<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT" The Effects Of Divorce (Mt 5:31-32) INTRODUCTION 1. As we continue our study of "The Sermon On The Mount," we find Jesus in our text still discussing "The Righteousness Of The Kingdom" 2. Having dealt with the subjects of "murder" (21-26) and "adultery" (27-30), He now addresses the matter of "divorce" (31-32) 3. The effect of what Jesus teaches on this subject is even more challenging than His comments on adultery, but please keep in mind... a. Jesus DID warn us in verse 20 that the righteousness of those who would be citizens of His Kingdom is one with very high standards b. If we truly desire to be citizens of that kingdom, we must be willing to accept whatever Jesus may require of us c. We should take courage from the fact that we are not alone in our efforts to do God's Will, and that whatever strength is needed will be provided (cf. Php 2:12-13; 4:13) [On the subject of divorce, then, consider first...] I. THE "TRADITIONAL INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION" OF THE LAW (31) A. "WHOEVER DIVORCES HIS WIFE, LET HIM GIVE HER A CERTIFICATE OF DIVORCE"... 1. This was the "traditional" interpretation of Deut 24:1-4 2. In applying the Law, they had focused in on the mention of giving a certificate of divorce 3. I.e., they concluded divorce was permissible as long as a certificate of divorce was given to the wife B. BUT IS THIS WHAT THE LAW ACTUALLY SAID? 1. Please read Deut 24:1-4 carefully... a. Verses 1-3 are simply describing a particular situation b. It is in verse 4 that Moses actually commands what must not be done c. Which was: "her former husband who divorced her must not take her back to be his wife after she has been defiled; for that is an abomination to the Lord" d. This passage is simply forbidding a man to remarry his wife after she had been married to another (cf. Jer 3:1) 2. But the scribes and Pharisees had interpreted it to permit divorce as long as a certificate of divorce was given to the wife a. Is this a proper interpretation and application? b. What does Jesus say? II. JESUS' INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION OF THE LAW ON DIVORCE (32) A. "WHOEVER DIVORCES HIS WIFE FOR ANY REASON EXCEPT SEXUAL IMMORALITY CAUSES HER TO COMMIT ADULTERY"... 1. The only acceptable grounds for divorcing a wife is ADULTERY 2. Otherwise, divorcing a wife "causes her to commit adultery" 3. How? By placing her in a position where she is likely to remarry, in which she becomes "defiled" (cf. Deut 24:4) 4. Isn't that what the Law stated in Deut 24:4 and Jer 3:1? a. That is why the first husband couldn't take her back b. Even if her second husband had died! c. Because the wife had become "defiled"! 5. Notice these comments by KEIL & DELITZSCH... "The second marriage of a woman who had been divorced is designated by Moses a defilement of the woman...a moral defilement, i.e., blemishing, desecration of the sexual communion which was sanctified by marriage, IN THE SAME SENSE IN WHICH ADULTERY IS CALLED A DEFILEMENT in Lev 18:20 and Num 5:13,14..." "Thus the second marriage of a divorced woman was placed implicit upon a par with adultery, and some approach was made towards the teaching of Christ concerning marriage (Mt 5:32)..." "If the second marriage of a divorced woman was a moral defilement, of course the wife could not marry the first again even after the death of her second husband...because the defilement of the wife would be thereby repeated, and even increased, as the moral defilement which the divorced wife acquired through the second marriage was not removed by a divorce from the second husband, nor yet by his death." 6. Therefore, Jesus was simply making very clear what the Law itself implied: THAT TO DIVORCE A WOMAN EXCEPT FOR SEXUAL IMMORALITY WOULD CAUSE HER TO BE DEFILED (WHEN SHE REMARRIED)! 7. This interpretation and application of the Law by Jesus is in harmony with Paul's understanding of the Law - cf. Ro 7:1-3 a. A woman was bound by the Law to her husband as long he lived b. If she married another while her first husband was still living (implying a certificate of divorce was given), she became an adulteress (i.e., defiled)! B. "WHOEVER MARRIES A DIVORCED WOMAN COMMITS ADULTERY"... 1. Jesus goes on to say that anyone who marries a person who has been divorced (lit., "put away") also commits adultery! 2. Jesus does not use the definite article in reference to one put away, therefore He seems to refer to ANY "put away" person! a. I.e., a person "put away" for reasons OTHER than adultery cannot remarry 1) Because such would "cause them to commit adultery" 2) Or to put it in O.T. terms "become defiled" b. Nor can a person "put away" for the reason of adultery remarry 1) For such a person is an "adulteress" or "adulterer" 2) As such, is "defiled" and would thereby cause anyone who married that person to commit adultery! CONCLUSION 1. Elsewhere (Mt 19:3-12) Jesus elaborates as to who has the right to divorce their spouse and be free to remarry - i.e., an innocent spouse who divorces their guilty spouse because of fornication 2. But in this passage, Jesus teaches that the righteousness of the kingdom demands... a. That a man cannot divorce his wife without causing her to commit adultery (by her subsequent marriage), unless she has already committed adultery b. That whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery -- WHAT IS SAID ABOUT A MAN DIVORCING HIS WIFE WOULD ALSO BE TRUE ABOUT A WOMAN DIVORCING HER HUSBAND, IN VIEW OF Mk 10:11-12 3. Therefore, I believe that a careful study of the Law concerning divorce reveals... a. That Jesus' teaching was really in harmony with the Law itself b. But the "traditional interpretation and application" of the Law had missed the mark by placing emphasis upon the mention of giving a certificate of divorce 4. As difficult as Jesus' (and the Law's) teaching on the subject of divorce might seem in today's permissive and immoral society, those who respect the authority of Jesus Christ will abide by His teaching, knowing all the while... a. That He provides forgiveness for any failures to live by His teachings in the past! b. That He provides whatever strength we may need to live by His teachings in the future! Our next study will concern Jesus' teaching on the matter of oaths...<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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