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                         "THAT YOU MAY BELIEVE"

                 The Testimony For Jesus' Resurrection


1. In this study we have noted that John seeks to produce faith in
   a. By recording the claims concerning Jesus
      1) Made by John in his prologue to the gospel
      2) Made be Jesus Himself throughout His ministry
   b. By recording testimony to support such claims
      1) The testimony of those who saw and heard Jesus
      2) The testimony of the Father through signs and Scripture

2. Perhaps the strongest testimony provided by John is that of Jesus'
   a. For if Jesus truly did rise from the dead...
   b. ...He is everything that both Jesus and John claimed!

[What evidence is there for the resurrection of Jesus?  In John's
gospel, the testimony for Jesus' resurrection begins with Jesus' death;
in other words, what is said about...]


      1. The soldiers' observation that Jesus was dead - Jn 19:31-33
      2. Blood and water coming from Jesus' pierced side - Jn 19:34
         a. Medical authorities have commented on this phenomenon as
            evidence that it proves Jesus died on the cross (not
            sometime later)
         b. "There remains, therefore, no supposition possible to
            explain the recorded phenomenon except the combination of
            the crucifixion and rupture of the heart." - Samuel 
            Houghton, M.D. (physiologist from the University of Dublin)
      3. John's testimony of this phenomenon - Jn 19:35
      4. The testimony of Tacitus, Roman historian (ca. 112 A.D.) 
         - "Christus, the founder of the name, was put to death by Pontius
         Pilate, procurator of Judea in the reign of Tiberias."

      1. Jesus only swooned, to either die or be revived some time later
      2. Postulated by many skeptics, trying to deny the resurrection of
         Jesus (e.g., The Passover Plot, by Hugh J. Schonfield)

[Which is more likely becomes apparent as we consider the evidence


      1. The stone removed - Jn 20:1
         a. First observed by Mary Magdalene, on early Sunday morning
         b. A stone that had been sealed and guarded by Roman soldiers 
            - Mt 27:62-66
      2. The body gone - Jn 20:2
         a. The tomb is empty!
         b. Mary supposes that the body has been removed, and runs to
            tell Peter 
      3. The grave clothes - Jn 20:3-9
         a. Peter and John see the head covering (napkin) lying neatly
            folded by itself
         b. Indicating there had been no hurry to get away, or to steal
            the body (Hailey)

      1. The body stolen
         a. The theory explained
            1) The disciples stole the body, then claimed He rose from
               the dead
            2) This was the "official" theory offered from the very
               beginning - Mt 28:11-15
         b. The difficulties described
            1) The explanation defies logic
               a) If the soldiers were asleep...
                  1/ How did they know it was the disciples who took the
                  2/ How could the large stone guarding the entrance be
                     rolled away without awakening the soldiers?
               b) The soldiers guarding the tomb were Romans - Mt 27:
                  1/ They were professional soldiers
                  2/ Charged to guard the tomb with their lives
                  3/ The punishment for falling asleep on duty was death
            2) This would make those who testified they saw Jesus liars
               and frauds
               a) For they claimed empirical evidence - Ac 10:39-41
               b) Suppose just a few disciples stole the body, unknown
                  by others...
                  1/ Such as Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, or the
                  2/ Others still say they saw Jesus, ate and drank with
               c) You have to explain why they were willing to lie and
                  die knowing it was a lie
      2. The swoon hypothesis
         a. The theory explained
            1) Jesus did not actually die on the cross, He only swooned
               a) Suffering from shock, pain, and loss of blood, He
                  fainted (swooned) from exhaustion
               b) Thinking that He was dead, the Roman soldiers took Him
                  down and He was buried in the tomb
            2) In the coolness of the tomb, Jesus revived
               a) Somehow He left the tomb
               b) Appeared to His disciples, then lived in obscurity to
                  die years later
         b. The difficulties described
            1) Jesus would have had to revive sufficiently enough to:
               a) Break through the burial garments that bound Him,
                  including a hundred pounds of spices used in preparing
                  His body for burial - Jn 19:38-40
               b) Role away the large stone that sealed the tomb
               c) Fight off the Roman guards protecting the tomb
               d) Walk the seven miles to Emmaus where He was seen by
                  the two disciples
               e) Walk back to Jerusalem where He was seen by the
               -- All within the same day!
            2) Every effort was made to prove He was dead
               a) The Roman soldiers at the cross pierced His side - Jn
               b) Pilate made sure He was dead - Mk 15:43-45
                  1/ When Joseph of Arimathea wanted the body
                  2/ The Roman centurion confirmed that Jesus was dead
            3) Not only would this make the apostles liars and frauds,
               but Jesus also for allowing a lie to spread for years!
      3. The vision hypothesis
         a. The theory explained
            1) All of Christ's post-resurrection appearances were only
               supposed appearances
            2) Those who claimed to see Jesus had hallucinations
         b. The difficulties described
            1) The appearances were not just to individuals, one at a
               a) Ten apostles claimed to see Him - Jn 20:19-25
               b) Jesus appeared to six disciples at the Sea of Galilee
                  - Jn 21:1-14
               c) He appeared to over 500 people at once - 1Co 15:6
            2) The theory contradicts laws and principles which
               psychiatrists say are essential to hallucinations:
               a) Only certain kinds of people have hallucinations
                  1/ Usually high-strung, highly imaginative, and very
                     nervous people
                  2/ Usually only paranoid or schizophrenic individuals
                     have hallucinations
                  3/ The appearances were not restricted to people of
                     any particular psychological make up
               b) Hallucinations are linked in an individual's
                  1/ An individual may have an hallucination
                  2/ But hallucinations do not appear to groups of
               c) They occur in people when there is a spirit of
                  anticipation or hopeful expectation
                  1/ The disciples had no such anticipation - Lk 24:
                  2/ They were prone to disbelieve even after they were
                     told of the resurrection - Jn 20:24-25

[Other theories have been offered, but like these three they fail in the
face of perhaps the greatest evidence for the resurrection of Jesus from
the dead...]


      1. Mary Magdalene
         a. First person to the empty tomb - Jn 20:1
         b. She at first thought someone took the body - Jn 20:2,11-15
         c. But then believed when Jesus appeared to her - Jn 20:16-18
      2. The disciples on the first day
         a. Who were hiding for fear of the Jews - Jn 20:19a
         b. When Jesus appeared to them, showing His hands and His side
            - Jn 20:19b-20
      3. The disciples including Thomas
         a. Thomas had not been with the disciples - Jn 20:24
         b. Thomas doubted their testimony, refusing to believe - Jn
         c. When Jesus appeared eight days later, Thomas was convinced 
            - Jn 20:26-28
      4. The disciples in Galilee
         a. By the Sea of Tiberias (Galilee) - Jn 21:1
         b. Jesus showed Himself to Peter, Thomas, Nathaniel, James,
            John, and two others - Jn 21:2-14
      5. John in particular
         a. Who bore witness to the death of Jesus - Jn 19:35
         b. Who bore witness to the resurrection of Jesus - Jn 21:24

      1. Witnesses were credible, honest, and truthful
         a. Enhanced by the number of the witnesses
            1) Not just a few, isolated individuals
            2) But many, including hundreds at a time
         b. Enhanced by the character of the witnesses
            1) Not gullible, but requiring proof (e.g., Thomas) - Jn
            2) At first fearful, but something made them fearless - Jn
               20:19; Ac 4:13,19-20
            3) Who spent their lives dedicated to truth, holiness, love
               - 1Jn 1:5,6; 2:15-17; 4:11
         c. Enhanced by the suffering of the witnesses
            1) They gladly suffered for their testimony - Ac 5:41
            2) Even after losing loved ones, like John who lost his
               brother James - Ac 12:1-2
      2. Witnesses were liars, frauds and deceivers
         a. Only alternative if the resurrection did not occur - cf. 
            1Co 15:14-15
         b. Nature of their testimony does not permit being mistaken or
            1) They claimed to have heard, seen, and touched Jesus
               following His resurrection - cf. 1Jn 1:1-4; Ac 10:39-41
            2) You cannot say that they were simply mistaken, or misled;
               you must proclaim them liars if Jesus was not risen from
               the dead!
         c. Are you willing to believe that those who wrote the New
            Testament were so corrupt?


1. The testimony for Jesus' resurrection is strong, enhanced by...
   a. The evidence of the crucifixion
   b. The evidence of the empty tomb
   c. The evidence of the witnesses
   -- Alternative theories simply do not hold up in the face of such

2. What is the significance of this evidence and the resurrection of
   Jesus from the dead?
   a. Jesus is everything that John and Jesus Himself claimed to be!
      1) He is the Son of God!
      2) He is the bread of life!
      3) He is the light of the world!
      4) He is the Good Shepherd!
      5) He is the resurrection and the life!
   b. Believe in Jesus, and you can...
      1) Have the right to become a child of God - Jn 1:12
      2) Have life in His name! - Jn 20:31

Sadly, many people do not believe in Jesus.  In our final lesson, we
shall consider why such is the case, even as it was in John's day.  But
if you believe in Jesus as the Son of God, don't hesitate to obey the
gospel of Christ - e.g., Ac 8:35-38
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