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ABRAHAM, i. 307.

Acts, later Apocryphal, i. 204; ii. 26, 111, 116, 119.

Acts of the Apostles. See Apostles, Acts of the.

Alexandria, Clement of, ii. 140, 165, 166.

Alexandria, Jews of, i. 177.

Anabaptists, i. 132.

Ananias, St Paul and, ii. 280.

Angels, i. 7, 8, 16, 18, 235, 293, 330 seq., 362, 382, 384; ii. 55-58.

Antichrist, i. 26, 141, 202, 283, 371; ii. 7, 53, 54, 26l.

Antioch, i. 292; ii. 16.


Baruch, of, i. 285, 362; ii. 28.

Ezra, of, i. 362; ii. 28, 86.

St John, of—

Christianity of the, i. 379-387.

Claim, the, i. 376-378.

Position of, i. 360-365.

Promise, the, i. 366-375.

St Mark, in, i. 205.

St Peter, of, ii. 134.

Apocrypha, the, rejected by the Christians, ii. 208.

Apollos, i. 125, 177; ii. 19, 201.


Christian, the, i. 139, 14-2; ii. 33, 53. 109, 116.

Pauline, the, i. 226-227, 230-236, 240, 246, 253, 256, 272, 281, 291-320.

Apostles, the twelve, i. 71, 103, 107, 118 seq., 154-155, 162, 168, 170, 175, 187, 271; ii. 9, 226.

Acts of the, i. 120, 124, 170, 204; ii. 3, 12, 13, 19, 22, 26, 31, 96, 107.

Bishops and, relation between, ii. 2.

Canonization of, in Acts, ii. 227, 289-291.

Church, the founders of, i. 117-122.

Congregations, interference with, resented, ii. 8.

Decay of, ii. 1 seq.

Decrees of the, ii. 78.

Disciples and, distinction between, i. 74-75.

Reverence paid to the, ii. 226-229.

Title reserved for the, ii. 9.

Apostles, later, i. 126, l6l, 168; ii. 4 seq.; definition, ii. 9, 12.

Apostolic succession, ii. 13, 224; tradition, ii. 95-96, 226.

Aramaic, i. 213.

Aristides, teacher and philosopher, ii. 19, 108, 113, 141, 144, 146, 343.

Aristion, ii. 19.

Aristo, ii. 31.

Asceticism, i. 76, 92, 197, 204, 205, 231, 264, 277, 347, 355; ii. 6, 24-25, 201, 205, 365209, 213, 219, 220, 320, 321,328-334.

Asia Minor—

Bishops in, ii. 16.

Heresies in, ii. 6-7.

Persecutions in, ii. 104.

Atonement, i. 7, 143, 188, 240 seq., 269, 271; ii. 11 6, 264.

Augustine, St, i. 83, 355.

Barnabas, Jewish Law, attitude towards, i. 154-155.

BAPTISM, ii. 129-131.

First use of, i. 132-3.

St Paul and, i. 273-4.

Baptists, i. 158.

Barnabas, apostle, i. 1 26, 175; ii. 35, 37, 50, 62, 63.

Baruch, Apocalypse of. See Apocalypse.

Basilides, Gnostic teacher, ii. 19.

Baur, F. C., ii. 280.

Beatitudes, the, i. 6l, 68.

Bethlehem, Jesus born at, ii. 37.

Birth of Christ, apocryphal histories of, ii. 83.


Apostles, successors to, ii. 15.

Ascetic, the rival of the, ii. 25.

Character of, from the Pastoral letters, ii. 328.

Gifts of the, ii. 223-224.

Origin of, ii. 11-12.

Payment of, ii. 16.

Power of, ii. 231-33.

Saints, opposition to, ii. 317.

Work of, ii. 13, 97.

CARLYLE, i. 286.

Catholic Epistles. See Epistles.


Gnosticism and, ii. 170-242.

Rise of, ii. 326.

Theology of, ii. 247.

Celsus, i. 141; ii. 30-31.

Ceremonial. See also Sacraments—

Church, in the early, i. 129.

Greek, i. 22.

Jesus, in the teaching of, i. 192.

Jewish, i. 21.

St Paul, in the teaching of, i. 214, 274-275, 340.

Cerinthus, heretic, ii. 6, 236.

Charity, Christian, i. 134, 189, 210; ii. 335-340.

Christ. See Jesus Christ.


Ancient beliefs, foundations on, i. 1-11.

Apocalypse, relation with, i. 385.

Characteristics of earliest—

Faith, theoretical character of, i. 342-3.

Judaism and Heathenism, and, difference between, i. 341-342.

Rites, i. 343-4.

Civilizing power, a, ii. 141.

Essentials of, ii. 157-160.

Gnosticism, effect on, ii. 206, 322.

Greek, ii. 323-324.

Hellenism, effect on, ii. 104 seq., 140 seq., 167-1 69, 323.

Hope, the religion of, i. 68.

Jewish, character of, i. 158-159; decay of, i. 156-157.

Johannine writings, from, ii. 329-331.

Judaism and—

Compared and contrasted, i. 12, 30; ii. 53-54, 59, 65 seq., 101-102, 107-108.

Early relations, i. 131, 139.

Jewish law annulled in regard to, i. 292 seq.

Jewish legalism, furthered by destruction of, i. 314.

Rift between, ii. 28 seq.

Source of Christianity in Judaism, i. 16, 30.


Mysteries and, connection between, ii. 123-133.

Orthodoxy, identified with, ii. 241.

Pastoral letters, from, ii. 327-9.

Principles of—

Forgiveness of sins, and Retribution, i. 107-111.

Love, i. 79-80, 93-95.

Obedience to the Will of God, i. 83-86.

Self-discipline, i. 76-78.

Roman persecutions, ii. 105 seq.

St James’ epistle, from, ii. 332.

St Paul and—

Attitude towards the average, i. 348.

Pauline Gnosis, effect on, i. 322 seq.

St Paul’s definition of, i. 186-187.

Simplicity of, i. 100-101.

Social ethics in, i. 81-82.

State and, ii. 106-109, 126.

Sub-apostolic, mode of life, ii. 314 seq., 344 seq.

Universality and publicity of, ii. 125-128.

Christians, early

Miracles, religious value attached to, i. 2-5.

Spirits, belief in, i. 6-10.

Sub-apostolic, character of, ii. 355-360.


Apocalypse, of the. i. 384-385.

Earliest, the, i. 139-148, 248, 332, 339.

Gnostic, ii. 6, 123, 172, 210.

St John, of, ii. 48-49, 118, 182, 264, 265.

St Paul, of, i. 188, 237-239, 246-252, 333-334: ii. 33, 181.

Church. See also Christianity, Congregations.


Expression, first occurrence of, ii. 241-242.

Origin and rise of, ii. 2, 223.

Teacher, office of, in, ii. 18-20.

Christian, i. 13, 95, 102, 114, 118.

Antiquity of, ii. 81.

Constitution of, ii. 94.

Discipline of, i. 133.

Gnosticism, measures against, ii. 222-241.

Government of. See also Bishops, and Teacher, ii. 1-20.

Jewish customs, etc., taken over by, ii. 94.

Legalism in, i. 135.

Origin and development of, i. 127 seq.

Orthodoxy, beginnings of, i. 134-136.

Salvation, none out of, ii. 88.

Sectarian character of early, i. 132-134.

Theology in early, i. 139-151.

Tradition of, ii. 229.

Gentile, moral degradation in, i. 183, 192, 196, 206, 216, 255, 348; ii. 200.

Jewish, ii. 86; institutions of, ii. 80 seq.

Circumcision, i. 307.

Gentile resistance to, i. 154-157.

Jewish appreciation of, i. 296.

Clement, Rome, of, ii. 14.

Clementines, ii. 195, 292.

Colleges, presbyterial, ii. 11, 231.

Colossae, ii. 205.

Colossians, i. 332-334, 384.

Confirmation, ii. 129.


Greek, i. 264.


Pauline, i. 189, 209-212; ii. 284-285.

Timothy, founded by, ii. 3.


Effect of, ii. 239, 315.

Montanist, ii. 7.

Corinth, religious enthusiasm in, i. 347.


Christianity of, ii. 314-315.

St Clement’s letter to, ii. 142-143.

St Paul’s Epistle to. See under Epistles.


Christianity and, of Genesis, ii. 152.

Greek, ii. 144.

Pauline, i. 333.

Creed, the, i. 270, 306, 309, 342; ii. 18, 225, 226, 228, 239.


Early church, non-appreciation of, ii. 342.

Modern ideal of, i. 78.

DANIEL, Book of, i. 53, 140, 248, 330.

Davidic descent. See under Jesus Christ.

Demiurge, the, ii. 144, 196, 207.

Demons, early belief in, i. 11, 236; ii. 113.

Deuteronomy, Book of, i. 121, 308.

Didache, the, reference to, ii. 4, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 19, 74, 95, 132, 271, 301.

Diotrephes, ii. 8, 231.

Disciples, apostles and, distinction between, i. 74-75.

Divinity of Christ. See under Jesus Christ.

Docetism, i. 145, 251; ii. 7, 119, 181, 184, 206, 211, 224, 226, 237.

Dogma, i. 254, 344; ii. 32, 198, 199, 220, 239, 240, 241, 305.

Domitian, i. 360.

Dualism, ii. 48, 93, 186, 192, 203.

ECCLESIASTICISM, i. 86, 192, 256, 314, 339; ii. 17, 76, 8891, 163, 216, 219, 240, 242, 268, 325, 333.

“Ephesian letters,” the, ii. 111.

Ephesians, St Paul’s letter to, ii. 9.

Ephesus, riot of the silversmiths at, ii. 111.

Episcopacy. See Bishop.


Barnabas, ii. 50.

Catholic, the, ii. 19, 227, 287 seq.

Colossians, to, i. 332-334, 384.

Corinthians, to, i. 160-161, 165, 171, 172, 200, 205, 206, 262, 311.

Galatians, to, i. 160, 262, 294, 296, 305, 311, 312.

Hebrews, to, ii. 19, 43-44, 96, 164-165.

Pastoral, the, ii. 3, 4, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 91, 95, 97, 103, 108, 136, 194, 205, 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, 216, 218, 223, 224, 225, 230, 234, 285 seq., 303, 306, 315, 316, 324, 327, 328, 332, 336, 338; Gnosticism condemned in, ii. 234-236; Theology of, ii. 285.

Philippians, to, i. 201; ii. 11.

Romans, to, i. 200, 202, 293, 296, 305, 312.

St Clement, of, ii. 12, 15, 96, 99, 142-143, 305, 314-315, 325.

St James, of, i. 23, 122; ii. 12, 18, 22, 67, 318, 332.


St John, of, ii. 8, 17, 116-117, 129; ii. 236.

St Jude, of, ii. 7.

St Paul, of, i. 160-162, 165, 170-171, 195, 199-200; ii. 9, 11.

St Peter, of—

1st Epistle of, ii. 65, 67, 84, 104, 106, 154, 228, 293 seq.

2nd Epistle of, ii. 208, 302, 308, 335, 336, 341.

Eschatology, i. 3, 25 seq., 51, 71,94, 140, 179, 279, 282, 287, 364, 373; ii. 53, 133, 159, 172, 298.

Christian, ii. 53.

Greek, ii. 134 seq., 139.

Jewish, i. 25-26; ii. 53, 133.

Pauline, i. 178, 282-288.

Essenes, the, ii. 195.

Ethics, Jewish and Christian, compared, ii. 59-79.

Euhemerism, ii. 113.

Euhemerus, ii. 141.

Ezra, Apocalypse of. See under Apocalypse.


Confession of, ii. 324-325.

Justification by, i. 300-314.

Rule of, ii. 224-228.

St Paul, in, i. 268-272.

Fatherhood, the Divine. See also Son of God, i. 301, 309, 340, 385.

Faith in, ii. 57.

Jesus’ teaching, presupposition of, ii. 47.

Fourth Gospel. See John, St, Gospel of.

GALILEE, Jesus’ connection with, ii. 37.

Genealogy, Jesus, of, i. 1 46.

Genesis, i. 307.


Christian Church of the, i. 189.

Congregations under St Paul, i. 209-211.

Jewish Law, resistance to wards, i. 154-157.

St Paul’s method of converting, i. 175 seq.

Gnosis, the Pauline, i. 321-340; ii. 49, 180-193.


Catholicism and, ii. 170-242.

Characteristics of, ii. 170-175.

Christianity, effect on, ii. 322.

Christology of, ii. 6, 123, 172, 210.

Church’s measures against, ii. 222-241.

Divinity of Christ, belief in, ii. 123, 127.

Gnostic heresies, ii. 5-7, 14; teachers, ii. 19.

Jesus and, points of contact, ii. 175-180.

Origin of, ii. 170-204.

Paulinism and, relation between, ii. 180-193, 203-205.

Principles of, ii. 206-215.

St John, attitude towards, ii. 260-262.


Greek philosophy, conception of, ii. 144 seq.

Jewish idea of, i. 16-21.

Love of, manifested on the Cross, i. 239-243.

Son of. See under Jesus Christ, titles of. Spirit of, i. 26l seq.

Gospels. See under names of Evangelists.

Additions to original, ii. 60-61.

Age in which written, reflection of, ii. 256, 262.


Ethical character of, ii. 331.

Gnosticism, relation to, ii. 182, 187, 260 seq., 267.

Jesus and Paul, time between bridged by, ii. 262.

Jesus in, ii. 166, 259, 277.

Origin of the, i. 148; ii. 229, 248, 250.

Philosophical character of, ii. 165.

Sacraments in the, ii. 125, 131.

St Paul, harmony with, ii. 167.

Spirit in the, ii. 1 54, 227.

Synoptic, the, ii. 96.

Theology, a measure of, ii. 362.


Means of, i. 268 seq.

St Paul’s teaching regarding, i. 301.


Belief, i. 17.

Ceremonial, Christianity and, ii. 197.

Christianity, later, ii. 323-4.

Congregations, i. 264.

Influence on Christianity. See also Hellenism, ii. 239.

Philosophy, ii. 140-169.


Gnosticism, effect on, ii. 197-198.

Idol worship among, i. 181-2.

St John, attitude towards, ii. 254.

St Paul’s preaching to the, i. 177-222.

HANNAH, widow, ii. 24.

Heathens, Christian attitude towards, ii. 157-158.

Heaven. See also Eschatology, Kingdom of God, i. 59, 60, 283; ii. 136.

Hebrews, Epistle to the. See under Epistles.

Hegesippus, i. 152; ii. 194.

Hell, i. 286; ii. 134.

Hellenism, Christianity and, ii. 104 seq., 140 seq., 167-169, 323.

Heresy, meaning of, ii. 234.

Hermas, writer and prophet, ii. 4, 12, 19, 68-70, 71-75, 93, 131, 348-352.

High Priest, Jewish, Jesus and, comparison between, ii. 45-46.

Holy Ghost, ii. 56; blasphemy against, i. 125.

Hope, the Christian, i. 279; ii. 297-313.

Limitations of, i. 312-313.

Nature of, i. 303-310.

Strength of, i. 310-312.

IDOL worship among the Greeks, i. 181-2.

Ignatius, i. 287; ii. 6, 13, 16, 24, 25, 94, 129, 132, 310-311, 348.

Bishops, on the importance of, ii. 231-233.

Gnostics, on, ii. 213, 236-238.

Individual, the—

Christianity in, ii. 343, 363.

Jesus and, i. 179, 192.

St John and, ii. 270.

St Paul and, i. 190, 195, 220; ii. 343.

Irenaeus, ii. 64, 137, 176, 209, 210, 214, 224, 229, 236.

Isaias, i. 330.

Islam, religion of, i. 195.

JASON, ii. 31.


Council of, ii. 290.

Destruction of, ii. 28, 44, 299.

Jesus’ activity transferred to, ii. 37.

Jesus Christ—

Angels, reference to, ii. 54-55.


Appearances of, after the resurrection, i. 115, 117 seq.; 141, 142, 165, 238, 244, 250, 255, 300.

Birth of, apocryphal histories of, ii. 83.

Brethren of, i. 122.

Ceremonial in teaching of, i. 92.

Character of, from the Fourth Gospel, ii. 166-168.

Children and, i. 105, 150.

Culture and, i. 78.

Davidic descent of, ii. 36-7, 117, 225.

Death of, ii. 121.

Divinity of—

Docetic teaching regarding, ii. 211.

Ethical conception of, ii. 120.

Gnostic belief in, ii. 123.

Prophecy and miracles, proved by, ii. 120-121.

Gnostic heresies against, ii. 210-211.

Gnosticism and, points of contact, ii. 174-180.

Gospel, in, ii. 37, 39, 41, 46, 168.

Humanity of, 211-212.

Jewish travesty of, ii. 30-31.

Kingdom of God, promise of, i. 56-72.

Law, attitude towards, i. 15, 64, 88-92.

Melchisedec, identification with, ii. 43-45.

Messianic idea, the, i. 37-52; ii. 33-46.

Miracles of, i. 42, 64, 66, 97, 98, 119, 145.

Old Testament, the ‘Lord’ of, i. 331-332; ii. 34, 35.

Parables of, i. 65, 70.

Pietism and, i. 78, 92.

Redeemer, the, i. 42, 96-116, 176, 220, 264 seq., 299; ii. 52, 58, 163, 172, 344 seq.; St John’s Gospel, in, ii 263 seq., 278.

Resurrection of, i. 141-145—Gnostic heresy regarding, ii. 210.

St Paul, importance attached to, i. 243-246.

St Paul’s conception of, ii. 147; contrast with, i. 78, 163, 185, 192, 199 seq., 207, 214, 237-243, 252, 302, 319, 321; ii. 249-253.

Scribes and Pharisees, attitude towards, i. 15-16, 98.

Second coming looked for, ii. 299.

Self-consciousness of, i. 38, 45-55.

Social ethics, non-consideration of, i. 81-82.

Spirit of, i. 263 seq.

Teachings of—

Forgiveness of sins and retribution, i. 107-111.

Love, i. 79-80, 93-95.

Obedience to the will of God, i. 83-86.

Self-discipline, i. 73-78.

Social, i. 80-82.

Titles of, i. 52-55, 247-251; ii. 46-53, 147-149.

Transfiguration, i. 145.

Jews. See also Judaism—

Alexandrian, religion of, i. 177.

St John, attitude towards, ii. 256-260.

Salvation of, in the Old Testament, ii. 89.

John the Evangelist, i. 121; ii. 116-117, 352-355.

Apocalypse of. See under Apocalypse.

Asia Minor, in, ii. 2.

Catholicism in, ii. 89.


Christianity, public character of, emphasized by, ii. 125.

John, St—

Christology of, ii. 48-4-9, 118, 182, 264, 265.

Epistle of. See under Epistle.

Gnostics, attitude towards, ii. 260-262.

Gospel of, ii. 3, 122, 254-278.

Philosophical character of, ii. 165-166.

St Paul’s teachings compared with, i. 36l; ii. 263-275.

Greeks, attitude towards, ii. 254.

Jesus, treatment of the life of, i. 40; ii. 37, 41, 46, 47, 89, 91, 120.

Jews, attitude towards, ii. 256-260.

Johannine writings, reference to, ii. 6, 8, 17, 129, 205, 211, 213, 214, 216, 223, 224, 231, 236, 260, 274, 306-307, 329-331, 337, 352.

John the Baptist, St, i. 35-36, 64, 116, 153, 158; ii. 37, 41, 89; Judaism, attitude towards, i. 35-36.

Josephus, ii. 141, 145, 164, 234.


Christianity and—

Compared and contrasted, i. 12, 30; ii. 53-54, 65 seq., 101-102, 107-108.

Early relations between, i. 131, 139.

Law, contention regarding, ii. 59 seq.

Rift between, ii. 28 seq.

Forgiveness of sins and retribution, i. 107-111.

Gnosticism, rise in, ii. 195.

Greek influence on, i. 32-33.

Jesus Christ, Messiahship of, and, ii. 33-46.

Jewish Church and its institutions, ii. 80 seq.

Kingdom of God, conception of promise, i. 56-72.

Nature and character of, i. 12 seq.

St Paul’s criticism of, i. 295 300.

Son of God, title of, a blasphemy, ii. 46 seq.

Spirits, belief in, i. 8.

State of, at the coming of Christ, i. 34-35.

Judaizers, the, St Paul, opposition to, i. 290-292, 306-7.

Judas Ischariot, i. 118.


Christian doctrine of, i. 302-314.

Jewish doctrine of, i. 305-314.

Justin Martyr, i. 10; ii. 2, 19, 31-32, 34, 36, 39, 40, 42, 50, 54, 56, 59, 63, 64, 105, 108, 109, 121, 125,130, 132, 133, 135, 136, 141, 150, 160 seq., 176, 179, 210, 214, 225, 246, 305, 334, 343.

KERDON, Gnostic teacher, ii. 19.

Kierkegaard, i. 353.

Kingdom of God—

Church, close connection with, ii. 86, 306.

Entrance into, i. 134, 246, 374.

Jesus’ promise of, i. 56-72.

Modern idea of, ii. 298, 312.

Non-political character of, ii. 107.

Koran, i. 57.

LACTANTIUS, i. 17; ii. 144.

Law, Jewish—

Christianity and, contention 372and contrast between, ii. 59 seq.

Early Christianity, relation to, i. 153 seq.; ii. 59 seq.

Jesus Christ, attitude towards, i. 15, 88-92.

Pharisees, relation to, i. 14, 21.

St Paul’s attitude towards, i. 154, 292 seq., 307 seq., 329; ii. 185.


Church, in early, i. 134, 297, 349.

St James, in, ii. 69-73.

St Paul, in, i. 309, 314, 378; ii. 14, 65.

Life, the Christian, in sub-apostolic times, ii. 344 seq.

Liturgy, Christian, political element in, ii. 107-8.

Jewish. See also Prayer, ii. 97.

Logos, the, ii. 62, 116.

Conception of term, and theories of, ii. 147-152, 156.

Justin, remarks of, ii. l6l-l62.

St John, theory of, ii. l60-l6l .

Lord’s Prayer, i. 112, 212, 260; ii. 98.

Lord’s Supper, i. 133, 135, 214, 219, 274, 343; ii. 97, 125, 126, 128, 131-133, 189, 232, 271.


Christian brotherly, i. 209; ii. 78, 212, 216, 335-340.

God’s, i. 241, 306; ii. 102, 215, 261, 336.

St Paul and, i. 210, 258, 262, 340, 355; ii. 326.

Taught by Jesus Christ, i. 79-80, 93-95.

Lucian, ii. 339.

Luke, St, i. 64, 151; ii. 29, 249.

Luther, Martin, i. 74, 104.

MACCABEES, i. 25, 123, 143.

Mahomet, i. 158.

Marcion, i. 293; ii. 19.

Mark, St, i. 101, 205; ii. 74.

Apocalypse, in, i. 205.

Gospel of, ii. 248-249.

Logia of, i. 150-151.


Jesus’ teaching on, i. 81, 150.

Laws regarding, ii. 335-336.

St Paul’s teaching regarding, i. 204-207.

Martyrs, i. 87, 102, 130, 143, 368, 376, 378; ii. 22-24, 71, 75, 136, 210, 308, 310, 342.

Matthew, St, i. 64; ii. 74, 77, 85.

Gospel of, ii. 30, 129, 249.

Logia of, i. 148-149.

Melchisedec, ii. 43-46.

Messianic idea, the, i. 37-52; ii. 33-46.

Michael, St, i. 333; ii. 71.

Millennium, the, i. 373; ii. 54, 105, 133, 139, 298, 312.


Divinity of Christ, proof of, ii. 120-121.

Early Christians, religious value attached to, i. 2-5.

Jesus Christ, of, i. 64.

St Paul, of, i. 170.


Acts of the Apostles, account in, ii. 287.

Christian, ii. 110.

Decay of, ii. 2 seq.

Monasticism, ii. 220.

Monotheism, ii. 68.

Montanus, ii. 54.

Moses, Jesus compared with, ii. 61.

Mysteries, the, Christianity, relation to, ii. 123-133.

Mysteries of Jesus Christ—

Conception by the Holy Ghost, i. 146-147.

Resurrection, i. 141-145.


Mysticism, i. 82, 130, 258, 263, 264, 354, 357; ii. 25, 145, 174, 185, 191,213,214,271, 327, 329, 331.

Mythology, Christian, i. 251, 254, 363; ii. 48, 49, 51, 117, 166, 175, 359.

Myths, Babylonian, i. 372; ii. 196.

NERO, i. 201, 368.

New Testament—

Canon of the, formation of, ii. 226, 228-229, 246.

Divisions of, ii. 247-278.

Greek philosophy, traces in, ii. 141 seq.

Origin of, ii. 243-247.

Significance of, ii. 296.


Allegorical exegesis of, i. 21, 333; ii. 60, 209.

Christianity, foundation in, ii. 82.

Gnostic attacks on, ii. 171, 199, 208.

Jesus Christ, a witness to, ii. 34-35, 48-53, 71.

St Paul, in, i. 307, 317, 319, 322, 325 seq.

The ‘Lord’ in, i. 331-332.

Orthodoxy, i. 134-136; ii. 238, 324-327.

PAPIAS, Bishop of Hierapolis, ii. 96.

Papiskus, ii. 31.

Parables, Jesus Christ, of, i. 60, 65, 68, 69, 71, 83, 99, 108, 109, 110, 134, 151, 270; ii. 3, 75, 92, 175-176, 189, 300, 329.

Parousia, the, i. 50-51, 106, 140, 285, 366; ii. 42, 182, 299, 303.

Paul, St—

Ananias and, ii. 280.

Apocalypse, agreement with, i. 384.

Apostolic self-consciousness of, i. 162-166.

Baptism, and, i. 273-274; ii. 129.

Character of the work of, i. 166-170.

Christianity brought to the Gentiles by, i. 159; definition of, i. 186-187.

Christology of, i. 237-239, 246-252, 333-334.

Church, and the, i. 185, 193, 219, 256, 270 seq., 289, 297, 314, 330, 339; ii. 57, 80, 203, 215, 218, 250.

Congregations of, i. 189, 209-212, 264; ii. 284-285.

Description of, from the Acts, ii. 281 seq.

Ecclesiastic, the, i. 219, 220.

Epistles of. See under Epistles.

Eschatology of, i. 282-288.

Faith of, i. 268-272.

Gnosis of, i. 321-340; ii. 49.

Gnosticism, attitude towards, ii. 175, 180-193, 203-205.

Grace, teaching regarding, i. 301.

Jesus, comparison and contrast with, i. 78, 163, 185, 192, 199 seq., 207, 214 seq., 237, 243, 252 seq., 302, 319, 321, 349, 357; ii. 249-253, 287; relation to, i. 159, 163, 191 seq., 199, 204, 206, 212, 214, 217, 221, 222, 243, 246, 248, 267, 281, 283, 286, 315, 339, 340; ii. 57, 175, 296.

Jewish attacks on, i. 172-173; Law, attitude towards, i. 155-157, 290-300.


Judaism, criticism of, i. 15-16; opposition to, ii. 32.

Justification, principles regarding, i. 300-314.

Methods of conversion, i. 175 seq.

Missionary labours, results of, i. 315, 350-351.

Missioner, as, i. 174 seq., 226, 315, 321, 328; ii. 263.

Moods of, i. 352-357.

Predestination, on, i. 280-281.

Public worship under, i. 212-217.

Religion, personal, of, i. 341-359.

Sacraments, and, ii. 128.

St John’s Gospel and teachings of, compared, i. 361; ii. 263-275.

St Peter, relations with, i. 290, 292.

Salvation, self-discipline necessary for, i. 275 seq.

Scribe and Rabbi, the, i. 15, 159, 168, 199, 206, 224, 300, 308, 328.

Sin, theories on, i. 229-237.

Social institutions, attitude towards, i. 201.

Soteriology of, i. 228-289.

Spirit, teaching of, regarding the, i. 261-271; ii. 153-156.

Theologian, the, i. 19, 223-340; ii. 57.

Penance, institution of, ii. 98-100.

Pentateuch, ii. 43-44.

Persecutions, i. 360, 367, 376; ii. 8, 29, 84, 91, 104, 125, 308-309, 354.

Peter, St, ii. 12, 22, 23—

Apocalypse of, ii. 134.

Epistles of. See under Epistles.

Primacy of, i. 117.

St Paul and, relations between, i. 290, 292.

Pharisees. See Scribes and Pharisees.

Philippi, Judaism in, i. 291; ii. 17.

Philo, Alexandrian Jew, i. 294, 295; ii. 147, 164.

Philosophy, Greek, Christianity and, ii. 140-169.

Pietism, i. 79, 92, 213; ii. 204.

Platonism, ii. 1 64-1 65.

Polycarp, St, ii. 2, 12, 23, 24, 25, 30, 311-312.

Prayer, i. 112, 214, 260, 337, 354; Jewish and early Christian, i. 108; ii. 86-87, 97, 98, 107, 271. See also Lord’s Prayer.

Preachers, itinerant, ii. 2, 4 seq., 14, 17, 230, 231.

Predestination, ii. 267, 272-273; St Paul on, i. 280-281.

Presbyter, i. 126; ii. 3, 12, 232, 284-285, 316.

Promise of the Kingdom of God, i. 56-72.


Early Christian, i. 123-125; ii. 95, 196, 199, 229.

False, ii. 4 seq., 7, 12.

New Testament, of, i. 123, 166, 167, 325, 360 seq., 376; ii. 2.

Rome, in, ii. 9.

Psalms, Messianic, i. 6l.


Ancient world, of, i. 7, 50, 51, 130, 262; ii. 114.

Early Christian ethics, of, ii. 67.

Jewish, ii. 78.

St Paul, of, i. 255, 260.

Public Worship—

Centralization of, ii. 230 seq.

St Paul, under, i. 212-217.


QUADRATUS, first apologist, ii. 108.

RABBIS, work of, i. 326-327.

Redeemer. See under Jesus Christ.

Redemption, the, ii. 344-363.

Religion, personal, i. 246, 255, 281, 352; ii. 133, 206, 239, 241, 296 seq.

Hope, main element in, ii. 313.

Jesus, of, ii. 297, 343, 357.

Sub-apostolic age, in, ii. 314 seq.

Theories of, ii. 112-114.

Repentance and retribution, ii. 303 seq. See also Penance.

Resurrection of the flesh—

Gnostic theory regarding, ii. 210.

Greek antipathy towards, i. 180-181.

Resurrection of Jesus. See under Jesus Christ.

Roman persecutions. See Persecutions.

Rome, ii. 9, 14, 17, 19, 85, 86, 105.

SACRAMENTS, i. 86, 273, 314, 329, 343 seq.

Christianity and the, ii. 128-133.

Churches, place in national, ii. 127.

Defence of the, ii. 133, 172-3, 189, 214, 218, 220, 268, 269, 271, 346, 358, 359.

Lord’s Supper. See that title.


Ascetics, life of, ii. 24-27.

Bishops, opposition to, ii. 317.artyrs, ii. 22-24.


Church, none out of, ii. 88.

St Paul, as set up by, ii. 91-92.

Satan, i. 2, 19, 235, 236, 373, 379, 381; ii. 181, 209.

Scribes and Pharisees—

Dignity and work of, i. 14-15.

Jesus Christ, attitude towards, i. 15-16, 98.

Self-discipline, necessity of, i. 73-78, 275-280, 282.

Septuagint, i. 143, 224, 319.

Sermon on the Mount, i. 24, 69, 75, 88; ii. 60-6l, 73, 77, 261, 274, 337.

Sibylline books, the, i. 32.

Simon Magus, ii. 194, 197.

Sin, St Paul’s theories on, i. 229-237.

Social ethics, Christianity in, i. 81-82.

Son of God. See also Jesus Christ, titles of, ii. 147-149.

Son of Man. See also Jesus Christ, titles of, i. 51, 53.


St John’s, ii. 263.

St Paul’s, i. 228-289; ii. 217.

Spirit, Church, of the, i. 324; St Paul’s teaching regarding, i. 261-271; 301 seq.

Spirits, i. 235-236—

Early Christians, belief in, i. 6-10.

Jewish belief in, i. 8.

Persian belief in, i. 8.

State, the—

Apocalypse, in the, i. 368 seq.; ii. 105.

Christianity, attitude towards, ii. 107-109, 126 seq.

Church officials and, ii. 106.

Jesus’ teaching regarding, i. 81, 82; ii. 104.

St Paul, teaching regarding, i. 192, 201 seq., 369; ii. 104.

Stephen, St, ii, 22.

Stoics, i. 17, 184; ii. 64, 145, 147, 152, 162, 305.

Sunday, institution of, ii. 97.


TABITHA, ii. 24.

Tatian, ii. 19.

Teacher, Church, in, i. 125, 322, 327; ii. 8, 12, 18 seq., 95, 222-226.

Temple, destruction of the, i. 153.

Tertullian, ii. 109, 111, 129, 233.

Teschuba, the, i. 74; ii. 98.

Thecla, ii. 26.


Apocalypse, absence in, i. 378.

Development of, in early church, i. 125, 137 seq.; ii. 140 seq., 227.

Oldest, the, i. 137-151.

St John, of, ii. 89, 274 seq.

St Paul, of, i. 223-340.


Religious enthusiasm of, i. 347.

St Paul’s epistle to, i. 170, 171, 199-200.

Thora, the, i. 14.

Thyatira, prophetess of, ii. 6.

Timothy, congregations of, ii. 3.

Titus, ii. 318.

Tongues, speaking with, i. 129, 255, 258.

Tradition, i. 120, 124, 166, 168-169, 212; ii. 13, 207, 223, 227, 229, 252; oral, ii. 54; Roman Petrine, ii. 85.

UNCTION, ii. 129, 216.

Universalism, i. 285, 309; ii. 116, 117, 167.


WIDOWS, ii. 317, 338; order of, ii. 24, 328.

ZEALOTS, i. 34, 48.


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