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Abelard, 5, 29.

Agricola, Rudolf, 45.

Airth, William, friar, 360.

Albigensian movement, 8, 11.

Alexander, opponent of Luther, 80.

Alexander III., Pope, 10.

Alexis, companion of Luther, 56.

Amboise, conspiracy of, 232.

Amsdorf, 89, 96, 111, 158.

Anabaptists, 188.

Anglo-Catholics, 320, 327.

Anselm, 29.

Aquinas, 29.

Arnold of Brescia, 5, 6, 13.

Arran, Earl of, 369.

——, Dean John, opponent of Knox, 377.

Augsburg, Confession of, 126, 171.

Augustine, St, 172, 255.

Bainham, Martyr, 309.

Bartholomew,. Friar, 67.

Basle, 178, 188, 196.

Baume, Peter de la, 192.

Bayfield, Martyr, 309.

Beaton, Cardinal, 369.

Becon, 397.

Beghards, 14.

Beranger of Tours, 6.

Beza, Theodore, 182, 232, 233.

Bilney, Thomas, 285.

Blast, &c., First, Knox’s, 393.

Bohemian Brethren, 37.

Bohemians, 28, 30.

Bolsec, 209, 213.

Boniface VIII., 3.

Bonner, Bishop, 327.

Borgia, Roderick (Alexander VI.), 89, 251.

Bothwell, Earl of, 421.

Bowes, family of, 381.

Bucer, 196, 198, 239.

Buckenbam, Friar, 304.

Bugenhagen, 97, 158.

Bures, Idelette de, 199.

Butts, Dr, 308.

Cajetan, Thomas de Vio, Cardinal and Papal legate, 53, 72.

Calixtines, sect of the Hussites, 37.

Calvin, 177, passim, to 272.

——, Gerard, 181.

Camerarius, 111, 112.

Carlstadt, 91, 98, 100.

Caroli, 197, 209, 246.

Castellio, Sebastian, 210, 235.

Causis, Michael de, 32, 35.

Cellites, 13.

Charles III. of Savoy, 192.

Charles V., Emperor, 80.

Claude of Turin, 2, 3.

Cobham, Lord (Sir John Oldcastle), 27.

Cochlæus, John, 86.

Colet, Dean of St Paul’s, 283.

Coligny, Admiral, 232.

Common Life, Brethren of the, 42.

Company, the Venerable, 204.

Condé, Prince of, 232.

Confession of Faith, 401.

Congregation, Lords of the, 400.

Conrad of Waldhausen, 27.

Cop, Nicolas, 186.

Cordier, Mathurin, 182.

Cossa, Baldassare, 89.

Council, of Sixty, of Two Hundred, 193.

Courtenay, Bishop, 21, 24.

Cox, Dr, 387.

Cranach, Lucas, 88, 137, 158.

Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop, 289, 314.

Cromwell, Thomas, 308, 315.

D’Ailly, Peter, Cardinal and Chancellor of the University of Paris, 31, 35.

Darnley, marriage with Queen of Scotland, 421.

Delaber, 288.

Dieppe, 384.

Discipline, First Book of, 403.

Dominic, St, 12.

Eck, Dr John, 71, 77, 79, 86, 134.


Eckhart, John, 41.

Edward VI., 328, 330.

Eidgenossen, patriot party in Geneva, 192.

Eisenach, 52.

Eisleben, 53, 151, 152.

Emser, Jerome, 79, 164.

Erasmus, 45, 105, 107, 110.

Erfurt, 55, 57, 83, 164.

Eric, Duke, 87.

Erskine, John, of Dun, 389, 396.

Farel, William, 179, 186.

Favre, family, 208, 221.

Forrest, Friar, 324

Foxe, John, 330, passim.

Francis I., 186, 246.

Frankfort troubles, 386.

Fraticelli, 13.

Frederick of Saxony, 61, 69.

Free Spirit, Brethren of the, 42.

Frith, John, 285, 286.

Gardiner, Bishop, 827.

Garret, 288.

Gaunt, Duke of, 20, 21.

Geneva, 191, 195, 202, 224.

Gerson, John, 31, 35.

Grace, pilgrimage of, 327.

Gregory VII. (Hildebrand), 3.

Grocyn, 281.

Groot, Gerhard, 42.

Grostête, Robert, 13.

Gruet, Libertine leader, 222.

Guise, Mary of, Queen Regent of Scotland, 389, 395.

Hamilton, Archbishop, 377.

——Patrick, 365.

Henry of Cluny, 7.

Henry VIII., 282, 307, 319, 327.

Heshusius, opponent of Calvin, 215, 219.

Hochstraten, Inquisitor of Cologne, 46, 70.

Hooper, Bishop, 341.

Hubberdin, opponent of Latimer, 312.

Humanism, 163, 167.

Humanists, 70, 162.

Huss, John, 28, passim, 164.

Hutten, Ulrick von, 40, 81, 162.

Indulgences, system of, 39, 65, 67.

Innocent III., 3, 11, 13, 17.

Institutes of Calvin, 189, 204; 246.

Institution of a Christian Man, 324.

James V. of Scotland, 358.

Jerome of Prague, 30, 36.

Jonas, Justus, 97, 143, 158.

Jüterbock, 67.

Kempis, Thomas à, 43.

Kirkcaldy of Grange, 425.

Knox, John, 357, passim.

Knyghton, English chronicler, 26.

Latimer, 276, passim, 378.

Lefevre, 178, 187.

Leo X., 71.

Libertines, sect opposed to Calvin, 195, 200, 209, 224.

Lollardism, 26, 277.

Lollards of Kyle, 366.

Luther, 51-173.

Lyons, poor men of, 5, 10.

Maitland of Lethington, 403, 423.

Major, John, 368.

Mamelukes, party in Geneva, 192.

Mar, Regent, 423.

Marian party, 423.

Mary, Queen of England, 330, 384.

——, Queen of Scots, 408, passim.

Matthias of Janow, 27.

Melanchthon, 97, 125, 131, 137, 139, 148, 179, 209, 240.

Melville, James, 424.

Mendicant orders, 12, 14.

Militz, preacher in Prague, 72.

Miltitz, Papal legate, 74.

Mommor family, 182.

Montfort, Simon de, 12.

More, Sir Thomas, 281.

Mountjoy, Lord, 281.

Murray, Earl of, 409, 417, 421, 422.

Navarre, Queen of, 187.

Niddrie, Laird of, 372.

Nominalism, 29.

Noyon, Calvin’s birthplace, 181.

Occam, William of, 13.

Oldcastle, Sir John, 27.

Ormiston, 371.

Perrin, Amy, 209, 220, 224.

Peter of Brueys, 7.

Petrobrusians, 7.

Pighius, opponent of Calvin, 209.

Prayers, Common, of First Book of Discipline, 406, 407.

Prierias, Sylvester, opponent of Luther, 70.

Pupper, John, theologian of fifteenth century, 43.

Puritanism, 98, 274, 408, 438.

Ranfurly, Knoxes of, 367.

Realism, 29.

Reuchlin, 45, 162.

Ridley, Bishop, 289.

Rough, John, 375.

Ruysbrock, mystic of fourteenth century, 42.

Sadolet, Bishop of Dauphiny, 201.

Savonarola, 38, 83, 2$1.

Sbynko, Archbishop of Prague, 31.

Servetus, 187, 220, 226, 230.


Sickingen, Franz von, warrior and friend of Hutten, 40, 70, 81, 162.

Solway Moss, 358.

St Andrews, 365, 368, 374, 424.

St Leonard’s College, St Andrews, 366, 377.

Stafford, Master George, divinity lecturer in Cambridge, 294.

Staupitz, vicar-general of Augustines, 43, 59.

Stephens, Robert, of Geneva, 200.

Strasburg, 196.

Superintenents in Church of Scotland, 405.

Suso, Henry, mystic of fourteenth century, 42.

Taborites, sect of Hussites, 37.

Tauler, John, mystic of fourteenth century, 42.

Tetzel, John, opponent of Luther, 47, 67.

Theologia Germanica, 44.

Tillet, Louis du, friend of Calvin, 187.

Tonstall, Bishop of London, 287.

Tyndale, John, 285, 287, 313.

Urban V., Pope, 17.

Vigilantius, early reformer, 2, 8.

Viret, Swiss reformer, 192, 239.

Waldenses, 8, 10.

Waldo, Peter, 5 9, 10.

Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, 310.

Wartburg, 90, 92.

Wenzel, King of Bohemia, 29, 33.

Wesel, John of, theologian of fifteenth century. 43.

Wessel, John, theologian of fifteenth century, 43.

West, Bishop, opponent of Latimer, 300, 305.

Westphal, opponent of Calvin, 217.

Wicliffe, John, 15, passim, 31, 277.

Wishart, George, 370, 372.

Wolmar, Melchior, teacher of Calvin, 185.

Wolsey, Cardinal, 301.

Worms, Diet of, 81, 84, 88.

Wynram, John, 377.

Ziska, leader of Hussites, 37.

Zwickau fanatics, 101.

Zwingli, 116, 121, 179, 244.


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