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Executable Outlines

Mark A. Copeland - Gospel preacher, Bible teacher

"Preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ." (Ac 28:31)

Photo of Mark A. Copeland

Greetings! Welcome to my "bio" page...

I am simply a Christian, a disciple of Jesus Christ, and member of the Lord's body, the church, as described in the New Testament. In view of our Lord's prayer for unity (Jn 17:20-21), and the apostle Paul's condemnation of division (1Co 1:10-13), I disdain denominational distinctions and all forms of sectarianism.

I have been blessed to serve as a minister of the gospel of Christ for thirty years, having worked with churches made up of individuals who are likewise trying to be simply Christians. Using the New Testament as their authority in matters pertaining to the work, worship, and organization of the local church, they are independent, self-governing churches, and totally non-denominational. They have no written creed (other than the Bible), and constantly engage in Bible study (not creed rehearsal), fine-tuning their understanding and practice to what they learn from the Scriptures.

Frequently referred to as "churches of Christ" (Ro 16:16), they are not to be confused with any denomination that might be known as the "Church of Christ", especially those that identify themselves as the "International Church of Christ," or formerly the "Boston Church of Christ."

See "What Is The Church Of Christ?" for more information.

I presently preach for the Fortune Road Church of Christ in Kissimmee, Florida. If you live in the Kissimmee area, or are planning to visit Disney World and other Orlando area attractions, I would love to have you worship with us (directions and times of services).

I also conduct gospel meetings for other churches by invitation. To inquire about having me for a meeting, please .

I maintain four websites:

Executable Outlines - my personal library of over 1400 sermons and Bible studies, developed in the course of my ministry as a Gospel preacher and Bible teacher. Available for online browsing or downloading, free of charge. Ranked #1 for "sermon outlines" by Google.

Executable Preacher - my blog for gospel preachers and others who may be interested as a place to share things that may be helpful in their work for the Lord, such as information on books, preaching, evangelism, software, websites, and interesting news. Plus an occasional muse of my own.

Executable Links - actually a subset of Executable Outlines, this page is a collection of links to religious resources for sermon preparation, personal study, or other matters related to our service to Christ.

Executable Bookstore - recommended books and DVDs that you can purchase online from Amazon.com.

On a personal note:

Born 1951 in Oakland, California, I am 57 years old, and married to Bonnie (Hudgins) for 35 years. We have three adopted children - Georgianna, Ashley, and Tyler (family photo).

I graduated from Beaverton (OR) High School in 1969, and Florida College in 1971. My academic interests were Bible and education.

Interests include reading, computers, photography, walking, and travel (especially Oregon, where I spent my formative years).

Some of my Oregon pictures

Some of my Kissimmee pictures

Thanks for reading (and viewing), and may God be with you!

In His Service,

Mark A. Copeland

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Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2009

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