<< Previous | Index | Next >>"INTO ALL THE WORLD" Using Bible Correspondence Courses INTRODUCTION 1. With the "Great Commission" Christians were given a great task... a. To make disciples of all the nations - Mt 28:19 b. To go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature - Mk 16:15 2. It was a task accepted by the early disciples... a. They went everywhere, preaching the Word - cf. Ac 8:4; 1Th 1:8 b. The gospel was proclaimed to everyone - cf. Col 1:23; Ro 10:17-18 3. They used whatever tools and resources at their disposal... a. Traveling by foot, horse, chariot, or ship b. In person, or through the written word (cf. 2Th 2:15) 4. Today, faced with the same task, we have many tools and resources... a. Traveling by car, train, or airplane b. In person, or by way of phone, radio, television c. And most recently, by way of the Internet [Among the many useful tools at our disposal, I have found the simple Bible correspondence course (BCC) to be an effective means to share the gospel. In this lesson, I wish to share how it can be used in person and around the world, especially through the Internet...] I. OPPORTUNITIES FOR A BCC PROGRAM A. THE POTENTIAL OF THE INTERNET... 1. E.g.., my web site has been visited by more than 1 million people 2. On average, 1000 people visit the site daily 3. People from 130 countries and every state in USA have visited the site -- My web site is only one of many operated by brethren; several offer BCC's B. RESPONSES TO A SIMPLE OFFER... 1. I placed a simple offer for a BCC on my web page 2. In just two weeks, 106 people enrolled in the course 3. Besides the US, people have enrolled from the following countries in this short time: a. Australia (3) f. Netherlands b. Canada (2) g. Panama c. El Salvador h. Philippines d. Finland i. South Africa e. Malaysia -- It is this response (and previous experience) that has prompted this lesson C. OTHER RESPONSES STARTING TO COME IN... 1. In answer to a press release, a couple from St. Cloud has enrolled 2. A member has mentioned several people are interested -- We certainly do not have to use the Internet to offer a BCC [Might this be "an open door" of opportunity the Lord has given us (cf. Ac 14:27), especially through the Internet? Whether or not, consider some of the benefits of using a BCC to reach out to others...] II. ADVANTAGES OF A BCC PROGRAM A. CHALLENGES INVOLVING PERSONAL WORK... 1. Finding prospects for study 2. Setting up the study 3. Teaching the material 4. Answering questions 5. Asking for a decision -- These challenges have hindered many people from getting involved in personal evangelism B. A BCC PROGRAM ELIMINATES THESE CHALLENGES... 1. Through the offer at the web site, an advertisement in the paper, or a simple offer to a friend or acquaintance... a. You find people who want to study the Bible b. The study is automatically set up by those who respond to the offers 2. Through the use of a Bible correspondence course... a. The student teaches himself or herself! b. If questions are raised, you can study and answer them at your leisure c. People are given the opportunity to make a decision -- Using a BCC makes it very easy for Christians to share the gospel with others, even if the Christian is a babe in Christ! [If a church or individuals decide to utilize a BCC program, how should its success or failure be measured...?] III. EVALUATING A BCC PROGRAM A. MEASURING SUCCESS AND FAILURE... 1. In any program of evangelism, it is common to use the following measurements: a. How many people come to services? b. How many people are converted? 2. I contend that these are improper standards to measure an evangelistic effort a. Our responsibility is to preach the gospel - Mk 16:15; Ezek 3:17-18 b. Conversion is the sinner's responsibility - cf. Ezek 3:19 c. Also, it is God who gives the increase - cf. 1Co 3:5-7 3. A proper measure is "How many are we teaching?" a. Remember, saving souls involves both sowing and reaping b. Sometimes we reap where others have sown - cf. Jn 4:35-38 c. Other times, we sow and the reaping is done by others 4. So the final standard by which we evaluate any effort should be this: a. How much ground is being broken? b. How much seed is being sown? -- The true measure should be, "How many souls are being taught?" B. APPLYING THIS MEASURE TO A BCC PROGRAM... 1. Every time a person enrolls, seed is being sown 2. True, not everyone who enrolls completes the course a. On average, only fifty percent return the first course b. Only ten to twenty-five percent actually complete the course c. It is not unusual for the conversion ratio from a BCC to be one out of 100 3. If the response to the offer via the Internet keeps up with the average... a. We can easily have 200-300 people a month enroll b. Which might result in 2-3 people a month responding to the gospel c. Who might in turn be the catalyst for others to respond -- But remember, every time a person is taught, we are successful whether or not they respond favorably to the gospel! [For this reason I believe a BCC program can be a very successful way to fulfill the Great Commission. Ground can be broken, seed can be sown, people given the opportunity to learn the wonderful gospel of Christ! Finally, let me suggest some...] IV. REQUIREMENTS FOR A BCC PROGRAM A. THERE IS A NEED FOR VISION... 1. Vision is needed: a. To provide direction b. To sustain motivation 2. We need to see: a. The power in the gospel of Christ - Ro 1:16; He 4:12; Ja 1:21 b. The potential for the seed to bear fruit both near and far 1) When we look at a seed, do we see only the plant? 2) Or do we see the many seeds of the plant? 3) Every soul converted to Christ bears the potential of reaching countless others -- A BBC program can be used by the Lord to reach souls in our community and around the world! B. THERE IS A NEED FOR COMMITMENT... 1. A commitment to cover the expense a. The cost of advertising, materials, postage b. With a program directed just to the local community... 1) The major expense is advertising 2) With some expense for materials (for about 2-5 enrollments a week) c. With the use of the Internet... 1) The cost of advertising can be greatly reduced 2) But the cost of materials increase because of the large number of enrollments (about 6-8 enrollments per day) 2. A commitment to provide the time a. To offer the courses b. To grade the lessons 3. A commitment to offer the prayers a. To pray for the souls who are seeking, studying b. To pray for the brethren who are offering, helping - cf. 2Th 3:1 -- Some may be able to help with the expense, others with their time; but together with prayer, all is needed! CONCLUSION 1. There are many good ways to spread the gospel; I am not suggesting that the BCC program... a. Is the best way b. Is the only way 2. But it is a good way for us to go "into all the world"... a. Into our community, as we offer the course personally, via ads, press releases, etc. b. Into the world, via the Internet -- And I can't help but wonder if the Lord has provided an "open door" for the Word! Whether we use a BCC program or some other means, let us never forget the words of our Lord: "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." - Mt 9:37-38<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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