<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT" Exhortations In Entering The Kingdom (Mt 7:13-27) INTRODUCTION 1. In His sermon thus far, Jesus has expounded upon: a. The CITIZENS of the kingdom - Mt 5:3-16 b. The RIGHTEOUSNESS of the kingdom - Mt 5:17-7:12 2. Now, in the final part of the sermon, Jesus extends several exhortations to all who would enter the kingdom - Mt 7:13-27 3. In doing so, our Lord: a. Describes the beginning of "The Way That Leads To Life", urging people to choose it rather than "The Unbeliever's Boulevard" - Mt 7:13-14 b. Gives warning with respect to His followers' progress upon "The Way That Leads To Life" - Mt 7:15-20 c. Stresses the necessity of DOING, over simply HEARING and SAYING - Mt 7:21-27 [Before we consider the exhortations of Jesus, let's review just what it is that Jesus is inviting all men to enter into...] I. THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN - A REVIEW A. THE TERM "KINGDOM OF HEAVEN"... 1. Synonymous with the "kingdom of God" - cf. Mt 4:17 with Mk 1:14-15 2. Refers to God's kingship, or rule, from heaven 3. The kingdom of heaven is focused in the Person of Jesus Christ, and is especially manifested where He rules in the hearts of men - Lk 17:20-21 B. THEREFORE, THE "KINGDOM OF HEAVEN"... 1. Is SPIRITUAL in nature - Jn 18:36; Ro 14:17 2. TODAY, it includes the LORD'S CHURCH on earth (for those who submit to the Will of Christ are added to the kingdom) - Co 1:13; Re 1:9 3. In the FUTURE, it will involve the NEW HEAVENS AND NEW EARTH, where we will be with God and Jesus eternally! - Mt 13:40-43; 2Pe 3:10-13; Re 21:1-22:5 [Stated simply, those who accept Jesus' exhortation to enter the "kingdom of heaven" will be in the CHURCH now and in the NEW HEAVENS AND NEW EARTH later. Let's now focus in on...] II. THE EXHORTATION TO ENTER THE KINGDOM (13-14) A. THE "ENTRANCE" INTO THE KINGDOM IS A "NARROW" ONE (13a) 1. It is a GATE that: a. Requires self-denial and obedience b. Has no room for... 1) A consuming desire for earthly goods - Mt 6:19-20 2) An unforgiving spirit - Mt 6:14-15 3) Self-righteousness - Mt 6:1 2. Compare it with the GATE that leads to destruction (13b) a. Which is WIDE b. Which allows many to enter with no sacrifice on their part c. And is therefore chosen by most people B. THE "WAY" OF THE KINGDOM IS "DIFFICULT" (14) 1. It requires a righteousness that exceeds that of many religious people - Mt 5:20 2. It requires a change in our behavior - Mt 5:21-7:12 3. Because of its difficulty, many choose not to travel its path a. But it is the ONLY way to LIFE! b. The only alternative is the way that leads to DESTRUCTION! [Jesus tells us like it is: no illusions, no false promises of "beds of ease"; there are only two choices, and He exhorts us to take the one that leads to life! But as already suggested, the way to life is difficult, and there are dangers along the way. Jesus now warns of one...] III. BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS (15-20) A. WHO CAN LEAD US ASTRAY (15) 1. Paul warned of this very real danger, which church history certainly seems to confirm - Ac 20:28-31 2. Peter likewise warned that false prophets would lead many away - 2Pe 2:1-3 3. As did John (1Jn 4:1) and Jude (Jude 3-4) B. HOW SHALL WE IDENTIFY THESE FALSE PROPHETS? (16-20) 1. By their "fruits"! a. As manifested in their LIVES (through their covetous and immoral practices, cf. 2Pe 2:14-15) b. Or as manifested in their TEACHINGS (which are not in harmony with the teachings of the apostles, cf. 1Jn 4:5-6) 2. Therefore, we must be "fruit-inspectors" a. We cannot judge their hearts or motives (cf. Mt 7:1-2) b. But if their lifestyle or teachings are contrary to that found in the Word of God, let us beware! [Finally, in His exhortations to enter the kingdom, Jesus makes it clear that one must be a DOER of the Word...] IV. THE NECESSITY OF BEING "DOERS" OF THE WORD (21-27) A. ONLY BY "DOING" THE FATHER'S WILL CAN WE ENTER THE KINGDOM (21-23) 1. Faith "only" will not suffice (21) 2. Doing many "mighty works" won't help either, even if done sincerely "in Jesus' name" (22) 3. Those who depend upon such are described as those who practice "lawlessness"; i.e., without authority (23) B. ONLY BY "ACTING" UPON JESUS' WORDS SHALL WE BE ABLE TO STAND FIRM (24-27) 1. Against the "storms of life" a. That come upon all people, whether Christians or not b. For example, applying Mt 6:19-21 will prevent us from being overwhelmed should we suffer the loss of material things 2. In the "Day of Judgment" a. When we hope to enter the "future state" of the kingdom of heaven b. When we hope to hear those wonderful words: "Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Mt 26:34) CONCLUSION 1. Notice Mt 7:28-29... a. Now that we have come to the end of Jesus' sermon on the mount, I hope that we too have been astonished by His Words! b. Jesus spoke with authority then, how much more since His glorious resurrection! (cf. Mt 28:18) 2. With such authority, He did not mince His words...He told us of: a. The character and blessedness of those in the kingdom (Mt 5:3-12) b. Their relationship to world (Mt 5:13-16) c. The high standard of righteousness they are called to display to glorify their Father in heaven (Mt 5:17-48) d. The proper practice of that righteousness (Mt 6:1-18) e. The necessity of putting the kingdom of God first in our lives (Mt 6:19-33) f. The way to properly treat our fellow man (Mt 7:1-12) 3. As difficult as some of these things may seem, Jesus made it clear: a. It is the ONLY way to life eternal (Mt 7:13-20) b. Only those who are willing to DO the Will of God can have a firm hope to participate in the kingdom of heaven both present and future (Mt 7:21-27) 4. Of course, we learn from Jesus and His apostles elsewhere that there is Divine Assistance to live up to high standards Jesus has set... a. There is the BLOOD of Jesus to provide forgiveness for us when we fail to meet those standards b. There is the POWER of the Holy Spirit to assist us in putting off the "old man" and putting on the "new" 5. But how about you...? a. Are you in the kingdom now? (cf. Jn 3:3-5; Ac 2:38) b. Are you living according to the teachings of Jesus as found in this sermon? I hope that these series of expository outlines have challenged you to greater faithfulness in your service to the Lord!<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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