C. M.
Praise due to God, not to idols.
246 Awake, ye saints; to praise your King, Your sweetest passions raise, Your pious pleasure, while you sing, Increasing with the praise. | Great is the Lord, and works unknown Are his divine employ; But still his saints are near his throne, His treasure and his joy. | Heav'n, earth, and sea confess his hand; He bids the vapors rise; Lightning and storm at his command Sweep through the sounding skies. | All power that gods or kings have claimed Is found with him alone But heathen gods should ne'er be named Where our Jehovah's known. | Which of the stocks or stones they trust Can give them showers of rain? In vain they worship glitt'ring dust, And pray to gold in vain. | [Their gods have tongues that cannot talk, Such as their makers gave; Their feet were ne'er designed to walk, Nor hands have power to save. | Blind are their eyes, their ears are deaf, Nor hear when mortals pray; Mortals that wait for their relief Are blind and deaf as they.] | O Britain, know thy living God, Serve him with faith and fear; He makes thy churches his abode, And claims thine honors there. | |