
« Rufinus of Aquileia Rufinus, a Roman presbyter Rufinus, the Syrian »

Rufinus, a Roman presbyter

Rufinus (4), a Roman presbyter at the end of 4th cent.; an admirer of Jerome he espoused his cause in the Origenistic controversy and against Rufinus of Aquileia. Eusebius of Cremona, sent by Jerome to Rome in 398, reported the kindness of Rufinus, who wrote to Jerome to ask an explanation of the judgment of Solomon. This Jerome gives him, making the false and true mothers to be the Synagogue and the Church. Jerome speaks of him with gratitude and respect, hoping he may not only publicly defend him, but in private judge him favourably (Ep.74, ed. Vall.).


« Rufinus of Aquileia Rufinus, a Roman presbyter Rufinus, the Syrian »
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