Euprepius, bp. of Bizya
Euprepius (4), bp. of Bizya in Thrace; one of 68 bishops who demanded
that the opening of the council of Ephesus should be postponed until the arrival
of John of Antioch. He signed on this occasion also for Fritilas bp. of Heraclea
(Synod. adv. Tragoed. cap. 7, in Theod. Opp. t. v. in Patr. Gk.
lxxxiv. 591). He nevertheless attended the council when it opened, signed the sentence
against Nestorius and the "decretum de fide" (Mansi, iv. 1225
C, 1364
E). Euprepius is chiefly of interest
from the memorial termed "Supplex libellus," which he and Cyril, bp. of Coele in
the same province, jointly addressed to the fathers of the council (ib. 1478),
stating that by an ancient custom in the European provinces a bishop sometimes had
more bishoprics than one under his charge; that Euprepius was then administering
the see of Arcadiopolis
315in addition to that of Bizya, while Cyril was
acting similarly. The council was requested to rule that this custom might not be
disturbed, and that Fritilas, bp. of Heraclea, might be forbidden to appoint bishops
in those cities of Thrace which were then without bishops of their own. The prayer
was granted, and it was decreed that the custom of the cities in question should
be respected (Le Quien, Or. Chr. i. 1136, 1145).