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Abbott, Dr., Biblical Essays, 12, 43.
Abgar, King, 53.
Achaia, Province of, 326.
Achilles Tatius, 367.
Acoimetæ, or Watching Monks, 176.
Acta Sanctorum, 56, 141, 200, 213, 247.
Æneas, 97.
Agabus, the prophet, 162, 426, 434.
Agape, 399, 400.
Agrippa II., 432, 448.
Alabarch, 81, 153.
Alexander, the Coppersmith, 378.
Amen, Eucharistic, 396.
Ammianus Marcellinus, 152.
Ananias, of Damascus, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 68.
Ananias, the high priest, 431, 440-443.
Ancyra, 339, 367.
Annas, 30.
Antinomianism, 62.
Antioch, (Syrian) church of, 146, 154.
—— city of, 150-13.
—— synagogue of, 155.
—— people of, and nicknames, 159.
—— of Pisidia, 198.
Apollos, 341-43, 347.
Apostle, meaning of, 83, 84, 193.
Apostolic Constitt., 344.
Aquila and Priscilla, 322, 323, 332, 333, 337, 341, 347.
Aquileia, church of, 247.
Aratus, 11, 315.
Areopagus, court of, 309-17.
Aretas, 30, 81.
Aristides, 35, 214, 318-20.
Artemas, bishop of Lystra, 213.
Artemis (see Diana), 360, 362, 376.
Artemisius, month of, 362.
Asiarchs, 375-78.
Assize Courts, 382.
Athanasius, St., 301.
Athenagoras, Apol., 282.
—— church of, 321.
Athens, topography of, 312.
Attalia, 201, 276.
Augustine, St., Confessions of, 29, 286.
—— Epp., 398, 401.
Aurelius, Victor, 163.

Baptismal formula, 345.
Barclay, Robert, 122.
Barnabas, St., 7, 8, 81, 155, 258.
Baronius, Annals of, 259.
Bartolocci, Bibl. Rabbin., 13.
Basnage, History of the Jews, 13, 19.
Baur, 1.
474Bayet, De Titulis Atticæ Christ., 308, 321.
Bent, J. T., 374.
Bernard, St., Life of St. Malachy, 417.
Bernice, 432, 448.
Berœa, 296, 302.
Bingham's Antiqq., 176, 396.
Bishops, origin of, 416-18.
Blomfield, Bishop, 229.
Boeckh, Gr. Ins., Corp. 205, 278, 300, 363, 366.
Butler, Bishop, Analogy of, 133, 413.
Butler's Coptic Churches, 256.
Buxtorf's Lexicon, 16.

Cæsar, Augustus, 273.
—— Claudius, 323.
—— Julius, 31.
—— Tiberius, 36, 166, 185.
Cæsarea-on-the-Sea, 101, 147.
Caiaphas, 30.
Caligula, 82, 94, 166, 167.
Calvin's Commentary N.T., 128, 383.
Capes, W. W., The Early Empire, 109.
Cave's Lives of the Apostles, 256, 259, 263.
Celebrations, evening, 398-401.
Celtic language, 264.
Cenchreæ, 332.
Cesnola, General, 205.
Charlemagne, 11.
Chosroes, King, 159.
Christian Library, 394.
Christian, title of, 159-62, 211.
Chrysostom, Dion, 276, 377.
Chrysostom, St., 46, 84, 251, 352.
—— Homilies, 55.
Cicero, 275, 304, 327.
Circumcision, controversy about, 222, 228.
Cistercians, 227.
Cleanthes, 315.
Clement of Alexandria, Pædagogue, 180.
—— Stromata, 356, 446.
Clement, Recognitions of, 259, 344.
—— Homilies, 344.
Clermont Ganneau, 428.
Communion Office, rubrics of, 335, 336.
—— evening, 398-401.
"Communicatio Idiomatum," 419.
Constantine, Emperor, 238, 273.
Contemporary Review, 468.
Conybeare and Howson, St. Paul, 46, 57.
Corinth, First Epistle to, date of, 359, 387.
Cornelius à Lapide, 46.
Cornelius, the Centurion, chaps. v., vi.
—— baptism of, 140.
Council of Jerusalem, chap. x.
Councils, histories of, 219.
Cramer's Catena, 46.
Crispus, 325, 326.
Cudworth's Intellect. Syst., 315.
Cyprus, gospel in, 196, 201-206, 258.
Cyril of Jerusalem, 396.

Damascus, 30, 36.
Daphne, 157, 158.
De Broglie, L'Église et l'Empire, 273.
Demetrius, 350, 369, 372-75.
Derbe, 200, 216, 260.
Derenbourg and Saglio, Dict. des Antiqq., 361.
Diana (see Artemis), 331, 360.
Didache, 34, 345.
Dion Cassius, 163, 204.
Dion Chrysostom, 276, 377.
Dionysius, Areop., 317, 318, 320.
475Discipline, 107.
Dods, Dr. M., Introd. N.T., 360.
Döllinger, Dr., 145.
Dorcas, 97.
Drusilla, 431, 447.
Duhr's Journeys of Hadrian, 306.
Duumviri, 275.

Ebionites, 6.
Eckhel, on Coins, 163.
Edersheim, Dr., 14.
Egnatian Road, 271.
Elymas, 203.
Ember seasons, 194.
Enthusiasm, power of, 269.
Epaphras, 350.
Ephesian letters, 355.
Ephesus, council of, 258.
Epimenides, 11.
Epiphanes, Antiochus, 6.
Epiphanius, in Corpus Hæreseolog., 6.
Ethnarch, 153.
Eucharist, celebration of, 393-401.
Eusebius, H. E., 171, 181, 199, 241, 320.
Eutychus, 403.
Expositor, viii.

Fabricius, Biblioth. Græc., 315, 367.
Farrar's St. Paul, 15, 16, 19, 20, 50, 51, 152.
Fayûm MSS., 356.
Fechin, St., 89, 278.
Felix, 430-432.
Fell, Bishop, on Cyprian, 401.
Ferrar, Nicholas, 176.
Festus, 448.
Findlay, Epp. of St. Paul, 60, 295.
—— on Galatians, 234.
Fitz Ralph, Archbishop of Armagh, 227.
Fleury's Eccles. Hist., 246.
Forms, use of, 121.
Fox, George, 122.
Francis de Sales, St., 279.
Friends, Society of, 122, 142.

Gaius, 326.
Galerius, Emperor, 273.
Gallio, 327-29.
Gamaliel, 13, 14, 15.
Geikie, Holy Land, 38, 101, 119.
German criticism, 386.
Gibbon, Decline and Fall, 150, 158, 273.
Gischala, 4, 6.
Gnosticism, 420.
Godefroy's Comment. on Theodos. Code, 273.
Gospel, slow progress of, 269.
Goulburn's Personal Religion, 121.
Guhl's Ephesiaca, 356, 362, 367.
Guyon, Madame, 446.

Habakkuk, 20.
Hadrian, Emperor, 306.
Harris, Rendal, on Aristides, 321.
Hatch, Dr., on Episcopacy, 416.
Hefele's Councils, 379.
Hegesippus, 241.
Helena, Queen, 186.
Heliogabalus, 36.
Hemerobaptists, 344.
Hermas, 434.
Herod the Great, 102, 151, 166.
—— Antipas, 30, 166.
—— Agrippa, 95, 164, 168, 183-187.
Heuzey, Leon, Mission Archéol., 274, 281.
Hilary, 84.
Hiram of Tyre, 183.
Hogarth, D. G., 261.
Holy Ghost and Ordination, 414.
476Hooker, Eccles. Pol., 29, 74, 238, 396, 419.
Horace's Satires, 276.
Hours, canonical, 122.
Hypæpa, 198.
Hyrcanus, 31.

Iconium, 199, 260.
Imposition of hands, 414.
Incarnation, delay of, 99.
Inscriptions on Temple wall, 428.
Irenæus, 416-418.
Irenarch, 216.
Irish Academy, Royal, 89.
Island monasteries, 89.
Italian band, 103.

Jailor, Phillippian, 286-90.
James, apostle and martyr, 168-74.
James, Bishop of Jerusalem, 241, 426, 427.
Jebb, Bishop, 99.
Jerome, St., 84, 141, 251.
—— Cat. of Illust. Writers, 4, 6.
Jews, hostility of, to early Church, 212.
—— at Athens, 308.
—— at Ephesus, 427.
Johannes Scotus, 318.
John's Eve, St., 335.
John Baptist, disciples of, 342-44.
Jonah, 119.
Jonathan, 30.
Joppa, 118.
Josephus, Antiqq., 11, 31, 32, 33.
Journal of Hellenic Studies, 261, 265, 364, 372, 374, 53, 95, 102, 185, 428.
—— Wars, 95, 102, 428.
Joyce's Acts of the Church, 237.
—— Irish Names, 88.
Judas, 56.
Julius, the centurion, 460.
Justin Martyr, Apologies, 27, 267, 282, 395, 396.
Justus, 325.
Juvenal's Satires, 152.

Keble, John, 70.
King, Rev. Robert, The Ruling Elder, 417.
Kitto's Bib. Encycl., 16.
Knox, Alexander, 100.
Kühn's Journal Comp. Philol., 265.

Lacroix, Manners of Middle Ages, 16.
Laymen in synods, 236.
Le Bas and Waddington, Voy. Archéol., 216.
Legions in Palestine, 103.
Lewin, Fasti, 31, 60, 163, 167, 360.
—— St. Paul, 31, 32, 39, 45, 80, 102, 119, 186, 198.
Libanius, 151, 152.
Liddon's, Bampt. Lect., 420.
Lightfoot, Bishop, on the Essenes, 344.
—— Colossians, 252, 350.
—— Essays, 96, 300.
—— Galatians, 19, 20, 50, 79, 84, 247, 251, 264, 266.
—— Ignatius, 363, 378, 427.
—— Philippians, 173, 291-93, 417.
Lightfoot, Dr. J., Hor. Heb., 32, 57, 441.
Lipsius, R. A., 5.
—— Apoc. Acts, 53.
Lord's Day, observance of, 393-397.
Lucian's Philopatris., 312.
Luke, St., at Philippi, 391.
Lycaonia, language of, 212, 265.
Lydia, 278.
Lysias, Claudius, 429.
Lystra, 200, 212-17, 260.
477Lyttelton, Lord, on Conver. St. Paul, 40.
Lytton, Lord, Last Days of Pompeii.

Macmillan's Mag., 377.
Magic at Ephesus, 352.
Malalas, John, 157.
Malta, 462.
Mandeans, 344.
Mansi's Councils, 220, 259, 379.
Maps, use of, 100.
Marcellinus, Pope, 144.
Mark, St., 252-54, 256.
Marquardt, 104, 458.
Marseilles, 374, 390.
Mason's Diocletian Persecution, 367.
Massutius, Vita S. Pauli, 11, 55, 60.
Melville, Henry, Voices of the Year, 114.
Menander, 11.
Mendicant orders, 227.
Meyer's Theory of Baptism, 342.
Miletus, 405.
Milligan, Dr., on Resurrection, 134.
Misopogon, 159.
Mithras, 35.
Mnason, 426.
Molinos, 446.
Mommsen's Provinces, 96, 103, 150, 378.
—— Corp. Ins. Lat., 281, 468.
—— in Ephem. Epig., 140.
Monasticism, Celtic, 88.
Morinus, Exerc. Bibl., 13.
Müller's Antiqq. of Antioch., 150.
Museum Evang. Sch. of Smyrna, 264.

Nazarite vow, 333, 436.
Neapolis, 272.
Nelson's Fasts and Festivals, 256.
Neocoros, 379, 380.
Nero, Emperor, 433, 470.
Nestorianism, 258.

Œcumenius, 84.
Oehler, 6.
Ordination and imposition of hands, 194, 414.
Ornaments rubric, 239.
Orontes, 151, 196.

Paley's Horæ Paulinæ, 291, 360.
Pangæus, Mount, 276.
Papal Infallibility, 230.
—— Supremacy, rise of, 144.
Paphos, 197, 201.
Paul, St., in Antioch (Pisidian), 206-10.
—— in Antioch (Syrian), 157.
—— in Arabia, 77-91.
—— in Athens, 305-21.
—— baptism of, 72-77.
—— birthplace of, 4.
—— at Cæsarea, chap. xvii.
—— and Church organisation, 216.
—— and circumcision, 225-28, 392, 435.
—— conversion of, chap. ii.
—— at Corinth, chap. xiii.
—— dispute at Antioch, 247.
—— at Ephesus, chaps. xiv., xv.
—— exegesis of, 18, 19, 207.
—— family of, 7.
—— in Galatia, 263.
—— language of, 9.
—— in Macedonia, chap. xii.
—— at Malta, chap. xviii.
—— martyrdom of, 246.
—— at Miletus, 405-21.
—— on ordination, 414, 415.
—— ordination of, chap. ix.
—— at Patara, 424.
—— portrait of, 51.
—— at Puteoli, 465.
—— quarrel with Barnabas, 248-251.
—— and Roman. See, 246.
478—— and Sanhedrin, 23, 429, 442.
—— second tour of, chap. xi.
—— at Sidon, 461.
—— speech at Apostolic Council, 241.
—— thorn in flesh, 49, 296.
—— trade of, 10, 348.
—— at Troas, 268, 392-406.
—— at Tyre, 425.
—— voyage to Rome, chap. xviii.
Paulinus of Nola, St., 369.
Pausanius, Descr. of Greece, 305, 308, 312, 363, 365.
Perga, 197, 201, 364.
Persecution, religious, 192.
Peter, St., on baptism, 140.
—— on the resurrection, 133.
—— sermon at Cæsarea, 131-41.
—— vision at Joppa, chap. vi.
—— in prison, 174-82.
Petrie's Tara, 37.
Petronius, 95.
Pfitzner, 104.
Phalerum, 303.
Pharisees, 33.
Philemon and Baucis, story of, 213.
Philip, St., evangelist, 143, 426.
Philippi, gospel at, 273-89.
Philo, 14, 19, 23, 96, 307.
Philostratus, Life of Apollonius, 312.
Phœbe, 332.
Photius, 263.
Pliny, Epistles of, 28, 35, 266, 383.
—— Nat. Hist., 199.
Police, Roman, 216.
Politarchs, 300.
Polycarp, 367, 446.
Pompeii, 466.
Pontius Pilate, 30.
Pork, use of, 128.
Porter's Damascus, 38, 53.
Postal service under the Romans, 272.
Prayer, 66.
Preaching, decline of, 409.
Prion, Mount, 263.
Procter on B. C. P., 336.
Prophets, 434.
Prosbol, 16.
Proselytes, 110, 210.
Provinces, Roman, division of, 203-206.
Ptolemais, 96, 425.
Puteoli, 465.

Quadratus, 318.
Quaresmius, Eluc. Ter. Sanct., 57.
Quietism, 446.

Radzivilus, Peregrinatio, 57.
Ramsay, Prof., Hist. Geog., 100, 198, 200, 213, 260, 261, 363, 364.
—— on Artemis worship, 374.
Rénan, 215, 369.
Renaudot, 256.
Resurrection, evidence of, 133.
Revue Archéol., 198, 361, 364, 374.
Roads, ancient, 37, 260, 271.
Robbers and the Apostles, 199.
Ruinart's Acta Sincera, 267.

Sabbath, 16, 397.
Sabians, 344.
Sadducees, 33.
Sadler on the Acts, 289.
Saint, meaning of, 60, 62, 63, 64.
Salamis, 197.
Salmon, Dr., Introduction to N. T., vi. 1, 413.
—— on Clementine literature, 259.
Sceva's sons, 355.
Schaff's Encyclop., 13, 110, 247.
479Schœttgen's Hor. Hebr., 9.
Schürer, 25, 431.
Seleucia, 157, 196.
Senior, title of, 417.
Serarius, De Rabbinis, 13.
Sergius Paulus, 201-206.
Shrine-makers, Ephesian, 369.
Sidon, church at, 461.
Silas, 257, 325.
Silence, argument from, 342, 361, 393.
Simon the Tanner, 119.
Singon Street, 157.
Sinuessa, Council of, 144.
Skelligs, 88.
Slavery, 314.
Smith, Mr. James, of Jordanhills, on Voyage of St. Paul, 459.
Smith, Dict. Christ. Biog., 6, 14, 259, 273, 344, 353, 367, 434.
—— Dict. Rom. Antiqq., 104.
—— Dict. Christ. Antiqq., 176.
—— Dict. of Class. Biog., 213.
Sosipatros, 199.
Spon and Wheeler, 312.
Stanley, Dean, 57.
—— Hist. East. Ch., 301.
Stephanas, 326.
Stephens' St. Chrysost., 352.
Sterrett's Epig. Journ., 200, 213.
Stokes, G. T., Anglo-Norman Church, 16, 227.
—— Celtic Church, 37, 89.
Strabo, 199, 204.
Straight Street, 52.
Suetonius, 163, 273, 323, 327.
Survey of Palestine, Memoirs of, 101.
Synagogue, 277.

Tacitus, Annals, 352, 363.
Talmud, 13, 16.
Tanning, 120.
Taylor, Jeremy, Holy Living, 29, 334.
—— Via Intellig., 267.
Tertullian, Apol., 36.
—— De Corona, 400.
—— De Fuga, 445.
—— De Pudic., 50.
—— on Prayer, 122-24, 195.
Texier on Galatia, 266.
Thayer's edition of Grimm's Lex. N. T., 252.
Theodore of Mopsuestia, 84.
Theodoret, 84.
Theodosian Code, 370.
Theophilus, 30, 32.
Thessalonica, 294-300.
Timothy, 325, 347.
—— and circumcision, 227.
—— family of, 8, 9.
—— martyrdom of, 263.
—— ordination of, 261.
Tozer's Highlands of Turkey, 294, 300, 303.
Trajan, 28.
Trench, Archbishop, on Words, 159.
Tridentine Council, 238.
Tyrannus, 347.

Ussher's Works, 318, 362.

Valens, Emperor, 352.
Valesius, 439.
"Vas Electionis," 64, 65.
Vatican Council, 238.
Vespasian, Emperor, 460.
Vibius Salutarius, Gaius, 370, 371.
Vincentian rule, 100.
Virgil, 70.
Vitellius, 30, 33.

Waldstein, C., 372.
Way, meaning of, 32, 33, 34, 347, 362, 423.
480Wesley, Charles, 381.
—— John, 394.
Whately, Archbishop, 73.
Wickliffe, 227.
Wieseler's Die Christenverfolg. der Cäsaren, 336.
Williams, Dr., 64.
Wood's Ephesus, 281, 362.

Xenoi Tekmoreioi, Societies of, 364.

Zeller, On the Acts, vi.


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