Scope Of Chapter 63
Fall In The East — from 'The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire' by Edward Gibbon

Ruin of the Greek Empire
1282-1320 Superstition of Andronicus and the Times
1320First Disputes between the Elder and Younger Andronicus
1321-1328 Three Civil Wars between the two Emperors
Coronation of the Younger Andronicus
1328The Elder Andronicus abdicates the Government
1332His Death
1328-1341Reign of Andronicus the Younger; His two wives
1341-1391Reign of John Palaeologus; Fortune of John Cantacuzene; He is left Regent of the Empire — His Regency is attacked By Apocaucus, the Empress Anne of Savoy, and the Patriarch; Cantacuzene assumes the Purple
1341-1347The Civil War; Victory of Cantacuzene
He re-enters Constantinople
1347-1355 Reign of John Cantacuzene; John Palaeologus takes up arms against him; Abdication of Cantacuzene
1341-1351Dispute Concerning the Light of Mount Thabor
1261-1347 Establishment of the Genoese at Pera or Galata,
Their Trade and Insolence
1348Their War with the Emperor Cantacuzene
1349 Destruction of his Fleet .
1352Victory of the Genoese over the Venetians and Greeks; Their Treaty with the Empire
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