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A Prayer to God, to prepare my heart for the worthy receiving of the Holy Sacrament, and to make me partaker of the blessings and benefits of it.

I COME to thee, O my Lord God, from whom are the preparation of the heart and the good disposition of our minds for thy worship and service. Fit me, O Lord, by hearty contrition for my sins, and a sincere resolution of a better course, to approach thy altar. Accept of the expiation which thy Son hath made of all my transgressions by the sacrifice of himself, as of a lamb without spot and blemish. Let the remembrance of my sins, and of his bitter sufferings for them, pierce my very heart, and engage me for ever to love and serve him, who laid down his life for me. Cleanse me, O Lord, from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, that I may be a meet guest for thy holy table, and a real partaker of those 222blessings and benefits which are represented in the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood. Strengthen, O God, all good resolutions in me; enable me, by thy grace, faithfully to perform the conditions of that covenant which I made in baptism, and intend to renew in the holy sacrament, by dedicating my self entirely and for ever to the service of my blessed Redeemer, who hath loved me, and washed me from my sins in his own blood. To him be all honour and glory, thanksgiving and praise, love and obedience, for ever and ever. Amen.

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