C. M.
The mariner's Psalm.
195 Thy works of glory, mighty Lord, Thy wonders in the deeps, The sons of courage shall record Who trade in floating ships. | At thy command the winds arise, And swell the towering waves; The men astonished mount the skies, And sink in gaping graves. | [Again they climb the wat'ry hills, And plunge in deeps again; Each like a tott'ring drunkard reels, And finds his courage vain. | Frighted to hear the tempest roar, They pant with flutt'ring breath; And hopeless of the distant shore, Expect immediate death.] | Then to the Lord they raise their cries; He bears the loud request, And orders silence through the skies, And lays the floods to rest. | Sailors rejoice to lose their fears, And see the storm allayed: Now to their eyes the port appears; There let their vows be paid. | 'Tis God that brings them safe to land; Let stupid mortals know That waves are under his command, And all the winds that blow. | O that the sons of men would praise The goodness of the Lord! And those that see thy wondrous ways, Thy wondrous love record. | |