Showing 19 terms beginning with I.
- Ibas, bp. of Edessa
- Idatius (3), author of well-known Chronicle
- Ignatius, St., bp. of Antioch
- Innocentius, bp. of Rome
- Irenaeus, bp. of Lyons
- Irenaeus, bishop of Tyre
- Isaacus I, catholicos of Greater Armenia, Saint
- Isaacus Ninivita, anchorite and bishop
- Isaacus, Donatist Martyr
- Isaacus, Egyptian solitary
- Isaacus Senior, disciple of Ephraim the Syrian
- Isaacus Antiochenus, priest of Antioch in Syria
- Ischyras, Egyptian bp
- Isdigerdes I., king of Persia
- Isdigerdes II., king of Persia
- Isidorus, archbp. of Seville
- Isodorus (Basilides)
- Isidorus Pelusiota, an eminent ascetic
- Ivo, St., bp. in Britain