THE first child that Leah conceived of Jacob was Reuben, that is, dread; and
therefore it is written in the psalm: "The beginning of wisdom is the dread of
our Lord God."[32] This is the first felt
virtue in a man's affection, without the which none other may be had. And,
therefore, whoso desireth to have such a son, him behoveth busily and oft also
behold the evil that he hath done. And he shall, on the one party, think on the
greatness of his trespass, and, on another party, the power of the Doomsman.[33] Of such a consideration springeth dread,
that is to say Reuben, that through right is cleped "the son of sight."[34] For utterly is he blind that seeth not the
pains that are to come, and dreadeth not to sin. And
[32] Ps. cxi. 10 (Vulgate cx.).
[33] Pepwell adds: "and high Judge."
[34] Filius visionis.
[35] Gen. xxix. 32 (Vidit Dominus humilitatem meam, Vulgate).