<< Previous | Index | Next >>"A MAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART" 1 Samuel 13:13-14 INTRODUCTION 1. In Paul's sermon at Antioch, in which he briefly recounts the history of Israel, he refers to the statement made by God concerning David: "I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will." - Ac 13:22 (cf. 1Sa 13:13-14) 2. This beautiful compliment, "a man after My own heart", is one that should characterize every person who wears the name of Christ a. For David was not only the ancestor of Christ according to the flesh... b. But he possessed many of the attitudes that: 1) Were later perfected by Christ 2) Should characterize all those who are disciples of Christ 3. In this study we shall... a. Consider some of these attitudes that David had b. See the similarities between his attitudes and those of Christ c. And encourage all who are Christians to have the same so that we too might be people "after God's own heart" [We begin, then, by noticing that...] I. DAVID LOVED THE WORD OF GOD A. "OH, HOW I LOVE YOUR LAW!" - Ps 119:97 1. In this psalm, if not written by David it certainly expresses his sentiment found elsewhere, we find one who has a great love for God's Word - cf. Ps 119:47-48 2. This love for God's Word is due to the fact that... a. It protects him from sin - Ps 119:11 b. It revives him in affliction - Ps 119:50 c. It gives him great peace of mind - Ps 119:165 B. JESUS LOVED THE WORD OF GOD... 1. As is evident from His frequent quotation of it 2. Especially at the time of His temptation - Mt 4:4,7,10 C. HOW IS OUR LOVE FOR THE WORD OF GOD? 1. Do we "hide" it in our heart? 2. Do we find it to be a source of comfort in times of affliction? 3. Does it give us peace of mind? 4. If not, we should give heed to the instructions of David in Ps 1:1-3 a. Learn to delight in the Word b. Learn to meditate upon it daily -- Then we will be truly "blessed"! [We next see that...] II. DAVID LOVED TO PRAY A. "I WILL CALL UPON HIM AS LONG AS I LIVE" - Ps 116:1-2 1. His love for prayer was based upon the fact God had answered him before - Ps 116:1-2 2. It was based upon the fact that God had greatly blessed him - Ps 116:12-13 3. It was based upon the fact that prayer brought God close to him - Ps 145:18 B. JESUS WAS ALSO A MAN OF PRAYER... 1. He made it a point to often slip away to pray privately - Lk 5:16 2. In times of greatest trial, Jesus resorted to prayer... a. At Gethsemane - Mt 26:36-44 b. On the cross: 1) "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." - Lk 23:34 2) "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" - Mt 27:46 3) "Father, into your hands I commend My Spirit." - Lk 23:46 C. HOW IS OUR LOVE FOR PRAYER? 1. Have we found it to be a source of peace "which surpasses all understanding"? - Php 4:6-7 2. Do we "pray without ceasing"? - 1Th 5:17 3. If not, then let David instruct us to depend upon prayer for our very preservation - Ps 32:6-7 [In addition to the Word of God and prayer...] III. DAVID LOVED TO PRAISE GOD A. "SEVEN TIMES A DAY I PRAISE YOU" - Ps 119:164 1. He praised God because of His righteous judgments 2. He praised God because of His greatness and lovingkindness - Ps 95:1-7 3. And he was determined to sing praises as long as he lived - Ps 104:33 B. JESUS ALSO LOVED TO PRAISE GOD... 1. As He did on one occasion publicly in prayer - cf. Mt 11:25-26 2. As He did with his disciples in song - cf. Mt 26:30 C. DO WE LOVE TO PRAISE GOD? 1. Do we delight in singing praises to God in song? 2. Do we take time to praise God in our prayers? 3. Once again, David has words to encourage us in this activity - Ps 147:1 -- Thus it is becoming for those who profess to be children of God to praise their Heavenly Father! [We note also that...] IV. DAVID LOVED UNITY AMONG BRETHREN A. "BEHOLD, HOW GOOD AND HOW PLEASANT IT IS..." - Ps 133:1 1. David knew the value of good friendship and unity, as exemplified in the relationship he had with Jonathan - 1 Sam 18:1 2. He also knew the terrible pain of division within a family (cf. his sons, Amnon and Absalom - 2Sa 13) B. JESUS LOVED UNITY ALSO... 1. He prayed diligently that His disciples might be one - Jn 17: 20-23 2. He died on the cross that there might be unity - Ep 2:13-16 C. DO WE LOVE UNITY ENOUGH TO PAY THE PRICE? 1. By diligently displaying the proper attitudes necessary to preserve the unity Christ has accomplished through His death? - cf. Ep 4:1-3 2. By marking those who needlessly cause division? - Ro 16:17 [Finally, we note that...] V. DAVID HATED EVERY FALSE WAY A. "I HATE EVERY FALSE WAY" - Ps 119:104 1. His hatred was based upon his understanding of God's precepts - cf. Ps 119:104 2. His hatred affected his selection of activities and friends - cf. Ps 101:3-4,6-7 B. JESUS ALSO HATED ERROR AND FALSE WAYS... 1. As manifested in His driving the moneychangers out of the temple - Mt 21:12-13 2. As manifested in His denunciation of the hypocritical Pharisees, scribes, and lawyers - cf. Mt 23:13-36 C. WHAT IS OUR ATTITUDE TOWARD FALSE WAYS? 1. Are we soft or compromising? 2. Or do we realize that we are involved in a "battle" over the souls of men, and are not to think lightly of that which is false? - cf. 2Co 10:3-5 3. While we are to love the sinner, we must ever hate the sin! CONCLUSION 1. In closing, we note that it was said concerning David that he was one "...who will do all My will." - Ac 13:22 a. Because he was "a man after God's own heart" and had all these attributes we have considered in this lesson... b. God was confident that David would do ALL that God asked of him 2. Thus it requires all of the attributes to motivate one to be faithful to all that God may ask a. We have seen where Jesus possessed them, and He was certainly motivated to do the Father's will - cf. Jn 4:34; Mt 26:42 b. How about us? Are we motivated to do ALL of God's will? Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (Mt 7:21)<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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