
Volume 1.............................. 1-29

I. St. Clement. Epistle to the Corinthians ...................... 1-5

II. Mathetes. Epistle to Diognetus... 5-7

III. Polycarp. Epistle to the Philip-

pians........................ 7-10

Martyrdom.................... 10

IV. Ignatius. Epistles............... 10-15

Martyrdom.................... 15

V. Barnabas. Epistle............... 16-19

VI. Papias. Fragments.............. 19-21

VII. Justin Martyr. Various works---- 21-26

Martyrdom................... 26

VIII. Irenaeus......................... 26-29

Volume II............................... 30-42

I. The Pastor of Hermas............ 30-33

II. Tatian........................... 33-35

III. Theophilus of Antioch........... 35-36

IV. Athenagoras..................... 36-38

V. Clement of Alexandria.......... 38-42

Volume III-IV.......................... 42-55

I. Tertullian....................... 42-47

II. Minucius Felix................... 47~5°

III. Commodian..................... 50

IV. Origen.......................... 50-55

Volume V............................... 55-64

I. Hippolytus...................... 55-58

II. Cyprian........................ 59-63

III. Caius........................... 63

IV. Novatian....................... 63-64

V. Appendix........................ 64

Volume VI............................. 65-77

I. Gregory Thaumaturgus .......... 65-66

II. Dionysius of Alexandria.......... 66-68

III. Julius Africanus.................. 68-69

IV. (a.) Anatolius.................. 69

(£.) Alexander of Cappadocia ... 69-70

(c.) Theognostus of Alexandria.. 70

(d.) Pierius of Alexandria . ..... 70-71

(e.) Theonas of Alexandria...... 71

(/.) Phileas ................... 71

(g.) Pamphulus................. 72

(&.) Malchion.................. 72-73

V. Archelaus........................ 73

VI. Alexander of Lycopolis........... 73

VII. Peter of Alexandria............... 74

VIII. Alexander of Alexandria----...... 74~75

IX. Methodius..................... 75~76

X. Arnobius....................... 76-77

Volume VII............................. 77-9°

I. Lactantius....................... 77-81

II. Venantius Fortunatus............ 81

III. Asterius Urbanus................ 81-82

IV. Victorinus...................... 82

V. Dionysius of Rome............... 82-83

VI. The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles .......................... 83-86

VII. Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, 86-88

Canons.......................... 88-89

VIII. The Homily ascribed to Clement.. 89-90

IX. Early Liturgies.................. 90

Volume VIII............................. 90-116

I. The Testaments of the Twelve

Patriarchs..................... 90-91

II. Theodotus....................... 91

III. The Two Epistles Concerning Vir-

ginity ................... .... 91-92

IV. Pseudo-Clementine Literature .... 92-95 V. Apocrypha of the New Testament, 95-105

(1.) The Protevangelium of James, 96-97 (2.) The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew ..................... 97

(3.) The Gospel of the Nativity

of Mary................. 97

(4.) The History of Joseph the

Carpenter................ 97-98

(5.) The Gospel of Thomas...... 98

(6.) The Arabic Gospel of the Infancy .................... 98

j.) The Gospel of Nicodemus... 98-99 5.) The Letter of Pontius Pilate concerning Our Lord Jesus

Christ................... 99

(9.) The Report of Pilate the Procurator concerning Our

Lord Jesus Christ......... 99

(10.) The Reportof Pontius Pilate, 99 (11.) The Giving up of Pontius

Pilate . *.................. 99

(12.) The Death of Pilate......... 100

(13.) The Narrative of Joseph... . 100

(14.) The Avenging of the Saviour, 100 (15.) Acts of the Holy Apostles,

Peter and Paul............100-101

(16.) Acts of Paul and Thecla..... 101

(17.) The Acts of Barnabas....... 101

(18.) The Acts of Philip.........101-102

(19.) Philip in Hellas............ 102

(20.) Acts of Andrew and Matthias, 102

(21.) Acts of Peter and Andrew... 102 (22.) Acts and Martyrdom of St.

Matthew the Apostle...... 102

(23.) Acts of the Holy Apostle

Thomas.................. 103

(24.) Consummation of Thomas

the Apostle............... 103




(25.) Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Barthole-

mew..................... 103

(26.) Acts of the Holy Apostle

Thaddeus................ 103

(27.) Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian .................... 103

(28.) Revelation of Moses........ 104

(29.) Revelation of Esdras........ 104

(30.) Revelation of Paul.......... 104

(31.) Revelation of John......... 104

(32.) The Book of John concerning

the Falling Asleep of Mary, 104

(33.) The Passing of Mary........104-105

VI. The Decretals.................... 105

VII. Memoirs of Edessa and ancient

Syriac documents.............. 105-109



Jacob of Sarug................. 107

Habib........................... 107

Guria........................... 107

Moses of Chorene................107-108

Bardesan........................ 108

Ambrose (of Alexandria?)........108-109

VIII. Remains of the second and third

centuries..................... 109

(1.) Quadratus.................. 109

(2.) Aristo of Pella............109-110

(3.) Melito....................iio-iii

(4.) Hegesippus......... ___.. m-112

(5.) Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth, 112 (6.) Rhodon....................112-113

(7.) Maximus, Bishop of Jerusalem ...................... 113

(8.) Claudius Apollinaris, Bishop of Hierapolis and Apologist...................... 113

(9.) Polycrates..................113-114

(10.) Theophilus, Bishop of Caesa-

rea in Palestine........... 114

(11.) Serapion, Bishop of Antioch, 114

(12.) Apollonius................114-115

(13.) Pantaenus, The Alexandrian

Philosopher,........... 115-116

(14.) Pseud.-Irenaeus. Letter of the churches of Vienna and Lugdunum .............. 116


I. Patrologies......................119-123

(a.) Ancient and Mediaeval...... 119

(£.) Modern....................119-123

II. Various works....................123-129

I.     Bibliographies...............123-124

II.   Encylopaedias............... 124

III.  Collections.................125-126

Councils................... 126

Lives of Saints............ 126

IV.   Church Histories............126-128

V.    Miscellaneous................128-129

III. Periodicals.......................129-133

Index................................... 135-136


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