<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE EPISTLE TO TITUS" Graces Of The Heirs Of Grace (3:1-2) INTRODUCTION 1. In his epistle to Titus, Paul commanded him to do two things... a. Set in order the things that are lacking - Tit 1:5 b. Speak the things proper for sound doctrine - Tit 2:1 2. The first had to do with the appointment of elders... a. Whose qualifications were listed by Paul - Tit 1:5-9 b. Whose task included dealing with insubordinate talkers and deceivers - Tit 1:10-16 3. The second had to do with conduct becoming members of the church... a. As men and women, young and old, slave or free - Tit 2:1-10 b. As recipients of the wonderful grace of God - Tit 2:11-14 [In Tit 3:1-2, Paul continues to instruct Titus on what to remind the brethren. We find him describing "Graces Of The Heirs Of Grace", i.e., how recipients of God's grace should act toward others...] I. TOWARD THOSE IN AUTHORITY A. BE SUBJECT AND OBEY... 1. A charge given by Paul elsewhere - Ro 13:1-7; 1Ti 2:1-2 2. A charge reinforced by Peter as well - 1Pe 2:13-17 3. Both of which reflect the words of Jesus - cf. Mt 22:17-21 -- Our duty to government can be summarized by these words: obey, pay, and pray B. BE READY FOR EVERY GOOD WORK... 1. As citizens, we should be prepared to serve our country and fellow man in ways consistent with the teaching of Christ; i.e., with good works - Mt 5:16; cf. Php 2:14-16 2. A recurring theme stressed throughout this epistle to Titus - Tit 2:14; 3:8,14 -- Such gracious conduct is proper for the heirs of grace [As seen in Tit 2:11-12, God's grace does not mean license to do whatever we want. It teaches us to respect and obey those in authority. As we continue, it also teaches us how to live graciously...] II. TOWARD ALL MEN A. SPEAK EVIL OF NO ONE... 1. Speak evil (blasphemeo) - To blaspheme, revile. To hurt the reputation or smite with reports or words, speak evil of, slander, rail - TCWD 2. As translated in other versions a. "to malign no one" (NASB) b. "to slander no one" (NIV) 3. Applied here to all men, elsewhere toward brethren - Ep 4: 31-32; Jm 4:11-12 4. Note the caution of Michael the archangel in reproaching even the devil! - cf. Jude 1:9 -- We must speak out against error, but gracious in how we speak of those in error B. BE PEACEABLE... 1. Peaceable (amachos) - not disposed to fight, not contentious or quarrelsome - TCWD 2. The quality displayed by Paul toward his brethren - 1Th 2:7 3. A virtue to be displayed even toward those in error - 2Ti 2: 24-25 4. A grace indicative of heavenly wisdom - Jm 3:17 -- We can contend without being contentious, disagree without being disagreeable C. BE GENTLE... 1. Gentle (epieikes) - equitable, fair, mild, gentle - Thayer 2. Towards those who attack us. Yielding, considerate, not urging one's rights to the uttermost, but forbearing and kindly - JFB 3. A grace to be extended toward all men - cf. Php 4:5 -- A willingness to turn the other cheek, not just literally but also figuratively D. SHOWING ALL HUMILITY... 1. Humility (praotes) - gentleness, mildness, meekness - Thayer 2. As translated in other versions: a. "to show perfect courtesy" (ESV) b. "showing all meekness" (KJV) c. "showing every consideration" (NASB) d. "to show true humility" (NIV) e. "to show every courtesy" (NRSV) 3. A quality present in the fruit of the Spirit - cf. Ga 5:22-23 -- An example of gracious conduct by an heir of grace! CONCLUSION 1. The reason for such conduct is given as Paul continues in his epistle... a. Though we were once foolish, disobedient, etc. - Tit 3:3 b. We have been saved by the kindness, love, and mercy of God - Tit 3: 4-6 c. We have been justified by His grace, and thus "heirs of grace" - Tit 3:7 2. Are we willing to conduct ourselves in ways appropriate for "heirs of grace"...? a. Toward those in authority, even when as wicked and evil as was the emperor Nero? b. Toward all men, not just brethren, but even those who may oppose and oppress us? That is our calling. May we grow in grace to become the kind of people for which Jesus died... "who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works." - Tit 2:14<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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