HYMN 102
L. M.
A happy resurrection.
No, I'll repine at death no more, But with a cheerful gasp resign To the cold dungeon of the grave These dying, with'ring limbs of mine. | Let worms devour my wasting flesh, And crumble all my bones to dust, My God shall raise my frame anew At the revival of the just. | Break, sacred morning, through the skies, Bring that delightful, dreadful day; Cut short the hours, dear Lord, and come; Thy ling'ring wheels, how long they stay! | [Our weary spirits faint to see The light of thy returning face, And hear the language of those lips, Where God has shed his richest grace.] | [Haste, then, upon the wings of love, Rouse all the pious sleeping clay, That we may join in heav'nly joys, And sing the triumph of the day.] | |