
« Prev Psalm 45 Part 1 Next »


L. M.

The glory of Christ, and power of his gospel.


Now be my heart inspired to sing

The glories of my Savior King,

Jesus the Lord; how heav'nly fair

His form! how bright his beauties are!

O'er all the sons of human race

He shines with a superior grace;

Love from his lips divinely flows,

And blessings all his state compose.

Dress thee in arms, most mighty Lord,

Gird on the terror of thy sword,

In majesty and glory ride,

With truth and meekness at thy side.

Thine anger, like a pointed dart,

Shall pierce the foes of stubborn heart;

Or words of mercy, kind and sweet,

Shall melt the rebels at thy feet.

Thy throne, O God, for ever stands,

Grace is the sceptre in thy hands;

Thy laws and works are just and right,

Justice and grace are thy delight.

God, thine own God, has richly shed

His oil of gladness on thy head,

And with his sacred Spirit blest

His first-born Son above the rest.

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