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                      The Institution Of Marriage


1. Another moral issue that confronts Christians today relates to the
   institution of marriage...
   a. Many people are clamoring to redefine marriage
   b. Governments are responding with laws that redefine who may marry
   c. Same-sex marriage is becoming legal; polygamy and other forms of
      marriage will likely follow

2. As Christians are confronted with this issue, we do well to ask...
   a. What did Jesus and His apostles reveal about marriage?
   b. What do they say about same-sex marriage?
   c. How should we respond to those in same-sex marriages?

[We begin therefore by looking at...]


      1. Marriage was instituted by God at the beginning - Mt 19:3-4
         a. Weddings may be a social custom, and variously defined by
         b. But marriage itself is ordained by God, not by society or
            the state
      2. Marriage was designed for those created male and female - Mt
         a. From the beginning this was God's design
         b. Beginning with Adam and Eve (not Adam and Steve)
      3. Marriage is for man and wife, who become 'one flesh' - Mt 19:5
         a. A man is to leave his family to start a new one
         b. Man and woman are biologically designed to complement each
      4. Marriage is a union that God joins, not the state - Mt 19:6
         a. Note well:  only God does the joining
         b. The state cannot force God to do something by passing laws
      5. States may therefore declare marriages that are unlawful in
         God's sight - cf. Mk 6:17-18
         a. Herod had "married" Herodias, i.e., approved by the state
         b. But in God's sight it was "not lawful" for him to have her
      -- Jesus defined marriage as instituted and regulated by God, not
         the state

      1. Sex in marriage is honorable, sex outside marriage is not - He
         a. God will judge fornicators (any who practice sexual
            immorality, see previous lesson)
         b. God will judge adulterers (any who violate the bond
            involving those married )
      2. To avoid fornication, let each man have his own wife and each
         woman her own husband
         a. The solution to sexual immorality is heterosexual marriage
            - 1Co 7:1-5
         b. The only alternative is self-control - 1Co 7:6-9
      -- The apostles taught marriage is regulated by God and His Word

[Both Jesus and His apostles have important things to say about divorce
as it relates to the institution of marriage, but we will discuss that
in another lesson.  Let's now turn our attention to...]


      1. Again we note what the Bible clearly teaches:
         a. Sex outside of marriage is sinful (see previous lesson)
            1) Whether heterosexual or homosexual
            2) It falls into the category of "sexual immorality"
         b. The solution to sexual immorality is clearly stated
            1) Either heterosexual marriage - 1Co 7:1-5
            2) Or self-control - 1Co 7:6-9
         c. Marriage is a divine institution, not a civil one
            1) God determines what constitutes a proper marriage, not
            2) Marriage throughout the Bible is always between a man and
      2. We now note the following:
         a. There is not one mention regarding same-sex marriage
            1) Even though the practice was  known among the Gentiles
            2) Emperor Nero himself had two same-sex marriages
               (Pythagoras, Sporus)
         b. There is no Biblical teaching on how same-sex marriages are
            to work
            1) Who is to be the head?  Who is to submit?
            2) All discussions pertaining to marriage describe
               husband-wife (male-female) relationships - 1Co 7:10-40;
               Ro 7:1-4; Ep 5:22-33; Col 3:18-19; 1Ti 3:2,11-12; 5:14;
               Tit 1:6; 2:4-5; 1Pe 3:1-7
      -- At best, the Bible is silent regarding same-sex marriage; of
         course, there is the issue of homosexuality itself (to be
         discussed later)

      1. Same-sex marriage is on par with other unscriptural marriages
         a. Divorce and remarriage can lead to adulterous marriages (see
            next lesson)
         b. Governments have sanctioned adulterous marriages for years
         c. Many Christians have friends and family involved in such
         d. As same-sex marriages become common, so will our
            acquaintance with such
         e. We must stand firm in support of truth concerning the
            institution of marriage
      2. As with all people engaged in sinful behavior, we should:
         a. Love the sinner while hating the sin
         b. Speak the truth in love, not hate - Ep 4:15
         c. Reach out with gentleness, patience, humility - 2Ti 2:24-26
         d. Convert them to Jesus as Savior and Lord (willing to obey in
            all things) - Mt 28:18-20
         e. We should certainly not fault the children - cf. Eze 18:20
      3. As "citizen saints" living in a free society, we should:
         a. Pray for our leaders, that we may live peaceable, godly
            lives - 1Ti 2:1-4
         b. Live as sojourners and pilgrims, setting honorable examples
            - 1Pe 2:11-12; Ro 12:1-2
         c. Vote for those who respect God's Word on such issues, for it
            can only "insure domestic tranquility...promote the general
            welfare" of one's country - cf. Pr 14:34
      -- Our response should be no different than with any other sin


1. The institution of marriage has long been under attack...
   a. Divorce and remarriage for any reason has undermined it for
   b. Same-sex marriage is only the latest attack; it probably won't be
      the last
   c. Many choose to simply cohabitate rather than marry at all

2. As Christians confronted with such attacks, let us...
   a. Remain true to the teachings of Christ and His apostles
   b. Illustrate by way of example that God's way is good, acceptable
      and perfect
   c. Reach out to all who are lost in sin with both the truth and love
      that is in Jesus Christ

Always remembering that when it comes to the institution of marriage...

   Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but
   fornicators and adulterers God will judge.  - Heb 13:4
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