LOrd, how can man preach thy eternall word? He is a brittle crazie glasse: Yet in thy temple thou dost him afford This glorious and transcendent place, To be a window, through thy grace. But when thou dost anneal in glasse thy storie, Making thy life to shine within The holy Preachers; then the light and glorie More revrend grows, & more doth win: Which else shows watrish, bleak, & thin. Doctrine and life, colours and light, in one When they combine and mingle, bring A strong regard and aw: but speech alone Doth vanish like a flaring thing, And in the eare, not conscience ring. |
Editors note: In the 1633 edition, the title above the poem is "The Windows." The title listed in the index is "Church-windows." Interpretations: |
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