Christian Classics Ethereal Library

John of the Cross, St. (1542-1591)

Spanish mystic, Carmelite friar and priest


Works about St. John of the Cross

November 24. -- St. John of the Cross -- from from Lives of the Saints with Reflections for Every Day of the Year

Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent -- from Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

John of the Cross, St. (1542-1591) -- from Wikipedia Article


Works by St. John of the Cross

Ascent of Mount Carmel

Description: One of St. John of the Cross' most important and insightful works, Ascent of Mount Carmel is a brilliant work of Christian mysticism. Considered one of the great Spanish poets, St. John depicts the soul's ascent to Mount Carmel--allegorically, the place of God--and the "dark night" that the soul must endure to reach it. St. John describes the different mystic experiences the soul encounters on its way to union with God through the dark night. Although St. John continues to describe the dark night in Dark Night of the Soul, the sequel to Ascent of Mount Carmel, this book provides a hauntingly beautiful, profound, and mystical account of Christian spirituality. It is highly recommended.

Tim Perrine
CCEL Staff Writer

It also now comes with a beneficial introduction to Ascent of Mount Carmel, an outline of St. John's life, and an introduction to St. John's works.

Dark Night of the Soul

Description: A sequel and continuation of Ascent of Mount Carmel, the Dark Night of the Soul is a spiritually moving and mystical book. In it, St. John of the Cross continues his description of the soul's journey--the "dark night"--to the "divine union of the love of God." A poet at heart, St. John describes the journey and the union with beautifully rich and deeply symbolic language. However, St. John does not simply describe the journey; he seems at times to be offering encouragement and comfort directly to readers as they too struggle with the excruciating dark night. Offering hope to the downtrodden and discouraged, the Dark Night of the Soul is one of the most difficult books a person can read, but its difficulty is surpassed by its reward. One of the most profound works of Christian mysticism, this book is highly recommended for those seeking union with God.

Tim Perrine
CCEL Staff Writer

It now also comes with a helpful introduction and extensive notes.

Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ

Description: History knows St. John of the Cross, Carmelite friar and priest during the Counter- Reformation, not just as an iconic spiritual figure, but also one of Spanish literature. This poem of forty stanzas tells the story of the soul’s search for Christ. In it, the soul is portrayed as a bride searching for her bridegroom after having become separated from him. Overall, the poem loosely follows the narrative of Solomon’s Song of Songs and can serve as an allegorical reading thereof in light of the Gospel. It is interesting to note that one can even read the poem as an early Spanish translation of Solomon’s Song of Songs , as translations of the Bible into the vernacular were forbidden at the time. Even so, this poem is not nor does it claim to be a translation, but rather a literary interpretation.

Kathleen O'Bannon
CCEL Staff

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Calvin College. Last modified on 10/17/18. Contact the CCEL.
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