SiIvanus, bishop of Calahorra
Silvanus (14), first known bp. of Calahorra. We know of him from 2 letters
of Ascanius, bp. of Tarragona, and the bishops of his province to pope Hilary, and
Hilary's reply dated Dec. 30, 465 (in Migne, Patr. Lat. lviii. 14). The first
letter shows that Silvanus had, 7 or 8 years before, consecrated a bishop without
any request from the places comprised in his see or the approval of Ascanius. The
other bishops of the province were satisfied with admonishing him, and received
the new bishop; but the see in question being again vacant Silvanus had lately repeated
the act, with the aggravation that the priest consecrated belonged to the diocese
of another bishop, and the other bishop at the instance of the bishops of Saragossa
having refused to join, Silvanus had performed the consecration alone. In the second
letter the bishops express their surprise at the pope's delay in answering. His
reply was remarkably favourable, in consequence probably of letters from people
of rank and property at Calahorra, Tarazona, and neighbouring towns, which alleged
in excuse for Silvanus that his were not the only irregularities, bishops having
been consecrated for other cities without the previous approval of the metropolitan.
The pope in consideration of the troubled times granted an amnesty for the past,
while enjoining strict observance of the canons for the future. As the first letter
was written some time before Hilary's reply, Silvanus probably became bp. c.
455. Esp. Sag. xxxiii. 128; Gams, Kirchg. von Sp. ii. (1) 430.