The Manner of using these Devotions by way of Preparation to the receiving of the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Supper.
The just preparation to this holy feast consisting principally in a holy life, and consequently in the repetition of the acts or all virtues, and especially of faith, repentance, charity, and thanksgiving; to the exercise of these four graces, let the person that intends to communicate, in the times set apart for his preparation and devotion, for the exercise of his faith recite the prayer or litany of the passion; for the exercise of repentance, the form of confession of sins with the prayer annexed; and for the graces of thanksgiving and charity, let him use the special forms of prayer above described. Or if a less time can be allotted for preparatory devotion, the two first will be the more proper, as containing in them all the personal duty of the communicant. To which, upon the morning of that holy solemnity, let him add