<< Previous | Index | Next >>"REFLECTIONS" On The Holy Spirit INTRODUCTION 1. This is our fourth lesson in a series... a. Entitled "Reflections"... b. Devoted to simple meditations on various themes 2. The scriptural justification for such reflections is Php 4:8... a. In which Paul concludes by saying "...meditate on these things" (NKJV) b. The NLT says "Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise" [We began with reflections on the Bible. We then reflected on God and Jesus. It naturally follows that we should reflect on the Third Person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit...] I. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT A. IN READING THE BIBLE... - Gen 1:2 1. Mentioned 88 times in the OT, 60 times in the Gospels 2. Mentioned 57 times in the Acts, 132 times in the Epistles B. IN UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE... 1. "There is no subject more important in religion than that of the Holy Spirit. Unless this be properly understood, a large portion of the Bible, and especially the NT, must remain unintelligible." - The Office Of The Holy Spirit, Richardson 2. "On the other hand, a just view of it will do more than a knowledge of any other particular topic to give harmony, clearness, and consistency to what may be learned to all other matters presented in the Word of God." - ibid. [Mentioned so frequently in Scripture, one would expect the Holy Spirit to be an important figure. Indeed the Spirit is, especially once we understand...] II. THE CHARACTER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT A POSSESSING PERSONALITY... 1. Jesus called the Spirit "He" - Jn 14:16-17,26; 15:26-27 2. The Spirit guides, hears, warns, speaks, tells - Jn 16:12-13 3. He spoke to Philip, Peter, and the brethren at Antioch - Ac 8:29; 10:19-20; 13:1-4 4. He "expressly says", and "Himself makes intercession" - 1Ti 4:1; Ro 8:26 5. He possess affection and can be grieved - Ro 15:30; Ep 4:30 B. POSSESSING DEITY... 1. He is omniscient, knowing the mind of God - 1Co 2:10-11 2. His is omnipresent, we can never flee His presence - Psa 139:7-10 3. He is eternal - He 9:14 4. He is thus part of the Divine Godhead - cf. Mt 28:19; 2Co 13:14 [The Holy Spirit is not some impersonal force, but the third person of the Godhead. Just as the Father and the Son are sources of great blessings, so also is the Holy Spirit as we reflect on...] III. THE BLESSINGS OF THE HOLY SPIRT A. PROMISED TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE AND OBEY... 1. By Jesus to those who believe - Jn 7:37-39 2. By Peter to those who repent and are baptized - Ac 2:38-39; 5:32 B. REGENERATES THOSE BORN AGAIN... 1. Of water and the Spirit - Jn 3:5-8 2. Who experience the washing of regeneration - Tit 3:4-6 3. Having obeyed the truth, the Word of God - 1Pe 1:22-23 C. INDWELLS THE PEOPLE OF GOD... 1. Indwells the church as a whole - 1Co 3:16; 2Co 6:16; Ep 2:22 2. Indwells the body of the Christian - 1Co 6:19; Ro 8:9 D. SERVES AS A SEAL AND GUARANTEE... 1. A seal indicating authenticity, ownership, and security - Ep 1:13; cf. Ep 4:30; 2Co 1:22 2. A guarantee or down payment of our inheritance - Ep 1:14; cf. 2Co 1:22; Ro 8:15-17 E. LEADS THE PEOPLE OF GOD... 1. Through the Word of Truth, the sword of the Spirit - Jn 17:17; cf. Ep 6:17 2. That they may walk by the Spirit and produce His fruit - Ga 5:16-18,22-23 F. EMPOWERS THE PEOPLE OF GOD... 1. Who set their minds on the things of the Spirit - Ro 8:5-8 2. As they put to death the deeds of the body - Ro 8:11-13 3. For the Spirit is God's agent to empower the Christian - Ep 3:16,20 G. FILLS US WITH JOY, PEACE, HOPE, AND LOVE... 1. By the power of the Holy Spirit - Ro 15:13 2. Because we are children of God - Ga 4:6 CONCLUSION 1. Many and significant are the blessings of the Holy Spirit, who... a. Is promised to those who believe and obey b. Regenerates those who are born again c. Indwells the people of God d. Serves as a seal and a guarantee e. Leads the people of God f. Empowers the people of God g. Fills us with joy, peace, hope, and love 2. Indeed, the Holy Spirit is the Father and Son's gift... a. To those who believe, repent, and are baptized - Jn 7:37-39; Ac 2:38-39 b. A foretaste of the glorious inheritance they will one day receive - Ep 1:14 Don't you want the blessings of the Holy Spirit in your life...?<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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