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L. M.

Seeking the pastures of Christ the Shepherd. SS 1:7.

Thou whom my soul admires above

All earthly joy and earthly love,

Tell me, dear Shepherd, let me know,

Where doth thy sweetest pasture grow?

Where is the shadow of that rock,

That from the sun defends thy flock?

Fain would I feed among thy sheep,

Among them rest, among them sleep.

Why should thy bride appear like one

That turns aside to paths unknown?

My constant feet would never rove,

Would never seek another love.

[The footsteps of thy flock I see;

Thy sweetest pastures here they be;

A wondrous feast thy love prepares,

Bought with thy wounds, and groans, and tears.

His dearest flesh he makes my food,

And bids me drink his richest blood:

Here to these hills my soul will come,

Till my Beloved lead me home.]

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