89 III.
The Blessing.
Aus deiner Eltern Armen
Albert Knapp.
Thy parents' arms now yield thee, With love all glowing warm, To Him who best can shield thee, To that Eternal Arm That all the heavens upholdeth, And bids the dead arise, That tender babes enfoldeth And leads them toward the skies. | Wash'd in the blood that gushes From out His wounded heart, Wrapp'd in the peace that hushes All earthly grief and smart, Go forth upon thy journey, Grow up in strength and age, And seek with joy and wisdom Thy holy heritage. | Oh sweet will sound the voices That hail thee from above, Where heaven's bright host rejoices Before the Eternal Love; "Now canst thou wander never, Now past is all thy strife, Oh bless the hour for ever That call'd thee into life." | |