
Table of Contents

Title Page



Book of Needs of the Holy Orthodox Church

Chapter I. Prayers on the first day after a child is born to a woman

Chapter II. Prayer at the signing of a child when it receiveth a name on the eighth day after its birth

Chapter III. Prayers for a parturient woman after forty days

Chapter IV. Prayer for a woman when she hath aborted a child

Chapter V. Prayers at the making of a catechumen

Chapter VI. The order of holy baptism

And a prayer for holy baptism, that is, how briefly to baptize a child because of fear of death

Concerning how it behoveth a spiritual person to behave himself

Chapter VII. The order concerning confession

Chapter VIII. Prayer on the releasing from prohibition

Chapter IX. The order that is used at betrothals

Chapter X. The order of the coronation.

Chapter XI. Prayer at the taking off of the crowns on the eighth day

Chapter XII. The order for a second marriage

Chapter XIII. The order of the sanctification of the holy oil

Chapter XIV. The office when in extreme urgency occasion ariseth to give communion to a sick person

Chapter XV. Prayerful canon to our Lord Jesus Christ and to the most holy God-bearing Mother of the Lord at the parting of the soul from the body of every right-believer

And the prayer at the departure of a soul

Chapter XVI. The mortuary order over lay bodies

The ordinance that is observed concerning the carrying forth of them that fall asleep in holy Pascha, and in all the bright week

The mortuary order over a departed priest

Chapter XIX. The office of the burial of a babe

Chapter XX. The order of the lesser sanctification of water

Chapter XXI. The order of the sanctification of water on the holy Theophany

Chapter XXIV. Prayer at the blessing of flesh-meat

Chapter XXV. Prayer at the blessing of cheese and eggs

Chapter XXVI. Prayer at the partaking of grapes on the vith day of august

Chapter XXVII. Prayer for them that gather first-fruits

Chapter XXVIII. Prayer at the laying of the foundation of a new house

Chapter XXIX. Prayer when one entereth into a new house

Chapter XXXIII. Prayer for one that purposeth to go on a journey

Appendix. The laying on of hands


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