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THE great edition of the Septuagint published by Holmes and Parsons ends with a complete list of the MSS. employed (vol. v. ad fin., addenda). It enumerates 311 codices (I—XIII., 14—311), of which I.—XIII., 23, 27, 39, 43, 156, 188, 190, 258, 262, are written in uncial letters, or partly so, while the rest are in minuscule or cursive hands. Since 1827, the date of the publication of the last volume of the Oxford edition, the list of available codices or fragments has been largely increased, owing partly to the researches and publications of Tischendorf, partly to the progress which has recently been made in the examination and cataloguing of Eastern libraries, and the discovery in Egypt of fragments of papyrus bearing Biblical texts. In this chapter an effort has been made to present the student with a complete list of all the MSS. which have been or are being used by editors of the LXX., and of the important fragments so far as they are known to us. It is, however, impossible to guarantee either the exhaustiveness or the correctness in regard to minor details of information which has been brought together from many sources and cannot be verified by enquiry at first hand.
SYSTEMS OF NOTATION. Two systems have been used to denote the uncial MSS. Holmes employed Roman numerals; Lagarde, the capitals of the Roman alphabet328328Lagarde's CEHKRSUYZ were unknown to the Oxford editors. Greek capitals have been used in the Cambridge manual LXX. for a few uncials not mentioned by Lagarde.. For the cursive MSS. Holmes used Arabic numerals, beginning with 14; but, as we have seen, several uncials were allowed to take rank among them. Later scholars have for the most part retained 123this method of notation for the cursives, excepting in the case of a few groups which are supposed to represent a particular recension; thus Lagarde adopted the symbols f h m p z for the Lucianic MSS. 82, 93, 118, 44329329Libr. V. T, can. pars i., p. v. sq., whilst Cornill with a similar object substituted the small letters of the Greek alphabet for the Arabic numerals330330Ezechiel, p. 19 ff.. Uniformity in this matter can scarcely be expected until the cursive codices have been thoroughly examined and catalogued; meanwhile it is sufficient to call attention to the variety of practice which exists.
Manuscripts of the LXX., whether uncial or cursive, rarely contain the whole of the Greek Old Testament. There are some notable exceptions to the general rule (e.g. A, B, C, S = א, 64, 68, 106, 122, 131, and the number of these exceptions may be increased by adding MSS. which have been broken up into two or more separate codices (e.g. G, N + V). But the majority of the copies seem never to have included more than a particular book (as Genesis, or the Psalms, with or without the liturgical ᾠδαί), or a particular group of books such as the Pentateuch (ἡ πεντάτευχος331331Cf. Orig. in Ioann. t. xiii. 26, Epiph. de mens. et pond. 4. Pentateuchus occurs in Tertullian adv. Marc. i. 10.) or the Octateuch (ἡ ὀκτάτευχος = Gen.—Ruth), the Historical Books (1 Regn.—2 Esdr., Esth., Judith, Tobit), the three or five books ascribed to Solomon, the Minor Prophets (τὸ δωδεκαπρόφητον, the Major Prophets (οἱ τέσσαρες), or the Prophets complete (τὸ ἑκκαιδεκαπρόφητον). Larger combinations are also found, e.g. Genesis—Tobit, the Poetical Books as a whole, or the Poetical Books with the Prophets.
In reference to the date of their execution, the uncial MSS. of the LXX. range from the third century to the tenth, and the cursives from the ninth to the sixteenth. Their present distribution may be seen from the descriptions; an analysis of the list of Holmes and Parsons gives the following general results: Italy, 129; Great Britain and Ireland, 54; France, 36; Austria, 26; Russia, 23; Germany, 13; Spain, 7; Holland, 6; Switzerland, 6; Denmark, 4. This summary conveys a general 124idea of the proportion in which the MSS. of the LXX. were distributed among European countries, Greece excepted, at the beginning of the nineteenth century. But the balance will be considerably disturbed if we add the acquisitions of Tischendorf and other discoverers, and the treasures of the libraries at Athens, Athos, Patmos, Smyrna, Jerusalem, and Mount Sinai, which are now within the reach of the critical student.
The following table of the Uncial MSS. may be found convenient. A detailed account of each will follow.
Symbols. | Name of Codex. | Century. | Present locality. | |
H.—P. | Lagarde. | |||
III | A | Alexandrinus | v | London |
II | B | Vaticanus | iv | Rome |
C | Ephraemi | v | Paris | |
I | D | Cottonianus | v | London |
E | Bodleianus | ix—x | Oxford | |
VII | F | Ambrosianus | v | Milan |
IV+V | G | Sarravianus | v | Leyden, Paris, St Petersburg |
H | Petropolitanus | vi | St Petersburg | |
XIII=13 | I | Bodleianus | ix | Oxford |
K | Lipsiensis | vii | Leipzig | |
VI | L | Vindobonensis | v—vi | Vienna |
X | M | Coislinianus | vii | Paris |
XI | N | Basilianus | viii—ix | Rome |
VIII | O332332For IX = P see under Cursive MSS. (H.-P. 294. | Dublinensis | vi | Dublin |
XII | Q | Marchalianus | vi | Rome |
R | Veronensis | vi | Verona | |
S = א | Sinaiticus | iv | Leipzig, St Petersburg | |
262 | T | Turicensis | vii | Zurich |
U | Londinensis | vii | London | |
23 | V | Venetus | viii—ix | Venice |
43 | W | Parisiensis | ix | Paris |
258 | X | Vaticanus | ix | Rome |
Y333333This MS. ought to take rank among the cursives; see below, p. 145. | Taurinensis | ix | Turin | |
Za—c | Fragment Tischendorfiana | |||
Γ | Cyrptoferratensis | viii—ix | Grotta ferrata | |
Δ | Bodeianus | iv—v | Oxford | |
Θ | Washingtoniensis | v—vi | Detroit | |
Π | Petropolitanus | viii—ix | St Petersburg |
(A) Complete Bibles.
A (III). CODEX ALEXANDRINUS. British Museum, Royal, I. D. v.—viii.
A MS. of the O. and N. Testaments, with lacunae. The O. T. is defective in the following places: Gen. xiv. 14—17, xv. 1—5, 16—19, xvi. 6—9 (leaf torn across and the lower portion lost); 1 Regn, xii. 18—xiv. 9 (leaf missing); Ps. xlix. 19—lxxix. 10 (nine leaves missing). Slighter defects, due to the tearing of leaves, occur in Gen. i. 20—25, 29—ii. 3; Lev. viii. 6, 7, 16; Sirach l. 21, 22, li. 5.
The codex now consists of four volumes, of which the first three contain the O. T. in 639 leaves. The books are thus distributed: vol. i. Genesis—2 Chronicles; vol. ii. Hosea—4 Maccabees; vol. iii. Psalms—Sirach334334For the order of the books see Part II. c. i.. The first volume begins with a table of the Books, in a hand somewhat later than the body of the MS. The Psalter, which contains the ψαλμὸς ἰδιόγραφος (cli.) and the liturgical canticles, is preceded by the Epistle of Athanasius to Marcellinus, the ὑποθέσεις of Eusebius, a table, and the canons of the Morning and Evening Psalms. The books of vol. iii. are written στιχηρῶς.
The covers of the volumes bear the arms of Charles I. The codex had been sent to James I. by Cyril Lucar, patriarch successively of Alexandria and Constantinople, but did not reach England till after the succession of Charles. It had previously belonged to the Patriarchate of Alexandria, as we learn from an Arabic note at the beginning. Another but later Arabic note states that the MS. was the work of 'the martyr Thecla,' and Cyril Lucar has written on a leaf prefixed to vol. i.: "Liber iste . . . prout ego traditione habebam, est scriptus manu Theclae nobilis faeminae Aegyptiae ante MCCC annos circiter, paulo post concilium Nicaenum." But, apart from palaeographical considerations335335As to these see Kenyon, Our Bible and the Ancient MSS., p. 129., this date is discredited by the occurrence in the MS. of excerpts from the works of Athanasius and Eusebius, and the liturgical matter connected with the Psalter. It has been proposed to identify Thecla with a correspondent of Gregory of Nazianzus (see THECLA (10), D. C. B. iv., p 897); but this later Thecla seems to have belonged to Cappadocia, not to Egypt. Portions of the text of cod. A were printed by Patrick Young, 1637 (Job), Ussher, 1655 (Judges vi., xviii.), Walton in the polyglott of 1657 (facsimile of Ps. i.), Gale, 1678 (Psalter); and the MS. was used by Grabe as the basis of his great edition 126of the LXX. (1707—1720336336See c. vi.). Baber in 1812 published the Psalter and in 1816—1821 the whole of the O. T. in facsimile type. Finally, an autotype facsimile, which, as Gregory well says, leaves nothing to be desired, was issued in 1881—3 by order of the Trustees of the British Museum under the editorship of Mr (now Sir) E. Maunde Thompson, who has added brief but valuable prolegomena.
The codex is written on leaves of fine vellum, arranged in quires usually of eight. The writing "varies in different parts of the MS., though sufficient uniformity is maintained to make it difficult to decide the exact place where a new hand begins . . . the style of writing in vol. iii. is for the most part different from that of the other volumes337337Prolegg. i. p 358.." In a few of the superscriptions and colophons the occurrence of Egyptian forms of the Greek letters has been noted, "proving that the MS., if not absolutely written in Egypt, must have been immediately afterwards removed thither338338E. Maunde Thompson, Cod. Alex. i. p. 8 ff. Ibid.." The leaves measure about 32 centimetres by 26.3; each leaf contains two columns of 49—51 lines, the lines usually consisting of 23—25 letters. Except in the third volume, the commencement of a new section or paragraph is marked by a large initial letter in the margin as well as by paragraph-marks. There are no breathings or accents by the first hand; an apostrophe occasionally separates words or consonants; here and there an asterisk is placed in the margin (e.g. Gen. xli. 19). Punctuation is limited to a single point, generally high. The abbreviations which occur are
(καὶ, μου, σου, -ναι, -ται). There are numerous and lengthy erasures, over which a corrector has written the text which he preferred. The earliest corrector (A¹) was contemporary with the scribe or nearly so; the second corrector (Aa) may have lived a century later; a third and still later hand (Ab) has also been at work. But the question of the 'hands' in this MS. remains to be worked out, and calls for the knowledge of an expert in palaeography.
B (II). CODEX VATICANUS (Vatican Library, Gr. 1209).
A MS. of the Old and New Testaments, defective at the beginning and in some other places. The O. T. has lost its first 31 leaves, the original hand beginning at Gen. xlvi. 28 (with the words πόλιν εἰς γῆν Ῥαμεσσή). Through the tearing of fol. 178 2 Regn. ii. 5—7, 10—13, has also disappeared, and the loss of 12710 leaves after fol. 348 involves a lacuna which extends from Ps. cv. (cvi.) 27 to Ps. cxxxvii. (cxxxviii.) 6b. The longer gaps have been filled by a recent hand.
The present codex is a quarto volume containing 759 leaves, of which 617 belong to the O. T. Every book of the Greek O. T. is included, except 1—4 Maccabees, which never found a place in the MS. The order of the books differs from that which is followed in cod. A, the poetical books being placed between the canonical histories and the Prophets; and there are variations also in the internal arrangement of the groups.
Of the history of this MS. before the sixteenth century nothing is certainly known. A Vatican collection of Greek MSS. was already in existence in the middle of the fifteenth century, and the greatest treasure in the present library was among its earliest acquisitions. It finds a place in the early catalogues of the Vatican339339This has been proved by Nestle (Academy, May 30, 1891) against Batiffol (La Vaticane de Paul III. à Paul V., Paris, 1890, p. 82. Cf. Nestle, Septuagintastudien, ii. p 11, note i.; reference is made to this MS. in letters addressed by the librarian of the Vatican to Erasmus in 1521 and 1533340340La Vaticane de Paul III. à Paul V. (Paris, 1890). Gregory, Prolegg. p. 360., and it formed the chief authority for the Roman edition of the LXX. in 1587. By this time its importance was already recognised, and it is amazing that an interval of nearly 300 years should have been allowed to pass before the actual text of the MS. was given to the world. A collation of B with the Aldine text was made by Bartolocci in 1669, and is still preserved at Paris in the Bibliothèque Nationale (MS gr. supplem. 53). With other treasures of the Vatican the codex was carried to Paris by Napoleon, and there it was inspected in 1809 by Hug, whose book De antiquitate codicis Vaticani (Freiburg, 1810) aroused fresh interest in its text. On the restoration of the MS. to the Vatican it was guarded with a natural but unfortunate jealousy which for more than half a century baffled the efforts of Biblical scholars. Neither Tischendorf in 1843 and 1866 nor Tregelles in 1845 was permitted to make a full examination of the codex. Meanwhile the Roman authorities were not unmindful of the duty of publishing these treasures, but the process was slow, and the first results were disappointing. An edition printed by Mai in 1828—38 did not see the light till 1857. It was followed in 1881 by Cozza's more accurate but far from satisfactory volumes in facsimile type. At length in 1890 under the auspices of Leo XIII. the Vatican Press issued a photographic reproduction worthy of this most important of Biblical MSS.341341On this work see Nestle, Septuagintast. iii. p. 13 ff.
128The codex is written on the finest vellum in a singularly beautiful hand342342Specimens are given in Sir E. Maunde Thompson's Greek and Latin Palæography, p. 150; and F. G. Kenyon's Our Bible &c., p. 136; E. Nestle, Einführung², Tafel 4. which "may be attributed to the fourth century," and probably to the middle of the century343343Sir E. M. Thompson, op. cit. p. 159; WH., Intr. p. 75., and bears a resemblance to the hand which is found in papyri of the best Roman period344344F. G. Kenyon, Palæography of Greek papyri, p. l20. See A. Rahlfs, A1ter u. Heimath der Vat. Bibelhandschrift, in G. G. N., 1899, i. p. 72 ff.. The leaves are arranged in quinions (gatherings of ten pages); each page exhibits three columns of 42 lines with 16—18 letters in each line. There are no breathings or accents in the first hand; a point occurs but rarely; initial letters do not project into the margin. The text is written in two contemporary hands, the transition being made at p. 335. The MS. has been corrected more than once; besides the scribe or contemporary diorthotes (B1), we may mention an early corrector denoted as Ba, and a late instaurator, who has gone over the whole text, spoiling its original beauty, and preserving oftentimes the corrections of Ba rather than the original text.
C. CODEX EPHRAEMI SYRI RESCRIPTUS PARISIENSIS. Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 9 (formerly Reg. 1905, Colbert. 3769).
A folio consisting at present of 209 leaves, of which 64 contain portions of the O. T. The fragments are as follows: Prov. i. 2 νοῆσαι—ii. 8, xv. 29 κρείσσων—xvii. 1, xviii. 11 ἡ δὲ δόξα—xix. 23, xxii. 17 τὴν δὲ σήν—xxiii. 25, xxiv. 22 e ὥστε ἄβρωτα—56 ἡ γῆ, xxvi. 23 χείλη λεῖα—xxviii. 2, xxix. 48—end of book; Eccl. i. 2 ματαιότης—14, ii. 18 ὑπὸ τὸν ἥλιον—end of book; Cant. i. 3—iii. 9 Σαλωμών; Job ii. 12 ῥήξαντες—iv. 12 ἐν λόγοις σου, v. 27, σὺ δὲ γνῶθι—vii. 7, x. 9—xii. 2 ἄνθρωποι, xiii. 18 οἶδα ἐγώ,—xviii. 9 πανίδες, xix. 27 ἃ ὁ ὀφθαλμός—xxii. 14 νεφέλη, xxiv. 7 γυμνοὺς πολλούς—xxx. 1 ἐν μέρει, xxxi. 6—xxxv. 15 ὀργὴν αὐτοῦ, xxxvii. 5—xxxviii. 17 θανάτου, xl. 20 περιθήσεις—end of book; Sap. viii. 5 ἐργαζόμενος—xii. 10 τόπον μετανοίας, xiv. 19—xvii. 19—xvii. 18 εὐμελής, xviii. 24 ἐπὶ γάρ—end of book; Sir. prol. 1—vii. 14 πρεσβυτέρων, viii. 15 αὐτὸς γάρ—xi. 17 εὐσεβέσιν, xii. 16 καὶ ἐάν—xvi. 1 ἀχρήστων, xvii. 12—xx. 5 σοφός, xxi. 12—xxii. 19, xxvii. 19—xxviii. 25 σταθμόν, xxx. 8—xxxxiv. 22 οὐ μή σοι, xxx. 25—xxxi. 6, xxxii. 22 καὶ ὁ κύριος—xxxiii. 13 Ἰακώβ, xxxvii. 11—xxxviii. 15, xxxix. 7—xliv. 27 ἀφικώμεθα, xlv. 24 ἵνα αὐτῷ—xlvii. 23 Ῥοβοάμ, xlviii. 11—xlix. 12 Ἰησοῦς υἱός. The distribution of the leaves is Proverbs 6, Ecclesiastes 8, Cant. 1, Job 19, Wisdom 7, Sirach 23.
The copy of the Greek Bible of which these fragments have survived unfortunately fell during the middle ages into the hands of a scribe in want of writing materials. Originally, as it seems, a complete Bible, written probably in the fifth century and, as Tischendorf believed, in Egypt, in the twelfth century it was taken to pieces, sponged, and used for other writings345345On palimpsest MSS. see Sir E. M. Thompson, Greek and Latin Palæography, p. 75 ff.. What became of the missing leaves we do not know; those of the Paris volume are covered with the Greek text of certain works of Ephrem the Syrian346346For a list of these see Omont, Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grecs, p. 2.. The book was probably brought to Florence early in the 16th century by Andreas Lascaris, the agent of Lorenzo de’ Medici, and passing into the possession of Catharine de’ Medici, accompanied her to France, where it found its way into the Royal Library. Here the value of the underlying text was recognised by Montfaucon, who called attention to it in his Palaeografihia Graeca, and gave a specimen from the fragments of the N. T. (p. 213 f.). The O. T. fragments were partly examined by Wetstein and Thilo347347Tischendorf, Cod. Ephraemi rescriptus, prolegg. p. 9., but were not given to the world until in 1845 Tischendorf, who had published the N. T. portion in 1843, completed his task by printing the LXX. text.
This once noble MS. was written in single columns from 40 to 46 lines in length, each line containing about 40 letters348348See a photographic facsimile in Facsimilés des plus anciens manuscrits grecs de la Bibl. Nat. (H. Omont, Paris, 1892).. The writing of the O. T. differs, according to Tischendorf, from that of the N. T.; it is more delicate, some of the letters (Α, Δ, Β, Κ, Ξ, Χ, Φ) assume different forms in the two portions of the codex, and there are other palaeographical indications that the hand which wrote the earlier books did not write the later. Nevertheless Tischendorf regarded the two hands as contemporary, and believed the codex to have been originally one. A seventh century corrector has left traces of his work, but his corrections are not numerous except in Sirach. As to the order of the books nothing can be ascertained, the scribe who converted the MS. into a palimpsest having used the leaves for his new text without regard to their original arrangement349349See Tischendorf, op. cit., prolegg. p. 5..
S = א. CODEX SINAITICUS. Leipzig and St Petersburg.
The remains of this great uncial Bible contain the following portions of the O. T.: Gen. xxiii. 19 αὕτη—xxiv. 4 πορεύσῃ, xxiv. 1305 εἰς τὴν γῆν—8, 9 ῥήματος—14 καμήλους, 17 καὶ εἶπεν—19 ἕως ἄν, 25 αὐτῷ—27 τήν, 30 ἄνθρωπον—33 λαλῆσαι, 36 αὐτῷ (1º)—41 ἐκ τῆς, 41 ὁρκισμοῦ—46 ἀφ᾿; Num. v. 26 αὐτῆς—30 ποιήσει, vi. 5 ἅγιος—6 τετελευτηκυίᾳ, 11 κεφαλήν—12 αἱ (2º), 17 κανῷ—18 μαρτυρίου, 22, 23, 27 Κύριος, vii. 4 Μωυσῆν—5 Λευείταις, 12 Ναασσών—13 ἕν, 15 ἕνα (2º)—20 θυμιάματος, 1 Par. ix. 27 τὸ πρωί—xix. 17, 2 Esdr. ix. 9 Κύριος—end of book; Psalms—Sirach; Esther; Tobit; Judith; Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lam. i. 1—ii. 20; 1 and 4 Maccabees.
The forty-three leaves containing 1 Par. xi. 22—xix. 17, 2 Esdras ix. 9—end, Esther, Tobit i. 1—ii. 2, Jer. x. 25—end, and Lam. i. 1—ii. 20 were found by Tischendorf in a wastepaper basket at the Convent of St Catharine's, Mount Sinai, in 1844, and published by him in a lithographed facsimile under the name of Codex Friderico-Augustanus350350So called in honour of Frederick Augustus, King of Saxony. (Leipzig, 1846); to these in Mon. sacr. ined., nov. coll. i. (1855) he was able to add Isa. lxvi. 12—Jer. i. 7 from a copy made during the same visit to Sinai. A second visit in 1853 enabled him to print in the next volume of the Monumenta (1857) two short fragments of Genesis (xxiv. 9, 10, 41—43). During a third visit to the Convent in 1859, he was permitted to see the rest of the codex, including 156 1eaves of the Old Testament, and ultimately succeeded in carrying the whole to St Petersburg for presentation to the Czar Alexander II. This final success led to the publication in 1862 of the Bibliorum Codex Sinaiticus Petropolitanus, containing a facsimile of the St Petersburg portion of the Sinaitic MS. Lastly in 1867 Tischendorf completed his task by printing in his Appendix Codicum certain fragments of Genesis and Numbers which had been discovered by the Archimandrite Porfirius in the bindings of other Sinai MSS.351351Cf. Tischendorf's remarks in Litt. C.-Blatt, 1867 (27).
This great Bible was written on leaves which originally measured 15 x 131 inches, and were gathered, with two exceptions, into quires of four. Each column contains 48 lines, with 12—14 letters in a line; and in all but the poetical books each page exhibits four columns, so that eight lie open at a time352352"They have much of the appearance of the successive columns in a papyrus roll, and it is not at all impossible that it [the MS.] was actually copied from such a roll." Kenyon, p. 124; cf. Scrivener-Miller, p. 95.; in the poetical books, where the lines are longer, two columns appear on each page, or four at an opening. The characters are assigned to the fourth century; they are well-formed and somewhat square, written without break, except when an apostrophe or a single point intervenes; a breathing prima manu has been 131noticed at Tobit vi. 9, but with this exception neither breathings nor accents occur. Tischendorf distinguished four hands in the codex (A, B, C, D), and assigned to A the fragments of Chronicles, 1 Macc., and the last 4½ leaves of 4 Macc., as well as the whole of the N. T.; the fragments of Numbers and the Prophets are ascribed to B; the poetical books to C; Tobit and Judith and the rest of 4 Macc. to D, who is identified with the scribe to whom we owe the N. T. of Codex Vaticanus. He also detected traces of five stages in the correction of the MS., which he represented by the symbols אa, אc.a, אc.b, אc.c, אd. The first symbol covers the work of the diorthotes and other nearly contemporary correctors; אc.a, c.b, c.c are three seventh century hands, of which the last appears chiefly in the Book of Job, whilst the later אd has occupied itself with retracing faded writing in the Prophets.
After 1 Chron. xix. 17 cod. א (FA) passes without break to 2 Esdr. ix. 9, but the place is marked by the corrector אc.a with three crosses and the note μέχρι τούτου [τοῦ] σημείου τῶν τριῶν σταυρῶν ἐστιν τὸ τέλος τῶν ἑπτὰ φύλλων τῶν περισσῶν καὶ μὴ ὄντων τοῦ Ἔσδρα. Five of these leaves remain, and the two which preceded them probably contained 1 Chron. vi. 50—ix. 27a (H. St J. Thackeray in Hastings' D.B., i. p. 762). Westcott (Bible in the Church, p. 307) supposes that the insertion of this fragment of 1 Chron. in the heart of 2 Esdras is due to a mistake in the binding of the copy from which the MS. was transcribed; comp. the similar error in the archetype of all our Greek copies of Sirach353353Another explanation (suggested by Dr Gwynn) is given by Dr Lupton in Wace's Apocrypha, i., p. 2.. Whether 1 Esdras formed a part of cod. א is uncertain, the heading Ἔσδρας βʹ does not prove this, since cod. א contains 4 Maccabees under the heading Μακκαβαίων δʹ although it certainly did not give the second and third books (Thackeray, 1.c.).
No uniform edition or photographic reproduction of this most important MS. has yet appeared354354A facsimile of 2 Esdr. xviii. 15—xix. 15 may be seen in Stade, Gesch. d. Volkes Israel, ii, p. 192.. The student is still under the necessity of extracting the text of א from the five works of Tischendorf mentioned above. A homogeneous edition of the remains of the codex or a photographic reproduction of the text is one of our most urgent needs in the field of Biblical palaeography. (The N. T. has now appeared in collotype; H. and K. Lake, introd. by K. Lake, Oxford, 1911.)
N (XI). CODEX BASILIANO-VATICANUS. Vatican Library, Gr. 2106, formerly Basil. 145355355Cf. Wetstein, N. T. i. p. 133; Lagarde, Septuagintastudien, p. 48..
V (23). CODEX VENETUS. St Mark's Library, Venice, cod. Gr. 1356356Cf. Deutsche Lit.-Zeit. 1897, p. 1475 f..
Dr E. Klostermann (Analecta, pp. 9 f., 33 f.) has produced good reasons for believing that these two codices originally formed portions of a complete copy of the Greek Old Testament.
The Vatican portion now contains Lev. xiii. 59—Num. xxi. 34, Num. xxii. 19—Deut. xxviii. 40, Deut. xxx. 16—Jud. xiv. 16, Jud. xviii. 2—1 Regn. xvii. 12, 1 Regn. xvii. 31—3 Regn. viii. 8, 3 Regn. xi. 17—end of 2 Paralip., 2 Esdr. v. 10—xvii. 3, Esther. The Venice MS. yields Job xxx. 8 to end, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Sap., Sirach, the Minor Prophets (in the order Hos., Am., Joel, Ob., Jon., Mic., Nab., Hab., Zeph., Hag., Zech., Mal.), Isa., Jer., Bar., Lam., Ezek., Daniel, Tobit, Judith, 1—4 Macc.
The Venice folio measures 16½ x 11⅔ inches, the Vatican at present a little less, but the breadth and length of the columns is identical in the two codices; in both there are two columns of 60 lines. The Venice MS. contains 164 leaves, the Vatican 132. The first leaf of the Venice book begins the 27th quire of the original MS., and on computation it appears that, if to the Vatican leaves were added those which would be required to fill the lacunae of the earlier books and of Job, the entire number would make up 26 quires of the same size357357Klostermann, p. 9.. As regards the history of the separated portions, it appears that the Vatican MS. was originally brought to Rome from Calabria by a Basilian monk358358Holmes, Praef. ad Pentateuch.; the Venice book was once the property of Cardinal Bessarion, by whom it was presented to St Mark's359359It was the eighth of Bessarion's MSS.; see Schott in Eichhorn's Repert., viii. 181..
The handwriting of N and V is in the sloping uncials of cent. viii.—ix. Some use was made of V in the Roman edition of 1587, where it seems to have supplied the text of Maccabees; both codices were collated for Holmes and Parsons, who numbered V as a cursive.
(B) Octateuch and Historical Books.
(D) (T). CODEX COTTONIANUS. British Museum, Cotton MSS., Otho B. vi. 5—6.
A collection of fragments, the largest of which measures no more than 7 x 5½ inches, containing portions of the Book of Genesis with vestiges of pictures executed in a semi-classical style.
133No other uncial codex of the LXX., of which any portion remains, has suffered so lamentable a fate. Brought to England from Philippi360360Still an episcopal see in the time of Le Quien; see Lightfoot, Philippians, p. 64, note. in the reign of Henry VIII. by two Orthodox Bishops361361They stated that it had once been the property of Origen., and presented to the English monarch, it remained in the Royal Library till the reign of Elizabeth, who gave it to her Greek tutor Sir John Fortescue, and from his hands after several vicissitudes it found its way into the Cotton collection. In 1731, while the codex was at Ashburnham House with the rest of that collection, it was reduced by fire to a heap of charred and shrivelled leaves. Even before the fire it had been imperfect362362Walton's statement that Cod. D at one time contained the Pentateuch is however groundless; in the Cotton catalogue of 1621 it is described as "Genesis only."; the beginning and end of the book had disappeared, and other leaves were defective here and there; yet 165 or 166 leaves remained and 250 miniatures. The existing remains at the British Museum, though collected with the most scrupulous care, consist only of 150 mutilated fragments; to these must be added a smaller series preserved at the Baptist College, Bristol, to which institution they were bequeathed by Dr A. Gifford, formerly an Assistant Librarian at the Museum.
Most of the London fragments were deciphered and published by Tischendorf in 1857 (Mon. sacr. ined., nov. coll. ii.); the rest, together with the Bristol fragments, are now accessible in Dr F. W. Gotch's Supplement to Tischendorf's Reliquiae cod. Cotton. (London, 1881).
Happily we have means of ascertaining with some approach to completeness the text of this codex as it existed before the fire. Although no transcript had been made, the MS. was more than once collated—by Patrick Young and Ussher for Walton's Polyglott, and afterwards by Gale, Crusius, and Grabe; and Grabe's collation, which is preserved in the Bodleian, was published by Dr H. Owen (Collatio cod. Cotton. Geneseos cum Editione Romana . . . , Londini, 1778). Some assistance can also be obtained from the Vetusta Monumenta published by the London Society of Antiquaries (vo1 i. 1747), where two plates are given depicting some of the miniatures, together with portions of the text of fragments which have since disappeared.
Lastly, among the Peiresc papers in the Bibltothèque Nationale, transcripts have been found of Gen. i. 13, 14, xviii. 24—26, xliii. 16, which were made from the MS. in 1606. They are printed in Mémoires de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France, liii. pp. 163—172363363I owe the reference to Dr Nestle (Urtext, p. 71).. As this discovery was overlooked 134when the second edition of The Old Testament in Greek, vol. i., passed through the press in 1895, it may be convenient to the student to have the new fragments placed before him in extenso.
Gen. i. 13, 14 . . . 13ἑσπέρα καὶ ἐγένετο πρωί, ἡμέρα τρίτη. 14καὶ εἶπεν ὁ θεός Γενηθήτωσαν φωστῆρες ἐν τῷ στερεώματι τοῦ οὐρανοῦ εἰς φαῦσιν τῆς γῆς, καὶ ἀρχέτωσαν τῆς ἡμέρας καὶ τῆς νυκτὸς τοῦ διαχω[ρίζειν] . . .
11. xviii. 24—26. 24ἐὰν ὦσιν πεντήκοντα δίκαιοι ἐν τῇ πόλει, ἀπολέσεις αὐτούς; οὐκ ἀνήσεις πάντα τὸν τόπον ἐκεῖνον ἕνεκα τῶν πεντήκοντα δικαίων, ἐὰν ᾦσιν ἐν αὐτῇ; 25μηδαμῶς σὺ ποιήσεις ὡς τὸ ῥῆμα τοῦτο, τοῦ ἀποκτεῖναι δίκαιον μετὰ ἀσεβοῦς, καὶ ἔσται ὁ δίκαιος ὡς ὁ ἀσεβής· μηδαμῶς. ὁ κρίνων πᾶσαν τὴν γῆν, οὐ ποιήσεις κρίσιν; 26εἶπεν δὲ κύριος Ἐὰν εὕρω ἐν Σο[δομοις] . . .
16. xliii. 16 . . . θύματα καὶ ἑτοίμασον· μετ᾿ ἐμοῦ γὰ[ρ] φάγονται οἱ ἄνθρωποι οὗτοι ἄρτου[ς] τὴν μεσημβρίαν . . .
The vellum of the MS. is fine, but not so thin as in some other early uncials. The leaves were arranged in quires of four. Each page, where the writing was not broken by an illustration, contained from 26 to 28 lines of 27 to 30 letters. The uncials are well formed, but vary to some extent in thickness and size. Initial letters are used, and the point is sometimes high, sometimes middle or low. On the whole the codex may probably be assigned to cent. v.—vi. The hands of three scribes have been traced in the fragments, and there appear to have been two correctors after the diorthotes; the earlier of the two, who seems to have lived in the eighth century, has retraced the faded letters.
E. CODEX BODLEIANUS. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Auct. T. infr. ii. 1.
The Bodleian volume contains the following fragments of Genesis: i. 1—xiv. 6, xviii. 24 δικαίων—xx. 14 καὶ ἀπέδωκεν, xxiv. 54 ἐκπέμψατε—xlii. 18 εἶπεν δὲ αὐ[τοῖς]. Another leaf, now at the Cambridge University Library, contains xlii. 18 [αὐ]τοῖς τῇ ἡμέρᾳ—xliv. 13 τὸν ἕνα καὶ, verso, to which xlii. 31—xliv. 13 belongs, is written in (?) contemporary minuscules. It is now known that this text is carried on by more than one cursive MS. The St Petersburg cod. lxii. begins where the Cambridge fragment leaves off (at Gen. xliv. 13 Βενιαμίν· ἐγὼ μὲν γάρ), and proceeds, with some lacunae, as far as 3 Regn. xvi. 28 τὰ λοιπὰ τῶν συμπλοκῶν). The largest of the lacunae (Jos. xxiv. 27—Ruth, inclusive) is supplied by the British Museum MS. Add. 20002, which once belonged to the same codex as E, the Cambridge fragment, and St Petersburg cod. lxii.
135The recent history of this MS. is both curious and instructive. The portions now at Oxford and London were brought from the East by Tischendorf in 1853; the Cambridge leaf and the St Petersburg portion followed in 1859. Tischendorf published the contents of the Bodleian volume in Monumenta sacra inedita, n. c. ii. (1857); the Cambridge leaf remained in his possession till his death in 1874, when it was purchased by the Syndics of the University Library. In 1891 it was recognised by the present writer and Mr H. A. Redpath as a continuation of the Bodleian Genesis364364Mr Bradshaw, I now learn, had previously noticed this, but he does not appear to have published the fact, or to have left any written statement about it.; and its contents were at once communicated to the Academy (June 6, 1891), and were afterwards incorporated in the apparatus of the Cambridge manual LXX. (vol. i., ed. 2, 1895). Finally, in 1898, Dr A. Rahlfs of Göttingen365365In his paper über eine von Tischendorf aus dem Orient mit-gebrachte, in Oxford, Cambridge, London, u. Petersburg liegende Handschrift der Septuaginta, reprinted from Nachrichten der K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 1898; cf. Th. L.-Z., Feb. 4, 1899, p. 74. See also E. Klostermann, G. G. A., 1895, p. 257. proved that the Petersburg and London volumes originally formed a part of the codex to which the Oxford Genesis and the Cambridge leaf belonged. The entire MS. will be used for the apparatus of the larger Cambridge LXX.; a description by the Editors (Messrs Brooke and McLean) may be found in the Classical Review for May, 1899 (vo1. xiii., pp. 209—11).
The Bodleian Genesis is written in large sloping uncials of a late form on 29 leaves of stout vellum; each page carries two columns of 37—44 lines; in the earlier pages the letters are closely packed and there are sometimes as many as 28 in a line, but as the book advances the number seldom exceeds and sometimes fall below 20. Tischendorf was disposed to assign the writing to the 9th, or at the earliest the 8th century; but the debased character of the uncials, as well as the readiness of the scribe to pass from the uncial to the cursive script, point to a still later date366366"The date of the whole MS., including the uncial part, may very well be the tenth century" (Class. Review, l.c.). . According to the same authority the uncial leaves of the codex have passed through the hands of a nearly contemporary corrector, and also of another whose writing is more recent.
F (VII). CODEX AMBROSIANUS. Ambrosian Library, Milan. A. 147 infr.
The remains of this important Codex consist of the following 136fragments of the Octateuch: Gen. xxxi. 15 [ἀλλοτρί]αι—37 ἠραύνησας, xlii. 14 ὅτι κατάσκοποι—21 εἰσηκούσαμεν αὐτοῦ, 28 ἐταράχθησαν—xlvi. 6 τὴν κτῆσιν, xlvii. 16 εἰ ἐκλέλοιπεν—xlviii. 3 ὁ θεός μοι ὤφθη, xlviii. 21 τῶν πατέρων—li. 14 οἰ ἀδελφοί. Exod. i. 10 γῆς—viii. 19 τῷ [Φαραώ], xii. 31 οἱ υἱοί—xxx. 29 ὁ ἀπτ. αὐτῶν, xxxi. 18 ἐν τῷ ὄρει—xxxii. 6 θυσ[ίαν], xxxii. 13 [πολυπλη]θυνῶ—xxxvi. 3 προσ[εδέχοντο], xxxvii. 10 αἱ βάσεις—end of book. Lev. i. 1—ix. 18 κυκλῳ, x 14 [ἀφαιρέμα]τος—end of book. Num. (without lacuna). Deut. i. 1—xxviii. 63 ηὐφράν[θη], xxix. 14 καὶ τὴν ἀράν—end of book. Jos. i. 1—ii. 9 ἐφ᾿ [ἡ]μᾶς, ii. 15 αὐτῆς ἐν τῷ τ[ε]ίχει—iv. 5 ἔμπροσθεν, iv. 10 [συ]νετέλεσεν—v. 1 Ἰορδάνην, v. 7 Ἰησοῦς—vi. 23 ἀδελφοὺς αὐτῆς, vii. 1 Ζαμβρί—ix. 27 τῆς σήμερον ἡμ[έρας], x. 37 ἦν ἐν αὐτῇ—xii. 12 βασ. Ἐγλών367367The fragments of Malachi and Isaiah, attributed to F in Holmes, followed by Tischendorf V. T.², and Kenyon (p. 62), belong to a MS. of cent. xi.; see Ceriani, Mon. sacr. et prof., praef. p. ix. .
An inscription on a blank page states that the fragments were "ex Macedonia Corcyram advecta, ibique Ill. Card. Fed. Borromaei Bibliothecae Ambrosianae Fundatoris iussu empta eidemque Bibliothecae transmissa sunt." They attracted the notice of Montfaucon (Diar. Ital., p. 11, Pal. sacr. pp. 27, 186), and were collated for Holmes, but in an unsatisfactory manner. Ceriani's transcript (Mon. sacr. et prof. iii., Mediol. 1864) supplies the text, for the accuracy of which the name of the Editor is a sufficient guarantee, and a learned preface, but the full prolegomena which were reserved for another volume have not appeared. A photograph is needed not only for palaeographical purposes, but to shew the marginal readings, many of which are Hexaplaric.
The MS. is written on the finest and whitest vellum, the leaves of which are gathered in fours368368See Sir E. Maunde Thompson, Greek and Latin Pal., p. 62.; three columns of writing stand on each page, and 35 lines in each column. The characters are those of cent. iv.—v.; initial letters are used, which project to half their breadth into the margin. Punctuation is frequent, and there is much variety in the use of the points; accents and breathings are freely added prima manu, a feature in which this MS. stands alone amongst early Uncials369369Cf. Thompson, op. cit. p. 72, "they were not systematically applied to Greek texts before the 7th century.". The colour of the ink changes after Deuteronomy, and the rest of the fragments seem to have been written by another scribe; but the work is contemporary, for the quire numbers have been added by the first scribe throughout. The MS. has passed through the hands of two early correctors, and the margins contain various readings, notes, and scholia.
G (IV, V). CODEX COLBERTO-SARRAVIANUS. (1) Leyden, University Library, Voss. Gr. Q. 8. (2) Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, cod. Gr. 17, formerly Colbert. 3084. (3) St Petersburg, Imperial Library, v. 5.
Of this codex Leyden possesses 130 leaves and Paris 22, while one leaf has strayed to St Petersburg. When brought together the surviving leaves yield the following portions of the Octateuch: Gen. xxxi. 53 αὐτῶν—xxxvi. 18 θυγατρός Ἀνά. 370370Fragments marked are at Paris; that marked † is at St Petersburg.
Exod. xxxvi. 8—29,
xxxvii. 3 ὑφαντοῦ—6,
xxxviii. 1—18,
xxxix. 1 [κατ]ειργάσθη—11,
16 σκεύη—19, xl. 2 ἐκεῖ τὴν κιβωτόν to end of book,
Lev. i. 1—iv 26 ἐξ(ε)ιλάσεται περί, iv. 27 λαοῦ τῆς γῆς—xiii. 17 καὶ ἰδού,
xiii. 49 ἱματίῳ—xiv. 6 λήμψεται αὐτὸ καὶ,
xiv. 33—49 ἀφαγνί[σαι].
xv. 24 κοιμηθῇ—xvii. 10 προσ[ηλύτων],
xviii. 28 [ἔ]θνεσιν—xix. 36 στὰθμια δίκαια καὶ, xxiv. 9 καὶ τοῖς υἱοῖς—xxvii. 16 ἄνθρωπος τῷ. Num. i. 1—vii. 85 τῶν σκευῶν, xi. 18 τίς ψωμιεῖ—xviii. 2 φυλήν, xviii. 30 ἐρεῖς—xx. 22 παρεγένοντο οἱ,
xxv. 2 αὐτῶν καί—xxvi. 3,
xxix. 12 ἑορτάσετε—33 σύγκρισιν, 34 καὶ χ(ε)ίμαρ(ρ)ον—end of book. Deut. iv. 11
[καρ]δίας: τοῦ οὐρανοῦ—26 ἐκεῖ κλη[ρονομῆσαι], vii. 13 τὸν σῖτον—xvii. 14 κατακληρονομή[σῃς], xviii. 8—xix. 4 τὸν πλη[σίον], xxviii. 12 [ἔθνε]σιν—xxxi. 11 Jos. ix. 33 [ἐκλέξη]ται—xix. 23 αὕτη ἡ κληρονομία. † Jud. ix. 48 αὐτὸς καὶ πᾶς—x. 6 Ἀσσαρὼθ
καὶ σὺν τοῖς, xv. 3 [Σαμ]ψών—xviii. 16 οἱ ἐκ τῶν υἱῶν, xix. 25 αὐτῇ ὅλην—xxi. 12 τετρακοσίοις.
The Leyden leaves of this MS. are known to have been in the possession of Claude Sarràve, of Paris, who died in 1651. After his death they passed into the hands successively of Jacques Mentel, a Paris physician, who has left his name on the first page, and of Isaac Voss († 1681), from whose heirs they were purchased by the University of Leyden. The Paris leaves had been separated from the rest of the MS. before the end of the 16tb century, for they were once in the library of Henri Memme, who died in 1596. With a large part of that collection they were presented to J. B. Colbert in 1732, and thus found their way into the Royal Library at Paris. Among earlier owners of the St Petersburg leaf were F. Pithaeus, Desmarez, Montfaucon371371Montfaucon, Pal. sacr. p. 186 f.; Tischendorf, Mon. sacr. ined. n. c. iii. prolegg. p. xviii., and Dubrowsky. The text of the Leyden leaves and the St Petersburg leaf was printed in facsimile type by Tischendorf in the third volume of his Monumenta sacra (Leipzig, 1860); a splendid photographic reproduction of all the known leaves of the codex appeared at Leyden in 1897372372 V. T. gr. cod. Sarraviani-Colbertini quae supersunt in bibliothecis Leidensi Parisiensi Petropolitana phototypice edita. Praefatus est H. Omont. .
138The leaves measure 9⅞ x 8⅞ inches; the writing is in two columns of 27 lines, each line being made up of 13—15 letters. In Tischendorf's judgement the hand belongs to the end of the fourth or the first years of the fifth century. There are no initial letters; the writing is continuous excepting where it is broken by a point or sign; points, single or double, occur but rarely; a breathing is occasionally added by the first hand, more frequently by an early corrector. Of the seven correctors noticed by Tischendorf three only need be mentioned here,—(A) a contemporary hand, (B) another fifth century hand which has revised Deuteronomy and Judges, and (C) a hand of the sixth century which has been busy in the text of Numbers.
In one respect this codex holds an unique position among uncial MSS. of the Octateuch. It exhibits an Origenic text which retains many of the Hexaplaric signs. Besides the asterisk ( ) and various forms of the obelus (
, and in the margin, —), the metobelus frequently occurs (:, ·/, /·, ·/·). The importance of Cod. Sarravianus as a guide in the recovery of the Hexaplaric text has been recognised from the time of Montfaucon (comp. Field, Hexapla, i., p. 5); and it is a matter for no little congratulation that we now possess a complete and admirable photograph of the remains of this great MS.
H. CODEX PETROPOLITANUS. In the Imperial Library at St Petersburg.
This palimpsest consists at present of 88 leaves in octavo; in its original form there were 44 arranged in quaternions. Under the patristic matter which is now in possession of the vellum, Tischendorf detected a large part of the Septuagint text of Numbers. The fragments recovered contain chh. i. 1—30, 40—ii. 14, ii. 30—iii. 26, v. 13—23, vi. 6—vii. 7, vii. 41—78, viii. 2—16, xi. 3—xiii. 11, xiii. 28—xiv. 34, xv. 3—20, 22—28, 32—xvi. 31, xvi. 44—xviii. 4, xviii. 15—26, xxi. 15—22, xxii. 30—41, xxiii. 12—27, xxvi. 54—xxvii. 15, xxviii. 7—xxix. 36, xxx. 9—xxxi. 48, xxxii. 7—xxxiv. 17, xxxvi. 1—end of book. They are printed in Monumenta sacr. ined., nov. coll. i. (Leipzig, 1855).
In Tischendorf's judgement the upper writing is not later than the ninth century; the lower writing he ascribes to the sixth; for though the characters are generally such as are found in fifth century MSS., yet there are several indications of a later date, e.g. the numerous compendia scribendi and superscribed letters, and the occasional use of oblong forms. Chapters and arguments are noted in the margin—the chapters of Numbers are 207—and at the end of the book the number of stichi is 139specified (͵γφλαʹ = 3535); the scribe appends his name—.
K. FRAGMENTA LIPSIENSIA. Leipzig, University Library (cod. Tisch. ii.).
Twenty-two leaves discovered by Tischendorf in 1844, of which seventeen contain under Arabic writing of the ninth century fragments of Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, and Judges (Num. v. 17—18, 24—25; vii. 18—19, 30—31, 35—36, 37—40, 42—43, 46—47; xv. 11—17, 19—24; xxvii. 1—xxviii. 5, xxviii. 10—xxix. 2, xxxv. 19—22, 28—31. Deut. ii. 8—10, 15—19, ix. 1—10, xviii. 21—xix. 1, xix. 6—9; xxi. 8—12, 17—19. Jos. x. 39—xi. 16, xii. 2—15, xxii. 7—9, 10—23; Jud. xi. 24—34, xviii. 2—20373373On the fragments of Judges see Moore, Judges, p. xlv.).
The Greek writing is not later than cent. vii. The fragments are printed in the first volume of Monumenta sacra inedita, n. c.
This MS. consists of 24 leaves of Genesis, with which are bound up two leaves of St Luke belonging to Codex N of the Gospels374374On the latter see H. S. Cronin, Codex Purpurcus Petropalitanus, p. xxiii..
The Genesis leaves contain Gen. iii. 4—24, vii. 19—viii. 20, ix. 8—15, 20—27; xiv. 17—20, xv. 1—5, xix. 12—26, 29—35; xxii. 15—19, xxiv. 1—11, 15—20; xxiv. 22—31, xxv. 27—34, xxvi. 6—11, xxx. 30—37; xxxi. 25—34; xxxii. 1—18, 22—32; xxxv. 1—4, 8, 16—20, 28—29, xxxvii. 1—19, xxxix. 9—18, xl 14—xli. 2, xli. 21—32, xlii. 21—38, xliii. 2—21, xlviii. 16—xlix. 3, xlix. 28—33, l. 1—4.
Like e great Cotton MS. the Vienna purple Genesis is an illustrated text, each page exhibiting a miniature painted in water-colours. The writing belongs to the fifth or sixth century; the provenance of the MS. is uncertain, but there are notes in the codex which shew that it was at one time in North Italy. Engravings of the miniatures with a description of the contents may be found in P. Lambecii Comm. de bibliotheca Vindobonensi, lib. iii. (ed. Kollar., 1776), and a transcript of the text in R. Holmes's Letter to Shute Barrington, Bishop of Durham (Oxford, 1795); but both these earlier authorities have been superseded by the splendid photographic edition lately published at Vienna (die Wiener Genesis herausgegeben von Wilhelm Ritter v. Hartel u. Franz Wickhoff, Wien, 1895).
M (X). CODEX COISLINIANUS. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Coisl. Gr. 1.
A MS. of the Octateuch and the Historical Books, with lacunae; the 227 remaining leaves contain Gen. i. 1—xxxiv. 2, xxxviii. 24—Num. xxix. 23, xxxi. 4—Jos. x. 6, Jos. xxii. 34—Ruth iv. 19, 1 Regn. i. 1—iv. 19, x. 19—xiv. 26, xxv. 33—3 Regn. viii. 40.
This great codex was purchased in the East for M. Seguier, and brought to Paris about the middle of the seventeenth century. It was first described by Montfaucon, who devotes the first 31½ pages of his Bibliotheca Coisliniana to a careful description of the contents, dealing specially with the capitulation and the letters prefixed to the sentences. Facsimiles were given by Montfaucon, Bianchini (Evangelium quadruplex), Tischendorf (Monumenta sacr. ined., 1846), and Silvester, and a photograph of f. 125 r., containing Num. xxxv. 33—xxxvi. 13, may be seen in H. Omont's Facsimilés, planche vi. Montfaucon gives a partial collation of the codex with the Roman edition of the LXX., and a collation of the whole was made for Holmes; an edition is now being prepared by Mr H. S. Cronin.
The leaves, which measure 13 x 9 inches, exhibit on each page two columns of 49 or 50 lines, each line containing 18—23 letters. According to Montfaucon, the codex was written in the sixth or at latest in the seventh century ("sexto vel cum tardissime septimo saeculo exaratus"), but the later date is now usually accepted. The margins contain a large number of notes prima manu375375Other notes occur in a hand of the ninth century and in a late cursive hand., among which are the excerpts from the N. T. printed by Tischendorf in the Monumenta and now quoted as cod. Fa of the Gospels376376Gregory, i. p. 375; Scrivener-Miller, i. p1 134.. The MS. is said by Montfaucon to agree frequently with the text of cod. A, and this is confirmed by Holmes as far as regards the Pentateuch. Lagarde (Genesis graece, p. 12) styles it Hexaplaric; hexaplaric signs and matter abound in the margins, and of these use has been made by Field so far as he was able to collect them from Montfaucon and from Griesbach's excerpts printed in Eichhorn's Repertorium.
Za, d. FRAGMENTA TISCHENDORFIANA. Two of a series of fragments of various MSS. discovered by Tischendorf and printed in the first and second volumes of Monumenta sacra inedita, nov. coll. i. ii. (1855, 1857).
Za. Three palimpsest leaves containing fragments of 2—3 Regn. (2 Regn. xxii. 38—42, 46—39; xxiii. 2—5, 8—10; 3 Regn. 141xiii. 4—6, 8—11, 13—17, 20—23, xvi. 31—33, xvii. 1—5, 9—12, 14—17). The upper writing is Armenian, the lower an Egyptian-Greek hand of the 7th century, resembling that of cod. Q (v. infra).
Zd. Palimpsest fragment containing 3 Regn. viii. 58—ix. 1, also from the Nitrian MSS. There are two texts over the Greek of which the lower is Coptic, the upper Syriac; the Greek hand belongs to cent. v.
Four leaves taken from the binding of Cod. Porfirianus Chiovensis (P of the Acts and Catholic Epistles377377See Gregory, i. p. 447, Scrivener-Miller, i. p. 172 f.), and published by Tischendorf in Mon. sacr. ined., nov. coll. vi. p. 339 ff. They yield an interesting text of portions of 4 Maccabees (viii. 6, 12, 15, 29; ix. 28—30, 31—32). The writing appears to belong to cent. ix.
(C) Poetical Books.
I (13). CODEX BODLEIANUS. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auct. D. 4. 1.
A Psalter, including the Old Testament Canticles and a catena. Described by Bruns in Eichhorn's Repertorium, xiii. p. 177; cf. Lagarde's Genesis graece, p. 11, and Nov. Psalt. Gr. edit. Specimen, p. 3. Parsons, who reckons it among the cursives, is content to say "de saeculo quo exaratus fuerit nihil dicitur"; according to Coxe (Catalogus codd. Biblioth. Bodl. i. 621), it belongs to the 9th century.
R. CODEX VERONENSIS. Verona, Chapter Library.
A MS. of the Psalter in Greek and Latin, both texts written in Roman characters. A few lacunae (Ps. i. 1—ii. 7, lxv. 20—lxviii. 3, lxviii. 26—33, cv. 43—cvi. 2) have been supplied by a later hand, which has also added the ψαλμὸς ἰδιόγραφος (Ps. cli.). The Psalms are followed prima manu by eight canticles (Exod. xv. 1—21, Deut. xxxii. 1—44, 1 Regn. ii. 1—10, Isa. v. 1—9, Jon. ii. 3—10, Hab. iii. 1—10, Magnificat, Dan. iii. 23 ff.).
Printed by Bianchini in his Vindiciae canonicarum scripturarum, i. (Rome, 1740), and used by Lagarde in the apparatus of his Specimen and Psalterii Gr. quinquagena prima, and in the Cambridge manual Septuagint (1891). A new collation was made in 1892 by H. A. Redpath, which has been employed in 142the second edition of The 0. T. in Greek (1896); but it is much to be wished that the Verona Chapter may find it possible to have this important Psalter photographed.
The codex consists of 405 leaves, measuring 10½ x 7½ inches; each page contains 26 lines. The Greek text appears at each opening on the left-hand page, and the Latin on the right.
T (262). CODEX TURICENSIS. Zurich, Municipal Library.
A purple MS. which contained originally 288 leaves; of these 223 remain. The text now begins at xxvi. (xxvii.) 1, and there are lacunae in the body of the MS. which involve the loss of Pss. xxx. 2—xxxvi. 20, xli. 6—xliii. 3, lviii. 24—lix. 3, lix. 9—10, 13—lx. 1, lxiv. 12—lxxi. 4, xcii. 3—xciii. 7, xcvi. 12—xcvii. 8. The first five Canticles and a part of the sixth have also disappeared; those which remain are 1 Regn. ii. 6—10 (the rest of the sixth), the Magnificat, Isa. xxxviii. 10—20, the Prayer of Manasses378378Cf. Nestle, Septuagintastudien, iii. p. 17 ff., Dan. iii. 23 ff., Benedictus, Nunc Dimittis.
Like Cod. R this MS. is of Western origin. It was intended for Western use, as appears from the renderings of the Latin (Gallican) version which have been copied into the margins by a contemporary hand, and also from the liturgical divisions of the Psalter. The archetype, however, was a Psalter written for use in the East—a fact which is revealed by the survival in the copy of occasional traces of the Greek στάσεις
The characters are written in silver, gold, or vermilion, according as they belong to the body of the text, the headings and initial letters of the Psalms, or the marginal Latin readings. Tischendorf, who published the text in the fourth volume of his nova collectio (1869), ascribes the handwriting to the seventh century.
The text of T agrees generally with that of cod. A, and still more closely with the hand in cod. א known as אc.a.
U. FRAGMENTA LONDINENSIA. London, British Museum, pap. xxxvii.
Thirty leaves of papyrus which contain Ps. x. (xi.) 2 [ε]ἰς φαρέτραν—xviii. (xix.) 6, xx. (xxi.) 14 ἐν ταῖς δυναστείαις σου—xxxiv. (xxxv.) 6 καταδιώκ[ω]ν.
These fragments of a papyrus Psalter were purchased in 1836 from a traveller who had bought them at Thebes in Egypt, where they had been found, it was said, among the ruins of a convent. Tischendorf assigned to them a high antiquity (Prolegg. 143ad V. T. Gr., p. ix., "quo nullus codicum sacrorum antiquior videtur"), and he was followed by Lagarde, who as late as 1887 described the London codex as "bibliorum omnium quos noverim antiquissimus" (Specimen, p. 4). But a wider acquaintance with the palaeography of papyri has corrected their estimate, and the fragments are now ascribed by experts to cent. vi.—vii.379379See Catalogue of Ancient MSS. in the British Museum, i. (1881), where there is a photograph of Ps. xxiii. 10 ff., and Dr Kenyon's Palaeography of papyri, p. 116 f.
The writing slopes, and the characters are irregularly formed; the scribe uses breathings and accents freely; on the other hand he writes continuously, not even breaking off at the end of a Psalm or distinguishing the title from the rest of the text. The hand is not that of a learned scribe or of the literary type380380Kenyon, loc. cit..
It has been pointed out that the text of U corresponds closely with that of the Sahidic Psalter published by Dr Budge381381Cf. F. E. Brightman in J. Th. St. ii. 275 f..
X (258). CODEX VATICANUS IOBI. Rome, Vatican Library, Gr. 749.
A MS. of Job with occasional lacunae; the remaining portions are i. 1—xvii. 13, xvii. 17—xxx. 9, xxx. 23—xxxi. 5, xxxi. 24—xxxiv. 35. There are miniatures, and a catena in an uncial hand surrounding the text. At the beginning of the book Hexaplaric scholia are frequent382382See E. Klostermann, Analecta zur Septuaginta, &c., p. 63..
The text is written in a hand of the ninth century. It was used by Parsons, and its Hexaplaric materials are borrowed by Field383383Hexapla, ii. p. 2..
W (43) CODEX PARISIENSIS. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 20.
A portion of an uncial Psalter containing in 40 leaves Ps. xci. 14—cxxxvi. 1, with lacunae extending from Ps. cx. 7 to cxii. 10, and from Ps. cxvii. 16—cxxvi. 4. So Omont (Inventaire sommaire des mss. grecs, p. 4); according to Parsons (Praef. ad libr. Pss.), followed generally by Lagarde (Genesis gr. 15), the omissions are Ps. c. 4—ci. 7, cx. 6—cxi. 10, cxvii. 16—cxviii. 4, cxviii. 176—cxxvi. 4.
The codex was written by a hand of the ninth or tenth century, and contains paintings which, as Parsons had been informed, are of some merit.
Zc. See above under (B), p. 140.
Fragments of the fourth or fifth cent. (Tisch.), containing Pss. cxli. (cxlii.) 7—8, cxlii. (cxliii.) 1—3, cxliv. (cxlv.) 7—13.
(D) Prophets.
O (VIII). FRAGMENTA DUBLINENSIA. Dublin, Trinity College Library, K. 3. 4.
Eight palimpsest leaves—in the original MS. folded as four—which are now bound up with Codex Z of the Gospels384384See Gregory, i. p. 399 f.; Scrivener-Miller, i. p. 153. and yield Isa. xxx. 2—xxxi. 7, xxxvi. 19—xxxviii. 2.
The original leaves of the Codex measured about 12x9 inches, and each contained 36 lines of 14—17 letters. The writing, which belongs to the early part of the sixth century, appears to be that of an Egyptian scribe, and Ceriani is disposed to connect the text of the fragments with the Hesychian recension385385Recensioni dei LXX., p. 6.. They have been printed in facsimile type by Professor T. K. Abbott (Par palimpsestorum Dublinensium, Dublin, 1880), and are used in the apparatus of the Cambridge manual Septuagint.
Q (XII). CODEX MARCHALIANUS. Rome, Vatican Library, Gr. 2125.
A magnificent codex of the Prophets, complete, and in the order of cod. B (Hosea, Amos, Micah, Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi; Isaiah, Jeremiah with Baruch, Lamentations, Epistle, Ezekiel, Daniel (Theod.) with Susanna and Bel).
This MS. was written in Egypt not later than the sixth century. It seems to have remained there till the ninth, since the uncial corrections and annotations as well as the text exhibit letters of characteristically Egyptian form. From Egypt it was carried before the 12th century to South Italy, and thence into France, where it became the property of the Abbey of St Denys near Paris, and afterwards of René Marchal, from whom it has acquired its name. From the library of R. Marchal it passed into the hands of Cardinal F. Rochefoucauld, who in turn presented it to the Jesuits of Clermont. Finally, in 1785 it was purchased for the Vatican, where it now reposes.
The codex was used by J. Morinus, Wetstein and Montfaucon, collated for Parsons, and printed in part by Tischendorf in the 145ninth volume of his Nova Collectio (1870). Field followed Montfaucon in making large use of the Hexaplaric matter with which the margins of the MS. abound, but was compelled to depend on earlier collations and a partial transcript. The liberality of the Vatican has now placed within the reach of all O.T. students a magnificent heliotype of the entire MS., accompanied (in a separate volume) by a commentary from the pen of Ceriani (1890). This gift is only second in importance to that of the photograph of Codex B, completed in the same year.
Codex Marchalianus at present consists of 416 leaves, but the first twelve contain patristic matter, and did not form a part of the original MS. The leaves measure 11⅜ x 7 inches; the writing is in single columns of 29 1ines, each line containing 24—30 letters. The text of the Prophets belongs, according to Ceriani, to the Hesychian recension; but Hexaplaric signs have been freely added, and the margins supply copious extracts from Aquila, Symmachus, Theodotion, and the LXX. of the Hexapla. These marginal annotations were added by a hand not much later than that which wrote the text, and to the same hand are due the patristic texts already mentioned, and two important note386386Printed in 0. T. in Greek, iii.², p. 8 f. from which we learn the sources of the Hexaplaric matter in the margins. The result of its labours has been to render this codex a principal authority for the Hexapla in the Prophetic Books.
Y. CODEX TAURINENSIS. Turin, Royal Library, cod. 9.
This codex consists of 135 leaves in quarto, and contains the δωδεκαπρόφητον. The MS. is difficult to read, and there are many lacunae. The text, written according to Stroth387387In Eichhorn's Repertorium, viii. p. 202 f. in the ninth century, is surrounded by scholia, and prefaced by Theodoret's ὑποθέσεις to the various books.
The Turin MS. does not appear to have been used hitherto for any edition of the LXX., nor has any transcript or collation been published388388The specimens and descriptions in the Turin catalogue (p. 74 ff.) seem to shew that the headings only are written in uncials..
Zb, c. See above, under (B), p. 140.
Zb. Palimpsest fragments of Isaiah (iii. 8—14, v. 2—14, xxix. 11—23, xliv. 26—xlv. 5). As in Za, the upper writing is Armenian; the Greek hand belongs apparently to cent. viii.—ix.
Zc. Palimpsest fragment of Ezekiel (iv. 16—v. 4) found among the Nitrian leaves at the British Museum. The Greek hand resembles that of Za, and is probably contemporary with it.
Γ. CODEX CRYPTOFERRATENSIS. Basilian Monastery of Grotta Ferrata, cod. E. β. vii.
This volume consists partly of palimpsest leaves which once belonged to a great codex of the Prophets. A scribe of the 13th century has written over the Biblical text liturgical matter accompanied by musical notation. Some portions of the book are doubly palimpsest, having been used by an earlier scribe for a work of St John of Damascus. About 130 leaves in the present liturgical codex were taken from the Biblical MS., and the Biblical text of 85 of these leaves has been transcribed and published (with many lacunae where the lower writing could not be deciphered) in Cozza-Luzi's Sacrorum bibliorum vetustissima fragmenta, vol. i (Rome 1867) and iii. (1877).
The original codex seems to have contained 432 leaves gathered in quires of eight; and the leaves appear to have measured about 10¾ x 8¼ inches. The writing, which is in sloping uncials of the eighth or ninth century, was arranged in double columns, and each column contained 25—28 lines of 13—20 letters.
It cannot be said that Cozza's transcript, much as Biblical students are indebted to him for it, satisfies our needs. Uncial codices of the Prophets are so few that we desiderate a photographic edition, or at least a fresh examination and more complete collation of this interesting palimpsest.
Δ. FRAGMENTUM BODLEIANUM. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Gr. bibl. d. 2 (P).
A fragment of Bel in the version of Theodotion (21 γυναικῶν—41 Δανιήλ). A vellum leaf brought from Egypt and purchased for the Bodleian in 1888.
Written in an uncial hand of the fifth (?) century, partly over a portion of a homily in a hand perhaps a century earlier.
The following uncial fragments have not been used for any edition of the LXX., and remain for the present without a symbolical letter or number.
(1) A scrap of papyrus (B. M., pap. ccxii.) yielding the text of Gen. xiv. 17. See Catalogue of Additions to the MSS., 1888—93, p. 410. Cent. iii. (?).
(2) The vellum fragment containing Lev. xxii. 3—xxiii. 22, originally published by Brugsch (Neue Bruchstücke des Cod. Sin., Leipzig, 1875), who believed it to be a portion of Codex Sinaiticus; a more accurate transcription is given by J. R. Harris, Biblical Fragments, no. 15 (cf. Mrs Lewis's Studia Sin. i. p. 97 f.). Cent. iv.
147(3) Another Sinaitic fragment, containing Num. xxxii. 29, 30 (J. R. Harris, op. cit., no. 1). Cent. vii.
(4) Another Sinaitic fragment, containing a few words of Jud. xx. 24—28 (J. R. Harris, op. cit., no. 2). Cent. iv.
(5) Another Sinaitic fragment, containing Ruth ii. 19—iii. 1, iii. 4—7 (J. R. Harris, op. cit., no. 3). Cent. iv.
(6) Part of a Psalter on papyrus (B. M., pap. ccxxx.), containing Ps. xii. 7—xv. 4; see Athenaeum, Sept. 8, 1894, and Kenyon, Palaeography of Greek Papyri, pp. 109, 131. Cent. iii.
(7) Part of a Psalter on a Berlin papyrus, containing Ps. xl. 26—xli. 4; see Blass in Z. f. ägypt. Sprache, 1881 (Kenyon, op. cit., p. 131).
(8) Nine fragments of a MS. written in columns of about 25 lines, one on each page. The fragments give the text of Ps. ci. 3, 4, cii. 5—8, cv. 34—43, cvi. 17—34, cviii. 15—21, cxiii. 18—26, cxiv. 3—cxv. 2. J. R. Harris, op. cit., no. 4. Cent. iv.
(9) A vellum MS. in the Royal Library at Berlin (MS. Gr. oct. 2), containing Ps. cxi.—cl., followed by the first four canticles and parts of Ps. cv. and cant. v. See E. Klostermann, Z. f. A. T. W., 1897, p. 339 ff.
(10) Fragments discovered by H. A. Redpath at St Mark's, Venice, in the binding of cod. gr. 23, containing the text of Prov. xxiii. 21—xxiv. 35. Published in the Academy, Oct. 22, 1892. A fuller transcript is given by E. Klostermann, Analecta, pp. 34 ff.
(11) Portion of a leaf of a papyrus book, written in large uncials of cent. vii.—viii., exhibiting Cant. i. 6—9. This scrap came from the Fayûm and is now in the Bodleian, where it is numbered MS. Gr. bibl. g. 1 (P); see Grenfell, Greek papyri (Oxford, 1896), pp. 12 f.
(12) Palimpsest fragments of Wisdom and Sirach (cent. vi.—vii.), carried by Tischendorf to St Petersburg and intended for publication in the 8th volume of his Monumenta, which never appeared. See Nestle, Urtext, p. 74.
(13) Two palimpsest leaves of Sirach belonging to cod. 2 in the Patriarchal Library at Jerusalem: cf. Papadopulos, Ἰεροσ. Βιβλ., i. p. 14: τὰ ἀναπληρωτικὰ φύλλα 27 καὶ 56 εἰσὶ παλίμψηστα ὧν ἡ ἀρχικὴ γραφὴ ἀνήκει εἰς τὸν εʹ αἰῶνα . . . τὸ παλαιὸν δὲ αὐτῶν κείμενόν ἐστι δίστηλον, καὶ ἐν φυλ. 56 διακρίνεται ἡ ἐπιγραφή
. The leaves contain Sir. prol. 1—i. 14, i. 29—iii. 11. Printed by J. R. Harris, op. cit., no. 5.
(14) Part of a Papyrus book which seems to have contained the Minor Prophets. The discovery of this fragment was announced in 1892 by W. H. Hechler, who gave a facsimile of Zach. xii. 2, 3 ('Times,' Sept. 7, 1892; Transactions of the Congress of Orientalists, 1892, ii., p. 331 f.). Mr Hechler 148claimed for this papyrus an extravagantly early date, but the hand appears to belong to the seventh century; see Kenyon, Pa1aeography of papyri, p. 118. This MS., which contains Zech. iv.—xiv., Mal. i.—iv., is now the property of the University of Heidelberg389389Edited (1905) by Prof. G. Deissmann..
(15) Two leaves of a small vellum book, from the Fayûm, now Bodl. MS. Gr. bibl. e. 4 (P); the handwriting, "in small, fine uncials," yields the text of Zach. xii. 10—12, xiii. 3—5. "About the fifth century" (Grenfell, Greek papyri, p. 11 f).
(16) A Rainer papyrus, assigned to the third century and containing Isa. xxxviii. 3—5, 13—16; see Nestle, Urtext, p. 74.
(17) A portion of a leaf of a papyrus book, bearing the Greek text of Ezech. v. 12—vi. 3 (Bodl. MS. Gr. bibl. d. 4 (P)); see Grenfell, Greek papyri, pp. 9 ff. The text shews Hexaplaric signs; the writing is said to belong to the third century (Kenyon, Palaeography of papyri, p. 107).
(18) A fragment of a lead roll on which is engraved Ps. lxxix (lxxx). 1—16, found at Rhodes in 1898. See Sitzungsberichte d. konigl. Preuss. Akad. d. Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1898 (xxxvii.)390390The Amherst Papyri, pt. i. (1900), adds some small uncial fragments from Gen. (i. 1—5) and Job (i. 21 f., ii. 3) and portions of Pss. v., lviii., lix., cviii., cxviii., cxxxv., cxxxviii.—cxl. Finally, Mrs Lewis (Exp. Times, Nov. 1901) announces the discovery of a palimpsest from Mt Sinai containing Gen. xl. 3, 4, 7 in an uncial hand of the sixth or seventh century..
The following are the cursive MSS. used by Holmes and Parsons, with the addition of others recently examined or collated by the editors of the larger Cambridge Septuagint391391The arabic numerals are the symbols employed by H. and P. For descriptions of the unnumbered MSS., the writer is indebted to Messrs Brooke and McLean, and Mr Brooke has also assisted him in verifying and correcting the earlier lists..
(A) The Octateuch.
14. Gen., Ex., ep. Arist., cat. (xi) | Rome, Vat. Palat. Gr. 203 | Klostermann, Anal. p. 11 n. |
15. Octateuch (ix—x) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 2 | Hexaplaric in early books |
16. Octateuch (xi) | Florence, Laur. v. 38 | Batiffol, Vat., p. 91 |
17. Genesis, cat. (x) | Moscow, Syn. 5, Vlad. 28. | |
18. Octateuch (x—xi) | Florence, Laur. Med. Pal. 242 (formerly at Fiesole) |
19. Octateuch. . . . . .392392Dots in this position shew that the MS. extends beyond the Octateuch. (?x) | Rome, Chigi R. vi. 38 | Bianchini, Vind., p. 279 ff. |
Lucianic, Lagarde's h | ||
20. Genesis (ix) | [Cod. Dorothei i.] | |
25. Gen., Ex., ep. Arist., cat. (xi) | Munich, Staatsbibl. Gr. 9 | Field, ii. Auct. p. 3. Lag.'s m (Gen. gr.) |
28. Num., Deut., Jos. imperf. (xi) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 2122 (formerly Basil. 161) | |
29. Octateuch (inc. Gen. xliii. 15) . . . (x) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 2 | Cf. Lagarde Genesis, p. 6, Septuagintast. i. p. 11. Lag.'s x |
30. Octateuch (inc. Gen. xxiv. 13) (xi) | Rome, Casan. 1444 | |
31. Genesis, cat. (xvi) | Vienna, Imp. Lib. Theol. Gr. 4 (Lamb.) | ? Copied from Ald. (Nestle.) Lag.'s w |
32, Pentateuch (xii) | [Cod. Eugenii i.] | Scrivener-Miller, i. p. 224. |
37. Lectionary (A.D. 1116) | Moscow, Syn. 31, Vlad. 8 | |
38. Octateuch . . . (xv) | Escurial, Υ. 11. 5 | Hexaplaric, cf. Field, i. p. 398 |
44. Octateuch . . . (xv) | Zittau, A. 1. 1 | Lagarde's z: see Genesis gr., p. 7 ff. and Libr. V. T. can. i. p. vi.; Scrivener-Miller, i. p. 261; Redpath, Exp. T., May 1897 |
45. Num. (lect.), (xi) | Escurial | |
46. Octateuch . . . (xiv) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 4 | O. T. exc. Psalter |
47. Fragment of lectionary | Oxford, Bodl. Baron. 201 | |
50. Lectionary (xiii) | Oxford, Bodl. Seld. 30 | |
52. Octateuch . . . , ep. Arist., cat. (x) | Florence, Laur. Acq. 44 | |
53. Octateuch (A.D. 1439) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 17A | |
54. Octateuch, ep. Arist. (xiii—xiv) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 5 | Field, i. p. 223. Lagarde's k |
55. Octateuch . . . (xi) | Rome, Vat. Regin. Gr. 1 | Part of a complete Bible, cf. Klostermann, p. 12 |
56. Octateuch . . . (A.D. 1093) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 3 | |
57. Octateuch, ep. Arist., cat. (xi) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 747 | Field, i. pp. 5, 78 |
58. Pentateuch. . . . . .(xiii) | Rome, Vat. Regin. Gr. 10 | Hexaplaric. Field, l. p. 78 |
59. Octateuch (xv) | Glasgow, Univ. BE. 7b. 10 (formerly at C.C.C., Oxford | |
61. Lectionary (xi) | Oxford, Bodl. Laud. 36 | Scrivener-Miller, i. p. 329 |
63. Jos., Jud., Ruth (imperf.) (x) | Rome, Vat. 1252 | Klostermann, p. 12 |
64. Octateuch . . . (x—xi) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 2 | Field, i. p. 5 O. and N.T. |
68. Octateuch . . . (xv) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 5 | O. and N.T. Scrivener-Miller, i. p. 219 |
70. Jos., Jud., Ruth . . . (xi) | Munich, Gr. 372 (formerly at Augsburg) | |
71. Octateuch . . . (xiii) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 1 |
72. Octateuch (xiii) | Oxford, Bodl. Canon. Gr. 35 (formerly at Venice; see H. P.) | Hexaplaric. Tischendorf in L. C.-Bl., 1867 (27) |
73. Octateuch, ep. Arist. (part), cat. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 746 | Field, i. p. 78 |
74. Octateuch . . . (xiv) | Florence, Laur. Acq. 700 (49) | Hesychian |
75. Octateuch (A.D. 1126) | Oxford, Univ. Coll. lii. | Lagarde's o. Hornemann, p. 41; Owen, Enquiry, p. 90 |
76. Octateuch . . . (xiii) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 4 | Hesychian |
77. Octateuch, cat. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 748 | |
78. Gen., Ex., cat. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 383 | Field, i. p. 78 |
79. Gen., ep. Arist., cat. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1668 | |
82. Octateuch . . . (xii) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 3 | Lucianic (in part). Rahlfs, Sept.-St. i. 5 ff. (Lagarde's f) |
83. Pentateuch, cat. (xvi) | Lisbon, Archivio da Torre da Tombo 540 &c. (formerly at Evora) | ? Copied from Ald. (Nestle) |
84. Heptateuch (imperf.) (x) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1901 | Hesychian |
85. Heptateuch (imperf.) (xi) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 2058 (formerly Basil. 97) | Field, i. pp. 78, 397 ("praestantissimi codicis") |
93. Ruth . . . (xiii) | London, B. M. Reg. i. D. 2 | Lucianic (Largard's m in "Lucian" |
94 = 131 | ||
105. Exod. xiv. 6—26 &c. (xiii—xiv) | London, B. M. Burney | |
106. Octateuch . . (xiv) | Ferrara, Bibl. Comm. Gr. 187 | Hesychian. O. T., N. T. (582 Greg., 451 Scr). Lagarde, Ank. p. 27 |
107. Octateuch . . . A.D. 1334) | Ferrara, Bibl. Comm. Gr. 188 | Lagarde, ib. |
108. Octateuch . . . (xiv) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 330 | Field, i. p. 5. Lucianic (Lagarde's d) |
118. Octateuch . . . (imperf.) (xiii) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 6 | Lucianic (Lagarde's p) |
120. Octateuch . . . (xi) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 4 | |
121. Octateuch . . . (x) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 3 | |
122. Octateuch . . . (xv) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 6 | O. and N. T. (Ev. 206) in Latin order. Copy of 68. Lag.'s y |
125. Octateuch . . . (xv) | Moscow, Syn. 30, Vlad. 3 | |
126. Heptateuch . . . cat. in Gen., Ex. (A.D. 1475) | Moscow, Syn. 19, Vlad. 38 |
127. Octateuch . . . (x) | Moscow, Syn. 31 a, Vlad. 1 | Field, i. p. 5. Lagarde, Ank. p. 3 |
128. Octateuch (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1657, formerly Grotta ferrata | Field, i. pp. 168, 224 |
129. Octateuch (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1252 | See note to 63 |
130. Octateuch (? xiii) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 3 (Nessel 57) | Field, i. p. 6. Lagarde's t: Ank. p. 26. See note to 131 |
131. Octateuch . . . . . . (x—xi) | Vienna, Th. Gr. r (Nessel 23) | Field, i. p. 5: "in enumeratione Holmesiana [cod. 130] perserve designature 131, et vice versa.' O. and N.T. |
132. Lectionary (palimpsest, xi—xii) | Oxford, Bodl. Selden. 9 | |
133. Excerpts from MSS. by I. Voss | Leyden, Univ. | |
134. Octateuch . . . (xi) | Florence, Laur. v. 1 | Hesychian |
135. Gen., Ex. i. 1—xii. 4, cat. (xi) | Basle, A. N. iii. 13 (omont 1) | Field, i. p. 6. Lagarde's r (Genesis, p. 6) Hexaplaric |
136. Excerpts from Pentateuch (A.D. 1043) | Oxford, Bodl. Barocc. 196 | |
209. Jos., Jud., Ruth, cat. (xii) | [Cod. Dorothei iv] | |
236. Jos., Jud., Ruth . . . (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 331 | Klostermann, p. 78 |
237 = 73 | ||
241. Jos., Jud., Ruth . . . (xvii) | London, B. M. Harl. 7522 | P. Young's copy of Cod. A |
246. Octateuch . . . (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1238 | Cf. Batiffol, d’un important MS. des Septante, in Bulletin Critique, 1889, pp. 112 ff. |
Josh.—Ruth (x—xi) | London, B. M. Add. 20002 | Continuation of E (p. 134) with Petersburg lxii. See next page |
Octateuch, cat. (xii—xiii) | London, B. M. Add. 35123 | |
Lev.—Ruth, cat. (A.D. 1104) | Lambeth, 1214 | |
Lev.—Ruth, cat. (A.D. 1264) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 5 | |
Jos.—Ruth . . . . . cat. (xii) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 7 | |
Octateuch . . . . . . schol. | Paris, Arsenal 8415 | Hexaplaric readings |
Heptateuch (imperf.) (xiii) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 184 | Lucianic (?) |
Lev.—Ruth, cat. (xiii) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 6 | |
Octateuch . . . . (xiv) | Paris, Nat. Suppl. Gr. 609 | Hesychian (?) |
Octateuch, ep. Arist., cat. (xii) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 128 | |
Ex.—Ruth, cat. (xv) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 132 | Hexaplaric readings |
Octateuch, ep. Arist., cat. (xiii) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 129 | Hexaplaric readings |
Gen.—Ex. (imperf.), ep. Arist., cat. (xv) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 130 |
Ex. (imperf.), cat. (xvi) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 131 | Hexaplaric readings (interlinear) |
Gen. i.—iii.(?), comm. (palim.) (xiii) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 161 | |
Gen., Ex., ep. Arist., cat. (A.D. 1586) | Escurial Σ. i. 16 | Hexaplaric readings |
Octateuch . . . (imperf.) (xi) | Escurial Ω. i. 13 | |
Octateuch, cat. (xiii) | Leyden, 13 (belongs to Voss collection) | |
Exod.—Deut. (imperf.) (xi) . . . | Leipzig, Univ. Libr. Gr. 361 | Hexaplaric readings. Published by Fischer in 1767 = Lips. (H. P.) |
Gen., Ex., ep. Arist., cat. (xvi) | Munich, Gr. 82 | |
Octateuch, ep. Arist., cat. (xiii) | Zurich, Bibl. de la ville, c. 11 | Hexaplaric matter |
Basle, O. ii. 17 | ||
Octateuch, cat. (? xii) | Rome, Barb. Gr. iv. 56 | |
Gen., cat. (xvi) | Rome, Barb. Gr. vi. 8 | |
Num.—Ruth . . . (xiv—xv) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 332 | |
Hexateuch . . . (x) | Grotta Ferrata Υ. γ. 1 | |
Gen.—Jos. (imperf.) . . . (x—xi) | St Petersburg, Imp. Libr. lxii | Continuation of E (p. 134) |
Gen. comm. Chrys. | Moscow, Syn. Vlad. 35 | |
Joshua—Ruth . . . . cat. (xii) | Athos, Ivér. 15 | |
Octateuch (x) | Athos, Pantocr. 24 | Hexaplaric readings |
Octateuch . . . (x—xi) | Athos, Vatop. 511 | |
Octateuch . . . . . (A.D. 1201) | Athos, Vatop. 513 | |
Lev.—Ruth, cat. (xi—xii) | Athos, Vatop. 515 | |
Ex.—Ruth . . . . . . (xiv) | Athos, Vatop. 516 | Hexaplaric readings, much faded |
Pentateuch (imperf.),) (A.D. 1327) | Athos, Protat. 53 | Hexaplaric readings |
Octateuch (A.D. 1013) | Athos, Laur. γ. 112 | Hexaplaric readings (a few) |
Genesis, cat. (? xi) | Constantinople, 224 (formerly 372) | |
Octateuch . . . cat. (xi) | Athens, Bibl. Nat. 43 | |
Octateuch . . . (xiii) | Athens, bibl. Nat. 44 | Lucianic (?) |
Octateuch . . . cat. Niceph. (xii) | Smyrna, σχολὴ εὐαγγ. 1 | |
Pentateuch, cat. (xi) | Patmos, 216 | |
Num.—Ruth, cat. (xi) | Patmos, 217 | |
Heptateuch (imperf.) (xiii) | Patmos, 410 | |
Pentateuch, test. xii. patr. (xv) | Patmos, 411 | |
Octateuch . . . (x—xi) | Sinai, 1 | |
Pentateuch, cat. (? x) | Sinai, 2 | |
Octateuch . . . (ix. med.) | Jerusalem, H. Sepulchre 2 | |
Genesis, cat. (xii—xiii) | Jerusalem, H. Sepulchre 3 | |
Octateuch, cat. (xi) | Venice, Gr. 534: see below, p 508 |
(B) Historical Books.
19393393Dots before the name of the first book quoted indicate that the MS. has already appeared under (A), where fuller information may be sought. This note applies mutatis mutandis to (C) and (D). . . . 1 Regn., 2 Esdr., Judith, Esth., 1—3 Macc., &c. (x) | Rome, Chigi R. vi. 38 | |
29 . . . 1—4 Regn., 1—3 Macc. (imperf.), &c (x) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 2 | |
38 . . . 1 Regn., 2 Regn. i. 1—xx. 18 (xv) | Escurial Υ. 11. 5 | |
44 . . . 1 Regn., 2 Esdr., 1—4 Macc., Esth., Judith, Tob., (N. T.) &c. (xv) | Zittau, A. 1. 1 |
46. . . 1 Regn.—2Esdr., Esth., Judith, 1—4 Macc., Tob.... | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 4 | |
52. . . 1 Regn.—2Esdr., Esth., Judith, 1—4 Macc., Tob., schol. (x) | Florence, Laur. Acq. 44 | |
55. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., Judith, Esth., Tob., 1—4 Macc. (xi) | Rome, Vat. Regin. Gr. 1 | |
56. . . 1—4 Regn., 1—2 Chron., 1—2 Macc. (xii) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 3 | |
58. . . 1—4 Regn., 1—2 Chron., 1—2Esdr., Jud., Tob., Esth., &c. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Regin. Gr. 10 | |
60. 1—2 Chron. (? xii) | Cambridge, Univ. Libr. Ff. i. 24 | Walton, Polygl. vi. 121 ff.; J. R. Harris, Origin of Leicester Cod., p. 21 |
64. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., Esth., Tob., 1—2 Macc. (x) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 2 | |
68. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., Esth., Judith, Tob., 1—3 Macc. . . (xv) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 5 | |
70. . . 1—4 Regn., parts of Chron., Tob. (xi) | Munich, Gr. 372 (formerly at Augsburg) | |
71. . . 2 Esdr., 1—3 Macc., Esth., Judith, Tob. (xiii) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 1 | |
74. . . 1—2 Esdr., 1—4 Macc., Esth., Judith, Tob. (xiv) | Florence, St Mark's | |
76. . . Esth., Judith, Tob. (xiii) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 4 | |
82. . . 1—4 Regn. (xii —xiii) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 3 | |
92. 1—4 Regn. (x) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 8 | Field, i. p. 486 |
93. . . 1—2 Esdr., Esth., 1—3 Macc. (xiii) | London, B. M. Reg. i. D. 2 | Facsimile in Kenyon. Two texts of Esther |
98. 1—4 Regn., 1—2 Chron., cat. | Escurial, Σ. 2. 19 | |
106. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., Judith, Esth., 1—2 Macc. | Ferrara, Bibl. Comm. Gr. 187 |
![]() | 107. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., 1—3 Macc., Esth., Judith, Tob. (A.D. 1334) | Ferrara, Bibl. Comm. Gr. 188 |
108. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., Judith, Tob., Esth. (xiv) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 330 | Cf. Field, i. p. 702 |
119. 1—4 Regn., 1—2 Chron., 1—2 Esdr. (x) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 7 | |
120. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., 1—4 Macc., Esth. (xi) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 4 | |
121. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr. (x) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 3 | |
122. . . Historical Bks., . . . (xv) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 6 | |
123. 1—4 Regn. (xi) | [Cod. Dorothei v.] | |
125. . . Historical Bks., . . . (xv) | Moscow, Syn. 30, Vlad. 3 | |
126. . . Judith, Tob.(xv) | Moscow, Syn. 19, Vlad. 38 | |
127. . . 1—4 Regn., 1—2 Chron. xxxvi. (x) | Moscow, Syn. 31 a, Vlad. 1 | |
131. . . Historical Bks. (exc. 4 Macc.) (? xii) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 1 (Nessel 23) | |
134. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., 1 Macc. (x) | Florence, Laur. v. 1 | |
158. 1—4 Regn., 1—2 Chron. | Basle, B. 6. 22 | Wetstein, N. T. i. p. 132 |
236. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., Esth., Judith, Tob., 1—4 Macc., cat. (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 331 | |
241. . . 1—4 Regn., 1—2 Chron. | London, B. M. Harl. 7522 | |
242. 1—4 Regn. | Vienna, Th. Gr. 5 | |
243. 1—4 Regn., cat. | Paris, Nat. Coisl. 8 | Field, i. p. 486 |
243*. 1—4 Regn. (cat.), 1 Chron.—2 Esdr., Esth., Tob., Jud., 1—4 Macc. | Venice, St Mark's, cod. 16 | Field, i. p. 486 |
244. 1—4 Regn. (x) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 333 | |
245. 1 Regn. (ix—x) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 334 | Lucianic (Field) |
246. . . 1 Regn. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1238 | |
247. 1—4 Regn. (4 Regn. imperf.) | Rome, Vat. Gr. Urb. 1 | |
248. . . 1—2Esdr., Tob., Judith, Esth., &c. (xiv) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 346 | Nestle, Marg. p. 58 |
311. . . Historical Bks. (xi) | Moscow, Syn. 341 |
. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., Esth., Tob. | ||
... Judith, 1—3 Macc. (3 M. imperf.) (xi) | Escurial, Ω. 1. 13 | |
. . . 1 Regn.—2 Chron. (x) | Munich, Gr.454 (? formerly at Augsburg) | |
. . . 1 Regn.—3 Regn. xvi. 28 (x or xi) | St Petersburg, Imp. Libr. lxii. | |
. . . Tob., Judith, Esth., Ruth (x) | Grotta Ferrata, A. γ. 1 (catal., 29) | |
. . . Tobit (xiv or xv) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 332 | |
. . . 1 Esdr., Tobit (fragments) (x or xi) | Leipzig, Univ. Libr. Gr. 361 | Hexaplaric readings |
. . . Esth., Judith, Tob., 1—4 Regn. (x or xi) | Athos, Vatop. 511 | |
. . . Esth., Tob., Judith (A.D. 1021) | Athos, Vatop. 513 | |
. . . 1—2 Chron. (xiv) | Athos, Vatop. 516 | |
. . . 1—4 Regn., cat. (xi) | Athens, Bibl. Nat. 43 | |
. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., Esth., Judith, Tob. (xiii) | Athens, Bibl. Nat. 44 | |
. . . 1—4 Regn., 1—2 Chron. (xiv) | Paris, Arsenal 8415 | |
. . . 1 Regn.—2 Esdr., 1—4 Macc., Esth., Judith, Tob. (xiv) | Paris, Nat. Suppl. Gr. 609 |
. . . 1—5 Regn. (xii) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 7 |
(C) Poetical Books.
13. = I (see under Uncial MSS.) | ||
21. Psalms, schol. (xiii—xiv) | [Cod. Eugenii iv.] | |
27. Psalms i—lxx | Gotha, formerly Lothringen | An uncial MS., Lagarde's Mps (Specimen, p. 27) |
39. Psalms (imperf.) (ix) | [Cod. Dorothei ii.] | An uncial MS., Lagarde's Eps (Specimen, p. 2) |
43. = W (see under Uncial MSS.) | Lagarde's Fps (Specimen, p. 2) | |
46. . . Prov., Eccl., Cant., Job, Sap., Sir., ὕμνος τῶν πατ. ἡμῶν (xiv) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 4 | |
55. . . Job, Psalms (? xi) | Rome, Vat. Reg. Gr. 1 | |
65. Psalms, cant., Lat. (xii) | Leipzig | |
66. Psalms, cant. (xiv) | Eton Coll. | |
67. Psalms, cant. (xvi) | Oxford, C.C.C. 19 | Harris, Leicester Codex, p. 20 |
68. . . Poetical Books (xv) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr.5 | |
69. Psalms, cant. (? x) | Oxford, Magd. Coll. 9 | |
80. Psalms, cant. (xiii—lxiv) | Oxford, Christ Ch. A | |
81. Psalms (xi) | Oxford, Christ Ch. 2 | |
99. Psalms, schol., cat. (xii—xiii) | Oxford, Trin. Coll. 78 | |
100. Psalms, cant. (xi—xii) | Oxford, Christ Ch. 3 | |
101. Psalms, cant. (xiii) | Oxford, Christ Ch. 20 | |
102. Psalms, cant. (xiii) | Oxford, Christ Ch. 1 | |
103. Prov. i.—xix. (xv) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 25 | Klostermann, pp. 6, 18 |
104. Psalms i.—x.(xvi) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 27 (Nessel 229) | |
106. . . Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Sap., Sir. . . . Psalms (xiv) | Ferrara, Bibl. Comm. Gr. 187 | |
109. Proverbs. . . (xiii) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 26 | |
110. Job, schol. (ix) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 9 | Klostermann, p. 18 |
111. Psalms (ix) | Milan, Ambr. P. 65 | |
112. Psalms, cat. (A.D. 961) | Milan, Ambr. F. 12 | |
113. Psalms, cat. (A.D.. 967) | Milan, Ambr. B. 106 | |
114. . . Psalms, comm. | Evora, Carthus. 2 | |
115. Psalms, comm. | Evora, Carthus. 3 | |
122. . . Poetical Books (xv) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 6 | |
124. Psalms, cant. | Vienna, Th. Gr. 21 | |
125. . . Proverbs (comm. Chrys.), Eccl., Cant., Sap. (xv) | Moscow, Syn. 30, Vlad. 3 | |
131. . . Poetical Books, &c. (? xii) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 23 | |
137. Job, cat. (xi—xii) | Milan, Ambr. B. 73 | Field, ii. p. 2, and Auct. p. 5 |
138. Job (x) | Milan, Ambr. M. 65 | Field, ii. p. 2 |
139. Proverbs—Job, cat. (x) | Milan, Ambr. A. 148 | Field, ii. p. 2 |
140. Psalms | Basle, B. 10. 33 | |
141. Psalms (A.D. 1344) | Turin, B. 2. 42 | |
142. Psalms, comm. | Vienna, Th. Gr. 10 (Nessel 8) | |
143. Psalms, prooem. | Vienna, Th. Gr. 19 | |
144 = 131 | ||
145. Psalms, cant. (x) | Velletri, Borg. | |
146. Psalms (x) | [Cod. Fr. Xavier] | In Capitular Lib. Toledo |
147. Prov.—Job, cat. . . . (xiii) | Oxford, Bodl. Laud. 30 | Klostermann, p. 51 |
149. Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Sap., Pss. Sal., comm. (xi) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 7 | =308* H. P. See Gebhardt, Die Psalmen Salomo's, p. 15 |
150. Psalms (? xiv) | Ferrara, Carmelit. 3 | |
151. Psalms (imperf.) | Venice, Bibl. Zen. | A Graeco-Latin MS. |
152. Psalms (xi) | (Cod. Nan. 25) | Now in St Mark's Lib. Venice |
154. Psalms, cant. (xiii) | (Cod. Meermanni I) |
155. Psalms (xii—xiiii) | (Cod. Meermanni II) | Now Bodl. Misc. Gr. 204 |
156. Psalms, interlin. Lat. | Basle, A. 7. 3 | An uncial MS. Lagarde's D(ps) (Specimen, p. 2, cf. Ank. p. 27)394394The only Greek MS. which in Ps. xcv (xcvi) 10 adds απο τω ξυλω (sic); see below, p. 467. |
157. Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Sap. | Basle, B. 6, 23 | Wetstein, N. T. i. 132 |
159. Eccl, Prov. (part), Cant., schol. (xi) | Dresden, 1 | Klostermann, p. 39 |
160. Job (xiv) | Dresden, 2 | |
161. Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant. (xiv) | Dresden, 3 | Field, ii. p. 2; cf. 6, 309, and Auct. 22. Cf. Klostermann, pp. 16, 39 |
Job, comm. (xv) | Turin, Royal Library, 330 | |
162. Psalms, interlin. Latin (xi) | Paris, Nat. Reg. Gr. 24 | |
163. Psalms (xii) | Paris, Nat. Colbert. Gr. 26 | |
164. Psalms (xiv) | London, B. M. Harl. 5533 | |
165. Psalms (xiv) | London, B. M. Harl. 5534 | |
166. Psalms, cant. (A.D. 1283) | London, B. M. Harl. 5535 | |
167. Psalms, cant. (xiv) | London, B. M. Harl. 5553 | |
168. Psalms (imperf.) (xi-xii) | London, B. M. Harl. 5570 | |
169. Psalms (xii—xiii) | London, B. M. Harl. 5571 | |
170. Psalms, cant. (xii) | London, B. M. Harl. 5582 | |
171. Psalms, cant. (xiv) | London, B. M. Harl. 5653 | |
172. Psalms, cant. (A.D. 1488) | London, B. M. Harl. 5737 | |
173. Psalms, cant. | London, B. M. Harl. 5738 | |
174. Psalms (Latin, Arabic) (A.D. 1153) | London, B. M. Harl. 5786 | |
175. Psalms (xi) | London, B. M. 2. A. vi. | |
176. Psalms, cant. | London, B. M. Harl. 5563 |
177. Psalms (imperf.) cant. (xiii) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 27 | |
178. Psalms, cant. (A.D. 1059) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 40 | |
179. Psalms, cant. (xii) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 41 | |
180. Psalms, cant. (xii) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 42 | |
181. Psalms, cat. (xii) | Cod. Ducis Saxo-Goth. | |
182. Psalms, cant. (xi) | Rome, Chigi 4 | |
183. Psalms, cant. (xii) | Rome, Chigi 5 | |
184. Psalms, comm. (ix-x) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 17 | |
185. Psalms, comm. (xi) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 18 | |
186. Psalms, comm. (xi) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 13 | |
187. Psalms (imperf.) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 10 | |
188. Psalms (imperf.) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 186 | An uncial MS. Lagarde's H(ps) (Specimen, p. 3). Often agrees with 156 |
189. Psalms, cant. | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 13 | |
190. Psalms (imperf.) cant. | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 187 | An uncial MS. Lagarde's K(ps) (Specimen, p. 3) |
191. Psalms, cant. | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 188 | |
192. Psalms (imperf.) cant. (xiii) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 13 | |
193. Psalms, cant. (xii) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 21 | |
194. Psalms, cant. (xii) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 22 | |
195. Psalms, cant. (xii) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 23 | |
196. Psalms (inc. ii. 3), cant. (xii) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 25 | |
197. Psalms, cant. (xiv) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 29 | |
199. Psalms (xi) | Modena, Est. 37 | |
200. Psalms, cant. | Oxford, Bodl. Barocc. 15 | Cf. Nestle, Septuagintastud. iii. p. 14 |
201. Psalms, cant. | Oxford, Bodl. Barocc. 107 | |
202. Psalms, cant., comm. | Oxford, Bodl. Cromw. 110 |
203. Psalms, cant., prayers (A.D. 1336) | Oxford, Bodl. Laud. C. 41 | |
204. Psalms (imperf.) schol., prayers | Oxford, Bodl. Laud. C. 38 | |
205. Psalms, cant. | Cambridge, Trin. Coll. | |
206. Psalms, cant. (xiv) | Cambridge, Gonville & Caius Coll. 348 | Facsimile in Harris, Leicester codex |
208. Psalms (imperf.), cant. | Tübingen, (cod. Schnurrer) | |
210. Psalms (xiv) | [Cod. Demetrii v.] | |
211. Psalms, cant. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1541 | |
212. Psalms (imperf.) (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1542 | |
213. Psalms (imperf.) (xiii) | Rome, Vat. G4. 1848 | |
214. Psalms, cant. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1870 | |
215. Psalms, cant. (A.D. 1011) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1873 | Klostermann, p. 13 |
216. Psalms, cant. (x) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1927 | |
217. Psalms, cant. (A.D. 1029) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 341 | |
218. Psalms, li.—liii. (xiii—xiv) | ? | |
219. Psalms, cant. | Vienna, Th. Gr. 20 | |
220 = 186 | Vienna, Th. Gr. 13 | |
221. Psalms, ix.—cl., comm. | Vienna, Th. Gr. 16 | |
222. Psalms, cant. | Vienna, Th. Gr. 21 | |
223. Psalms, cant. | Vienna, Th. Gr. 22 | |
225. Psalms, cant. (xi) | Bologna, 720 | |
226. Psalms, cant., prayers (x) | Rome, Barber. 1 (Gr. 372) | |
227. Psalms (imperf.) cant., prayers (x) | Rome, Barber. 2 (Gr. 322) | |
228. Job, &c. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1764 | |
241. . . Prov., Eccl., Cant. | London, B. M. Harl. 7522 | |
248. . . Prov., Ecc1., Cant., Job, Sap., Sir., &c. (xiv) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 346 | Hexaplaric readings Field, ii. p. 2 |
249. Job, Sap., Sir., &c. | Rome, Vat. Pius 1 | Field, l.c. |
250. Job (xiv) | Munich, Elect. 148 | Field, l. c. |
251. Job, cat., Psalms (xiv) | Florence, Laur. v. 27 | |
252. Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant. (ix—x) | Florence, Laur. viii. 27 | Field, l.c.; cf. p. 309 and Auct. p. 2 |
253. Job, Prov., Sir. (xi—xiv) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 336 | Klostermann, p. 17 ff. Gebhardt, Die Psalmen Salomo's p. 25 ff. |
254. Job, Prov. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 337 | |
255. Job (ix) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 338 | Field, ii. p. 2. Klostermann, p. 69 ff. |
256. Job, schol. (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 697 | Field, l.c. |
257. Job, comm. (x) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 743 | |
258. Job, cat., pict. (ix) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 749 | Field, l.c. Klostermann, p. 68 |
259. Job, schol. (x) | Rome, Vat. Pal. Gr. 230 | Field, l.c. Klostermann, p. 11 |
260. Job, cat., Prov. | Copenhagen, Royal Libr. | |
261. Job, Prov., Eccl., Sap. (xiv) | Florence, Laur. vii. 30 | |
263. Psalms | Copenhagen, Royal Lib. | |
264 Psalms, cat. | Rome, Vat. Ottob. Gr. 398 | Cf. Field, ii. p. 84 f., and Auct. p. 11 |
265. Psalms, cant., pict. (xiv) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 381 | |
266. Psalms (imperf.) (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 2101 | |
267. Psalms, cant. (xiv) | Rome, Vat. Ottob. Gr. 294 | |
268. Psalms, cat., cant. | Rome, Vat. Gr. 2057 | Cf. Field, ii. p. 84 |
269. Psalms, comm. Athen. (A.D. 897) | Rome, Vat. Pal. Gr. 44 | |
270. Psalms, cant. (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1864 | |
271. Psalms, comm. (xi) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1747 | |
272. Psalms (imperf.) cat. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Pal. Gr. 247 | |
273. Psalms, cat. (xiv) | Rome, Vat. Regin. Gr. 40 | Cf. Field, ii. p. 84 |
274. Psalms (imperf.) comm. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Ottob. Gr. 343 | |
275. Psalms, cant. (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1874 | |
276 = 221 | ||
277. Psalms, cant. | Vienna, Th. Gr. 24 | |
278. Psalms (xii—xiii) | Florence, Laur. v. 23 | |
279. Psalms, cant. (xiii—xiv) | Florence, Laur. v. 35 | |
280. Psalms (xi) | Florence, Laur. v. 5 | |
281. Psalms (xi) | Florence, Laur. v. 18 | |
282. Psalms (xv) | Florence, Laur. v. 25 | |
283. Psalms (xii) | Florence, Laur. vi. 36 | |
284. Psalms, cant. (xiv) | Florence, Laur. v. 17 | |
285. Psalms, cant. (xiii) | Florence, Laur. v. 34 | |
286. Psalms, comm. (xii) | Florence, Laur. v 30 | |
287. Psalms (imperf.) comm. (xii) | Florence, Laur. v. 14 | |
288. Psalms, comm. Thdt. (xii) | Florence, Laur. xi. 5 | |
289. Psalms, comm. Euth.-Zig. (xiii) | Florence, Laur. ix. 2 | |
290. Psalms, cant. | Florence, Laur. | |
291. Psalms (xi—xii) | Florence, Laur. v. 39 | |
292. Psalms, cat. (xi) | Florence, Laur. vi. 3 | |
293. Psalms, metr. paraphr. (xv) | Florence, Laur. v. 37 | |
294. Psalms, lxxi. 14, —lxxxi.7, cxxvii 3—cxxxix. 6, cxxxv. 11—cxxxvi. 1, cxxxvii. 4—cxli. 21 (? xiii) | Cambridge, Emmanuel College | Lagarde calls it P in Genesis graece, but N(ps) in the Specimen. Apparently a copy in a Western hand of an early cursive Psalter; see M. R. James in Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 1892—3, p. 168 ff.395395Other Psalters used by Lagarde (Specimen, p. 3 f.) are St Gall 17 (ix) = G(ps); Munich 251 = L(ps); a Bamberg Graeco-Latin MS. and a Cologne MS. closely related to it, which he calls W and Z respectively. Cf. Rahlfs, Sept.-St. ii. pp. 7, 8. |
295. Prov., comm. Procop. (xiv) | Rome, Vat. Ottob. Gr. 56 | |
296. Prov.—Sir. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Palat. Gr. 337 | |
297. Prov., cat. (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1802 | |
298. Eccl., comm. (xii) | [Cod. Eugenii 3] | |
299. Eccl., Comm. Greg. Nyss., al. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1694 | Klostermann, p. 29 f. |
300. Cant., comm. (xii) | [Cod. Eugenii 3] | |
302. Prov. . . . (ix) = 109 | ||
Psalms, A.D. 1066 | London, B. M. Add. 19,352 | |
Psalms | Rome, Vat. Gr. 754 |
(D) Prophetical Books.
22. Prophets (xi—xii) | London, B. M. Reg. i. B. 2 | Cod. Pachomianus. Lucianic; Field, ii. p. 428 f. Cornill's ξ |
24. Isaiah, cat. (xii) | [Cod. Demetrii i.] | |
26. Prophets (? xi) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 556 | Hesychian (Cornill, Ceriani): cf. Klostermann, p. 10 f. |
33. Dan., Jer., cat. (x) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1154 | Originally belonged to same codex as Vat. gr. 1153: see Klostermann, p. 11. Cf. 87, 97, 238 |
34. Dan. (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 803 | Klostermann, p. 11 n. |
35. Dan. (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 866 | |
36. Prophets (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 347 | Lucianic (Field). Cornill's ο |
40. Dodecapropheton (xii) | [Cod. Dorothei iii.] | |
41. Isa., Jer. (ix—x) | [Cod. Demetrii ii.] | |
42. Ezek.,Dan., Min. Proph. (xi—xii) | [Cod. Demetrii iii.] | Lucianic (Field) |
46. . . Isa., Jer., Bar., Lam., Ep. Ezek., Dan., Minor Prophets. . . (xiv) | Paris, Nat. Coisl. Gr. 4 | |
48. Prophets (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1794 | Lucianic(Field), Cornill's η. Klostermann, pp. 11, 14 |
49. Prophets (xi) | Florence, Laur. xi. 4 | Hesychius, Cornill's κ |
50. Prophets (xi) | Florence, Laur. x. 8 | Lucianic (Field). Cornill's θ |
58. . . Prophets (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Reg. Gr. 10 | On the text of Daniel in this MS. see Klostermann, p. 12 |
62. Prophets (xiii) | Oxford, New Coll. | Lucianic (Field). Field, ii. p. 907; Burkitt, Tyconius, p. cviii; Klostermann, p. 51 |
68. . . Ezek., Dodecapr. (xv) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 5 | Hesychian. Cornill's ψ |
70. . . Prophets (x—xi) | Munich, Gr. 372. (formerly at Augsburg) | |
86. Isa., Jer., Ezek., Dodecapr.(? ix) | Rome, Barber. v. 45 | Field, ii. p. 939. Walton, vi. 131 f.; Klostermann, p. 50 |
87. Prophets (? ix) | Rome, Chigi 2 | Hesychian. Cornill's β. For the relation of 87 to 91 and 96 see Faulhaber Die Propheten-catenen. 33, 97, 238 are copied from 87 |
88. Isa., Jer., Ezek., Dan. (LXX.) (? xi) | Rome, Chigi 3 | 87 in Field (ii. p. 766). O.T. in Greek (iii. p. xiii.). Cf. Klostermann, p. 31 |
89. Daniel (xi) = 239 | ||
90. Isa., Jer., Ezek., Dan., cat. (xi) | Florence, Laur. v. 9 | Lucianic (Field); in Ezekiel, Hesychian acc. to Cornill: Cornill's λ |
91. Prophets, cat. (xi) | Rome, Vat. Ottob. Gr. 452 | Hesychian (Cornill). Cornill's μ See note on 87 |
93. . . Isa. (xiv) | London, B. M. Reg. i. D. 2 | Lucianic (Field) |
95. Dodecaproph., comm. Theod. Mops. | Vienna, Th. Gr. 163 | Lucianic (Cornill) |
96. Isa., Jer., Ezek., Dan. | Copenhagen See note on 87 | |
97. Dodecapr., Isa., cat. (x) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1153 | See notes on 33, 87 |
104. . . Isa. v.—lxii. | Vienna, Th. Bib. 27 (Nessel 229) | |
105. . . Fragments of Prophets, &c. (xiii—xiv) | London, B. M. Burney |
106. . . Isa., Jer., Ezek., Dan., Minor Prophets to Micah (xiv) | Ferrara, Gr. 187 | Hesychian |
109. Isaiah, cat. = 302 | Vienna, Th. Gr. 26 | |
114. Dodecaproph., comm. Theod. Mops. . . | Evora, Carthus. 2 | |
122. . . Prophets (xv) | Venice, St Mark's, Gr. 6 | |
131. . . Prophets (? xii) | Vienna, Th. Gr. (Nessel 23) | |
147. . . Isa., Jer., Ezek., Dan. (imperf.), Dodecaproph. | Oxford, Bodl. Laud. 30 | Lucianic (cf. Field, ii. p. 907) |
148. Daniel (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 2025 | |
153. Prophets (exc. Zech.), comm. (x) | Rome, Vat. Pal. Gr. 273 | Lucianic (Cornill) |
185. . . Dodecaproph. (xi) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 18 | Lucianic (Cornill) |
198. Prophets (imperf.) (ix) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 14 | = Ev. 33. Burkitt, Tyconius, p. cviii |
228. . . Prophets (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1764 | Hesychian (Cornill, but cf. Klostermann, p. 13 f. Cornill's φ) |
229. Jer., Dan., comm. (xiv) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 673 | |
230. Daniel (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1641 | |
231. Jer. with Baruch &c. (xi) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1670 | From Grotta Ferrata. Lucianic, Cornill's ι. Cp. Klostermann, p. 14 |
232. Daniel (xii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 2000 | A Basilian MS., cp. Klostermann, p. 15 |
233. Prophets (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 2067 | Lucianic (Field) |
234. Susanna | Moscow, Syn. 341 | |
235. Susanna | Rome, Vat. Gr. 2048 | |
238. Ezekiel, cat. (x) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1153 | Hesychian (Cornill). Cornill's ς See notes on 33, 87, 97 |
239. Prophets (A.D. 1046)= 89 | ||
240. Dodecapr., cat. (A.D. 1286) | Florence, Laur. vi. 22 | |
301. Isaiah (ix) | Vienna, Th. Gr. 158 | |
302. . . Isaiah, cat. ( xiii) = 109 |
303. Isaiah, comm. Cyril. | Vienna, Th. Gr. 100 | |
304. Isaiah i.—xxv. comm. Basil. (xi) | Florence, Laur. iv. 2 | |
305. Isaiah (imperf.), cat. | Copenhagen, Reg. | |
306. Isa., Ezek. (xi) | Paris, Nat. Gr. 16 | |
307. Isaiah, comm. Basil. (xi) | Rome, Vat. Ottob. Gr. 430 | |
308. Isaiah, comm. Basil. and Thdt. (xiii) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 1509 | Lucianic (Field) |
309. Isaiah, cat. (x) | Rome, Vat. Gr. 755 | Cf. Klostermann, p. 11 |
310. Dodecapr., schol. (xi) | Moscow, Syn. 209 | |
311. . . Prophets (xi) = 234 | ||
. . . Prophets (ix, med.) | Jerusalem, H. Sepulchre 2 |
From the second century the Greek-speaking Churches, following the example of the Hellenistic Synagogue, read the Greek Old Testament in their public assemblies.
Justin, Apol. i. 67 τὰ συγγράμματα τῶν προφητῶν ἀναγινώσκεται. Const. ap. ii. 57 μέσος δὲ ὁ ἀναγνώστης ἐφ᾿ ὑψηλοῦ τινος ἑστὼς ἀναγινωσκέτω τὰ Μωσέως καὶ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ Ναυή, τὰ τῶν Κριτῶν καὶ τῶν Βασιλειῶν κ.τ.λ. Ibid. viii. 5 μετὰ τὴν ἀνάγνωσιν τοῦ νόμου καὶ τῶν προφητῶν. Chrys. in Rom. xxiv. 3 ὁ μάτην ἐνταῦθα εἰσελθών, εἰπὲ τίς προφήτης, τίς ἀπόστολος σήμερον διελέχθη.
At a later time the ἀναγνώσεις or ἀναγνώσματα were copied consecutively for ecclesiastical use. The lectionaries or fragments of lectionaries which survive, although frequently written in large and showy uncials396396Specimens are given by H. Omont, Facsimilés du plus anciens MSS. Grecs (Paris, 1892), nos. xx.—xxii., are rarely earlier than the tenth or eleventh century; but a thorough investigation of their contents would doubtless be of interest, not only from a liturgical 169point of view, but for the light which it would throw on the ecclesiastical distribution of various types of text. Little has been done as yet in this direction, and our information, such as it is, relates chiefly to the N.T.
See Matthaei, N. T. Gr., ad fin. vol. i.; Neale, Holy Eastern Church, General Intr., p. 369 ff.; Burgon, Last twelve verses of St Mark, p. 191 ff.; Scudamore, art. Lectionary, D. C. A. ii.; Nitzsch, art. Lectionarium, Herzog-Plitt, viii.; Gregory, prolegg. i. p. 161 ff., 687 ff.; Scrivener-Miller, i. p. 74 ff.; E. Nestle, Urtext, p. 76; M. Faulhaber, Die Propheten-catenen nach röm. Handschriften (Freiburg i. B., 1899).
The following list of MSS.397397A few lectionaries have already been mentioned among the H.P. MSS. (37, 61, 132). containing lections from the Old Testament has been drawn up from materials previously supplied by Dr E. Nestle. It will be seen that with few exceptions they are limited to those which are bound up with N.T. lections and have been catalogued under the head of N.T. lectionaries by Dr C. F. Gregory and Scrivener-Miller.
London, | Sion College, Arc. i. 1 (vi or vii) | Gr. p. 720 (234, Scr. 227) |
" | B. M. Add. 11841 (? xi) | Gr. p. 783 (9, Scr. 75) |
" | B. M. Add. 18212 (xi) | Gr. p. 715 (191, Scr. 263) |
" | B. M. Add. 22744 (xiii) | Gr. p. 731 (324, Scr. 272) |
" | Burdett-Coutts, iii. 42 (xiv) | Gr. p. 730 (315, Scr. 253) |
" | Burdett-Coutts, iii. 44 (xv) | Gr. p. 749 (476, Scr. 290) |
" | Burdett-Coutts, iii. 46 (xiii) | Gr. p. 719 (226, Scr. 249) |
" | Burdett-Coutts, iii. 53 (xv) | |
Oxford, | Christ Church, Wake 14 (xii) | Gr. p. 717 (207, Scr. 214) |
" | Christ Church, Wake 15 (A.D. 1068) | Gr. p. 717 (208, Scr. 215) |
Cambridge, Univ. Libr. Add. 1879 (? xi) | (Gen. xi. 4—9, Prov. xiii. 19—xiv. 6, Sir. xxxvii. 13—xxxviii. 6): a fragment purchased from the executors of Tischendorf | |
" | Christ's College, F. i. 8 (xi) | Gr. p. 714 (185, Scr. 222) = Zscr, WH. 59 |
Ashburnham, 205 (xii) | Gr. p. 720 (237 Scr. 237—8) | |
Paris, Nat. Gr. 308 (xiii) | Gr. p. 779 (24) | |
" Nat. Gr. 243 (A.D. 1133) | Omont, MSS. Grecs datés, no. xlvi. |
Paris, Nat, suppl. Gr. 32 (xiii) | Gr. p. 704 (84) |
Rome, Vat. Reg. Gr. 59 (xii) | Gr. p. 757 (573, Scr. 395) |
" Vat. Gr. 168 (xiii or xiv) | Gr. p. 786 (188, Scr. 116) |
" Vat. Gr. 2012 (xv) | Gr. p. 756 (556, Scr. 387) |
" Barb. 18 (xiv) | Gr. p. 780 (40) |
Grotta Ferrata, Αʹ δʹ 2 (x) | Gr. p. 748 (473, Scr. 323) |
" Αʹ δʹ 4 (xiii) | Gr. p. 748 (475, Scr. 325) |
" Δʹ βʹ 22 (xviii) | Gr. p. 751 (506, Scr. 358) |
Venice, St Mark's, i. 42 (xii) | Gr. p. 724 (268, Scr. 173)398398At Messina, as Mr Brightman informs me, there are six lectionaries of cents. xii, xiii. Mr T. W. Allen (Notes on Greek MSS. in Italy, 1890) mentions two at Bologna (xi) and one at Lucerne (xv). |
Trèves, Bibl. Cath. 143 F (x or xi) | Gr. p. 713 (179) |
Athens, Nat. 86 (xiii) | Gr. p. 745 (443) |
Salonica, Ἑλληνικοῦ γυμνασίου ιδʹ (xv or xvi) | Gr. p. 771 (837) |
Cairo, Patr. Alex. 927 (xv) | Gr. p. 776 (759, Scr. 140) |
Sinai, 748 (xv or xvi) | Gr. p. 775 (900) |
" 943 (A.D. 1697) | Gr. p. 775 (908) |
St Saba, in tower, 16 (xii) | Gr. p. 770 (829, Scr. 364) |
Jerusalem, H. Sepulchre (xiii) | Harris, p. 13 |
LITERATURE (on the general subject of this chapter). Stroth, in Eichhorn's Repertorium (vi., viii., xi.); the prolegomena to Grabe, Holmes and Parsons, Tischendorf, and The Old Testament in Greek; the prefaces to Lagarde's Genesis graece, Libr. V. T. Canon., p. i., Psalterii specimen; Kenyon, Our Bible and the Ancient MSS.; Madan, Summary, p. 615 ff. (Holmes MSS., A.D. 1789—1805); Nestle, Urtext, p. 71 ff.; H. Omont, Inventaire Summaire des MSS. Grecs de la Bibl. Nationale; S. Berger, Hist. de la Vulgate.
The lists of MSS. given in this chapter must be regarded as tentative and incomplete. The student may supplement them to some extent by referring to recently published catalogues of MS. libraries, especially the following: V. Gardthausen, Catalogus codd. Graecorum Sinaiticorum (Oxford, 1886); Papadopulos Kerameus, Ἰεροσολυμιτικὴ Βιβλιοθήκη i.—iv. (St Petersburg, 1891—1899); Sp. P. Lambros, Catalogue of the Greek MSS. on Mount Athos (Cambridge, vol. i., 1895; vol. ii., with index, 1900). He may also consult with advantage J. B. Pitra, Analecta sacra, iii. (1883), p. 551 ff.; H. A. Redpath, in Academy, Oct. 22, 1893; E. Klostermann's Analecta zur Septuaginta (1895); Mrs Lewis, in Exp. Times, xiii. 2, p. 55 ff.; H. Omont, in Lit. C. Blatt; A. Rahlfs, Septuaginta-Studien, ii. (1907).
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