C. M.
Complaint in sickness.
11 In anger, Lord, rebuke me not; Withdraw the dreadful storm; Nor let thy fury grow so hot Against a feeble worm. | My soul's bowed down with heavy cares, My flesh with pain oppressed; My couch is witness to my tears, My tears forbid my rest. | Sorrow and pain wear out my days, I waste the night with cries, Counting the minutes as they pass, Till the slow morning rise. | Shall I be still tormented more? Mine eye consumed with grief? How long, my God, how long before Thine hand afford relief? | He hears when dust and ashes speak, He pities all our groans; He saves us for his mercy's sake, And heals our broken bones. | The virtue of his sovereign word Restores our fainting breath; For silent graves praise not the Lord, Nor is he known in death. | |