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“I will now turn aside and see this great sight.”—Exod. III:3.


L. M.


Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933)

Thy wisdom and Thy might appear,

Eternal God, through every year;

From day to day, from hour to hour,

Thy works reveal self-ordered power.

We worship Thee whose will hath laid

Thy sovereign rule on all things made;

The faithful stars, the fruitful earth,

Obey Thy laws that gave them birth.

Yet Thou canst make a marvel shine

Amid these mighty laws of Thine.

As when Thy servant Moses came

And saw the bush with Thee aflame.

We turn aside and tread the ways

That lead through wonder up to praise;

Wherever Thou by man art found

The homely earth is holy ground.

If Thou hast formed us out of dust

Through ages long,—in Thee we trust;

O grant us in our souls to see

The living flame that comes from Thee.

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