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Exhortation to take heed of the of day Grace, 15
Exhorts to observe the doings of the world, 17
Erring sects, 76
Examples from the Scriptures, 186
Extracts from Eusebius, &c., 191
Excommunication, 245Meaning of ibWho are to be excommunicated, 246Reason why commanded in Scripture, ibHas no respect of persons, 247Carnal sinners to be excommunicated and directed to repentance, 251Of secret sinners, who are again inwardly admonished of the Holy Ghost and sincerely and 286truly converted, 253Matt. 18, explained, 254Not to pervert the Truth, &c., 256Backsliding and recovery of Peter, 257James 5:19, explained, 25812th and 13th chapters of 2nd Cor., explained, 259The Judgment and Keys of Christ used in a proper manner, 260Conclusion, 264
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