
« Holy Spirit, the Personality Of Holy Spirit, the Teacher, The Holy Land »

Holy Spirit, the Teacher, The

Promised — Pr 1:23.

As the Spirit of wisdom — Isa 11:2; 40:13,14.


In answer to prayer. — Eph 1:16,17.

To saints. — Ne 9:20; 1Co 2:12,13.

Necessity for — 1Co 2:9,10.

As such he

Reveals the things of God. — 1Co 2:10,13.

Reveals the things of Christ. — Joh 16:14.

Reveals the future. — Lu 2:26; Ac 21:11.

Brings the words of Christ to remembrance. — Joh 14:26.

Directs in the way of godliness. — Isa 30:21; Eze 36:27.

Teaches saints to answer persecutors. — Mr 13:11; Lu 12:12.

Enables ministers to teach. — 1Co 12:8.

Guides into all truth. — Joh 14:26; 16:13.

Directs the decisions of the Church. — Ac 15:28.

Attend to the instruction of — Re 2:7,11,29.

The natural man will not receive the things of — 1Co 2:14.

« Holy Spirit, the Personality Of Holy Spirit, the Teacher, The Holy Land »
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