Another crusading song, which was very widely used on pilgrimages in these days, was sung to a melody which has been preserved to the present 43 time, by its connexion with one of Luther's hymns;77That on the Ten Commandments. it is this:--
In Gotes namen faren wir
Now in the name of God we go, His grace be round us evermo; God's strength be with us every hour And fill us with His mighty power. Kyrie eleison. | And may the Holy Cross be still Our shield from every ghostly ill, The Cross where Christ endured such woe; O thence shall all our gladness flow! Kyrie eleison. | And also from the Holy Tomb, Where He Himself lay wrapped in gloom, With the five wounds He deigned to bear; Rejoicing, let us onward fare Toward thee, Jerusalem. | Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison! O help us now, Thou Holy Ghost, O Thou most blessed Voice of God, To tread with joy the toilsome road Toward thee, Jerusalem! | |