<< Previous | Index | Next >>"LET'S MAKE A DEAL!" INTRODUCTION 1. The title for this lesson comes from a popular game show on television... a. "Let's Make A Deal!", with Monty Hall b. Some even recorded it on their VCR for later viewing! 2. We're going to borrow the basic concept from this game show... a. To set the stage for our study b. To help illustrate an important point in our lesson [I want you to imagine that have within my power to offer you some great deals...] I. LET'S MAKE A DEAL - THE GAME A. MY FIRST OFFER... 1. I will give each of you $100,000 for your car(s) right now! 2. Would anyone turn this offer down? -- I doubt it; but before you spend the money, I have another deal to offer you B. MY SECOND OFFER... 1. I will give each of you $1,000,000 for your car(s), but... a. You must give me back the $100,000 I just "gave" you b. You must wait one week c. You must leave your car where it is parked right now until next week d. You must be back here next Sunday to receive the money 2. Would anyone turn this second offer down? I doubt it... a. I suspect everyone would be willing to exchange $100,000 for $1,000,000 b. Not even the conditions would deter you; somehow you would: 1) Get back home (even walk if you have to) 2) Get along all week without your car 3) Get back here next Sunday, no matter what -- For the sake of illustration, let's assume everyone accepted the second offer C. LET'S ANALYZE THIS... 1. The first offer sounded exciting at first, but paled in comparison to the second offer a. Who would wouldn't want $100,000 for their car(s)? b. But then the offer wasn't as exciting compared to the second offer 1) $1,000,000 is worth a lot more 2) Even if you have to wait a week 3) Even if you have the inconvenience of no car for a week 2. By accepting the second offer, you have turned down the first offer: a. An offer of immediate gain for a much larger offer of future gain b. An offer requiring no effort or sacrifice for a much larger offer requiring much effort and sacrifice [With this illustration in mind, let's begin making the application...] II. LET'S MAKE A DEAL - IN REAL LIFE A. SATAN OFFERS YOU A DEAL... 1. He will give you immediate pleasures and rewards a. In regards to the lusts of the flesh (immorality) b. In regards to the lusts of the eyes (materialism) c. In regards to the pride of life (self-glorification) 2. He requires virtually no effort or self-discipline on your part a. If it feels good, do it! b. If it looks good, take it! c. If it sounds good, go for it! -- The Bible refers to this deal as "the passing pleasures of sin" - cf. He 11:25 B. GOD OFFERS YOU A DEAL... 1. He will give you future pleasures and rewards a. An eternity of bliss b. Far exceeding the pleasures and rewards of this life 2. He requires much effort and sacrifice on your part a. Such as faithful service b. Such as resisting temptation c. Such as enduring persecution -- The Bible refers to this deal as "eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" - cf. Ro 6:23 C. WHY DO SO MANY ACCEPT SATAN'S OFFER OVER GOD'S...? 1. For the same reason anyone would keep $100,000 and refuse $1,000,000 a. They fail to appreciate the difference in value b. This failure to appreciate the difference is especially true in real life 1) The promises of Satan last only a lifetime (if that) 2) The promises of God last for eternity - cf. 1Ti 4:8; Mk 10:28-30 -- Yet many people literally "sell their souls" to accept the deal Satan offers! 2. Moses understood the difference, and made the right choice - He 11:24-26 a. His choice? 1) "to suffer affliction with the people of God (rather) than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin" 2) "esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt" b. His reason for this choice? 1) "for he looked to the reward" 2) He evaluated the "deals", and made the right choice! D. WHAT DEAL HAVE YOU MADE...? 1. Are you accepting the deal made by Satan? a. Who offers the path of least resistance, the immediate pleasures of this life? b. You are if you refuse to obey the gospel c. You may even as a Christian, for I fear there are many... 1) Who would have gladly accepted the second deal of $1,000,000 a) No matter how hard it would be to get home and back again b) They would not let anything keep them from being here 2) Yet do not consider the promise of eternal life worth the same effort a) They do not make the effort to be at services on Sunday and Wednesday nights b) They allow many things to hinder their service to God and to their brethren 3) Who evidently... a) Place a higher value on $1,000,000 than on the gift of eternal life b) Selling their souls for much less (i.e., to the idols of money, materialism, or just plain laziness) - cf. Ep 5:3-5 c) Have accepted the offer of Satan over God's offer! CONCLUSION 1. My purpose has not been to bestow feelings of guilt, but to remind ourselves... a. That each day we are making choices b. We are choosing to serve either Satan (i.e., Satan) or God -- I hoped to illustrate the folly of letting immediate and temporary gratification keep us from a much greater and future reward 2. Brethren, let's make a deal...! a. To esteem the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of the world b. To choose to suffer affliction with the people of God (even if it means assembling more often!) than to enjoy passing pleasures of sin and selfishness c. To keep looking to the reward that God has prepared for His children Together we can help each other keep our priorities straight, and receive the best "deal" that one can make!<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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