THEN when Judah waxeth, that is to say, when love and desire of unseen true
goods is rising and waxing in a man's affection; then coveteth Rachel for to
bear some children; that is to say, then coveteth reason to know these things
that affection feeleth; for as it falleth to the affection for to love, so it
falleth to the reason for to know. Of affection springeth ordained and measured
feelings; and of reason springeth right knowings[51] and clear understandings. And ever the more that Judah
waxeth, that is to say love, so much the more desireth Rachel bearing of
children, that is to say, reason studieth after knowing. But who is he that
woteth not how hard it is, and nearhand impossible to a fleshly soul the which
is yet rude in ghostly studies, for to rise in knowing of unseeable[52] things, and for to set the eye of
contemplation in ghostly things? For why, a soul that is yet rude and fleshly,
knoweth nought but bodily things, and nothing cometh yet to the mind but only
seeable[53] things.
And this is the cause why Rachel
had first children of her maiden than of herself. And so it is that, though all
a man's soul may not yet get the light of ghostly knowing in the reason, yet it
thinketh it sweet to hold the mind on God and ghostly things in the
imagination. As by Rachel we understand reason, so by her maiden Bilhah we
understand imagination. And, therefore, reason sheweth that it is more
profitable for to think on ghostly things, in what manner so it be; yea, if it
be in kindling of our desire with some fair imagination; than it is for to
think on vanities and deceivable things of this world. And, therefore, of
Bilhah were born these two: Dan and Naphtali. Dan is to say sight of pains to
come; and Naphtali, sight of joys to come. These two children are full needful
and full speedful unto a working soul; the one for to put down evil suggestions
of sins; and the other for to raise up our wills in working of good and in
kindling of our desires. For as it falleth to Dan to put down evil suggestions
of sin by sight of pains to come, so it falleth to the other brother Naphtali
to raise up our wills in working of good, and in kindling of holy desires by
sight of joys to come. And therefore holy men, when they are stirred to any
unlawful thing, by inrising of any foul thought, as oft they set before their
mind the pains
[51] Pepwell reads: "conning."
[52] Latin Invisibilium: Pepwell has "unseasable."
[53] Pepwell has "feble."
[54] Reasons.
[55] Because.
[56] Judicium (Pepwell adds: "or judgment").
[57] Gen. xlix. 16: "Dan shall judge his people."
[58] Gen. xxx. 6.
[59] Gen. xxx. 8: "Comparavit me Deus cum sorore mea, et invalui" (Vulgate).
[60] In the Latin, "Comparalio vel conversio."
[61] Gen. xlix. 21: "Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words" (Nephthali cervus emissus at dams eloquia pulchritudinis, Vulgate).
[62] Harl. MS. 1022, ed. Horstman, reads: "full."