<< Previous | Index | Next>>"GOD'S GREAT BOOK" INTRODUCTION 1. When we contemplate the beauty and order of the creation... a. We see the glory of God through His handiwork - Ps 19:1 b. We see evidence of His power and deity - Ro 1:20 -- Perhaps we are moved to agree with the song, "How Great Thou Art!" 2. While the creation reveals much about God, it tells us nothing about... a. God's great gift of love and mercy b. God's great people that He wants us to become -- To learn of such things, we must look elsewhere 3. God has chosen to reveal this through His book, the Bible... a. Is this book equal to the task? b. You would expect a great God to give us a great book; has He? -- Indeed He has! By His Spirit, He inspired a book capable of accomplishing great things! [For example, let's just start with one portion of the Bible...] I. HOW GREAT IS THE OLD TESTAMENT! A. IN THE DAYS OF DAVID... 1. A guide for true happiness - Ps 1:1-3 2. The virtues of God's word praised a. It converts the soul - Ps 19:7a b. It makes wise the simple - Ps 19:7b c. It rejoices the heart - Ps 19:8a d. It enlightens the eyes - Ps 19:8b e. It endures forever - Ps 19:9a f. It is true and righteous altogether - Ps 19:9b g. Making it more desirable than gold, sweeter than honey - Psa 19:10-11 3. The value of God's word contemplated a. Helps the young man cleanse his way - Ps 119:9 b. Guards the heart against sin - Ps 119:11 c. Makes one wiser than his enemies - Ps 119:97-98 d. Gives one more understanding than his teachers and the ancients - Ps 119:99-100 e. A lamp and a light to guide one's way - Ps 119:105 e. Provides great peace to those who love it - Ps 119:165 -- This is the value of just a small portion of God's Word, available during the days of David (perhaps the books of Genesis to Ruth) B. IN THE DAYS OF PAUL... 1. A source of patience and comfort, imparting hope to the Christian - Ro 15:4 2. Serving as examples, written for our admonition - 1Co 10:11 3. As with all Scripture inspired of God, profitable in many ways - 2Ti 3:14-17 a. Making one wise regarding salvation by faith in Christ b. Useful for doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness c. Helping the man of God to become complete, equipped for every good work -- Christians may not be under the Old Covenant, but it remains an importance source for truth and happiness [If such is true regarding the Old Testament, how much more so when we have the complete and final revelation from God! In other words...] II. HOW GREAT IS THE NEW TESTAMENT! A. IT IS A LIVING WORD... 1. The Word of God is living and powerful - He 4:12a 2. The Word of God is piercing, discerning - He 4:12b -- This is because it is the sword of the Spirit, the instrument by which He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment! - cf. Jn 16:7-8; Ep 6:17 B. IT IS A LIFE-GIVING WORD... 1. The Word of God can save our souls - Jm 1:21 2. The Word of God can produce rebirth and spiritual growth - 1 Pe 1:23-2:3 -- This is because of the power contained in the gospel of Christ - cf. Ro 1:16-17 C. IT IS A LIFE-GUIDING WORD... 1. Producing the faith necessary for our walk in life - 2Co 5:7; Ro 10:17 2. Equipping the saint for every good work - 2Ti 3:16-17 -- As Jesus quoted in response to Satan's temptation: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." - Mt 4:4 [There should be no question that God's book is great! It fulfills our greatest need, and gives us our greatest hope. But let us consider...] III. HOW GREAT IS OUR RESPONSE? A. IS OUR RESPONSE WORTHY...? 1. Many people (including Christians) are "Biblically illiterate"! 2. Like Israel of old, we suffer from a "famine for the Word" - cf. Am 8:11-14 a. Israel's famine was imposed by God by their exile b. Our famine is self-imposed by our own neglect! c. The effect is still the same! 1) Our young people faint from thirst! 2) They fall, and do not rise again! 3. For many, they feed upon an "unbalanced diet"! a. E.g., reading only select passages, often ignoring the Old Testament b. E.g., reading only to prove themselves right and others wrong -- Is "God's Great Book" worthy of such a tepid response? No! B. WHAT IS A WORTHY RESPONSE...? 1. We must properly value God's Word a. More valuable than gold and silver - Ps 119:72 b. As precious as great treasure - Ps 119:162 -- Do we consider God's Word of greater value than money? 2. We must diligently read God's Word a. With an attitude of longing - Ps 119:131; 1Pe 2:2 b. With an intention to obey - Jm 1:21-22 c. With a prayer on our lips and in our hearts - Ps 119:18,133 -- A consistent program of daily Bible reading in this spirit is a worthy response to God's great book! CONCLUSION 1. Contemplating God's creation produces the response: How Great Thou Art! a. God is a Being of great power b. God is a Being of great intelligence 2. Contemplating God's book produces a similar response: How Great Thou Art! a. God is a Being of great wisdom and understanding b. God is a Being of great love and compassion c. God is a Being of great justice and righteousness 3. I pray that our study has done at least two things... a. Increased your appreciation for "God's Great Book" b. Stimulated your desire to be more diligent in your response to it 1) More diligent in your reading of it 2) More diligent in your obedience to it "So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified." (Ac 20:32) Let "God's Great Book" build you up, that you may receive that wonderful "inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you." (1Pe 1:4)<< Previous | Index | Next>>
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