Showing 63 terms beginning with E.
- Ebionism and Ebionites
- Edesius
- Elagabalus, emperor
- Elesbaan, king, hermit, and saint of Ethiopia
- Eleusius, bp. of Cyzicus
- Eleutherus, bp. of Rome
- Elias I., bp. of Jerusalem
- Elkesai, Elkesaites
- Elpidius (8), bp. of Laodicea
- Emilianus (8), solitary
- Encratites
- Ennodius (1) Magnus Felix, bp. of Pavia
- Ephraim (4) the Syrian
- Ephraim (6), bp. of Antioch and patriarch
- Epiphanes, a Gnostic writer
- Epiphanius, bp. of Salamis
- Epiphanius, patriarch of Constantinople
- Epiphanius Scholasticus
- Eraclius, deacon of the church of Hippo
- Ethelbert, king of Kent
- Etheria
- Eucherius, St., bp. of Lyons
- Euchites
- Eudoxius, bishop of Constantinople
- Eulalius, an antipope
- Eulogius, bp. of Edessa
- Eunomius, bp. of Cyzicus
- Euphemitae, praying people
- Euphemius, patriarch of Constantinople
- Euprepius, bp. of Bizya
- Euric, king of Toulouse
- Eusebius, bishop of Rome
- Eusebius of Alexandria, writer of sermons
- Eusebius of Caesarea
- Eusebius (24), bp. of Caesarea
- Eusebius (34), bp. of Dorylaeum
- Eusebius (35) Emesenus, bp. of Emesa
- Eusebius (48), bp. of Laodicea
- Eusebius (60), bp. of Nicomedia
- Eusebius, bishop of Pelusium
- Eusebius, bishop of Samosata
- Eusebius, bp. of Vercellae
- Eusebius (96), presbyter, confessor at Rome
- Eusebius (99), presbyter of Cremora
- Eusebius (126), eunuch under Constantius II
- Eustathius, bishop of Berrhoea
- Eustathius, bp. of Sebaste
- Eustathius (22), bp. of Berytus
- Eustochium, 3rd daughter of Paula
- Eustochius (6), patriarch of Jerusalem
- Euthalius (5), deacon of Alexandria
- Eutherius (2), bp. of Tyana
- Euthymius (4), abbat in Palestine
- Eutyches and Eutychianism
- Eutychianus, bp. of Rome
- Eutychius
- Euzoïus, Arian bp. of Antioch
- Evagrius, bp. of Antioch
- Evagrius Ponticus, anchoret and writer
- Evagrius
- Evaristus, bp. of Rome
- Evodius, bp. of Antioch
- Eznik, Armenian doctor of the church