<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW" Condemned By Others (12:41-42) INTRODUCTION 1. On the day of Judgment, we will all be judged by Jesus Christ... a. It is before Him that we must appear - 2Co 5:10 b. It is by His words that we shall be condemned - Jn 12:48 2. But Jesus also spoke of some rising at the judgment and condemning others... a. The men of Nineveh condemning the generation of Jews in Jesus' day - Mt 12:41 b. Likewise the Queen of the South - Mt 12:42 3. This makes me wonder... a. Will there be some who will rise at the judgment to condemn us? b. What would the men of Nineveh and the Queen of the South say about us? [Perhaps from Jesus' words in Mt 12:41-42 we can glean some points that ought to make us think soberly about our service to God, and whether we too will be "Condemned By Others". Let's first notice what is said about...] I. THE GENERATION OF JESUS' DAY A. TO BE CONDEMNED BY THE MEN OF NINEVEH... 1. This refers to the Ninevites in Jonah's day - Mt 12:41 a. To whom Jonah was sent with a message of destruction - Jonah 3:1-4 b. Who were quick to repent at the preaching of Jonah - Jonah 3:5-10 2. They will rise to condemn the Jews of Jesus' day a. Because the Ninevites repented.... 1) And they were only given 40 days 2) While the Jews were given about 40 years (before the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70) b. Because the Jews had one greater than Jonah preach to them... 1) Jonah was a reluctant prophet, who became angry when God relented of the destruction to come upon Nineveh - Jonah 1:1-3; 3:10-4:3 2) Jesus was a compassionate prophet, who lamented over His people Israel - cf. Mt 23:37-38; Lk 19:41-44 B. TO BE CONDEMNED BY THE QUEEN OF THE SOUTH... 1. This refers to the Queen of Sheba - Mt 12:42 a. Who traveled great distances ("from the ends of the earth") to see Solomon - 1Ki 10:1 b. She brought a great caravan of spices, gold, and precious stones - 1Ki 10:2 c. Who praised God for the wisdom given to Solomon - 1Ki 10: 3-9 d. Who honored Solomon with great gifts - 1Ki 10:10 2. She will rise to condemn the Jews of Jesus' day a. Because the Queen was willing to travel... 1) A great distance to see Solomon 2) While many Jews were unwilling to follow Jesus b. Because the Jews had one greater than Solomon teach them... 1) Solomon certainly was the wisest man of his day - 1 Kin 4:29-34 2) But Jesus possessed "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" - Col 2:3 [The Ninevites and the Queen of Sheba will judge the Jews of Jesus' day because they showed less interest and willingness to heed even though they had a much greater opportunity. Again, this makes me wonder...] II. HOW ABOUT OUR GENERATION TODAY? A. WILL THE MEN OF NINEVEH CONDEMN US? 1. They were quick to repent after hearing the one message of Jonah... a. How many sermons have we heard, yet failed to repent? b. They were given but forty days, how many years has God given us to repent? 2. They repented when all they had was a simple message... a. We have God's full and final revelation, written and preserved for us b. We have God's word, revealed through His Son and His apostles c. We have likely had the blessing of parents, teachers, preachers, and many other Christians encouraging us to live for God -- If we do not heed the message of Jesus Christ, don't you think the Ninevites will consider us foolish on the day of judgment? B. WILL THE QUEEN OF THE SOUTH CONDEMN US? 1. She was willing to travel a great distance to hear Solomon... a. Have we been unwilling to travel a short distance to hear the words of Christ proclaimed? b. She traveled on camels through desert for months at great risk, yet some won't travel in air-conditioned cars for an hour or less when there is only minimal risk 2. She highly valued Solomon's wisdom, giving great gifts to him... a. Do we value the wisdom of the Son of God? b. Are we willing to offer the gifts of our time and energy to learn the wisdom of Christ as revealed in His word? -- If we are unwilling to learn the will of Christ for us today, will not the Queen of Sheba consider us foolish on the day of judgment? C. WILL EVEN MORE RECENT GENERATIONS CONDEMN US? 1. Think of those in the nineteenth century... a. Who often traveled by wagon or horseback for hours to hear God's word b. Who sat on logs, in brush arbors or under tents 2. Think of those in the first half of the twentieth century... a. Who sat in hot, un-airconditioned buildings b. Who went to protracted meetings every night, often for three or more weeks 3. Think of those who struggled to come out of Denominationalism a. Studying God's Word carefully to learn the simplicity of New Testament Christianity b. Often making the difficult decision to leave family and friends to follow the way of Christ -- If we balk at attending services regularly, taking advantages of gospel meetings and Bible studies offered in nice, comfortable buildings, will not those who preceded us think us foolish on the day of judgment? CONCLUSION 1. As Jesus said to His disciples on another occasion: "But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it." (Mt 13:17) 2. Indeed, we are richly blessed... a. We have the message of salvation offered by One greater than Jonah b. We have the wisdom of God taught by One greater than Solomon -- Don't you think that the Ninevites and the Queen of the South would have loved to have what we enjoy today? 3. Don't forget the maxim: "For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more." (Lk 12:48) Unless we wish to be "Condemned By Others" on the day of judgment, let us utilize the blessings given to us through Christ, and expend whatever effort necessary to learn and heed His wonderful message!<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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