155 (XXXV.--"Herr Christ, der einig' Gott's Sohn.")
Original Tune.
Herr Christ, der einig' Gotts Sohn
Eliz. Creutziger, 1524
O Thou, of God the Father The true Eternal Son, Of thom 'tis surely written That Thou with Him art one; Thou art the bright and Morning Star, Behond all other radiance Thy glory streams afar. | O let us in Thy knowledge And in Thy love increase, That we in faith be steadfast And serve Thee here in peace; That so Thy sweetness may be known To these cold hearts, and teach them To thirst for Thee alone. | Maker of all! Who showest The Father's love and might, In heaven and earth Thou reignest Of Thine own power and right; So rule our hearts and minds, that we Be wholly Thine, and never May turn aside from Thee! | |