherein he commends them, and exhorts them to be subject to their spiritual rulers, 67; warns them against heretics, 68-71; shows the reality of the history given us of Christ, 70, 71.

Transfiguration of Christ, proof of his Sonship to the Creator, iii,

383, 384-

Transformation, a strange, wrought by Simon Magus, viii, 206, 343,


Translators of the liturgies, vii, 529. Translation of Enoch and Elijah, i,


Transmigration of souls, the, vi, 440; the absurdity of the doctrine of, i, 409; taught by Pythagoras, vii,

89, 236; an argument for the resurrection of the body, iii, 53.

Transubstantiation, repudiated by Tertullian, iii, 572, 595.

Treason to speak evil of kings, vi, 487.

Treasure hid in the field, i, 496.

Trebia, Novensiles worshipped at, vi,


Trebian gods, i.e., the Novensiles, vi, 476.

Trebonius, cruelly put to death, vi, 424.

Tree, of knowledge, ii, 104; of life and death, iv, 209; of life, oil from the, viii, 89; wreathed with flowers in memory of Attis, vi, 492.

Trees, the similitude of, i, 30, 144; in summer, ii, 33; in winter, 32; parable of, interpreted, vi, 348.

Tregelles referred to, iii, 418.

Trent, Council of, v, 162; frames the Roman Catholic Church, making the Pope the " Universal Bishop," viii, 643; creed of, 643; catechism of quoted, iii, 76.

Triacontad, the, of the heretics, i, 371.

Triad, the, vii, 559, 567.

Tribes, the twelve, represented by mountains, ii, 49.

Tribulation, patience in, i, 35.

Trichotomy, iii, 463.

Trick, the, of Clement upon Appion, viii, 257.

Trinity, the, or Triad, ii, 101; iii, 598; vii, 547, 563; included in the Holy Spirit, iv, 99; the doctrine of, v, 228; vi, 42, the difference between Judaism and Christianity, iii, 627; in unity, the co-equal, iv, 255; proofs from Holy Scripture, vi, 43, 46; mystery of, 48; Ante-Nicene fathers on, 49; at the creation, iii, 606, 607; illustrated from nature, 617, by Plato, ii, 468; the first use of the word, ii, 101; worshipped by Christians, i, 164, 165; orthodoxy of Tertul-lian's, view of, iii, 604; Catholic doctrine of, against the Sabellians, vii, 365; Novatian on, v, 611, seq.

Tripolis, the disciples at, viii, 156; departure from, 157; ordination at, 156; Peter at, 270.

Triptolemus deified because he invented the plough, vi, 423; native of Attica, first to yoke oxen, 499.

Trisagion, the, vii, 538, 544. S52» 553. 557; prayer of, 552.

Tritonian maid, the, vi, 469, 526.

Triumphal hymn, the, vii, 535; prayer

of. 535-Trojan wars, the condemnation of

Socrates spoken of as the, vi, 504. Trollope referred to, i, 165, 166, 170,

171, 172, 173, 175, 178, 181; vii,

534. 535-Trophonius, the second Mercury, vi,

480. Trumpet, invented by the Tyrrhenians,

ii, 65.

Truth, the, i, 166, to be appealed to, and not custom, iv, 27; known from the prophets, i, 198, 289; misrepresented, 184; power of the, 294; ii, 172; to be found in the Catholic Church, i, 416; heretics deviate from, 347; known not only to Paul, but also to Luke, 437; hated in the Christians, iii, ill; divine, contrasted with heathen fable, ii, 171; spiritual nature of, 464; attained through faith, as the gift of God, 519; given to all, 520; object of true philosophy, 558; the object of search, iii, 247, to be kept unchanged, 248; not sought by heretics, 249; not impugned by heretical imitations, 603; doctrine of, vi, 150-52; rewards of, 153; Hippolytus' defence of, 153; preservation of, 161; knowledge of, vii, 9; compared with eloquence, 69, 70; steps to, 259; the, being conquered by, viii, 209; error cannot stand with, 107; not the property of all, 123; self-evidence of, 123; veiled with love, 129; cannot be found by man left to himself, 230; vain search of philosophers for, 230; taught by the prophets, 230; test of, 247; and custom, 253.

Tryphaena, how she befriends Thecla, viii, 489 seq.

Trypho, the Jew, his dialogue with Justin, i, 194-270; charges the Christians with having accepted a groundless report, 199; with non-observance of the law, 199; is refuted by Justin, 199-270; his obstinacy complained of, 232.

Tuditanus, folly of, vii, 93.

Tullius (M. Cicero), vi, 504; the most eloquent of the Romans, 465.

Tullius (Servius), king, half-raw sacrifices offered under, vi, 460.

Tumult, raised against the apostles, viii, 94; is stilled by Gamaliel, 94; raised again by Saul, 95.

Tunic, the seamless, worn by Pilate when cited before Tiberius — its marvellous influence on Tiberius, viii, 466 seq.

Turullius, lieutenant of Mark Antony, vii, 52.

Tuscans, plastic art taught by the, ii, 65.

Tutelary demons, the Lares, vi, 475.

Tutunus, vi, 478, 479.

Twelve, number, symbolism of, vii,


Twelve Apostles, teaching of, discovery and publication of, vii, 372; contents and relation to other works, and authenticity, 373; date and place, 374; introductory notice to, 371.

Two ways of life and death, vii, 377-

379. 465-

Tyndareus, father of Castor and Pollux, vi, 422.




Tyndarian brothers, the, vi, 460.

Types of Christ, i, 214, 216, 255, 265, 268, and the Church in the Old Testament, iv, 157; earthly, of heavenly things, i, 486; in the Tabernacle and Temple, iv, 158; and forms, viii, 176.

Tyre, Prince of, denotes fallen angels, iii, 305; how fallen, iv, 258; a spiritual power, 335; Peter at, viii, 267; address to the people of, 268.

Tyrrhenians, inventors of the trumpet, ii, 65.

Uhlhorn referred to, viii, 69, 70, 74.

Unanimity among Christians, vii, 420.

Unbelief, ii, 49; sin and danger of, I9S~I97; an(i faith, viii, 143.

Unbelievers, i, 88; in God are the sons and angels of the devil, 524; the eternal punishment of, 556; how to be treated, viii, 615.

Unclean, the separation from, viii, 116; not to be eaten with, 163; spirits, 116.

Unction in baptism, iii, 672.

Understanding, ii, 49.

Union, with the Holy Spirit, necessary, ii, 71; and obedience enjoined, viii, 65.

Unity, exhortations to, i, 50, 51, 57, 62, 64, 72, 80, 81, 90; of Godhead, 116, 290, 293, 418, 544, 500; v, 467; vii,ii; viii, 108, 109; acknowledged by heathen, v, 467; scriptural witness against idolatry, iii, 613; proved by Peter from the Old Testament, viii, 313, 315; witnessed by poets and philosophers, vii, 13, by Hermes Trismegistus, 15, by the Sibyls, 19, by Apollo, 17; consistent with the divinity of the Son, 132; of the faith of the universal church, i? 330; of Jew and Greek in Christ, ii, 504; of the Church, in the episcopate, v, 318; Cyprian's treatise on, referred to, 327; necessary to ordination, 329, to teaching, 333; types in Holy Scriptures, 398-399; how beginning from St. Peter, 422, 557.

Universalism of the gospel, a contrast to philosophy, ii, 419,

Universe, the, not worshipped by Christians, ii, 136; the Ptolemaic system of, 136; the product of mind, viii, 267.

Unjust and just can here not be discerned, ii, 32; but will differ in the world to come, 33.

"Unknown God," Athenian inscription to, ii, 464, 478.

Unrevealed God, the, of Simon Magus, viii, 325.

Unruly sons, ii, II.

Unxia presiding over anointing, vi, 470.

Upjohn referred to, ii, 521.

Upibilia, keeps from wandering, vi, 478: _

Uranus, vii, 228.

Urban, epistle of, viii, 619 seq.

Urbanus, see Asterius.

Urbanus, epistle of, to Cyprian, v,

326; reply to, 326. Urbicus, condemns the Christians to

death, i, 188.

Useless things, why made, viii, 176. Usher referred to, i, 43, 47, 105; ii,

87, 118. Usury, forbidden in the Law and

Gospel, iii, 372, 426. Utero et conceptione, atque sexi-

bus de, vii, 293. Utility, and not custom, iv, 37. Utter emptiness, the, of Valentinus, i,

333-Uzziah, i, 60.

Vacuum, the absurdity of the, of the heretics, i, 332.

Valens, the presbyter, i, 35.

Valentinians, i, 212; iii, 505; vii, 133; their immoral opinions and practices, 324; how they pervert Scripture in their own favor, 326; refutation of their false interpretation of Scripture, 329; quote Homer to support their views, 330; their inconsistent and contradictory opinions, 332; their views of Jesus refuted from the apostolic writings, 440; their system blasphemous, 462; disagree as to the prophetical predictions, 513; Tertulian against the, iii, 503 seq.

Valentinus, heretic, iii, 560, 589, 594. 599, 623, 642, 648; heresy of, iv, 590; origin of his heresy, iii, 259, 505; disciple of Simon Magus, v, 81; the absurd ideas held by, i, 316; v, 86, 89; his system, i, 332; derived from the heathen, with only a change of terms, 376 seq.; plagiarist from Pythagoras, v, 85, 88, and from Plato, 90; his philosophical theories, 86-88; his theory of a trinity of nature refuted, iii, 202; his theory and fables of aeons, 506-11, 652, of the origin of matter, 511, of the devil, 514, of man, 515, concerning Christ, 516, good works, 517, the last judgment, 518; variations of his fables, 519, 520; theory of pro-lation, 602, 603; errors of, ii, 355, 425, 445; summary of his teachings, v, 144; recapitulation of arguments against the views of, i, 406 seq.; his followers, iii, 5°5> 55°> 59i,633; quoted, i,492.

Valeria, Empress, refuses Daia, and is banished, vii, 316; putto death by Licinius, 321.

Valerian, emperor, persecutor of the Christians, vi, 106, 107; vii, 302.

Valerius Bito, i, 21.

Valerius Maximus, referred to, iii, 138.

Valesius referred to, i, 169.

VanLennep referred to, ii, 57; iv, 418.

Vatro, his classification of heathen gods, iii, 129, of Roman gods, 138; distinguished by the diversity of his learning, vi, 493; de-

nies that sacrifices are acceptable

to the gods, 518; on the Sibyls,

vii, 15.

Vedelius of Geneva referred to, i, 105. Veil of the temple, the, Mary spins

the true, purple and scarlet for,

vi", 363, 372

Veil of the tribunal, the lowering or drawing of the, viii, 420.

Veil (chalice), prayers of the, vii, 543; withdrawing of, 543, 563.

Veiling of Virgins, Tertullian on, iv, 27 seq.; Consistent with other rules of discipline observed by females, 33; rule of, not applicable to children, 34.

Velus, a magian, vi, 428.

Venantius of Timisa, on baptism, v,


Vengeance often taken by creatures on sinners, viii, 149.

Venus, the origin of, viii, 198; lewd-ness of, vii, 30; allegory of, viii, 201; the Bald, vii, 33; the Cythe-rean, sprung from the sea-foam and the genitals of Ccelus, vi, 484; daughter of Dione, 422; lusted after Anchises, 422, 485; a courtesan, 484, 486; deified by Cinyras, 484; mother of the Desires, 471, of the imperial people, 488; wounded by a mortal, 484; represented on the stage by lustful gestures, 488; in statues and paintings nude, 511, 517; used to denote lust, 506; allegorical explanation of the binding of, 505; named because love comes to all, 472; four goddesses named, 480; Cinyras buried in the temple of, 509; the courtesan Gratina the model of the Cnidian, 511; Phryne of more than one, 511; Pygmalion's love for the Cyprian, 515; a youth's love for the Cnidian, 516; mysteries of Cyprian, 496.

Venus Militaris, presiding over the debauchery of camps, vi, 478.

Verissimus, philosopher, i, 163.

Vermilion, the images of the gods smeared with, vi, 510.

Veronica, bears witness to Jesus before Pilate, viii, 419, 442, 474; how she obtained a picture of Jesus, 466; found by Velosianus to have a portrait of Jesus, 466, 474; taken by Velosianus with the picture of Jesus, and brought to Rome — the Emperor Tiberius healed by the picture, 474 seq.

Verres, plunders the Silician gods, vii,


Verrii, vi, 430. Verulus of Rusiccada, on baptism, v,

571-Vespasian, destroys Jerusalem, viii,

560; is succeeded by Domitian,


Vessels, costly, on, ii, 246. Vesta, the earth said to be, vi, 472;

ever-burning fire of, 460; charity

of, vii, 24.




Vestals, guarding the sacred fire, vi, 488.

Vestments of the high priest, symbolism of, ii, 453; at the Eucharist, vii, 486; white, at Holy Communion, v, 257-258.

Vestries of a church at the east end, vii, 421.

Vice and virtue, i, 192.

Vices, of the philosopher, ii, 65.

Victa, presiding over eating, vi, 470.

Victims, Christians slew no, vi, 507.

Victor of Assun, on baptism, v, 571.

Victor of Gor, on baptism, v, 569.

Victor of Octavum, on baptism, v, 571.

Victor of Rome, his controversy with Irenaeus, i, 310, 568; gives " peace " to the Asiatic churches and recalls it through Praxeas,

iii, 597. 63°-Victorious of Thabraca, on baptism,

v, 568. Victorinus, bishop of Petau, date and

office of, vii, 341; writings of,

state of the text, 360. Victory, Minerva, the daughter of, vi,

472. Vienne, Pilate's body sent to be sunk

in the Rhone near, viii, 467. Vigils in the Thesmophoria, vi, 498. Vile things, why made by God,viii, 176. Vincentius of Thibaris, on baptism, v,


Vincentius Lirinensis, referred to,iii, 7. Vine, i, 153; ii, 32; a, sprouts up

where Philip's blood dropped, viii,


Vineyard, ii, 33, 34. Vintage festival of Aesculapius, vi,

531-Violets, sprung from blood of Attis,

vi, 492.

Viper, the temple of the, viii, 499. Virgil, on the unity of God, vii, 14; on Saturn, 25; on the piety of Aeneas, 27; on human sacrifices offered by Aeneas, 145; referred to, i, 289; ii, 158, also his

Aen. I., 10........., . .vii, 145

14............iv, 5

15............"i» 4°

16-20.........iii, 146

19............vii, 66

544...........vii, 145

743...........iv, 183

II-. 355.........â„¢. 144

3°8..........vii, 147

III.,, 267

112.........vii, 157

415.........iv. 6

436-• ■......vii, 281

IV., 174.........iii, 114

33°.........vii, 223

402.........vii, 263

464........vii, 67

V-, 59...........vii, 27

718..........vii, 38

VI., 128......w.vii, 191

266.........vii, 217

542.........vii, 165

702.........vii, 216

719.........vii, 218

724. Ay, 183; vii, 14

726.....vii, 196, 268

735.........vii, 216

748.........vii, 217

793.........vii, 25

894.........iii, 225

VII., 133........vii, 27

774........vii, 30

VIII., 43........iii, 274

187........vii, 132

292.......vii, 66

319-23....."i. 129

320........vii, 141

321........vii, 25

324........vii, 25

327........vii, 141

635.........iv, 188

660........vii, 323

X., 190 seq........iv, 131

517...........vii, 145

524...........vii, 146

765...........vii, 116

XI., 81..........vii, 145

106.......... .vii, 146

in...........vii, 145

646...........vii, 147

XII., 646.........iv, 121

946........vii, 146

Buccol. IV., 21-45.......vii, 219

X., 8...........vii, 136

Eclog. VI., 62 seq........iv, 131

Georg, I., 19.............iii, 279

125...........iii, 143

126...........vii, 140

139...........vii, 141

289...........vii, 270

II., 325-27........vii, 14

341...........vii, 59

538...........vii, 25

III., 244.........vii, 195

274.........vii, no

491.........vii, 129

IV., 68.........vii, 224

155.........vii, 263

221..iv, 183; vii, 14

361.........vii, 108

Virgin, Mary, i, 52, 57, Christ's farewell to, iii, 427, panegyric of, vi, 39°. 393! spurious letter of Ignatius to her and her reply, i, 126; compared with Eve, 455; Jesus born of a, 446, 454, 455 ; prophecy of Isaiah relating to, vindicated, 451, hymn of the ii, 79; the true, viii, 57. Virginalis, Fortuna, vi, 460. Virginity, definition of the word, vi, 334; classification of, iv, 50; blessing of, v, 589; a new order of life founded by Mary, viii, 372, 385; true, to be accomplished by perfect virtue, 55; irksomeness and enemies of, 56; divinity of, 57; why difficult and excellent, vi, 310; by what steps attained, 311; an imitation of Christ, 312; does not dishonor marriage, 314-316; an espousal of Christ, 320; St. Paul's teaching thereon, 322; a gift of God, 322; how perfected, 326; taught in the Canticles, 331-334; its rewards in heaven, 335, 353; imitation of the Church in the

wilderness, 339; other types in the Apocalypse, 340; of the mother of Christ, 385; and chastity, viii, 510.

Virginity, two epistles concerning, viii, 55-56; introductory notice to. 53. 54; genuineness of, 53; authorship of, 54; original language of, 54; literature on, 54. Virgins, exhorted, i, 34, 81, 100; should be veiled, iii, 95; why, 37; perils attendant upon not veiling, 35, 38; abuses among, v, 357, 435; vows and character of, vii, 436; not ordained, 493; discipline of, v, 358; glory of the Church, 431; modesty of dress required in, 432, even if rich, 433; not to frequent marriage feasts nor public baths, 435; true, known by their self-denial, viii, 55, 56; object and reward of, 56; mortify the deeds of the flesh,. 57, 58; Cyprian on the dress of, v, 430 seq.

Virgins, in the temple, viii, 372, 375; five, assigned to Mary as companions, 372; the ten, parable of, interpreted, vi, 326; of the Shepherd, ii, 46, 48, 50, 51, 55. Virgo, type of those born under, v, 33. Virtue, exhortation to, i, 33, 35, 192; models of, 578; is rational, ii, 235; altars and temples reared to, vi, 476; to be followed, vii,, 519; reward of, vi, 155; defined by Lucilius, 167; consists in self-conquest, 180; false and true,, 167; never without peril, 206; perfect, necessary for true virginity, viii, 55; arrangements of the world to secure the exercise of, 184; abode of, iii, 649. Virtues, philosophical, the, vii, 359; of the Christians, iii, 111; and vices, vi, 207.

Visibility of the Son, iii, 609. Vision, of Nebuchadnezzar, v, 178; given to a dying Christian, 473; seen by Polycarp, i, 40; of the angel lady, ii, 10.

Visions, ii, 9-19; of God, i, 489, 490; of prophets and apostles credible, iv, 416.

Visits, rules for, viii, 59. Vitalius, i, 119. Vitiasius Pollio, i, 187. Volcanoes, iii, 665. Voluptuaries, two classes of, ii, 36;

their death, 36.

Volusianus, or Velosianus, sent by Tiberius to Jerusalem to bring Jesus to heal him, viii, 466; finds that Jesus has been crucified, but meets Veronica, whom, with her picture of Jesus, he brings to Rome, 466, 475; his report to Tiberius, 466, 475; presents Veronica's picture of Jesus to Tiberius, by which he is completely healed, 474 seq. Vorstman referred to, viii, 7, 14. Voyage, the, of the Church, viii, 221.




Vulcan, explained as fire, vi, 472; lame, 484; wrought as a smith in Lem-nos, 480, 484; son of the Nile, 480, loved by Ceres, 485; father of the third Sun, 480, and of Apollo by the first Minerva, 480; four gods named, 480; lord of fire, 460, 469, 470; represented in workman's dress, 511, with cap and hammer, 511.

Vulturnus, the father-in-law of Ja , vi, 471.

Wake referred to, i, 6, 43, 133, 134; ii, 27; viii, 647.

Walk, how to, ii, 288.

Walpole referred to, v, 266.

Wantonness, ii, 49.

War and strife, proclaimed by Christ, viii, 105, 106.

Warburton referred to, i, 277, 292; ii, 520; vii, 138.

Warren referred to, ii, 298.

Watch, the, who were placed at the tomb of Jesus, bribed by the Jews to give lying testimony, viii, 422, 432, 444.

Watchers, the, viii, 10, 27.

Watches of the night, spiritually interpreted, vi, 326.

Water, a symbol of Christ, v, 234; made wine, spiritual meaning of, 362; the power Of, illustrating divine providence, viii, 172; of baptism prefigured in the Old Testament, i, 144; iii, 672, 673; why used in baptism, 670; first brought forth life in the Creation, 670; sanctified by the brooding of the Holy Spirit, 670; cleanses flesh and spirit, 671; blessed at the pool of Bethesda, 671; born of, viii, 155, 289; baptized with, 290; regeneration by, 155, 184; heathen uses of, iii, 671; the medicine of temperance, ii, 243; in the Eucharist, vii, 486; blessing of, 494.

Waterland referred to, ii, 20; iv, 409, 480.

Watts referred to, ii, 77.

Waverers, worship idols, ii, 51.

Way of salvation, the, viii, 270.

Ways, the two, i, 148, 149, of life and death, vii, 164, 246, 465; of God, opposed to man's ways, viii, 231.

Weaving, analogue of the Incarnation v, 205.

Wedding garment, baptism, the, viii, 142.

Wednesday-service appointed by the apostles, viii, 668.

Weekly worship of the Christians, i, 185.

Weitzacker referred to, i, 137.

Wells of the patriarchs, iv, 517.

Westcott referred to, i, 155; ii, 3, 6,

7i iv' 437i viii'3> 5-Westropp referred to, iii, 477. Wheat, introduced into Attica by

Ceres, vi, 504.

Whiston referred to, i, 47.

" Who is the rich man, that shall be saved," a treatise by Clement of Alexandria, ii, 169, 591-605.

Wicked, their punishment, i, 164, 165, 168; viii, 543, 547, 572 seq., to be separated from the righteous, i, 556; souls of the, pass into beasts, vi, 440; the success of, in this life a proof of immortality, viii, 124; and righteous, chastisement of, 178; actions to be avoided, 336; One, the, why appointed over the wicked by a righteous God, 342; why entrusted with power, 335.

Wickedness, ii, 49.

Wiclif, i, 497; ii, 62.

Widowhood, highly honored, iv, 43; advantages of, 56.

Widows, i, 34, 82, 94; ii, 52; concerning, vii, 426, 427; character of, falsely so called, 428; duty of, 429, 430; not to marry again, iv, 43; examples in Holy Scripture, v, 480.

Wieseler referred to, iii, 378.

Wife, character of a good, ii, 432; Tertullian's treatise to his, iv, 39 seq.; design of the treatise,

39, 44-

Wiles of the devil, viii, 240.

Will, the freedom of, in man, i, 518; viii, 119; of God irresistible, viii, 120; how to be done, v, 451; divine and human in Christ, vi, 114, 117; free, in salvation, vi, 458.

Williams referred to, i, 21; vii, 571.

Willing, definition of, ii, 580.

Willow, the, why a type of chastity, vi, 324. 34°-

Willows, ii, 39.

Winds, the, represented as_ blowing trumpets, vi, 510.

Wine jars, ii, 29.

Wine, in the Eucharist, mixed with water, i, 185, 527; and bread in the Eucharist, 528; how used by Christians, ii, 242; how abused to drunkenness, 243 seq.; Christ's example in, 246; in Holy Scripture, true and spurious, vi, 327, 349; in the rites of Bona Dea, vi, 496; sanctuary of Attis not entered by those who had drunk, 492; Roman matrons not allowed to drink, 460.

Wisdom, Christ the, i, 227; object of true philosophy, ii, 492; manifold, 518; the word of God, iii, 487, 601, 614, 629; in Proverbs, interpreted, v, 175; the artificer of all things, vi, 369, 381; why not found by the Greeks, 401; cannot be separated from religion, vii, io, 11, 51, 100, 103, 238; divine, its power over life, 96; freely given to all, 96; errors of Lucretius and Cicero respecting its origin, 85; where to be found, 100; false, 233; a name of Christ, iv, 247; three-

fold, 334; divinely taught in Old and New Testaments, 482-485; does not mislead, 492; divine and human distinguished, 579; Christian, distinguishes between knowledge and sense, 630. Wisdom of Solomon, book of, not canonical, iv, 379, 384.

Wise men of Greece, the Seven, vii, 101.

Wise, the, divine things justly hidden from, viii, 335.

Within, the Penates said to be those, vi, 474.

Witness, qualification of a, viii, 616.

Witnesses, the two, v, 213, 249.

Witnesses, the three, ii, 576; v, 380, 382,418; spurious text of, iii, 631.

Witnesses, the, who appeared for Jesus before Pilate, viii, 419, 428, 440 seq.

Witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus, viii, 422, 424, 432.

Wives, duties of, i, 34, 81,86,95, I0O> of clergy, not to be cast off, vii, 500.

Woman, meaning of the word, iii, 687, 688; generic name not for the married only, iv, 30, 38; applied to the Blessed Virgin, 31; the, with the issue of blood, not a type of the suffering aeon, i, 392, healed by Christ, viii, 460, 462; is Veronica, 428, 442; of the Apocalypse, a symbol of church, v, 217; vi, 336; her child typifies not Christ, but Christians, 337, 355; the, of sorrowful spirit, viii, 294; her story, 295.

Womanhood, self-evident, not to be concealed, iv, 35.

Womb, the, viii, 173.

Women, not to be despised, i, 114; Christian, ii, 78; counsel to, iv, 214 seq.; heathen, ii, 78, 79; right adorning of, 287; chaste habits in, 288; behavior at church, 290; example of perfection in, 431; dress of, iii, 687; veiling of, 687, 689; why to be veiled, iv, 31 seq.; ought not to teach, vii, 427.

Wood referred to, iii, 270.

Word, the, in the world before Christ, i, 178, 192; foretold in the Psalms, iii, 299; called the Logos, vii, 107; a divine person, i, 166, 264; how divine, vi, 41; Christ, the, i, 164, 170, 190, 191, 272; the eternal generation of, v, 227; vi, 92, 120; eternal and incarnate, ii, 234; how incarnate, iii, 623; incarnate in Christ, v, 229, 231-232; the spermatic, i, 193; the world made through, i, 361; ii, 97; has the names of the seven spirits in Isaiah, vii, 342; reveals the Father, i, 467, 468; always with the Father, 487; consubstantial with the Father, vi, 45, 120; all things created by, i, 487, 488; declares God, 489; truly man, v, 230; takes flesh to save the flesh,




i, 541; his humiliation the sacrament of man's salvation, iii, 319; the image of God, i, 544; the creator, 546; pre-existent, incarnate teacher, ii, 173; instructed by the law and the prophets, 234, restorer and guide of man, 209; healer of the soul, 210; symbolized by milk, 219; by bread and by blood, 221; the Eternal Judge, iii, 318; meant by wisdom, 487.

Wordsworth referred to, viz.: —

Church Hist., i, 3, 30, 37; iii, 79. Bampt. Lect. viii, 728. Excursion, ii, 544; iv, 533. Greece, iv, 13.

Hippol., i, 37,415; iv» l69> 201; v, 3. 47. IDI-

Workman, the old, discussions with, viii, 165 seq.; turns out to be Clement's father, 191.

Workmanship of God, on the, a treatise by Lactantius, viii, 281 seq.

Works, good, ii, 25, 39, 55; necessity of, viii, 155; reward of, i, 14; evil, i, 149; ii, 15, 24, 25; of the flesh, i, 536; of God, ii, 55; their beauty, v, 578; of mercy, Christian extent of, in the early church, 528, 563; and alms, Cyprian on, v, 476 seq.

World, origin of the, ii, 96; vii, 211; its state before Christ's coming, i, 28; relations of Christians to, i, 27; should be despised, vii, 518; this, to stand only 6,000 years according to Bardesanes, viii, 734; creation and fate of, iv, 240; is preserved for the sake of Christians, i, 190; not made by angels, but by God through the word, 361; ii, 96; not formed by any other beings within the territory contained by the Father, i, 364; cause of diversity in, iv, 268; God the soul of, 269; theory of identical worlds before and after the present, refuted, 273i ages °f> a relative term, 273; meanings of the term (kosmos), 273; theory of planetary and heavenly spheres, 275; variety of creation in, 290; created in time, 340; worlds preceding and following, 341; made by God, vii, 53, 57; the parts of, 58, 555, 565; compounded of four elements, viii, 168; distinguished from God, vii, 49; made out of nothing by a Creator, viii, 169; the Creator of, one, i, 369; ruled by the providence of God, 459; viii, 167; made for man, vii, 198, 203, 252, 269; time of the creation of, why not made long before, viii, 174; why containing

evil things, vii, 199; arrangements of, to secure the exercise of virtue, viii, 184; a prison to martyrs, iii, 693; compared to a sea, ii, IOO; uncreated and everlasting, vi, 455; created, but everlasting, 455; created and perishable, 455; theories of, 421 437, 455; Epicurus' view of its production, vii, 197; age of, 211; changes of empire in, 212; the beginning of, iv, 271, 340; shall not be annihilated, i, 566; fortunes of, at the last day, vii, 213; the end of, iv, 260, 344; destruction of, probable, 194; destruction by fire of, vi, 437; the coming, is the summer, ii, 33; after the flood, viii, 86; Victori-nus, on the creation of the, vii, 341 seq.; in the church, v, 438; material, decay of, 458, 475, 560; God's judgments on, 459.

Worldly cares forbidden to the clergy, vii, 500, 505.

Wormwood, ii, 23.

Worship of God, i, 55, 62, 81; must be free, vii, 244; Christian, description of, iii, 46; weekly, i, 185; public, by night in times of persecution, iv, 125; who is worthy of, i, 232; due to God only, viii, 146; heathen, i, 171; true nature of, 532; true, in the heart, vi, 486; abuse of, iv, 218; of heroes, viii, 171, 276.

Worshippers of God, who are, viii, 151; of the gods, like the gods they worship, 202.

Wotton quoted, i, 13.

Xanthicus, name of a month, i, 43. Xanthus referred to, ii, 383. Xenocrates, on the idea of God, ii,

465, 478-Xenophanes, his philosophy and

cosmogony, v, 17; theory of the

moon, vii, 94, 237; quoted, ii,

470; v, 141. Xenophon referred to, i, 192; ii, 470,

484; iii, 235.

Xerophages, iv, 103, 107, 115. Xerxes, the bridge and canal made

by, vi, 415-Xistus, bishop of Rome, martyrdom

of, v, 408.

Year, the divisions of the, do not really suit the Valentinian theory of aeons, i, 395; of the Lord, the acceptable, 391.

Young man, the, killed by a dragon, and restored to life by Jesus, the story of, viii, 542 seq.; who killed a maiden, the story of, 546 seq.

Youthful piety, i, 60.

Zacchaeus, publican, companion of St. Peter, vii, 453.

Zacchaeus, writes to James, viii, 96; welcomes Peter at Caesarea, 96; appointed by Peter bishop of Caesarea, 151, 250; rescued Aquila and Niceta from Simon Magus, 164, 232.

Zacchaeus, or Zachyas, a doctor of the law, Jesus placed under, viii, 379. 3?6, 399-

Zacharias, i, 79; father of John the Baptist, slain in the temple by order of Herod, viii, 366.

Zaratus (Zoroaster), on demons, v, 12.

Zebulon, his blessing spiritualized, v, 165.

Zebulun, the patriarch, speaks of his relation to Joseph, viii, 23, of his building the first boat, 24, of the five years he spent as a fisher, supplying every one with fish, 24; exhorts his children to show mercy and compassion towards all, 24; warns them against divisions, 24; points to the coming of the God-Man, 25; his death and burial, 25.

Zechariah, vision of, interpreted, vi,


Zelomi and Salome called in as mid-wives to Mary, viii, 374.

Zeno, a boy, falls from a house and is killed, but is restored to life by Jesus, viii, 396.

Zeno, ii, 66; vi, 437; description of a model maiden, ii, 289; his distinction between God and matter, iii, 133; on the unity of God, vii, 14; repudiates conjecture, 71; suicide of, 88; calls pity a vice, 93; of Myndus, vi, 508.

Zenobius referred to, iv, 465.

Zephaniah, (apocryphal) vision of heaven, ii, 462.

Zephyrinus, bishop of Rome, favorer of heretics, v, 125-130, 156; epistles of, viii, 609 seq., 612.

Zeraduscht, prediction of, viii, 406.

Zeus, Poseidon, and Metis, viii, 264.

Zeuxippe, loved by Apollo, vi, 485.

Zodiac, ii, 69; signs of, v, 27, 33, 59, 84.

Zoe, i, 316, 317.

Zonaras, commentary of, on Peter of Alexandria's canons, vi, 269-278.

Zoroaster, or Mesraim, a son of Ham, regarded as the author of the magic art, viii, 140, 275; adored, 141, 276; Bactrians led against the Assyrians by, vi, 415; assigned by tradition to different countries and ages, 428.

Zosimus, i, 35.

Zosimus of Tharassa, on baptism, v, 570-

Zoticus, bishop of Comana, vii, 336.


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