PSALM 148 Paraphrased
L. M.
Universal praise to God.
271272[Note-This Psalm may be sung to the tune of the old 112th or 127th Psalm, if these two lines be added to every stanza:
Loud hallelujahs to the Lord, From distant worlds where creatures dwell; Let heav'n begin the solemn word, And sound it dreadful down to hell. | The Lord, how absolute he reigns! Let every angel bend the knee; Sing of his love in heav'nly strains, And speak how fierce his terrors be. | High on a throne his glories dwell, An awful throne of shining bliss; Fly through the world, O sun! and tell How dark thy beams compared to his. | Awake, ye tempests, and his fame In sounds of dreadful praise declare; And the sweet whisper of his name Fill every gentler breeze of air. | Let clouds, and winds, and waves agree To join their praise with blazing fire; Let the firm earth and rolling sea In this eternal song conspire. | Ye flowery plains, proclaim his skill; Valleys, lie low before his eye; And let his praise from every hill Rise tuneful to the neighb'ring sky. | Ye stubborn oaks, and stately pines, Bend your high branches and adore: Praise him, ye beasts, in diff'rent strains; The lamb must bleat, the lion roar. | Birds, ye must make his praise your theme; Nature demands a song from you; While the dumb fish that cut the stream Leap up, and mean his praises too. | Mortals, can you refrain your tongue, When nature all around you sings? O for a shout from old and young, From humble swains and lofty kings! | Wide as his vast dominion lies Make the Creator's name be known; Loud as his thunder shout his praise, And sound it lofty as his throne. | Jehovah! 'tis a glorious word: O may it dwell on every tongue! But saints, who best have known the Lord, Are bound to raise the noblest song. | Speak of the wonders of that love Which Gabriel plays on every chord: From all below, and all above, Loud hallelujahs to the Lord! | Each of his works his name displays But they can ne'er fulfil the praise. | |