Now all the woods are sleeping, And night and stillness creeping O'er city, man, and beast; But thou, my heart, awake thee, To pray'r awhile betake thee, And praise thy Maker ere thou rest. | O Sun, where art thou vanish'd? The Night thy reign hath banish'd, Thy ancient foe, the Night. Farewell, a brighter glory My Jesus sheddeth o'er me, All clear within me shines His light. | The last faint beam is going, The golden stars are glowing In yonder dark-blue deep; And such the glory given When called of God to heaven, On earth no more we pine and weep. | The body hastes to slumber, These garments now but cumber, And as I lay them by I ponder how the spirit Puts off the flesh t' inherit A shining robe with Christ on high. | Now thought and labour ceases, For Night the tired releases And bids sweet rest begin: My heart, there comes a morrow Shall set thee free from sorrow, And all the dreary toil of sin. | Ye aching limbs! now rest you, For toil hath sore oppress'd you, Lie down, my weary head: A sleep shall once o'ertake you From which earth ne'er shall wake you, Within a narrower, colder bed. | My heavy eyes are closing; When I lie deep reposing, Soul, body, where are ye? To belpless sleep I yield them, Oh let Thy mercy shield them, Thou sleepless Eye, their guardian be! | My Jesus, stay Thou by me, And let no foe come nigh me, Safe shelter'd by Thy wing; But would the foe alarm me, Oh let him never harm me, But still Thine angels round me sing! | My loved ones, rest securely, From every peril surely Our God will guard your heads; And happy slumbers send you, And bid His hosts attend you, And golden-arm'd watch o'er your beds. | |