<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW" Principles Of Evangelism - II (10:11-42) INTRODUCTION 1. In our previous study, we began looking at the instructions Jesus gave in charging His apostles with "The Limited Commission"... a. In which He sent them to preach to the house of Israel - Mt 10: 5-10 b. To prepare the way for Jesus to come to them personally - cf. Mt 10:23; 11:1; Lk 10:1 2. In that study, we observed five "Principles Of Evangelism"... a. Utilize the power of synergy b. Employ the practice of specialization c. Proclaim the word of God d. Offer our services freely e. Support those willing to work -- Principles that were utilized by the early church with great success, and worthy of our emulation today 3. In this study, we shall consider the rest of Jesus words in giving "The Limited Commission"... a. Gleaning at least five more "Principles of Evangelism" b. Noticing principles applied by the early church and applicable today as well [Beginning with Mt 10:11-15, we find Jesus telling His apostles...] I. BE SELECTIVE A. THE APOSTLES WERE TO FOCUS ON THOSE WHO WERE "WORTHY"... 1. Those who were both hospitable and willing to listen - Mt 10: 11-13 2. But they were to "shake off the dust from your feet" when leaving a city that would not receive them or hear their words - Mt 10:14 3. It would be more tolerable in the day of judgment for Sodom and Gomorrah than for such people - Mt 10:15 B. THIS ILLUSTRATES THE NEED TO BE SELECTIVE... 1. We are not to "cast your pearls before swine" - Mt 7:6 2. People judge themselves unworthy of the gospel by their lack of interest a. Paul was willing to preach again if people were interested - Ac 13:42-44 b. But when people rejected the gospel, he turned elsewhere - Ac 13:45-46 C. MAKING APPLICATION TODAY... 1. We are to preach the gospel to every creature - Mk 16:15 a. But once people display lack of interest, we are not obligated to keep trying b. Rather than "cast our pearls" before those who don't appreciate it, we should move on to someone else 2. Admittedly, there is room for judgment... a. As to how long we try to reach someone before going on b. Some may not show much interest at first, but do later on 3. But at some point, there may be other souls who need the gospel more than our friends, family and neighbors who show no interest [Another principle of evangelism we do well to remember is to...] II. ANTICIPATE PERSECUTION A. THE APOSTLES WERE TOLD TO EXPECT PERSECUTION... 1. Jesus was sending them as sheep in the midst of wolves - Mt 10:16 2. He gave them a picture of what to expect - Mt 10:17-23 3. As His disciples, they should expect treatment similar to what He had received - Mt 10:24-25 B. THIS ILLUSTRATES THE NEED TO ANTICIPATE PERSECUTION... 1. Jesus later reminded His apostles they would be hated by the world - Jn 15:18-20 2. The apostles would later tell the disciples of persecution to come - Ac 14:22; 1Th 3:4; 2Ti 3:12 3. But the disciples were prepared to react in the proper way a. To rejoice that they were worthy to suffer in Christ's name - Mt 5:10-12 b. To rejoice knowing that trials can make them better - Ro 5: 3-5 C. MAKING APPLICATION TODAY... 1. Don't expect everyone to gladly receive your message of salvation in Christ 2. Rather, expect some to be offended and angry... a. For many don't like to be told they are sinners, in need of salvation b. They may become defensive when told repentance is necessary c. You might lose friends, be ostracized, and in some places, physically abused 3. But being forewarned is forearmed, able to respond in the proper way a. Blessing those who curse you, praying for those who despise you - Mt 5:44 b. Rejoicing for the good that can come out of persecution - Jm 1:2-4 [Evangelism is often short-circuited when met with resistance; anticipating persecution is an important principle that will help us to not lose heart. Closely related to this is another principle of evangelism...] III. FEAR GOD, NOT MAN A. THE APOSTLES WERE TOLD WHOM TO FEAR... 1. They were not to fear those who would resist them - Mt 10: 26-27 2. They were not to fear those who could kill them - Mt 10:28 3. They were to fear God if they desired to be free from the fear of men a. For God had the power to destroy both body and soul - Mt 10:28 b. But God also knew everything about them and valued them highly - Mt 10:29-31 4. Confessing Jesus before men would ensure their being confessed before God - Mt 10:32-33 B. THIS ILLUSTRATES THE NEED TO BE MORE CONCERNED WITH WHAT GOD THINKS... 1. Fear of rejection often hinders many evangelistic efforts a. We want to be accepted by friends, family, neighbors b. We don't want to be turned away from them -- But they are not the ones who will judge us in the last day! 2. Paul reminds us that pleasing God rather than man is what makes one a servant of Christ - Ga 1:10 C. MAKING APPLICATION TODAY... 1. Christians need to have a healthy reverence for God - Php 2:12 2. When we revere God more than we fear man, the fear of rejection will not hinder our efforts to teach others a. We will stop trying to please others, and seek to please God! b. We will seek His favor, rather than the favor of men 3. With the proper fear of God, we will not rest until we are doing something in the area of evangelism, for that is His will for us! [Fearing God over fearing men is a matter of keeping our priorities straight. Along the same vein is the next principle of evangelism that Jesus taught...] IV. PUT THE LORD FIRST A. THE APOSTLES WERE TOLD HOW THE LORD MUST COME FIRST... 1. Jesus described the kind of conflicts that would often arise - Mt 10:34-36 a. His coming and the gospel of the kingdom would often divide family members b. The members of one's own household might become enemies 2. To be worthy, they must love Him more than family and self - Mt 10:37-39 a. They must be willing to take up their cross and follow Him b. They must be willing to lose their life in service to Him to truly find their life B. THIS ILLUSTRATES THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP... 1. A cost Jesus encouraged all to count before becoming His disciples - Lk 14:25-33 2. A cost Jesus reminded one disciple who sought to put family first - Mt 8:21-22 C. MAKING APPLICATION TODAY... 1. Service to God is hindered by allowing family and personal interests to come first a. You see this in how some put relatives and family before the church b. We have a responsibility to our families (1Ti 5:8), but we must not let that get in the way of serving Jesus 2. Evangelism, especially foreign evangelism, will never be what it should be as long as we allow family and personal considerations hold us back a. Think of the early Christians, who "went everywhere preaching the word" - Ac 8:4 b. Likely there were children, parents, and others saying "Don't go"; but neither persecution nor family ties kept them from spreading the Word! [We come to the last point, which ties in with the last point of the previous lesson (Support those willing to work)...] V. SUPPORTERS SHARE IN THE REWARD A. THIS WOULD ENCOURAGE THOSE WHO RECEIVED THE APOSTLES... 1. For in receiving them, they receive Christ and God who sent Him - Mt 10:40 2. They would share in the rewards of the prophets and righteous men they supported - Mt 10:41 3. Even a cup of cold water would not go unnoticed - Mt 10:42 B. THIS ILLUSTRATES THE PRINCIPLE ESTABLISHED BY DAVID... 1. Back when David and his men were pursuing the Amalekites - 1Sa 30:9-10,18-25 a. When some had to be left with the supplies while others fought the enemy b. David decreed that all should share alike - both those at the base, and those at the front 2. Thus those who support have fellowship in both the work and reward of those they support! C. MAKING APPLICATION TODAY... 1. Never underestimate the role of supporting those who go ("How shall they preach unless they are sent?") - cf. Ro 10:14-15 2. If you cannot go or teach yourself, then do what you can to support those who can 3. Take comfort in knowing: a. It is Christ you are serving, not just a servant of Christ! b. You can receive a prophet's reward without necessarily being a prophet! CONCLUSION 1. In summation, here are ten "Principles Of Evangelism" found in "The Limited Commission"... a. Utilize the power of synergy f. Be selective b. Employ the practice of specialization g. Anticipate persecution c. Proclaim the word of God h. Fear God, not man d. Offer our services freely i. Put the Lord first e. Support those willing to work j. Supporters share in the reward 2. As we attempt to fulfill "The Great Commission" (Mt 28:19)... a. Can we improve on the principles taught by our Savior? b. Did not the early Christians implement them as they went forth with the gospel? As preachers or simply disciples, as churches or as individuals, success in evangelism can only be increased by remembering what our Lord told His twelve apostles before He sent them out to preach the good news of the kingdom...<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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