<< Previous | Index | Next >>"LIFE AFTER DEATH" What Should Be Our Attitude Towards Death? INTRODUCTION 1. Our previous lesson examined the value of such a study as "Life After Death", in which we suggested that it could... a. Encourage us to so live as to inherit blessings b. Furnish us a stimulus and theme for evangelism c. Help us to answer inquirers, and quiet deceivers d. Stimulate us to more fervent prayers e. Strengthen our love for one another f. Cause more glory to be given to God g. Increase incentive to be steadfast in the faith 2. Understanding the value of such a study, it may be proper to begin this study in earnest by stressing what our ATTITUDE as Christians should be towards death itself a. This will help us get started in the right direction b. For whatever "conclusions" or "convictions" we may reach in future studies must be in harmony with the proper ATTITUDE as taught in the Bible 1) Some views of life after death seem totally out of harmony with a Biblical attitude toward death 2) E.g., if after death the soul "sleeps" or ceases to exist, I find it difficult to understand why the Bible says what it does about the death of the righteous [Let's notice first, then, some...] I. WRONG ATTITUDES TOWARD DEATH A. THE ATTITUDE OF THE "CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST"... 1. Who believes that "matter, sin, sickness, and death have no reality" 2. I.e., who in essence denies the reality of death 3. Who might to read Gen 5:5,8,11,14,17,20,27,31 and observe how often the Scriptures records "and he died" B. THE ATTITUDE OF THE "ESCAPIST"... 1. Who fears death, and so tries to avoid all mention of it a. Louis XV forbade his servants to mention the word "death" in his presence b. Some Chinese are afraid that the mention of "death" invites it 2. But that approach cannot provide any true comfort C. THE ATTITUDE OF THE "FATALIST" OR "STOIC"... 1. This person appears to accept it without any emotion, one way or the other 2. E.g., saying "When I die, I rot...and what of it?" D. THE ATTITUDE OF THE "BLATANT INFIDEL"... 1. This individual curses death and the God (if there is one) who allows it 2. Who might say, "This is a dirty trick!" E. THE ATTITUDE OF THE "DESPAIRING PESSIMIST"... 1. Tired of life, and in despair commits suicide 2. But there is at least one passage that teaches us to have more respect for our physical body - cf. 1Co 6:19-20 F. THE ATTITUDE OF THE "SENTIMENTALIST"... 1. This person gushes over death-bed scenes, grows very sentimental, but actually enjoys it! 2. Just like there are those who enjoy "thrillers", there are those who delight in "tear-jerkers" 3. Why? You will have to ask a psychologist for that one... G. THE ATTITUDE OF THE "RELIGIOUS FANATIC WITH A MARTYR-COMPLEX"... 1. Not to be confused with true martyrs who faced inevitable death with great courage 2. This person actually looks for opportunity to die for the Lord 3. Who should probably study such verses like 1Co 13:3b; Php 1: 22-24 [Such attitudes toward death are harmful or otherwise wrong. How then should the Christian view death? The same way the Bible views it...] II. BIBLICAL ATTITUDES TOWARD THE DEATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS A. PRECIOUS IN THE SIGHT OF GOD... 1. Cf. Ps 116:15 2. Viewed from God's perspective, death simply means that one of His children is finally "coming home" B. REMOVED FROM EVIL, AND AT PEACE... 1. Cf. Isa 57:1-2 2. In times of general turmoil, the righteous and merciful are often caught up in the loss of life 3. But we can consider it from a positive perspective, that such no longer have to endure the evil, and are now in peace! C. A BEING CARRIED AWAY BY ANGELS TO BLISS... 1. Cf. Lk 16:22 2. Those righteous who have suffered are immediately released from that suffering, and are carried away by the angels to a place of comfort D. A GOING AWAY TO PARADISE... 1. Cf. Lk 23:43 2. So Jesus promised the thief on the cross E. A DEPARTURE, AN "EXODUS"... 1. Paul viewed his impending death as a "departure", using "a metaphor drawn from loosing from moorings preparatory to setting sail" - 2Ti 4:6 2. Peter used the Greek word "exodos" {ex'-od-os} (translated "decease"), meaning "exit", the same word used to describe the Exodus of Israel from Egyptian bondage - 2Pe 1:15 F. A "GAIN", SOMETHING FAR BETTER THAN LIVING... 1. Cf. Php 1:21,23 2. This was another way Paul viewed his death G. TO BE WITH CHRIST, AT HOME WITH THE LORD... 1. Cf. Php 1:23; 2Co 5:6-8 2. This is why death was considered by Paul to be a "gain", rather than a loss H. "ASLEEP" IN JESUS, YET LIVING WITH HIM... 1. Cf. 1Th 4:13-14; 5:9-11 2. Those who have died "in Christ", are said to "sleep in Jesus" 3. Whether this phrase ("sleep in Jesus") supports what some teach as "soul sleeping" will be examined more carefully later, but Paul does say that those who sleep in Jesus still "live together with Him" implying awareness - 1Th 5:10 I. A BLESSED REST FROM THEIR LABORS... 1. Cf. Re 14:13 2. One of the many blessings promised to those who patiently keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus (Re 14:12) CONCLUSION 1. This should suffice to convince the faithful Christian that death... a. Is NOT to be denied or feared b. But can be something precious and even longed for, for the blessings it brings! 2. As said in the beginning of this lesson, whatever conclusions or convictions we reach concerning the death of the righteous must somehow fit in with these attitudes towards death as found in the Bible 3. May God give us more grace and greater faith to so view the death of those in Christ, and our own death as well! 4. And may we also ever give praise and glory to God, who through His Son has freed us from the "fear of death" - He 2:14-15 Have you been freed from the fear of death, by being made righteous in the blood of the Lamb?<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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