<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES" Chapter Ten OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THIS CHAPTER 1) To compare the harm of folly and the value of wisdom 2) To see the impact of folly on one's reputation, the government, and in business SUMMARY The Preacher continues to share wisdom that can help endure the many vanities in life. This chapter is filled with proverbial statements, in which he first deplores folly and the affect it can have on one's reputation (1-3). The Preacher also describes how folly is often manifested in government, and in one's life and labors. The land suffers when governed by foolish men, and labor is made even more difficult. Yet wisdom can bring success to one's endeavors, and blessings to the land when found in the conduct of those who lead (4-20). OUTLINE I. FOLLY DEPLORED (10:1-3) A. IT MARS THE FINEST OF REPUTATIONS (1) 1. Like dead flies putrefy the perfumer's ointment 2. So folly is to one respected for wisdom and honor B. IT SERVES AS AN UNSAFE GUIDE (2) 1. The wise man's heart is at his right hand 2. The fool's heart is at his left hand (in the wrong place) C. IT BETRAYS ITS OWN STUPIDITY (3) 1. A fool walks along the way without wisdom 2. He shows everyone that he is a fool II. FOLLY MANIFESTED (10:4-20) A. WHEN THE SPIRIT OF THE RULER RISES AGAINST YOU (4) 1. Do not leave your post 2. Allow conciliation to pacify great offense B. WHEN FOLLY IS MANIFESTED IN GOVERNMENT AND LABOR (5-20) 1. An evil observed by the Preacher (5-7) a. Error proceeding from the ruler b. Folly exalted while the rich are debased c. Servants in power while true princes are humbled 2. Those who labor with foolishness hurt and hinder themselves (8-10) a. As illustrated through several examples given by the Preacher b. The wisdom of the wise will know how to expedite his labors 3. The foolish seldom know how to restrain themselves (11-15) a. They do not know how to hold their tongues b. They do not know how to direct their labor 4. How folly and wisdom affect the condition of the country (16-19) a. Woe to the land whose leaders... 1) Are childish and feast in the morning 2) Are lazy, resulting in broken down buildings b. Blessed is the land whose leaders... 1) Feast at the proper time 2) Successfully rule, providing for true happiness and meeting every need 5. Be careful what you say (20) a. Do not curse the king b. Do not curse the rich c. For what you say will likely reach their ears REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THE CHAPTER 1) What are the main points of this chapter? - Folly deplored (1-3) - Folly manifested (4-20) 2) What comparison is used to illustrate how folly ruins the reputation of the wise? (1) - As dead flies cause the perfumer's ointment to give off a foul odor 3) Where is the heart of a wise man? The heart of the foolish man? (2) - At his right hand; at his left hand 4) When does the fool display his folly to everyone? (3) - Even when he walks along the way 5) How should one respond when the spirit of the ruler rises against them? (4) - By remaining at their post (i.e., maintaining their faithfulness) - By seeking conciliation 6) What evil had the Preacher seen under the sun pertaining to government? (5-7) - Error proceeding from the ruler - Folly set in great dignity while the rich are set in a lowly place - Servants on horses while princes walk on the ground 7) What four illustrations appear to depict the lack of wisdom in business? (8-9) - Digging a pit, then falling into it - Breaking through a wall, only to be bit by a serpent - Being hurt by the stone one quarries - Endangered by the wood one splits 8) When the ax is dull, what is required? What will bring success? (10) - More strength; wisdom 9) To what is a babbler compared? (11) - A serpent that may bite when not charmed 10) How are the words of the wise? What will the lips of a fool do to him? (12) - Gracious - Swallow him up 11) What do the words of a fool begin with? How do they end? (13) - Foolishness; with raving madness 12) What else is said about a fool? (14-15) - He multiplies his words - His labor wearies him 13) When is there woe upon the land? (16) - When the king is a child, and the princes feast in the morning 14) When is a land blessed? (17) - When the king is the son of nobles, and princes feast at the proper time 15) What is evidence of laziness and idleness? (18) - Decaying buildings and leaking houses 16) What observations are made about feasting, wine and money? (19) - Feasting is made for laughter - Wine makes merry - Money answers everything 17) Why should one not curse the king nor the rich? (20) - What you say (even in private) may eventually get back to them<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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