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            Closing Prayer And Final Admonitions (5:23-28)


1. In our study of First Thessalonians, we have seen that the epistle
   divides itself into two sections...
   a. Personal reflections (1-3)
      1) Regarding their condition - 1:1-10
      2) Regarding his conduct - 2:1-12
      3) Regarding his concern - 2:13-3:13
   b. Apostolic instructions (4-5)
      1) Walk in holiness - 4:1-8
      2) Walk in love - 4:9-10
      3) Walk in diligence - 4:11-12
      4) Walk in hope - 4:13-18
      5) Walk in light - 5:1-11
      6) Walk in obedience - 5:12-28

2. Mention is made of the Second Coming of Christ in every chapter, and
   so I offered "Holiness In View Of The Coming Of Christ" as the theme
   of the epistle

3. In the final verses of Paul's letter, we finds words that certainly
   fit in with such a theme...
   a. In the form of a closing prayer
   b. In the form of final admonitions

[While this prayer was offered in behalf of the Thessalonians, it
expresses what must be the sentiment that God has for all His children.
That being so, let's take a few moments to first reflect upon...]


      1. That is, "set apart for a holy purpose"
         a. As stated earlier, this is God's will for them - 1Th 4:3a
         b. Especially in regard to sexual purity - 1Th 4:3b-4
      2. By God Himself
         a. He who is described as the "God of peace" - cf. Php 4:9;
            He 13:20
         b. Which He does through the Word of God - cf. Jn 17:17; Ac
            20:32; 1Pe 1:22-23
      3. Completely
         a. Not just in part, but in whole
         b. As mentioned momentarily, in body, soul and spirit - 1 Th
      -- Of course, we must cooperate with God if this prayer is to be
         answered in our lives - cf. 2Ti 2:19-22

      1. For which Paul prayed earlier in this epistle - 1Th 3:13
         a. To be blameless in holiness
         b. When?  As here in 5:23...at the coming of our Lord Jesus
      2. Preserved blameless, that is, without fault - cf. Jude 24
         a. Which Jesus makes possible through His death - Col 1:22
         b. Provided we remain faithful - Col 1:23
         c. God is faithful, and will uphold His end; will we uphold
            ours? - cf. 1Th 5:24
      3. Blameless not just in spirit, but in soul and body
         a. Often in the scriptures, the terms soul and spirit appear to
            be interchangeable, referring to that part of man which
            continues after death - cf. Mt 10:28; Re 6:9; 20:4; Ecc
            12:7; He 12:23
         b. They are also used to distinguish one from the other (He
            4:12), in which case...
            1) Soul refers to the animal life, as distinguished from the
               mind or spirit
            2) Spirit refers to the immaterial part of man that
               continues after death
      -- God is faithful, and can be counted on to help us answer this
         prayer; but against we must cooperate with God - cf. Php 2:12-16

[To assist those who desire Paul's prayer to be answered in their lives,
we now notice...]


      1. Paul requested that they pray for him - 1Th 5:25
         a. Something he asked often of his brethren - e.g., Ro 15:30-
            33; Ep 6:18-20
         b. Especially that the gospel might have free course - cf. 2 Th
            3:1; Col 4:3
      2. Certainly we should pray for one another as well
         a. When we sin - 1Jn 5:16-17
         b. When we are sick - Jm 5:14-16
         c. When we are serving the Lord - 2Th 3:1
      -- If the prayer of one righteous man avails much, how much more
         the prayers of many righteous!  Wouldn't we want the prayers of
         others on our behalf?

      1. Paul charged that they greet the brethren with a holy kiss
         - 1Th 5:26
         a. Something he did often in his epistles - e.g., Ro 16:16;
            1Co 16:20; 2Co 13:12
         b. Greeting one another with a kiss was a common practice
            1) In those days, and in many eastern countries today
            2) "The custom hence arose in the early Church of passing
               the kiss through the congregation at the holy communion
               [Justin Martyr, Apology, 1.65; Apostolic Constitutions,
               2.57], the men kissing the men, and the women the women,
               in the Lord. So in the Syrian Church each takes his
               neighbor's right hand and gives the salutation, 'Peace.'"
               - JFB
         c. The emphasis appears to be greeting each other in love, and
            in holiness
      2. Certainly we should have a deep love for one another
         a. It is a mark of discipleship - Jn 13:34-35
         b. It is a sign of true conversion - 1Jn 3:14
      -- Brethren who truly love one another will help each other stay
         on the straight and narrow, to remain sanctified and blameless
         in anticipation of the Lord's return!

      1. Paul charged that this epistle be read to all the brethren
         - 1Th 5:27
         a. As he did the letters to the Colossians and the Laodiceans
            - Col 4:16
         b. Believing in the Word of God to build them up and give them
            the inheritance among all those who are sanctified - Ac 20:
      2. We should not underestimate the importance of the Scriptures in
         our lives!
         a. The means by which God sanctifies us - Jn 17:17
         b. By which we are born again and have purified our souls
            - 1Pe 1:22-25
         c. By which God brought us forth, and will save our souls - Ja
      -- Just as Paul commended his brethren to the Word of God, so we
         need to be committed to the Word of God if we desire that
         inheritance promised to those who are sanctified!


1. Paul ends his epistle with a simple prayer:

   "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen." - 1Th 5:28

2. It is a prayer that we should all offer to one another...
   a. Do we not all need grace?
   b. Do we not all want the grace of the Lord in our lives?

3. It is a prayer that we can help fulfill in our own lives...
   a. By praying for one another fervently
   b. By loving one another in all purity
   c. By reading the scriptures diligently

4. Doing such things will also help fulfill the prayer for God...
   a. To sanctify us completely
   b. To preserve our spirit, soul, and body blameless at the coming of
      the Lord!

My prayer is that our study of this brief epistle has encouraged us to
always have "Holiness In View Of The Coming Of Christ."  Are you getting
ready for that great event...?

   "And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one
   another and to all, just as we do to you, so that He may establish
   your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the
   coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints."  - 1Th 3:12-13
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